#fractured chains hyrule
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sleepylink · 1 year ago
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Ah yes, There is a reason The Hero of time wears that Mask of Truth.
And Shadow did nothing wrong, he just wanted to find Four, and ended up finding a group of heroes he could travel with (Ya know, safety in numbers!)
This is from my "Fractured Chains" Link crossover series idea I had.
Link to Fractured Chains original post
Idk just thought it would be fun!
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livmightlive · 26 days ago
Lu Boys Death Lineup
I was feeling a little edgy, a little angsty (perchance). I wanna say, this is based a little bit on canon and a lot a bit on vibes. Maybe this can be my (low effort 😔) febuwhump. Anyways, in order from first to last here it is.
Four - Four is in his mid-twenties when he gets called to help investigate with the resurgence of dark magic in the palace of the four swords. He goes in not expecting much, he’s used to being called to help aid in small things, like monster uprisings or in this case something to do with dark magic. He doesn’t expect things to go so wrong. It’s dark magic alright, but so much of it that it’ll overcome the land immediately if something isn’t done. Ganon is trying to return and Four is the only person in the way. So, he gives everything to seal it away. This effort fractures Four again, but not in the way it did before. This time the colors don’t reunite with each other but instead Four’s physical body is vaporized and his soul tears in to four pieces, each absorbing all the leftover darkness that Four couldn’t stop. Dot has no choice but to seal the palace completely.
Hyrule - When the chain’s journey ends, Hyrule doesn’t return home to a peaceful era. His journey continues and despite his and both princesses’ efforts things start to get worse. The cult has grown in an huge way and Hyrule soon knows no peace, constantly traveling to avoid them. They’re grasping at straws and with each year that passes since Ganon’s death they get more agitated. By his late twenties he’s more than exhausted. Hyrule no longer knows rest. He can’t return to the castle or any town, not even, especially not even, the ones that had been kind to him. The cult would find him. They burn would burn down buildings, cut down people, and even trample crops just to get to him. Unrelated to Hyrule, they destroy new growth forests and scar any attempts by the earth to heal. This has to stop. He goes to the cult and finds Ganon’s ashes himself. He makes sure that there isn’t anything left this time. The fire he creates, his last spell, burns for years.
Twilight - Twilight’s body is never found. Everyone who had known him had been greatly concerned for him for a few years now. It seems that he had been slowly going mad ever since he had turned 30. He had grown more and more restless, walking circles in his house until the carpet wore down. He withdraws for weeks, emerging with untrimmed hair and wild eyes. He holds a great sorrow at all times that cannot be quelled. He starts disappearing into the woods for weeks at a time. One day it all stops and it seems that he’s calmed down. His mind has returned to him. He begins tending to the ranch again, he smiles more, laughs more. But… There's an everlasting air about him that just feels like he’s waiting for something. A great storm descends on Ordon one day. It brings some destruction with it. Floods wash away buildings built too close to rivers and trees fall from loose soil. In its wake, it’s as if the world was shining silver. Twilight is nowhere to be found.
Wild - Wild is almost 40 when he leaves his and Flora’s shared home to go on a little expedition. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for this time but he craves fresh air and adventure. He’s on a well worn path, just leaving from a stable when he drops as if he were a puppet with all of its strings cut loose. And that’s it for him. Of course other travelers and stable hands try to check up on him, but he’s gone. There’s not a lick of life left in him. Purah runs a series of autopsies and can’t find anything wrong. He was in perfect health when he left and the people interviewed at the stables claim he was acting normal, or as normal as Wild can act. Purah decides that he must’ve thrown a blood clot or something, he probably had a left over brain injury from Hylia knows what, but both she and Flora know that’s a lie. They wonder if the shrine of resurrection only had so much to give Wild. They wonder if they have timers too.
Time - Time is almost 50 when he returns to battle. There’s a returning darkness that must be quelled. He prays that this won’t turn into another failure of his, that the mistakes he makes now won’t hurt his successors anymore than he’s already hurt them. His ocarina stays home; it’s buried deep under a floorboard beneath his and Malon’s bed. He takes some peace of mind from that. His fight takes him back to the lost woods where he never returns from. It’s decades later and Malon is old. Her hair has long been grey and she has grandchildren to keep her company. How she wishes Time could’ve met them… She’s called to the castle one day and asked if she recognizes skeletal remains of a Hylian body that was found downstream from the lost woods. She does. She prays that with a proper funeral her love might find rest, but she knows that he won’t.
Warriors - When Wars returns to his era, his work doesn’t end. He finds himself training the next generation of warriors and then the one after that. Wars never stops working as there is always work. There is always something he can do to make his home safer, to keep his people happier, to make them stronger. He’s still working by the time he’s halfway through his 70s. His friends and family beg him to retire, even Zelda has passed the throne down to her heir, but there’s still more to be done. He takes lunch one day in castle town and goes to his favorite pub. Despite the castle nurses banning him from eating overly rich food and beer until he has a less stressful lifestyle (it’s way too hard on his heart), Wars still likes to sneak a treat every now and then. What’s it gonna do? Kill him? He never finishes his last pint. 
Wind - Wind dies by complete accident. It happens when he’s in his 80s. He’s chatting with his mates while cleaning one of his old swords. He hasn’t had to use one in decades but he likes to keep them in good shape just in case he has to. Somebody tells a HILARIOUS joke. Wind doubles over in laughter, but as he does so he impales himself straight through. As he’s rushed to the newly opened hospital, Wind can’t help but continue to laugh. Oh boy is this stupid. He tells the nurses not to tell Tetra. She’d never let him hear the end of this. One of them starts weeping. Through tears she tells Wind that he won’t survive this. When they remove the sword he will bleed out unless he drowns in his own blood first. He cringes and tells them to DEFINITELY not tell Tetra. He’s a little annoyed when she and their closest friends and family come rushing in. She berates him. In between curses he can tell that she’s crying. He spends his last hours cracking jokes and sharing stories and gossip with those closest to him. When he starts struggling to stay conscious, they all bid goodbye and Tetra pulls out the sword. A year later, to her embarrassment, Tetra dies the exact same way.
Sky - Sky passes away peacefully in his sleep a week after his 100th birthday party and he KNEW it was coming. Sky knew for months. It started as small comments like at breakfast where he’d be like “Hylia willing I will see the solstice celebrations next week…” and his grandkids, and great grandkids, would be like “Grandpappy don’t say such things!” And he’d relent but it escalates to him asking his family members and friends which of his possessions they liked most. If they fall into his trap and answer, Sky tells them to write their name on it so they can have it after he passes. Nobody does this to his disgruntlement. Eventually they stop believing him because it gets to the point where every other dinner Sky mentions that his time to join Hylia draws near. Just in case they make his birthday a grand event. Somehow everyone, but Sun, is still a little surprised when he goes. She’s like *shrug* “he did mention it”. Like lovebirds, Sun follows him shortly after.
Legend - Nobody in the royal family knows how Legend is still alive. Some say it’s his great spirit, others claim that it must be courage, and those that know him best claim that it's sheer spite. If they were to actually ask Legend himself he’d spit. “The bitch goddess won’t let me.” He makes his opinion of his long lasting life obvious. No longer is Legend asked to attend prayer services or holidays in celebrations of Hylia. Not after the last dozen… incidents. Legend stopped counting how old he was after the passing of his dear sister and dear rabbit. The nurses who do frequent checkups on him mention that he is 121 years old. He rolls his eyes. Legend wants to go and he brings this up frequently, usually over dinner. He has great great great grand nieces and nephews now. He cares little to meet the next coming generation. Still, despite his fits of anger and general grumpiness, he is well loved. He lives in the castle now, not trusted to take care of himself. The kids love him best. “Grunkie Link tells the best stories <3.” He always makes sure to press treats or old rings into their hands when they pass. It’s a stormy night when the castle is thrown into pandemonium. Legend has gone missing from his chambers. Honestly, how hard could it be to find a wheelchair bound 121 year old man? They find him outside, screaming at the heavens. “Take me you HAG!” Screaming turns to pleading. “I want to see them again.” Before anybody can get close, lightning strikes from the sky and smites the hero. Nothing is left behind but ashes.
pls lmk what you think! Feel free to argue if you have a different idea <3
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marshmellohi · 7 months ago
Links Meet AUs List
A lot of AUs get lumped together with Linked Universe, so I wanted to make a list comprising any and all original Links Meet AUs I could find! Please let me know if I’m missing something, you want your AU to be removed, a link is broken, or if you know an AU’s status so it can be moved to the correct dedicated category.
DISCLAIMER: Please pay attention to the content warnings on some of these AUs! I haven’t personally read every AU so I don’t know what some contain, but if an AU has something you don’t vibe with, there are more than plenty of others that you will love on this list! Please be respectful and kind to everyone! This list is both for archival purposes and to appreciate the creativity of the community!
Additional Notes: Some AUs have dedicated Tumblrs, some can be found through original tags, some are only on ff.net or ao3, etc. I have a separate list for AUs limited to Discord/DMs that I have not included here unless I receive permission to do so! Also, if something is separated by ||, that means that theyre 2(+) separate AUs by the same creator in the same tumblr… if that makes sense LOL. This list is Always Updating so be sure to keep an eye out for any new AUs!
• A Link to the Present
• Across the Galaxy
• Ageless Soul
• Bonus Links
• Branching Timelines
• Chain as Cryptids
• Chained Spirits
• Chains of Time
• Courage of Ages
• Culture Shock
• Deuy’s Links Meet
• Dimensional Links
• Dreamverse AU || Identity Fraud AU
• Echoes of Courage
• Exodus
• Fallen Heroes
• Garden of Heroes
• GodLinks
• Hearts Linked Together
• Heroes Spirit
• House of Heroes
• Kings Comic
• Limited Hero
• Link and the Links || Soldier Poet King
• Link Between Links
• Link Rejoin
• Linked Across Dimensions
• Linked Arena
• Linked By Illustrations
• Linked Dreamscape
• Linked End
• Linked History
• Linked Keys
• Linked Maze
• Linked Spirit
• Linked Through the Centuries
• Linked Universe
• Linked World
• Link’s Fun Road Trip
• Little Links
• Magic’s Wake
• Meowmix’s Linked-verse Journey
• Minas Linkverse
• Monstrous Fusion
• Names of Courage
• Realms of Hylia
• Recalled
• Rifts in Time
• Sister’s Linked Meets
• Suncaster
• Tangled Chains [Lou]
• Team Timeless
• That Broken Promise
• The Hyrulian Valhalla Saga
• The Links We Share
• The Phantom Timeline
• The Sacred Realm
• Too Many Links [Zee]
• Train Whistles and Wedding Bells
• Unchained AU
• Winter Links AU
AUs where the info is limited to Discord, DMs, and/or friends. Not typically published/shared publicly. Permission is asked to acknowledge these AUs here before posting.
• A Linked Week
• Fractured Timelines
Crossovers with Zeldas, Ravios, Ganons… pretty much the exact same thing but with other characters.
• Lots of Ravios
• LU Ravioverse
• Strangers Across Eras
• Voice of Wisdom
• Wielders of Wisdom
Links meet, but it’s not the focus of the story/in the background (example: a world where all the links exist at the same time but the focus is on one specific character/the others dont come up much)
• Father of Time
• Royal Reads
An AU qualifies for the inactive category when: 1.) its been 2+ years since an update and 2.) it’s unfinished; or, 3.) the creator explicitly stated that they were discontinuing it. LMK if one still has a pulse!
• Into the Zeldaverse
• Link and the Links
• Linked By Time
• Linking Together
• Misfortunate Monsters
• Tangled Chains
• Zelda in the Multiverse
AUs where I am unsure of the status and thus need to contact the creator, the creator’s deciding where to go with it, or I can’t locate the original page. This is mostly for me- consider this kind of like a ‘to do’ list. Any insight is welcome!
• Bagel’s AU (N/C)
• Birdo’s AU (U)
• Cotty’s Linkverse (N/C)
• Chain Reaction AU (Nuked)
• Factorial’s AU (N/C)
• Fortu’s AU (N/C)
• Hyrule Bound (N/C ; Iirc there was a fanfiction but I can’t find it anywhere)
• Link Madness’ AU (N/C)
• Minty’s Linkverse (U)
• Missing Links in Time (U)
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skippingstonez · 29 days ago
Could you write Twilight Link with an aristocratic reader? Just cute country bumpkin bf and fancy schmancy wealthy gf who spoils him (‘-’*)
I don't know what made me think *bath* when spoiling Twilight but here we are!
Rags and Riches
(TP!Link x Wealthy!Reader)
Castle Town was thriving. The usual hustle and bustles of shops and vendors rang through the streets, welcoming all who entered into its gates. It's cobblestone weaving through buildings long since established while others were recently refurbished for whatever new and exciting thing had grasped the citizens interest.
All were welcome into the ever expanding town. Where Gorons and Zora freely traversed and traded with Hylians both residential or simply passing by. So it was almost comical that the only one to be so roughly denied entry was the one who had saved it all.
Spears shot at him as he ran back to the gate. The soldiers shouted after him as they charged. Mother's snatched their young up into their arms as he ran past. Likely afraid of getting bitten or even just knocked over.
Link didn't blame them. It wasn't him they were chasing away after all. Even as Hyrule's hero he wasn't well known in town. Mostly only recognizable to those who frequented Telma’s place. But not even they would realize who they were chasing. To everyone around him he was simply a large wolf that had wandered into town. Of course they would chase him off, he would have too in their situation. That understanding didn't lessen the pain he felt as sharp metal nicked his shoulder.
He whined in pain, darting through the south gates into Hyrule Field. The small band of knights cheered as he ran, content to stay near the gate instead of attempting to finish him off.
He knew trying to go into town the way he was had been a poor judgement call. The sun had still been low in the sky. The early morning light chasing away the shadows of night. And try as he might to stick to those shadows, there simply hadn't been enough to conceal him from watchful eyes. Which led to guards quickly being notified, and to Link's displeasure and shock, decided to actually rid the town of him.
He slowed to a crawl-like speed. The chain around his foot dragged against the stone steps. He just needed to get far enough to change back. As a Hylian he'd be able to freely roam the town without fear of being chased down. He could find the shop and get the red potion he so desperately needed.
Assuming he even had enough rupees for it. 
Or that he would even make it that far without collapsing.
Link was exhausted. An ambush of monsters earlier had taken everything out of him, including his ability to walk normally. Having likely fractured an ankle, he had to finish off the fight as a wolf. Letting the weight of his broken foot be distributed to 3 others than try and remain upright on one. He had then dragged himself all the way to Castle Town that way in hopes of getting a potion he had unfortunately found out he was out of.
He reached the bottom of the steps. The large fountain to his right and the grassy fields of Hyrule before him. The peaceful meadow and calming sound of rushing water was a far cry from the turmoil his body felt. Stomach empty after having not eaten for Hylia knows how long, exhaustion creeping into his bones that only bore more weight from the pain of his leg. 
Maybe he should just call it quits and sleep out here. The grass looked soft enough and maybe then he could snag the potion and some food later in the day.
He scanned the surroundings, looking for a spot hidden away where he could either change back or rest. His mind still heavily debating between the two. The rather open concept of the area limited his options significantly as he searched and quickly realized he wasn't even alone.
Just ahead, sat at the edge of the fountain was a young lady. Her hair done up in a flawless curl that fell over her shoulder. Her clothing screamed of wealth, dressed in one of the finer styles Link had seen around town. Its long, flowy material hugged her body perfectly while its color complimented each detail of her delicate face.
Link's heart quickened. A deep warmness spread over him as he took in the way she moved. Soft, careful and elegant.
The girl was stunning. And more importantly,
She was you.
He lifts his head, releasing a song-like howl into the air, rushing over to where you sat. Your head now frantically searching in his direction. He approaches with confidence, sitting right in front of you as a large grin spreads across your face. 
You were on him in seconds. Grabbing at his face to shower him with affection.
“Link! Oh you're alright!” You squished his face between your hands. Alternating between scratching at his ears and running your fingers through tangled fur. Your lips peppering kisses around his nose. 
His tail swooshes back and forth rapidly, raising his head high as you showered him with praise.
You paused, moving your hands lower to see the blood on his shoulder. Your face slowly turning to a scowl with hands on your hips in a weak attempt at scolding him.
“You're hurt aren't you?” 
Hearing your less than pleased tone of voice he laid down, looking up at you with innocent eyes. It was a move he always played when you were upset with him. Knowing that it worked 9/10 times and this time was no different. 
You sank down to your knees, holding his face once more with a tender gentleness Twilight yearned for every time he had to leave your side. 
“What happened? Do you need anything? A potion? I think I have some at home! Otherwise I'll buy the whole stock if you need-”
Link pulled at the shard's magic, letting himself return to his Hylian self to better ease your concerns. He knelt before you, putting a hand over yours that still held his face.
“I'm fine Darlin, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.”
It wasn't a lie per say. He was fine in a way now that he was with you. And he did and was handling it. Even as he winced in pain as the full force of his injury returned to his ankle, making him move to sit on the ground rather than on his knees. Or how the new gash on his shoulder began bleeding through his shirt.
You immediately noticed his discomfort, eyebrows only furrowing further in worry. 
“You clearly are not!” You scolded him, gesturing to not only the fresh blood on his shoulder, but the other dried patches of blood and dirt and whatever else coated his clothes. The small rips and tears from battles, and of course the rather obvious way he was sitting as to not bump his ankle. 
Link wasn’t a slob by any means. Even during his travels he prided himself on keeping his things and himself relatively clean. But sitting there, next to your smooth clothes and flawless skin, Link had to admit he was downright filthy. He hunched his shoulders in embarrassment as you stood, brushing off the few flecks of dirt from your skirt that likely had gotten there because of him. 
“Come on, let's get you home and we will get it all cleaned up.” You took his hands, carefully helping him to his feet. He hissed, trying to put pressure on his bad foot so he wouldn’t crush you with his weight. You merely ducked under his arm, wrapping around his waist for support.
“I’ll make a mess of ya, let me-”
“Nonsense! Clothes can be washed and replaced my dear.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek. “You however can not be.”
Link smiled, kissing the top of your head as you helped him back to your place. The walk taking longer than normal due to the slow pace and uneven ground that made him stumble. Biting back the pain shooting up his leg with every jolt and misstep. 
It was late morning by the time you reached your place, a soft glow welcoming more and more townsfolk into the streets. Yours was one of the nicer homes nestled just east of the castle itself. The swirled metal fence protecting the lush green yard that led all the way to the small porch.
It was a place Link had been spending more and more time at. Giving every and any excuse to come and visit you whenever he could. It wasn't quite home and it still felt almost like a whole new world here compared to the humble village of Ordon. But it's where you were which is exactly where he wanted to be.
You helped him inside, helping remove his gear as a short woman scurried towards you.
“Thank you Lyla, could you see to it that these are cleaned and repaired?” You asked, handing her his sword and shield before she disappeared just as quickly.
“Alright,  the larger bathroom is upstairs which will probably be preferable.” You mused. “Will that be alright?”
Link knew what you were really asking, rolling his eyes playfully. “Darlin, do you remember how I met ya?” He asked, grabbing onto the stairs railing.
“How could I ever forget?” You laughed lightly, hovering over him as he started up the stairs. “You saved my carriage from that awful large bird!”
“Sure did, and I'm pretty sure if I can face that, I can face a few stairs.” He laughed at the small pout you made. Giving him a little more space to get up the stairs. Your hands were right back on him when he reached the top, guiding him down the hallway until you reached for one of the doors.
The door opened to reveal a large bathroom. The marble tile floor and white walls lined with shelves upon shelves of bottles that Link could only guess what they could be. Each one uniquely shaped and sized with dazzling colors that swirled around inside their glass containers.
You led him inside before gliding over to the white tub. Turning its golden faucets as water poured into the tub, wisps of steam floating up to the ceiling. You grabbed one of the bottles, uncorking it and pouring a dash of its purple contents into the water that formed small bubbles on its surface.
You pulled out the stool of the neatly organized vanity to the left of the room, placing it directly next to the tub. Patting its velvety cushion as an invitation for him to sit. HJe complies, sitting down with a small groan as his muscles ache to accommodate the sudden change in position.
He slipped off his boots and socks before your hands found his chest. 
“Can you lift your arm?” Gesturing to his injured shoulder. He does with minimal pain as you slip his tunic off, chainmail and undershirt quickly adding to the growing pile of filth now littering the floor.
The gash on his shoulder wasn't nearly as bad as he initially thought. With the bleeding already having stopped and the pain more of a sting than anything else it blended into the other scraps he wore. 
You kissed his nose, “You hop in alright?”
He nods, waiting until you've left the room to remove the rest of his clothing and carefully lower himself into the tub.
He would never admit the straight moan that left his lips as he sunk down into the water. It's warmth seeping straight to his bones that relaxed every ache and tug at his muscles. The mystery soap left a tingle on his skin that poked at any scrape and bruised till they were only a memory.
He would definitely be asking to borrow this one in the future.
The door creaked open and Link quickly covered himself underneath the water as you walked in. Holding a small basket and the fluffiest pink towel he had ever seen.
“Apologies for the color, I unfortunately wasn't prepared to have company at the moment.”
You strolled forward, placing your small pile on the floor by the tub. You held out a bottle that Link recognized as a red potion. He took it from you, careful not to disturb the water too much as he drank all of it. It's magic flowing straight to his broken ankle, setting and then mending the bone in a numbed discomfort.
Link mumbled a quick thank you as you took the bottle from him. Returning it to the small basket as you sat down on the stool by the head of the tub.
He pulled his knees up, not trusting the layer of soap to keep himself covered.
Link couldn't recall a time he had felt so…exposed, before. Maybe once when Shad and Rusl had helped him after a bad fight but certainly not in front of you! Not yet
“You're…staying? In here?” 
“Is that alright?” You asked sweetly. Rolling up the sleeves of your dress. You grabbed a cloth, dipping it into the water before gently running it over his shoulders.
“I know how to take a bath darlin”
You chuckled, letting some of the water fall into his hair. “Well I would hope so dear. But I can see how tired you are,” you grabbed another container from your basket, scooping out some of its contents to rub between your hands. “So you just relax okay? Let me handle this.” 
Your hands ran softly through his hair. Fingers rubbing at his scalp in a heavenly pattern as you hummed a song Link hadn't heard before. He let his eyes close, leaning back on the tub as you continued to work whatever concoction through his hair. 
It smelled like wildflowers and honey. Exactly the way you smelled and he thought for a moment if this is what you would use when bathing before quickly making sure he was still covered beneath the water's soapy surface.
You lifted his head, rinsing out his hair a few times till you were satisfied the stuff was all gone. Your hands found his shoulders, gently kneading at the muscles until Link was practically moaning at your touch. It stayed like that for a while, occasionally rubbing a new soap or cream across his shoulders, chest or back. The heat from the water beginning to fog the room like a sauna.
A small tap to his cheek, “Alright dear, I will leave the rest to you.”
You stand, putting the pink towel and anything else he might still need on top of the stool where he could reach.
“The towel is there, and there's a fresh set of clothes awaiting you in the room to the right. Don't fret about these ones, I'll have Lyla collect them once you're done and make sure they get washed.”
You lean down, giving his cheek a quick kiss before exiting the room.
He takes a deep breath, letting himself enjoy it all for just another moment before washing the rest of his body. Getting out once the water had cooled significantly, trying not to splash water unnecessarily as he wraps the towel around him.
Even with the rather unbecoming color, it was the softest, fluffiest damn towel he’d ever used.
Keeping a firm grip to the towel around his waist, he peeks out into the hallway, making sure it's clear before dashing into the next room. Just as promised, a stack of plain clothes were laid out for him on the bed, near perfect to his size as he slips them on.
He attempts to dry his hair before making his way back down towards the stairs to where he hopes you are.
The stairs are much easier to get down with his injuries healed. Letting himself skip the last two steps as he spun to head towards the living area. Just as he suspected, you were sat on the couch, feet tucked up beside you. You had changed into a different dress, this one detailed in a floral pattern and fitted to the curve of your body.
He snuck up behind you, tossing his arms around you in a tight hug. Your laughter ringing in his ears.
“Feeling better?”
“Much” He lets go long enough to plop down next to you. “Thanks to you of course.” He cups your face, bringing it to his in a long, drawn out kiss. He deepens it as you hum against him, swiping his tongue across your bottom lip teasingly before pulling away. He smirks at the way your cheeks flush the same shade of pink as your lips. 
He flops down, resting his head on your lap. The exhaustion sets back in, begging at his mind for rest. Fingers run through his hair, only encouraging the pull of sleep. Words are said but he can no longer make them out, smiling to himself as he finally gives into an easy unconsciousness. 
It wasn’t until later in the day that he woke up. The mid afternoon sun beating at his face through the tall windows while the smell of food invaded his nose. He turns onto his side, his face burrowing into the fabric of your dress as he wraps his arms loosely around your waist.
“Well good morning love”
Your soft voice calls to him. He opens his eyes, looking up to you smiling down at him. 
“There is food awaiting you in the kitchen whenever you are hungry,” You explain, brushing hair out of his face. “I do need to head into town, would you care to join me?”
He nods lazily, holding you close to him until  his stomach rumbles loudly in empty protest. You laugh, leaning over to kiss his temple. 
“Alright, We’ll leave once you've had a bite to eat. Then we can get you all stocked up while we're out.”
It was only 30 minutes later until they were strolling down the busy streets. With Link now healed, rested and fed, the streets felt much more welcoming than the hostile experience of this morning. The streets were now packed, voices shouting out to hassle and bargain down prices. He kept a hand on the small of your back, holding the few things you had already bought in the other.
Despite his insistence, you had bought him everything he needed and then some. Multiple bottles of healing potions, some arrows and even his own bottle of that purple soap from this morning.
You were currently browsing through a stall of books. Briefly explaining plots of ones that you had read previously while searching over new titles. He smiled at the way your eyes widened in excitement as you skimmed through the new book in your hands, using the small moment of opportunity to hand over a few rupees to the vendor.
“Oh Link, you didn't have to do that!”
He hugged your shoulders, pulling you to his side. “It's alright sweet`art. It's worth it to keep that smile on ya face.” You blushed as he slipped the book from your hands, adding it to the bag.
You continued on your way, hoping to get a special treat for Epona who was being watched over back in Kakariko. You leaned into Link, enjoying the rare quality time spent together for the rest of the afternoon. 
A detour through the center of town led you two to linger around the fountain. The street lamps being lit around you as the crowds began to disperse. He takes your hand, his rough thumb brushing over the softness of your knuckles with a deep sigh.
“I’ll uh, gotta get goin in the morning. Promised Fado I’d help out this week.”
Link knew that tone. He knew you were disappointed and honestly, so was he. He wanted to be by your side more. To see your smiling face, to be there when you needed him. To be the hero he had been for Hyrule, to you. But Ordon was his home and he still struggled to imagine fully leaving it all behind. It was who he was at his core, a simple rancher. And you deserved more than that. You deserved the life of luxury that you had here. To be within the walls that he tirelessly worked to make sure were kept safe. 
“Link?” He cupped your face, lifting it up so he could look directly into your eyes.
“What…what if I came with you?”
“Come…to Ordon?”
You nodded and Link's heart stuttered in both panic and excitement. You wanted to visit Ordon with him? To see his home, meet everyone he considered family? It was something he had dreamed of since the first time he had kissed you. 
What if you didn't like it though? What if it only solidified how different your worlds were?
“I don't have to of course,” You tried to reassure him. Likely having caught onto his slight panic. “I just…I miss you when you're gone. And I know how important your village is to you. It'd be an honor to see it for myself.”
Link's heart nearly lept out of his chest. “Are ya sure?”
When you nodded Link couldn't hold back the smile spreading across his face. He grabbed your face, crushing his lips onto yours. He pushed away the panic, the fears and insecurities. You were coming with him. You wanted to come home with him and he couldn't imagine a more perfect idea. 
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mothfables · 11 months ago
The Chain Sleeping Headcanons
i figured why the hell not haha
Time -this man snores like a goddamned horse -often the last to sleep, makes sure everyone else is doing alright first -would be the first to rise if not for Wild getting up to make breakfast -takes watch often. he’s been chewed out by Wars + the others for not waking whoever’s next many times -very rarely sleeps in
Legend -refuses to sleep on his back unless he absolutely has to (i.e. severely ill or injured) -prefers to sleep on his side, usually curled up, but will lie on his stomach if he feels safe enough -sleeps better with at least one other person with him, but is bad at asking for it -if he’s with Ravio there’s a chance he may sleep on his back, as he knows he’s safe with him -will drop off in a few minutes if his hair is played with -sleeps best curled against someone’s chest with his face tucked in their neck. it helps him feel safe
Twilight -either sleeps sprawled flat on his back or curled up like a wolf. no inbetween -has a habit of getting up and patrolling the camp/immediate area at random points during the night. does not matter if he’s in wolf or hylian form -also snores. usually in the ear of whoever’s closest to him
Sky -he’s never had the best relationship with sleep. this has been something he’s dealt with his entire life -it was bad enough as a kid but it’s only gotten worse the older he gets -some of it is prophetic dreams or other hero shit, the rest is good old sleep disorder -naps when he can get them -chronic sleep cuddler. once he has someone in his grasp he is not letting go. no one is sure if he’s even aware he does this. good for getting Legend to sleep
Warriors -can sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position thanks to his time in the army -quick to sleep, quick to rise -usually sleeps flat on his back or curled around the nearest small body (or Time) -always has a weapon nearby
Wind -this kid alternates between alarmingly accurate starfish + octopus imitations -forming a habit of snoring. the prime suspect is Twilight -keeps a knife under his pillow
Hyrule -he sleeps best hidden away, like in a tree or cave -always has his sword nearby -he’s slowly learning to sleep with others nearby/trust others with keeping him safe as he sleeps
Wild -can go without sleep for days. this does not mean it’s healthy -if he goes long enough without sleep he crashes hard as soon as it’s safe to do so -rests best at a campfire or wherever there’s a bed. this doesn’t mean he can’t or won’t pass out anywhere -ready to get up and go whenever -tends to get up early to make breakfast
Four -either sleeps completely silently or says the weirdest shit. often sounds like fractured conversations between multiple people -similar to Wind in that he’ll wrap himself around the nearest person or contort himself into the weirdest positions. his blankets are never where they started in the morning -has occasionally been found on the opposite side of camp from where he went to sleep
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silvrash-797 · 24 days ago
Febuwhump 2025 - Delirium
Read on ao3
Tw for non-graphic descriptions of violence
Warriors groaned as the throbbing pain in his head spiked. He swayed in the chains that held him upright as he tried to use his shoulder to rub the grit from his eyes. 
“Captain?” Legend asked softly from the other cell. “Are…you okay?”
Warriors hummed noncommittally, his eyes falling in a long, slow blink before he forced them open again. “Yeah,” he rasped. His stomach twisted at the lie. “Just…tired.” 
“You can sleep, you know. I can handle whatever they throw at me.” But his voice was brittle, stressed, and Warriors could hear the lie there, too.
“No, Lege. I’d rather lose sleep than cause you more pain.”
For that had been the ultimatum, when they’d been caught by traitorous knights a week ago: the captain stays awake, or Legend gets hurt. He didn’t know how they knew, but every time he’d fallen asleep those first few days he woke to Legend's screams of pain.
It was made worse by the fact that he couldn’t see what they were doing to his brother. The cells only had bars along the front, while the walls were solid stone. 
So, he couldn’t see. But he could still hear. Hear the crackle and pop of instruments, of joints. Hear the yelps, gasps, and muffled curses as Legend tried to be strong. And he could smell. Smell the smoke, sweat, and what he desperately hoped wasn’t burning flesh. And he could taste. Taste the blood in his mouth and throat as he accidentally bit his tongue while screaming himself hoarse.
No. If that was what it took, he could stay awake. He could save his brother. 
Four days was pushing the limits of his endurance, though.
Warriors shifted again, trying to ease the stress in his shoulders, the numbness in his hands. A nerve along his tricep burst into flames as sensation returned. Despite his best efforts, blackness clouded his vision and his eyes slid shut.
Legend's cry brought Warriors back to consciousness. He gasped and lost his footing as he scrambled to reorient himself. 
Another SNAP-CRACK of what he guessed was a whip sounded, and Legend whined.
No, nonono! “Stop, please!” Warriors yelled. “I’m awake, I’m awake!”
“Oh, I know,” their captor drawled from across the hallway. The large man stared hungrily into the heroes' cells, visibly enjoying their plight. 
“You cretins!” Legend spat. “You Goddess-forsaken, Ganon-cursed AUUGH!” His words were interrupted by the thud of flesh on flesh. Warriors heard a sickening pop as something shifted, and Legend coughed, gasping frantically for air. He whimpered with each exhale; Warriors surmised that a rib had been fractured or dislocated. 
Their captor tipped a hand to his brow in mock-salute. “You have a good night, Captain,” he grinned, then turned to leave with four other knights in tow.
As soon as the heavy door clanged shut behind the men, Warriors turned his attention to his brother. “I’m so sorry, Lege,” he said, voice thick with regret and exhaustion, “I don’t know what happened!”
He heard a few more shallow breaths before Legend gathered himself enough to respond. “Like I told'ja, Cap,” he slurred, “…I c’n handle it.”
But you shouldn’t have to. Warriors thought about the rest of the Chain, praying to whatever goddess would hear that they would arrive soon.
Time passed. Warriors didn’t know how much. He’d settled into a state of semi-alertness, walking the line between wakefulness and sleep like his life depended on it.
His didn’t. But Legend's…Legend's did. And so, he remained awake, talking occasionally, but mostly staring into the middle distance. 
The heavy door creaking open shook him out of his trance. Dry, burning eyes blurred so badly he couldn’t see the figure standing at his cell door. 
The figure spoke, and Warriors' knees went weak. “Wars! Lege! We found you!” 
If Hyrule had been any closer Warriors could have kissed him. As it was, he finally let go, sinking into exhausted sleep.
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alex-multiverse · 1 year ago
Kh Worldbuilding headcanons: Destiny Islands Edition
No one ever talks about the original worlds in kh and i find that a travesty because these places are a really, REALLY good mine to play around with. (u can also use them or expand on them if you really like)
So im gonna share some HCs i have about the original kh worlds, starting with Destiny islands..... but before that some basics: also this is kinda long so under the read more it goes
In general:
Kh "worlds" arent really floating in space. the stylized icons we see in game are more akin to dimensional rifts rather than actual planets (seriously who thinks this is how the world looks fr)
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Following on with the dimensional rift: as the "worlds" arent really pieces of the original world, they are something more akin as parallel dimensions or something along the lines of something like ff14 (mostly because i would rather die first than live in a world with 5 different versions of britain existing at the same time)
As much as dark road is cool, the explanation for the empty worlds is dumb and for the purposes of this exercise, instead ofthe worlds filling the people gradually after it is created, i consider that the worlds as they exist are the result of the surviving children of the war making their stories real in the fractured reality of the original world (it also follows the weird theme of reality/unreality that kh4 seems to go for) and it turning into a different version of earth as we know it, with some exceptions, such as monstropolis (which exists independently as a parallel land to earth in its canon) and Deep space (which is straight up NOT earth and was more like, the rift of lilo and stitch's world pointing at the high counselor's fleet BEFORE the actual movie started) and also the OG worlds who dont have something to be based on for reasons to be explained later.
the only world that exists in the ocean between as it is, is the Keyblade graveyard. because it was so majorly fucked up by the war it both shattered in the physical and dimensional way after it happened.
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Now that that rant is out of the way, LETS GO TO THE MOST UNDERRATED WORLD IN THE SERIES:
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Destiny islands is in fact, more than 2 islands, being a big archipelago with a bigger "main island" where our three protagonists live at. this one we have seen before in kh2
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Destiny islands, is, by far, not the only chain of islands in the world. in fact, theres way more islands beyond the horizon.
We know the islands have a mayor, thus we know that they must have cordial diplomatic ties with different islands near them.
Due to FF characters existing here, i am very tempted to assure that some of the races from ff8 and ffX exist in this world (you are now imagining kimahri playing with a tiny kairi after diplomacy stuff with her dad just ended)
Due to DI being an original world, it is actually a shard of the original world that didnt really changed much compared to the other original ones. its major difference is that it is an ocean world like Wind waker hyrule or the Grand line from One piece
Magic is a real thing in the original worlds populace, you just really need to get good at it, learn it, be magical by default, or cheat and get a keyblade somehow
Religion in the og worlds strike me as something akin to the way people prayed to the aeons of yevon in ffx or the astrals of FF15. with people praying to the ff summons on a case by case basis and depending on their preference for patron gods. Ie: Leviathan being a goddess of the ocean and water who is prayed to by sailors or fishermen, while scholars prefer ifrit using an interpretation of the fire of knowledge. (you know. like a furry prometheus that doesnt get eaten by an eagle daily)
I'll probably go on more detail later, but for now, the summons that get prayed to the most in DI is probably Leviathan for the aforementioned reasons, Ramuh for nature and agriculture reasons, shiva for tradition and combat reasons (related to riku in my particular headcanon) And Titan for economical reasons, wow alex making the rock man into the economy guy i wonder where you have heard it before
Speaking of economy, DI currency totally has tiny paopu fruit symbols in its coins and bills, and its a legal course currency in its neighboring islands because they too dig the paopu fruit symbolism
Munny looks like malleable diamonds because it probably just morphs into the appropate currency depending on the world we're in, moogles only use them as they are because they are both the people doing synthing and also shady as hell. do not trust the pompom people.
Going back to the Paopu fruit: its quite a common tree fruit in the islands and in fact is industrially harvested in some islands both as an export and in-island use.
The paopu folk story is actually mostly just a misconception for an older tale. originally involving sailors and a promise to return home safe. it eventually turned into "sharing one will entwine your fates forever"
Paopu pastries are a common dessert, and paopu wine is used often in weddings.
Monsters ARE real in the islands and roam the most inhabited places. These are often hunt for game and for safety reasons
THAT MEANS, chocobos are also a thing people use in the most rural parts of the islands for fieldwork, transportation and sometimes food.
Blitzball is MAD popular and they Often do tournaments involving several islands. DI itself was almost a perpetual champion up until jecht retired, then they win every so often instead of always
Boating licenses are a thing, but kids can still use their little boats because they have to row them. think like, the difference between a bicicle and a motorbike.
There are bridges for tram systems between islands that are close to each other, usually reinforced for sea and storm reasons.
Legally speaking, equal marriage is a thing and even polyamorous ones because why being an ass about it.
Healthcare is mostly public, but there are Specialty care stuff in the main islands that costs money because of course it is
Because sora and riku are japanese names, i prefer the island to be something like a tropical japan, so most of the people in DI have japanese names.
That would be all for now. tune in next time when i tackle on Twilight town, who may or not be in perpetual twilight (is not)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months ago
Gantober #1 - Rest
(Ocarina of Time Adult Timeline, no particular tag or trigger)
Gantober Masterlist
After a while —though what a while consisted of here evaded him entirely— Ganondorf found there was an ease to the chains binding him to nothingness.
At first he had trashed, howling curses that no one would ever hear. He had raged at the wounds cracking his face open. Raged at the puny things that denied him the fruits of a lifetime of seething work. Raged at the gods, the fabric of all worlds; raged at the Triforce, at Hyrule and its blessed winds... but not even he could hear the sounds that he made. The wild, pungent fur retracted into fragile skin. He shrunk; his inhumane features settling for the gauntness of an aging man.
Slowly, agonizingly, he allowed the silence to suffocate him.
He felt his consciousness fracture, evading him from all sides, spilling from the gashes in his flesh and off into the gloomy purples of this non-dimension. He could rest, he thought —almost pleadingly. He could allow his failure to define him. He could stop resisting the flow of time and fate, give up, let it all go. Find the place where he had always belonged: as passing history, a mark on the stone, and then nothing more than legend.
And he would have. To his shame, he would have.
He would have, if not for the insistent golden light piercing the ghastly edges of the void. The shard, embedded deep within his bones. The proof, throbbing through his living corpse in a dull ache, denying him respite from the scorching thirst of his soul.
He would have, had he not won once already.
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emma-altium7 · 1 year ago
Warriors headcanon because I said so-
Warriors totally blames himself for the war. Whenever anyone tries to get him to understand that it wasn't his fault and Cia was a psycho, he'd say nothing but secretly he'd be like: "It was totally my fault, I should've given myself up when I had the chance."
Warriors was (and still is in his mind) a Mama's boy. Also, Warriors' mom died during an ambush, she was a soldier in the army and she wished for Warriors to also become one like her.
Warriors' mom was definitely the one to first wear the scarf and when she died, the soldiers took said scarf and gave it back to him as part of his Hero's Clothing.
Warriors definitely has the worst self-esteem in the whole team, he thinks himself as the least of the least and will think of everyone else but himself. He could be sporting a broken rib, a fractured leg and a shattered hand and still fuss over Legend's cut, or Wild's scrap or Sky's sprained muscle.
Whenever this happens, the Chain will threaten Warriors by telling him that they'll bring Time into the discussion and he'll bring the ultimate mother hen, Fierce Deity.
Warriors is the main medic in the team, while Hyrule knows how to heal, he doesn't know how to do it without leaving permanent damage. Warriors, being the war general he is, does know how to how to take an arrow out, how to stop a bleeding wound, etc.
Warriors was made for combating multiple foes at once, not 1v1, so when he began traveling with the Chain, he would always swing in a wide arc. He's gotten better at fighting one opponent but anytime waves after waves of monsters come out, the Chain will split from Warriors to avoid getting hit by his swings. They also know he does better alone in those types of situations and if anything happens there's always at least one person watching from a far, ready to jump in because he's used to having backup when needed.
Warriors likes keeping up his appearance, it use to be because of his status as a war general but now he doesn't really know why. Also he's got the whole makeup, cream and hair product kit.
The man has a knife almost everywhere on his person, in his boot, underneath his scarf, in his glove, on his hip, on his breast (inside a hidden pocket), etc. He's afraid of getting betrayed like the soldiers did to him during the war.
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links-in-time · 7 months ago
Twilight Warriors - Chapter 6
Dark slips through the Chain's fingers again, but Twilight and Wars get to spend a semi-relaxing night in the Kakariko hot springs.
Usual 🔞 smutt warnings
Dark and his minions had managed to slip away from the heros during the chaos caused by the dungeon collapse. Wild and Four blamed themselves for being too reckless. But the others insisted it wasn't entirely their fault. Dark had probably intended to hold them up in the dungeon long enough to make their escape through another portal.
The large central chamber of the dungeon had been eerily empty. Though pools of conjealed blood were splattered intermittently around the room. Black threads of malice swirled through the crimson blood. Wars inspected the pools with keen interest after Wild identified the alien substance for him.
"Is that what he's doing then?" Warriors asked no one in particular. "Combining monster blood with malice to make them stronger?"
"It doesn't sound any stranger than the other theories we've come up with so far," Time answered, scratching the back of his neck.
"I still think my idea is a good one," Wind interjected.
"What, the one about an unknown evil Link from the future travelling back in time to try and kill us all?" Hyrule asked, arms crossed, eyes rolling.
"What? It could happen!" Wind protested, mimicking Hyrule's body language.
They wasted little time in the chamber and decided to follow Dark through the portal. The boys walked through the space between space and into a dusty afternoon in a sandy canyon. A canyon Twilight recognised instantly.
He didn't have time to inform his companions of this fact however, before he had to dodge the swing of an enormous axe. Dark had left an ambush waiting on the other side of the portal to catch them on their way through. Several bulblins armed with clubs and axes blocked their escape. While two aeralfos swooped overhead, attacking from above. Wild and Twilight quickly had arrows trained on the aeralfos, and in a few shots they were lying on the ground. The bulblins were annoying but no match for seven seasoned heroes.
The battle was over quickly but they all knew it had only been a distraction. A minor scuffle to give Dark more time to get away. No one had any injuries, other than Warriors previously fractured wrist, so Time was happy for them to move forward.
"This is my era," Twilight finally announced. "We're in Eldin province. Kakariko village is just down this road."
Twilight pointed in a southerly direction along the road in front of them. And the others followed the line of his finger.
"It's not far. And there will be beds to sleep in when we get there!" He added.
This information was greeted with a great deal of relief and eagerness to get moving. Without further ado, the Chain set off between the canyon walls, their minds already ahead of them. Picturing all sorts of comforts that accompanied civilisation in their world.
Warriors fell into step with Twilight near the front of the group and spoke in a voice so low Twi almost missed it entirely.
"Don't suppose we might be able to get a bed alone in town?" He asked.
"Not sure. The hotel is more of a hostel. And the rest of the houses have inhabitants now. Don't worry, I'll think of something love." Twilight insisted, quickly reaching out to give Warriors hand a brief squeeze.
It took them less than fifteen minutes to reach the edge of town. Wild was agape at how different Kakariko was in Twilight's time compared to his. He missed the vibrant green and the clinking of the chimes blowing in the wind. There was wind here, but it was hot and dry. Clearly Death Mountain had a firmer grip on Eldin during this era.
Twilight lead the group through the town towards the hotel, where Renado was walking towards them along the wood plank walkway.
"Link?" He exclaimed, eyes wide at the sight of the young hero. "It's been months since you visited us here. Where have you been my young friend?"
Renado closed the distance between them and reached out a hand in greeting. The two men grasped hands then pulled each other in for a brief embrace.
"Renado, I've been away protecting Hyrule. But I think I'll be back for a short time. For tonight at the very least. My friends and I were hoping to stay," he explained, remembering the easy way he could talk to people from his own time.
Renado looked past Twilight at the other heroes. Hyrule gave him a little wave.
"Are they more of the rebels from Castle Town?" Renado asked.
"Sort of, they're adventurers too. We've been on the road a lot recently and we could all do with a decent night's rest. Do you know if there's enough room for us here?" Twi replied, gesturing to the hotel behind Renado.
"Oh yes, some visitors from the other regions were here a week ago on a diplomatic trip. But they left a few days ago. The town's been quite quiet again since they left. I'm sure the hotel will be able to find room for you and all your friends." Renado assured them, punctuating his sentence with a friendly confident smile.
Room for nine heroes consisted of two large rooms with five beds apiece. Twi, Wars, Hyrule, Legend and Sky were in one room, with Four, Time, Wind and Wild in the other.
Twilight let himself drift off for a few hours to recover some strength, and to let his partner get some much needed rest. Around midnight he roused himself and trained his enhanced hearing on the other boys in the room. Satisfied they were all asleep, he crept across the candle lit room towards Warriors sleeping form in one of the opposite beds.
"Wars," Twi whispered, as softly as he could manage. "Wars, wake up."
Twi waited for Warriors to stir and open one eye before he continued speaking.
"If you want, meet me in the kitchen in five minutes. If you don't want to I'll go back to bed after that, okay?"
Twilight didn't wait for Wars to answer him he just turned and silently left the room.
In the bed beside Wars, Sky overheard Twilight's whispered instructions. His heart twisted with a pang at the thought of Wars and Twilight sneaking off together in the middle of the night. He'd begun to notice them spending more and more time alone together recently. Of course he hadn't said anything. It wasn't really his business. But by Hylia did he want to know if what he thought was happening, was happening. For tonight however, his aching body kept his curious mind firmly in his bed, tucked up beneath the blankets until he drifted back to sleep again. His dreams attempting to fulfil his fantasies.
Twilight was just about to go back upstairs to bed when he heard the kitchen door creak open behind him. The meagre light from the fire and the lantern in Twi's hand cast a warm orange light over Warriors form. He still had his sleep shirt on, but he'd pulled on trousers and boots to go out in. Wars had draped a blanket over his shoulders to defend against the evening chill.
"I thought you'd gone back to sleep," Twi whispered, walking forwards and pulling the blanket a little closer around Wars' chest.
"Nearly did, but I wanted to come see you more than I wanted to sleep," Wars replied, a hint of drowsiness still in his voice.
"Well it's nice to know where I rank in your list of priorities!" Twi chuckled.
He turned and walked towards the fire where a long wooden ladder was hung against the wall. Wars noticed it lead to a high window where moonlight was streaming through the small square.
"Hope you're ready for a bit of a climb," Twilight said over his shoulder. It's not hard, but this is the fastest way up to the cliffs."
Wars didn't ask why they were climbing the hotel in the middle of the night. But it was probably the strangest rendezvous the two of them had had thus far.
Twilight lead the way up the ladder while Warriors scurried up behind him. He followed Twilight out through the window onto a ledge on the outside of the building. Silently, they climbed up to the next story of the hotel. A flat roof allowed them to cross from one section to another, where a shallow slope helped them reached the next roof section. They carried on like this in silence, Twilight leading the familiar way up the building, with Wars behind him. As they moved, Wars couldn't help but glance up occasionally as Twilight's shirt rode up above the waistband of this trousers, exposing his ass beneath tight trousers.
Saving those thoughts for later, Wars looked up again to find Twilight standing on a ledge above him, holding out a hand. He took it gratefully and let Twi pull him the rest of the way onto the cliff top. With the hotel now behind them, Wars turned to look at Kakariko down below. The silent street and little houses still and quiet. Stars twinkle above as thin wisps of cloud passed overhead. The countryside and the mountain beyond, illuminated by the bright full moon. It was a beautiful night, it made him glad he hadn't gone back to sleep.
As rare as it was for the Chain to sleep in real beds, it was rarer still for two lovers to spend a night together. And on such a perfect night at that.
Warriors happily followed Twilight along the top of the ridge towards a point where he could see a gap in the rocks to their right. As they turned the corner a wall of warm air hit them as they stepped into a cloud of mist. It fought off the night air and dragged Wars forwards. He heard Twilight let out a deep sigh beside him as the warmth enveloped them both.
"Welcome to the hot springs. I thought we could relax up here for a while. No one else should be up here at this time of night, so we won't be disturbed," Twilight explained, as he took a step forward.
His movement disturbed the air and Wars followed in his footsteps towards the edge of an aqua pool bubbling away merilly. It didn't look very deep, but Wars wouldn't have minded if he could sink all the way to the bottom. After a moment Wars shook his head. He'd zoned out for a while without realising. Warriors blinked a few times before turning to his right to see where Twilight had gone.
What he found, completely brought him back to himself in an instant. Twilight stood completely naked, running a hand through his shaggy blond hair, his body highlighted by the moonlight. As he turned his gaze upon his lover, Twilight's eyes seemed to glisten as they reflected the starlight. He smiled at Warriors standing frozen to the spot, mouth a little agape. Twi couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him.
"You'll catch flies like that sweetheart," he said with a snorted laugh.
"Huh?" Wars replied, eyes still roaming over Twilight's body.
Twilight giggled at the single syllable response and stepped towards his drooling lover.
"Hyrule to Link? Are you still with me Link?" He laughed, cupping Warriors cheeks with his hands.
Warriors eyes met Twilight's, coming into sharper focus as he stepped into his space. The contact of Twilight's hands on his face felt warm and soothing. He sighed a little and smiled softly, allowing the superfluous blanket to slip from his shoulders.
"I'm here Rancher, I'm here." He said quietly, tipping his head forward to rest it against Twilight's forehead.
"Are you going to join me?" Twi asked, inclining his head towards the pools.
Wars followed his gaze then nodded.
"I'd like that."
"You need some help with those clothes?" Twi asked softly, fiddling playfully with the buttons on Warriors trousers.
"Hmm, if you don't hurry up with those buttons I'm gonna push you in that pool!" Wars warned playfully, giving Twi a dark teasing look.
Twilight laughed deep in his chest and turned his fumbling into a more concerted effort. Twilight pulled off Warriors trousers and boots and a moment later Wars pulled his night shirt off over his head. After throwing it onto the pile of their clothes and shoes, Wars went to flatten his hair out of habit. But Twilight caught his hand midair, with a soft grip.
"Don't," he uttered, "I like seeing you a little ruffled."
"Forgive me for wanting to look my best for you," Wars replied with a smirk.
"I don't care how you look love, so long as you're looking at me," Twilight muttered.
The breathy tone of his voice tugged at Warriors core. Fuck Twilight was turning him on right now. As Twilight stepped away, Wars followed, he didn't want to lose contact with Twi for a moment. But move away he did, stepping towards the pool and the inviting warmth of the water. Wars watched as Twilight took a step into the water. He waded in to just above his knees, his dick hanging just above the water. Then Twilight turned and held out his hand.
"Are you coming?" He asked.
Wars thought that question was a bit premature and he snorted a laugh at his own joke.
"For you darling, always."
Wars took hold of Twilight's outstretched hand. He followed Twi into the water, letting out a soft moan as the feeling of the hot water rolled against his aching skin. It was like stepping into a hot bath at the end of the worst day. Wars closed his eyes and waded into the water a little further. He felt the water rise up past his hips, smooth stone beneath his bare feet.
Twi was still holding onto Warriors hand and he lead him gently towards the deepest part of the pool. The water sloshed against their chests, leaving droplets splattering their shoulders and upper arms. When Warriors opened his eyes Twilight was still watching him with his soft gaze. Twilight smiled at his lover as he watched him surrender his aching body to the embrace of the water.
"You good?" Twi asked.
"Yeah," Wars nodded, "this feels amazing Twi. I'm guessing you've been up here before?"
"A few times on my adventure. Any time I was passing through Kakariko I tried to come up here to let myself take a break." Twilight explained as he ducked down a little to submerge his body up to his chin.
Wars mirrored Twi, lowering himself into the water. He felt safe enough with Twilight beside him that Wars decided to duck his head beneath the surface. He stayed down for a moment, listening to the rush of water over his ears. Enveloped in the blissful embrace of the steaming water, Warriors mind felt free of worry and strife. When he came back up for a breath, he frowned when Twilight wasn't still standing in front of him.
"I haven't gone far," Twilight's voice assured him from the side of the pool.
Wars pushed through the water to where Twi lounged against the side of the pool. Steam rose in plumes around him while the moonlight glinted off the water dripping from his torso. He was gorgeous and Wars could hardly take his eyes off him.
"Why didn't you just swim across? It's easier than wading." Twi asked with a frown. Briefly ruining Warriors picture.
Wars turned his face away as he stopped short of Twilight. Wars hoped Twi would assume the blush on his cheeks was from the heat of the water.
"I um, it wouldn't be easier for me," he said bashfully.
"Huh? Can't you swim?" Twi asked slowly, trying not to make it sound as though he was too surprised.
"I erm, I never learnt how," Wars replied sheepishly, keeping his distance as his eyes dropped to the water.
"Wow, that's kinda surprising!"
"Is it? I grew up in a city remember. No big bodies of water. And all my battles were land based. The need for swimming, just never came up," Wars explained, rubbing his bicep nervously as he spoke.
"I could teach you if you like?" Twi suggested, trying not to dwell on the negatives and give Wars something positive to think about.
He held out his hand and gave Warriors an encouraging stare. Wars let out a sigh and took Twi's hand. Twilight tugged Wars towards him and braced him with a gentle hand to his chest. He kept a soft grip on Wars' hand and leant in to kiss him. Wars sighed into Twilight's kiss and pressed himself closer to his body.
"I'd love that," Wars uttered, as he pulled away to catch his breath.
He reached up his free hand to trail a wet line along Twilight's jaw.
"But perhaps we could enjoy some other activities tonight?" He whispered, his words bringing out a flush in Twilight's cheeks. "I'm sure that's what you had in mind when you dragged me up here in the middle of the night."
A growl reverberated in Twilight's chest. His hands plunged beneath the water to find Warriors hips. Twi pulled Wars against himself possessively, digging his fingertips into Warriors skin. He always relished in the marks he left on Wars body. A subtle sign of their connection. Twilight wanted Wars closer, closer, closer. He didn't think he could be satisfied unless he and Wars were melded together somehow. His semi bumped against Warriors hip, the minor contact drawing out a moan.
"Someone's excited already," Wars observed, a teasing note in his voice. His own erection now trapped between them.
"You always excite me. I can hardly control myself around you these days," Twilight replied, his voice deep and husky with want. "Sometimes I wish I could just pin you down and fuck you senseless no matter where we are."
"The others might raise an eyebrow at that," Wars pointed out with a chuckle. "And I'm not sure the Sailor should be exposed to that just yet."
"I don't care anymore. I hate waiting for the moments when I can have you." Twilight responded, his voice sounding more and more desperate as his eyes drank in his lover. "Link, I... I need you."
"You have me Link, just take me," Wars whispered.
Spurred on by some blinding desire, Twilight pushed himself back onto a ledge at the edge of the pool. His waist and legs still below the water. He pulled Warriors up with him, planting his hands under Wars' ass while his lover straddled his lap.
Wars let out a surprised laugh at Twilight's man-handling of him. He'd never tell Twi just how much he loved it, but having his control taken away from him during sex only heightened his pleasure. For someone who always had to be in charge of every situation, every plan or strategy, Wars felt he could just let go with Twilight. He trusted Twi to take care of him and look after him. They had learned each other's limits and Twi knew how far he could push Wars. He loved him for it.
Wars bit his lip playfully as his eyes roamed over Twi's wet torso and up over his flyaway hair.
While his lips locked onto Wars', Twilight's hands set to work. His fingers found Warriors hole and he was rewarded with a perfect sultry gasp echoing in his mouth. Twi and Wars' eyes locked as Twi's middle finger started to rub up and down Warriors crack. He pressed against the tip of Wars' spine, eliciting more breathy moans. Wars continued to moan and gasp the more pressure Twilight added.
"Oh stop teasing me! By the three it's infuriating!" Wars groaned, throwing his head back at the delicious tease on his ass.
"But you look so stunning like this. And every little sound that comes out your mouth makes me want to fuck you even harder when I'm ready," Twi replied with a chuckle.
After a few more minutes of fondling, Twi pushed his finger into Warriors ass.
"Oooooh," Wars uttered, his back arching as he tilted his head back.
Twilight plunged forward and locked his lips around Warriors exposed neck. His wild side winning him over, Twilight let himself bite Wars ever so slightly. His canines nipping at the miscle at the juncture between Wars' neck and shoulder.
"Uh!" Wars gasped, one hand rushing to grip Twilight's shoulder and the other tangling in his hair. "That's - that feels so good!"
Twilight moved his focus slightly and nipped Warriors flesh again. He got the same reaction. Warriors startled cries fuelling his arousal. Twilight wanted Wars around his cock, to fill him with his seed. To hear him moan and scream and chant his name. Desperate to satisfy himself and his lover, Twilight returned his attention to the hand cupping Warriors ass. He added another finger to Wars' tight hole and began massaging the soft walls inside.
"Twi!" Wars breathed, his words barely audible. "Twi... Link... Fuck!"
"You want more sweet thing?" Twi asked, dipping his head briefly to suck at Warriors nipples.
"Oh fuck!" Wars huffed, tightening his grip on Twilight's hair.
The pull on his scalp was growing painful, but it gave Twilight something to focus on other than his erection. He leaned into the sensation when Warriors pulled his head in a particular direction. He let out his own breathy moans when Wars planted a wet sucking kiss against the skin at the base of his neck. The sweet feeling of the hickey pulled at his core and sent his senses reeling as Warriors repeated the action, once, twice more.
Twilight slipped a third finger into Warriors ass, pushing all the way down to his knuckles. Wars released his grip on Twilight's hair, his fingers reaching out into the air. His mouth dropped open into a perfect O and Twilight huffed a laugh at how perfectly his lover took his attentions.
"You love this don't you," he observed, slowing his fingers steadily to a stop, just flexing them slowly inside.
"Fuck yes," Wars replied, eyes closed as he savoured the feeling of Twilight's fingers inside him. His toes curled and uncurled in the water.
"You want more?" Twi asked, a teasing note to his soft voice.
"I always want more of you darling," Wars gasped.
He started gently rocking himself on Twilight's fingers, relishing the feeling of his ass stretching around Twilight's digits. Chasing the previous sensations which had been driving him insane.
"Would you like to ride my cock instead of my hand?" Twilight suggested, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Wars nodded, his wet bangs hanging over his face, partly blocking his view. Twilight removed his fingers from Warriors ass and reached up with his other hand to brush Warriors hair aside. Tucking his bangs behind his ear, Twilight's hand lingered on Wars' cheek for a moment.
"You're so gorgeous, I can't believe how lucky I am."
"Me?" Wars chuckled, "I've been spending all night thinking the same thing about you."
The two men laughed for a moment before coming together in a heated kiss. Warriors claiming Twilight's mouth with his tongue before biting his lower lip as he withdrew.
The passion between them slowed to a steady humm as Warriors lifted his body over Twilight's waiting cock. Twi held himself steady as he lined up with the Captain's ass. Wars lowered himself, hovering over Twilight's head, just brushing the rim of his hole. His eyes found his lovers, deep blue like the midnight sky around them, as Wars slowly lowered himself down.
Wars relished the feeling of being fingered, eager digits pressing blissfully against his sensative core. Stretching his hole with each finger added. Whereas Twi's cock demanded to fill every inch of Wars' insides. Sitting astride Twilight's lap, with his cock now deep insidde him, Wars felt a sense of belonging. He was Twilight's. The Ranchers own thing to use as he wished. Wars was just along for the ride.
As the warmth of the water surrounded them, easing aches and pains, Wars began to lift himself up. Feeling the drag of Twilight's cock against his hole.
"Mmmng," Twilight groaned, his head tipping back as his eyelids fluttered.
"Oh I love the way you fill me up. I could ride you for hours!" Wars cooed, his voice soft and loving. "Just wanna ride your cock until you fill my ass with your cum."
Warriors words seemed to bring Twilight back to himself a little. His wandering hands rooted themselves to Wars' hips, pinning the man to his lap. Twi locked eyes with Wars again as he began to thrust his pelvis upwards. Twi's cock seated deep inside Wars ass, the sensation of being fucked hard and fast felt incredible.
"Oh Link!" Wars cried out, his voice dulled by the steamy air around them.
"That's right, you're mine aren't you," Twi grunted, quickly changing the sound from a growl.
"Uh huh," Wars nodded emphatically. His hands draped lazily over Twilight's shoulders.
Water splashed and churned around them as Twilight continued to pound into Warriors. Occasionally he would remind Wars just how strong he was, as he lifted the slighter man up and down.
"Oh by the three!" Wars exclaimed, eyes squeezed shut as his jaw dropped.
Twi felt him clench around his cock and watched with satisfaction as Wars came between them. Streams of his thick cum mingling with the water. Wars clenched again and Twilight came with a stammered cry. His cock released inside Wars, filling him until he ran dry. The sensation stretched out Warriors orgasm as he felt himself filled with Twilight's cum.
"Oh fuck Twi!" Wars gasped, gripping Twilight's shoulders as he shuddered.
Twilight rode out his own high, finding Warriors cheek with his hand once more. He stroked Wars' face with his thumb, gazing into the bright blue eyes staring back at him.
They stayed that way for a moment, locked in each other's gaze until Warriors hips began to ache. Slowly he lifted himself off Twilight's cock and stood up on slightly shakey legs. Deciding it was probably not a good idea to be standing on wobbly legs in a deep pool of water. Wars walked to the edge and hauled himself up to sit on the smooth rocky edge of the pool.
Twilight turned his head to watch Wars push himself up out of the pool. His muscles taut and drpping with water as he turned to sit on the edge. Wars ran a hand through his wet hair before looking down at Twilight.
"What are you looking at gorgeous?" He teased, still trying to even out his breath.
"Hmm, a midnight snack perhaps," Twilight mused.
"A midnight snack?" Wars echoed, a little confused.
He frowned a little, catching Twi's attention. Twilight stood up, sending another small wave across the pool. He turned and crouched down in front of Wars. Twilight's hands ghosted along Warriors legs, resting on his upper thighs. He eyed the object of his desire for a moment before briefly tilting his head to look into Wars face.
"I've been working hard tonight. I've worked up quite the appetite!" He crooned, giving Wars a tintelating smile.
As Twilight's head dove between Warriors legs, the Captain let out a soft cry of pleasure. A cry which vanished into the silence of the night.
< Chap 5 : Chap 7 >
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kovacs-of-courage · 2 years ago
Eclipse AU(Tldr at bottom of post_
So I made a modern-sort of percy jackson inspired AU for Linked Universe, I think it's fun to write! I hope other people enjoy it. Here's my weird rough summary. Willing to answer any and all questions!
The Chain are lost in time, trapped in an unending cycle of life and death. A familiar tale to the hero's spirit. In their last confrontation with the incarnations of demise, and the demons he commanded--the whole of reality went asunder, and the power of the gods shattered entirely.
After that confrontation--the nine embodiments of the hero’s spirit suffered the same fate as their homeland--their souls washed away in caskets of golden tears and failed promises.
Hyrule was wiped away, wiped from the face of history and beyond. The goddesses had to begin their creation anew, without the baggage of those that caused it’s destruction in the first place.
Earth, modern earth, was created in it’s place--with a few key changes.
For all their efforts--the remains of their first creation leaked through, infecting the history of our earth like vile rot. The monsters were the first to make the breach, their combined hatred and inhuman will to survive holding their corrupted essences together through the transition.
There are stories of these creatures, often disregarded as exaggerated hyperbole by historians, or metaphors for natural disasters. 
They were not.
The Queen Gohma haunts the jungles of South America, legends of her urchin-like young making victims of unfortunate wanderers; sustaining her immortal lifespan in the depths of her hollowed tree.
Argorok terrorized the skies of medieval Europe, casting plumes of fire on the feudal armies that tried opposing it’s oppressive reign; her accompanying packs of gleeoks hunting ancient sailors in the atlantic.
And there were many, so many more monsters that endured the chaotic folding of time and space, the near-annihilation of any sense of self--as the mind and soul were put to battle against the last, drawn out gasps of their dying universe. The destruction was biblical, the return of gods seen only in legend--it’s a wonder that anything survived that cataclysm.
The chain suffered a similar fate--at first--their existence and histories torn apart atom by atom, their souls stretched paperthin as thought and reality blended together during the collapse of stars.
But they endured.
They tumbled through the new cosmos, the echoes of their shared spirit melding into the foundation of the universe--as immovable as gravity. When humanity came to prominence; the chain were there to follow. They were reborn, stripped of their memories, into a thousand different societies, and countless eras.
At times of crises and devastation; their nine courageous souls were reborn across the earth, their courage burning brighter than it had been before. They were prepared for the changing world, their skills old and new continuing with each reset.
There are some echoes of continuity, however, rules that their spirit must follow.
Twilight is related to time in some way, and they’re the two who meet again the most. 
Wind is always born in sea-faring communities, whether that be in the literal age of pirates, or as an early tribesmen at the dawn of civilization--rediscovering his aptitude for sailing.
And as the chain have been reborn, so too have many of Hyrule’s legends, their essences bleeding forth onto our realm. The memory of that primeval history scars our world, and fragments of every era hides under the bustling, nation-states of our modern age.
Some more aware than others.
Those with the blood of Hylia returned, bringing the memory of their goddess with them--thought to be eradicated. They possess no royal heritage, living as normal citizens, the zeldas being born nearby their links.
The sheikah bounced back quickly, as Impa(SS) managed to come out of the transition with her memories intact--assembling her fractured tribe during the stone ages. 
TLDR: Modern AU that’s sort of percy jackson in how Hyrule seeps over. Ancient things hidden in modern times, with the chain reborn worldwide.
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wild-dagon · 8 months ago
Building off of this idea
Where all of the Chains loved ones get dropped into Wild’s Hyrule and the Chain have to go pick them up (two at a time Wild as guide and chain member)
Where should Twilights person/people be?
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sleepylink · 1 year ago
Fracture Chains
I'm having fun thinking of my own Zelda Link crossover.
The First Hero from the Skyward Sword Manga is there, he is very tired and hates working with kids. (About 27) (Hiding - Feelings (He does care, he just worries about kids in battle, its the stress))
The Hero of Time is still a kid but when he touches the Master Sword he'll age 7 years, then when he puts it down he goes back to normal. (About 14 turns 21) (Hiding - Fear) (Can Time Travel)
The Hero of the Sky shows up sometimes, he is very tired and needs a nap. When he needs to work on something he gets down to business, but is very tired otherwise. (About 24) (Hiding - Nature (Hiding who he really is, he's running around doing everything, that's why we only see him every once in a while, he's doing things for everyone at once)) (Can Time Travel)
The Hero of Four, has been split and lost through time, and guess who's traveling with the group? Shadow, Pretending to be Vio. He is very stressed and 100% believes he will be killed if they find out. (ppl who know just by looking, Spirits, Hyrule, Legend, Twilight) (15) (Hiding - Identity)
The Hero of Spirits has taken his title a little too seriously, and is floating about trying to find where he left his body... Time, Shadow, Twilight and Hyrule are the only ones who know he's following them at the beginning. (13) (Hiding - Existence)
The Hero of Hyrule is currently pretending he's actually "Just a traveling Fairy" and hanging out with the chain. The blood curse was getting too much for him, so he decided to hide with the fairies. (17) (Hiding - Identity)
The Hero of Legend has recently awoken from Koholint and is still VERY sad about Marin. He's trying to find something to get his mind off of things, and teaming up with others is exactly that. He is also trying to hide the fact he's still injured from the ship wreck- (17) (Hiding - Injury and Sadness) (Can Time Travel)
The Hero of the Minish, Still learning how to become a blacksmith, took a bit of a detour to help everyone out, but he mostly stays home. (11) (Hiding - Abilities)
The Hero of the Wild, saw things were broken, and was trying to fix things, but somehow ended up here, not sure why, but he's working on it! (123 (23)) (Hiding - Confusion)
The Hero of Twilight, Loves Animals, Loves kids, is just vibing tbh, Ignore that stressful face, he's fine! Whats over there? OH LOOK A WOLF HAHA- (18) (Hiding - Stress) The Hero of the Wind, Currently founding a kingdom- Does help out the group, and joins them for a bit. (19) (Hiding - Status)
The Hero of Warriors Currently trying to fix the timeline AGAIN- Very upset he has to fix things again... (Might have been his fault thought) (26) (Hiding - Guilt) (Can Time Travel)
The Hero of World, working with Ravio to try and find out what happened to the world. Sheerow is also missing. These two stick together, and they don't stay with the chain very often. (15) (Hiding - Identity) (Can world hop)
Not all of them will be together at a time, The one's who can travel through time are each leading a group, and that group somewhat sticks together. Also, some just stay home, they are doing stuff atm.
Group 1 - First, Time, Shadow, Hyrule, Spirits
Group 2 - Warriors, Wild, Twilight, Wind and Legend
Group 3 - Sky
Group 4 - Worlds and Ravio
Group 5 - Minish (Stays home, lil guy has school)
These groups WILL Shuffle a few times.
But yeah, everyone is hiding something!
Also, all four colors of Four would show up at some point, again, Shadow is searching for them!
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bokettochild · 3 years ago
So this is rather self-indulgent but I sprained/twisted/something my ankle earlier and until we get hands on some crutches tomorrow I've been doing a lot of hopping on one leg. I described it as 'hopping around like a demented one-legged rabbit' and then rabbit made me think of Legend and now I would love to see a fic where Legend sprains his ankle and then proceeds to power hop his way around camp or something because his legs are super strong. Hyrule and Sky do not approve but he's hopping too fast for them to stop him
Your wish is my command, darling!
Broken Leg(end)
Usually, if someone in the camp is injured, a look from Time will make them hold still. 
Usually, when someone is injured and Time’s stare somehow doesn’t work, Twilight will come and hold whomever it is down until they can be treated (unless it’s Sky, because both Twilight and Warriors have to be there to make him hold still). 
And usually, if they still struggle, one look from their fae will have them sitting still in the hopes of not angering Hyrule. 
Sure, Time is scary, but Time is, at his core, just a dad. Hyrule is a fae and has the power to curse someone to stillness if they don’t comply, or so he’s let on. 
That idea is about to be tested though. 
“Legend, for the love of Hylia! Would you just hold still!” Warriors shot at the vet. The Chain of Links was just piecing themselves together after a rather nasty battle, and while so far the worst injury had been a gash to Wild’s arm, there was of course the fact that most of their member hid injuries, so there was no assurance they were in the clear quite yet. 
 Legend, in particular, was rather hard to pin down as hiding an injury which both saddened and frustrated the other heroes. It was sad because Legend was good at hiding when he was injured because more often than not people would take advantage of it if they knew. It was annoying because it meant Legend never took care of himself and didn’t like letting them help. 
Right now, in particular, the vet in question was limping across camp. And limping, as everyone who knew the heroes knows, meant that it must be rather bad indeed. 
“Ledge, please, I’m almost done splinting Twilight’s hand, just hold still and I’ll help you, okay?” Hyrule called over, shooting the rancher in question an apologetic look as he hurried to finish binding said splint in place. 
Across the camp, out of reach of most of them and still limping about, Legend huffed something that may have been a disagreement or a complaint, no one could tell.  
“Legend.” And there was the Dad Look. 
“Time.” The vet clipped back, over his shoulder. 
“Sit still.” 
“It’s just a light sprain.” Legend scoffed, but he knelt down all the same, starting to roll out a few of their bedrolls for the night. 
Twilight shook his head as he watched, eyes dark with worry and irritation both. “He’s fixing to cripple himself if he doesn’t stop that.” 
The bandage looped once more around his wrist, Hyrule’s hands deft. “And how do you mean that?” 
A nod, a huff. “He didn’t twist it. He smells off, it’s more pain than he’s letting on.” 
A possible fracture then, and hopefully only that.  
Hyrule frowned as he finished the splint on the rancher’s arm but he still accepted a hair ruffle in thanks once he was done putting the injured limb in a sling to keep the other from moving it too much. He was concerned for his mentor, and also irritated. They were all bad, although most careful enough to not be hit too hard or be wounded too badly, but Legend had been taking more and more hits lately. Usually, it was to save someone else, and usually he had the good sense to use his shield to catch a blow rather than his body, as Wild did, but shields can only block so much. 
Maybe it made sense, to a point. Ever since they’d discovered that some of the enemies’ blades were poisoned, the risk in getting hit was higher than ever before, and while many of them were talented with a sword, there were a few of their number who failed to wield their shields with the same skill. 
Not that that gave Legend a right to be an ass when he did get hurt watching their backs, but it did make it make a bit more sense why he was hurt at all. 
After all, the vet would probably rather be killed than see another brother corrupted. 
“Legend, sit.” Maybe Hyrule’s patience was running a bit low. He was tired though, so that had to be fair, right? “Let me see.” 
Legend just shook his head, not as a ‘no’, but more like he was silently clucking his tongue at the younger hero. “It’s fine, Rule, I’ll treat it myself.” 
Okay, maybe the healer’s patience was more than a bit low, because he found himself grabbing Legend by the shoulders and pushing him down onto his backside with a stern glare. “You and I both know that’s bullcrap, Legend. You don’t treat your own wounds. You fuss over ours and panic when they’re bad, but if you're injured you leave it to sit or look away when someone else stitches you up.” 
A flush colored the face of the other as he looked up into shining amber eyes. They weren’t gold yet, not nearly, but there was a threat of Hyrule’s temper shining in their depths. “Now look here, the fact that I can’t handle blood is not-” 
“It’s valid and you’re within your rights.” He didn’t need to be embarrassing his ancestor about entirely valid phobias, that wasn’t what he was getting at anyways. “But the rest of it? Gosh darn it, vet, let us help you!” And with a stern look at the other, he released the vet’s shoulders and sat back on his own heels, holding out a hand. “Give me your foot.” 
Legend blinked at him, one brow arching in disbelief and an unspoken jest at Hyrule’s behavior. The healer wasn’t about to hear it.  
“Now, Legend. Twilight may be injured, but Sky is fit as a flea if he needs to make you hold still.” 
Across camp, Sky nodded tiredly. Legend kicked if you tried holding him down, and it was honestly more a risk than whatever monsters they faced because the vet rarely missed an opponent that was literally right behind or before him. The skyloftian was willing to help regardless, but like anyone with sense he was wary of the potential consequences. 
Legend sighed, pulling his leg back and earning and arched brow from Hyrule.  
“Chill.” The elder hero huffed. “I’m just getting my boot off. Don’t need Wolfie coming along and stealing it or something while you work.” 
At the edge of camp, Wild giggled, shooting a look at his mentor who only shook his head in an exhausted manner. 
Hyrule kept his cool, waiting just a bit impatiently while Legend worked his boot off, watching carefully how the vet’s face would twist or still here and again, teeth sawing against each other behind pursed lips in a sure sign that the other hero was in more pain than he was keen on letting on. Finally, however, the boot was off and Legend was sitting cross legged and bare footed. 
“See? No blood.” 
“No socks either.” Warriors leaned away from where he’d been sitting nearby, one hand to his nose. “Sweet Hylia, vet, why?” 
The group as a whole ignored Sky’s indignant look at Warriors using Hylia’s name in vain. 
“My socks are all worn out and holey, and I haven’t had a chance to mend them because I’ve been fixing y’alls gear instead.” Legend answered, looking pointedly at the captain’s scarf, which itself had been his most common mending project what with how well loved and commonly stollen the item was.  
The captain flushed slightly, turning away and rubbing his neck, but he wasn't the only one, Time and Wind both also turning their gazes to the trees instead of the vet’s judgmental stare.  
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” 
Hyrule rolled his eyes. “Foot, Legend.” 
“I’m fine, Hyrule.” Violet eyes sparked with irritation as Legend leveled him with a look. “There’s no blood, it just hurts a bit. At worst, I pulled a muscle or something, and I can walk that off.” 
Fine, if Legend wanted to play difficult, Hyrule would let him play difficult! It takes two to play though, and Hyrule has never been afraid to fight dirty. Sharp fingers darted out, grabbing the vet’s ankle and pulling. 
There was a cut off scream of pain before Legend was slamming a hand over his own mouth and glaring at Hyrule past glistening tears. “The heck, ‘Rule!” 
Deft hands worked over the injured limb, twisting and pushing as the vet squirmed, trying his best to pull back and out of the iron grip Hyrule has on his foot. 
“Hyrule- for gosh sakes- let go!” 
The vet was ignored, despite his insistence, and Hyrule’s frown deepened as Time joined the pair, their leader’s single eye fixed on the healer. “Prognosis?” 
“Broken.” Hyrule answered, sending a sharp and gold-tinted glare at his ancestor. “Not even a clean one either. Why were you walking on this?” 
A roll of the eyes, a weak tug that in no ways freed the vet’s foot from Hyrule’s hands. “You’re exaggerati-augh!” Violet eyes glared past tears as Hyrule leveled the other with a look, grip relaxing again from having squeezed the injured limb pointedly. “It’s not-” 
“If you say ‘it’s not that bad’ I will pinch you.” Hyrule threatened. 
Legend’s frown deepened, but he slumped in place, giving up fighting against his brother and instead resigning himself to sulking. “I honestly thought it was just a bad sprain or something. Chronic pain makes other pain weird; you don’t really notice stuff like this as easily.” 
The others may or may not have been staring, Hyrule didn’t know, but he knew he was.  
“Okay, first, that’s concerning. Second, if you can’t tell for yourself than you should be asking someone else to check, because it could be very bad, especially in cases like this.” The healer was already working to set the broken limb, and Warriors scooted back over, offering his hand for the vet to squeeze if needed. “With a break this bad, you could end up crippled if you don’t treat it properly.” And as a second thought he added, “or if you walk on it.” 
Legend huffed; grip white-knuckled on Warriors’ hand as he watched Hyrule work. 
Once the vet’s injury was tended, there wasn’t much left to be done. Wild made supper with some help from Four, since his arm was still injured and Time had ordered him to take it a bit easier tonight while it healed (enhanced healing was nice and all, but Wild still had limits) and they all helped a bit with cleaning up before setting watch and heading to bed. 
  As usual, Twilight and Four took first watch so they could sit up and watch the sun set fully as they liked to do most nights, whispering quietly about the twilight shadows and what they could hide. Warriors and Wild, their two war heroes, would be the ones with the dead-man’s shift so they didn’t wake anyone in the middle of the night with bad dreams. Time and Sky would take the last shift, although everyone, even Sky, knew that their leader would most likely be doing it alone. The man liked to let them rest when he could and couldn’t sleep for more than three consecutive hours anyways. That said, he’d probably spend the last hour of his shift trying to wake Sky up all the way so that the other would be alert enough to not drown in his breakfast in the morning. 
That left Legend, Wind and Hyrule to sleep through the night, which was probably for the best because Wind had been asleep across Warriors’ lap even before they’d finished supper, Hyrule was exhausted from tending the others, and Legend needed rest if he was going to heal. 
When Hyrule woke, however, it wasn’t to find the other heroes resting. No, Hyrule was awoken by harsh whispers and a scrabbling that made not only him, but most of the others, shoot up in their bed rolls and look for the source. 
The source was Legend, who, instead of sleeping like any normal person who’d had their tibia shattered, was currently hopping around camp and getting whisper-yelled at by Time, who was pinned under a slumped over and snoring Sky. 
Hyrule wanted very much to pull his blanket back over his head and pretend he didn’t see anything. In the same moment though, he also wanted tackle Legend to the ground and sit on him until the vet eventually passed out again, either from boredom or from Hyrule playing with his hair should the healer feel like being nice. 
Rather than doing either of those things though, he pulled himself out of bed and started walking towards Legend like a normal person. 
In a very not normal-person way, Legend hopped away from him, a smirk on his face as he motioned to his foot. “I’m not putting weight on it.” 
And he wasn’t. He was just hopping about on his left leg like some sort of mad, disabled cricket.  
“You should be resting.” Time sighed, not bothering with keeping his voice down since most of them (sans Sky) were now awake, despite his efforts. 
“We have a lizard to hunt.” The vet returned, perched on one leg, arms crossed in front of him and looking like one of those weird pink bird from Aurora’s books. “I’m gathering my things.” 
“You’re sitting down and resting.” Warriors corrected firmly. “You’re in no state to hunt anything.” 
One pink brow cocked higher. “I’ll manage.” 
“On one foot?” 
A jut of the chin. “Watch me.” 
The captain rolled his eyes, pulling himself up from his bedroll. “Yeah, no. Come on, vet.” 
Maybe the man’s intent was to scoop Legend off his feet and place him back on his bedroll, but Legend was across the camp like a shot, still only using the one leg, the other tucked under him like a resting bird. He was anything but resting though, moving with a speed that would surely make Time proud if the man wasn’t burying his face in his hands with a sigh that said it was far too early for this nonsense.  
Warriors gave chase, but Legend was, somehow, faster. The vet darted from one side of camp to the other, only tumbling once, just to smoothly back up to standing, still only on the one foot, and then hopping off again. 
Legend even had the gall to do it all with his hands clasped behind his back, not once flailing to catch his balance. 
Wild whistled, impressed.  
Twilight gave his cub a disapproving look and moved to join the captain in trying to grab their vet. 
“You’re wasting energy, you know.” Legend teased, looking far too awake for someone Hyrule knew hadn’t slept more than three hours that night (he’d had Wars wake him so he could check the other and the vet hadn’t even fallen asleep by then).  
Warriors darted at their brother, and Legend danced away, grinning.  
“Save your energy, captain. You haven’t even had your coffee yet.” 
Warriors all but growled. “Then sit down so I can.” 
“You heard the man,” Wind chipped in, making no move to help and instead watching with trembling shoulders that betrayed barely contained laughter, “a Wars without coffee isn’t a foe you don’t want to face.” 
Legend hummed, and for a moment it looked like the vet was cornered, Twilight coming up behind him and Warriors standing, arms poised to snatch at him, in front of him. The captain took a step forward, fingers just grasping Legend’s shoulder before the vet was ducking down under his arm, still on one foot, still smirking, and still making Hyrule want to flop down and contemplate his adoration of his brother and whether it was worth it. “I’ll take my chances.” 
Warriors groaned.  
Twilight growled. 
Legend chuckled, shooting a wink Wind’s way as he once more hopped just out of reach of Warriors. 
A movement to the side caught Hyrule’s eye, and when he glanced over, it was to see Time hunched over Sky’s dozing form, mouth suspiciously close to the Chosen Hero’s gently twitching ear as the elder man murmured something that he couldn’t quite catch. Sky’s sapphire eyes blinked open lazily, staring across camp at where the others were chasing the vet. A smile broke over his face, silent laughter making creases form beside his eyes as his shoulders shook. 
Legend was just showing off at this point, actually dancing back and forth, still on one foot, but throwing in spins that were entirely needless as he darted just out of Twilight’s grasp. 
Time grunted, catching the attention of them all, but the man’s eye was fixed on his protégé, one ear flicking and his eyes holding words they wouldn’t read.  
Twilight’s stance changed immediately, the rancher crouching low, arms poised to snatch at the vet.  
Warriors glanced between one wolf to the other, light dancing in royal blue as he followed Twilight’s lead.  
The two stalked closer to Legend, who at this point had caught onto whatever was happening but was about as confused as the watching heroes, actions more guarded and glances wary as he started actually darting away from one and just out of reach from another, this time making an effort to escape rather than to tease. 
They were herding him, Hyrule found himself realizing with surprise. Two wolves, three if you counted the old man, working to corner their quarry. It was working too. Legend may have been a hero of courage, but Hyrule knew the tales of his hero, and he knew Legend was also rabbit at heart and it showed. The vet’s ears flicked attentively between his two pursuers, spinning to face them head on, well out of range and wary for their next move. 
He made a crucial mistake though. 
Legend turned his back on Sky and Time. 
In a moment, their leader had reached up and snagged the back of the vet’s tunic, giving Sky time to lunge forwards, arms locking around the younger hero and pulling him down against the sleepy hero's chest. Legend scrabbled and, for a brief and rather hilarious moment, shrieked, but eventually stilled. 
Sky’s sleep-addled hugs were like being wrapped in a thick and heavy blanket. The Chosen Hero would cling on tight, pulling his victim to his chest and burying his face in their hair, hanging on like a limpet, although much softer and great deal warmer. 
Legend hissed. “Foul play.” 
“Sleepy bunny.” Sky drawled, still half asleep and probably unaware of the part he had just played in stopping Legend. 
“Very sleepy.” Time smirked, actually smirked, patting Legend’s head in a way that could almost be considered condescending. “He’s hurt, so he’s going to spend today resting while the rest of us repair our gear.” A single blue eye, sharp, but sparking with mischief, turned to the rest of them. “No breaking camp this morning, boys. We’ll rest a while and scavenge for supplies.” The man’s smirk widened a bit, and Hyrule found himself slightly surprised to realize their leader had the slightest hint of dimples. “If Wild can’t brew a hearty potion though, I think Legend will need to be riding piggy back until his leg heals.” 
The vet snorted, but Hyrule didn’t miss how the older boy nestled up against Sky’s chest, legs tucking up as they always did when he was sleeping, and violet eyes fluttered briefly (Hyrule found himself wondering if Legend did himself in with all that darting about). “Jokes on you, I don’t mind piggy back rides.” 
That turned out to be a good thing, because Wild wasn’t able to brew a potion, and Legend ended up riding piggy back for nearly a week until they got dropped on Lon Lon Ranch. Surprisingly, he managed to fight the monsters they ran into despite being on Warriors’ shoulders, and the two seemed to have some fun with it, so it turned out alright. 
Legend didn’t even flush when Wind teased him about it later. 
There was probably a story there, but as long as Legend was staying off his bad leg, Hyrule wasn’t questioning it. 
He was pretty sure the Old Man had told him that story already anyways.  
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cloudninetonine · 3 years ago
I didn't see anything about requests being closed for the weekend or something but feel free to ignore this.
Do you ever think about how hurt Time would if he learned that the mess Legend had to go through was his fault?
Time always knew that timelines were a dangerous thing to mess with, but he never knew that the timelines could truly fracture the way it did.
With every word that left the Player's mouth, he could feel his heart sink.
Wind has asked a relatively innocent question, asking if since the Player knew Hyrule was the first adventure in their world, what was the first adventure in the history of Hyrule. That simple question sent the Player into a ramble, a grin on their face and they throughly enjoyed showcasing every piece of knowledge they had about the timeline.
Time didn't know what to expect when they said he brought about change but learning he could have failed in his fight against Ganon brought an ice cold feeling to his chest.
When Player told the Chain that Legend followed the 'Fallen Hero' timeline, as they so delicately put it, Time felt his now cold heart drop.
He vividly remembered the only time he had ever seen the Veteran cry, breaking down in the middle of the night during his watch, when Time truly should have been asleep.
Vet had sobbed over the idea that dispite all the suffering he had gone through, there were people he still couldn't save.
He mourned for a fallen lover, fallen soldiers, the times his skills were put to waste fixing a fashion curse while others in foreign kingdoms fought for their lives.
He mourned for the broken mess that was his hyrule that he had fought so hard to build up.
A hyrule that Time now realized was Time's own fault.
The formerly daunting but now haunting sounds of Legends sobs echoed in his ear as Time settled to rest.
The idea of the lives that had been lost during Legends adventure pressing against his mind as he recalled every second of his fight with Ganon.
If he had been more confident, if he had trained more, if he had fought harder, would it have been fixed? Could that outcome have always been avoided?
He supposed he'd never know, that was the fate he had accepted.
What a shame he would get an answer, what a shame he'd see the carnage of Legend's hyrule first hand and realize no matter how hard he fought, Ganon was a force to be reckoned with, he would always have a chance of failure.
Anyway! I'm on an angst kick but I'm too scared to put it in angst chat in discord so I'll keep it here, even if it never gets answered.
-Fruit Anon
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Everyday I receive angst against my will and I weep.
(THIS is awesome Fruit!)
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artificialcharisma · 3 years ago
it’s christmas, babey!
Hyrule is currently sitting up against one of the logs by a cooking pot near one of the many stables in Wild’s time. He’s just healed a fractured arm, a broken leg, a bunch of other injuries, and is in general, moping in his miserable sense of regret. Mindless thoughts trail around his head, a series of “what-ifs” and “why didn’t you”’s that never really form into real sentences. Four asked him if he wanted to play cards with them inside the stable - “It’s snowing, you’re going to get sick,” were his exact words, but Hyrule was content watching Wild cook something amazing out of... various herbs.
This is exactly when Legend walks out of the Dueling Speaks stable, drops a present the size of Hyrule’s hand at at his feet, and mutters “Merry Christmas,” to a bewildered Hyrule, and an even more bewildered Wild.
“Um. What?” He says, and while Hyrule prides himself on being one of the few members of “The Chain” that can fully articulate his thoughts without needing eighteen expletives and sixteen metaphors, this is one of the moments where he simply Cannot Think. 
Legend raises an eyebrow. “December 25th. Christmas. Don’t tell Sky.”
Hyrule blinks a few times, as Wild mutters out a very confused, “december???”
“I thought, uh, you weren’t...”
Legend plops himself down next to Hyrule. He’s not wearing any pants, even as it’s snowing. “Christian? I’m not. But there’s no fucking way I’m letting that golden haired bitch of a Goddess pry away the few good memories I have from my childhood.” He skirts his eyes around the entrance of the stable. “Again, don’t tell Sky.”
Ignoring the ‘golden haired bitch’ statement, Hyrule shifts to the side. “I didn’t get you anything.”
Legend snorts. “Well, yeah, duh. You can make up for it on my birthday.”
“...when’s your birthday?” He asks, knowing full well he’s not getting an answer.
“Oh, wow, look who’s nosy. I get you a gift and you start going into my private life?” Legend lets out a low whistle. “Not cool.”
Wild chuckles. Hyrule jumps. “Since when were you -- ??”
“I’ve been here the whole time?” Wild laughs. “Anyway, are either of you two going to explain ‘Christmas’, or am I supposed to sit here and cook, oblivious?”
“You’re supposed to cook. This is none of your business.” Legend says, deadpan.
“Alright,” Wild shrugs. “I’ll just tell Sky you called Hylia a bitch.”
Legend locks eyes with Wild. Wild stirs the food in the cooking pot. Hyrule feels like he’s infringing on a rivalry only surpassed by the one Legend has with Warriors.
“It’s a holiday!” Hyrule blurts out. No one wants to face the wrath of Sky. No one.
“Some really important guy was born today, and you celebrate it by giving people you care about important gifts.” Legend adds. “Well. They’re not always important. My sister once gave me fucking socks for Christmas, and I didn’t speak to her for a month.”
Wild frowns. “That’s a little harsh.”
“My sister is the princess of Hyrule,” Legend says, staring him dead in the face.
Hyrule tentatively looks towards Legend. “So, I’m hoping I didn’t get socks?”
“No, you didn’t get socks. Open it.” He says, pressing the box into Hyrule’s hands.
Its decorations are nice for what Hyrule assumes was short notice. After a few seconds of looking at it, he can tell that it’s adorned with the same designs as Legend’s ring box. “What did you get me?”
“Do you think I’m going to tell you?”
Hyrule (very carefully!!) opens the box.
He is now keenly aware of the lack of some rings on Legend’s hands.
“You didn’t...” He mutters, not really as a question, but as a statement of general shock. There’s just, and excuse his language, no fucking way. Wild probably shares the same sentiment, considering his incredulous look.
“I didn’t give you all of them, who do you think I am, a fucking idiot? But I don’t need most of the shit I’ve collected from my adventures, and I figured it’d be better to give some of it to you, instead of letting Ravio sell it like the parasite he is.”
It’s the most beautiful collection of jewelry Hyrule’s ever seen, and he’s been to Wild’s Gerudo Town.
“I mean, if you don’t want them, I can take --”
The rest of Legend’s sentence, however, is not heard, because Hyrule is too busy hugging him. He can vaguely hear Legend mouthing something to Wild, but at this point, it’s such a common occurrence that Hyrule doesn’t care.
“Thanks,” he says.
“Yeah. Merry Christmas,” Legend replies, and it’s probably the only genuine thing he’s said in his life.
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