#fred stoller
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thesecretingredientislove · 8 months ago
The way I screamed when I heard that voice and recognized it!!!
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oldshowbiz · 29 days ago
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Early Yuk Yuk's comedian Simon Rakoff, brother of popular literary humorist David Rakoff
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shinigabi-tan · 1 year ago
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Two characters from The Nanny that keep popping on my mind since I watched it (spoiler kinda)
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etakeh · 29 days ago
Oh goddamn, I had no idea how many of my lines I stole from this guy.
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saliosis · 2 years ago
i found this song by accident and all i hear is chuck soooooo 💀
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devilsrecreation · 8 months ago
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adriantheanimator09 · 8 months ago
Here are some Tim Burton Batman posters recreated with a Wordgirl twist!
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For those who don’t know, the names at the top are the voice actors for the Wordgirl characters (Dannah Phirman - Wordgirl/Becky Botsford, Tom Kenny - Dr. Two Brains, Jack D. Ferraiolo - The Butcher, Fred Stoller - Chuck The Evil Sandwich Making Guy) also,
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thealmightyemprex · 26 days ago
Just found out Fred Stoller once played Molecule Man in Superhero Squad.....And thats kind of brillaint ,like perfect casting no notes
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kwebtv · 2 months ago
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
Maverick - War of the Silver Kings - ABC - September 22, 1957
Runnning Time: 60 minutes
Written by James O'Hanlon
Produced by Roy Huggins 
Directed by Budd Boetticher
James Garner as Brett Maverick
Edmund Lowe as Phineas King
John Litel as Joshua Thayer
Leo Gordon as Big Mike McComb
Carla Merey as Edie Stoller
John Hubbard as Bixby
Robert Griffin as Fennelly
Fred Sherman as Stoller
Bob Steele as Jackson
Donald Kirke as Crane
Lane Chandler as Lawson
Harry Harvey as Western Union Telegrapher
Kermit Maynard as Court Clerk
Tyler McVey as Kriedler
Frank Sully as Arthur (Bartender)
Hal Taggart as Harris
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icy-watch · 5 months ago
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oldshowbiz · 1 year ago
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Norm Macdonald's American television debut was in this George Schlatter special.
Norm's segment was recorded in 1988.
This particular special also featured Barry Crimmins, Carol Leifer, and Fred Stoller.
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gayvampyr · 1 year ago
just saw a butch woman that looked vaguely like fred stoller
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annieandro · 4 months ago
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Executive Producer: Cassie Kitchen
Story Editor: Doug Tennapel
Line Producer:Joshua Slice
Production Coordinators: Craig McCracken, Noah Z Jones
Production Assistants: Butch Hartman, Eric Coleman
Script Coordinator: Jose Chavez
Executive Assistant: Maddie Manges Character Designer: Lankybox
Layout Designers: Speekygeeky, Riffcoms Prop Designers: Eric Robles, Colors 358
Background Painter: Nikki Karlsson
Color Key Stylist: Dre Higbee
Final Checker: Nickcheezy Clean-up Artist: Carl Jung, Henry Miller, Sir Francis Bacon
Storyboard Revisions: John Erwin, Nancy Priddy, Michael Bell
Starring: Annieandro: Cassie Kitchen
Maisy: Gracie Jones
Little Miss Cassie: Phoebe Fortney
Zapper: Tom Kenny
Tetro: Doug Lawrence
Prowler: Bill Hader
Pouncer: Wizardzwiz
Predator: Gooseworx
Mailman Pelswick: Rob Paulsen
Umberta: Jocelyn Clark
Tyler: Darrell Stern
Chatters: Tara Strong
Jumper: Allan Trautman
Giggle: Leslie Carrara Rudolph
Bumper-oo: Kevin Clash
Nizzie: Stacy Gordon
Lotta: Grey Desleslie
Crossbone: David Kaye
Nimble: Kevin MacDonald
Zap-Zap: Frank Oz
Cozy: Lizzie Freeman
Puddles: Michael Kovach
Buckthorn: Robert Tinkler
Tutu: Sonya Leite
Katie: Cindi Milo
Pavo: David Hornsby
Aquila: Christian Jacobs
Ursa Major: Lara Jill Miller
Orion: Ariel Winter
Hercules: Wayne Knight
Flutterbutter: Amanda Hufford
Eden: Gary Yudman
Aquarius: Paul Wensley
Pisces: Jo Vannicola
Aries: Nika Futterman
Taurus: Steve Little
Gemini: Lucas Slice
Cancer: Hynden Walch
Leo: Dee Bradley Baker
Virgo: Ellie Ellwand
Libra: Billy West
Scorpio: Fred Stoller
Sagittarius: Cree Summer
Capricorn: Sean Chiplock
Casting By: Ryan's World Casting Coordinator: EventubeHD Casting Assistant: Allison Gatewood Supervising Recording Engineer: AJ Lyles Recording Engineer: Trainlover16
Production Dialogue Supervisor: Devinurdog Dialogue Editor: Tweeterman287
Picture Editor: Zee's Branch Assistant Editor: Dimon CamiPost Production Supervisor: Kan and Aki's Channel Big Scanning Department: Mr.George, Genevieve's Playhouse
Additional Post Production Services: Craig Mario Fan, Nostalgia Cat Picture Editior: My Friends Assistant Editor: My Family Post Production Supervisor: My Classmates Bg Scanning Department: Arlene Klasky, Tom Yohe Additional Post Production Services: Gabor Csupo, AJRaider Post Production Services: Teri Weiss Telecine Colorist: Rico Hill
Animation Production Services: Public Broadcasting Service Special Thanks To: Steve Burns, The Wiggles, The Return Of Cakey, The Beatles, and The Sesame Street Rock and Roll Request Show, and The Children's Hospitals From All 50 States
Production Executive: Aubrey Cox Executive In Charge Of Production: Joe Biden
CTW Provides Partial Funding For Annieandro Pinkpaws Through Its Self-Support Activities.
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months ago
"Danny" (1958)
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ELVIS PRESLEY: (1) January 1958, during record session for the soundtrack to the "King Creole" film (Paramount Pictures). (2) "King Creole" photo shoot. Early March 1958.
Written by Fred Wise and Ben Weisman. Recorded for the motion picture King Creole. Recorded February 11, 1958 at Paramount Scoring Stage. Vocals: Elvis and The Jordanaires. Guitar: Scotty Moore, Tiny Timbrell. Bass: Bill Black, Ray Siegel. Drums: D.J. Fontana, Bernie Mattionson, Piano: Dudley Brooks. (Info: elvisthemusic.com)
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Soundtrack Recordings for Paramount’s King Creole January 15–16 and 23, 1958 at Radio Recorders and February 11, 1958 at Paramount Soundstage, Hollywood. King Creole gave Elvis his most challenging movie role yet. Based on the Harold Robbins novel A Stone for Danny Fisher, it presented an opportunity to work with the acclaimed Hungarian-born director Michael Curtiz (whose work included Casablanca) and placed Elvis alongside accomplished actors such as Carolyn Jones [as Ronnie, Maxie's mistress], Walter Matthau [as Maxie Fields, the local gangster], and Dean Jagger [as Mr. Fisher, Danny's father]. The music was to be an integral part of this serious and rather dark story of a young singer (in the novel he’d been a boxer) trying to make it in the nightclubs of New Orleans. Traditional New Orleans music had its own very specific African-American roots, and Elvis always pointed to New Orleans R&B (Fats Domino was probably its leading exemplar) as instrumental to his development. But Elvis hadn’t gone over all that well in New Orleans when he appeared there three times in 1955, and the Memphis brand of rock ’n’ roll was very different from the New Orleans tradition. To help create an authentic Dixieland sound, Paramount hired some of L.A.’s best session players for the recording: a four-piece brass section augmented by bass player Ray Siegel, who doubled on tuba. Elvis’s own band was supplemented again by piano player Dudley Brooks, and by a second drummer at an extra recording date later when the complexity and variety of the rhythms proved too much for Bill Black and D. J. [Fontana] to handle. With fourteen musicians in the band, this was by far the largest group Elvis had ever worked with in the studio, but for engineer Thorne Nogar it would be business as usual. Elvis’s support team included Paramount musical director Charles O’Curran as well as Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, who had just signed on as producers for RCA. As Elvis’s favorite writers of the moment they brought material to the session, along with other Elvis Presley Music regulars like Aaron Schroeder and Claude DeMetrius, who sent in two infectious rock ’n’ roll originals. The ever-dependable Ben Weisman and his partner, Fred Wise, came up with “Danny” as a proposed title cut, along with several other new songs.
Excerpt: "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" by Ernst Jorgensen. Foreword by Peter Guralnick (1998)
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The Dixieland-flavored King Creole sessions. On January, 1958 Elvis worked on the soundtrack for King Creole at Radio Recorders and at Paramount's Soundstage in Hollywood, CA.
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LYRICS — "DANNY" (Fred Wise/Ben Weisman)
My name should be trouble My name should be woe For trouble and heartache Is all that I know But Danny, yes, Danny is my name My life has been empty My heart has been torn It must have been rainy, oh, yeah The night I was born Oh Danny, oh Danny is my name I'm so afraid of tomorrow So tired of today They say that love is the answer But love never came my way I'm writing a letter To someone I know So if you should find it, yes, And if you're alone Oh Danny, yes, Danny is my name Oh Danny, yes, Danny is my name
Elvis Presley as Danny Fisher in scenes from "King Creole" (Paramount Pictures, 1958), directed by Michael Curtiz.
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prasa-koval · 15 hours ago
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12) American Affairs - amerykański kwartalnik polityczny założony w lutym 2017 roku przez Juliusa Kreina.
Jego projekt został opisany w Tablet jako: „gęsta, technicznie wyrafinowana forma neohamiltonowskiego nacjonalizmu ekonomicznego, promowana w różnych formach przez Michaela Linda, Davida P. Goldmana i samego Kreina”, w oparciu o twierdzenie, że „krótkowzroczna amerykańska elita pozwoliła, aby rdzeń produkcji kraju — klucz zarówno do powszechnego dobrobytu krajowego, jak i bezpieczeństwa narodowego w obliczu merkantylistycznych Chin — został wydrążony”, tak jak „produkcja i wiedza techniczna przeniosły się do Chin i Azji, kapitał krajowy napłynął do nieproduktywnych wykupów akcji lub schematów technologicznych (Uber, WeWork), a Ameryka stała się krajem z dwupoziomową gospodarką usługową, z bankierami, konsultantami i inżynierami oprogramowania na górze, a powitalniami Walmarta i kierowcami Ubera na dole”. Od momentu założenia w 2017 r. American Affairs stało się znane z dogłębnych artykułów na temat polityki handlowej i przemysłowej, krytyki finansjalizacji, orędownictwa rodzinnej opieki nad dziećmi, dodatki i wydatki na infrastrukturę, a także za łączenie prawicowych i lewicowych krytyków neoliberalizmu. Oprócz polityki publicznej zajmował się również teorią polityczną i krytyką kulturową. Został scharakteryzowany w New Statesman jako „heterodoksyjny dziennik polityczny”, prezentujący na przykład konserwatywne argumenty na rzecz większej roli państwa obok lewicowych argumentów przeciwko polityce tożsamości i otwartym granicom. Do godnych uwagi artykułów należy „The Real Class War” Kreina, który „przyciągnął uwagę zarówno lewicy, jak i prawicy w listopadzie 2019 r., wywracając do góry nogami rozmowę na temat klasy w prawyborach Demokratów”, według New Statesman.
Poprzednikiem American Affairs jest Journal of American Greatness, krótkotrwały blog polityczny z 2016 roku, najbardziej znany z publikacji „The Flight 93 Election”, szeroko czytanego eseju o wyborach prezydenckich w 2016 roku autorstwa pseudonimowego autora Publiusa Deciusa Musa, później ujawnionego jako Michael Anton. American Affairs było początkowo uważane przez niektórych za „czasopismo protrumpowskie”. Po uruchomieniu zostało opisane przez New York Times jako „poświęcone nadaniu intelektualnego ciężaru i spójności amorficznej ideologii znanej, z braku lepszego określenia, jako trumpizm”. Jednak w sierpniu 2017 roku, po wiecu „Unite the Right” w Charlottesvile w Wirginii, Krein napisał artykuł opinii w The New York Times, publicznie przyznając, że żałuje głosowania na kandydata. Jennifer Schuessler z The New York Times pisze: „czasopismo stara się wypełnić pustkę pozostawioną przez konserwatywny intelektualny establishment bardziej skupiony na przeciwstawianiu się panu Trumpowi niż na zmaganiu się z odrzuceniem globalizmu i dogmatów wolnego rynku, które doprowadziły do ​​jego zwycięstwa”. Według The Washington Post czasopismo czyta wiceprezydent J. D. Vance.
Do czasopisma piszą m.in.:
Michael Anton
Robert D. Atkinson
Mehrsa Baradara
Thierry Baudet
Daniel A. Bell
Fred Block
Dan Breznitz
Christopher Caldwell
Oren Cass
Angelo M. Codevilla
Colin Crouch
Patrick J. Deneen
Ronald W. Dworkin
Fredrik Erixon
Nancy Fraser
Amber A'Lee Frost
Frank Furedi
Maurice Glasman
James K. Galbraith
David P. Goldman
Allen C. Guelzo
Ofir Haivry
Shadi Hamid
James Hankins
Yoram Hazony
Joseph Heath
Arthur Herman
John B. Judis
Eric Kaufmann
Joel Kotkin
Ryszard Legutko
Michael Lind
Edward Luttwak
Bruno Maçães
Noel Malcolm
Pierre Manent
Lawrence M. Mead
Bill Mitchell
Angela Nagle
David Oks
Eric A. Posner
R. R. Reno
Ganesh Sitaraman
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Matthew Stoller
Wolfgang Streeck
Cass Sunstein
Ruy Teixiera
Nick Timothy
Roberto M. Unger
Adrian Vermeule
Henry Williams
L. Randall Wray
Slavoj Zizek.
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my-chaos-radio · 3 months ago
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Release: October 13, 2023
Baby, put your hands on me
Hey, woo
Ooh, yeah
You got that bomb, baby
She was, she was, she was, she was the girl next door, that's my fine ass neighbor (uh-huh)
Told her if she wants some sugar, baby, don't be a stranger (uh-huh)
And she said, "When I need something sweet, I'll be coming over to you" (ooh, ooh, ooh)
Haha, that girl was knocking, knocking, knocking in the middle of the night
Wearing nothing but a robe that she took off inside
And she said, "Boy, I'm getting cold, here's what I need you to do"
Baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both hands (hands) on me (on me)
Right now (right now), you're the only (you're the only) one I need
So, baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both hands (hands) on me (on me)
When we dance (we dance), put your hands all over me (hey)
Alright, say
Been such a long time since I been lucky
Don't have to be shy, say how bad you want me
Come and touch me tenderly (tenderly)
So come and give me that body heat, I want your body heat on me
I can barely sleep, I'm tryna turn up the degrees
With you all over me
So, baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both hands (hands) on me (on me)
Right now (right now), you're the only one I need
So, baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both hands (hands) on me (on me)
When we dance (we dance), put your hands all over me (ooh)
Oh, the night's still young, come and break my heart
Darling, you are the only one I need
No, I won't be afraid, no, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you kiss me before you leave
So, baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Right now (right now), you're the only (you're the only) one I need
So, baby, put your hands (hands) on me (on me)
Both hands (hands) on me (on me)
When we dance (we dance), put your hands all over me
Jason Joel Desrouleaux / Ben E. King / Jerry Leiber / Mike Stoller / Sarah Alison Solovay / Meghan Elizabeth Trainor / Elof Fred Karl Loelv / Kyle Buckley / Shawn Charles / Jonathan Bach
Jason Derulo
Meghan Trainor
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