#fp jones x reader imagine
chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Bulldog's Or Sister - Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Jones Fem!reader
FP x Daughter Fem!Reader
Jughead x Sister Fem!Reader
Fangs x Toni x Fem!Reader (Friends)
Warnings: mention of near death bullying
Word count: 966
Summary: Reggie beat’s up Y/n and Sweet pEa isn’t ok with it. Neither is Fangs and Toni or FP. BUt Jughead her brother thinks there must of been some type of misunderstanding. Which makes things wrose between him and the Serpents. Y/n’s been one of them way longer than him.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“This is going to far.” Sweet Pea shakes his head trying to control his anger.
“Agreed.” Fangs stated crossing his arms.
“They hurt Y/n. I don’t know about you but I want revenge.” Toni all but growled in defense of her friend.
“I’m right here Toni.” Y/n smiled gratefully at her best friend before turning her attention back to everyone. “And I want revenge to.” Y/n stated from her seated position, still hurting all over from the beating.
“We’ll get it princess. We will. We all will.” FP promised his daughter as he walked over to her, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
Seconds later the door to the Wyrm burst open and in walked the beanie wearing teen that everyone had been trying to get ahold of.
“What happened?” Jughead said once she was fully in the bar. As he looked around he noticed pretty much everyone was there.
“Where have you been?” FP turned to his son, fuming in rage.
“I was with Betty, we had to look into something. I came as soon as I could.” Jughead shrugged his shoulders, not getting the urgency.
“We called and texted you hundreds of times.” Toni spoke up glaring at Jughead. How could he just ignore everyone trying to get a hold of him.
“Not to mention hours ago.” Fangs joined Toni in glaring at the beanie wearing boy.
“Sorry. I was busy.” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows in confusion on why everyone seemed so passed at him.
“To busy to come to the aid of your bleeding sister?!” Sweet Pea yells enraged, he took a step forward. How could he not care about his own sister then again Sweet Pea felt he shouldn’t be surprised. Jughead always seemed to only care about his Northsider friends, more than he cared about anyone else.
“We had to take her to the hospital.” Fangs added, he to stepped forward off the wall. Fangs stared at Jughead, pissed off. “You didn’t even get here till she was already discharged.”
“Do you even care?” Toni narrowed her eyes as she put the question out there.
“Of course I care.” Jughead scoffed looking over to his sister seeing her all bruised and bandaged, cut’s littered her face and neck. He could only imagine what was under her clothes. “What happened anyway? Who hurt you?”
Jughead’s lack of concern on his face and in his tone were shocking to everyone.
“Reggie and the rest of the bulldog’s. That’s who.” Y/n spat at her brother. How could he be so nonchalant about this?!
“Are you okay?” he asked although there wasn't any concern in his voice. That’s obvious.
Do I look okay?!” Y/n yelled not believing her brother just could stand there in front of her looking at her all injured and not seem to care at all. “I’m hurt, bruised, bleeding and broken. I’m in pain and one of the people I wanted here for me was my brother and he couldn’t even bother!”
“Why’d they attack you?” Jughead asks, pointing at his sister.
“Why?” Sweet Pea copied Jughead’s words while clenching his fists.
“Yes, why? I’m sure it was a misunderstanding.” Jughead himself narrowed his eyes at the taller serpent.
“They targeted me, Jughead.” Y/n spoke up, getting more upset with her brother by the minute.
“Did they think you were someone else?” Jughead was trying to find a solution as to why the Bulldogs would do this.
It shocked and amazed all the serpents and not in a good way that Jughead instead of seeing his sister and caring or wanting revenge he would try to defend the one’s recognizable for almost killing his own sister.
“Stop trying to make excuses for them!” Sweet Pea yelled, slamming his hand down on the nearest table. Which happened to be the table Toni and Y/n were sitting at.
Y/n reached for Sweet Pea’s hand, hoping to calm him down. To reassure him she was there. Before Y/n turned her gaze back to her brother.
“They followed me, they conquered me and they attacked me. They knew it was me, I was the intended target for their attack… And you don’t even care.” Y/n had tears welling up in her eye’s at recalling what had happened to her and that it seemed her brother could care less about her.
“What happened to my son that loved and protected his sister? Cause that’s not what I’m seeing.” FP shook his head, eyes filled with disappointment.
“Dad-” Jughead start’s with wide eyes at his father’s words.
“They hurt her and you're defending them, trying to find an out.” FP stated raising his voice, anger and pain obvious in his words as he spoke. “Get out Jughead.”
Jughead loaded at his dad like he was crazy. He wants him to leave! “What?”
“Get out of my home. Get out of my serpent den. Till you can care about your family again, get out.” FP had made his decision. He didn’t recognize his son right now.
Jughead looked around seeing how no one is opposing his fathers statements of kicking him out.
“Not that you care but they did this to send a message.” Toni tells Jughead before he turned to leave.
“They left a letter with me when they left me to wither in pain and almost die. It was a threat, and doing this to me was only the beginning.” Y/n told her brother with anger and sadness in her eye’s. Letting out an unamused laugh shaking her head. “Hope you enjoy your Northside friends Jughead. Since you apparently care more about them than your family.”
A tear ran down her check as she looked at her brother like a stranger.
taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Unexpected Snowstorm
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Request: Yes / No List was made by @alpaca-clouds 
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader 
Word count: 759
Warnings: Nothing! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was dark on the cold december night. I was hanging out at Sweet Pea’s place when the snow started coming down hard. Neither of us noticed, until we started getting cold. I felt the shivers and looked over at Pea, who was also slightly shivering. 
“It’s cold in here.” I mentioned and Sweets nodded. He got up and checked the head, which was on. He looked out the window and his eyes widened. 
“Uh, I guess it started snowing.” Sweets said and I got up to look. 
“Oh my God…” I said as I looked at the snow quickly piling up. I heard my phone ring and quickly went to answer it. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” My brother, Jughead asked. 
“I’m at Pea’s place.” I answered. 
“Dad! She’s with Sweet Pea!” I heard him call out. 
“Darlin’? You’re still at Sweet Pea’s place?” Dad asked and I nodded, before realizing he can’t see me. 
“Yeah.” I answered. 
“Stay there tonight, there’s a bad storm outside and it looks like we’re gettin’ snowed in.” He said. 
“Yeah, Sweets and I didn’t realize it even started snowing until we both felt how cold it was getting.” I said and looked over at Sweets. 
“You both are gonna be able to stay warm, right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I think so.” I answered. 
“Good, alright, try and keep your phone charged. We might lose power.” He said. 
“Okay, Daddy.” I said with a nod. We hung up and I turned to Sweet Pea. 
“Guess we’re stuck here until the storm is over and people can start digging us out.” I said and he nodded. 
“Fine by me.” He said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and started to rub my arms. 
“Dad said he thinks we might lose power.” I said and Sweets groaned. 
“We’re gonna freeze to death.” He said and I giggled. 
“I might freeze first, so you can eat my body if you need to.” I joked. Sweets chuckled then noticed me shivering harder and rubbing my arms. He walked off and returned with a warm looking sweater. He tossed it to me and I happily put it on. 
“That looks better on you then it does me.” He said with a wink and I blushed slightly. Sweets and I returned to the couch and started watching another movie. 
Maybe half way through the power cut out. Pea groaned and I sighed. It almost instantly got colder. I checked my phone and saw Jughead had texted me. He was making sure my phone was charged and we were okay. I texted him back and told him that my phone was charged and that Pea and I would be fine. I started shivering again and Sweets looked over at me. 
“Sweets?” I asked. 
“Yeah?” He asked.
“C-Can we move t-to your bed?” I asked. He nodded and we both quickly went to his room. I rushed to his bed and wrapped the blanket around my body and felt a little warmer. Sweets left the room and came back a few moments later with extra blankets. I smiled and moved over to make room for Sweets. He got under the blankets with me and wrapped the extra ones around us. Sweets laid down and pulled me to lay on his chest. I smiled as I felt the warmth of his body. 
“Imagine Jugs face if he saw us frozen like this.” I joked and Sweets laughed. 
“He’d find a way to bring me back just to kill me again.” He said and I giggled. My brother was alway protective of me when it came to guys. When he found out me and Sweet Pea were dating, Dad had to stop him from killing my now boyfriend. Dad wasn’t exactly happy about me dating Pea either, but he could tell how happy I was with him. That’s the only reason he was a bit more lenient with us. 
I could feel myself growing tired, but I didn’t really think I should sleep while being this cold. My eyelids were growing heavier and heavier, I could hardly fight it. 
“Get some sleep, babe, it’s pretty much the only thing we can do right now anyway.” He said and I sighed. 
“I don’t wanna freeze to death.” I mumbled. Pea chuckled and pulled me closer. 
“I’m not gonna let you freeze babe, I’ll keep you warm all night.” He said and my eyes finally closed. I mumbled something in my sleepy state as I finally lost the fight.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 @reblogserpent @darkestbeforethedawn16 @fandom-princess-forevermore @will-noble-owns-my-ass @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @madebyleftovermuses @liz-owl
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Mother Dearest
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Warnings: afab reader
Words: 600
Summery: Jughead's Mom comes back and makes for an adorable reunion.
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You parked the truck in front of the trailer that you once considered home. You didn’t get out but sat there and stared at it, wondering if what you were doing was a good decision. 
“Mama?” A girl’s voice came from the passenger seat making you snap out of your daze. 
You looked over. “Yeah, JB?” You asked with a little sigh. 
“We going in?” Jellybean asked with a slight bounce. You smiled at her excitement. You nodded making her jump out of the truck while you followed. She ran to the door as you followed slowly behind and she knocked on the door. 
You grinned as you saw her jumping around while she waited for the door to open. 
It finally opened and once JB saw her dad a smile split her face. “DADDY!!” She screamed as she flung her arms around his waist. 
A stunned looked settle over his face and you saw tears welling up his eyes. Arms wrapped around JB tightly. “Jellybean?” Fp hoarsely spit out. He pressed a kiss to her head and you smiled as you stuffed your hands into your jeans. 
He stopped for a moment and looked up frantically to find me standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Y/N.” He whispered your name as he let his daughter go and hurriedly made his way down the stairs and wrapped you in his arms making you wrapped yours around his shoulders. He picked you up and spun you around and then put you down and you both swayed. Soft sobs left his mouth as he buried his head into your neck. Your emotions built up until you couldn’t hold your own sobs back. You did the same as him and buried your head into his neck, gripping each other tight. 
“BUBBA!” You heard Jellybean screech and you lifted your head slightly to watch your son lifting his little sister up in his arms. 
Fp pulled back but didn’t let you go as his put his hands on your cheeks and made you lock eyes with him. You set your hands on his waist and you both stared into each others red rimmed eyes. 
“Why’d you come back?” He asked softly. 
You chuckled through your tears. “Jughead called me awhile back and said you were doing so much better so I decided that it was time JB and I came back.” You paused and curled your fists into his flannel. “We’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much, baby.” You croaked out as you started to sob again. 
FP pulled you into his arms again as you sobbed into his chest. 
“Mom.” You heard and you lifted your head and looked over to Jughead who had tears rolling down his cheeks. 
Your eyebrows scrunched up as you let your husband go and rushed over to your son. “Oh, Jug.” You gripped him tightly as he wrapped his arms around your waist and curled his hands into your jacket. You stood like that for a moment before letting go and putting your hands on Jughead’s face and wiping away his tears as you both smiled at each other. “I’ve missed you, bud.” You told him.
You hadn’t wanted to leave him but the space between you and FP was needed. And Jughead wanted to stay instead of coming with you which you were fine with. Jughead was mature enough to make his own decisions. You then wrapped an arm around Jug and turned your bodies to FP and Jellybean as they got done hugging. 
Your family then made your way into the trailer. 
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decodedlvr · 2 years
do me and screw me,
choke me and rock me.
thank u
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I just keep coming up with new story ideas and yet Midnight rain sits here staring at me like "Momma.....Im a good series....finish me"
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But I recently restarted Riverdale and.....whew....FP Jones ;)
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FP Jones....a forbidden romance turned wrong and bitter.....oh lord jesus someone help me....talk me out of writing some FP Jones Smut LOL
I know I need to work on Midnight Rain when Im not studying and learning my new job but dammit....I cant help what my brain comes up with
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
FP Jones
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What Are We?- YN, an ex Ghoulie, falls for the leader of the Southside Serpents.
Gladys Jones- Gladys Jones, FP’s ex, is back and YN tries to warn FP of her.
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n0tasaint · 2 years
Hey!! I posted a little while ago I wanted to start writing and so far I have a little something in my drafts! It’s a Fred Weasley One Shot!!!! Well I say one shot but I’m not opposed to writing a part two if people ask for it. I will be taking requests once it’s released if you all think it’s good enough!! I plan to write for multiple fandoms, but right now the Harry Potter universe has got me on lock down!! 💗 Thanks for the advice on my last post!
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roadkillremi · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Roadkill Remi! I love all things weird and love writing fics that don't make a lick of sense.
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⚠️ -Minors DNI
🫁 - Still in the works
>>Uncle!Randy MasterList<<
300 Event
Kinktober '23
Requests are currently on pause
The characters I write for are not limited to the ones below.
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Looking for a request I wrote?
It's down here!
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The List (Randy X Gn!Reader)
The Bar (College!Randy X Gn!Reader)
See you again... (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Not Perfectly Perfect (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't stay awake. (Randy X F!Reader)
Bullshit (Randy X F!Reader)
I won't allow it (Uncle! Randy X F!Reader)
Lost in the '90s (Randy X F!Reader)
My boy (Randy X F!Reader)
Like Old Times (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Drunken Away (Randy X F!Reader)
Thigh Riding (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Brat (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Sooner rather than later (Randy X F!Reader)
Stupid decisions, Stupid consequences (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Director (Randy X Reader)
Too Dumb To speak (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Riding Randy. (Dilfy Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Searching (Poly!Stu and Billy X Succubus!Reader) ⚠️
Experiment (Randy X Reader)⚠️
Impatient (Uncle!Randy X Reader⚠️
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I want your video (Randy X Gn!Reader)
They're all dead (Stu X Gn!Reader)
Salty Tears (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't tell mom (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Subway Cars (Mindy Martin-Meeks X F!Reader)
Catch Me (Billy X F!Reader X Stu)
Glances Exchanged (Tatum X F!Reader)
Crimson (Randy X Reader )
Till Death ⚠️
Our beginnings ⚠️
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Randy was the third Ghostface ⚠️
Randy With Queer and/or Trans reader
Randy with Sleepy Reader
Scream With Alt. Reader
Randy X Ghostface Reader
Uncle Randy Holiday
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Please don't kill me, Mr.GhostFace
#2 ⚠️
Sequel to Please Don't Kill me- I wanna be in the Sequel 🫁
#2 ⚠️
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Love Sucks (Randy Meeks X F!Reader) 🫁
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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"I wouldn't imagine breaking your no underwear rule" (Billy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I can't lose you again! Can't you see that?" (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
"I don't know how to touch you..." (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I have to admit. I'm very... possessive.". (Ghostface!Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Non Scream Fics -
DuctTape 1 (FP Jones x F!Reader) Riverdale
Rhymes for your Mind(B RadXReader) Malibu's Most wanted
A better man (Negan Smith X F!reader) TWD⚠️
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. (Including SDVE & RSV) Total Drama: All season 1 contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Micheal, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Kim, Gideon, Ramona, Wallace. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5)Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Showing Off - Riverdale
Archie pinning x Fem!reader
Serpents x reader
Northside x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 706
Summary: Archie always showing off for you his neighbor. Not knowing you're a Serpent, dating one, and basically like Fp’s little girl.
Authors Note: I put it as Riverdale because I didn’t feel it played with any character enough to put at the top.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Does he always do that?” Betty asked as her and Veronica watched out y/n’s bedroom window. They were currently having a sleepover but Archie and some of the Bulldogs were playing football out in the street.
“Yup.” Y/n let out a frustrated sigh as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.
“Wow, Archie Andrews being a show off.” Veronica said amused as she to watched the redheaded boy.
“He never stops.” Y/n stated shaking her head as she glanced out the window for a second.
“Do you know why?” Betty questioned moving to sit across from y/n on the bed.
“I think he likes me, but if he knew anything about me. He wouldn’t.” She told them shaking her head. It had been going on for months at this point.
“Why do you say that?” Veronica tilted her head at Y/n’s statement. Confused about what she meant by it.
“I’m a Serpent Veronica. Archie hates the Serpents. And besides, I’m dating Sweet Pea.” Y/n shrugged and gave them a tight lipped smile, but it became real at the mention of Sweet Pea.
“I will say I love Archie and he’s a good guy but, Sweet Pea treats you like a princess.” Betty smiled at Y/n. Betty had known Archie forever but she had firsthand witnessed how Sweet Pea treats her friend in their relationship. And even Betty didn’t think Archie could treat her that good.
“Correction. He treats you like a Queen.” Veronica smiled coming around to sit on the bed with the both of them.
Y/n smiled widely at their comments. “Plus with all the beef going on between the bulldogs and the Serpents. It’d be worse once he knew FP treats me like a daughter.”
“FP treats you better than my father treats me.” Veronica admitted letting out a sigh that had frustration and sadness in it.
“Sorry V.” Betty rubbed her friend's upper arm.
“No worries. Hey, do you think FP could honorarly adopt me too?” Veronica asked y/n jokingly.
“I mean if you ask.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders but they all started laughing, not being able to hold it anymore.
It was only a week later at a game for the school that the girls along with y/n and Toni noticed Archie doing it again. Watching.
“He’s doing it again.” Veronica noted nudging the y/h/c-ed girl scooted next to her on the bleachers.
“This is just sad to watch.” Betty said watching the boy she grew up with, with squinted eyes. 
“Sweet Pea’s going to be here soon. And for the record this is fun to watch.” Toni interjected as she sat down next to them. She found Archies actions to be quite entertaining much like Veronica but for different reasons.
“Once he sees the back of my jacket he’ll stop.” Y/n nodded, taking a hand full of popcorn from Toni. Y/n made sure to wear her Serpents jacket tonight. This needed to stop.
“Hey, babe.” Sweet Pea greeted kissing her on the cheek. Toni scooted over fromY/n so Sweet Pea could sit down next to her.
“Hey.” Y/n greeted Sweet Pea before he could sit down she stood to hug him, making sure her jacket faced the field as she did so.
“And he noticed.” Betty pointed out as the couple sat down.
“Wow.” Veronica shook her head with wide eyes. “Men.” she scoffed, as they all watched the attraction Archie had to Y/n leave him as he saw her jacket.
“What are they talking about?” Sweet Pea asked leaning in to whisper in Y/n’s ear.
“Nothing.” Y/n answered but she could tell he didn’t believe it. So Y/n turned a tiny bit to face him with her body, grabbing his hand bringing it to her lips. “Trust me Pea. If it was something worth telling, I’d tell you.”
“She would.” Betty stated in agreement.
Toni knew problems would only get worse if Sweet Pea knew exactly what they were talking about. “You or FP would be the first to know.”
And it was true but let's just hope Archie had the sense to not ever bring it up.
Tag List:
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Deep Sleep
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Request: Yes / No  List was made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
FP Jones x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 533
Warnings: Nothing!
Y/N: Your Name 
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Fp’s POV*
She was so tired. Her head was falling forward as she started nodding off, her eyes heavy as they flutter shut. She was too damn stubborn to admit it though. It was late and we were just watching a movie together.
“You should go to bed, kiddo.” I mentioned. She shook her head, but lent on my shoulder. We watched the movie for a bit longer, until Y/N started falling asleep again and slipped off my shoulder. Her head snapped up and looked around slightly dazed. 
“Come on, Queenie.” I said as I pat my thighs. 
“Mmm…” She hummed as her head rested against my thigh. I smiled and gently combed my fingers through her hair. Her breathing quickly evened out and she was asleep in no time. 
Once the movie was over I looked down at my daughter, she was still fast asleep. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. off. I stretched slightly, careful not to wake her. 
“Alright, let’s get you to bed.” I said to myself. I gently placed my hands under her back and knees. I picked her up easily and she stirred slightly. 
“I got you kiddo.” I whispered. She mumbled something quietly and her eyes fluttered. 
“Relax, I’m just gettin’ you to bed.” I said with a smile. 
“Thanks Daddy.” She mumbled and I chuckled slightly. I gently laid her on her bed, pulling the covers over her and kiss her head. Her soft snores filled the room and I smiled. She needed as much sleep as she could get right now. I left the room and decided to watch a bit more T.V. while I waited for Jughead to come home. 
An hour later the front door was loudly opened and in walked my son. I turned off the T.V. and sent him a glare. He head right for the kitchen and started loudly looking for something to eat. 
“Boy you better quiet down.” I said and he looked up at me. 
“Why?” He asked confused. 
“Your sister’s asleep and she ain’t been sleeping well.” I said and he looked into the hallway. I got up and sent to go check on her. She was still in bed asleep and slightly drolling. I smiled and shook my head a bit. I walked back out to find Jug eating some left over chinese we had gotten. 
“Did I wake her?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“She’s out like a light. Make sure you’re quiet when you go to bed, I don’t want her wakin’ up tonight.” I said and he nodded. 
“She still stressing about school?” He asked and I sighed. 
“Yeah… She’s been up studying for weeks.” I answered. 
“I’ll try and distract her tomorrow, she needs to relax a bit.” He said and I smiled. 
“Good luck, she’s damn stubborn.” I said and Jughead laughed. 
“Oh, I know.” He said as he finished the food. 
“I’m gonna head to bed, night Dad.” He said. 
“Night, son.” I said and watched him quietly sneak into the room he shared with his sister. I yawned and decided it was time for me to head to bed too. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @adamsbubblegumbitch
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Mother Dearest
Part Two
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Warnings: None, afab reader
Words: 958
Summery: Mama Jones meets Betty
Previous | Next
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The next couple of days were spent in bliss. While you hated living in a trailer, it was home. Your family was home. You made sure Jug and JB were going to school, especially after getting Jellybean enrolled in school in Riverdale. You had officially moved back home.
You even got your old job back while FP was working with Fred at Andrews Construction. You got back into the habit of helping Jug with his writing.
One day, when you picked up JB from school you went ahead and headed to the high school to pick up Jughead. You stood in front of the school, leaning against the truck with JB sitting in the passenger seat playing with her Nintendo DS.
As you stood there, you kept getting glances from other students as school was let out. You had your hands in your pockets of your jeans as you crossed your legs with Timberlands on your feet. A flannel was over an old band t-shirt, which you were sure was your husbands from when you first started going out. You also had a jean jacket over that to keep you warm.
You then saw Jughead step out of the school with a pretty blonde girl, a raven haired girl, and a red headed boy. You were pretty sure that was Betty and Archie. Betty you vaguely remember from a couple times she played with the boys when they were younger. You and her mother, Alice, did not get along. Alice was ex-serpent which didn’t settle well with you as you had been a serpent since around the same time as FP. You didn’t trust her after she refused to acknowledge the fact that she came from the Southside.
While you were proud of the fact that you were a Serpent.
“Mrs. Jones!” Archie yelled loudly as he rushed to hug you. You laughed as you hugged him back. You always saw him as a second son and he always saw you as a second mother. You were always supportive of anything the kids did.
“Archie! You’ve gotten taller since I last saw you.” You told him as you let him go and patted his shoulder.
“That’s what happens when you get older.” He sassed with a grin on his lips.
You smiled and smacked him on the back of the head, making it jerk forward and him to scrunch his face up in a grimace. You always hit hard.
You then looked over at Jughead and saw him with his arm around Betty’s waist. You raised an eyebrow and Jug rushed to introduce the two girls. “Mom, I don’t know if you remember Betty, but this is Betty Cooper. My girlfriend.” He said kinda slowly as if he didn’t want you to know. “And this is Veronica Lodge.” He introduced the Hispanic girl on the other side of him.
“Hi, Mrs. Jones.” Betty said with a smile on her face. You smiled back and shook her hand that she held out.
“Hi, Betty. Yeah, I remember you. You sometimes played with the boys when you guys were younger. You guys can just call me Y/N. I don’t mind.” You turned to Archie. “I think I’ve told you multiple times.” He shrugged with a innocent smile. You laughed.
“Jughead, you didn’t tell me your mom was a badass.” Veronica said as she reached out her hand to shake.
You smirked and narrowed your eyes at her playfully. “Well that’s because she’s my mom. Although she has been my role model since I was maybe 5.” Jug said with a tone of sarcasm at the begin. “Not that I don’t love seeing you Mom. What are you doing here?”
You grinned. “You want a ride home, Jug?” You asked.
He made an ‘oh’ face as he threw his arm around Betty’s shoulders. “I was gonna walk Betty home.”
You smiled. “I can drive you both. Come on.” You then turned to the other two as Betty and Jug headed to the truck.
I think Betty was trying to be quiet but I heard her as she whispered to Jughead. “She is so much easier to talk to than your dad.” He chuckled.
“You two good?” You asked the other two high schoolers. Wanting to make sure they got home safe.
Veronica answered first. “Yeah, I’m at the Pembroke and it isn’t that far. Bye guys.” She then made her way in the direction of the Pembroke. You then turned to Archie.
“You good, kid?” You asked him.
“Yeah, dad should -” He was cut off as someone spoke up from behind you.
“Y/N?” You both turned around and saw Fred standing there.
“Hey, Fred!” You smiled. You missed your best friend. You had been friends with Fred and FP since you were all kids.
“Hey, dad.” Archie said as he walked over his dad. Fred patted his shoulder as he glanced at Archie before looking back at you. You smiled as you shoved your hands in your pockets of your jacket.
“Y/N. You’re back.” Fred smiled big at you.
“Yeah, hopefully for good.” You told him. He went to say something else but JB decided it would be a good time to honk the truck horn loudly.
Archie and Fred jumped at the loud sound while you set your face in a grimace of agitation.
“MA!!!! HURRY UP!”
You turned around with raised eyebrows. “Forsythia Penelope Jones!” You said sternly.
She shrunk down back into her seat as Jug laughed at her.
You sighed as you turned back to Fred and Archie who were chuckling.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys later.” You turned to the truck and went to the driver’s side with a wave over your shoulder.
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Requests I have (if you don't see yours please let me know)
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!Andrew!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn’t stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it’s not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can’t find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
1.Twisted Desires
Dean, Sam, and Y/N Winchester were trapped together from the moment John found yellow eyes had killed the mother of his child was killed by yellow eyes in 1988 exactly five years after his wife and mother of his eldest two children were murdered by the same demon. The three lived by there father’s code doesn’t go somewhere twice and you don’t stay long. They never got to make friends so they were all each other had so maybe it was a flower in the attic complex. The three siblings loved each other far more than anyone else ever but maybe Sam and Dean’s love wasn’t a way older brothers were supposed to love their little sisters and Y/N’s love wasn’t a way a little sister should love her brothers. But they controlled themselves the best they could. Sam went away to college and Y/N and Dean continued until Sammy got home. The three of them wouldn’t admit it but they needed each other but one night after all three Winchesters were frustrated over a particularly hard case and tightened sexual tension. Sam threatens to leave and Dean tells him to go. What happens when Y/N breaks down and begs him to stay? Will she confess how she feels or will there twisted desires remain hidden?
1.Going against the gods
Ivar the Boneless always felt like everyone tortured him everyone but his perfect goddess like Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair and Y/E/C (Your eye color) little sister. She was made for him she loved all her brother’s but Ivar knew he was her favorite. Whatever he wanted she gave him whatever he wanted her to do she did. When he killed Sigurd she didn’t call him a monster and never talk to him again. She began to cry and beg the gods to let him into Valhalla but not before Ragnar’s only living daughter took his hands softly and told him he needs to work on his temper but she still loved him. When Ubbe and Hvitserk boarded the boat she refused yelling, “He needs us I will not leave our brother and I will not choose between the three of you.” Though his sister began to distance herself after he married Freydis and realized he was a god. She began to pull away from Ivar and with ever pull there was a slide closer to there older brother Hvitserk. Ivar didn’t like it and as king he had to stop it even if that meant going against the gods.
1.Love At First Sight
Okayyy so It Would be the little sister of Scott (cyclops) and Alex(Havok) wich would fall un Love With logan the first Time she sees him☺️(3
1.I never stopped loving you
Billy Hargrove and Y/N Harrington were young and in love many years ago in high school. They broke up because Billy didn’t know his worth. Billy stayed in Hawkins went to a trading school and opened a garage. He even started steadily with a new girl after Y/N never came home at Christmas and then summer. She went to a big college a few states away her way of escaping her family even though Billy always said she was running from him and his messy life. A few weeks after moving to college she finds out the biggest shock of her life. She was carrying Billy Hargrove’s baby. Only one person knew, her twin brother Steve Harrington. Now four years later Billy is engaged and Y/N is finally coming home. What will happen with the two back in town together? 
2.Love Again
After Diana left him he though for sure he would never love again. Then the summer after the Hargrove's moved to town here comes Neil’s eldest daughter. 22-year-old Y/N moves to Hawkins Indiana after college. She pulled up one day to pick Max up from  El’s. The moment Jim swung the door open his breath left his chest. What happens when he hires her as Eleven’s tutor and Jim finds himself falling in love with the young woman. Will Y/N fill the same way? Is this Jim Hopper’s chance to love again or will he get his heart broken again?
MY girl
Nikki and her new girlfriend make it official
1.Two Broken Souls
Y/N is heavier than her friends and suffers from it. They are constantly putting her down. Her parents are constantly fighting at home. Jughead Jones is the loner boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Both are broken and hurting. Will They find Solace in each other or will they both suffer in silence.
2. Death … and new chances
Y/N Andrews's best friend dies and she is opened to a new possibility for her son
1. Together: 
Alex Standall Smut (4)
2. Our kids …..
Y/N Jensen is ready to co-parent with her one night stand 
3. octavia blake x sister reader smut
4. Rebekah mikaelson x sister reader smut
133 notes · View notes
lolahaurisfw · 4 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Here i'll only be taking requests for fluff, platonic, and angst! Reqs are always open like usual too, and you can request as much as you want and as detailed as you want! i just get to things when i can/want to.
Anon's: None Yet
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahauri 🔞
AO3: Here
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Discourse Blogs. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
What I'm Willing To Write:
Fluff, angst, platonic, hurt/comfort.
HC's, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names, they/them only.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. Total Drama: All S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Hobie, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina, Cheyenne. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Elemental: Wade, Ember. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Michael, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Bistro Huddy: All Staff Members, Poppy. WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel. Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden. Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby. The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds. The Golden Girls: Blanche, Dorothy, Rose. Hot in Cleveland: Melanie <3, Joy, Victoria.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye) Stevo (SLC Punk!) Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Napolean Dynamite (self titled) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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matchesarelit · 1 year
MatchesAreLit Masterlist
Bridgerton Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Firefly Masterlist Squid Game Masterlist Smosh Masterlist
*= suggestive (minors dni) ** = smut (minors dni) Tiny imagine <150w Small imagine <1000w Imagine >1000w
Dark Matter
The Bridge* (small imagine)
Meeting back up with the crew of the Raza but with their new crew members there’s only one bed left at the end of the night.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lars Pinfield
Just us
Lars has invited you over to the lab before, so why is it awkward today?
Scientists of an Absurd Field
You visit the lab and as always the air is full of condescending words and unspoken compliments.
Workplace Attire (small imagine)
In the aftermath of Garraka Lars makes his way back to the lab... You are just a little amused at the state he's in.
The only thing left for the day was feeding the ghosts their dinner... Lars is there and ready to help, help keep you company that is.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Oscar’s hotel
Oscar’s Protégé (tiny imagine)
Capabilities (tiny imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Rusty Lake
Jakob\Mr Owl
The Gardening Job (small imagine)
Research (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Friday Night Dinner
Adam’s Bestie*
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lucifer Morningstar
Back With A Badge, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, (INDEFINATE HIATUS)
Detective Hatch is reunited with a friend when she is transferred to LA but what will happen when she gets ‘acquainted’ with the Devil.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Dick Grayson 
The Mysteries Of Dick Grayson*
“Now as far as I know this rooftop is neither yours nor in a city you have sworn to protect. So what, pray tell is a little birdie doing up here in the dead of night?”
Felicity Smoak
Proposal (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Dorian Gray
The Newest Fad 
A new club has Dorian’s empty and he is furious... until hes not. I mean how could he be with that familiar voice in his ear.
Ambrose Spellman
Old ‘Friends’
You visit the home of two women who are practically family, but so much has changed in the last 70 years since you lost your best friend. what will it be like to see him again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Tin Can Bros
Hands up (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Anti-Grimm (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
11th Regeneration
“Sorry”* (small imagine)
Make out sesh (small imagine)
10th Regeneration
Two Hearts (small imagine)
Clara Ozwald
“Best Friends” ... sure (small imagine)
Rory Williams
A Hunky Nurse
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Stranger Things
Robin or Steve
Heading to Hawkins P1
While staying with the Hendersons you meet someone new.
P2 Robin x F!Reader
P2 Steve x F!Reader
P2 Steve x NonF!Reader
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Curious Creations of Christine McConnell
Christine + Norman x reader
Poly (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
Cuddling Him (HCs)
Au pairs and attacks
Last Moments?**
injuries getting in the way? quite the opposite
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Evan Peters
An Interesting Rest
During a week or so break off of filming you and some friends go on a trip, that results in a new friend who looks strikingly familiar.  But will this friendship tear apart another?
Fp Jones
Picnic (small imagine)
Tommy Shelby
An Easy Target
Samuel Davenport Archive 81
Visser P2 **
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Only Forever
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A/N: based off of Demi Lovato’s song ONLY FOREVER because every time I hear it I feel some typa way.
Warnings: Language , Smut (NSFW 18+) Practice safe sex , kiddos.
16 YRS Old
 Y/N watches as he downs his shot before bending down over the table , lining up the pool stick with the cue ball. She loved the way his eyebrows furrowed and how his tongue would peak out of his mouth when he was focused. She smiled to herself when he raised his arms up in excitement after making his shot. “Your turn , princess.” He smiled. She felt the slight burning on her cheeks , blushing. She downed her shot and bent over lining up her pool stick with the cue ball , ready to take her shot. “Wait.” Her eyes follow him as he gets up from his spot and over to her. He stands behind her , one hand positioning her elbow at the right angle. The other holding his weight on the edge of the pool table as he lowers himself down. She can feel his hot breath blowing on her ear. Her body stiffens as she feels his entire body on her backside. “Relax.” He whispers. She does as she’s told. “Ok. Now take your shot. Not too hard.”  She takes a deep breath , pulling the stick back several inches before striking the cue ball , softly but with enough power , and making her ball in. She grins widely as she straightens her posture. “Its all in the elbow.” He says , tapping his elbow. She laughs , shaking her head softly at his antics. “We’ve got the 8 ball left.” Pointing at the black ball on the table. “Lets make this interesting.” He smiles , devilishly. “Winner gets to ask for whatever they want. Loser pays the tab.” She rolls her eyes, “Thats not fair. You know i’ve suck at this game.”
“I know. Maybe this will give you enough motivation to not suck.” He shrugs. “I’ll be nice enough to let you go again. 3 chances to make the ball.” She thinks it over a minute before sticking her hand out , “You’ve got yourself a deal , bub.” He chuckles as he grabs her hand giving it a quick shake. She focuses as she takes her first shot and misses. She looks over at him and he shrugs. She positions herself in front of the cue ball again. She takes a deep breath and takes her shot. Fail. The pool stick goes over the cue ball and her head falls low, mentally cursing herself. “It’s alright , Princess. Hmm...? What do I want , what do I want?” She lifts her head up to glare at him as he playfully taps his chin. “I still have one shot left , asshole.” She says as she walks over to the other side of the pool table. She lowers herself down , calculating her last shot. She gives herself an assuring nod as she positions herself one last time. She takes in a deep breath , and shoots. Her mouth drops as the ball moves closer and closer to the corner pocket. She brings her hands up in midair , ready to shoot them up and celebrate her victory when suddenly the ball stops. “WHAT?!” She yells. He comes over to her , laughing. “Better luck next time , kiddo.” He ruffles her hair , and bends down over the table making his last shot with ease. “That doesnt count.” She pouts , fixing her hair. “Of course it does.” He smiles , proudly. She rolls her eyes as she digs in to her front pockets , pulling out 40$. “Not so fast. Winner goes first.” He smiles. She rolls her eyes , waiting for whatever ridiculous thing he’s going to ask for. Swear ,if he asks me for my friend’s number again I’m gonna- ”What is your deepest darkest secret.?” He interrupts her thoughts. “What?” She raises an eyebrow at his question. “You heard me. “ he slowly walks towards her. “I see the way you look at me when you think i’m not looking.” He stands just a few feet away from her , reaching out , placing his hands on her waist. “I feel the way you tense up when I’m near you.” He pulls her towards him. “The way you blush when I call you Princess.” He brings a hand up to caress her cheek. Her breathing becomes ragged as she gazes up in to his eyes. “The way you feel about me. That’s your deepest darkest secret isnt it? I want to know.”
“How can you be so sure , it is?” She challenges , causing him to smirk. “We wont know until you say it.” He drops his hands from her body and begins to back away slowly. She grabs both of his wrists stopping him. “I love you.” She blurts. “I’m sorry what was that?” He raises his hand up to his ear , smiling , messing with her. She playfully smacks him and he places his hands on her waist again , looking down at her. “I said,” she rests her wrists on his shoulders , as her thumbs gently trace his jaw, “I love you. Forsythe Pendleton Jones the second.”
He smirks. “Well guess what , Y/F/N. I love you , too.” She smiles , and he brings himself down to kiss her.  He pulls away “Just so we’re clear , this isnt a best friend type of ‘I love you’ right?” “No.” She giggles. “Ok , good.” He smiles , and she raises herself up on her tippy-toes to kiss him again.
“Do you really have to go?” She whines. She looks up at him from where she sat on the bench. “Even if I didnt want to, its too late , i’m already here.” They were both waiting for the bus to take FP to the airport. She looks over at the backpack next to her. The only things he owned , stuffed inside. She pulls the pamphlet from the side pocket , opening it. “Of all the other things you could have done. You chose the Army?” She sighs , stuffing the pamphlet back inside. “If it gets me outta this town. I’m up for it.” He slides the backpack over to the other side and he takes a seat next to her. “I’ll be back. Eventually. If I dont die.” She rolls her eyes as he chuckles. “It’s just bootcamp. I’ll be gone for at least 6 months. No biggie.”
“Cant you take me with you?” She grabs on to his arm , shaking it slightly. “C’mon , kid.” He brings a hand up to remove her grip on his arm. “You’ll be alright. I promise to call you. And when I cant call. I promise to write. You just gotta remember not to forget about me.” He winks. He grabs his backpack , slipping the strap over his shoulder as the bus begins to pull up. “Like I would ever forget you.” She sighs. He gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before walking up to the bus. “Remember.” He calls back to her. She nods and watches him board. She stops the tears from falling as she watches the bus take the love of her life away for 6 months.
As the months pass , FP’s contact with Y/N went from constant to every once in a while. She reread his letters over and over when he didn���t call. She would write to him when she didn’t receive a new letter. She missed him , and just wanted to know if he missed her too. When the 6th month was finally up , He called her to tell her he wouldn’t be coming back. Not for another three years at least. He had signed up to do some work in South Korea. He sounded so happy , she couldnt tell him how much it killed her. So she smiled , congratulated him and told him she couldnt wait to see him in three years. He thanked her and promised to bring back a souvenir or two for his best girl.
She hugged her jacket closer to her as she sat at the same bus stop she watched the love her life leave. She was the only one there. She wished she had brought a bigger , thicker jacket. It was freezing. The sun was barely rising. FP called her to tell her he was coming home and she was the first person he wanted to see. She quickly stood up as she watched the bus pull up and stop. Her heart began to beat faster. She scanned the crowd of people piling out , hoping he would be one of them. She began to sit back down when she didnt see him but stopped. “That’s the hello imma get?” She smiled brightly and ran over to him. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around him as he caught her. “Oh my God. I missed you.” She can feel the tears forming in her eyes and quickly wiped them away before bringing herself down. “Oh my God.” She stepped back as she took him in. He got bigger. He had muscles , not too big but just enough to reveal themselves thru his clothing whenever he moved. His hair was a little longer , he had it slicked back and he had facial hair. “You look-“ “Amazing. I know.” He smiled. She playfully rolled her eyes at him. “Come on. How about we go to the Whyte Wyrm and celebrate. Its on me.” She smiled , leading him to her car. “If its on you...might as well.” He joked.
“Happy Birthday to you,” the whole bar sang as FP walked to her, carrying a huge cake in his hands. The gang had finished singing as FP set the cake down on the pool table , lighting the candles one by one. “I wasn’t gonna risk dropping it and setting the whole place on fire.” He whispered to her. She laughed and thanked him for the gesture. “Make a wish , Princess.” He smiled. She closed her eyes , I wish for you FP , she inhaled deeply and exhaled all the air she had , blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered as she kept her eyes fixated on him. The night was going smoothly , she was sat at the bar downing the drinks her friends had bought for her. Her breathing became ragged , as she spot FP on the other side of the bar. His arm around a pretty blonde , he leaned down to say something in her ear and she threw her head back , laughing. Her heart shattered. She wanted to look away. But she couldn’t. She watched as he flirted with her , caressed her cheek , made her laugh , made her blush , doing anything to make sure he had her in the palm of his hand. She had enough. She finally turned her back to them , asking the bartender for 2 more shots. As he placed them in front of her , she drank them , with no hesitation. She pushed herself off the stool and made her way to the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face , trying to cool herself down as she felt her face burning. Maybe I had too much too drink. She leaned over the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Ugh , you idiot. He didn’t want you back then , what makes you think he wants you now? Just move on , girl. She shook her head. Yup. One too many shots. She gave herself a quick little once over in the mirror before walking out. She scanned the bar looking for FP. When she didn’t spot him she looked for the blonde he was with. She was nowhere to be seen either. “If you’re looking for hotshot , he left.” She turned around to see who was talking. She didn’t recognize him. When she didn’t respond he continued to say, “He was in a rush to get that pretty blonde outta here. You his girl?” She shook her head. “I don’t know if I should say too bad for him or just my luck.” He smiled. She eyed him suspiciously as he walked closer to her. “I’m Eric.” He smiled , holding his hand out to her. She gave him a small smile , before taking his hand in hers , “Y/N.” “Ah , the birthday girl.” She nodded. “So tell me , birthday girl , would you like to get outta here?”
She woke up the next morning , her head pounding. She got off her bed , rubbing her eyes and going out towards her kitchen. She glanced over at Eric who was asleep on her couch , shirtless. She remembered him taking her to Pop’s for a late dinner and coming back to her trailer , falling asleep instantly. She didn’t want to wake him just yet , so she continued towards her kitchen and prepared herself a cup of coffee. “Good Morning.” FP yells as he bursts thru her front door. “In the kitchen.” I should remember to lock it. As if he read her mind , FP closes the door, “still forgetting to lock this thing huh?” He asks , walking in and taking a seat at her table. “Coffee?” She asks , not waiting for him to answer as she grabs another mug from her cupboard. “Who’s the guy?” He gestures towards Eric. She glances over to him as she reaches the table , surprised he’s still asleep after all the noise FP made , as she set a coffee mug in front of FP and taking a seat across from him. “Eric.” She blows on your coffee before taking a sip. “You bringing strangers in to your home now?” She looks at FP confused , he was angry , but trying to hide it. “He’s not a stranger.” “Whered you meet him?” “At the bar?” “Huh.” Is all he said as he sips his coffee. “You taking strangers home?” She traces the rim of the mug with her finger. “I can take care of myself. You cant.” He says. She scoffs at his answer. “Meaning?” “Meaning ... you cant be bringing guys over. You never know. They might rob you , assault you , or even kill you.” She watches as he sips his coffee again. “Thats rich. Coming from a guy who constantly takes women back to his trailer.” He sets his coffee down. “I can defend myself. You can’t.” “Are you so sure about that? Maybe he did try something.” FP clenches his jaw. “He’s probably dead on my sofa.” They both avert their attention towards Eric as he groans , stretching himself out on the couch. “Good morning.” She calls as he sits up. She notices FP roll his eyes from the corner of her eye. “Morning.” He rubs his eyes. “What time is it?” He grabs his shirt from the floor , slipping it on. “Time for you to go home.” FP snarls. She waves him off, “Don’t mind him. It’s 10 to 1. You want some coffee?” “Nah. He’s right.” He stands up from the couch after putting his shoes on. “I should get going.” He walks closer ,grabing his jacket from the counter and walks over to her. “Thanks for the offer tho. I had a great time.” He smiles. “So did I. I’ll catch you later?” “Definitely.” He kisses the top of her head before heading out the front door. She notices FP glaring at her. “What?” She asks , annoyed. “Did you fuck him?” “What?” “Did you fuck him?” “No! I did not fuck him! Are you insane?” She stands up from her chair. He doesn’t say anything. “Who do you think you are? I don’t go around asking you if you’ve fucked other people?” She begins pacing in the small kitchen, muttering nonsense to herself. FP watches her for a couple minutes before standing up and walking over to her. She finally stops pacing with her back towards him. He wraps his arms around her waist. She tries to wiggle herself out of his grasp , but he doesn’t budge. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. She stops fidgeting. “I got jealous. I just cant stand the fact of someone else touching you.” Her body tenses up as he brushes his lips from her neck up to her ear. “They way I’ve been wanting to touch you.” Her head falls back on to his chest as he whispers in her ear. He unwraps his arm from her waist , bringing them down to her thighs and up the inside of her oversized tshirt. Goosebumps rise on her skin at his soft touch as gently grazes his fingers up her sides. “Say it.” He whispers again , gently biting her ear. She whimpers , and his hands continue softly touching her body making their way to cup her breasts. He gently squeezes them and she moans. “Say it.” He says. She’s about to say it when memories of him flirting with the blonde flash thru her mind. She removes his hands from her breasts and turns to face him. “Stop it.” She tries to control her shaky voice. “Stop what?” “Stop this.” She gestures between them. “You’re just going to fuck me again. And leave. Like all those other times.” She swallows down the lump in her throat. Stay strong. Don’t cry. Keep your foot down. “You’re gonna use the same excuse. That you’re not ready.” She feels the tears forming in her eyes and quickly looks down. FP’s shoes come in to view. He cups her face , raising her head up to look at him. his eyes search every part of her face , taking her in. She cant take her eyes off him , but she knows she has to , she cant let him hurt her again. She closes her eyes , bringing her hands up to remove his hands from her face but before she can he crashes his lips on to hers. She doesn’t move at first , when she feels him pull away , she grabs the back of his neck pulling him back in. Their lips move in sync , she removes her hands from his neck and down to his shirt , she pulls it up and FP removes himself from her so she can pull it off before bringing his lips back to hers. She tosses his shirt to the side and brings her hands back to his neck softly dragging her nails down his back , making him moan. She smiles to herself , she loved the sounds he made. She drags her hands around to his front , unbuckling his belt , then unbuttoning his jeans. He lifts her up , sitting her on the counter. “Say it.” He says , pulling his pants down along with his boxers. She watches him , intensely , as he does so. “Say it.” He says , dominantly. He lifts her shirt up and pulls down her panties. He pulls her down to the edge of the counter , lining himself up at her entrance. “Say it.” “I love you.” She exhales. He slowly pushes himself in , and her mouth falls open in pleasure. He wraps an arm around her , keeping her steady as he slowly thrusts himself in and out. “FP.” She moans. He picks up his pace. He slams the cupboard above her with his free hand , as he thrusts faster. “Yes.” She moans , again and again. Feeling herself closer to her climax. “I’m so close.” He grunts in response , slowing his pace and thrusting harder. “Fuck.” She gasps. She grips his shoulders as she reaches her climax , burying her face in his neck. “Fuck.” He exhales as he finishes. He helps her down and she leans back on to the counter , her legs weak. He pulls his pants up , buttoning his jeans. “I love you.” She says as she caresses his cheek. He brings his hand up over hers , closing his eyes , melting in to her touch. “I love you.” He says back. “Do you mean it?” “ I always mean it.” He says kissing the palm of her hand. Just as she expected , he’s pulling his shirt over his head and heading out the door. Leaving her alone , like he’s done many times before.
3 MOS Later
“Can I come in?” He asks. She just wanted to slam the door in his face. After that day she hasn’t talked to him. Whenever they were at the same place he would leave , and he was never alone. He was either with the same blonde or someone different. He was purposely avoiding her. And she hated it, but accepted it. She called Eric earlier that night and met up with him at the Whyte Wyrm. She was having fun. She got a little too flirty with him and FP noticed. He watched as she placed a hand on his thigh , leaning in to whisper sweet nothings in to his ear. His knuckles turning white as he gripped the pool stick tighter as his anger bubbled inside him. After watching him place his hands on her waist and leaning in to kiss her he had enough. He marched over to them , punching Eric. He fell out of his stool and she pushed FP away and knelt down to help him. Eric pinched his nose to stop the bleeding , gently shoving Y/N away. “I dont know what you two have going on. But I cant be seeing you anymore.” Eric tells Y/N as he gets up , heading towards the bathroom. Outraged , Y/N slaps FP in the face. “I hate you.” She spits. And thats what brought FP here tonight. He didn’t want her to hate him. “Please.” He pleads. She sighs as she moves aside allowing him to come in. He takes a seat on the couch and Y/N follows suit , leaving a big space between them.  “I don’t know what happened tonight.” He begins. Y/N rolls her eyes , “I do. You got jealous. You just want me to be yours without you being mine and it’s not fair. You say you love me. And if you do why don’t we just give us-“ “She’s pregnant.”He interrupts “W-what? Who?”Shocked. She can feel her heart breaking as she waits for him to answer, “The blonde. She called me a couple days ago to tell me. Then she showed up at my trailer with the tests to show me she wasnt lying.” She couldn’t believe it. She blinks rapidly a few times , processing the information , “What are you gonna do?” He scratches his head, “I don’t know. She wants to keep it but.” He sighs. “But what?” She wants him to continue. “I’m not ready.” He admits. She grabs his hand , squeezing it gently , “Its ok. I’ll be here for you. I promise. But you have to be there for her and your child.” He gives her a small smile , “ I love you.” “I love you,too.”
She kept her promise. She’s been with him every step of the way. Giving him advice , picking out clothes for his son , making sure he had everything he needed. Most nights he’d stay with her after their intimate moments, which she enjoyed because she got to have him around more. But as the months grew closer for his son to be born his nights were spent at his trailer with her , leaving Y/N alone again. She would never admit to him how much it hurt , and she didn’t want to ruin his chance at a family , no matter how badly she wanted it to be with her.
24 YRS Old
Y/N found herself laying next to FP again. He had been coming over after the birth of his son , saying how stressful it was raising a child. But as his son grew older , the easier it got but that didnt stop him from coming over. Talking sometimes led to arguing about him  playing with Y/N’s feelings which led to him reeling her back in with “I love you” that led to one thing and the other and always ended up with them in bed together. Y/N knew she was torturing herself , but she loved him. She laid on his chest as he played with her hair. “I’m gonna ask her to marry me.” He says. She quickly shoots up off his chest and stares at him. “What?” “She’s raising my kid.” He begins to sit up. “And I love him.” “Ok.” She states. “But do you love her?” He doesn’t respond. She scoffs as she gets up off the bed to get dressed. “Dont act like that.” He says , getting up and getting dressed as well. “Like what?” She retorts. “Like you didn’t see this coming.” She slowly turns to face him , angry. “Excuse me?” She asks slowly. “I told you everything. Its not like I kept you in the dark.” “I know that. And i’m sorry if I just cant handle it anymore.” She spits. “Handle what?” He raises his voice. “This!” She yells , she’s not gonna hold back anymore. “You. Just coming around whenever you want. Sleeping with me. Telling me you love me. And then leaving. Finding other women to sleep with.” “I told you I wasn’t ready for a relationship.” He starts. “With strangers! You said you werent ready to start a relationship with someone new. I’m not new! I’ve been your best friend for years. Ive never held it against you because I love you and I respected your decision. But this is too much. I tried moving on because I know I will never have you the way I want. But youre always there and you do shit that makes me think maybe this time you’ll come around.” He walks up to her and reaches up to wipe the tears away but she smacks his hand away. “Don’t do that. Don’t all of a sudden care about my feelings because i’m crying.”
“I dont all of a sudden care.” He says , softly. “I’ve always cared because.. I love you.” She lets out a sob as she shakes her head. “You say you love me. But you dont..you just love having me around. But my love for you was - is so strong I put up with it because I just wanted you. And I wish I could hate you. For everything. But I really hate myself , because after admitting all of this , I would still wait forever for you.” FP stands there , staring at her , watching her cry. He doesn’t say anything , he doesnt know what to say. She turns away from him as she begins to wipe her tears away. “I want you to leave.” She says. “Y/N-“ he pleads. The desperation in is voice just makes her want to turn around and hug him. But she doesnt. “I want you leave.” She repeats. She holds in her tears as she listens to his footsteps getting softer as they retreat out of her room. When she hears the front door close , she crawls back in to bed , sobbing. Not because he left , because she knows , if he comes knocking on her door tomorrow , or in three days , or 5 months  , or even 17 years from now , she’ll accept him with open arms no matter what. Because her love for him would last forever. 
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