#free Physics Slides Template
juvnvalen · 9 months
♡Lilya Yandere Profile♡
I love lilya shes up there on my favorite list, writing this as a tribute to her because i just booted her off my team for regulus. ALSO THE ART OF DESTREZA SKIN???? MEOW (please someone notice my lilya likes being callled a good girl head canon) yandere lilya aka wife beater my beloved Also! added a few new r1999 character to my list <3 Pairing: Lilya x GN Darling; FxGN TW: Yandere themes, mentions of nonconsensual touching, Nsfw mentions, and physical violence. Credit for template: @/Cinnamonest
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♡What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave? Lilya has never experienced feelings like this before, and she doesn’t quite understand how to approach you. At first glance you’d think she hated you, the way she glares, insults you, and it almost seems like she’s trying to make your life a little more miserable all together. She likes to keep you around, and as unbelievable as it is she does like you. Lilya’s doubtful of your ability to take care of yourself, and she's adamant about how pathetic you are. She’s not trying to be cruel, she just knows you need someone strong to protect you, like her. At some point she becomes aware that this isn’t how people typically approach relationships and maybe she’ll even try to court you in a more civil way for a little while, but it won't last very long at all.
♡How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so? Lilya is very quick to take her darling, for her there are just more benefits from taking her darling than simply courting them. Whether it be from her darling avoiding her, getting into danger, or simply not reciprocating her feelings they can expect her to act quickly in their capture.
♡How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? Escape from Lilya is almost completely off the table, with the help of her trusty Su-01ве, there is simply no way you could outrun her. There is a chance to escape with the help of Lilya’s drinking, she’s easy to manipulate and a heavy sleeper when she's intoxicated. For the most part you can expect to be restrained to some extent, but of course when she's around to watch you she’s happy to let you roam free a little while. When it comes to drunk Lilya, it's easy to convince her to loosen the ropes for a little while. After an escape attempt her darling can expect any privileges to be revoked. She has no leniency to a newly captured darling either, she expects them to adapt to her rules quickly.
♡How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate? Lilya is decently easy to trick, especially so when she's intoxicated. It's easy to appeal to her ego, and she absolutely melts when receiving any praise. With a few loving words she’s easy to fool the first time, but as soon as she learns your tactics you can’t expect her to be deceived so easily the next time.
♡How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied? She doesn’t let the rules slide for the most part, but if drunk she’ll let her darling get away with more things than usual. Lilya will allow her darling to have small freedoms such as walks outside with Lilya, highly supervised trips to town, and less restraints while she’s away. She refuses to provide her darling with most non-necessities, not wanting them to draw her darling’s attention away.
♡What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use? Lilya is very strict about her rules being followed, and she’ll make sure you remember when you break one. She is adamant about you not mentioning absolutely anything about wanting to leave, or showing intentions of doing so. Any physical violence or verbal beratement from you will be met with immediate punishment. She’s more physical with her punishments, Lilya believes her darling learns better that way. Punishment can range from simply increasing restraints or revoking privileges, to physical beatings.
♡How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way? Lilya simply kills them, it's more effective than just threats and she doesn’t want to worry about consequences from letting them live later on.
♡How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like? Lilya is extremely easy to anger, and her darling gets the brunt of her wrath. When she’s angered she tends to get physically violent from destroying furniture to hurting her darling, it's best just not to set her off.
♡Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them? She sees you as below her without a doubt, it's not just her darling though Lilya sees most lesser capable beings as beneath her.
♡How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? Lilya wants a loving relationship, and she expects her darling to provide that for her. She doesn’t expect it right away, but makes sure her darling learns eventually. Just having her darling present can only hold her off for so long. 
♡General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality? Lilya is fine going without sexual contact for long periods, it's not something she needs for a happy relationship. She does let her touches linger lower than they should when she's intoxicated, but it never goes any further than a curious touch. She enjoys softer physical affection more than she does actual sex, Lilya just wants her darling there to hold.
♡How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness? Lilya has no intentions of forcing anything sexual on her darling, her hands might linger in places they shouldn’t occasionally but it never goes any further. If sex occurs it needs to be initiated by her darling, she won’t engage it, not that she likes to admit it but she’s nervous to go that far with her darling. 
♡What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill? She only has one, and it's not even totally sexual, she adores praise from her darling. Lilya melts at any positive compliments her darling is willing to give. 
♡What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use? Lilya wouldn’t use any sexual punishments.♡What body parts of their darling do they like the most? Lilya loves her darling’s thighs, she can’t get enough of touching them. Loves laying her head in her darling’s lap if they’re willing to offer.
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discovertemplate · 3 months
Hydrate Your Life: Free Presentation Template of Drink Water
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In today's fast-paced world, staying hydrated is more important than ever. Water is essential for maintaining good health, and proper hydration is critical daily. To spread awareness about the importance of drinking water, we've developed a free presentation template that can help you educate and inspire others. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of staying hydrated, how to use our template and some creative ways to customize it for your needs.
Why Hydration Matters
The Role of Water in the Body
Water is the most abundant substance in the human body, making up about 60% of our body weight. It is involved in almost every bodily function, including digestion, absorption, circulation, and temperature regulation. Without adequate water, our bodies cannot function optimally. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and impaired cognitive function, making drinking enough water throughout the day essential.
Health Benefits of Drinking Water
Drinking water offers numerous health benefits. It helps maintain the balance of bodily fluids, which is crucial for processes like digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients. Water also aids in maintaining a healthy weight by promoting satiety and reducing calorie intake. Additionally, staying hydrated can improve skin health, boost energy levels, and enhance physical performance. By incorporating water into your daily routine, you can improve overall health and well-being.
Signs of Dehydration
Recognizing the signs of dehydration is key to maintaining good health. Common symptoms include dry mouth, dark urine, dizziness, and fatigue. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to more serious health issues, such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections. It's important to drink water regularly and monitor your hydration levels to avoid these complications. Keeping a water bottle handy and setting reminders to drink water can help you stay on track.
Introducing Our Free Drink Water Presentation Template
Template Features
Our free Drink Water presentation template is designed to help you spread the message of hydration effectively. It includes a variety of slides with visually appealing graphics, charts, and infographics. The template is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the content to your specific audience. Whether you're presenting to a group of students, employees, or community members, this template will make your message clear and engaging.
How to Use the Template
Using our Drink Water presentation template is simple. Start by downloading the template from our website. Once downloaded, open it in your preferred presentation software, such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. The template is designed to be user-friendly, with pre-designed slides that you can easily modify. Add your content, adjust the graphics, and customize the colors to match your branding or theme. With minimal effort, you'll have a professional and informative presentation ready to go.
Customization Tips
Customizing the template to fit your needs is easy and fun. Here are some tips to get you started:
Personalize the Cover Slide: Add a catchy title and your organization's logo to make the presentation your own.
Use High-Quality Images: Replace the placeholder images with high-quality photos that resonate with your audience. Pictures of water bottles, glasses of water, or people staying hydrated can make your presentation more relatable.
Incorporate Data and Statistics: Use the included charts and infographics to present data on hydration. Highlight statistics on water consumption, health benefits, and the impact of dehydration.
Add Interactive Elements: Engage your audience by including interactive elements like quizzes or Q&A sessions. This can make the presentation more dynamic and memorable.
Creative Ways to Promote Hydration
Host a Hydration Challenge
Encourage your audience to participate in a hydration challenge. Set goals for daily water intake and track progress over a set period. Offer incentives like water bottles, stickers, or certificates for those who meet their goals. This can create a sense of community and motivate people to stay hydrated.
Educational Workshops
Organize workshops or seminars focused on the importance of hydration. Use the Drink Water presentation template to deliver informative and engaging sessions. Invite health professionals to speak about the benefits of drinking water and share practical tips for staying hydrated.
Social Media Campaigns
Leverage social media to spread the message of hydration. Share snippets of your presentation, hydration tips, and personal stories on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Use hashtags like #StayHydrated and #DrinkWater to reach a broader audience and encourage people to join the conversation.
Collaborate with Local Businesses
Partner with local businesses, such as gyms, cafes, and health stores, to promote hydration. Provide them with copies of your presentation and ask them to share it with their customers. You can also offer branded water bottles or hydration guides as promotional items.
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. With our free Drink Water presentation template, you can effectively communicate the importance of hydration to your audience. By customizing the template and incorporating creative strategies, you can inspire others to prioritize their hydration and enjoy the many benefits of drinking water. Download the template today and start spreading the message of hydration in your community.
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visual-sculptors · 6 months
Choosing the Ideal Background for Achieving Business Success and Impressing Your Audience
Selecting the perfect background for your business is a decision that should not be taken lightly. The backdrop you choose can significantly influence the first impression you make on potential clients and partners.
An ideal background should not only be visually appealing but also reflective of your brand's identity and core values. It should exude professionalism and sophistication, creating a seamless connection between your message and the environment in which it is presented. By carefully considering the background for your business, you can establish a strong foundation for building credibility and trust with your audience. Whether you are considering a physical space or a virtual setting, the background should be thoughtfully curated to enhance the overall ambiance and convey a sense of professionalism.
A clutter-free and aesthetically pleasing backdrop can help captivate your audience's attention and reinforce the message you are delivering. By paying attention to even the smallest details, such as the background in which your business operates, you can elevate your brand's image and leave a lasting impression on those who interact with your business.
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We specialize in branding designs – Visual Sculptors
The design agency always follows client-approved colors, fonts, and style for consistency in design trends. They incorporate client-specified image and icon styles to strengthen the company's brand. If clients provide PowerPoint templates, the agency adjusts them for optimal presentation quality.
Graphic design Detailed Style Sheet Slides are created to align with client branding, ensuring a cohesive visual identity throughout the presentation.
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lilsnowpea93 · 7 months
Essay time: I can pinpoint exactly why I’m frustrated w capitalism and this current system of how we work in the US. I’ve figured out my place in the world right, I figured out what my “work I should be doing” is (if that’s even necessary morally). But I’ve found the closest things to a typical capital earning career, things that I’m uniquely good at and have “something to offer society” (again just appeasing capitalists w this speak, I’m explaining how the system doesn’t work for some ppl who should be included in society actively doing their thing.) Ok so my shit is like, I do graphic design for friends, we make things. I also make affordable sliding scale art. I make music and encourage ppl to stream/download it for free. I make content online sometimes (way more of a hobby), and I also sell miniature skateboard decks for very affordable prices, or bartering. To summarize, I’m a creative person making stuff that handfuls of people enjoy. That is enough for me, I don’t care about popularity (now that I have other income thank you) and I just want to make neat things and be mentally and physically healthy. Not too much to ask you’d think. NOW, to make this all fit into the capitalist system we are in.. We can spitball, I would have to have so many design projects, from multiple wealthy clients. Or I would also have to somehow get lucky enough to become a somewhat recognized musician and/or artist. Maybe I would become a real content creator. Or I would make my hand crafted items full time. Probably a layering of constant monetary successes in these fields would have to happen for a livable income.
So let’s investigate my specific case. 1. my design caters to liiike, skaters, small brands, etc. You can’t invalidate those niches, they have influence on overall design and are where cool shit sometimes happens. So small doesnt equal bad, most of the time. But small DOES equal not having much money to spread around. 2. Getting famous from art or music is so bad. Trying to do it looks cringey, actually doing it probably sucks so much. Not caring about return is so much fuckinnnggg better !!! I cannot express this enough. U make better stuff. Maybe if u want to be creative, just making it and being proud of it should be the baseline, at least for me. And if a few friends like it, even better. There’s nothing wrong with aiming big I guess but, s2g if there was a way to know the likelihood of that shit, it’d be like wild disproportional. Fuck outta here with that “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” bs. And for me my art/music is kind of specifically me on purpose like I’m gonna do my thing and no one has to like it because I didn’t make it to be like other things or be palatable in a way we contemporarily think of as normal. 3. The content I make online is organic. It’s mainly centered around filmed skateboard tricks. I hope it’s entertaining, I try my best to come up with ones that I feel like doing and that not many people have seen before. I want to add to peoples inspiration when they’re choosing what tricks they want to try. Thinking up rare tricks isn’t something you can just “content” pump out, that would be so weird lol. Like ew being a content creator at shit ruins everything. It wouldn’t even be feasible to make money at that nuh uh. I did try YouTube art vlogs for a year or two but nahhh 4. Bruh do u know how many mini skateboards I’d have to make to equal even half a “normal” jobs pay? They take like an hour or two each no that’s not feasible. Especially the way I make them, more organic and less templates/fancy power tools. I prefer the result that way, it’s harder to get right and takes more time but it’s a skill I have and there’s an art to it so frick offff.
Ok having explained all that- I do believe what I do is a positive force in the communities I’m part of irl and online. I know for a fact that people interact with what I make and are happier because of it. That is very fulfilling. I make things to make them, typically, but that is a huge added bonus, and reason for living frankly.
U may also recognize the thread of affordability or free-ness that runs through everything I like to do. People don’t have random money for buying stuff that’s not for basic survival needs rn. Especially my friends. This is just realistic, like no one’s gonna buy my art if it’s over $50. They can’t afford it, hell I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I used to stress over this, now that I have a steady job I could care less. I’ll give things away for free idc. Cuz good creativity is worth so much and nothing simultaneously I guess lol.
Now, viewing all this from the American capitalist workforce etc perspective: all of these activities are difficult. I put a so much time and effort into each one. I’m kind of a perfectionist and I have very specific tastes. Not to say all my work is good or perfect, but just saying that typically I super care. So I’m passionate about my hard work that I do. A small but not insignificant number of people enjoy the work I put out. However, it does not make barely any income (not my motivation to do my life’s purpose lmao I just do the things I’m good at and like). SO, does that insignificant income part then mean that, I shouldn’t do this stuff? To certain people who understand creative careers they would say that my current path can be a stepping stone to a more real career. To that I say, I’ve been at this step permanently for 10 years, this is it. And also, how are people who are legit at the stepping stone thing supposed to survive?
Now, why I mention all this stuff super hinges on this reality: Currently I work a 30-35 hr full time job at 17/hr and that has made my life a bajillion times easier (I can’t express), but I can barely do the shit I actually want to do, and barely still have good personal and space hygiene and mental health and do easy hobbies like MAYBE sometimes playing a game. If I wanted my life to be upgraded like, having a car, buying a small house, being able to buy the clothes I want, eating out instead of only always spending time making food personally, etc., I would have to work 8 hr 9-5 and find a job that pays even better, but I doubt I could do that because my “real” skills are cleaning the floor/toilet and sometimes fixing things, I could easily get paid less for less hours. Working that 8 hr 9-5 job that’s in a different field I probably don’t like very much would 100% kill all the other things I do. I know this because sometimes I have to work that schedule. Nothing else gets done, apartment doesn’t get cleaned, I barely take care of myself, let alone express the skills that feel like my “purpose”. Maybe that’s a me mental health issue, it seems like some people can do it. Imagine having kids added on to that, this is why I won’t have kids. My past Christian culture really wanted me to have kids. Ur trippin. I regularly fail at taking care of myself.
So what all this tells me, is that my actual skills, which I am pretty good at due to years of experience, have succeeded at so many times in terms of people effected, measurable good done.. I kinda probably shouldn’t have done it, I’m getting good at the wrong thing, it doesn’t make money as its first goal. Meritocracy my assss bro. There’s worth in what I do. The things people like me do are part of the culture. Absolutely not saying I make any waves in that department lol, but I’m part of it, I add my two cents. The culture is what makes shit interesting, it’s what makes people happy, ppls days better, it’s human connection thru shared interests and progression of an art form. Like idk what to tell u I think it’s cool. But to the normal viewpoint, all my stuff is just hobbies. But they’re kinda more than hobbies right? Like I’m just trying to check the capitalist boxes, I don’t think everyone should have to hold their things they do to wild standards of almost fitting into capitalism like mine do. But still, I can’t do it in the way they want, even with the help of having the internet.. and I’m not about to ruin and taint what I love to make not even enough dollars to live from. I don’t even know what I want bro but all I know is that shit doesn’t woooork. Like for some people it does! But not for ppl like I’m describing, who are definitely worth having in society and letting flourish etc. To me creative ppl are a bajillion times more interesting than someone who works in business. Like they can do that sure, that’s probably their thing I guess, buuut idk what are u adding bro, when u die what will u have done. Better been like donating to charities or something. The ppl this system wants u to be are so boring and inhuman. It literally wants to suppress creativity. I hope I’ve proven that here, I know I’m a unique case w my weird shit I do that goes beyond music or whatever’s popular rn. Like I add to society in these ways.. and my regular job does too, I’ve always worked for non profits I like. But still, objectively trying to do both is really gnarly. If only I could be randomly famous for one of those things I like doing to support the rest, I say jokingly because it is not feasible and will likely never happen. Let’s be real there, for most creative people it does not happen. But they still add to their communities and are positive facets of life and society at large. They should be able to do their thing! I also recognize that this experience is very very common. Like I’m granularly describing mine but there are definitely so many ppl with similar things happening all the time. We’re not free to do what we want. The system tells u the opposite but eh there’s a big twist. Sure I could be less free. Literally hate that argument so much tho because it’s always in regards to human made systems like, yes, AND humans COULD fix the terrible instances where the poor people are mega oppressed. We should all be on a better page. We have the resources to be but we’re not. The system and ppl who control it aren’t interested in that I guess. Like, clearly, that’s the reason. Our lives are all a little or massively worse for it. Humans can’t human as effectively, society is less colorful and interesting. As humanity we have less to offer and show for our time on earth.. We don’t even have a clear reason to explain why we’re here or why we’re conscious entities. If I know one fact about reality, we’re not here to solely make money. I refuse to get obsessed with that. But we’re all coerced to be, and the system is built to clearly influence that desire, at the risk of punishment. Like, no, fuck u and fuck money. It’s so awesome that this attitude seems so worthwhile and also so antithetical to living within our system. Fuck all that man that’s terrible. Again, I’m sure we could figure out a way to fix this, but we don’t. We also have bigger problems we refuse to fix. Humans are so cooool hahaha I love us awwee. Sorry for cynicism lulz but it is worrying! Hard not to think about it all the time ya know.
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I wrote up my project proposal which I’m now about completely change because I’ve realised I want to look at the posters I looked at and talked about previously.
Anyways this was my initial proposal:
I think everything is still very undecided so the focus could still change. However I’m considering designing a sweet box in the shape of a book. So to hopefully lean into the graphic design part a lot more heavily with this project. Perhaps looking at templates and layouts of product packaging. And making my own spin of it including illustration work inspired by my book of choice Frankenstein for things like the cover. The obvious things I will need to look at will be font and colour. But also I think that deciding how I would physically present the product is a big part as well. I have been working on some name concepts and the idea of making a sweet box really stuck when I came up with the name “Freaky Franks Confectionery”. I really liked the idea of making and printing it into a real product however I’m aware there’s a lot of time limits on this project. But also I will be spending time away to travel to America where I will be visiting New York, Washington and Philadelphia. So I need to consider how this will be affecting my project as I was thinking about how I can utilise my time on the plane journey to work on the illustration part. And the free time I have now to do more research in refining what I want to do. Part of refining will be looking at artists and also deciding what the realistic amount of work I can produce. As I started thinking how I could do multiple confectionery boxes. For instance designing a biscuit box that opens like a regular book for Frankenstein and then having a sweet box that either slides out or has little draws to pull out still in the book shape for Frankenstein’s Bride. I think there’s a lot of options I could try for instance, I like the idea that perhaps Frankenstein’s monster stayed alive to pursue a career in baking and became a businessman selling them. No longer viewed as a monster by the public and gets his happy ending (Think like Edward Scissorhand becoming a Gardner). However I think that starts avoiding creepy and falls me back into drawing kid friendly and cutesy things again.
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rollivox · 2 years
Physical countdown timers
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Never installed a WordPress plugin before? Not a problem.
Inside your WordPress dashboard, you can install the OptinMonster plugin under the Plugins » Add New page. Step 1: Installing OptinMonster in WordPress Let’s start by installing OptinMonster on your WordPress website. And with access to so many templates, you can set up the timer in minutes. OptinMonster will give you more campaign types and targeting rules to choose from so you decide where your countdown timer appears.
Ready to create your own countdown timer? Sign up for your risk-free OptinMonster account below:īONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started → Just see how how Cracku increased conversion 300% with OptinMonster countdown timers. OptinMonster shows you the number of people who viewed the timer and how many converted, along with other valuable insights.Īnd OptinMonster’s countdown timers are proven to work. OptinMonster also tracks the performance of your campaigns, so you can see how much value the countdown timer added to your marketing goals. On top of that, you can personalize the timers based on user’s location, which page they’re on, where they’re visiting from, and more. This is a great option for when you host seasonal sales and promotions. Plus, OptinMonster lets you set schedules for the countdown timer to appear and disappear at specific dates and times. You can even position your countdown timer to appear as a static bar that stays visible at all times as the visitor scrolls through your site. So, for instance, you can decide to show it to new visitors and make sure it doesn’t appear to returning ones. This means you can display a countdown timer inside popups, floating bars, gamified wheels, inline forms, slide-ins, and more.Īnd the best part is you get to control where, when, and to whom the countdown timer appears. It comes with 50+ beautiful templates and 9 campaign types that are easy to customize. OptinMonster is a premium WordPress plugin to create stunning lead generation campaigns for your site. The best way to create stunning and functional countdown timers in WordPress is by using OptinMonster. You can add the timer inside pages, posts, sidebars, floating bars, popups, slide-ins, and much more! In the tutorial below, we’re going to use a single tool to create a countdown timer that can be used for any purpose on your WordPress site. Let visitors know when your site will be back up after website maintenance.Create urgency for limited-time offers and sale events.Build momentum for an event or conference.Create excitement for a new product or service.Build pre-launch excitement on a coming soon page.When used right, a countdown timer has the power to drive conversions and bring in significant profits.Ĭountdown timers can be used in so many different ways, including: The Best Ways to Use a Countdown TimerĬountdown timers let visitors know how much time is left for the start or end of something.
This tutorial will show you how to create a countdown timer in WordPress.īefore we get into the tutorial, let’s quickly look at ideas for your countdown timer. Do you want to build excitement on your site by adding a countdown timer?Ĭountdown timers create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) to encourage people to sign up for emails, sales, events, webinars, and more.
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imajust · 2 years
Best pdf editor for ipad reddit
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Best pdf editor for ipad reddit how to#
Best pdf editor for ipad reddit pro#
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Best pdf editor for ipad reddit free#
The app comes free with macOS/iOS devices, and it does a great job of letting you type or take notes by hand. We couldn’t discuss iPad note-taking apps without mentioning Apple Notes.
Best pdf editor for ipad reddit how to#
Want to learn how to take better notes? Check out our guide to the best note-taking systems. Upgrade for $7.99 to get unlimited notebooks and handwriting recognition. Price: Free (limited to three notebooks). This is handy whether you’re giving a class presentation or pitching a business idea. Using either AirPlay or an HDMI cable, you can project what you’re writing onto a larger screen while still being able to see the GoodNotes interface on your iPad. This is perfect if you’re like me and tend to press very hard when writing.įinally, GoodNotes includes a “Presentation Mode” that lets you turn your iPad into a digital whiteboard. Notably, GoodNotes lets you adjust the sensitivity and palm recognition of the pen to match your writing style. You can choose from several built-in note layouts and templates, as well as import your own. This app has everything you want for taking notes, including the ability to switch between typing and writing. The option to export to Evernote is noticeably missing from Notability, making Noteshelf our top pick for serious Evernote users.Īpple Watch users will also benefit from the app’s ability to record voice notes using the Noteshelf Apple Watch app. This makes it a powerful tool whether you’re taking a language class or learning a language on your own.įinally, Noteshelf lets you export your notes to iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and Evernote. If you speak/write multiple languages, you’ll also be pleased to know that Noteshelf can recognize handwriting in 65 different languages. You can also record voice notes to go along with your handwritten notes, which is perfect for recapping a lecture or meeting at a later date. It has many of the features we love in Notability, including the option to annotate PDFs and multitask with the iPad’s split screen. Noteshelf was our favorite note-taking app for the iPad before we discovered Notability, and it’s still a superb option. This allows you to, for instance, have a slide or reference material open on one side of the page while you take notes on the other.Īnd beyond the layout of individual pages, you can also organize your notes using digital “Dividers” (which is perfect if you’re used to taking notes in a physical binder).įinally, Notability gives you plenty of options for exporting and sharing your notes, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and AirDrop.Ĭheck out the video below to see Notability in action: In addition, Notability includes a variety of flexible layout options. Notability does an excellent job of emulating this experience, while also allowing you to do things you can’t do on paper such as resizing and moving your drawings. Being able to doodle and quickly sketch out illustrations is one of our favorite things about taking notes on paper. Sketching and drawing in Notability is downright delightful. The app offers a delightful writing experience, yet it also makes it easy to embed images, annotate PDFs, and even record voice memos. If we had to recommend just one iPad note-taking app, it would be Notability.
Best pdf editor for ipad reddit pro#
Note: All of the apps below work for both the iPad Pro and Classic, though the Pro’s larger screen size makes note-taking easier. With a bit of practice, these apps will give you all the benefits of writing by hand without sacrificing the convenience of digital organization (except for app #5, discussed below). In this post, we’ll show you six of the best note-taking apps for the iPad. The key is to use a quality stylus, a screen protector that mimics paper, and, most importantly, the right note-taking app. And we’re excited to share that we’ve finally found a method that combines the best parts of writing by hand with the best parts of digital note-taking. So for a while now, we’ve been experimenting with ways of taking handwritten notes with an iPad. While this approach worked, it wasn’t as seamless as we wanted. Start Taking Notes With Your iPad Todayĭo you love the tactile experience of taking notes on paper but prefer the organizational features of digital note-taking apps? We do, too.Īnd until recently, the best compromise we’d found was taking notes on paper and scanning them into an app like Evernote.
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pediagreys · 2 years
Slide soccer online
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Cognitive and social information to make selecting, bonding with, and training your pigeon easier:
There are lots of things I can go into more detail on, but here are the hows and whys of pigeon cognition and sociology that form the basis of our research into communication and Therapy work, laid out as a guide to building your relationship with your bird, starting with generalities universal to the species, and ending with an in depth look at the mechanics behind the typical behaviors and temperaments of cocks vs hens and what to expect.
Though they are extremely social outside nest space, Pigeons, whether cock or hen, are life-or-death viciously territorial of their specific nest space.
For reference: 
A free flying bird with no cage considers nest space to consist of the actual nest and about their own body length around it. 
Because they are crevice nesters, a pigeon with an enclosure considers the entire enclosure to be nest space.
Only a pigeon's mate is allowed to enter their nest, and that's exclusively by invitation.
Peeps are hatched into it, and once they wean, they are not allowed to re-enter.
Anything entering their nest space that is not that bird's mate is instinctively considered to be either a predator, or a rival.
 A rival won't eat them, but is coming explicitly to attack them to drive them out of a good nest, which will involve killing their nestlings if they have any.
So, to avoid triggering the predator/rival defensive response, it's important to open your bird's enclosure to invite them to come out on their own terms when you want to spend social time with them. 
This rewards their natural curiosity and  makes you feel more like a cohabitant/potential flock mate than a potential predator or attacker.
While your bird is out exploring, you can strengthen your bond with them by treat priming; Address them by name, ask "Want a treat?" and toss a safflower seed in front of them, but not straight at them. Praise them when they eat it with something along the lines of "Yes, that is for you! Good bird!" in a pleased tone of voice. (even birds who hate handling and refuse treats respond positively to a pleased tone of voice.)
Calling their name every time primes them to look at you when you address them.
Little by little, as they get comfortable with the distance, you should be able to toss treats less and less far from yourself.
The end goal is for your bird to come into willing physical contact with you.
From there, you can start offering a treat on the tip of one or two fingers.
Once the bird is reliably accepting that, offer the treat held by the narrow end between your thumb and index finger. 
This makes your hand more similarly shaped to the head of a bird than the scary giant talon with extra toes or giant snake it usually looks like to a bird.
In every flock of pigeons, there are at least one or two teen or older birds that will feed any weaned baby that cries. 
I call these "Flock Aunties/Unkles", and this is the mantle you take up for your bird once they get they hang of hand feeding.
It's best to start having out times in the evenings, so that bed time is after dark. Lights Out training makes returning them to the enclosure less stressful for both you and your bird.
When you want to put the bird away, address them to get their attention, and say "Lights Out or Bed Time soon!", wait about 10 seconds, Then walk over to the light switch, make a note of where your bird is, repeat "Lights Out/Bed Time now", and flick off the lights.
Pigeons are diurnal and non-migratory. They can't see in the dark, and just sort of turn off. 
This differs from the learned helplessness shut down in being instinctively  associated with sleep, rather than inescapable distress.
In the dark, you can pick up your bird and gently return them to the enclosure without the stress of having to chase and catch them.
After a few repetitions, birds that don't enjoy being carried to bed will use the ten or so seconds between "soon" and "now" to fly back to their enclosure on their own. Birds that do like being carried will assume the position and wait for you to turn off the light and carry them.
There is no getting around the fact that feeding, watering, and cleaning require you to reach into your pigeon's enclosure, and if you can't do that while they are out (for example, if you feed in the morning before leaving for work) you can help them overcome their defensive response by talking them through what you are doing without reaching for the bird themself.
"It's food time. I need your dish." while reaching in only as far as needed to remove the dish, and withdrawing with it as quickly and unobtrusively as possible. Same for the water dish, and talking them through cleaning.
For example, the floor of my hospital cages slide out, so I tell the birds "I need your floor." and then repeat "Back up, back up, back up" in a soft, encouraging tone until they are off, then praising with "Thank you!" to signify they have done what I asked and I will not bother them now until time to put the floor back in.
When the floor is cleaned and repapered, I tell them "Here's your floor back." and repeat "Step up." as I slide it in until they have both feet on the floor. 
When I have finished cleaning, watering, and feeding (All three get done at once for the hospital cages) I signify to the bird that it's over by "Ok! We're done now!" and then praising "Good bird! Thank you."
It's important to talk them through EVERYTHING because they are literally five-year-old-child intelligent.
Pigeons and baboons have similarly high cognition.
Pigeons have an innate understanding of the concepts of space and time.
They categorize like we do.
Their brains are wired similarly to ours.
So much so that they are considered an excellent model in the study of cognitive neuroscience
With TONS of alzheimer-specific research
Their facial recognition is similar to ours.
They recognize humans as individuals.
By both face, and voice.
They surpass the ability of human children up to three years old to recognize that their reflection in a mirror is their own reflection, and not another bird.
They can learn the equivalent of words by the same mechanic as human children.
They can learn to differentiate a written word from an acronym with the same number of letters.
And flocks build what can legitimately be called a culture by building knowledge across generations.
The take away from this is that pigeons are intelligent enough to learn what your communication means, and can be taught by the same mechanic as a human toddler.
Language is a pattern of matching words to objects, actions, individuals, places, and concepts. Pigeons are pattern mappers, hard wired to latch onto stable patterns.
It is vitally important that you talk a pigeon that you are training through absolutely everything, the way you would a toddler who hasn't quite gotten that word down yet.
They can eventually learn to answer yes and no questions, if you give them a template. (this is already going to be enough of a novella, I can go into detail about that later.
A pigeon flock is basically one gigantic extended family living together in their equivalent of an ancestral apartment complex.
Pigeons only join a flock by hatching or marrying into it.
Pigeons are one of extremely few species that remain year round in the same breeding colony AND cooperatively forage; not just all going the same place, but actively voting on what to look for, how to best get there, and how to best get back.
Babies only rarely leave the flock. 
When they leave the nest, they are taught by their fathers to be pigeons for the first month or so. Where safe food and water are, how to find nest materials, how to defer to a higher ranking flock member. 
The rest of the flock line up to each teach the peep that they are higher ranking than the peep. (Peeps instinctively expect this hazing and are very skittish from five to eight weeks of age)
At about eight weeks, the peep is as big as it will get, and starts to earn their place in the hierarchy by experimentally pushing back against the older birds to see who gives and who won't.
 By four or five months, the young bird has a solid place in the hierarchy, has found out what it's good at, and has usually won a mate.
At this point, a cock earns the right to claim a nest space among his parents, grand kin, aunts, unkles, cousins, and so-on.
Young pigeons only leave their flock to form a new one if there aren't enough nest spaces or isn't enough food to support every one.
So stability and finding a place in the social dynamic are EXTREMELY important to them.
Pigeon Flocks are democratic meritocracies.
They vote on everything they do as a group
Parties with differing opinions compromise.
Because they need to be able to depend on the support of their flock mates to cooperatively find resources, watch out for predators, and navigate home.
Pigeons will not follow a leader they can't depend on, be that due to a loss of capability, or an unwillingness to heed cast votes or attempt to compromise.
This adds up to a bird that is hard wired to expect a say in everything they are involved in and be keenly, my-life-depends-on-this aware when their say is being ignored.
Pigeons do not have a concept of “Reasons I could not discern”.
If they can’t discern a reason you ignored their vote or any attempt to compromise with them, they just think there wasn’t one, and you're either incompetent or being an ass hole. 
And Pigeons consider themselves to be well within their rights to refuse to cooperate with an incompetent ass hole.
This is a BIG part of why talking them through everything is so vitally important.
Pigeons are EXTREMELY communicative.
Once they trust you as a flock mate, The more they understand about what you are doing, what you want them to do, and how that affects them, the more willing they are to cooperate with you.
Those are the cognitive universals.
When selecting a companion or therapy animal, it’s important to know what temperament to expect, and the typical temperaments of Cocks and Hens differ pretty drastically!
We touched briefly on mate behaviors earlier, and now we need to go into that to explain sex-typical behaviors, by which I mean the instinctive behavioral and base line personality differences between typical cocks and hens.
To explain sex-typical behaviors, I have to walk you through the pigeon courtship ritual called Driving, which has three phases.
It starts with the Chase phase.
The cock struts up to a hen he'd interested in and alternately chest-bumps and bites her until she runs away.
He continues to strut after her, occasionally charging with a sweeping tail to push or bite her until she bursts into flight.
Hens will initiate for a cock they are EXTREMELY interested in, but in pigeon society, the hen having to initiate means the cock just is not remotely interested in her. 
This is less than ideal for the hen, and she will divorce him for the first cock that shows enough interest to initiate the chase.
Once they are in the air, the hen is trying to break away and flee, and the cock is trying to herd her towards the nest area he's picked out.
Ideally, she crashes into it, too exhausted to keep flying.
To a human, this looks really violently aggressive.
But the Rock Dove, from which our domestic pigeons descend, evolved in a Thompson's Gazelle vs. Cheetah style arms race with the Peregrine goddamn Falcon.
If the cock cannot out pace and out maneuver the hen, and his stamina is lower than hers, then her children by him will be slower and less maneuverable than she is, with lower stamina.
This all adds up, to her, as her peeps by this cock being easier than she is for a falcon to catch.
If she can get away from him, he is an inferior potential sire, and she will reject him.
The Wrestling phase begins after the hen has recovered her breath.
As soon as she can, she will try to blow past the cock and vanish into the sky.
He has to body block her to prevent her from leaving, grab her by the scruff if she tries to push past, and fight her until she stops trying to get up.
Again, this looks REALLY violently abusive to a human!
But nest location is a status symbol in pigeon society.
A good nest is high up, wide enough for two adult birds side by side, with an entrance ideally narrow enough for only one at a time to get in.
This also makes it really hard for a hawk, rodent, or snake to get in after the eggs, peeps, or parent defending them.
Other cocks will want a good, safe, defensible nest for their wife, and absolutely will kill nestlings to drive out a less fit pair, hoping to impress a (usually specific and very picky) potential mate.
If the cock cannot fight the generally smaller, weaker hen who just recovered from the Chase phase to prevent her getting out, he hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell of defending her from a healthy rival who wants that nest for his wife and peeps.
It's only after he's completed the Chase and Wrestling phases that she allows him to prove that he's an excellent forager by offering to feed her from his crop. (the kissing behavior that immediately precedes the act of treading.)
This translates VERY poorly to a human partner, and is what makes bottle raised baby boys such a monumental pain in the ass.
Pigeons are INTENSELY social.
The drive to bond is stronger than the drive to actually reproduce, so your bonded pigeon will treat you like a mate.
Which means that a cock will be compelled to attempt the initiation, chase, and wrestling phases of Driving.
Imprinting does not just make a specific person a baby bird's mommy.
It tells the bird what species it is and sets Mommy as the ideal mate.
A pigeon that thinks they are human expects their human to understand these instinctive pigeon behaviors.
Their human's failure to respond as expected comes across as ignoring them.
Which leads to human-imprinted pigeons going from trying to court their caretaker, to feeling intentionally ignored for no reason and attacking out of furious frustration.
This is why I don't hand raise nestlings unless the peep will die if I don't step in.
Pigeons who are parent-raised, but socialized by humans the way you would nursing puppies or kittens, understand that a human is not a pigeon.
Instead of expecting their caretaker to understand them by default and getting overwhelmed with frustration when they can't, a parent-raised, human-social pigeon tries to work out how to bridge the communication gap.
If your human-social cock approaches you and tries to start a fight out of the blue, he doesn't hate you.
He loves you, and is pulling out all stops to prove to a freaking KAIJU, via hand to hand combat, that he's strong enough to protect them and their nest.
I tell people that "Cock love is pinchy."
This is what I'm talking about.
Physical contact is a mate/baby-exclusive privilege for cocks.  Only his mate allopreens him, and he only allopreens his mate and their peeps.
Flock mates other than his mate only attempt to make physical contact with a cock to start a fight or ask for sex. 
So all associations for a cock, aside from mate and peeps, are rivalries and side-chicks.
Pigeon bites can't break the skin (all they can do is pinch), unless it's just a massive monster of a pigeon, but the tenacity sexually selected for by hens makes cocks relentless until they are satisfied that they have suitably impressed you.
Hens, in contrast, are approached by flock mates to proposition for sex, to engage in allopreening, or to invite to feed, bathe, or loaf together.
They are generally more cuddly, more forgiving of restraint (Joke's on you, she's into that shit!), and more accepting of other family members making contact with her.
Cocks who are satisfied with their relationship can be a lot of fun, but their nippiness can be an anxiety trigger if you don't know to expect it.
In order to consider himself bonded to his person, a cock has to feel he has impressed you, like he would be expected to impress a hen. 
It is much easier to convince a parent raised cock that you really are impressed and don't just see him as beneath your notice than it is to convince an Imprint.
Parent raised cocks will be more gentle when they initiate driving, as the drive is more like a compulsive need to complete a symbolic gesture for them than the actual hand to hand combat to manually overpower a titan that these matches are to an imprinted cock.
To convince a cock that he really has won your admiration fair and square, Start by putting up some resistance when he initiates. 
Push him back, shake your hand, ruffle and wrestle with him like you would a very small kitten.
You will need to do this WAY longer for an imprint than a parent raised bird, but when you want to wind down the match, pay attention to what he's doing.
He is never just biting.
He is trying to maneuver your hand either by tugging or shoving. 
Follow where he directs until he stops either pulling or pushing, and just pushes down. That is where he wants your hand to be. 
Relax it there until he turns away, then go about your business.
It will take a few sessions, but once he's satisfied he's impressed you, he'll have no need to go all out like that anymore.
Ankhou (an imprint who is extremely satisfied with a now five year long extremely stable relationship) doesn't engage in driving fights with me anymore, but we do have lots of brief, very gentle wrestling sessions.
Hens don't need human mates to impress them in hand to hand combat like they require a cock to.
They are intelligent enough to assume that nothing her size is going to stand a chance against something your size.
The peaceful simplicity of bonding with a hen tends to make them more desired as therapy and companion animals.
Bonded cocks are just as cuddly and sweet, but you have to go through his Driving impulse to get to that point with him.
This doesn't make cocks bad pets or therapy prospects, but they are definitely not the ideal match for everyone.
@tinysaurus-rex ‘s Battar is an excellent example of a bonded hen.
If you would like to see how his owner applies the constant biting of a feral Imprint towards physical therapy for nerve pain flair ups, check out the blog @homeofhousechickens and search for Loki.
They also have a parent raised, human social emotional support cock named Fluffernutter and have made a lot of great posts illustrating the contrast between imprinted pigeons and pigeons who were raised by their parents, but socialized with lots of gentle handling.
I hope this helps the people who have their bird’s physical needs planned out to pick the bird whose emotional needs they can best meet, and whose personality will best match their emotional needs. <3
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fairycosmos · 3 years
i need help i can’t stop thinking about killing myself like it’s happened before but i’ve never gone through with it it’s going to hurt i know it i know
i'm really sorry to hear that love :( it seems like you're having such a hard time right now. i know there's nothing i can do or say that will really put a dent in ur pain, but since we're both here rn i'll do a bit of talking and if you're not feeling it you can ignore it, or you can come back to this later. maybe you want to try some grounding exercises, here / here and here before you feel capable of focusing. that's ok, take all the time you need. now, as someone who also struggles with this, i just wanted to say that i understand the intensity of the moment and how sometimes it really feels like the urge to give up is far stronger than any notion of hope the future has to offer. it is totally understandable how we get to this point when so much of life just seems to be suffering. having said that, i think it's a good sign that you reached out to me and an even better sign that you're able to recognize that these ARE just thoughts. and while they can be very powerful hurtful things, they do not exist in the tangible reality. not every idea that passes through your mind has to be believed or acted upon - all of this turmoil and self loathing, it is not factual and it is not permanent either. you're not in a place right now where you can trust your thoughts and feelings, so please let them pass on through, even if that takes a long time. allow it to. we've already established that this state of mind has come and gone in the past, and it will do the same again, if you give it the chance to. i'm not trying to downplay how unbelievably hard to live with, of course, but it can be freeing to acknowledge that this is transient no matter how difficult it is to endure. that fear is your survival instinct and it's kicking in to keep you here. you deserve to be here and you deserve to thrive, no matter what your mind is telling you. it sounds like you're going through phases of intense suicidal ideation and there can be a whole host of underlying causes for this - mental illness, past trauma etc. obviously those are very serious issues that need real medical attention in order to begin to overcome but with that and with time, it is totally possible to learn to live a full live along side them. almost nuturing them, so they don't overwhelm you as much. sometimes it boils down to loving yourself through it like a parent loves a child.
are you currently in touch with a mental health professional of any sort? your doctor, a therapist, a support group, even a hotline? if not, i would really urge you to seek help as soon as possible. and if you already are, let them know where you're at with your thoughts lately so they can focus on treating you more intensely. if you're worried about money, there are cost-sensitive options like finding a therapist who offers a sliding scale price, or looking into mental health resources within your community. any effort, no matter how small, counts. i know the prospect of reaching out and being honest is a daunting one, and i'm only bringing it up as something to consider at the moment (or when you feel able to) so please don't write it off all together. but it really is not the nightmare your brain is probably building it up to be. just like with physical illness, mental illness can be confronted and worked with. it's all about learning how to manage your unique mind, and even if it takes a lifetime, it is so possible to lessen the frequency of crises like this, to become more prepared for them so they feel less earth-shattering when they do occur. talking about what you've been through, pinpointing root causes, learnng how to implement healthy coping mechanisms into your daily routine, building a support system, finding the medication for you if needed - all of this is going to make a difference. it is not going to fix everything, obviously, but it is going to lighten the weight. you deserve to be supported without judgement and with genuine care, you deserve to be heard. there are a lot of people, professionals or otherwise, even just randoms like me, who are willing to be that presence for you.
this isn't always the case but a LOT of the time, suicidal people don't want to die, they just want to stop living 'like this'. you don't have to hurt yourself in order to achieve that, i mean it. i know when you're in this state of mind, any even slightly positive statement just feels like rubbing salt into the wound. but even if you can't seriously take them on board, i hope when you're in a more grounded place you can at least consider them as valid alternatives to absolute hopelessness. you might as well, because you are alive and that is not always going to be a burden. you honestly have an inherent worth that has been with you since the day you were born. it isn't gone just because you can't see it right now. every day you fulfil your purpose by experiencing the world. you can't fathom how many lives you've touched, directly and indirectly, just by being who you are. it is so hard to believe it, i get that, but it is a fundamental truth. there is nothing you need to prove, or give. the future is ever changing and doesn't exist yet, and you've already survived the past, so the only thing that really matters is this moment. focus on what you need, not what you want, but what you need to do right now to truly prioritize yourself. even if that feels like the last thing on earth you want do. if self destruction and self harm was gonna work, it would've by now. it's ok to try something new and to attempt to guide yourself through this with a bit of self-compassion. please, if you feel like you are an immediate danger to yourself, please exercise that and call the authorities, a hotline or a friend/family member right away. no matter what lies your brain is feeding you, no matter how much you don't actually want to in the moment. everything is always changing and things are going to change beyond recognition, they always do. you deserve to stick around to see that, and once you've made the decision to do that, you won't have to be scared anymore, not the way you are right now. i'm going to leave some links that i think might be of some service to you right now, but like i said, please call someone if you feel you can't be alone right now. i believe in you so much and i really hope you are able do the right thing for your own safety. such strong emotions are not built to last. just get through today, or even the next five minutes, andthen go from there. sending so much love.
list of hotlines
coping with suicidal thoughts
coping with depression
template for creating a safety plan
so you feel like shit? (this site really helped me the other day)
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Move on to templates designed for highlighting women in the arts, literature, and social activism. Whether it's Maya Angelou's profound impact on literature, Frida Kahlo's influential art, or Malala Yousafzai's advocacy for education, these templates can effectively communicate the stories of women who have shaped the world in diverse ways.
4. Interactive Learning: Engaging Students with Free Slides Templates
Engaging students in the learning process is a crucial aspect of education, and free slides templates provide a valuable resource for interactive and dynamic presentations. Incorporate templates that encourage discussions, reflections, and collaborative projects centered around women's achievements.
Create templates with interactive elements, such as clickable links to additional resources, quizzes, or discussion prompts. This not only enhances the learning experience but also encourages students to actively participate in understanding and appreciating the stories being shared.
Encourage students to explore and create their presentations using these templates, allowing them to research and present on influential women who have left an indelible mark on history. By actively involving students in the process, educators can foster a sense of empowerment, instilling the idea that everyone, regardless of gender, can contribute meaningfully to society. In conclusion, free slides templates for education, especially Google Slides themes free education, are invaluable tools for celebrating women's achievements and promoting gender equality. By harnessing the visual impact, diverse themes, real-life stories, and interactive learning potential of these templates, educators, advocates, and students can collectively contribute to building a more inclusive and empowered world. Let the narratives of inspiring women be amplified through the lens of creative and impactful presentations, creating a ripple effect that transcends the confines of the classroom.
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mediocre-life-span · 4 years
3 about your OC
- original post by @radioactive-synth (thanks for the template fam!)
Captain Alex Hawthorne (outer worlds OC)
1. List 3 things you like about your OC
-From an artist's POV, I like her outfit and how easy it is to draw lol.
- I like her courage! She never backs down from fight but isn't afraid to run away if it's pointless.
- Her intelligence and silliness combined. Even though Alex acts like an idiot most of the time, she is actually rather smart. She'd pull on a push door but can solve a complicated equation easily to put it bluntly.
2. List 3 things the other characters like about your OC
-Her individuality. Most people have never met someone like her. She dances around and makes obscure references which makes her stand out almost as much as her purple hair!
- Her ability to go from adorable to terrifying in 0.5 seconds. Don't call her cute guys, don't...
- Her selflessness. She would sacrifice everything she's worked for and herself without a second thought if it saved someone else.
3. List 3 things your OC carries all the time
- Her ace ring! Mine is important to me and it is to her! Ace rings serve as reminder that other people feel the same and ur not alone, so ofc Alex buys Parvarti one!
- Some sort of sweet snack! She's got a real sweet tooth and TTD uses a lot of energy!
- Do weapons count? Alex always carries her Dead Eye Assault Rifle and two plasma cutter that she uses like lightsabers.
4. List 3 things your OC does in their free time
-She's got her guitar so she like to sit on the Unreliable roof and chat with whoever whilst strumming along.
- Her playlist has soooo many songs on it so she dances around the ship and sings along sometimes!
- She used to draw cartoons when she was back on Earth, so when she finds some art supplies she gets back into drawings again.
5. List 3 strong points of you OC
- Alex can lighten the mood of any situation and seems to always cheer up her friends. It also helps in a fight that she puts people at ease and lowers their guard.
- She is an amazing shot and rarely misses. She usually uses a sniper rifle and shoots the enemies from really far away.
- She has a very high mental endurance. She can go for ages before breaking down but when she does usually it's a big breakdown:/
6. List 3 flaws of your OC
- She doesn't take care of herself as much as she should. She doesn't sleep a lot or talk to anyone about her problems. It's really not good for her but she cares too much about other people to "hurt them with her own hurt"
-Alex's attention span is *quite* short so she does little things like spin around on her chair, slide across floors, jumping up and down to keep her attention on things
-She is completely oblivious to any kind of flirting lol.
7. List 3 physical traits of your OC
- Purple hair!
- She's got a round face and big eyes that people seem to find adorable.
- Alex always wear something to cover up her arms, she's not very confident with people seeing them...
8. List 3 people your OC loves the most
- Wilson, (my other OC) who is her brother and only remaining relative
- Felix lol. It takes a while for her to notice his very obvious feelings but she gets there in the end and there's a whole drama about how she doesn't want him to suffer because of her etc
- Honestly I can't rank them but Parvarti, Ellie, Nyoka, Max, SAM and also ADA are her closest friends!
9. List 3 food/drink items your OC eats the most
- Purpleberry bunches! As I said, she's got a sweet tooth!
- Tripicale. She has no idea what it is and is determined to find out.
- Mock apple juice. It tastes like orange juice.
10. (Optional) List 3 of your favourite screenshots/gifs/art of your OC
I put a couple of ma favourite things of her in a lil collage
Tumblr media
And tag time!
@the-laridian @captastra @thisisrigged4 and @jumpship90
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Slow Hands
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Here’s 5.2K words of basically pure smut. Blame Sara for this because she peer pressured me. 
“Don’t forget, Rich, we’re going to Ben’s poetry slam tomorrow night,” Eddie said into the phone that was pressed between his shoulder and ear as he typed away on his laptop. He had a report that was due before the end of the weekend that he somehow needed to cram into his ever-tightening schedule, and unfortunately for his school work, Eddie’s attention span always seemed to be taken up by the extravagant Richie Tozier.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about my commitment to my dear Benjamin, Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie said on the other end of the line while scribbling Eddie’s last minute reminder onto the calendar-templated dry erase board Mike had bought for him after the time Richie missed two exams in a row due to mixed up dates. “Do you remember what the dress code was? Stan might kill me if I show up underdressed to anything ever again.”
Eddie laughed softly to himself at the memory of Stan nearly bending a salad fork in his fist when Richie had showed up dressed casually for the annual Exotic Bird Protection fundraising banquet. Stan’s bird watching group had donated 100 dollars per chair for whomever Stan decided to bring with him as representation for the members in the New York area. Apparently the location, The London Club, had confused Richard, who showed up in skinny jeans and a flashy jean jacket to a black tie event.
“Yeah,” Eddie said with his words so laced with his smile that Richie could picture it perfectly in his mind if he closed his eyes, “Ben said that it’s casual dress, you should be fine.”
Their conversation continued and Eddie eventually abandoned his laptop, shutting it down and moving to lie on his bed. Talking to Richie came as easy as breathing; the pair had grown impossibly closer since their big move despite how large the city was. Eddie’s grown to realize that it’s easy to develop a feeling of being impossibly small somewhere as large as New York City. Nobody knows him and everybody is travelling in a different direction than he was; it’s breathtakingly new for a small town kid.
Eddie, who happened to be mid sentence, yawned and looked at the clock on his bedside table while finishing his thought, his eyes widened at the late time, he opted to ignore the number of hours he’d just spent on the phone with someone he’d seen all day and would see again for most of the day tomorrow.
“Ouch,” Richie laughed at Eddie’s impossibly adorable yawn, “Getting tired of me, Eds?”
“I got tired of you years ago, Richard,” Eddie said and giggled when Richie audibly gasped in mock offense. “Listen, man, I still have to shower before I go to bed, you know I hate leaving the apartment with wet hair.”
“You’re gonna take a shower? Are you kidding, without me? Eds, I’m wounded,” Richie said into the phone, expecting a humorous groan and brief goodnight, but that’s not what he got.
Instead, Eddie laughed heartily and said, “Okay then, why don’t you come and join me?”
Eddie held his breath, surprised at the sudden boldness that has taken hold of him, and just as he’s about to abandon his previous statement and blame the late hour, Richie, having swallowed thickly before even comprehending what Eddie had said, replied with a small laugh, “Only if I get to lather your girly soap on you.” 
Eddie tried to come up with an excuse to leave the conversation before he could embarrass himself but before he could mutter anything, Richie, whose voice seemed to drop at least half an octave and had become filled with air, interrupted.  “Tell me more, Eds.”
“I’d let you do more than just that, Rich,” Eddie said through the shaking release of his held breath. A shiver went up the lower half of his back and shot through his shoulders at the thought of Richie’s hands sliding through his hair, rubbing in the peppermint scented suds and massaging his scalp. He vividly imagined Richie gripping a fistful of his brunette locks and pulling his soapy hair back into the steaming stream of water to wash the foam down his bow arched back and Richie’s pale arm as the taller man sucked marks into the expanse his neck. Eddie could feel the turnings of lust growing hot in his stomach.
“Tell me what you want me to do, Eddie,” Richie whispered into the phone and Eddie nervously rubbed his hand against the terry cloth fabric covering the tops of his thighs, imagining Richie’s constantly confident touch as he spoke. Eddie was beginning to forget how to breathe.
“I want you to touch me,” Eddie whispered, unsure of what to say as his hand rose to rub against the firmness in his soft shorts, fingertips moving to dance along the hem. “Can you make me feel good and clean, Richie?”
Eddie bit his lips together and physically smacked his palm to his forehead at the words that had tumbled from his mouth. Dumb. Beverly would be disappointed in the awkwardness he was allowing to spill out of him like word vomit.
This time it was Richie releasing a shaking breath as his free hand moved slowly from gripping his freshly washed sheets to toying with the silver button on his jeans, taking his time with the fastenings that were pressed against his growing erection. “Oh, Eds,” Richie says lowly into the phone, “I can make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before, but the things I want to do to you are far from clean.”
Flashes of Richie lying on his bed with his pants low on his hips, face flushed, eyes heavy with lust, and his hand rubbing against the crotch of his jeans shoot through Eddie’s head and he finally allows his slender fingers to dip into his shorts and briefs, coming into contact with the hot, velvety skin of his shaft. “Oh, g-god, Richie,” Eddie moans high pitched and needy as his fingers start to squeeze in waves around him, “I want you bad, Rich. I want- I w-want-.”
“You want me to make you feel good, baby?” Richie interrupts as he finally drags his fly down and pushes the denim pants down his lean thighs. “You want me to touch you all over, Eds, every last inch of your gorgeous skin?” Richie’s voice dropped to a low, almost unsure whisper, “Are you touching yourself, Eddie?”
The sudden breaching thought that Eddie is gasping as he touches himself while his best friend is on the other end of the phone threatens to bring him crashing to earth with fear. The thought terrifies him for the briefest of moments, until he hears Richie moaning softly on the other end of the line. More images spark in Eddie’s mind of Richie gripping his length in his pale hand, the dark hair travelling from the base of his prominent cock to his navel where his shirt has risen to expose his stomach. Heat pools heavily in Eddie’s stomach at the thought of Richie getting off to him just a couple of blocks over and he felt his abdomen contract as he neared completion. Throwing caution and fear to the curb and abandoning the taunting thoughts that could possibly bring him down from his high, Eddie moans into the phone, “Please, Richie.”
Richie’s skin had grown hot and red as he started to perspire with anticipation, he sucks in a breath and grips his hard on tightly, “Eds” he says, breath hitching, voice weak with lust and anxiety from his pressing question, “Can I come over?”
Eddie moves his hand from his length to grasp the soft sheets at his side with white knuckles as shivers violently racked his body at the loss of touch so close to climaxing. Eddie’s cock twitched against his belly as he sucked in a couple of deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down enough to answer Richie’s question.  He could practically hear Richie’s anxiety in the silence over the line.
With a stuttering exhale, Eddie whispered, “Yes.”
In high school, Eddie had been on the track team, ditching his inhaler once and for all, and worked his way up to setting the state of Maine’s high school records for the 200 meter straight dash and the two mile run. It took Eddie nine and a half minutes to run two miles. Now Richie, who had never joined any sports in high school, sprinted down two and a half miles of the ever awake streets of New York City and set a buzzing new record for the time it took for Richie to get to Eddie’s studio apartment. Richie was knocking on Eddie’s door twelve minutes after having hung up the phone in his apartment.
Eddie jumped when he heard the knocking; his fingers had been twisting together with anxiety as he waited for Richie to arrive and now that Richie was there, just on the other side of the door, they had stopped fidgeting and began slightly trembling. Eddie looked at himself in the large mirror he had hanging on the wall, he already looked fucked up; his hair sticking up in different directions, cheeks flushed, chest heaving under the soft white V-neck he wore, and his still erect cock straining against the fabric of his red shorts.
When he opened his apartment door, Richie looked just as wrecked as Eddie had imagined, and for a moment Eddie allowed his eyes to trail over Richie in his crumpled state against the doorframe, the taller man still panting from his run. When their eyes met, Richie swallowed thickly at the lust pooled in Eddie’s doe eyes and parted his thin lips, “I almost got hit by a taxi. I mean, I guess I kind of did, I was on the hood for a second. I think the guy started yelling at me but I didn’t stop.”
Eddie laughed and let the smile continue to tug at the corners of his mouth as he bit his lip and looked up shyly through his lashes, “Only you would get hit by a taxi and still run.”
“I think I was running towards something pretty important,” Richie whispered as he finally moved into Eddie’s personal space, letting the door softly swing shut behind them. Almost methodically, Eddie’s hands moved to hold the back of Richie’s neck and tangle in his dark curls as he picked Eddie up. Eddie allowed his strong, tanned thighs to wrap around Richie’s narrow hips before Richie set him down on the closest surface, which happened to be the counter that separates the kitchen and the rest of Eddie’s living space, crowding him almost instantly. “Eds,” Richie said upon an exhale.
Their foreheads rested together as Richie moved to stand between Eddie’s thighs, hands sliding up soft flesh before meeting the terrycloth of Eddie’s shorts and watching his fingertips disappear underneath the cuffs. Eddie, heart pounding violently within his chest, moved in until his nose bumped lightly against Richie’s freckled cheek and hesitated before slotting his lips against the slight roughness of Richie’s chapped ones.
Richie, whose heart was pounding in his ears and whose cock was straining furiously against his zipper, almost crumpled under the intensity of the chaste kiss and tried steadying his shaking hands by roughly groping Eddie’s upper thigh, hands almost lost entirely underneath the fabric of his shorts. Eddie gasped slightly into Richie’s mouth at the rough nature of his hands, which allowed Richie to smoothly slide their tongues together.
With soft fabric bunched against his slim wrists, Richie’s hands moved around to take handfuls of Eddie’s ass and pulled the smaller boy closer to him. Richie pulled back to whisper into Eddie’s ear, “I need you to tell me if it gets to be too much, Eds.”
Eddie nodded and Richie reattached his lips to the addicting flavour of strawberry Chapstick and Eddie Kaspbrak. Pulling Eddie’s hips forward again to meet his own, Richie groaned deeply into Eddie’s eager mouth as the tanned brunette pushed at Richie’s jacket, the denim bunching at his elbows before getting stuck. Eddie’s pelvis meeting his own sent electricity up Richie’s spine, causing the hairs on his body to stand tall and gooseflesh to rise from his pale skin. Pulling away from the kiss took all the physical self control Richie had over his body and then some, feeling cold as soon as his hands left Eddie’s body.
The view, to say the least, was worth it. Eddie’s hands were braced against the hard counter, shoulders slightly hunched, rising and falling with his panting breaths, his thighs were parted with his hard on trapped and prominent within his shorts, legs dangling off the edge of the counter. His mouth was red and swollen, lips glossed with Richie’s saliva, eyes glazed over with longing, and a blush stained his cheeks and chest. Richie had never seen anything quite as perfect.
“Holy fucking fuck,” Richie muttered before he tore his jacket off the rest of the way and he stripped his T-shirt from his body, causing the blush already on Eddie’s face and chest to deepen from pink to crimson. Following Richie’s lead, Eddie shyly lifted his V-neck over his head and threw it to the floor. Before he could push his overgrown bangs from his face Richie was pulling Eddie’s slight body off of the counter and carrying him towards the queen sized mattress that Eddie had resting on a box spring just below the bay window across the room.
“Richie,” Eddie moaned while tightening his legs around Richie’s slim waist and burying his face in his neck while one of his hands carded through Richie’s hair. It took Richie no less than three steps to trip over his previously discarded jacket, toppling forward and half landing on top of Eddie.
“Fuck, Eds,” Richie said, scrambling to get off of the shorter man and check for injuries, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mea-”
Before Richie could ramble on Eddie pushed the trashmouth off of him, the lanky man landing on his back what felt like seconds before Eddie was climbing on top of him, knees spread on either side of Richie’s hips. Planting his hands on Richie’s chest, one over his ribs, and the other against his breastbone just above the other man’s racing heart; Eddie ground his hips down, plush rear meeting Richie’s desperate and clothed cock. “Bev taught me some wrestling tricks, and yeah,” Eddie stated without stopping his merciless grinding against a moaning Richie, whose hands had settled on Eddie taut thighs, “I will use them against you.”
Richie couldn’t help the whole hearted laughed that punched its way out of his chest, eyes squeezed shut and brows furrowed, “Be careful Eds, mental imagery of you and Bev rolling around together on the ground might just make me cream my jeans.”
Eddie scoffed and, almost thoughtlessly, reached forward and harshly twisted one of Richie’s pink nipples between his thumb and index finger. Richie screeched at the pleasure-pain that coursed through his body through the small peak and bucked his hips up against Eddie sharply, body arching off the ground at a backbreaking angle. Eddie pressed his bottom against Richie’s crotch to hold him down as he continued his slow torture. Experimentally, Eddie moved until both of his hands were placed over Richie’s pectorals, thumbs rubbing tortuously slow at the aroused buds, one slightly bruising from Eddie’s previous attack.
Richie, who was now moaning with abandon, felt the growing sensation of peaking building inside of him, beginning to squirm underneath Eddie and growing desperate for more. “Oh, god,” Richie moaned, his voice laced with need as Eddie’s small thumbs continued their stroking movements, “Eddie, I’m all for nipple play and cumming untouched, but I don’t wanna jizz my pants. Not tonight.”
The pleading tone in Richie’s voice left Eddie with a satisfied feeling deep in his gut, one he would have to address at a later date because as soon as Eddie let up, Richie all but picked him up and threw him onto the pillow top mattress. The bounce that came after his initial impact with the bed left Eddie in a fit of giggles that hadn’t died down by the time Richie had crawled on top of him and when he was finally able to calm himself, he looked up to see Richie staring at him with complete adoration. 
“Tell me I’m not dreaming, Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie whispered and his large hand settled on Eddies rouge cheek, thumb stroking the soft flesh there. Before Eddie could speak, as it seems to often be, Richie whispered again, a smirk taking over his face, “Nah, I couldn’t be. Dream Eddie is never this pretty.”
Eddie didn’t have the words, instead reaching down towards the waist of Richie’s jeans, nimble fingers toying with the button until it popped open, exposing the fly of the jeans and the ever-thickening trail of hair that lead from Richie’s navel to his cock. With one hand Eddie, torturously slow, dragged the zipper of Richie’s jeans down, almost leaving the man over him exposed, with the other he pulled Richie in by the back of his neck for another chaste kiss. 
“Please, Richie,” Eddie whispered as Richie kissed from his mouth and down his sharp jaw, hands pushing languidly at the denim at Richie’s hips, “Don’t make me wait any longer.”
Richie nodded against Eddie’s skin, mouth leaving small red marks in its wake as he travelled down Eddie’s exposed chest and worshipped the familiar skin he’d never had the liberty of touching. Eddie arched towards Richie’s mouth and whispered small pleads into the air as Richie’s mouth reached the hem of his shorts, teeth biting at the material. “Let me see you, Eds,” Richie moaned and Eddie nodded, pleads increasing in volume.
“Richie,” Eddie thoughtlessly continued to nod, eyes shut and hands pulling at the soft fabric of his pale bed sheets. “Please touch me.”
Richie’s hands gripped the red fabric and started slowly tugging the shorts down Eddie’s sculpted, hairless legs, kissing the newly revealed skin of Eddie’s hip. Once Eddie’s cock was free, resting upwards against his stomach, Richie pulled Eddie’s shorts the rest of the way off and discarded them without concern of their landing point. Without a moment’s hesitation, Richie took Eddie’s length in his hand and placed his mouth along the side, kissing the tender flesh. “Eds?” Richie started, receiving a broken moan from the man above him, “I wanna suck your cock.”
“Fuck,” Eddie yelled when Richie’s tongue flattened itself against Eddie’s member and dragged itself to the tip where pre-cum was pearling and dripping in rivers. The salty taste of Eddie left Richie desperate, mouth encasing the head and swallowing the shaft down his throat. Eddie impulsively bucked up, hand flying into Richie’s curls and his brows knitting together as he lifted his head to watch Richie’s mouth experimentally engulf his cock.
Continuing to gently buck into Richie’s mouth, Eddie felt his stomach heating up at the feeling of Richie’s slightly crooked teeth scraping against the delicate skin of his cock. Blindly, Richie reached towards the night stand placed beside Eddie’s bed, wrapped his fingers around the knob of the small drawer, pulling it open and grabbing the bottle of lube that resided there. The hand that had been wrapped around the hairless base of Eddie’s cock moved to pour lubricant along the long fingers of Richie’s other hand, once satisfied Richie tossed it to the side and listened the bottle clatter to the floor. “Christ, Richie,” Eddie said as his bucking started to grow reckless and choppy, pleasure coursing through his shaking body.
Eddie roughly pulled Richie’s head away from his crotch by his curls just as his fingers started exploring Eddie’s puckered and desperate entrance. The overwhelming sensation of Richie’s perfectly filthy mouth and the breaching feeling of being stretched open left Eddie with a tight knot of pleasure in his stomach that was all too close to coming undone. Richie immediately tensed and froze every part of his body that touched Eddie and started to shake with fear that he had done something wrong. Eddie felt Richie’s rigid body before he saw the worry in his magnified eyes. 
“Are you okay?” Richie asked, lips swollen and coated with spit.
Eddie nodded and Richie visibly relaxed but didn’t continue his exploration of the naked man’s sensitive hole and Eddie felt the tension in his stomach from his impending orgasm leave him, sheepishly Eddie whispered, “I was going to cum.”
The blush that covered Eddie’s body darkened and Richie, keeping intense eye contact with Eddie, allowed his sheathed finger, already two knuckles deep, to curl and twist within the warmth that was Eddie.
“That's kind of the point, Spaghetti,” Richie smirked before lowering his head to pepper kisses and hickies over Eddie’s tanlined thighs, fingers slowly working their way in and out of Eddie’s tight body.
Eddie moaned and clutched the bed sheet, pulling the taut fabric from the corners of the mattress. As Richie added fingers to his relentless attack on Eddie’s entrance, Richie felt his heart begin to speed up in anticipation.
It's taken them upwards of a decade to get to this point. Years of pining had lead to the moment in time where Richie Tozier would brutally fuck Eddie open with his astonishingly long fingers. Richie occupied his mouth by continuing to suck at the head of Eddie’s abused cock, drool cascading down his shaft and causing Eddie’s skin to erupt with goosebumps. “Richie,” Eddie gasped, white knuckling his sheets, “Fuck, Richie, just fuck me. Please. Oh god.”
Richie pulled away from Eddie until their bodies no longer touched. The smaller man, who laid before his best friend naked and shameless, arched his back off the bed while trying to follow Richie’s warmth. Staring down at Eddie, Richie began pushing the denim jeans off of his hips, slowly exposing the brightly patterned briefs underneath, and Eddie, who was sweaty and panting, began to shake with the desperation and anticipation he felt fluttering in his stomach. 
Once Richie had kicked off his shoes, socks, and jeans, he climbed over Eddie with a grace he hadn’t ever seen Richie possess. His glasses had started to slide down the bridge of his narrow nose and, unconsciously, Eddie reached up to pull them off of the man above him but before he could Richie grabbed his wrist. “I wanna be able to see you, Eds,” he whispered, hot breath fanning over Eddie’s features, “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Eddie felt a lump forming in his throat and pulled Richie down to press their lips together, stopping any unwanted whimpers in his throat from escaping. The kiss grew and swelled until the pair were frantically feeling each other, as if scared the other would disappear. Eddie’s hands roamed the uncharted plains of Richie’s back, running over the horizontal stretch marks that formed from his junior year growth spurt that brought him from 5’6 to over 6 foot. His nimble fingers danced up the knobs of Richie’s spine and came down over his shoulder blades while dragging his nails against his pale skin. Richie trembled as Eddie’s fingers dipped under the elastic band of Richie’s briefs, digging into the soft flesh of his ass.
 Richie shot up, Eddie’s hands still on his hips, and slid his underwear down, shucking them off of his ankles with a slight kick. Eddie’s thumbs rubbed over the protruding bone of Richie’s hip and flicked his eyes down to Richie’s erection briefly before looking back up and into the towering man's eyes. Richie leaned forward again, placing his weight down on his bony elbows and pressing his nose against Eddie’s, the smaller mans hands moving to hold Richie’s biceps. Richie’s lips softly pressed against Eddie’s again before he pulled away. 
Eddie’s legs were spread wide as Richie adjusted above him, knees bending to cage Richie’s hips while he leaned up on his elbows to chase Richie’s mouth. “Eds,” Richie said as he brought his hips down to meet Eddie’s, their erections pressed together hotly against Eddie’s pelvis. “Eds, I don’t have a-“
“I don’t care. I want you inside me,” Eddie whimpered as Richie continued to grind their cocks together. “I’m clean.”
“Eds, are you sure?”
Eddie nodded frantically, bringing one hand up to Richie’s curls and pulling him forward. Their foreheads pressed together and Eddie swallowed thickly, “I’ve never wanted anyone but you, Rich. I need you.” 
Richie’s brows furrowed and brought his hand down to his manhood, wrapping his long fingers around the base and bringing his length to press down between the soft flesh of Eddie’s ass. The head of his cock pushed against the puckered hole and Eddie dropped down from his elbows to throw an arm over his eyes and use his free hand to grip the sheets that bunched below him. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Eds.”
“Rich,” Eddie moaned, tapping Richie’s arm that continued to rub the leaking head of his cock over Eddie’s entrance. “Richie, you threw the lube somewhere.”
“Fuck,” Richie shouted as he jumped off of Eddie, the smaller man giggling as Richie ran around the bed, his pale, and surprisingly supple, ass shaking as he moved. Once Richie found the lube, he ran back over to Eddie, a smile pulling at his lips as he listened to Eddie laugh. 
For a moment, Richie felt his heart ache at the sight of Eddie. A tangled mess in the sheets of his bed, with a million dollar smile spread across his face and all the fondness and love Richie could ever hope for in his gaze. Richie felt the image settle in his heart as he climbed back over Eddie. “You’re so beautiful, Eds,” he said, free hand moving to Eddie’s cheek, “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Richie moved until his hips rested between Eddie’s thighs and buried his face in the nape of the smaller boys neck. His mouth sucked at the sensitive skin there and, with his free hand, lubed his cock to the sound of Eddie moaning beneath him.
Pressing himself against Eddie’s entrance, Richie slowly pushed his cock into Eddie and began to tremble at the feeling of warmth enveloping him. “Fuck,” Eddie moaned as Richie’s cock stretched him out and he dug his nails into the skin of the taller mans shoulders. Richie’s mouth moved from Eddie’s neck up to his jaw, kissing and licking at the soft angles of his face. 
Once Richie’s hips rested against Eddie’s, his cock fully nestled inside of the smaller man, Richie looked up to meet Eddie’s eyes, hovering above him and putting his weight on his elbows. The pair stayed silent for a moment, Eddie’s hands roamed Richie’s collarbones and neck while Richie’s gripped the loose sheet beneath him.
Eddie let out a shaking breath before moving his hips slightly, feeling the drag of Richie’s cock and whimpering. “Fuck me, Richie.”
Without hesitating, Richie pulled his hips back almost completely before slamming them back against Eddie’s, shaking the man below him with the force of it. The eruption of pleasure punched a shout out of Eddie’s chest and his cock, which rested against his pale stomach, began leaking pre-cum in rivers that flowed across his ivory skin. 
“Fuck, Ed’s,” Richie moaned, eyes squeezing shut as rivets of pleasure traveled up his spine. “Jesus fucking Christ, you feel so fucking good. Holy shit.” 
Eddie moaned and pulled Richie’s chest down to meet his as their hips met rhythmically. The smaller man was panting and letting out whines as Richie slammed into him, moving his entire body up the mattress. Slowly, Eddie’s hands travelled up to grip Richie’s unruly and sweaty hair in a vice, jerking his head to the side to meet his lips in a slick and messy kiss.
The man above him moaned and, despite the sweat covering his skin, broke out in goosebumps at the tingling sensation fluttering down from where Eddie’s hands gripped him. Richie moved his mouth from Eddie’s and trailed open mouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck before sucking a dark purple mark into the skin his collarbone rested beneath. The pinching feeling left Eddie squirming and tears began to pool in his dark eyes, the sensation becoming too much as Richie shifted and began hitting his prostate with every thrust of his hips.
“Right there, Richie,” he yelled out, back arching to chase the feeling. “Right there, fuck me.”
Richie laughed weakly against Eddie’s shoulder and slowed his hips, “That’s kind of what I’m doing, Eds.”
Eddie moaned, freely and slack-jawed, “You fuck me so good, Rich.”
“Yeah?” Richie groaned, moving to balance on his hands to look down at Eddie as he rocked his hips into the man below him. “You like how I fuck you, baby? Nice and deep?”
Eddie nodded his head as Richie’s hand moved to cup the side of his rouge race, thumb dipping into his mouth and grazing his tongue. “Keep going, Richie. Please,” he whispered as Richie thumb moved to trace his bruised lips, “I’m so close.”
Richie began to slam his cock harder into Eddie with a steady but brutal pace, slim hips meeting the soft sides of Eddie’s thighs as the smaller man held Richie close with his legs. “I want you to cum without me touching your dick, Eddie.”
Eddie whimpered, his cock twitched while his balls ached and tensed with the need to release. The coil in his stomach tightened and, as Richie’s cock continued to meet his prostate in a brutal attack, he felt his remaining resolve start to shake, working him up as moans and tears began to flow freely from him. “Shit, Richie. Shit, I love you so much. I love you so fucking much, keep fucking me. Please, please Rich.”
Richie’s eyes squeezed shut and he felt his composure snap, his hips stuttering and his cum starting to shoot out of him and into Eddie’s warmth. “Eds, Eds, Eds,” he moaned with each thrust, “Fuck, I love you, Eds. So fucking much.”
At the feeling of Richie’s warmth and the confession falling from his lips, Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and began to spill ropes of cum against his stomach and Richie’s chest, arching as Richie’s hips continued to work him through his orgasm.
The stars and lights behind Eddie’s eyes began to fade out as Richie collapsed against him and mouthed at his neck, moaning praise incoherently. Eddie’s legs, still wrapped around Richie, trapped the other man on top of him as his hands trailed along the angry red marks that marred his back.
The pair come down from their high, sweaty and sticky, wrapped in each other and the late night New York bliss. 
“Hey,” Richie whispered against his skin, still breathless, “I love you.”
Eddie felt more tears gently leak out of his eyes, hugging Richie closer to his body, “I love you, too.”
“Do you think,” Richie started, unsure of how to finish, he took a moment to think it over before huffing out a lazy laugh, “Do you think we should take that shower now?”
Eddie laughed below Richie, the force of his giggles jostling Richie. “Definitely.”
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sandeeppotdukhe2511 · 3 years
Going Serverless: how to run your first AWS Lambda function in the cloud
A decade ago, cloud servers abstracted away physical servers. And now, “Serverless” is abstracting away cloud servers.
Technically, the servers are still there. You just don’t need to manage them anymore.
Another advantage of going serverless is that you no longer need to keep a server running all the time. The “server” suddenly appears when you need it, then disappears when you’re done with it. Now you can think in terms of functions instead of servers, and all your business logic can now live within these functions.
In the case of AWS Lambda Functions, this is called a trigger. Lambda Functions can be triggered in different ways: an HTTP request, a new document upload to S3, a scheduled Job, an AWS Kinesis data stream, or a notification from AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS).
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up your own Lambda Function and, as a bonus, show you how to set up a REST API all in the AWS Cloud, while writing minimal code.
Note that the Pros and Cons of Serverless depend on your specific use case. So in this article, I’m not going to tell you whether Serverless is right for your particular application — I’m just going to show you how to use it.
First, you’ll need an AWS account. If you don’t have one yet, start by opening a free AWS account here. AWS has a free tier that’s more than enough for what you will need for this tutorial.
We’ll be writing the function isPalindrome, which checks whether a passed string is a palindrome or not.
Above is an example implementation in JavaScript. Here is the link for gist on Github.
A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, for the sake of simplicity we will limit the function to words only.
As we can see in the snippet above, we take the string, split it, reverse it and then join it. if the string and its reverse are equal the string is a Palindrome otherwise the string is not a Palindrome.
Creating the isPalindrome Lambda Function
In this step we will be heading to the AWS Console to create the Lambda Function:
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In the AWS Console go to Lambda.
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And then press “Get Started Now.”
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For runtime select Node.js 6.10 and then press “Blank Function.”
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Skip this step and press “Next.”
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For Name type in isPalindrome, for description type in a description of your new Lambda Function, or leave it blank.
As you can see in the gist above a Lambda function is just a function we are exporting as a module, in this case, named handler. The function takes three parameters: event, context and a callback function.
The callback will run when the Lambda function is done and will return a response or an error message.For the Blank Lambda blueprint response is hard-coded as the string ‘Hello from Lambda’. For this tutorial since there will be no error handling, you will just use Null. We will look closely at the event parameter in the next few slides.
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Scroll down. For Role choose “Create new Role from template”, and for Role name use isPalindromeRole or any name, you like.
For Policy templates, choose “Simple Microservice” permissions.
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For Memory, 128 megabytes is more than enough for our simple function.
As for the 3 second timeout, this means that — should the function not return within 3 seconds — AWS will shut it down and return an error. Three seconds is also more than enough.
Leave the rest of the advanced settings unchanged.
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Press “Create function.”
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Congratulations — you’ve created your first Lambda Function. To test it press “Test.”
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As you can see, your Lambda Function returns the hard-coded response of “Hello from Lambda.”
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Now add the code from isPalindrome.js to your Lambda Function, but instead of return result use callback(null, result). Then add a hard-coded string value of abcd on line 3 and press “Test.”
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The Lambda Function should return “abcd is not a Palindrome.”
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For the hard-coded string value of “racecar”, The Lambda Function returns “racecar is a Palindrome.”
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So far, the Lambda Function we created is behaving as expected.
In the next steps, I’ll show you how to trigger it and pass it a string argument using an HTTP request.
If you’ve built REST APIs from scratch before using a tool like Express.js, the snippet above should make sense to you. You first create a server, and then define all your routes one-by-one.
In this section, I’ll show you how to do the same thing using the AWS API Gateway.
Creating the API Gateway
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Go to your AWS Console and press “API Gateway.”
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And then press “Get Started.”
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In Create new API dashboard select “New API.”
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For API name, use “palindromeAPI.” For description, type in a description of your new API or just leave it blank.
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Our API will be a simple one, and will only have one GET method that will be used to communicate with the Lambda Function.
In the Actions menu, select “Create Method.” A small sub-menu will appear. Go ahead and select GET, and click on the checkmark to the right.
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For Integration type, select Lambda Function.
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Then press “OK.”
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In the GET — Method Execution screen press “Integration Request.”
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For Integration type, make sure Lambda Function is selected.
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For request body passthrough, select “When there are no templates defined” and then for Content-Type enter “application/json”.
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In the blank space add the JSON object shown below. This JSON object defines the parameter “string” that will allow us to pass through string values to the Lambda Function using an HTTP GET request. This is similar to using req.params in Express.js.
In the next steps, we’ll look at how to pass the string value to the Lambda Function, and how to access the passed value from within the function.
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The API is now ready to be deployed. In the Actions menu click “Deploy API.”
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For Deployment Stage select “[New Stage]”.
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And for Stage name use “prod” (which is short for “production”).
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The API is now deployed, and the invoke URL will be used to communicate via HTTP request with Lambda. If you recall, in addition to a callback, Lambda takes two parameters: event and context.
To send a string value to Lambda you take your function’s invoke URL and add to it ?string=someValue and then the passed value can be accessed from within the function using event.string.
Modify code by removing the hard-coded string value and replacing it with event.string as shown below.
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Now in the browser take your function’s invoke URL and add ?string=abcd to test your function via the browser.
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As you can see Lambda replies that abcd is not a Palindrome. Now do the same for racecar.
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If you prefer you can use Postman as well to test your new isPalindrome Lambda Function. Postman is a great tool for testing your API endpoints, you can learn more about it here.
To verify it works, here’s a Palindrome:
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And here’s a non-palindrome:
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Congratulations — you have just set up and deployed your own Lambda Function!
Thanks for reading!
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Aces in Spaces Chapter 3
Hey everyone! I think my plan going forward will be to post new chapters on Mondays so in light of that, here’s the next one! 
Summary: Roman gives Butcher the run down and explanation of Asexuality and how it pertains to Erica, warning for excessive cuteness from both. This takes place within a week of the last chapter.
(Chapter 2 can be found here and Chapter 1 here)
Tags: @princessxkenobi @sunshinepascal @rentskenobi @maybege @obaby-wan
If anyone else would like to be tagged let me know?
“Butcher, Erica is an Asexual”. The other man blinks at him and he realizes this may not be an easy fix. “It means, she doesn’t experience sexual attraction.” He takes the moment that the other man spends in confusion to turn on the projector on the table and stands so he can see the slides and Butch in the same space. The first slide is the only opening template that Microsoft power point had that didn’t make him want to roll his eyes so hard they rolled back into his skull, but now that he’s standing in front of Butch he’s convinced it really was just as bad as the others. ‘Asexuality, what it means, what it’s like, and what our response should be’ is written across it in big bolded letters and he takes comfort in the fact that Butch has always been a good listener before, and certainly seems to like Erica, so he should have his attention. He clicks to the next slide, intent on making sure not a single detail is missed, he starts to read the definition he’d gotten of the internet before turning to Butch.
“Did you read the title? I suppose since it’s the two of us this could be more of a discussion, it’ll have to be a briefing when I give it to the boys.”
Butch’s thoughtful face hasn’t uncrumpled itself, nor have his eyes left the screen but Roman’s patient, this is important and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to help Erica.
Butcher closes his mouth to purse his lips before speaking. “So, she likes you for your personality?”
Roman shrugs “I know. I was surprised too.” He says it casually and Butch huffs a laugh, Roman pauses before joining him, it is a funny thought, for how many people have told him he’s incredibly disagreeable. Assuming Butch has absorbed the definition on the screen he continues. “I’ve known for a little while now, but I wanted to be sure she was comfortable coming out before I briefed everyone.”
Butcher nods again. “How do we, is she like a nun?” he leans forward to emphasize the question and Roman turns back to the screen taking a breath.
“Well, that’s the thing. Asexuality is a spectrum, there’s a lot of different types.”
“Like a box of chocolates.” Butch says sagely, and Roman considers it before nodding
“Yes, well. I suppose so. The common denominator is that they don’t experience sexual attraction. Some still enjoy sex, some only with certain people, and some not at all, those are sex-repulsed.” He clicks the button to switch slides again, “Let’s outline the different types of attraction quickly.”
Butch is nodding again, “Yeah, that’s a good start”
“Sexual attraction is wanting to have sex with someone” Roman says it despite how crass it sounds and carries on “Platonic attraction, is wanting to be friends with someone. Aesthetic attraction is thinking something is pretty, wanting to look at it, a painting maybe.” He pauses, having gone through a slide for each definition that featured the pictures he thought best explained each and a few that Erica had suggested in her edits. He turns to Butch “I’d like to add this isn’t all inclusive by any means, I’m still learning, which is why I found a support group that I’d like to start going to, I don’t think I’ll need a guard but you do like to be aware of my schedule.” He turns back to the screen to resume before Butch cuts in, eyes never leaving the slide. “I’ll be along with you then, can’t let you wander around the city alone.”
Roman almost wants to ask if Butch heard what he said but the man says it with such a finality that he doesn’t see the point in arguing. “Well, in general, since Aces, that’s another name for them, don’t experience this attraction, it’s quite common for things that allude to it to go over their heads. The car ride earlier this week for example, Erica hadn’t meant to approach me in that way and was incredibly confused when you left.”
Butcher now looks horrified “Oh, Boss, I never meant—”
Roman shakes his head “She took no offense, it’s just not a place her mind goes.”
The sentiment obviously does little to comfort Butcher and he says as much before adding “I feel like I called her, a, well a whore Boss. I never ever would do a thing like that—” Butcher’s gentle upbringing where women are concerned is making itself known and Roman really needs to send his mother a ‘thank you’ card because it really does help them work well together. “She didn’t feel that way about it at all, I’m mostly telling you this so you can watch for if others try to suggest things to her.” Butcher’s face clears a little in understanding before Roman goes on “She’s handled herself extremely well before knowing me, we both know that, but, well, if someone is getting, well you know, and she isn’t understanding then just get rid of them, yes?”
Butcher’s face is now completely serious and even a little threatening “Consider it done Boss.”
Roman maintains his business demeanor but inside he’s positively thrilled, this is going even better than he thought. “Now I want to talk about Erica specifically, she told me a bit about how she fits into the ace spectrum and its vital for our forward plan.” He hopes Butcher is appreciating that he’s using the same format they do when they discuss upcoming business meetings and the protocols necessary for each one (location, parties involved, and prior contact, etc.) because this really is just as important to him as business. This next part is going to be the hardest though, he spent a whole night on it, because how exactly do you talk about someone’s sex life (or lack thereof) and not make it seem demeaning or judgmental or any other terrible thing? In the end he’d thrown himself on Erica’s mercy and asked how she’d prefer it to be done. He’d even offered to let her come talk to Butch herself, but she had told him she was certain Butch wouldn’t judge her.
“Now, without invading her privacy, she is an ace; so, I want to keep sex related things away from her as best we can. No dirty jokes, no crude gestures, no crass people if we can help it.”
Butch is nodding along with each condition and Roman wants to breathe a sigh of relief because being vague was the best way he knew to keep her dignity. “Any questions?” Butch pauses and shakes his head before pausing again and opening his mouth “Are there, slurs, we should know? Like, if someone calls her a nun, do we get to hit them?”
Roman beams. “That’s my next topic.” He clicks the remote again and he’s suddenly realizing he missed clicking buttons, Butcher usually gives these briefings as the head of security, have to file that away for later. “Some responses aces get when they come out is that they just haven’t met the right person, they’re a later bloomer, or that they haven’t had sex with the right people. Obviously, all of these are incredibly insensitive and downright rude. If someone says these things, feel free to immediately remove them from the premises.” Now its Butcher’s turn to beam, and Roman clicks the remote again “On a lighter note, some aces really prefer food to sex and this definitely applies to Erica. She has said, and I quote, ‘sex may be great but have people ever tried beefy 5-layer burritos?’. Aces also seem to have claimed dragons as their mascot, big ones, little ones, all colors, wings or not, dragons are where it’s at.” The slide for this section is a collage of dragons and when he’d seen Erica light up at viewing it, he’s so glad he included it.
Butcher interrupts his daydreaming with a raised hand “Are stuffed dragons acceptable?”
Roman smiles, “Yes, Erica loves small soft things. I, however, am an outlier and should not be counted.”
Butch snorts at this but Roman decides to ignore him. “As always, it’s no one’s business what she and I do together, but if someone does start giving her a hard time about this, I want you to step in. Only if she gives you a direct signal not to, should you wait.” Roman pauses then, giving an amused hum “but, if she does do that, that means she’s already got a plan to absolutely destroy the person herself so stick around for the fun because that gorgeous woman knows her way around a good insult.”
Butcher furrows his brow at this, “Are you allowed to say that? Can you, say things about her, physical, ness?”
Roman pauses before answering because this was a conversation he’d had with Erica after she came out. He had called her sexy once before and noticed the small bit of hesitation before she had smiled and changed the subject. When he brought it up in light of coming out, she had said she didn’t want to lead him on. She knew her body fit under society’s definition of ‘sexy’, but she didn’t have any intentions of performing the action, so she shied away from the designation. He’d tried to compensate afterward, only complementing her personality or intelligence before Erica had once again set him down and said she didn’t mind being told she was pretty, he’d taken the moment to ask if this meant he could compliment her aesthetically instead of sexually? She had grabbed in him in a hug. He learned this was one of her favorite words and that yes, she would be thrilled to receive compliments on her aesthetic. It’s this sentiment that he conveys to Butch, though he isn’t sure he likes the idea of Butch complimenting her. He swallows the jealousy though, he’s an adult and so is she, he trusts Butch, and Erica, and that extends to conversations they may have.
“I don’t plan to butter her up boss, just looking to make sure I understand all the circumstances that warrant the use of force.” Butch affirms calmly and Roman knows it’s the truth, he scolds himself for thinking otherwise.
“I want to move on to something else that I think is important to mention. There is another sexuality called Aromantic. It means that someone doesn’t experience romantic attraction. Erica defined romantic attraction as ‘I would slow dance in the kitchen with that person in my pajamas as we wait for coffee in the morning’. While it is possible for someone to be both Aromantic and Asexual, aro/ace is the abbreviation, Erica is not. She has said she does experience romantic attraction. Albeit very rarely.” Roman softens a bit picturing himself and Erica in the scenario he’s just described, it’s warm, easy, and while it’s probably too soon to ask her to move in so they can share their mornings, he’s definitely jotting slow dancing down for a date idea. He forces himself back to the present again and fixes Butch with a look “Any questions?”
Butch leans back in his chair and folds his massive arms across his chest as much as his jacket allows before pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes again. “This support group you mentioned, where’s that at?”
Roman clicks the remote again, this slide has a map of about five city blocks as well as the floor plan of the local library that is adjoined to the community center (he may find some of the security briefings a little too detailed but he knows what essentials Butch likes to have by now). “it’s at the local community center, heard about it on the internet” He leaves out that he spent four hours looking for one before he found a random Facebook post about it on the fourth page of chrome results but he figures his dedication is obvious either way at this point. Butch is already typing on his phone, no doubt tasking someone with retrieving more information about the whole affair.
“Do you want a scout to go in first?”
“No” Roman has already thought about this, the likelihood of it being a setup is pretty slim, and he wants to keep the business part of his life out of this as much as he can, for the sake of the other attendees. “I think it’s safe enough to go ahead.”
“Date? Time?”
“Fridays, noon, and its usually about an hour but I’d like to clear the whole afternoon indefinitely”
Butch nods along to the sentence, still typing on his phone before finishing and putting it back into his coat. “Anything else I should know?”
“Yes, I want you to schedule a meeting with the rest of the team, anyone who’ll interact with Erica, I don’t intend for there to be any misunderstandings.”
Butcher grimaces at that, “I really didn’t mean to upset her about that boss, any chance I can apologize for that?”
Roman knows Erica would say it was unnecessary, maybe even brush Butcher off, but he also wants her to know he’s taking the utmost care (Butch is too) to make sure she’s comfortable; so he nods before answering “I know she isn’t offended, but I wouldn’t mind if you did”. It has the potential to build trust between them if nothing else, and if Erica decides she wants to stick around, trusting Butcher will be integral to that process.
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