malka-lisitsa · 10 months
@founderscouncil continued from [ X ]
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"And leave you all alone to serve beer to homely looking guys all day?"
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Katherine purred as she slid into the bar stool, perfectly perched.
"You should thank me for providing you with something pretty to look at." Its a sly and playful grin that delivers that line.
"Bourbon, please."
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floripire · 3 months
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totally correct quotes: anti squad & j.ed t.ien edition / @founderscouncil, @ofvalor, @fellvespers
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hellgivenhasmoved · 10 months
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@founderscouncil : ❛ see? i’m not just a pretty face. ❜ - matt
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bright eyes gazed up at him , hands resting on his forearms as he helped her up . “      ⸺ definitely more than just a pretty face . " the witch replied , slowly letting go of his arms so she was able to brush off the gravel from her pants . " i owe you for that . thank you . really . i could have gotten hurt by that . "
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touchedbydestiny · 11 months
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@founderscouncil liked the starter call <3 (diana & bonnie) || accepting
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            "this is a very interesting protection spell you have there," diana didn't need to take a longer look to figure out what bonnie was working on. in a way, it was … simple which was interesting to diana because she was not used to such type of things. the spells she learned usually had some kind of twist. a combination of two completely opposite things. it rarely happened that a spell directly addressed its purpose.
            "are you trying to protect something?", diana asked because she couldn't come up with another reason of why she would need a protection spell.
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ladicsa · 1 year
I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not. - elijah
TRUST IS SOMETHING SHE'S HELD IN SO FEW PEOPLE OVER HER LIFETIME. And even less times it's been rewarded. And she knows so little about @founderscouncil.
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Her thumb spins the ring on the third finger of the same hand, toying with it as she parses over his words. It isn't until he goes to walk past her that she makes her decision, raising a hand to press against his chest and stop him, before dropping it back to her side. "So give me a reason to trust you," in her experience it wasn't worth giving freely.
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ofvalor · 10 months
[ intertwine & hold ]  –  for the sender’s muse to intertwine their finger’s the receiver’s muse and hold them during an emotional moment to reassure them. - hope/josie
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The darker part of her is gone - locked away or sundered or integrated as a part of her or something she doesn't quite understand yet. Hope's hand is in hers and it's distracting, but it's also grounding in a way she didn't expect. Mainly because all she can think of is the way her hand is a bit warmer than she expected, how there's callouses on the pads of her fingers and they're a bit scratchy as they rub over the back of her hand. But she doesn't want to look up at her - doesn't want the moment to end. And she's so damn afraid that the moment she speaks, it will be broken, that Hope will let go and walk away again.
Taking in a deep breath, she glances over to see Hope's eyes softening, wide and beautiful blue. "I thought you were going to die today." Seeing Hope like that - monstrous and suffering and angry - it was almost too much to bear. "I thought.. we wouldn't get to you in time."
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cruelprincae · 10 months
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@founderscouncil sent from 1989 (from the vault)
"It might blow up in your pretty face."
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❛ I believe that is your signature move regarding spells and magic. I am better than that, ❜ Cardan answers nonchalantly, his sharp features impassive as they study the artefact in his grasp ― yet, his voice is light and there is a brief moment in which the edge of his lips curls into a semblance of a grin; it is more and less than that and within a blink of an eye, it is gone. Black eyes rimmed in gold around the irises dart upwards, looking at the blonde through thick and long lashes before he continues; ❛ Although, I appreciate you admitting I am pretty. It is nothing I did not already know, but I appreciate it nonetheless. ❜ Particularly since it has been the first semblance of a compliment that has left the witch's lips for the better part of the time he has been in the Salvatore School, even if, chances are, she did not quite mean it.
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troubleah · 1 year
FREYA ( @founderscouncil ) SAID : well, this is a bit awkward.
               “I can always drop you.” Her big sister is about as heavy as a feather. With one arm under Freya’s knees and another one supporting her head, Leah’s afraid she’ll hurt her if she squeezes too hard. Hurt her more. The scent of blood – Freya’s blood – is thick and heavy in the air and thanks all the gods she no longer believes in that she’s not thirsty ( the losers who ambushed them were of that much use, at least ). “But you’re not getting anywhere like this and then I wouldn’t hear the end of it,” she grumbles as she carries her down the street, darting between the shadows; they are far out in the enemy’s territory and another fight would be bad. It’d be much easier to get out of this mess on her own, but Bex and Elijah would skin her alive if she just left their brand-new mortal sister to fend for herself.
               That’s the story she’s sticking with, anyway. Much better than admitting she’d doing this for Freya.
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               “So let’s just agree to get the hell out and then never speak of this ever again. Deal?”
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viikingwitch · 2 years
PROMPTS FOR EMOTIONALLY STUNTED IDIOTS | KEELIN ( @founderscouncil ) SAID : “  you think i don’t notice but i do.  i can tell something’s wrong.  ”
               “Trust me, I know you can.” She can hide things from everyone else but Keelin – Keelin always knows, often after one look only. Keelin is a genius and it’s just one of the many things Freya loves about her. Right now, however, it’s also the thing putting her in danger ( for once, it’s not about being with a m ikaelson ). “There were some vampires, earlier, asking about you. About how you did it.” She takes a breath before finally looking up at her, shame mixing with unease. “How you slowed down your healing.” And if anyone learns about what Keelin is capable of, with science instead of magic, they will want to use that for themselves. Freya would know; after all, that is exactly what she did. “They seemed to have less than honorable intentions so I sent them away.” Into the ground. Permanently. “But there might be more.” Freya pauses, shakes her head. It’s hardly the time to convert to optimism. “There is always more.”
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fellvespers · 2 years
@founderscouncil gets a random starter for jed.
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Her anger had been simmering just beneath the surface for a few days now, just waiting for the time it would be appropriate to let it explode. The pack itself had spent a lot of time lately keeping it simple, no sparring, no big sports or anything yet. Just a lot of studying and preparing for the full moon that had now since passed. It wasn't something she thought she'd ever get used to, and it left some aches in her joints and muscles that would still take another day or so to fade.
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But she couldn't contain herself any longer, not when she felt the need to protect Floribeth from being hurt - or at least get revenge on her behalf. So when the pack congregated in the gym, she stepped forward while the rest of them were milling around and doing their stretches. "Alright, big bad alpha - I wanna spar with you." She gritted out the words between her teeth, trying to keep her voice light but failing. To literally anyone who was paying attention, they could tell that Mia was shaking with rage.
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deceptivemorals · 2 years
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send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!! || accepting
@founderscouncil​ sent: mystic falls 
elijah is the first of his siblings that were born in mystic falls (although i still doubt that an already heavily pregnant-looking woman would want to travel from norway to north america by ship in the 970s a.d.). however, despite the fact that elijah usually honors history and old memories (even has a collection of certain old things), he’s not very attached to mystic falls.
it's the place where his family was once happy (at least in their terms and when one ignores mikael's tyranny). it's the place where elijah met the first person he has ever loved. but at the same time, it's also the place where their 'curse' took place and the place tatia was murdered (my elijah still believes she died at esther's hands, his unconsciousness knows the truth). it's the place where his dreams and plans for the future are buried.
i think that elijah had no desire to return back to mystic falls after his family left the village a thousand years ago. he is someone who avoids conflicts that affect him and that can strain his mind.
the first time for a longer time he actually stayed there again in 2010 but again left quite quickly as soon as it was possible.
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malka-lisitsa · 10 months
Starter for @founderscouncil - Regina
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You know what Katherine hates more than anything? Asking for help. You know what she hates in addition to that? Being human and actually needing it desperately. So you can imagine how difficult this is for her to have tracked down someone who can kill her with a twitch of her hand- to try and strike a deal.
Katherine had heard of Regina in passing, and was well aware of her reputation and her power. The two had sort of mutually existed as bad bitches for their whole super natural lives. Mostly staying out of each other's way out of respect. Two tigers can't be on the same mountain, but they can be kings of theirs respectively.
Now one of those tigers had been drug off her mountain and had her fangs and claws stripped from her, and she was going to do whatever it took to get them back.
A shaky hand knocked heavily on the hard wood of the front door before quickly returning to its crossed position, trying to conserve warmth.
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"It's actually really cold out here, can you open the damn door already?"
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floripire · 1 year
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anti squad (@fellvespers & @founderscouncil) + incorrect quotes featuring caroline forbes-salvatore
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adeathsentence · 2 years
❛  is there anything i can do for you ?  ❜ - elijah
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"Talk." It was a simple enough request, and having been deprived of that voice for half a decade left its toll on her. The way Elijah's words were a soft whisper on the wind, caressing her skin reassuringly when she needed him most, that had been gone for so long. She wanted that reminder again, his presence, the silent promise of his gentle touch. But most of all? She wanted to hear him, because for all the time he was gone, she had often looked over her shoulder, or spoke to him absentmindedly when she was alone. It was time to get anchored into their present, to immerse herself in the man who occupied her every thought in that void. "Tell me about those jean shorts. Tell me about the life you want. Just take me somewhere else right now, because I'd take being lost with you than with my thoughts any day of the week."
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touchedbydestiny · 11 months
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@founderscouncil liked the starter call <3 (tatia & hayley) || accepting
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            tatia had chosen a very withdrawn life. unnoticed by the eyes of the world that has changed for the last 1,000 years, she lived in a small hut in the middle of the forest, surrounded by small fields, acres and a cottage garden all cultivated by her. with the exception of the blood, which she had to procure from time to time, she lived essentially autonomous. people rarely found their way to her location so it did surprise tatia when she heard someone approaching while she was out and maintaining her garden.
            her long hair was braided into a long, loose french braid to avoid them from getting in her face while she worked. she wiped her hands on a cloth as she stood up and looked at the visitor.
            "you seem to be lost, do you need help?"
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ladicsa · 1 year
I’m not in the habit of asking permission. - klaus
"MAYBE SOMETIMES YOU SHOULD. Might save you making so many enemies," she takes a step to the side to avoid the rapidly pooling blood from ruining her shoes as she approaches the body. Kisa crouches down, fingers wrapping around the wrought iron fence post and yanking it out of the dead witch's chest. She inspects it for a moment, ignoring the siren song of fresh blood, before tossing it to the side, the clang of it hitting the pavement loud in the otherwise empty courtyard. The she stands, walking towards @founderscouncil with arms crossed over her chest.
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"I needed her alive."
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