#frame less enclosure
spencerscookies · 11 months
3/4 Bath Bathroom
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Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless 3/4 white tile and subway tile alcove shower remodel with white walls
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jaero · 11 months
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Bathroom in Philadelphia Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless 3/4 white tile and subway tile alcove shower remodel with white walls
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simplycrazyhunter · 2 years
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Bathroom in Philadelphia Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless 3/4 white tile and subway tile alcove shower remodel with white walls
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da-rulah · 8 months
Hello :)
I would love to request the Papas with a s/o who is basically a Disney Princess with animals and is constantly bringing home something new and unusual. Like ducklings in the bathtub or baby opossums in the dresser drawers. They think they get used to it until they bring something new and unusual, forever keeping them on their toes.
This is such a cute idea. 🥹 I've given it some thought, and I hope you enjoy!
It started when he found you hiding a stray puppy in one of his sheds. There was no way he could ever be mad at you; he wonders why you'd hidden it from him to begin with.
He'd given you the space to nurse the puppy and watched on with a softness in his eyes. This was one of those things he loved about you; your soft gentility.
One morning, he found you in the same shed with a box full of newborn fox cubs. They'd been abandoned, and you couldn't leave them out in the cold...
Primo relented easily, smiling to himself and offering to help.
This continued - filling the shed with animals you kept finding in need. They seemed magnetised to you. It astounded Primo...
He surprises you one day, having emptied the old shed of any of his gardening supplies and instead, asking the Ghouls to build you your own little animal sanctuary.
He figured you needed a less cluttered, cleaner and friendlier space for all your little rescues.
He tries to argue with every new animal you bring home, but you've already overrun your shared quarters with three rabbits, two ferrets, a wounded crow and a raccoon
That raccoon was the last damn straw; they were supposed to be vicious! You couldn't keep that here?
But the thing just sat around blinking at him, eating scraps most of the time.
He grumbled and groaned about it like an unexpected new father would.
But you come home from your duties one evening and find him knelt at the edge of the bathtub, shirt sleeves rolled up past his elbows, cigarette between his lips as he coos and whispers to the ferrets who are playing in the water beneath him.
The rest of your furry friends are surrounding him, avoiding the water but calmly enjoying his company too.
He looks so soft, fussing over all of them as if he hadn't been grumbling over their very existence.
"See, you do love them," you smirked, leaning against the door frame.
"Amore, I would kill or be killed for them. But no more..." he told you sternly.
He was not going to like what was waiting for him in the living room.
Total enabler.
He becomes aware of your little obsession very early in the relationship and his favourite little trick, is to tell you "you only got one? But it'll be lonely" and give you puppy dog eyes.
Obviously, you cave every time, finding friends for your rescues.
Your apartment is like Noah's fucking Ark - two by two of everything.
He loves it though, and insists that you name the first, he name the second, every time.
He must say, the weirder the animals get, the more difficult life in your quarters becomes but hey, he likes the challenge.
He figures that soon enough he'd be able to open up "Papa's Petting Zoo" for the Ministry children.
He does indeed make a joke to you about Papa's "Heavy Petting Zoo" that was saved for you and you alone. He couldn't resist.
He started it.
He had two rats when you first started dating, but he just kept bringing them home with him.
And so then, every time you came across a rat that needed shelter, you would bring that little guy home to an ever-growing adoptive family.
Copia's face would light up every time, and together you'd spend the entire evening brainstorming names.
Eventually the enclosures you had for them had to keep getting bigger and bigger, until eventually, your apartment was overrun and their enclosure was the entire living room space.
Neither one of you minded of course, happy to give them the freedom they desired.
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midknitefox · 23 days
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Nova Bamon.
Close ups + info dump under the cut ^^
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absolutely obsessed with her freckles
anyways ahem
Nova Bamon is the daughter of one of the scientists at Urbanshade, an experiment conducted in secret for a long time before the breach.
Nova was only three years old when the experiments began.
She lived a life of solitude, kept in a self sufficient aquarium style tank in a secluded room.
She underwent procedures as her father wanted to try to solve gills before the rest of the company to prove himself. He quickly gave up when she gained her monstrous form, instead resorting to conducting experiments to see what exactly was happening to her.
Once discovered by the company, Nova was still isolated, as her father was disallowed from working on her.
She was incredibly violent, and had associated all forms of physical contact with being jabbed by needles. This led any who attempted kindness vulnerable to an attack.
Doctor Bamon, her father, kept very limited records of her, so the company had to try and figure out what exactly she was on their own.
Which meant more poking and prodding with needles.
Hint, it was Bull and Mako sharks ... maybe more things, haven't decided. suggestions open.
Her tank and enclosure room were kept dim, as she was noted to have extremely sensitive eyes.
Her excellent sense of hearing, quick speed, and agility led her to resisting experiments, hiding in various spots in her tank. Eventually the project was abandoned altogether when she was 16.
She spent the last 4 years before the breach in solitude.
When the breach happened, initially she refused to leave her tank, until she sensed the panic going on in the building.
When she did escape the newly unlocked room, she killed anything that came within sight.
Once her temper had cooled, and she'd become acquainted with Sebastian Solace, she found herself a medium sized tank, which shed find to sit in at times.
Nova, despite her extended solitude, cooperated quite well with Expendables, going as far as offering hints and tips, which had a mixed result- as she often lied, some of these would get Expendables injured or even killed.
If flashed by a flash beacon, she would hunt and kill everyone in the vicinity, her feral nature coming into play.
Nova has a tendency to return to her room, hiding for what is often hours at a time.
Nova has incredibly sensitive eyes, bright enough lights will render her blind for hours.
She has strong senses of smell and hearing as well, and tends to gravitate towards the smell of blood.
She likes the smell of blood, and seems to enjoy the taste as well.
She's very unpredictable, doing whatever pops up in her head.
She has an aversion to touch.
She also has a habit of making empty threats.
"Me?... my name is Nova... But if you tell ANYONE that, I will tear the flesh from your bones and feed it to the shark." Nova
She believes that anyone who knows her name can leverage it against her.
"Oh come on, just give me your arm, and I promise you can go home to Mommy. It won't even hurt. Please, Nova?" Doctor Bamon
She sees herself less as human and more as animal, and as such if supplies get low, is willing to eat dead Expendables. She already seems like she could eat more anyway, and you don't want to come across a starving shark...
She can breathe underwater through the use of gills.
Nova will ambush people.
Doctor Bamon, who is still alive, has in fact been trying to get his hands on her, which is kinda hard since she's in the facility and he's safely not.
Low-key shipping her with my expendable OC, a dancer who found himself framed for his sister's murder and ended up down there. Casually teaches her to be human. he's based off my Roblox avatar UMMMMM
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low-key redraw of an old art. he's chill. His name is Anansi (someone else named him cuz he's very spidery originally but I dulled it down to be human)
that's all if u read this far I'm so sorry ok bye
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xhanisai · 3 months
99% Cat, 1% Boy.
Pairing - Ladynoir (plus bonus Misternoire)
Prompt - Ugh, Cats.
Summary -
As soon as she found him, bafflement was quick to plaster her face and she almost wanted to question all the higher deities in the universe because no way was this her fate. For fucking real!
"What the?? Again!? Chat Noir! Why!?" She stormed towards her silly partner, eyes narrowed at his (albeit, very nice) butt which was sticking out of a quaintly sized pipe along with his long legs. The rest of him was inside said pipe and the story immediately began to add up for the heroine.
 "...My Lady??? A li-iiiiiiiiiiittle help here???" Moving a safe distance away from the rampaging (yet pretty harmless enough) Akuma of the day, Ladybug turned around, following the sounds of her distressed partner and hoped that he wasn’t caught in one of the villain’s many traps. From the few that she stumbled across and fell for herself, the heroine assumed they were a magician-based Akuma; she did not appreciate falling inside the hammerspace of a top hat nor getting chased by an army of white rabbits and the sooner they could wrap up this battle the better.
 (Not to mention that she and the girls were in the middle of ‘Operation Secret Garden’ - Phase #6543 when the Akuma attacked and she would have bet everything in the world that she would have landed a successful date with Adrien right there and then—)
 “Ladybug???” As soon as she found him, bafflement was quick to plaster her face and she almost wanted to question all the higher deities in the universe because no way was this her fate. For fucking real! "What the?? Again!? Chat Noir! Why!?" She stormed towards her silly partner, eyes narrowed at his (albeit, very nice) butt which was sticking out of a quaintly sized pipe along with his long legs. The rest of him was inside said pipe and the story immediately began to add up for the heroine. If she gained a euro every time he did something that warranted an eye roll from her, she’d be a billionaire by now. "I'm so sorry! But I had to go inside it! I could have found something! I swear! Believe me!" He wailed like a little child, legs kicking pathetically and tail whipping against the metallic surface of his enclosure. Again, how are they the same age!? "This is what happens when you zone out and use the cat brain instead of your human brain, you idiot!" Ladybug huffed tiredly but it was without any malice. After all, it's not his fault that wielding the mantle of destruction for so long ended up giving him some very, very interesting feline tendencies. And this was just one of the many. "Just purr-leeeease get me out?" He let out a pathetic mew at the end, slightly melting Ladybug's heart without realising it. He could be such a handful at times but at the end of the day, she loves her Chaton the way he is and she would never, ever change a thing about him. Cat tendencies and all. Oh well. Just another typical Lundi morning—
 “Ladybug!? It’s so dark and scary here please let me out!!!” Oh shit. Less time appreciating her partner with his butt sticking out of a pipe and more time getting him out or else he’ll end up drowning in a puddle of his own tears.
 “Yeah, yeah! I’m getting you out!”
 “On the wha— I did NOT touch your butt I was grabbing your THIGHS.”
 “You know what? I’m leaving you here. Bye.”
'Don't give in. Don’t give in. Don't give in to those stupidly cute, big, green eyes of his. Nope. Nope. NOPE. This is all on him. Stay strong and prove that you cannot be swayed by stupid, wet cat eyes!' Ladybug tried her best to ignore the giant kitten eyes that bored into her frame and the way the belt tail gently wrapped itself around her waist like a hug. 'I am not falling for this again! NAH!' "My Lady~?" 'Nuh-uh.' "Ma Buguinette~?" 'No-oooope.' "Magnifique belle~? My ice lolly fell on the floor...can I purr-lease have half of yours? Hmmm? Your Chaton is very, very, very sad~! Look at how pitiful he looks~!" 'Damn him!' Wordlessly, she finally met his stupidly cute gaze with a glower and handed him her entire ice lolly with a scoff, her heart totally not doing somersaults or fluttering with glee at his delighted mewl. She certainly, was not fighting off the urge to smile either when he greedily devoured the frozen treat like a severely famished kitten that hasn’t had a good meal in centuries.
 When he peered at her with those glittering greens and handed her the lolly (a perfect half remaining on the stick), blue raspberry-stained kissable lips smiling at her innocently, she absolutely did NOT feel her cheeks flare up with warmth. And this is why she hates cats.
 “You can finish off the rest, Chaton. I’m already full.”
 “Are you sure? It’s really hot today and your face is all red, my Lady. It’ll help you cool down if you take a few more bites.”
 “I’m sure, I’m sure. Just have it.”
 “...It’s not because this counts as indirect kissing, right?”
 “Then again, you’ve already kissed me like a million times already and we share food all the time so I don’t think it’s cos of that—”
 “What do you mean a million times!? I’ve only kissed you like once or twice to break you out of Akuma spells!”
 “Le Dislocœur, Oblivio, that one Akuma whose name I can never remember, Monsieur. Pigeon last week, all those times our lips accidentally brushed and probably way more that I haven’t listed—”
 “Oh just shut up.”
 “Maybe you should shut me up with your lips~”
 “My Lady?”
 Once again, Ladybug wanted to emphasise that she hates cats.
 (But no, not really. Never. This one in particular often gets on her nerves but dammit whilst she’ll never, ever say this out loud, she loves him to absolute bits and sue her for enjoying their kisses too when the push comes to the shove during Akuma battles).
 “I will never, ever, ever be mean to you about this ever again. I’m so sorry, mon Chaton…I don’t know what came over me! One second I was fine and the next…it’s like all my intrusive thoughts took over!” Whilst Lady Noire was a pinch close to bursting into tears, kitten ears plastered against her dark hair, Misterbug (who was lying underneath her) blinked his eyes as if he was waking up from the best dream he’d ever had.
 The hero was covered in numerous bite marks and his lips were so red from all of that hot, hot kissing that it could have been mistaken for blood. He grinned like a lovesick idiot, hands on her hips and literal hearts bubbling in his eyes.
 “If you stop now, I’ll never forgive you.” Without wasting another second, he captured her downright adorable ‘mew’ with his lips and switched their positions so that he was now the one on top and really, really kissing her.
 Dieu, feline tendencies ROCK.
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fariesoiree · 5 months
Hii pretty girl it's ☄️ againn~ (basically revealing my secret identity muahaha)
I'm sending an ask again because my hobie obsession is not going away anytime soon lol (and I feel like you understand me). One of the things that make him so yummy is his frame, you know what I mean? Like I know he's considered to be a little skinny scrawny stick bug person but have ppl actually looked at him in some frames?? His shoulder span is so wide. It looks so nice I swear, I always imagine rubbing his shoulders and back after a long day. He's also so freakishly tall I feel like he's so used to looking down at people. Personally if he were to look at me like that or lean down to hear me better I would probably fall in love right then and there. Plus this guys is so strong cause of his powers, we literally saw him hold up a bus with sheer arm power. You'd never realize it until you're trying to play fight him and you don't even stand a chance
Hoping to hear your thoughts on it as always 💘 have a wonderful day.
hi stinka! as leader of the hobie brown fan club, i would first and foremost like to say that hobie, is in fact, muscular. he may be just a silly little guy but he’s got some really lean muscles. like, hobie is BUILT beneath his clothes and you don’t notice until you touch him or see him nakey ( i would know ). i’ve never really thought about what his body looks like bc i love him so much. he could be ant sized and id make him an enclosure.
but but but!!!! i went on pinterest and this is like the best idea of what his body looks like in my head c: but obvi black
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very lanky but built underneath. and you’d have no idea how strong he is — bc he’s not one to show off until — until he does something INSANE. like, i think the first time you realize he’s really fucking strong is when you’re complaining about something like so random like “my fridge is making this weird noise but i can’t pull it out and look :(((“
and he’s manhandling that shit with ease. he just pulls it right out and stands back there like it’s nothing. talking about “yeah it’s a bit dusty. probably needs a clean” as if he didn’t basically just pick it up and rearrange your whole kitchen.
but he’s so so so so so good with knowing his strength bc he never uses it on you, intentionally, unintentionally. it just doesn’t happen. it’s like his brain has this strength cap and he cannot do anymore than he already is. the only time he’s ever snatching you up fr is if you’re at risk of injury. like if you’re walking on the crosswalk and a car comes speeding and it doesn’t stop. it’ll feel like when you’re running a rope attached to you at full speed and it gives up. it’s so sudden you can’t say anything, much less react.
and he is big! not like width but horizontally. he takes up a lot of space. even his general aura takes up space. idk he’s just hobie. you know he walked in the room bc you just do. it’s also very hard to miss him when his head pokes up over the top of the crowd 💀.
don’t get me wrong though, he is a lanky little telephone pole. he just has some really subtle muscles that no one noticed until he’s pulling his limbs a certain way and they ripple and cause creases in his tight ass clothes.
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What Else Ought There Be?
Summary: In which Gawain is one, if not the only true, silver lining in a never-ending cesspool of bodies, ale, and coin.
Pairing: Sir Gawain x prostitute!afab!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Content Warnings: PWP 18+!, Recurring Angst, Gawain Being Needy And Touch Starved, Body Worship, Oral (F Receiving), Hair Tugging, A Little Oral Fixation, Tongue Fucking, Slight Power Dynamics
A/N: Bouncing off the walls in my enclosure over him.
Tagging: @ohlookapan @ipetite69
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Hold, hold my hand, dear love
Hold, hold my hand
Cold, cold the night has grown
No coin to ease my wandering
- Blome Swete Lilie Flour By Daniel Hart
A faint shriek bounced off the cold stonewalls down the hallway, followed by laughter and the creaking of an old well-used bed frame, before you closed the thick wooden door to save yourself a modicum of privacy. One might think that the whorehouses would be more empty around the sacred days of the coming of Christ, men spending their time with their actual families instead of wasting their coin and health for naked skin and ale, but that wasn’t even close to the reality of things.
The colder the winds outside grew, the more every knight and every squire bootlicking their way through the king’s high halls for a meager token of his gratitude sought warmth between an easy maiden's legs. All of them but one, a certain Sir Gawain straying from your sight for over an entire week by now, highly unlike him, the one always seeking you out for comfort and companionship at the next best opportunity opening up to him. He wouldn’t just leave you sitting here, tugging at the cloak around your shoulders to contain the fleeting warmth emitting from your skin. Not without good reason would he let you simmer in the nagging uncertainty of his whereabouts. Throughout the past nights, the landscape of your emotions had changed from confusion to anger fueled by worry and to render stuck in the valley of hollowing longing eventually.
Albeit him staying away, you weren’t lonely in the very sense of it, busy with earning your coin in the means to survive, spending your nights laying with whomever wanted to spend their time with you; relationshipless interactions, gold, and silver for bare skin and a faked climax. All these other men didn’t make you feel like he did when he was with you, not even remotely and you built up a wall of indifference to keep them out and away from your heart of hearts, to their loveless touch that searched to only satisfy them - not you. You were naught but a piece of meat for them to pass around, to each have their go at your body before you spent hours scrubbing their dirt from your thighs and tits and everywhere else they had decided they wanted to see you soiled.
A cold shiver ran down your spine as you thought about it, thought about going back out there into the fire pit and candle-lit tavern to entertain men you could hardly care any less about, passing time in the throes of alcohol, smoke, and the stench of sweat. Maybe you simply wouldn't tonight, perchance this ought to be the Christmas present from yourself to yourself, to take a night and recover, pour a big, hot tub and feel the warmth creep into every last nook and cranny and ravel in the-
You startled, back thudding against the harshly cut stones, as the door to your darkened room pushed open, the seam of a brightly mustard-colored tunic peaking through the gap before tufts of raven curls followed.
“Merry….Christmas?” The familiar voice quipped and you struggled to decide whether to pounce him to tear his eyes out or to kiss him, equal drive for both making you wince under your breath.
“Now, look what the cat dragged in.” The words slithered over your tongue in a sharp whisper, keeping Gawain to stop in the door frame for a brief moment, hesitating and quietly assessing how much damage his unprompted disappearance left in its wake.
The tall man bit down on his bottom lip, the scruff of his beard scratching along the delicate skin just like his teeth did before he eventually stepped into the damp and musty chamber, an aura of guilt following his every move.
“Would you hear me out and let me explain myself?” Dark eyes searched for yours as he stepped closer to the bed, arms crossed behind his back and brows slightly arched into an apologetic expression.
“It better be good, Gawain, or you can pay someone else to be your fool.” The way in which you had worded that stung both of you like the sharp prick of a sewing needle breaking through the first layers of skin; uncomfortable for sure, however, not severe enough to tear a wound.
At that, his shoulders dropped in defeat, the creaking of the closing door almost deafeningly shrill and distorted.
“Be assured that I did not know that I was to be sent out of town, else I would have told you, I promise.”, It rolled over his tongue in a sincere apology, “And I haven't come empty-handed, mylady.”
To finally see eye to eye with you, Gawain dropped to his knees entirely undemanded, right between your legs dangling off the bed frame, the gesture leaving you smitten, open to possible reconciliation if he kept this demeanor.
“Oh?” You couldn’t withhold a sly smile any longer for it tugged at the corners of your mouth quite restlessly.
“Dare I repeat myself? Merry Christmas.”, From crossed arms behind his back, Gawain unveiled a little package kept together by knotted cloth, keeping its contents safely stacked on top of itself, “I recall a little birdy tweeting and chirping all about mylady being particularly fond of a certain…treat.”
You exhaled heavily, eyes wanting to roll into the far back of your skull because he was so devastatingly charming that it was almost impossible to be actually mad with him for long.
“Is that so?”, You accepted his little gift, taking from his hand gently upholding the parcel for you, “Let's see.”
The very second his fingers weren't occupied with presenting the little pile of cloth and its curiosity-evoking contents, they darted out to palm at your calves first, his thumbs caressing along the muscle underneath your garments. Of course he did, always the one in unquenchable need to feel your skin close to his as soon as possible to the extent you sometimes wondered about it bordering on compulsion.
“Oh.” It jumped from your lips in positive surprise upon unwrapping the parcel, the cloth uncovering a delicate pile of pastries; green ribbons of leek in between puffy baked dough and crumbles of cheese.
That was indeed one way to apologize; culinary seduction before you could catch up to what nimble and slender fingers were doing to your legs, wandering up under layers of fabric until his palms warmed the insides of your thighs, having your breath hitching behind the root of your tongue.
“You are such a little weasel.”, He looked up with widened eyes and thick, knit-together brows, “Thinking that you can bribe me with pastry? Gawain…”
You could see it on his face, how his heart had dropped for a moment, the tender grasp at your thighs turning more intense as the worry of you just standing up and leaving had flitted through his ribcage before it all got shut down by your fingers reaching out to teasingly tug at his beard, raising his chin up high enough for him to look nowhere else than right at you.
“Just leaving me here without so much as a word? That's not nice, is it?” You led your thumb to trace the curve of his plush lips before carefully pushing past, his tongue meeting the pad of your thumb immediately as his mouth dropped agape to offer you entrance.
Gawain shook his head, agreeing with you before he tried to articulate another apology but you held his tongue down against the bottom of his jaw.
“No, no, no more words. You have to try harder than that, understand?” The question was met with a nod and a small whine rumbling free from his throat as you pulled your finger from his mouth and wiped the saliva-dampened tip on his cheek.
Without his slightly glazed-over eyes ever breaking from your gaze, Gawain bunched up the layers of your garments to reside draped around your waist before his lips started leaving a trail of kisses starting from your knee leading up your thigh.
You sensed the heat surging into your face with every new touch of his mouth against increasingly sensitive skin and your heart ached in unison; the certainty of having missed him enough to forgive him whatever had led him to stay away with the second he'd walked through that door didn't sit easy with you. He'd become important to you, perhaps too much so for this world didn't allow such a thing as permanence, especially not to someone like you.
Your breaths gradually flattened in anticipation as he inched closer with each tender peck and cheeky nip at your thigh, the immediate rise of warmly tingling arousal helping you to shush your reeling thoughts until it all went blank; the sensation of Gawain's tongue darting out to lap at your weeping cunt drowning everything else out radically.
Like a man starved from human touch for too long a time, the tender nudges of his tongue quickly turned into him burying his face amidst your legs, the bridge of his nose rubbing at your swollen clit as he pushed deeper, the dense muscle slithering inside, exploring you as if he hadn’t done it uncountable times before. It made you quiver, the way his fingers clawed into your flesh, unwilling to let you loose anytime soon.
Although he hardly admitted it out loud, Gawain needed you as much as you needed him. Both of you making each other feel less lost in a world wedged between gray-clouded skies and sopping wet hay on muddy streets.
A breathy sigh slipped from your mouth as you let your hand roam back, digging into his thick curls where your fingertips scraped over his scalp gently, coaxing a moan to spill from his chest and hum right through you.
“Don’t you ever do that again, Gawain, you hear me?” Only seconds after you’d uttered the words, you felt like biting down onto the tip of your tongue as if that would’ve made them unsaid again.
Quietly, you cursed yourself for being so helplessly fond of him but more so for showing it to him, making yourself needlessly vulnerable in a society in which you stood as an outcast already. There’d be no happy ending to this grand folly of yours for Gawain was meant to be a knight and you to end up dead in a disease-ridden ditch during a freezing cold winter's night, maybe 5 or perhaps 10 years down the road if you were lucky.
“Don’t you ever just leave again.” The words came coarse and with a sharp prickling of tears gathering at your lower lashline, emotions betraying, overwhelming as you grasped a fistful of his curls, tugging him impossibly closer to you.
Unable to properly vocalize an answer, Gawain palmed at your thighs all the harder, handling your knees onto his shoulders in a devout notion that you were in control; if you wanted to squeeze his face between your thighs, you simply could.
The thought didn’t linger too far off for a whim, a surge of anger proposing to hurt him to an equivalent his sudden absence had pained you, however, it wouldn’t have made any change for the better in the long run, quite the opposite, really. There wouldn’t be any satisfactory retribution hidden in senseless acts of violence.
Instead, you let your head loll back against the wall of stone towering behind you, eyes fluttering shut to gain back control over the threatening gush of hot tears waiting to spill free from your tear ducts. You didn’t want to cry, not right now and not in front of him either for it would only render everything even more complicated than it had gotten already.
It would’ve been ridiculous to cry now, Gawain set your whole body awash with pleasure, tongue prodding and curling inside of you as his nose caressed over your throbbing clit with each dip of his face amidst your legs; emotional dread and physical ecstasy dancing through you hand in hand, coming together to form a truly malevolent concoction.
“Don’t stop.” You mouthed into the darkened room, feeling how your lower abdomen grew more taut by the second, your insides clenching down around the nimbly moving muscle in increasingly more violent contractions.
Little embers of pleasure quickly set off an entire wildfire of blossoming bliss in the pit of your stomach, a rush of warmth rippling through your body, and you forced back a guttural whine, not wanting anybody to hear you in here because you refused to become just another voice in the never-ending cacophony of pretentious moans and play-pretend orgasms for someone else to get off to.
Gawain slowly halted in his ministrations, tongue tenderly guiding you through your release whilst lapping up the gush of wetness he’d pulled from your body. You heard him breathing heavily after he broke from you, a thoroughly dampened cheek resting against your thigh and nearly black eyes darting up at you. You squinted down at him in a half-lidded gaze, ribcage heaving heavily with a fading high.
“Oh, behold, a Christmas miracle?” You frowned at him whilst watching him roam around beneath his tunic, a little brown leather pouch emerging inside his palm moments later.
“Gawain?” You cocked your head to the side, eyeing the small thing, “What is that?”
“That’s for you but it mayhaps comes with a wee plea from yours truly.” He placed the pouch on the ruffles of your bunched-up dress, the soft yet distinct clinking of coin making your head shake immediately.
“No, no, no, no. I can’t take this. No way, Gawain.” Before you could push the pouch off your lap again, his hands darted up to cradle yours.
“I beg of you. Take it. It’s about a week's worth. Take it, please, take it and come with me for that week.”, With his spine back upright, he scooted closer, knees scruffing over the unforgiving floor until the wooden frame of the bed pushed into his torso, “I want to get away from here, with you, even if it’s just for a few days. You deserve it, we do.”
“Please. I beg of you.”
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acewitch-writes · 10 months
My last snippet stirred up some interest, so here's another piece of that same story! This snippet is the prologue. Once I have more written, I intend to post it to AO3.
“Are you sure you want to go in there alone?”
“He won't talk if anyone comes with me,” Remus responds, ducking away from his father's smothering hands clamped to his shoulders. “I'll be fine. Just trust me.”
Lyall sends an uneasy glance to his wife, Hope, and she nods. “Let him go, Ly. The boy couldn't hurt him even if he wanted to.”
Lyall hesitates a moment longer, chewing on his lip, before exhaling in defeat and standing back. “Alright. Alright. Just… just make sure Protego is enabled. Full coverage, nothing less. Stay back at least two feet from the bars. And shout if something goes wrong. Understood?”
“Yes, dad,” Remus mumbles.
“We'll be right here on the other side of the door.”
“I know.”
“Be careful.”
There's no need, Remus isn't in any real danger here, but he nods anyway. “Of course, dad. Always.”
The Sentinel at the door, clad in the trademarked black robes fitted with leather braces, winding belts, armored chestplate, and sturdy knee-length boots, waves his wand when Remus steps forward, unlatching the magical locks. The door creaks open on metal hinges.
Remus walks inside, trying to keep his head inclined in a show of bravery. But when it clanks shut behind him, he can't help jumping slightly. 
A voice chuckles from the shadows. “You're like a cat.”
In spite of everything, Remus feels his heart perk up. “Symptom of a bubble-wrapped childhood,” he responds to the shadows, eyes scanning the room before him. There is a metal holding cell taking up just over half of the room, bars humming softly with anti-magic enchantments. Huddled on the floor in the corner of the cell, Remus finally spots him.
Sirius. He's dressed in traditional black wizard's robes that must have belonged to his father because they appear to be a size too large. His long black hair is loose and disheveled, dull strands framing his tired, beautiful face. He regards Remus with wary silver eyes from his seat on the stone floors.
“They let you come in alone?”
“Not without a massive fight,” Remus admits. “My dad didn't want to let me.”
“I'm sure he didn't.”
“He thinks you're too dangerous.” Remus says this with a hint of accusation.
“Maybe I am,” Sirius says flatly. He looks down at his hands, secured tightly with silver manacles. “How long has it been?”
“Three months.”
Sirius nods distantly.  “My parents?”
Remus frowns. “Already sent away for reconditioning.”
Sirius’ expression darkens. “Regulus?”
Remus’ heart suddenly starts racing. “Him, too,” he lies. “They'll be assigned jobs soon.”
“Jobs,” Sirius scoffs without emotion. “Call it what it is, Remus. Your mum can't hear you on this side of the door.”
“It's better than death,” Remus points out.
“No, it's not. I'd rather be dead than sent to one of those horrible labor camps,” Sirius snaps. “And if you had any magic of your own, you'd agree.”
“You know that I agree,” Remus retorts. “But you went rogue. I don't know if I can get you out of this.”
Sirius pulls himself to his feet and limps over to the cell door. “Then break me out.”
“I can't.”
“All I need is a Spellcom,” Sirius insists, leaning against the bars imploringly. “Give me yours and tell them I nicked it.”
Remus takes a step back. “Sirius, I really can't.”
“Yes, you can. Just give me the damn Spellcom.”
“You murdered 12 people,” Remus bursts out, unable to contain it any longer. “Their families are outside right now calling for your head! One of the victims was a ten year old girl, Sirius. She was at the zoo with her granny, and now they're both dead because of you!”
Sirius’ expression turns to stone, hands slowly lowering from the bars. “That wasn't my fault,” he mutters coldly. “Dragons are meant to be dangerous and wild and free, not locked up in an enclosure to be gawked at by crowds of muggles. Their own disrespect for the beasts is what got them killed.”
“You let them out! As far as the law is concerned, their blood is on your hands.”
Sirius laughs with harsh contempt. “Godric, listen to you. Always the coward. I knew you were too soft to do what needed to be done.” He returns to his shadowy corner and eases himself back to the floor with a grimace. “Just go. You're worthless to me here.”
This stings. Remus swallows it back, resolve crumbling. “I wanted to help,” he whispers. “I thought we were going to do this together.”
“You would have just held me back,” Sirius says heartlessly. “You're too weak and spoiled. You wouldn't know courage if it slapped you across the face.”
“That's why you left me in the dark?” Remus guesses, heart splintering. “You didn't think I could handle it?”
“If you could, you'd hand over your Spellcom right now,” Sirius responds challengingly. He holds Remus’ gaze for a long moment, waiting, before snorting derisively. “See? You'll watch them ship me away before you ever grow some semblance of a fucking spine.”
Remus feels helpless. He wants to do it. He wants to reach into his pocket to hand over his Spellcom like Sirius is demanding. But there are so many Sentinels outside, he would never make it. And when he finds out that Regulus didn't survive, he'll get himself killed before ever letting them bring him back here alive.
Sirius is a ticking bomb, prepared to blow himself to bits if it means he'll at least get to die as a free man. Remus can't let it happen. He can't live in a world that doesn't include Sirius. Why couldn't Sirius have realized that before he did this stupid thing without him? 
Remus can't think of any other way out of this now. Sirius dug his grave too deep this time. Even with all the power and influence of the Lupin family at their disposal, they can't make this stain vanish. 
There's no other solution. Remus can't let Sirius live out the rest of his days in a labor camp, and he can't let him get himself killed in a violent escape attempt. Which leaves him with only one option.
Remus turns to leave without another word. He knocks on the door, and the Sentinel posted outside opens it at once. As he steps through the threshold, Sirius jeers one final insult at his retreating back. “Pathetic.”
The door slams shut. Remus feels the word curling around his chest, settling there along with all the vitriol and contempt with which it was uttered. Searing him from the inside.
“Are you okay?” his father frets straight away, eyes darting all over his son's body for any sign of damage.
Remus waves him away and lifts his head to face his mother with grave determination. “I would like to have Sirius Black reconditioned into my own personal Sentinel.”
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In my constant state of unceasing unemployment and desperation for some sort of enrichment for my enclosure, I have stumbled across an insanely well done otome game called 'lovebrush chronicles'.
A couple things to note:
1. The name of the game has zero to do with the game so don't let it throw you lmfao
2. It is less otome and more "holy shit this story is bananas for what this game is supposed to be????"
3. The story is fucking bananas and goes harder than it has any right to for this sort of genre imo
4. Amazing art, like seriously
5. Music is awesome??? I find myself just sitting there listening to it the whole way through before going to the next frame sometimes, like it's that good.
6. Has a card fighting system that actually works well
7. A gazillion side stories linked to which cards/paintings you pull.
8. Oh yeah the protagonist is an artist and she's pretty rad
9. Why does this story go so hard in places what the fuck????
10. A genuinely chill and peaceful game, like some of the home areas are just actually really a relief, they're so lovely to just *exist* in, zero stress, how did they pull that off
Bonus: not a single ad to be found anywhere ever (god bless, i am so sick to fucking death of ads)
So yeah, if you are looking for a neat and unique RPG where you as the main have a ton of agency plus some nice moments here and there, plus all of the above I've mentioned, give it a go! And then tell me who you are in the notes so we can be friends! 🤣
Here is a selection of some of the nice paintings there!
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mslanna · 11 months
Chapter 3 of Be My Guest now up on AO3
Enrichment? In this enclosure? I think not. Still, it can't hurt to be a little soft.
"You will not enter the kitchen again." Raphael's verdict is final and Tav fumes.
They have been doing good work there. The Feast Hall is always packed with food that nobody eats. It makes sense to have the pieces nobody can reach replaced by dummies. It also makes sense to swap some items for stuff Tav likes and let them eat it at the end of the day before it goes bad. Not that anybody talks about the eating bit.
I to do in your presumptuous opinion?" Tav puts their hands on their hips, rising to full height. "You are dashing to and fro in your little war and I can't even change the menu?"
"It is not a little war." The devil's patience strains; he has more important things to do than argue with an unhappy human. Unfortunately, that human enabled his current sweep through Avernus. Zariel will fall first. And then – then the other rulers of hell would find themselves at his mercy. The future looks bright.
Raphael forces his thoughts back to the unpleasant present. The human still glares at him as if it was his fault they are stuck. Fury flares for a second. Two deals that irrelevant pup made, and neither with him. He feels a snarl rise, even though he knows that won't improve the situation any. But really, who is to blame?
"None of this would have happened, if you had just taken my deal."
"I didn't need your deal. I did great on my own."
"You broke into my House."
"You could just have let me go!"
"Have you listened to yourself recently?" Raphael spits. "Let me do whatever I please and then let me go scot-free and all will be fine."
"Oh no." Tav presses a hand to their heart. "I sound exactly like you. Don't like it? Better get rid of every mirror in this place."
"Be glad I do not cast you out," the devil growls. "The Crown of Karsus is mine. There is no changing that. The crusade against Zariel goes exceedingly well. Soon the other devils will fall in line. Isn't that what you counted on?"
"I am bored out of my skull here!"
"Well, leave," Raphael returns. "I am sure you won't have a thought to spare once my dear father gets his claws into you."
To his surprise, Tav actually turns on their heels and leaves. He watches them until they are out of sight. But the human is making a bee-line for the foyer. Raphael rumbles to himself. It is none of his business if the foolish mortal wants to risk their soul. Better Mephistopheles have theirs than his.
Memories from his short interlude at his father's mercy crash into Raphael like a wave. Yeah, definitely better anybody than him. Another memory stabs through the desperate pain. Tav. Standing before his father as if it meant nothing, negotiating for his life.
A frustrated grunt falls from his lips as he turns to follow the foolish human. Mephistopheles' whims are not something to wish on your worst enemy, much less somewhat of an ally.
He finds the foyer undisturbed. The circle into Baldur's Gate is not active. Maybe he is too late. Raphael takes a deep breath. And in the silence of the room, a small sob squeaks from behind one of the soul pillars. He tilts his head but there is no other sound. Just as Raphael turns to leave, the tiny noise repeats. High, and constricted as if somebody worked very hard on not letting it escape.
For a moment Raphael considers getting Haarlep and let the incubus deal with the problem. With a snap of his fingers, he turns into his human form. Less threatening, less aggressive. It may help to keep things calm. Raphael walks around the first pillar to finds the space behind it empty.
Tav wouldn't chose a place close to the doors to hide so he turns to the pillars framing the windows. Of course, the first he chooses to inspect is not hiding his paladin.
He finds them curled up around their knees behind the last pillar. Tav ’s body shakes violently and it looks eerie without any sound coming form the wretched creature. Tav doesn't notice the spectator, caught up completely in their misery.
Tav's head shoots up. They stare at the devil glaring down at them and try to scoot around the pillar.
"None of that now." Raphael crouches and ends their scrabbling with a firm grip on Tav's shoulder. "You didn't leave and I am grateful for that. You deserve better than eternal suffering at my father's hands."
Red rimmed eyes look at him. The whole face is red and somewhat soggy. But Tav's hands stay clutched around their ankles, a desperate attempt to protect themself. Raphael wants nothing more than to send them to clean up. Some bodily fluids are exquisite, but tears and snot are not. At least not when they don't come form some delicate from of torture.
"What do you want, Tav," he finally asks with a sigh. Deals are the easiest form to deal with people after all.
"I don't know." The words are small and despondent. "But there is nothing I can occupy myself with here. I am going crazy, Raphael. I am ready to bite the walls. I need something to do or I might just deliver myself to Mephistopheles out of desperation."
"And Haarlep is not a solution?" Raphael puts as much persuasion into the words as he can. Still Tav shakes their head.
"Haarlep is very single-minded and the one thing on their mind is sex." Tav sighs and releases their legs. "I need something to occupy my mind. And you are gone more often than here." A dry laugh wrings free from their lips.
"I have a war to lead," Raphael says softly. "What time I have is yours already."
"It is nothing."
"It is all there is." His words are firm.
"My day has so many hours. ” Tav leans back against the pillar and closes their red eyes. "So many hours, Raphael. I considered helping out your debtors."
"Please don't." The words come without thinking. But it gives the devil an idea. Somehow, some way he needs to find a way to utilise Tav. Anything within theses walls is a welcome change. He regards the paladin for a moment. "I will find you distractions if you will hold it together."
Tav sends him a tired look. "Deal."
Raphael smiles and stands. "Deal. Now get up and-" he trails off uncertain what the proper procedure is.
Tav helps out by reaching up with their hands. The devil takes them and pulls the human upright. For a moment, Tav simply regards their hands, not showing any signs of letting go. "I thought it would be easier," they admit without looking up.
"Noting is easy when devils are involved." Raphael raises Tav's chin with a finger. At least they try to smile. "A lesson you may want to learn quickly."
For a moment it seems as if Tav will lean into his chest. Raphael finds himself strangely disappointed when they pull back instead. But he rolls with it putting one hand on the small of their back to guide them back towards the house.
"Maybe I should just stop dealing with devils." Tav smiles lopsided. "When this is all over."
"I will hate to lose m favourite house guest. But am very open to welcoming my new favourite client."
Tav laughs. From the tear-streaked face it's a sad outburst. "You wish." The smile morphs into something more genuine.
"I plan," Raphael counters. "And that you brought me the Crown of Karsus from your own free will tells me that there is something to work with in here." He puts his index fingers against Tav's temple.
"Heh." For a moment Tav leans into the touch. “I thought you'd like me if I did that."
Tav doesn't notice that the devil, rooted to the spot, doesn't follow as they return into the House of Hope.
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04tenno · 10 months
i can't believe i got beaten to shishido teice for shame (sending the ask a clean six hours after you reblogged it from me)
i'll shake it up a little though: 6, 7, 12 and 23 for tsuruno and/or arakawa :]
IT'S OKAY HOMIE thank you very much for writing in and for introducing variety to my enclosure <3 I will answer for both because I cannot pick favorites even if you put a gun to my head <3
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Tsuruno: The way it doesn't come naturally to him to really make an effort to connect with with more than one person at a time to the detriment of his other relationships, no matter how he feels about the others or what his evaluation of his standing with them is. I struggle with that a lot...
Arakawa: Uhhhhh mommy issues <3 LMAO the scene with his mother in the dressing room had me Looking Away bro the depiction hit sooo close to home...
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Tsuruno: I've really been enjoying the way Gaiden's introduced more people to Yamaguchi's work as an actor and how much fun everyone's been having with his other roles and incorporating stuff from them into their depictions of Tsuruno! I think Yamaguchi's super underrated (and unfortunately his talent doesn't fully come through as Tsuruno due to the motion capture being done by others), so it's been nice to see people come to appreciate him.
Arakawa: I feel like you kind of have to pay close attention to Arakawa and his journey to fully enjoy him as a character, so although he's not the most popular character out there, the stuff people do make for him is almost always on-point... delicious fucking food...
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Tsuruno: Complete and Utter Dog Person... I need one of Yamaguchi's dogs to make a cameo soooooo bad...
Arakawa: He's a Kaomoji User to me... probably doesn't use them as much as when he first discovered them but everyone's super thrown off getting texts or emails from him for the first time because of the gap moe...
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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Tsuruno: You don't really get the full effect from this framing but I felt like SUCH a Victorian gentleman seeing an ankle during this scene it's not even funny... there's definitely other Tsuruno moments I love, but I think I'll love them more once I get to them in my sunglasses-less mod playthrough!
Arakawa: Literally my favorite picture period I don't caaaaaaare this is one of the sexiest shots in the franchise AND THE GAME AIN'T EVEN OUT YET
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apsychicandapoet · 5 months
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Boos & Brews Night (Wildlife Safari)
Saturday night Terry and I ventured to the annual Boos and Brews night at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon. It turned out to be a pricey evening, but we did have fun as we always do when together. The Wildlife Safari staff typically decorate with lights around the village, and put up the appropriate decorations around the viewing pens of those animals inside the village and not on the drive thru. They had created a nice ambiance for the Halloween holiday arriving soon. 
As you walk in, there are smaller creatures in a pen set off in the back portion of the village. The animals in this area are especially for children to see, pet, and enjoy. The enclosure next to the petting zoo houses owls, snakes, tamarins, and different species of birds. Tonight everything along the path was lit in an array of rainbow colors, each covering the trunk of a tree or framing a skeleton in a tree or sitting on a bench. 
I petted a small donkey, a miniature horse and a goat or two, then we moved on toward the middle section to capture pictures of Halloween decor. Cobwebs, witches hats, candles, and black cats were hung from trees and pressed into the dark recesses of a tree trunk. The lights added an ambiance of the upcoming holiday. 
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The dance floor under the dome on the opposite of the village was filled with lights, loud music, and people who appear to be having the most fun. As we walked closer, I could tell why they looked happier. There were four tables with different types of beer and wine for sale. A large dance floor was at the ready. Terry and I perused the beer tables. He chose his favorite and asked for one. 
We headed out in search of other events happening around the park. Turning on my flashlight app on my phone was a must! The path was dark which added to the eerie feeling. Off in the distance, you could hear the roars and growls of the lions in their fenced area. The sound of the snarling and roaring of the amazingly large kitties made your skin crawl. It was quite frightening to hear them so close, yet you knew they were behind fences. Or at least you hoped. 
Terry and I ventured off to the cougar enclosure, where we saw a group of folks watching something inside the pen. One of the employees had a large flashlight and was shining it into the setting. The beautiful cat came into view. It was tough snapping the right shot of the cougar, since it was so dark in this corner of the park, even with the light provided by the staff. Terry and I were making attempts at getting a good shot, but to no avail. Finally Terry yelled, "Walk toward the light," which threw me into a fit of laughter. 
Now kitties do what they want to do. This pertains to the larger cat family as well. Staff members said the cougar's name was Rogue. He got the name because of the area in which he was found. Roaming around the Rogue River area, he was brought to the safari to be cared for and protected. Rogue was throwing something up in the air, tossing it, turning it over and over in the grass, then placing it in his paws, rolling on his back and kicking it as he brought his hind feet up to meet his front paws. The staff member moved the flashlight over a bit and it dawned on me the "thing" he was throwing around was a rabbit.
We watched the cat play around with his rabbit for a while, making feeble attempts to snag that one picture or video that would allow us to place it on the blog. Terry finally achieved as good of a video as we could get, using what little light was available and his Samsung Galaxy 22 camera.  
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All in all, I would say the trip to the Wildlife Safari Boos and Brews went pretty well. The music was great. The DJ was playing popular sounds such as, "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," and "Uptown Funk," and we can't forget the classic, "Thriller". The group of folks there at the time were smaller in number to keep it simple, fun, and less crowded. All in all, visitors were being quite friendly and pleasant to each other. Another good adventure, great memory, and my favorite way to spend time, another great time was had with Terry as company. 
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bufomancer · 1 year
My next big pet expense is another 4x2 shelving unit, this time one of the ones with metal cross bracing instead of just plyboard fitting into a frame. Then Freak and Ricearoni for sure can go on it, that corner of my pet room will be a little less crowded, and Boots’ enclosure can go on the floor where Ricearoni’s stand currently is. And I can also use it for additional storage.
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trapton · 4 months
" i don't feel like talking . "
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𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙽𝙰𝚁𝙻 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙴𝙲𝙰𝚈𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙰𝙻 frame was blood curdling. chilling to the marrow, &. come from the standing rows of teeth lining gums &. machinery. an amalgamation that could only be made from the deepest reaches of hell. rust, rot, stench, &. fluid marries with inexplicably functioning servos, voice-box &. the soft fleshy bits of what little living tissue remained in sea of wires &. nerves. he should not exist.
a sad, pathetic excuse for a being. however he doesn't see it that way - both refusing, &. mentally incapable. purple eyes boring holes into the boy squirming at the other end of his enclosure.
unnatural clicking, jittering head, screams of his being so torturously unfinished. this had all happened too soon . . . ticks back &. forth with raised, wiry paw.
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"well isn't that a bloody shame?" he seethes, the words are rattled &. british still, though darkened considerably from even his first proper dance with the flame. twisted with rage as large foot slams against the dank ground with a clang of metal on something unforgiving. nowhere to run as his slow, terrifying gait closes in with fabric-less fingers reaching to curl around blue &. white shirt collar, lifting child near seven feet from the floor.
somehow, air circulates throughout the hole ridden facial structure of the deformed rabbit. a shell of itself &. a shell of his former self. coexisting. whole ear flopping forward as the stench carries itself throughout crooks &. crevices to invade the senses. his black-nosed maw coming in close to inspect, in long moments of flicking plastic &. hissing growls. twitching more apparent in his hand under the weight as opposite fingers reach to curl around fleshy face &. pinch.
"i could kill you right now, do you understand that?" he asks with a rotation of his neck to the side. "i could pull that tiny little head right from your shoulders &. barely bat an eye." it's almost as though he's forgotten who he's talking to. a gravely grit to his voice, that rings softer as his nerves light up with a familiar pleasure. he's more-less externalizing inner monologue. "but -- i'd rather cut you open, &. feel you die from the inside out." digits curl beneath chin, forcing gregory's face this way &. that. "watching the shock &. terror in your eyes, while i do it."
shift of purple to grey signifies his willingness to back off despite the urge forcing iron grip tight enough to prick at the boy's skin. "-- or, would you rather talk to me?" he watches in clear expectancy. remaining calm, for now.
"you should consider yourself lucky." he rasps, ironically. "as i understand, none of the others were gracious enough to grant you that right." does the boy even know what his rights even are?
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perrolavanda · 11 months
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B A R I C H A R A | 2 0 2 3 | Fujifilm200
The serious effects of global warming have led to a return to ancestral bio-construction techniques, including Bahareque, which is ecological, bioclimatic, earthquake-resistant and acoustic. As a sustainable housing solution in the countryside and poor urban areas, but also for new cultural, tourist and recreational projects due to its adaptability to modern bio-design. In Barichara, the bahareque has always been integrated with tapia pisada, being used for the division of common areas, because they take up less space. For the enclosure of Caneyes, construction of country houses, cabins, corrals, etc. Bahareque construction begins with the digging of trenches in the ground, where wooden or guadua columns are placed to support a frame woven from sticks and cane. This is filled with stones and covered with mud. The mud is prepared beforehand. It is wet and mixed by kicking it with the feet or with the help of oxen, until it acquires the right plasticity. It is then mixed with straw, sawdust or bagasse to give it more adherence.
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