#frankies nursing tales
i-am-the-page-turner · 5 months
"The Women" by Kristin Hannah.
"The Women" by Kristin Hannah is a captivating novel set during World War II, focusing on the lives of three remarkable women: Frankie, Vi, and Ruby. Frankie, a talented journalist, is determined to make her mark in a male-dominated profession, even as the war rages on and challenges her resolve. Vi, Frankie's best friend, finds herself torn between her duty as a nurse and her desire for love and companionship. Ruby, a young woman from a troubled background, seeks refuge and purpose in the Women's Army Corps, where she forms unbreakable bonds with her fellow soldiers. As the war progresses, the lives of these women intersect in unexpected ways, forcing them to confront their fears, confront their pasts, and forge new paths forward. Through their experiences, Hannah explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the transformative power of love in the face of adversity. Set against the backdrop of war-torn Europe, "The Women" is a poignant and deeply moving tale of courage and sacrifice that will linger in readers' hearts long after the final page. Hannah's evocative prose and richly drawn characters bring this turbulent period in history vividly to life, immersing readers in a world of love, loss, and redemption. With its powerful storytelling and unforgettable characters, "The Women" is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
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Fic: Misty, chapter viii
chapter i | chapter ii | chapter iii | chapter iv | chapter v | chapter vi | chapter vii | chapter viii | chapter ix | chapter x
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit (whole thing)
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Snowman!Ezra x f!reader (monsterfucker au)
Tags: it’s basically monster fucking but with a snowman which could technically be classified as a monster i guess?, gothic horror kind of, sorrow, dementia, anxiety, dog murder, masturbation, Frankie thirst, pet murder, racism mention, huge age gap, implied possible sexual abuse of minor, spookiness, PiV sex with an actual snowman, possible hallucinations, hypothermia, Frankie yearning, the spookiness continues, More dog murder and implied sexual abuse of a minor, implied illegal abortion, adulterous kissing, lots of crying.
Chapter warnings in addition to the above mentioned: Further mention of implied predatory behaviour.
Summary: Escaping your empty apartment after having been dumped by your fiancé, you rent a cottage at Oakgrove House over Christmas to nurse your wounds. But strange things seem to happen at the estate, where an old woman wanders around in search of old friends long gone, and snowmen appear as if by themselves on the lawn…
Chapter word count: 3,021
Tagging: @harriedandharassedsed @paulalikestuff @pazizz @lovesbiggerthanpride (let me know if you want in)
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Keep falling. I'll find you.
His whisper settles around your skin like a prayer. His lips are cold against yours. His one arm is around you as he leads you out on the ledge. A feral glint in his eyes, a conceited smirk on his ruggedly handsome face, a little nudge - and you fall.
You jerk awake, nauseous the minute you leave the heavy, sick sleep you had fallen into after your breakdown on the couch. Your body is aching, itching, sweaty and shivering at the same time, and your head feels like someone has transplanted a cast iron cauldron inside the bone. You blink sluggishly against the bright embers that remain of the fire, then see how they reflect in the water on the floor.
Damn it.
Exhaustion is making your limbs heavy, and you have no idea how you'll be able to get up and wipe the floor dry from your little tantrum. Not to mention what the upstairs must look like.
You shiver and close your eyes to fight the nausea. You have no idea what happened last night, but you must have dreamed it all. The other explanation is too wild, too much like a dark fairy tale to be true. There simply is no way that a possessed snowman came up those stairs and fucked you. It must have been some insane dream, one that made you sleepwalk and open the window to let in the falling snow. The melted snow on the stairs was from Frankie's boots.
Frankie. How will you be able to look him in the eye again? Maybe you don't even have to: you're leaving tomorrow. You can just hide in the cottage until then. You groan as the shame makes bile rise in your throat, and you manage to heave yourself up from the couch and stagger to the bathroom. Bent over the porcelain bowl, you give in to the cramps of a stomach expelling its contents, but nothing comes up, and you sink down on the cold tile floor.
You want to make sense of the things Olga told you this morning, but you're afraid to go there. It's too sad, too upsetting, to think of that 16-year-old girl, enthralled by a dashing stranger twice her age, getting into the only kind of trouble that sort of relationship could lead to, then having to kill her beloved dog for him to even deign to help her deal with it. It's sickening.
Does her family even know? Not that it's your business to tell them, no, you would never talk about this to anyone, but it would be horrible if the old woman had gone all her life without ever telling anyone. And why would she tell you of all people?
The scratching on the inside of your ribcage is driving you mad, the pressure on your sternum is making it hard to breathe. Somehow, you realize that you're spiraling towards a panic attack, and that you have to ward it off, so you get off the floor, take deep breaths, and walk into the kitchen. Your hands need something to do, your brain needs a distraction. Strong, sweet tea seems to be the way of Oakgrove House, so you put the kettle on and fish out a bag of Earl Grey from the jar on the counter. There is no honey, but you find a bag of sugar. Sitting by the kitchen table, you sip your tea and gradually calm down as the beverage seems to spread warmth and sweetness not only in your belly but also in your veins. You look at the clock on the kitchen wall and discover that it is late afternoon. A glance through the window tells you that it has finally stopped snowing, and the short December day has already ended. It's not dark, however: the moon is casting its silvery light on the snow-covered world. It's almost as light as the daytime and seems even lighter, since there is no snowfall to cloud the view. You see warm yellow lights in the distance, telling you which windows are lit in the main house.
The snowman on the lawn is still gone. You wonder if it was ever there.
The tea revived you strangely, so you get up and start to clean the floor. Going methodically, you soon have the living-room floor dried off. Taking one step at a time, you work your way to the second floor, and the bedroom.
You stop when you see the bed. The sheets are still damp, and there are bits of wet branches and frozen garden on your pillow. Brown straws and moist moss that smell of forests in the fall are spread over the tangled sheets, bringing the ghost of Ezra's popsicle kisses to your lips. You pick up some of the remains, touch them to your lips, smell them, before throwing them back onto the sheet and gathering it up. Opening the window, you let the sheet out of it, and beat it forcefully several times, before taking it back in and closing the window. The sheets are now damp only. You strip the bed, wipe the floor, and leave the laundry in the basket in the bathroom, as instructed by Denise when you signed the rental contract.
Your phone is on the bedside table. It's low on battery, so you connect it to the charger, and look over the text messages you've received. Most of them are from your parents, the rest have been sent by friends. They all say the same: are you okay, what are you doing, where are you, please respond, Merry Christmas! You reply to them all with the same I'm fine. Been out walking and then sleeping before ignoring the missed calls from your mother. You let the phone stay silent, even turn off the data, and leave it on the nightstand. You have no interest in talking to anyone or seeing any more messages.
Beginning to feel more like a functional adult, you prepare a simple meal for yourself, relight the fire in the fireplace, and eat while watching the flames consume the logs, plate balanced on your thighs.
"Well, merry Christmas," you tell yourself, wishing in the same moment that you had just kept your mouth shut. The quiet little greeting to yourself sounds lonely in the empty room, perhaps even more so with the fire crackling cozily.
Your eyes start to wander over the spines of the books in the little bookcase next to the couch. The classics are all there, well-thumbed paperback copies from decades ago, along with some newer bestsellers, probably left by earlier tenants. A few field guides to North American wildflowers, fishes, and birds. One thick, older tome of birds, no doubt with drawings instead of photographs. Putting the dinner plate to the side, you stand up and pick out the older bird book. You never were that good at identifying birds, and living in a city, you mostly just saw pigeons, ducks in the park, and various corvids picking at the trash on the streets. Opening the book, you browse through it, admiring the beautifully painted drawings of small birds as well as bigger ones, read little snippets of information about the robin, grackle, and common shelduck. Turning the page, you find the Turdus merula, or common blackbird, and with it, an envelope.
Albeit unremarkable and unmarked, the envelope is not empty or sealed. Hesitating for a moment, you eventually decide to take out the once-folded paper inside.
It is a letter, and it is dated in September but lacks a year.
Dear E,
I will expect you at Christmas. Thank you. Your Blackbird.
After that simple message follows a poem, and you realize that it's the same one you heard in your strange summertime dream, the one in which you could see Olga as a young girl read for Ezra. Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall...
It's heart-breaking, this little note from a young girl to her first love. You wonder if Ezra ever even got it. And if he did, why did he leave it behind? Where did he go, and what promises did he make about returning?
Your imagination is running wild. Ezra, a feral predator smelling fresh blood, seduces the rich, protected daughter of the house, gets her pregnant, forces her to have an abortion and to drown her own dog to make sure she'll never talk, then leaves her with false promises of returning for Christmas. You yourself were a love-struck teenager once, yearning for the big romantic love story that you had been assured by media and society would soon befall upon you, and you can just imagine what the torture of waiting.
"Where the fuck did you go, you asshole?" you mutter to yourself, closing the book but keeping the letter. "What did you do?"
Putting the papers back into the envelope, you fan your face with it as your anger rises.
"Men are such shit jerks," you say out loud, remembering Sandra Bullock's inability to call out her incompetent coworkers in some action comedy. "Just shit jerks. Shit jerk dick fucker assholers."
Suddenly filled with holy rage, you leave the letter on the coffee table, pull on your outerwear, and go out in the garden.
"Where are you?" you call out into the night. "Where are you when I actually need you?"
There is no trace of the snowman, but you feel the change in the temperature, and when you grab a handful of snow, it forms easily into a ball. With an almost manic sense of purpose, you start to roll a body from the snow in the front garden of the cottage. Fueled by anger, you quickly proceed to the second ball and, eventually, the third. There is no longer any chance of digging up anything from the lawn that would serve to model your snowman's face, but you form ears and a nose for it, and make indentations to suggest eye sockets.
It is a poor substitute, but it is something you can punch as you start screaming at it.
"Why? You fucking child molester, why?" You kick at the soft mass of white where the crotch would be, finding grim satisfaction in the total annihilation of the area, before hitting the face until the head falls off. You proceed to kicking at it in the snow before stomping on it until pressed into the ground.
"What on earth are you doing?"
You turn around and see Olga standing in the wet snow, rubber boots on her feet but no coat. Catching your breath, you lean towards what is left of the snowman. The old woman's blank face tells you that she is once again trapped in some past that you so unwillingly have been granted glints of, and you don't know whether or not it's a good thing.
"He came to you last night, did he not?" she accuses, her voice filled with envy and sadness. "He came to you but not to me."
"I didn't want him to," you defend yourself. "I don't want anything to do with him!"
"I told him not to come back, it was too dangerous for him here. Every Christmas I waited for a sign, and he built me a snowman so that I would know he had been here..." Olga's voice trails off as she moves closer. Reaching the beheaded snowman, she caresses her bare hand over what would be its shoulders.
"Poor Ezra... dear, poor Ezra..."
"There's nothing poor about him," you object weakly. "He was a terribly person."
You might as well be speaking to the dead balls of snow between you two, because Olga does not react to you at all. She keeps patting what remains of the snowman, mumbling to it. You just watch in exasperation while you fight the urge to grab her by the shoulders and just shake her out of this misplaced grief, shake some anger into her instead.
You snap out of it when you realize that she's not wearing a coat.
"Olga," you say, now with a gentle voice, "why don't we go back in?"
There is no reaction, so you try again. "Olga?"
Her head snaps up and she stares at you, fear and shame shining in her eyes, like she has been caught doing something bad. You try to present a friendly smile to settle her, but she regards you with such suspicion that it almost makes you feel guilty for something you have not done.
"I don't want to go back to him," she pleads. "Don't make me go back there."
"You never have to go back to him," you promise, taking a tentative step towards her. "He can't hurt you anymore."
"Mother and father didn't know. I couldn't tell them." A tear runs down her wrinkled face, and your heart aches for her.
"I know," you nod. "Olga, it's okay. You're safe, but you need to go back inside."
"That's where he is!" she yells, agitated and retreating when you try to get closer. Not wanting to scare her, you stand back, a little lost as to what to do. Your phone is upstairs so you can't call Denise without leaving Olga. You have a feeling that if you turn your back at her, she'll be gone, just like the ghosts that haunt her mind.
"Olga," you try, "what would you like to do?"
She frowns, as if trying to remember, and you choose your following words carefully:
"Would you... like me to help you with something?"
Olga hesitates for a moment, before nodding.
"What can I help you with?"
She blinks and looks around her, as if looking for the right words in the snow around her.
"Find... find him. Find Ezra. Tell him to come back and take me away from here."
Denise comes running from the main house, another woman in tow. You guess it's one of the sisters. Olga seems disoriented and frightened, but you close the small distance between the two of you, and take her hand.
"It's going to be alright, Olga," you tell her just as Denise and her sister reach you.
"Oh my God, thank you!" Denise pants, taking off her coat and putting it over Olga's hunched shoulders. You mumble a reply and nod at the sister, but both she and Denise are too busy fussing over their mother to do any introductions. It suits you well, and as soon as the trio are on their way back home, you return inside the cottage and head straight for the fireplace to rekindle the embers and load more wood into it. When the crackling flames are licking the sticks and logs, you stand up, at a loss for what to do. Turning around, you regard the bookcase for a moment before stepping up to it.
Something about what Olga said has sown a seed a suspicion and doubt in you. That disoriented sadness of hers in combination with her words; it just did not add up. Something was telling you that there was more to this than you initially thought. You still had no idea what had happened last night, but it had felt real and moreover: you had not been afraid. You had been calm, aroused, curious. You had enjoyed it, whether or not it really happened or was only the queerest of wet dreams. The snowman that you had come to call Ezra was not a threat. Ezra was not a threat.
Methodically, you start to pull out the books and check each and every one of them for more letters, notes, cards, any little thing that would tell you more, tell you that Ezra got what he deserved, that Olga had a happy, healthy life until dementia decided to throw her right back into her adolescence and the abuse that she was subject to.
An atlas of North America finally yields something: a card drops out, and another one is pressed between the old pages. You pick up the card and retire to the couch with it and the atlas. The card shows the rather boring-looking main street of a small town in Arkansas. Frowning, you turn the card but find that it is empty, save for Olga's name and address, scribbled by a hand that knows how to write elegantly, but lacks the time. You put the card to the side and pull out the next one. Another dime a dozen small town postcard, this time from Nevada. Nothing written on it except the same name and address, in the same hand. You browse through the atlas and find three more cards, all of the similar kind. Looking at the pages where you found them, you see that each page corresponds to the place the card was sent from: Arkansas, Nevada, Montana, North Carolina, California...
You get up and fetch your phone from the bedroom and turn on the data. Googling the names of the towns, you soon realize that they all have one thing in common: they are, or have been, mining communities. Each one has a gemstone mine of some kind.
You chew your lower lip in contemplation. There is nothing that suggests that these cards are from Ezra, but the post stamps are from the 1950's, which would correspond with Olga's age, and you just have a feeling. You are not exactly Miss Marple, nor did you ever aspire to be, but you know you are onto something here. These cards are from Ezra, and they are his way of signing to Olga of his whereabouts. Her parents did not approve, Olga had said the other day. Had Ezra written a single word of greeting on these cards, they would have been intercepted by her stuck-up parents.
But why are the cards here? And are there more?
You realize that have seen a hatch in the ceiling above the second-floor landing. The cottage has an attic, and the attic is where old secrets go to die.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
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Every source I've seen describes Yakuza Apocalypse as an action film. This must mean that my initial thought to categorize it as a parody comedy is inaccurate. So what is it then? An incomprehensible tale that seems to halfheartedly say one thing until it devolves into absolute madness and then just ends. I kind of hated it.
Beloved Yakuza crime boss Genyō Kamiura (Lily Franky) is the idol of Kageyama (Hayato Ichihara) and secretly, a vampire that drinks the blood of criminals. When a gunslinging priest (Ryushin Tei) and an assassin (Yayan Ruhian as Mad-Dog) decapitate Kamiura, he uses the last of his strength to turn Kageyama into a Yakuza Vampire. Unfortunately, he only learns the rules of his new condition after biting a civilian and unleashing a plague upon Japan. Meanwhile, the priest is not done yet and summons the ultimate terrorist (Masanori Mimoto) to finish what he started.
At first, I thought this was prolific director Takashi Miike lampooning Yakuza films. We’re told Kamiura has kept the big companies and chain stores out of the city and that he instructs his men only to harm other criminals. This makes him a hero of the people because Yakuza gangsters are so cool. Kageyama thinks so. All his life, that’s all he’s wanted to be but he’s never been able to get the trademark tattoos. When Kamiura bites him and transforms him into a Yakuza vampire, he becomes the real deal but in time, vampirism is rampant. Teachers, high-school girls, nurses, police officers are all becoming Yakuza vampires! Where is this going? Is it a lamentation that the criminal identity has become meaningless today, that it no longer inspires fear?
I'd say yes, if the idea went somewhere but in-depth analysis has no place in a film like this. Ambitious criminal Masaru (Makoto Sakaguchi) starts leaking brain matter out her ears like a hose, we get psychedellic gardens, martial arts battles between people in the worst monster costumes you’ve ever seen, and more. It should be so nutty it becomes awesome but it isn’t. All of the characters are so flat you don’t care about them and the incomprehensible non-logic means you have no idea what you should be paying attention to, what’s there just to be weird or if anything means anything at all. Did we just witness a rape scene? Who cares? Not the people who made this film. If they did, they might’ve tried harder to give us some convincing special effects or believeable performances. When you don’t speak Japanese and you can still tell the actors are struggling with their lines, you’ve experienced a badness so intense it transcends language.
The only thing that keeps you watching Yakuza Apocalypse is that something will make all of this click together. Is Miike saying the Yakuza are the vampires of Japan as they bleed the population dry? Does he suggest we’ve become infatuated with people who should be hated like we have with vampires? Your guess is as good as mine. The non-ending doesn't help. Abruptly cutting off your story can work - sometimes. Here it feels as though everyone got bored and said “let’s just end it here and move onto the next thing. It’ll be too late for them to get their money back after nearly two hours”. That’s another mark against this picture. It’s way, WAY too long.
Yakuza Apocalypse is little more than a mad-lib of supernatural action. Ideas are tossed in at random. Few of them pay off. You’ll retain nothing from the experience and will feel like you wasted your time. (Original Japanese with English subtitles, April 2, 2021)
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oceangirl24 · 2 years
Find the Word-Go for Broke
@mikaharuka issued a challenge- I mean tagged me. 😉
" You know the drill, I find words, I pass on words (20 this time) that you pick five from... and yes, I know some of you will go for the broke."
I chose to go for broke. Thank you for aiding my procrastination. lol
Words for Me: Cloud, Style, Sweet, Whisper, Table, Answer, Wrong, Doubt, Foreign, Stone, Vine, Spirit, Bloom, Luxury, Bright, Symbol, Allure, Spark, Shower, Heat
Words for you- pick the 5 you like or grab 'em all: reason, undertake, arrangement, quantity, dressing, draft, visit, second, dangerous, go, bless, workshop, pipe, jealous, hilarious, wardrobe, marine, committee, breathe, cast
No pressure tags: @mikaharuka @hylianjo @writingpotato07 @mrsmungus @winterlovesong1 and anyone else feel free to join.
So I'm using both Autumn in Philadelphia books because I know allure is in the first one. lol
Cloud: She did not want her brother, she wanted her father and since she couldn’t have him, she refused to interact with anyone but her mother. It was heartbreaking watching the little girl drape herself over Audrey’s shoulder while crying for Jon. It brought a dark gloomy cloud over Shawn.
Style: Hannigan’s was a cozy little bar and grill joint on the corner of 5th and Grant. It specialized in home style family cuisine, but in the evenings after nine, mixed drinks were the entree of choice.
Sweet: For a sweet moment, the years dissolved away. He lay down on the couch and put his head on the pillow. He felt Audrey’s fingers begin gently massage his scalp. With a happy sigh, he took that hand and kissed her palm before letting go. When he was fifteen and they would watch TV like this, Shawn would daydream that Jon and Audrey were married, and they had adopted him.
Whisper: His head spun, thoughts and emotion swirling at a dizzying rate. “I don’t understand,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to sort through everything he thought he knew. “Cory said Jon married his nurse.”
Table: Julia was setting the table with earbuds securely in her ears. She glanced up from her job and locked eyes with him. Her blue-gray eyes held his gaze with an unblinking stare. There was no hint of expression on her face, just an unnerving look that went right through him. The look made him squirm a bit. She went back to what she was doing without a word to him.
Answer: Katherine paced the lobby of the Library anxiously. Eli and the Matthews boy had been running interference all evening with fishy tales of where Jon was and what he was doing every time she asked about him. Every time she called his room, Cory answered with some inane story: there was a spider in the girls’ room, Trini accidentally started a fire, Shawn was drowning in the bathtub. Eventually, Frankie Stecchino let it slip that Mr. Turner was out on the town. He had started to say more when both Eli and Cory jumped on him.
Wrong: “I always he felt like he was cheating on you,” he admitted, feeling foolish in light of the truth but desperate to explain himself. “I was so angry at him, even though he did nothing wrong. I hated every woman he brought home after you left. Everyone I thought he took home after I left.” He hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud. His eyes were wide with unspoken apologies.
Doubt: Audrey had left his side and was standing in front of him, looking at him expectantly.
“Come on, Shawn. Let’s go home.”
He looked up at her, eyes enormous with unspoken vexation and doubt.
“I’m not ready.”
Foreign: The concept of a generational home was a foreign idea to Shawn. Such a thing had never crossed his mind given his transient life from such a young age. Briefly, he wondered if he would ever have anything close to a history like that.
Stone: The trio exchanged greetings near the pair of stone lions that guarded the library entrance. It took a while for them to find a quiet, hidden spot to hole up in in the Main Reading Room, which was about 78 by 297 feet with a 52-foot-high ceiling. Although it was highly unlikely that they would encounter anyone they knew, the group decided it was better to be safe than sorry.
Vine (oh, you got me here, the closest I could get is Divine): Cory backpedaled through the store in a panic while trying to talk the bully down. He prayed for Divine Intervention; he’d lost his parents and friends in the crowd, and it seemed hopeless to find someone willing to help him.
Spirit: “To watch his spirit be broken down day by day,” he chuckled gleefully. “That’s what they do you know, my people. They take the strong-willed, the proud, the favored, and they break them into nothing.”
Katherine shared his delight and laughed. “I’m sure Cory will regret the day he went to Jon about you.”
Bloom: Totally stumped on this one. Couldn't even find it in the short stories.
Luxury (great words! I'll have to substitute with wealth): The Gold Coast was an affluent part of Western Connecticut. The area was home to many wealthy Manhattan business executives and was a bastion of wealth. The Gold Coast was most notable for its expensive waterfront properties located along its shore as well as the proximity of its cities and towns to New York City. Westport, Connecticut was ideally situated near the middle of the Coast.
Bright: “All right,” he said gruffly, his cheeks blazing bright red. He held his hand out to Shawn. “I want the five bucks.”
Shawn’s eyes sparkled with an impish gleam and his shoulders shook with laughter. He looked back and forth between the two on the couch before he gave Jon’s hand a hard slap.
“I don’t have five bucks. I just wanted to see you guys' kiss!”
Symbol: He watched the snow, yellowed with time, fall on the American symbol of freedom. Shawn was everything but free. He felt trapped, like he was imprisoned in a very tiny cell the walls of which were closing in on him.
Allure: A soft rap at the door interrupted his musings. He instinctively glanced up at the clock first; still four minutes to go until his meeting. He turned his attention to the doorway where a girl he didn’t recognize stood. She glanced around the room with wide stormy eyes. She would have looked as though she stepped off the cover of Allure if it hadn’t been for her apparent nervousness. She clutched a couple of folders in front of her
Spark: Well, at least what Minkus said to upset him now made sense. Jon was still baffled that Minkus of all people could spark this kind of reaction out of Shawn when no one else could. Anyone else would’ve come face to face with Shawn’s temper and fist. How in the world could Minkus send Shawn running to his classroom in tears? As far as he knew, the two hadn’t spoken to each other since the end of middle school.
Shower: Julia was sleeping in, so there was no one to fight over the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror and made a face. He had the worst case of bedhead. Determined not to go out with Jon looking like he’d stuck his finger in an electric socket, Shawn ended up in the shower. The entire time he worried about what he and Jon would talk about as this was his first outing with the superintendent as an adult.
Heat: Ms. Tompkins wasn't anyone special to him in that regard. Had it not been for her connection to Jon, she would have simply been one more teacher who couldn’t wait to get him out of her class. One he would not have remembered. However, the intense heat of the gaze of the people in the room was formidable and uncomfortable and he felt pressured into formalities he had no interest engaging in.
That was challenging and fun!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Reward Yourself Day
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN)
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
World Donkey Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
2nd Monday in May
American Craft Beer Week begins [2nd Monday; thru 16th]
Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day (Florida) [2nd Monday]
World Melanoma Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 128 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 19 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 17 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 7 Bīja; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2023
Moon: 86%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Caesar (5th Month) [Junius Brutus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 30)
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oubaghri · 21 days
The Women: A Novel
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"Kristin Hannah’s potent storytelling skills are brilliantly served by narrator Julia Whelan, whose limber, low-pitched voice moves nimbly from person to person, capturing personality and mood, her empathy palpable."—The Washington Post
From the celebrated author of The Nightingale and The Four Winds comes Kristin Hannah's The Women—at once an intimate portrait of coming of age in a dangerous time and an epic tale of a nation divided.
Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But in 1965, the world is changing, and she suddenly dares to imagine a different future for herself. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she joins the Army Nurse Corps and follows his path.
As green and inexperienced as the men sent to Vietnam to fight, Frankie is overwhelmed by the chaos and destruction of war. Each day is a gamble of life and death, hope and betrayal; friendships run deep and can be shattered in an instant. In war, she meets—and becomes one of—the lucky, the brave, the broken, and the lost.
But war is just the beginning for Frankie and her veteran friends. The real battle lies in coming home to a changed and divided America, to angry protesters, and to a country that wants to forget
audiobook free   
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benlopezra · 1 month
Exploring the top picks of 2024, as selected by Amazon’s book editors—featuring compelling narratives, unforgettable characters, and stories that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.
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Exploring the top picks of 2024, as selected by Amazon’s book editors—featuring compelling narratives, unforgettable characters, and stories that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.
Continuing with this series of posts where I review, recommend, and share relevant books that will help you expand your horizons across multiple subjects, I’m excited to share with you this list of 10 book recommendations. Recently, the Amazon Books Editors published a curated list of the top 10 books that truly stand out, each offering something unique. From thought-provoking retellings to heart-pounding thrillers, these books cover a wide range of genres and styles, ensuring there’s something for every reader. Join me as we explore these remarkable works and uncover why they are considered the best of 2024 so far.
Skill Readers Level
Intermediate to Advanced.
James by Percival Everett
Genre: Literary Fiction James by Percival Everett: A powerful retelling of a classic American story through the eyes of Jim.
Overview: Percival Everett’s James stands out as the top pick of 2024, offering a fresh and thought-provoking retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the perspective of Jim, the enslaved man at the heart of Mark Twain’s classic. Everett masterfully brings Jim’s voice to the forefront, weaving a tale that is both poignant and darkly humorous. As Jim navigates his escape from enslavement and an unlikely partnership with Huck, readers are treated to a richly layered narrative that delves into themes of freedom, identity, and resilience.
Why You Should Read It: James is not just a retelling but a reinvention of a classic story, providing new insights and perspectives on well-known characters. Everett’s sharp wit and deep understanding of human nature make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in American literature, social justice, or simply a compelling story.
Learn more about James
The Women by Kristin Hannah
Genre: Historical Fiction The Women by Kristin Hannah: A moving tribute to the unsung heroes of the Vietnam War.
Overview: Kristin Hannah, known for her emotionally charged novels, brings to life the untold stories of combat nurses during the Vietnam War in The Women. The novel follows Frances “Frankie” McGrath, a young woman from a prestigious military family, as she volunteers as a nurse in Vietnam. Hannah captures the harsh realities these women faced, both on the battlefield and upon returning home, where their sacrifices were often overlooked or dismissed.
Why You Should Read It: The Women is a powerful tribute to the unsung heroes of war, shedding light on the courage and resilience of women who served in one of the most tumultuous periods in history. Hannah’s ability to evoke deep emotions and create complex characters makes this novel a deeply moving and unforgettable read.
Learn more about The Women
All the Worst Humans by Phil Elwood
Genre: Nonfiction/Memoir All the Worst Humans by Phil Elwood: A shocking memoir revealing the dark side of power and politics.
Overview: Phil Elwood’s All the Worst Humans offers a behind-the-scenes look at the dark underbelly of power, politics, and wealth. This memoir reads like a thriller, with Elwood recounting his years as a PR hitman for some of the world’s most controversial figures. From manipulating media narratives to orchestrating elaborate schemes, Elwood’s stories are both shocking and compelling.
Why You Should Read It: This book is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the intersection of power and morality. Elwood’s candid account provides a rare glimpse into the machinations that shape global events, making it a thought-provoking read that will leave you questioning the integrity of those in power.
Learn more about All the Worst Humans
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
Genre: Science Fiction/Time Travel The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley: A genre-bending novel exploring time travel, espionage, and love.
Overview: Kaliane Bradley’s debut novel, The Ministry of Time, is a genre-defying masterpiece that blends time travel, espionage, and romance into a thrilling narrative. Set in a near-future London, the story follows Graham Gore, a 19th-century Arctic explorer brought into the present by a secret government agency. As Gore adjusts to modern life with the help of his “bridge,” readers are taken on a journey that explores the complexities of time, love, and human connection.
Why You Should Read It: Bradley’s novel is a unique and imaginative exploration of how the past and present can collide in unexpected ways. With its blend of historical fiction, science fiction, and romance, The Ministry of Time is a captivating read that will appeal to a wide range of readers.
Learn more about The Ministry of Time
Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar
Genre: Literary Fiction Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar: A debut novel that blends humor and depth in exploring identity and meaning.
Overview: Poet Kaveh Akbar makes his fiction debut with Martyr!, a humorous and somber novel. The story follows Cyrus Shams, a young Iranian-American man grappling with his identity and the meaning of life. As Cyrus embarks on a journey of self-discovery in New York City, Akbar’s lyrical prose and sharp wit shine through, making this a standout debut.
Why You Should Read It: Martyr!, is a novel that combines the poetic sensibilities of its author with a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of cultural identity and personal growth. Akbar’s unique voice and perspective make this a must-read for fans of literary fiction.
Learn more about Martyr!
Nuclear War by Annie Jacobsen
Genre: Nonfiction Nuclear War by Annie Jacobsen: A chilling nonfiction account of a hypothetical nuclear scenario.
Overview: Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War is a terrifyingly real account of a hypothetical nuclear attack on the United States by North Korea. Drawing on classified documents and interviews, Jacobsen provides a minute-by-minute breakdown of what could happen in such a scenario, blending history, science, and politics into a gripping narrative.
Why You Should Read It: This book is not just a cautionary tale but a deeply researched exploration of the realities of nuclear warfare. Jacobsen’s ability to present complex information in a compelling and accessible way makes Nuclear War an essential read for anyone interested in global security and the future of warfare.
Learn more about Nuclear War
All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker
Genre: Mystery/Thriller All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker: A haunting tale of friendship, loss, and mystery.
Overview: All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker is a poignant tale of friendship, loss, and the enduring power of love. The novel follows Patch and Saint, two childhood friends who are bound together by a shared trauma. As they grow up, their lives are shaped by the mysterious disappearance of a girl, leading them on a quest for answers that spans years and continents.
Why You Should Read It: Whitaker’s novel is a beautifully written exploration of the human condition, filled with moments of joy, sorrow, and profound insight. The author’s ability to create vivid characters and an immersive world makes this a novel that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.
Learn more about All the Colors of the Dark
Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan
Genre: Romance/Comedy Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan: A glamorous and hilarious rom-com set in exotic locales.
Overview: Kevin Kwan, the author of Crazy Rich Asians, returns with Lies and Weddings, a delightful rom-com that takes readers on a glamorous journey across the globe. Set against the backdrop of an extravagant wedding in Hawaii, the novel explores the lives of the Earl of Greshambury, his family, and their wealthy neighbor, the Tongs. As secrets are revealed and hearts are broken, Kwan weaves a tale that is both hilarious and heartfelt.
Why You Should Read It: Kwan’s Lies and Weddings is a perfect escape for anyone looking for a light-hearted yet meaningful read. With its witty dialogue, lavish settings, and engaging characters, this novel offers a fun and entertaining look at the complexities of family, love, and social status.
Learn more about Lies and Weddings
Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson
Genre: Supernatural Thriller Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson: A supernatural thriller blending horror, mystery, and coming-of-age.
Overview: Scott Carson’s Lost Man’s Lane is a supernatural thriller that blends elements of horror, mystery, and coming-of-age. The story follows Marshall Miller, a teenage boy who becomes entangled in a series of strange events in his small town. As the supernatural forces at play become more apparent, Marshall must confront his deepest fears and uncover the truth behind the disappearances of several local girls.
Why You Should Read It: Carson’s writing is both evocative and suspenseful, making Lost Man’s Lane a gripping read from start to finish. Fans of supernatural thrillers and coming-of-age stories will find much to enjoy in this well-crafted novel.
Learn more about Lost Man’s Lane
This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Fiction This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan: A deeply emotional novel about love, loss, and self-discovery.
Overview: This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan is a deeply emotional exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery. The novel follows Soledad as she navigates the challenges of divorce, raising children, and finding herself again. Ryan’s writing is raw and honest, capturing the complexities of relationships and the journey to self-acceptance.
Why You Should Read It: This novel is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-love and the strength it takes to rebuild one’s life after trauma. Ryan’s relatable characters and heartfelt storytelling make This Could Be Us an engaging and memorable read.
Learn more about This Could Be Us
As we look forward to the remaining months of 2024, the books highlighted in this post stand as a testament to the power of storytelling. Each one offers a unique perspective on life’s challenges, joys, and complexities. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring and expect these titles to remain among the best of 2024. Keep an eye out for upcoming releases that will continue to shape the literary landscape.
1. Will there be a sequel to any of these books? While it’s too early to say for sure, several of these books, particularly The Ministry of Time and This Could Be Us, have the potential for sequels or expanded stories in the future.
2. Can I find these books in formats other than Kindle? Yes, most of these books are available in multiple formats, including hardcover, paperback, and audiobook.
3. Are these books suitable for all readers? These books are primarily aimed at intermediate to advanced readers due to their complex themes and mature content.
4. Where can I learn more about each book? I’ve included detailed descriptions, reviews, and purchase links throughout this post, all redirecting to Amazon’s official site. Simply click on each book title to go directly to its Amazon page for more information.
5. Are there any similar books you recommend? Looking for similar book recommendations? If you enjoyed these titles, I suggest checking out my Amazon influencer page, where I’ve curated a selection of classics, bestsellers, and more. Click here for more details and to explore my full list.
Learn More
For further exploration, visit my Amazon’s list of the full Best Books of 2024 So Far. Here, you’ll find additional titles and categories that cater to all reading preferences.
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danielleurbansblog · 2 months
Review: The Women
Synopsis: An intimate portrait of coming of age in a dangerous time and an epic tale of a nation divided. Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But…
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whatsonmedia · 7 months
Wednesday Wisdom:Top 5 Best Books in Current Time
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Discover the latest literary gems with our “Wednesday Wisdom”. Ali Hazelwood’s “Bride” unveils a tantalizing blend of vampyre allure and werewolf intrigue, while Tommy Orange’s “Wandering Stars” delves into the enduring impact of historical injustices. Kristin Hannah’s “The Women” portrays the resilience of female heroes, and Dolly Alderton’s “Good Material” navigates the complexities of adulthood with wit and charm. Megan Nolan’s “Ordinary Human Failings” unravels a gripping tale of family secrets and societal scrutiny.
Bride by Ali Hazelwood
Bride by Ali Hazelwood throws a sassy vampyre, Misery Lark, into a marriage of fangs and fur with a distrustful werewolf Alpha. Forced together for a historic alliance, sparks fly as Misery hides a personal vendetta while navigating life with a brooding wolf who questions her every move. This paranormal romance is a thrilling enemies-to-lovers tale with a bite.
Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange
In “Wandering Stars,” Tommy Orange continues the story from his acclaimed book “There There.” It explores the aftermath of historical traumas like the Sand Creek Massacre and the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. In 1864, a survivor named Star is forced into English and Christianity by a prison guard. Decades later, Star’s son Charles suffers at the same school. In modern-day Oakland, Opal struggles to help her family heal after a shooting, while her nephew Orvil grapples with trauma and her other nephew, Lony, tries to connect with his heritage. Orange’s powerful storytelling exposes the ongoing impact of America’s mistreatment of Indigenous people.
The Women by Kristin Hannah
In the 1960s, Frankie, a young nursing student, discovers a new world beyond her sheltered upbringing in California. Inspired by the idea that women can be heroes, she joins the Army Nurse Corps during the Vietnam War, following her brother’s footsteps. Amidst the chaos of war, Frankie experiences the bonds of friendship, the harsh realities of combat, and the challenges of returning home to a divided America. “The Women” tells her story, highlighting the courage and sacrifice of women in wartime.
Good Material by Dolly Alderton
Andy, a struggling comedian, finds himself crashing at his friends’ place after a heartbreaking breakup. At 35, he’s questioning why life hasn’t fallen into place. Amid career setbacks and dwindling friendships, he tries to make sense of his shattered relationship. Dolly Alderton’s new book explores love, friendship, and the challenges of adulthood with warmth and humor. It’s a relatable tale about finding connection, facing hardships, and understanding our own stories.
Ordinary Human Failings by Megan Nolan
In 1990s London, Tom Hargreaves is a successful reporter with big dreams. He doesn’t think much of regular people, or “peasants,” as he calls them. One day, he discovers a big story: a child has been found dead on a London estate. The grieving parents are loved by everyone, but suspicion falls on a reclusive Irish family, the Greens. Carmel, a member of the Green family, is beautiful but troubled. She had dreams once, but life and love didn’t go as planned. Now, she’s stuck in a cycle of disappointment and secrets, with nowhere to turn. As the police close in on a suspect and the media hunts for a scapegoat, Carmel must confront the truths that have haunted her family for generations.
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stacyalesi · 8 months
Spotlight Review: THE WOMEN by Kristin Hannah
Spotlight #BookReview: THE WOMEN by Kristin Hannah, a poignant, provocative, important read about combat nurses in #Vietnam & the aftermath - don't miss it. @kristinhannahauthor @stmartinspress #historicalfiction #CombatNurses #bookstagram #KristinHannah
CLICK TO PURCHASE From the publisher: From the celebrated author of The Nightingale and The Four Winds comes Kristin Hannah’s The Women―at once an intimate portrait of coming of age in a dangerous time and an epic tale of a nation divided.Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic…
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Reward Yourself Day
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN)
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
World Donkey Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
2nd Monday in May
American Craft Beer Week begins [2nd Monday; thru 16th]
Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day (Florida) [2nd Monday]
World Melanoma Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 128 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 19 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 17 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 7 Bīja; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2023
Moon: 86%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Caesar (5th Month) [Junius Brutus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 30)
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frank-a-lank · 4 years
Patient: Why do you have to wear those shields??? Aren’t you tired of it???
Me, who is an RN in a pandemic with imbecile leaders:
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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The CW ha renovado Superman & Lois por una segunda temporada
FOX ha renovado The Simpsons por una trigésimo tercera y trigésimo cuarta temporada
ITV ha renovado Finding Alice por una segunda temporada
La tercera temporada de Pose (FX) será la última
CBC ha cancelado Frankie Drake Mysteries tras su cuarta temporada
Noticias cortas
Chelsea Harris (Sykes) será regular en la tercera temporada de Snowpiercer.
Sissy Spacek (Castle Rock, Carrie) y Ed O'Neill (Modern Family, Married with Children) protagonizarán Lightyears. Serán Irene y Franklin, una profesora de inglés jubilada y un carpintero que llevan décadas ocultando un portal a un extraño planeta desierto en su patio trasero.
Mandy Patinkin (Homeland, The Princess Bride) se une como regular a la quinta temporada de The Good Fight. Será Hal Wackner, alguien que abre un juzgado en la parte de atrás de una copistería sin tener formación jurídica.
Edie Falco (The Sopranos, Nurse Jackie) será Hillary Clinton en Impeachment, la tercera temporada de American Crime Story.
Ray Liotta (Shades of Blue, Goodfellas) será Big Jim, el padre de Jimmy (Taron Egerton), en In With the Devil.
Indira Varma (Game of Thrones, Luther) se une a Obi-Wan Kenobi. Se desconocen detalles.
Constance Wu (Fresh Off the Boat, Hustlers), Riley Keough (The Girlfriend Experience, The House That Jack Built) y Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, Criminal Minds) serán Katie Buranek, corresponsal de guerra; Lauren Reece, triatleta de élite y esposa de James (Chris Pratt); y Lorraine Hartley, la primera mujer secretaria de Defensa; en The Terminal List.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Susan Ford, la hija de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer), en The First Lady.
Timothy Spall (Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd) protagonizará Magpie Murders junto a Lesley Manville. Será el detective Atticus Pünd.
Devon Sawa (Final Destination, Casper) se une como recurrente a Chucky, en la que Jennifer Tilly volverá a interpretar a Tiffany Valentine. Zackary Arthur (Transparent, Kidding), Teo Briones (Ratched, Pretty Little Liars), Alyvia Ayn Lind (Daybreak, Masters of Sex) y Björgvin Arnarson serán regulares en los papeles de Jake Webber, un adolescente solitario que busca su sitio tras la muerte de su madre; Junior Webber, el primo de Jake y opuesto a él; Lexy Taylor, la princesita del instituto, novia de Junior y principal acosadora de Jake; y Devon Lopez, el típico vecino fan de los true crime.
Geoff Stults (Enlisted, Little Fires Everywhere), Tiya Sircar (The Good Place), Alanna Ubach (Euphoria, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce), Laurie Davidson (Will, Cats), Andre Hyland y Jules Latimer estarán en Guilty Party junto a Kate Beckinsale. Serán Marco, el marido de Beth (Beckinsale); Fiona, socia de Beth; Tessa, una presentadora de noticias; George, un traficante de armas; y Toni, una joven sentenciada a 92 años de prisión sin libertad condicional por asesinar a su marido.
Alec Mapa (Ugly Betty, Devious Maids) protagonizará junto a Kelsey Grammer y Alec Baldwin la comedia de ABC sobre tres antiguos compañeros de piso que vuelven a reunirse. Será Andre, un hombre gay muy empático que funcionaba como pacificador ante Channing (Baldwin) y London (Grammer) mientras busca el éxito romántico y profesional que hasta ahora no ha conseguido.
Eoin Macken (Merlin, The Night Shift) y Jack Martin protagonizarán La Brea junto a Natalie Zea y Zyra Gorecki sustituyendo a Michael Raymond-James y Caleb Ruminer. Formarán la familia Harris. También se unen a la serie Jon Seda (Chicago PD, Treme) y Veronica St. Clair, que ya participaron en el piloto, y Lily Santiago.
Mary Holland (Homecoming, Veep), Shelley Hennig (Teen Wolf, Dollface), Christina Anthony (Mixed-ish), Samsara Yett (The Flight Attendant), Cameron Britton (The Umbrella Academy, Mindhunter) y Benjamin Levy Aguilar (Filthy Rich) se unen a The Woman in the House. Serán Sloane, dueña de una galería de arte y amiga de Anna (Kristen Bell); Lisa, una chica dulce y sexy que puede esconder algo; la detective Lane; Emma, la adorable hija de nueve años de Neil (Tom Riley); Buell, el manitas de Anna; y Rex, alguien no muy brillante pero irresistible.
Dallas Roberts (Insatiable, The Good Wife), Clea Lewis (The Americans, Ellen) y Nicole Chanel Williams (Boomerang) serán recurrentes en American Rust como Jackson Berg, dueño de una farmacia preocupado por la proliferación de cadenas en tiempos de crisis; Jillian, una mujer baptista preocupada por qué pensará su marido de que ella y sus compañeras de la fábrica se quieran sindicar; y Jojo, una mujer que vive en la carretera y acoge a Isaac (David Alvarez).
Andrea Martin (Difficult People, Great News), Robert Ri'chard (One on One, Cousin Skeeter), Juani Feliz, Kate Rockwell y Sullivan Jones (The Looming Tower) se unen como recurrentes a Harlem.
Michael James Shaw (Blood & Treasure, Limitless) se une como regular a la undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead. Será Mercer, que en los cómics es un marine que se relaciona románticamente con Juanita (Paola Lázaro).
Theo Rossi (Sons of Anarchy, Luke Cage) se une como regular a True Story. Será Gene, un fan muy entusiasta de The Kid (Kevin Hart).
Catherine Haena Kim (FBI, Ballers) y Craig Parker (Charmed, Reign) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de Good Trouble como Nicolette Baptiste, una abogada de la oficina del fiscal del distrito; y Yuri Elwin, un artista de perfil alto que necesita un becario.
Conrad Khan (The Huntsman: Winter's War, County Lines) se une a la sexta y última temporada de Peaky Blinders. Se desconocen detalles.
Sarah Niles (Catastrophe, I May Destroy You) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Ted Lasso. Será Sharon, psicóloga deportiva que comienza a trabajar para el AFC Richmond.
Matthew Sato (Chicken Girls, Save Me) y Emma Meisel (American Horror Story) se unen como regulares a Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. Serán Kia y Steph, el hermano y la mejor amiga de Lahela (Peyton Elizabeth Lee). Ronny Chieng (The Daily Show, Crazy Rich Asians) será recurrente como un cirujano cardíaco.
Momo Rodríguez (La Chamba) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de Mayans MC. No se conocen más detalles.
Thom Scott II (American Soul) será recurrente en la quinta temporada de Saints & Sinners como el doctor Ross, un médico talentoso especializado en procedimientos experimentales pioneros para asegurar tratamientos exitosos por cualquier medio.
Jess Schine se une a Long Slow Exhale como regular. Será Eddie Hagen, ayudante de la entrenadora (Rose Rollins).
    Nuevas series
Apple TV+ ha encargado ocho episodios de Roar, antología con historias independientes contadas desde un punto de vista femenino. Protagonizada por Nicole Kidman (Big Little Lies, The Hours), Cynthia Erivo (Harriet, Genius: Aretha), Merritt Wever (Nurse Jackie, Unbelievable) y Alison Brie (GLOW, Community). Basada en el libro de historias cortas de Cecelia Ahern (2018). Creada, escrita y producida por Liz Flahive (GLOW, Nurse Jackie) y Carly Mensch (GLOW, Weeds). Producen Kidman (Big Little Lies, The Undoing), Bruna Papandrea (Big Little Lies, The Undoing), Steve Hutensky (Queen America, Nine Perfect Strangers) y Allie Goss (The Crown, Daredevil).
Netflix adaptará The Talisman, la novela de Stephen King (1984), en la que un chico de 12 años comienza un viaje de costa a costa para encontrar un cristal que podría salvar a su madre moribunda. Escrita por Curtis Gwinn (Stranger Things, The Walking Dead) y producida por Steven Spielberg (The Goonies, Back to the Future) y los hermanos Duffer (Stranger Things).
Gugu Mbatha-Raw (The Morning Show, Miss Sloane) y David Oyelowo (Selma, Nightingale) protagonizarán The Girl Before en HBO Max y BBC One. Jane (Mbatha-Raw) tiene la oportunidad de vivir en una bonita casa minimalista diseñada por un enigmático arquitecto (Oyelowo) a cambio de seguir unas estrictas normas en toda la calle que no permiten los libros, las fotos o el desorden. Jane cree que la casa la está cambiando y descubre qué le ocurrió a la chica que vivió allí antes que ella. Creada, escrita y producida por J.P. Delaney y basada en su propia novela (2016) y dirigida por Lisa Brühlmann (Killing Eve, Servant). Cuatro episodios.
Netflix encarga diez episodios de una comedia multicámara centrada en Chelsea (Emily Osment; Young & Hungry, Hannah Montana), una altanera e ingeniosa intelectual sin habilidades sociales para vivir en el mundo real que se ve obligada a vivir con su despreocupada y jovial hermana y sus amigos, uno de ellos Grant (Gregg Sulkin; Runaways, Wizards of Waverly Place), un dulce y romántico entrenador personal. Creada, escrita y producida por Jack Dolgen (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Diary of a Future President) y Doug Mand (How I Met Your Mother, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend). Producida por Kourtney Kang (How I Met Your Mother, Fresh Off the Boat) y dirigida por Pamela Fryman (How I Met Your Mother, Frasier).
Shira Haas (Unorthodox, Shtisel) interpretará a Golda Meir, la primera y única primera ministra mujer de Israel, en el drama Lioness. Basada en el libro de Francine Klagsbrun (2017), escrita por Eric Tuchman (The Handmaid's Tale, Kyle XY), dirigida por Mimi Leder (The Morning Show, The Leftovers) y producida por Barbra Streisand (A Star Is Born), Nina Tassler y Denise Di Novi (Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands).
Amazon encarga The Devil's Hour, thriller británico sobre una mujer que se despierta cada día a las 3:33 de la mañana. Su hijo de ocho años es retraído y falto de emociones, su madre habla con sillas vacías y su casa está encantada. Ahora su nombre está inexplicablemente conectado a una serie de brutales asesinatos en la zona. Escrita por Tom Moran (The Feed, White Rabbit), dirigida por Johnny Allan (The Irregulars) y producida  por Steven Moffat (Sherlock, Doctor Who).
Disney+ adaptará We Begin at the End, la novela de Chis Whitaker (2020) que sigue la relación entre Vincent King, un convicto que sale de prisión treinta años después de haber matado a una niña de siete años; Duchess Ray Radley, la sobrina de trece años de la víctima; y el jefe de policía de un pequeño pueblo de California cuyo testimonio envió a Vincent a prisión aunque era su mejor amigo. Producida por Thomas Kail (Hamilton) y Jennifer Todd (City on a Hill).
Netflix encarga una serie de animación de Asterix & Obelix basada en el libro 'Le combat des chefs'. Dirigida por Alain Chabat (Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra).
Apple TV+ encarga Dr. Brain, adaptación de acción real de la historieta digital coreana que sigue a un científico (Lee Sun-kyun, Parasite) obsesionado con encontrar nuevas tecnologías para acceder a la consciencia y los recuerdos cuya familia sufre un misterioso accidente. Utilizará sus habilidades para acceder a los recuerdos de su esposa para entender qué ocurrió y por qué. Escrita, dirigida y producida por Kim Jee-woon (Mil-jeong).
David Simon (The Wire, Treme) y George Pelecanos (The Wire, Treme) escribirán y producirán We Own This City, limited series de HBO que cuenta la historia real de la unidad de rastreo de armas de la policía de Baltimore. Basada en el libro del periodista Justin Fenton (2021).
Starz prepara un revival de Party Down con el regreso de actores y productores. Seis episodios.
IMDb TV encarga un spin-off de Bosch en el que Harry Bosch (Titus Welliver) se embarca en el siguiente capítulo de su carrera y trabaja junto a su antiguo enemigo Honey "Money" Chandler (Mimi Rogers) para encontrar justicia. Volverá también Madison Lintz en el papel de Maddie Bosch.
ITV ha encargado cuatro episodios de The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe, un drama true crime sobre John Darwin, el funcionario de prisiones que fingió su muerte en un accidente con una canoa en 2002 para estafar a compañías de seguros. Anne, su esposa, denunció su desaparición en la costa de Cleveland, Inglaterra, y mintió incluso a sus hijos. Basado en un manuscrito no publicado del periodista David Leigh, que encontró y entrevistó a Anne en Panamá. Escrita y producida por Chris Lang (Unforgotten, Dark Heart) y dirigida por Richard Laxton (Mrs. Wilson, Him & Her).
ABC Signature ha adquirido Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body, las memorias de Rebekah Taussig (2020), para su adaptación televisiva. Trata sobre una chica paralítica que creció en los noventa sin referentes adecuados en la ficción que retratasen su discapacidad como algo complejo y ordinario, incómodo y bello, doloroso y enriquecedor, y que quiere reflejar las complicaciones de la amabilidad y la caridad, vivir de forma dependiente e independiente, experimentar intimidad y cómo la omnipresencia del capacitismo en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales se traslada directamente a la vida diaria. Escrita y producida por Taussig y dirigida y producida por Randall Einhorn (The Office, Parks and Recreation).
Calls se estrena en Apple TV+ el 19 de marzo
La 1ª parte de la sexta y última temporada de Supergirl se estrena en The CW el 30 de marzo
La 4ª temporada de No Activity, que será de animación, se estrena en Paramount+ el 8 de abril
La tercera y última temporada de Pose se estrena en FX el 2 de mayo
La 2ª parte de la primera temporada de Ghostwriter se estrena en Apple TV+ el 2 de mayo
La segunda temporada de Duncanville se estrena en FOX el 23 de mayo
Housebroken se estrena en FOX el 31 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Made for Love
Queen of the South - Temporada 5
Animal Kingdom - Temporada 5
No Activity - Temporada 4
Lupin - Parte 2
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luccislegs · 5 years
Law/male!so/Luffy in which their S/o can speak to ghosts and sometimes helps ghost. And, after some insisting by two very persistent ghosts (Ace and Cora), goes and finds Luffy and Law, and finds themselves wanting to stick around?
you have absolutely no idea how these two spirits found you, just that they are extremely persistent and are driving you crazy. so you do as they ask and find yourself standing before an ostentatious red boat, watching one stoic man watch another man in a straw hat bounce around like a fool.
you feel yourself developing a headache as the two spirits chatter incessantly in your ear, telling you to go introduce yourself. you have no idea how they’re going to react, but if the look in law’s eyes are anything to go by, you have a good chance of being murdered.
but you explain as clearly as you can, pressing your fingers to your temple as you’re inundated with small details only ace and rosi would know, and you watch law’s grip on his sword loosen even as his face pales. you aren’t sure you have him totally convinced, but he hasn’t slaughtered you yet, which you take as a good sign.
luffy on the other hand takes you at your word, bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement as he chatters to ace like he can see him right in front of him. it’s a little less tedious than you expected to relay ace’s responses, and you can see the deep love the two have for each other.
usually, the loved ones of deceased people become melancholy once you explain to them about their ghosts. this is true in law, and you can’t help but feel a little guilty. rosi does as well, and asks you to encourage law in his place. you do your best, but you know he can tell it’s feigned. your comfort of him isn’t, though, and in your own way you’re helping him come to terms with it.
luffy on the other hand is completely unconcerned, and you learn from the others that that’s just how he is. nothing has ever kept him down, and even after ace’s death he bounced back remarkably quickly. he seeks you out a lot, usually to talk to ace, but it slowly morphs into discussions about pasts. he regales you with tales of his, ace’s, and sabo’s shared childhood and all the trouble they caused, and you find you look forward to the time you spend with him.
law is a little more closed off. He seeks you out to speak to cora, but they’re not the same as luffy’s conversations with ace. it makes sense, given the vastly different personalities, but cora is so lively that you really wish he were able to talk to law himself. you know you make a poor substitute, and you know law thinks so too. you begin to dread whenever he comes to you, until one night he apologizes. he knows you’re doing your best, and he’s been ungrateful. he tells you some details of his past with cora, but you know he’s leaving out a lot of– probably ugly– ones, but you understand him a little better after that.
watching law and luffy is almost comical, because you can recognize the intense attraction they have to each other, but they seem entirely unaware of it. the way luffy’s smile, already so wide, threatens to split his face in half when law comes on deck can only be described as adorable. law is harder to read, but the way he watches luffy bound to and fro across the ship is softened by amusement, and he’s remarkably patient with the hyperactive man.
you feel almost at home with them and, when it’s time for them to depart, you almost ask them if you can go with them. but no, they likely don’t want you too, and it would be too selfish to ask. so you prepare to leave, saying goodbye to the others, confused by the subtle smirks they all wear as you do.
as soon as you get to law, he stops and stares at you knowingly. “i’m afraid it won’t be that easy, ___-ya,” he says, but won’t elaborate.
you go looking for luffy, knowing that he’s going to be the hardest to say goodbye to, purely because he’s the last person you have before you really have to leave. you find him in the kitchen, raiding the fridge, and his head hits the top of the fridge when you sneak up behind him.
“goodbye? what do you mean goodbye, ___? you’re gonna join my crew, aren’t you?” he asks, and you think your brain might have frozen.
by the time it restarts, you’re already nodding. luffy’s arms instantly wrap around you, his face nuzzling against yours, and you can’t help the skip of your heart at the motion.
when you emerge from the kitchen, everyone has gathered down below, waiting for your answer. before you can say anything, luffy yells out, “he said yes!” and the others laugh. you want to facepalm at his choice of words, and you meet law’s eyes again and you think you can see relief in them.
luffy is an affectionate man. he doesn’t care where he’s at, if he feels the need to hug someone, he will. but you note right off the bat there’s a difference in the way he interacts with the rest of the crew and law. it’s adorable, and you ask robin one day if he even realizes it. the look she gives you is exasperated as she tells you no, and then asks if you even realize he acts the exact same way with you. you flush red and stutter half an answer out, and you decide never to ask robin’s opinion on something again.
after that, though, you do begin to notice that he pays more attention to you than anyone else. well, except law. but that doesn’t make a difference because you find law in your presence more often than before, and he doesn’t even always talk to rosi. a lot of times, he’s just looking for a quiet place to relax and that just so happens to be in your presence. you like law a lot, as much as luffy, and that’s a little confusing since you know they like each other, but you know they also like you.
speaking of the spirits of those two clowns, since you boarded the boat, you’ve found yourself without them more often than not, unless they want to speak to law or luffy. sometimes, you find them trailing after their respective family members, watching in amusement as they go about their day. other times, though, they’re nowhere to be found, and you have no idea where they go.
there are a few months of the three of you circling each other gently. well, you and law do. you’re pretty sure luffy is just going with the flow. he doesn’t seem to care and will lay in your lap or law’s, or pull either of you into tight, octopus-like hugs before bounding off to do other luffy things.
you’re pretty sure law has feelings for you, and you know you have them for him. rosi encourages you to tell him, but you refuse. law isn’t uncomfortable with you, you know that, but there’s still a wall up that you haven’t figured out how to bypass. it’s enough that law joins you in the crows nest on watch, or in the kitchen at night for a cup of tea when you can’t sleep. you adore luffy, but you find law’s calm presence relaxing.
it all comes to a head one night when the crew docks and decides to wander the town a little before dark. nami, robin, and chopper head off in the direction of the shopping district, sanji takes brook and goes off to look for groceries, and franky takes usopp to go look for a parts shop. zoro, being zoro, stays behind to “watch the ship”, leaving just you, luffy, and law. based on the snickers and the quick brush offs, you think the others did it on purpose.
luffy is raring to go, and you and law are just along for the ride. he finds a bar that is doing a meat special and drags the two of you inside. you nurse a drink while luffy stuffs his face, and it isn’t so bad until another pirate comes up, hitting on you. law looks murderous, luffy watching carefully, but both let you handle it. you politely brush him off, telling him you’re with the other two, but he gives them a once over and seems to think they aren’t much of a challenge, so he grabs your hand.
“oi, ___, you don’t wanna go with him, do you?” luffy asks, and you’re suspicious of the tone of his voice. law is behind him with a white knuckled grip on kikoku, and you worry he’s going to take out half the patrons in the bar. when you shake your head and pull your hand from the other man’s, you’re quickly pulled behind luffy and shoved into law’s arms.
you try to scramble back, apologizing, but law won’t let go. luffy is shielding you with his arms crossed. “he said no, now go away. you’re interrupting our date,” and there’s no way he doesn’t mean the three of you.
you almost choke, and the way law tenses says he wasn’t aware either, but neither of you say a word, just looking at each other with mild curiosity. the other pirate shuffles off, whether because he realized it wasn’t worth a fight or to bide his time, you weren’t sure, nor did you care. luffy turns back to you with a wide smile, and you can’t tell if it’s calculated or not because, knowing him he could really be oblivious to how a date worked.
when you get back to the ship, law pulls you off to the side while luffy wanders into the kitchen to pester sanji for a snack. he looks at you seriously and asks, “are you okay with that?” he hesitates before rephrasing, not even allowing you to answer the first question. “would you be okay with that? i’m not sure if luffy actually understands that he has to ask first, but it’s out there now. do you want to try with the three of us?”
you’re definitely at a loss for words for a few moments but then nod, laughing as you ask if you should bring it up with luffy. law shakes his head, wearing an amused smirk. “we’ll just let him figure it out for himself,” he says before pulling you close. “can i kiss you, ___-ya?”
you nod and his lips, chapped and rough, cover yours– just in time for luffy to burst out of the kitchen and onto the deck in front of you.
“no fair, tra, i wanted to kiss him first,” luffy says and quickly snatches you from law, who glares fiercely at him.
“maybe you should ask if he wants to, luffy,” law points out, but he’s relaxed, amused even, watching your head swivel back and forth between them. 
luffy turns back to you with a puppy dog look. “can i, ___? please.” you nod without really thinking about it, and then lips are slammed on yours. He isn’t very graceful, and you can feel his teeth clack against yours. you can hear law laughing in the background and, when luffy pulls back, you’re enveloped in another set of arms and law doesn’t even ask if he can kiss luffy, but it doesn’t even matter because luffy was already reaching out to him.
ace and cora had the decency to remain silent right up until then before bursting out into whoops, doing some stupid dance in celebration for the three of you finally figuring your shit out. they’re quickly silenced when you rat them out to the other two, who start scolding the air where they think they are. all in all it looks pretty ridiculous, and you start laughing, followed by the others until you’re all doubled over in tears.
luffy is the first to recover, and he slings his arms around the two of you, squeezing you both close. law looks a little uncomfortable, but relaxes when you reach out and take his hand. he isn’t quite used to such open and obnoxious affection, and would probably always prefer your quieter version, but he can’t deny that luffy’s happy optimism is infectious.
nothing changes on luffy’s part. he’s never been overly concerned about ‘personal space’ and you’ve gotten used to that. it’s even become endearing when you come back to the ship from a shopping trip and he flings himself into your arms or law’s, littering your face with kisses as he proclaims how much he missed you. law doesn’t take that quite so well, but he tolerates it long enough to make luffy happy.
the first thing luffy does that’s a big change is to buy a bed large enough for the three of you. it’s strange, going from sleeping in a hammock to an actual bed again, and even stranger is sleeping as a triad in a room full of other people. it’s tiring never having any real privacy, but you would rather deal with that than not having them at all.
generally, you and law and curled up together while luffy is splayed out across half the bed. that means luffy is never, ever in the middle. you tried it once, and you and law almost got kicked to the floor. law absolutely has kicked luffy off the bed when he gets too rowdy, and sometimes luffy just sleeps in a hammock and leaves the bed to the two of you.
overall, it’s a calm and open relationship with a lot of physical affection and quiet comfort. and to think, you would have missed it if you hadn’t listened to those two pain in the ass ghosts all those months ago.
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& Juliet Fanfic - “Don’t Give Up On Your Faith”
Words: 4,224
AO3 Link (first in the fandom?)
NOTE: still getting used to the characters.... so yeah.
Even after the play had been written, the piece was published, and the world fell in love with Romeo and Juliet’s story, Anne Hathaway found that she could still enter the Story.
At least, that’s what she was calling it; the realm that seemed to be some sort of suspended reality, something similar to, but definitely not completely tethered, to their usual world. The Real Life, as William coined it.
In Story, the tale of Juliet and Romeo continued, far beyond what the two writers originally intended. It was confusing even to William, who found that he, too, could reprise his usual roles, as time passed in Story.
“Might be good for a sequel of sorts,” William quipped one morning, sitting next to April as they watched Juliet, May and Nurse from afar.
“Eh, I think they deserve some peace, don’t they?” Anne asks, slipping her hand into his. “Everyone does. It’s been quite the last few months for them, a small break won’t kill anyone-” she makes a face at the bad phrasing, which makes William laugh. 
“Fine, fine, no Romeo & Juliet 2, I suppose,” he quips with a smile. “I rather like it here.”
“It is quite nice, isn’t it?” Anne asks with a grin, looking over at him. “A few rules, though: we don’t stay in here for more than a day maximum, and we definitely don’t bring the girls in here.” She looks down at their hands. “We don’t know the full extent of this place, so-”
The name is second nature to Anne now: April, the woman of Story, best friend to Juliet. When she’s in the Real World - or alone with William - she’s Anne; but here, with Juliet and company, she’s April. It’s all as compartmentalized as she could make it.
“Oh, ready to go?” April asks, jumping off the ledge to move to meet them. “What’s the plan today, everyone?”
April did always love the adventures and antics they got into in this world; she had a freedom here that, in the Real World, she wasn’t allowed. It was refreshing on multiple levels.
“Probably just going to hang out in the square,” Juliet says with a shrug. “Then I’m meeting up with Romeo for a nice dinner.”
“Oh?” April asks with a smile. “That sounds lovely… how’s that all going, anyways?”
William, who was following originally, is suddenly stopped by a few of Romeo’s friends. With a smile and a wave, he moves away, towards the other side of the square, still in eyeline of each other should they need it. Now that they weren’t fighting, they never wanted to leave each other’s sides - as much as possible, anyways.
“We’re alright,” Juliet continues. “We’re getting through some things. Not really sure what we are currently, but that’s okay for now, you know? We’re definitely friends. I just hope we can get closer.”
April smiles. “That’s a good way to go about it.”
“It’s a fresh start,” Juliet replies. “I like where it’s going.”
“And how about you, May?” April asks, smiling a bit coyly at them. “What about you?”
“Oh, uh… me and Frankie are doing well, thank you,” they reply, a soft smile on their face. “It’s been wonderful, really.”
Juliet laughs at that, pulling May closer. “You can’t stop talking about him, May! It’s adorable.”
May chuckles at that, shrugging a bit shyly. “It’s nice, you know? To have that connection with someone. It’s nice.”
April nods understandingly, smile growing wider as she looks over at… 
“Oh, uh,” Angelique replies, chuckling. “We’ll see how it goes. Lance has been quite the charmer since we decided to… er, you know.” She chuckles. “I’m meeting with him tonight, actually, while Juliet and Romeo go on their little date of sorts.
“Oh, it must be a date night,” May quips. “I’ll be with Frankie. We’ve got a faire to go see.”
April tilts her head. “Oh, where is it? I might take-”
April stops, though, and stares, straightening up a bit.
It’s a chill down her spine, a stoppage of breath, a terrifying reaction to something unseen. 
The group stops to look at her. “April? You alright?” Juliet asks, frowning.
April doesn’t react for a moment before, suddenly, she looks down, a bit confused.
She’s not sure what just happened, but she’s sure of what she needs to do.
“I… need to go,” she says, looking around; sure enough, William is rushing to her side. “Emergency.”
“Can we help-” Juliet starts, but Anne’s already rushing off, having taken William by the hand.
“I’ll be back in a bit!” Anne replies. “Don’t wait up!”
William follows quickly. “You felt it too, right?”
“Yeah,” Anne nods. “Something’s off.”
The duo end up in an alleyway, where they close there eyes, take a deep breath, focus…
… and William opens his eyes to find himself in the Real World. He’s thankful that little trick hasn’t failed them.
The first thing he does is check on the girls; they’re safe, still not back from their trip. With that anxiety lessened, he continues the search for whatever has gone wrong. 
Will looks around anxiously; something’s off, he knows it, but he can’t seem to find anything at the moment-
-which, with a terrifying realization, he knows is part of the problem.
“Anne?” he asks, rushing through the home. “Anne, where are you-”
He stops, however, when he enters the next room, eyes wide.
“Christopher Marlowe?”
Sure enough, the man was standing there, Anne being forced to stand in front of him, a knife to her back. 
“Hello, William,” Chrisopher says. “It’s nice to see you again.”
William shakes the shock away.
“Where are the girls?” Anne asks; it’s the biggest concern to her right now, not even her own safety. 
William expected nothing less; it’s what he would worry about as well.
“Safe, not here, still on that trip,” Will explains. When Anne visibly relaxes, William turns his attention back to the current situation. “I thought you died, right about the time you were outed as not the writer of all my plays.”
“Greatly exaggerated,” Christopher explains. “But don’t worry, I’ll soon reveal myself to the masses… as the new William Shakespeare.”
William blinks.
Anne blinks.
They both reply:
Christopher sighs.
“Both of you are rather cute with the whole do-the-same-thing-at-the-same-time thing,” Christopher grumbles, “but now’s really not the time for it.”
He pulls Anne closer.
“I’m done with being in your shadow, William,” Christopher says, taking out something. “And I think this finally my chance to take what’s mine: your works, your legacy… your lady here.”
“Since when are you even remotely interested in Anne?” William asks, giving him a confused look. William was getting more and more confused by the moment.
Christopher takes a moment before he shrugs and nods.
“Okay, fair play, I’m not really after her, but… the Story, that’s what you’ve been calling it, haven’t you?”
Anne tries to look back. “How do you know about that-”
“That’s a conversation for another time,” Christopher says. He starts to move and Anne’s scared he’ll move towards her husband.
“William, back away,” Anne says, voice as steady as it could be given the moment. She tenses when she feels something against her back - something that’s getting hotter by the second. “Get help. Don’t worry about me.”
“And leave you here with him? Not a chance,” William growls out, glaring daggers at his opponent.
Christopher smiles. “One more chance, Will. Give me the play, or I’ll take her from you.” 
“Christopher Marlowe, get the hell away from her-” William starts, but then Marlowe presses the thing further into Anne’s back, and the woman gasps, eyes wide.
There’s some sort of… darkness, of shadow, that floats through the air, coming from Anne’s back and into the woman’s heart. Marlowe backs up, away from Anne, but the woman is still floating in the air, darkness surrounding her.
“Anne!” Will tries to yell, but he’s suddenly knocked down by an unknown, invisible force.
When he sits back up, he looks with wide eyes.
Standing before him is his wife, but her eyes… they’re as black as night. They look straight through him.
Christopher looks pleased.
“Now then,” he says happily, gently carding a hand through Anne’s hair. “I think another rewrite is in order, wouldn’t you agree, love?”
He offers her a dagger… which she takes.
“Anne, please-” William starts, but then the ground shakes and a sigil appears on the ground. His eyes go wide.
“We’re not killing you, William, don’t worry,” he says. “Just everything you’ve held dear will be destroyed over the next 24 hours. Isn’t that right, Anne?”
Anne says nothing as she’s suddenly engulfed in the shadow… and they’re gone. They’re both gone.
William can only stare.
Back within the Story, Juliet was a bit panicked.
“I know April does this sometimes,” Juliet said with a frown, “but never for this long. Does anyone know where she’s gone off to?”
“Not that I know of,” Nurse replies. “She’s usually here by now-”
“There you two are.”
The duo turns to find April there. Juliet almost smiles in relief, but…
“Are you alright, April?” Juliet asks, moving over to the woman with urgency. 
April looks over and, for a moment, Juliet feels a coldness. It’s gone as soon as it came, though, and April gives her a smile.
“Of course, Juliet, why wouldn’t I be?” she asks, the normal tone and warm smile back in play.
Juliet shrugs. “You were gone for half a day without telling anyone where you were.”
April shrugs. “Sorry. Shall we get going?”
Juliet narrows her eyes as April walks past.
A few hours later, it’s clear to Juliet that something’s wrong.
It’s April, she’s sure of it, but it’s also… just… not. 
When the two of them were alone for a moment, Juliet takes the opportunity to talk to her privately.
“You’ve been acting strange all day, April,” Juliet says gently, taking the girl’s hand. “Are you sure there’s nothing the matter?”
April, for the record, isn’t really hearing Juliet right now; all she can focus on is the voice in her head, repeating the same thing over and over:
Kill her.
Kill her.
Kill her.
As it continues, April can’t help but remember a time, not so long ago, where she and Juliet fought back against demands like this. April had helped Juliet make her own choices, her own decisions… the same things that aren’t being allowed for April - for Anne - right now.
It helps give her strength and, for a moment, April can see the light in the darkness.
“Shut up!”
Juliet starts in surprise, stopping. “I’m sorry-?”
“No, not…” April sighs; she’s surprised that came out of her mouth. She winces, a hand to her head.
“Are you alright-” Juliet tries, a hand reaching out to try to help steady her friend, but April pulls away rather harshly.
“I’m fine, don’t touch me,” April growls out. “I need a moment.”
April moves past without much fanfare. 
Juliet frowns, watching her friend as she moves into a dark, shadowy back alley.
In said alley, April walks fairly unsteadily, eventually toppling towards the wall. With a deep, shaking breath, she steadies herself.
“This… th-this isn’t right,” April says quietly, to herself. “All of this, it’s not-!”
“But it is, April~”
She can hear him, she can feel him… but she can’t see him.
“What did you do to me?” Anne demands, anger rising the longer this continues. She looks up. “Show yourself, Marlowe!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he asks, though clearly not anywhere near Anne. She looks around wildly, angrily… but nothing. “No, no, you still have a job to do, Annie.”
A dagger suddenly appears in April’s hands.
“No,” Anne says. “I refuse. I absolutely refuse-”
“You can and you will,” Marlowe cuts in. “You won’t have a choice. This isn’t your narrative anymore, Hathaway. This is mine. It will all be mine.”
“I have a choice,” Anne growls out; to herself or to Marlowe, she’s not sure, but she clings onto the reminder like a lifeline. “I have a fucking choice-”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Marlowe starts, just as the darkness rises once again. Anne feels like she’s drowning in it, fading off into obscurity because of it, completely unable to overcome it.
“You will never have a choice again.”
Anne shakes, dagger laying in her hands… and then slowly but surely, she grabs it and holds onto it tightly.
The darkness is eternal, swirled around her, and she relaxes into it.
“I will,” she replies, her voice devoid of emotion. “I will.”
She’s resigned to it, suddenly; she knows there’s no other way. She knows what she must do - what she has no choice but to do.
The darkness has taken hold again.
“Good,” Marlowe replies. “Now, it must be done before midnight,” he says. “Which is in about… four hours.”
The darkness swirls around Anne more and she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Succumbing to it. 
“I will, before midnight,” she promises.
The darkness fades.
Anne puts the dagger on her belt, hiding it from view, before she moves back towards the others.
Juliet looks back as soon as April is seen.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Juliet tries again, but April gives her a smile.
“Never better, I assure you,” April replies with a grin. “Come on, Juliet, we have much to do before tonight.”
Juliet raises an eyebrow but follows. “What’s tonight?”
April just grins. 
“You’ll see.”
Back in the Real World, William has been trying over and over to get back into the Story… but for some reason, he just can’t. No matter how hard he focuses, how hard he writes… there’s nothing. He’s blocked, it seems, from his own creation.
“Come on, Anne,” he says, a frustrated sigh following. “You need to let me in-”
“She’s not coming, William.”
William glares at the man in front of him: Marlowe, once again, holding a book. He recognizes it immediately, but he doesn’t care.
“Give her back to me,” William demands. “Now.”
“So sorry, can’t do it,” Marlowe replies. “You can read along, though, if you’d like.”
When William gives him a questioning look, Marlowe throws the book at him. William catches it, opens it up… and his eyes go wide and he drops the book immediately.
“Witchcraft!” he exclaims. “That must be witchcraft.”
“It’s something far worse, I assure you,” Marlowe replies. “It won’t hurt you, though. And you can follow along with what’s happening in that realm of hers… and watch when she completely destroys it.”
William glares… but takes the book anyways. When he looks up, Marlowe is gone.
All he thinks he can do is just… read along, as the words appear on the page. 
He joins in just as the clock is about to strike 11:30 at night.
“What’s happening in half an hour again?” Juliet asks; at this point, she and April are alone, walking the streets of Paris, arms linked. “It’s dangerous to be out here alone like this, you know… we should have waited for Romeo, he said he was only going to be another minute or so.”
“I assure you, Juliet,” April replies, “he won’t be needed.”
Juliet stops then.
“Alright, come off it, then, what’s going on?”
April looks back, questioning. “What do you mean?”
“April wouldn’t just blow him off like that,” Juliet replies. “Something’s wrong here. Can’t you feel it?” Juliet shivers a bit. “It’s like a coldness… it’s you, but it’s the air around you, too. Something’s off, and I think it starts with you.”
April tilts her head in thought before she shrugs. The dagger appears in her hands.
Juliet instantly backs up a few steps.
“April?” Juliet tries, but then the girl strikes, trying to slash at the woman. “April!”
Back in the Real World, William squeezes his eyes shut, trying to focus; why can’t he get in?
Juliet backs up again, eyes wide. “What’s gotten into you? Snap out of this!”
April moves forward once more, once again being dodged. “April!”
“Will you just be a good girl for us and die already?” Anne growls out, going for the stab once again.
“Us?” Juliet asks, suddenly moving forward. Somehow, against all odds, she’s managed to grab the arm with the knife without injuring anyone. “Who’s us?”
They struggle. William tries harder, as hard as he can.
Come on, William, he thinks to himself, your wife’s in danger and you can’t even save her? Do something!
Juliet looks around for a moment before she pushes April away, the knife clamoring to the ground. April stumbles, a hand on the wall as she glares.
“Whatever this is… this isn’t you, April, I can tell that much,” Juliet tries.
April sneers. “Be a good little Capulet and stay still, alright?”
Juliet stands firm. “Absolutely not.”
“Then I’ll make you.”
“We’ll see about that.”
They struggle, once again, and April tries to grab the knife, but Juliet successfully kicks it back towards the opening of the alley.
They’re in a standoff once again.
“So, what, whatever this is… you’re just going to let it control you, April?”
“I’m doing what I must,” April replies. “You wouldn’t understand, you foolish girl.”
“You clearly didn’t do your history, because I do understand,” Juliet replies. “I’m the one that would understand more than anyone, April. You know that.”
April winces at the comment, and Juliet takes it as encouragement.
“I thought we learned from before that we all need to be able to make our choices, our own decisions.” Juliet moves towards April now. “Whatever is stealing that from you… you need to take it back. Please, April, we’re counting on you.”
Juliet notices it immediately, but something starts to happen: April is shaking, eyes wide for a moment in fear, lips trying to form sentences that aren’t coming out. April shakes her head, squeezes her eyes shut, tries to talk… but she just can’t.
April collects herself too quickly and suddenly pushes Juliet down. With her towering over Juliet, April smirks… but is stopped by Juliet herself.
April stops, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve got two minutes before you die, girl,” she says, a hand extended to telepathically take the dagger back. “Make these last words quick.”
Juliet watches the girl carefully - Romeo should know that something’s up, he should be headed this way soon. April clearly wants something to happen before the stroke of midnight, so… she needs to stall. Just for that long.
Okay, Juliet thinks. She can do this. “Remember when things with Romeo were a bit messy?” Juliet asks. “Remember when I wasn’t able to have a choice in my own life? Remember when you helped me take back my agency, my story?” 
April narrows her eyes, but Juliet continues.
“April, what happened to me then, it’s happening to you now. I don’t understand all of it, but I know you don’t want to do this. You’d never want to hurt me, or anyone. Something is making you. But April… you’re not the type of girl to take this and just go along with it. This isn’t you, this isn’t your story, you have a choice here and I know - I know - that you can beat it.”
April is starting to shake, eyes suddenly less sure and harsh and dark. Juliet takes it as encouragement.
“Whatever’s going on, I promise you, it’s something you can break,” Juliet tried. “It’s something you’re stronger than - something you’ve been stronger than.”
April’s dagger rises into the air, but April’s face clearly shows that she’s unsure of the situation.
“April. Please. Remember yourself, your mission, your entire story. You can beat this. I know you can.”
April looks conflicted - more than she’s ever been, as far as Juliet’s concerned - and when the dagger slowly starts to lower back to April’s side, Juliet has a hopeful look on her face.
April seems to look at her then - really look at her - and there’s a spark of recognition.
“That’s me, exactly,” Juliet replies with a nod. “There you go, April, come on, just a bit more. Keep rising above it, you’re almost there-”
But then, suddenly, the darkness surges.
The dagger disappears suddenly and April collapses to her knees, holding her head in her hands, scraming as the whirlwind of darkness continues to surround her and Juliet. Juliet grabs onto her, holding the girl tightly, but eventually the darkness is just too much, even for the Capulet.
The last thing Juliet hears is Romeo calling her name as she collapses to the ground, April having disappeared in the dark.
William feels something break in the back of his mind - a barrier of sorts - before his eyes open to the sight of his wife, on the floor, struggling for breath.
“Anne!” he yells, quickly moving over to her. “Hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re out, it’s alright-”
“For her, yes. For you… hm.”
Anne suddenly straightens up, eyes wide for a moment as tears start to form. She suddenly has the knife in her hands again. 
William glares at the man behind her. “I thought you said you weren’t going to kill me.”
“Change of plans,” Christopher replies with a shrug. “Go on then, Anne. You know what you have to do.”
Anne looks down at the dagger, then over at her husband, who is standing way too close for comfort, and Anne just…
…. Stops.
She’s conflicted - she still is - but she can’t do this. She remembers what Juliet said - remembers how right the girl was, how the choice is hers and hers alone, and she’ll be damned before she lets someone else take that choice.
She’s Anne fucking Hathaway, thank you, and she will not be denied her choice.
“You had…” Anne says, standing up. She stumbles, but William is there to help. “You had a better chance of me killing Juliet before I killed him.”
William smirks at that, pulling her in for a moment before she moves away, looking back at the guy that had cursed her in the first place.
The clock strikes midnight then, much to Christopher’s alarment. 
“How did you do it?” He demands as, suddenly the room gets impossibly darker. “The magick, it was ancient, no one’s defeated it before.”
Anne smirks, the dagger falling from her hands. 
The dagger turns into smoke and, with the rest of the darkness in the room, swirls around Christopher instead. Anne feels it leaving her as well - the darkness, the compulsion - and she falls to her knees as Christopher yells in pain.
When she looks back up, he’s gone.
She feels someone close pull her in, checking her over. She smiles softly at him.
“You need to rest,” he says quietly. “Whatever that was, it wasn’t good.”
Anne shakes her head, though, leaning into him for a moment before standing. “We need to go into Story. Juliet… we need to get to her.”
William knows better than to argue at the moment.
Sure enough, when they arrive in Story, Juliet is still down for the count.
Romeo quickly ushers them over. “Please! I don’t know what’s happened, I just found her like this and… and some shadows-”
“I know,” Anne replies, instantly at the girl’s side. She holds Juliet closely now, worried eyes scanning her over. “Go get Nurse, please.”
Romeo nods, rushing off. William kneels next to his wife and Juliet, staying close but staying quiet.
“Come on, Juliet, breathe,” Anne says, trying to wake the girl up. She frowns. “Can you see that, William?”
“See what?” he asks, looking down.
“The Darkness… it’s there.” Anne says. Then, with an understanding nod, she gently puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder and focuses.
Suddenly, without warning, Juliet gasps awake.
“I’m honestly surprised that worked,” Anne mumbles, suddenly out of energy.
Juliet scrambles to sit up, looking around.
“April?” she asks, a bit suspicious, but the soft, warm smile from the woman in question allows Juliet to relax. “Is that actually you this time?”
April nods. “It’s… a long story. I think. I don’t quite remember, but… you saved me, Juliet. Thank you-”
That’s all she can say, however, as Juliet quickly pulls the girl into a tight embrace.
“Don’t you EVER do that to me again,” Juliet mumbles against April’s shoulder.
April smiles. “I’m not planning on it, love. Promise.”
Juliet pulls back with a watery smile.
In the days that follow, Juliet is put on bedrest while April is sent away for rest as well. When she arrives back in Story, Juliet is happy to see her.
“Can you explain what happened, though?” Juliet asks. “That guy you’re always with, William… he’s something special, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he’s something, alright,” April quips with a smirk. 
“No, I mean… he’s special. Like you.”
April looks over at Juliet for a moment; she knew Juliet would figure it out eventually, but… eh, where’s the fun in just telling her?
“Not sure what you mean,” April replies with a grin. “I’m just your best friend, that’s all I need to be.”
Juliet narrows her eyes, but a soft smile rises on her face. “Alright then, April, keep your secrets.” She nudges the girl with a grin.
“It’s your choice, after all.”
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Crime — San Francisco’s First and Only Rock’n’Roll Band: Live 1978 (Superior Viaduct)
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Photo by Larry Larson
Depending on who you listen to, Crime was either the band that energized San Francisco’s punk scene in the mid-1970s, or they weren’t a punk band at all. The latter is decidedly a minority position, but it was fervently advocated by Johnny Strike, one of the band’s vocalists and guitarists. He rejected “punk” as a media concoction, part and parcel of the hyperventilating, titillating and putatively outraged coverage the Sex Pistols were getting from news outlets internationally around the same time that Strike and his bandmates were donning police uniforms, figuring out the chords to Bo Diddley songs and generally pissing people off. Even in a scene that early on included provocateurs like Grand Mal and the Mutants, Crime was angrier and a lot louder than anyone else. And in that way, the band embodied the spirit of punk with vitriolic force.
However one feels about the music’s precise relation to punk, Crime’s volatile mix of snarling bravado and sardonic wit had indisputable power. See the few minutes of publicly available footage of their notorious gig, in full-dress cop uniforms, at San Quentin in 1979. At whose expense is the joke? It’s undecidable (though the inmates certainly appear to enjoy the set). The band’s stage presence, as much as their aggressively thundering sound, was integral to their raging and enraging anti-aesthetic. For that reason, it’s an excellent thing that Superior Viaduct is releasing on DVD San Francisco’s First and Only Rock’n’Roll Band: Crime 1978, a 35 minute film by Larry Larson documenting a live set at Mabuhay Gardens from that year. The label is also releasing a 2 x 7” soundtrack record of the set, reviewed here.  
The recording features Crime’s best line-up, including Strike, Frankie Fix, Ron “the Ripper” Greco and Hank Rank. A few of the band’s more famous tunes (inasmuch as they have “famous tunes”) are included in the set: “Baby, You’re So Repulsive,” “Murder by Guitar,” “San Francisco’s Doomed.” It’s great to hear a bunch of Crime’s songs in their preferred live environment, especially at the Mabuhay. “I Knew This Nurse” rumbles and chugs along with considerable menace; someone blows a harmonica throughout the song, underscoring its bluesy nastiness. “Instrumental Instrumental” bashes and hurls its way along with abandon. “Piss on Your Dog” is as truculent as ever, and its quotations from “Sister Ray” (Fix and Strike playing chicken with sheer volume, the similar riff, Strike snarling “I couldn’t find the time time”) are even clearer here, in spite of the raw, somewhat muffled sound quality — or maybe because of it.  
The real find on the soundtrack is “Out Crowd,” a bristling rave-up that doesn’t seem previously to have appeared on a Crime record. The lyrics are pretty representative of the band’s ethos: “And we don’t got any money / And we don’t got any friends / And we don’t go along / With your so-called trends / …We’re in with the out crowd.” Along with the rest of the set, the song was captured in June of 1978, about half a year after the Pistols had flamed out at the Winterland, just across town. About a half a year after Crime’s Mabuhay gig, Virgin Records would issue The Great Rock’n’Roll Swindle, replete with Sid Vicious’s doped-up and dopey rendition of “My Way.” Sid’s performance may be the inverse of everything Crime tried to do. So who’s the punk? Who’s the vapid trendoid? As D.H. Lawrence once told us, “Never trust the teller, trust the tale.” Like poor, simple Sid, Johnny Strike and Frankie Fix are lost to time, and to us; they can no longer tell us anything. But listen to Crime. The songs say it all.  
Jonathan Shaw
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