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trifeboss Β· 4 years ago
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@repost ... @trife_boss #Song #GetIt #PayHomageTo #FrankMatthews Highly respected by me. Probably over ANY D-Dealer I know or heard of. #Why He's the only 1 I know that lived to NOT talk about it long as he chooses or chose to, without doing the time for it. #πŸ›«βœˆπŸš€ #πŸ™„πŸ™„ Song out now on @spotify and over 30 online #Music #Retailers #TapIn #Listen @rocnation @unitedmasters @spotifyplaylisted @tidal @amazonmusic @facebookmusic @instagarmmusic @tiktok @applemusic @applemusicplaylistpromotion @getchusum.mngmt @that_hot_commodity_llc @packofwolvespromotions @mbindyrapplaylist @nadine_prescilla.nunes @treasuresnec @topmics https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiWyRtAUag/?igshid=264xmrpjri1n
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blerdsunite Β· 5 years ago
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#frankmatthews #bestthateverdidit #theonethatgotaway #wherehego #harlem #northcarolina #durham #blackcaesar #peewee Frank Matthews disappeared back in 1973 with his girl and $20 million in cash.✈ He was out on bail from an arrest in Las Vegas. When Frank was a little boy, he wrote a story about how he was going to become a millionaire and disappear in Africa. Somehow that story got turned around to South America, but some older men that grew up with him in Durham have stated that he said Africa. The DEA to this day still checks Durham to see what info they can get. Those OT's aren't telling a thing. At the height of Frank Matthews run he controlled 21 states. Frank got so big that the mob wasn't really trying to go at him because they knew his crew was ready. He had already went around the mob by first connecting with South Americans and Cubans and later on Corsicans. His biggest issues was with the Philadelphia Black Mafia and different Black Muslim factions. The DEA obviously has pretty good Intel when they can state that they know that no Mafia family killed Frank and his girlfriend and that's why they can't be found. I guess when you have a snitch in each family you should know. 🎀🎀Outside of where is Frank. I'd like to know who got to the houses of his that had the money stashed away.πŸ’°πŸ’° Three different sources talked about going to a house of his that had over 200 million in cash in them. Frank would be about 70 something today. Where is Black Caesar? πŸ‘€ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PkrixhXnj/?igshid=wsazdrtuhngs
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lowrettaduhvyne Β· 8 years ago
The Frank Matthews Story
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theqweens Β· 5 years ago
Yall forgot his name,I see... @murdamookez ... "Easily offended,HELLLOOOO!" Never SLEEP on #harlem PERIODT ... WELCOME TO NEW YORK CITY! s/o @indigotaughtyou . . #wordtothewise #franklucas #frankmatthews #americangangster #uptown #thebronx #harlemriverdrive #125th #scales #leadership #familyties #entertainment #indigotaughtmehow #study #italian #murdamookez #jayz #diddy #love #thanksgiving #itsyagirlqween (at Rucker Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5bNtkNJAwa/?igshid=1ibqcbulgddeb
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thecruxcollective Β· 9 years ago
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We had the opportunity to visit Jacksonville artist, Franklin Matthews in the studio today! Β We’ve known Frank for quite some time now and are incredibly excited to begin working with him next year! In the meantime feel free to give his Facebook page a β€œlike” so you can view more amazing pieces like these, from his most recent collection, Lucida.
Photo Credit: Kiley Carter
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addacapo-blog-blog Β· 10 years ago
Bout to watch this #FrankMatthews movie while i finish washing clothes.
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trifeboss Β· 4 years ago
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#Song #GetIt #PayHomageTo #FrankMatthews Highly respected by me. Probably over ANY D-Dealer I know or heard of. #Why He's the only 1 I know that lived to NOT talk about it long as he chooses or chose to, without doing the time for it. #πŸ›«βœˆπŸš€ #πŸ™„πŸ™„ Song out now on @spotify and over 30 online #Music #Retailers #TapIn #Listen @rocnation @unitedmasters @spotifyplaylisted @tidal @amazonmusic @facebookmusic @instagarmmusic @tiktok @applemusic @applemusicplaylistpromotion @getchusum.mngmt @that_hot_commodity_llc @packofwolvespromotions @mbindyrapplaylist @nadine_prescilla.nunes @treasuresnec @topmics https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiWMo2FpsN/?igshid=1mkk6k941rkau
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daboynat Β· 11 years ago
Check out @freebandzcasino new mixtape #frankmatthews #Freebandz #LilMexico #MoveThatDope #Nolo
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trifeboss Β· 4 years ago
#Song #GetIt #PayHomageTo #FrankMatthews Highly respected by me. Probably over ANY D-Dealer I know or heard of. #Why He's the only 1 I know that lived to NOT talk about it long as he chooses or chose to, without doing the time for it. #πŸ›«βœˆπŸš€ #πŸ™„πŸ™„ Song out now on @spotify and over 30 online #Music #Retailers #TapIn #Listen @rocnation @unitedmasters @spotifyplaylisted @tidal @amazonmusic @facebookmusic @instagarmmusic @tiktok @applemusic @applemusicplaylistpromotion @getchusum.mngmt @that_hot_commodity_llc @packofwolvespromotions @mbindyrapplaylist @nadine_prescilla.nunes @treasuresnec @topmics https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiWDFMpE1M/?igshid=a4m5xx4tkedp
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missatown2u Β· 11 years ago
I do wat I want!!! #Talk2Me its @LilBankheadStreetz945 + #FrankMatthews @FreebandzCasino #ExDrugDealer2 Coming Soon ...
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missatown2u Β· 11 years ago
Its a highjack #FrankMatthews want dat check #RightNow #Reguardless
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