katiefratie · 2 months
GDJHAJDJANDAJDN "This is gonna ruin the tour" it sure is Jeremy Pipes!!!!
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 2 months
S2E1 of The New Statesman really has it all in terms of what you want from an episode of TNS:
*Opens on Alan being truly despicable on national television (plus declaring himself a shark)
*He threatens Piers with a drill
*Alan is so racist in this episode, but I think generally they do a good job of making him look the fool for that
*He corrupts Georgina like the devil on her shoulder (and don't get me started on the way he delivers "I think they must be right. Whenever I hear it I get all horny." SIR-)
*Rik doing his Yorkshire accent
*"Larry! What a very good idea!"
*The way Bob Crippen lists every disadvantaged demographic under the sun is really funny to me
*Alan's poll tax speech is legendary - I have used it before to introduce people to him
*Also on Alan's poll tax speech - he looks so delightfully ghoulish and his hair is so slick in that scene for some reason oof
*Funny little gag with the still of Alan winking at the audience from the TV
*Is this the first appearance of Alan's London residence? Possibly? Can't recall at the moment if it appears in S1
*Mr Whippyyyyyy
*"The country will be forced to choose between the royal family and the Conservative Party. Can't you think what a trauma that will be for the millions who don't know the difference!"
*God the way Georgina pulls Alan up as she's explaining how she beat him at his own game (everyone read this fic by @frankenbolt)
*More sadomasochism with Alan and Piers!
*"But you're a millionaire already! You don't need the money!" "Yes, but, you see, Piers, I want it! Because I'm very, very greedy, Piers! That is why I became a Conservative!"
*Alan using his piss poor sexual prowess as a hook to pull the Chief Whip in always makes me wonder if he is actually aware he's a shit lay (and probably just doesn't care)
*"Boy, have you made a big mistake!" He's evil EVIL I tell you
All in all this is a really great episode. It's a good contender for THE episode to show someone if you wanna introduce them to TNS. A solid ep to start a solid series. Only thing it's really missing is Sarah.
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reaperlight · 7 months
Last line game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Thanks @krisseratops for the tag! Oops, instructions unclear, I just plopped in a recent piece of wip I was working on (and added to it without thinking 😅
[Context: A scene of dramatic irony of Eddie, while drinking, getting righteous about Anne working for Drake post-breakup and ranting to Cletus (who in this au was never caught, is Eddie's friend, and Eddie does not yet know is an ACTUAL killer...)]
Eddie: She lied to me. Honestly fuck her for protecting him. I might as well welcome a *murderer* into my life.
Cletus, [looking uncomfortable]: Maybe she thought she had a good reason to keep it from you? It was her job wasn't it? Eddie, she trusted you. Even if you felt you had good cause that's not the point. She most likely felt like you violated that trust.
Eddie: God, I miss her so much. I want her back--
Cletus: Do you really want her back? Or do you want the idea of her? It sounds like you couldn't accept her. Her profession. Why would that change if you got back together? Relationships are about compromise--
Eddie: Like you'd know-- [instant regret] Shit I'm so sorry. That was a low blow and completely out of line.
Cletus: Yes it was. [sighs] Look Eddie, I know because I've read every self help book out there. Because I know I'm fucked up. But I want to be ready and capable of being the man she needs and deserves when I find her again. It doesn't matter how fucked up you are, what you've done in the past. You can do better moving forward. I've gotta believe that. I do believe that. For me, and for you.
Eddie: Okay... yeah, okay.
Cletus: I know you thought you were doing the right thing. And honestly, you were. In a just world you would have been rewarded instead of getting fucked over for trying to help people. But the world ain't just and also you gotta see it from her perspective. From Anne's point of view whatever your reasons you still violated her trust and, as far as she's concerned, you got yourself and her fired for nothing. You really should apologize to her if you wanna have any kind of relationship with her in the future.
Eddie: So you think I was wrong to try and go against Drake?
Cletus: No. Hell no, you weren't wrong. In fact I'm proud of you. Few people would have the guts. But you just need to be more strategic about these things, you know? Gotta remember the consequences. What is my objective here, what might it cost me? Or the people close to me? Like hypothetically if I strangled everyone that annoyed me I would be in jail right now. You gotta at least make sure they can't trace it back to you.
Tagging, if you wanna do it...
@galadhir @ruindunburnit @pulchrasilva @pyreneese @symbiotic-slime @hell-if-i-know-dudette @rodeokid @harperhug @purple-slimy @frankenbolt
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nooby-banana · 6 months
Tag Game! Nine people you’d like to get to know better!
thanks so much for the tag @see-arcane 💖
last song: “Touch” by Daft Punk
favorite color: pink!! these days i’ve also been really vibing with pinky oranges/creams/yellows overall. love those warm tones!
currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, various crafting youtube channels, Persona 3 movies
sweet/savory/spicy: i tend to cycle through preferences. right now i lean sweet!
relationship status: happily married to the most wonderful, dreamy, funny, supportive wife!!
current obsession: Persona 3 Reload, Neopets, and Loki is always simmering on the back-burner in my brain
last thing you googled: “neopets dailies”
tagging: @frankenbolt @katseallday @toughtink @throwtheswitch @casualjster @eldritch-corgi @fireflysummers @muirin007 @upperstories
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frankenbolt · 11 months
Pre-Powers AU: What if Shriek and Carnage had met prior to either of them ever getting their powers, only to meet again once they did.
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Chapter 8: “Get screwed up on you”
“Apparently I can't shake the universe giving me ample chances to abuse myself again.”
The man on her bed said nothing, noting the dumped bag of clothes on the ground. Toeing it with the edge of one socked foot, he noticed the reddish brown stain coating the inside of the plastic.
“What did you do with the body?”
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post the top songs you’ve been listening to lately
tagged by @dukeofdelirium thank you bestie 💜
I’ve listened to nothing but Radiohead the past few weeks now what does that say about my current emotional state lol
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Tagging @obsessionwithcontrition @nonbinarynightmare77 @wholock-pottergleek @frankenbolt
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moving back onto designs we have a character from a film that’s become quite the cult classic in current times that being the Iron Giant from the film....The Iron Giant, well then let’s just start.
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design wise I do quite enjoy this big fella the grey silver sheen and somewhat clunky but still advanced looking build gives him a sort of retro vibe while still feeling futuristic with all his joints and bolts, despite being this giant battle robot, the positioning of his eyes and body language can make him come off as really cute and endearing, like the way he sits gives me the vibes of a planet busting killing machine with the mental level of a child and that type of body language is both hysterical and somewhat endearing. 
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the funnily enough some of the previous mentioned the idea of this massive hulking killing machine having toddler level intellect was an idea that Kystie had recommended to me for Frankenbolts so it’s funny that something I’m researching has a similar concept.
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maggins · 2 years
It is now two weeks into this Inuyasha hyperfixation. I was writing lesson plans this morning and I had drawn the dog boy and his daughter. :/ I HAVE THINGS TO DO--
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How do you think Compton is going to react when he finds out Oleander stole Dogens brain?
I was thinking abt this earlier and, ngl, I'm not sure... upset for one thing, with how much he and dogen struggle with accidentally hurting people I'm sure he'd be mad in some type of way abt oleander trying to abuse that for his cartoon villain scheme
im just not sure how to envision how the reaction plays out
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casualjster · 2 years
Opinions on Dolphins?
i have been reliably informed by my zoologist partner that they are people. however that does not mean they are not assholes. but also they make your speed go brrrr when ur swimming in minecraft so that's cool i guess.
i wanted to be a marine biologist when i was a kid bc i thought dolphins and whales were cool. then i learned how much you have to study to be a scientist and i was like. no thanks. however i did pull out one of my baby teeth on purpose in order to procure a copy of seaworld tycoon. so there's that
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nmzuka · 3 years
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Noelle posted a lovely picture of all the main/supporting characters celebrating for the shows 1 yr final anniversary and "conveniently" forgot Hordak...
Wrong Hordak is there... Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle are there... and Entrapta is there...alone...
Like what a "fuck you" to fans of his character
And I think it upsets me even more cause it only adds fuel to the fire of the fans shitting on people who were fans of Hordak/Entrapdak because Noelle clearly doesn't care for it
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I saw in a comment section that James Acaster seems like Rick and Vyvyan's lovechild and I didnt know who that was at first. So i looked him up and I thought yeah this guy kinda looks a bit like both Rick and Vyvyan but then I realized he's in all the Great British Bake Off memes and I was THIS IS RICK AND VYV'S SON! Like the utter chaos and i dont give a shit attitude in the kitchen is all Vyv but the lisp and the brattiness is all Rick. Made the Bake Off Episode with him in it a hundred times better he's exactly what a Rivyan child would be like 😄
@frankenbolt has a headcanon like this, which is why in some of her fics Rivyan have adopted a little boy called James. 😂
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reaperlight · 10 months
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Starting a picrew chain tagging
@purplink8 @mushroomsandteeth @main-exam @ruindunburnit @kiranatrix @moonbear-from-space @frankenbolt @cletuscortlandkasady @harperhug @hawkkfire123 @judas-had-a-crown @ghostoftasslehoff @purple-slimy @darthlenaplant @whatinfaradisthinking
If you want to do it, and also anyone who sees this and wants to do it! 😎👍
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wonderweird · 4 years
I sure hope Danny Elfman is ok- he doesn't sound ok.
YOU ARE RIGHT HE DOES NOT SOUND OK But maybe he’s using this music as an outlet? Cause like yeah if it isn’t the exact kind of music I would imagine after getting through 2020. But at the same time just because you write dark things doesn’t mean you’re going through a personal crisis. Bottom line is yeah I DO hope he’s actually ok.
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gumm13 · 4 years
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DC stickers by @frankenbolt
Now where to stick them 🤔
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