#francesca y diego
musicmyxiii · 2 years
Diecesca one shot: Tomás returns
Diego was entering the studio. He was working on a new song and he just came up with some great lyrics that would work well with the melody he wrote yesterday. Not paying very much attention to his surroundings, he entered the music room. He was going to grab the black guitar, when he realized that he wasn’t alone. There was a boy similar his age with dark hair playing guitar. He was playing “Verte de lejos”. Diego didn’t recognize the boy, however he was vaguely familiar. The boy stopped playing when he noticed Diego.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb” Diego apologized, trying to remember where he knew the boy’s face from. He was pretty sure he wasn’t a student at the studio. But why else was he here and would he be in this room without being enrolled in the studio?
“No problem. I was just finishing. I know since I’m not a student here anymore that I shouldn’t play on the instruments, but I just couldn’t help myself. This place just brings back so many memories.” The mysterious boy said while standing up, putting away the guitar and straightening his white t-shirt.
Diego was still confused to who this stranger was, although he did mention being a student here once. He didn’t seem old enough to be graduated for a long time, without Diego knowing him by name.
“I don’t think we’ve met, did we? I’m Diego.”
“Nice to meet you, Diego. I’m Tomás.”
Suddenly the pieces started to fit together. Of course, that’s why Diego had had the feeling that he saw this person before. Although he never met the infamous Tomás while he was in the studio. Diego had seen him during the UMix contest. Once Diego had entered the studio, his friends had told him all about the Spanish boy. How he had had three girls falling for him and how he had hurt all three of them. And there were people saying how Violetta and Tomás were meant to be. He wondered if the boy was here to get her back. Diego didn’t really care about it – although he did think that Leon and Violetta were a great couple.
What Diego was worried about more, was Tomás deal with Francesca. He'd known she was completely smitten with him and that they were pretty close friends. He didn’t want to admit it but he had a strange feeling in his stomach thinking about how close Tomás and Francesca used to be.
The boys shook hands.
“So are you back here or just visiting?” Diego asked nonchalantly. The knot in his stomach still very present.
“I’m just visiting. I live in Spain now. But judging from your accent your from Spain as well, right?” Tomás asked politely. Diego was a bit suspicious. This boy did break the heart of the person that is most precious to him and he wouldn’t let that go so easily.
“I am”
“I’ve got a feeling that I’ve seen you before, weren’t you dancing with Francesca last year in the UMix contest?” Tomás asked. Even though he had said goodbye to the studio and all the drama, he still couldn’t help himself from watching UMix and his friends.
Diego was a bit taken aback that Tomás had watched him and Francesca dance. Did he watch everyone or just Francesca? What if he was here to get Francesca back? She was quite unforgettable, Diego knew that best.
“I did. She’s my- she’s a really good friend” He had almost said she was his girlfriend. But he couldn’t. Not when they hadn’t told anyone apart from their families. He was glad he didn’t let it slip because he just knew Violetta wouldn’t take it well hearing such big news from her ex. Well, technically if Diego told her it would also be coming from her ex… But it shouldn’t come from someone she hadn’t seen in two years.
“Yeah, she’s amazing.” Tomás said, although his smile was a little sad.
“Did you guys know each other well?” Diego tried to be oblivious, as if he didn’t know what went down between them. And besides, Francesca barely talked about Tomás. Let alone her relationship history with him. Sometimes she brought him up in a casually way, for example when she was talking about Resto Bar, the restaurant her family used to own.
“She was my best friend. We met when I worked for the restaurant her family owned. It was really hard leaving her.” Tomás said, he left out the part about breaking her heart. He didn’t want to get Diego mad at him, not when they had just left.
A somewhat awkward silence was followed. Diego wanted to say something but he just didn’t know what. He couldn’t say the things that he really wanted to say. He couldn’t lash out at Tomás. Besides even it he hadn’t said it out loud, he seemed to have regrets about the situation.
“Diego?” A voice said from the doorway. Diego would recognize that voice anywhere. His heart started beating faster, but before turning around to face his girlfriend, he noticed how Tomás’ eyes grew from surprise. Apparently, he didn’t expect to run into his ex. Although that seemed quite weird, knowing that she was still a part of the studio. Maybe he just wasn’t prepared to see her at this moment.
Diego’s eyes narrowed, but he shook off the strange feeling and turned towards the person who made him happier than he’d ever been. “Francesca, you know Tomás right?” He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so tense. He just hoped she didn’t notice.
However, she could tell from the confused look she shoot him that she noticed something was up. But then she looked at Tomás and smiled. She seemed very surprised to see him.
“Tomás? It’s been such a long time, what are you doing here?” She entered the room, but she kept her distance from Tomás. Not knowing what was an appropriate way of greeting her ex. Besides, Diego was in the room and she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Tomás however didn’t mind and practically ran towards Francesca and gave her a hug. Diego scraped his throat to make the two stop hugging. A little awkwardly they separated. Francesca shot Diego an apologizing look. The latter couldn’t help but frown a bit.
“Have you guys met each other?” Francesca asked, trying to keep the mood light. Tomás was oblivious for Diego’s stiffness.
“We just did” Tomás said happily. He couldn’t be happier to see his good friend again. He knew he had broken her heart, but she had been such an important part of his life. And she seemed to be fine. She was even more pretty than two years ago. She was wearing a blue dress and red bow in her hair. He liked her style.
“It’s been such a long time. Tell me about your life Fran. How are you doing? How is your family?” Tomás asked and Francesca started telling him about her life. Leaving out the most important part of it, her relationship with Diego. Diego understood but it still hurt a little when she didn’t bring it up.
He wasn’t used to this feeling. It was different from all the things he had experienced before. He was sure it had something to do with jealousy. But he hadn’t even experienced this with Violetta and Leon last year, even though he was quite jealous of the brown haired boy who tried to steal his girlfriend every two minutes.
This was different. Maybe it was because he didn’t know a lot about the relationship these two shared. Maybe it was because he knew he had been her first love. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he was so scared of losing her. Or maybe it was all of this combined and more.
“… And Diego of course” Diego looked up when he heard Francesca bring up his name. A little hopeful he looked up and was met with her sweet eyes and wonderful smile.
“What?” He said, a little taken aback, but his stomach was filled with butterflies at the same time.
“I was just saying how great of a friend you have been since Marco has left” she gave him a little wink, that Tomás didn’t notice. Diego felt the corners of his lips go up.
“But you and Marco broke up when he left for London?” Tomás asked curiously.
“We broke up even before he went to London, our relationship just wasn’t working anymore” Francesca said matter of factly. She had been heartbroken by it at first, but she knew that it was better for the both of them. Besides she had already fallen for his best friend when they broke up. And Diego was kind of everything she ever dreamed of in a boy. The sad thing was that she couldn’t let the world know how she felt. At least not yet. First she had to find the perfect moment to tell her best friend.
“And now there is no one new in your life? There’s no boy you fell for after your break-up?”
Diego couldn’t help but smirk, wondering what his secret girlfriend would reply to this.
Francesca was flabbergasted and couldn’t bring out a word. She bit her lip. This was enough for Tomás to notice that there was indeed someone new in her love life.
“So there is… Do I know him?”
Francesca shrugged and then tried to change to subject: “So how about you? Did you someone new after the whole Violetta thing?”
But Tomás wasn’t the kind of guy to let such an important subject go that easily. “No, I only tell you when you tell me first.”
Francesca slightly panicked and looked at her watch: “Oh no, is it that late already? Diego, we have to get to class. Now.” She took Diego’s hand and dragged him out of the music room. Her head was burning. Tomás was left alone stunned about the sudden turn of events.
Diego couldn’t help but laugh loudly while they were practically running out of the studio. Francesca had lied of course, there was no class. They made their way to the exit and once they were far enough away from the studio, Francesca let go of Diego’s hand. Diego didn’t let this happen though and intertwined their fingers again.
“So you’re not really good at lying, are you?” Diego said, still smirking. He couldn’t help it, he thought the situation had been really funny.
“You wouldn’t get it. He was my best friend for a long period of time. I just couldn’t lie to him.” Francesca argued.
“So you just took my hand and ran out of there. Now hopefully, Tomás isn’t the cleverest guy in the world.” Diego teased, squeezing his girlfriend’s hand.
“Wait, you think he will know because of that?” Francesca stopped in her tracks. She started panicking. What if Tomás knew now and would ask Violetta about it? She would put the pieces together and get extremely mad at the two of them.
“Shh, don’t worry. I’m sure he won’t. it was just very funny. Although, when he finds out that there is no class you’ll get in trouble” Diego gave her a wink, and continued “But he will probably just think that either I know, or that you didn’t want me to find out. Relax, beautiful. I’m sure he won’t say anything about it to Violetta”
Diego let go of her hands and placed them on her shoulders. She relaxed slightly under his touch, closing her eyes and taking in a couple of breaths.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Francesca asked, being very thankful that Diego was there to unstress her. He had a very calm effect on her.
“So I’ve been told” He said back, teasingly. Francesca playfully hit him in the chest. Sometimes he deserved to be put in his place. However after that, she wrapped her arms around his neck. And whispered a faint: “Thank you”
Diego warmed up inside and stroked Francesca’s face. “I love you”
“I love you more” Francesca answered. Diego shook his head: “Not possible”
He leaned in and pushed his lips on hers. It began as an innocent peck on the lips, but turned into one of their more passionate kisses. When they split, Diego’s head was spinning and Francesca gasped for air. Both of them laughed out of pure ecstasy.
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lastshadeofme · 1 year
You know me, I love Diego (mostly in season 3) and though I do ship Vilu and Fran I also love Diecesca a lot
Aaaaand because we heard the song so many times in the third season but never got a full duet, I did a little something
Just a Diego and Fran version of Ser Quien Soy 🩵
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thegigilwriter · 5 months
04 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Drama, Angst
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04 | White Tablecloths and A Lovely Night 🌖
Monday June 12, 2023
Lucy sighed, resting her headphones on the table and closing her MacBook shut. She clasped her hands, stretched them outward and kneaded the knots in her neck. She felt the cool chain of the butterfly necklace and her fingers inadvertently wandered towards its emblem. She smiled with a dazed expression and leaned back unto her seat as she gazed fondly at it. She could just close her eyes and she was back into his strong arms and in the purview of his tender gaze. She giggled, setting the charm back unto the skin of her neck just as a knock on her office door interrupted her daydream.
“Mitchell,ˮ The woman at the door regarded.
“Dr. Foster!ˮ Lucy gasped. “I was just about to submit those findings to you.ˮ Dr. Agnes Foster, much like she was, was a small woman. She had short, golden locks with silver streaks, deep-set piercingly electric blue eyes, thin lips, and temper not to be reckoned with. She is considered as one of the pioneers of cetology and had spent nearly 35 years in the field. She also happens to be one of the first women to work at Umi in America.
“Oh no, no,ˮ Dr. Foster clicked her tongue. “I‘m not here about that. I just wanna get those off your hands.ˮ She pointed towards the box of recordings — the very one that Bradley first help brought in.
“I heard you got a date tonight,ˮ She remarked casually as she lifted the box into her arms.
“Oh!ˮ Lucy blushed. “Y-youʼve heard? How?ˮ
“I havenʼt actually,ˮ she chuckled. “But based on your recent behavior and well... Sam‘s intel — kinda pieced that out for myself.ˮ
Rarely anything is missed by the discerning eyes of Agnes Foster. “Go home Mitchell,ˮ Dr. Foster said to her.
“But—“ Lucy began to protest.
“Youʼve been here for more than half a day,ˮ she sighed. “Thereʼs more to life more than the fishes.ˮ Dr. Foster winked in her direction before pushing the door open and walking into the hallway. Just then, a ring erupted from her desk drawer and Lucy reached down to answer it.
“Hello, hello il mio Bellʼamico!ˮ
“Francesca!ˮ Lucy exclaimed.
“Oh my god how are you?!ˮ Francesca squealed at the other end of the line.
“Iʼm great!ˮ She replied.
“Guess what?ˮ
“Iʼm coming to San Diego!ˮ
“When?!ˮ Lucy gasped.
“Two months from now! I have a gallery showing the area!ˮ
Francesca Agosti is Lucyʼs most dearest friend. As Francesca proceeded to recount her latest adventures, Lucy began to pack her tote for the way home. If color was a person, Francesca would be a bright crimson red — the very personification of the shade of lipstick she wore. Vibrant, naturally sexy, passionate and effortlessly attractive. She was the kind of friend that people would turns heads for everywhere you went. Lucy met Francesca on her year abroad as a student. Fate brought them together, but it was their zest for enjoying life and tendencies of getting into trouble that bonded them for life. They would often exchange phone calls, plan visits, and even write letters to one another.
Lucy pressed down on the elevator panel.
“So—“ Lucy heard her knowing smile from miles away. “Are you seeing anyone? Or are you still...eh— what did you say? ‘Figuring out your stuff?ʼ ˮ
“Actually...ˮ Lucy bit her lip as exited the elevator and leaning against a nearby wall. Francesca squealed.
“Dio mio, Lucia just tell me!ˮ
“Okay! Okay!ˮ Lucy laughed.
Lucy sighed, his handsome face filling her mind.
“Oh Francesca — heʼs wonderful,ˮ she breathed. “Heʼs kind and funny and oh so good-looking.ˮ
“Ay Lucia,ˮ Francesca smiled, tears brimming her eyes. “Iʼm so happy for you, my friend. After everything... you deserve a good companion — a good man.ˮ
“He is a good man,ˮ Lucy told her. “He makes me feel safe. He makes me laugh, and heʼs the only person Iʼve only ever danced with that I donʼt end up falling on my face.ˮ
“What a miracle!ˮ Francesca exclaimed. “Now tell me— what does he do? Where is he from? Where did he take you?!ˮ
“Alright, alright slow down,ˮ Lucy chuckled as she walked towards her car. An image of Francesca in her kitchen, flitting around as she cooked some her famous gnocchi with brown sage sauce came into mind. A gossip magazine propped open on the counter, a half-finished painting in the living room, a half-full bottle of wine on the table, and the aroma of holy basil in the air. As she sat in her car and engaged the engine, Lucy told Francesca about how they met and their time at the Pier, how their romantic stroll across the coast line was, how they watched the sunset after a hike in a majestic limestone canyon, how they danced at Liberty Market, and now... their date at The Vineyard— one of Californiaʼs most exclusive wine and dine experiences.
“A navy soldier and an older man?ˮ Francesca remarked. “Just like—“
“I know,ˮ Lucy breathed. “Ironic isnʼt it?ˮ
“Maybe,ˮ Francesca. “But with how you met each other? Thatʼs Godʼs work, my friend.ˮ
“Well— this seems too good to be true.ˮ
“Donʼt say that,ˮ Francesca chided her. “You are a good person, Lucia and you do deserve something this good. Now— what are you gonna wear tonight?ˮ
“Well youʼre dressed up this evening,ˮ Nat remarked as she grabbed a beer from Bradleyʼs fridge and turned on his TV. Ever since Natʼs pipes burst in her own house, Bradley had been kind enough to accommodate her in his own.
“Do I look... appropriate?ˮ Bradley asked her as he walked into the living room in textured, wearing so, w muted brown slacks with a matching dinner jacket, a black tee underneath, and a bohemian pocket square in his left breast. He had donned on his nice leather suede shoes and black socks. Bradley tucked one leg of his aviators in his shirt.
“You are whipped for this girl Bradshaw,ˮ Nat breathed as she took a swig from her beer. “And you havenʼt even fuc-“
“Just answer the damn question Nat,ˮ Bradley sighed. She raised her hands in defense.
“Tuck the shirt in,ˮ Nat pointed. “And wear your other Rolex, that one makes you look like an asshole.ˮ
“Gee thanks,ˮ Bradley laughed. “Anything else?ˮ
“Donʼt think and just do Rooster. Lucyʼs a smart girl and she wouldnʼt have gone for a fourth date if she didnʼt like anything about you.ˮ
“I think Iʼm gonna marry this girl, Nat.ˮ
A stream of beer showered past from Natʼs lips as she instantly patted around the couch for the remote to press pause.
“Never thought Iʼd see the day Bradley Bradshaw ever thought to settle,ˮ Nat shook her head laughing. “Now Iʼve really seen everything.ˮ
“Iʼm serious.ˮ
Nat gazed at her friend for a considerable amount of time before wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
“Sheʼs smart and kind,ˮ Bradley sighed running his fingers through his waxed curls. “Sheʼs fun and beautiful... and she gets me, Nat.ˮ
“Sheʼs also young Rooster,ˮ Nat spoke softly. “14 years young — who also happens to be a brilliant marine biologist in her prime.ˮ
“What are you trying to say, Nat?ˮ
“Now I like Lucy— and Iʼll have you know that we happen to text a lot. But Rooster, weʼve been friends for a long time and if I didnʼt tell you this I wouldnʼt be a good one, and you have to consider: donʼt you think that both of you are in two different places in your lives?ˮ
The way to Lucyʼs apartment were moments steeped in contemplation. Nat meant well and she did raise a valid point. Lucy was young, single, and has a promising career ahead of her. Bradley has a few good years left in him before retirement. What if he couldnʼt match her intellect nor energy? What if he had already forgotten what it was like to be in his 20ʼs? What if he couldnʼt meet her... intimate needs like he used to? Bradley was pushing 40... raising a family had been on his mind for quite sometime now, but what if that wasnʼt what Lucy wanted? What if she still wanted to see the world and make a name for herself in her field? What right did Bradley have to take those from her, when he himself had been able to?
The moment Bradley stepped off of his Bronco, all of his thoughts waned from his mind as he finally met her at the gate of her apartment complex. She was ethereal — the of the glimmering moonlight that danced on the rippling waves of the sea. She had on a deep v-neck skater dress that was made with a rich, golden, metallic material that complemented her curves naturally. She wore complementing high heels and his copper-tinted butterfly charm. Bradley couldnʼt help but gawk at the length of her legs and the glimpse of her soft breasts that peeked from the neckline.
“Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy said smoothly.
“Angel,ˮ he croaked.
“Should I put on something else?ˮ She giggled, blushing at his awestruck expression.
“Hell no,ˮ he said gruffly as he stepped towards her. She placed her hands against his chest, feeling the fabric and sensing every beat of his heart.
“I like this suit,ˮ she whispered. “You look very handsome in it.ˮ
“What?ˮ Lucy laughed as he stared at her intensely. He placed a lock of her behind her ear and gazed at her earnest face.
“Youʼre gorgeous,ˮ he whispered. “Just... stunning.ˮ
“Thank you,ˮ she replied. “Thank you for saying that.ˮ
It was a 45-minute drive to the Vineyard. When they got there, Bradley parked close to the entryway and opened Lucyʼs door.
“My lady,ˮ he mused, offering his arm.
“Thank you good sir,ˮ Lucy chuckled as she looped her arm through his and entered the restaurant together.
“Hi,ˮ Bradley greeted the hostess. “Reservation for Bradshaw?ˮ
“One moment please ,ˮ she smiled sweetly at Bradley, tossing a blonde lock behind her shoulder. Her eyes then flitted towards Lucy and noticed their intertwined arms. “Iʼm sorry, Iʼm afraid we donʼt serve underaged guests.ˮ
“Oh!ˮ Lucy breathed. “Iʼm not underaged. Iʼm 25.ˮ
“Can I see some ID?ˮ
“Of course,ˮ Before Lucy started to fish her purse, Bradley reached for her hand.
“I think thatʼs unnecessary,ˮ Bradley intervened. “I made the reservation online and they required me to input our IDs.ˮ
“Bradley, itʼs okay,ˮ Lucy whispered, driverʼs license in hand.
“Here you are,ˮ Lucy said to the hostess. The hostess eyes flickered from her ID and back to Lucy before returning it.
“Enjoy your night,ˮ The hostess replied with a smile that didnʼt quite reach her eyes. “I recommend wearing a darker lipstick and a longer dress, if I were you.ˮ
Bradley was about to interject, when Lucy held his hand.
“I think can decide for myself what to wear, thank you.ˮ Lucy spoke sweetly with a dark glint in her eye.
Bradley stared at her in awe as they passed the hostess stand together and followed a waiter towards their seat.
“It looks like my date tonight is not as sweet as I thought,ˮ Bradley smirked.
“Didn’t you know Lieutenant?” Lucy joked. “Appearances can be quite deceiving. Apparently, I’m in highschool.”
They laughed as they took their seats. Lucy looked around the restaurant and admired its posh, elegant, and rustic ambience. The tablecloths were pristinely white, the cutlery was heavy, and the glasses sang with the slide of her finger. The pianist in one corner began a new set, and the bartender was serving the men with big cigars at the counter. Bradley ordered a medium rare filet mignon and Lucy had a richly-seasoned salmon with a fresh salad. They were served a taste- test of five different wines, and shared a decadent chocolate soufflé for dessert. After Bradley paid for the check, they went out into the vineyards together for a stroll.
“I donʼt know how I can ever repay this wonderful night back to you Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy said to him. “Iʼm afraid youʼve spoiled me too much this time. I thank you.ˮ
“I like spoiling you,ˮ Bradley replied. “I like seeing you happy.ˮ Lucy halted and stared at the sky.
“Do... I really make you happy?ˮ
She sighed, composing herself before she could gaze at him steadily.
“Doesnʼt it bother you?ˮ Lucy said softly. “That Iʼm so much younger than you?ˮ “Lucy—“
“I donʼt have a lot to offer and unlike you I havenʼt achieved much in life yet,ˮ Lucy rambled knotting her fingers together. ˮIn fact, my lifeʼs a bit in shambles at the moment.ˮ
Lucy laughed, small tears in her eyes.
“But an older woman would understand you more, sheʼd be more put together. Sheʼd be more mature— Sheʼd be... better than me.ˮ
After a brief moment of silence between them, Bradley approached her slowly, hesitantly.
“Can I hold you?ˮ Bradley asked softly. Lucy nodded her head and he put his arms around her with her head against his chest. They stayed that way for a while until she looked up at him and he held her face gently. At that moment, as he gazed into her sweet eyes and raked his fingers through her soft layered waves, he knew his earlier contemplations have finally been resolved.
“I really like you, Angel,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Do you feel the same for me?ˮ
“I like you very much Bradley,ˮ Lucy replied.
“Then it doesnʼt matter that weʼre in two different places in our lives,ˮ Bradley smiled. “Yes, people are gonna judge us for that — but it doesnʼt matter to me.ˮ
Lucy swallowed, deeply drawn into kind, brown gaze.
“I want you Angel,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Not any other woman— as old or as young they may be. Youʼre so easy to be with and we share the same stupid sense of humor. Youʼre unique in all the world to me.ˮ
“When Iʼm with you,ˮ Lucy said quietly. “I feel like I can do anything.ˮ
Bradley pressed his lips against hers and Lucy received them happily. Their eyes closed as they tasted each other for the very first time. Bradleyʼs thumb soothed her cheek, and with his other hand he secured the small of her back. Lucyʼs fingers wandered across the great expanse of his chest and broad shoulders. It was magic beneath the moonlight. When they broke apart, Bradley couldnʼt let go of Lucyʼs hand and held it all the way home to her apartment. Lucy found it sweet as her hand found solace in his touch. He kissed her in his Bronco before she got down, and one more time at the threshold of her apartment gate before they parted for the night. She placed a kiss on his neck affectionately. Bradley smelled the like sun, sandalwood, and her vanilla essence. She wished she could bottle his scent — she would put it on her nightstand and sprinkle a little on her pillow every night before she fell asleep. She will sleep soundly tonight, with traces of him in her hair and skin. As well as with this memory of their blossoming romance.
Lucy and Bradley have doubts — but after everything they’ve been through as individuals, they will have no reservations when it comes to loving. We will surely know more about Lucy as we move forward! Read about the next date here: 05 | The Dive.
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trevlad-sounds · 1 month
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Sleep Space 2
Sleep Spaces
Hey everyone,
A series of ambient mixes designed to help you unwind and drift off into a peaceful sleep. As someone who struggles with sleep deprivation, I know firsthand the power of ambient music to create a calming atmosphere.
I’ve curated a collection of what I believe are particularly positive and soothing ambient pieces, weaving them together into roughly two-hour mixes. The goal is to provide a consistent and relaxing soundscape to help you relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep.
Sweet dreams! Trevor
Sleep Space 1
Ishqmatics-Aqua Dub 00:00 Luke Sanger-Monday Misfit 11:08 David Cordero, Rhucle-Beyond the Horizon 15:52 Thrupence-The Difference (Original by Flume & Toro y Moi) 19:18 Sam Rosenthal-leading to the edge 25:38 Go Outside-not far away 26:39 Dark Fidelity Hi Fi-Outcodes 29:29 Christopher Willits, East Forest-Tunnels – East Forest Remix 31:17 anthéne-monochrome (awakened souls rework) 35:06 JB Dunckel-Égérie 38:53 From Overseas, zakè, Chihei Hatakeyama, Hakobune-Live Improvisation II – Live 41:53 Lesjamusic-Lesjamusic is Lost 1:02:32 Kenneth James Gibson-The Art Of Forgetting Yourself – Awakened Souls Remix 1:06:08 Giulio Stermieri-Wide Plain, Desolate Place 1:09:52 Ann Annie-Cottonwood 1:15:39 Paperbark-Faint Roads 1:17:40 Ed Herbers-Cruising Altitude 1:23:35 The Green Kingdom-Arcadian Skies 1:29:59 Tim Linghaus-Poplars In Your Eyeball 1:34:17 The Green Kingdom-Softly Away 1:37:06 No Death, Rhucle-Twilight Mood 1:41:09
Sleep Space 2 synkrotron-Pallas 00:00 Socool & Ireless-Ground 09:50 Francesca Heart-Circular Motion of the Nine Muses 11:58 Paul Cousins-Improvisation for 3 Tape Loops 15:32 Binaural Space-Use Your Illusion 30:20 Garden Gate-The Overground Church 35:19 Francesca Heart-Angelsummit.net 36:50 Time Rival-Pumice 41:36 Rhucle-Holy 46:08 Maps and Diagrams-An8kh 48:35 Lionmilk, Club Diego-Delagation of Delights 49:55 Willebrant-Sands l (New Light) 56:00 Viul-Eighties 59:03 Paper Relics-I Know The Way 1:01:05 Chris Russell-Forever In Blue 1:04:07 Paperbark-Antique Correspondence 1:13:00 Mark Ellery Griffiths-I sailed to meet her 1:19:57 Multi-Surface-Wrinkled Smile 1:22:58 Bvdub, Inquiri-Please Let Go and Let Me Hold You 1:25:40 Letters from Mouse-Piglet 1:44:45
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castial · 1 year
Las chicas cuando
Las chicas cuando descubren que desaparecieron todos los vídeos sobre la historia de Diego y Francesca de youtube
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
W R I T I N G A D V E N T C A L E N D A R 2 0 2 3 D A Y 7
Prompt: Church
Aka: The Quartet is in Rome looking at a bunch of churches. Also, someone might be pregnant. But who?
Read on ao3 or under the cut.
They were on a vacation in Rome: Violetta, Francesca, Leon and Diego.
It was december, and the snow really added that extra touch to the atmosphere. 
"Is it weird that I still want ice cream, even if it's cold outside?" Diego asked, letting out a chuckle.
"Not weird at all," Francesca said. "Ice cream is always delicious. Although, I more feel like tiramisu. They have a great place here!"
"You can be our guide," Leon said. "Maybe you can even show us where you grew up."
"Is her being a guide a good idea?" Diego asked, "Remember what happened in Madrid?"
"Rome is nothing like Madrid!" Francesca argued. "I know Rome. Trust me."
"I used to live here, too," Violetta told them, "Although, I was 8 and it's not really like I got out much. I remember a playground..."
"My family's old restaurant was next to a playground I played on a lot," Francesca said.
"You know... it was very long ago, but I remember having a friend. And I recall her parents had a restaurant."
"If that friend was Francesca, that would have been so cool!" Leon said.
"Yeah..." Francesca chuckled. "Although, a lot of families owned restaurants. Several of my childhood friends also had parents with a food business of some kind."
"I don't remember that girl's name," Violetta admitted. Then she let out a groan.
"What is it?" Leon asked.
"I don't know, I feel... off."
"We have been walking for a while," Diego said.
"We're almost at my aunt's house," Francesca assured them. They were all staying at her aunt's house for their trip. 
They arrived a bit later, and Francesca's aunt made them a big dinner.
"This was really good!" Violetta said.
"Why thank you," Fran's aunt said with a wide smile. "Francesca, dear, are you well?"
"Pardon me, but I need to use the bathroom," Francesca admitted, standing up.
"Why? Are you sick?"
"No, I just need to go."
"Again? It's the fourth time tonight!" Diego said.
"I guess the drink just falls through me," Francesca shrugged.
She went away, as her aunt started to do a knowing "hum..." sound.
"What is it?" Violetta asked.
"She acts a bit like me, when I was pregnant with her cousin. Before I found out I was pregnant, I needed to run to the bathroom all the time, everything I drank just ran through me! That, and I feel nauseous just by walking..."
Leon and Diego glanced at Violetta.
"She could just also just have been drinking a lot..." Diego said.
"Perhaps! But you never know... tell me, who is it that she's together with? Because I know she dated that sweet boy named Marco, but that must have been a long time ago now. Who is she with now? Or is she still with Marco?"
The three of them were silent, as if they weren't sure how to reply. 
Soon Francesca came back, and they all changed the subject to something else.
"I'm going to church tomorrow," her aunt said. "You can join if you want, but I figure you might want to sleep in after your long trip."
"Yes, I think so, too," Fran replied. "We might check out some churches in the city, though. There's a lot of nice ones!"
"Ooh, yes! Rome has tons of gorgeous churches!"
The next day, the four went around in Rome.
”So I knew there was churches,” Diego said, ”But I feel like there are churches in every corner!”
”Wanna go look inside one?” Francesca asked.
Everyone nodded. 
”Which one should we go inside?” Leon asked, and snorted. ”There’s just so many.”
”Well…” Francesca was about to say something, but then she caught a whiff of some street food. It smelled good, but for Francesca, it suddenly made her run into the nearest church. The others ran after her, concerned.
”What happened?” Violetta asked.
”I just… felt like the smell was too strong and I felt the urge to puke… but I’m fine now.” 
”I’ve felt that recently too,” Violetta admitted, ”Some smells are just… too strong.”
Leon and Diego raised their eyebrows. 
They looked around in the church at all the paintings. Someone was playing an organ in the upstairs balcony. There were candles lit, and there was a christmas feeling overall. 
”One time when I was a child, I sang in a church,” Francesca told them. ”It was a children’s christmas choir. It was one of the first times I sang in front of people.”
”I did that, too!” Diego admitted.
”I always found church choirs so beautiful,” Violetta said. She hummed a little bit, although she did not want to be too loud. Then she suddenly stared into thin air.
”What is it?” Leon asked.
”I’m really craving pasta. Like, really craving it.”
”All of a sudden?”
Everyone chuckled.
”Well, there’s some restaurants close by,” Francesca said, ”Let’s go.”
Violetta was almost devouring her pasta. The others almost got concerned.
”I’m so hungry!” she said, ”I don’t know why… there’s something that tells me to eat all the time.”
”Maybe it’s Rome,” Diego suggested, ”Italy has one of the best food cultures in the world.”
”Yeah…” Leon said, ”Or…”
”Or what?” Francesca asked.
”Or… I don’t know.”
”I feel nauseous again…” Francesca admitted.
"Maybe you have a virus?" Violetta suggested.
"I hope not... I don't wanna get sick while we're on this trip."
Soon after they finished eating, Violetta also started to feel nauseous. Although, they all concluded it could simply be because she ate so much.
But both Leon and Diego started getting suspicious that there was something more going on. They weren't sure if they should mention it, or just stay silent until either Violetta and Francesca said something.
Violetta and Francesca did act secretive - they where exchanging whispers, giggles and sometimes walked away in a corner so no one would hear them. Although, it could just be girls gossiping, and there was nothing more to it.
Leon woke up the next morning, by sounds from a nearby church. Fran's aunt had mentioned something about a funeral they had there quite early in the morning. 
He walked outside, about to head down to eat breakfast. But then, Diego came up and grabbed him into the bathroom.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Dude, I... I found something..."
Diego brought out a pregnancy test. Not only that, but a positive one.
"I found it on the floor in the hallway. Someone must have dropped it."
"Who's is it?" Leon asked.
Diego shrugged. "It could be any of them. Right?"
They decided to find the girls, and figure this out...
I don't know why my Violetta oneshots have been sort of connected lately. Originally they were in Rome because I was in Rome earlier this year, and so I had a reference with the churches. We'll see if I keep that up for the rest of this writing calendar. It's not stated who dates who, or if all four of them are just going on this trip as friends... or if all four are dating each other. It's up to you to decide. Comment who you think might be pregnant :)
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otronumeromas · 1 year
Cuento 4
En el Reino del Corazón, el Rey Hugo junto a su esposa, la Reina Madison, tenían que decidir quien de sus siete hijas sería la próxima en ocupar el trono. Desde ya hace muchos años, el sucesor al trono se elige de la misma manera, la princesa que logre que su amado sea el héroe más valiente y fuerte será la ganadora del trono. Las princesas podían elegir a cualquier hombre del reino como su héroe, la única condición era que hasta que una vez hecha su elección no podían dar marcha atrás.
Las princesas Abril, Tabatha, Francesca, Elena, Atenea, Selene y Elizabeth tenían que lograr lo mismo que logró su madre hace años. Su padre el Rey Hugo, un hombre fuerte capaz de pelear contra mil hombres y siempre salir victorioso, además de ser un hombre con un corazón cálido y sincero en todo momento.
Todas las hermanas ya habían cumplido la mayoría de edad y todas ya habían elegido a quien sería su héroe invencible para competir por el trono del reino.
La primera en elegir fue Abril, su héroe sería Horus, quien destacaba por haber matado a más de veinte leones sin ayuda alguna y no recibir ningún rasguño.
Después fue el turno de Tabatha, quien escogió a Adrián, el que era conocido por derrotar sin ayuda a una banda de ladrones, y traer paz al pequeño pueblo a las afueras del reino.
Oliver fue el escogido por Francesca, Oliver era conocido en muchos reinos por haber peleado en el coliseo por más de tres años sin perder ninguna pelea.
Selene no dudo ningún momento en escoger a Dylan como su héroe, el destacaba por tener la fuerza suficiente para levantar a un toro solo con sus manos.
La quinta hermana, Elizabeth había tomado a Izan como su representante, conocido por ser el estudiante más destacado del templo de artes marciales del Reino del Corazón.
Atenea de forma muy inteligente, decidió que su héroe sería Thiago, quien era el caballero de más alto rango del reino, puesto que se gano por su papel en todas las guerras que disputó.
Finalmente era el turno de la hermana más pequeña Elena, de presentar a su héroe, esta decisión le tomó mucho tiempo, después de mucho pensarlo, eligió su héroe a Diego su amigo desde hace años.
Diego al enterarse entró en desesperación, puesto que el no destacaba por ser un gran peleador, tampoco tenia una fuerza descomunal y mucho menos había logrado hacer hazañas dignas de admiración, el solo hecho de tener que competir contra Adrián, Oliver, Thiago, Horus, Dylan e Izan lo ponía muy triste, porque él lo único que quería era no decepcionar a Elena.
Habían pasado tres años, y ya era hora para que sus hijas presentaran antes sus padres, los reyes, a sus héroes y las hazañas que estos habían sido capaces de lograr durante este tiempo.
La primera fue Abril, padre por mi constante motivación Horus durante estos tres años derrotó a veinte osos, quince jabalíes, una docena de elefantes y a diez cocodrilos, luego repartió sus pieles y su carne con los más necesitados.
La segunda hija Tabatha presentó a su héroe antes sus padres, Adrián gracias a que todos los días le cantaba canciones para que lograra descansar de forma impecable, logró acabar con todas las bandas de ladrones que viven en los alrededores del reino.
La tercera hija, Francesca a diario le preparaba las comidas más deliciosas a Oliver, para que tuviera las energías para pelear en el coliseo, obtener grandes riquezas y repartirlas con las personas pobres del reino.
Selene la cuarta hija cocía a diario guantes, arneses y trenzaba cuerdas para que su poderoso Dylan pudiera cargar maderas, piedras y todo lo que fuera necesario para construir casas para las personas que no tenían donde vivir.
Elizabeth la quinta hija se dedicó a organizar campeonatos de artes marciales, para que el nombre de Izan fuera conocido en todos los reinos como el mejor peleador, y que se volviera un símbolo de un hombre invencible.
Atenea con todos sus conocimientos en plantas medicinales, decidió crear ungüentos, cremas y pociones para que el día en que su héroe Thiago tenga que blandir su espada para defenderla de los males.
Finalmente era el turno de Elena, padre, madre, a diferencia de mis hermanas, las hazañas que logró Diego empiezan hace mucho más de tres años, las hazañas dignas de heroísmo empiezan cuando ambos teníamos cinco años.
Todos en la sala quedaron pasmados, y le pidieron a Elena que contara todas esas hazañas dignas de heroísmo.
Cuando tenía cinco años, yo estaba llorando porque me había caído de un árbol y no podía pararme, Diego al verme en el piso corrió a mi lado, y con la poca fuerza que puede tener un niño de cinco años, me cargo en su espalda y me llevó hasta el castillo, aún recuerdo que nos demoramos horas en llegar, pero esa fue la primera vez que él fue mi héroe.
Cuando tenía siete años, iba comiendo un trozo de pan por la pradera y apareció un grupo de pájaros para atacarme y comerse mi pan, en ese momento Diego saltó con una rama y empezó a ahuyentarlos a todos, ese día Diego terminó todo picoteado por los pájaros, pero el no permitió que me hicieran daño o que se comieran mi pan.
A los diez años, fue cuando me enamoré de Diego, ese día me habían regalado muchas flores muy hermosas, pero por un descuido mío mis hermosas flores fueron llevadas por el viento, recuerdo que lloraba mucho, y en ese momento Diego me dejó sola y salió corriendo rápidamente. Recuerdo haber llorado por más de treinta minutos de forma desconsolada, pero cuando pensaba que iba a desmayarme de tanto llorar veo que Diego traía unas nuevas flores para mí y con su cara toda sucia y machada me dice, “perdón por dejarte sola, pero corrí al bosque para conseguir flores aún más hermosas que las anteriores”.
Cuando tenía doce años, tres niños me habían quitado mi muñeca, Diego al ver eso, no dudo en ir a pelear contra ellos, si bien lo golpearon mucho y no fue capaz de darles ningún golpe, aún recuerdo que el no dudo de ir y pelear por mi muñeca, la cual para mí era muy importante.
Cuando tenía catorce años, y tuve el brote de acné, los niños y niñas fueron muy cruel conmigo, decían que yo era fea y se burlaban de mí, pero Diego no encontró mejor idea que tirarles globos de agua y gritar a viva voz que yo siempre iba a ser la mujer más hermosa del reino, y el que dijera lo contrario que peleara con él, eso me puso nerviosa, el era horrible peleando, pero no puedo negar que me alegró mucho lo que dijo y ver a todos esos niños y niñas corriendo para evitar ser mojados.
A los dieciséis años, cuando se organizó el baile de primavera, ningún chico quería bailar conmigo porque yo no sabía bailar y no querían hacer el ridículo, pero Diego siempre siendo mi héroe, apareció en la pista de baile para acompañarme, aún recuerdo que hicimos el ridículo, pero el no me dejó sola.
Pero a los dieciocho años, cuando ustedes me dijeron que debía escoger quien sería mi héroe yo me encontraba muy enferma, y las medicinas que necesitaba estaban en el pueblo que queda detrás de la montaña, Diego al saberlo no dudo en hacer el viaje, aún recuerdo que el idiota no llevó nada para poder pasar las frías noches o poder apalear el frío de la lluvia, y si bien el volvió muy resfriado, consiguió esas medicinas que tanto necesitaba.
En estos tres años Diego intentó hacer muchas hazañas, pero no creo que resultaran muy bien. Cuando fue el incendió en el bosque el terminó muy quemado, pero logró salvar a más de tres docenas de conejos. Cuando fue el gran contagio de la peste, se enfermó por cuidar a los niños y ancianos de los hogares. Un día cuando íbamos caminando Diego fue testigo de un asaltó, el corrió tras el delincuente, y para sorpresa mía logro alcanzarlo, pero como esperaba el delincuente lo golpeó y logro huir finalmente, por último, un día me caí al lago, y si bien ninguno de los dos sabe nadar muy bien, el no dudo en tirarse al agua para rescatarme. Creo que esas fueron las hazañas que logró hacer durante estos tres años, pero creo que ninguna de las hazañas de Diego fue conocidas en el reino, solamente fueron conocidas y valoradas por mí.
Al oír todo esto, sus hermanas y sus héroes rieron a carcajadas de Elena y Diego, diciendo que era solamente un par de fracasados. Diego al oír eso no dudo en ningún momento en defender el honor de su princesa, aunque todos en esa sala sabían bien que él perdería, Diego estaba a punto de pelear, cuando la Reina interviene.
- Deténganse todos ahora mismo, que necesito hacer una última pregunta para saber quien de ustedes será la próxima heredera. ¿Elena y en todas estas hazañas que Diego logró, tu de qué forma lo ayudaste?
Elena al escuchar la pregunta de su madre se quedó en silencio, y luego de un par de segundos le responde: Madre, yo jamás hice nada por Diego y eso me hace sentir terrible, a diferencia de mis hermanas, yo no ayude a mi héroe en nada.
La Reina al escuchar la respuesta de su hija, mira a Diego y le pregunta: Jovencito, ¿estás de acuerdo con las palabras de mi hija?
- No Reina, no estoy de acuerdo con Elena, ella me ayuda mucho y hace mucho por mí, desde que tenemos cinco años ella siempre me ayudó.
- Sea más preciso por favor, que el futuro del reino depende de su respuesta, dice la Reina enfurecida.
- Elena cada vez que yo hacía una hazaña por ella me miraba con mucha felicidad, sonreía de tal forma que el mundo se paralizaba para mí y sus ojos brillaban tanto que no le tenia miedo a nada mientras ella me pudiera mirar así, pero lo que más me ayudaba, era que su hija sin importar nada siempre me quiso y me dio su más sincero amor, así que por ese amor que yo recibo de su hija yo estoy dispuesto a pelear contra quien sea y arriesgar mi vida en cualquier momento.
La reina al escuchar la respuesta de Diego se levanta de su trono y a viva voz dice, Elena y Diego serán los próximos gobernantes del Reino del Corazón.
Las demás hermanas al escuchar eso vocifera a coro, es imposible, el solamente es un cobarde y no se parece en nada a un héroe ni a un hombre fuerte como a papá.
A lo que la reina responde. Su padre se volvió el hombre más fuerte porque el siempre luchó por mí, su padre se volvió fuerte para poder protegerme, su papá se volvió fuerte porque en su corazón corría mi amor y eso le daba la fuerza más grande, la fuerza de un amor incondicional.
Además, todas ustedes les dieron esas cosas a sus héroes para que ellos fueran capaces de hacerse más conocidos y que sus nombres fueran aún más escuchados, ninguno de esos hombres tiene un corazón sincero.
Finalmente, las hermanas se dieron cuenta que habían sido derrotadas, y los héroes se dieron cuenta que nunca podrán tener la fuerza que Diego posee.
Luego de un mes Elena y Diego se casaron, y se volvieron los nuevos reyes, e increíblemente en ese mismo momento hubo una guerra en el reino, Diego como un buen rey fue a la batalla, y para sorpresa de muchos, gracias a Diego el Reino del Corazón ganó, y desde ese día todos los reinos comenzaron a temerle al Reino del Corazón, porque en esa guerra nació la leyenda de Diego, el Caballero invencible del amor.
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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📣 PISO 1 / 10º TEMPORADA 🎭
💥 Proyecto que busca recuperar los espacios de teatro en formato corto, obras de teatro en simultáneo en un nuevo local, albergando diez obras en formato de quince minutos en horarios de noche y trasnoche.❤️🌚❤️
© Producción: Piso 1 Producciones
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📝 Programación:
🕗 8:00pm. a 10:00pm.
🎭 Sala 1: «Sexo a Ciegas» de Romina Viñas, a cargo de Luis Alonso Leiva y Nachi Rouillon, Dirección: Romina Viñas / Sala 2: «Jonás, deseo tu Coaching» de Bruno Rondini y Tadeo Núñez, a cargo de Gonzalo Whitehead, Gian Marco Valle y Alejandra Campos, Dirección: Alejandra Campos / Sala 3: «Variaciones de Tarantino» de Seth Kremer (Estados Unidos), a cargo de Alfredo Motta, Celeste Mori y Nicole Monroy, Dirección: Arturo Huapaya / Sala 5: «Súper Tormenta» de Giuseppe Albatrino, a cargo de Gustavo Iparraguirre, Camila Villantoy y Jean Pierre Ormachea, Dirección: Martín Martínez. Entrada: S/.15
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 04 de Julio al 03 de Agosto
📆 Jueves a Sábado
🕗 8:00pm. a 🕙 10:00pm.
🏘 Piso 1 Teatro (jr. Leoncio Prado 150 - Miraflores)
🎫 Entrada: S/.15
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/Piso1Teatro
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🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🎭  Sala 1: «2x1 en Infidelidad» de Luisito Fernández, a cargo de Alexander Ugalde, Jessenia Espinoza y Luisito Fernández, Dirección: Enrique Nué / Sala 2: «La Súper Agenta» de Daniel Goya, a cargo de Gian Paul Mirandas y Francesca Reyes, Dirección: Maxi Sarramone / Sala 3: «Donde todo empezó» de Marcela Peidro (Argentina), a cargo de Sebastián Olivencia y Alexandra Orlandini, Dirección: Gian Marco Valle / Sala 5: «La Noticia» de Erick Pfuro Mamani, a cargo de Flavio Moreno y Francisco Zamora, Dirección: Diego La Hoz. Entrada: S/.15
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 05 de Julio al 03 de Agosto
📆 Viernes y Sábado
🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🏘 Piso 1 Teatro (jr. Leoncio Prado 150 - Miraflores)
🎫 Entrada: S/.15
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/Piso1Teatro
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calyxthenerd · 3 months
mil momentos que han pasado y han desafiado nuestro amor
“My liege, are you sure? Think about the ramifications this could have on our country’s politics!” The royal advisor said
“I am King of Spain since I was 18 years old, I am perfectly aware of the ramifications, but I wish to marry both Princess Francesca and Prince Marco, and I won’t hear protests on this matter any longer!” King Diego growled
“Yes, your majesty, as you wish, I will set up a meeting with the council to make the proper arrangements for the wedding” he bowed and walked out of the room, immediately heading to his study to write letters to different councilmen, this was going to be a difficult period, for the the people of all three countries
“So, Fran, are you excited?” One of Princess Francesca’s ladies-in-waiting, Violetta, asked her, clutching her hand between her own
“Of course she is! She’s getting married to the two handsomest man in all the lands!” her other lady-in-waiting, Camila, gushed, as she brushed the Princess’ hair
“I would appreciate if you didn’t talk about my grooms in that manner” the Princess said, a serious look in her face, before she cracked and burst out laughing, her two friends joining in, she felt very good about her future, she was going to marry the loves of her life, and she had the greatest friends in all the lands, and oh god, she’s rhyming!
In Prince Marco’s room, the situation was very different, there were no meddling advisors, or giggling friends, only his father’s disappointing gaze, saying that if he went through with the wedding, he was going to be stripped of his right to the throne, and banished from his country, as his mother cried silently by the door, and his little sister clutched his leg, begging him not to abandon her, but he stood his ground, patting his sister’s head, and signaling for one of the maids to take her and their mother to their rooms, before turning to look his father in the eye
“Father, I refuse to become like you, embittered by the lack of love in my life, that is why I am doing this, I am marrying two people that love me, and I love them just as much, and whether we live our lives as royalty, or as commoners, we will live them together, and our love will keep us warm in the winter, and fed if food is ever lacking, but I would much prefer if I had my family by my side as I lived this love” Marco confessed
“You better hope they don’t dethrone that boy in Spain, because you are no longer welcome here” the King said, and turned around to leave, telling some maids to pack for the boy, who wasn’t his son anymore
In the end, it turns out that the people of Spain, and the Court of Italy were as accepting as the King of Mexico, so they all had to step down for their thrones, leaving the line of succession to run its course, and they moved to the countryside, where they lived the rest of their lives, in the property of Lady Angeles, Violetta’s aunt, with frequent visits from Francesca’s friends, Diego’s father, and eventually, Marco’s little sister, Mariana, ran away from the palace and moved in with them, refusing to marry anyone to take the throne
The three of them never married, the church wouldn’t allow it, but their love burned bright until they drew their last breaths
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prssephne · 1 year
Si tuviera que elegir mi top 10 de personajes favoritos de Los Originales la cosa iría algo así:
1. Familia Mikaelson incluyendo a los padres
2. Marcel / Vincent / Hayley. Están empatados
3. Jackson / Lucien Castle
4. Cami / Kieran
5. Davina / Josh
6. Tristán y Aurora (de momento)
7. Diego
8. Oliver
9. Francesca Correa y familia
10. Aiden
Mi amor por Jackson es fuerte pero es que la familia Mikaelson dude (?? me deja k.o en especial Klaus, es increíble. Y ya de Elijah ni hablo porque no acabo (?
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thelinguaphilelady · 2 years
 the multilingual music list you need to enrich your ears
If you’re learning French, Spanish, Italian, etc. & are in need of artists to listen to... i’ve got you ! Here you’ll find music from different genres & most are on spotify.
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○ igle
○ marina satti
○ christos mastoras
○ eleonora zouganeli
○ nikos vertis
○ yianna terzi
○ pantelis pantelidis
○ michalis hatzigiannis
○ nikos oikonomopoulos
○ giorgos kakosaios
○ konstantinos argiros
○ stan
○ anastasios rammos
○ llias vrettos
○ giannis haroulis
○ antonis remos
○ giannis ploutarhos
○ elvira t
○ rauf & faik
○ sergey lazarev
○ dima bilan
○ zivert
○ max barskih
○ loboda
○ gafur
○ mona songz
○ misha marvin
○ serebro
○ ani lorak
○ cream soda
○ jah khalib
○ jony
○ the limba
○ xcho
○ maxim fadeev
○ asammuell
○ egor kreed
○ ooes
○ alyona shvets
○ alekseev
○ кис кис
○ emin
○ mark stam 
○ carla’s dreams
○ andra
○ the motans
○ emilian
○ liviu teodorescu
○ irina rimes
○ mario fresh
○ andrei banuta
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musicmyxiii · 2 years
I just finished uploading the complete story of Francesca & Diego in Violetta! Go watch it if you love Diecesca (just like me)! You can always send me messages to talk about them, because I literally think about them all day and all night! I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
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lastshadeofme · 11 months
List of Violetta/Soy Luna songs I plan on creating using AI Voice Models
I’ll add more songs to this list every now and then, and put a little « ✅ » when I finally make them <3
If you have some ideas of songs you’d like to be added to this list, let me know :))
Tienes Todo — duet between León and Violetta
Tienes Todo — duet between Francesca and Violetta
Podemos — León solo
Verte De Lejos — duet between Francesca and Diego
Si Es Por Amor — duet between Ludmila and Naty
Entre Tú Y Yo — Naty solo
Profugos — duet between Simón and Ámbar
Linda — Lindo version, Ámbar solo
Creyendo En Mi — duet between Yam and Jim
Princesa — León solo
Fush! Te Vas — duet between Jazmín and Naty
Eres — duet between Simón and Ámbar
Quiero Verte Sonreír — Ludmila solo
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inthehausofholbein · 3 years
Can you do 67?
67. Can't we just... cuddle?
(my laptop glitched and i lost my progress so i had to do the first half by memory and i am still mad, but anyway)
Francesca and Violetta got what they wanted. They finally got to have a sleepover, just the two of them. They obviously loved their friends, but there was something... special... about them. So special, that Germán "world's most overprotective father" Castillo approved instantly when his daughter was about to beg for this sleepover to happen. Vilu was confused on how he said, "I figured you girls would want to be... alone... some time", with a smirk. Of course, she'd want to have a sleepover with her... best friend...
A minute before dinner time, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" Violetta yelled, knowing who it was.
"Hi Vilu!" There was an unknown blonde man holding a knife standing near the doorway. Just kidding! Okay no, it was Francesca with a bag of her stuff on her shoulder.
"Fran! You're here!" Vilu yelled before hugging her excitedly.
"Francesca!" Germán exclaimed.
"Hello!" Fran greeted, her bubbly smile taking over her face.
"We were just about to eat dinner."
Olga then entered the room after she finished setting things up. "Oh, hello dear!"
"Hey Olga!" Fran giggled.
"I just finished preparing the food. You can eat dinner first before going upstairs."
They had dinner and the two girls were smiley, giggly messes, laughing after every three minutes. Germán and Olga also made multiple comments on how close they were, leaving the girls confused. 
The instant they finished dinner, the girls ran up to Violetta's bedroom.
"Have fun, girls!" Germán and Olga yelled at the same time. They also seemed to be talking more about the girls and... money?
When Vilu and Francesca reached the bedroom, they locked the door, much to Olga's curiosity as she was about to give a sleeping mat for Fran.
"I'm sorry for what they said at dinner." Vilu giggled.
"It's fine!" Fran giggled back. "Though I wonder to why they did say those things."
"Right? My dad wouldn't even say that about León or Diego!" After saying that, Vilu looked away from the black haired girl in her room, almost like she had a realisation.
"Yeah!" Fran giggled yet again. "Normally your dad would be like "Vilu?! You made minimal contact with a boy?!""
The two girls' cheeks hurt from all the laughing they did all evening.
“You know? I’m glad it’s just us this time.”
“Yeah...”, The two then sat on Vilu’s bed, “With everything going on, it just– it feels like a vacation, honestly.”
They giggled and talked about a lot more things when they finally decided to go to sleep. Though, they realised too late that they forgot about getting Fran another bed.
“Uhm, where do I sleep...?”
“Shoot! I forgot to ask for the sleeping bag! Olga must be asleep at this point too...”
Fran then had a thought. “Can't we just... cuddle?”
“W-what?” Vilu got caught off guard and blushed.
“Y-you know... share a bed?” Francesca seemed to get nervous too, clasping her hands together.
“Oh, uh. S-sure... it’s pretty cold anyway.”
Soon enough, they laid on the bed and huddled up, with a blanket over them. They certainly felt... weird. They have hugged, held hands and even kissed each other before, why is it so different now?
They actually cuddled too close, being able to hear each other’s nervous and heavy breaths. Vilu even heard Fran let out a tiny moan. She then pulled away. “Did I... did I just hear you moan?”
Francesca then laid on her back, extremely nervous. “Violetta, I can’t do this anymore!”
“What do you mean?”, Vilu said, thinking something went wrong.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Tears came down the nervous black-haired girl’s face and her voice cracked. It seemed like she was letting out all her suppressed emotions. “It’s just... Vilu, you know how we... always wanted a sleepover with just us?”
“Yeah?” Vilu said while hugging her and rubbing Fran’s arms.
“W-well... you know how... we feel special... around each other? How we feel that nothing else exists when we’re together? How nothing can get in the way of our friendship?”
Vilu said nothing for a while, only thinking about what Francesca just said. “T-that... yes...”
At that point, their faces were extremely close to each other’s. They knew they wanted to... do something then and there. They didn’t know if the other one thought the same, but it was like they didn’t need to communicate at all.
Their lips locked on each other’s and they didn’t stop for about a minute, only focusing on each other.
They finally stopped, didn’t look at each other, and nervously blushed. A rush emotions absolutely flooded them both: a messy combination of “Did we just do that?”, “Woah, that felt good.”, “What do we do know?!”, and “I hope this friendship isn’t done for...”
Fran spoke up soon enough, anxiously giggling. “I-I don’t know what I was thinking!”
“No... no. Don’t worry about it.” 
The two then laughed and shared a heartwarming conversation about them, all they’ve been through, and what they’re going to do next.
The two then, yet again, shared a thought.
“Fran... I... this might be a weird thing to ask, but—”
“I also have something to say...”
“Do you want to...”, They slowly said at the same time before blurting out their feelings, “be my girlfriend?!”
Violetta and Francesca both gasped. This wasn’t real, was it? They always knew they had a deep connection, even from the day they met, but now, they wanted to be dating each other.
“Yes!” The two girls yelled at the same time. They then hugged and shared another kiss, though way shorter than last time.
The next morning when they were official, they went down to the kitchen with suspiciously excited grins.
“Look at you two! You must’ve had quite the conversation last night!” Olga said with a smirk while she was preparing Germán coffee.
“Yeah, you girls woke up quite late today.” Germán added.
“Well...” Vilu replied, holding Fran’s hand, giving the both of them butterflies in their stomachs. “We did and we’re... dating... now.”
Both Olga and Germán had smiles on their faces. “We’re so happy for you!”
“Dad... I normally argue with you when I say I’m dating someone...”
“Well... this time, it’s Francesca. I trust her to... protect you.”
“Oh, thanks, dad!” Vilu exclaimed before dragging Fran to the kitchen.
Suddenly, Olga tapped Germán on the shoulder, a smug look on her face. “Pay up.”
Germán rolled his eyes and gave her 1,000 Argentine Pesos. “I wasn’t sure it would be today.”
“Well, you don’t have the best judgement, Mister Germán.”
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trabajofinal3 · 4 years
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Imperio Español:
Artistas representativos:
El Greco (1541-1614) Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664)  Diego Velázquez (1599-1660) Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617-1682) 
Técnicas empleadas :
Constituye uno de los métodos escultórico más antiguos. Trabaja con materiales como la arcilla o el yeso, que permiten dar forma sin dificultad y facilitan una ejecución rápida. Esta técnica también es utilizada para realizar bocetos finales para piezas de otro material. Suele trabajarse directamente con las manos, pero también con espátulas, palillos, limas, etc. 
Talla en madera
El primer paso en el proceso de la talla en madera es cortar el bloque de madera con instrumentos para serrar (sierras, serruchos, etc.); después se moldea la figura (con gubias, cinceles, brocas, etc.), a partir de un modelo a escala; y a continuación se alisa (con limas, cepillos, papel de lija, etc.).La tallas pueden ser pintadas directamente o sobre una capa de yeso o tela que se ha añadido previamente a la figura. En ocasiones deja la madera en su estado natural (sólo se encera y se pule). Para el ensamblaje de pies, cabezas y brazos y otras partes corporales se utilizan colas y adhesivos sintéticos.Las piezas de madera se ajustan con clavijas, clavos o tornillos y las perforaciones se realizan con barrenas, berbiquíes y taladros ya sean de mano o eléctricos.
¿Qué representan sus esculturas?
Lo que representaban en las esculturas los artistas tenía que ver mucho con lo religiosos, con el propósito de darles más realismo y siguiendo la tradición de la imaginería española, estas imágenes se les colocaban pelucas, trajes a la medida, trajes a la medida, joyas y otros accesorios.
Imágenes de talla completa: cuando los rostros, manos y trajes están tallados en la madera, que luego era policromada.
Imágenes de vestir: Cuando solamente tenían tallados el rostro y las manos y eran vestidas con trajes y accesorios verdaderos.
Imágenes de tela enconada: Cuando se las tapaba el rostro y las manos y el traje se les moldeaba con telas engomadas y pintadas que daban forma.
Imágenes de relieve: Cuando sólo se tallaba un lado de la tabla y también se coloreaba.
Imágenes de botella: Son una especie de tríptico con pequeñas bisagras que cerrado adquiere la apariencia de una botella.
Vemos, por tanto, en el arte colonial los mismos estilos que se desarrollaron paralelamente en el Continente Europeo, principalmente, el Renacimiento, el Barroco y el Rococó.
Imperio Inglés:
Artistas representativos:
Los maestros locales de la pintura y escultura inglesa tardaron mucho en incorporar las innovaciones del Renacimiento, siendo los artistas de la corte Tudor en su mayoría extranjeros, como las destacadas figuras de Hans Holbein el Joven,​ Antonio Moro, Hans Eworth​William Scrots o Federico Zuccaro.También hubo destacados pintores extranjeros cuyo nombre no se ha conservado, como el llamado Claudia "Maestro de los retratos Brandon", el autor del retrato de Enrique VII o el autor del retrato de Henry Howard.
Las fases más violentas de la Reforma anglicana produjeron una intensa iconoclastia que destruyó casi todo el arte religioso medieval y cercenó la continuidad de los talleres ingleses de pintura y escultura.
Técnicas empleadas:
Fundición del Bronce:
El bronce es una aleación que contiene una mezcla de otros metales como el estaño y el cobre o el zinc y el plomo. El bronce es extremadamente fuerte y duradero. Cualquier obra de arte tallada puede durar siglos si se conserva bien. El bronce se ha utilizado en Europa desde la antigüedad para producir herramientas, armas, esculturas y obras decorativas. Esto continuó durante todo el período medieval.
Modelado de cera:
El modelado de cera es una forma única de arte que resulta en la creación de esculturas increíbles. Al igual que la arcilla, la cera también es versátil y puede modelarse en cualquier forma de arte. Las pinturas al óleo se utilizan para crear un tono de piel deseable y resaltar rasgos faciales sobresalientes. Desafortunadamente, todo el proceso de modelado de cera es tedioso y costoso.
¿Qué representan sus esculturas?
En este caso los ingleses siempre querían representar algo de sus logros, por lo cual una escultura bien hecha y aprobada por la realeza, se ponía en un lugar importante y visible para todos, querían representar su honor y principalmente su orgullo.
Imperio Portugués:
Artistas representativos:
Uno de los más importantes fue António da Costa, no se tiene mucho registro de su vida personal., pero se sabe que fue un escultor vastante reconocido más o menos por los años 1923 a 1934, fue uno de los más importantes de su época y en especial de Portugal. 
Técnicas empleadas:
 El procedimiento fundamental y clásico seguido por los escultores es el esculpido, sirviéndose de escoplo y buril o cincel según los casos pues incluso los otros procedimientos de fundir y moldear exigen más o menos retoques de cincel si la obra ha de salir perfecta. Se usan además el moldeado o vaciado, el cincelado, el repujado, el embutido, el grabado y el estampado o troquelado.
Esculpir consiste en quitar partículas al bloque ya desbastado hasta lograr obtener la figura que se pretende.
Moldear es dar a una pasta la deseada forma añadiendo o quitando porciones de masa.
Vaciar es obtener una forma en hueco o vacío para llenarla después con fundición o con una pasta cualquiera y lograr la positiva.
 ¿ Qué representan sus esculturas?
La escultura y el bajorrelieve fueron formas de arte en prácticamente todos los pueblos antiguos. Así representaban a sus deidades o entidades protectoras, ubicándose en templos, entradas de palacios u otros sitios estratégicos para la vida civil, religiosa o militar.
América y el sistema mundial:
Artistas representativos: 
Las obras procedentes de Sudamérica contienen una sección de sillerías de coro que datan de alrededor de 1674 y provienen del Monasterio de San Francisco, en Lima (Perú). La decoración de estas sillerías de coro, talladas con profusión, incluye imágenes de los santos franciscanos San Daniel Mártir, San Jaime de la Marca, y Luis de Toulouse, junto con cabezas de querubines, cariátides y máscaras grotescas. De la afamada Escuela Quiteña, en Ecuador, son varias excepcionales esculturas de madera policromada del siglo xviii: una Virgen de Quito (1700-1725), con labor de policromía de primorosa factura; una gran figura de El Arcángel San Miguel (1700-1750), uno de los santos más populares de toda Latinoamérica; y un grupo de cuatro esculturas alegóricas únicas que representan las postrimerías del hombre y datan de la segunda mitad del siglo xviii, las cuales se atribuyen a Manuel Chili, también conocido como Caspicara.
Técnicas empleadas:
La técnica del esculpido es común en piezas arquitectónicas, así como en la fabricación de figuras. Los escultores han estado haciendo esculpidos de piedras durante siglos. Notablemente, cada región usó diferentes tipos de piedras para lograr su trabajo artístico. El mármol fue utilizado originalmente 
en Italia antes de ser exportado al norte de Europa. La piedra caliza también se usó en Europa y las piedras de alabastro son populares en países como Alemania, Inglaterra y España. El peso de la piedra hace que la estabilidad sea una consideración importante.
Las diferentes herramientas utilizadas para el tallado en piedra se han mantenido más o menos sin cambios desde la antigüedad. Se utilizan diferentes tamaños de herramientas en todos los procesos de tallado, cada uno dejando su marca. Las herramientas de desbaste dejan surcos profundos y desiguales, mientras que los cinceles planos logran resultados más finos y se utilizan como herramienta de acabado de superficies para arenisca, piedra caliza y mármol.
Tallado de madera:
La disponibilidad de los tipos de madera es el determinante clave para hacer diferentes tallados. Las maderas blandas como el cedro y el pino son más fáciles de tallar, mientras que las maderas duras como el roble y el nogal, son más difíciles de tallar pero más duraderas y permiten un tallado más elaborado y detalles más finos.
¿Qué representan sus esculturas?
Generalmente representaban lo religioso, político o militar, también trataban de representar todo lo que sentían y gracias la escultura lo podían representar.
El barroco en América
El barroco es un movimiento artístico europeo que surgió el siglo XVI. Ha sido considerado como la expresión artística del absolutismo y de la reacción católica ante la difusión de las ideas reformistas. Se caracterizó por su estilo recargado.
La escuela quiteña
La escuela quiteña son las expresiones artísticas (pintura, arquitectura y escultura) que nacieron en Ecuador durante la época colombina. Su desarrollo tuvo como escenario la Real Audiencia de Quito, hecho que ayudó a darle el nombre con el cual es reconocida.
El Barroco fue un período de la historia en la cultura occidental originado por una nueva forma de concebir el arte (el «estilo barroco») y que, partiendo desde diferentes contextos histórico-culturales, produjo obras en numerosos campos artísticos: literatura, arquitectura, escultura, pintura, música, ópera, danza, teatro, etc. Se manifestó principalmente en la Europa occidental, aunque debido al colonialismo también se dio en numerosas colonias de las potencias europeas, principalmente en Latinoamérica.
Tipos de Barroco:
Realismo y Naturalismo. 
Galería de esculturas basadas en el barroco
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To give you something different with your drabbles: Could you write something about Diecesca? Preferrably, perhaps what they did in 3x30 when Diego said he was "gonna tell her something" and we never saw where they went? :-)
Alrighty, why not. I haven't written a lot for diecesca.
Though it may get steamy, so :-) You know, it's under a keep reading.
Francesca felt her heart beating slightly faster as Diego dragged her to the back of the house, where there was no one in sight.
"What did you want to say?" she asked nervously, but also in anticipation.
"Well, I wanted to tell you how much I really love you."
"How much... do you really love me then?"
Diego smirked and then started to kiss her rather passionately. Francesca let him. They've kissed before, but not like this, and she loved it.
"Okay, I see..." she said, grinning.
Diego kissed her again and she had to lean against the wall.
They had kissed before, but Fran had never felt this... intense before. But she wasn't scared. She actually felt... the opposite. She wanted to continue like this.
Quickly, she realized they weren't just kissing anymore. They were making out. She didn't know if Diego had noticed, but she didn't want to point it out, in case she interrupted the flow. She liked where this was going...
Suddenly, Diego snorted.
"What?" Francesca asked.
"I just... didn't realize how quickly this escalated and... we just let it happen..."
"Y-Yeah... I noticed... we've never made out before."
"No, we have not. Did you like it?"
"I did..."
"Wanna continue making out?"
Francesca felt something inside her light up, "Yeah..." she said in a rather raspy voice as she let his lips touch hers again.
They made out some more for a while. Then Diego suddenly spotted something.
"Look... that window is open."
There was a window right above them. It had a ladder right beside it - one of those fire escape ladders. Because of course they had that, they were rich.
"Should we...?" Diego asked, gesturing for them to go up the ladder. Francesca was hesitant for a moment, but then agreed.
After they climbed up, they looked around. It was a guest room. No one was using it.
"An unused room," Diego said, "So no one will probably come in here..."
"True..." Francesca replied. She sat down on the bed, with Diego following her. He kissed her on the cheek very slowly.
"What if..." he whispered, "...we... you know..."
Diego took her hand and led it down on his legs. At first, she was confused why he did that, until she felt it.
"Oh..." she she said, "How long... have you...?"
"Since I saw that the window was open."
Francesca grinned, "Well..." She nodded eagerly, "Let's do it!"
She had pictured her first time a lot, but she never thought it would happen at her best friend's father's wedding. Oh well, you can never predict it anyway.
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