#fraggle rock spoilers
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styxbugg · 11 months ago
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This is counting as my season two release celebration post!
Also! Fun fact: Red and Gobo’s outfits are the same ones that they wore for the Children’s Emmys Awards (minus Gobos hat and cape)!
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littlegreenbones · 11 months ago
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how i look with they/them in my bio
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madamegemknight · 11 months ago
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wembley's radish ball outfit save me...wembley's radish ball outfit...save me wembley's radish ball outfit...
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millipedish · 1 year ago
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Holy fuck yall
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twaigsayswhat · 11 months ago
Update: Reboot wembley is so fucking special to me…episode five was everything to me…
Okay okay I’ll say this: I was really scared about Wembs for the reboot cause he’s in my top 5 comfort (or in Mar case lucky) characters (places third behind Marcy Wu and Gonzo) so I was really nervous I wasn’t going to like him, but oh my god he’s precious…I adore him in every way!
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feltycartoons · 11 months ago
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Happy trans day of visibility :)
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spacescoob · 11 months ago
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i don’t go here (the reboot) but let it be known ive been peddling non-cis wembley for months
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aevyk-ing · 1 year ago
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lisimcpisi · 11 months ago
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So fraggle rock fandom how we feeling after ep 5
Me personally I am not okay
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andyiguess505 · 11 months ago
My review of Episode 1 of Fraggle Rock Back To The Rock S2. (Spoilers)
A fun first episode! That opening song was amazing. There were a ton of really funny jokes and we set up some interesting plot points! I think that talking about toxic positivity and how to help a friend after they've dealt with something scary or dramatic was a great topic. The new song was okay. I loved seeing Mudwell in a little cameo. I think the pacing was a little rushed, and I feel like it's a little too similar to S1 E1, but I'll let it slide because I had a good time. Traveling Matt made a cackle this episode, especially when he mailed Pogey back to the rock in a box. I'm excited to see more!
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monstrousmaws · 11 months ago
To answer your question about what's going on with Wembley in the reboot, episode 5 of the new season is about Wembley going on a journey of self-expression (kickstarted by him finding Mokey's old robe!) that's meant to be a metaphor for gender expression and figuring out one's identity. Wembley isn't EXPLICITLY stated to be nonbinary/genderfluid, but the wording used throughout the episode (and the fact that one of the characters who helps Wembley figure all of this out uses they/them pronouns) makes it pretty clear that's what his experiences are supposed to be a metaphor/analogy for. It's a really good episode, I genuinely started crying watching it.
I already headcanoned him(and all the other Fraggle Five tbh) as Nonbinary so this is epic!! Thanks for telling me!
(also I’m Nonbinary and think anything like that is fucking epic to me)
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styxbugg · 11 months ago
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littlegreenbones · 11 months ago
i told my mom about nonbinary pogey :-)
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[text: I love that! And I think Jim Henson would be really happy about it because it was important to him for children to feel included and listened to. I know Sesame Street is clearly different from Fraggle Rock, but one of the reasons it's Sesame Street is because of "open sesame" ... he wanted it to be something open and accessible for all children. So this makes me happy for his legacy. /end text]
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madamegemknight · 1 year ago
The BTTR creative team just did an interview with Animation Magazine about Season 2 (which you can read here, though do be aware if you’re planning on going in blind that there are a few very minor spoilers!) and MEAN GOBO ENJOYERS WE ARE GOING TO BE WINNING THIS SEASON
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millipedish · 11 months ago
I’m attempting again to do some predictions for season 2. The last time I tried this I got too bogged down in the details, this time I’m going to try for broad strokes. I am no longer trying to map songs to episodes, though someone else can try if they dare. 
The series will continue to explore what Gobo’s friendship with Junior looks like. Meanwhile the other fraggles will remain understandably cautious of gorgs.
The video Doc acquired of fraggles interacted will either get deleted or corrupted in some way, she’ll assume some kids are playing a weird prank on her, or like Doc Classic, she will not be able to see fraggles at first. 
Lanford can talk in this season. 
Jamdolin will reveal that in his youth he was very much a worrywart like Boober, and they will bond over it (Fun is Here to Stay)
When Doc sings Free and High, she will not know she’s singing with the fraggles. Maybe Lambert's powerful pipes will resonate throughout the rock and be heard in the workshop, and she’ll find herself singing along…to a song she never heard before. Magic is infectious, after all. She’ll be a little weirded out by this, and be motivated to seek out answers about spontaneously breaking out into song. 
Junior will struggle to make his parents see his point of view about the fraggles. He will make some headway with Ma, when he mentions something he heard Gobo talk about regarding getting advice from the Trash Heap. She will seek this advice herself (Be a Queen)
Just going by song list I can tell it will get heavy in the last few episodes.
Doc will be the sort of ‘main antagonist’ of this season, kind of like Junior’s role in season one. She will do things, albeit unwittingly, to interfere with the delicate the balance of the rock. Conflict will come to a head before Doc and the Fraggles somehow bridge the gap and they become friends. Where Gobo bridged the gap between gorgs and fraggles, it will be up to Red to reach out to Doc (The Hope we Build Together)
As for sorting guest stars…
I mean, obviously Daveed Diggs revives his role as Jamdolin. He’s pretty much a staple of the show. There are also four other new guest stars not assigned roles: Adam Lambert, Brett Goldstien, Adriana DeBose and Catherine O’Hara. There are also four characters we’ve spotted in images.
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The redheaded fraggle has spoken in the trailer and her voice is very Catherine O’Hara like. I believe that is her. I also believe she’s more or less a representative of the ���lost fraggles’, a group of fraggles who got separated from main population way back when. This probably explains her antique looking/renaissance inspired clothes. 
Both the tiny glam fraggle and the big glam monster look like fitting characters for Adam Lambert, but I’m giving it to the purple guy, as his only song is with Wembley and Pogey, not a whole auditorium of people.
Between Brett and Ariana, Ariana seems more fitting for the tiny concert fraggle, and Do the Sashay feels more like a showstopper song than Brett’s 2. Which leaves Brett to be the craggle. He is, I suspect, a fill in character for Lyle, functionally. They probably wanted to tell more craggle stories, but weren’t able to get Ed Helms back for the second season.
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frog-chemicals · 5 months ago
My thoughts/headcanons(/a little bit of speculative biology?) for Fraggle Rock
Fraggles (if they even have multiple sexes) seem not to have much sexual dimorphism. While the more masculine presenting Fraggles generally tend to have shorter hair, that’s most likely just an aesthetic choice, rather than something due to their biology, much like humans.
Gender wise, I think they’d have a very Fun Based fluid genders. Neos are a great medium for self expression and can tell you lots about a Fraggle! Pronoun Keeper is a job and boy do the lists get long!
That said, here’s my Specific Headcanons for the main five!
Gobo uses he/him with a handful of mostly Exploration themed neos because that’s what his Uncle Traveling Matt uses. At some point does have a moment of Self Exploration and adds a few more that feel more like just him.
Red uses she/her because those are exciting sounds to her (also because those are the Base Ones Boober Doesn’t use). Also has SO MANY Activity themed pronouns and Fun Sounding ones.
Mokey Only uses Spiritual and Musical Neos.
Boober uses he/him because he’s Used To those and they Feel Safe. (Sidebottom used she/her and SO many Fun neos)
Wembley… Wembled his way into Any being fine but would probably stick to he/him with a small handful of carefully picked neos if Actually Given The Time To Contemplate.
Doozers also do not seem very sexually dimorphic (aside form hair styles), even if there does seem to be some degree of a binary. I also think they’re far too busy with building to be concerned with the concepts of gender. I do think they would have different pronouns based on ranks/roles, such as Students/Workers/Bull Doozers/Architects.
Gorgs, on the other hand have a very strict quaternary system. Not only gender wise but also sex wise.
As young, they’re divided into Princes and Princesses. Once they reach puberty, they’re kicked from their parents territory to find a mate. Only when managing to find a mate, will they turn into Kings and Queens respectively. All four have their own pronouns (at the very least, they do in Grog Language). While not very sexually dimorphic as young, they gain a far more colorful coat, as well as more notable physical changes post-metamorphosis!
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