nyx-rps · 6 years
NAME: mousse TIMEZONE: GMT +1  PREFERRED PRONOUNS: she/hers WHO DID YOU APPLY FOR? OR ARE THINKING OF APPLYING FOR?: literally all the connections for @roleplcyheaux​ hales bc i’m just *shrug emoji*
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Older to Ivy Duval by like a year, so they constantly get mistaken for twins. Her mother’s daughter and very on brand for the Duval woman, Nettie is flighty. She’s living by the skin of her teeth, constantly jumping from opportunity to opportunity. She never really left the Bayou because she fears so many things, even though she lives like she’s got nothing to fear for. Her constantly excitable personality is definitely strange, but not so out of place.
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So he’s your general hardass private eye turned detective JOURNALIST, because he wanted work that was meaningful, while not giving up the comfort of living the shadows. He married Noelle Webber on a drunken whim when he met her in Las Vegas, only to have her be working under him when he joined the newspaper. So, it has been a very confusing while for him in this relationship. Otherwise, the man is quite good at what he does, and the mystery surrounding these murders intrigues him quite a bit! FC TO CHANGE BC IM INDECISIVE AF
Much like her sister, Nettie is not sure why her mother called her that, almost questioning if her mother had been sober when she had birthed Victoria. But the name stuck, and she likes it. Almost like she’s built her personality around. 
Nettie is a lesbian. She’s known this since she was in high school. She’s dated people, on and off, tried to keep things lowkey and just like her lifestyle, she’s fled the scene as soon as things go a touch too serious. 
Contrary to popular belief, Nettie isn’t into drugs. She tried a pill or two in high school and would get high behind the dumpsters at her first job, but other than that, she’s never been one to dilly dally with the dark side. It’s the fear that if she was anything like her mother, perhaps....she doesn’t like to think about that too much. 
He doesn’t have parents. They passed away when he was 15, and had been living on his own until that point. The streets, local shelters, wherever he could, till he graduated high school and fled the city. He worked his way through to journalism school. 
Living on the streets gave him a sense of justice, of wrongs that needed to be righted and all that good stuff. Even though he doesn’t consider himself to be morally accurate about anything, he does consider if he has a secret bleeding heart underneath it all. 
Jaxon doesn’t...well, he doesn’t play will others. He was always a lone wolf, something he was born with. Team work doesn’t make the dream work and in his case, he’d rather not have to talk to people, if he didn’t have to.
God, I do love sistps, and I'm a sucker for friendships and familial relationships. I'm talking siblings, best girl friends, someone a girl can go and cry to. The good shit. 
Jaxon, again, BROMANCES OKAY? I fucking love friendships, cos a guy needs a best friend to be stupid around from time to time. 
Well, Nettie bartended Elizabeth's favourite haunts and they interacted like regular people have interactions with their bartenders.
Jaxon, on the other hand, has some journalistic integrity and the curiosity of a bloodhound after a chase, so he'd like to think he's intimately acquainted with every player in this game. He doesn’t really know much about anything at all.
WHO DO YOU THINK KILLED ELIZABETH? DO YOU HAVE ANY THEORIES?: Honestly, I'm terrible at whodunnit, and the only way I'd ever figure it out is by watching the mystery play out!
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requicms · 6 years
NAME: Lisa
WHO DID YOU APPLY FOR? OR ARE THINKING OF APPLYING FOR?: I got three babies coming in because what is self-control?? So buckle up fam this might get fucking long: 
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First of all, meet MATEO DE LUCA. Thirty-six years old. He was born and raised in New Orleans in a pretty fucking poor family. They often didn’t have enough to eat and he also never got to go on school trips or whatever so he was the odd one out for a very long time. Was blessed with a super smart brain though and used that to his advantage for amazing grades and a scholarship in medicine. Specialized in pediatric and neonatal surgery over the years. Got quite the perfect life going on for him for a while, and naive as he is, he never thought it could go downhill. Married his best friend, bought a house, got a super cute dog and eventually they had a son. Their son died only a little over a year after his birth of cancer though and that threw Mateo in a super big black hole. His marriage crumbled because his wife ran away from him instead of mourning with him (think Jackson and April vibes if you’ve ever seen Grey’s Anatomy okay) and they got divorced about a year ago. He’s still picking up the pieces, moved into a new house with his dog, turned into a true workaholic and when he’s not working he’s usually drinking. Got that sad puppy face going for him 24/7.
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Secondly, there is SOFIA CORINTHOS. Twenty-eight years old. Aka Queen B, aka a princess, aka one of the most sarcastic bitches you’ll see walking down the streets of New Orleans. Was born into the infamous Corinthos family, and although she was indeed often treated like a princess, she was also often misunderstood by her family and ruled out as weak as a child. Eventually started to build herself an armor to hide her ‘weaknesses’ and soft sides behind. Drowned her thoughts in liquor from an early age on, and could wrap girls and boys alike around her finger at sixteen as if she’d been doing it for decades. Never really learned how to work for something, and wasn’t really involved with her family’s crimes either because her father didn’t trust her with that anyway. She blames herself for her brother’s death as they attended the same party together where he overdosed at, but she never told anyone how she feels about the whole thing. She just started drinking and fucking around more because why not? Eventually her daddy told her to start working for her lifestyle or he cut her off and now she owns La Dolce Vita, which is a coffee shop but actually just a front for some shady drug deals. It’s not like she really lifts a finger though, she just cures her hangovers with coffee or pretends to listen to meetings. Will joke about murder and crimes wherever she can ( much to her daddy’s dislike ), because that’s the only thing that gives her joy tbh.
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Last but not least, OLIVIA SLADE. Twenty-nine years old. This girl is literally the purest and most innocent little rainbow you’ll find around New Orleans. Got a twin sister, was their parents’ favorite but not a REAL favorite because she didn’t go out enough and talked too much about fictional characters for their liking. Was always seen with a book in her hands as a child, and after being bullied, tricked and used one too many times by so called friends, she just decided to give up on that aspect of life all together. Her sister is her best friend pretty much, and outside of her books all she ever cared about was make up. She had her first kiss at eighteen, and that’s about all there is to it. Yes, girl is still a virgin, and also has no clue whether she wants to change that, or how to change that. Is a freelance make up artist and traveled around the world for a handful of years to perform jobs wherever she was needed. Had some hook ups here and there, but never went all the way because she was too afraid to be hurt in the end. Eventually returned to New Orleans to settle down. Got herself a small house and basically runs her one-man-make-up business from there. If there’s a party, wedding or whatever other occasion in town, she’ll gladly do anyone’s make up. Talks too much when she drinks and doesn’t know how to take compliments. Loves dogs and animals in general. 
For Mateo:
He can’t sleep alone. After sharing the bed with his ex-wife for so many years, he just can’t sleep when one side of the bed is empty. He either doesn’t sleep, falls asleep on the couch, or lets his dog sleep next to him.
Mateo has the first and last heartbeat of his son tattooed onto the inside of his left upper arm.
Mateo has actually been struggling a lot more with losing patients since he lost his own child. It’s like he has to watch his son die over and over again whenever one of his patients doesn’t make it, and it’s slowly but surely breaking him.
For Sofia: 
Sofia is afraid of the dark. She has never told anyone about this, but she usually sleeps with some sort of lights on, whether it’s just some fairy lights, her laptop, or the lamp on her night table. She also always has the flashlight on her phone on when she’s out at night in the darkness.
Sofia has an addiction for pretty lingerie. A big portion of her wardrobe consists of nothing but underwear, and she’s not ashamed to just stare at herself in it in the mirror forever, that’s how much she loves herself to be honest.
She loves to pierce her ears. Her left ear is pretty much full of piercings by now, and she intends to do the same with the right side. 
For Olivia:
Olivia writes short stories. Not all the time though, and she’s never shown them to anyone, nor has she ever told anyone about them. It’s a very personal thing to do for her, to let out her emotions mostly.
Olivia is dying to have a small tattoo, but is too afraid to do it. Needles scare her, which is also why she hardly goes to the doctor, no matter how sick she is.
She has a soft spot for rescuing kittens that have no home. She never keeps them though, even if she very badly wants to.
WHAT SORT OF PLOTS ARE YOU HOPING TO DO?: In general, I want all the friendships in my life because those are literally my favorite dynamics, as well as family ties. Also, I’m hoping to explore the relationship between Mateo and his ex-wife. There’s a lot of unresolved tension there, a lot of hidden pain that could explode in one big chaos and I’m here for the angst tbh. I’m also here for people Sofia can drive nuts, whether in good or bad ways, but also maybe someone who manages to show her the way back to her roots, and lets her be more of who she truly is inside, who lets her be soft instead of always strong. As for Olivia, give me all the people for her support system! People who make her feel loved, people who have her back, just people who love her for who she is in general because I’m here for pure, irrevocable support basically. 
DID YOUR CHARACTER HAVE ANY RELATION TO ELIZABETH?: Mateo and Olivia hardly came into contact with Elizabeth, but Sofia ran into her at parties every once in a while -- she wasn’t a big fan of her though, and therefore hardly cares about her death either.
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roleplcyheaux · 6 years
NAME: hayley. hales. h-dawg, dumb dork, etc.
TIMEZONE: nst (narnia standard time) 
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first and foremost my daughter NOELLE WEBBER. originally her fc was supposed to be the beautiful margot robbie but i didn’t wanna mess up the brunette sibling vibez ya feel? she’s a journalist at the newspaper and hosts a true crime/mystery podcast! she was always kinda an odd little thing. fascinated by all things guts, gore, and lore. i guess that’s what happens when one of your parents is high up in law enforcement and the other is high up at the hospital??? she’s small and bitter; like a cup of espresso so don’t let the doe eyes and angelic smile fool you. then again she’s more likely to scowl than smile at you anyway?? 
her mother always told her it wasn’t lady like and “unbecoming to be so rude” but she’s not the type of person who feels the need to be nice for nice sake? even so no one would have described her as an outright bitch either....that is until the death of her sister. if she thought people were shitty before, she’s become even more convinced in the last few weeks and has become consumed by the thought of getting to the bottom of what happened to her sister in that bathroom. if she’s learned anything in her 20+ years of being obsessed with true crime cases it’s this: everyone is a suspect and no one can be trusted. [PINTEREST BOARD]
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second but definitely not least VIVIAN ‘IVY’ DUVAL. although she’s not considered a big name in the art world, what so ever, she considers herself a damn one. catch her in half undone overalls covered in various states of dried paint almost any day of the week. while vivian wasn’t exactly born into the life of crime, she was certainly brought into it by her mother’s sudden marriage to a man whose main source of income was running errands for the Corinthos crime family. but she couldn’t complain at first. their life before the marriage consisted of her mother chasing the next high with no regard for her daughters. 
josiah had gotten her clean and suddenly vivian actually had a mother again. not to mention the addition of a some-what father figure and a step-brother. she had a family. a real one. and that was worth overlooking the insanity of the world she’d been thrust into. then she made the mistake of coming home early from school one day and walked in on her step father shooting a “soplón” in their living room. she was fifteen and instead of being comforted...was asked to help clean up the mess. eventually she “got out” and left for college but recently returned about six months ago. [PINTEREST BOARD]
she knew elizabeth did drugs. had caught her in the act of consuming them on multiple occasions but was always assured by liz that she had it “under control.” not wanting to blow things out of proportion (like their parents likely would have) noelle foolishly took her sister’s word for it and never pressed any farther. she convinced herself if elizabeth truly had a problem, she would tell her.
noelle is in denial about being lactose intolerant. she knows she is. but refuses to stop eating diary products. according to her a life without cheese, ice cream, & yogurt isn’t one worth living. 
one time while in los angeles she was pictured exiting a restaurant at the same time as harry styles and the next day the photo was all over tabloids and social media calling her “harry styles’s mystery new girl”. no one found the incident more hilarious than elle, who still to this day has “harry styles’s secret girlfriend” as her bio on twitter and instagram.
ivy is a nickname vivian's mother gave her as a child. she’s not really sure why her mom started to call her it but in all honesty she prefers it to her actual name and likes to think of it as the name her mother should have given her instead. not that she hates vivian....she just thinks ivy fits her more.
was given the most talkative superlative three years in a row in high school. she hates silence and tends to fill it with the sound of her voice. not to mention she rambles when she’s nervous...excited...honestly she rambles regardless of what emotion she’s feeling who are we kidding?
spent three months after returning to NOLA unemployed cause she thought it would be a brief stay but it turned out to be....more permanent than she was anticipating so in september she got a job as a substitute teacher simply to avoid completely emptying her savings accounts.
Noelle: along with working to piece together the mystery of her sister’s death, ellie’s been working on covering the Ryan Chamberlain murders for the newspaper since it’s the twenty-fifth anniversary. so i’d love any and all connections dealing with both these cases! I’D LOVE ANY AND ALL PLOTS REVOLVING THE WEBBER FAMILY BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE THERE IS JUST SO MUCH TO EXPLORE! Ellie definitely loves all the members of her family so I just would love to see her dynamics with each of them be explored while the mystery of what happened to Elizabeth is also being unraveled.  ALSO SOME CO-WORKERS AT THE NEWSPAPER WOULD BE NICE! Also all the typical connections too: Friends, Enemies, Neighbors, Exes, Family acquaintances, etc!
Ivy: i’d love to see her step brother in the group, she also has a sister she was very protective over growing up! so just the family dynamic between all three would be so nice to play out! after all the reason for Ivy’s return is mostly because their mother has fallen off the wagon again. I’d love some people with kiddies who Ivy now knows because of her job as a substitute teacher!! As well as the typical connections: Friends, Enemies, Neighbors, Exes, etc! 
Noelle was Elizabeth’s younger sister but the way they interacted with one another, most people would have assumed Noelle was the elder sister. She looked out for Liz as much as she also admired her. 
Vivian went to high school with Elizabeth, they were in the same grade and shared a couple classes. One year Ivy caught her crying in a bathroom stall and she confronted her, the next day they went back to acting like strangers. Vivian thought Elizabeth had completely forgotten their bonding moment until found an invitation to Elizabeth’s wedding in her mailbox. 
Me. I killed Elizabeth....her hair was just too nice and I was jealous okay? In all seriousness, I honestly don’t know. I feel like it’s someone she knows though because it’s always someone the victim knows? Maybe Noelle killed her? What a plot twist that would be! 
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fransdreschers · 6 years
NAME: Kay, Kelly, Kels, Kelzone, whatever variation you wanna give!
I currently have three characters—all of which who suck :) I’ll write three different posts for each charrie, so this isn’t one ridiculously long one! 
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To start, there’s ELENA CASSADINE, the manipulative brat who finds joy in bringing others down. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth and the sheer knowledge that she can have whatever she damn well wants. Takes the whole ‘Cassadine Royalty’ way too seriously and loves the fact that she’s a little princess—no matter how distant that lineage is. She’s controlling, vindictive and downright awful. Been in New Orleans her whole life and happily let everyone know who she was and what she was capable of doing. Despite being a silver spoon brat, she does have the motivation to work—somewhat at least. She came up with the idea to create The Haunted Star—a casino club on a yacht. Had it built up from scratch and it’s been around for a few years and one of the hottest clubs in the Quarter simply because it’s uniqueness. But with all good things, they soon fall apart. Karma hit hard with Elena when she found out she has a heart disease. After she found out, she ran like hell. Elena wasn’t the type to die in front of others so she completely fell off the radar. Fled to Europe and no one knew where she was or what was going on. It’s a complete secret that Elena has a heart disease and only one other person knows ( to her dismay ). But now that her friend, Elizabeth, has died, she’s back in town. The day the group opens up will be the first day she’s back after seven months and she has every intention of making a grand entrance. 
1. She has a fear of heights and often freaks out in her mind when she has to go on airplanes. She’s always been terrified that a plane would go down while she’s in it. 
2. Elena has 20 small tattoos in various spots on her body. She likes to think that tattoos are a symbol of her life and her body is a canvas of memories. 
3. She knows three languages, English, French and Italian. 
I really want to dive into the heart disease aspect. I want to see her struggle and go through the process of hopefully getting better. Her lying to everyone about what’s wrong only for there to be this big reveal of what’s going on. Elena is super super estranged from her mother and I really want to play out that dynamic. Especially since she’s so awful to her mom and now she’s dying and K and I have some really angsty and heartbreaking plans for them. I love mother daughter dynamics especially angsty ones so it’ll be really fun to see what happens with them.
I also have this plot where she’ll be opening up another business ( Bord’Elle ) and it’s very different from other businesses hahaha. Should be interesting to see where that goes!
But really I’m here for all sorts of plots. Angsty ones, ones with her gal pals ( wanted connection !! ) and their party girl, manipulative dynamic. I want all the crazy plots and fun things, please and thanks! 
Yes! Elena is a bad influence on Elizabeth. She knew about her secret drug addiction and actually aided into it. The two became unlikely close friends and originally bonded over partying, drugs and that secret life that Elizabeth led—but eventually, it turned into them becoming close and having that tight connection. Elena was very fond of Elizabeth and while she doesn’t talk about it, she’s very heartbroken over her death. 
I know who did it :) perks of writing the plot!
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holbrookwrites · 6 years
NAME: Bethany
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Firstly, I have Ezra Beneventi. Like most I have no control and had to apply for two characters. Anyways, he’s a NOLA Native and is a blackjack dealer. He’s like one of those strong silent types but not really. He has a pretty rough history so the dude is pretty guarded in who he lets in his inner circle. But that’s not to say he’s standoffish. He’s kinda straight to the point. Doesn’t like to waste anyone’s time or his own. So, when I say rough history the guy was severely abused by his Father until he was 18 when the neighbors next door heard blood curling screams and Ezra laying face down on the kitchen floor while his Father was beating his lower back with a crow bar (Intense right). His Dad is now in prison for attempted murder. Anyways, nobody really knows the extent of the abuse over the years from his childhood until he was an adult besides one person or maybe two. He doesn’t like to talk about it and from an outsider looking in, you could never tell. Everyone has secrets and Ezra has perfected the craft of keeping that hidden. His own version of a poker face which is why he’s a pretty decent at his job.
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Secondly, here’s Antonio Corinthos. He’s toxic. His smile will poison you. His boyish charm dangerous. The glint in his eyes as he challenges you to do something devious is lethal. The oldest out of him and his siblings. Basically, he’s a kiss ass to his Father in hopes to have his Father pass on the family business to him. Not that he wants to take it was from his Pops anytime soon because obviously like any obeying and loyal son, he truly respects what his Father does. Now, he might be respectful in that sense but everything else he’s just trash. The man has a mouth like a sailor though he would never call a woman a bitch for the sake of fear that his sisters would cut his balls off. But really, he has no filter : no matter how derogatory or filthy it is. And he’ll more then likely hit on anyone and everyone if he finds you hot. But his weakness is the hard to get one’s. Antonio sure loves a challenge. He’s also an adrenaline junkie. He learned how to hot wire a car at ten and ever since he’s always been wanting to go faster. The faster the better. Just like his motto with life.
For Ezra
His Favorite books as a kid were Harry Potter. He found himself relating to Harry on many levels which ultimately he found comfort him. The fact that he could relate to someone, it got him through the dark times. And even now, if you ever see him eyeing one of the books or watching the movie a small smile will surface. Almost in solace 
Growing up in New Orleans - he didn’t really have much of a childhood. His Father was a boxer and they were hot and cold with the man’s winnings. So, Ezra found himself scamming tourists in their times of desperation. 
Ezra’s Mother died giving birth to him. Every year since he was 12 - he always visits her twice a year to her grave ( her birthday and the day she died) and plants a bouquet of lilies next to it. His own version of the meaning behind that particular flower (Devotion). 
For Antonio
His childhood crush was Selena and when she got murdered he must have cried for days. Hell, even now he has a few playlists of some of her songs on there. It’s like his guilty pleasure. That and let’s be real - the dude has some weird choice in music. But that’s a secret.
It’s no secret that Antonio finds himself into trouble but probably the most embarrassing story was when he was having an affair with a married woman and her husband who was a cop found out and shot him right in the ass. He still has the scar from it. 
After his brother Vincent passed, he didn’t mourn due to wanting to be strong for the rest of his siblings. He might be an asshole most of the time but he’s severely protective of his Family. The man didn’t even shed a tear at his burial as he didn’t want to be found weak by the attendees but it seems like even years later, the man hasn’t gotten over it and even though he grieves now -- the worst feeling is the blame that embodies him. Not known by most, Antonio is rather hard himself and he feels like he didn’t protect Vincent enough and is always looking back at all the ‘what if’s’.
Ezra: Anything and everything basically. Just a few ideas: regular clients, drinking buddies, friends, enemies, the whole shebang. Definitely the priority though is someone Ezra can connect with friendship wise. One’s he can trust and isn’t afraid to be around. Because let’s face it, he can be kind of skittish sometimes with somethings, though it’s very subtle. I’d like to explore something of that, whether good or bad. 
Antonio: Friends who can keep up with him, someone he can be a bad influence towards (He literally lives for that shit). One of those friendships where they have a love/hate for one another because let’s face it the bickering matches are always so amusing. Past flings since he is a bit of a playboy. I also had one particular plot in mind that would deal with him settling down when he was younger but she kind of screwed him over and now it’s just hate. If this is something of interest just message me and I can give you the whole premise of the said plot.
DID YOUR CHARACTER HAVE ANY RELATION TO ELIZABETH?: Ezra: He knew the Webber family so of course that family he was familiar with. Antonio: Also knew, but unlike Ezra he wasn’t so kind to them. Obviously the whole family rilvarly altered him from being even the slightest bit friendly towards them.
WHO DO YOU THINK KILLED ELIZABETH? DO YOU HAVE ANY THEORIES?: I guess only time will tell. But definitely excited to see it all play out! 
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frenchquarter · 6 years
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If you were a member of our previous roleplay then you know that we had a chat tag for applicants and lurkers to hang out in and talk about their fabulous characters before the group opened! And since we have some time before it does it open ( yes, we’ve picked a date and we’ll release that soon! ) we want to give everyone some time to talk about their characters, potential character, plot ideas wanted or even connections they may need! Of course, we do ask that people also be cautious—while we have very little reason to deny a character, there is still that one off chance! It’s like a .0001% chance, but still be cautious! 
Anyway! During this waiting period we still want everyone to interact and get the ball rolling—thus, we’ve introduced FQTALK. Like many rps before us, it’s a tag where everyone can go in and talk about their upcoming characters and even just plots they wanna see or do. Just a little ooc space for everyone who wants to chit chat. You can do this on a character blog or just on your personal / writing, it doesn’t matter! Just go and have fun and please be sure to spread the love, like and comment on posts and be inclusive of everyone! 
And while this isn’t required, we have put together a little intro format (under read more ) if you’d like to follow it! But really you can do whatever you want when making your posts!! Either way have fun and we look forward to talking with you all!
Again, you definitely don’t have to follow this but please feel free to! And even add onto it if you’d like!
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sberhagens · 6 years
NAME: lee
TIMEZONE: central
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sarathi quartermaine-laghari / public relationships officer of elq, witty lil bitch. will eat you and your young but doesn’t she look glorious in zuhair murad? she doesn’t mind being thought of as a villain but at her core, she’s a woman willing to do what it takes to get things done. she’s bright smiles over glasses of champagne, whispered threats in the halls of elq, and image above all else.
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francis “frankie” villere  / unemployed officially but look! ain’t he cute?, bayou boy born literally on the bayou makes his living by more of less being the man of, well, anyone’s dreams. frankie is slick, deceitful, and absolutely hedonistic but he has those sweet puppy dog eyes that make you want to believe in him. will absolutely ruin your credit and also your trust in men. will only feel bad about it for two hours before he moves on to the next con.
1.) she hates her name being shortened. do not call her sara, do not call her rathi. her mother named her sarathi and everyone will damn well use it. 
2.) she was quite the party girl in college. wild, charismatic, and absolutely devoted to being a rascal. sarathi did her best to kick a little dirt on the quartermaine name as a spoiled, pampered young woman. she’s grown out of the wildness, call it common sense appearing with age. she respects her name now. quartermaine-laghari. and isn’t willing to let anyone else disrespect it. ever.
3.) she’s obsessed with image. hers, her family, elq. everything is about presentation. it doesn’t have to be perfect but it has to at least look that way. she’s a businesswoman and knows the importance of seeming as if one is “on top of things”.
1.) his grandmother owned a literal floating barn house and that is where he was born. his father was at a gig and his grandmother was making dinner when his mother gave birth. literally alone. he has four siblings, a distant musician for a father, and a drunk for a mother. as a result, he learned the consequences of alcohol use and did his best to stay away from it (this didn’t last).
2.) he lies about everything. his name, his age, his birthday, his favorite color, how he got that scar over his left eye. it’s pathological with him. and it’s easy.
3.) has been engaged six times, literally almost walked down the aisle once. (it was a very close call)
i really, really, really want those big dramatic soap opera plots. you know, the ones that take a few weeks to build up to and then it all comes spilling out over the course of a week? baby swapping! affairs! murder mysteries! mob activities. i grew up watching gh with my mom and eventually got really into it on my own so i remember the anticipation of things like lucky finding out jake wasn’t his son, the nurses’ ball, sonny finding out dante was his son and literally almost killing him!, michael being shot, johnny zacchara’s entire existence (i miss u baby kiss kiss). 
sarathi is the older sister of amara, the woman who would have married elizabeth had she not been...you know, murdered. they would have been sister-in-laws and had at least a cordial relationship. i don’t think elizabeth’s death would affect sarathi as much as her sister, naturally, but i think she’d be very interested in containing the scandal of murder. but anywhoo, they were almost related but death intervened. 
okay so let’s get into it! i (personally) have two theories about it. theory number one, is that amara killed elizabeth. gasp! i know, what a shocker. but perhaps they had a disagreement before the wedding and it was an accident? or maybe amara never loved elizabeth and wanted to do away with her? who knows! but imagine how juicy it would be to murder your would be spouse on your literal wedding day? the backup to that theory would be another quartermaine that did the deed. theory number two! it was a cassadine! i don’t have it worked out why but they’re the cassadines. do they really need a reason?
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rcleplayer · 6 years
NAME: Trashbag ; aka Yas/Yasmin.
WHO DID YOU APPLY FOR? OR ARE THINKING OF APPLYING FOR? So, I just have the one character right now, but I have every intention of bringing in a second shortly, I just wanna start off the RP with one character to focus on and develop. Because I suck, and if I come in with two, I will die. No joke.
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          INTRODUCING — ESMERAY (es-mer-ay) HAZAN
So, this here is my little corporate boss af bitch, ESMERAY HAZAN, who is currently TWENTY-SEVEN years old.. Don’t be fooled by the ‘sweet and innocent’ gif that Kenny suggested I use; because she is far from it. She’s one half of a whole, her sister being Freyza, of course identical twins (we wanted you to have double Ayca beauty on the dash, what can I say?) She’s very much into the business aspect of her inherited company, which she had thrusted upon her when her father was murdered by the Corinthos’, alongside her elder sister. As you can expect, the Hazan’s are very much interested in the sweet taste of revenge, and will do just about anything to secure that. They may be tiny, but my God are they a force to be reckoned with. Esmeray, or rather, Esme, for short — you can expect the formal office wear and briefcase aesthetic that Ayca portrays in The Protector, as that’s her to a T. With their so called ‘company’ specialising in illegal oil drilling, and the diamond mining business, she’s decked out with a fair share of cash to support her lifestyle. Diamonds for days, and a jet to Paris for the weekend? Why not, right? That being said, you can also expect her to have secured herself many connections throughout the Quarter, both genuine and those she has manipulated into her circle for sources/intel etc. That’s all I’ve got for her right now, though I’m about to be writing up her biography in full, so if I add anything crucial that isn’t mentioned here, you can expect me to come back and update this shit.
ONE : Esmeray is entirely devoted to the cause that her family has put together, to avenge her father’s death. So much so that she refuses to get involved with anyone that could cause her distractions, but that being said, she was in love once. And only once. She went into it as a source of intel, but quickly realised they had become more and called it quits. After all, she’s a business woman, she has an entire illegal company to keep tabs on, and her family.
TWO : Freyza is and always will be her priority. She would take a bullet for her twin, and if she ever came to realise she was in danger, she’d pick up a gun herself and hunt for the son of a bitch. Usually, she’d be more inclined to hire someone to do it for her if it was anyone else — so hopefully that puts that into perspective.
THREE : Her sister was just 11 when she died in the car bombing, but there was a necklace that her sister owned at the time, a gift to her from their mother and father; that quickly became a prized possession. Esmeray asked her mother for the necklace, which was soon handed over. The necklace hasn’t left her since, and is probably one of, if not the most, sentimental item that she owns.
Due to her keeping tabs on the Corinthos family, and her sisters entanglements with them, I’d love a connection there somehow. Somebody with whom she’s invested time into, developed a strong standing with — whether that’s business wise, friendship wise, or that she’s had a little flirt with. Whatever it is that gets her that intel, she good boo.
I’d honestly love as many connections as we can possibly come up with. They can range from anything from best friends, to sworn enemies. Literally, anything. I’ll admit that I’m a total sucker for brotp’s and anything squad related, where there’s just a group of friends who always seem to be together. Think F.R.I.E.N.D.S. but badass mofo’s in the illegal industries haha. So, just come at me, and we can come up with just about anything, just be warned I’m likely to spam you with muse posts, so if you’re good with that, HMU.
Sort of! They were more acquaintances than anything, crossed paths, considering it’s hard not to in a community as small as theirs, but as prominent in the city. They had mutual friends, which usually meant that the pair were at events, our for drinks together, and were rather friendly. Nothing over the top, so Esmeray wasn’t exactly broken up about her death, but it was still enough for her to recognise the stir it was going to cause, and to miss her face around.
Donald Trump? — I feel like this is a valid theory.
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bbbellamyyy · 6 years
NAME: Daisy ( though for about the last year people have taken to calling me mom, which makes me feel old sos )
WHO DID YOU APPLY FOR? OR ARE THINKING OF APPLYING FOR?: I’ve currently applied for two losers - Andromeda Jaymes Manet, the Charlotte Best fc, and Carlos Álvarez, the Manny Montana fc! I’ll drop some facts about them below, and I’ll try to keep it short and sweet but I make no promises! You can also send any questions you have my way, because I’m sure I’ll miss important details here and there. Also there’s a little bit of additional info HERE - some is covered here but I’m awful and too lazy to move all of it over. I’m also considering a third, but I’m not really sure on a fc or most details quite yet, so I’ll update this if I get things ironed out. I think I want a soft, not totally broken yet, but easily breakable kinda kid.
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Andromeda Jaymes Manet - Typically introduces herself as Andi or Jaymes unless she’s in a more professional environment. If you refer to her as a Reiss ( the surname she was born with, came from her step-father, legally changed it at 18 ) the best case scenario is she ignores you. She grew up in the swamp having no idea that her biological dad was wealthy. Struggled with drug abuse - she got clean but is currently struggling with staying that way. She had a twin brother, he died around six/seven years ago. She’s got a total of five living siblings, and out of all of them she only gets along with her eldest brother ( who will eventually be a wanted connection ) - the others can go to hell as far as she’s concerned ( they may also end up being wanted connections but I’m not 100% certain yet so?? ). She runs her own store selling crystals, herbal remedies, tarot cards, and the like - she and an employee will also do tarot and palm reading if specifically asked about it. Has a pastel calico cat named Persephone and a catahoula pup named Phoenix that is 100% convinced he’s a cat. Currently renting a three bedroom house with a friend, they’re looking for a third roommate.
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Carlos Álvarez - Has two teenage daughters - Viviana is 14 going on 15 and Giovanna just turned 18 on December 24th - that are his entire world. None of them really talk about their lives prior to two weeks ago when they moved to NOLA, but the general consensus is that as far as the three of them are concerned the girls’ mom is dead ( except she’s not and that’s definitely something that’ll come back to fuck shit up in Carlos’ life oops ). He sometimes forgets to respond to his own name, namely because he went by an alias 99% of the time before moving here and he still hasn’t adjusted to his real name again. People with knowledge of organized crime might’ve heard of his handiwork, though they wouldn’t be able to tie the two together unless they saw him in person as he went by that alias I just mentioned. He’s currently looking for work but it’s been a bit difficult due to his past work experience being less than legal.
1.) Jaymes will literally answer to any variation of her name you can come up with - Andi, Jay, AJ, Andi Jay, Andromeda, Jaymes, etc. 2.) She has a total of four tattoos currently, though most people will only ever see three of them. 3.) When she was little, Jaymes wanted to live in a cemetery when she grew up - honestly she probably still would jump at the chance to do so.
1.) Carlos is a master at braiding ( and just styling in general ) hair - raising his daughters mostly on his own meant learning how to keep their hair under control, and he finds it rather entertaining and relaxing. 2.) He swears up and down he can’t dance, will even go out of his way to act like he’s awful. Catch him with his daughters in the kitchen, though, and you’ll see that he’s a a big ol’ liar. 3.) He’s the type of person that’ll be there if you need him, even if he hates you. Getting hit on by some creep? He’s got you. Stalker issues? He’ll take care of it. Three-year-old managed to get her favorite toy stuck in the sink drain and you can’t get a plumber to show up for at least two days? Just give him a call. 
WHAT SORT OF PLOTS ARE YOU HOPING TO DO?: Okay so this is already a relatively long post, so instead of typing them out here I’ll drop this LINK with a handful of plot ideas I have for each of these nerds.
DID YOUR CHARACTER HAVE ANY RELATION TO ELIZABETH?: Carlos didn’t even know who she was until the news about her death. Jaymes, on the other hand, was friends with Elizabeth via the party/club crowd - news of the older woman’s death upset her, but she’s not quite sure she buys into the Corinthos family being behind it.
WHO DO YOU THINK KILLED ELIZABETH? DO YOU HAVE ANY THEORIES?: It was obviously Colonel Mustard in the dressing room with the lead pipe - duh!!  .........Honestly I have no real ideas at this point??? A jealous lover? A drug dealer she pissed off? Someone that knew about her hobbies and didn’t want the wedding to tie the families together? Some little old lady that got confused and thought she was a monster? Who knows at this point...
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roleplcyheaux · 6 years
hey this just a post for anyone who may be interested in joining fq but don’t have charrie ideas yet?? 
mousse ( @nyx-rps​ ) & i would adore some additions to the duval fam bam, specifically their step father, step brother, and mother!!
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fc: idris elba
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josiah duval (first name is negotiable) // 46-50 // “fixer” for the corinthos crime family
NOLA native. raised by a single mother and grew up dirt poor. was still a relatively happy and bright kid. his mother was constantly told he had a “bright future” ahead of him. but by the time he got to high school he turned to petty crime simply to help his family keep a roof over their heads. he made the mistake of hot wiring the wrong car. it belonged to none other then sonny corinthos himself. thus starting his involvement with the corinthos crime family.  
he met amber taylor by accident. saved her from overdosing by rushing her to a hospital. he would have just left her there but found a locket belonging to her with a picture of two little girls inside that made him change his mind. he decided to help her get sober so she could be a better mother to her kids and ended up falling in love with her in the process?? they got married and his family grew to include said little girls in the locket.  
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fc: michael b. jordan 
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________ duval // 30-31 // occupation UTP
NOLA native as well. was pretty much a “mistake”. his parents had him young. it was a very big scandal. especially since his momma was the daughter of a pastor. he was eventually born and raised primarily by his dad’s side of the family. hella close with his pops. his relationship with his mom and whether she ever got married/had kids after him/etc is UTP.. just like most people, he was completely off guard when his dad decided to marry amber. 
how he took the additions to the family is also UTP. was he cool with it? did he hate them at first but grew to consider them family? does he still kinda not like them? anything goes!!
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fc: carla gugino
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amber taylor duval (first name negotiable) // 46-50 // occupation UTP
from a small town in lousiana not too far from NOLA. a beauty queen through and through and had dreams of becoming a big time actress. then she fell in love with a bad boy. his bad habits became hers though he preferred alcohol where her vice was drugs. she got pregnant by accident. had nettie. you’d think after that they’d learn to invest in birth control. but nah. she got pregnant again and had ivy a year later. 
at that point their dad was like two kids is too much. and dipped. which made her fall farther into her drug habit. eventually she met josiah, he helped her get sober, they fell in love, and combined their families. things were going pretty decently for a while but recently she’s fallen off the wagon. 
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parksandmackie · 6 years
NAME: Becca
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So far, I’ve applied for Ms. Carmen Reyes, a 29 year old, New Orleans native, who to this day has no idea who her family is. At a few months old, she was dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage with not a single clue as to who she was or where she came from. She spent the rest of her childhood in and out of orphanages and foster homes around the city. Even at a young age, Carmen was quite the independent troublemaker. Her constant swearing and picking fights with kids bigger than herself didn’t help either. By the time she graduated from high school, she had learned she couldn’t trust or depend on anyone but herself. After that, she set out on her own, getting as far away from New Orleans as she possibly could. Over the next couple years she used her powers of seduction, manipulation, and slight of hand to make her way across the US. When she got to Chicago several years down the line, she managed to steal a good deal of money from a man who worked for Tony Driver, an infamous assassin/contract killer notorious for working for all of the big mob bosses. Carmen actually spiked Tony’s interest and he ended up taking her under his wing, eventually teaching her all the tools of the trade. She became a contract killer herself and a damn good one at that. Years later, after eventually getting an assignment to kill Tony himself and succeeding at it, Carmen is finally starting to question the direction her life is headed. She’s taken a small hiatus from her ‘day job’ and has returned to New Orleans for the first time since high school in the hopes of tracking down who her family actually is. 
1. Carmen is actually an amazing dancer. She loves going out and dancing the night away, it’s the one way that she feels she can release and let down her walls. 
2. As chaotic as Carmen’s life may seem, the apartments, hotel rooms, and houses she has occupied over the years are always kept pristine. She has a bit of OCD tendencies and can not begin her ‘work’ until the space she is neat and organized. 
3. Her favorite weapon is a knife. 
Man oh man! I’m so excited for ALL the plots, tbh! I’d love to have connections who knew her from her past, like when she still lived in NOLA. Whether that be kids from the same foster family/orphanage as her or that she went to school with, whatever! I’d also really love to explore her family so connections with people who knew or could help her figure out who her family were, maybe? But also, any and all connections to her job!! And finally, really looking for anyone who can/is brave enough to break through her shell, whether that’s platonically or romantically, I don’t care! Just looking to MAYBE possibly explore the softer side of her. 
Don’t know who did it, but because of the nature of Carmen’s work, some people might be suspicious that Carmen was hired to do it. 
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frenchquarter · 6 years
are we allowed to post intro posts now??
Yup! You can still utilize the FQtalk tag or just post in the OOC! Whichever
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bbbellamyyy · 6 years
just sitting here waiting for tomorrow so i can see all of your wanted connections before i decide on what i want to do for a third character.
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frenchquarter · 6 years
Do we create a new blog for the fqtalk or do we do it from the blog we applied from?
Whichever! You can use your character blog, a personal/writing blog, an old blog, aesthetics blog, literally any!
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frenchquarter · 6 years
Hi so I wanted to do the FQtalks info on my characters but do I have to wait till they are accepted before I fill that in?
Nope! The purpose is for us to all talk before we are accepted and begun roleplaying! :)
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frenchquarter · 6 years
would it be possible for those of us who are wanting to apply for a spot in one of the families to be able to speak to those who have applied for the same families so that we can talk about certain aspects of the family's background and get their opinion on certain relations?
Certainly! If you message us, we’ll get the contact information for them so you can send them a message!
EDIT: Also if you go into the FQTalk tag and post there, you can have people reach out to ya!
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