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iweargray · 10 months ago
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nor-4 · 1 year ago
Scott Street
Part Four
Mike Schmidt ft Childhood lover Reader.
"Come on mike, you're being slow!" Abby said as she was dragging mike infront of the flower store.
Abby opened the glass door as it creates a sound because of the bell at the door, "Hi auntie! Where is miss (y/n)?" Abby asked as she is looking around for your figure.
"Mike?" Your mother stared wide eyed as he looked at her on surprise, "Ma'am.." that's all mike had said he's speechless, he will finally meet you.
Your mother rushed to hug him as he was about to tear up like he did when he was a kid, "Mike oh my god.. You have grown so much." Your mother said as she faced mike who is about to cry out of excitement.
"I'm sure both of you are excited to see (y/n). But she couldn't work right now.." Your mother said as she looked at abby who looks sad since she was missing you, she even bring her drawing of you holding a pink flower.
Since it was still early your mother made abby and mike stay for a while, as she explained abby on how she knows mike and everything about both of you and mike. She cringed a little on how cry baby mike used to be but she find it cute.
Mike told your mother that he wants to surprise you so she gave him the address of your house as he bought your favorite flower and your favorite food. But he made sure to buy medicine for you of course. He couldn't contain his excitement your mom knew that, seeing him almost tear up about hearing your name.
"Hey i couldn't go home for lunch so i delivered a food for you, the driver will be there probably a minute." Your mother said as she called you so you will be alert once someone rings the doorbell, she texted mike after the phone call telling him that she had called you.
As expected around 5 minutes mike had finally rang the doorbell as you rushed downstairs to answer the door, hearing your footstep approach the door makes his breath hitch.
"How much is- Mike?" It made you tear up seeing him for the first time again, as he was just about to spread his arms you had already crashed him into a big hug as you cry about how much you missed him.
When both of you had finally relaxed both of you chuckled seeing on how both of you are excited with each other, you invited him inside and into the kitchen as you rushed to get him a water since you saw him sweating bullets.
"(Y/n) you still look beautiful as ever. I'm sorry, I'm sorry i wasted so much time i didn't fin-" You shush mike with a hug as you already know how much he loves you and you understand his struggles. "I needed this rest." Mike said as he closed his eyes out of comfort.
It was already expected that both of you will talk about everything that had happened in your lives.
"We still stayed the same right, we are still together like we promised?" You asked to mike as he agreed without hesitating as he showed you his pinky finger which where the ring you gave him that day he wears it.
You watched the movie you guys used to watch when you were kids, it feels so nostalgic for you. Even you love that moment you didn't want to comeback from that time, you already love this present. Finally getting to enjoy your time with him. You are no kids anymore so there's no adults that would say that it is only a puppy love.
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ygmitsu · 9 months ago
sawa ka na ba sa mga hassle sa buhay mo?
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myxbacktrax · 1 year ago
Kaleidoscope World - Francis M (1995)
Exclusive lyrics edit by singwiththelyrics x myxbacktrax x pinoymyx
"Kaleidoscope World" is a 1995 song performed by the Filipino rapper Francis Magalona. It was first included in his 1995 studio album FreeMan. The song is also included in a later album, Best of FrancisM.
The song went on to win the 1996 Awit Award for Best Produced Record of the Year, and the 1996 NU 107 Rock Award for Song of the Year. Its music video was directed by the celebrated director/cinematographer Raymond Red, and showed Magalona, his band Hardware Syndrome, his backup singers the Evil Stepsisters, and the respective children of Magalona and Red at that time.
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gyward · 2 months ago
FrancisM - Girl Be Mine
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blinkaholik1 · 9 months ago
Reliquary Continued
Pair of Torcheres 1685/90 French Carved, gessoed, and gilded oak Wirt D. Walker Endowment, 1977.222 and 1977.223 Cavaliere Pietro Tempesta (Pieter Mulier) Dutch, about 1637-1701 Tobias and the Angel After 1684 Oil on canvas Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Silvio del Chica, 1974.12 Door Lock and Key 1675/1700 France Steel George F. Harding Collection, 1990.194.4a-b Table Clock, c. 1675 France Case attributed to Anddre-Charles Boulle (French, 1642-1732) Clock Made by Nicolas Gribelin (French, 1637-1719) Walnut, ebony, gilt brass, enamel, red-stained Tortoiseshell, pewter, brass, glass, steel, and various metals Through prior gif of Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Armour, 1001.117 The Arthur T. Galt Gallery (206) European Art Moretto da Brescia (Alessandro Bonvicino) Italian, about 1492/95-1554 Mary Magdalene 1540/50 Oil on canvas Working in the Lombard City of Brescia, from which he takes his name, Moretto combined the realism of his native region with Venetian color and atmosphere and the monumentality of Roman Models. This depiction of Saint Mary Magdalene turning to cast a melancholy glance back at the viewer possesses the gravity and directness that are typical of the artist’s approach to religious subjects. It has been linked to other tall, slender canvases: Saint John the Evangelists, The Samian Sibyl, and King Solomon in the Ambriosiana, Milan. These works may have been segments of an altarpiece or, more likely, part of a series whose function was more decorative than lithurgical. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodman, 1935-161
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulus) Spanish, 1541-1614 Christ Taking Leave of His Mother About 1585 Oil on canvas El Greco depicted the monument when Christ said farewell to his mother in anticipation Of his betrayal and death on the Cross.The painter, born on the island of Crete and active in Spain from 1577, here Created a devotional subject that is both grand and full of personal emotion. The gestures of the paired hands convey the dialogue of the mother and son, while their expansive heads invited the viewer to meditate on their story. This picture came from the Hieronymite convent of Saint Paul in Toledo, the city that was traditionally the center of the church in Spain and was El Greco’s adopted home. Anonymous loan, 4.9.1989 El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) Spanish, 1541-1614 Saint-Francis Kneeling in Meditation 1595/1600 Oil on canvas Born on the island of Crete (present-day Greece) and active there as an icon painter, El Greco moved to Spain by 1577, following 10 years of study and work in Venice and Rome, during which he absorbed the current Mannerist style. He settled in Toledo, an important center of church and intellectual life. His appeared to the intense pity of Spanish Catholicism, since Multiple versions are known. They show the founder of the Francism order contemplating a crucifix and emphasize the Saint’s humble spirituality and him imitation of Christ. He relatively small scale and high quality of this painting, felt in the sensitivity brushstrokes of the Saint’s face and a ricordo, a repetition kept by the artist in his studio to serve as a basis for further versions. Robert A. Waller Memorial Fund, 1935.372
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polskaargentyna2024 · 10 months ago
Jakie są najnowsze kursy zakładów na walki Fortuny UFC?
🎰🎲✨ Darmowe 2,250 złotych i 200 darmowych spinów kliknij! ✨🎲🎰
Jakie są najnowsze kursy zakładów na walki Fortuny UFC?
Najnowsze kursy zakładów na walki UFC to gorący temat w świecie sportowych zakładów bukmacherskich. Z każdym nowym wydarzeniem organizowanym przez Ultimate Fighting Championship, fani i gracze z całego świata śledzą uważnie zmieniające się kursy na poszczególne starcia.
Kursy zakładów UFC są ustalane w oparciu o wiele czynników, takich jak forma zawodników, styl walki, kontuzje czy ogólna kondycja sportowców. Dzięki temu gracze mogą obstawiać wyniki poszczególnych walk, określać sposób zakończenia pojedynku czy typować liczbę rund.
Zakłady na UFC cieszą się coraz większą popularnością, co sprawia, że coraz więcej bukmacherów oferuje bogatą gamę opcji zakładów na te emocjonujące pojedynki. Można obstawiać zarówno przed walką, jak i na żywo w trakcie trwania wydarzenia.
Najnowsze kursy zakładów na walki UFC są dostępne na wielu platformach internetowych, co umo��liwia graczom szybkie porównanie ofert i wybranie najlepszej opcji dla siebie. Ważne jest jednak odpowiedzialne podejście do zakładów oraz świadomość, że sportowe zakłady mogą być uzależniające.
Podsumowując, kursy zakładów UFC to dynamiczny świat pełen emocji i możliwości. Dla fanów sportu i hazardu stanowią doskonałą okazję do podkręcenia adrenaliny i wyrażenia wsparcia dla ulubionych zawodników. Ostatnie trendy w zakładach na UFC zapewniają bogate doznania dla wszystkich entuzjastów sportowych emocji.
Fortuna zakłady UFC to popularna forma zakładów bukmacherskich skupiających się na wydarzeniach związanych z Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Dla fanów mieszanych sztuk walki (MMA) jest to doskonała okazja do dodania dodatkowej dawki emocji podczas oglądania ulubionych walk.
W Fortunie zakłady UFC oferują szeroki wachlarz możliwości obstawiania, począwszy od klasycznych zakładów na zwycięzcę pojedynku, po bardziej zaawansowane typy, takie jak metoda zwycięstwa czy czas trwania walki. Dzięki temu każdy fan sportów walki może znaleźć coś dla siebie i sprawić, że każde starcie stanie się jeszcze bardziej pasjonujące.
Podobnie jak w przypadku innych zakładów sportowych, Fortuna zapewnia uczestnikom zakładów UFC atrakcyjne kursy oraz promocje zachęcające do obstawiania. Dzięki platformie online, użytkownicy mogą śledzić najnowsze wydarzenia UFC i zawierać zakłady na dowolnym urządzeniu, co sprawia, że cały proces staje się prosty i wygodny.
Przed zawarciem zakładu UFC w Fortunie warto zaznajomić się z zasadami i poradami dotyczącymi obstawiania w tej dyscyplinie. Dzięki temu można podjąć bardziej świadomą decyzję i zwiększyć szanse na trafienie wygranego kuponu.
Wnioski: Fortuna zakłady UFC to doskonała oferta dla fanów sportów walki, którzy chcą podkręcić emocje towarzyszące oglądaniu UFC. Dzięki różnorodności oferowanych zakładów i atrakcyjnym kursom, uczestnicy mogą cieszyć się dodatkową rozrywką i ekscytacją podczas każdej walki.
Aktualne kursy walk UFC są tematem dużego zainteresowania wśród fanów mieszanych sztuk walki. Każde wydarzenie organizowane przez Ultimate Fighting Championship przyciąga uwagę zarówno doświadczonych kibiców, jak i osób, które dopiero zaczynają interesować się tym sportem. Warto zwrócić uwagę na kilka najbardziej oczekiwanych pojedynków, które zostały zaplanowane na najbliższe miesiące.
Jednym z najbardziej emocjonujących starć, na które warto zwrócić uwagę, jest walka o tytuł wagi piórkowej między mistrzem Alexanderem Volkanovskim a Brianem Ortegą. Obaj zawodnicy to świetni technicznie zawodnicy, co sprawia, że pojedynek ten może być niezwykle wyrównany i pełen widowiskowych akcji.
Kolejnym starciem, które budzi duże emocje, jest walka wagi ciężkiej między Francism Ngannou a Cirylem Gane. Obaj zawodnicy są uznawani za jednych z najlepszych w swojej kategorii wagowej i starcie między nimi może przynieść wiele nieprzewidywalnych momentów i zwrotów akcji.
Wreszcie, nie można zapomnieć o planowanej walce kobiet wagi słomkowej między Rose Namajunas a Zhang Weili. Obie zawodniczki to prawdziwe mistrzynie swojego fachu, co sprawia, że będzie to pojedynek na najwyższym poziomie, pełen technicznych wirtuozerii i determinacji.
Aktualne kursy walk UFC są dynamicznie zmieniające się i można spodziewać się, że będą reagować na wszelkie zmiany personalne i wyniki pojedynków. Dla fanów mieszanych sztuk walki jest to niezwykle ekscytujący czas, pełen emocji i niespodzianek.
W świecie sportów walki organizowanych przez Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) kursy bukmacherskie cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem wśród fanów zakładów sportowych. Specjaliści ds. obstawiania oferują szeroki wybór kursów na poszczególne walki UFC, co daje możliwość graczom wyboru najlepszej oferty. Istnieje wiele czynników, które wpływają na kursy bukmacherskie na walki UFC, takie jak rekordy i umiejętności zawodników, ich aktualna forma oraz popularność wśród widowni.
Kursy bukmacherskie na walki UFC są obliczane przez profesjonalistów, którzy biorą pod uwagę wiele czynników, aby określić prawdopodobne wyniki pojedynków. Dzięki temu fani zakładów mogą obstawiać na zwycięzcę pojedynku, rundę, w której zakończy się walka, czy nawet sposób zwycięstwa - na przykład przez nokaut czy poddanie.
Przed obstawianiem na walki UFC warto dokładnie przeanalizować dostępne kursy i informacje na temat zawodników, aby podjąć najlepszą decyzję. Profesjonalne kursy zakładów zapewniają uczciwe i zrównoważone warunki dla graczy, co sprawia, że obstawianie walk UFC staje się jeszcze bardziej ekscytujące.
Warto pamiętać, że zakłady na walki UFC są formą rozrywki i hazardu, dlatego należy mieć umiar w obstawianiu oraz korzystać z usług renomowanych firm bukmacherskich. Dla wielu fanów sportów walki obstawianie na UFC to dodatkowa dawka emocji i adrenaliny podczas śledzenia turniejów i pojedynków.
Fortuna to jedna z wiodących firm bukmacherskich oferujących zakłady sportowe na różnorodne wydarzenia, w tym na walki organizowane przez Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Firma ta ma bogatą ofertę zakładów związanych z tym popularnym sportem walki, co przyciąga fanów UFC z całego świata.
Zakłady przedmeczowe: Fortuna oferuje szeroki wybór zakładów przedmeczowych na walki UFC, takie jak zakłady na zwycięzcę pojedynku, liczbę rund, czy sposób zakończenia walki (np. nokaut, poddanie).
Zakłady na rundy: Gracze mogą obstawiać także przebieg poszczególnych rund w pojedynku UFC. Można postawić na ilość ciosów, kopnięć, czy nawet czas trwania rundy.
Zakłady na zawodników: Fortuna umożliwia obstawianie różnych parametrów związanych z konkretnymi zawodnikami UFC, takich jak liczba znokautowanych przeciwników, liczba zdobytych pasów mistrzowskich czy nawet czas najkrótszej walki w karierze.
Zakłady na bonusy: Firma bukmacherska oferuje także zakłady na bonusy przyznawane za najlepsze akcje w trakcie gali UFC, takie jak bonusy za nokauty, poddania czy najlepszą walkę wieczoru.
Zakłady na turnieje: Fortuna organizuje również zakłady na turnieje UFC, gdzie gracze mogą obstawiać zwycięzców poszczególnych rund oraz całego turnieju.
Dzięki różnorodności i atrakcyjnym kursom, oferta Fortuny na walki UFC cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem wśród fanów sportów walki. Jest to doskonała opcja dla wszystkich, którzy chcą wzbogacić swoje emocje związane z oglądaniem UFC poprzez obstawianie i rywalizację.
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baybayin · 4 years ago
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I created this Francis M piece a couple of months ago during one of my live streams. He was the first entertainer I was exposed to that talked about prePhilippine culture. He was also one of the first people I saw that had a Baybayin tattoo ᜃ. Sadly he past away in 2009 at the young age of 44. @francismclothingco @piamagalona #francism #baybayin #phart #philippineart #procreate #kabuay (at SOMA Pilipinas Filipino Cultural Heritage District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-crXPjZyk/?igshid=1cse3whrsmeby
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youngmoneyboywolf · 3 years ago
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Me, @luivillaruz & @carlosagassi with Master Rapper #FrancisM 13th Anniversy 1️⃣3️⃣ #rap #hiphop #music #opm #rapper #throwback #tbt #philippines #pinoy #levis #magazine #young #life #kaleidoscopeworld ☮️ 🎵 🌎 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cay_yQ9vUE2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vapor-capitalist · 3 years ago
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pumpmyk2018-blog · 6 years ago
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Thank you for wearing our art work! ❤ #ZneekerhedzVersionTwoPointO #FrancisM #TheManFromManila #Pilipinas #DrJ #JoseRizal #Bayani #Legit #Nike #AirForce1 Let's PUMP those KICKS!!! 👌👌👌 PUMPMYKICKS 😎✊👟 Customized Handcrafted Shoes & Bags Contact Us: +63 916 771 0922 / +632 352 3402 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/pumpmyk2018/ Instagram: pumpmyk2018 Twitter: @pumpmyk2018 Tmblr: pumpmyk2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfVZHqgCzj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14zxapoz9x49t
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lazysneaker · 8 years ago
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225/365 Some are friends and are foes. Every colour, every hue Is represented by me and you. #kaleidoscopeworld #suckinonhelium #francism #life #soundtrack #poetry #lyricallyill #colours #hue #somehavemost
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i live for die.and die for pinas
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anyonghalimaw · 3 years ago
THE best non english media are the ones that require footnotes in the english translation to explain the context
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thirdworldearthling · 2 years ago
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December 22, 2022. SMDC Festival Grounds. ERASERHEADS. Huling El Bimbo.
Bombarded by birthday greetings from family, friends, colleagues and insurance company 😂.
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to...me? Haha!
Eraserheads will be playing their final (final?!?) reunion concert in PH. I was the happiest person in the entire universe when I learned that they're going to play on my birthday. No more questions asked, no buts and ifs, I will be there come hell or high water, even dead and cold hahaha!
Dizizit! Bzzzt bzzzt! I'm going to experience once more (or for the last time?) that euphoric feeling, nostalgic ecstacy - ultraelectromagnetichigh.
The Diegos started stepping on the gas at around 8:00 P.M. to fill our dehydrated souls with music that we, the heads generation, love to death.
The 90s kid in me started giggling and mumbling, with the occasional head bounce (cannot do the head bang now, vertigo will kill me 😵‍💫) and stomping, eyes closed, to entirely feel the moment. OPM Megahits from FrancisM, Yano, Wolfgang, Razorback, P.O.T., Pu3ska and even Gary V were included in their catalogue, combined with the famed 90s anthem from Nirvana, RATM, RHCP, Cypress Hill, Beck, Salt-N-Pepa, Naughty by Nature, Arrested Development, Mastaplann, Breeders, The Cardigans, Blur, Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, Fatboy Slim and merry more. They capped off their set with Teeth's Laklak, which heightened our sentimental senses and rebellious teen spirit.
8:30 P.M. The whole festival grounds went black and silent (just for a few seconds). Then the jumbo LED screens flashed a montage of Eheads' journey counting down to this epic finale.
5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Wooooooooooooohhhhh!!!
Lights off. All of us are guessing the first song. My previous assumptions were Fruitcake (why not? it's christmas time!), Superproxy (coz of the main producer's bragging of the hologram tech that made the ticket prices soar high way up in the sky 🤣) & Pop Machine (this is my current favorite). And then baaaaam! We all went insane and in flames!
We were all screaming our hearts out. Although the audio and visuals were disappointing (we barely hear the solid sound of guitars/bass, the screen display at the Moshpit/VIP section was out of sync with the music), our energies were intensified more than ever. Sing. Scream. Jump. Bounce. Stomp. Repeat. Then Elmo, Arkin and Eon went down the main stage to perform with their respective dads, and the much-awaited hologram of the great Francis Magalona unfolded right before our fiery eyes. I must admit that I am not impressed with the 3-D moving figure (with that ticket price they could've done better), but the illusion of him performing was undeniably a feast.
Oh my God. They're going to shove the whole Cutterpillow album to our face! The album art at the back of their most successful album were flashed one by one in the screen. BTW, I love their all black outfit for the 1st set.
Upon hearing Raymund's familiar drum patterns, we screamed in unison again. Saan ka nagtungo, tumila na ang ambon, sana man lang naghintay kahit na konting sandali, weee weee weee!!! (takatakatakatak) Sorry for all the people near me recording that important moment of your lives, you'll definitely hear my voice singing along, that was unforgivably cringeworthy. 🤣You can still hear my voice and it gets more annoying as the night progresses.
When they played Overdrive, we were loaded with nitro boost during the whole song and we stand by near the end, not sure if we wanted to hear the monologue of Marcus (Pare 'di na magstart yan, buti pa kain na lang tayo) or let them proceed onto the next song.
Slo mo. They let Ely rest for a bit. Raymund on vocals! Also one of my favorites, I love every bit of this masterpiece (written by the 4 geniuses). My twitter username was inspired by this song.
Another trip down the memory lane - Huwag mo nang itanong - I was in 5th or 6th grade when this song was released. It made me laugh when I first heard the line, "ewan ko, hindi ko alam, pwede bang huwag na lang nating pag-usapaaaaan. Huwag mo nang itanong sa akin, 'di ko rin naman sasabihin", I thought, oh dear, that was sooooo me haha! I don't talk much when I was younger (until now?), that was a waste of time for me, I value my solitude more than the nonsense chitchats.
Next! First time to hear Paru-Parong Ningning live. Though Raymund & Ely were upbeat, I was unable to move because I'm having cramps hahaha (signs of aging). Standing still while enduring the agonizing pain, I didn't want to be pulled out of the concert grounds. I just need water and I'll be fine 😂
I'm still singing and dancing with the crowd (even with recurring cramps haha) and then Raymund strikes again! Yoko - A very fitting song for the current madness we have these days. "Tigilan na 'tong raket, raket ng gobyerno, 'di ko na kelangan ng pang-aabuso niyo" / "milyon-milyong pilipinong estudyante, tumiwalag, palayain ang sarili!"
Ely showcased his acoustic guitar prowess, singing along with the crowd, as Fill her ended the first set.
The 30-minute break started with Cutterpillow playing in the background of the countdown timer. I used to have a cat, who wouldn't ever wanna get fat! I kept singing while in a rush to buy water. Aaaaaaahhh my throat was dry and painful. But I don't care, I'm going to sing my heart and lungs out all night. Haha!
Opening song for the second set - Pop Machine! At last, wish granted! As I've said earlier, this song is my current fave. The beat, the rhythm and the lyrics were perfect. Kailan ba ako magkakapera? Yeah!
I was surprised to hear them play Sabado. They released this song back in 2014, along with 1995 (the song, not the year). The limited edition CD was included in the Esquire Magazine September 2014 issue. Buti na lang, I got my own copy hehe.
Of course they also played their very first single (Ligaya) that captured the entire nation. Who would've thought that a tshirt, isaw, tansan and thesis (I don't even know thesis at that time, I was only in 3rd grade playing jackstone & patintero when I heard it on the radio) will make them legendary rock icons.
Buddy introduced Maestro Mel Villena who helped them arrange Lightyears - my ultimate favorite song from Eraserheads. No words needed. Just listen. The orchestra almost made me cry.
Aside from the orchestra and the back-up singers from AHEB cast, they were assisted by their auxiliary band members: Audry Dionisio, Mikey Amistoso and Jazz Nicolas.
Surprised again upon hearing the back-up singers sang the lines: In a hostile takeover bid... Whoa! Saturn Return! One of the songs in my wishlist. I wanna see a showdown from Ely and Raymund. But it got a lot better! Backed by the orchestra, the rap parts of Rayms were performed superbly by Arkin Magalona and Eon Buendia. I think after the 2nd set, I saw Diane Ventura (Eon's mom) and told her that Eon was impressive, then she shouted loud and proud, "Galing ni Eon!". The kids are alright.
Got another one in my wishlist - Tama Ka. At long last, been wanting to hear this live. Buddy didn't disappoint. "Minsan nagtatanong kung saan, kailan, paano nasimulan, ang katapusang mahirap takasan, pero 'wag na, ibato mo na lang sa ulan."
After With a smile, the band continued to play Insomya, perfect timing to pump up the crowd. We were on fire again! SWWWWW
Amazed and delighted when I heard the intro of Christmas Party. Another fave from the Fruitcake album. Did not expect this song, I was more convinced that Fruitcake will make the cut. Gary V sang the parts originally sang by the late Francis M.
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The Sticker Happy piano was used as a backdrop during Spoliarium and made it more melancholic and gloomy. Remember The Final Set concert 13 years ago? That very same piano was set on fire. We can also feel the show's about to end soon.
They ended the second set with Magasin. Short break.
Encore. During Pare Ko, Raymund walks around the stage recording the event while drinking haha! "Lalo lang madadagdagan ang sakit ng ulo at bilbil sa tiyan" 🤣
Alapaap's intro was playing and the crowd sing along. But that was a mistake, that's why Ely's opening spiel doesn't add up haha! Minsan was the correct song, followed by Alapaap and the final song, Ang Huling El Bimbo. One of the greatest songs ever written, it was really doing well on its own, but when backed up by the orchestra, it went more magical and breathtaking. They ended the night with the magnificent fireworks display and loads of confetti shower.
Huling El Bimbo setlist:
1. Superproxy 2. Back2me 3. Waiting for the bus 4. Fine time 5. Kamasupra 6. Overdrive 7. Slo Mo 8. Torpedo 9. Huwag mo nang itanong
10. Paru-Parong Ningning 11. Walang Nagbago
12. Poorman's grave 13. Yoko 14. Fill her
15. Pop Machine 16. Sembreak 17. Sabado
18. Ligaya 19. Lightyears 20. Saturn Return
21. Maling Akala 22. Tama Ka 23. With a smile
24. Insomya 25. Christmas Party 26. Spoliarium
27. Magasin
28. Pare Ko 29. Minsan 30. Alapaap
31. Ang Huling El Bimbo
Only three songs on my wishlist weren't included in their awesome setlist: Fruitcake, Maselang Bahaghari & Balikbayan Box. But still, one for the books! Thank you for the best birthday ever!!!
From the 8 year old kid in 1993 who listened to your songs & stick (still kick!) until the end. Amen? AMEN!!!
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angelafaithpiano614 · 2 years ago
1O / 13 / 22
KIKO ( Francis Magalona ) 1964 - 2009
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