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route56 · 5 years ago
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This last OTD post is a true debut. It was taken at the end (or should I say beginning) of the roll. It was shot as a 35mm vertical, but the lower half wound up being part of the film lead and was fogged over. The top part turned out OK, but the pic was never scanned or printed until about a month ago. #foundpictures (at Lawrence, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rKHv5DwzZ/?igshid=1fuj70eqgp7lq
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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There's a lot of excitement when you're dealing with toddlers. Sometimes, though, you just want to settle down and have a quiet, snuggly storytime. "Emily's Balloon" (2001) by Komako Sakai is one of my favourite picture books for times like that. Her softly coloured, gently sketched illustrations make me think of Shirley Hughes or Miriam Cohen's work from my own childhood. And the story, told in few words, of a toddler's delight over her balloon, and then concern at losing it, is by turns sweet and serious without being overdramatic or upsetting. A beautiful addition to any library. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #emilysballoon #emilysballoon🎈 #komakosakai #komakosakaï #komakosakaiillustrations #balloon #balloons #excitement #newballoon #disappointment #foundpictures #childhoodunplugged #childhood #earlychildhood #bookish #childrensbook #childrensliterature #readaloudrevival #readtokids #bedtimestory #quiettime #readingwithtoddlers #readtoyourbabies #picturebooklove #picturebookstagram #kidsbookstagrammer #kidsbookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sRrCynqD4/?igshid=tyyxi8j86lw5
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nohope4me · 4 years ago
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This was on a camera I bought on ebay #crfgn #lostmemories #foundpictures #ebaytreasures #timeandspace #spacetime — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Ykx8ar
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slideofthetimes · 6 years ago
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August 1969 // ??? // ???
I have searched through every giant statue picture I can find on Google - can anyone enlighten me as to which statue this is and where it is? Any help would be appreciated!
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Have you ever just fallen HARD for a book? That's how I feel about Mike Austin's "Fire Truck No. 9" (2015): head over heels infatuated! And what's odd is that I'm not usually a fan of picture books with minimal text. But from the colour-drenched, retro-feel illustrations that take me right back to my '70s early childhood, to the spare words that convey so much power and feeling--the "PULL!" on the hose and "WHOOSH!" of the water sweeping you through each exciting page... Reading this book is like being immersed in the adventure, as much fun as you had playing fire trucks as a child while screeching happy siren noises. Take a trip back to those times with your kids today!! 🚨🚨🚨 P.S. I love that this one is also inclusive without being ham-handed about it. The firefighters include women and POC, reflecting the realities of our communities. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #fireengineno9 #mikeaustin #mikeaustinillustration #foundpictures #authorillustrator #authorandillustrator #firefighters #fire #firehouse #firetruck #fireengine #fightingfires #firefighterwoman #firefighterwomen #firefightersofinstagram #firemen #firewomen #rescueworkers #firstresponders #firehose #read #booksofinstagram #readitagain #picturebooksofinstagram #picturebookswelove #wordlesspicturebook #kidslovebooks #childrensbook https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kPRwUHSsw/?igshid=16g0ew20pfi2a
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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There's nothing better than a great, laugh-out-loud story. And Catherine Friend's "The Perfect Nest" (2007), illustrated by John Manders, has been a read-aloud favourite of mine for many years. It has everything you could want for a fun storytime: a ridiculous cat with an unlikely plan to get what he wants, some hilarious and surprising twists, a wonderful resolution, and bright, colourful, cleverly humorous pictures that keep your attention throughout. A highly recommended storytime classic! âš« âš« âš« #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #theperfectnest #catherinefriend #johnmanders #nest #cat #eggs #mischief #booklove #readingteacher #primaryed #ready4school #childrenslit #childrenslibrary #readitagain #teachersunite #readingrecommendations #readaloudbooks #readalouds #readingtogether #picturebookreview #bestbooksforkids #bestreadaloud #ilovepicturebooks #lessongoals #literacycircle #primarycurriculum #foundpictures https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AYEdPHZWt/?igshid=1cxxirt97opkb
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Ever had an itch that was JUST out of your reach? Crazy-making, right? Well that's the premise of Jory John's "Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back?" (2018), and it makes for a great read-aloud. Liz Climo's simple, comic-style illustrations and lots of clever, conversational back-and-forth between characters are a winning combination, creating an easygoing story that's still full of giggle-worthy moments. âš« âš« âš« #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #cansomebodypleasescratchmyback #joryjohn #lizclimo #dialbooksforyoungreaders #itchy #pleasescratchmyback #unreachableitch #itchyback #elephant #alligator #meerkats #slimysnail #booklovers #igreads #childrensbook #readaloudrevival #kidsbooks #picturebooks #readingwithkids #picturebookart #illustrationforkids #readingismagic #picturebooksofinstagram #foundpictures #beinghelpful #helpingout #friendship #kidslibrary https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xRdWcn5Ti/?igshid=11xrsztgborda
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Hurray for books that are full of cool surprises! When I first saw the title of Idan Ben-Barak's "Do Not Lick This Book!" (2018), I assumed it was just going to be pure, joyful silliness. And it kind of is. But IT'S ALSO A SCIENCE BOOK!! How awesome is that? Led by a bunch of cartoony microbes, and illustrated by Julian Frost with super cool (and artistically embellished) ultra-zoomed-in electron microscope photographs of everyday things, the story explores various types of microscopic critters and what they do. This one is educational AND lots of fun! âš« âš« âš« #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #donotlickthisbook #donotlick #dontlickthisbook #idanbenbarak #julianfrost #linnearundgren #germs #microbes #funscience #funscienceforkids #scienceforkids #stemforkids #kidsscience #kidssciencebooks #stemkids #stemeducationforkids #stembooks #stembooksforkids #sciencebooksforkids #scienceliteracy #biologyforkids #makingsciencefun #learningthroughreading #booknerd #booknerdigan #kidsbooks #foundpictures #readingtokids https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uvT2fHllU/?igshid=x4lyk03m8bsn
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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We've all had bad days. Some way worse than others. And when you're a kid, everything feels so much bigger and more overwhelming. So it's no wonder that for over 40 years kids have loved "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" (1972) by Judith Viorst, illustrated to great effect by Ray Cruz. Whether you're reading the vintage black-and-white or the anniversary partially coloured version, Alexander's day that goes from bad to worse is highly relatable to both kids and adults. And there's something comforting in the fact that Viorst doesn't try to downplay or mitigate. Alexander's day is terrible, horrible, no good, and very bad, and as his mum says...some days are just like that. 💚 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #alexanderandtheterriblehorriblenogoodverybadday #alexanderandthenogoodverybadday #alexanderandtheterrible #alexanderandtheterriblenogoodverybadday #judithviorst #raycruz #badday #baddays #alexander #redheadedboy #badluck #lousyday #vintagekidsbooks #vintagechildrensillustration #vintagechildrensbook #childhoodclassic #childhoodfavorite #childhoodfavourites #childhoodmemories #foundpictures #mustread #oldbooks #childrensclassics #readitagain #bookskidslove #picturebookreview #readingrainbow https://www.instagram.com/p/B2paVfZnBNv/?igshid=umg4r2oiyvv7
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Ever have a moment when something just CLICKED and you really understood the appeal of it for the first time? I was never a huge fan of cumulative stories like The House That Jack Built until I had one of those "NOW I GET IT" moments, upon reading Barbara S. Garriel's "I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello" (2004). Based on the song about the old lady who swallowed a fly, this book takes everything to a droll extreme, with the shy fellow in question gulping down instrument after musical instrument in a weird, wonderful, sing-song story that's a great introduction to the orchestra for young kids. John O'Brien's illustrations are as warped and whimsical as the tale itself, and so much fun. A really delightful read-aloud! âš« âš« âš« #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #iknowashyfellowwhoswallowedacello #barbarasgarriel #barbaragarriel #johnobrien #johnobrienart #music #booksaboutmusic #musicalinstrument #musicalinstruments #oldladywhoswallowedafly #cumulativestories #cumulativestory #cumulative #repetition #repetitivestories #storysongs #storysong #picturebooks #foundpictures #learningthroughreading #bookloversnostalgia #coolkidsbooks #kidslibrary #readaloudrevival #readtokids #childrensbookillustration #boydsmillspress https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kTJHWnBTa/?igshid=1eqed7e9fy58j
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