#frase phrase sentence
stayawakee · 7 months
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rinconliterario · 1 year
"Non ti impazientire, non spegnere il fuoco. Le ceneri sanno aspettare."
Michelle Buletti 
(click aquí para conocer mis redes)
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tallsc · 1 year
Hello fellow QSMP Tumblr people, I would like to make a offer and would love to see if this can catch on.
If we're adopting A1, let's go all out. We're taking care of this kid.
At least three times a week, someone on Tumblr, under the "qsmp a1 tasks" tag, should draw or write something about A1 doing at least one of the official tasks for that day or the prior few days (cause I know it takes time to draw or write). It doesn't have to be huge, could be anything from a sketch to a full picture or comic, from a few sentences to a full short story, as long as it appears under the tag and has something to do with A1 and one of the recent tasks! (Please say somewhere what task you're doing and what day it was from.)
A1 doesn't mind what name you use - Ai, Aaron, Ivan, just A1, something else entirely - as long as you still use the right tag so everyone can see that there's been a task completed. They also use any pronouns and have a whole wardrobe of accessories, again as long as it's clear in the art or story that the egg is A1 and not one of the other eggs.
Feel free though to include yourself or your OCs or one of the QSMP members or none or all of them, this is just a series of writing/drawing prompts with a purpose, go wild and have fun!
Due to it being Saturday already, required tasks won't start until this Monday. After that, let's see how long we can keep our community's new kid going!
Updates account
If anyone would like to translate this into any of the other three languages, I will gladly add the translations to this post and credit you for doing so. I want to make this visible and accessible to as many people as possible.
Translations below (French by @lb1412, Portuguese by @aurora-bore-aura)
Oi pessoal do QSMP Tumblr, eu queria fazer uma oferta e eu adoraria ver se isso irá se espalhar mais.
Se a gente tá adotando A1, vamos com tudo. A gente vai cuidar dessa criança.
Três vezes por semana pelo menos, alguém no Tumblr, na tag "qsmp a1 tasks", tem que postar um desenho ou escrever sobre A1 fazendo uma das tarefas oficiais daquele dia ou uns dias antes (porque eu sei que leva tempo pra fazer arte). Não precisa ser muito, pode ser um esboço(sketch) pra um desenho completo ou quadrinho, de algumas frases para uma pequena história completa. Que precisa é ao menos aparecer na tag e ter relação com A1 e as tarefas recentes! (Por favor diga em algum lugar que tarefa se tá fazendo e que dia foi ela)
A1 não tem preferência com o nome ou pronome que você usar — Ai, Aaron, Ivan, só A1, algum outro que se faça — desde que você ainda use a tag dita pra que todo mundo veja que tarefa foi feita. Além de liberdade de pronomes ele tem um armário cheio de acessórios, então por favor deixe claro em algum lugar da sua arte ou história que o ovo é o A1 e não um dos outros.
Sinta-se livre pra incluir você, ou um dos seus personagens, ou um dos membros do QSMP, ou ninguém, ou todo mundo acima. Isso aqui é só uma série de sinopses para desenhar/escrever com um propósito, se solta e se divirta!
Como já é sábado, as tarefas necessárias não vão aparecer até segunda-feira. Depois da revelação, vamos ver por quanto tempo podemos manter a nova criança da comunidade!
Salut les fans du QSMP, j'ai une proposition à vous faire et j'adorerais voir si ça peut devenir concret.
Quitte à adopter A1, sortons le grand jeu. On va s'occuper de cet enfant.
Il faudrait qu'au moins trois fois par semaine, quelqu'un sur Tumblr dessine ou écrive quelque chose où A1 fait au moins l'une des tâches officielles du jour ou de l'un des jours précédents (parce que je sais que dessiner ou écrire, ça prend du temps), et le poste sur le tag "qsmp a1 tasks". Pas besoin de faire quelque chose d'y mettre énormément d'efforts, ça pourrait être n'importe quoi, d'un croquis à une illustration ou BD complète, de quelques phrases à une courte histoire complète, tant que c'est posté dans le tag et que ça a un lien avec A1 et l'une des tâches récentes ! (S'il vous plaît, notez quelque part de quelle tâche vous vous chargez et le jour auquel ça correspond.)
Peu importe quel nom vous utilisez pour A1 (Ai, Aaron, Ivan, juste A1, ou même un tout autre nom), cela ne lea dérange pas tant que vous utilisez le bon tag pour que tout le monde puisse voir qu'une tâche a été accomplie. Iel utilise n'importe quels pronoms et possède toute une galerie d'accessoires, tant, encore une fois, qu'il est clair dans le dessin ou l'histoire qu'il s'agit d'A1 et pas d'un autre œuf.
Sentez-vous libre de vous inclure vous, vos OCs, l'un des membres du QSMP, tous les membres, ou même aucun, ce ne sont qu'une série de prompts de dessin/d'écriture avec un but précis, faites-vous plaisir et amusez-vous bien !
Puisqu'on est déjà samedi, les tâches nécessaires ne compteront pas avant lundi. Après ça, essayons de voir combien de temps la communauté peut maintenir notre nouvel enfant en vie !
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spanishskulduggery · 4 months
My Spanish course has started using the phrase '¿Qué quiere decir ...?'. For example, one of our current weekly questions is: '¿Qué quiere decir la frase “si nuestros hijos aprenden quechua van a continuar viviendo en un país sin ser parte de él”?'.
From what I've seen online, both '¿Qué quiere decir ...?' and '¿Qué significa ...?' have been translated to 'What does ... mean?'. Am I right to assume that although they both translate to the same English phrase, they aren't entirely interchangeable? My first instinct is that '¿Qué significa ...?' is more about the literal meaning of a word or sentence (e.g. '¿Qué significa "el hijo" en inglés?'), whereas '¿Qué quiere decir ...?' is asking about the underlying meaning something is trying to communicate.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!!
This is a little difficult to explain since some of it is based on feeling
But basically significar is usually more impersonal and said of things not people - at least in this context
You're basically talking about "what does this mean?" and "what is its meaning?" if that makes sense
querer decir as "to mean" is "what is trying to be expressed" and it is more often spoken of in terms of language, what someone says or does, or what something is trying to communicate
significar is talking about "meaning/significance"
If you saw a sign on the wall and it didn't make sense you could easily use ¿qué quiere decir? and ¿qué significa esto? for "what does it mean?"
If you were talking to someone though you would say ¿qué quieres decir? "what do you mean?"; using significar would be done in 3rd person like "what does that mean?" or asking about a certain word, more impersonal
The other issue is that when significar is used with people it means "to hold significance" like significas mucho is "you mean a lot" like "you are important (to someone)"
Otherwise I typically use significar for definitions/meaning; and I use querer decir for intentions/meaning
As in if you're specifically looking for understanding ¿qué significa? can sometimes be ¿cuál es el significado? "what is the meaning?" - more so said of things and concepts
And if I want to know specifically what someone is trying to say or what they mean by their words it's more ¿qué quieres decir? or sometimes ¿qué pretendes decir? "what are you attempting to say?" [which can sometimes be a bit spicy in context like "oh what's THAT supposed to mean???"]
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namnjj · 6 months
24 de Marzo de 1976
Today is an important day for my country and I wanted to talk here about it so more people know what happened and i'm gonna use the translator for this.
Argentina, on March 24, 1976 it suffered a civil-military coup d'état that lasted until 1983. Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Orlando Ramón Agosti, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Leopoldo Galtieri and more kidnapped, tortured and killed more than 30 thousand people, they raped women and after they gave birth they took their children and gave them to other families.
On April 22, 1985, the trial against the Military Junta was held, by order of President Raúl Alfonsin a few days after recovering democracy. Only nine of the ten members of the first three Military Juntas were prosecuted: Jorge Rafael Videla, Orlando Ramón Agosti, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Omar Graffigna, Armando Lambruschini, Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, Basilio Lami Dozo and Jorge Anaya. Despite being a member of the third board, Alfonsín excluded General Cristino Nicolaides from the accusation.
The court that prosecuted the boards was the National Chamber of Federal Criminal and Correctional Appeals of the Federal Capital, made up of judges Jorge Torlasco, Ricardo Gil Lavedra, León Carlos Arslanián, Jorge Valerga Araoz, Guillermo Ledesma and Andrés J. D. 'Alessio. The prosecutor was Julio César Strassera with whom the deputy prosecutor Luis Gabriel Moreno Ocampo collaborated.
The sentence handed down on December 9, 1985 convicted five of the accused soldiers and acquitted four. Videla and Massera were sentenced to life imprisonment with dismissal. Viola, to 17 years in prison, Lambruschini to 8 years in prison, and Agosti to 4 years and 6 months in prison; all with dismissal. Graffigna, Galtieri, Lami Dozo and Anaya were acquitted.
Maybe you know the movie called "Argentina 1985" (2022) that deals precisely with this trial and that won several awards and had an Oscar nomination for "International Feature Film" if you want to see it, it is on Prime Video.
I would like to end this post with a phrase that Attorney General Julio Strassera said at the trial, on June 9, 1985, in Spanish obviously.
"Quiero utilizar una frase que no me pertenece, porque pertenece ya a todo el pueblo Argentino. Señores jueces: 'Nunca Más'"
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adalimones · 1 year
✓ for the language ask if you haven’t already!
gracias por la pregunta y perdón por la respuesta que va a estar larga porque no sé resumir, jaja.
con toda sinceridad, tuve que consultar un foro en línea debido a que no tengo el “oído” para este tipo de cosa, o sea hay palabras aisladas que me hacen gracia pero no me resaltan en una oración. quizás cuando se despierte mi ñañe también le consulte porque elle sí tiene esa cognición.
de todos modos, el consenso parece ser que chimichurri es la palabra más chistosa del español. mención honorable a “vas vos ve” que técnicamente es una frase pero merece su puesto:
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[Alt: redactado me mandó un audio y se escuchó clarito un "en qué bus vas vos ve" (risa)]
Translation under the cut ^_^
thanks for the question and sorry for the answer which is going to be long because i don’t know how to summarize, haha.
in all sincerity i checked an online forum because i don’t have the “ear” for this type of thing. i mean there are words that amuse me by themselves but they don’t stand out to me in a sentence. maybe when my sibling wakes up i’ll ask them, because they do have that sense.
anyway, the consensus seems to be that chimichurri (a green sauce/ condiment) is the funniest word in spanish. honorable mention to “vas vos ve” which is technically a phrase but deserves its spot.
[Screenshot of a text message. In english, it reads: redacted sent me a voice note and “on what bus are you going, ve?” was heard clearly (keyboard smash)]
Quick explanation: people in the capital add ve to the end of sentences and it cracks us up here on the coast.
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ruienglish-blog · 2 months
Interpreting and translation: Phrase vs. Sentence
🔘RuiEnglish Lec: Interpreting and translation
 Phrase vs. Sentence
A Cross-Linguistic Challenge
 The terms "frase" and "phrase" might appear synonymous, but their distinct nuances across languages present significant challenges for translators and language learners alike. In Portuguese, "frase" encompasses a broader spectrum, including both simple and complex sentence structures. Conversely, "phrase" in English is more specific, denoting a group of words that doesn't form a complete sentence.
✅Inglês geral e específico
✅Inglês para negócios e viagens
✅Inglês acadêmico e profissional
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in--other--words · 2 years
Phrases about the rate of youth unemployment in Spain / Frases sobre la tasa de desempleo juvenil en España
Week 2, day 3 of prepolyglot's langblr reactivation challenge
After I watched a Youtube video about this topic on day 5, I made a vocab list. Then after a few days of actively reviewing the words I wrote a short article using some of them, which I got corrected by my teacher. Below are the sentences where I made errors, which I am now reviewing on a daily-ish basis. I've bolded the specific vocab words that I learned from the original video.
Cuanto mayor nivel de instrucción tenga una persona, mayores serán sus oportunidades de conseguir un trabajo. = The higher the level of training a person have, the better their chances of getting a job.
Nuestra tasa de desempleo fue de 23.67% durante 2014. = Our unemployment rate was 23.67% in 2014.
Las posibilidades son peores de las de la media de la OCDE entre personas con cualquier nivel de formación. = The chances are worse than the mean of the OECD among people with any level of training.
Tuvieron un 85.54% de posibilidades de tener trabajo en 2014, en comparación con la media del 92.54% de la OCDE. = They had an 85.54% chance of having work in 2014, compared with the mean of 92.54% of the OECD.
Debemos preguntarnos por qué/hay que preguntarse por qué = We must ask ourselves why/one must ask oneself why (I had mixed these up and written hay que preguntarnos por qué)
Please let me know if you notice any errors!! <3
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venturetitta · 2 years
Html css language switcher
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#Html css language switcher code#
In addition to using the LANG tag, you can also include an indication in the text so that users of older screen readers can manually with languages. Supplemental Signals of Non-English Content These codes are supported in many screenreaders, including JAWS.
#Html css language switcher code#
See the ISO 639 Code Tables for a complete list of language codes including the original ISO-639 codes and later variants. Only use a three-letter code if no other code is available. As a result, sets of three-letter codes (ISO-639-2/ISO-639-3) were created to cover more languages.įor any language, standards indicate to use the two-letter code if it exists. The first set of language codes (ISO-639) were two letter codes, but did not cover every language. (Welsh not always supported) Common Language Codes Two Letter vs. (Spanish) Cette phrase est en français (French) Mae’r frawddeg hon yng Nghymraeg. This sentence will be read with a British accent Esta frase es en español. This sentence will be read with a British accent. This sentence is in default American English. The language and its script are independent. NOTE: You must also declare the encoding inĪddition to the language. Codes are ISO-639 Language codes, some of which are listed further down on this page. The official W3C recommendation is to declare the primary language for each Web page with a attribute in the tag. The LANG attribute is designed to signal screen readers to switch to another language. WCAG 2.0 Guideline 3.1.2-"The human language of each passage or phrase in the content can be programmatically determined except for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text. "Įven more critical is to use language tagging to signal a switch in languages. WCAG 2.0 Guideline 3.1.1-"The default human language of each Web page can be programmatically determined. For this reason and other, tagging Web text as being in a particular language is required in WCAG 2.0. the lang="" attribute) is designed to signal screen readers pronunciation engines to switch to another language. Consider supplementing language changes with a textual indication (visual or hidden) to indicate when a foreign language word or passage is coming.Use the LANG tag to mark words or passages of text in another language.Use Unicode encoding whenever possible.
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stayawakee · 2 months
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rinconliterario · 1 year
"Mi piace pensare che la poesia sia come la morte. Non può essere spiegata, neanche con il potere delle parole".
Michelle Buletti 
(click aquí para conocer mis redes)
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levyschweiz · 4 years
– Friedrich Nietzsche
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phens · 4 years
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Trust your work
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milistefhan · 4 years
I was always the girl who loved seeing the world more than i loved being in love. maybe i haven't found the right person, or maybe i was more in love with the world, but if i were to choose between being free or being in love, i always choose to be free.
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klesposts · 4 years
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xxxstupidsadliar · 6 years
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