#found family never fails to hit me right where it hurts
lostxinfinity · 9 months
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The group hugging MC tightly, them being called a family, MC feeling at home for the first time....when I tell you I SOBBED
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oreolemur · 5 months
Useless Wife- Naoya Zenin Fanfic
Forced into marriage, you found it hard to bond with your new husband. His clan praised you for your beauty. You were the most beautiful trade a man could ask for. Your marriage with Naoya was forced, however, needed. Your clan and his, bumped heads for generations, and it was time to put an end to it.
The wedding was tense as your family and his, didn’t say a word. The honeymoon was awful, having been taunted by Naoya due to your lack of experience. “At least your pretty face makes up for your pathetic attempts to please me”, he said. He was always controlling, often forcing you to be subservient and quiet. As a woman, it was your job. As a wife, he made sure you were obedient. “Speak when spoken to”, he ingrained into your head. You’ve only been beaten twice, leaving you bloody and bruised. You tried to be brave and step up, but Naoya was stronger and bigger. He grew tired of you after a year. He no longer looked to you for sexual needs, only treating you as a special maid he shared a bed with, if you got lucky. 
Your servants’ cries filled the estate. They were your husband’s toys. It didn’t surprise you to walk into a room and see him rape their helpless souls. You didn’t dare to protect them, feeling useless and weak. Although he stopped fucking you, his hands still touched you. “What kind of woman are you? You’re a shit cook and can’t even suck a dick right”. Whenever you failed, he hit you. Whenever he saw you, your face became wet with his spit. He treated you like trash, not caring about your well being. 
Informing his father about his behavior was pointless. Naoya was just like Naobito, but less drunk. “He abuses me”, you said. “What are you doing wrong for him to act this way?”, he responded. As a father, he never scolded Naoya for neglecting you. Naobito only complained when an heir came into question. “Have you tried for children yet?”. Naoya’s response remained the same, “Her body refuses to bear a child”. He blamed you for the loss of your first child. You were 8 weeks in when you miscarried. Naoya saw that as a way to get back at him, so he beat you for it.
Your status as a wife was mocked. All the women in the clan made fun of you for allowing your husband to sleep with others. “A pretty face is all she’ll ever be”, they gossiped. You were alone. No one had your back, and you were sick of it. You wanted to prove to Naoya that you were worthy and can offer more. Hearing your servants cry was enough to make you upset. He was your husband and it was time he started seeing you as his wife again.
In your room, you waited. You spent the whole day preparing for your talk. You had a gut feeling he wasn’t going to listen, but you didn’t let that stop you from what you wanted. You constantly shifted from one spot to the other. “Breathe. Breathe”, you took deep breaths, hearing his footsteps get closer. You quickly sat on the edge of the bed, fixing your nightgown. Sliding the door open, Naoya entered, oblivious to your presence. He poured himself a glass of wine, chugging down shot after shot.
“N-Naoya”, you whispered. “C-can I-”. “No”, he interrupted. With his back still facing you, you decided to try again. “We need to talk”. He slammed the bottle down, sighing. “I want us to be a couple. I am your wife, therefore, I should be the only woman you-”. Glass scattered on the floor, having been thrown by Naoya. His hands were bloody as he looked at you. “Are you telling me what to do?”. You gulped as you tried to keep your composure. “N-no, I just want to be more useful to you”. He titled his head, staring at you with annoyance. “Useful? How can something be useful when it’s already proven to be useless?”.
His words hurt, causing you to shed a tear,“But I-”. He broke another glass, making him bleed even more. “Shut up!”, he shouted. Naoya poured alcohol on his hand, tending to his wound. You saw where this conversation was going, however, you weren’t finished with what you had to say. “They mock me and it’s all your fault. You’re unfaithful, yet you blame me. It’s not my fault you’re a whore”. The room fell silent. Naoya slowly turned around. His gaze was sinful, his eyes dark, and his intentions impure. He approached you, staring into your eyes. 
“Stand up”. You got on your feet, eyes facing his chest. He undid his robe, keeping his attention on you. Letting his robe fall, he caressed your face. “You’re right. I haven’t been a good husband”. Leaning in, he kissed your lips. You were shocked by his actions, expecting something worse. “I want to make love to you”. He took your nightgown off, proceeding to rub his hands throughout your body. His touch made you flutter. “Lay down”. Getting on the bed, Naoya gestured for you to lay on your stomach.
He grabbed your ankles, pulling you closer to him. You gasped, feeling his cock graze against your bottom. He spat on his hand, lubing up his member. Spreading your cheeks, he placed himself near your anus. He pushed himself, failing the first time. “Why are you doing it back there?”, you asked. He shushed you, adding more spit. Trying again, he still wasn’t successful. “I don’t think you’ll-”, your mouth fell open, stopping mid-sentence. Naoya rammed himself inside, grunting at how tight you were. Blood leaked out, traveling down your inner thigh. The pain left you speechless, tears forming in your eyes. 
He took hold of your waist, making sure every inch of him was in you. He thrusted hard, pausing between each hit. “Not bad”, he began to keep a rhythmic pace. Small whimpers left your lips as you begged. “I-it hurts”, you whispered. “Please take it out”. He chuckled, “You wanted this, but can’t take me. How pathetic”. He grabbed your hair, yanking your head back. You reached for his wrist, pleading for him to let go. He pulled out, pushing you back down. Scooting you up, he got on top of you, putting himself back in. 
Naoya was sadistic, shoving your head into the pillow. He rested his head on your shoulder, lifting it up some to bite you. He heard you scream, sinking his teeth in harder. Marking you, he felt his orgasm coming. “Fuck!”, he grunted. He let go of your hair, arching your back. Digging his nails into your soft skin, he spilled his load into you.
Getting up, he smacked your ass in satisfaction. He poured himself another drink, looking back at you. “Aw, don’t look so down. At least you got what you wanted”, he smiled. Glancing over at a lit candle, he picked it up, walking back to the bed. He traced your figure with his eyes, admiring the patterns his teeth made. “Did you enjoy yourself?”. You stayed silent, not able to move your lips. Naoya clenched his jaw, dripping hot wax on your back. “Answer me when I’m talking to you”. Wincing, you moved away from him.
He put his drink down, drawing his attention back to you. “Did I say I was finished?”. Flipping you over, he pried your legs apart, rubbing his tip against your clit. You twitched at the sensation, accidently moaning. Naoya was surprised by your reaction, doing it more. “I’ll ask you again. Did you enjoy yourself?”. You looked at him and lied,”Yes”. He smirked, shoving himself into your pussy. Moaning again, you covered your face. Your husband grabbed your arms, pinning them above your head. “Your pretty face turns me on when I fuck you”.
He kissed your cheeks, then your lips, and down to your neck. He sucked the flesh, leaving bruises. Your bodies stuck together like glue, feeling more connected than ever. You questioned whether or not you enjoyed it. You knew it was wrong, knowing that you were raped, but you craved his touch for so long, you began to like it. “If you want to make yourself useful”, he paused, looking into your eyes. “Then give me a son”.
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https-milo · 2 months
Family Man
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Summary: Dabi meets the love of his life and leaves the LoV to care for her and their new baby
m. list / inspired by this post of mine B)
TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF • no one is dead >:( • OOC Dabi, sue me!
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Being a parent was always something I dreamed about. When I was little, I used to imagine meeting the man of my dreams and starting a family with him as soon as possible. But with every failed relationship I seemed to have, my hopes that would happen diminished. I was walking home from the hospital I work at when I stumbled across a man with a long black coat and a scarred face. He had black hair and piercings and it looked like his scars had staples where they met the non-scarred skin. He was hunched over and clutching his stomach. I wearily approached him.
"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. The sound of my voice made his head shoot up, he looked my straight in my eyes. My [eye color] eyes met his icy blue ones.
"Obviously not," He replied through gritted teeth.
"I can help you, the hospital isn't too far-" he cut me off.
"I can't go to the hospital," He said.
"Why not?" I asked
"Just help me out and maybe I'll tell you afterward," He answered. I nodded and walked over to him.
"Here, I can help you walk. I'll take you to my house, it's not that far from here," I said with a smile. The man rolled his eyes at me and supported himself using my shoulder. We stumbled up a few blocks to my apartment building. It was a cheap place and looked run down, but the quality wasn't horrible. I couldn't complain.
"What happened?" I asked. We were now in my apartment and I had the stranger sitting on one of my kitchen chairs.
"I got stabbed. The fucker got me good too," the man replied.
"Can you uh... Take your shirt off?" I asked. The man smirked a bit at my awkwardness.
"Sure," He replied. He took off his jacket and shirt tauntingly slow. He never gave up eye contact either. He was well built and muscular. He had scars on his stomach that matched his face. A weird part of me found it attractive. But I quickly shook that thought and began working. I looked at the wound and my quirk told me everything I need to know.
My quirk was basically an X-ray without all the machines, and it gave me a description of the wound with what caused it. "You're lucky, if you were stabbed one inch to the right, it would've hit your intestines," I explained.
"How do you know? You haven't even touched me," he asked.
I hummed, "My quirk. Wasn't fit to be a pro, so I became a doctor." I walked away to grab a needle and thread to stitch him. "What's your deal? Are you in a gang or something?"
He hesitated, "You could say that."
I nodded, "Ah ok. At least you weren't some random civilian that got stabbed then."
"What? You think I deserved to be stabbed?" He asked.
"That's not what I meant. No one 'deserves' to be stabbed. I'm just saying crime has been on the rise and I'd hate it if someone defenseless got stabbed. But since you're in a sorta-gang or whatever, then you can handle yourself," I explained.
He scoffed, "Whatever. I kill people, you know. I could kill you right now."
I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. My job is helping the sick and injured, not persecuting them. And done. There, all stitched up and not bleeding."
"What already?" He asked. "I didn't even feel you start."
"Just another part of my quirk. When someone who's hurt talks to me, it gives the same effect painkillers would. Pretty nifty, huh?" I explained. "I'm Y/N by the way. If you're ever injured again, you can stop by. I usually get off work around 10 PM and go in at 8 AM."
"Dabi. I'll keep you to that offer," He simply said before putting his clothes back on and leaving.
"Take care, be safe," I said as I closed the door.
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The second time I saw him it was midnight and there were loud knocks at my door. Hurriedly, I rushed to the door and opened it. Dabi was there with a teenage girl in his arms. "I didn't know where else to go," he said. "Please."
"Don't just stand there! Put her on the counter!" I instructed. I pushed everything that was on my counter to the floor to make room for the girl. Dabi gently placed her down and I scanned her body. She had 2 stab wounds on her lower stomach and large lacerations on her arms and legs. "Who did this? What happened? Try waking her up, I need her to speak to me so she doesn't feel any pain."
"We were trying to get more recruits for our group. Apparently we messed with the wrong gang. They went crazy and started attacking us," Dabi explained. He tapped the girls face and gently woke her up.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Hi, I'm Y/n and I'm going to help you out, okay? Can you tell me about yourself?" I was cleaning the cuts on her arm first. I couldn't start stitching the stab wounds until she was awake and speaking to me.
"My name is Himiko Toga. It's nice to meet you," she answered. I wrapped her arm with bandages and moved to her legs.
"Hi, sweetie. How old are you?" I asked. She was starting to get more awake and that's all I needed.
"I'm 16, how old are you?"
"I'm 22, do you feel any pain?"
She looked at her bloodied badge wildly, "No-no but I'm sure I should? I'm bleeding!"
"Don't worry, it's just my quirk. You're gonna be okay. Dabi, can you dress this real quick? I want to stitch her quickly before she loses too much blood," I asked.
Dabi nodded and grabbed the bandages from my hand. He wrapped her leg wounds as I started to stitch the first stab wound on her stomach. "I need you to keep talking to me, okay? It can be anything, just keep talking," I said. Himiko nodded.
"Well I saw this really cute kitten! It was adorable! It was so small. It was gray with brown spots! I'm gushing just thinking about it! While me and patchwork were on our mission, one of the gang members looked soooo cute! Her hair was really pretty. Almost as pretty as yours! You're really pretty, by the way. I bet you'd look even cuter if you bled a little!~"
"Done! And thank you for the compliments, but I'm not really a big fan of bleeding. Would you like a change of clothes? I can grab something of mine real quick," I offered. Himiko nodded and sat up. I left the room and went to my closet. I tried taking her clothes into account for what she'd like. I settled for a white skirt and pink cardigan with a white undershirt. Just as I was about to walk back into my kitchen, I heard the two talking.
"She's super pretty, and nice! You should totallyyy try getting with her~," Himiko said.
Dabi scoffed, "As if she'd like someone like me. Incase you forgot, we kill people for a living. She saves them. As pretty and nice as she is, no one can look past that fact."
"Ooo so you totally would if the circumstances were different!!"
Dabi shrugged, "Who wouldn't?"
I walk over to them and hand Himiko the clothes. "Here you go, hon. You can go change in my bathroom, it's the first door down the hallway." Himiko nodded and walked to my bathroom to change. I turned to face Dabi. "You okay? Any wounds?"
He shrugged, "None that are too deep."
"I can dress them if you want. I'd rather they didn't get infected," I said. He rolled his eyes but didn't stop me from pushing him into a chair. He had some scratches on his face I hadn't noticed before, along with surface-level gashes on his arm.
"Why do you even care?" He asked. I was cleaning the blood from his cheek. Our faces were only centimeters apart. I looked into his eyes and blushed wildly.
"Everyone deserves to have someone who cares. I'm here to take care of you whenever you need me," I replied kindly. He scoffed.
"I don't deserve this," He said.
"Why not?"
He hesitated, feelings were something he obviously wasn't good with. "You're too nice. And I'm... me."
"I'm not 'too nice'," I replied. "I just... do what I can. Everyone deserves someone in their corner. And, even if I don't support what you do, I'm here for you and whoever else needs my help."
I was done bandaging him and Himiko came out of the bathroom. "I'm ready! Do I look cute?~"
"The cutest girl in the whole world," I replied happily.
"Thank you!" Himiko replied. She jumped into my arms and squeezed me. "Can I have your number? I need more girls in my life."
"Sure, do you have your phone?" I asked.
"Yep! Right here!" She pulled her phone out and handed it to me. I put my contact in and handed it back.
"Feel free to come over whenever. You don't need to be injured to hang out," I said to Himiko. I turned to Dabi, "That goes to you too."
He scoffed, "Yeah, whatever. C'mon, crazy."
He and Himiko left my house. "Take care, be safe," I said to them as I closed the door.
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I was walking to my apartment when I saw Dabi standing outside my door. It had been 2 months since we first met. In those two months, he was consistently coming over. I noticed with each time he was less hurt. "Dabi? What's up? You okay?" I doted. I scanned over his body and saw no injuries.
He sighed, "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just... I don't know. I can leave if you want."
"What? No, of course not. Come in," I replied. I unlocked my door and let him in. "I was just about to make some dinner."
"What're you gonna make?" He asked.
I rubbed my neck sheepishly, "I was going to make some ramen. Sorry, if I knew you were coming, I would've prepared something."
He just shrugged, "You work long shifts, I don't mind. As long as I'm with you."
I flushed. "You don't mean that."
"Why wouldn't I?" Dabi asked. "You... you're good to be around. I don't know... You... You're safe."
I smiled brightly, "Well, I enjoy being around you too." I finished our ramen bowls and brought them to the living room. I placed the two bowls on the coffee table. I sat down and Dabi sat beside me. Even though the couch was medium-sized and there was way more room, we were shoulder to shoulder. I handed him the remote. "Put on whatever you want."
He nodded and put on a random horror movie. "So, what'd you do today?" He asked.
"Hmm. Well, I went home early because we were double-staffed so they sent me home. Which is so stupid? Like I literally have the x-ray and painkillers built into me. And, get this, my replacement was some girl whose quirk is growing hair. Not to quirk shame, but c'mon!" I complained. "I'm not too shocked though, my manager hates me. We used to have a fling but I broke up with him because he cheated on me. And he's not over me?! Ugh, boys are so stupid. No offense."
Dabi hummed in acknowledgment, "Sounds rough."
I sighed, "Yeah. But it's ok. You're here now. What did you do today?"
"Normal league things. I got into an argument with our leader. I couldn't stand being with him. I wasn't sure where else to go, so I came here," Dabi explained.
"You're always welcome here, you know," I said.
He hesitated. "Yeah. I know."
I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up with my head on Dabi's shoulder and his head on mine. I blushed wildly. I lightly pushed him off of me and let him lay down fully on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over him. It was 7 am and I had to work in an hour, so I decided to make a small breakfast. I got instant pancake mix and made a couple pancakes for Dabi when he woke up. I made a few extra on a separate plate for Himiko if he saw her today. I wrote a note for him.
We fell asleep watching the movie last night whoops :,) I made you some pancakes and there should be a few extra for Himiko if you see her today (but if youre extra hungry, feel free to eat them all!! I didn't tell her about them ;) ) visit me again sometime? I enjoyed your company <3
- Y/N
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Dabi has been visiting me everyday for the past two weeks. He always came around 11 PM and stayed until 2 AM. Usually, though, we'd fall asleep on the couch. It was weirdly domestic. Whenever I heard his knock at my door, a feeling of unbeatable happiness overcame me. When he walked in, it felt different. I wasn't sure how or why, but something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I did a scan and he had no injuries, which made me even more confused.
"My boss wants to know who I keep sneaking off to see," Dabi said. He rubbed his neck. "He wants to meet you. Everyone does."
"Oh, ok. That's fine. Um they're not gonna like... Hurt me right?"
Dabi's eyes widened. "No. And if they try anything, I have you."
I sighed, "Okay. So like... Right now... Orrrrrr?"
He nodded, "Right now preferably."
"Ok, let me just change out of my pajamas," I said. He nodded and sat on my couch. He made himself at home as he always did. I put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. It wasn't too cold outside so I wasn't worried. I put on my sneakers and walked over to Dabi. "Ready?" He nodded and we left my apartment.
It was a 10 minute walk to his base. In that time he was growing more and more anxious. We were just outside the entrance when I stopped him. "Are you okay? Like seriously, what's up?" I placed my hands on his arms to stop him from moving.
"It's nothing. It's stupid," He said.
"it's not stupid if it's affecting you," I replied.
He sighed. "It's just... God this is pathetic... I just don't want you to like them more... than... you... like... me..." He hesitated on his words as he went on.
I giggled but hid it behind one of my hands. "You're jealous! That's so cute."
He scoffed, "Yeah, yeah. Adorable." He refused to meet my eyes. But I grabbed his face and gently tilted it down to look at me.
"You don't have to worry. I'm not gonna leave you," I said. His eyes lightened and he sighed.
"Whatever. Let's just meet them," He replied. I nodded and he grabbed my hand to lead me inside. Immediately, Himiko jumped in my arms.
"Y/n-channnn!~" She cheered as she spun us around.
"Himi-chan!" I greeted back. "How are you?"
"I'm good! Did you get the cat picture I sent you?" She asked.
"Yes! He was so cute! Did you see the makeup look I sent you?"
"Yesss!! You looked so cute! I loved the red, it almost looked like blood!~"
"I knew you'd like it! That's why I did it!" I giggled. The two of us were holding hands and excitedly talking. Unbeknownst to me, Dabi was talking with a guy with light blue hair; their boss.
"This is the girl you've been meeting?" He asked.
"Yeah. She's something, isn't she?" He had a faint, almost unnoticeable smile on his face. Shigaraki cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him. I forgot about everyone else I was meeting, I was just really happy to see Himiko.
"I'm so sorry! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n," I introduced. I extended a hand out to their boss, but Dabi pushed it down. I spared him a confused glance before looking back at the boss.
"Shigaraki. Dabi has told us a lot about you," He said.
"All good things, I hope?" I joked lightly. Shigaraki just hummed. I turned to the rest of the League. They were all in their villain outfits. One of them had a full body suit on with the mask being half grey and half black. One of them wore a full suit; the button-up was orange-red and he had a top hat with a mask on. Another was a lizard with purple hair and a red torn up scarf, something that obviously drew inspiration from Stain: The Hero Killer. And the final man was... made of gas? He was purple and black and sort of looked like a weird cloud.
"it's nice to meet you guys as well," I said with a wave. The man in the body suit approached me, and looked me up and down before jumping excitedly.
"Oh it's gonna be so fun to have someone new around!" He said. Then his personality completely shifted. "No it won't. Yes it will. No. Yes."
I just kinda stared at him awkwardly. I looked to Dabi for some help and he pulled me away from him. "That's Twice," he introduced. "He's a little crazy." I nodded.
"No problem! I was just a little concerned," I replied. The lizard man grabbed my attention.
"I'm Spinner. Hey, do you happen to know who the Hero Killer is?"
"I know of him, yeah," I shrugged.
"Do you agree with him?" Spinner asked.
"Well, I think there are a lot of fake heroes but like I don't think anyone deserves to die. I see a lot of people close to death with my job, and each time it doesn't get any easier," I answered.
"You do know who you're talking to right?" The top hat wearing one asked.
"Yeah, you know we kill people, right?" Shigaraki asked.
"Yeah I know. I don't support it. But, my job isn't persecuting criminals; it's helping people. So, even if I could never do what you guys do, I don't hate you or think lowly of you," I explained.
Shigaraki approached me, he placed four fingers on my shoulder and Dabi tensed. "What are you doing?" He asked.
Shigaraki smirked, "What makes you trust us? We could kill you right now."
I showed no fear. I looked him in his eyes. His red ones met my own. "I don't trust you. Nothing is stopping you from killing me. But... I don't think Dabi would walk me into a situation he knew I wouldn't leave from. I trust him and Himiko."
Shigaraki scoffed, his grip on my shoulder tightened. His index finger, which he was keeping off my shoulder, was inching closer and closer slowly. It was as if he wanted a reaction from me or someone else. I was about to say something when Dabi shoved him away from me.
"Quit it, will you?" He said gruffly, clearly annoyed. "You're lucky I even dragged her here to meet your ugly ass."
"Going soft, Dabi?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi didn't answer. He just grabbed my hand and we walked back to my apartment. His hand never left mine.
When we got home and the door was shut, he looked me up and down - as if trying to find an injury. I recognized the habit as one of my own whenever he was at my door. "Hey I'm okay," I reassured.
"The... The reason they wanted to meet you was because I've been talking about you. A lot," he said with a sigh as he lazed about on my couch. I joined him and sat curled up on his chest. These past few months have been the best of my life. He, despite being a serial killer, was safe.
"And what do you tell them?" I ask.
"I tell them I want to be with you," he admits. I could tell it wasn't easy as he hesitated on his words and his heartbeat quickened. I looked up at him.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's not going to be... easy liking me and I get it if you don't like me like that. Except, I might have to kill you cause this is too embarrassing to not kill over." Now, normally if a mass murderer says something like this, I'd be concerned. But Dabi said it in a light way. There may have been some truth but I don't think he'd ever kill me... Right?
"Nothing is ever easy. I thought you were cute the minute I saw you shirtless in my kitchen," I joked. "I like you too, Dabi."
He hesitated greatly at my words. "...Touya. My name is Touya."
My eyes widened, "Woah wait what? Dabi isn't your real name?"
He looked at me quizzically. "No?? What kind of name is Dabi for a baby??"
"I don't know! I thought your parents hated you or something!"
"I mean, you could say that. My old man is a piece of shit to put it lightly. I was sick of the way things were going so I... Faked my death and became a villain."
"I'm sorry, Touya. I can't imagine," I said gently. I sat up from his chest and made him look at me. There was something so cute about him, about us. He closed his eyes and placed a hand on the back of my neck, pushing my face closer to his. I closed my eyes as well and our lips connected halfway.
In that moment, we were eternal. Nothing else mattered. The cars that sped down the street and the dogs that barked, all those noises were drowned out simply by the feeling of being so close to someone else. His hands traveled to my waist and he pulled me into his lap. My hand moved from his face to his shoulder to support myself. We disconnected our lips from each other after a minute, taking deep breaths and admiring the other.
"Maybe I am going soft," He mumbles. I didn't hear him though. I was already passed out sitting in his lap.
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Two months into dating and Touya practically lives with me. Some of his clothes were in my closet and drawers, I had his favorite foods constantly stocked in my cabinets and fridge, and he even had his own toothbrush in my bathroom. We were sitting on my couch when I got a call from my sister, I looked puzzled and paused our show.
"[Sisters name]? What's up?" I asked. Dabi was about to ask me something but I held a finger up. He scoffed, crossed his arms, and pushed me away dramatically. "You want me to watch your kid..? Um yeah sure! Drop him off at my house." She hung up quickly after the confirmation.
"Who was that?" Dabi asked.
"My sister. We haven't spoken in 2 years and suddenly she has a kid and wants me to babysit? Ugh," I groaned.
He just hummed. "Do you think she's gonna freak out when she sees my face?"
"considering the fact it's on wanted posters; probably," I loving tap his cheek and he rolls his eyes. I was about to move off the couch but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"Do you want kids?" He asked. It was the question I was both dreading and incredibly excited for.
"I would like some, yes. But with work and everything I don't know if I'd be able to," I replied.
"What? Like it's a one person job?" He teased.
I rolled my eyes. "With the people I used to date, I knew it would've been. How about you, Mr. Murder?"
"I used to think starting a family would be out of the picture for me but I don't know if that's the case anymore," he replied simply. He said it so casually I thought I was reading too deep into things.
"Y-you want to to have a family with me?" I asked.
He shrugged, "I don't know who else I'd rather have one with. Besides, we'd make cute babies."
My sister arrived with my nephew. It was our first time meeting and I'm sure it was likely going to be the last. I brought Kam to the living room and introduced him to Touya.
"Kam, this is Touya. Touya, this is Kam," I said.
"Are those real?" Kam asked, pointing at Touya's face.
"My scars?" Touya asked. Kam nodded. "Yeah, bud. They're real. I got into a really bad accident when I was younger. They don't scare you, do they?"
Kam shook his head immediately. "No! They look super cool!"
Touya smiled. "Yeah?"
"Mhm!" Kam replied with an innocent smile on his face. Touya looked at me with a soft smile of his own. He had a look in his eyes as he played and talked to Kam. It was nothing I'd seen before. His eyes were full of fatherly love.
It was around 5 when the three of us were curled up on the couch. My head rested on Touya's chest and Kam sat on Touya's lap. He had protective arms wrapped around us. Kam was already sleeping and I was about to lull off myself, but then Touya started speaking.
"We should have one," He said. "These couple hours have been better than I could've imagined."
"You know it isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows, right? If we have one it's gonna be a newborn and it'll cry all the time," I replied.
"Do you not want one?"
"I do. I really do. But, I don't want to force you into a commitment you're not ready for. Kids are a handful."
"I know. But... My life has been totally different these past months and it's because of you. Fuck, princess, I don't know what kind of drug you are but I'm addicted. You make me want to be a better person. But I know even if I wasn't, you'd still be there. You're the best damn thing in my life."
"Look at you getting all sappy on me," I teased.
"Forget it then," He scoffed. I rolled my eyes and moved off his chest to look at him in his eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and and kiss him.
"I'm only teasing. You're the best thing in my life too. Before I met you, I was just in a constant loop. My days would feel the same and my life didn't feel worth it. Even if you're a crazy murderer, you're my crazy murderer."
He sarcastically smiled and rolled his eyes. "I think I'm the more sane one in this relationship."
"Only because I got you started on meds," I shrugged. "If you're serious, we can have a baby."
"Of course I'm serious. I just... Don't want to be like my dad."
"And you're not gonna. I'm not worried about that in the slightest. I can keep you in check."
"Yeah, I know you can, doll," He breathed out a sigh. He looked down at his lap as Kam shifted to get comfortable. His smile met his eyes as he leaned his head against mine.
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I woke Touya up with an at-home pregnancy test in my hand. The two lines on it made me feel anxious. I was worried he wouldn't actually want to have a kid, that maybe he just said it to make me feel better. "Touya," I said as I shook him awake.
"Hm? I'm trying to sleep, princess," He groaned into his pillow. By this time, he was fully living in my apartment. I got new pillows and sheets, we painted the walls, and hung up photos of us together. It really felt like a home.
"You might want to wake up," I said. "Something happened."
He shot up almost immediately. He looked at me and scanned my body as if he had my quirk. Then his eyes fell onto my hands with the pregnancy test in their grasp. He looked at me shocked and then he grabbed the test. He saw the two lines and breathed deeply. "We're going to be parents?" He asked.
"Y-yeah," I choked. "I understand if you don't want me to have it... I know we talked about it a lot but I get it if you... want.. to.. leave..?" I looked down and refused to meet his eyes. He sighed.
"After all this time, you really think I'm going to leave you?" He asked. He grabbed my face and looked at me so sincerely. "We're gonna be parents, princess. I'll leave the league, I'll try seeing what I can do to become reformed, I want to be with you."
"You mean it?"
"Never wanted anything more in my life."
Touya came home from visiting the League with a bruise on his face. I rushed over to him immediately. "What happened?" I doted.
"They couldn't believe I was leaving. Me and Scratchy got into a fight," He smiled. "They want to see our baby when he's born and Crazy says you need to text her."
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It had been three months since Touya started his reformation process. It wasn't easy. I was basically a glorified babysitter. He was put on meds that blocked his quirk, something I knew he hated. But he kept going for me. Today was finally the day we were going to see his siblings. His father, Endeavor, was someone he wanted nothing to do with. Even after all the therapy he went through, nothing could shake the hatred he felt. His natural hair was showing now, he stopped dying it black and it was now a bright white. I wore a simple light purple dress and Touya had black jeans and a dark purple button-up on.
"What if they don't like me?" I groaned as we walked to his house.
"I should be the one worrying about that. You're not a serial killer," Touya grumbled.
"Former serial killer," I chimed. He rolled his eyes. I looked up and we were on the Todoroki Family's doorstep. "Are you ready?"
He shrugged, "Only been a decade or so since I saw them."
I huff and knock on the door. A girl opens it, Fuyumi I assume. "Hi, I hope you were informed about our visit..." I asked worriedly. Touya was standing awkwardly at my side.
"No, I'm sorry. Who are you?" Fuyumi asked.
My heart dropped. "I'm your brother's girlfriend, and this is Touya." I introduced the two for him, I knew he wouldn't be able to. Fuyumi's eyes widened.
"Touya?" She gasped. She looked at his scarred face and blue eyes. A look of recognition flashed behind her own.
"Hey, Yumi," Touya replied. He acted casual, but I could tell it was eating him up inside. There was so much he wanted to say, but no words could describe.
"Does Dad know you're here?" she asked.
Touya tensed. "He knows we're here, but I refuse to see him." His sister hummed.
"Well, come in. Tell us where you've been!" She said kindly. She led the two of us in and sat us down at the table. "Nats! Sho! Come down here!"
Touya was growing more and more anxious. He couldn't stop the feeling of anxiety that crawled within him. I placed my hand in his and squeezed tightly, he gently sighed and took deep breaths. Natsuo and Shoto came down, they were expecting dinner and not their long-lost brother and his girlfriend, obviously.
"Who are they?" Shoto asked.
"Touya?" Natsuo said, amazed. Shoto looked at Touya shocked. Natsuo pushed past Fuyumi and Shoto and embraced Touya tightly. I smiled at the sight.
Touya and I sat at the table as he reconnected with his siblings. After the initial shock of seeing him wore off, they welcomed him with open arms. We still hadn't told them the "big news" so to speak.
"We didn't come here just to meet and catch up," Touya said. He glanced at me and I looked down slightly. "Are you two getting married?" Fuyumi asked. I blushed viciously. "N-no!" "Well?" Natsuo prompted. Touya looked at me and I nodded. "She's pregnant," Touya explained. All three of their eyes widened. Fuyumi immediately started doting on me and cheerfully checked over my body. Natsuo patted Touya on his back and Shoto was just stunned. "Oh my god! How far along are you?" Fuyumi asked. "14 weeks," I answered. "I hope you guys aren't too shocked." "Well, our brother comes back from the dead with a girlfriend and a baby on the way... I think we can be a little shocked," Natsuo said. I laughed a bit. "You're having a kid out of wedlock?" Shoto asked. "Yeah," Touya said as he rubbed his neck. "It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision." "At that exact moment sure, but we talked about it beforehand," I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I'm not complaining," He teased. I blushed and stuck my thumb down at him. Shoto made a fake throw-up noise and Natsuo looked away with a soft smile. Fuyumi shook her head.
"How are you going to tell Dad?" She asked. Touya shrugged, "Simple. We're not. He'll find out when he finds out but he won't hear it from either of us." Fuyumi just nodded. "I'm glad to have you back, Touya." "Me too!" Natsuo agreed. "It is nice," Shoto added. Touya just sheepishly rubbed his neck again, he clearly wasn't expecting so much support. "It's good to be back," Touya said.
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Our baby woke up crying for the third time that night. It was now one full year since Touya started reforming. He went to all his mandatory meetings, took his meds, and went through extensive therapy. I was about to get up but my white-haired boyfriend stopped me. Even though he seemed annoyed, I could see the love in his eyes from just knowing our baby was alive and with us. He was happy because we had a family. "I'll get him, princess," He said. He pushed me back to lying down and pulled the blanket back over my body. I smiled at him and watched as he went over to the crib we set up in our room. He held our baby in his hands and cradled him tightly as he rocked him back to sleep. After a few minutes, our baby fell back asleep. Touya smiled and gently placed him back in the crib.
Touya crawled into bed with me and held me close. "Thank you," Touya whispered into my hair. "For what?" I asked, snuggling into him further. "Giving me something to live for," He replied.
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
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topherwrites · 9 months
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If I made a little comment about every single fic or series here, it would be inhumanely long, so I've refrained from doing so and have just put the summaries for each. This is split into two parts, TGM fics and everything else.
I hope that anyone who reads this list finds something that they love on it just as much as I do! If I missed you, I'm sorry, there was a lot to sort through!
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Yellow Soul by @creatchie8
Trapped in a relationship with your high school sweetheart Perry is like a never ending nightmare of always stepping on eggshells. One winter break changes everything as you are reintroduced to his younger brother, Rhett. Looking for an escape, Rhett provides the perfect shelter you crave.
right where i want you by @sushiwriterhere
Standing there, staring at the cotton balls in the trash, some part deep inside of you decides that it’s now or never with Rhett.
Odds are Stacked by @sunlightmurdock
In which Rhett loses a bet and you lose your virginity.
Wayfaring Stranger by @/sunlightmurdock
Betrayal sends Rhett veering further West, searching for answers and searching for himself. Instead, he finds you.
Much Love by @southpawbitch
you & rhett have found yourselves in a little fwb situation despite the fact that you have a fiancé.
About Last Night by @delopsia
A self-indulgent take on Rhett's best friend coming back to Wabang and surprising him after his final rodeo.
Dancing Beneath the Moon by @/delopsia
How is it that your heart only longs for the ghost of a cowboy? And why do you get the feeling that his heart utters the same for you?
Closing Time by @youvebeenlivingfictional
“You’re having a helluva night, huh,” You comment. “S’that supposed to mean?” “You got a shit bull, then you struck out with that girl��And you failed to bait Luke Tillerson into trying to kick your ass.”
Untouchable by @boneblushed
It is crucial that the head boy and girl of Kildare Academy work together. Too bad the head girl is you and the head boy is Rafe Cameron.
Glitch by @/boneblushed
Rafe has a bad fall on the ski slopes. A temporary amnesiac, he falls in love with you all over again.
So Gorgeous It Actually Hurts by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
childhood enemies to lovers, the slowest of burns, an unbearable amount of pining, both parties in heavy denial for like 90% of the fic, Rafe’s a total douchebag but he can’t help it (you’re gorgeous).
Euro Trip by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
europe summer trip au!
new light by @outerbankies
you come home from college to spend your last summer before senior year in your hometown of the outer banks. an old friend hits you up wanting something more, and you begin to see what’s really been there all along.
You Belong With Me by @forevermoreharrington
Rafe’s fallen helplessly for his dream girl but she just doesn't see it yet.
tis the damn season by @atlabeth
When your roommate Rafe lies to his family that the two of you are dating, you agree to go home with him for the holidays to help sell it as his fake girlfriend after a generous bribe. It's just three weeks in the Outer Banks with one of your best friends -- what could go wrong?
Armour by @probably-writing-x
Having your heart broken was one thing. But Rafe watching somebody break your heart? That was something nobody could prepare for.
So We Won't Forget by @netegf
you meet rafe cameron at a grief support group while he struggles with the loss of his father. he's trying to be a better man, and you can't help but love him for it.
Hate It When You Leave by @/netegf
you are trying to cope with the fact that you're hopelessly in love with your best friend. He's trying to cope with the fact that you don't go after the things you want… including him.
I Know I Am by @bookofbonbon
For Rafe, it's always been you. He's just waiting for you to realise it too.
redamancy by @sanguineterrain
redamancy (n.) - the act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full // or, four times you kissed Steve Harrington, and one time he finally kissed you back.
dancing with our hands tied part i | part ii by @taintedcigs
in which steve is in love with his best friend's ex.
Pearl by @cacoetheswriting
a story about two kids trying to navigate through love and loss, inevitable goodbyes, various reunions, friendships and hardships, joy, heartbreak, plus surviving the upside down - all to the sound of Janis Joplin's Pearl.
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lakesbian · 10 months
and now for our Checking In With The Dallon Sisters poasting
Panacea shook her head, “Tattletale found a way around my sister’s invincibility. Glory Girl was bitten pretty badly, which is why I didn’t come sooner. I think it hits you harder, psychologically, when you’re pretty much invincible but you get hurt anyways. But we’re okay now. She’s healed but sulking. I- I’m alright. Bump on my head, but I’m okay.”
victoria is demonstrably having a bad time with the previously noted psychological pain of being forcibly reminded that, no matter how hard she tries, she will never be the spotless, invincible, perfect hero she wants to be. the bug bites suck obviously but the "sulking" After being healed is an indicator of where it really hurt--not just physically.
(amy's power reminds me of. do you guys know that one tumblr post about the concept of exploring the horror potential inherent to D&D-esque fantasy healers? like, the horror inherent to being perfectly, magically healed from horrifying injury a hundred times over, and being expected to just get up and keep fighting afterwards, without any regards to how your mental health is doing. that's exactly how amy's power functions: you're made physically better than ever, and expected to get back up and keep being a hero, but you still have the memory of the pain and the lingering psychological aftereffects. but, like, you're fine now, so you just need to get over it and go back to throwing yourself in the line of fire, okay?)
amy is also right off the bat clearly not doing so hot--she's acting very shy and withdrawn and unsure compared to both of her prior appearances. obviously that is due to the horror of some random villain going "btw, remember that you're ontologically an invader into the family you are trying to belong in!" but i think it's probably compounded by the fact that amy is so used to being treated either 1. like she's intrinsically awful/unwanted or 2. like she's only valuable/desirable as a resource by Everyone But Victoria that walking into a room of heroes w/o victoria by her side is always liable to make her insecure and withdrawn.
oh, and the burnout. obviously the severe fucking burnout.
“No, I hated that he would have a normal life, because I’d given up mine.  I was scared that I might intentionally make a mistake.  That I might let myself fuck up the procedure with this kid.  I could have killed him or ruined his life, but it would have eased the pressure.  Lowered expectations, you know?  Maybe it would have even lowered my own expectations for myself.  I… I was just so tired.  So exhausted.  I actually considered, for the briefest moment, abandoning a child to suffer or die.” “That sounds like more than just exhaustion,” Gallant replied, quietly. “Is this how it starts?  Is this the point I start becoming like my father, whoever he was?”
the "every second i rest, someone dies" conundrum would be nightmarish for her even if she had the healthiest social support net on the planet, but her circumstances make it infinitely worse. she's treated by everyone in her "family" but victoria like an invader, and even victoria has unintentionally stressed the importance of using her healing power in the way that the family wants (i.e. to cover up victoria's police brutality) in order to Be A Good Family Member. amy has internalized that being a good dallon is the same as being a good hero, and failing at being a dallon is the same as being overcome by her ontologically criminal roots. so she works herself to the bone, and when she inevitably starts to falter, she views it as an indicator of something intrinsically wrong with her rather than as a sign that her family + society's expectations for her are harmful and unfair.
and dean's advice for her only reinforces this further:
Gallant let out a slow breath, “I could say no, that you’re never going to be like your father. But I’d be lying. Any of us, all of us, we run the risk of finding our own way down that path. I can see the strain you’re experiencing, the stress. I’ve seen people snap because of less. So yeah. It’s possible.”
he suggests that she try to take a break, but only in the service of "so you can heal more people in the long run." he validates the idea that she could go "down that path," as if becoming a villain--becoming A Bad Person--is a risk all heroes have to fight against on an individual level, as opposed to criminality being a result of circumstance and not even inherently immoral. and of course dean thinks that way--he's a millionaire child soldier, his entire life is predicated on individualist thought with ignorance to the ways in which systematic factors impact people. acknowledging that amy is being horrifically mistreated would mean not only acknowledging the flaws in the PRT system, but acknowledging what might lead people to stray from it, and he simply can't do that. it goes counter to every idea that his life is built on.
he never even tells anyone that amy thought about letting a child die, or if he did, it didn't go anywhere. she was desperate for help all along, increasingly ready to explode, and everyone just ignored it. because as she says:
"My sister’s all I’ve got. The only person with no expectations, who knows me as a person. Carol never really wanted me.  Mark is clinically depressed, so as nice as he is, he’s too focused on himself to really be a dad. My aunt and uncle are sweet, but they’ve got their own problems. So it’s just me and Victoria. Has been almost from the beginning."
this is also where we see another more blatant sign of her crush on victoria--it's very ambiguous as to whether dean is interpreting amy's feelings towards him as meaning "wants to date me" or "jealous of me for dating victoria" but i think it's probably the former because there's no way he would keep his mouth shut if it was the latter, lmao. really what this scene is doing is introducing all of the stressors amy is experiencing that, because they're going unaddressed, because everyone else is refusing to address them and she has internalized that's how it should be, are going to boil over horrifically later on. that burnout and fear of accidentally-on-purpose making a mistake will lead to truly being unable to heal victoria later on. that sense of obligation, that if she can't keep healing she's turning into her father, will contribute to her being unable to just walk away from victoria instead of trying to heal her. her crush on victoria--the ultimate example of how her should-be family has ostracized her--will boil over in the impulsive brain alteration & the sexual nature of the wretch's design.
and all of this would've been avoidable if not for, as mentioned in the prior post abt this interlude, the dallons' and the PRT's enforcement of wallpapering over the kid heroes' pain to Keep Up The Show.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Yan!Police Officer!Elijah HC’s
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Someone asked for more Police!Elijah so I hope they enjoy this🩷
I changed this Headcanon so it was Y/n and not Katherine like it is in the Doctor!Klaus fics this comes from
A Failed Escape
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•Elijah first decided to become a police officer when he watched the cops taking his father away when he was 16 for abusing a 14 year old Klaus. When they saw the state of his brother they weren’t at all careful with Mikael, jostling and tripping him, even slamming his face onto the car when they put him in, he wanted to live his life doing a job where he could beat the shit out of awful people too
•With his grades it wasn’t hard to make that dream come true and before he knew it he was one of the top officers in NOLA PD, and having a doctor for a brother seemed to work out for him just as much as it did for Klaus, especially once he found Y/n
•She was the most perfect little thing he had ever seen, sweet and quiet, always ending up coming in with her wrists in cuffs because of her idiot boyfriend and his friends. Elijah knew he needed to protect Y/n from this boy and his idiot friends, and even herself if this is the kind of choice she’s going to make in men
•Y/n would often talk to Elijah when she was brought in, he was always so sweet and patient with her that she couldn’t help it, no one else cared about her, especially in here where these cops just thought she was a worthless gutter rat with no future…Elijah was different though.
He made sure of it.
•He always took over her booking and since it was always something stupid that they got brought in for he ensured it was easy for her to get out, he would never allow his precious Bunny sleep in a prison cell!
‘Go home Y/n and Stop coming back here! You need to stay away from these idiots! That boy in there doesn’t care about you and if he did he wouldn’t be dragging you down into the hole with him, don’t you try and tell me I’m wrong!’
‘I can’t, I…I just…what else am I supposed to do? He’s all I have, I was always gonna end up in prison, it’s where almost my entire family is-‘
‘So do something different! You are worth so much more than this-‘ she cut him off angrily and though he was overcome with the urge to yank her over his lap and spank her ass raw, he suppressed it as hard as he could.
‘You Don’t Know That Officer Mikaelson! My Family Was Trash And So Am I, Nothing Will Change That!’ Tears had started to make their way down Y/n’s face and if there’s one thing Elijah knows it’s that he should be the Only One who Ever makes his girl she’d a tear.
‘Elijah.’ He stated and she looked up, confused, which gave him the chance to reach out and wipe her tears from under her eyes and off her soft cheeks. It was the first real time he had been able to touch her besides removing handcuffs and he noted her blush instantly. Elijah knew that Y/n had a bit of a crush on him but what she didn’t know is that he was desperately in love with her as well and he would not be letting her go. ‘My name is Elijah, you can just call me that. Now Y/n, I know you’re not a bad girl, so I’d like to help you.’ The blush on her face darkened by 3 shades as he said this to her. ‘Do you have anywhere to go that’s not his house?’ She shook her head. ‘Okay, well you’re not safe there so we need to get you out-‘
‘He would never hurt me Off-uh, Elijah? He won’t hit me or anything-‘
‘No but he will tempt you into doing the wrong thing, we need to ensure you’re away from the bad influence. I’m just about to get off, I’ll take you home and you can pack all of your things while he’s in holding overnight.’ Y/n looked at him confused.
‘Aren’t I supposed to be in holding over night?’ She wondered but instantly knew that Elijah had somehow gotten her out of it again. ‘I don’t have anywhere to take my stuff, I can’t just-‘
‘You let me worry about that. Just do as I tell you for now, hmm? Have I ever let you down?’ She shook her head immediately. ‘That’s right, so just calm yourself and do as I say.’
•That night Y/n was moved into Elijah’s home. It was a medium sized, modest cottage on 30 acres he had away from any other people. He enjoyed his privacy and the ability to make as much noise as he wants without complaint, plus as a cop, who is going to trespass on his property? No one knows where his house is besides his siblings.
•Once Y/n was in Elijah’s house there was no escape for her, not that she noticed right away, or even for quite some time. He had taken her with him while her boyfriend was in a jail cell and she left him a break up note, her family was all in prison themselves so there was no one to worry and Elijah could easily keep her indoors while he went to work, not that she could find her way to civilization anyway. He kept her busy as she now cleaned the house and cooked the meals so that she wouldn’t be “useless” and just like that the eldest Mikaelson had already won.
•It was almost 2 weeks before Y/n tried to leave for the first time and Elijah refused, taking her over his knee and spanking her ass nearly bloody when she argued with him. She clung to him when she was finished her punishment as he knew she would, she had no one else. Elijah had planned this all too well she realized, and no matter what she did escape wasn’t an option
•2 months. That’s how long it took for her to finally give in and accept her life, and Elijah couldn’t be happier. The final straw, oddly enough, had been his younger brother Klaus
•Elijah had invited Klaus over, wanting him to give Y/n a check up and make sure she was healthy. She had no insurance and he would never risk taking her to a doctor he couldn’t trust, his brother knew about Y/n and would never dream of ratting his big brother out
•Y/n had tried to beg Klaus for help while Elijah was in the kitchen getting him a drink
‘Please? You have to get me out of here?! You’re a doctor, right?! Don’t you have like, an obligation to help your patients or something?’ She pleaded but he just continued checking her over.
‘Of course I do, but legally you are not my patient. Besides, my brother is quite taken with you.’ The realization came over Y/n’s face as he said that and Klaus chuckled.
‘I’m never getting out of this house, am I?’ His brows went up and he shrugged.
‘I would say not any time soon. I’m sure he’ll take you out someday when he knows you’re obedient and dependent on him. That’s a long way away though with how you’ve been acting. Though I’m sure you’ll be happy to know I’ve brought a salve to put on that blistered bottom for you.’
Elijah came back a moment later and as the brothers spoke Y/n laid her head onto Elijah’s shoulder, too mentally exhausted to do anything else.
•Elijah is not the type to go without fucking his girl, even while she’s trying to escape him. Once he had gotten a taste of her in those first 2 weeks he was never letting her go
•He fucked her constantly, over whatever surface pleased him that day or moment, and while she tried to fight it was too good for her to not enjoy every second of
•The day she had gotten checked out by his brother was the only time in their entire relationship that Elijah shared her with anyone. Elijah agreed to let Klaus fuck her that day with the promise that on the day Klaus found his own girl he would get to use her as well. Y/n noticed that Klaus dismissed this, not believing he would ever find the kind of interest that Elijah has with her.
(It took 2 years but Klaus was proven wrong)
•Elijah had automatic locking doors that he could control with his phone or keys but no matter what Y/n did she couldn’t go farther than the sun room, unable to get out any door or window when he wasn’t there, him getting an alert whenever she tried her luck
•He still worked but he worked less now that he had someone to come home to, enjoying being with his girl every minute that he could
•Only a few days after Y/n had finally given in and given herself over to Elijah willingly for the first time in 2 months, her ex showed up at the station asking for help. Elijah found himself amused as the idiot boy told his friend about his ‘missing girlfriend’ and how he hadn’t seen her in 2 months. The officer practically laughed him out of the station when he explained how she had dumped him while he was locked up and never come back, he insisted she would have let him know she was okay by now but they all rolled their eyes at him, Elijah happily watching the last person that would ever look for you walk out of the station
•Later that night Elijah went out to dinner with his brother, coincidentally running into said idiot boyfriend on the way home, drunk and happy to talk to people who ‘believed him’…
His body is still buried just a few acres away from the house Elijah shares with his Little Bunny.
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One Little Trip to the ER (Klaus Doctor)
ER Doc!Klaus & PO!Elijah HC’s
Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
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polaris-stuff · 4 months
Okay, this is the fourth time of me rewriting this comment.
And i am gonna try and keep it short ( I failed I am so sorry) . As this is about the Heart to Heart with earth.
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna talk about it anymore. If you said something about , I've been trying to put my feelings on this out for a while and it's just not working. (it's also now 4 am, )
I came away from the episode feeling like it was a good episode. Where the characters talked about why they were deciding not to help moon for different reasons.
I thought for most of them it was in character, even if I don't fully agree. I could see what the show was trying to do.
And then i see a lot of people agreeing and being really hurt by the episode. Because they feel like everyone is aboning moon. And leaving him in this vulnerable space.
I feel like i missed something. As to me. the celestial family isn't fully aware as to truly how bad Moon's mental state has gotten.
I have a feeling that (Sun and Lunar, more so then earth) Are taking moon's last words as face value ( wanting to bring solar back for ego/selfish reasons, and not because he truly breaking down)
(I also think monty still hasn't fully filled them in either that moon seems to be thinking he isn't real but I could be wrong!)
I think they'd be behaving otherwise if they know the true depts. they wouldn't wich is why this sucks so much. Moon is driving people away, actively sabotaging his own help.
I sit here wishing i would understand that hurt. I honestly truly do. Maybe because i have the feeling that they will help even if they say now they won't
maybe because i really hope sun isn't gonna make the same mistake as moon.
Maybe i am i giving sun, lunar and earth to much credit, and to many excuses.
I think...in the end. I don't think them refusing to help moon. Is them trying to hurt moon (even if that is the outcome) . But is taking care of themselves as they are all also still not in a good place?
And maybe because i genuinely can't see what they can do for moon to help him. As they offered him help but he refused or actively lied on how he was doing. So I don't get what help people want them to provide for moon at this moment. ( besides not leaving, but can you be there for someone that doesn't want you there?)
I dunno if i am making sense. trying to talk my feelings out is always hard. And I think for the first time I am on the other side of most of the people I usually agree with and respect a lot ( you being one of them ) . So I feel a bit lost and weird about it as to why my view is so different.
( I am honestly hoping Sun will see Moon having hallucinations, and at least will set something up so moon is never alone in that cell like he was. I feel like he thinks, he first needs to stop moon. And then when that is done. He can actively think on what to do next cause offering help first ain't gonna do it)
I am sorry for leaving this long ass comment in your inbox. I truly hope It didn't come off as attacking. AS it wasn't meant to be. Just a fellow TSAMS fan. who was in their own way very confused and hurt i guess and feels a bit alone in their reading of the story?
And trying to understand why people see this a an attack from the celestial family on moon. Or a active decision...instead of .. a series of what is gonna be a slew of bad decisions from everyone involved.
Alright, I understand your point of view, don't worry about it, and actually, this is a YT series on VRchat so I shouldn't be so mad about this either yk JAJA
Ok, the thing is, the family doesn't know what's happening to Moon, that's right, they have no way of knowing what's happening to him because Moon pushed them all away and lied to them, now, the thing is that Earth knows. Monty told Earth that Moon had a psychosis episode and found him hitting the ground, that Moon could no longer tell what was real from what wasn't, so Earth knows that Moon is in a HORRIBLE mental state. And idk, but if you know that a person is in a state where they can no longer perceive reality correctly, I don't think the best response is not to help them.
Also, I'll highlight Lunar going from "I really don't care" (although he should care, we're talking about Moon, one of his brothers) to "fuck him" which is just weird?? The whole family was with Lunar and supported him when the thing with Eclipse happened but Lunar just does not care when something happens to another family member ??
I'm 100% sure that Sun will help Moon, it's more than obvious that Moon will get out of this situation, but the way the family is handling it is so strange to me. Lunar, Earth and Sun have every right to not want to continue dealing with problems but this is also partly their fault.
Since Solar died no one was with Moon because "Moon was busy", so Moon was alone in P&S with Ruin whispering in his ear and only Lunar went to see him a couple of times. Sun began to hang out more with Earth and Lunar, and Moon was left completely alone. "Oh, but Moon never said he wanted them to come with him! They can't read minds!" Yes, and that's true, but If everyone was aware that Moon and Solar were basically running around together every day, and everyone was aware that Moon was the one who had the worst reaction to Solar's death, the logical thing to do is to spend at least a couple of hours with him, right?
And yes, Moon lied about how he felt so this is also partly his fault for wanting to hide what was happening to him. But Monty is also to blame because he also hide it.
We are at a point where we have been shown that all the hallucinations that Moon has had are created by her consciousness out of guilt (in the same way as Sun when the BM thing happened), Moon regrets the things he said to Earth, Moon wants to stop, Moon wants to go home and apologize, but he can't. He thinks his whole family hates him, that no one wants him in daycare.
Also, I understand that Earth is hurt but she also isn't trying to understand Moon's feelings now that she knows everything Moon has been going through. Now she knows that Moon is going through the worst time of her life and she just decides not to do anything about it because "Moon said a couple of hurtful things to her." (things Sun warned Moon would say to push her away and things that worked).
I feel like of all the people, the only one who has a little more reason here is Sun, and, interestingly, Jack and the computer, who have done more than Earth and Lunar.
I think that now that he is locked up and unable to teleport it is a good opportunity for everyone to talk to him, a really serious and good intervention.
Sorry for the long text! And thanks for the ask and support! It really helped me let off some steam, hehe
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Looks at Pep's profile on toyhouse:
Oooh, interesting stuff here! Also lots of sadness in the links! More thoughts below:
<"–and even being rescued himself in a few situations.">
<"- he and Porto helped me home when I was struggling to move, let alone keeping my form together -">
<"Porto, and Bello, found me when I wasn't in the best place, and very vulnerable">
My first thought was imagining Pep in 'Sopping Wet Creature' form being in either Porto or Bello's arms, but it's more likely him having a panic attack and both of them helping him get home.
<"but I realised what they needed, and I gave it to them - I still have that scar... I didn't even know I could get new scars...">
Wait, what do you mean new scars? And hmmm, clones don't really have blood (at least not like regular blood), but given what we currently know (or at least theorize) about Pep, perhaps he was the only one that could've helped Mirtillo.
(On a related note: Mirtillo being purple and considered to be Pep's baby. And a certain picture with a baby wearing purple. I'm not saying they're the same, just that maybe there's some subconscious connections here. Maybe the loss hits harder because he has lost his child before. It's twice now that he was taken away from his family.)
Also the dramatic irony of having an idea of what exactly happened to his family hurts! And every single one of Pep's links being one-sided thoughts! I'm over here making myself sadder theorizing that the last parts of each one are the exact thoughts he had while searching for them! That even though he was able to see the world outside the tower, he couldn't fully enjoy that freedom because in the back of his mind he's thinking that he failed them, that he was too weak and couldn't protect them–
He hopes that maybe, just maybe, he could find them. To be able to hug them again, hold them all in his arms and never let go. He would never ever lose them again.
Okay, I'm done for now.
On happier thoughts, Happy 1 year to this askblog! (It's March 1st where I am) Thank you for sharing this story with us! We appreciate all the love and care you bring with your designs and writing.
Always remember to take your time and have fun with it! Take care of yourself, Bean.
(Shy Theorist)
(AUGH, Shy Theorist Anon, must you sucker punch me right in the heart on this joyous occasion!!! (silly/lighthearted)
But you bring up various points! And I will provide context for others where applicable, like right now;
[Pep's updated reference on toyhou.se] and the [links where he shares his thoughts on his fambily members]
First point about [Porto] and [Bello] rescuing Pep I actually hope to touch on soon! Well, 'soon' as in 'within the next few story posts' - when they will actually be up is yet to be determined jfgksgd - but you're not too far off hehe
Second point about Pep getting a new scar - this is a little confusing since I don't draw scars in my cartoony style (for some reason that I do not remember) - unless it's like [Halloumi's] missing eye scar, which is just a big 'X' - but a lot of the characters do have visible scarring!
We just gotta hit them with the unsilly beam, like this;
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And there they are! Although Pep's 'scars' are just markings to mimic Peppino's scars - except for one - while clones do not typically scar due to their healing/regeneration factor, it is possible
[Mirtillo] and [the baby in that 'certain' picture] both being purple babies might be intentional, or it might be bc I have a bias for purple, I'll never tell - but I do confirm they are not the same being, since Mirtillo has been depicted as a newborn clone (the 'gummy bear' stage) and clones made out of human cadavers do not have this stage
And yes!!! Pep doesn't know what happened to any of them, and he misses them all so much!!!
But they just might be closer than he thinks...
... Any way, thank you so much! Your kind words really mean a lot to me, and I always love hearing your thoughts and theories - even if I am a coy bastard about them sometimes, fkgfksdf
I know I keep saying that hopefully we get back to it, and I really mean it, but it in the meantime I just do what I can, and drop a few crumbs now and then hehe)
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 3
it has been a WEEK but like the last two weeks, this one also ends on a P'Aof show, so all is well. Quick and dirty episode liveblog, you know the drill.
oh I love this montage
omg I actually laughed out loud when Mawk dinosaur roared
they look like they were having so much fun
I know we've been discussing slash smiling at the attempts to make Jimmy look rough, but just now I realised-- Mawks haircut looks cheapish, too.
what's Mawk looking at, I wonder. Going through Day's pictures? not cool, dude
they've done so much to make this house more accessible for Day in so few days!!
can they not talk about him like he's not there?
well ma'am you're the ones who broke that convo before he even had a chance to eat
oooh okay at least he wasn't checking his messages
I love Phawjai so much
okay I lied last week, I forgot to spell him Mhok and I probably will forget again
I'm with Mawk on this one, that's tooth-rotting
ooh this is a good look on him, damn. he should have his hair up like that all the time.
HERE WE ARE the "do you like [thing/person]" just hits different in languages where "do you like" does not require an object (which I just realised works in colloquial English, but ANYWAY)
wtf guys, did his family tell them THAT was the reason?!
his family may be failing him, but he has SO much support when he lets people in!!!! I'm tearing up here
oooh Jimmy has taken a level in Ohm (lessons in looking at his acting partner like he's his whole world)
the way Mawk just casually went to block folks view of Day!!!
they're FLIRTING I love this
they're totally gonna walk into a classmate of his or something
of course it's gonna be Oishii 😂
Mawk's posture here hurts me just to look at. Lift that sternum, dude!
More flirting!
oh okay we're in ep 3 we're getting INTO it, I like this
Mawk being very bisexual and awkward right now and I'm here for it
oh, I love that Day's starting to see some … humour? light-heartedness in the situation.
the music is really taking this over the top right now, I expect a mood breaker right about now
it didn't?? I'm DELIGHTED
oh I want to go to this bookshop. doesn't look like used books but hey
found itttt :D good job Mhok
adsfasdfasdf I love this dude
oh so this is how he ends up in the street again?
oh nooooo
also Mawk? I get it, but you're on the clock goddamnit
shit, poor Day
Mawk … weren't you still on probation?
oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot
of course Day's phone is in Mawk's bag
Mawk, why aren't YOU asking people?
and Day, how is he going to find you if you keep moving?
ah phew
he put on the pink shirt!!!! easier to see!!!!
terrible colour on Jimmy, I'll give Mawk that
Mawk's gonna tell him himself, isn't he?
of course he is, that's the kind of person he is
Mawk falling in love a little more with every word Day speaks
god the lighting here washes Night tf OUT
oh, this is big for Day, I think. Mawk thanking him.
I will never get used to outdoor clothes on the bed, even less ones that he fell down in the street in
adfasdf the casual intimacy of telling someone ฝันดี /fǎn diː/ (cue Tilly Birds, Just Being Friendly: เพื่อนอะไรบอกฝันดีก่อนนอน )
I wonder whether they'll get into the whole, uh, what's a responsible relationship for them to have? thing, but. right now I'm just glad they have it
Film's character!!!
A SLEEPOVER??? oh no how do I wait a week
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
hi. Here’s the promised suicide fic. It’s about the reasoning of the process, not the actual act of committing suicide itself, just as a heads up.
He realizes he wants to die early along the line – it’s very hard not to. It’s a wonderful daydream, one where he won’t have to feel quite as tired. An endless sleep, soft and gentle and merciful; everything life isn’t. 
The next step is planning. He spends hours constructing his family’s faces in his mind when they find out  – weeping, enraged, resigned, indifferent. Imagining their judgement leaves him almost embarrassed. It is an inevitability, but it still leaves him wrong-footed. The worst thing about all of it is the thought of his body, limp and bloated, being found and dragged around most of all. He contemplates methods too – most of them seem terribly slow, and therefore get discarded as possibilities. He doesn’t have the guts for it, quite frankly, doesn’t want to flail around or panic when it’s already too late. He’s never quite been as good at handling pain as any of his siblings.
Would he even want to be found at all? There’s ways to mitigate that, he knows. He’s the smart one, he could figure it out. Even a pathetic genius has his uses. Which would be worse for them? 
His reflection period ends slowly. The realization trickles in slowly, until it’s inescapable. It’s quite simple; he is living on borrowed time. He lets life push him along only when he needs to. The others are moving. 
Life slips through his fingers, in an endless blur. He is just waiting for the right moment now. 
His heart stops beating the moment failure becomes more frightening than success. He imagines it. Imagines his weeping brothers by his bedside. The very notion is exhausting. Maybe that’ll be the final straw to get him shipped off to a psychiatrist, wether he wants to or not. He imagines the gossip and wants to claw his ears from out of his skull. It’s a feeling he is utterly tired of, add this to the list of reasons. He’s got more than thirteen, now. It’s not going to be as neat as that either. He isn’t one of those pretty girls and he won’t leave a body like a fallen angel either. Graceful, tragic, beautifully sad. The kind of body he has is far more suited to be found face-down and bloated in the sewers he grew up in, or in pieces on some weirdo biologist’s counter. 
He has a body that gets picked apart and torn through and bloated and stained and smeared on the walls. He’s tired of that one too, tired of being not-quite human or animal or yokai. There is only one great majority he could possibly qualify for, and maybe this is all he’s ever been meant to be. Draxum’s not a bad scientist, but everyone has failed projects. It’s better to catch it early and build it new from ground up, but sometimes you just need to let go. 
It’s alright. He’s always known he wasn’t meant to live. Every litter needs a runt. Every family has black sheep. Soon enough he’ll be gone, and all of that will die with him and it will hurt like hell, but it will be mercy. 
Firstly: AUGHHH yeah that hits the spppot. That’s the good shit. Especially the parts about it feeling inevitable, and feeling like you weren’t meant to live. Like. Yeaghhhh.
Secondly: for some reason this made me think of a scenario where he plans to kill himself and sets up for Bishop to receive his body, since bishop always did wanna dissect him. It’d be kinda funny cuz the turtles would be freaking out and then bishop would show up like “hey guys what’s up”
Or like, Donnie would try to kill himself in a New York alley and Bishop would show up early like “yo it’s cool u wanna donate yourself to science but I’d get better data if you were alive” that’s just sooo funny to me.
Anyway point is: AAAAAAAA thank YOUUU
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Secrets Exposed
Day 31 Free Day. Well I am insane so here's the first one of today's stories. thank you @skmayor for giving me an idea that I wound up wanting to do as both familial gt and romantic gt!
Rhys has a secret his foster parents just saw so he runs
Secrets Exposed
Rhys had to run. If he didn’t get away they’d find out too much and they couldn’t find out any more. His body had started to burn long before he got to the woods. He was going to lose it soon. It would leave everyone upset. No one could know what he really was. They almost caught him, well they did catch him. So he had to get away.
“Rhys stop!” Vitus called. Usually he would stop, but he couldn’t. They would hurt him now. Everyone always hurt him, he didn’t belong. He never belonged.
“Rhys! Let’s go home!” Dabria yelled. She sounded wrong. Her voice was wrong… It was too close. He had to move faster.
Thunder crashed from the sky. The storm would make it easier to lose them. He’d hide, this wasn’t the first time anyone saw exactly what he could do. It was the first time in a foster family. Up until now the other foster parents would just complain about his behavior. Too destructive and always disappearing. It wasn’t on purpose. Sometimes they just made him so angry and then he’d get big… Or they’d make him so scared and he’d get too small.
A branch brushing against his head made him gasp. He was too big again. If he didn’t get smaller it would leave too much of a trail. It was hard to calm himself enough to get small. They would find him, they might hurt him. It almost felt like he’d found a family this time. Brothers, a sister, and parents…
“Rhys, please!” Dabria called again. 
Rhys tripped over his own feet. A scream escaped him as he fell to the ground. It should have been a quick fall and back on his feet, but his power decided to work again. He fell and fell and fell until he landed heavily on the cold dirt. It was hard to push himself up, but when he did he saw the same tree he’d touched towering far overhead. Tears fell from his eyes, he’d been doing so good too.
“Rhys!” Vitus’s shout vibrated his body. If they found him now how would they act? Kill him? Someone else tried once, but they failed. He was lucky it had already hit a point where people thought they were insane. He was just put in the foster system. Thankfully all their claims were ignored.
It felt like a miracle when he was sent to Vitus and Dabria. They introduced him to Felix and Ryder right away… The three of them would be brothers. Then Delphia… She was older than him, but acted like he was the big sibling. It was almost like she knew there was something about him that was different. She would just smile and check on him. Ask him if he was ok, it made him feel wanted.
Another crash of thunder deafened him. Using all the strength he had he pulled himself towards some tree roots. Things were going so well. He fought with Felix sometimes, but it was always fine in the end. Felix even helped him fix clothes he ripped… He helped without asking anything. Even the times it was clearly a tear that didn’t make sense.
More thunder, Rhys whimpered. Ryder would play games with him. Video games and anything he came up with. It was so fun. Ryder had a bunch of fake weapons for them to use, he made a lot of them too. Felix was going to help them make costumes to go to events…
A crash that was too close, one that couldn’t be thunder. Rhys tried to disappear into the tree. Dabria would have him paint with her. They’d spy on the others sometimes too. The best were the times she’d let him grab a snack before dinner. Usually it was when he’d grown that day, it always left him so hungry. Dabria didn’t even care, she would just smile and make him promise not to tell.
A series of crashes that surrounded where he was, they couldn’t find him. Vitus was nice too. At first Rhys thought he was terrifying. Eyes that saw too much, Delphia had them too. It was wrong though, Vitus was nice. He’d help when Rhys struggled with homework, and that was a lot. The few times he broke something Vitus would fix it before anyone else found out.
“Rhys!” Dabria and Vitus called his name at the same time. The loud voices were right around him… Right above him. They’d kill him if they found him. He was small and vulnerable. He held his breath to try and stay hidden. Not a single sound. It would be fine.
“Damn it,” Vitus growled. Rhys almost yelped when a loud slam shook the tree he hid beneath. “Where did he go? His steps stopped here.”
“We’ll find him,” Dabria’s voice was still wrong. Almost… sad. “We’re not letting him run away.”
Rhys hugged himself. They were going to hurt him. If only he hadn’t gotten comfortable. Everyone was supposed to be out. He wasn’t supposed to have anyone else in the house. He wasn’t even supposed to be home. It was the perfect time to just let go a bit, get a little bigger. Just big enough that nothing would break, but he wouldn’t feel tense. It would be obvious when anyone got home and he’d be the right size again.
Another set of crashes near him. Muffled voices and someone running off. Maybe he could wait them out. He closed his eyes. They weren’t supposed to be home. It should have been fine for him to sneak out of his room for a snack. Size didn’t matter when no one was home. He hadn’t calmed down since they said his name… since they saw him.
“Where did you go…?” Vitus mumbled again. A new crash as the man sat on the ground nearby. That didn’t make sense. They should keep looking. If he was alone he could try to get bigger and run. Avoid being big enough to leave tracks… He was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
A new bang of thunder caught him off guard. A shout left him and the world stopped. Maybe Vitus didn’t hear. Maybe… maybe the thunder was too loud or they’d think it was impossible. He was supposed to be big, not small. A new crash, a crash way too close landed near him. A new scream came out. There wasn’t an escape. Not when the crash came from the hand near him.
Rhys curled up as small as he could. The hand would come in and grab him. Squeeze him until he cried. Then, if he was lucky, he’d get a chance to get big again. A chance to run. Heat from the hand came close, he couldn’t stop his tears as fingers started to close in. If only he wasn’t so stupid.
“Rhys?” Vitus’s voice was quiet. Rhys knew it was a lie. If he answered, the massive fingers would close around him. Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until- “Are you hurt?”
It had to be a trick. He wouldn’t be stupid again. They would hurt him, kill him… He lost the first family he thought he had in a long time. All because he decided to be home when he let go for once. He should have just run the first time someone caught on. It would be smarter to give up on living with normal people.
“Can you move? Should I grab you? I don’t want to hurt you more if you got hurt.” The steady rumble was cruel. He heard how angry the man was before. The tree shook from his anger. It didn’t matter. A sigh actually blew over him and convinced Rhys to look at the human near him.
It wasn’t what he expected. The green eyes were filled with worry. The white hair had come undone and fell into the mud. Rhys didn’t even realize the rain started. Slowly he looked up, the fingers weren’t prepared to grab him. They gave him a shelter of pale skin as rain pelted it. Keeping him dry.
“Rhys, what’s going on? You can talk to us,” another rumble of the commanding voice. It couldn’t be real. Still Rhys was going to be stupid again. He sat up, only noticing then how bad his ankle hurt. The big worried eyes didn’t move. “I can get Dabria back here. I know she’s easier to talk to.”
It was stupid. Rhys was stupid. Yet he shook his head. He stared at the worried eyes for too long. Nothing changed. Even as the mud grew worse, sticking to the clothes and hair of the normal sized man. It was stupid. Rhys was stupid. Yet he put a single hand on the fingers around him. Yet he pointed to his ankle… Yet he was going to let a giant hand hold him.
“My ankle hurts,” he said. Green eyes went wide. He tensed. It was stupid. Rhys was stupid. He’d get hurt. The one who tried to kill him was nice. Talked him out of a hiding spot. Acted concerned. Then they hurt him. Called him a monster. He’d been lucky.
“Can you walk?” Vitus’s eyes stayed kind. Rhys shook his head. Narrowed eyes before they disappeared. A hand replaced them. It would be like he expected. Rhys was stupid. The hand stopped near him. Warmth radiating, warmth he was tempted to reach for. “Can you climb on my hand? Do I need to pick you up?”
Rhys tried to stand on his feet, falling instead. His ankle hurt too much. He stared at the pale flesh… As big as trees and yet offering a way out. He shouldn’t trust this. It was stupid. If he followed they’d turn on him. He’d be hated, ousted. That was if they didn’t kill him. Yet…
“I can’t stand!” he shouted. It came out like a whine. It wasn’t how he meant it. Yet the hand in front of him was pulled away. The eyes came back to stare at him. His shelter from the rain moved closer. It could crush him.
Instead the fingers currently bigger than him slowly wrapped around him. Gently moving to encompass his tiny form. The warmth was nice and that only made it worse. The pain that would follow would be worse. Except… the pain didn’t come. The fingers stopped, holding him loosely against the palm. That made even less sense.
“I’m going to pick you up, let me know if I’m hurting you.” 
The voice vibrated Rhys again. The fingers around him pushed the strength of the voice into him. He hated this. It was a lie, even if he screamed the gigantic fingers would only get tighter. The loose hold grew tight enough he was pressed firmly into the palm. Slowly, maybe even carefully, the hand turned on its side. Rhys was forced onto a palm through gravity and he wished it worked the other way around.
All the work he put in keeping his tears back died. It didn’t matter. He was too scared to get big. They’d get to do whatever they wanted to him now. As Vitus pulled his hand back Rhys begged for things to move quickly. He expected the rain to pelt his face, but instead a shadow that radiated warmth came from above. Vitus was still protecting him.
It didn’t change anything as the hand holding him left the ground. He was brought up and up and up until the green eyes were in front of him. He couldn’t stop himself from shaking as the fingers holding him down moved. It was almost instinct as he sat up, matching the movement of the uncurling fingers.
“I’m glad we found you,” Vitus said. The expression on his face was soft, but Rhys wouldn’t trust that. “Once we get home and take care of your ankle we’re going to have to talk about this.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” Rhys was trying to sound confident. He was good at lying, pretending it was fine. Acting like he was in pain from a stunt and not being one size too long.
“I mean,” the hand moved until he was in front of a broad chest, “you shouldn’t have felt like you had to run for being different. We’ll figure this out.”
Rhys was moved slowly towards the chest. Plenty of time to try and get away or call out for this to stop. Instead he let it happen. Let Vitus press him over a giant pounding heart. Let his tears fall more as he grabbed the cloth of the man’s shirt. As he buried his face against the giant and wailed. Even if it turned out he was stupid, this would be worth it.
“Vitus!” Dabria’s shout reminded him there wasn’t just one normal person looking for him. He started shaking all over again as the heavy crashes of footsteps came close. When the rain pelting down disappeared, hitting what sounded like an umbrella. “It didn’t look like he’d gone home. What if he doesn’t come back all night? I don’t want to send a search party out if he was scared of us seeing him. I don’t want our son getting hurt out here.”
“It’s ok, he’s right here,” Vitus’s hand moved a bit after the rumble of his voice. Rhys looked up to see ruby eyes staring down at him, shining. Ebony hair sticking out of the tight ponytail it was tied in, that it wasn’t in when he ran. This was stupid. He was going to be killed for sure.
Hands with fingers just as big as the ones around him slipped around him. He was pulled away from the shirt he clung to. The little bit of comfort he found disappeared. It was better, he shouldn’t let himself hope. He tried not to let his fear win as he was brought up and up to her standing height. As she stopped with him near her mouth. As a host of fears he never considered entered his mind… ones that came from movies he saw living with them.
The hand holding him moved and pressed him firmly to her cheek. Salty water landed on him and made him sputter. It tasted weird. He was rocked as a sob escaped Dabria. The pressure behind the hand holding him to her face increased. It scared him, but it wasn’t painful. It was warm and soft… and something he didn’t think could be real.
“Rhys I was so worried,” she sobbed. “I thought you might get hurt out here on your own.”
“I-I… My-my ankle is-” he tried and failed to say. The hand holding him pulled him away from her and in front of her eyes. 
“Your ankle!? What happened? Did you fall? Was it us? I’m so sorry you thought you couldn’t be honest with us. We’ll talk about this when we get home and I’ll make those cookies you love too.”
“Dabria,” Vitus’s voice was firm. Too firm. Rhys would be killed now. Dabria’s hands moved again until he was dropped back on Vitus’s palms. He’d die… “Rhys… can you go back to a bigger size? I don’t want us hurting you on the walk back.”
Dabria’s finger tapped his head. He looked at her, finding a warm smile. “Because you’re our son, of course we want you safe.”
“Aren’t you mad at me? I was… I’m a monster.” Fingers curled up around him and he was forced to stare into green eyes.
“No, you aren’t. You’re a child with some special skills. That’s all.”
Rhys’s lip started to quiver. He wouldn’t cry. They had to be lying. The nice room they gave him. The smiles and laughs. The fun adventures. All if it had to be a lie. He wasn’t what they wanted and now they’d make him go away. Just like everyone else. They’d find out the times he broke things were him being big. The times they couldn’t find him were when he was small.
“Liar!” he shouted. The tears fell. He couldn't hold it back anymore. Everyone who found out about him hated him. This couldn’t be the truth. They would hate him and yell at him and send him off again. The anger he was able to build up let him get a bit bigger. Big enough he was taller than the fingers around him.
“Rhys, why would he lie to you? We haven’t done anything to hurt you, have we?” Dabria asked. Her hand came close and, as much as he didn’t mean to, flinched away from her. He got smaller again too. “Oh, sweetheart…”
“Rhys, has someone hurt you because you can do these things?” The fingers curled up, he got smaller again. He was back to smaller than when Vitus picked him up. They’d hurt him soon. The niceness wouldn’t last as they realized what he could do. Despite that, despite his past, he  wanted to trust them. They were so nice before so… so maybe it wouldn’t change.
“The one before you… they said I’m a monster, because I am a mon-” Two massive fingers covered his face. He’d grown again without noticing it. Enough that they only met half his face, his eyes were left clear. Clear enough for two sets of eyes, both burning with anger, to stare into his own.
“Don’t finish that sentence Rhys.” Tears dripped from the ruby eyes. “You aren’t a monster just because you can do something special. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
“We will talk more at home. Once you’ve gotten cleaned up and we’ve taken care of our son’s ankle.” Steely green eyes. “Are you comfortable at this size?” Rhys nodded. “Alright, then let’s head home.”
The hand he was on moved down to Vitus’s chest again. He wasn’t small enough for the fingers to cover him anymore, but leaning against the man’s chest felt nice. He’d forgotten about the rain until Dabria held the umbrella over them. At some point the two had moved beneath the branches. That was probably why Vitus called her name. The steps they took reached him on the hand. It was strange. Rhys had felt steps on the ground before, but not when someone let him lean against them like this. It reassured him.
The entire time Dabria kept glancing his way. It felt nice. Like someone wasn’t seeing anything wrong with him. For the first time in his life he kind of liked being small. Held by people who cared about him… People who saw him as their son… Held safely by parents who wanted him.
The steady beat mixed with steps had his own heart calming down. It started not to feel stupid to try and trust them. Maybe this time it would really be ok. Maybe they could be trusted. He could have parents, brothers, and a sister. Maybe Felix would keep helping fix the clothes that ripped when he changed sizes at the wrong time. Maybe Ryder would keep playing games and they could use his size for them too. Maybe Delphia would actually accept what he was and let him be a big brother in the only way he could.
“Hey Vitus!” someone called just as they left the woods. Rhys tensed, he didn’t want anyone to know about him. About what he could do. Would the people he wanted to trust show him off? Someone else tried to do that once too…
The nerves died when Vitus moved. Turning to face Dabria who had her own palm near her heart. Rhys was nudged off one hand onto the other without a word. He scrambled to face Vitus, curious about the look he shared with Dabria. Then the green eyes were at his level. Warmth was in them.
“I’ll be right back,” Vitus mumbled. 
Before Rhys could think the man’s face came closer and he got a kiss on the top of his head. Vitus had done that to Felix, Ryder, and Delphia a lot. Something Rhys wondered about for a while, but he thought wasn’t for him. He wasn’t important enough to have that bond. Another hand came up to hold him against Dabria as Vitus walked away.
“You know, he’s been wanting to do that,” she whispered. Her voice didn’t vibrate like Vitus's; it was something softer, cooler. “He was worried you weren’t happy with us. You always seemed so nervous. Like you didn’t feel comfortable in your own skin. Maybe he was right. I should probably listen to him more.”
Dabria laughed as they waited for Vitus. They were worried about him. Chased after him when he ran in fear. Kept asking if they were hurting him. It was nothing like he expected. He was positive that if this family learned about him they’d never accept him. They were proving him wrong. 
Vitus was walking back already. Rhys couldn’t tell how much time had passed. Exhaustion hit him, too many size changes too quickly. When Vitus got back he took the umbrella. A soft smile sent down at him as they kept walking. He was so tired.
“...can I…” he started. The idea was stupid. He couldn’t ask them that. They would change how they were treating him.
“What is it? You can ask us anything,” Dabria’s words were so kind. Too kind to doubt.
“Can I call you mom and dad?”
Vitus stopped walking and Dabria followed. Rhys was nervous as the tall man crouched a bit to look at him. A hand came close. He snapped his eyes shut, but a single finger rubbed his head instead.
“Of course you can,” Vitus mumbled. Rhys reached up to grab the finger and hug it to his chest.
“...I’m really tired, can I…” Rhys took a deep breath, “Can I sleep with you tonight? I don’t think I can get big again… I get scared on a bed alone when I’m small.”
Vitus stood back up. Rhys watched his parents, his first parents who liked what he did, share a look. Then smile down at him. It was followed by the two massive heads nodding. He knew tears fell again as soon as their expressions changed. He knew he didn’t need to cry, but this wasn’t how he ever expected this to go. They don’t mind, they still care, and they want him around.
“Thank you,” Rhys mumbled, turning to bury his face in  his mother’s shirt. For the first time in his life he fell asleep around other people without fear he’d wake up the wrong size. His parents didn’t seem to think he had one.
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acewritesfics · 4 months
Her Vampire | Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Hunter!Reader 
Request: From narcolepticpeaches.
Warnings: mentions vampire stuff and murder.
Word Count: 847
Stranger Things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
A rustling noise is heard behind Y/N, followed by the sound of steel hitting steel, startling her. In the disgustingly scorching summer heat, a refreshing gust of wind blows by her, causing goosebumps to cover her skin.  
She turns around to head back inside but is once more startled to see someone standing there under the lamp that hung over the back door. When she realizes who is standing there, her startled expression changes to a scowl.  
“What the hell, Munson? Why do you insist on scaring the crap out of me every time?”  
“It’s fun,” her stare intensifies as he shrugs his shoulders with a cheeky smile on his lips. “Relax, you know I won’t let you get hurt.” The way he says it and looks at her makes her blush and turn away from him. “Don’t go shy on me, sweetheart.” 
“I’m not shy,” she says, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red as she rolls her eyes at his taunting. “How come you’re here? Isn’t tonight your "busy” night?“  
He gives her a charming, innocent smile while looking at her with his deep brown eyes that are doe-like. This is the same expression that convinced her that there is still a part of him that is human. "I got done early and I wanted to come see my favorite girl.”  
“I’m your only girl,” she points out, making the vampire chuckle knowing she’s right. His already small friendship circle shrank even further after he was turned. 
Before she went looking for him one night a year ago, Eddie and Y/N were never friends. She found herself ignoring her many years of training and principles because she was unable to pierce his heart, and he could never bring himself to hurt her in any way. Instead, the two forged a partnership that resulted in a friendship neither of them anticipated and an unbreakable bond. She had defied her hunter family by choosing Eddie over them. It was now them vs. the rest of the world.  
She blushes once more as he says, “That may be true, but even if I did have other girls in my undead life, you’d still be my favorite.”  
She tries to ignore the heat in her cheeks and the butterflies in her stomach as she faces him again as she tries to compose herself, “Enough with the flattery, Munson. Is there any reason why you’re here other than to annoy me?” 
“You are aware of the recent deaths that have occurred in the past two weeks,” he inquires.   
Y/N nods as she contemplates the four murder victims, who had their bodies mutilated and blood drained. She believes it’s a vampire, but all of her leads have come up empty. She failed to find any evidence of the vampire. “You’re sure it’s a vampire?”  
“Unless you want to believe the newest rumor going around town,” he scoffs. 
Everyone has been talking about Eddie being back in Hawkins, going on another killing rampage in the small town since the first body was discovered. Even though the way the bodies were discovered was different to Vecna’s victims, the victims weren’t high school kids and they were all a certain type - female, between the ages of 25-35, married, 2 kids, petite, black hair, green eyes and pale skin.  
She was aware that neither the original murders nor the most recent killings were committed by Eddie. He had explained to her how he was turned, including everything that went down with Vecna.  Never once did she doubt his innocence. She likes to think she knows him well enough to know he wouldn’t kill somebody unless absolutely necessary. 
“You know I don’t listen to local gossip,” she responds. “Have you discovered anything about this vampire? I’ve tried to find him but I’ve come up empty.”  
“I know where he’s staying,” he informs her.  
“And you haven’t dealt with him yet?” she says a little surprised. It was common for Eddie to deal with murder spree serial killer vampires that tortured their victims on his own.  
“I figured you would like to take this one,” he replies.  
“Then what are we waiting for?” she asks as she walks past him to return to her trailer.  
“Hold on,” he murmured, grasping her hand, his icy cold skin sending chills down her spine, but not in a bad way. He must have heard her heart skip a beat because of the way his eyes dart from her face to her chest. Her cheeks are red again.  
“We-we should go,” she stutters. Her breath catches as he  glides his hand up her arm, delicately stroking her flesh. She can feel and hear the pounding of her heart, which is beating a million miles per minute. She glances away from him in an attempt to regulate her breathing and heartbeat. 
“He’s not going away; I’ve immobilized him for a few hours,” he lets her know. “We’ve got time.”  
“It’s time for what?” She asks, perplexed. He smiles as he lowers his head and kisses her for the first time. 
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rispwr · 1 month
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still with you - JK - SPECIAL -
pairings : ex!jk x ex!reader, barista/producer!yoongi x reader
genre : fluff, angst
context : after finally leaving all of those memories behind and make new ones, your current partner yoongi still holds a grunge against your ex for everything he put you through. "if karma won't hit him, i will."
will jungkook get what he finally deserves?
context : jungkook here is a famous singer for a company and he and oc got together during a gig. y/n a fan who ofcourse fangirled over him didn't know the beast she was gonna unveil once they get together.
warnings/contents : yelling, ruining a family, cheating, exposing
songs : house of balloons, swim, into it, goodluck, babe, so high, bloodline
oc's pov
I stand in front of Yoongi, who’s grinning from ear to ear. We’ve done this a few times now. our little morning routine where he pretends to be my favorite barista, and I’m his loyal customer. It’s a silly game, but it’s ours, and it never fails to make me smile.
“Good morning, Miss,” Yoongi says in an exaggeratedly formal tone, holding out an imaginary menu. “What can I get for my favorite customer today?”
I tap my chin, pretending to consider my options. “Hmm, I think I’ll have my usual, please. You know, the latte that always makes my day better.”
“Coming right up,” he replies, and I watch as he goes through the motions of making my drink. He moves with the same precision he does when he’s really making coffee, and it’s adorable how seriously he takes our little game.
As he “froths” the milk, I can’t help but giggle.
 It’s moments like these that remind me just how far I’ve come. The darkness that once clouded my life feels like a distant memory now.
 I’m not the same person I was when I was with Jungkook.
 I’m stronger,
and surrounded by people who genuinely care about me.
Namjoon, who’s always ready with sound advice and a comforting word, and Taehyung, who can make me laugh with just a look.
 My new friends have been a part of my healing, each in their own way, but it’s Yoongi who’s been my anchor through it all.
“Your latte, Miss,” Yoongi says, breaking me out of my thoughts as he places my cup in front of me with a flourish. “Made with extra care, just the way you like it.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” I say, taking my cup from him with a wink. “You always know how to make it perfect.”
“And how will you be paying today?” He leans in, his voice low and playful, his eyes sparkling.
I smile, stepping closer to him,  “I think I’ll pay with kisses,” I say softly, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“That’s my favorite kind of payment,” he murmurs, closing the distance between us. His lips brush against mine, gentle at first, but growing more insistent as I pull him closer.
 The warmth of his embrace, the taste of his lips, it’s everything I’ve come to love.
We break apart just long enough for me to catch my breath, and when I look into his eyes, I see the love and patience that have helped me heal.
 Yoongi doesn’t push me to move faster than I’m ready for, doesn’t expect me to be anyone other than who I am now.
“Thank you,” I whisper, resting my forehead against his. “For everything.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replies, his voice tender. “I’m just glad I can be here with you.”
As we stand there in the kitchen, the world outside seems to fade away. I’m not defined by my past anymore, by the hurt that Jungkook caused.
yoongi's pov
The more I learn about Jungkook, the more my anger grew.
 I’ve tried to push it down, to focus on Y/N and the happiness we’ve found together, but the thought of
 what he did to her, 
what he stole from her.
 fuels a rage I can’t ignore. Every time I see her flinch at a memory, it’s a reminder that he’s still out there, living his life without consequences.
I can’t let it go. The injustice of it gnaws at me, and I know that if karma isn’t going to catch up with him, I will.
I started digging, quietly and methodically, using every connection I have. It wasn’t hard to find dirt on Jungkook. 
men like him always leave a trail of ruin behind them. But I needed something that would hit him where it hurts. I needed to destroy him without laying a finger on him.
Then, I found it.
The irony is almost poetic.
 While Jungkook was betraying Y/N, his so called perfect wife was betraying him.
 I found out that his daughter isn’t even his.
 His wife had an affair around the same time Jungkook was cheating on Y/N, and she got pregnant by another man. 
But the guy didn’t want anything to do with the baby, so she passed the child off as Jungkook’s. And he, none the wiser, has been raising someone else’s kid.
When I first uncovered the truth, I couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer audacity of it. Karma had finally come for Jungkook, but it was up to me to make sure it delivered its full punishment.
I’ve thought about confronting him, about rubbing this truth in his face and watching his world crumble.
 But as much as I want to see him suffer, I’m no fool.
 I need to be careful, deliberate. Jungkook’s power comes from his ability to manipulate and control the narrative.
 If I don’t play this right, it could all blow up in my face, and Y/N could get involved again.
And there’s the other issue. 
I can’t prove what he did to Y/N.
 The night he forced himself on her, he was drunk, and any evidence is long gone.
 Without proof, I can’t put him behind bars where he belongs. It’s infuriating, knowing that justice is just out of reach.
But this? This truth about his daughter? 
It’s my weapon, 
and I’ll wield it carefully. I’ve been biding my time, waiting for the right moment to drop this bomb on him. When I do, it’ll tear his life apart, 
just like he tore Y/N’s apart.
 It won’t be enough to fix what’s been broken, but it’s a start.
As I sit here in my studio, staring at the evidence I’ve gathered, i think of y/n who’s been through so much because of that bastard. She doesn’t know what I’ve uncovered, and part of me doesn’t want her to. This isn’t about revenge for her
it’s about making sure Jungkook pays for what he’s done.
 The evidence I’ve gathered sits in a plain, unmarked envelope on the passenger seat beside me.
 Inside are the DNA test results,
the affair details,
and everything Jungkook needs to know about the lie he’s been living.
 It’s all there,
 ready to shatter his world the way he shattered y/n’s.
I stop a few houses down from Jungkook’s place, not wanting to risk being seen. 
It’s late, and the neighborhood is asleep, save for the occasional passing car.
 I grab the envelope, take a deep breath, and step out of the car. Every step I take toward his house feels heavier, but the anger that’s driven me this far keeps me moving forward.
When I reach his front door, I slip the envelope into the mailbox, ensuring it’s secure. 
There’s no note,
 no explanation.
Just the cold, hard truth waiting to tear his life apart.
 I linger for a moment, staring at the door, imagining the chaos that’s about to unfold inside.
And then I turn and walk away, As I drive off, I can’t help but feel a satisfaction inside me. 
jungkook's pov
It’s early morning when I stumble down the stairs, still groggy from sleep.
 The house is quiet. 
too quiet. My wife and daughter are still asleep, so I figure I’ll get the mail, maybe make some coffee. Just a regular morning.
When I open the mailbox, there’s only one envelope inside
No return address,
 no markings
just my name scrawled across the front.
 My brows furrow as I pull it out, a strange sense of unease settling in my stomach. I rip it open, curiosity quickly turning to dread as I unfold the papers inside.
The first thing I see is a DNA test result.
 My heart skips a beat, then starts pounding in my chest as I scan the document.
 “Probability of paternity: 0%.” The words slam into me like a freight train.
 I flip through the rest of the pages, and it only gets worse. There are photos, text messages, everything detailing my wife’s affair.
 The dates line up with when she got pregnant. the same time I was betraying Y/N.
I feel the ground slip out from under me as the reality sets in.
 My daughter.
the little girl I’ve been raising, loving, thinking was mine
isn’t mine.
 My wife... she lied to me,
 just like I lied to Y/N.
“Fuck!” I yell, throwing the envelope across the room. The papers scatter like leaves in the wind, taunting me with their brutal truth.
“love?” My wife’s voice comes from the top of the stairs. She’s rubbing her eyes, still half-asleep. “What’s going on?”
I snap. “What’s going on?” I grab one of the scattered papers and thrust it toward her.
 “You tell me, because according to this, I’m not our daughter’s father!”
Her face becomes pale as she looks at the document in my hand. “Jungkook, I—”
“You what?” I cut her off, my voice trembling with rage.
 “You were screwing around behind my back? While I was with Y/N, you were with someone else? And you lied to me, made me think that kid was mine?!”
She starts to cry, but her tears only fuel my anger. “I didn’t know what to do! I was scared, Jungkook. He didn’t want anything to do with her, and I thought... I thought you wouldn’t find out. We were both messed up back then!”
“Messed up? You destroyed me!” I roar, my voice echoing through the house.
 “You made me think I was her father, and now-” My voice cracks, and I feel the weight of everything crashing down on me.
 The guilt of what I did to Y/N,
 the lies I’ve been living, 
the betrayal.
 it’s too much.
“I’m sorry,” she sobs, but it’s hollow, meaningless.
I collapse onto the floor, burying my face in my hands.
 The tears come, hot and uncontrollable.
 I’ve lost everything.
 I thought I could start over, build a new life, but it was all a lie. The truth is out now, and there’s no going back.
My wife tries to comfort me, but I push her away. “Don’t touch me,” I mutter, my voice thick with despair.
 “Just... leave me alone.”
She hesitates, but eventually, she retreats upstairs, leaving me alone in the wreckage of my life. The papers lie scattered around me, and I can’t bring myself to look at them. All I can think about is Y/N, the woman I betrayed, the one I can never make things right with.
And now, I’m the one left broken, crying on the floor, realizing too late that I’ve destroyed everything that ever mattered.
back to oc's pov
We’ve been watching movies for hours, but my eyes are growing heavy.
The exhaustion of everything that’s happened over the past year is finally catching up to me.
 Yoongi’s hand gently strokes my hair, the soothing motion luring me into sleep.
“Yoongi,” I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper.
 I’m not even sure what I want to say, just that I want to hear his voice, feel his reassurance.
“I’m here,” he replies softly, his voice a gentle rumble in his chest. 
He tilts his head slightly to look at me, a small smile playing on his lips. “Are you sleepy?”
“Mhm,” I nod, nestling closer to him. The scent of his cologne, the warmth of his skin. it all makes me feel safe, like nothing in the world can touch me here.
He continues to stroke my hair, his touch so tender it makes my heart ache. “Go to sleep, Y/N,” he whispers. “I’ve got you.”
As I drift further into the comforting haze of sleep, a thought lingers in the back of my mind.
The pain he caused, the scars he left behind. But here, in Yoongi’s arms, that pain feels distant, like a bad dream I’m finally waking up from.
“I promise you, Y/N,” he says, his words filled with an assurance “I’ll make sure Jungkook gets what he deserves. For everything he did to you... he won’t get away with it.”
I let myself drift off.
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
The saddest meal Steve ever ate was after his ma’s death in 1936. He returned home from the hospital to their empty apartment, body heavy and brain oddly quiet as he stared at the place she used to stand by the stove, eyes twinkling as she let Steve ramble on about his schooldays, knees on the chair and hands flying expressively, because she was really one of the only ones he felt like he could be loud around. It hurts now, looking at the stove. The place where she used to make meals that could warm his heart and soothe his soul even after the worst days. The place where she’d guide his hands over the sticky dough of soda bread before letting him put it in the oven. The place where she’d taught him a million life lessons and where she’d been unwaveringly present as he tried to find himself in an unforgiving world.
He finds himself moving towards the stove now, poking through the barren ice box and pantries until he found the means to make a simple cabbage stew. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he’d watched her enough times to figure it out on his own. 
Somehow still, the soup turned out watery and tasteless. Mushy and awful as he spooned it into his mouth and how could he think he could recreate it like she did? How could he think he could foster any sort of home without her here. 
Pushing his bowl away, the weight of the last few days-- hell the last few months-- seems to hit him. His ma is gone. She’s dead. She’s never going to come back.
He’s alone. He’s wholly, irrevocably alone. 
Putting his head on his arms, he lets himself weep. Lets himself feel the heavy weight of the family he no longer has. He weeps until he’s heaving, sobs pouring out of him one after the other. The kind that makes his ribs ache and lungs wheeze, but fuck, it feels good. The pain feels good. Whole and tangible and more real than he’s felt since the moment his ma took her last breath and--
A knock at the door makes him jump. He stops crying for a moment, holding his breath as he listens without raising his head from his arms.  
“Stevie?” Fuck. It’s Bucky. Of fucking course it’s Bucky. “It’s me, pal, can ya let me in?” 
Lifting his head, Steve looks at the door, ears ringing as blood seems to roar in his ears. There’s a muttered curse from the other side of the door, then some rustling and the sound of a brick being moved out of the way. Shit, the extra key. A moment later, the lock is turning and Bucky is easing open the door, poking his head in. They make eye contact and Steve tries not to think about how awful he must look, puffy faced and red-eyed and utterly fucking torn open. The soup in front of him is cold and pungent now. He looks away, ears burning in shame. 
Bucky comes in all the way, closing the door behind him. He doesn’t say anything about the soup or the tears, just smiles, lopsided and sad. 
“My ma made casserole,” he says, holding up a dish. “We thought I should bring you some.” Steve stares at the glass top of the dish, clouded in steam. It smells fantastic; Winnie never failed to make absolutely delicious casseroles. “You up for some? If not, I can put it in the icebox. Reheats real nice in the oven.”
Steve doesn’t think he can muster words, so he just shrugs. He doesn’t know what he’s up for right now. What he wants. What he needs. Bucky takes this in stride, though, like he does everything. Easy. Without judgement. 
“No worries,” he says. “Why don’t I leave it on the counter for a bit, and if you’re not in the mood, we can put it in the ice box later?” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he places the dish down on the counter. Instead, he moves to start putting the soup in a storage container, not throwing it away despite it’s clear lack of edibility, because he knows Steve. Knows him bone deep. Knows the soup isn’t even really about the soup, but something so much more. 
Without needing to ask, he doesn’t take the bowl of soup away from Steve. Not yet. As much as it feels like he’s lost his whole family, he hasn’t. He’s always known family is deeper than blood, but as he watches Bucky rummage through his pantries and start sorting things out without Steve needing to ask, he realizes he isn’t alone. Not really. 
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sierrawr · 1 year
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Summary: Your secretary, Soobin, failed for the first time in his task that you assigned to him. It sparks your rage, and he is shocked to learn that you knew his past history and relation with the infamous Korean-Italian mafia, Vincenzo Cassano.
Pairing: Attorney! Reader X Undercover Police! Jay Cameo: Secretary! Soobin Genre: Thriller, mystery, slow-burn, Kdrama spin-off Triggered Warning!: None Word Count: 1196 Words Inspired by: Kdrama "Why Her?" and "Siren" by Taeyeon Song Recommendations: "Adrenaline" by Aalia (Vincenzo OST)
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You stared at the file that Soobin just handed to you a few moments ago before you let out a heavy sigh. You can’t deny the fact that Soobin, who is standing straight in front of your office desk, has always shown a great effort and excellent job when it comes to tracking and getting information of someone regardless of their social status and private life. However, you also can’t believe that for the first time in the history of 3 years since he has been working for you, he failed to complete the task that you gave him.
“I’m sorry, Serena 님. Please do punish me as your heart wishes. I have failed you this time after all.”
Soobin bowed to you as he admitted his failure to carry the task of searching the 2019 hit and run victim’s background.
“That’s bullshit Soobin. You have never failed a task and a mission from me or my father before. Are you sure you are still on our side? It’s been 10 years since you knew my family and you have worked for me for 3 years already. I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned out to be a backstabber. You better come clean right here and right now before I found something else that you might hide from me,”
You can't understand why it is so hard to obtain the information of the victim since her social status is not that impressive. This is because you have a vivid memory about what she wore on that night of the accident, which is a convenience store uniform. Based on your theory, considering the fact that she was 16 years old, you assumed that she was most likely a part-time worker of the convenience store where came from before the accident happened, according to your knowledge.
Soobin remains calm and stands very still as ever, but his sharp eyes can't hide the hurt that penetrates deep inside of him to the core. You noticed that very well, but you won’t take any risk of him being a betrayer to you and your family. There is nothing that you can do but to accuse and threaten him just a few seconds ago. And as if it’s not enough, you even questioned his status of loyalty towards you and your father.
“I know my place and understand your point of view regarding this matter, and you are disappointed that I failed to perform well in that task. Therefore, I am prepared to take your blame and did not hesitate to receive any punishment from you. However, when you are doubtful of my unconditional loyalty and undying support towards you, Chairman Yang, and the Young Group, I must say that I am deeply hurt and upset by your accusations and careless remarks.”
As if water is being splashed in your face, the realization of you going overboard with your accusations instantly came afterwards. It makes you look away from his eyes and cup your face out of embarrassment, and you are ashamed of yourself for being irrational and making an immature way of thinking just now.
“I’m sorry, Soobin, I- I don’t know what’s going on inside my mind, and I don't feel like myself at all ever since the news of the case reopening broke out.”
Your eyes almost teared up again, just like the moment when you saw the news had been covered everywhere and anywhere in the whole South Korea. With a stoic expression, you mustered up a little bit of courage to look at his eyes after what just happened.
“Also, I know I have said this before, but if there’s anyone that can downgrade you, that person can only be me. Not even my father can do that to you. Don’t you dare forget that even without the Choi’s connection with the Yang family, you too have so much power just like us, Consigliere Soobin.”
You smirk, seeing that his pupils dilated. Of course, it is surprising to Soobin that you knew about him being a consigliere of a Korean-Italian family, the Cassano especially their sole heir, Vincenzo Cassano who used to be his former boss, before he works for you and your family at the moment. You were trying to think of ways that can make your father, Chairman Yang, change his mind about assigning Soobin to work under you.
However, you found a shocking discovery about that fact of him. Thus, you stopped bothering your father about Soobin’s recruitment and agreed to take him as your secretary and right-hand man. That’s also why the Choi was desperate for the help from your family in order to conceals Soobin’s relation with the well-known mafia family considering the fact that your family has such influence and power over laws in the South Korea especially in the city of Seoul and Jeolla Province with 2 of its cities, Gwangju and Mokpo.
That’s why the Choi family and the Yang family go way back, be it in the matter of good days or bad days. Even so, the Choi did not state about that part of Soobin to any of your family members, including your father. That means only you know the secret that Soobin has been keeping all this time, and he had no idea that you knew about that until now.
“I do not just agree to have someone working for me for no reason, I must know every single damn thing about them first thing first. If you are that ordinary, you wouldn’t be here or survive from the first day you started working for me.”
Soobin nods his head, and you sense that he is acting a bit stiff and tense after you mentioned that you knew his secret. He is looking everywhere but you and let out an awkward cough to probably cover up the nerve-wrecking atmosphere to him at the very least.
“So my punishment is my secret being exposed to Chairman Yang isn’t it?”
He asked, finally looking at your face. You chuckled and twirled your office chair that you are seated on currently.
“No, why would I do that when it’s fun to mess around with you sometimes? I assure you that no one of my family members will ever know about this, I’ll give you my promise on that one. As for your punishment.. I will delay it first and let you know about that when I have decided what to do with you.”
You said as you picked up your YSL handbag. Soobin immediately fixes his blazer as part of his habit every time he sees you getting up from your office seat.
“Are you going somewhere? You don’t have any appointment for today, though.”
Your expression is unreadable to Soobin, and he feels uneasy knowing how you can act really impulsive and unpredictable sometimes.
“I’m meeting someone. I might have dinner as well. You don’t have to follow me because I will drive myself. Just make sure to try anything to get the victim’s background information. You must succeed no matter what. Use everything and anything that you have. Including your connection with Cassano.”
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Notes: Starting from chapter 3 onwards, it would be a background story for each character starting from Soobin. Each story contains a hidden hint or a clue to the incident. Try to find the clues from each background.
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© 2023; sierrawr on Tumblr.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
I found your blog last year and I have been reflecting a lot on your posts, when it comes to my own memories.
it was last year that triggered me to remember some things that I'd disassociated completely on purpose. and even accepting those led to a landslide of remembering many more other incidents. I live with my parents and I can usually convince myself that we are fine as a family.
but I'm not able to do that anymore. I keep thinking and remembering and questioning all of their behavior. but they don't really do that anymore. my mother still yells at me occasionally but my brother doesn't hit me and my father doesn't yell at me or taunt me like he did when I was a kid. my brain often tells me that I shouldn't get so sensitive over the past but what im feeling is simply horrible and doesn't go away. does it still count? even if we have a better relationship now?
It counts, yeah. These are all things that happened, and they have affected you permanently. You'll never be able to have a family that didn't hurt you in the past, in fact, they still do hurt you, just to a lesser extent. You're having to actively dissociate from certain memories just to be able to still live with these people. You learn from the past, the experiences they've put you thru have taught you that they're not safe, that you can't relax, that you have to always be careful and monitor what they do to you, that you always have to be ready to absorb more abuse.
Usually families stop the worst types of abuse when the child is a bit older and capable of telling, capable of reporting it, recognizing it, memorizing it, and holding them accountable. It's not because these people 'changed' or 'want a better relationship', they realize now that some acts of abuse would have consequences for them, so they only do the ones they can get away with – that being yelling and more subtle type of abuse that you can't so easily recognize and prove.
That feeling you have is correct, these people did hurt you, and are expecting you to just be okay with it and forget it, and the pressure is so big, that you're here wondering if even thinking about it makes you 'too sensitive', even though it was so bad you actively had to suppress memories of it in order to keep living with those people.
It's fairly common to have this type of situation, where day-to-day, you can convince yourself it's all normal, but inside you're festering with painful and traumatic memories, and these go neglected, unacknowledged, and you're supposed to be okay with the fact that nobody cares about what they put you thru, they only want you to shut up about it and act like it didn't happen. They're supposed to care what your experience of childhood was. They're supposed to provide you with love, safety, connection, care and happiness. Not only they failed, but they put you in a state where you have to watch your own reactions and your own feelings, not to show how badly they traumatized you, and you're forced to blame yourself and find things on yourself that you can blame (likely it's them who suggested you were 'too sensitive' in the first place.
I'm so sorry anon, I know this must be hard. It's ultimately up to you how far you want to think on this, and if you want or can do anything about it. It's okay to just forget it until you're ready to deal with it, we often need to do this in order to function. Maybe you didn't want an answer that would make things more chaotic and painful for you right now, and if that's the case, please disregard it. Only know that you are not too sensitive, that your experience matters, and that feeling the way you do is normal considering the situation. Your feelings are important too, and you're right to say them and to want to talk about it. I can't promise that the horrible feeling will go away, but one day you will be able to figure out why it's there, and how to deal with it.
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