ask-freakshow-trio · 1 year
What's your favorite pastry? Mine's cream filled doughnuts
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Personaly I agree with Jevil BUT I do also love doughnuts, macarons and crepes aswell :D
I restarted drawing this comic 3 times :,]
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vianthegryphonart · 6 months
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I don’t normally do horror themes, and I don’t think my art style really suits it, but I’ve really been enjoying @hootbon's Freakshow!AU, and I wanted to try my hand at putting Grif into it. I actually had been struggling trying to figure out how I wanted Grif to look normally, and took a break from it to sketch an idea for this AU. I ended up loving the sketch that became the full-body image here, and then I worked backwards from it to make the regular Grif design. 
There’s more info about Freakshow!Grif under the cut. As well as a little sketch of him interacting with Freakshow!Gangle.
-Instead of a plush, he’s based on the fake taxidermy that freakshows would sometimes display, claiming that they were mythical creatures. 
  -Compared to his normal form, this Grif is made up of more parts, the front half of his body, the back half, the tail, his forearms and his head all being separate. And unlike how his normal form is fairly uniform over all his parts, each of Freakshow!Grif’s parts are different with things like fur length, fur texture, and the shades of grey varying. Other differences are as follows:
Instead of furred forelegs and cat-like forepaws, this Grif has scaled bird legs and talons.
The claws on Grif’s front feet are now actual claws, curved and sharp, and he also has them on his back feet too.
His beak isn’t plush and is instead a hard material with a serrated edge.
He also has teeth inside his beak. These teeth are almost like a second jaw, he can bite down with them while still keeping his beak open. The teeth themselves are needle sharp and slightly recurved.
Instead of embroidered eyes, he now has glass taxidermy eyes, with black sclera and pupils that are always elliptical.
-He doesn’t have much damage to his body because generally if something attacks him it will tear him apart by breaking the stitches holding him together, rather than by making new holes in him. He does have a notch in his left ear though.
-Grif is often used in shows where they need a wild animal. Sometimes that could mean acting like a circus big cat, balancing on objects, leaping through hoops of fire, that sort of thing. But it could also mean being a danger for others to face, for instance I could imagine someone having to walk a tightrope with Grif prowling underneath ready to maul them if they fall, maybe even him jumping up to snap at their feet.
-He used to only do the bare minimum in shows, not really feeling motivated to do them, and generally just not wanting to bother. Caine punished Grif for this by having his wings torn off. After all, if Grif was going to be lazy and not use them properly, he didn’t deserve to have them. Grif puts as much effort as he can into his performances now. He still does the bare minimum when he isn’t in front of the audience, though.
-When not performing, Grif is generally very chill. He prefers to lounge around and not do much. Grif doesn’t really socialize with anyone, he’s not one for conversation, but he also doesn’t like being on his own, and will often just flop down near where other people are and watch or listen to whatever they’re doing. Outside of performances, Grif isn’t particularly aggressive, however he will defend himself if someone tries to hurt him or annoys him too much.
-Grif despises being restrained, and anything that makes it hard for him to move normally will put him into a panic-induced rage. He will fight tooth and nail to free himself, even if that means injuring himself to escape, he absolutely would chew his own foot off to escape from a bear trap. He will also lash out at anyone that gets close to him, even if they are trying to help him, everyone is a threat to him when he's trapped.
-Relationship with other cast members: 
Likes Ragatha (she sometimes helps sew him up when his stitches get broken). 
Neutral with Gangle, Zooble, Kinger, Pomni, and Kaufmo. 
Dislikes Jax and AIngle (since I think both would have tried to mess with him by restraining/trapping him at least a couple of times).
Hates Caine (for obvious reasons).
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-And here’s a little sketch I did of Gangle and Grif fighting after Grif accidentally broke AIngle’s mask. Grif is not going to win this fight, it’s fairly easy to tear him apart, but he won’t go down without a fight. Gangle will probably be nursing a shredded ribbon or two afterwards.
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sm-baby · 2 months
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Pomni: BUT-
Caine: *shoves them all in clown car*
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ketshyp24 · 8 days
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I had fun
Freakshow au by @hootbon
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hootbon · 17 days
Since pomni looks normal, what would she look like in full freakshow effect ?(like the virus finally getting to her)
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Always remember, you guys asked for this
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etanow · 23 days
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Her design is so prettyyy
Freakshow AU @hootbon
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cobbiecrow · 5 months
< It's Time To Place Your Bets @sm-baby @hootbon
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0104-vikita · 6 months
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Would this count as Freaks Show Fanart? I think so
Ever since I discovered @hootbon TADC Au "Freaks Show" I couldn't get out of my head how nightmare fuel and horrid Gangle's situation is in there (in my opinion) so I thought it would be cool to show that through this little comic.
Freakshow version of Gangle belongs to @hootbon
Original character belongs to @gooseworx
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lueduar01 · 3 months
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so many pomnis but from different AUs
@hootbon @sm-baby and @burrotello
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kookydoodleky · 18 days
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The girlfriends taking a little nap
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Ragatha loves to cuddle with her girlfriend.
She could spend all the eternity like this without getting tired.
Unfortunately, they still have work to do
Inspired a bit by this idea from @moonie-cake
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gummycat12 · 2 months
Welcome to the Pomni verse
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Carnival Pomni by @sm-baby
Boxing Pomni by @burrotello
Terrible Pomni by @obamerzslop
Freakshow Pomni by @hootbon
(and regular Pomni by gooseworx ofc)
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ask-freakshow-trio · 2 years
how’d you three get together?
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First ask! This is also my first time doing a more ambicious comic, so ill experiment with stuff!
To explain this a bit better: all of them are connected to forces that are out of bounds. Because of this when they sleep they can wake up in a dimension between reality and dreaming, thats also out of bounds! And yeah they just mess around there. However if they get hurt there they will also get hurt in "reality". And no matter if they spend days in this place, they will always wake up like normal!
Anyways this was fun. and thanks for the ask! :D
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magsusopium · 4 months
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Flirty non-sentient Pomni x Freakshow Caine ship takes too long to pronounce so I present to you the "showdown"
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(she called him babygirl) (then died, what a legend)
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sm-baby · 2 months
Freakshow AU by @hootbon
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Im learning a new animation program and made this!! hehe I always imagined this sort of scene with the brothers >///> I finally get to do it
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miguxadraws · 4 months
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decided to draw some of @kookydoodleky's kids
i absolutely adore their designs!
background ver. for ragatha
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hootbon · 2 months
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Have some candy lady
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