#freaky gay demon rat
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adhdrizzy · 5 months ago
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 hall
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 wood
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 wood & the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴worms
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 demon
Jack 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴ber
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 jash
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elbackflipo · 10 months ago
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog, now managed by @patorucho]
[Note: A general recap with previous storylines from the previous blog will be made soon. Changes will be made.]
[Admin only knows English/Tagalog, but will try to provide a Spanish translation]
🦷 Things to know about y!Charlie:
☢ He uses he/him pronouns, occasionally she/her but he doesn't care. Sex? Yes please!! Oh- OHH. You mean gender. Uhhh. Schlime.
☢ He goes by Charlie or Slime, full name Charlie Slimecicle. Nickname El Backflipo. Petname uhh fuck you only my WIFE gets to know. Unless you're uhh ahahaha... seeing me later if you catch my drrrift ;) Organ swapping am I right? [I'll take your liver and your lungs and you can have a piece of my uhh left nipple]
☢ She's an eldritch slime demon, but tends to hide it with a flesh disguise. Charlie's uhhh. Not adopted but surely a little ~different~ from his siblings. Isn't that quirky of him? [Gross slimy fleshy unconvincing giggling]
☢ Disgusting freak of nature
☢ Mostly goofy, sometimes not. Do you get to know? No, fuck you.
☢ From SCU and Tommyinnit Mod Videos! Not c!Slime, but you fucking wish don't you fuckers.
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🧠 Tags he'll use:
✘ #schlop posting - text posts
✘ #you gunkin? - asks
✘ #sludge dissolve - in character reblogs
✘ #slime right in - lit rp threads
✘ #slime you later - end of roleplay
✘ #all schleeing eyes + #ooc - out of character
☣ #yaoiverse - general yv tag
☣ #straightverse - general angst tag
☣ #sexoverse - general suggestive tag
☣ #yuriverse - general non canon tag
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🏳️‍🌈 Tags when talking to Faggot Funland:
[Can- Can I even reclaim that? Chat can I say schlaggots instead? Chat I need to know what schlurs I can reclaim]
🫀 I'm not the dad that stepped up, I'm the father that fucking FORGOT [Family]:
✂ @elwifeguy (Mariana) - #my bitch wife ♡ [GET YOUR OWN!!]
✂ @bulletflips (Juanaflippa) - #my daughter flippita ♡
✂ @tazeredmike (Mike) - #brother from another gunker
✂ @duckduckquackity (Quackity) - #paraschlocial much
✂ @witheredlilacs (Tilín) - #girlfreak two
✂ @goo-amalgamation (Gegg) - #smaller sludger
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🫁 Love is in the air? WRONG. GAS LEAK. [Quesadilla Island]:
✂ @catboyarg (Cellbit) - #pussy out? erm yea
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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🦴 Reminder: Do NOT fucking click or even MOVE. [Eggs/Kids]:
✂ @inventorswag (Ramón) - #derailing your fucking train
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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[dividers 1/2]
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ktmarison · 3 years ago
ride  the  cyclone  sentence  starters.
'  it  turns  out  being  told  the  place  and  time  of  your  death  in  front  of  your  family  with  a  mouthful  of  corn  dog  at  a  fairground  is  the  very  opposite  of  fun.  '
'  meet  my  executioner.  '
'  i'm  well  aware  rats  cannot  play  musical  instruments.  '
'  when  you've  been  alone  for  as  long  as  i  have,  you  tend  to  anthropomorphize  your  friends.  '
'  the  armrest  to  your  left  is  yours.  the  one  to  your  right  is  your  neighbors.  if  you  believe  both  armrests  are  yours  exclusively,  you  are  part  of  the  problem.  '
'  this  just  shows  the  high  standard  of  excellence  !  even  in  competition  against  yourself,  you  can  still  walk  away  a  loser  !  '
'  tonight,  we  shall  raise  a  middle  finger  to  that  most  ruthless  adjudicator  called  time.  '
'  something  doesn't  feel  quite  right.  '
'  how  can  this  be  fair  ?  '
'  what's  the  point  of  even  suing  ?  '
'  there's  nothing  left  to  do  except  to  rot.  '
'  i  hope  i  wiped  my  browser  history  clean.  '
'  i  did  not  feel  safe  at  all  .'
'  democracy  rocks  !  '
'  even  in  death,  i  can't  escape  her  !  '
'  well  played,  satan,  well  played.  '
'  being  the  only  gay  man  in  a  small  rural  high  school  is  kind  of  like  having  a  laptop  in  the  stone  age.  i  mean,  sure,  you  can  have  one,  but  there's  nowhere  to  plug  it  in.  '
'  i'm  really  freaked  out  right  now.  '
'  do  you  want  to  know  what  really  freaks  me  out  ?  '
'  when  a  lioness  has  children,  she  stops  making  love  to  the  lion.  the  lion  gets  jealous.  sometimes  so  jealous  that  he  eats  the  children.  you'd  think  this  would  upset  the  lioness,  far  from  it.  they  make  love  again  as  if  the  children  never  existed.  '
‘  i’m  going  to  stand  a  little  farther  away  from  you.  okay  ?  ’
'  ever  since  i  was  six  years  old,  i  knew  i  wasn't  long  for  this  world.  '
'  don't  interrupt,  sweetie.  '
'  i  am  the  best  by  any  metric  of  society.  i  get  that.  but  if  that  is  how  worth  is  measured,  i  want  no  part  in  it.  '
'  okay,  it's  clear,  i'm  the  top  of  this  class.  '
'  fetch  me  a  coffee,  shine  my  shoes.  '
'  some  of  us  are  winners,  some  were  born  to  lose.  '
'  he'll  rob  a  7-11  and  go  straight  to  jail.  '
'  what's  he  gonna  do,  solve  a  rubik's  cube  ?  how  long's  he  got  if  we  feed  him  through  a  tube  ?  '
'  he'll  never  learn  to  read.  he's  never  gonna  breed.  he's  going  to  jail  guaranteed,  and  she's  a  freaky  monster  !  '
'  we  need  a  little  less  of  them,  a  little  more  of  me  !  '
'  you  just  told  your  best  friend  that  her  greatest  achievement  in  life  will  be  to  become  an  organ  donor.  '
'  that's  okay  !  it  kinda,  really,  super  hurt,  but  .  .  .  '
'    what  i  did  there  is  exactly  what  you  shouldn't  do.  '
'  you  challenged  my  preconceived  notion  that  all  gay  dues  are  fun  to  be  around.  '
'  sweet  jesus  christ  on  a  bike.  '
'  i've  seen  the  movie  the  blue  angel  about  a  billion  and  one  times.  '
'  mom  tells  me  i  gotta  try  to  blend  in  so  i  tried  really  hard  to  dial  it  back.  '
'  i  wanted  a  man  that  would  drive  me  to  drink.  '
'  can  you  keep  it  in  your  pants  for  one  second,  you  horrible  succubus  ?  '
'  i  embrace  a  new  man  every  night.  '
'  i  want  to  be  that  fucked  up  girl.  '
'  i  think  i  am  in  love  with  you.  '
'  i've  heard  that  lie  a  million  times  before.  '
'  tell  him  that  like  him,  i  choose  to  burn  out,  rather  than  fade  away.  '
‘  that  was  dope  !  ’
‘  level  up  !  ’
'  in  my  country  it  is  natural  for  two  men  to  show  affection  by  kissing.  '
'  there  is  a  difference  between  affection  and  smut.  '
'  what's  the  lesson  ?  '
'  not  every  story  has  a  lesson.  '
'  every  story  has  a  lesson  except  saw  five.  '
'  porno  ?  that  is  a  genre.  that  doesn't  tell  a  story.  '
'  i  think  it's  messed  up  that  we  celebrate  violence  and  demonize  the  very  act  of  love.  porno  is  magical.  '
'  i'm  never  mad  at  you.  i'm  just  frequently  disappointed.  '
'  just  cause  i'm  all  gangsta  doesn't  automatically  make  me  a  homophobe.  '
'  that  shit  was  emotionally  devastating.  '
'  we  were  engaged.  '
'  i  have  no  respect  for  this  country.  '
'  my  life  is  awesome.  '
'  this  beat  is  awesome  !  '
'  i  am  vulnerable  now.  '
'  i  lay  my  masculinity  at  the  altar  of  your  maidenhood.  '
'  i  wanna  be  with  you,  baby.  '
'  love  conquers  all.  '
'  look  at  me,  i  am  physically  weeping  !  '
'  and  that  is  why  not  everyone  should  have  a  library  card.  '
'  the  world  needs  more  poets.  '
'  and  this  is  why  you  both  sucked  at  math  !  '
'  there  are  no  accidents.  '
'  since  we're  all  sharing,  i  would  like  to  talk  about  my  religion.  '
'  for  lo,  i  am  a  prophet.  '
'  i  guess  you  could  say  i'm  pretty  sexy  on  another  planet.  '
'  who  are  you  right  now  ?  '
'  we  need  your  fantastic  seed.  '
'  i  know  you've  heard  the  legend  of  the  sexy  cat  women  from  zolar.  '
'  won't  you  please  help  save  our  galaxy  ?  '
'  what  would  you  do  in  my  place  ?  '
'  oh  my  goodness,  what  have  i  gotten  myself  into  ?  '
'  i'm  a  lover,  not  a  fighter  !  '
'  i  wanna  hold  your  hands.  '
'  i  have  no  desire  to  rule  the  galaxy.  to  hold  you  close  is  enough  for  me.  '
'  i'm  gonna  give  you  the  cliff  notes  for  every  prophet  that  ever  lived:  life  is  hard  enough  without  making  up  reasons  to  be  dicks  to  each  other.  '
'  let's  take  care  of  each  other.  '
'  for  love  is  the  closest  you  can  come  to  another  person,  for  it's  the  closest  you  can  come  to  being  another  person.  '
'  and  then  peace  was  restored.  '
'  there's  only  one  commandment  in  my  bible.  don't  be  a  dick.  '
'  in  choosing  myself,  that  would  be  the  ultimate  dick  move.  '
'  i'm  the  same  person  i  always  was.  it's  just  no  one  ever  listened  to  me.  '
'  if  the  holy  people  are  to  be  kept  harmless  from  war,  then  make  all  people  holy.  '
'  we  all  know  the  worms  must  be  fed.  '
'  my  soul.  is  it  here  ?  '
'  cruel  existence  was  only  a  shame.  '
'  won't  you  tell  me  at  last  who  i  am  ?  '
'  i  hear  the  anguish  of  the  street.  '
'  if  this  is  how  i  die,  lord,  why  be  left  with  no  family  and  no  friends  ?  '
'  time  eats  all  his  children  in  the  end.  '
'  this  is  no  way  to  die.  '
'  isn't  there  anyone  to  tell  me  who  i  am  ?  '
'  that  song  is  so  overplayed.  '
'  how  did  you  find  the  entire  meaning  of  my  life  in  such  a  phrase  ?  '
'  not  even  the  dutch  speak  dutch.  '
'  i've  never  been  drunk  before.  or  kissed  a  man.  '
'  your  life  was  tragic.  '
'  how  do  we  know  it's  my  birthday  ?  '
'  what's  a  savannah  ?  '
'  it's  a  fire  sale  in  my  brain  and  everything  must  go.  '
'    you  know  i  envy  you.  '
'  i  was  building  a  life  and  you  were  satisfied  doing  nothing.  '
'  i  thought  my  life  had  meaning,  turns  out  it  didn't.  '
'  my  death  has  really  affected  me.  '
'  naturally  my  death  has  affected  you  !  can't  you  just  listen  for  once,  without  making  everything  about  yourself  ?  '
'  i  lost  my  virginity  to  a  carnie  in  a  porta  potty.  '
'  he  had  this  tattoo  on  his  forearm.  it  was  of  two  skeletons  having  sex,  and  it  said  born  to  bone  on  the  bottom  of  it.  '
'  after  a  while,  i  started  feeling  crummy  about  stuff.  '
'  i  really  wish  i  never  thought  those  things.  '
'  i  just  wanted  to  do  it,  so  i  didn't  have  to  think  about  doing  it  anymore.  '
'  i  used  to  think  that  life  was  just  a  heart  breaker.  it  breaks  til  you  can't  take  no  more.  '
'  there's  nothing  wrong  with  being  the  nicest  girl  in  town.  '
'  you  knew  all  along  i  could  never  do  it.  '
'  no  one  will  win  here,  and  no  one  can  lose.  '
'  no  one  keeps  score  of  how  hard  we  tried.  '
'  your  lucky  number  is  seven.  '
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adhdrizzy · 1 month ago
Oh okay..
𝓞𝓲𝓵 𝓾𝓹
Hi homie
hello vro
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beetlebitties · 5 years ago
SFW Beetlejuice HCs
Just a bunch of fun headcanons for my Beej! ENJOY!
-BJ has at least one small freaky lil animal in his pockets at all times (usually snakes, lizards, rats, and the occasional frog).
Doesn't really understand the internet, but would ABSOLUTELY have an Onlyfans account if he did.
Contrary to popular belief, HE CAN READ!!! He's just dyslexic.
Despite being about a millennia old, he still hasn't realized that 'BJ' also means blowjob.
He will wear any article of clothing, and he WILL work it!!!
Despite having the ability to summon extra limbs, he's AWFUL at multitasking
Loves to set things on fire, absolutely abuses the shit outta that power to show off.
He doesn't need to sleep or eat, but he does because its fun and it makes him feel closer to the living.
But because he's a demon, he can sleep for 1000 years and/or eat an entire Golden Corral buffet and he'd be fine lmao.
About 60% of the purple around his eyes is just makeup.
His nails tho??? ALL natural red little demon fingies.
Much like Musical Beej, his hair changes color depending on this mood: green for neutral/content, red for anger, purple for depressed/sad, and pink for flustered :3
He has STRONG Garfield energy.
His striped suit originally belonged to a dead car salesman, and he hasn't parted with it since he nabbed it.
Before then, he would still predominantly wear tacky black & white clothes because he surprisingly cares A LOT about keeping up his aesthetic!!
The little beetle clips on his suspenders are real and he modified them himself :3
Magenta (his inner shirt color) is his favorite and he tries to include it in his looks whenever he can!
His body functions by cartoon-logic: If you pinch him or squeeze him/etc., you WILL hear a honk noise.
He can *somehow* fit his way through any tight space, kinda like a cat.
When he isn't summoned, he can travel through mirrors and other reflective surfaces (just like in the cartoon!) to communicate with Lydia.
Speaking of Lydia, her and my Beej have more of a best friends/sibling vibe than a weird uncle and niece one.
That's mostly because Lydia gossips and vents to Beej about school stuff, gives him makeovers, helps him pull pranks on ppl, and gets into petty fights with him (A LOT).
They are the gay goth criminal dream team!!!
BJ has never rly thrown hands before, but don't try to actually fight him because you WILL end up with 20 snakes clinging to your ass.
He's been banned from every bar in the Netherworld, and every Olive Garden in the living world.
BJ is banned from the Olive Garden for angrily turning all of the pasta into worms when Lydia refused to get him an Unlimited Pasta Pass.
He's ALSO banned from various theme parks and children's establishments for attempting to possess animatronics and character costumes.
Let's be real, if he possessed a Chuck E Cheese he'd be UNSTOPPABLE...
Lydia has been diligently trying to encourage BJ to only prank/scare 'bad people', like bullies and condescending adults.
The worst ppl tho? Like Nazis and pedos? Beej has a special prank for them!!!! (its murder).
BJ can shapeshift into various animals and creatures, however he always retains his human head, so ppl usually tease him for it..
Despite this, he enjoys scaring the living as a snake the most >:3
BJ is of course a huge physical affection whore, especially for hugs and head scritches
He WILL start purring and he will make it painfully clear that he’s agitated if you stop...
 -Whenever there’s an ‘undesirable’ bug in the house, Lydia will summon BJ to get it.
She always takes a photograph of the bug for her insect-album before BJ monches it tho!
BJ has a bunch of nicknames for Lydia that he uses interchangeably, such as: ‘Lyds’, ‘Eyelyds’, ‘Lit-ia’, and ‘Deetz-Nuts’. Lydia hates them, but she can’t get herself to tell him they are awful..
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uh-fuckidunno · 5 years ago
The Fic Fic
It wasn't unusual for Brendon to be pounding his dick into Ryan's ass, mouth, or belly button, or even to be using weird things beyond the strangeness of buttplugs and whipped cream. It wasn't unexpected to use hamsters during sex, or to try and recreate The Milk Fic. Occasionally the pair would try new things like peanut butter or cherries. Calling each other names like Assbabyfootyum or jacking off to Spongebob wouldn't be all that strange.
But tonight? Tonight things got freaky. Strange, even for this couple.
They had heard that Haysus was canon. Some trans kid named Hayden and Jesus, who were the same person but not, both my son in different ways, had gotten married recently. All the attention was on them. So Ryden needed to do something even weirder in order to get the attention again. They needed another The Fic: The Fic Fic
So they went ahead and hired a lizard in a tux with a bowtie and top hat to come over and print out every The Fic ever written while they got warmed up for the night ahead.
And how exactly does this pair "warm up" to get real weird, real kinky, real fast, real hard? By snacking, of course!
Except instead of eating the food like normal humans, nah man, this is a Fic, Brendon shoved everything inside Ryan's lil hole. It was a bit of a tight fit. Ryan groaned, somewhere between pleasure and pain, maybe both. The feeling of his ass being filled wasn't unfamiliar, but never this much packed in there.
Upon hearing the groan, Brendon muttered, "Slut,"  grabbed his fuckbuddy's hips and began thrusting. His dick was getting coated in all kinds of food. Cherries, cake, grapes, beef, mashed potatoes, cheese wiz, you name it.
Ryan was in a lot of anal pain, but as a masochist, t h a t s f i n e.
Brendon nearly came right there, but then he got an idea. He pulled out of Ryan's ass, ignoring the boy's groan of disappointment. They'd barely gotten started. Now was not the time.
Brendon stood before Ryan, dick dripping in all kinds of yummies. Snacks, desserts, entrees, pre-cum, etc. He forced the gay to look up at him and said, "Suck it all off, slut."
Ryan nodded and took in his dom's tip. Mmm, slight taste of lasagna and pie. Who knew they'd make such a great combination? He quickly became very enthusiastic about deep-throating this exotic-flavored cock.
Meanwhile, Brendon was moaning very much. Now he knew how to get Ryan to suck him off best.
"You fucking- mmh- you disgusting, vile- uuuhhh- gross ass, mmmhph, gross ass whore. Oh! You're such a fucking, hmmm, slut, you, huphffmmmph, know that, mm, you know that, right? How'd you, ohhhhhmmm, how'd you learn to suck dick so good? Hmm, look at, oh, look at you choking on my length like that. Bet, mmmm, bet you love choking, choking on cocks. mmmmmm~"
Ryan's eyes were forming tears at the pain of the dick in the back of his throat. But Brendon was right; he really did enjoy this. He also very much enjoyed the degradation, the kinky little whore.
Now, I'm aware that some of you may be turned on at this point. So I shall make this weirder and weirder until no one in their decent humanity would have a boner. Be warned, it only goes down downhill from here. Of course, it's not gonna be that bad, I'm not that horrible of a person as to write something illegal. Just fuckin strange and gross.
So like, Brendon's dick just so happened to be touching the part on Ryan's throat which made Ryan puke. Needless to say, Beebo now had vomit on his cock rather than food. Like I said, gross.
Ryan cowered in fear at his master's look of death.
"Lick it up."
Ryan didn't dare talk back, nor disobey. He was a good little slave. And so he did what a good little slave does: obey his master, no matter what.
The taste of all Ryan's favorite foods were quickly forgotten as they were replaced by the taste of his own vomit. And somehow, some way, Bredon's boner was still hard while Ryan licked the bile off of it. Once the puke had been sufficiently cleaned up, the bottom looked up at his dom, hoping for some trace of approval at what a good job he'd done.
But just then, a little lizard scrambled into the room, dragging a large stack of papers behind it, its bowtie slightly crooked. Once the pages were delivered to Brendon, the miniature reptile fixed its bowtie and removed its top hat to bow.
Just as Brendon was about to reach for the freshly printed papers, the lizard pulled out a tiny pistol. "Yo, any last words, motha fucka?"
"Yeah, suck my dick." And with that, Brendon shoved the lizard up Ryan's ass. He then shoved the papers up that very same anal hole. Every fic ever was inside of Ryan, an Brendon took it upon himself to pound them in further. Ryan's howls of pain were appealing to the sadistic top as he thrusted harder. And faster. And harder. And faster. Ryan was pretty sure Brendon was some kind of sex demon with how hard and fast his ass was being demolished.
All of a sudden, dust bunnies began hopping out from under the bed and into Ryan's asshole. A rat crawled from beneath the floorboards with the same destination. Pretty soon, there were ten different kinds of tiny animals (some real, some not) inside of the sub.
And then Brendon shoved a chair in there as well.
And he set it on fire.
Gunshots were head from inside of the sub, no doubt from the lizard hitman. Ryan screamed from the internal bleeding and melting flesh. Beebo stood over him and forced his dick back into his partner's mouth and came.
But Ryan didn't swallow. He couldn't swallow. He was dead.
The lizard hitman stood triumphantly over the hole in Ryan's abdomen, its gun raised at Brendon. He aimed for the balls and shot, but no bullets came out. It'd used them all to escape the chaotic hell that was Ryan Ross's anal passage. It'd thought about just hanging itself with the dental floss it found in there, but it'd been worth that effort to see the look on Brendon's face.
But soon enough, that look was gone one he noticed that the lizard has no more bullets. Brendon smirked. "You're going to pay for that."
The crunch of the lizard's bones between Brendon's teeth gave him great pleasure as reptilian blood drizzled down his throat.
But by now, the fire had spread from Ryan to the house itself. The place would be burned down increasingly soon. So, Brendon took what was left of Ryan (which only his half-melted head) to use as a sex toy and made a beeline for the exit. But it was too late. Upon realizing there was no way out, Brendon made the last regrettable decision he would ever have the luxury of carrying out.
He fucked Ryan's dead, burnt face while being burned alive. And thus, he began giving birth to minute fire lizard-human hybrids through every pore in his body. He collapsed on Ryan's melted head while writhing in agony.
Beebo exploded and the house followed suit shortly after. The only things left were Brendon's lizard children and his dick. The babies ate the dick and dispersed to wreak havoc, crawling inside men's asses and burning them from the inside out and eating the corpse.
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marikyuu · 7 years ago
I just finished S12 of Supernatural and I'm just so... I AM ACTUALLY FUCKING CRYING
Listen, I spent a straight month watching 4 and half seasons. 16 episodes was the most I’ve watched in one sitting. My dreams have been nothing but SPN related. I even dreamt about witches last night.
I came to love that fucking rat of a demon King and he fucking kills himself at the end to seal the hole and IT DOESN’T EVEN WORK?! ON OF THAT, CAS FUCKING DIES AS WELL! FUCK EVERYTHING. I even came to like Rowena. COME ON! YOU DON’T FUCKING DO THAT!
Since I’m here, I'm going to rant a bit about the seasons I've watched.
Season 8: S8's season finale was very eh. They didn't really explain anything after that. It ended in like 5 mins, in and out basically. They didn't go into details about what happened after all of the leviathan shit happened. I guess everything went back to normal, as if nothing happened and no one talked about it.
Season 9: I’m gonna be honest, I don't remember much from S9. I know he ended up turning, or because he was an angel, he believed in Metatron, but I somewhat liked Gadreel. I think he was like Cas, thinking what he was doing was the right thing and that he was helping. And it fucking sucks, because he ended up dying as well. I'm looking through the wiki, and what the fuck was that mafia episode? They have such contradicting things in it. Like the shapeshifters. I know its been years since I've seen the earlier seasons, but I was under the impression that they could only change if they malted their previous skin? But in this episode they could change at free will. It was also shown in S12. They changed the meta of the monsters. I was not a fan of that episode, and in fact, I think that was one of the times I said "Gag me" because of the all the hetero shit in it.
Season 10: I was not a fan of S10. They introduced The Steins. They were the big bad of this season and they did a terrible job at it. The writers and directors I mean. I guess Metatron was pretty big as well, but I mean, he was not new news. This was the season I watched the 16 episodes in one sitting. I remember because I had 4 episodes left to watch. AND! in those 4 episodes, it was nothing but The Steins and their story. In which, Dean kills them all within an episode and Charlie dies. This season was not planned out. And they sacrificed Charlie because they couldn't come up with a better idea of "well we brought the Steins in, but we only have 5 episodes left and we haven't really done anything with them but we can't bring them over to S11 so lets just end it all in 5 episodes" and its such a fucking cop-out. And predictable as hell. The minute Charlie ran into the bathroom and started backing up the notes she made, I knew she was going to die. Hell, mid-way through the season I told myself TWICE! "If they kill her off so help me" or something along those lines. It really fucking sucks. She was a bad-ass lesbian hacker geek and I loved her. S10 finale really pissed me off tbh.
Season 11: I fucking loved S11. God, it was really a blast from the past. They even had an episode featuring Bobby and Rufus. My heart~ <3 I don't know who wrote this season but whoever did knew what they were doing. Like I said in a previous post, they went back to their roots. It was about hunting the big bads and saving people, and less about the whole world is about to be destroyed and I really enjoyed that. There was an episodes about imaginary friends and I don't know, it just reminded me of the past. The sillier episodes they did. And there was that episodes with the costumes. Jeezus, that really was freaky. There once was a time when it was scary and intense and spooky, but they drifted from that and went the drama route. I feel like in this season, they were trying to be more diverse in their characters. They introduced a deaf female hunter, which I really liked. And they had a POC lesbian couple with a kid in the Bobby/Rufus episode. When she was on her phone with her partner, I kinda wasn't interested because I thought it was going to be another "my husband is away" kinda thing, so I started drawing, but when she said her wife was out of town I instantly looked back up to my screen was very interested. They also had gay hunters who were married for years in an episode. So, I think it was way more diverse than any other season. Though! I feel like there was also a cop-out with them. They had perfect moments to kiss, to hold hands, to act like a fucking couple, but instead, we get the shoulder rub. And I mean with both couples. And yet, with Charlie, we got many makeout scenes. Its just, come the fuck on. You had a chance. You fucking cowards. Either way, if you stopped watching this crap show mid-way because of all the drama and WE GOTTA SAVE THE WORLD shit, watch this season. You won't be disappointed.
Season 12: Oh boy! S12 was another re-hash of S10. Different setting, different characters, same shit. In fact, thinking about it now, itS THE SAME FUCKING SHIT IN WHICH MY FAVORITES FUCKING DIE. FUCK. Its like, the only way make things interesting is if people die. Oh no! There's always casualties! Not everyone can live! Just fuck right off. I was sad when I started writing this post, but now I'm just so fucking salty. Oh boy, can't wait to see how they end it all. Am I'm in for another S10 or will we get a S11? I can't sit through another S10.
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adhdrizzy · 1 month ago
𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷
Hi homie
hello vro
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