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reject-dystopia · 7 months ago
What is happening is absolutely horrifying. The most revolutionary thing we can do is never give up hope and never give up fighting and doing everything we can to end this gen-cide and end this system that not only let’s all of this happen but also has very few people profit off of it and therefore perpetuate it.
While fighting this inhumane system that perpetuates unspeakable crimes against humanity, while fighting this absolutely terrifying gen-cide and these crimes against humanity, it’s important we remember two things:
1. This fight while primarily for the liberation of the Palestinians, is just as much for our collective liberation as humanity.
It is a fight for the very soul of humanity and we cannot afford to lose!
2. A simple quote I originally read on tumblr years ago, probably over a decade ago, and it already rang true back to me then even tho I merely understood a fraction of it because I didn’t understand the economic and political system(s) we live under the way I do now, not even close. And yet I immediately understood it as absolutely true so this is why I put it here again as a thing we ~cannot~ forget while fighting this fight or else they will yet again appease us with scraps when this time we cannot stop until we put an end to this system that clearly not only doesn’t care for us, humanity or human rights but actively and happily destroyed them and us as humans in the worst way possible if it brings them even a tiny bit of profit. It is imperative to our collective liberation that we understand:
This system isn’t broken. It’s work exactly as intended. It was just never meant to work for us.
This system isn’t broken. It was built this way!
So draw the consequences and don’t stop at a ceasefire. Don’t stop at a release of the thousands of Palestinian hostages still held in “lsnt reaI”. Dont stop at an end to the genocide against the Palestinian people. Don’t stop at a free & Self governed Gaza & West Bank. Don’t stop at an end to the entire occupation. Don’t stop at an end to the genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Don’t stop at an end to the “civil war” in Sudan. Don’t stop at an end to the genocide and occupation of the Papua people of Papua New Guinea. Don’t stop at an end to the exploitation of any African country. Don’t stop at the end of all genocides currently happening! Don’t stop at an end of the exploitation of any country!
We will only stop when all of us are free! Because none of us are free until all of us are free! We will not stop until this unjust system has been replaced by a system that is actually democratic, that serves the people and the planet as opposed to the 0.00001%!
None of us are free until all of us are free! So we won’t stop until all of us are free!
We won’t stop until we made sure this will NEVER happen again!
Because this system isn’t broken. It was built this way!
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If you feel this way, here are some Gofundmes you can donate to
Abu Shammalah Family (€953/100,000)
Moment Alostaz family (€7,539/70,000)
Youssef family (€9,395/50,000)
Renad & Her Family (ÂŁ9,696/25,000)
Alia's Family (€7,870/30,000)
Mohamed Hamad and his family (ÂŁ3,872/50,000)
Safaa and her family (€9,757/20,000)
Maliha Family (€23,446/32,000)
Mahmoud Abu Hamam (CAD $5,348/10,000)
Eman Abuhayya Family (AUD $40,455/85,684)
Ezzideen & his Family (€26,314/75,000)
Ahmed's family (€4,658/70,000)
Let's do our part to help the people of Gaza!!!!
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crimethinc · 5 years ago
Call to Action: Solidarity with Rojava—Against the Turkish Invasion!—An Urgent Call from a Network of Organizations
On October 6, the Trump administration announced it was pulling US troops out of northern Syria, essentially giving Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a green light to invade Rojava, carry out ethnic cleansing, and forcibly resettle the area. We are calling for people around the world to engage in protest and/or disruption at Turkish consulates, US government offices, arms manufacturers, and businesses connected with the Turkish government, such as Turkish Airlines.
Since 2012, the autonomous region of Rojava has hosted an inspiring multi-ethnic experiment in self-determination and women’s autonomy, all while fighting the Islamic State (ISIS). After years of struggle, despite sustaining massive casualties, fighters from Rojava participated in liberating all of the territory that ISIS had occupied and freeing those who had been held captive in ISIS strongholds.
In an attempt to justify permitting Turkey to invade Syria, Trump has tweeted that US taxpayers should not have to pay to keep ISIS fighters detained. In fact, the US has not paid a cent to detain captured ISIS fighters; that has been completely organized by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The reality is that the Turkish invasion of Kurdish territory will create the conditions for ISIS to reemerge and resume operations in Syria and around the world. For years, Turkey has permitted weapons, recruits, and resources to reach ISIS through its borders.
Both ISIS and the Turkish invasion pose an existential threat to all the ethnic and religious groups indigenous to the region, including Arabs, Christians (Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs), Turkmens, Chechens, Alevites, and Yazidis. Many of these groups have gained a voice in their own lives for the first time, yet now face massacre at the hands of the Turkish military and the jihadists.
Turkey’s invasion of Rojava sets a new precedent for military aggression, ethnic cleansing, and the destruction of egalitarian and feminist experiments like the one in Rojava. It sets the stage for more bloodshed and oppression everywhere around the world, paving the way for ethno-nationalist autocrats like Trump, Erdoğan, Bashar al-Assad, Jair Bolsonaro, and Vladimir Putin to dominate world politics for generations to come.
For months, people in Rojava have called for international solidarity in the event of an invasion. We must bring attention to the plight of the people in Rojava and make it known that there will be consequences for this.
To keep silent is to be complicit.
We call on all people of good conscience to engage in protest and disruption at Turkish consulates, US government offices, arms manufacturers, and businesses connected with the Turkish government, such as Turkish Airlines. The Rojava Solidarity Committee Europe has joined organizers in Rojava in calling for a day of action on October 12 against the Turkish invasion; we endorse this call, and call for further actions before and after October 12.
We need to build a context for broad-based direct action as a step towards building a global movement that can make such atrocities impossible. Together, we can stop the invasion.
See you in the streets.
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Some upcoming actions
List of complicit corporations
If your organization endorses this call, please circulate this text and contact us at [email protected] to sign on. This list will be updated regularly at crimethinc.com and itsgoingdown.org.
Coordination for the Defense of Rojava
Anon anarchist action
Antifascists of the Seven Hills
Antifascistas Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Atlanta Antifascists
The Autonomous University of Political Education
The Base
Bay Area Mesopotamia Solidarity Committee
Black Rose Anarchist Federation - Los Angeles Local
Breakaway Social Center
Cooperation Jackson
CrimethInc. Workers’ Collective
The Dandelion Network
Demand Utopia Seattle
Democratic Socialists of America - Communist Caucus
Ricardo Dominguez, Associate Professor, UCSD
Extinction Rebellion Seattle
The Fayer Collective
The Final Straw
Frontline Organization Working to End Racism (FLOWER)
Flyover Social Center
David Graeber
Industrial Workers of the World - Atlanta
Kali Akuno
Kasa InvisĂ­vel Belo Horizonte - Brazil
It’s Going Down
Dr. Ian Alan Paul, Assistant Professor of Emerging Media at Stony Brook University
rek2 (as individual)
Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement- Elm City
Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement - NYC
Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism (ROAR Collective)
Rojava Montréal
Rojava Solidarity Seattle
Scuffletown Anti-Repression Committee
Seattle Rising Tide
Soflaexit (Soflaexit.com)
Tar Sands Blockade
The Teardown Community
Voices in Movement
A World Without Police
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Upcoming Solidarity Events
Wednesday, October 9
New York City, NY, 2 pm—details
Boston, MA, 1 pm—details
Vancouver, BC, Canada, 12:30 pm—details
Washington, DC, 5:30 pm—details
Thursday, October 10
MontrĂ©al, Canada, 6 pm—details
Friday, October 11
New York City, Union Square, Manhattan, 6 pm—details
Saturday, October 12
Rochester, NY, 6 pm—details
Washington, DC, 1 pm—details
Sunday, October 13
Los Angeles, CA, 12 pm—details
Seattle, WA, 3 pm—details
Timeline of Solidarity Actions Since Trump’s Announcement
Monday, October 7
Toronto, ON, Canada: Solidarity protest outside the US consulate.
Anarchist solidarity banners in Appalachia.
Tuesday, October 8
Solidarity banners dropped in Lincoln, Nebraska. Report and photos here.
Ottawa, ON: Protest outside US embassy.
Washington, DC: Rally outside the White House by Kurdish groups and antifascists.
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paoloxl · 5 years ago
Il 9 ottobre 2019 lo Stato turco ha iniziato la sua guerra di invasione e occupazione sul territorio della Siria settentrionale. L’esercito turco sta attaccando tutte le principali città e insediamenti lungo il confine, con attacchi aerei e colpi di mortaio. Secondo le cifre pubblicate da Mezzaluna Rossa Curda (The Kurdish Red Crescent), solo durante i primi cinque giorni di attacchi, sono stati uccisi almeno 46 civili e si contano 139 feriti – tra cui molte donne, bambine e bambini.
Attualmente, l’esercito turco insieme a un cosiddetto “esercito nazionale siriano”, composto da mercenari di diversi gruppi terroristici, sta tentando di estendere la propria invasione su quel territorio. Allo stesso tempo, le cellule dormiente dell’ISIS hanno iniziato nuovi attacchi in tutta la Siria settentrionale. Le forze SDF e YPJ-YPG, che hanno liberato la Siria del Nord-Est dal regime terroristico dell’IS, ora stanno dedicando le loro vite per proteggere le persone da nuove occupazioni e massacri. Quelle donne che hanno liberato migliaia di donne della schiavitĂč sotto IS sono ora bombardate da un esercito NATO. Milioni di vite, di persone di tutte le diverse comunitĂ  etniche e religiose, in questa regione, sono sotto minaccia. Diecimila famiglie sono state sfollate. Oltre ai villaggi popolati principalmente da popolazioni curde e arabe, ci sono stati attacchi mirati a quartieri cristiani. È ovvio che questi attacchi vengono portati avanti con obiettivi di pulizia etnica e cambiamento demografico.
L’occupazione turca e i crimini di guerra ad Afrin, a partire da gennaio 2018, sono stati fino ad oggi condonati dalla comunità internazionale. Così, la Turchia s’impegna per espandere il suo territorio e imporre il suo dominio su ulteriori regioni della Siria settentrionale e orientale, violando il diritto internazionale e la sovranità stessa della Siria. Allo stesso tempo, la Turchia trascura la volontà dei popoli della regione che hanno vissuto insieme pacificamente, sotto l’Amministrazione democratica autonoma. Gli attacchi della Turchia sono diretti contro gli avanzamenti della rivoluzione delle donne nel Rojava, che ù stata una fonte di ispirazione per le donne di tutto il mondo. Le donne, che sono state avanguardia nella costruzione di un modello sociale alternativo, per una società democratica ed ecologica basata sulla liberazione delle donne, sono prese di mira dagli attacchi delle squadre assassine jihadiste. Il copresidente del Partito Futuro della Siria, Hevrin Xelef ù stata assassinata in un’imboscata il 12 ottobre, mentre era in viaggio per visitare feriti e sfollati nella regione di Til Temir. Nonostante 8 anni di guerra continua in Siria, le regioni dell’amministrazione Autonoma nel Nord-Est della Siria sono riuscite a garantire diritti democratici e rispondere ai bisogni di tutte le persone in questa regione. Centinaia di migliaia di rifugiati di guerra provenienti da diverse regioni della Siria hanno trovato rifugio qui. Senza alcun sostegno degno di nota da parte delle organizzazioni delle Nazioni Unite, questi rifugiati sono stati accolti, protetti e sostenuti dalle strutture dell’Amministrazione Autonoma.
Mentre il governo di Erdogan ha annunciato apertamente questa guerra e i suoi piani di occupazione, la comunitĂ  internazionale – compresi gli organi dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) – non ha adottato misure adeguate per impedire che ciĂČ accadesse. Inoltre, potenze egemoniche come la Russia e Gli Stati Uniti hanno incoraggiato l’aggressione della Turchia. I genocidi dell’Impero ottomano contro gli armeni e il popolo siriaco nel 1915 e i massacri contro il popolo curdo a Dersim, Halebje, Nussaybin, Cizire, Afrin 
 sono ancora nelle nostre menti. Oggi di nuovo, i crimini contro l’umanitĂ  sono stati preparati ed eseguiti apertamente, poichĂ© il calcolo dei profitti di guerra conta di piĂč del diritto internazionale, dei valori e diritti umani.
Le donne del Rojava hanno sempre sottolineato:
“Abbiamo difeso la rivoluzione delle donne con i nostri sacrifici. Conduciamo la nostra lotta a nome di tutte le donne nel mondo”.
 La guerra della Turchia contro le donne e i popoli del Nord-Est della Siria ù un’aggressione contro tutte noi. Mira a colpire gli avanzamenti e i valori delle nostre lotte per i diritti, la libertà e la giustizia delle donne – ovunque. Con la campagna internazionale Women Defend Rojava (Donne in difesa del Rojava), ci uniamo contro il fascismo, l’occupazione e il patriarcato. Alziamo la nostra voce per il riconoscimento dell’autonomia dell’Amministrazione autonoma nel Nord-Est della Siria, per la pace e la giustizia in Siria.
Per prevenire nuovi genocidi e femminicidi nel 21° secolo, esortiamo il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, tutti gli organismi competenti della comunità internazionale e i governi ad intraprendere azioni urgenti al fine di:
Fermare immediatamente l’invasione e l’occupazione della Turchia nel Nord-Est della Siria; Istituire una No-Fly-Zone per la protezione delle vite delle persone nel Nord-Est della Siria; Prevenire ulteriori crimini di guerra e fermare la pulizia etnica da parte delle forze dell’esercito turco, dell’ISIS, di El Nusra e di altri gruppi terroristici jihadisti; Processare tutti i crimini e i criminali di guerra; Interrompere il commercio di armi con la Turchia; Attuare sanzioni politiche ed economiche contro la Turchia; Riconoscere l’Amministrazione autonoma democratica dei popoli del Nord-Est della Siria; Adottare misure immediate per una soluzione politica della crisi in Siria con la rappresentanza e la partecipazione delle donne e rappresentanti di persone di tutte le diverse comunità nazionali, culturali e religiose in Siria.  
Women Defend Rojava Campaign Committee 15 ottobre, 2019
Per Adesioni
 ‱    individui: dal sito https://womendefendrojava.net/ compilando il modulo online scorrendo un po’ la pagina sulla destra
‱    Organizzazioni: scrivendo all’indirizzo: [email protected]
Prime adesioni:
Women‘s Council of North and East Syria; Kongra Star; Council of Women in Syria MJS, Union of Free Women East Kurdistan KJAR, Organisation of Freedom Seeking Women Kurdistan RJAK, East Kurdistan Women’s Association Ronak, Kurdish Women’s Public Relation Office REPAK, Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe TJK-E; International Representation of Kurdish Women’s Movement IRKWM, Kurdish Women’s Peace Office CENÎ; Kurdish Women’s Student Union JXK; Young Women’s Movement JinĂȘn Ciwan; ÊzidĂź Women’s Freedom Movement TAJÊ; Alevit Democratic Women‘s Movement; Free Women‘s Foundation Rojava (WJAR); Initiative of Democratic Muslim Women; JineolojĂź Academy; Palestine Women’s Association Lebanon; Women’s Branch of Syriac Union Party Lebanon; Social and Cultural Association NEWROZ Lebanon; Mujeres Terretorios y Resistancias (Santa Cruz / Bolivia); Southall Black Sisters (UK); Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA); Women’s Strike Poland; Mujeres Libres (CNT / Spain); Union Syndicale Solidaires France; International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles; Feminist Assembly of Madrid (Spain); Feministas de Abya Yala (Uruguay); Centro de Intercambios y Servicios Cono Sur CISCSA (Argentina).
Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (Forum for Women Farmers‘ Rights, India); Sylvia Marcos (Author, Mexico); Meredith Tax (writer & Emergency Committee for Rojava, USA); Nadje Al-Ali (academician, USA); Collette McAllister (Sinn FĂ©in, Irland); Maria Luiza Duarte Azedo Barbosa (World Women‘s March, Brazil); Dr Radha D’Souza (University of Westminster, UK); Dr Mahvish Ahmad (University of Western Cape, South Africa), Francesca Gargallo Celentani (author and feminist, Mexico); Laura Quagliuolo (editor, Italy); Teresa Cunha (academician, Portugal); Tor Bridges (aunt of Anna Campbell, Producer, UK); Lilian Galan (MPP, Uruguay); Nancy Fraser (professor of philosophy and politics, USA); Dr Mithu Sanyal (author and broadcaster, Germany); Margaret Owen (Widows for Peace through Democracy WPD & Patron of Campaign Peace in Kurdistan, UK); Alba Sotorra Clua (filmmaker, Spain); Rahila Gupta (writer and activist, UK); Dr MĂłnica G Moreno Figueroa (sociologist, UK); Julie Ward (Member of European Parliament, UK); Prof Sarah Franklin (sociologist, UK); Wendy Lyon (human rights lawyer, Ireland); Dr Zahra Ali (sociologist, USA); Fatemeh Sadeghi (McGill University, Canada/Iran); Dr Sarah Glynn (academician, Scotland); Maryam Ashrafi (social documentary photographer & film-maker, Iran); Dr Hettie Malcomson (academician, UK); Debbie Boockchin (journalist & author, UK); Selay Ghaffar (Solidarity Party of Afghanistan); Dr Marina Sitrin (Binghamton University, USA); Amber Huff (researcher, UK); Christelle Terreblanche (University of 
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