#franz kafka’s it’s a wonderful life
amatesura · 2 years
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Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life (1993) | dir. Peter Capaldi
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papas-majadas · 10 months
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‘The First Power’ is so underrated.
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amtskind · 6 months
franz kafka's it's a wonderful life (1993)
a wonderful short-movie by peter capaldi, depicting franz kafka stuck in a creative crisis while writing "the metamorphosis", not being able to come up with a creature gregor samsa transforms in - due to his loud environment.
so bizarre and full of little details and references. i enjoyed it a lot. kafka's guilt, about the life and death of an insect - that he himself killed, was an interesting thing to observe.
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movietonight · 2 years
Was anyone going to tell me Peter Capaldi made an Oscar winning short film called "Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life" or was I supposed to find that out while reading a book about Kafka translations and adaptions
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beanytuesday · 10 months
Hey, I love your art -- I was wondering if you ever posted your illustration for Kafka's "A Hunger Artist" on here? It's really evocative and gorgeously framed, and I find myself thinking of it frequently!!
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Thank you for the kind words. A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka is one of my favorite short stories of all time, and it’s a very quick read. You can read it right here:
Go ahead, I’ll wait here.
I’d like to take us opportunity to talk a little bit about the story, if I may.
Although there are a couple different interpretations of the story's meaning, it unambiguously read to me as an allegory for the plight of the creative, likely drawing from Kafka’s own experience. The ‘starving artist’ comparison is obvious, but there’s much more to it than that. In a departure from most other depictions in media, the plight of the artist is not depicted as something noble or redemptive, but as a sort of self-destructive madness. The hunger artist dies alone and in obscurity, his impact on the world ultimately being completely marginal and insubstantial. When questioned about why he chose a life like this, he reveals that he doesn’t even enjoy fasting, he simply couldn’t find any food he liked. That is to say, a true creative does not select this kind of self destructive lifestyle because they enjoy it; rather, it is because they cannot possibly bear to do anything else. Kafka himself, It should be mentioned, supposedly despised pretty much every job he ever had.
As some of you may know, I developed severe tendinitis a couple months ago. Mentally, September was probably the worst months of my entire life. I reflected on this story a lot –I had wrought my own self destruction, and for what? A couple of bucks? A few comics that i’ll become embarrassed of in a year’s time anyway? Unsure about my prospects for recovery, I became incredibly depressed.
But having been starved of the ability to write or draw, I had a genuine epiphany. Standing at the corner of Boston liquors in Allston, I resolved that I would muster the strength to endure this, regardless of how long it took, because what awaited me at the end was nothing short of the greatest prize a person could ask for: That very thing derided by Kafka –the life of an artist.
There is no greater pleasure than making art. I mean that genuinely, I mean that literally. No, it isn’t noble, no, it isn’t redemptive, but in a totally hedonistic and self-serving way it is simply the greatest thing that life can offer, ambrosia in the mouth, better than sex, better than drugs, better than anything that money can buy, and I feel pity for anyone unable to experience it. I am not being hyperbolic, I am not being metaphorical. I am stating this in the plainest of terms, having lived a life without it for the last couple of months.
So although my personal relationship to the story has changed in the past couple months, Kafka was right about one thing; nothing else tastes good, at least not by comparison. We must imagine the hunger artist happy.
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sinligh · 4 months
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It’s early summer,
the hopeless romantic in me found her way to the surface when the heat melted couple of my overprotective layers.
so here i am, allowing her a moment of spotlight and myself some vulnerability.
it’s past midnight, I’m sitting in floor of my kitchen eating fruits with a knife
wondering, if it’s really safe to romanticize life?
I indulge myself anyway, and think about how fruits can be considered a love language if you’re starved enough to taste love that’s throughly stained with muted apologies. 
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I trust, that when the sun rises tomorrow all my attempts to romanticize life will sublimate and create a thick fog of melancholy that I’ll have no other option but to get lost into.
even so, tonight I’m tired enough to let it be and so i write this, my own report of pathology
officially it’s untitled, but I’m thinking: the pathology of love.
i start by resecting pieces of all the habits that i define my existence based on along with some of the heartache that i held onto for too long
deep down, i know some of it belongs to my mother
At least its mature flavor says so, that, balanced with the sweet essence of an overly ripe fruit that never belonged
Young and brash and an acquired taste.
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it’s a poorly fixed microscopic tissue, preserved in a high percentage of feminine rage
Low expectations stained with love and paranoia alike and the question that asks itself:
is it benign or malignant?
is it infiltrating my soul, taking away from my potential to grow ?
It stays unanswered, an unforced error
because i always carry those little versions of me that vary in the percentage of their belief in my own bone marrow
a core biopsy will always show that i still believe.
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•Quotes: Anaïs Nin/ Sylvia Plath/ Virgina Woolf/ Franz Kafka/Marcel Proust/ Simone de Beauvoir/Anne Carson/ Andrea Gibson/Anaïs Nin
•Original context:
•Art reference:
1. British School - Head of a girl, c. 1850. 2. Painting ( details) by Richard E. Miller. 3. Paintings by Jen Mazza. 4. Neil Carroll Original Oil Painting Realism Impressionism. 5. The Gross Clinic (details), by Thomas Eakins 6. Wounds of the Earth by xis.lanyx. 7.painting by Herbert James Draper.
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pokechbi · 1 year
I love your writing so much!! I was wondering if you could write about könig and ghost finding out that y/n is a couple years older than them! How would they react? If you’re not taking requests feel free to ignore this!!! Thank you!!
Hi ♡ Anon ♡ !!! Tysm !!! I'm so glad you love my writing. Thank you for the very unique idea !! I was so lost at how to even go about this at first but once i started i literally could not stop! So ty! Ya'll are bringing me out of my writers funk fr im so so grateful 💗
JSYK: I know zilch about military stuff so forgive me for any inaccuracies!
WC: 1.1K ♡
Enjoy 🎀
♡Konig & Ghost find out you're a few years older than them...♡
During the time that the KorTacs and T141 had joined forces, you had gotten pretty comfortable around the newcomers. Specifically one big, mountain of a man named König. He was a no-nonsense man when it came to his work, but aside from his duties he fared to be a pretty decent friend that you often hung around in your free time. You often asked him about his life in the military, learning many skills of the trade since he was a Colonel, and you had only managed to grow yourself to second lieutenant, the lowest commissioned officer rank.
While you were on the topic of years spent in the army, somehow your ages came into play and while he was still protective of revealing his exact age to anyone, he lead you on with the fact that he was in his mid-thirties. You were no priss, so talking about your age was something you didn't mind. When you revealed to him that you were a few years older than him over lunch, he paused, taking in your new revelation.
"You're older than me? How can that be? You look so...young" He trails off, stabbing at his lunch with his fork. You glanced at him, a surprised look on your face as you chuckled. He wasn't the kind of man to give out compliments very often, so it scratched a new itch hearing him use them on you. "Well thank you, that's very kind of you, König" She replied, her eyes darting from his eyes to the table.
"You carry yourself very well. Physically and emotionally, so I guess it's no surprise that you're older than some of us." He continues, his German accent thick on some words more than others. You smile at him as you blush slightly, waiting for him to finish chewing so he can continue speaking. "There's a quote, by the German novelist Franz Kafka. Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." He clears his throat. "So...never stop seeing your beauty, I guess." He pauses after speaking, standing suddenly as he walks away from the table, striding towards the door before you could begin to reply.
You knew his social anxiety had caused him to distance himself from people sometimes, but you had no idea why he was still anxious near you after all the time you'd spent together. You were only just friends, right?...Right?
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Ghost was fond of you, unlike some of his other unit members of T141. He admired the way you carried yourself on the field, possessing a natural leadership instinct that he had worked endlessly, for years to attain. He envied you at times. He envied your ability to take risks without much thoughts of consequences, and you always trusted your gut. Which 100% of the time proved to be right. He knew it was some weird woman's instinct that always overpowered him. It sometimes embarrassed him when you outdid him mentally, standing your ground and showing him who's boss in front of his soldiers. While you were still under his command, he saw you as his right hand woman, always by his side to have his back when he needed you.
The team had just finished a debriefing for the new upcoming mission that you all were set to leave for in a few days time. You reeled at the information that was revealed, running your hands over your face in frustration. He sat by your side, trying to cheer you up with his sarcastic jokes and self-deprecative witticisms. Ignoring him, you shook your head as you flipped through the classified files once more.
"In all of my 37 years of living, I haven't come across a terrorist quite like him. Jesus." You sigh, standing to your feet as you begin to pace the room.
"Excuse me?" He stood suddenly, pacing over to you slowly. Your neck cranes as he approaches you, towering over you like a building. You hated when he did this. You placed a hand on his chest, trying to push him backwards. "Come on, Simon. Back up. You know I hate when you do that." You say frustrated, your hand meeting his hard chest as you swallow hard. He doesn't budge, staring down into your eyes as he bores a hole into your very soul.
"Never mind that." He disregards her demand, stepping closer to her. "You're...older than me? Since when?" He asks in disbelief.
You chuckle at him, the smile falling from your face as you realized that he wasn't making one of his stupid jokes. "Yeah... so? What's wrong with that?" You say, crossing your arms over your chest, causing your breasts to perk up the slightest bit. His eyes slyly graze over your covered cleavage under your tight black turtleneck, so quickly you wouldn't have caught it if you blinked. Realizing what he was staring at caused your stomach to flutter, your gaze shying away from his as you drop your arms to your sides. You were alone in the room now, the silence thickening the air between the two of you and making it hard to breathe.
"Uhh... No. Nothing's wrong with that, it's just..." He trails off, ending his sentence with a chuckle. "It's just that what, Simon?!" You press, raising your voice at him the slightest bit. Your blossoming friendship with him was on the line, and you gave him a stare that read: choose your next words carefully, boy.
"It's just that...It explains a lot. How you've always been so... confident. So right about everything. I get where that's all coming from now." He chuckles softly, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, scratching under the hem of his balaclava. "Trust me, I like it more than you know." He finishes.
You smile at him slightly and nod your head, suddenly understanding why Simon had favored you all this time, the puzzle pieces all fitting together now. You realized that he liked the fact that you acted older than him. Your usual feminine maturity making him feel secured in his team. You made him feel confident in his actions, as long as he was by your side. There also might have been another reason he wasn't upset at all at this news, and that was because Simon "Ghost" Riley, had a thing for being controlled by a woman in power.
There was now a clear cut reason he'd tag along next to you in his free time more than usual, asking for your advice on career-altering and mission-making decisions. He trusted you, more than a friend, more than his soldier. He trusted you as his woman, even if you didn't know you were his yet.
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fieldofdaisiies · 4 months
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So incredibly excited that @azrisweek is taking place again this year and that once again I can take part in it. I am super excited to read all the stories, and equally excited to share all my stories with you. You can find them on here, but also on my ao3.
Thank you so much @iftheshoef1tz and @ofduskanddreams for hosting this amazing event, you two are wonderful!💛
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Day 1: Contrasts - Let's Get Out of Here (read on tumblr)
Modern AU - Azriel and Eris have been dating for a a few years now, and while they love each other more than anything else, Azriel often finds it hard to fit into the high society world that Eris, a renowned doctor, is part of. He doesn't like the big glamorus parties with all the sparkling wine that Eris takes him with. Azriel worries contrasts to much to his lover, but he would never address it, not wanting to hurt Eris. Obviously Eris notices and they...
Day 2: Familiars - Shadow Shenanigans (read on tumblr)
In canon. Azriel finds himself utterly bored as he is lounging on the couch in Eris' office, waiting for his mate to finally be done with High Lord's business. He keeps on whining, and Eris keeps on shushing him so Azriel comes up with an idea that includes both his shadows and Eris' hounds.
Day 3: Contact - Letters
In canon, but based on Letters to Milena from Franz Kafka. Eris and Azriel can't always be together, Azriel is still the spymaster of the Night Court and has to go on spymaster business while Eris has to keep their relationship hidden due to Beron.
Day 4: Free Day - Blue Neighbourhood (explicit) (read on tumblr)
Modern AU based on Blue Neighbour by Troye Sivan. Eris and Azriel used to be childhood best friends and in their teens they discovered they have feelings for each other, and shared their first kiss. Beron found out about them and punished Eris and forced him to break the contact with Azriel. Later, Azriel and his mother (after she separated from his father) moved away. But when Beron dies years after, Azriel…
Day 5: Slice of Life - Home to You (read on tumblr)
In canon. Azriel returns home from a mission, a little injured and very exhausted. Eris knows exactly how to take care of him.
Day 6: Changes - Claws & Paws (read on tumblr)
Modern AU. Azriel owns a cat. Eris owns a dog. They first meet at the vet and don't really get along so well, but what happens when they find out that...
Day 7: Solstice & Equinox - Only If For a Night (read on tumblr)
In canon. Can be seen as part two of Trapped. Azriel finally takes Eris up on his offer to talk. He goes to the Autumn Court on a very specific day, wanting to escape his loneliness and has no idea how much his visit means to the High Lord of Autumn.
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general Azris tag list (please let me know if you want to be added/removed): @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams @acourtofladydeath @secret-third-thing @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @talibunny30 (also if you are wondering why you haven’t been on my tag list although you asked me, because I haven’t been able to find the document for such a long time but now I did!!)
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humunanunga · 2 years
So I looked it up, because of course the Holmes books aren't alone to enter the public domain this year, and Metropolis has too. So here's the list I found of creative works that are now public domain:
— The Gangs of New York, by Herbert Asbury (original publication)
— Death Comes for the Archbishop, by Willa Cather
— The Big Four, by Agatha Christie
— The Tower Treasure, the first Hardy Boys mystery by the pseudonymous Franklin W. Dixon
— The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle
— Copper Sun, by Countee Cullen
— Mosquitoes, by William Faulkner
— Men Without Women, by Ernest Hemingway
— Der Steppenwolf, by Herman Hesse (in German)
— Amerika, by Franz Kafka (in German)
— Now We Are Six, by A.A. Milne with illustrations from E.H. Shepard
— Le Temps retrouvé, by Marcel Proust (in French)
— Twilight Sleep, by Edith Wharton
— The Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder
— To The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf
— "7th Heaven," directed by Frank Borzage
— "The Battle of the Century," a Laurel and Hardy film directed by Clyde Bruckman
— "The Kid Brother," directed by Ted Wilde
— "The Jazz Singer," directed by Alan Crosland
— "The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog," directed by Alfred Hitchcock
— "Metropolis," directed by Fritz Lang
— "Sunrise," directed by F.W. Murnau
— "Upstream," directed by John Ford
— "Wings," directed by William A. Wellman
Musical compositions
— "Back Water Blues," "Preaching the Blues" and "Foolish Man Blues" (Bessie Smith)
— "The Best Things in Life Are Free," from the musical "Good News" (George Gard "Buddy" De Sylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson)
— "Billy Goat Stomp," "Hyena Stomp" and "Jungle Blues" (Ferdinand Joseph Morton)
— "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "East St. Louis Toodle-O" (Bub Miley, Duke Ellington)
— "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" and "Ol' Man River," from the musical "Show Boat" (Oscar Hammerstein II, Jerome Kern)
— "Diane" (Erno Rapee, Lew Pollack)
— "Funny Face" and "'S Wonderful," from the musical "Funny Face" (Ira and George Gershwin)
— "(I Scream You Scream, We All Scream for) Ice Cream" (Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, Robert A. King)
— "Mississippi Mud" (Harry Barris, James Cavanaugh)
— "My Blue Heaven" (George Whiting, Walter Donaldson)
— "Potato Head Blues" and "Gully Low Blues" (Louis Armstrong)
— "Puttin' on the Ritz" (Irving Berlin)
— "Rusty Pail Blues," "Sloppy Water Blues" and "Soothin' Syrup Stomp" (Thomas Waller)
Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/public-domain-debuts-include-last-sherlock-holmes-work-/6898309.html
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pepaldi · 8 months
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This interview originally appeared in Radio Times magazine.
As Peter Capaldi talks about his new Apple TV+ drama Criminal Record – "a stylish crime drama with a contemporary edge and a noir-ish element", to quote his own description – he makes no effort to disguise his fondness for Elaine Collins, his fellow executive producer on the eight-part series, sitting beside him.
Friendly, funny and stylish in equal measure, she is just as affectionate towards him… which is rather lovely, as they have been married since 1991 and have a 30-year-old daughter.
In 2021, he sweetly pinpointed "September 12th 1985, under a street lamp in Glasgow with Elaine" as the greatest kiss of his life. It was their very first, soon after they met as actors in a touring theatre production.
They co-starred in the 1992 romantic comedy Soft Top Hard Shoulder, and teamed up again in Franz Kafka’s It’s a Wonderful Life, the 1995 Oscar-winning short film he wrote and directed. As Capaldi clutched his Academy Award he told Hollywood’s assembled royalty: “Elaine Collins was the real creative dynamo behind all this."
Since then, she has become a powerhouse in British television, bringing Vera to ITV and Shetland to the BBC, long-running successes both.
Meanwhile, Capaldi’s own profile has risen ever higher, with his award-laden portrayal of The Thick of It’s fabulously foul-mouthed political enforcer Malcolm Tucker, and of course his three-year stint as the 12th incarnation of Doctor Who. In 2022, when BAFTA Scotland gave him its Outstanding Contribution gong, he concluded his acceptance speech with a direct address to Collins.
"My darling wife Elaine," he said, "it’s your strength, kindness, wisdom and love that’s enabled me to have this career. You’ve always been there through all the ups and downs, and that you chose to share your life with me is the greatest luck of all."
And now here they are, working as executive producers together for the first time and talking to RT. "It was great," beams Capaldi. "Elaine’s the boss, obviously. She’s the person who really drove this show, pulled it all together and had the vision for it, while having to do the day-to-day business mechanics of keeping it rolling. I was just a sounding board."
Collins tuts at once, exclaiming, "You’re too modest. He was fantastic. We genuinely had a great time and it was amazing to have that support system at work and at home. Of course you bring it home – you’re living and breathing a show while you’re making it – but that was genuinely great. He’s always a support system for me. Hand on heart, we’re best friends."
Sitting listening close by, one of Criminal Record’s supporting actors, Tom Moutchi, smiles at the two of them indulgently. "Awww," he teases, "soooo cute." Capaldi and Collins crease up, as Capaldi agrees that "cute" isn’t a word usually linked with him.
"A journalist asked me the other day, 'Why do you scowl all the time?'" he recounts. "I said to him 'I’m not!' and he said 'Your face is a scowl.'"
"He’s cute to me," declares Collins firmly, although it must be said the role he plays in Criminal Record scores low on the cute-o-meter.
The whole thing at Radio Times.
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thesirencult · 2 years
Pick A Card Reading : Soulmate/Forever Person/Future Spouse
(Flowers Of Romance Part 1)
Hello beautiful readers,
I decided to start a series of tarot readings that will be based on literature and specifically romance novels, poetry and letters.
Obviously this is copyrighted and if a fellow reader uses the same type of format or reposts my writing I would appreciate it if they tagged and credited me. Karma works both ways and copying someone else's work to gain a few likes and followers has its downside. I'll create a masterpost in a few days so you will be able to find all my readings into one place.
The series kicks of with quotes from "Letters To Milena" by Franz Kafka. A beautiful book that is a perfect read for the fall and winter season.
Novels keep great loves alive in their pages and even if the lovers ascend together to another level of consciousness their loving energy will forever be with us.
If you want a personal reading you can book one through direct messaging. I offer tarot readings and astrology ones (both birth charts and synastry). ONLY 15 SPOTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR TAROT AND 5 FOR ASTROLOGY ! THANK YOU GUYS 💖💖 Enjoy your reading ! It's for entertainment purposes and it's a general one, so feel free to apply everything to your own situation. Don't be shy ! Comment which pile/piles you chose 💞
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Pile 1
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Death, 10 Of Wands, 8 of wands
My dear,
Your soft voice echoes in the tunnels of my despair, disrupting the silence of loneliness and waking me up from the deathly sleep of emptiness. You are the light that woke me up from the slumber my love. I had lost all hope, letting go of myself into the abyss. I thought that no one would show up for me. That I was created here in this world as a mistake, without a twin soul. You're mine my beloved.
It's time to let me take the burdens off of your shoulders. I would do it all for you baby. I'll be your lover, your father, your brother, your friend. Everything for you. Will you accept me, a man beaten and bruised by fate, that you brought back to life ?
You broke the chains that held me back. When I say that I will do something I mean it. I can not wait to be with you. I'm insatiable.
Pile 2
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The Magician, Knight of Cups
Have you been good ? Because I'm extra naughty my love !
I know that I can be too aggressive and forward sometimes. My ego gets the best of me and that causes problems in our relationship. I feel it in my soul that I manifested you, like I did with everything in my life. I can be possessive and arrogant, but I swear I'll work on it for our sake.
I know I'm immature, but it's because I can not contain myself around you. You make me feel young again, like a small child in need of his favourite candy. I'm trying to romance you with flowers and chocolate and everything your heart desires but you're playing hard to get. I'll get you, I know I'll do baby. When time comes you'll be mine. I don't back down easily...
Pile 3
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The Empress, The Moon, Justice
My Goddess,
Someone would think that you were made from fairy dust. Built by God as the epitome of woman. You're very feminine, kind, sensitive and watery. Your creative powers are immense and you can manifest everything your heart desires. Whatever your hands touch, turns to gold. You make me feel like a Good, because you're a Goddess. I'll worship you as a one, my sacred love.
You're like the moon. Always changeable and fertile with ideas. You have your moments,good and bad, but I still love you and adore you through everything. Your intuition is always on point. Wise yet fresh and innocent. You awoke primal instincts within me. We can not escape time my Goddess. We are bound by it. But I'm beginning to wonder, why does time seem to slow down whenever you caress me and when you let my lips touch yours, the lips of a goddess.
Sometimes I wonder if I deserve you. Do I deserve the love of a Goddess ? Always and forever yours. Yours. Yours and only yours...
Pile 4
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Ace Of Swords, 2 Of Wands, Queen Of Wands
Dear Soulmate,
When I saw you, it was the first time I saw clearly. My eyes opened to your beauty and love. The blindfold was lifted and now I see. I see the clear light blue colour of the skies and hear the birds sing. You opened up my eyes to new horizons and unknown magical lands.
I finally made the choice to leap into your fountain of love. I made the choice to anchor my heart into the bottom of your deep wild oceans. I long to live with you by the sea, to honour your beautiful and gentle soul. Because, for all the sights I've seen and all the journeys I've taken around the world, our journey and you, my partner, I'll never grow tired of.
You're warm and vibrant like the sun. You keep my heart warm in the cold winters. You keep me alive my love.
Yet I feel that if I dared to fly too close to you I would get burned. The problem is that I'll be honoured to die by your scorching love.
Pile 5
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The Star, Ace Of Pentacles , The Hermit
My little star,
You're so enchanting, like you came out of a fairytale. Your smile, your lips, your hair, your beautiful elegant fingers. I love kissing your petite knuckles and nuzzle my face on top of your head. You're so talented and beautiful. My lucky star. I admire you a lot. I love your magical aura.
I want to offer you the world and even though it seems like I'm promising a lot, I mean it. From the first moment I saw you I tried to hold back my feelings, to calm down and take things slowly so we could build a strong foundation.
You're a mirage. I dream of you and I have visions of those beautiful eyes. My beloved little star, you shine so bright in the darkness of the world. You're so unique.
I know that we have to take some time apart to grow separately. Don't feel lonely, I'm right here looking at the night sky, wishing and dreaming for a love like yours. I'll wrap you up in a blanket made from stardust.
Remember, every single time you look up at the sky, either at the moon and the stars or at the bright sun, I'll be there, under the same sky looking up as you do.
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soupthatistohot · 3 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, I was wondering why you read bad as more of an absurdist story than an existentialist one?
(Sorry if you already answered it somewhere, but since I didn't find anything, I thought that I might as well ask.)
Maybe I missed something, but BSD's characters always seemed to me like people making up their own meanings to make life make sense, rather than the rebellion for the need of meaning itself, which I think fits more the existentialist thought process?
Even Dazai, especially, looking to understand the worth in humanity to justify his own existence, trying to find something to live for, to make his life make sense. He doesn't seem to have the kind of acceptance that I think comes with an absurdist mindset, that one of not needing any meaning to live your life anyway.
My grasp on the subject is still pretty shaky, as despite having read absurdist authors and even having some of them as my all time favorites for a long while, I was only properly introduced to that school of thought by you, which is why I figured you'd probably be the best one to explain why I'm wrong.
From where I'm standing, it feels like BSD is a story of existentialists navigating their life in an absurdist setting, if that makes sense? I know that they're not polar opposites, and can even be complementary but yeah. Just food for thought. I'm always looking for new ways to understand things better.
Hi there, not a bother at all!! I have my asks open for a reason and I’m always happy to chat abt this type of stuff :)
There’s kind of two answers to this question. The first is that until pretty recently (like legit a couple weeks ago thanks to a tiktok) I realize that my understanding of absurdism was closer to the definition of existentialism (though they’re definitely close cousins). You’re correct in saying that the absurdist does not seek to create meaning, but rather recognizes that life is meaningless and lives anyway. My analyses up to this point have actually been working with a flawed definition because of my misunderstanding and the internet’s general misunderstanding.
That being said, I really do think that BSD can still absolutely be read as an absurdist text. The other answer to this question is that this is so because I believe Asagiri wrote the story this way. He seems to have been influenced by multiple prolific absurdist authors (Franz Kafka, from whom he took his pen name; and Albert Camus, who is considered to be the father of absurdism and whose character Asagiri used the name of for the prison Meursault). Put simply, I am convinced that Asagiri intends to write a narrative with absurdist themes.
While most (if not all) of the characters are in a quest to find meaning, that does not necessarily negate the absurdist reading of BSD. Humans are naturally wired to seek out purpose in our lives, but it does seem like the characters are on a path towards living for the sake of living rather than living for a certain purpose.
Take someone like Dazai, who is suicidal because of his search for meaning. Absurdism is very much against suicide and I think the fact that it seems that Dazai’s reasoning for his suicidal tendencies revolves around his failure to find hope (in the world and for himself) is indicative of Asagiri’s absurdist influence. That being said, the less Dazai tries to search for meaning and the more he just simply lives his life, the more content and fulfilled he seems to become. He’s not all the way there, and perhaps he never will be, but what matters is that him letting go of his search for purpose is part of his character development.
Atsushi is another good example. His main flaw is that he puts his worth in his ability to help others, and while that initially saves his life when he joins the ADA and finds a reason to live, it’s also obvious that this is not conducive long-term as it takes a massive toll on his self-esteem if/when he fails. A large part of his character arc has been deconstructing the connection between his self worth and ability to help others, and similar to Dazai, the more he just lives for himself and helps people because he wants to (not because he needs to for his self-esteem), the more content and fulfilled he seems to be.
In terms of absurdism vs existentialism, I think it can fit both, depending on how you’re looking to interpret the story. I think the two philosophies of thought go hand-in-hand and it’s just about how you frame your analysis. BSD has its moments that are more absurdist and its moments that are more existentialist. As with life, it’s not entirely black and white, I think it can be nuanced and involve both interpretations.
I hope this answers your questions!! If you have anything more to say, please feel free to share your thoughts, I love talking about this stuff :)
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acetone4veins · 6 months
Mean Girls + Quotes Part 2
Find part 1 here
More quotes that remind me of mean girls characters and their various relationships :)
"i became bitter and untouchable. i craved affection but even the mere thought of someone caring made my stomach turn."
"i have survived everything but i fear that i cannot survive myself."
Cynthia Chapman
"was i raised without love? or was i born unlovable?"
"am i lonely because no one cares, or am i lonely because i'm not strong enough to let anyone get close enough to care?"
Rob Hill Sr.
"of course i look angry all the time. my entire life i've been fighting a war. i am soaked in pain and sadness. the irony however, is that i'm not actually angry, i'm trying to learn how to be happy. and that in itself is a war."
"i thought - i want to go home. i want to be in a place that feels like home. where that was, i did not know."
Katie Kitamura
"i understood myself only after i destroyed myself. and only in the process of fixing myself did i know who i really was."
Sade Andria Zabala
“do you ever wonder where you took a wrong turn? where your life became the exact opposite of what you wanted it to be?”
"i have always tried to make a home for myself, but i have not felt at home in myself."
Jeanette Winterson
"of course i'm angry. do you have any idea how many times someone should have helped me?"
"hurt an artist and you'll see masterpieces of what you've done."
"i don't feel guilt at being unsociable, though i may sometimes regret it because my loneliness is painful."
Susan Sontag
"what a sick little head, your love always turns into obsession."
"i don't think people love me. they love versions of me i have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. the easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love."
“i only know how to exist when i’m wanted.”
Mary Lambert
"i don't want to beg. i know you can feel it, my longing, the aching, my need for love. i don't want to beg. but oh god - oh god, please. please. love me. love me."
"for once i need to choose myself, or else i'm going to lose myself."
Veronika Jensen
“i believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. i believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. i believe while i tremble; i trust while i weep.”
Charlotte Brontë
Regina and Janis
"longing, how soft a word for such a ravenous feeling. how we hunger in silence."
"dig your teeth into me. come on, i dare you. take a bite. open me up; raw and candy floss pink on the inside. make it hurt. i figure, you're going to hurt me one way or another. might as well be with your mouth."
Ashe Vernon
"i don't know what to do without you, i don't know where to put my hands."
"you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love."
Franz Kafka
"i love you and i always will and i am sorry. what a useless word."
Ernest Hemingway
Regina and Cady
"i love you. i love you unconditionally. i loved you even in my ignorance. i loved you when i didn't even know. i just love you."
"and on some days, i wish our paths had never crossed because you don't know how heartbreaking it is to know that someone like you exists in this world and i cannot have you."
“i must have you exclusively, fiercely, possessively.”
Henry Miller
"i still haven't figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do."
William C. Hannan
“fuck my pride. fuck everything. i’m so desperately hungry for you.”
Henry Miller
Gretchen and Karen
"the way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right; as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes."
John Mark Green
"when i think of life, i think of you. when i think of love, i think of you. safe to say that i really like thinking about life with you."
"come on, dance with me. the earth is spinning. we can't just stand on it."
Dino Ahmetovic
Regina and Gretchen
"i suffer in my loving, and you know it."
Willa Cather
"i loved you to the point of ruin. i loved you until my lungs were filled with ash."
Tina Tran
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mosaictart · 9 months
I think all of the artists , big or small, we all want our art to touch people, to help heal or to carry peoples tears with our words and paintings,
But then I often think about Franz Kafka, Emily Dickinson, John Keats and a lot of artists who got the needed recognition many years after they died. And I wonder if god goes to the place where they must be sitting and writting something and whispers in their ears that "hey by the way you got really famous and people down there really love you." And then I wonder if they say huh, I knew it or do they wish to write more for them and more for us. And this thought makes me realize that, you can be bored of everything and you can fill your stomach with everything but not, never ever of your passion. I don't think I would die and then never feel like writting again, just like Atticus said " I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love and a little drunk" and I too would wanna arrive on my death a little late because I was busy writting poetry for me, my life and all the people and things I ever loved.
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 1 year
At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was walking through a park one day in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully.
Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.
The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter "written" by the doll saying "please don't cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures.
Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka's life.
During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.
Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.
"It doesn't look like my doll at all," said the girl.
Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: "my travels have changed me." The little girl hugged the new doll and brought the doll with her to her happy home.
A year later Kafka died.
Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka it was written:
"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way."
Embrace change. It's inevitable for growth. Together we can shift pain into wonder and love, but it is up to us to consciously and intentionally create that connection.
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amtskind · 6 months
die herrlichkeit des lebens (2024)
with kafka's 100th death day approaching this year, 2024 is full of new media about our favourite author.
@sepulkralkreatur and i watched yet another take on kafka's life:
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"die herrlichkeit des lebens" (the glory of life) is a movie about kafka's last year, beginning at the baltic-sea and ending by the death-bed. it centers around kafka's romantic relationship to dora dymant and his outbreak from family and prague as a whole - with him moving to berlin. unfortunately, his tuberculosis progresses and he has to move to a sanatorium, where he looses the ability to speak, eat and drink - until he finally dies, with dora being next to him in his last moments.
i got to say, i feared that this movie might be full of kitsch and focus on romance rather than franz kafka - and my initial thought wasn't far from reality in the end - unfortunately.
while the kafka series had this darker and yet funnily-absurd touch to it (which was very fitting for him - kafkaesque!) and strictly followed every aspect of his life, the kafka-feeling in the movie was reduced to fragments of his writing, other people from his life and sporadically added biographical elements - like his illness.
all of this sounds so negative - but let's view the movie from a different perspective: maybe i shouldn't compare the series with the movie in the first place; the series included more facets of biography and had a larger variety of characters and themes - because it was intended to be a biopic.
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the movie on the other hand, was based on a novel of the same name by michael kumpfmüller - which dealt with kafka's last year with dora. although having many biographical references, the novel still remains a form of fiction - which makes the movie more distant to the state of a biopic. we shouldn't view the movie as a biography, but rather as a romanticized adaptation of kafka's last year.
the movie features max brod, ottla and elli (kafka's sisters), as well as elli's husband karl hermann. although the characters make phone-calls with kafka's father - he isn't seen anywhere. he remains an oppressing, invisible power towards kafka throughout the whole movie. despite this being a possible, well done metaphor - i would have wished to see more of other characters, with more insight into their feelings in these hard times. but yet again - the movie wasn't made for this intent.
and it is worth considering, that not much is known about his time with dora, since her belongings, including possible letters and memories to franz, were confiscated by the gestapo in 1933. similiar to the legend about kafka's doll (which funnily enough was also mentioned in the movie, that was wholesome), fiction is there to close those holes in his life - and we have to be aware of the fictional nature to the movie.
although i am not the biggest fan of romance-movies and this one didn't necessarily scream "kafka" in your face - i enjoyed it. the actors did a great job and brought some sort of lightness with them. the sets and scenes were full of details and beautifully arranged, making it very lifelike. the following may sound a bit grotesque, but even the medical treatmant and dying-scene was done very realistically, making his suffering even more gruesome. and of course - my favourite thing: the metaphors. the hospital-beds at the beach instead of loungers made dreaming of freedom during a serious illness very impactful.
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thank you henriette confurius (dora) and sabin tambrea (franz) for the movie and paying tribute to wonderful people 100 years ago!
more posts:
comparison of the actors and their roles
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