Hello! Do you know of any fics where Kurt and Blaine are on like a dance competition? Like So You Think You Can Dance or Dancing With The Stars? It can be made up competitions too, I just wanted to give some examples. Thank you!
Enjoy! ~Lynne
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Always A Contest by Verseau_87
Shall We Dance by framby Read at:  [PDF]  [EPUB]
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together. 
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heartofhenny · 8 years
I was tagged my @simplyimagines Answer these questions. Tag 20 people you’d like to know better. ________________________________________________________ _______________________ Name: Angeliki (It’s like Angelica, it’s greek :p)
Nickname: Angie literally everyone calls me that
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 176 cm
Sexual Orientation: I don’t really like to defy my sexuality, it makes me feel restricted. I would fall in love with anyone no matter gender, sex etc :)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite Colour: It keeps changing so I’ll say all of them. They’re all unique and pretty
Favourite animal: Dogs, pigs, foxes, dolphins, penguins, sloths
Average Hours of sleep: 7 mostly
Cat or Dog Person: idk I have a dog and a cat I love them both
Favourite Fictional Character: Oh boy here we go The Doctor, Anyone from Superwholock lol (Honourable mention: Bobby Singer, forever in our hearts), Kilgrave, Ferid Bathory, Fred and George Weasley, Remus Lupin, Delsin Rowe, Cole MacGrath, LITERALLY EVERYONE FROM YURI ON ICE AND MYSTIC MESSENGER give me my life back pls
And the one, the only Bucky motherfucking Barnes
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: probably 2?
Favourite Singer/Band: My Chemical Romance, Muse, Alestorm, Michael Jackson
Dream Trip: Anywhere but Greece, I’ve never been abroad
Dream Job: I either wanna do something related to astrophysics or forensic science. Or maybe a vet..
When Was This Blog Created?: Roughly a year ago? Not sure
Current Number of Follower: 112 (I think)
When Did This Blog Reach It’s Peak: Don’t think it has, don’t think it will, but I don’t really care. I did make a post like two weeks ago about Viktor Nikiforov and YOI animation that got more than 1,500 notes/reblogs tho ________________________________________________________
Tags: I tagged people I follow/that follow me/people that really don’t know me lol but I think their blogs are rad ^.~ @perpetualsmoke @emberrules @doctor-fine-soda @amandapandaaa @poketime1000 @attackonmelissa @lieutenant-twink @buckyswinterchildren @lxxnylxxpylupin @xxdrxco-mxlfoyxx @lost-my-m1nd @livinglouder17 @dragracetragic @tiny-profectus @djspookyb @jaredpadaleckiislife @mysticdefendordreamland @calmingbeige @crowleycanyounot @bucksstan
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Top 10 klaine or glee fanfics read!
Oh man. It’s been awhile since i have read fic. And I don’t have them organized, I won’t have links. So just a list, hopefully i remember the author’s names. Lol.
1. The Luckiest - Wordplay
2. Angel in a Red Vest- don’t be fancy
3. Something Unpredictable - Tonks42
4. The Bro Code - Village Idiot
5. His Perfect Partner (Dancing with the Stars AU) - FountainofThought
6. Nothing So Loud- Glitterdammerung
7. With Every Broken Bone @spaceorphan18
8. Where There’s Smoke - stoney
9. The Goggles Do Nothing- lls_mutant (this one is Burt/Carole hilarity)
10. Illicit- EmilianaDarling
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fountainofthoughts · 7 years
“Leaving a toxic relationship is easier said than done. When you are in a toxic relationship, you eventually become aware of the abuse you are facing. Not only you, but the people around you also begin to take notice, more so because they can see the impact that it’s having on you. It takes courage, it takes strength. When you are faced with abuse, it affects your way of thinking. Emotional abuse is more powerful than you think. You come to a point where you can barely figure out the difference between right and wrong. And in most cases, there is a fear of leaving. The first fear is to do with the fact that despite the abuse, the person has become your comfort zone. You depend on them, you are attached to them and above all, you still care for them. The second fear is to do with the fear you have of them. You are scared of their reaction, you are scared of what your departure may lead to. And the third fear is living a life without them. Will your life be better because they are no longer in it or will it get worse because of the memories which will follow behind? How long will your heart yearn for them? But there comes a point where you are left with no choice to leave, because how much longer can you live like this? And after you have left, you become so much stronger than you previously were, because by leaving, you have gained victory.”
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My Hope
For @fountainofthoughts 💖 Hope you enjoy this one 💗 ((So many people have requested Hoseok and you guys have no idea how happy it makes me 😭😭💗 I haven't really written a lot for Hobi yet and I felt really bad so I'm glad a ton of Hobi stans came to request 😭❤️)) ~^*^~ •Jung Hoseok was a king, and you, his best friend •He was only young when the role was forced on him, after his father tragically died in battle. •You helped him through the hard times, helped to direct his decisions and stayed by him through thick and thin •Being such a young king put a lot of pressure on the lovely Hobi, and he would find himself unable to sleep in the night's, and eventually clambering into your small bed just for someone to hug. •One day, whilst you were walking with him in the gardens, he looked at you with the most sincerity in his eyes you'd ever seen, and he simply demanded "be mine." •Shocked was an understatement. •"Y-Your majesty... I-I..." •"Say yes. You call ME Hobi, but YOU are MY hope... you've done so much for me. I want to pay you back by giving you all the love I can." •By this point, he was on both knees, bowing his head to you. •He told you he was aware you couldn't technically be queen, so he was prepared to keep your relationship a secret until he was decided on what to do. •You, of course, accepted. •He lived up to his promise of giving you all his love, and he gave you every ounce of joy he could muster. •In the dark nights, he'd whisk you away on his horse and take you to a forest, or a lake, or a field to just be with you. •Or he'd lie with you in your bed, holding you close like you weren't going to be there in the morning. •In meetings, both official and non-official, he insisted you sat closest to him, just so he could have a hand on your knee, on top of the beautiful material of your dress. •He gave you every bit of attention. •Until the day came. •His twenty fifth birthday. •He was awoken by a royal messenger, informing him he was to meet his mother in the official hall •What came next was nothing short of a nightmare •An arranged marriage. •And of course, nobody knew of you, of your importance to Hoseok, so he had no choice but to agree. •He told you immediately, eyes full of guilt, regret, tears •You'd felt your heart break inside of your chest and you told him he'd fulfilled his promise of giving you all his love. •And you had walked away •Months passed and you did everything in your power to avoid Hoseok. Your heartbreak was too painful and any glimpse of him made the pain so much worse •Soon the dreaded day had come •You had no choice but to sit at the back of the church, watching some random woman from another kingdom take your Hoseok away. •"And do you, King Jung Hoseok take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, and your queen?" •The whole church went silent. •Hoseok couldn't answer •"No." •Gasps rebounded throughout. •"I'm in love with somebody else. I cannot marry a woman I don't love." •Then he ran. He ran back down the isle, grabbing your hand as he did, pulling you through the doors and outside. •He kept running until you were both out of breath. •You slapped him hard •"YAH! I JUST CUT OFF MY MARRIAGE FOR YOU! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" •"YOURE SUPPOSED TO MARRY HER! GO BACK! GO BACK TO HER!" •"I CANT! I love you. I already said that. You're my hope. You're my world. I need you." •His lips found yours and you realised Hobi was the only thing you'd ever need. •A few years later, and you were his queen. His hope. Forever
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talkfot-blog · 7 years
Ep056 - The Year In Review
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Best Friend
Best Friend I know when you are sad,not by the frown upon your face but by the way you cast your eyes downward, your pain hidden without a trace, Best Friend I know when you are worried, Everything that you cannot control,when you feel your life is a whirlwind and the pressure takes its toll, where would they find you? with your nose inside a book, your knees pulled up to your chest creating the perfect hidden nook, Best Friend I know when you are dreaming, if only of the love that you deserve,but the love that you need, to fill all the holes of doubt within your soul, scattered like seed. Not by your Hero, not your patch, but from the aimless wanderers who were careless with their step. Best Friend  I see you fall in love over and over,with a song, with a sentence, with a tear,you fall in love WITH love, and i see your heart break over and over again Best Friend  I know what you are made of, even if you do not see, the woman that you are , the person you are to be. For anyone who was not strong would crumble in your shoes, your strength, your courage and your beauty of mind, is exactly what makes YOU, Best Friend
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jungblue · 7 years
HOLY SHIT I just read Sonic Rain and it was fucking amazing. No pressure, but is it possible it will be turned into a series/at least get a part 2/3?? ❤️
i’m glad you liked it! and it will possibly/hopefully have a sequel. i left it open-ended but at least semi-conclusive so that if it does take me a while to get to it, then it’s not like an annoying wait to see what happened with their relationship
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I know you guys have a movie!fic tag, but do you have any good recommendations for tv show fics? So ones based off of tv shows or episodes or whatever, not ones where they're actors in a tv show:3
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Catch Me If You Can verse by afterthenovels
In the end, catching Kurt Hummel is definitely not what Blaine expected.
Special Agent Blaine Anderson catches con-man and art thief extraordinaire Kurt Hummel twice, and on the second time they strike a deal. They're supposed to just solve white collar crimes together, but they might even end up solving each other in the process.
A White Collar AU.
In Every Stitch by @quizasvivamos
24-year-old Blaine Anderson and 26-year-old Kurt Hummel are both breakout designers who had gained the attention of the public by competing on the reality television hit Project Runway in their respective seasons. When both are invited back to compete in the All Star challenge, the competition heats up, tension builds between the two, and what happens off camera changes everything.
The Real Life by pulling-the-puzzles-apart
AU Blaine and Kurt meet as contestants on a reality TV show like Big Brother for college students in New York. With cameras on them 24/7, privacy hard to find, will they find love?
Sequel: The Aftermath of 'The Real Life'
Project Mercury by doodlebrew
Fashion designer Kurt meets Broadway performer Blaine on a special episode of Project Runway.
Note: You need to be logged into an AO3 account to access this fic.
Dirty Sexy Money by emquin
After the death of Blaine's father, Blaine is asked to take his father's job as the Hummel's family lawyer. This doesn't only mean more money, it means going back to people he considered his family and a world he was sure he's left behind. With a daughter and a fiance, he was sure his life was set, but taking the job means seeing the man he was in love with once...the man he might still love.
Happy Reading! - HKVoyage
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any fics that have them slow dancing with each other?
I focused on one-shots or fics where one or both of them are dancers (and there is a slow dancing scene). There was also a post today that described a dancing scene in a multi-chapter fic. - HKVoyage 
The Endless Tango of Love and Money by Seeroftodayandtomorrow
When Kurt Hummel hires escort Blaine Anderson to play his boyfriend at a family gathering, he sets in motion a chain of events that ends up with them living together for a year, posing as boyfriends, and struggling with jealous relatives, dancing, money, and love.
Once again inspired by, and very loosely based on a German novel I read a long time ago.
Move with Me by @znks
Ballet!Blaine and Modern!Kurt, forced to work together.
“They were at their best when they moved together.”
Definition of Beauty by shotofvanilla 
In which Blaine is a blind piano player and Kurt is a deaf dancer. Here is how they meet. Klaine. 
Shall We Dance by framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together. 
His Perfect Partner by @fountainofthought
Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU. After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
A Little Night Music by gingerfic
Assumes canon through 5x20. This occurs sometime soon after.
Note: Part 1 of the Slow Dancing at Midnight series
Dancing In The Dark by @flowerfan2
What if Kurt and Blaine’s early sexual relationship wasn’t quite so fairy-tale perfect, but was more like, well, real life? A different look at early!Klaine’s sexytimes journey.
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Any dancing with the stars au where they're partnered with each other?
These are the two DWTS AUs that we're aware of. ~Lynne
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Shall We Dance by framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together.
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Can you think of any fics where they are dancing partners? Or something equal to that like gymnastics? I’ve read similar pairs and I absolutely loved it and am looking for something like that
Strength and Balance  by Betta329
Blaine Anderson has resound himself to a life alone. Working as an acrobat in a popular circus, he finds out that his partner is leaving. When he's assigned to find someone to create a sensual, two-person strength and balance routine he never realized that he would also be finding himself.
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Note: Part 1 of the His Perfect Partner series
The Endless Tango of Love and Money by @seeroftodayandtomorrow​
When Kurt Hummel hires escort Blaine Anderson to play his boyfriend at a family gathering, he sets in motion a chain of events that ends up with them living together for a year, posing as boyfriends, and struggling with jealous relatives, dancing, money, and love.
Once again inspired by, and very loosely based on a German novel I read a long time ago.
Move with Me by @znks
Ballet!Blaine and Modern!Kurt, forced to work together.
“They were at their best when they moved together.”
Shall We Dance by framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together. 
Happy reading! - HKVoyage
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Which fics would you recommend where one or both are dancers?
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Note: Part 1 of the His Perfect Partner series
May the Fierce Be With You by delightful_fear
Blaine is interested in his hot, older boss.
Can he de-geek and get his attention with Kurt’s help?
I Want Your Love by lextempus [PDF/EPUB]
Blaine is in his first-year at NYADA when he meets Kurt Hummel, 24-years-old and a dance instructor. Along the way, they become friends, fall in love, and have lots of sex.
The Endless Tango of Love and Money by Seeroftodayandtomorrow
When Kurt Hummel hires escort Blaine Anderson to play his boyfriend at a family gathering, he sets in motion a chain of events that ends up with them living together for a year, posing as boyfriends, and struggling with jealous relatives, dancing, money, and love.
Once again inspired by, and very loosely based on a German novel I read a long time ago.
Always A Contest by Verseau_87
Prompt: What about a dancer one. Dancing competition or audition or a ballet or something like that. Both as rivals or partners or strangers that have to perform together. Tension, attraction, sexiness
I think I nailed it, you decide ;)
Move with Me by @znks
Ballet!Blaine and Modern!Kurt, forced to work together.
“They were at their best when they moved together.”
The Pianist and his Dancer by  PoppyandViolet
Kurt Hummel is the most talented dancer at the McKinley School of Dance. Blaine is the new pianist who captures the hearts of all of Sue’s students with his adorably dorky ways - only, Kurt may not be quite so easily impressed… 
Definition of Beauty by  shotofvanilla
In which Blaine is a blind piano player and Kurt is a deaf dancer. Here is how they meet.
Shall We Dance by framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together. 
Happy Reading!
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do you know of any fics where Kurt or Blaine (or both) do ballet or are dancers? x
His Perfect Partner by fountainofthought
After five disappointing seasons on Dancing with the Stars, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory. With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned. Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Note: Part 1 of the His Perfect Partner series
May the Fierce Be With You by delightful_fear
Blaine is interested in his hot, older boss.
Can he de-geek and get his attention with Kurt's help?
I Want Your Love by lextempus [PDF/EPUB]
Blaine is in his first-year at NYADA when he meets Kurt Hummel, 24-years-old and a dance instructor. Along the way, they become friends, fall in love, and have lots of sex.
The Endless Tango of Love and Money by Seeroftodayandtomorrow
When Kurt Hummel hires escort Blaine Anderson to play his boyfriend at a family gathering, he sets in motion a chain of events that ends up with them living together for a year, posing as boyfriends, and struggling with jealous relatives, dancing, money, and love.
Once again inspired by, and very loosely based on a German novel I read a long time ago.
Always A Contest by Verseau_87
Prompt: What about a dancer one. Dancing competition or audition or a ballet or something like that. Both as rivals or partners or strangers that have to perform together. Tension, attraction, sexiness
I think I nailed it, you decide ;)
Move with Me by @znks
Ballet!Blaine and Modern!Kurt, forced to work together.
“They were at their best when they moved together.”
The Pianist and his Dancer by  PoppyandViolet
Kurt Hummel is the most talented dancer at the McKinley School of Dance. Blaine is the new pianist who captures the hearts of all of Sue’s students with his adorably dorky ways - only, Kurt may not be quite so easily impressed… 
Definition of Beauty by  shotofvanilla
In which Blaine is a blind piano player and Kurt is a deaf dancer. Here is how they meet.
Shall We Dance by framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is casted to participate to the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancer, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together. 
Happy Reading!HKVoyage
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Are there any dancing with the stars fics with klaine or professional dancers in competition?
Hey Nonnie,
Oh yes, there are two splendid Dancing with the Stars fics. Details below.
His Perfect Partner by @fountainofthought
Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU. After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.
Shall We Dance? by @framby
As the lead of a boys band, Blaine is cast to participate in the new season of Dancing With The Stars. Kurt is one of the professional dancers, they aren’t partners but it doesn’t mean they can’t dance together.
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fountainofthoughts · 5 years
“I prayed for detachment. I prayed to have what’s not meant for me to be taken away from me. It took me a while to realise that my prayers were being answered. The truth is I was afraid to lose you because of the pain that would come with it. Reality hurts. It hurts because it goes against our wishes and feelings. I watched the person I love leave my life and I had absolutely no control over it. I knew that this was a test and that all I had left was faith and trust in Allah. I knew that one day I would heal and that the pain was only temporary."
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