#fred the werewolf
tylidae · 9 months
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and here's a non effect thingy version for funsies
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vulchak · 11 months
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A little bonus for today, the whole were-gang together
And a standing Scooby so Shaggy's tail isn't covered
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coolsvilleprincess · 5 months
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Everybody give it up for more cleaned up sketches!! This time it's characters that I have simply been thinking about recently that are not the main gang, yes I did get distracted while cleaning up my Shaphne sketches, yes this is the result now I must return to the caves to finish them.
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hikiclawd · 1 year
extremely old scooby doo art dump since i didnt post them here whoops
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mostly shaggy whos surprised
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fic rec friday
By Moonlight
by @eiirisworkshop (Eiiri) on Ao3
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice.
As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on, Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light.
Ahh this fic is so good! It's so gripping and has so much found family and redemption in it and I love it and I want to eat it and you should read it!
favorite tropes included are:
found family
werewolf angst
fluffy wolfstar <3 eventually
they are communicating? yes
going to the dog park with your favorite werewolf
werewolf lore
as always, leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 months
Safe This Night
George/Fred/Bill Weasley x WerewolfStudent!Reader
You just wanted to go to school, and live your life. It’s not your fault. It was NEVER your fault, and your favorite Weasley’s knows it. The magpie, and wolf, to your scared dog
Commissions open
Can be read romantic or platonic
Warnings: Werewolfphobia, threats of violence, ableism, emotional distress, Metaphors, Karens. Just, Karens being Karens. Thats a warning in itself honestly -_- Wa Waaaaa
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“MR. WEASLEY-! HELP-!” You panted, as you slammed his shop doors open. Nearly sent him flying backwards, as he was just trying to close up for the night. Your robes were in disarray, as you were a mess. Hair all over the place, clothes tattered, and the stench of magic on you. You were attacked, and you were scared.
“Love, what’s the matter-?!” George was quick to ask, as you ran behind him. In the distance, he saw someone storming towards the shop. He didn’t hesitate. “Upstairs, now-!” He ordered, and you listened. You ran up the stairs, as fast as your aching feet would allow. You were so scared, and you swore you would die. You didn’t know how many floors you ran up, you just knew you didn’t stop until you tripped. You sniffled, as you grabbed to the railing, looking down below.
“I know I saw that thing run in here.” The woman scorned, as she nearly pushed Mr. Weasley against his own stair case. “Excuse me, I don’t know what you are talking about.” He would play dumb, but was quick to grab his own wand. As to avoid getting in harms way for himself. He’s dealt with one angry pink bitch before, he’s ready to face another one.
“You damn well know what I’m talking about, you clown-“ She warned, as she poked at his chest. “Did you not hear me? Oh of course not. I-KNOW-YOU-SAW-THAT-THING-!” She would shout, and slowly no less, making his working ear ring. He knew he was an overwhelming man, but this woman was another case entirely. He swore his PTSD from Umbridge was kicking in. He could see the wall of cat plates all over again.
“Need me to drop in?” A wavering voice would ask, as you sniffled into your sleeve. “Please. I don’t want this to be my fault.” You hiccuped, as you could feel freezing arms around you. “Oh don’t be like that-!” The voice laughs. “Our shop is for everyone. We even got Lupins Lunar Chocolate for the lot of you-!” He laughed, before you felt the presence leave. A whisper of blues wavering through the ever colorful shop.
“Lady, who are you even?!” George managed to snap. Hard to knock him off his composure, but he saw a student in distress. No babies are getting hurt on his watch. “My name is Renka, and I am part of a task force to get those horrible werewolves out of here!” She would proudly boast, as George would raise a brow. “Huh?” He blinked, as she scoffed. “You gotta be kidding me-“ The voice would whisper, before vanishing through the wall of the shop. Leading to Gringotts.
“I-SAID-!” She began to shout, as he quickly covered his working ear. “I HEARD YOU, YOU TWAT-!” He snapped, as he shook his head. “Why the hell would there be a task force to hunt down werewolves? What are we? Muggles from the eighteen hundreds?!” He scoffed, as that had you giggle. Luckily you were safe away enough to not be heard. Even in distress, he knew how to get a laugh.
“Because those THINGS shouldn’t be around-!” She would lecture, as he would rub his temples. “Ma’am, we aren’t in the eighteen hundreds anymore.” He sighed, as he would summon one of the chocolate bars over. Decorated with a familiar werewolf, cuddling with a black dog. Smiling, under a full moon. Soft blues, with a constelation to keep that lonely moon company.
“My uncle, and eldest brother, helped me and my twin make these. These are Lupins Lunar Chocolate Bars. These are made with wolfsbane, so that it’s easier to digest. ESPECIALLY for kids.” He calmly explained, as he flipped it over. Showing the ingredient lists. “Werewolf approved.” He proudly said, as Renka looked utterly horrified. As if you slapped her and called her a mud blood.
“You HELP those things-?” She whispered, as heavy footsteps would soon be behind her. “Things-?” A voice spoke, as she looked up. Eyes meeting a pair of mismatched browns, with a face that was shredded. Teeth exposed, hairline cut, and eye most certainly fake. A pale complexion, to accent the freckles of amber stars. William Weasley. Gringotts Favorite Curse Breaker.
She would soon stumble away, holding her wand up properly. Her back against a shelf, as Bill would walk over to George. He ruffled his younger brothers hair, making him stick his tongue out. “Free of charge, for ya-!” George playfully said, as his eldest sibling took the bar. Happily eating it.
“How could you help those things?” She whispered, with in pure horror and shock. “Because we aren’t Umbridge’s, like you-!” A voice shouted, before a blue face would poke out of her stomach. A mimic of George, if he had a pair of ears. Transparent, and whimsical in the many shades of blue. He would blow a raspberry, and it sent her running out of the shop. Screaming bloody murder, and leaving those twins to cackle like the mad men they were.
“Lame. Didn’t even get to pull out the big guns.” The Ghost whined, before zipping himself through the air. Back to where you were. He would pat your head, with a ghostly hand. “Don’t worry. Umbridge’s ugly sister is gone.” He playfully said, as you wiped your eyes. Still horribly startled. You were chased across diagon alley. That’s scary. They could understand, having witnessed such to the likes of Remus and William.
“Come on, let’s get you some chocolate. A wise old man said this once. Eat some Chocolate, you’ll feel better.” Fred proudly said, as he would guide you down the stairs. He couldn’t really hold your hand, but the gesture helped you regardless. Grounding you back to earth, from his cold gesture. The deathly cold helped you pull from your anxiety filled thoughts.
“Oh come here, love.” George offered his arms, and you ran into him. He held you close, as he worked on pulling the sticks from your hair. Making sure you were cared for, as Fred would hover over to their eldest brother. Sitting cross legged, in the air, as William ate. Left to talk to each other, as George would make sure you were cared for. His Big Brother Instincts were kicking in, after all.
“Thanks for snagging me out of the bank-“ William began, as George would help tidy you up. Making sure you had some sugar to help you feel better. Some spare Lunar Bars for the trip home, and just pampering you. Helping you come back to earth, and hushing you. Reminding you that you did nothing wrong, and you were no monster. She was the monster. Not you. You simply existed. She chose to act like that.
“The goblins there will make sure she has a hard time. That’s all I’m saying. They won’t stand for Werewolfphobia like that.” Bill said, proudly. Those Goblins treated him like family, after all. If someone hated him, then they’ll hate you right back. Just a bunch of old men, and their wild child. Nothing like what people assume. Thinking they are greedy gremlins. Bill will fight anyone who says that.
“Thank you, guys.” You sniffled, as Fred floated himself over. Letting his cold fingers run through your hair, and making it play around you. That had you giggle, as he stuck his ghostly tongue out. “We got ya, kiddo. Don���t sweat it.” He said, as George would make sure your scrapes were taken care of. All cleaned up, and patched. No need to join Fred now do you?
“If she ever starts her bullshit again, just ring us up.” Bill offered, as Fred keeps playing with your hair. To keep you smiling, and comforting you. “We won’t stand for this. So long as you are in Diagon Alley, you’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it.” George offered, as you nodded. Diagon Alley. Got it. You made sure to remember that. Hogwarts, Three Broomsticks, Gringotts, Shrieking Shack, and Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. Got it.
“You want Bill to walk you home?” George offered, as you nodded. “No sweat.” Bill smiled. Well….tried to, anyway. Hard when half your face is missing. You could see I, as you would take your little gift basket of treats. A bundle of goods to remind you the world isn’t cruel. That nice people exist, and that not everyone viewed the world like she did. She’s just a bad apple in that pie of life.
You would soon have a leather arm around you, as the twins sent you off. You held your basket close, as Bill would walk you off to the fire places for the students to use to reach diagon alley. You would distract yourself, during the walk, with looking in the basket. While Bill made sure to look around, as the white streets were closed up. Left to the quiet snowfall.
Lupins Lunar Chocolate Bars, some Fizzy Sodas, Glow In The Dark Gum, Candy In A Can, he just made sure you had some fun and enjoyable candy. Feel good candy, and medicated candy for your full moon moments. They cared about Hogwarts students. They cared about you. With all their freckled heart. You had a family holding your hand. Through it all.
“Thank you. Thank you all-“ You gave Bill a tight hug, and he returned the gesture. Showing that werewolf strength, and able to return the tight gesture. With no issues at all. “No one gets left behind. No way in hell.” Bill comforted, as he ruffled your hair again. “Think nothing of it.” He would add, as you took a deep breath. Letting the snowy air calm your soul.
With a smile, you would step into the fire place. With a hand full of that green powder, you were able to smile. You had people to support you, and understand your struggle. You have people that love you, and that’s all that matters. With a wave goodbye from William, you could say it pride. “Hogwarts-!” And you were gone. Returning home, with some treats for your friends. Along with some free bars for your friends who were just like you. No one left behind. Just as a Weasley would say.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Werewolf (1956)
16mm frames
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Tank Top Remmy
Remus Lupin x Reader
word count: 2701
Warnings: mentions of someone “admiring” someone? I guess?
it was a Saturday morning and you had woken up early to have breakfast with your best friend Lily. when you made your way into the great hall you saw her sitting beside the infamous marauders. when you get closer you can see that James is talking to Lily. your best guess is that he is trying to get her on a date again. you plop into the seat across from her and start filling up your plate.
“good morning. Hey where’s Remus” You suddenly realize that he hasn't shown up and Sirius starts snickering.
“he’s still in the dorm, he hasn't realized that we stole all his shirts yet, also we hid all of ours,” Sirius says between giggles.
“how is he supposed to go to class,” you say hitting Sirius’ shoulder and trying to reprimand him. you don't know why you do it anymore he never learns.
“wait what's happening?” Lily asks seeing you hit Sirius.
“They stole all of Remus’ shirts” You roll your eyes and Lily turns to James.
“were you part of this?” she asks him when he giggles and nods she hits him too.
“go give him a shirt before he misses class. he's the only one of you who cares” You roll your eyes again.
“fine” Sirius starts getting up but then sits back down. “looks like I don't need to” You look up confused and see Remus walk in in a tank top. your eyes widen and your mouth falls open. a blush covers your face and you can’t look away.
“Which one of you wankers has all of my shirts?” he says annoyed. you realize the closer he is the better he looks. if you could look at yourself in a mirror you would have the definition of heart eyes. you lick then bite your lip still staring at him not hearing what anyone is saying anymore until you notice him walking away. almost as if you're broken out of a trance you start giggling and hide your face in your hands.
“Is she okay?” James asks staring at you and Lily starts giggling.
“she’s okay just in shock” She kicks you under the table and you peek out of your hands and shake your head.
“What is she in shock from?” Sirius asks even more confused. you shake your head again.
“Nothing I'm fine don't worry” You quickly pull yourself together and start eating breakfast again. James and Sirius look at you like you are crazy but Lily just giggles.
“god y/n keep it in your pants” She laughs harder and you kick her.
“shh Lily!” she keeps laughing and you ignore the looks continuing to eat. around 10 minutes later Remus is back with a proper school shirt on and sits across from you and your eyes widen blushing. knowing how muscly he is under that shirt is too much for you now and you stand up abruptly. ”I’m gonna go to class” You grab your bag quickly.
“I’ll come with you” Lily laughs grabbing her stuff and following you. “so Remus huh?” she asks as soon as you get out of the hall.
“Who knew he was packing muscles like that? it was hot.” you whine but when you look at each other you both start giggling. “god Lily how am I ever going to look at him again without seeing… that!” you exclaim.
“It's okay y/n you’ll get through this” she teases you.
“it's not funny” you fake cry. “also! when the hell did he get tattoos? like what” You fan yourself dramatically and you both break down laughing.
“you’ve fallen way too hard y/n” Lily wipes her tears of laughter away.
“well I've always kinda liked him and of course, I’ve always thought he was majorly hot, but knowing he's hiding tattoos under all those grandpa sweaters does something to me” You hide your face in your hands again.
“oh god y/n” Lily grabs your arm suddenly whispering and you panic.
“What?” you look up and behind yourself like she is. there are James, Sirius, and Remus. “Lily?” you whisper turning back forward.
“y/n” she whispered back.
“im not imagining that right?” I ask in fear.
“no I don't think you are” she replied in a whisper as well. you nod your head before turning down a hallway that is opposite your class and running into a washroom. soon Lily walks in too.
“Okay, this is fine” you pace. “it's okay I didn’t say anything that bad right?” you turn to Lily.
“no I don't think so” she agreed with you.
“Okay, so no reason to worry” You take a moment to think about it then nod “Yeah It’s fine let's go” You walk out of the bathroom Lily quickly gets up to follow you.
“you are okay right?” Lily asks a bit concerned.
“yeah I'm fine what's the worst thing that could happen?” you smile at Lily and walk into the classroom.
“you ladies are late,” Professor Slughorn said.
“we're sorry Professor Lily had to grab something from her dorm and I kept her company,” you said moving to your seat.
“there was no reason for you to go with her miss. y/l/n you have detention miss. Evans, you may have a pass this one time” I gave the professor a tight-lipped smile and nodded sitting down and my head hit the table Lily rubbing my back.
“It's just one detention you'll be fine” she whispered.
“yeah I know I'm just disappointed in my lying skills” you and Lily chuckle before paying attention to the class again.
after you finished all your classes for the day you headed back to Slughorn's class to serve your detention. when you knocked on the door you heard him yell come in. As you opened the door your heart sank. there he was. Remus Lupin. Of freaking course, he was in your detention. you choose to ignore him for the time being and turn to Slughorn putting on your best smile.
“good evening sir, what would you like me to do for my detention?” you start walking closer to his desk.
“I’m going to ask that you and Mr. Lupin scrub the cauldrons for me without magic.” he held his hands out. “hand me your wands please.” when you handed him your wand Remus came up behind you and handed him his. you sucked in a breath at the closeness. “ill be back in about an hour to check on you” he started walking out. you quickly turn and walk to a cauldron starting to scrub.
after you had cleaned a few cauldrons you realized how hot you were getting so you started unbuttoning your school top revealing the cropped tank top that was underneath. I put the shirt on your chair and continued working. you were so focused on your work until you were pulled out by the smell of smoke, you looked around a little panicked but you calmed as soon as you saw Remus with a cigarette.
“Sorry, is the smoke bothering you?” he asks, you quickly shake your head blushing when you notice he's wearing his tank top again.
“no, it's alright just surprised me is all” You turn back around and keep cleaning. after a second Remus comes beside you.
“Are we okay?” he asks nervously.
“yeah, why wouldn't we be?” you blush brighter not looking at him.
“well… after I heard what you said in the hallway today you've been avoiding me.” he's looking down at his feet.
“i-im sorry, I just… I feel a little awkward” you chuckle self-deprecatingly.
“you don't have to… I mean seeing you in a tank top, the feelings mutual” he chuckles making me start laughing.
“Thanks, Remmy” I continue scrubbing the cauldron while Remus brings all his stuff beside me and starts working there.
“by the way I got the tattoos this summer,” he looked down at his arms and you looked too.
“they're really good. they suit you.” you reach down and gently trace the flower on his forearm. you guys sit in silence for a minute before the door opens you and Remus jump apart and see Slughorn walking in.
“how much have you two gotten done?” he asked coming to see.
“We only have these two left sir” You smile at him.
“All alright great, just finish up and you can go” You and Remus nod and continue scrubbing. once you both had finished you grabbed all your stuff.
“see you tomorrow professor” you wave, he waved back, and Remus walked together out of the classroom. you and Remus are walking side by side in silence when you make it into the common room. “I’ll see you tomorrow Remmy” You smile at him going to walk up the stairs.
“wait y/n” Remus calls out grabbing your hand. you quickly turn around and smile up at him.
“what's up?” he looks a bit awkward and scratches his neck.
“do you want to hang out at the lake tomorrow after classes?” you smile a bit wider and nod.
“yeah sure I'll see if Lily wants to come too,” you think oblivious to his intentions.
“I was hoping it could just be… the two of us” You look at him shocked and start blushing. ”like… like a date?” when he nods you smile again and nod back. “I’d like that” he smiles back at you.
“yeah?” he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“yeah,” you blush brighter your smile growing wider. remus nods smiling equally as wide.
“Great, see you tomorrow love” You nod and turn going up the stairs, once you make it to the top you turn around and see him pumping a fist and you giggle, causing him to turn around embarrassed.
“see you tomorrow Remmy” he waves a bit and you walk into your dorm, as soon as you get in and see Lily you let out a scream.
“what's going on? Are you okay?” she stands up and runs to you scared until she sees your wide smile.
“I'm going out with him Lily, we're going on a date” You jump up and down all around the dorm.
“who Remus?” she asks excitedly and you nod screaming again, this time Lily joins in jumping too. after you calmed down a bit you sit on your bed together and tell her the whole story, after a long while you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
the next morning you put the most effort into your appearance, you borrow some of Lily’s potions, one to make your hair shiny, and one to make sure your curls stay perfect, and then you put a little bit of makeup on. lily was helping the whole time super excited for you.
“oh Merlin you and Remus are just perfect for each other y/n” you giggle and nod.
“I hope so” You look up at the clock in your room and sigh. ”we have to hurry we're going to miss breakfast.” Lily looks panicked and nods grabbing your stuff you rush to the great hall and sit near the marauders, suspiciously Lily moves to sit beside James so you have to sit next to Remus, you gently kick her under the table and smile at everyone.
“good morning” You start grabbing some food and eating.
“morning, why are you guys so late today?” James asks you both and you blush.
“We just lost track of time, right y/n” Lily winks at you and you shake your head laughing.
“yep” you continue eating and turn to Remus a bit. “morning Remmy” he turns and smiles at you sweetly.
“good morning, you look beautiful” he whispers the last part to you and you blush smiling wide.
“thank you” he bites his lip and nods turning back to his food you look up to Lily and she's smiling widely at you making you kick her under the table again. She lets out a wine of pain.
“you okay Lily?” James asks grabbing her shoulder. ”yep just peachy” you giggle and look at your wristwatch.
“We should head to class” You all start getting up and heading to class, today instead of it being just you and Lily it's you and Remus with the others trailing a little behind. ”can I take your bag?” Remus asks holding a hand out. you blush and nod. ”sure, thank you” You look down hiding your smile and Remus smiles at you.
“you have DADA first right?” he asks, you nod and he walks you to class. once you get there he hands you your bag back and smiles. “I'll see you after classes” You smile wider and lean up to kiss his cheek.
“see you soon” You quickly walk into the class and take your seat. you aren't able to pay attention at all the whole day in all of your classes you're just thinking about him, even in classes that you share with Lily. She occasionally makes teasing jokes to you, but most of the time she leaves you to your thoughts. when the bell for your last class goes you turn to Lily nervously.
“I don't know if I can do this,” you whisper, she smiles softly at you and squeezes your shoulder.
“yes, you can. you like him and you guys are amazing for each other” She pulls you with her out of the classroom and you both see Remus across the hall, she gently pushes you. “go” you nod and quickly go to Remus.
“hello,” you say gently smiling up at him.
“hello love, are you ready?” he asks offering his arm. you giggle and take. ”yeah let go” As you and Remus walk together to the lake he asks you about your day, and you blush as you remember your lack of paying attention. you just tell him that your classes were boring and a little tiring. he tells you about his day, complains about his friends making jokes just because he loves your laugh and says his classes were boring too. when you make it to the lake you see a blanket and a picnic basket lying there making you gasp.
“Remus did you do all this?” you look up at him with awe and he blushes scratching his neck.
“I had some help but yeah. I wanted you to enjoy yourself.” you smile wide at him as you sit down.
“I always enjoy myself with you Remmy” You play with the hem of your skirt and glace up at his even more red face.
“uh I packed your favourite snacks” he goes into the basket and pulls out all your favourite foods. you smile wider at the fact that he even knew that some of these foods were your favourite.
“How did you know I like all of these” You pick something up and take a bite he grabs something too.
“I pay attention to the people I like” You stop midchew and look at him.
“you like me?” he chuckles and nods. ” I wouldn't have asked you out otherwise” Your smile that seems to never leave your face grows impossibly wider.
“I like you too Remmy” After that you both eat the snacks and talk about the most random things. you ask him about his books and he asks you about yours, you talk about the projects you are currently working on for class, and you talk about the pranks that he is helping the marauders plan right now. without realizing it you two drift closer to each other till you are sitting side by side your thighs touching as the sun starts setting you look up at Remus.
“I've had a nice time” you whisper.
“I have too” he smiles slowly moving closer to you. “can I kiss you?” he whispers already almost doing it.
“please” You almost don't get it out as he quickly presses you together into an amazing kiss. after that, you lay your head on his chest continuing to watch the sunset together. eventually, your eyes drift shut falling to sleep on him.
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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scoobydoobaday · 1 year
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Scooby Doo, Where Are You! S02E07 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf (1970) Hanna Barbera Productions
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tylidae · 3 days
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fred finally has an up to date-ish ref
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vulchak · 11 months
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Day 25, the last Werewolf Wednesday of the month
And it's a crime Fred is the only one without a canon werewolf transformation
No catchphrase either, my man keeps getting the short end of the stick
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monstersonscreen · 6 months
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The Wolfman for The Monster Squad (1987), sculpted and realized by John Rosengrant based on concept sketches by Stan Winston.
Winston and Rosengrant wanted to find a middle ground between the original Jack Pierce design for the Universal Wolf Man (which was copyrighted no less, and Monster Squad was not a Universal movie), and the then-newer designs seen in An American Werewolf in London and The Howling.
It was dacided that they would go for 'wolfish humanoid' rather than 'humanoid wolf' (ie The Howling); the design was still more complicated than the original Wolf Man design though. The skull was longer with eyes set apart, like those of a real wolf; the head was fitted with radio-controlled animatronics to make it blink and snarl. Also, Stan Winston used his own face as reference when sketching the Wolf Man, causing the final Wolf Man sculpt to resemble his own face!
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Teddy Remus Lupin
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Edward “Teddy” Remus Lupin 
Nicknames: Teddy, Ted, Tedward (James)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Ethnicity: 1/2 English , 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Hungarian
DOB: 11/04/1998
Parents: Remus Lupin & Tonks
Siblings: James, Albus & Lily
Godparents: Harry & Ginny
Best Friends: Yusuf Bashar, Sophia Greene, Imogen Schäfer
Started Hogwarts: 2009
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Unicorn hair, Ebony, 11 1/2
Patronus: Stag
Boggart: Bellatrix LeStrange
Ex curricular: quidditch beater, VC from 6th year
Best Subject: Transfiguration 
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Hair: Naturally mousy brown but usually wears it turquoise and short and spikey
Eye colour: Light brown
Build: 6ft, average/ athletic
Favourite music genre: Doesn’t have one
Favourite artist: Muse/ Adele/ Post Malone/ Boygenius
Favourite song: Starlight - Muse
Favourite colour: Turquoise/ dusty pink 
Health: Seasonal affective disorder/ heightened senses (son of a werewolf)/ Dissociative Disorder
Career: Auror
Family: Married Victoire Weasley age 27 (2025). They finally became a couple age 19 & 21 after Teddy threw Vic a surprise birthday party for her 19th as she had never wanted to celebrate her birthday out of respect for everyone, especially Teddy who lost his parents on that date. They live in Cornwall, England and have 3 children-
•Matilda Dora Lupin (Female, b. 2028)
•Freya Ander Lupin (Female, b. 2030)
•Aiden Remy Lupin (Male, b. 2032)
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scrappedtogether · 1 year
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aemiron-main · 2 years
realization about eddie’s death
ok so remember when the duffers/st team said that eddie’s death would have major implications/effects for s5?  this might be a stretch but i think those implications could actually tie into a.) gay mike reveal and b.) mike getting vecna’d in some way (not necessarily in the typical way but yknow).  i’ve talked abt this in other posts, which i cant find rn so im gonna explain it again, but mike’s feelings for eddie are also paralled to his feelings for will via the soundtrack and the video store movie poster choices.
  long story short: in s3 and s4, the video store posters each represent a character. Mike’s poster is “coca cola kid,” but WILL’S is “teen wolf,” and the character parallels will in many ways, especially in the way that being a werewolf is DIRECTLY paralleled to being gay in the movie, like the main character literally ‘comes out’ as a werewolf and his friend is like ‘are you gonna tell me you’re a fag?’ and the main character is like ‘no im a werewolf actually.’ so, how does this tie to eddie? teen wolf. teenage werewolf. ‘i was a teenage werewolf’ by the cramps is one of the songs that plays during eddie’s cafeteria scene. but the other song that plays is ‘fever,’ also by the cramps. imo, ‘fever’ is about mike’s crush towards eddie, esp considering the lyrics about love and kissing that play during scenes with mike and eddie specifically, demonstrating that attraction, but then ‘teenage werewolf’ links that attraction to Will, too, and how mike feels the same way about Will that he does about Eddie- caveat, Mike is not ‘in love’ with eddie, but IS with Will, but ‘feels the same way,’ simply in terms of being attracted to both of them/thinking gay thoughts LMAO. plus, there’s also a MOVIE called ‘i was a teenage werewolf,’ just like the song, and just like how teen wolf is a movie. 
and so, i think that the feelings of attraction are shared but also therefore that the feeling of GUILT about both will and eddie is also going to be shared. not just guilt for being interested in will/eddie/guilt for being gay. i don’t think that’s enough for mike to come out/be targeted by vecna and possibly OUTED, something i also talked about in this post in terms of why mike likely wont admit his sexuality and may end up being outed and how that ties into a mike fake death. 
anway, it’s not just guilt over mike’s feeling for will and eddie or his guilt for being gay because imo that’s not quite enough for vecna to end him:  it’s guilt over eddie and will’s disappearances and deaths too.  think about it. two people that mike had gay feelings for. both having died/disappeared due to the upside down. troy’s comments about ‘fairyland’ and tying the deaths of people like will and eddie to queerness. mike, who has enough evidence from lonnie and the bullying to suspect that WILL was gay, and in mikes mind maybe could’ve been targeted for that gayness outside of mike’s feelings for him- but mike doesn’t have much reason to suspect that EDDIE was gay/queer. So, in mike’s mind, if being targeted/killed by the UD is associated with queerness, then where does the queerness come in? oh right. from mike’s crush on him. it’s mike’s fault, in mike’s mind.  Mike, finding out about Eddie’s death in s5, trying to talk with Dustin and Lucas about it, and Dustin’s guilt because he was THERE, trying to save Eddie, and Dustin and Lucas not understanding why Mike seems to feel so guilty, and Mike can’t say it, can’t explain his guilt, so it just festers inside of him just like it did for Max and Fred. 
Vecna’s victims all seem to have some sort of guilt, but the way that vecna approaches people like Fred and Max, who have guilt related to somebody’s death is actually different from the way that he approaches people like Chrissy, who don’t have that guilt related to somebody’s death (and we don’t see his interactions with Patrick, but we do see that Patrick’s guilt/suicidality is tied to disappointing his family and his father’s abuse towards him, rather than towards having been responsible for anyone’s death)  When it comes to Chrissy, he talks about just bringing her suffering to an end. He says “don’t cry, Chrissy. It’s time for your suffering to end.”  When it comes to Max and Fred, though?  To Fred, Vecna just says “I want you to join me.”  To Max, Vecna says “Time for you to join me.” 
People who have guilt about somebody’s death get ‘asked’ to join Henry, but he’s not really asking, he’s TELLING, he’s saying that he wants fred to join him, that it’s TIME for max to join him. And I think that Mike is going to be one of those people, and that Henry is going to ask mike to ‘join him,’ and how that ties into something else I talked abt in this post about how I think that we’re going to get a scene where mike ‘chooses’ to die, so that his suicidality is narratively tied up without having to show him making a typical non supernatural active suicide attempt, and so that Mike gets to fulfill his hero complex. It seems like a choice for Mike, like he’s getting ASKED to join henry, but it’s not really a choice at all, it’s the illusion of choice. Which ties into something I’ve also talked about in regards to mike being suicidal but also pushed towards that suicidality by the actions and attitudes of his family + by the homophobic rhetoric he’s internalized + by the bullying. It’s like how he makes the CHOICE to step off of the cliff in s1, but he’s verbally pushed towards making that choice by the bullies, it’s like the bullies irl who bully queer people to the point of suicide instead of actively murdering them.  We also see a LOT of the red-blue light imagery around mike specifically during the hellfire game: the same red-blue light imagery that we see in eddie’s trailer, and specifically behind eddie, actually, the night that chrissy dies. But why am I bringing this up if i’m saying that Mike is going to get attacked in a different way than Chrissy was/that chrissy’s isnt tied to somebody’s death and Mike’s is? Because it’s an EDDIE death flag, not a chrissy one. Chrissy was already screwed by the time we see those red and blue lights in the trailer, and we see them RIGHT behind Eddie’s head specifically. And so, Mike having that same pattern of lights behind HIS head during the hellfire game? Not only is it a mike death flag tied to Vecna, but it’s a mike death flag tied to EDDIE, the same death flag as eddie, which doesnt mean that he’ll die in the same WAY as eddie, but instead, that Mike’s death will be tied to eddie’s somehow, which fits in with what i’ve said about mike’s guilt about eddie’s death and the links to other deaths + mike’s queerness/feelings for both eddie and will.  It’s also interesting to me that Barb got killed by Henry, but Nancy did not. In terms of queerness, Barb was the one with a crush on Nancy, and it got her killed/targeted by Henry. Mike had a crush on eddie/is in love with Will, and so it may very well result in the same thing, in terms of Henry attacking Mike. 
and again, like i talked about in this post, mike is linked to will’s disappearance via his queerness in terms of being the ‘other queer’ that troy talks about and how the other queer is also henry, yes, but its also mike, and how the ‘flying around in fairyland with all the other fairies’ scene serves to demonstrate that the reason that mike is tied to will’s disappearance via the ‘other queer’ comment and how the bullies start targeting mike right after they talk about the ‘other queer’ and how the scene finally focuses on mike after that to, isnt because mike is the other who kidnapped will, but rather, because he’s also queer. the ‘other fairies’ comment serves to expand the idea of ‘other queer’ beyond Henry, and into people like Barb, too, with the ‘other fairies,’ comment, which means that Mike can be included in ‘other queer/other fairies’ and paralelled to that without ONLY being paralleled to henry bc again the point isnt ‘mike kidnapped will/is like henry,’ the point is ‘mike is also queer.’ As well, with that inital parallel between mike and henry both being the “other queer,” it narratively ties mike to a sense of responsibility/guilt for will’s disappearance, esp since it was mike’s house that Will left, even though it wasn’t his fault. So, Mike’s queerness is tied to will’s disappearance already via Troy’s dialogue choices and the choices of focusing on Mike in those scenes every single time that ‘other queer’ or ‘other fairies’ is brought up. like it doesn’t even focus on mike’s reaction when troy says that will is dead during the first homophobic bullying scene (the one where mike gets pushed), but it DOES focus on mike IMMEDIATELY after queerness is brought into the conversation. again i go into this in way more depth in that linked post.  So my point is: there’s already an existing narrative link between mike’s queerness and will’s disappearance and a sense of guilt. And I think that the same is going to apply to Eddie after Mike finds out about Eddie’s death. And like I talked about in one of the posts I linked, Mike imo is more likely to be outed than to come out on his own terms I think, esp in regards to the themes of his character and his queerness and what his character represents in those regards. So, Vecna attacking Mike based not just on his feelings for Will, but instead his queerness as a whole + a mike fake death? It addresses Mike’s suicidality, it addresses Mike’s sexuality outside of Will, which ties into gay mike and the milkvan breakup and into Byler getting together, but does it in a way where Byler getting together isn’t JUST tethered to the revelation of Mike’s sexuality and instead gets to stand on its own and be about Mike and Will’s love as individuals instead of just ‘oh yeah mike is gay and hes getting with will because will now knows mike’s gay despite the unresolved interpersonal tension between them regardless of sexuality’.  Like again- Mike being queer IS paralleled to the cause of Will’s death/disappearance during those death scenes in S1. The ties are there, not just to Will’s queerness playing a role in his vanishing, but MIKE’S too, with him being featured as soon as the ‘other queer’  is mentioned, or the ‘other fairies,’ are mentioned, and how using both ‘other queer’ and ‘other fairies’ means that mike isn’t SOLELY paralled to henry/his queerness isn’t SOLELY tied to will’s vanishing, but it is tied to it in ADDITION to being tied to the ‘other fairies’ and positioning Mike alongside the victims (like barb and will) instead of just positioning him alongside henry (the other queer comment and the framing of mike immediately after that’s said and how it ties him to henry/ties mike’s queerness to will’s disappearance). 
(obviously mikes feelings for will are way way deeper than his ones for eddie and he just had a crush on eddie but still.) Anyway! Much to think about. 
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Steven Ritch in The Werewolf (1956).
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