doragonsports · 8 days
Leipzig's Comeback: Battling Bremen in Frauen Bundesliga
The scars from last season’s drubbing will undoubtedly be fresh in the minds of RB Leipzig fans as they gear up for this weekend’s rematch against Werder Bremen. The 5-0 defeat at Trainingszentrum RB Leipzig Platz 1 was a brutal blow to the home side, one that left a sour taste that lingered throughout the campaign. But with the upcoming Frauen Bundesliga clash, Leipzig has the perfect stage to…
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skipper1331 · 6 months
Who will win? // Merle Frohms
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a/n: based off this request!
"Hi" the voice of your girlfriend came whispered through the phone.
"Hey" you mumbled in responds, eyes already heavy after the exhausting day you’ve had. For awhile, no words were exchanged, only soft breathing could be heard. Merle was the one who broke the silence, her voice shaky, "will we be okay?" she asked, fearing your answer.
Tomorrow, Arsenal would face Wolfsburg in a sold out Emirates Stadium - a match that would decide which team would make it to the Champions League final as it was 2-2 on aggregate.
In an instant, you replied, "yes, of course."
Your mind had also been consumed by that thought. Would Merle be mad at you if you won? No matter who wins, what consequences will be there? What if you loose?
"Promise me?"
"I promise"
"Okay" she sighed in relief, "I love you" your cheeks turned hot, her words so full of honesty as the butterflies in your stomach went crazy.
"I love you too" you replied sheepishly, suddenly wide awake.
The keeper and you had met through mutual friends on a holiday trip, your chemistry magical since the very first moment. Yet at first, Merle was shy and reserved towards you, you were the only one she didn‘t know - well, she did know you as you were one of Arsenals greatest defenders but she didn’t know know you yet but that side was gone not even two hours later, the two of you engaged in conversation after conversation. It seemed like your friends weren‘t existing anymore as Merle only had eyes for you and vice versa.
After your trip, Merle couldn’t stop thinking about you, so she texted you, wanting to know if you arrived in London safely. It was just an excuse, although she actually wanted to know if you made it some safely, only she was hoping for another conversation with you in return - maybe one that didn‘t stop. Her prayers had been heard - you started texting nonstop. Soon texts started to turn into calls and your 'friendship' blossomed.
In the winter holidays, you visited Merle, the moment your friendship turned into more as she had kissed you under the mistletoe.
Now, two years later, your relationship was going strong.
The two of you continued the phone call for a bit before yet another yawn let your mouth, "my love, it‘s getting late. I‘ll see you tomorrow" the german whispered.
You hummed, eyes already shut as you heard the final "I love you" of the night. With that you drifted off to sleep, thinking about the blonde.
The next day rolled by earlier than you wanted to. You were excited, the emirates was sold out, playing an important match on home soil - you couldn’t be more excited yet you were so scared. What would happen? Your mind was not only occupied with the question what happens between Merle and you but will someone get injured? You feared that every time you stepped on the pitch.
You didn‘t see your girlfriend until the lineups in the tunnel, the girl looking good in her kit.
You shot her a quick smile which she returned with a nod - when Merle was in her game mode, in the zone, nobody could distract her. This match was just as important to her as it was to you. Nobody was allowed to make a mistake otherwise you might loose.
Stina opened the score in the 11‘, Jill equalizing in the 41‘ - your former teammate. You knew it was her job to score when she had the opportunity but you weren’t going to lie, it hurt when she did. But also, you were incredibly proud of her - she was your friend after all.
Despite Arsenal and Wolfsburgs chances and effort, the half time score stayed 1-1.
Though that changed when VfL had a corner kick - the one and only Alexandra Popp scoring a header, as usually.
You felt frustrated, blaming yourself - should you have been at her side? When you felt a double clap on your back, you were called back to reality. No one was to blame. Popp was an incredible player.
You prayed for an equalizer.
And as if your prayers have been heard, Jen scored with a beauty of a header.
The game continued, Wolfsburgs had their chances as Arsenal had them too. But nothing seemed to work.
After 90+ minutes, the ref blew the whistle.
The score 2-2.
which only meant one thing.
Extra time.
Your nerves were on a high race. What will happen in that extra time? What will not happen? Will there be penalties?
You were, after Kim, the person who took the penalty. Your penalties were always perfectly shot, they always slotted in the goal - the goalie nowhere near. Yet if you had to take a penalty in this game, it would be different.
Merle was in the goal.
Your girlfriend.
The one person who knew you better than anyone.
Huddling together, Jonas gave some strict orders - how to play, how to create space and chances. This wasn’t any club, this was Wolfsburg and they were one of the best german teams - if not the best. You had to be focussed and give 101%.
No mistakes were allowed.
You did the biggest mistake.
The teams dream of making it to the final, possibly winning it, was thrown in the bin when Manu passed the ball to you. You don’t know what happened, one second you had the ball and in the next second Jule Brand had it. Despite your effort to get it back, you knew it was too late as she assisted it to Pauline Bremer who slotted it in. Your world seemed to stop spinning.
3-2 in the 119‘
You embarrassed yourself in front of a recorded crowd and because of you the team was about to loose.
Nothing mattered anymore.
Arsenal lost.
They lost because you made a mistake - a mistake that decided the game.
Wolfsburg would go to the final in Eindhoven, Arsenal would stay at home. Tears slipped out of your eyes as you covered it up with your jersey while you stood in the middle of the pitch, devastated about the massive loss. Everything fell to deaf ears as you were stuck in your anger and disappointment. You ignored everybody who had approached you until you heard a familiar voice, the voice you loved so deeply.
"Hey" she said.
You didn’t reply.
"You played great" she kept her distance, not knowing if you wanted her to hug you or to leave you alone. She respected either way.
"You‘re glad I fucked up, hm? Secretly, laughing at me"
It took Merle off guard, "what? What are you talking about?" her eyes were wide, brows furrowed.
Indeed, she was happy that her team won but she felt devastated for you, not only because of the loss in general but that you caused it. It will haunt you for a while.
"Oh, don’t act all innocent now! You cannot tell me you didn’t like it, can you? My mistake, Pauline scoring the winning goal… Merle Maschine Frohms, you‘re going to the final. Congratulations" you told her bittersweetly, patting her shoulder before walking away.
The goalkeeper could only watch. Normally, 'Merle Maschine Frohms' was a running gag between the two of you but now it seemed like it was an insult.
"Didn’t go well, I assume?"
After the team talk, you fled the scene. You didn’t want to be here anymore. Your expression was stone cold as your jaw was clenched. You went for a quick shower, you couldn’t be bothered to take your time, all you wanted was to go home and watch your comfort movie while eating chocolate or ice cream.
Leaving the stadium felt like a relief, anger and frustration slowly leaving your body as guilt, blame and disappointment made its way up.
You knew what you said to Merle was wrong and that she most likely felt bad for you as you had talked many many times about situations like these - not knowing they would ever happen again.
After the euros final, the topics about winning and losing have been brought up and talked through, even though nervousness and anxiety filled both of your bodies nights before those matches.
You didn’t mean to snap at her, your anger just had controlled your body and not your mind.
And right now, you couldn’t see that. All you could see and feel was disappointment.
You disappointed yourself.
You disappointed your team.
You disappointed every fan in the stadium.
You disappointed everybody.
You fell asleep on the couch, eyes puffy, ice cream melted in the bowl as weird tv shows played. Messages from your family and teammates on your phone - no message from Merle. You felt even more disappointed yet understood due to the circumstances.
She didn’t text you nor did you text her. You didn’t know if you should or even wanted to or if she wanted you to.
The days after the match went by awfully slow and very robotic. For your teammates, it seemed like you didn’t realize the loss yet somehow like you realized the loss too much.
But after a week, when the feeling of missing started to hit, disappointment and guilt fading away step by step, you decided to call Merle. You wanted to make things right. It was Merle after all, the girl: who loved you unconditionally, who kissed your wounds, who believed in you when you couldn’t believe in yourself.
You waited and waited and waited for her to answer until it eventually rang out, she didn’t want to talk to you. Sighing in defeat, you flopped on the couch.
please call me back
She never responded.
It wasn‘t that she didn’t read it - she did, right after it was sent - yet couldn’t be bothered to answer.
Was this the end?
You checked her instagram - were the pictures with you still up?
They were.
Every time your screen lit up you hoped it would be Merle and each time you got disappointed when you saw that it wasn’t her. What was happening? Why did you have to snap at her?
It was two days later when Merle finally decided to call you back. It was in the middle of the night, you were at the verge of falling asleep.
Groggily, you picked up the phone, not even looking at the caller id.
"Merle" your breath hitched, suddenly wide awake. Nothing mattered anymore, it didn’t matter that it was in the middle of the night or that you had training early in the morning. All you cared about was saving your relationship.
Silence held the line until a small whisper came, "you‘ve hurt me-"
"I know"
"Well, you didn’t insult me but I don’t know, snapping at me? I just wanted to comfort you. You promised me-"
"I promised you we would be okay"
"And we are not"
"I want us to be"
The silence that followed was deafening, you felt like this was the moment.
She will break up with me
"I‘m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to snap at you, everything just came crashing down on me and I know this is no excuse. I was just- I don’t- I’m sorry"
"I love you"
You had already lost hope before "I love you too" came. "I don’t know why I got so upset at you, I had no right to, you had lost and I understood your emotions, but all I wanted was to comfort you. I‘m sorry that I didn’t give you some space or respected your boundaries. I want us to be okay, too, I really do."
"You do?" you asked surprised.
"Of course, I’m so in love with you, you can’t even imagine"
The biggest smile started to make its way on your face, cheeks flushing red, skin tingle.
"I‘ve missed you"
"I missed you so much"
All the built up feelings from the last week, washed away. There was no guilt or anger due to your mistake in the match, there was no sadness and sulking anymore - all there was, was love and happiness.
The two of you started one of your endless conversations, updating what had happened the last days or upcoming events - Merle purposely avoiding the uwcl final. She wanted you there more than anything but now wasn‘t the right time to bring it up.
The next weeks went by fast, you were back to your usual persona, socializing and cracking jokes as you slowly but surely learned to accept that mistakes happen.
Only one and a half weeks left before the final, the goalkeeper decided to bring it up because she really wanted to see you in the stands as her supporter.
Not thinking about her words, she blurted it out while you were in the middle of your sentence, "i want you to be at the final" she said, the kitchen in her flat suddenly super interesting. What felt like an eternity for her was in fact only a few seconds, your answer so supportive and loving, "yes, of course. Leah, Lia and I already have tickets and our flights are booked"
Your girlfriend stayed silent for a moment, "I was afraid you didn’t want to come" she admitted, cheeks turning red out of embarrassment.
"What? Why? I always want to see you play!" you beamed, "you’re in the champions league final, baby!" You pushed the little sting in your heart away, fully focused on Merle. If you couldn’t win the trophy, none other than your girlfriend should win it. You were her number one fan. So, as soon as things were made up with her - you weren’t sure if she wanted you there when things were complicated between the two of you - you texted in the group chat with Leah and Lia that you‘d join them.
"I thought maybe- I don’t know"
"No, baby. I always want to watch you play, always. And I’m so proud of you, you will win that trophy" you exclaimed, your index finger subconsciously drawing hearts on the couch.
"I love you"
The goalkeeper felt so relieved. With you being in the stands there couldn’t go anything wrong. She would not only try to win that trophy but to impress you.
"Stop being so jittery" the England captain stated as she rested her hand firmly on your knee to stop it from wobbling.
Already on the way to the stadium you couldn’t shut up about seeing Merle and her team, the atmosphere, FC Barcelona and so on. Somehow you were starstruck and so excited.
"Look! There’s Merle!" you cut the LW‘s off in their conversation, tapping Lia‘s thigh rapidly.
"Yes, we can see her" she chuckled, your eyes shining with hearts. "Isn’t she so pretty" you admired. She looked so stunning in her kit. "You‘re drooling" Leah chipped in, laughing at you when your hand flew to your mouth, checking if there was drool - there wasn‘t.
"LET‘S GO!!!" you yelled when Ewa Pajor scored the opening goal in the 3rd minute. Green shirts everywhere in the stadium, cheering for their team as they went in the lead. Lia and Leah watched you with an amused look while they held their facial expressions neutral about the game.
"YES!!!" you cheered even louder when the second goal came flying in from Alex Popp - that women an absolute legend with her incredible headers.
The first half Wolfsburg played phenomenally as they created chances, defended and got two goals.
Yet when the second half started everything went downhill. About 5 minutes into the game Patri equalized. The stadium started to roar, the Wolfsburg players looking helpless.
Though, you had to admit that it was brilliantly played from Barcelona, even though you felt bad for Merle as she conceded two goals within two minutes.
Every minute that went by from then on, the game got more intense and physically. Fouls and cards were called out, every player on the pitch wanting to win.
When Rolfö scored in the 70th, you slumped back in your chair, grumbling about the game. How was Merle supposed to save that? She stood no chance!
You had a feeling that it was the last goal you would see off the game. And it was confirmed around 30+ mins later when the referee blew her whistle.
Devastated, you watched as the players in green collapsed on the floor, all of them crying or at least with tears in their eyes yet your eyes glued on the goalkeeper in blue. She must feel horrible - a feeling you knew better than anyone.
In all honesty, Merle wasn‘t to blame for the loss and neither were her teammates - their performance was great, just not enough in the end.
Like in trance, the german international made her way over to you - she needed your comfort. She needed your hugs, your touch and your love. She just needed you.
"Hey" she mumbled as she stood in front of you, her teammates also near her as you sat in the family and friends section.
"Come here" you opened your arms, the girl hugging you as if her life deepened on it, sobbing in the crook of your neck. You hand cradled her head while the other one rubbed her back in a calming and gentle manner. "I‘m proud of you" you whispered, sweetly kissing her temple before you let cry as long as she needed in your shoulder.
After sweet nothings and a long hug, she stepped back, looking at you with doe eyes, "i‘m sorry I couldn’t win."
Your hands cupped her cheeks as your thumbs wiped away the tears, "I love you" you couldn’t say anything else, it would have been wrong to say 'you played great' even though she was blaming herself for the loss right now. Instead you stood on your tip toes, pressing your lips against her left cheek, then right cheek before finally her mouth which resulted in a little smile. It was a kiss so gentle and tender, healing and caring, loving and promising. But most importantly - it was your kiss.
So, in the end, sadly, neither of you won the trophy but the comfort you had in each other seemed like a win in a loss.
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deutsche-bahn · 3 months
Wenn man schon darauf besteht ein Sportergebnis anzufechten, weil im Gegnerteam eine Transfrau mitgespielt hat, dann lasst doch bitte wenigstens alle eure Spiele gegen die Mannschaft in question annulieren und nicht bloß das eine, was ihr verloren habt. Eure sportlich-spießige Doppelmoral ist ja fast genauso lächerlich wie eure Transfeindlichkeit
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wordsbyrian · 11 months
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willalfmp · 6 months
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meaphs · 6 months
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Still can’t believe it
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pernillecfcw · 13 days
Magda 🫶🏻
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: all the fics and ficlets I am currently working on will be posted at random - sorry! but if there are any certain ones you would like to see first let me know x
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𝚞𝚙 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐/𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜
bethany england // 09
lucky - ficlet and social media
description - when the tottenham girls go for a night out and are let in a new bar early, bethany overhears a beautiful voice and quickly becomes obsessed
maz pacheco // 33
mark, set, go! - ficlet and social media
description - maz's 'friend' is the no.1 400m runner in the world, she needs to prove that at the world champs. if she does, maz will hard launch
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘𝚜
katie mccabe // 15
swan II - ficlet and social media
description: katie and her dancer girlfriend y/n have taken the world by storm with their launch - but how did they meet?
katie mccabe // 15
cigarettes and stolen breaths II - ficlet
description: katie and y/n learn to navigate their relationship and try to figure out if there is love, or only lust between them
alessia russo // 23
champion II - ficlet and social media
description: during a relaxed competition, y/n pushes on, despite a worrying ache in her thigh, she learns to regret it after and alessia is happy to play nurse
sam kerr // 20
nonsense II - ficlet and social media
description: y/n and sam learn what it is to be in a relationship - no matter how much it scares her.
leah williamson // 06
hooked II - social media and ficlet
description: in which leah and her girlfriend walk the red carpet - stunning everyone at the grammys which in turn stun y/n
𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚜 - 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗
mapi leon // 04
sisters (part of the 'hidden' universe - 3 individual parts 6 parts in total)
parts: one, two, three
description: being the lucy bronze's younger sister was great, having you best friend ona play at barcelona is great. one problem, both you and ona are hiding relationships, you with a team member and her with the captain's sister.
ona battle // 22
secrets (part of the 'hidden' universe - 3 individual parts 6 parts in total)
parts: one, two, three
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
lucy bronze // 15
my girl - 2 parts
parts: one, two
description: y/n is out of club play with an injury, potentially a big one, luckily england felt they could breathe again once they knew their captain hadn't suffered the three letters - but barcelona did not feel so lucky with an el classico around the corner
georgia stanway // 31
best friends - 3 parts
parts: one, two, three
description: in which leah williamson’s younger sister and georgia stanway are best friends ... right?
lauren james // 10
oh fuck (part of the 'blue' series - 4 parts)
parts: one, two, three, four
description: lauren is fine, she is completely fine. she is definitely not dating sam kerr's younger sister. and sam kerr definitely hasn't just walked into y/n's flat with her spare key. lauren is completely fine
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soccer-love · 1 year
Hiii mate, could make a request where the reader is a singer and write a song for her ex (the player you want or if difficult to choose could be Jill roord) and you decide if makes a happy or sad ending (the song: if you love her by forest blakk)
If you lover her
Jill Roord x reader
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Jill tried to take a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut so she didn't need to see the big headline of the article she just read.
"Y/N Y/L/N releases single - old lover or new heartbreak?"
It was only a seven lines long article, trapped between an Interview with Taylor Swift and an advertisement for Harry Styles new tour.
Even though she knew that this was a terrible idea, she opened YouTube and searched for the new song.
The moment she head the soft voice again, singing the first line of the song, a million different thought rushed through her head.
Memories of old days.
Days that were almost forgotten.
And in the last coroner of her heart she could remember the feeling she had back then.
"Take it. If she gives you her heard don't you break it."
She felt tears forming in her eyes.
"Let your arms be a place she feels safe in"
Man she could remember the many times, she laid in your arms, feeling safer then at any other place in the world. Her head pressed in your neck, or resting on your chest. Forgetting the world around her, just relaxing.
"She always has trouble falling asleep."
The stressful days, packed with training, recovery, games and media stuff, we're getting more. At night, when she was laying in bed, the thoughts in her head just wouldn't shut up. The only thing that really helped here, was when she could sleep with her head on your chest and focusing on the sound of your heartbeat.
"And she likes to cuddle, while under the sheets"
Cuddling was for her, like the most intimate thing ever. More than kissing or having sex. From the outside she looked like a hard and funny person but inside she was actually a massive softy. And she loved just laying on your bed, hidden under the sheets and cuddled close to you.
"She loves Pop songs and dancing"
Jill loved the many dances you had, when she just randomly put on a playlist and started to swing her hips until it became a full dance while singing loud to the music. And she did that in the most random moments, while cooking dinner, making breakfast, brushing her teeth, getting dressed or just when she was bored while working out.
"and bad trash TV"
Oh yes, the many night you spend awake, or the many rainy days you two spend on the couch, watching whatever was on TV. Sometimes she would turn off the sound and make her own dialogs to the scenes.
"There's still a few other things"
"She loves love notes and babies"
Since your older sister already had two children and you were the godmother of both of them, you spend a lot of time with them. And Jill loved them with all her heart. The older one, Jenny was five years old when you broke up and loved soccer and everything that was related to the Frauen Bundesliga. The younger, Christoper was only two at the time and he loved Jill and Jill loved him.
"And likes giving gifts"
From every, really every place they played, she brought something with her. A expensive bottle of wine, from Rome. A scarf with little Eiffel towers on it, from Paris. A cookbook for Tapas from Barcelona and a red wool sweater from Sweden. And so much more, she loved gifting things to you.
"Has a hard time accepting, a good compliment."
"She loves her whole family, and all of her friends."
There was nothing Jill loved more than her family and her friends where part of her family, her team too. And she would do anything to protect her family.
"So if you're the one she lets in. Take it. If she gives you her heart. Don't you break it. Let your arms be a place. She feels safe in. She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you. If you love her. On days when. It feels like the whole. World might cave in. Stand side by side. And you'll make it. She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you. If you love her like that."
Durning the refrain she felt tears running down her cheeks, of curse this song could be about anyone. A person you had dated before her, someone you dated after her, but deep in her heart she knew it. She knew that this song was about her. About your story.
Kiss her with passion As much as you can
"Kiss her with passion, as much as you can."
She remembered the lots of kisses you shared, she loved kissing you. And you two had so many different ways to kiss. Soft and slow, with love, passionate and heated. Something else in every situation. Morning kisses where different then good nights and they where different then good luck kisses or kisses after a match. And of curse there where the kisses that you shared in spicy situations.
"Run your hands through her hair, whenever she's sad"
Jill remembered the night, they got kicked out of the European championship. You where with her the whole time, letting her cry in your arms and comforting her through the whole thing.
"And when she doesn't notice, how pretty she is, tell her over and over, so she never forgets."
It was probably one of the things you said the most to her, every day after she got dressed, after the matches when she was so sweaty and feeling dead she almost couldn't believe it.
And then again, the refrain. Jill already knew that she loved and hated that song at the same time.
As it ended, she quickly closed YouTube and opened google, searching for your next concert.
It was only two days until.
And before she could change her mind she bought one of the last available tickets.
After the last song, one about a couple getting married and spending there live together, people where throwing roses at the stage.
It was the moment you allowed your self to take a last look at the crowd and then you noticed her.
Standing in the middle, not screaming or celebrating, just standing there, smiling.
In her blue LFDY Hoodie, that you bought her so many years ago.
She looked down at the rose in her hand, a white pice of paper tied to it, before she threw it on stage.
Like after every show you picked up some of the roses, hers too, before saying "Good Night.", and leaving to go to the backstage rooms.
"Y/N the-"
"Not now." You cut your manager Brian off and walked into the room you used as a room to get ready and if you needed some alone time before the shows.
You gave him the bouquet of roses, only keeping the one from Jill, before closing the door behind you.
"Y/N, I know you don't like second chances, but please let us talk. We're staying at the same hotel, I'm waiting at the bar. Love J-"
She was right, you hated second chances.
But there was so much that you wanted to say to her.
You regretted that break up so much.
You both did.
You two never really had a fight until that one night.
It was a rainy night in London, Jill came home really late.
And from the moment she walked through the door, you knew something was up.
"I got offered to play for VFL Wolfsburg." she explained, you knew what that meant.
She was going back to Germany.
And you couldn't do long distance. It was already hard when she was away with Arsenal and you hated the days when she was away with the National Team.
You just had signed a contract with a producing company in London for two more albums. You couldn't leave that.
Without really talking about it, you two knew this was the end.
And by the time of summer, Jill had moved out of your shared apartment. With all of her stuff.
Her cloths, her sneaker collection, her soccer stuff, even her coffee machine.
It was like the live had moved out with her.
You hurried to get back to your hotel and refused to talk to anyone about what was up with you.
When you arrived at the hotel bar, you scanned the room, searching for her when you noticed a women sitting at the end of the bar.
There she was.
"Hey." You said and she turned around, she had changed into a black suit, making her look even more beautiful.
"Hi." she answered and it felt like haven, hearing her voice again.
"Can I?" You asked, pointing at the chair next to her.
"Yeah of curse, what do you wanna drink?"
"A Coke please." You answered and she ordered it for you.
"How are you?" she says, after the barkeeper placed the drink in front of you.
"I'm good. Any you?"
"Yeah me too." she says.
You open your mouth to say something but she cuts you off.
"Y/N. I don't wanna do small talk. I came because I need to talk to you"
"About what?"
"The song, If you love her was it about me?"
"Yes." you say, unable to form proper sentences.
"I....I thought it would help me to get over you but I cant. I'm still so in love with you."
"Oh Y/N." she sighs, happy that you still feel that way but also sad.
"I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that I didn't asked you to try it with me."
"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just let you go, I should have fought for you." you say and she nods.
"I know that there is nothing, that I- that we can make to, just get back to this moment, but I would be willing to start over with you." she says and softly slides her hand on top of yours.
"Me too, I want us back."
"So, everything is on beginning now." she says and you nod.
"I'm Y/N." you induce yourself and hold your hand out for her.
"I'm Jill, nice to meet you." she answers, laughing.
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tresjoline · 8 months
Some warm-up scenes pt. 1
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leaschuller · 1 year
Heard y'all were looking for this
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Sunshine // Rebecka Blomqvist
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a/n: based off this request. Enjoy:)
Rebecka didn‘t scream, she just went down.
In the corner of your eye, you saw her collapse to the ground, arm in the air, frantically waving in the sky.
You stopped running towards the opponents goal, you stopped every movement. You ignored the ball that was passed to your feet - Becks was laying on the floor and not getting up. "Rebecka" you breathed out. It was like something in your mind switched, your brain wasn’t working anymore, you ignored everything around you, just started running.
"Becks?" you asked as you sat down on the grass, wiping her hair out of her face. "It hurts" she said, no tears leaving her eyes. The medics were doing their best to examine her knee but it seemed pretty obvious.
The three little letters that every footballer, every coach, every fan - simply everybody hated: ACL.
Your eyes followed the blonde as she was supported by the medics. You had seen people tore their ACL before and it never affected you as much as it did now. This was Becks, the Swedish sunshine.
That day, her brightness and sunshine was robbed.
After the game, you almost sprinted to the physio room but Becks didn‘t want to see anybody. Jule and you stood in front of the room, arguing with the 'bodyguard' who was actually a staff member, to let you in but with no luck, "please respect her wishes" he told you sternly, pointing to the changing room.
While Jule sighed, you huffed before you grumbled angrily, marching to the locker. What the fuck? You had to see Becks! How was she feeling? Did you need to hold her hand - did she need a shoulder to cry on?
She went radio silent after that. Your calls went straight to her mailbox, texts were ignored. You didn‘t know how she was feeling nor did any of the girls. The only people who knew something about her condition were the coach, doctors and staff members yet just physically. No one knew how she was mentally.
It wasn‘t until her surgery that she went 'online' again - she arose from the dead.
surgery went well.
The relief you felt at her text was nothing compared to the moment when her caller id popped up. Immediately, you accepted.
"Rebecka" you whispered, stopping your movement in the kitchen. There was silence on the line, only light breathing could be heard.
"Can you come here?" she asked with a small, timid and tired voice. With no hesitation in your voice, you asked, "where are you?"
Not even half an hour later, you were at the hospital, sitting in Becks room as she slept peacefully. Her blonde hair was splayed across the pillow, her leg prompted up as it was covered in plasters and more.
"Did I fall asleep?" she asked groggily, exhausted eyes looking at you yet a small smile displayed on her lips. She was happy to see you.
"Yeah but that‘s okay" out of reflex, your hand went to the side of her head as your thumb caressed her cheek, "I’ve brought you your favorite candy. Thought it might be better than the hospital food"
Gratitude was written over the swedes face as she looked at you, smiling. "I can leave tomorrow at 12 pm. Please pick me up?" you nodded at her request, the blonde slowly falling into a slumber at the comforting touch of your hand. You continued your actions for a few more minutes to be sure she was deep asleep before you left.
Exactly at 12 pm, you picked Becks up, her crutches laying on the backseat as she sat in the 'passenger princess' seat, her phone already connected with the aux.
The two of you hummed or sang to the songs that played, one better than the other.
When you arrived at her home, you jogged around the car, quickly grabbing the crutches as you opened Rebeckas door as well. "Here" you stated, holding out your hands to gently pull her up. Standing in front of you, you handed her the crutches, making sure that you could let go of her waist. Wordlessly, you grabbed her bag as you followed her to the front door.
"I hate these stupid things" she groaned as she flopped on the couch, the stupid things crashing on the floor.
Ignoring her complain, you walked in her kitchen, a place you knew well enough as often as Becks had cooked for you and Jule. You filled a glass of water, walking back to Rebecka as you gave it to her before you walked back in the kitchen. Opening the fridge, emptiness stared back at you. You would change that.
"I have to go but I’ll be back" you stated as Becks laid on the couch, eyes focused on the tv.
"Take your spare key"
Not even an hour later, you walked back in her home, hands full with shopping bags, "went grocery shopping" you smiled. The blonde hadn‘t moved an inch - she laid in the same posture as she was when you left.
"What?" propping her body weight on her arms, she stared blankly at you, "why did you do that?"
Sorting the things on her kitchen counter, "don‘t you think I can do it on my own? Do you think just because I’m on crutches I can’t do stuff alone?!" You didn't respond to her negative and irritable energy. She had a free pass due to the recent injury and being released from the hospital just today.
"Just sit down and let me cook for you" you replied instead, as you put the last few groceries in the fridge.
You visited the Swede almost everyday. Sometimes before training, sometimes after training. At matchdays, you would visit her after. It became your routine to check on the blonde.
As her rehab started Becks got very annoyed - to a point where she was mad 24/7 because her knee didn‘t work the way it should - the way she wanted it to work.
After her rehab sessions, she was in the worst mood, she was irritable and exhausted, one wrong move and she would blow up. The crutches didn‘t help either, they just reminded her of the miserable state she was in. That she couldn‘t do the thing she loves: play football.
Becks was standing the kitchen, one crutch laying on the floor as the other one supported her weight. She tried to grab something from the top cupboard but just couldn’t reach it which drove her mad. Unfortunately for you, you walked through her apartment door just then. When you saw the blonde balance like that, her leg swinging in all directions, you rushed to her. "Let me help you" you said - wrong move. Very wrong move. As soon as you laid the item she wanted on the counter the girl snapped, throwing insults at you. "Stop! Just fucking stop! You‘re so fucking annoying with your helper syndrome! Cleaning my mess, doing the dishes and my laundry, I’m not 7 anymore!" the Swede spat, steam radiating off her body. You were taken back, offended, maybe even hurt - your only intention was to help her, so she could concentrate on her rehab, so she could be back on the pitch again. She shouldn't worry about her household. Her first priority should be to walk again without crutches and then her household. She should slowly get back to everything. The thing was that you didn’t even mother her, you were a support, nothing more. You cooked with her, did the laundry with her - you carried it into the living room while she would fold it . You did everything with her. Only to get it thrown in your face.
"Okay" you took a step back, creating distance, "I’m sorry"
You left after that, feeling hurt and disrespected.
"Fuck" the Swede cursed as she saw you walking out of her flat. Why did she do that? Angrily, she threw the crutch away, slowly sinking down to the floor. Her back was leant against the counter, face hidden in her hands as the tears started falling. She didn‘t mean to yell at you. She didn‘t mean anything she said. She just felt so helpless.
She was angry at her injury, angry at herself but never at you. She appreciated you so much even if she doesn’t tell you it.
When she thought about what made her happiest, the answer was simple: you. You were the only one who could put a smile on her face.
You were the only one who was allowed to use her apartment the way you wanted - the only one with a spare key.
You were the only one who got to see her so vulnerable and at her weakest. She was still radio silent for everyone else on the team - they only got their information because of you. Except Jule, the blonde would text Jule every now and or call her. Sometimes the Swede was seen in the building, but her team rarely spoke to her and then didn't talk about how she was doing. Her sunshine was gone and it only came back when you were there - you were her personal sunshine.
Later that day, she tried to cook but it was way to annoying to move around the kitchen with crutches and then place the ingredients on the counter without something falling down or herself loosing balance. She ordered some takeout - which was also hard to carry to the kitchen or even the living room as two crutches supported her weight.
The same was the next day with the laundry. She physically couldn’t carry the laundry basket out of the bathroom. So the only solution that came to her mind that didn‘t involve you was to push the basket along the floor while she pulled her body across the floor. When she arrived in the living room she was exhausted, her arms heavy. She started to fold her laundry - she couldn't be bothered to iron it but at some point her eyelids simply closed. Her body collapsed against the couch, piles of laundry around her as soft snores filled the room.
All night you had been thinking about whether you should visit her or not. If she wanted to see you or not. If you wanted to see her or not. And even though she hurt your feelings, you wanted to see you. You had to see her. You had to check if she was okay.
In front of her flat, you waited a few minutes, not completely sure if you should walk in - but you did. You opened the door with your spare key only to be met with the sight of a sleeping Rebecka on the floor, clothes around her as there was takeout trash on the living room table. Smiling to yourself, you closed the door quietly. Becks looked at peace, no furrowed brows, no scowl on her face, no anger. She looked tranquil.
And maybe she was right about your helper syndrome. As you saw the mess around you couldn‘t ignore it. She was laying on the floor, probably exhausted from the work she thought she could do alone. Every movement of you, was thought trough and quiet. You didn't want to wake her up, even if she was a heavy sleeper.
As you collected the laundry items, you silently folded them and sorted them in her wardrobe after you had covered Becks in a blanket.
When her flat was tidy again, you left. No note, no text, nothing.
The blonde woke up 3 hours later. She was confused, didn’t she fold the laundry? Where was it? Where was her empty takeout?
Did you visit her? This was you, right?
The confirmation came when the smell of your perfume hit her nostrils, a smell that she could recognize from miles away.
She felt even worse than before - why did she be so mean to you?
Becks stood in front of your apartment, knocking rapidly against the door.
She didn't let you say anything and just walked in. "Take a seat-" you tried again, the way she balanced on her foot and the crutches gave you anxiety.
"You‘re always so nice" she stated, turning around. "you‘re amazing to me and i yelled at you"
"It‘s oka-"
"Stop talking, please" she whispered, taking a step towards you. She dropped her crutches and out of reflex your hands went to her waist to support her, she knew you would do it. She felt safe with you.
Your hands held a firm grip on your waist as you looked her in the eye. "I‘m sorry for saying those things, you didn‘t deserve that." Her arms went around your neck as leant slightly towards you with her body, "I'm trying to do better for you, to handle my-" her breath hitched as she inhaled sharply, those three letters leaving her mouth for the first time, "to handle the acl better"
"For me?"
"For you" she smiled shyly, her eyes never leaving yours as she leant forwards, this time with her head. Her lips ghosted over your own - it was a gentle peck, nothing more. Neither of you moved, it was simple and quick yet it held so much emotion. She would do better for you and come back stronger.
Resting your forehead against hers, you closed your eyes, "you need to focus on your recovery. I'll wait" you muttered, "I’ll wait as long as it takes"
335 days later, Becks was back on the bench.
After your little meet up at your home, there was no romance at all. You supported her at each step, were there at her first step without crutches and as she started to run again. As she said, she tried to better and she did. She started to watch the girls train, talked to them, laughed with them and joined team bondings. Slowly but surely her sunshine was coming back, it shone brighter than before - thanks to you. Becks was not only her smiley self again but did realize how much you meant to her. That kiss? She couldn‘t think about anything else. It was her motivation to fight. I‘ll wait - she was determined to kiss you again. She wanted to return the favour as you were with her every step of the way, she wanted to take you out on a date.
You couldn‘t have been prouder to see Becks back in the squad, every single cell in her body fought for it.
The fans were chanting her name, shouting for her the make her comeback.
It was the 89‘ minute when it finally happened. You walked to the sidelines, raising your arms, so the fans would cheer louder as they already did. Rebecka looked breathtaking in the kit. You high fived her and hugged her before you pressed a kiss to her forehead. You can do it.
You didn‘t bother to put on your jacket or drink something or anything, you only focused on the sunshine girl. The subs tried to talk to but it fell to deaf ears, as some people might say: you watched Becks with heart eyes, as if she hung the moon. And maybe she did because she was the sunshine.
Rebecka was officially back and showed it with her assist.
After the final whistle blew, the girls huddled around her, singing her name but she only had eyes for you. In the group hug, it was your hand which she held, your eyes that she stared into.
You watched her walk around the stadium, taking her time with each fan - it made your heart swoon. Her sunshine shone across the pitch.
She was the last one to walk back in the tunnel where you had waited for her.
"You waited?" she asked suprised, she thought everybody would be in the showers by now.
"I told you, I would"
her grin couldn‘t have gotten bigger. She knew what you meant, what you were referring to.
"As long as it takes" she whispered.
Everything disappeared, it was just the two of you in the tunnel of your club stadium. The last fans were escorted out, the pitch covered in darkness.
Just the two of you.
Both of you took a step towards one another, small giggled escaping your mouths. Her hands went to cup your jaw, thumbs caressing your cheeks as your hands found their way around her waist - a place they had enjoyed before.
Becks leant forwards, eyes closed as you did the same. Everything felt amazing. You could feel her breath against your lips, an inch away. You waited so long for this.
When your lips finally met, a content sigh left the both of you, lips interlocking perfectly as they moved in sync although not for long as the one and only Jule Brand stumbled in the hall.
"Oh! Did I interrupt something?"
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