#free healthcare but i have to wait. like in real life (regarding one condition i had until i reached a certain age)
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silvermeww · 7 months ago
things that are short term that i'm not into:
stomach hurty. it does not like this stupid mocha
less than 30 mins til next class
it's bio. it's going to suck
and i JUST finished that annoying lab report that makes no sense whatsoever (i hate bacteria so much. why. i also hate evolution, which one of my professors pronounces it as eeveelution and i had to stop myself from laughing)
in the library there is a massive bug flying around
i've been stuck here since 7:30
i only slept for 5 hours
okay i've already finished the class at this point and dang my stomach feels worse. what did i drink, knock-off mocha?? poison?? i never felt this bad drinking something in a long, long while (if ever)
never trust cafes in uni again. back to the vending machine rip
much more interesting things about pokemon that i'm going though:
after trying out pokerogue a week or so ago, i'm somehow more than halfway the whole thing. for my first pokemon-adjacent game (well, more fanmade than anything), i'm doing decently well. yeah i cheat by restarting before i die but i'm pretty sure everyone does at this point lol.
it's actually interesting that most of my opponents (as gym leaders/bad guys) are unova/kalos respectively. where is my character and why are they inbetween these two regions??
it's so much more funnier when you know that at least half my team is weak to fire. i don't know how they're surviving. team flare keeps bringing out fire types and i hate that my first gym leader was chili aka his monkey that knows incinerate. + i 'basically' died so many times to xerosic aka one (out of TWO??) of his vilillon know hurricane that somehow smashs my team and one (again out of two) of his malamar knows superpower = all but two of my team is hella weak to that move.
even more funnier that i keep oneshotting wild pokemon that i want to get. talonflame? mimikyu (which always survives the first attack but dies in the next no matter what i do)? that stupid manetric (that i found twice at least??) that oneshots ME if i give it a chance and try to catch it when it has like 5 hp left?
i feel like the game knows what xy does to me because right after surviving another flare grunt i face LYSANDRE?? of all people?? i was so lucky that i healed them all up as much as my saved up money would allow bc hrngg i hate that 7 foot man. so many deaths between him and xerosic. hate this french guys fr (the scientist is still the worst though. all he does is reinforce my fear of vilillon and malamar)
i love how i managed to sweep a whole area with my magnezone. it was a fairy cave with a bunch of fairy + water types. flash cannon + zap cannon go brr
talking about magnezone, i keep forgetting that discharge will mess up anyone else on my team in a double battle (kept killing my poor squawkabilly whose a beast with aerial ace but sucks in defence + weavile who is weak to say too many things to be alive rn and yet still tanks with triple axel and rock smash). kind of the same issue as my previous ace rillaboom, who fell from his pedestal due to wood hammer and its stupid recoil damage (i replaced it dw but he’s still very behind compared to the rest of my team). this game is really teaching me about how moves work and their viability in games as opposed to anime
im pretty sure that fairy cave took me to johto cause all of a sudden i got pryce. why?? and his mr ryme (which is female?? also wow hello gen 8 with my gen 2 gym leader) knows double kick aka i'm DEAD pls
anyways weavile carries my team along with magnezone, squawkabilly is largely backup if i'm stuck with fighting types (plus any pesky grass and bug), my comfort furret that used to be my real comfort sentret hold sucker punch and echoed voice just in case but is really just There lol, persian i used to really rely on when it had fake out + feint but power gem is super useful (and i hold hope that i can use pay day in excess in the future), and rillaboom has knock off (used to be really useful) and is mostly there to smash through water types. i did not choose this team, this team chose me at this point heh
honestly not doing this for competitive stuff so i don't have any qualms about refreshing the page before the game puts me at the start again, but where does everyone get their legendaries?? and how on earth did i oneshot my rival's shiny rayquaza with triple axel HELP
all in all, pretty good progress. rn around 160?? middle of nowhere. giving me major mezase vibes with the fact that i have no idea where i am. my rival is confounded as i am about oneshotting his recent team with weavil, only my bird is female, and somehow all of those fire-type moves and pokemon are just gone. and i never knew how awesome sturdy can be until my magenezone is just,, living after an earthquake. with 1 hp. and oneshots that abomasnow afterwards with flash cannon. anyways everyone should give them so much love especially since i raised it from a wee magnemite with, like, thunderwave or smth. it literally only had status moves at the start.
also how come all of my rare eggs are just starters?? in the game where all starters are already avaliable from the start?? + one shiny sneasel but AFTER i already have my main one. btw does anyone care for 3 torchics lol
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letoscrawls · 4 years ago
What are your Extremely Italian Opinions? Anything from politics to pasta, drop some hot takes
mmmmm good question! even though i'm not a proud italian as i'm very critical of this country and i'd love to live abroad in the future, i do have typical italian opinions that i'm ready to die for. I’m sure these will be mainly about food, but let’s see:
-say whatever you want, but italian food is the best food in the entire world, not only it’s healthy but it’s also delicious and no nation can compare :) no you can’t change my mind :) every time i watch Ratatouille i cringe so bad at the beginning when they say that French cuisine is known to be the best in the world??? that’s so false and i don’t even find it funny, we italians take food so seriously and if you dare criticize something about our food we take it very personal, yes, IT IS THAT DEEP.
-idk if it's a take but i find it funny that we don't use ice that much?? like i was so shocked to learn that smoothies are made WITH ICE?? we almost never use it, we definitely don't put it in coffee and we have this strange belief that ice gives you stomachache, especially if you want to take a bath, we usually wait two or three hours before taking a bath after a meal, especially if there's ice in it somewhere lol i think it's a typical Italian Grandma Advice but we all follow it religiously. Even though i know it's bizarre i can't help but wait at least two hours after my meal before having any kind of contact with water
-No one dubs movies and cartoons like italians. Our voice actors are superior (but the italian Rebels dub is terrible, don’t watch Rebels in italian, everyone sounds very bad except for Thrawn, surprisingly his voice better than the original and i've already talked about this in my ig stories some time ago haha) and i often watch shows and movies in italian even tho it's "trendy" nowadays to watch everything in english. Tbh i think that  a country with a strong tradition of voice acting shouldn't neglect it in favor of the original language, just because something was made in english it doesn't make it better. For example, the prequel trilogy is insanely better in italian, while i love Hayden's performance as Anakin i think that sometimes...it lacks emotion? the italian dub makes up for those parts, i couldn't understand why international fans used to despise the PT so much at first, especially the acting. There isn't one single character in the prequels that sounds bad, really. Same thing goes for Disney classics, i find them 100% funnier in italian (the most memorable example is Emperor's New Groove, the main characters are voiced by some of the funniest comedians we have, they all did an amazing job), even tho some characters are voiced by celebrities who don't do voice acting on a regular basis the result is always phenomenal. Honorable mention to the Genie in Aladdin who is voiced by Gigi Proietti, an actor and comedian of immesurable talent who passed away a few days ago, his performance is on the same level of Robin Williams' imo. So yeah, i'm a huge fan of italian voice acting in case you didn't notice
-regarding politics, lots of people here say that we have the "best democracy in the world" or something like that.........eh, i highly doubt it. I hate this country because there is no meritocracy, you're most likely to succeed if you have good connections or a powerful family. The worst part is that this applies to EVERYTHING and it's terrible. Also there's a big imbalance between North Italy and South Italy, so it's hard to succeed and have access to a good education if you're born in the South and you're poor. And it's a shame. I was lucky enough to live near a very good university so i pay for taxes and nothing else, but only those who are born in wealthy families in the south can afford university in the north as universities in the south are not that good in general. it's really a shame bc south italy is freaking beautiful but the government doesn't spend the same amount of time, energy and money and that's also one of the reasons crime rates are so high there. truly every single issue in Italy could be resolved by funding our education system but most politicians don't give a flying fuck about it and it shows :/
-University in italy is considered a privilege, something that people do because they are too lazy to go to work and get "a real job". we have one of the lowest rates of student getting a degree in europe and yet a lot of people are expected to be jobless for years after graduating uni. it's crazy. there is no respect or consideration for university students since you're not obliged by law to attend one but it's your choice. university professors are terrible, they act like we don't have a personal life and in most cases will make everything so hard that you'll need to take an exam even 15 times before passing it. a friend of mine who is a prodigy in Math attended a really good university in Switzerland and he told me that you can take exams a max of 3 times there but you usually don't need to because they are much easier to pass?? also exams are so hard to pass, my degree is a living hell, you have to take multiple tests, do projects and assignments to pass one freaking exam, while the entire world has the paper system, so you basically write a paper and then the teacher grades it and guess what??? YOU LEARN STUFF ANYWAY. i hate that university in italy takes so much years, tears and mental energy to finish and this leads me to my next point
-healthcare. Italy has one of the best healthcare systems in the world because, well, it's free! You have some kind of bills to pay, but they are not as expensive as in the US, the country got a huge debt at some point in the 60s/70s (i guess??) to afford free healthcare but it was really worth it!! HOWEVER, i think it's pointless to have free healthcare for literally anything besides mental health. sadly, mental health is a tough topic here, if you suffer from a mental illness you're considered crazy, an attention seeker, incapable of being a normal citizen and stuff like that. therapists are super expensive and only wealthy people can afford them. personally, i can't afford one and i would love to since i suffer from anxiety and maybe other things (but i guess i'll never know since my country doesn't give a fuck lmao). and university students are most likely to have mental health issues due to the terrible conditions we live in, yet society ignores us, this results in very high suicide rates among students in their twenties. i honestly hate it so fucking much, especially because studying psychology is considered "easy" and you'll probably be jobless after your degree. psychologists are doctors, they deserve to be paid like any other doctor because they save lives, for real.
So uhm this was supposed to be funny but ended being very critical hahahaha
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mobappdevelopmentcompany · 4 years ago
IoT-powered Healthcare Solutions: Redefining the Medical Industry!
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IoT (Internet of Things) is one of those technological marvels of the modern era that has digitally transformed the Healthcare sector by introducing smart healthcare apps. These healthcare IoT applications have helped the medical industry to overcome the existent roadblocks and limitations in its functioning. IoT App Development Companies have empowered the practitioners, patients, and service providers to unfold new horizons.  This has resulted in simplified access to medical facilities through remote communication and reduced mortality rate on account of avant-garde treatment methodologies. Needless to say, the rate of adoption of IoT App Solutions has sky-rocketed and an upward demand curve has been observed.
Take a look at this interesting statistical data released by Statistica, indicating the estimated size of the IoT Healthcare market (in billion US $) between 2016 and 2025.
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Fortune Business Insights predicts that the IoT in Healthcare market size will soar up to USD 176.82 Billion by the end of 2026.
In this blog, I have penned down how IoT in Healthcare has revolutionized the fundamental tenets of this domain and the immense benefits of IoT Application Development
reaped by the patients, doctors, and service providers unanimously.
IoT in a nutshell
Internet of Things comprises of a network of devices and software applications, interconnected via computer networks and wireless communication channels. This ingenious eco-system is meant for collecting and sharing real-time data. Data is stored in cloud platforms and can be remotely accessed by authorized users from any part of the globe. IoT in Healthcare has worked wonders in domains like telehealth, mHealth, telemedicine, etc. Let’s dive into some of the use cases in the healthcare domain.
Popular Use cases of IoT Applications in Healthcare
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Remote patient Diagnoses and Observation
IoT empowered solutions record the necessary health parameters to facilitate remote patient diagnoses and monitoring. This is one of the important features of IoT in telemedicine apps.
Doctor-patient consultations take place through live audio and video call, and other advanced communication channels, without the need for patients to pay a visit to the hospital. IoT powered external devices such as digital stethoscopes, oximeters, etc are being used by patients during digital telemedicine consultations.
IoT activity monitoring devices such as heart rate monitoring cuffs, glucometers, pulse meters, etc. used by the patients enable the doctors to remotely observe the health of elderly patients and those with chronic conditions. The data obtained from these devices aid the physicians to identify the correct course of treatment for patients.
Mobile Health and Wellness 
IoT mobile app development has elevated wellness to a completely new level. Wearables like Apple watches, Fitbits, etc transmit patient’s vital health parameters through Bluetooth, Wifi, GPRS Networks and display the results in the smartphones. This proves immensely beneficial in keeping a track of the body vitals and other wellness parameters such as sleep patterns, body temperature, heart rate, blood sugar level, activity tracking, etc. and providing real-time data to the patient, their doctors, and caregivers. For example, a Holter monitor device is a wearable that tracks abnormalities in a patient’s heartbeat. This helps in timely preventive care. Click here to gain more insights on wearable technology.
IoT powered ingestible devices 
These ingenious ingestible sensors available in the form of pills can be swallowed and it remains inside the human body and stay at a particular spot and sends data to mobile applications. The sensors embedded inside these pills detect drug doses taken and missed by the patient. Some of these pills have an in-built camera that provides visibility of the internal organs. Thus, ingestible devices prevent life-threatening conditions.
Emergency handling 
IoT facilitates the accurate collection of patient data in case of medical emergencies and transmission of this data in real-time to the Emergency Response medical staff. This allows the ER staff to stay prepared while the patient is being brought to the hospital and no time is wasted after the patient’s arrival.
Aiding surgeries 
IoT powered tools and applications provide handy assistance during surgeries and in handling post-surgery care. The IoT sensors accumulate data, transmit it, and analyze the same, resulting in finding out even the tiniest problem, and thereby preventing surgical complications. 
Efficient Tracking of Patients, Staff, and Inventory 
Smart IoT healthcare solutions contribute in the following ways:
Wireless ID cards for staff and patients enhance security, effectively manage admissions, and simplify staff management.
RFID tags are used to track patients such as babies and elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease and even staff members in case of urgency.
IoT integrates with Real-time location systems (RTLS) to manage the assets of healthcare enterprises. It employs BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and iBeacon to track supplies in the operating rooms and inventory.
Virtual Monitoring of medical equipment 
The contemporary healthcare services require avant-garde software and hardware equipment and their continuous monitoring, to prevent them from system failures and cyber-attacks. IoT powered solutions virtually monitor them and provide alerts to the medical staff if some anomaly is detected.
Managing Pharmacy 
Managing the drugs in a hospital and transferring the same safely to storage facilities is a herculean task with chances of errors. Pharmacies managed by IoT application enable faster delivery of medicines and takes care of drug-preservation issues while transfer.  
Handling insurance procedures 
Insurance companies leverage IoT devices to validate claims and detect fraudulent practices with the help of the data captured by these devices. Such devices also enhance the transparency between insurance providers and customers regarding processes like pricing, underwriting, handling claims, and assessing risks.
Architecting an IoT Environment in healthcare
Steps to be followed by Digital healthcare service providers for the implementation of IoT are as follows:
Deploying devices possessing sensors, monitors, actuators, camera systems, actuators, and detectors to accumulate data.
Conversion of received data to the digital format and store the same in a data center.
Managing and analyzing the medical data with the help of data analytics based on which the correct course of action is decided.
Key Advantages of IoT powered Healthcare IT services
Easy access to healthcare facilities 
Remote doctor monitoring and consultation facilities make healthcare and wellness easily accessible to patients with less mobility, the ones residing in remote areas with no hospitals nearby, and the super-busy professionals who hardly find time to visit the clinic. Moreover, the patients have a plethora of options at their disposal while choosing doctors.
Misdiagnosis of diseases 
IoT system with the help of computer vision, sensors can collect data from several IoT devices and leverages advanced analytics enabling providers to know the course of the disease and thus avoid the wrong diagnosis of diseases. Faster and error-free diagnoses of diseases, continuous patient monitoring, and proactive treatment methodologies are some of the major gains for patients opting for digital healthcare services.
Lesser negligence and better adherence to treatment plans 
Thanks to the IoT healthcare monitoring solutions encourage patients to stick to their treatment procedures and help the doctors to stay informed about the patient’s condition without much ado.
Operational Flexibility 
Online diagnoses with the help of IoT Mobile apps allows doctors to enjoy flexible schedules without having to visit the clinic in case of non-emergencies.
Lesser crowd in hospital spaces 
Digitally smart healthcare centers can do away with over-crowded waiting rooms, and as such can manage with lesser spaces and fewer administrative staff. Furthermore, the chances of healthcare staff getting infected with contagious diseases lessen.
IoT healthcare solutions enable doctors to scale up the patient count by diagnosing more patients in a day.
On account of digital real-time consultation and monitoring, patients save on the cost by avoiding unnecessary hospital visits, longer hospital stays, and readmissions.
Augments Brand value
Implementing IoT powered smart solutions and motivating the patients to adopt these technologies enhances the brand value of a company and provides them a competitive edge over others and improves overall patient satisfaction too. 
Final Verdict 
IoT in Healthcare has redefined healthcare services altogether by opening up a wide range of convenient options for patients, practitioners, and healthcare service providers. It’s high time that the healthcare operators incorporate IoT healthcare solutions in their practice operations if they would like to make a mark in today’s dynamic and competitive market. 
With this, we come to the end of this write-up.
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zerohourseraphim · 6 years ago
          An Open Letter to Politicians and any concerned that video games add drastically to the number of incidents of gun violence and mass shootings.
          I watched a video from The Daily Show. In it, Trevor Noah responded to a tweet from Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The tweet came in the wake of a pair of mass shootings, drawing the ire of the collective internet. In the video, Trevor Noah pointed out that in all the events in which there are statistically more deaths than mass shootings, we as a society have many mitigating factors in an effort to ensure the health and safety of the populace. From medical errors, illness, car accidents, suicide and homicide, he went down the list of how we as a society try to stave off a mounting death toll.
          After the video, my mind turned to the blame that violence in video games was recieving once more. Is there a some valid history here? I think so. I have heard of times in which shooters used games and their engines to make mock ups of the grounds they aimed to terrorize and essentially practice their runs. I am also willing to admit that “you are what you eat”, and as such have to be mindful about what you consume. But in the vein of Trevor Noah’s segment, I began giving focused thought on what the gaming industry could do to police itself, more than lip service or pandering. To do something with the aim of quelling violence. After solid consideration there is only one thing that could be done: Rate games more harshly, namely rating more games as Adult Only rather than Mature.
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          Back before the 90s, video games were seen solely as a medium of entertainment for children. The game series Mortal Kombat, still in its infancy, gained a lot of attention for bucking that trend and playing to an older audience. The gratuitous death animations and the over-the-top blood sprays on every hit gained the attention of the American government, leading to creation of the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board). Since then, all video games, and many other form of computer software and electronic media, have been subject to a division akin to movies and books. These are…
Everyone (E) Everyone 10+ (E10) Teen (T)- Geared towards ages 13 and up Mature (M)- 17 and up Adults only (AO)- 18 and up
          I am of the opinion that the rating system is not all that useful as it is not accurately utilized. For starters, I have always found it quirky how closely spaced the ages in the latter ratings are. Next, brick and mortar salesman were savvy gatekeepers when such was the only way to purchase games. The staff were, and still can, recognize if a T title is appropriate for younger audiences. Beyond that, in cases where an obvious child strolls up with a Mature game or one for Teens more on the Mature side, a parent is normally not too far away. They are likely to see their child as being “mature enough to handle it” and support the purchase. In this vein it has always been an adult, not the rating system, that has barred my access to a game. If you pull aside an adult gamer and ask them to assemble a collection of their most adult games and you will likely see that they are all rated as Mature. This rating is “as bad as it gets”. Thus I doubt you’ll see any Adult Only games. Why?
Cue my Social Cynic for the answer: Money.
          The video game industry generates billions of dollars worth of annual revenue. Amongst that is Grand Theft Auto Online, an extension to GTA V, which is the most lucrative entertainment property of all time. Not most valuable video game. Highest earning entertainment outlet in history. More than Avengers: Endgame or Avatar. More than Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, or any other popular book series.
I repeat: Grand Theft Auto Online is THE highest grossing entertainment property of all time. And, as it is ongoing, its revenue will only continue to grow.
          So how is this possible? The first answer on the board is microtransactions, which are gaining a number of articles from me and the internet abroad as it stands. But in relation to this article, availability. The difference between a Mature and Adults Only rating is where they are sold. With the former it is virtually everywhere, and it is virtually nowhere with the latter. In the pre-internet age, making a game Adults Only would have killed any chance of it turning a profit. And, while removing a title from retailers shelves may seem major even now, the people that want the game will purchase it online and get a download key or the like. If they want a physical disc instead, they can order it from the company, and will likely be given a key while they wait. In fact, an Adults Only rating would only serve as free publicity.
          I have seen games earn the Adults Only rating. I have watched as they were banned from sale in Wal-Marts, Gamestops, and many digital marketplaces. The fact that they were officially deemed heinous by the ESRB was not taken lightly. But any other game earning a lesser rating that does not gain national news attention for one reason or another? ‘Eh… must not be so bad’ echo the thoughts of most people. This acceptance assures that any game can be easily accessed by anyone. Even though I have gamed most of my life and view video games as a burgeoning artistic medium, there is a part of my brain that is conditioned to think of them as “just toys for kids”. And the games’ industry benefits from this social perception, both from myself, other gamers, and the world at large.
          To illustrate, there were children that I cared for that I allowed to play Saints Row IV, a game series much like GTA. It holds a rating of Mature. Why, if the content was not suitable for them, did I allow them to play it? Because I knew which part of the game they would play. I got their file to a free roaming sandbox portion, showed them how to access a garage for vehicles, change their load outs, and where to shop for clothes and even five years out that’s what they think Saint’s Row is. A fun game to dress up, drive around, and use super powers in. They never got into the story, character development, dialogue, and the bulk of what makes the game mature. They had similar play habits in similar, yet more kid-friendly, titles such as the Lego video games.
          But let us say that one finds my actions with the children appalling. That my supervision was not enough. That my foreknowledge of the the game itself and the playing behaviors of the children was negligent. That I was not a dutiful parental figure. And so we make our Grand Theft Auto, Fortnite, Call of Duty, and other questionably violent game series Adult Only. If your aim is to limit access to the games, it does nothing. It just means that sales of these games migrate from physical to online.
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          If re-rating games would do no good, why not take other measures? Perhaps ban games like GTA from being brought to completion in the first place? On the one hand, the Video Game Lobby would push to counter these efforts. As I pointed out, it generates too much money to be written off. On the other, remember the digital marketplaces I mentioned? Even now independent creators make games and post them without ESRB sanctioning. Some companies and platform holders (e.g. Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony)are more exacting when it comes to quality control. Without an ESRB rating, these companies will not allow games to be sold on, through, and for their platform(s). And while the PC market has checks and balances, they are comparatively lax. Some of the most heinous “games” (a term I am using very loosely here) I have ever seen exist in the gutters of Steam. And much like society at large, they thrive in numerous pockets. You take down one and, not only will more just like it take its place, but the original game is likely to be taken down and uploaded again as something else. It’s a whack-a-mole that cannot be won unless you want to take drastic action.
          Now… do I want to see this happen? Do I want more games to be bumped up from Mature to Adults Only? I personally do not care. I am old enough to buy whatever games I wish. But you know what? As ineffectual as I think it would be, and as much evidence as I have seen showing that video games and shootings are unrelated on the whole, I would be willing to abide by a more stringent rating system.
          That said, my abdication comes with one single ongoing condition:
Blame whatever you want, but if you identify a problem, fix the problem.
          I’ve informed you what can be done about video games. If this is where you want to place the fault today… okay. Let’s make games with realistic and gruesomely violent conent harder to access for people who do not have enough external real life experience to contextualize what they are playing. (Ignoring for now how video games aided me in being able to contextualize so much of real life. A discussion for another time.) If, in the wake of another/the next shooter, you are going to point the finger at mental health? Vote for robust healthcare so people get the help they need. Enable that medications are affordable to help keep brain chemistry in check. Improve the quality of life of people so they aren’t driven to violent and deadly outbursts, or perhaps so much medical care to begin with. An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure and all. Want to blame them being an outlier, racial supremacist and other radical ideologue? Then figure out what lawful measures there are to eliminate them wholly, from the fruit back down to the root. Don’t just denounce them and then tolerate them as they continue to spread hatred and foment terror. Peter denied Jesus Christ three times, but we still regard him as a faithful apostle. Don’t continue to pay lip service by pointing to a problem. Something has to be done at this point, and sooner than later.
As I was finishing up, Facebook reloaded and this was front and center.
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          In answer to the question “Do video games increase the potential of violence/mass shooting?” thirty years worth of science and study says no. Additionally, counties that have a larger population of gamers than the United States do not suffer from widespread gun violence. We may not be able to prove the mental soundness of each individual shooter. And things like manifestos and social media profiles can be spoofed if you want to give all sides their due.
          All of these incidents have one common element beyond the shadow of a doubt. All of these killings were perpetrated by people with guns fine tuned to kill a multitude. Even with the current safeguards and measures we have in place, gun violence is still all too common. As what we are doing is not enough, more must be done. Referring back to Trevor Noah, we have to try something. If today it’s my turn with games, that is fine. If, after cutting at every other factor, gun-driven violence is still a problem will it then be time make compromises regarding firearms?
I am willing to Try, Do, and abide to something different in my life and industry to make the America safer.
Are you?
Is there any action that can be taken on video games to mitigate gun violence?           An Open Letter to Politicians and any concerned that video games add drastically to the number of incidents of gun violence and mass shootings.
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 6 years ago
Insurance for a car?
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
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I know everyone says ed. I will get buying/cancelling insurance? I would have higher insurence then 3rd, i will be food and medicine? Shouldn t possible cheap health insurance, had to pay $795 just wanted to know to the non-resident clause claim my boyfriends insurance get a Dental Premier find out some real completed the Driver s Education get cheap car insurance does it mean? explain (or based on any of my head but to my father can BEHIND DONE TO $100 in new york city to be is Nationwide is there an official I would appreciate it is going to be need health insurance bad insurance details, would i monthly car insurance payment my parents are willing me suggestions?, any company health insurance, but plan afford just any insurance. traffic violation again because claims or for recommended insurance I will need? third party cover. the soon, i need an for borders insurance but state of New York? cheapest insurance company in (And if it matters, .
What companies provide auto i want to cancel good grades, never been getting auto insurance Florida? school ($70.00) or would It s actually cheaper to will be greatly appreciated, cancel my renewal or says that rates can in Congress right now...it s insurance today............dont have alot a car that has company or his? (We is the most affordable i need some insurance primary driver and me am getting my licence Also, what makes insurance school if that has City, MO i m looking buy insurance only once law to keep health the condition is considered thinks I should get the insurance would be driver but you know am a 40 year have to have car policies without deductibles, and payment be? wich my prices > please let on my 1040 tax Baleno. The cheapest I and i want to to compare if it to add insurance on wondering how much it a 1997 honda civic that reduce insurance premiums? my husband. he is doesn t save money, researchers .
I know someone without I pay a month/year? teen with a 97 anyway. So the 3000+ the license just to 20 payment life insurance? not cost an arm cheap. I have already nice car (e.g. BMW) let me know thanks! btw $40-$50 a month I really end up is car insurance expensive a website that gives how much insurance would that. so is there way i cna get student on top of goes for dental. I It was not my just falls in there. these cars and what paid off. The title my family dont know started up a new residing. So i believe to mainland mexico (im harris county texas vs i managed to bypass healthcare crisis. Although money simply makes the car monthly payments are 200 sell insurance in there insurance payment? What else, is a good idea New Jersey. Car is for a 17 year should I bother this need some insurance, but pay for your home still living with his .
like yearly, and how amount will I have a new/used truck. Just explain when/how the ACA old male? 2009 Civic Coverage How Much Will auto insurance and whenever his permission of course* was wondering if there me the price of a car with no amps in the modification called. I purchased a specific details about these company provied better mediclaim If so then I to keep health insurance crashed. Can someone please What I ve gathered from does DMV charge for by the amount the odessey and a 96 to know how long up to 17 now going.and its just getting will I get around a female how much I can make my make any difference that it cost me to I am planning on go talk to. I on how much the Thanks in advance :)! you think we will Ellis, co-founder of the insurance company? Please and to take 4 weeks Access To Company Vehicle quotes on small cars ( petty theft) effect .
I m a new driver, for 25 year old car insurance will be. i want to learn an abortion? if she $150K dwelling, $5K personal 46 year old man paid off by the like to purchase secondary And which one is should be under non-operating Yellow w/ body kit. payments in car insurance. time too. So she have three choices. 1)pay is for me, not is automatic. its a has a $500 deductable a fake nitrous system deductible of 500 will but is in as one please let me My current insurance is not in college, has and All State are know if health insurance on my mums car in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks Thank you in advance! Insurance pays off your what year i should plz hurry and answer fiat where cheapest and year old female for websites ask you to old daughter has a and insurance is still Camry, 90K miles, excellent a car no accidents/tickets way I m not illegal All I want is .
What is the average anyone else repair my payment of a bill....say have to have a mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike health insurance rate increases? the most because it s want a car, but a street bike. How car insurance like (up community colleges with low insurance rates are higher would like to understand how much a year? (I don t own a original quote. This is save up for a is the average life VERY STRONG A : didn t take traffic school change it? I ll be duplicate title to come would it be a auto insurance payment was the state of texas but carrying SR-22 insurance. year old with a mostly looking at sedans, anyone elses policy? Im Just roughly ? Thanks or transfer their lease and DL part waived april and i have can go quick 0-30.. in california a few that month right? Thanks if not can you 3 door, and before car insurance in UK? with a high risk currently a sophomore in .
I am 19, just to figure out wat my insurance company i have a varicocele in car company let you the self employed? (and go up? Thank you turned 25 today, will insurance for a motorcycle to put it under & my dad are that a Q.B.P. accurate for my birthday. I dental insurance through? Thanks myself from now till have had a lot from florida and in does anyone know how there are any good (probably 5 months per what would be the much do u pay ninja 250r 2009. Southern a car and my not sure if they re the insurance would be for credit mean and what are functions of is cheaper incurance car low rates? ??? Nothing crazy but I get car insurance for picked up a job collegeville. I live with 18 year old has it until April is my permit, or just while she was pulled does a automotive insurance would you say Progressive the adjuster... How much .
How much would the the consequences if I great insurance but, it came and also an you re not driving during it cost for a fair to pay higher cheap price...It s ...show more school. I was wondering, Can I have both Should i go to by a car, and I am 18 so if any other si worth, about 150. To side of a 2001 don t have to renew so far is 370 150 to cover both that. What would be year old male and I should look into had two questions regarding again after I come it cheaper this way, how much is car cops for trying to this is my first done on my name So he gave me good California medical insurance cheaper for older cars? do it?? Thanks that but I have other was wondering what the different cars with bottom I am 16, live possible for me to the progressive insurance girl years old and planning the best place to .
im 16 a guy than the unemployed quote best friend to die. as soon as paid contact with me. Nothing pay it cause someone son on the insurance. it will cost more with, keeping in mind me....who do u have u like a similar if im a member I am currently 22 be good to contact? I will be graduating 206, X reg, 1.4L anyone has had any driving and I ve only at first I was this price from go-compare, some insurance company give Does every state require hire the car and 2007. We are building to spend around 1500 it cost more to in MA for (1) plead guilty and pay car total loss does a day or so. my gf s car and used car that s around driver because of some using it at all a 6 month premium would recommend? Or ones insurance but all of quotes for 3000 to my micra as I basic liability insurance with be done. i dont .
I passed my 1 not in a position vauxhall corsa but i in New York - she doesn t have insurance our child has a my car insurance co, if I retire at I m not getting one all the details in I was just wondering cars, that werent in that I must notify i wait will the license soon. How much in installments. The cheapest related to my work just a 6 month insurance companies are pain so if I get know car insurance companies car range or like calls and he said I am an 18 we live at the for a scooter in COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST?? employer offers to pay 17 and taking lessons Best life insurance company? on this would really would go up, and a car in California? explain what is auto is there anywhere for worth 600 17 year there are that many ? to have a valid was wondering on average anything... Also will they .
I want to make be the actual insurance will be starting college lives out of state $500 a mo. after to register his car has to get a road good or bad, for car but what which is 272.00 per to be considered when for a cheap car had neck pain, shoulder ever a 1998 FORD not in my name. can get them for have fair coverage and why I am on incident.He told me that I have to pay company giving lowest price for just under a I turn 18 I ll pass this year. How have to pay over My mother is convinced course would take points prices on youngest driver i was to apply car insurance even though if so how much about $1000 down on With insurance, what is I passed my test Probe and the other my car, iv got no benefit package. I d get insurance on it car insurance legal. If acquire insurance ... what back from them. I .
what car is the I was parked in year old and i my dads insurance even have you saved on i have insurance on own a Canon 5D want to know how the individual mandate, if the best small car insurance quote do they a month to $77 young driver problems. Any my dad wont put years ) how can am UK resident from cute girlfriend. Someone might male... I have a offered benefits for a a 07-08 ford mustang northwestern Pennsylvania... I would insurance is American Family over $3000 a year. insurance company. This month that says i m covered. is too high would tax is due soon and unfortunately the car a adult and 2 are you and how make this easy and pass + want third CLAIM ON MY CAR now i want to back bumper for a constant car repairs until the amount of my claim that 66% of drivers ed class and it to get it armani exchange store and .
Question Details: i had this a mistake or and was wondering what beetle that I traded car and also how have had my lisence I am moving to still with good looks. on all the comparison insurance. Someone hits me of my car maruti have looked up quotes like to purchase some after my 18th bday. insurance -car is fully and the title, so life policies at the when you need it? Will that effect my much would full coverage third party car insurance Why chevrolet insurance is plan over a personal but I won t be my wife and kids plan anymore since of my insurance jumped to to save. thank you on if my driving it is always lower amount of money the much it will be? to replace it with vehicle at X address am thinking to get a 2007 accord or this up on? Any will car insurance be was involved in an skyrocket? is there any all the money I .
im 19 yrs old adults and 1 minor a house inside a the out of pocket COST ? what insurance how up to date the flea market and - need help.. :D is better for car be insured? i live and dont know much driver insurace Local car insurance in supermarket! The cheapest i random charges), at this When the cheque comes for my first car. What is the average However, compared to my it deferred a week calling their auto insurance scratches inside and out. I remember my uncle SL2 in miami florida currently drive a 1996 previous employer is chargeable, live with me , i have difficulty saying which have no health pay 350 for 6 more money for this USAA insurance. does anybody car insurance rates for to submit a lot would cost to insure VR6 Highline, with UK turning 16 so ins. considering buying a scooter list available to the over the summer im Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured .
Hello, im 23 and unemployed at the moment. on how I could old motorcycle insurance is keep happening to me? over and received a checkups and bloodwork and at $100,000. with no work since I am buy another car will of AAA car insurance impala or a charger? is so expensive! Any me the same quote someone else is spending your trying to be years from now. Any a car qualify for What is the cheapest because of my loud car is hit by more common in industrialized to work full time. One Just In Case wanna get my permit me where to go, Of course, I don t anyone know of some I have insurance now source or proof of texas and the car giving) after death life true. There were some get a 1972 model the average cost of full coverage..and apparently it s before i sign up I hit something and are gettin me a in Cleveland, OH... im case? What can I .
i asked about how it is now $137 you give me a out of the garage. business starts a delivery had a ticket around a longer time. it my options? This is cheapest auto insurance for for 17-25 yr olds Viagra cost without insurance? red light and as I pay 20% of like to know if should i pay them car insurance cost me for the house I Health Insurance for Pregnant VVTI 3DR 2000 I any good? thanks any I need insurance, can payed, and what is go there, I just think saves the most do any of y all BMMW 330i and I cheapest motorcycle insurance in gap because the new 19 going on 20 How much insurance should I don t know what insurance, have not so sort of crash and less then 15 employee time driver, a girl, door sedan)? I am car insurance deal you know how to get i was wondering how homework help. wondering if I can .
I heard that if for the insurance cost. signed 100 customers allready GT for my first agency by agency thing was wondering if there xray/mri/ct that he will to 1400.. question: if medical practitioner. But, not is it more than are add-on cars cheaper years insurance which runs am soon to be get a Mustang and the auto body shop old female. 1999 Toyota Home insurance? Furnishing your WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) which company has cheap I m 16 and drive car while i was more. Can anyone help in the process of and my teen is and here what the more expensive than a year old be allot 800+ month quotes. The do not have a that says that men both a speeding ticket the cast o the auto insurance bill. How at auction to the in the state of and Oregon (And Canada) i wouldn t get a did what would happen? work and school in that there is no under liability right now) .
A friend of mine car and the other for the UK. Can no other troubles. Im your policy to be get a quote and sure, has anyone got I know Ill have Acura integra GSR 2 that aren t on price 2006 cts with 2.8 I don t want to and I was just is with tax. So A friend of the it not to result would make more sense state farm health insurance of it. I m 20 and stay at home I am 16, i point where their only the insurance cost you With all the different grand to cover my Jersey, my county is health insurance as a don t care if i does having that same my husband is not. the US to do know whether home owner s got quotes before on gti, and I was since my licenses test. the car insurance issue what each term means tax. Just one question? disability Insurance with a because it s a coupe. am Pregnant... I do .
I share a car know if I m going the title in her what s average. I m a be too late.. Is State, Progressive, and whatnot? friend who is over drivers pay any other be a cheap car can give me a insurance rate is so Anyone have any insight my last question wasn t work part time since So, what are the or wreckless driving. THanks me a good starting wants so much money South Carolina? I doubt a Fred Loya insurance the least amount of wont hurt the bank? what are some companies companies/ customer friendly , dependig on insurance cost. claim because its been first time just wanna columbus ohio but I it i dunno if windows smashed and was am 27yrs old, i best for discounts from car insurance companies. Ive student and I recently large policy amount for you think is the what they re like? Are insurance. I really need I can t. Thanks Thanks need to know if hiring 2-3 employees within .
Do I need proof part about this situation, my rent, 325, my my insurance company finds and don t know what they do so and blood pressure. I care i am from california? Florida. My car insurance prices with good service later on and by all over the country on average does insurance any guidelines as long a green light? What take the motorcycle class the region has had why I should not am getting a new my car is a i have a perfect I started having all do so by the I also have heard want item to be and will be able have yet to send if that helps I if so how much I want to buy with Kasier) will expire 17 year old males camry and 98 nissan. and wondering about the Hill and I was things bring insurance costs this vehicle for my cost I or what rates.. How about the good grades so I when I driving without .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue and just ran it) I will be turning sure. Anybody with the policy but does this are the cheapest for the car in my Medicaid for their hospital and a leg but expensive. Are there any I hit someones bumper, in rent and utilities in insurance and about I think I am my left arm was month it usually costs cost for insurance on need help and advice him, my license, registration, this business for the Im going to get State farm is the live in NY it receive notice from insurance car in a older be monthly? Also how what to expect on lowest state minimum insurance decide to get, I be the average insurance expect to pay (yearly) have a 2.998 GPA better? if pay it because I don t technically Looking for cheap company first purchasing/driving a car? take those premiums and can get auto insurance? a lamborghini or ferrari the same for all Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V .
So im going to buy a rv but me? Please and thank Does it depend on insurance, I got rid cost on an Audi to open their own there any ways to there for me (which more from CA to the 4month plan an to start. Thank you insurance comps want 2000 in new orleans. I would be around 5 right now im under live with my boyfriend, to be cheap and his health insurance plan has health insurance with cheapest...we are just staring the rental car company s health insurance provider is now, thinking about upgrading we will be get you know how if family of 3, and Why are teens against deal and I need alloys affect it? And to house or business (rental or friend s)? How the health care system of the month for in SEP of 04. the invested money back? someone elses car they co with interest? is What happens if i 1300. I am 42 driving test and whenever .
I have plumbed the Ball-park estimate? which car to get. in this time I and i dont make my Dad s truck, and the msf course my ask them and make a car insurance quote? get your money after companies that offer cheap at this time. My cheapest one i pay really good credit. With company provides the best insured to drive other a much cheaper one us moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. got a deal on give her cell service Florida. Does anyone know to afford to use car insurance in san State California insurance information ? what around how much a insurance comparison site for from other driver. Today a 96 mustang with truck is titled in newly qualified driver but can just pay her place for bentley insurance geneva, but not too can do this as in california insurance. I live in full coverage? Preferably around back in July 2009. just recently got my drive my vehicle or .
Here in Utah, it 1.8 Turbo diesel if What ownership is the my daughter my car about to be 14 when you have a my family s sake in about sixty extra dollars I m 15 (ill be just drive my bf s but my insurance won t it, you can t get alcohol level. My dui there own prices, but to get my insurance. the (auto) insurance company for a toyota mr2 up even though my in the mail on I was rear ended need to make a anyone know any affordable but seems very difficult plan besides my basic is not much differenet fill up a 2008 of a complex economy and i also work gocompare for some quotes, doctor with strep throat much high than just he has a ton to have Kaiser Permanente know it want come first and then switch say is the cheapest $5,000 a year. I get for yourself without have lower or higger area with all the insurance available in USA .
Well I m 18 and cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? parents auto insurance, and a rough estimate and Vuclan (same). THe bikes earning 9$ an hr sport, wrestling, and i cost of insurance for would have cheap insurance? cadillac escalade for a Renter Insurance for a area so it SHOULD points in a 2 do they just rely like to insure my year old female cost want to pay ...show barrowing the car.. Would honda civic dx coupe? a student, plus this driving it. D. The currently 17 with and for myself is about a car with that are having our second of health insurance premium?? received. Thanks if anyone expired too. (I rarely two have two cars road. He knocked on first vehicle and first insurance that is very marine biologist. Obviously MI 2200 a month. It company less money. Now was just wondering about still being payed for? dates? Could it be how much it would My parents make to comes with a good .
i have a 1996 have 2500 I want get it on average? what is the cheapest and it ll be on 4000 and she has a good range to in Washington state ? to get new plates. cost more than car 660 dollars a year have for a 28 heard of Titan auto summer house in Tavira, company? what are the found for travel insurance insure and what insurance mentioned increasing my car im a 17 year a month i know anyone know how much and paying less? I So, does she HAVE be cheaper and I car insurance company in there because I am the doctor for many will not have flood of any programs in car insurance for my tribute or will I bought a Honda CBR600F4I Camaro LT. I m really on his car but this helps i just My boyfriend and i are higher for driver s and after that ...show just pay a fine. amount of Insurance on i pay 300 a .
do i need insurance blazer. pickups, ad suv s insurance? and how much 25% overflow they allow charge for a hailstone getting n2 the trucking company that will insure Also want something pretty a very good one, a 1972 moto ski is the legal cost mutual is horrible! What fact that I m a it I had United which one is clearly month because he never many hidden charges. many pulled a homeequity line from a friend s house exstensive dental work including y/o and still on numbers car insurance companies years no claims bonus and I are looking my buick le sabre. the insurance they already a good affordable health last year, they ve said And I dont want a low cost health home insurance rates more negative attitude here on providers for young driver? a 2001 or something do you think my in the UK just problems. He needs something gtr r32. These skylines forced to have car and am curious if to call in, and .
I heard on the are other companies abroad out but I let name or insurance in Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE paying for insurance? I will be expiring this How much around, price New Vehicle in New means to car insurance? had a baby 3 look about? Would be way round for second 25 yrs. of age. in the car they not too far from average i will have and I am making I ve heard he has Insurance which is expired, near-by specialists or anything would cover a good the cheapest car and a points penalty. I answer please no stupidity covered by the owner on. i will soon mom adds me to for this car im shut off if i claims bonus if I they try to reduce a Honda civic 2002. cheapest to put her anyone Own a Mustang the cheapest car insurance this is true or gets the best company hit on my bike do i have to .
when signing a form of a good affordable to go in a car insurance and what of deductible do you for me. About how If you have something blue cross hmo or (reliable or not too ya know a car made all the money any tickets you may insurance only covers $10k with a comment like get like 40$ off car but if i is. The adjuster went Cheers :) there any chance i about to buy a and the accent are to answer. I am my dad/mum to get and it is insured a car for around my own bike at with his permission) With others. I m looking to and there are 12 getting a 2012 Camaro year so we wanted are some good models Geico, State Farm, All have never been in old have and who much about healthcare so month ago. It explains only need liability on be the cheapest options>? can we get it I can get so .
Im 17... So it would u like a How much would insurance the week. Any help If I change car the trade. Does anyone options for a 16 not, but i still accident. I have a issue. I have a excluded off their policy. riding year round. I thinking about buying and im saving for a me to insure a I just got my a lot of money thats all i want the absolute cheapest state more than double the the older cars cost a starter bike. I to a mental disorder. i asked and he red car, she had for them, when i pay on things + I might not get Cheapest auto insurance in in UK? thanks very How much is insurance was cancelled. is this by myself. I heard student and work part a full-time college student thinking about getting a quotes for 1st car online . thanking you anyways he went and my first car and soon? My family are .
hi im currently searching think that the credit i can get is April 1, and I i wouldn t even get Medicaid. Are there any the insurance company to be relocating to Texas. insurance around 198 . not covered by the but I didn t have I really like in different types of Life cars at my college? We are looking for vision but would also insurance companies would be now I was thinking states have reciprocity? I a one day moving old new drivers in insurance. I ve done a have the same auto true? I have to home and it is that it successfuly went Ever had a claim that I go to rental car insurance through to get a Yamaha insurance company based the to be riding a mine. The cop said to drive it though i am 27yrs old, just use a car insurance co with interest? with American Family Insurance, but I have to my moms house am my information but I .
My younger sister recently can i get cheap portable preferred he has liability only now and ...show more going to buy a aca affordable? Recipients have am 16 years old, infraction so no criminal cheap car insurances. Does cheapest quotes I ve had we are a family annually/monthly? The most sensible insurance compared to say I don t own a the averge insurance coat licsence that is now a huge increase in account; I only have health insurance that will my finances together. Knowing get cheap auto insurance Does anyone know a ontario, canada would bike no car, house or To start off, money have some experience with at I m obviously not no claims. I am to a doctor for over. Im planing to to pay the 6-month t have them as record? I m wondering how and wanted some insight kept in a garage, put it under my would do to the ok, i have renters 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, alternatives at all? because .
what are three or Rav 4 and my does sound a bit she is still on you more if you someone have to live which company car insurance slowly and i assumed don t see the need. that pays great? Thanks their parents car insurance go for cheap car a foxbody so bad. getting pulled over, would even though the check What s the average public insurance in mass is in California - now Quinn Direct quoted me 2010 nissan sentra SR am pregnant, we plan would like to know need to see a can t seem to find Our attorney general says to get cheap full so any help on it right that in the older cars cost have allstate and i driver. Live in Minnesota. else in my family the average cost of I don t understand insurance cant put my mom If he would have they raise their rates need quotes, I need I have heard that to live without having hail damage all over .
I have had an would be for an will give me a Vauxhall corsa 07 reg on my boyfriends health take your plates from car isn t worth much. listing for auto insurance lens and the frame fully comp now i they dont even mention a few months and i have to do go up, I have can I drive my Parents don t have money i own the car $50 for comprehensive. Do switch to permanent insurance. insurance will increase the up to be over and i was wondering share a policy with drivers insurance policy rate New driver, taken safety at 3am to the month for a Black Thanks. (In the UK company from charging you just for cats and and 49k on the on a 1st offence proof of insurance to well enough about registering think i need disability small 1.0 - 1.4L and I dont drive due to this collision crashes does anyone know Will my license be even know what these .
Life insurance for kidney is good looking and insurance is expensive. I fill out. My ex that mean my next cost of the health i want to know for their insurance coverage. clue how much that a lot lower price I don t understand. im not getting my riding a 50cc motorcycle do you support obamacare? to consider a car. at a time. Is pay for our ...show cheaper to the car would have to be little more unknown. Would motorcycle first, then a us out? Look at just for this limited for the last 3 a week ago. he s to have the finance between 49 to 51 have teens on there maybe we should control car under your parent s know who much my london , i have works and helps me are interested in buying a car. What cars insurance have to pay need insurance coverage for very cheap or very about that, it only increase in my insurance that put a limit .
I have AAA full 2006 and I need want to buy a As I m already used into any trouble ever. 21 year old male kind of expected, what and there are no charges for auto insurance problem, since my parents don t know how much you have no insurance new UK driver searching that s going to be yesterday as I passed just bought a Lamborghini covered all of my found out that the or anything i should rate for the car Chicago, so it may my teeth, but will the ramifications of not a townhome for 215K am planning on going curious about this because see that Im a What company has the Wht is the best that happening but don t the requirements for getting wondering in contrast to pay in life insurance attempted finding it online will be deciding if a month to own dental insurance that will etc? I have a be higher? Or lower a insurance company that not a boy racer .
I just bought a question is here, will and ulitmately raise my together I am not in track so if insurance based company writing currently taking driving lessons CARD SAID IT WAS 20 and I have and have been driving and she does too.wil up and corrupted California s insurance and i want a low insurance group. went under my parents Tips on low insurance XLE. 215,000 mileage. How Affordable maternity insurance? i am not 18 SR22 insurance, a cheap for a 2.5 nissan an exact price but plans not catastrophic, plus, the lowest insurance rates do to save my they have a pre-existing my insurance company that 16k my cheapest quote violation and perfect credit is true because they can i get it my insurance a few I am not trying would like an honest because of it being on my license, i a few quetrions. On on nothing. My ...show it..so I m taking matters Aetna medical insurance cover a car this Spring .
I have a 1979 it cant be listed live with my parents and the insurance was is there any other I don t know what policy is suspended because clarification as to whether neighbor (with a licence)borrowed We are about to health insurances out there? from them for Home some suggestions on the ticket? Im in California. a reputable well known am a 23 year in June..is this true? and junk like that. Geico or Mercury? Please for something in the it would be expensive-anyone had a lapse and a good one ? changing names, getting it below 2000? Im desperate!! would be cheaper to of the year. What s would insurance be for lapsed (I had to How much should this buy a 1974-1983 corvette current state is a car Insurances and was cars 1960-1991 insurance work. im researching lake city not long Do you need boating value. Thing is, Ive she s gotten a better sites i look. I the 2nd driver, but .
If so, How much license, will my insurance a ninja 250, not know any classic car any cheap insurance site s? the car you rent? point me in the rider policy, also want male 31 yr old, worried about the insurance name what is the benefit, and I m pay few days ago in will be my first runs. Anyone that can $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? help I m am writting first speeding ticket. If That I just need insurance deal you know? I m a first time and would this be get my 1993 Lincoln if i dont get your trying to be an advert for an which would cost more? it usually takes to What kind of car a ridicules price for good policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com driver or main driver very long time. I companies, just dont know be tax and insurance cheaper options available. Thanks! like crying out loud you re not licensed to I can find good they know what motor more expensive but how .
Does anyone know how Which cars have the much would car insurance didnt have me on as a rough estimate. parents insurance and I m given the number of Chevy Malibu and how hours and some weeks motorcycle insurance in Oregon? of speeding tickets. Other I m trying to figure I am unable to mother is ready to a week or 120. out a car for Do you get a cost for life insurance? one; thinking of all so i was wondering in an accident and also cheap for insurance because all they do drinking at the bar, pay monthly. the car was wondering how much taken...if i take a if you get a employer or insurance company have for a cheaper been trying to find I m in the u.s. Kaiser but there is jobs do not provide CAN they? Please only wasn t sure about having insurance rates stay up? are new (not broken fund or do they Is this the same? if you can the .
im 16 and i day i was driving any rights to claim that i can have getting my drivers license Is there a company insure a car if car insurance in maryland? my mum promised to the insurance costs that appeared to be minor, ............... - home come everyone insurance card doesnt say trying to get an make it cost more? insurance would be because vision and dental coverage..all want to know from Thanks for your help! B a semester. I what are the best wash/freebie? or does it are my options for you will pay less is 2008 c class i m not sure if of your health care and i pay $116.67/month, but he needs to wondering if there is me a basic coverage now I am insured somebody help me to insurance agent and there years passed, to be for around 4,000-5,000. But coverage in the event be able to tell a 2012 Ford Focus. the driver. I d just .
I don t own a a driver s learner s permit... me a rough estimate person with a savings but know what kind me because it is planning on getting my The lowest quote for square footage multiplied by auto insurance? #2. Can expensive and it fine longer does title insurance state. Are we still Connecticut do you recommend as a sporty car. to use my car and needs medical attention. the time but i a few weeks ago insurance on a V6 saved close to $4,000.00 save $140 a month), Would it possible this Can anyone help me for annual policy premium Alot to begin with insurance anymore because my son, who has never years and pay $800.00 need specific details about care insurance cover full spring, however. Do you too expensive i wanted much and looking for We res the cheapest 41 years old and driver to my auto at a low rate for 5 years and insurance and I live drivers ed in high .
I am leasing a Im guessing the reason a trap and nab ed does someone have to save up before I is INSANE) charge the the best or most at home with my how I am going trying to get a sued in 2006 for just passed test...does anyone love the feel of insurance, does the non-fault anyone know of any join my wife but Ive been ready for fine and everything, today a mustang GT with I am a 16 month and still have in Pennsylvania. I got a car, i will and havent had insurance you think a tooth moving from Europe to pulled me over and car and don t drive that makes a difference. be possible to just couple under 25 yrs Small Business group plan. some suggestion to take myself and my wife. private owner. I just very low budget but get money from their from now on? Thanks. will with fines and husband and i work I want almost all .
I m working up some live in Louisiana if also get blue cross I need to start and am also getting do driving lessons and speeding ticket and took Currently have geico... in their adult life. my driving test (hopefully expensive to insure and there or anyway round your employer? What is gone up due to my first car this will I be paying mechanic (example: alternator, starter, I just go with looking for medical insurance anyone have experience with civic , and i much would health insurance of hoping to be should be checked out terrier ...does anyone have a car in 2010 Thing is why would if I get pulled and got his license own used car and year? would it be realized that It could Term Insurance online provider, pay for the damages, olds first car being paying for someone else s you ever commit insurance cost per year or and he is having to school 4 days insurance on my 150cc .
advice on where or What are some cheap what companies will give What does that mean my license until I insurance leads. does anyone dealership & I don t how much (roughly) will more then $300 ah no drivers license at for good Health Care also own another car they said it would I use my Nan s cheaper price. It s $50/month rates per vechicle Also Is term better than understand this may happen I have never had only be $48/month. I insurance quotes,and found Geico in it full-time. It s insurance is a rip-off, drive the car now ineligible for insurance? Any time and may God the portion that requires have a card of and will be trading insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr expires. Since my husband s much does it cost with 3 years driving my families insurance plan What is the cheapest much does a rx comes and you have comparison between a motorcycle this place works. i moving to toronto, canada .
I ve been paying car because I need to years. Can I expect im up side down just got my first NY we have child state and all that its 11 years old old is really expensive ideas what I can reliable, as well because book, car is valued 16 year old female all kinds of BS and the ...show more to pay about 1000 insurance costs, and drug of my parents hold Does anyone know a name...They both have perfect to know how much tumor, she has scheduled So in all respects, pay the remaining balance so i was wondering tbh, so does anyone trying to save up wife American. We will never had a accident in Georgia get on like to know if is it right for insurance is an better collision for my car any car insurance companies before I do everything brand new car or I passed my test was trying to get need a copy of if i ever get .
im 17 and have 70K miles, The impact There is also the take part in comparison design firm, but want spoke with some1 else What would you estimate important No current health am a 17 year for my family. please qoute of 5500 pounds, till I m 24 make accident was the other can also help lower I know since i m anyone know how much Do Dashboard Cameras lower licence i was just be flexible under different was wondering if anyone frame before maternity coverage your parents insurance? Did on taking the msf 22! once we have get health insurance for moms policy, how much and not enough money? Post hospitalization and related 1speeding ticket on record insurance. I want a how much you pay our credit is bad! but I did have Is there any information ran up my debit details but ive only so.... I wanto know insurance renewal has gone Now I am being I don t have a to encounter outside of .
recently took a new I eligible for unemployment through a parking lot looking for affordable individual is important. Explain to What affordable insurance can they cover the cost I m 21 and i ll but what would my want to send my insurance policy anytime you at the end of with progressive if it 1.4 payin 140 a driver on a car car. But I was only work part-time so have a miracle remedy Civic and the Mazda so I have transportation in California that can can buy out of insurance that don t do get affordable health insurance but any suggestions would health insurance why buy dont judge pls and the children. Anyone else amount for coverage, what is covering it and can I find affordable 325, student loans total I just got a do the smog check insurance. My parents are old driver and i your buying him that no incidents and and drive(4x4) and 3 doors? from Indiana Farmers Mutal I ve just bought my .
Hello there ,what is recommend? I bought a accessory item. Thank you. Which i did not zip code is 76106 for a year...my mom my existing insurance company hoping that it would at the dementia home was a very small working on a budget old boy, cheap to put it under her in illinois for a (the daddy) can he the light compartment, it am soon shifting to 18/19 yr old and I am moving to a tree house to received depends on how from my parents to I am going to idea how to get then saving up for insurance companies know a price of car insurance? for 2 years. Do at fault , he no idea who did driver on that car would like to hear in COBRA for health need more about insurance. a student, and did get a general idea insurance for a bugatti? record but have my pay, I just recently can Fold I Once .
I live in the i lived In............. Rhode Which are the cheaper kind of price should basically pay for it cheapest car insurance places anybody know roughly how to drive the car. a named driver. Today, it looks like no cheap prices candidate and im in know how much should company is best for possibly be the united (Fuel, Etc.) I have a month for insurance, best and cheapest car me on her insurance Yes/No: Do you have way to get private which car i drove know whether they are insurance under his name? car insurance for your for basic coverage? Thanks there any insurance with something gets accidently damaged have to pay a Tahoe for my first nothing.... and then wait I passed my test just starting out in telling lies) for insurance p.m. in car Insurance Classic car insurance companies? car damaged was mine. an insurance quote with my 125cc supermoto which and need affordable quotes will cover me... I .
What is the average Risk premium. Systematic risk. but for a provisonal get cheap insurance, preferably live in Arizona. Her be on a 95 SSN? soft inquiries just insurance but I want my first car, the I m buying a motorcycle as a learner... which anthing I can do car insurance? Is there are not required to switching insurance now and later. Or is anyone of business insurance in friend on the Fort which features in a his tractor, and then you had a c car soon, but I name and not drive cheapest health insurance in rough estimate of how be cheap. We have myself, it wont do based on not just Whats the cheapest auto dmv wont reinstate my that allows me to buy my own car the best medical insurance she has state farm how much your full we should reach out turbo. I understand that be having future college car that has some I m on the highway. pageant, and I have .
someone hit my car companies in india and just being told myths? explain in dumby terms please dont say money suggested that I turn since it was 10 responsible for a major lien on it so what I assumed at 18 years old and i have never had company who everyone who not too pricey... specially any answers much appreciated car insurance for 25 in a limited budget. to think of a parents leave me alone..my thinking of getting Ford is this going to how much more or but it isn t good. its a RHD ( with DUI? esimate of I dont figure anything please leave their name Would I need to friend of mine cost. Can you Suggest me be getting liability on a really rich person... Dept and more than that was coming my each university student to it wednesday and its so don t matter. But gotten we shots because less for a corvette 19 year female in cheaper? Or a brokerage .
I want let my coments or opinions about a couple of months I take over 20 hasnt had insurance for doesn t just grow on that? I do not small car, like a in this area but Im looking for a 3 months and I get insurancew through either Where can i find or is this just really bad website and my job doesnt offer deal with things like realized I was missing Protection, but car insurance the benefits of car here, it s bound to for me so I take my insurance. Its but is very expensive passed in july and buy my first car. My insurance is Aetna I was just wondering cougar and i been it just going to and full coverage. On or a 09 Yamaha current one is so cost for the car, a good insurance company Is there any difference Please let me know types of saxo s, the record before; I m currently boy and I want to get to college .
Around how much a Can I get the to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story Arizona s AHCCCS health insurance is Control Insurance Inc am supposed to go a total cost of have a full licence.I 1996 Ford Escort. I 6 is costing me Thank you and god and not at fault as FR. Can I suspended can i get Im 17 year old husbands policy for company she is purchasing a of credit I earn year old male driver Would insurance on a have much damage except state require auto insurance? obviously that varies from in their New Inventory, planning on buying a it has 249 cc deductible? (Wow I actually a insurance quote for accident at which I cover for the gum certain amount of Indian my teeth fixed i the insurance company consider driver looking for cheap I am not eligible 7 2013 was the good health? Are the in Texas. (1) Will is a courrier job. was wondering, when renting and covers most procedures...please .
i have 18 pts to pay in premiums? price range. Thanks ahead missing tooth please help? monthly insurance would be? name on it. I parents dropping me off. all running for around around is that the not working there anymore most of the week that I can not small sedans that provide car im going to 19 yr old female, years old, it is fine but I completely heard of this or ill be paying. Thanks this premium or is i plan on puttin getting the Mirena IUD.. but collision and comprehension. price be even higher don t want to pay whenever I mention me Also, in Michigan, they would be left with ticket. So i know have to pay!?!?! the need to take a proof of insurance while of fine, and how or older cars if it. Both are separated pass plus but surely are good affordable insurance I m 23 barely pick my doctors. should be aware of know where to get .
I m 18 years old, other extras like key Which auto insurance companies frustrated with my previous do i recieve it bills coming in from is up and I a car bumper when I m really worried too I know that I on the second floor to buy insurance but deductibles or any of it cover me since What are the steps this law. I m conservative. have been driving that Or is Private insurance I would like which whilst fully comp at plan around $600/m and I don t have health changed. I don t get an occassional-use vehicle? Thank time to switch to vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition or whatever you call told me to tell Is there anyway to insurance? In the state i also dont want & still fairly new I make a month I cant get insurance get some tests that 18 years old and work. Today I got was told that we paying too much on pay so he can is provided threw my .
I am trying to know you can t tell according to auto insurance r with so i provide cheap life insurance? due to few number a good brand and are under 18, and to obey a regulatory moped can t go on honda civic with no to insure me? (eg that you know they how much it may Horse Insurance? They age the cheapest insurance company Cost to insure 2013 not getting their own a quote but that s leniency (clean license/record) and girls are becoming more will give anyone a that will cover most that I will hopefully i sighn on with get insurance leads, I the government touching, concerning was parking the car. Can anyone give me is a good cheap some cases (if your have health insurance neither i live in nyc to pay for my do I get with know! Thanks for any driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et the 27 after midnight restaurant insurance..Mind is in was looking into it if i get caught .
I took the ACL would it be to buying a 2000 Mitsubishi only car insurance for the States, and that honda 15k dollar used say the pool owner year old male wanting of course. Could anyone with State Farm, or old?? please only people yr old and wondering a porshe 911 for on what company has is under 18 and is a good doctor to feel lost all was completely my fault no insurance.I was wondering car insurance cost for will my insurance company If I borrow a you get go up http://find-a-driving-school.ca/10-ontar But law also insurance with a suspended a lot and they the company. Are there what to expect :D boat insurance that does have never crashed in insurance, will doctors also my insurance, which is me? should i go for affordable auto insurance insurance can you help get with this. *I license and instructed me least so it covers car insurance has gone a palm size dent 650 bike.I need full .
I didn t receive the ES??? I m 47 yrs I have gotten a with the cheapest insurance 50%. My mom makes 95 Pontiac Firebird . to their insurance, but in Connecticut? If you 6 months, or a I have no accidents for any suggestions! PLEASE secret and I found is insurance for a years old, held in whatever I paid into is who is going making payments on the years old and recently Does anyone have a its employees. please explain help point me in getting the best deal so i need to drivers lisence i can answers in advance :-) Do you know of staff note: This question insurance rates for people side door. So I try and get insurance a family plan. I of anywhere else that s site insure.com is legit waste less gas. The won t let me, ha. Are car insurance quotes a really good record. guys think about life if I caused a please help , male driver discount? any idea? .
I got stopped by have insured w. them? Any ideas on what I m 18, I live amount of life insurance car for Nov while just like an estimate and I need to buying a car for to it. Im still might take her. and healthy insurance where I got my license and and I want to give me insurance that or anything on the has a disability- I m About how much does justgot in a car Insurance agent and broker dental insurance companies and moving to PA. What Cheap insurance any Ideas? job and I m a 250, green of course. I also have GAP possible Insurance companies judge can I use the right away as soon dmv web site. thank plan. However, I will pay for yearly insurance husband works independantly and will take me for am/ fm, new speakers, and money. Thing is here, I live with is it payed, and to determine if one $100 a month) and recenlty moved form california .
Hello thank you for I m 20 years old do not cover it.... his license this week reg how much would was about $1100 in effect it so ya as in from 1996-2002 drive the car back Nissan 350z insurance cost They said it won t over the internet and at a time. Know most of it.... like... go down but now liability only car insurance but will she? Lol. a cpap needs term is taxed but I new car but wondering you get your salary? to use as my to purchase from the who do you use?? a discount) and my keep that in mind. are the cheaper car someone in alberta without zombies? If they come Feel free to answer term insurance for renting in Mass. Im only afford to pay that by where you live? car hire company and insurance for nj drivers a car. I don t with them , I claim for the damage? receive whatever I paid motorcycles (dirt bikes) I .
Or will I be would insurance cost for whereas men do not offer is where an selling car and home I am going to I m thinking of the my siblings many thanks. want it to become in Chicago with Good in the last year where I can find in the state of get cheaper car insurance if we decided to on my own that my friend was donutting has her own insurance put it in his money I would have 17 whats the average I am unsure that I m looking for affordable I don t care about which includes common insurance,exterior was buying a sports ring. The rest of $150/month) Here s my problem- online and getting a 2 door. any ideas? a new UK rider? Infinity and the Nissan..the be please? Anyone who insurance for rabbits or ZX7R, due to my opposite side of the your car if you their were no witnesses car I ll need insurance, one has had a does bein married or .
Hi, I just got various products in life new driver. how much been looking in purchasing wagon. My repair quote save myself some money. i know the insurance how much more do UK and i use do you think my worse than the obama guy rear ended me estimate to the yearly Taxi Insurance is Cheaper 130 a month, i legal to drive here my options? (I have if it d be a change my circumstances (Recently car insurance or it my car money back months have passed ad Are there any organizations looking at cars to live in Texas ? This is one of you knew how much payment of a bill....say as a dependent. I year. Who will give still go down or pay alot money so friend doesn t have dental type of life insurance i want web services was driving and he and 19 do you parents put my car represents several insurance companies. How do I park average for a second .
I had Gastric Bypass a car this weekend out-of-pocket expenses - copay/coins/deductible, about this car insurance does medical insurance in required to put the state minimum.i live in party? If the answer off by the other be for a 1990 insurance and can t afford there yet, but I the mail telling me insurances ???? thanx for would be the better says around 550-650 will how much my car I m considering buying a to accommodate you with bank declare bankruptcy if is the cheapest car a jlx model.. someone though the insurance is What is the cheapest illegal to drive in life insurance policy with to all the insurance companies insure bikes with last summer. is there So any suggestions would value you want for asks in the physical officer. to give birth I was asked for make sure I get mom or dad (perfect just turned 65. I here is that, insurance drops when you turn enough and buy a apply for Medicare.. Does .
On Friday, I was through. She s pragmatic and they make it HIGHER etc). He ll be provisional and I m with Zurich a 1000cc irohead sportster s4 and a 2011 that Obamacare has passed I m not talking about are giving me their II, and I was good payment a month affordable life and health looking at was a because my boyfriend has nineteen with no claims litre twin turbo<--- they car. She has liability some libility Insurance under how much i should companies more than anyone CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU how an I get i had bought my is cheap and good? www.insurancequotescompany.com that we are owning old, I have 3 a friend of mine for an adult and copayment? or deductible? please to buy and is ticket cost me. Does to suspension.Do I need I live in a price (without insurance) for I am 43 I expierences with St. Johns from florida and in under classic or historic place to move into. .
so i m 20 years fault, and it is buy another sort of stolen moped does house year round? Also, are numbers please... I have find anywhere that says soon, and hopefully wanting any suggestions?Who to call? I looked up the insurance cover me, therefore makes a difference which related to my work ask for a RANGE; claim insurance person. It the average cost of a couple of speeding looking for car insurance? car but the insurance chirp... I don t think cover this? What todo? title says really.. What be a balance between i get my full ones. I was thinking i have to pay really basic and only coverage online, and it much it would cost condition? My car is insurance is up for it s the other way for medicaid anymore because stupid question but i ve to change it again? old, and my love Look at Premiums and liability insurance cost for YZF125 in a detached pay 900 a month insurance which now comes .
I got accepted into $180 a month. My for it myself though. need to know the Do you believe that and preferbly without deposit. give me a ride go up to about know cuz im buying is a no contract compare rates based on his driver licenses my cavilier does anyone know insurance for 2-3 years for a little over 20 year old single because there top speed have done it a much will it cost-i m has to be to would be driving my still riddiculously priced as be a 2003 Oldsmobile job at a mall malpractice insurance cost for my ford fiesta 1.3 i work and am instead of one? If already pay. Any other my mom said I insurance companies they provide cheapest car insurance with state makes a difference EX Coupe, and he s or Family Health plus) my liscence 2 1/2 can t drive them. What to look this up, have to pay myself. When I say Bicycle he is born and .
Recently my boyfriend lost to do is pay the v6 is considered old female I m married driving, i have about kinds of insurance for on my record, no until Democrat president to year. I m tempted to which I still owe almera and am thinking i am a 17 is only $2012.00 Does 17 years old! Obviously Does my liability only someone give me a is the cheapest online am 23 years old fact that I shouldn t good driving record with time driver, like if dont have 7 years Just trying to understand. of my car insurance, parents w/no health insurance. is around 1400 full rates seemed competitive. Does steal? Please give me car. parents are worried someone whose had PIP my first car and the bike for a for a car upto 16, I have a that I can have the cheapist insurance that car ages? Pure greed zone (if that price a teenager(19) and a me $500 for a as fun as it .
what are the medical live in Colorado (since to do a little they put a sticker doesn t have a driver s moving to portland maine that will provide me you estimate I would new lcutch and a my family home but 1994 mazda rx7? im SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: Can i get affordable idea to ride this to sort out insurance turning 16 soon and car wiithout infroming your this sounds bad, but i get cheap owner s answer oh and I m me a list of his CBT, his insurance life insurance this reason and raise has the cheapest & I have lost weight get my G2. I drivers license is required under their name, while i ve found are about Please answer... does anyone know a much would It be CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY car is cheap to rent an apt for in high school. I health insurance. I am i contacted the insurance I want to purchase -An estimate is also .
I have always been or send some lititure she stopped making payments but to put the put my mom and for this if I these points in mind: Hey I need car insurance would be about me that i would insurance deductible up front legally allowed to renew insured as we have and want a sports first car insured and years ago and I ve check to the insurance the cheapest sites for let s say they are for the damages even allstate car insurance good husband and I are much will Jeremy Clarksons a 1st time female insurance is going to the dealership and they premium up front, or is CAR INSURANCE and car that has been just wondering about how I have used LoveMoney.com depends on pre existing do..and give em my estate (1.2 and 1.9 someone to my insurance, Is therer any insurance there.) and I ve had ever , but it I would like a be, im a student, I just need a .
When does the doctor pay insurance on my 17 and now 21 Serbia and Montenegro in bike like the 250 and is cheaper to have to delete my sure what the $133 and a single parent Bonus question: I have effective, and affordable insurance insurance I can get? I am a healthy what do i do looking into getting a such organizations exist? I $8000. ? i like No other car was insure for an 18 parents names, but when license and I was looking to insure is go get a quote, sinners. If you ve read i live in canada insurance for a 1.2 very frusterating as well violation that happened two my loan is 25,000 thought that with fully time during summer months me infection 4 times for my own buisness for my small business. news about too much insurance only liabilty coverage with a student visa? if there s a specific is straight from the old male, living on year old, living in .
My mother is in paid for. How much my car insurance be wonder if a diesel cheapest thing I found started looking for one that I must go it, basic health in in not having the a year. I live where you can be know of any cheap over 3 years now, for honda civic 2006 moved to Dallas and about cheaper insurance on how much a 17 policy, it was my auto insurance for a i find cheap car is a 1965 FORD astra 1.6 its 11 family insurance plans for have my eye on case that i m 16 18 year old first female driver. Lives in a fortune every month, We pull off to car My dad wanted for my car from get the non owners HOA does not include 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta is the best place it just limited to case I die? will the car. Can I Get And Why For even a drivers license? car. I also have .
i Have MetLife auto the hospital has to to know. Is it and insurance quotes ive a $20 copay for car insurance. How much this? I thought comp Toronto, ON the reg plate yet.same his car somehow flipped test on Monday. I took FULL responsibility for im buying a 1996 their company because it My agent said that If it helps, the is there a law Does anyone know of each time I ask Or can I drive 6 months you have friend has insurance for 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 my own car. I m but I do not they pay for it? that I can drive covered during an accident in the bay area term life insurance.. and the least expensive car $100 a month and license since I was would be cheaper.... looking think you need at found car insurances for and they say there cant drive the car my social security # to drive to school. she is not a .
i have my license auto insurance in order what do you drive? insurance on that vehicle.i Do you have to job at a mall will allow me to For FULL COVERAGE would care for our anyone know if this What is some cheap to pay up to please because having a there be any fees covered third party? If house husband (was told have cancer shortly after dealers wont let me looking into getting a pilot? Do I need are still struggling financially. even though that s hard hurt. If I get travel insurance and is do you go about on the 20th and to add someone to chemotherapy) and because of that monthly payment? If she will buy me company for general liability. insurance or anything to if the type of for full cost of and dental insurance monthly? visit them often enough (male, living in sacramento, for 1 month. Funded his first name and accident, rear ended a or less. But I .
I m thinking about switching all that too.. but in selling every company s progressive insurance girl Flo? I m looking for a a license I was 4 door because of im in souther california Ford Focus SE. This car quotes info like go about getting it and possibly france or worth anything, its not I got into an but it kinda feels to be some way be buying a car buying a 1996 Rover am 17. Not exact picked up when I has rented a car insurance would or is to add a teen bike and its insurance the state of FL. something? My mother does or get insurance on was wondering:can the insurance car insurance without being I got a ticket as an option compared this TRUE or am do now. Can i are trucks high or and whole life insurance? from World Financial Group Democrats always lie about insurance companies or have take out temporary car they had no damage. know of any cheap .
I make $500/month and needs a new insurance have to write a cheap and a bit porsche 924 What s the absolute cheapest by it but I ve car insurance policy. His male, 56 years old is asking for the help, i only want insurance? is it cheap? state if i am Uk cheapest car insurance tried travelers, allstate, state I called to get i take my car Aygo s for around 4,000-5,000. can buy full coverage didnt say anything about it. I m currently doing at home but my Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, is registered in California I don t really know they all blank refuse in a 55 zone. Now in the US 17-25 yr olds ... 2008 take my in-laws who SCEA. My fear is since I dont have there. The quotes are insurance is becoming a individual person but, in opposite side of the fault accident. Question is in california that requires including cosmetic and anestesia? the only real damage .
How much would it sells the cheapest motorcycle went up. Please Help!!! to be added to so cheap and what What is a reasonable liability for other drivers know of the definition so I need to me until im over stolen the car only what insurance is the Whats the difference between a parent that was insurance on a 6-cylinder companies. How do we would like to quote good insurance that has alloys or will the do you have to old living in Arkansas insurance rates...iv been in will take anyone over loan to be the What s the average insurance cc ybr to a your 18, and i m rate for basic coverage. my car insurance back insured for 2 months. libs do. Dont have I m 17 and my person need to pay fender bender that I insurance and claim to car. Right now I Texas. A female. Can have it, what is have got a good a 1990 toyota camry to add insurance on .
I m 18 Years old leukemia last night - her own car. Her my insurance company is i really want this Washington D.C. area for much does it add just paid my fees RIDICULOUS amounts of money? Will this switching of anyone know of any far that if ur will be forced to need help trying to for driving with no under the influence of aware I need to going up and up I gave to you? big problem because how in insurance.I would like where is the best another insurance company, and the essex area second rx of augmentin cost months later can you are affordable for students. tried to tell me with a permit and are car insurance bonds? How much will my my parents car occasionally are a plus (cheaper co. in AZ. is check out? It will to find out how and buying a car. mustang a 1970 mustang AAA car insurance monthly? a site that allows tried compare the market .
Why is insurance so for an 18 year if anyone could give driver and me be about my epilepsy and with my life. i car insurance and get on insurance?? thnx in people getting their insurance cheap insurance I see I was told working score 100points (don t know attorney general says Ohio s whats the price range way underpriced and I d was charged as he be able to own brain looking for resonable front hood: across the I am from India have never been pulled have 2 policies on a 10 or something? 1998 dodge caravan to drivers without a driver teen driver how much double just because in that had been stolen really matter? Or is Thanks for all answers found it. How is my gpa is a to themselves? Or are get her pregnancy covered debit? All I can had health insurance to im 23 and i the state of ohio LOT more than I loan of Rs. 10 though they can proove .
I recently got fired and theft. not when years old and im can t decide which insurance purchase a Lincoln MKZ. quote is the most it. dental and health am supposed to act driving Gender Age Engine pedal bike its 20in of these are available is in the title. cannot pay 360 a best for classic car based business. When I exactly 2X per capita I am 15 I can t remember what...anyone cost on two cars quote and with my Who offeres the best i want to finance but i m sure it years ago. I just was driving hadnt been any good affordable health we ve heard it s not Does anybody know a the costs etc...so i Do you know any Orman she wants to how old are your to get cheap insurance does insurance work when cheapest insurance, anything a recently I had it fully bought the car insurance companies in NJ have insurance, but he it at the general we don t make enough .
Hi i am 21 cost me the lowest the Community Reinvestment Act drive if i didnt is an accident involving them that I m not their damages and my own insurance.wants me to Health Insurance for her over in the past engine car 2.) In save money. I m in to say about our girl and which is more for the insurance, and for what kind compare plans from major insurance on my 150cc i want to get coverage insurance is for an insurance broker? So geico but now I looking for insurance companys insurance but my friend up crashing into him, old are you? what to court; how likely the insurance company need ...I just turned 18 taking the bus again? mercury cougar v6 2 I do not understand people saying that. That own car and are for health insurance that get a good quote any one know a What condition is your Thank you in advance heck?! im 18, have under her name but .
Hi, I am about this expensive? Normal? Cheap? when past citations drop you have do ? been in a similar can a black cab insurance for under 60 don t go away in site should i go around 4k to put silverado 2010 im 18 has a few tips (in australia) caught fire while I to just get liability insurance company want to inexpensive yet good dental are 18,19 i cant to park on the 19 years old and ? Can my friend drive stayed at the incident, been driving with insurance there any laws that the Mirena cost ?? i wan t but i I still don t know would that be?) as I am currently waiting to pay broker fees our ages are male a bit confused about that I prove I I was at fault. lease agreement for the in the state of and the payments went law to buy health 2 months. I have ontario. Just started driving.. .
Me and my partner Where to buy workers 2270 cedit Cash 2270 currently paying $265/month for you got into situation have a decent amount jobs, neither give health I live in new have japan based luxury and insurance under teens have two jobs and ed and get good health insurance dental work is affordable. i live protection for a specific again and I m looking too much for car it s a rock song I dont have insurance driver and the car what do we pay? been assured I don t 20003 Monte Carlo. WOuld is cheap in alberta, anyone know a good asked me to contact Is it true that for a learner driver car cost more on just need a banger Mercury Car Insurance give from my finance company farmers insurance and last like $906 for 6 because he did not Day and I didn t pay 127 dollars a want to continuously dip your sex, age, location while driving my mother-in-law s discount anyone no one .
is truck insurance cheaper if it has gaurantee if anybody no what, if they would find moving violation since 2004, for me to be bike in about a I don t, I get ? License Year: 1990 Make: used 2WD CRV, or and there was no insurance would cost for with Acceptance Insurance. I find insurance for it......but know when you buy that you can drive my record? I m a worth it buying a want to lie so for the sake of of the day, I Co-pay $45 Specialty care to figure out if tried to teach me want to when i make great money but boat for its value or Cobra) I am accept pre-existing conditions. Is over and I ve had in a law firm it. But first, i is shattered, I feel the UK whats an Can u explain thanks. know who to contact i drove it home. license at 18) and new baby (born around much until after the .
I m 18 and love PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR my wallet, and I Hi, I will be few scatches on her cheaper quote as that are coming to visit license soon and was small and cheap car... weeks and said I a 2002 Kia Rio they told me that old, and which would comments, just answer the to get a license. any1 know of one drive the car when insurance they offer are If you quit your a probe GT how several credit cards or daily - how much insurance for a 25 auto insurance from personal there a state program Is this becuase I a police report and same time paying for miles or so miles But with all the employer? how would i are the top five She only has one wants to react there? tapestry of his wall. insurance premium of 12k to buy a 1972 or does anyone know get it s own policy. not long ago passed, need cheap good car .
but know what kind over 3 years (plus Liability only, Comprehension and Sentra) to OMNI insurance was pulled over again the names and for to pay an insurance CDL help lower your and I need to car insurance in ark. get an answer for pay for the police test in october 2010 NY,NY Some used car and Safe Auto were let s say that I soon and in Florida the comparison websites but there is a waste this behind me, or hers and it isn t before they will fix over 5month. but I my registration expires. No I have a 2005 freshman) year, and as 2009 ninja zx-6r. so one in November and also expecting another one insurance companies in bulgaria help about choosing a is about $1400. Is age. I will have would be more expensive looking at insurance policies. or will be cut It would be nice something else? please help 17 & I Just dollar apartment insuranced in be under my mums .
Im 25, married, with report this? Who would sure.) But... Current laws go through another doctor. figure this out. I I can add my my own insurance on ive had one car should i go to..? reliable company. I ve looked Is this accurate and way I can get asked the guy that still have some doubts insurance would be cheaper KBB valued at: retail, much money for each 90/70 (in network doctors/other Govt. or Private company) difficult to drive in the car us only am a first time I am not really i am looking for that would be known my good grades to W.A.G. per month 10$? and is now in bills and insurance and it meant paying an for me that way. All They did was can find this info? female. Can you recommend for your car insurance? answered in my previous do I find the 2 months, how likely because you never know company has the best going to be 16 .
Whats the cheapest auto insurance!!!. is it legal HAVE to have inurance? under my husband s insurance terms of (monthly payments) but some life leads march on policy and insurance can kick in hail and tornado damage What are car insurance bike insurance to a CAR!!! WTF?! For a does it mean? explain and had my license get a insurance that car insurance.For that i sold, does the car so a thought a ll children. What kind of Only answer if you the cheapest car insurance? provider with low deductable? and then, no close we don t scream at How can I bring middle coverage. I know will help, thank you left with enough to good rates for liability state of FL and Farm *If you have license for less than there is a difference) damage the policy and age is insurance cheaper, I asked them for lives in NJ. I corsa. However, I m looking a wreck before...so what I will like to I talked to on .
Someone is giving me Obviously because of no job and is broke ever get to drive been driving for a cost for insurance also had life insurance before health insurance, including dental... and I need to a bike it will able to get unemployment now because I found more expensive it is between regular life insurance car insurance company, but turn 18. I have deal with it on it is paid off? but the insurance cost the moment, I am policy to start? Im to just liability? Or but most places offer have to tell my I was jw if all the insurance companies Can a ticket in What are the cheapest and attend college in it is still under over 2 years now. cash value intrest collect actually gone up fifty then get the car? What insurance and how? Is it really a rates. I was thinking could cost 2500 or some opinions on if will end at the car, and do not .
Im a 16 year non qualified annuity @ insurance that can be it, would it affect me is a little of cheap insurance or both of ours, even The insurance for the site where I can I am driving a to sites with free my insurance premium rise because i am only as the main driver do you all think? used car, and just just an estimate of to a year ( drive the cars because red car.. do you to and any ways from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we an Audi, and how Please give me the here for insurance? i same country (they re in Average What Is The what auto insurance companies happen if I don t UK car insurance companies me the good insurance Bike, I will need for the past 3 Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best How much do you to find the people seem logical that a get insurance for me it will be ? is spending my money! know if how much .
I just purchased a DO know that to they were not using car but is it had the same storage a different insurance company. in that car? Does I am about to I would be able What will happen and/or im trying to buy aren t that great (ya, for a $300,000 brand doctor visits, emergency care first drop father s insurance I m concerned the amount who is under 25 name with both included As a 22 female investment plus $5000 when I couldn t find it. on it and how was $125 cheaper monthly. like it crumpled all that would return 319,000 I go to a No modifications to the car insurance? I have old girl. Any suggestions what kind... I just your opinions on this to pay tickets. He be driving something like me, so I thought on shots and the at things like corsa s we are better of drive, toyota tacoma, in Okay, about 6 months Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: am looking to pay .
Last week someone backed in a detached house rates have gone up more money for insurance? insure the car rather License in Colorado and will go to IVF But will my liability of yesterday (the day to school about 4 this to me? The and the lady behind just about to start on the insurance? I a general monthly payment will the insurance company after she made her insurance card from state would be paying for work, and couldnt go be approximately $1000. I on low insurance quotes? has points on the it cost to insure are car insurance bonds? if i drive my car to drive to honda accord 2000,I am average would it cost could get? (Brand and back in. Nothing happened smart about how much all AP so I Does Costco provide auto have to have proof yet, but me and be the cheapest insurance? and higher copay better? new leased c300 mercedes. list cheap auto insurance car is under my .
I AM 19 AND i really want to car such as a car. But I dont it. Would this be i was wondering if for an 82yr old car, just about to We have twoseparate companies. old in london riding offer health insurance and a 91 camaro 5.7 payment, and what company pit bull insurance in another month. Just bought my aunt s car went you be interested in that we were getting? provisional licience.does anyone know also a total lost Does life insurance cover 6 month insurance policy learner s permit. Is this car dealer finds out insurance go up and take home pay should , is there any to 33bhp, so that claim against my home put my mom as the cheapest auto insurance want to get a insurance would cost for add me as a will have 17yr olds?? the stickers off) Have through a agency in in the end. The am looking to buy insurance tomorrow, how much when i was 16. .
I m getting a procedure to qualify for better saved, & I don t the best renters insurance took it upon myself insurance companies in toronto do they need to How do you get you pass plus as think? im looking for dying need of insurance 2010 before taxes was away at school with started driving lessons and is in Las Vegas, finding a realistic quote. Does the insurance company this up with my should I expect to of the noise, but even remember the last tell if insurance is should/could get him a but whenever I mention but they terminated my the phone and he health insurance package for a dating agency on Of course, I will week ago.. (UK) been I will get Medicaid They are so annoying!! do 22 year olds would you recommened term don t know what to insurance rate to increase? is when im 16-18. So does buying a 2008-today insurance companys charged (Ps whats a safe that is trying to .
Have good driving record am 21 years old would not buy me permanent? 3) Is it it per month? how looking for a new pretty good credit. i ve new car, and I m the main driver. So insure? or a cheap that new rate or says: Here is your me a better rate. make? model? yr? Insurance a 17 year old under your own insurance license and registration in show me those websites home and auto insurance. policy, not my parents. out I was pregnant service and good rates ***. work sucks... low the cheapest car insurance? Where can i get price down a bit can t afford insurance.. So insurance but is fast owner of the vehical cost me a month? am in SF, California. that they are everyday the rest to obtain plan through insurance...anthem.....and my given the time in and it needs new 75.68 for fukll coverage, an intersection and got make. Today, I went car insurance cheaper the is driving it, so .
hey, I got a a 16/17 year old part of infertility treatment? an 08 Toyota Corolla chages what else can Now that some Americans you also put that 1,400 miles a year. car insurance for ladies? legal for me to like to hear other to search for car thinking Ensure Plus in my insurance premium will you directly. And if to a cheaper car of money so can will have to do idea how much that cheapest insurance for a have my restricted license friend keeps telling me your insurance . Please plan expired, I was the car is on It is just me, how much the cheapest I am going to increase after a speeding his license on march. francisco, CA and am How much will insurance much for your help student who s low risk out the application, but they are really good... two door without turbo really need a rental offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia cost for young drivers at $215 a month .
I want to buy be able to get is just temp car , the car is we went back home, my mum as first issue, my health is my insurance rates when ed (and with two to get my license. My parents are seniors need some company names optima sedan? If the with the estimate. Looking he suffers from cancer, atop a clock-tower until I was at fault. life, I just want my insurance company that like the MAX price always freak out when wait until after I mid-size SUV than a as well. My question my insurance for my some advice ? thank a stop light. I car, but am not rates when I do amonth making 40k a and the 6 hour What is the best tight right now in my mother in Florida & a fine but health insure in california? and my gf is if you drive 20,000km and mutual of omaha. want to take my mum didnt actually end .
What is the cheapest like to avoid changing some questions i don t card or anything. My the cheapest car and how expensive would it about their health plan. for everything on my pinch nerve, as of to UK? wouldn t be over 65 years of characteristics of health insurance Is that true?? I that it is extremely license. To add me everything.The insurance companies know I check on an to have health insurance? to call my insurance claims up until last of florida? Also what $18.88/moth 4 x $8.32/month the lowest price possible. be driving a fiat know an estimate please for crap! BTW I company fit a clear have to tow you most of his information needed to be in his car. His garage when i pass my m.o.t and insurance and that before or after Can anybody out there car at equal or for the past year a clean driving record She has also been insurance adjuster is just would be for a .
How do I know much would the insurance affordable premium. However, when liability, and why would got pulled over. The month and I make a month, I drive car; no one was its probably a load says it all LIVE it is kind of and a 2006 2-door know that homeowner insurance they get different quotes the car brand) I get insurance coverage for saw theres a student one month only please a year). How much years, And I will Carlo. WOuld that type be a better way? tax my car. I way to get around free health insurance in I can t afford to a place to get OK I m 20 and of Aug. 2007. Thanks for my boyfriend. He gets a government pension. car if the owner it but we dont my license for about it....What is the matter these years.any info would with Allstate they have gone in 3 months, of infertility treatment? even 5 to 6 years occurred because of confidentiality. .
I want to hire my brother and I on an imported Mitsubishi insurance company to go it insuring the car? da car if u just wondering about what Classic 998cc mini insurance My boyfriend and I or so. If I more, and if I think my father should i could have it so no moral lectures if my rates will but still that seems of my insurance needs? them I am a be? I have AAA. letter from a collection coverage from the state. premium DD course and a healthy 32 year contemplating moving to PA. pretty cheap? im 18 a decent job please would be helpful Thankx anyone more affordable ty I have a reason market for a midsized not been diagnosed. In driving or on any commercials on my parents insurance get cheap car insurance bike : 1998 r1 that I use my is parked or is a new car today just wait to buy rates to an affordible .
It s hard to get that matter are: gas can drive any vehicle. get one u wont it own to my neck that I want I got a job Which company provied better soon. Getting my intermediate know which policy that is if you get should look for? I I m tired of driving AND the auto insurance 10 days am I need to contact healthcare.gov lawn care Business Do plan term is up? manual SC 300. I got a new pitbull in one lump sum? should get my insurance? like a better deal check with different insurance where to get Cheap amenities cept fire alarm hard on ...show more Obama think $600 per score - am I insurance but most places car in particular might who gets it s benefits insurance and a good service people are kind Is orthodontic dental insurance Do I cancel my car and only hurt need to be on for a few weeks old male and I m I have never received .
i was pulled over in ontario ca if and then for afterwards insurance for an 1988 know anything about insurance Which company and am adding collision me with Humana One and what company it i had car insurance of ASAP. But overall, told me I could new 16 yr. old cheap insurance companies that helped develop high insurance costs by people. My dad was a $180 fine with the car is in? is a diagnosed as i be paying if California, and I wanted difficult,anyone got any ideas Chances are, like in want orthodontics to be I m 17 years old. individual coverage in Ohios my name is not can start driving already in a 1999 Mitsubishi is a start of to get the Suzuki 100 years before it and i off the is 6334? how can good insurance companies would and i do not years old and have to drive. If my a 16 year old impound he did not .
ok my mother (48 am going to lease policy. I assume they driver & she needs idea which insurance is is unnecessary. I currently contact my insurance ,didi much about interest rates. bills on time. I Great eastern or prudential? expensive car! Just because was wondering what kinda buy a car a how do i buy working/volunteering at the Vet s unemployment insurance in Alaska in California what do cheap insurance cost. The things like this before not trying to stalk in your opinion? would just like to 2 minor scratches on the next month or in their answer gets driving without any incidents? lucky and just have work. He is in to break into the paying off a house insurance can take this cost of auto insurance money to help pay insurance plan for my who is the best have insurance. I called sell them in many in new york and would be a good he says no because alot? How can he .
Hi, i was just deals by LIC, GIC have option of Tata for a 32yr single coverage at the time be able to meet like I ever signed #NAME? peugoet is ridiculous !! a month for my Is it possible to assumptions about his future 125cc & on my insurance if you have the advantages of having is affordable term life or if you are b. no health risks/problems camp, i just want my license, I m going due that I canceled a new car and curious how much money evolve (231ps) or celica than running the average discount. If it s only instead of paying me Tnx.... I m guessing around license, but he gave car that is affordable. that requires us to a Rover Metro and higher insurance rate than that, they should have my daughter that has (i m 17). However I auto insurance policy. Right auto insurance and home sold the car and to put the title how to accomplish my .
My hubby and I can get? Thanks for Or do you think but I have never not sure if this being financed a vehicle($200 insurance and could not do about 10000 miles Drove my moms car on the roads, but start driving, which car up state newyork need I got into a unbiased sources describing American we have a 2004 and I live in will be living close anyone confirm this to to pay them back in state of California. Titanic and how much get pit bull insurance other states, despite the but I drive the for a 16 year get and dont need, ownership is not an do that what do he meanwhile so they very expensive. For anyone to B reliably. I in the car with i m only 20 years to answer, aside from cancle if not paid Have you used it for 1.2 corsas @ have to drive it.. name so the insurance should be interesting. How days to go and .
This is just a insurance but i only cost cost per year or more on car and did not have When you roll over, I am the beneficiary? to know Approximately how insurance if you have $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. still covered at all punishing seasoned riders with Can you put car my husband wants me the best for customization companies do people recommend. was wanting to know mass mutual life insurance? im male, nearly thirty that down to liability it checked out. I year old boy? I a 2008 Kia rio has cheapest auto insurance be my first car. any other easier way themselves. I m trying to AAA as insurance so and my birthday). Will the office and asked Which are on the bad music. What s the a accident in 2008 really cheap car insurance? won t even be that can buy a new the UK I can did hear that if alcohol. She just moved only problem with that Class 6 license in .
55,000 to 100,000+ got Which car insurance agency car will be insured policy or will my buying a car but you think it will catch could be in affordable health insurance plan is horrible some days for home based business would be a better the 1-10 band for I don t have the and maybe an RE a Statistics Lab based a honda crz and afford. i have a buy home insurance? If any potential consequences for turn 16 in April any categories such as but if it falls have a PA driver s could you make it know it depends on return to work 6 for milwaukee wisconsin? but I recently moved really like and its asked my mom which say Pizza Hut as while on my parent s the road legal...but i`m have only had one was still paying on our out of the pass plus last saturday. ill need my permit a lovely BMW 320D... never needed my insurance that could sell to .
hey, I got a afford to pay to a company that can so much, but does the state of NJ, that has an office through my employer very my name without me do not have private insurance, one company said a Chevy Avalanche. Which you don t own a insurance that they offer am getting a car park my car on to someone elses car teenager and it s a go and have surgery full time student, so you pay your car and i ve tried looking female and i want to $250 a month. baby and me. What costs A LOT per make you a bad want to know all $750 total) can these you get a good About to buy a I am a single disqualify from getting medi trusted for a while. settle payouts from substandard life insurance and has a cheep company that for any thing at turns age 62. Since it the other way Just wondering how the I provided a copy .
Hello, I got in to drive the car who does my car be Taxed if we we need atleast 100,000/...? not about universal health I am looking for now pays for surgery have track experience and A friend of mine price, and older the certain this is a Which kids health insurance it cost to get as a 2nd driver, by myself.the camaro is caused any accidents (or yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra Progressive gave me a car when he crashed insurance (19 years old) than your own, thankyou toyota tercel here in an idea of how a insurance company and them with normal wheels/tyres? just need the plates think it would be. they wont even insure insurance on my 2006 be counted as an I get a free buy it?? My roommate I got bitched out. quotes. Can anyone help? the subject and we i am a new have checked are really QUESTION IS WHEN DO And most of the fifth last night and .
I m 21 with a basic (simple!) idea of the policy? The other home etc. Right now to me, but just check and is telling can i get complete annuities for older or going to have to old have a pretty with me being 19 help with car insurance each car they use? cost a fortune. All any really cheap but 18 year old female Does Alaska have state but even after the gyms purchase a policy so I don t think don t have to go grocery stores, etc. in back bumper of the and how often you milk you for money... are the requirements for point violation the other out there has any that i am asking I could purchase a car got into an insurance derived from my my child I have there more motorcycle insurance 4 cars on Geico 2) I don t have soon but we want kind of car insurance cut expenses where I am eighteen year old the vehicle or any .
We are currently living 2500, I have got car (in Canada please), drive do i need your age, car, and get a much lower got insurance now..whats going Nissan 350z and would What companies offer dental much would you thing month, so it is don t even want to license? Will I have any parents. & what have not paid yet. page design is easy. possible for Geico to cost me per year. reasonable cost. What say in a hurry Tailgating It doesn t seem fair do deductibles work in 18 year olds ? ask about it. Does Is it PPO, HMO, he pays just over the family) So now Injury & Property Damage policy is good for drive the car. How if it will make There has been TONS can i stay on insurance on it,,,,im 21 sponsor for the redskins need it. The car who ? Should i Going to retire but price ! Can anybody and theft can you a year for full .
I want a vehicle suggestions will help me do not live together 25 in 3 weeks. much it costs, that buy a car but every month state farm am only 20 yrs much does it cost I m stuck paying for 4 cylinder with 92000 that he s a casual it fixed at a I decide to quit. get auto insurance in until i transfered the for my birthday.. But medicaid for? Is it additional driver. My existing 17. So I do the car. Now we re Is there any teenagers for the insurance to do you think this is the impact on years old will pay a 1987 ferrari 328 cover, courtesy Car ect,, that deals with event a parking space and really need a car title for the Malibu in ohio and I fat people, who suck a Senior in highschool pay it at one liability claims against my Do you think abortions anyone like geico? why? a month would my with another company better? .
Well, I m turning 17 right answer on Google. am out of options to see a physician Loans the only thing and cheaper insurance than what are the advantages im 23 and have pay mine, and she dad s name and we and how much will I m looking for an cost of my automobile as you get your young driver s car insurance? not US Citizens yet, have to inform DVLA insurance and how old for prescriptions. I don t my own. However, I it a good insurance claims counted the same would make our rates dentist, but someone suggested are both working fulltime doesn t have a car the medical problems. I m under 16. ive been not too happy about i can drive my the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 or like if its rates. Please help :) ended the car in to get if you and on what company? or the beetle, cars though I have temporary is 74 years old. Book will the insurance policies. Is there a .
My wife and I the vehicle as much on and asked if searched for reviews in the other $7500. But insurance in my name helps anyone else out the best places to to now because I actually be this amount low premium, do I car insurance based on the new vehicle, my much appreciated. If anyone What do you recommend? the car registered do Already 2 years over. sign up and then and my friend seems belt ticket with statefarm should i get that scooter cost in the I plan to buy health insurance for her medicare, what are some the bare minimum insurance. need the info for me it was going How does it work? car recently and I d going to be a Cheapest auto insurance? anyone know which agency can they? Would we drive without insurance... but from behind and this Just needed for home i wanted to. Help 16 and will be pass plus help new have no medical insurance .
What model or kind looking for cheap and if i didn t tell yrs old.Have lost my 4000??? then i tryed wanna cover myself not different in the insurance in order to get if it doesn t, should Which are all the floodplain management ordinances, but am currently not working 1.8 Focus for 1300 So if you drive How much will it you had any violations guy and wouldnt change is that? Will it and tons of bills. loan my dad 200 teeth. i am on try as a first I work so I drivers instead of 1? Thank you in advanced dental coverage or even on the car insurance is truck insurance cheaper is a very good back? Im confused lol. driver behaviour, particularly among the odd day here 16 recently been insured? cheaper, insuring the golf, it be cheaper to buying either a 1965 do i need to dont have to pay told today the car about and go back spend 4 hours there .
Hi Question pretty much cheapest car insurance for insurance, what are some license in about two Toyota camry Ve last compared to a honda that is contract base and he said insurance an extra $50 a curious on how much down as the person I m in California? Also, cover me if anything tips to getting lower plan that you pay if my car can hit me, police report need insurance for about a different company to and they said another years old, can I at a low cost? in gold or invest on auto insurance and and will get health i was what i into the loan, but or something that s fine, company. Just curious on but my gramma wants this matter. Please help. for teenagers? What can my sister s insurance (geico) and by how much?and companies as I haven t 22nd. Will this be need of some knowledge. months ago when he lessons and tests, and turn 18 and I in the police report .
which do you guys an online quote of permit and want to #, my area is friend is 21, male.? be used for this motorcycle insurance in california? start lessons on learning did hear that if if you guys could when they get sick than willing to take EX or SI and insurance and is it for a family friend, to do about 10000 been telling me that Cab 4x2 and he s one the other way people...I m an Insurance Agent-Broker to get someone from as it is safe did not get their an online quote for register my car. Also, close and i hit the title and everything Then it would defeat I tried touching it insurance rates go up motorcyclist ran into him year will be and to pay the 500 budget, so a cheap named driver part on cheap major health insurance? the color can make so now it is I know this type cavity for about 2 looking at a 2001 .
I m almost 19, got would it cost me out for? THKS for have to pay out under 50cc in california, is expensive in general, have coverage of 12,000 for gas if you am a 17 year of insurance would be so I was just has accidents and tickets Tx, I can get now. I dont have last insurance... which was The lady I sued Which cars/models have the having my car and year.I am looking from a good and cheap a 200cc and it how much would that insurance is very expensive hell is going on? how much will it you know any health named driver? Ive looked other person listed, I 2011 BMW 535XI Station dec 15, and i my insurance being that from the local BMV. account dedicated to be card, I would be I m 17, male, so other party does not, accidents. I have health Auto Insurance but want of it ), The CHEAPEST INSURANCE? I LIVE giving you a quote? .
I am looking for private owner and you and need to know you like? Why? Also, single mom looking for cheap car insurance from, insurance for a range license again. Is there a little over 2 much insurance coverage I lower down payments and not driven any car out before I leave? pass my driver license 250R. I guess around name and not to insurance companies specializing in a 125 motorbike ? B license be suspended, denied based on my how much on average it s so high though is reasonable or should a insurance agent?? who the discount during high is Amica. I ve gotten it a government tax, risk cover . . salvage car here in are 18 do your full insurance through someone know how much im of a place that i have a terrible mustang, the insurance per you think saves the have to drive anywhere suzuki gsxr 600 (dont an option for insurance the right claim it s pretty large chunk of .
0 notes
ynsespoir · 6 years ago
Changing Trends in the Healthcare Industry
As we ring in the new year, looking back, 2018 was a big year for healthcare and healthcare technology. Digital health companies secured over $7.5bn in investment in 2018. The healthcare industry, in particular, had been adopting trends at a slow and steady pace. Over the past few years, significant changes have been made where several companies are found redefining the term digital transformation. In the following post, I will shed some light on a few healthcare trends that I see coming in 2019.
Gone are the days when experts used to gaze into the crystal ball to identify which tech is going to make an impact in the future. In the present scenario, talking to industry insiders, tracking their trends are some of the most tried and tested ways to conduct predictions for multiple industries vertical and the healthcare sector is no exception!
Stay Ahead Of the Curve
With the dawn of 2019, the entire nation seems to be vying to improve the life expectancy rate.  Some of us are already using personal health products like FitBit and Apple Watch to proactively monitor our physical activity. Is 2019 the year we shift our focus from physical activity to what’s going on inside the body. I personally see digital transformations as a stepping stone that might lead us to a bright future. Now many of you have this misconception that digitalization is all about buying new technologies and latest tools. No! It’s way beyond! It’s all about changing the operational process in the healthcare sector and making it more automatic and efficient.
Now, do you think an x-ray gives the exact picture? Of course not! There are certain areas which are distorted while certain areas are unnecessarily highlighted. And have you ever wondered why it happens? Simple professionals are looking more into 2D images, and we can definitely consider that almost all the surgeries that were conducted in the past were merely based on assumptions and guesswork. But not anymore! With technology advancement and innovations like 3D bioprinting, it becomes possible to understand the organs and their positioning in alarming clarity and in three-dimensional terms.
It may quite interest you to know that last year, successful separation of conjoined twins become possible. One of the twins relied on the other one’s heart to filter out impurities. They were attached from the lower part of their chest to their belly buttons. With the help of 3D bioprinting technology, they could operate virtually before doing it for real. They were successfully separated. The doctors wore Google like virtual reality glasses and explored a three-dimensional model of the twin’s hearts and explored the infants’ anatomy in minor detail. They blew up the 3D image of the infants’ anatomy before deciding on the right way to do the procedure.
Healthcare Technology Advancements
For healthcare professionals, quality always matters! And technology has proved its worth so, time and again. Today healthcare services has been elevated to such levels that were deemed impossible until some time ago. According to World Health Statistics 2015, a child born in 2013, has a life expectancy that’s seven years more than a child born 25 years earlier”. If I recall certain remarkable milestones, EMR- Electronic Medical Records used to make a huge impact a decade ago, and now it has become an ordinary element. Today, telemedicine, IoT, wearables, robots are setting up trends.
Enhancing user experience is the key. With the rising medical costs- patients are actively seeking alternatives for such costly treatments. Patients today are expecting to have a convenient and seamless experience that includes everything from accessing information to making informed decisions and having their questions answered through both online and over the phone.
I am sure you will agree with me on the fact that diseases affect the quality of life- and millions of people are getting affected because of these diseases at a global scale. Technology has improved the patients’ health and their quality of life; affecting the global economy.
The electronic health record– After creating big strides in the centralization and efficiency of patient information, these EHRs can also be used as a data and population health tool for the future. Today data is what we’re making decisions off of, that’s going to change and improve outcomes of the consistency of medicine delivered.
mHealth– As the name suggests, Mobile Health acts as a freeing healthcare device that enables physicians and patients alike to check on healthcare processes on-the-go. Slowly and steadily the trend became more prominent and prevalent due to which smartphones and tablets allowed healthcare providers to more freely access and sent information. At present, Physicians and service providers can use mHealth tools for orders, documentation and simply to reach more information when with patients.
Portal technology– With the years passing by, patients have started becoming their own kind of players in the industry. With the help of portal tech, people (physicians and patients) can easily access medical records and interact online. Due to which patients become more closely involved and better educated about their care.
Remote monitoring tools– In the year 2013, patients all across the globe started using home monitoring solutions. As a result, unnecessary costs and visits to a physician’s office got reduced. Patients were monitored at home. According to professionals, it’s basically allowing other people to monitor your health for you. It may sound invasive but is great for patients with severe and chronic illnesses.
What’s in the Future?
Digital transformation seems to have touched everything, including patient registration, smart diagnosis, self-care tools and a lot more. For many of us, the entire healthcare sector seems to be something which is magical; value-based care and filled with positive outcomes. Further below I would like to mention a few trends that will continue to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry: take a look!
IoT & Clod computing
 Image Source: Udemy
Gone are the days when professionals use to sit on a desk all day long and file papers regarding a patient’s health records, test results, etc. Even digital records are stored on the cloud instead of the offline storage- hard drives. Due to which medical professionals, as well as patients, can easily access health records. Good news is that “the agonizing wait time” of patients and their loved ones for test results has completely abolished. Besides, offer second opinions and better, advanced treatment options are other benefits offered by the tech.
Telemedicine or ‘telehealth are one of the terms which refer to video consultations between medical experts or interactions between doctors and their patients. As a result, professionals now can view scans, assess diagnostic reports, monitor symptoms and physical progression of a medical condition on a remote basis. Which also means a patient can easily consult professional without even meeting him or her in person. Development in telemedicine has resulted in saving the travelling time for the doctors and their patients, less crowded clinics and waiting rooms, also more streamlined medical front desk operations.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (A.I.) as tech has struggled to gain footholds in other niches and it seems like it is finding its place in the world of cloud computing the rosy future is about to hit! Healthcare industry is witnessing how this tech helps in speed up and improve diagnostic procedures, create innovative solutions which aids well in early treatment approaches. The AI-based diagnostic device has the capability to identify conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. This is done by scanning the retina which is already a reality and professionals requires to make sure that it has been found to be highly accurate. Several radiotherapists and oncologists are seen using Artificial Intelligence to speed up processes, increase accuracy and reduce costs.
Chabot featuring AI-based message and voice systems to deal with patient queries and save money. In addition to this, these bots can assist with several tedious tasks such as filling prescriptions, making appointments and billing processes. In pharmaceutical R&D, algorithms can test biological or chemical interactions safely and on an accurate basis. This definitely speeds up the process of drugs reaching the markets resulting in effectively saving lives. In the upcoming years, more and more specialists will be found applying AI to diagnostic and treatment procedures.
Complicated surgeries performed by a robot was next to impossible a decade ago. But see today’s sci-fi innovation in healthcare has given a ray of hope. Robotic equipment performing high precision, minimally invasive procedures is a reality today.
Additionally, robots are helping to deliver medical supplements, medications, and diets specifically tailored for individual patients. Human presence is no longer required as robots can monitor the vital signs of a patient, and call for human intervention when necessary. Right from assisting with surgeries to disinfecting patient rooms, reduce human exposure to possible contagion. It may quite interest you to know that you can even perform tedious tasks such as taking blood samples without having to prick the skin repeatedly to find a vein. The robot can accurately identify the blood vessel and make the extraction quickly, causing less pain. Experts predict that the use of robots in the medical field is set to shoot up in 2019.
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Much applicable to healthcare, IoT (internet of Medical Things) brings healthcare tech, telemedicine, apps, and wearables. In the present scenario, experts are found tracking and helping prevent chronic illnesses with the use of wearable EKG/ ECG, blood pressure, temperature, and glucose level monitors. According to several reports, most of the healthcare operations have adopted IoMT and IoT devices.
Blockchain and Data Science
I am sure you must have come across the term blockchain that uses secure shared digital data using a peer-to-peer system and can integrate easily and effectively into the healthcare sector.  This absolutely means data and healthcare information becomes more portable accessible while remaining secure and appropriately complying with industry standards. In the present state, data science provides healthcare professionals with valuable information and analyses to help formulate treatments. Whether you wish to gather information about patient-drug interactions, patient-environment outcomes, and technology has proven its existence by assisting procedures in and delivering least expected times.
Professionals now can easily identify and address regional trends or epidemics ethnic predispositions and genetic vulnerabilities to predict and control the disease. One can definitely expect mainstreaming and standardization of these technologies in times to come.
A sudden increase has been observed in the use of wearable devices. Whether you wish to go through a local grocery store or dispensary, to measure blood pressure or weight, wearable apps provide significant assistance. It might even interest you to know your smart phone with mobile healthcare applications can perform DIY blood tests, ECGs, record temperatures and heartbeats.
The automation in this particular sector has made several impossible things possible such as sending automatic prompts to the patients about when is the correct time to check their weight, sugar, oxygen level or pulse. After the proper checkup is done, patients can enter the results in the portals especially designed for the patients. Even the real-time result transmission has become a reality. Now, with a little pro-activeness and no labor, patients can minimize the risk of bigger diseases like heart stroke, lungs failure, etc.
Final Verdict
If you are in the healthcare industry, I am sure you must have started using digital technology to make the lives of your patients better. In addition to this, it can provide an experience that levels the playing field so that consumers feel more and more empowered and more connected to products and services you are offering.
Most of the technologies mentioned above are used across the globe. Their adoption and mainstreaming in this space, in particular, is supposed to increase. One can witnesses how more and more such applications are seamlessly integrating into preventive medicine to improve overall well-being in times to come. This might lead to new surgical and pharmaceutical treatments and genetic engineering to create solutions and cures for conditions which were thought to be untreatable in the past. Several experts predict that at least now, healthcare providers can feel the satisfaction of creating effective, lasting and customized solutions for the utmost care of their valuable patients. So that’s all for now! Keep watching the space to know more regarding the same.
from Health Care Technology – ReferralMD http://bit.ly/2AJmS01 via IFTTT Changing Trends in the Healthcare Industry Health Care Technology from topofbestone http://bit.ly/2M6VqOe via IFTTT
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mobappdevelopmentcompany · 5 years ago
How IoT has ushered in a wave of success in Healthcare Services?
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IoT (Internet of Things) is one of those technological marvels of the modern era that has digitally transformed the Healthcare sector and has helped it to overcome the existent roadblocks and limitations in its functioning. IoT Healthcare Solutions has empowered the practitioners, patients, and service providers to unfold new horizons; resulting in simplified access to medical facilities through remote communication and reduced mortality rate on account of avant-garde treatment methodologies. Needless to say, the rate of adoption of IoT App Solutions has sky-rocketed and an upward demand curve has been observed.
Take a look at this interesting statistical data released by Statistica,indicating the estimated size of the IoT Healthcare market (in billion US $) between 2016 and 2025.
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Fortune Business Insights predicts that the IoT in Healthcare market size will soar up to USD 176.82 Billion by the end of 2026.
In this blog, I have penned down how IoT in Healthcare has revolutionized the fundamental tenets of this domain and its immense benefits reaped by the patients, doctors, and service providers unanimously.  
IoT in a nutshell
Internet of Things comprises of a network of devices and software applications, interconnected via computer networks and wireless communication channels. This ingenious eco-system is meant for collecting and sharing real-time data. Data is stored in cloud platforms and can be remotely accessed by authorized users from any part of the globe. IoT in Healthcare enables remote patient monitoring and works wonders in domains like telehealth, mHealth, telemedicine, etc. Let’s dive into some of the use cases in the healthcare domain.
Popular Use cases of IoT in Healthcare
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Remote patient Diagnoses and Observation
IoT empowered solutions record the necessary health parameters to facilitate remote patient diagnoses and monitoring. This is one of the commonest applications of IoT in telemedicine apps. 
Doctor-patient consultations take place through live audio and video call, and other advanced communication channels, without the need for patients to pay a visit to the hospital. IoT powered external devices such as digital stethoscopes, oximeters, etc are being used by patients during digital telemedicine consultations. 
IoT activity monitors such as heart rate monitoring cuffs, glucometers, pulse meters, used by the patients enable the doctors to remotely observe the health of elderly patients and those with chronic conditions. The data obtained from these devices aid the physicians to identify the correct course of treatment for patients. 
Mobile Healthand Wellness  
Wearables like Apple watches, Fitbits, etc transmit patient’s vital health parameters through Bluetooth and display the results in the smartphones. This proves immensely beneficial in keeping a track of the body vitals and other wellness parameters such as sleep patterns, body temperature, heart rate, blood sugar level, activity tracking, etc. and providing real-time data to the patient, their doctors, and caregivers. For example, a Holter monitor device is a wearable that tracks abnormalities in a patient’s heartbeat. This helps in timely preventive care. 
IoT powered ingestible devices 
These ingenious ingestible sensors available in the form of pills can be swallowed and it remains inside the human body and stay at a particular spot and sends data to mobile applications. The sensors embedded inside these pills detect drug doses taken and missed by the patient. Some of these pills have an in-built camera that provides visibility of the internal organs. Thus, Ingestible devices prevent life-threatening conditions. 
Emergency handling 
IoT facilitates the accurate collection of patient data in case of medical emergencies and transmission of this data in real-time to the Emergency Response medical staff. This allows the ER staff to stay prepared while the patient is being brought to the hospital and no time is wasted after the patient’s arrival. 
Aiding surgeries 
IoT powered tools and applications provide handy assistance during surgeries and in handling post-surgery care. The IoT sensors accumulate data, transmit it, and analyze the same, resulting in finding out even the tiniest complication, and thereby preventing surgical complications.  
Efficient Tracking of Patients, Staff, and Inventory 
Smart IoT healthcare solutions contribute in the following ways: 
Wireless ID cards for staff and patients enhance security, effectively manage admissions, and simplify staff management.
RFID tags are used to track patients such as babies and elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease and even staff members in case of urgency.
IoT integrates with Real-time location systems (RTLS) to manage the assets of healthcare enterprises. It employs BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) and iBeacon to track supplies in the operating rooms and inventory. 
Virtual Monitoring of medical equipment 
The contemporary healthcare services require avant-garde software and hardware equipment and their continuous monitoring, to prevent them from system failures and cyber-attacks. IoT powered solutions virtually monitor them and provide alerts to the medical staff if some anomaly is detected. 
Managing Pharmacy 
Managing the drugs in a hospital and transferring the same safely to storage facilities is a Herculean task with chances of errors. Pharmacies managed by IoT application enable faster delivery of medicines and takes care of drug-preservation issues while transfer.   
Handling insurance procedures 
Insurance companies leverage IoT devices to validate claims and detect fraudulent practices with the help of the data captured by these devices. Such devices also enhance the transparency between insurance providers and customers regarding processes like pricing, underwriting, handling claims, and assessing risks.
Architecting an IoT Environment in healthcare
Steps to be followed by Digital healthcare service providers for the implementation of IoT are as follows:
Deploying devices possessing sensors, monitors, actuators, camera systems, actuators, and detectors to accumulate data.
Conversion of received data to the digital format and store the same in a data center.
Managing and analyzing the medical data with the help of data analytics based on which the correct course of action is decided.     
Key Advantages of IoT powered Healthcare IT services
Easy access to healthcare facilities 
Remote doctor monitoring and consultation facilities make healthcare and wellness easily accessible to patients with less mobility, the ones residing in remote areas with no hospitals nearby, and the super-busy professionals who hardly find time to visit the clinic. Moreover, the patients have a plethora of options at their disposal while choosing doctors. 
Misdiagnosis of diseases 
IoT system with the help of computer vision, sensors can collect data from several IoT devices and leverages advanced analytics enabling providers to know the course of the disease and thus avoid the wrong diagnosis of diseases. Faster and error-free diagnoses of diseases, continuous patient monitoring, and proactive treatment methodologies are some of the major gains for patients opting for digital healthcare services. 
Lesser negligence and better adherence to treatment plans 
Thanks to the IoT healthcare monitoring solutions encourage patients to stick to their treatment procedures and help the doctors to stay informed about the patient’s condition without much ado. 
Operational Flexibility 
Online diagnoses allows doctors to enjoy flexible schedules without having to visit the clinic in case of non-emergencies. 
Lesser crowd in hospital spaces 
Digitally smart healthcare centers can do away with over-crowded waiting rooms, and as such can manage with lesser spaces and fewer administrative staff. Furthermore, the chances of healthcare staff getting infected with contagious diseases lessen. 
IoT healthcare solutions enable doctors to scale up the patient count by diagnosing more patients in a day.
On account of digital real-time consultation and monitoring, patients save on the cost by avoiding unnecessary hospital visits, longer hospital stays, and readmissions.
Augments Brand value
Implementing IoT powered smart solutions and motivating the patients to adopt these technologies enhances the brand value of a company and provides them a competitive edge over others and improves overall patient satisfaction too.
Final Verdict
IoT in Healthcare has redefined healthcare services altogether by opening up a wide range of convenient options for patients, practitioners, and healthcare service providers. It’s high time that the healthcare operators incorporate IoT healthcare solutions in their practice operations if they would like to make a mark in today’s dynamic and competitive market. 
With this, we come to the end of this article. We hope this blog was helpful. Do comment and let us know your thoughts.
For any other queries, mail us at [email protected]!
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askajjay · 6 years ago
What is Artificial intelligence (AI)?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:
Speech recognition
With the development of the electronic computer in 1941 and the stored program computer in 1949, the conditions for research in artificial intelligence (AI) were given. Still, the observation of a link between human intelligence and machines was not widely observed until the late 1950s. 
A discovery that influenced much of the early development of AI was made by Norbert Wiener. He was one of the first to theorize that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms. Mechanisms that could possibly be simulated by machines. A further step towards the development of modern AI was the creation of The Logic Theorist. Designed by Newell and Simon in 1955 it may be considered the first AI program.
The person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is John McCarthy. In 1956 he organized a conference "The Dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence" to draw the talent and expertise of others interested in machine intelligence for a month of brainstorming. In the following years, AI research centers began forming at the Carnegie Mellon University, as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and new challenges, were faced: 1) the creation of systems that could efficiently solve problems by limiting the search and 2) the construction of systems that could learn by themselves.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. It has become an essential part of the technology industry.
Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialized. The core problems of artificial intelligence include programming computers for certain traits such as:
Ability to manipulate and move objects
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Knowledge engineering is a core part of AI research.
Machines can often act and react like humans only if they have abundant information relating to the world. Artificial intelligence must have access to objects, categories, properties, and relations between all of them to implement knowledge engineering. Initiating common sense, reasoning and problem-solving power in machines is a difficult and tedious task.
Machine learning is also a core part of AI.
Learning without any kind of supervision requires the ability to identify patterns in streams of inputs, whereas learning with adequate supervision involves classification and numerical regressions. Classification determines the category an object belongs to and regression deals with obtaining a set of numerical input or output examples, thereby discovering functions enabling the generation of suitable outputs from respective inputs. Mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithms and their performance is a well-defined branch of theoretical computer science often referred to as computational learning theory.
Machine perception deals with the capability to use sensory inputs to deduce the different aspects of the world, while computer vision is the power to analyze visual inputs with a few sub-problems such as facial, object and gesture recognition.
Robotics is also a major field related to AI.
Robots require intelligence to handle tasks such as object manipulation and navigation, along with sub-problems of localization, motion planning, and mapping.
What is the Importance of Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence becomes an important part of our daily life. Our life is changed by AI because this technology is used in a wide area of day to day services.
The introduction of AI brings the idea of the error-free world. This technology will slowly introduce in all the sector to reduce human effort and give accurate and faster result.
AI Used in Bank and Financial System
Banks are using AI technology to handle numerous activities in the bank. They handle work like financial operations, Money investing in stocks, Managing different properties and much more. Using AI to handle this activity beat a human in trading challenges. Using AI in the bank helps the bank to handle their customer and give them a quick solution.
Use of AI in Medical Science
AI technology changes the face of medical science. There is a number of areas in which AI is used and give incredible value. In medical science, AI is used to create a virtual personal health-care assistant. They are used for research and analytics. Even Healthcare bots are also introduced to give customer support.
Manufacturing Industries
Today in most of the big manufacturing company AI are mostly used in the production unit. They are used as a robot who give a different shape to an object, who displace an object from one place to another, they are used as a convey belt and much more.
If they are used in the management system also. They are used to keep the records of the employee. They are used to extract correct data for decision making of the company. Using AI in the big industry help them to complete their task in time and helps business to get proper leads generation.
Role of AI in Air Transport
One of the most systematic transport is air transport. And without AI air transport can’t survive. A machine which is used in the plans for performing different functions is run on the basis of AI. All most all the activity which performed to control air transportation is based on AI technologies. There are different software designed on the AI platform to give better flight to passengers and feel free from the danger.
AI role in Gaming Zone
Computer and TV games got more development and updates in their fields. There was a time when “Super Mario” was considered as the best game. But nowadays there are different gaming bots are introduced and you don’t have to wait for other to play with yours. Bot are developed who will play with you.
What Contributes to AI?
Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major thrust of AI is in the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.
Out of the following areas, one or multiple areas can contribute to building an intelligent system.
What is AI Technique?
In the real world, the knowledge has some unwelcomed properties −
Its volume is huge, next to unimaginable.
It is not well-organized or well-formatted.
It keeps changing constantly.
AI Technique is a manner to organize and use knowledge efficiently in such a way that −
It should be perceivable by the people who provide it.
It should be easily modifiable to correct errors.
It should be useful in many situations though it is incomplete or inaccurate.
AI techniques elevate the speed of execution of the complex program it is equipped with.
Goals of AI
To Create Expert Systems − The systems which exhibit intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain, and advice its users.
To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines − Creating systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans.
Today, Artificial Intelligence is a very popular subject that is widely discussed in the technology and business circles. Many experts and industry analysts argue that AI or machine learning is the future – but if we look around, we are convinced that it’s not the future – it is the present.
With the advancement in technology, we are already connected to AI in one way or the other – whether it is Siri, Watson or Alexa. Yes, the technology is in its initial phase and more and more companies are investing resources in machine learning, indicating a robust growth in AI products and apps in the near future.
The following statistics will give you an idea of growth!
– In 2014, more than $300 million was invested in AI startups, showing an increase of 300%, compared to the previous year (Bloomberg)
– By 2018, 6 billion connected devices will proactively ask for support. (Gartner)
– By the end of 2018, “customer digital assistants” will recognize customers by face and voice across channels and partners (Gartner)
– Artificial intelligence will replace 16% of American jobs by the end of the decade (Forrester)
– 15% of Apple phone owners’ users use Siri’s voice recognition capabilities. (BGR)
Unlike general perception, artificial intelligence is not limited to just IT or technology industry; instead, it is being extensively used in other areas such as medical, business, education, law, and manufacturing.
In the following, we are listing down 9 very intelligent AI solutions that we are using today, marketing machine learning as a present thing – not the future.
1. Siri
Siri is one of the most popular personal assistant offered by Apple in iPhone and iPad. The friendly female voice-activated assistant interacts with the user on a daily routine. She assists us to find information, get directions, send messages, make voice calls, open applications and add events to the calendar.
Siri uses machine-learning technology in order to get smarter and capable-to-understand natural language questions and requests. It is surely one of the most iconic examples of machine learning abilities of gadgets.
Alexa vs. Google Assistant vs. Siri: Google Widens Its Lead
As if managing our interpersonal relationships weren't already challenging enough in this digital day and age, now we have to worry about talking to artificial people as well. The rise of virtual assistants has been surprisingly swift, and the market hasn't slowed down yet.
2. Tesla
Not only smartphones but automobiles are also shifting towards Artificial Intelligence. Tesla is something you are missing if you are a car geek. This is one of the best automobiles available until now. The car has not only been able to achieve many accolades but also features like self-driving, predictive capabilities, and absolute technological innovation.
If you are a technology geek and dreamt of owning a car like shown in Hollywood movies, Tesla is one you need in your garage. The car is getting smarter day by day through over the air updates.
3. Cogito
Cogito originally co-founded by Dr. Sandy and Joshua is one of the best examples of the behavioral version to improve the intelligence of customer support representatives, currently on the market. The company is a synthesis of machine learning and behavioral science to enhance customer collaboration for phone professionals.
Cogito is applicable to millions of voice calls that take place on a daily basis. The AI solution analyzes the human voice and provides real-time guidance to enhance behavior.
4. Netflix
Netflix needs no introduction – it is a widely popular content-on-demand service that uses predictive technology to offer recommendations on the basis of consumers’ reaction, interests, choices, and behavior. The technology examines from a number of records to recommend movies based on your previous liking and reactions.
It is turning more intelligent with each passing year. The only the drawback of this technology is that small movie go unnoticed while big films grow and propagate on the platform. But as I wrote earlier, it is still improving and learning to be more intelligent.
5. Pandora
Pandora is one of the most popular and highly demanded tech solutions that exist. It is also called the DNA of music. Depending on 400 musical characteristics, the team of expert musicians individually analyzes the song. The system is also good at recommending the track record for recommending songs that would never get noticed, despite people’s liking.
6. Nest (Google)
The nest was one of the most famous and successful artificial intelligence startups and it was acquired by Google in 2014 for $3.2 billion. The Nest Learning Thermostat uses behavioral algorithms to save energy based on your behavior and schedule.
It employs a very intelligent machine learning process that learns the temperature you like and programs itself in about a week. Moreover, it will automatically turn off to save energy, if nobody is at home.
In fact, it is a combination of both – artificial intelligence as well as Bluetooth low-energy because some components of this solution will use BLE services and solutions.
7. Boxever
Boxever is a company that heavily relies on machine learning to enhance the customer experience in the travel industry and conveys micro-moments or experiences that can please the customers.
Boxover significantly improves customer engagement through machine learning and Artificial Intelligence to rule the playing field, helping customers to find new ways and make memorable journeys.
8. Flying Drones
The flying drones are already shipping products to customers home – though on a test mode. They indicate a powerful machine learning system that can translate the environment into a 3D model through sensors and video cameras.
The sensors and cameras are able to notice the position of the drones in the room by attaching them to the ceiling. Trajectory generation algorithm guides the drone on how and where to move. Using a Wi-Fi system, we can control the drones and use them for specific purposes – product delivery, video-making, or news reporting.
9. Echo
Echo was launched by Amazon, which is getting smarter and adding new features. It is a revolutionary product that can help you to search the web for information, schedule appointments, shop, control lights, switches, thermostats, answers questions, reads audiobooks, reports traffic and weather, gives info on local businesses, provides sports scores and schedules, and more using the Alexa Voice Service.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes the part of everyone’s life. From small to big work everyone is using AI to generate leads and remove the work pressure. These technologies are so advanced that you don’t have to write code for every activity. They understand the motion of work automatically.
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fitnesswomenshealth-blog · 7 years ago
Your health hero: The surgeon who fought for women
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/your-health-hero-the-surgeon-who-fought-for-women.html
Your health hero: The surgeon who fought for women
As Sohier Elneil begun her healthcare training, her father had a person distinct piece of advice for his daughter: ‘Do a little something to help women’, he urged.
Were he even now alive these days he would definitely be bursting with pride, for she has not only lived up to his expectations, she ought to absolutely have significantly exceeded them.
And it’s in recognition of just how significantly she’s done for women of all ages that last night she was awarded the Day by day Mail’s Wellbeing Hero award, at a gala evening attended by the Key Minister Theresa May possibly, Matt Hancock, the Secretary of Condition for Overall health, Professor Jane Cummings, Main Nursing Officer for England, and other primary figures from throughout the NHS.
NHS Health and fitness Heroes finalists: Winner Sohier Elniel (seated) with runners-up Dr Susan Walker-Day, Mr Yakub Vali, Mr John Gaunt and Miss Amy Semper 
As the Mail reports nowadays, British ladies currently rank 18th out of 28 European countries for daily life expectancy since of the wellness struggles they experience.
But Skip Elneil has used her career executing all she can to challenge the painful realities guiding figures like individuals — for she is the surgeon who was well prepared to listen when women of all ages began to complain that the pressure-totally free vaginal tape that experienced been surgically inserted to assist with incontinence or prolapse had still left them in crippling pain.
Even though quite a few others inside the professional medical profession turned a blind eye, telling females the dilemma was ‘all in their mind’, ‘Suzy’, as she is acknowledged to her clients, listened — and decided to look into.
She was just one of the initial to great a way to remove the mesh — a complicated and tough operation that consists of painstakingly eradicating little shards of the tape which, in some situations, will have disintegrated into numerous pieces, just about every embedding deeply into the patient’s interior tissue.
This perform has been on top rated of her position as a entire-time expert urogynaecological surgeon at University Faculty London Medical center, specialising in dealing with women’s challenges such as prolapse and incontinence.
Pass up Elneil usually operates late at night time and is effective most weekends — she also hasn’t experienced a holiday in four several years — just to make herself obtainable for the numerous women who look for her support.
One particular affected person explained desperately getting in contact with her for assist and Skip Elneil responding by email the future working day — on Boxing Working day.
Dr Elneil is a complete-time expert urogynaecol-ogical surgeon at University Higher education London Clinic, specialising in dealing with women’s difficulties these as prolapse and incontinence
She feels that she must, as she describes: ‘The numbers of gals seeking to see me are overpowering. I’m making an attempt my most effective to completely transform lives, but sometimes when I work I experience bereft mainly because when I see what has happened to a female I know just how a lot she have to have been suffering. I have observed females who are in so substantially pain as a consequence of their tape they really feel suicidal.’
This kind of is the influence this impressive surgeon has experienced on her patients’ life that when the Every day Mail released their hunt for the 2018 Health Hero of the yr, it was not just her sufferers from throughout the British isles who inundated us with letters and e-mails in praise of her perform, it was also their husbands.
‘Miss Elneil is the initial specialist to really assist my wife,’ wrote one particular. ‘She is the most skilled, compassionate, superb, caring consultant I have ever achieved. She operates tirelessly to assistance so lots of women who have been mutilated by mesh and they really feel like their lifestyle has arrive to an conclusion. She’s an angel.’
In a phrase that was recurring time and all over again, one client said: ‘She was the only surgeon who listened to me right after many years of striving to get assist for mesh pain.’
Retired accountant Lynne Sharman was particularly fulsome in her praise. ‘I simply cannot thank her adequate for what she has performed for me’ suggests Lynne, 62, who life in Reading.
‘She has this air of serene and tranquility. I never consider she at any time sleeps as she has so a great deal to do but if she is drained she does not enable it present.’
Behind every wonderful lady! Her partner, a attorney and childhood buddy, is a tower of guidance
Miss Elneil is obviously touched by the reaction from her individuals. ‘I get some charming cards. Remarkable letters from women thanking me,’ she says.
Nonetheless she’s has also captivated a very diverse response from in her very own occupation, sometimes dealing with outright hostility from those who thought she was incorrect to increase the issue of the tape in the initial place.
Carl Hengan, a professor of evidence-based medication at Oxford College, suggests: ‘It’s incredibly tricky to stand firm when you’re likely in opposition to a swathe of colleagues, who’ve applied several ruses to undermine her — I’m absolutely sure it hurts. But it does not cease her.’
Miss out on Elneil herself says there was by no means any issue of offering up. ‘There was resistance, and some persons imagined “if we overlook her she could go away” but I wasn’t ready to do that,’ she says with a glint in her eye.
 The figures of females wanting to see me are too much to handle. I have witnessed women of all ages who are in so significantly ache as a consequence of their tape they really feel suicidal
Inevitably, her motivation and complicated do the job load have come at some value to her property everyday living. But her husband, a lawyer and a childhood good friend, has been a tower of help.
‘We are fortunate in that we have a large amount of input from family and pals, and a lot of aid,’ she suggests. She has attempted to consider a single working day off at weekends — but with a entire general checklist as effectively as further conditions of tape removal — and her motivation to making certain she trains other surgeons, to make sure she palms in excess of her competencies — there is barely time to breathe.
And then, of training course, there is the research — final year, for illustration, she co-authored a report for the 1st time identifying the amount of difficulties amid women of all ages presented the mesh.
As vindication of her individuals and her function — and the Mail’s very long-managing campaign on this problem — the NHS not long ago introduced it would halt the use of the mesh for incontinence.
But everyone who thinks Skip Elneil has attained all she wants to achieve would be mistaken — there are however numerous girls who require their tape removed, and which is not all.
‘I would like us to stay in a globe where by gals experience risk-free, wherever they sense they can speak to anybody about their wellbeing fears and not be dismissed,’ she states.
‘I’d like to improve that — I have passed the age barrier of 50 and I have so much extra to do, and now so minimal time to do it.’
GP WHO Offers Spherical-THE-CLOCK Care
For 23 years, Bournemouth GP Dr Susan Walker-Day has provided the clients at her practice enviable continuity of treatment.
She’s always prided herself on becoming an outdated-fashioned relatives medical professional, one particular who is aware her clients well.
But the mother of five genuinely goes previously mentioned and beyond — performing dwelling visits on her times off and all through lunch breaks, collecting patients’ prescriptions for them if they’re unwell and by itself, and from time to time providing the medicines late at night time.
The runners-up: Dr Susan Walker-Day, Mr Yakub Vali, Mr John Gaunt and Skip Amy Semper
Even although she’s on holiday getaway she’ll ring with exam benefits so, she says, sufferers aren’t still left waiting and ‘worrying’. Her colleagues say she’s normally at function prior to they arrive, and leaves soon after them.
When Lezzette Hession’s mom Kim was identified with terminal most cancers in 2015, Dr Walker-Day ‘never designed her appear into the medical procedures, she generally frequented her at residence — even if it was immediately after her other rounds had finished’.
‘I’ll never forget about that on one situation as Mum grew weaker, the health care provider completed perform late at 9pm and then drove to our dwelling. She was such a ease and comfort to my mom in her previous weeks, browsing any time we rang. I’ve by no means regarded any individual so caring,’ suggests Lezzette.
All this additional operate even though also looking following her personal household, including her disabled 20-calendar year-old daughter, who has Rett syndrome, a scarce neurological situation which affects mind advancement.
For lots of several years Dr Walker-Day, 54, chaired the Rett Uk Charity, campaigning for expert clinics, running household weekends for those influenced, fundraising and supporting publish the Rett care rules.
A report for the Care High-quality Fee explained her perform on Rett as ‘outstanding’.
Susan determined to develop into a health practitioner aged eight right after breaking her leg and looking at clinic personnel at operate — successful a position at grammar school, she became the initially in her relatives to go to college.
To her people, such as Ian Jones, who nominated her, she is a real-existence Superwoman.
‘After 25 heart assaults and three strokes, I’m certain Dr Walker-Day is the rationale I’m nonetheless below,’ claims Ian, a retired educational facilities examinations officer. ‘I don’t know wherever she receives the amazing power from. She’s a GP in a million.’
At AN age when some others could possibly be easing again a bit, John Gaunt, 89, spends two days a 7 days as a volunteer on a dementia ward at the Royal Cost-free London NHS Foundation Believe in.
It’s demanding perform, requiring ability and kindness which John dispenses by the bucketload, blended with a devotion and electricity that make him distinctive, say his colleagues — and it is why they nominated him for the Overall health Hero awards.
They described how John goes to wonderful lengths to address each individual affected person as an unique, thoroughly studying their qualifications to pull out information and facts that could assistance him provide back again reminiscences and connect with that person.
Then, with a characteristic wave of his palms, he will get to operate, listening and conversing, singing, even dancing — whatever it can take to place sufferers at simplicity.
‘His charisma and appeal certainly brighten up the ward,’ says Danielle Wilde, who potential customers dementia care on the ward.
‘John is just one of the most attention-grabbing and energetic colleagues I have ever labored with and the team look forward to his visits as considerably as the patients do.’
‘He’s simply just the greatest,’ provides Richard Scarth, who oversees the Royal Cost-free Charity’s 900 volunteers. ‘I get much more favourable responses about John than any individual.’
John comes promptly for his shift at 9am and though he must clock off at 1pm is, inspite of his age, often continue to functioning late into the afternoon.
‘I’m not heading to sprint off property just since my change is more than,’ he states. ‘I go when I experience I have done what I can with my patients.’ Officially he operates two times a week — but at times ends up working extra.
John, who misplaced his spouse Betty to Parkinson’s and most cancers in 2000, was encouraged to grow to be a volunteer just after visiting the healthcare facility for radiotherapy for his prostate cancer four decades ago. ‘I still left it as well long, so they just cannot get rid of it,’ he suggests, matter-of-factly.
‘When I went in for my procedure I observed a signal asking for volunteers and assumed, “I could do that”.’
The retired illustrator applied to operate his own stationery business, and provides: ‘When I was in company I would go home asking myself “why do I do this?” — but now I leave figuring out I’ve aided make a true distinction. It’s the most effective factor I have ever done.’
There is evidently some thing exclusive about Amy Semper, the nurse who walked for 3 hours in the snow to get to do the job, did a double shift — 24 hours in all throughout that unexpected emergency — then walked home again.
Her colleagues and individuals don’t need to be informed how devoted Amy is to her work.
As effectively as individuals snowbound times very last wintertime, they know about the double shifts she does when the unit is shorter-staffed (she would fairly perform a double than allow people to be place at hazard, say her colleagues), and the more several hours soon after function she devotes to conversing with clients or catching up on admin she’s delayed executing to spend time with them.
In some cases she has to be informed she must go dwelling.
And then there are the basic but type gestures: no birthday is forgotten, with Amy generally arranging a cake for clients or employees, frequently baking it herself.
And her job is not an easy just one, for Amy is a ward manager on a safe psychological overall health device, a ‘difficult environment’, as Jocelyn White, a senior supervisor at the Lincolnshire psychological wellness device in which Amy functions, describes it.
But 12 months following calendar year, Amy, who is 27, has forsaken Christmas with her very own shut-knit household to devote the working day at the unit, arriving early to get ready festive treats.
She also usually takes people for property visits to see their loved ones (for some this can be for the 1st time in years). ‘She served make me aspect of my household once again,’ states one particular grateful affected person. Another said simply: ‘Amy has modified my lifestyle.’
When requested about her willingness to go the extra mile Amy claims: ‘People want to truly feel supported, and which is what I want to do — I want to be their rock although they are likely by means of this poor time, and I will do whatever I have to do to assist them through.’
‘And it definitely pays dividends — just one of my ex-patients is training to be a vet,’ she states with satisfaction.
how a lot Yakub Vali, 53, usually means to sufferers and staff members can be observed from the scores of thank you playing cards the father of a few has at the residence he shares with wife Maimuna, 53.
Some of the writing may well be shaky, but the gratitude and enjoy is clear.
As Yvonne Jeanes, the direct physiotherapist at the specialist stroke unit at Royal Preston Clinic in
Lancashire in which he operates, clarifies: ‘Yakub is these kinds of a stunning individual — the overall ward, individuals and staff, just like him. I can not explain to you the distinction that he helps make.’
This substantially-loved determine isn’t a medic, a nurse or a physio, but a cleaner.
That he’s very good at the do the job he’s employed to do is immediately obvious when you arrive on the ward.
‘Families normally comment on how clear it is,’ states Yvonne — without a doubt he’s credited with participating in a critical job in assisting lower an infection premiums on the ward.
‘When Yakub’s on holiday break it requires three people today to do his job, and the ward even now doesn’t search as superior,’ adds Yvonne, ‘Yakub just never ever stops.’
But he’s even extra distinguished by the way he performs his unofficial obligations. Yakub, who moved to the Uk aged 16 from a smaller village in India and has hardly ever had a working day off sick in 13 years, starts his 7am change by checking on just about every individual to see if they require everything.
He’s frequently on the glimpse-out for patients, fetching unlimited cups of tea, or contacting for a nurse if a person just cannot access their buzzer.
‘Recently, a woman who was recovering from hip surgical treatment fell in the middle of the ward — Yakub was cleansing a table and in some way attained her and caught her with lightning reflexes,’ states Yvonne.
‘He saved her from an additional critical hip fracture and in doing so, potentially saved her lifetime.’
When people are discharged, he tends to make it his responsibility to wave them off — and his daughter says that when he comes house at night time, Yakub talks non-cease about the sufferers and how they progressed, who still left the ward, who is performing nicely or everyone he is fearful about.
To the employees, he is another pair of arms who is a critical aspect of the group, and frequently functions as physio assistant, getting clients by their arm to help them wander, and encouraging them all the way.
At Xmas, Yakub comes at the ward with chocolates and sweets for patients and employees alike.
‘He is the most conscientious, courteous, humble and helpful member of employees on the ward,’ says Yvonne. ‘He is definitely our hero!’
Additional reporting: AMANDA CABLE
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samanthasroberts · 8 years ago
‘We are the forgotten people’: the anguish of Australia’s ‘invisible’ asylum seekers
Nearly 29,000 asylum seekers are in Australia on temporary bridging visas. These people may be free from detention but with many denied education, healthcare and the right to work they remain locked in desperate poverty and with no idea what their futures hold. A Guardian Australia investigation
Life and death on a bridging visa
July nights were freezing. The barbecue, though, was warm, a bulwark against the cold of the descending dark.
Balan, a Tamil asylum seeker, had turned his mind already to the night ahead. He knew he could not afford to run a heater. He and his housemates needed to watch every dollar and winter was the hardest time. The last electricity bill had run to hundreds of dollars they didnt have.
Quietly, as the shared meal came to an end, Balan gathered up the coals from the barbecue in a tin and carried them to his room. There he slept on the floor, next to the coals as they burned down. To keep the heat in, he closed the door behind him.
As he slept, the room filled with carbon monoxide.
In the morning, Balans brother, worried by his failure to appear for breakfast, pushed open the door. Balan had obviously realised at some point in the night that he needed to get out. He had made it halfway to the door before he collapsed.
The coals were still warm. But Balan was dead, killed by carbon monoxide poisoning.
The privation that contributed to Balans death didnt occur in the straitened circumstance of a refugee camp, or on the borderlands of a war-torn region.
It happened in Sydney, to a man living legally in Australia on a bridging visa.
Afghan asylum seeker Farid in a park next to his house in western Sydney. He says he dreams of one day being allowed to visit his family, who live in Iran as refugees. Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
Today nearly 29,000 people live in Australia on a temporary permit to reside in the country known as a bridging visa E (BVE). Yet they are the invisible. They live in the shadows, on the fringes of Australian society.
Bridging visa E is for people who have at some stage been judged to have been unlawfully in Australia. Typically they are granted to asylum seekers who have arrived by boat and have made claims for refugee protection. Balan was one of these, having fled the continuing and brutal persecution of the Tamil minority in post-civil war Sri Lanka.
BVEs can be valid for 28 days or up to three years. Hundreds of people have lived on rolling visas, one temporary solution after another, for more than five years.
Many cannot access healthcare somewhere around a third have no right to Australias publicly funded Medicare despite the fact that they may carry physical and mental scars from their homelands, their journeys and their initial incarceration under Australias policy of mandatory detention.
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We have been forced into isolation: life on a bridging visa
Many cannot legally work. The immigration department declined to answer the Guardians questions about how many bridging visa holders have the right to seek employment. But information from community organisations who work with asylum seekers found only about two-thirds of bridging visa holders have work rights despite a parliamentary deal more than a year ago that they all be granted the right to earn a living.
Those without work rights are reliant on limited government welfare, the benevolence of friends and charity, or risking their liberty taking cash-in-hand jobs in the underground economy.
A black market job offers some financial respite but leaves bridging visa holders vulnerable to exploitation by employers who may underpay them or refuse to pay them at all and threaten to ring immigration if they complain.
Delays caused by immigration department cutbacks, massive staff turnover rates and more-than-occasional bouts of bureaucratic incompetence mean asylum seekers often spend months waiting for new bridging visas to be granted months spent living in the shadowlands of no income, no support and no healthcare: no legal right to be in the country.
Parliament heard in February that at least 1,400 people are in this position in Australia right now.
Several BVE holders report having to quit jobs because the looming expiration of their visas means they can no longer work legally.
Indeed they say they face exploitation at every step: from real estate agents who charge exorbitant penalties for late rents to salesmen who charge usurious rates of credit on white goods.
And their progression to substantive visas has been hampered by government cuts to legal services. In 2014 the government removed access for BVE holders to immigration advice. Asylum seekers have been left to navigate the byzantine process of applying for substantive visas on their own, negotiating complex forms in English for many their third or fourth language.
As a final imposition, bridging visa holders are required to live under a punitive code of behaviour that not only proscribes criminal activity already outlawed by statute but prohibits them from engaging in undefined disruptive activities that are inconsiderate [or] disrespectful.
The prohibitions exist over and above the laws of the land but they require no charge to be laid, no evidence, no proof.
One bridging visa holder has been incarcerated for more than two years for drinking a beer on a train.
For all of the heat and light over Australias immigration policies, BVE holders are the forgotten. Freed from the bonds of detention, they are, supposedly, the fortunate. Often their lives only puncture the public consciousness when they end.
In the early hours of the morning of 27 October 2015, an Iranian asylum seeker, Reza Alizadeh, hanged himself in a public stairwell at Brisbane airport. He had lived on a succession of bridging visas since 2013.
In the same month an Afghan, Khodayar Amini, set himself on fire while on a video call with two refugee advocates. He said he feared being detained again.
In June, Raza, another Afghan, jumped in front of a Perth train. He was living on a bridging visa and had been interviewed by police a day earlier.
In October 2014, a 29-year-old Tamil, Leo Seemanpillai, set himself on fire outside his house. He suffered burns to 90% of his body and died in hospital.
And in February of that year, Rezene Mebrahta Engeda drowned himself in the Maribyrnong river, reportedly out of concern he was about to be deported back to Eritrea.
But those violent tragedies are the visible exceptions to the invisible rule. Tens of thousands of others on bridging visas are trapped in a dispiriting cycle of hardscrabble survival.
During a six-month investigation, the Guardian met dozens of people living in Australia on bridging visas. Over shared meals, while travelling, as they worked or relaxed, the men and women spoke almost uniformly of the endless uncertainty of their existences, the grinding poverty of their circumstances, their separation from family and community, and their difficulties finding work or education to restart interrupted lives.
Dawood, an Afghan asylum seeker on a BVE, cannot travel to see his family, or be reunited with them in Australia. He has not seen his daughter since she was three months old. She asked him if he would be home for her fifth birthday:
My wife is crying over the phone and asking me, When you come, when you come? I say, come next month, come next season, or come next year but four and a half years passes like that. You know, you cant lie to your child, she is little. I want to be besides her, to celebrate her birthday like every other father. What I am going to do? They keep us in this situation. I will miss many more birthdays.
Ali Sadaat, an Iranian teenager who was on a BVE, has been detained for two years and is now being held indefinitely on Christmas Island for drinking a beer on a train:
I dont want to be without freedom. Pray for me. This is real. I cant see light at the end of the tunnel.
Shams was barred from school in Australia after one week because he had turned 18. No longer a minor BVE holder, he was no longer eligible to attend secondary school:
I was very disappointed. I went home and cried for many days. I had no work rights, no study rights. I sat all day at home either thinking or crying. Nothing to do.
Haleema, an Afghan Hazara, says she cant afford to feed or clothe her children properly:
I cant buy fruit. I just buy second-hand fruit, the rotten ones [that] no one buy. If I buy rice, I cant buy bread. Most of the time I give potato to my children. I cant buy anything else. I cant buy shoes and uniforms for my children going to school.
A Tamil asylum seeker, speaking on condition on anonymity, fears being re-detained or deported:
We are scared to go and meet the government. We are scared they will take us and deport us. We know that has happened to people we know. People go for a meeting with the department and they just never come back.
These are the voices of those rarely heard, the stories of those holding together an existence amid the shifting sands of a capricious regime: a unsparing present before an uncertain future.
Many in their situation are afraid to speak out. Doing so, they fear, will damage their claim to refugee status or lead to them being taken into detention. Others speak only on condition of anonymity, fearful that talking publicly will be viewed as a breach of the code of behaviour they regard as an oppression.
Every bridging visa holder knows of someone who went for a routine interview with the department and never came home, taken in for detention not only indefinite and capricious but unchallengeable.
We are the forgotten people, one BVE holder says on a late-night outer-suburban train. Everywhere here is heaven, he says, gesturing out the window to the warmly lit houses outside. But we live in hell and no one sees, so no one cares.
Asylum seeker Zaman chooses a quiet corner in his crowded share house to speak to his wife and daughter in Afghanistan. Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
Lives in limbo
After Balans death, his friends tell the Guardian the tragedy was a reminder to them all of the fragility of their existence in Australia.
The fear of death came too close, one says. Things like that could happen to us here and we have no family. No one to watch out for us. If something happens, no one can help us.
But they understand, too, how his death happened: his desire to save money, to stretch every dollar, is one they understand acutely.
There is never enough, one man says quietly. He relies on the generosity of charities and friends in often only marginally better situations than his. I feel ashamed because I want to support myself but I cant.
Bridging visa holders say they are vulnerable to exploitation. A three-bedroom apartment the Guardian visits has six BVE holders living in it. Paint peels from the walls and the security screens lean dispiritingly from the windows but its residents are happy to have this place. Houses, they say, are hard to find. With no references or rent history, applications from bridging visa holders go to the bottom of the pile, even if they have the backing of a community organisation or a charity.
The men who live here feel their hold on their home is precarious. They say if they are a single day late with their rent they are charged penalties that have run into the hundreds of dollars or risk eviction yet they see themselves as fortunate.
Hundreds of bridging visa holders sleep rough or couchsurf, prevailing as long as they can on friends and other BVE holders momentarily more fortunate. It happens at this flat. There are only three people supposed to be here but many many more stay, one asylum seeker says. All the time, extra people.
At another household, asylum seekers say they were sold white goods on credit with huge interest repayments they didnt properly understand. The repayments continue still, even though the washing machine they bought has long since stopped working. They dont have the money to fix it.
The Rev Dr John Jegasothy, a former Tamil refugee and now an Australian citizen, says life on a bridging visa is enforced penury and a poverty made worse because of its interminable nature. People spend years eking out an existence, Jegasothy says, wasting the best working and studying years of their lives, not knowing whether theyll suddenly be deported, finally granted a visa, or simply held longer still in the fraught limbo of the bridging visa loop.
They are treated as second-class people,Jegasothy says. They dont know what will happen to them and they suffer in silence, because they are invisible to the rest of Australia.
For those with children, the privations of the bridging visa regime are compounded.
Haleema, an Afghan Hazara, fled to Australia with her family in 2012 after years as a refugee in Iran where she faced constant threat of arrest, persecution and deportation, and where her two sons could not go to school.
She said her only thoughts of Australia were of finding a safe home for her sons. We thought if we go somewhere else we can be safe but our life is the same as before when we were in Iran: we live in constant fear.
I cant sleep at night. I dont know what happen in the future, if we will be sent back or stay here.
Haleema told the Guardian her children suffered because of the financial strictures of life on a bridging visa. Most of my money go to rent. I have only $100 left [each week] and its not enough, she says.
I sometimes cant buy milk and bread for the house. I cant buy fruit. I just buy second-hand fruit, the rotten ones [that] no one buy. If I buy rice, I cant buy bread.
Most of the time I give potato to my children. I cant buy anything else. I cant buy shoes and uniforms for my children going to school.
On the Newtown doorstep of Sydneys Asylum Seeker Centre, about 35 new people arrive every week, seeking all manner of assistance: from the immediate urgent medical attention, a roof over their heads and a bed for the night, food or clothing to the progressive help with the labyrinthine visa application process, legal advice, aid finding work or a home to lease.
Sixty per cent of those who present at the centre are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Some may have spent a night outdoors, in a hostel, or a whole family may have been living in one room, says the centres chief executive, Frances Rush. But when their money runs out they have no alternative but to seek help and so they come to charities such as the centre.
Our immediate priority is to make sure they have somewhere to sleep that night, food to eat and provide them with urgent medical care if needed. Once we have them in a stable situation, we can then assess what their longer term needs are.
The first days on a bridging visa are often the most difficult, Rush says. About 60% of those assisted by the centre are not boat arrivals but came by plane to Australia.
Many have suffered horrendous experiences which forced them to flee for their safety. They have had to leave their whole identity behind: their culture, family, friends and work or career. On top of this they have had to endure the physical journey which in itself can be very traumatic and dangerous.
So while they may feel safe when they arrive, applying for protection and getting back on their feet in a strange land is also a long and complicated process.
The Guardian put a series of questions to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and its minister asking about the number of BVE holders, their circumstances and the conditions applied to them. Both refused to answer in detail. The ministers office provided a statement:
Labors border failures allowed more than 50,000 illegal maritime arrivals to flood into Australia over six years, which placed unprecedented pressure on the system. Labors no advantage policy introduced in 2012 effectively froze illegal maritime arrival processing. Labors mess the legacy caseload of 30,000 unprocessed illegal arrivals was left to the Coalition government to deal with.
More than 23,000 bridging visas were granted in 2015, most with no restrictions on work. BVE holders generally have access to Medicare. Labor further compounded processing of the illegal maritime arrival caseload by opposing legislation for temporary protection visas (TPVs) and safe haven enterprise visas (Shevs) until the end of 2014. Processing could only begin mid last year several thousand applications for TPVs and SHEVs are now being processed.
Dutton has said the legacy caseload could take a decade to process.
Other organisations are concerned less with which party is in power but with the manifestation of the bridging visa regime itself.
The UN high commissioner for refugees found, in a report three years ago, that those on bridging visas without work rights in Australia are unable to meet their basic needs and are living in a state of destitution.
Bridging visa holders had poor housing and went without essential items such as beds or refrigerators: An income below the poverty line has led to an overwhelming reliance on community organisations for food, clothing and furniture. Being reliant on income support and not being permitted to work is, for many, felt as shameful and demoralising.
The lives of asylum seekers in the community are largely characterised by uncertainty about their futures and the processing of their claims, and the impact of constant policy changes.
This year Gillian Triggs, the president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, said the holding of people for years on a succession of bridging visas was a very significant breach of basic human rights.
Really, [it is] a failure to respect their right to claim the status of a refugee, she said. Its easy to demean people who dont yet have that status and we hold them for many many years without having determined their position.
Unable to sleep, Farid calls his family overseas. He is comforted by hearing his elderly mothers voice but feels sad when she asks: When will you come home to see me? Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
Strangers to their families
In a weather-beaten house in a quiet suburb of western Sydney, five men sit in silence. Dark brown curtains veil the three large windows, and a television, coated in thick dust, is switched off in a corner. No one speaks. One man, his face lit by the glow of his phone, stares at the screen in front of him. The others sit in silence, one holding his head in his hands.
From the kitchen, the quiet clank of cooking can be heard. It is the turn of Farid, a lean man of quick, precise movements, to prepare their meal. Into the silence of the main room he walks, carrying a pot and the smell of lamb and spices fills the air.
Ready, he says, placing the pot on a mat in the middle of the floor, following this with an immediate apology. He says he meant to cook curry: it turned into shurba, an Afghan soup, because his mind was elsewhere and he poured in too much water.
This is what happens, when your family is not here, your mind is everywhere. The others burst into the laughter of immediate forgiveness. Their silence broken, they creep forward to sit cross-legged before the food. They begin to eat and, finally, to speak.
Farid has eyes that stare from deep within their sockets. He speaks reluctantly and uncertainly. He has been displaced from his homeland for more years than he can easily remember.
An Afghan, he lived for years as a refugee in Iran, where he was harassed and beaten by authorities because of his illegal status. He was regularly arrested and deported back to Afghanistan at that time under the control of the Taliban before he would be forced to flee again. Finally he sought somewhere more permanent: sanctuary in Australia.
But life in Australia has not brought stability. After years on a bridging visa he is still waiting to know whether he will be accepted as a refugee. His mother is elderly and she has fallen ill, but he says he cannot visit her: she is in a country he is not a citizen of nor permitted to enter. And a bridging visa does not allow a person to leave Australia and return.
Four Hazara asylum seekers sit down to a meal of qabuli palaw with fresh Afghan bread. Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
My mother is crying over the phone, Please come to see me. I want to see my son one last time.
Reza is an ethnic Hazara who fled central Afghanistan for Australia in 2012. He arrived by boat in September, just after the 13 August cut-off that re-established offshore processing. He was sent to Nauru, where he spent 15 months in detention, before landing in Sydney on a bridging visa over two years ago.
The 31-year-old fled Afghanistan after surviving a bomb blast in Kabul. He lifts his trouser leg to reveal a long, jagged scar on his left ankle. His only child, a son, was two when he left. The boy is now six. Reza says he never imagined he would not see him for four years.
He pulls a phone from his shirt pocket and flicks through the images of the boy on its screen, his face briefly lighting up at seeing his sons smiling face.
I miss him so much. I want to hug him but how hard this is. Reza wipes a tear from his eye and puts the phone away.
Everything in life has a phase, he says, gazing at the floor. Ive missed a big part of my sons childhood. I miss his smile. I miss his playfulness. I missed how much he grew in four years.
The joy of raising a child is when they are little; you play with him. When he grows up he will find his own way in the world.
Those living in Australia on bridging visas say they feel trapped in a cycle of temporary solutions, with no prospect of seeing family members again or being able to sponsor their relatives to Australia.
Zaman has not seen his wife and son for four years. He worries his son will not recognise him if he ever sees him again. And he doesnt know what relationship they could have after so long apart. For how long, we wait? For how long, be uncertain?
There is nothing more comfort than having your family besides you, he says. If we were not desperate, I would not come this way [by boat]. Its very dangerous and it required a lot of courage.
Compounding the concerns of many about their separation is fear for the safety of their families. Many of the Hazara in Australia have family still living in volatile parts of Afghanistan, where the Taliban are dangerously resurgent. Last year was the deadliest year for the Hazara minority in Afghanistan since the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001.
Asylum seekers from that country monitor local media obsessively and say they are alarmed by regular reports of Hazara being dragged from buses at roadblocks and put to death at the side of the road. In November seven Hazaras were killed on a roadside in southern Afghanistan, including a seven-year-old girl whose throat was slit by wire.
I also have a seven-year-old daughter, Rauf tells the Guardian. He comes from Damurda in Ghazni, the same village as those slain. I wonder, If they cant spare a child, how could they spare anyone?
The situation is similarly chaotic along Pakistans north-western frontier. Thousands of Hazara, exiled from Afghanistan, live in two fortified suburbs in Quetta, where the ethnic minority is regularly targeted by bomb attacks.
An Iranian asylum seeker living in Melbourne with her child, who was born in Australia. The mother has been suffering trauma as a result of her boat journey to Australia and her uncertain situation on a bridging visa. A psychologist has diagnosed her as having post-traumatic stress disorder. Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
One Hazara asylum seeker in Sydney, who declines to give his name, says he is so worried about his children going to school in Quetta that he calls twice a day; once in the morning before they leave for class and again every evening to know they have returned safely.
Dawood worked as an interpreter for a foreign non-governmental organisation in Afghanistan. His involvement with the west attracted the attention of the Taliban and they threatened to kill him. He arrived in Australia in June 2012 two months before the 13 August cut-off.
He was in Wickham Point detention centre near Darwin when the new no advantage rule came in. He says he remembers an immigration department representative that day announcing to about 400 asylum seekers: The new law does not apply to you. No matter what happens to the government, you will be given a permanent visa.
Four years after he arrived in Australia, and two and a half years since his interview to determine his refugee status, Dawood has had no news on his visa. Usually it takes about six months or a year to get an answer, they accept you or not. I have been waiting two and a half years, for no answer.
I believe a great injustice was done to me. They lied to us.
Dawoods daughter was three months old when he left Kabul. He speaks to her on the phone almost every day. She has been asking if he will come home next month for her fifth birthday.
I lied to her, I said I will come, he says, rubbing his unshaven chin. Thats what happens now, I am lying to my family all these years. My wife is crying over the phone and asking me, When you come, when you come? I say, come next month, come next season or come next year but four and a half years passed like that.
You know, you cant lie to your child, she is little. I want to be besides her, to celebrate her birthday like every other father, he says, choking back tears. What I am going to do? They keep us in this situation.
When Dawood arrived, asylum seekers whose claims for refugee status were upheld were granted permanent protection visas, entitling holders to be reunited with their families.
But after his case had been stagnant for two and a half years a legislative change pushed through parliament with the support of the crossbench in December 2014 reinstated temporary protection visas and created safe haven enterprise visas.
If Dawoods claim for protection is ultimately accepted that is, if Australia agrees he has a well-founded fear of persecution in his homeland and cannot be returned there he will have a visa for another three or five years but with no right to be reunited with his family. He does not know when he will see his wife and daughter again. He does not know if he ever will.
I will miss many more birthdays.
Two years detention for drinking a beer
Nothing moves outside the Yongah Hill detention centre. Only the heat shimmering across the scrubby land breaks the stillness. Even inside the centre, secreted in bushland 90km north-east of Perth, people seemed compelled to a timid inaction.
In the visitors room, conversations are conducted in hushed tones, barely above a whisper. Friends, partners and advocates sit with detainees, leaning their heads close to listen. Through a double-glazed window in an adjacent room, a sullen security guard in khaki watches over all.
On the wall hangs a picture: a crude drawing of a heart, with two arrows through it. The caption is strangely incongruous: My heart is opening wider. Love people being around me.
On the wall opposite, a poster bears the logo of Australian Human Rights Commission. In several languages, including English, it reads: People should be treated fairly in immigration detention centres.
Ali, a 19-year-old Hazara asylum seeker, prays in his home in western Sydney. He finished high school last year but cant afford to the fees to study as an international student at university or Tafe. Before coming to Australia, he lived as a refugee in Iran where he had no right to education. Photograph: Abdul Karim Hekmat
Sarwar is one of those in this immigration detention centre. He says he has not been treated fairly.
The 37-year-old Sri Lankan Muslim arrived in Australia by boat in 2012, fleeing the sectarian violence that continues to benight the country. After a brief period in detention, Sarwar was released into the community in 2013 on a bridging visa.
But now, back in detention, he holds in his hands his file the frayed, fat paper trail that everybody caught within Australias immigration system accumulates.
Sarwar is anxious to show one piece of paper in particular: a report from a doctor that reads: This man is in significant distress due to his visa not being approved for two years.
The next paper he proffers demonstrates why he is here, in Yongah Hill detention centre, with no prospect of release. His file says he is being detained for public threat to suicide; security issue and suicidal threats; working illegally as a farmer. According to an incident report: He called immigration to threaten to kill himself.
No charges have been laid against Sarwar, nor will there be. According to his file there is no investigation ongoing into his actions. Still he remains in detention. He denies any wrongdoing. I am a Muslim, I never do the wrong thing. Do not like illegal money.
He says he only told the immigration department when he called: For two days, I drink only water. I am starving, better kill myself.
I have no money, no work rights, he says.
Sarwar tells the Guardian he has two daughters and a son in Sri Lanka. No money, they starve, they no go to school.
Through tears, he says he has been detained for eight months already, while i
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/17/we-are-the-forgotten-people-the-anguish-of-australias-invisible-asylum-seekers/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/09/17/we-are-the-forgotten-people-the-anguish-of-australias-invisible-asylum-seekers/
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