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bhabhiphy41 · 2 years ago
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#picoftheday #picstitch #pic @aarzoo_khurana @instagram @vibe_800 @_mobile_photography______ #travel #travelphotography #trending #sky #skyphotography #green #zipline #goodmorning #photography #photooftheday #mobilephotography #makeup #instagood #instagram #fousrires bad https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpQIY4PBB-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leehamwriting · 6 years ago
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Ouiiiiiii, j'ai le blu-uuuees. J'ai sept mois. ch'uis mignon et j'ai pas de copiiineu. Et pourtant, ch'uis riche.: j'ai une maison, un chouette panier et des croquettes Ă  gogo. Mes colocs sont sympas mais un peu envahissants. Ô yes, le blu-uuuees. Tra la la la. Tra la la la lĂšre. #chanteur #blues #chatonchanteur #frenchhumour #instacatgram #fousrires #lesrires #texteamour #tropmignon #chatmignon #karma♻ #cestchouette #bebechat #instablague #instahumor😂 #salmoncroquettes #colocatairesforever #pianođŸŽč #amitiĂ© #unsourire #tralala #peace✌ https://www.instagram.com/p/BybG9w_oEGB/?igshid=1k8yh6ply1lm7
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yogacoinspire · 5 years ago
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Premier #coursdeyoga pour nos baby yogis ... relĂąche du stress .. #fousrires #formationdeyoga #cestfini #vivelavie (Ă  Yoga, Nature et CoInspire.fr en Inde et en France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3qt-rj-bX/?igshid=1dhkuzxw5lgvj
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nanoprotection-blog · 6 years ago
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Le mariage rime avec bonheur, amour et grande aventure. Les enfants sont souvent notre joie de vivre et nos moments de fous rires. Les travailleurs nous permettent de mieux vivre et d'avoir un environnement de travail ou un domicile plaisant. Les sports nous permettent de nous dĂ©penser et de nous dĂ©passer. Le jardinage nous ressource, nous ramĂšne aux sources et Ă  pratiquer la patience. L'hiver nous fait tout apprĂ©cier! Notre produit Protecteur textile et cuir est un vĂ©ritable bouclier contre les intempĂ©ries, les petits dĂ©gĂąts et la vie de tous les jours. Soyez protĂ©ger mĂȘme lorsque vous croyez que rien ne peut arriver. Il vaut toujours mieux prĂ©venir que guĂ©rir! Marriage rhymes with happiness, love and great adventure. Children are often our joy to live and our moments of laughter. Workers allow us to live better and to have a pleasant working environment or home. Sports allow us to spend ourselves and to surpass ourselves. Gardening resource us, brings us back to basics and practice patience. Winter makes us appreciate everything! Our Protective Textile and Leather product is a real shield against bad weather, small accidents and everyday life. Be protected even when you believe nothing can happen. Prevention is always better than cure!
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voyageonsloinmaisbien-blog · 6 years ago
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Nouvelle sortie pour 2019 @parcasterix #attractions #oziris #tonnerredezeus #fousrires #asterixetobelix #uderzo #compagniedesalpes (Ă  Voyageons Loin Mais Bien 62/59) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brj7EpbHkvO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vt82h0ldbzi
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juliettethedragon · 7 years ago
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SoirĂ©e hilarante avec les Filles de Joie Ă  la Nouvelle Eve! On a fait honneur et RĂ©jane Ă  trouvĂ© son pseudo de Fille de Joie : JAJA LA GOULUE! Copyright @seblebison 👏👏👏 le top c'Ă©tait l'after show, il faut bien le dire !! #gangdepuresmeufs #fousrires #demainmigraine #grandmoment @ecole_des_filles_de_joie ... #pigalle #paris #alcool #shot #anaisnin (Ă  Le DĂ©panneur Pigalle)
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leehamwriting · 6 years ago
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Huuuumm. Trop bien. Ce que j'aime chez mes colocataires, c'est qu'ils ont toujours des paniers chouettes pour moi. Juste à ma taille. J'adooorre. HI hi hi, je vais les garder encore longtemps ces humains. Hi hi hi, ils ont de trop bonnes idées. Hi hi hi #idées #geniales #super #human #instachaton #humourofficial # bonnesidées #fousrires #paniers #colocataires #garde #blague #karma #adore #human #peace https://www.instagram.com/ameliediack/p/BwDETkKHjcC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6c3i11acw6ok
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curvologist-again · 2 years ago
I’m sorry for the very slow reply to this one @jenemattarderaipas 
 I’ve had this in my drafts for a week or so and been picking at it a bit at a time.
So in no particular order,
‱family, both immediate and extended. There are days they make me want to yell & holler, punch a pillow, or pull my hair out, but when I add up the days, there are way more that they improve than take away from.
‱grandparents. I’ve separated them from the rest of the ‘family’ category and I’m not entirely sure why. They’re both gone now and I choke up every time I think about them. But they were the greatest people and two biggest influences in my life. What I have, what I do, and who I am are entirely because of them. The pain of not having them is still very real, but they are my greatest memories.
‱the woods. I hate living in the city. I hate crowds and traffic. I escape into the woods every chance I can get. Silence except for the wind in the trees, the birds, and maybe a river nearby. That’s why I’ve built my cabin away from everything. I can breathe when I’m away in the trees.
‱the wind and water. Like being in the woods, being on the water lets me breathe. I am fortunate to live a few minutes from the ocean and have a job that has me at sea for parts of the year.
‱Tumblr friends. I’m a very quiet and introverted person by nature. So usually that means I’m more comfortable alone than with other people. It keeps my circle of friends small. Like I could probably have a wood-working accident and still count them on one hand. But here seems different. There is this group of people from all over the globe to meet and talk with. The number of potential friends would be unfathomable to my grandparents. Sure, some of these ‘friends’ are bots, jackasses, bigots, flat-earther’s, religious nuts, MAGA’s, racists, homophobes, anti-vaxxers, and maybe a few others I don’t have the energy or desire to deal with. But that still leaves literally dozens of people I could call friends! I have been lucky enough to find a couple here who have become very dear friends indeed! Friends who have helped me through difficult times. Friends who I would help through difficult times. Friends I will laugh and cry with together in the future. They make me smile and make me happy!
As for the ‘tag the last 5’, I’m going off the page a little to tag old friends and possible new friends;
@littlemsgoddess , @jouet69 , @moonchild8914 , @curvethemoonshine , @all-bodies-r-beautiful , @saaraahka , @goddessonthebeach2 , @geographically-challenged , @rawgrainphotography , @fousrires , @lifeofdai , @nocturna7 , @haider-al , @cymruwobbles
Anyone else’s who sees, and wants to add, please feel free! Also feel free to delete out all my text as the formatting has turned into a bit of a long cat!
I was tagged by @thee-wanton-housewife to list five things which make me happy. Here goes (plagiarism included but it is not my fault, I could have given all your answers) ;
1. My friends, pets and the family members I love.
2. Reading for the millionth time a book I loved (A zillion waiting on my reading list and I just striked again...)
3. Cooking food for people I care about. Well, cooking almost always makes me happy.
4. Making a Christmas tree ('tis the season), even if, like this year, the first thing it does is collapse entirely in all its glory.
5. Playing, almost any game and any kind of game.
Tag the last 5 people who reblogged something from you;
@cat973 ; @peutetreplusblog ; @bleufuchsia ; @curvologist-again ; @gisele-bechaufsnz
and @sabinerondissime who did not reblog, but this could be your personal of the day.
and, of course, anyone who feels like playing.
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snaphug-blog · 6 years ago
#girls #retrouvailles #bandedecopines #fofolles #25ansdamitie #surprise #patty @patty_de_toulouse #fousrires...
Make adult friend: http://www.snaphug.com/
#girls #retrouvailles #bandedecopines #fofolles #25ansdamitie #surprise #patty @patty_de_toulouse #fousrires... [ad_1] [ad_2]
Make adult friend: http://www.snaphug.com/
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leehamwriting · 2 years ago
Du typique, s'il vous plait - Anne-Sophie NEDELEC - 2021 - Le lézard bleu
Du typique, s’il vous plait – Anne-Sophie NEDELEC – 2021 – Le lĂ©zard bleu
QuatriĂšme de couverture Des retraités amateurs de voyages qui éprouvent quelques difficultés avec la langue des pays qu’ils visitent
 des Japonais aux prises avec un serveur parisien particulièrement désagréable
 une petite frappe qui s’invite au palace
 et des jet-setteurs échoués dans un kebab
Découvrez une galerie de personnages qui ont bien du mal à trouver leur place dans des

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aurythmedespasdeschevaux · 10 years ago
Quand on se remémore nos anciennes chutes (et évidemment elles sont débiles)
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leehamwriting · 3 years ago
Vangual, le fou qui se rĂȘvait roi - FORMAN -2022
Vangual, le fou qui se rĂȘvait roi – FORMAN -2022
QuatriĂšme de couverture « Alors qu’AndĂ©ol Nosill accomplit le rituel funĂ©raire pour permettre Ă  l’ñme de son dĂ©funt pĂšre de traverser les portes de l’ÉthĂ©ris, il succomba au dĂ©fi du tavernathon lancĂ© par son frĂšre, Gondain, pour fĂȘter sa victoire. Vaincu et laissĂ© ivre mort dans une des chambres du chĂąteau de Borthalion, il se fit kidnapper par une bande de pirates en quĂȘte de vengeance.C’est en

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leehamwriting · 5 years ago
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Ô misĂšre! Il est collant çui-lĂ . Eh, t'as entendu parler des distances sociales? Noooon? Ô Mazette, ça y est! Je crois que j'ai attrapĂ© le Covid. Je sue Ă  grosses gouttes, j'ai chaud... Heeelp!! #frenchhumour #instagram #fousrires #passerieux #covıd19 #coronavĂ­rus #socialdistance #rigolo #amitiĂ© https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8Wp_3KT9D/?igshid=1ajq17y5s21we
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leehamwriting · 5 years ago
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Hi hi hi, J'espionne mon colocataire. DĂšs qu'il sort faire son truc qu' il appelle travail, je relis ses Ă©crits. Pfftt, je suis obligĂ© de les corriger. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il aurait fait sans moi. Et il a le culot de signer de son nom! Quelle ingratitude!#fousrires #ecrits #frenchhumour #instahumour #auteur #chatsdeinstagram #unsourire #amitiĂ© #ecrivain #latendresse #karma♻ #chatespion #mortderires #chatmignonđŸ™ˆđŸ˜» #douceurdujour #joieclair #craquant #peacelovehappiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CApTIDQqQn4/?igshid=1lti1yhg4kse9
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leehamwriting · 5 years ago
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Rhooo misĂšre! Il paraĂźt qu'il faut mettre un masque. Mes oreilles ne sont pas immunisĂ©es contre la bĂȘtise. Je leur ai mis un masque. C'est plus grave que le Covid 19. Si si. Je vous l'assure. Ô misĂšre...#masquĂ© #covid #frenchhumour #fousrires #bĂȘtises #humanbeing #humanitĂ© #lamignonne #beautĂ© #lajoie #leschroniquesdeleeham #leeham #ecoute #litteraturedailleursdeleeham #littĂ©rature #amusements #gaiete #amitiĂ© https://www.instagram.com/p/CAn8g5Gqwda/?igshid=h7c8gs3fgtzm
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leehamwriting · 5 years ago
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Euh, pourquoi me rĂ©veillez vous? Ah du cafĂ©? Oui, J' en voudrai bien, merci. Il manque une tasse. Et alors? Il faut vraiment que vous arrĂȘtiez d'ĂȘtre radin et que vous achetiez votre vaisselle. Quels radins! Me rĂ©veiller pour çà. j'ai l'impression qu'il lorgnait mon lit. Il ne manque pas de culot... #fousrires #mortderire #frenchhumour #instachaton #tropmignon #cocooninghome #chaleureuxmoment #beautĂ© #leschroniquesdeleeham #leeham #force #colocations #destin #amitiĂ© #dĂ©lire #blagueur #sourirephotography #bienĂȘtre #cafĂ© #instalike https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkmLyrqEb4/?igshid=bdk12xee671r
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