#fought for my life on coloring tho. <3
lunetual · 2 years
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
hii, luvvv
could you write an imagine or a headcanon about percy jackson x tall!fem!reader
Percy Jackson Hc
a/n: hii! I included both, I hope you like it:) englisch isn't my native language so pls respect that<33
warnings: none, I'm pretty sure (let me know if I missed any!)
word count: 0.7k
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you meet each other in his third year of camp
you went to the same military school that Bianca and Nico went to and are good friends with them
Percy and co. rescue you and the di angelo siblings from the monster and bring you to camp
the hunters also offer you to join them, like they also offered Bianca, but you say no
at camp percy shows you around and you discover that the girl that fell from the cliff was his best friend, and was named annabeth chase
you try to comfort him, but it ends up being a bit awkward since you didn't know her name until five seconds ago
he first hates it that you are taller than him because he is just an awkward teenage boy that things that something like height says something about someones character
when you first find out that he doesn't enjoy you being taller than him you start to tease him about it
he hates it
he starts to love it tho when you get to know each other better
when the camp nearly wins in capture the flag against the hunters because of you, they are impressed by it since you had no paper training and still and such a big impact in their almost-win
they ask you again to join them, but when you again say no they offer you to join them on the hunters quest to help artemis
when percy joins the quest uninvited you are first kinda angry because they clearly said that he wasn't allowed to join you guys, but are later thankful for his once unwelcome join since he saved your life from another monster and stuff
you two get closer on the quest until you become really good friends
you would help him hold the sky and have matching hair strands with him
he comforts you when Bianca dies since you were really good friends with her
you get together between the fourth and the fifth book
you pick him up after school to go watch a new movie in the cinema
that doesn't work out how it was planned because you two got kicked out from the movie theater because you were talking too much
after you two got kicked out you walk to his home and bake some blue cookies after his mom's recipe
it ends with a flour fight and both of you are covered in flour from head to toe
while cleaning the mess he randomly starts rambling about how much of a speacial and good friend you are of his and that he never wants to loose you
it's pretty obvious what he is trying to say
you try to also say something but he doesn't let you
"but what I'm really trying to say is that I couldn't live with-"
"no, let me finish. So I-"
to shut him up you bend down to kiss him
that's how you got together<33
his mom is pretty pissed when she comes home, seeing the whole kitchen covered in flour but her anger quickly vanishes when she finds you two sleeping on the couch while the credits to Nemo play
but anyway
he gets super exited when you res your head on his shoulder
he tries to hide is blush, which is kinda hard considering that his whole face is red like a tomato
you always have to bend down to kiss him<3
he is such a golden retriever boyfriend
he loves pda and cuddling
annabeth would simply try the new tactic for capture the flag to you, but percy just cuddles you and claims that it is his "boyfriend duty" to cuddle you all the time
he'd love to be the little spoon
you two would always dye your matching hair strand, from where you fought atlas and hold the sky, in another color every month
he'd always beg to dye it blue
you do literally everything together, be it sparring or watching your siblings
he'd definitely love pottery, so you sometimes would sneak out at night and drive to the city do visit a night course of pottery (idk if that exists, but let us just pretend that it does for the story)
making soup or cereal bowls for each other<33
always baking blue pancakes together for every minor event (birthdays, holidays etc. )
sometimes you'd tease him while doing it and hide the blue food color from him
he only gets it back in reward for kisses
he says he hates it but he secretly loves it
don't tell that anyone tho
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yumenotambourin · 2 months
do all 3 mouses for the character ask or im shaving elfilis 🪒🪒🪒
🩷First impression🩵
Very cute! I thought he was quite bland before release already, but I was like 100% sure that it was because the twist was gonna be that he was mass produced.
And then after finishing the game I had a little phase in which I hated him because he was super fucking plot important, yet he didn't do anything and this made me angry, lol
As soon as my eyes landed on it, I thought it was Elfilin after some horrific experimentations. But then they showed the actual Elfilin lmao. I thought it was really cute and I didn't want to fight it, thank god it transformed before we fought it. Then I was just awestruck.
Also my mom randomly asked me what it was and I didn't know what to say so I just said something like "a mental parasite species"
The first thought that crossed my mind after seeing them was "oh god they have my exact favorite color scheme I'm gonna be obsessed with them, aren't I?". Breathtakingly beautiful, of an angelicity(?) never seen before from Kirby. Throughout April 2022, I occasionally woke up in the morning wondering wether they were just a dream. The fact that something like them existed in the Kirby universe was astonishing to me.
🩷Impression now🩵
I still think he's severely underdeveloped, but I'm more cool with that now. He's cute and silly and fun, he's a nice contrast to Forgo, and generally an adorable sidekick. Tho I wish there was more of him.
Baby. It's very cute, strikes pretty well the balance between creepy and goober, and the superior gemini in my opinion. I like putting it in situations :3
A MOUS!!! As magnificent as the first time I saw them. Except they're now my muse, my guardian angel. My view of them has kinda shifted from "stereotypical perfect lifeform" to "the embodiment of life itself", which kinda recontextualizes them, especially given how hard each mous fought to stay alive, and I find that very inspirational.
I love Elfilis.
🩷Favorite moment🩵
They don't have that many moments so uuuuh
Finding the Light! Perfect way to end the mouces' arc, and goes to show how much of a sweetheart he is.
The iconic "everything shall be consumed" is iconic
The only thing that they do, their boss fight 😭 it's stunning and I find myself replaying it more often than normal
🩷Idea for a story🩵
Definitely a plotline where they tackle that he can learn something from Elfilis and/or Forgo as well. I don't like how y'all treat him like he's perfect.
I'd like to see it getting used to living a normal happy life :3 the baby has suffered enough
ELFILIS PROLOGUE PLEASE!!! About how they attacked earth and stuff and their capture and maybe even Neichel cameo!!!
(I will not let you forget about Neichel)
🩷Unpopular opinion🩵
As I said before, I hate when people make him out to be this little goody-two-shoes without a single flaw who's juts the embodiment of niceness and kindness and will always do the right thing. Like no??? It's not all black and white! Let him be a proper multilayered character! Let him make mistakes and learn from others! Let him learn from his literal other half!!!
Whenever someone says that Forgo is Elfilis an angel loses their wings. Starting from the fact that the game heavily implies if not downright states (I'm on plane I can't check I forgor) that Elfilis = Forgo + Elfilin, why would anyone choose to take two different characters in different situations with likely two different outlooks (ELFILIS WAS SPLIT INTO TWO FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT!!! ELFILIS HAS THE HERO OF THE STORY INSIDE THEM!!!) and reduce them to a single, more limited being? Plus, most people with this headcanon are also the "Elfilis/Forgo is pure evil and an irredeemable monster!!!!" people who also really piss me off. Like yeah okay YOU chose to headcanon the traumatized baby and the insane mous as the same character. YOU are the one taking away all the nuance they could possibly have. Also as I said before THATS A TRAUMATIZED BABY!!!
I strongly dislike the headcanon that Elfilis absorbs other creatures into their dna. I feel like it ruins a lot of the charm they have, at least for me, by making their ethereal presentation be stolen from other creatures rather than it just being who they are. Also, while I am a Good Elfilis defender, I love the idea of them destroying planets for fun. It just goes to cement how otherworldy and above it all this creature is. So yeah, I feel like this headcanon takes away a lot of their appeal for me personally.
I also don't like when people make them always angry and grumpy, like do you realize half of them is Elfilin?
🩷Favorite relationship🩵
This is entirely headcanon-based as the mouces don't really interact with anyone besides Elfilin with Kirby
Elfilis and Elfilin and Elfilis and Forgo. More than the three of them together, I prefer each baby mous with Elfilis on their own.
I'm gonna briefly summarize my hc dynamics for them cause I love mice.
Elfilis and Elfilin - Elfilin
As I said before, Elfilin's feelings on his big sibling are very conflicted. On one hand, he feels safe with them, and looks up to them. On the other hand, he fears them. The fact that they just wipe out planets without second thought disturbs him. Although he'd never admit it to himself because he loves them so much. Elfilis, however, is very much aware of Elfilin's feelings. And as much as they're devastated by the guilt of having hurt their little ones so much, they dismss Elfilin's compassion as naivete due to his young age and time spent with the beasts. They're sure he will outgrow it one day and see his superiority, ans in the meantime they remind him that he's their little one and that they'll always love him.
Elfilis and Forgo - Forgo
Forgo sees itself as nothing but a temporary form of Elfilis, unworthy of being seen as anything but. And it's not taking this whole "coexisting with the actual Elfilis" all that well. If the actual Elfilis exists, what purpose does Forgo have? This sends them down an existential crisis. Elfilis doesn't like that. And they're desperate to help it break free from these beliefs. Also, Forgo always saw Elfilis in a very idolized way, as a ruthless monstrous destroyer. But that's not all there is to Elfilis, they can be a little silly sometimes. And Forgo is SEVERELY disappointed. It often calls them an idiot and then feels bad about it because nobody should be reproaching the almighty Fecto Elfilis. Also it exclusively refers to them as "Great One".
🩷Favorite headcanon🩵
Can I be honest? No fucking clue. Maybe that Elfilis teaches him how to fight?
I'll make it quick so as not to repeat myself, that it sees itself as nothing more than a temporary form of Elfilis.
The idea that they have no motivation is very important to me. Specifically that they do things purely out of enjoyment. That they're just a force beyond our comprehension who sees everything as insignificant and is just trying to have fun.
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 3 months
Whelp since you guys loved the last one so much (53 notes DAYUM) uh, let's do another one :3
Here are some MORE funny and wholesome Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM and DSOD) head canons!
(With the addition of my OCs L1m and Zephyr)
Yugi: Has a strange obsession with oranges. Like he HATES orange juice but loves anything orange flavored. Especially fanta.
Atem (before afterlife): Shared the same obsession with orange flavored things as yugi. They often fought over the last can of orange Fanta in the fridge... They always ended up sharing it tho. (Via switching places in Yugi's body.)
Solomon: Could secretly see Atem stand next to Yugi, even though Atem didn't have a physical body. But... He never said anything because he knew the bond between Yugi and Atem was special. He also bought more Fanta for the two when he found out Atem liked the soda.
Atem (after dsod): Visited Yugi and Solomon regularly. Even though Yugi couldn't see him, Solomon could. For some reason, Solomon has the ability to see the dead? No one knew why. But Atem and the old man reconnected. Eventually Yugi found out, and they all talked again, reconnecting, and Yugi/Atem played Yugi's newest game together.
Téa: She would help Joey, Tristan, and Yugi with algebra homework when the trio skipped classes for go to the arcade.
Téa (dsod): when the boys skipped class for the arcade, so did she. They all had Bakura help them with Algebra homework instead.
Mokuba and Kaiba (dsod): Mokuba had a late diagnosis of Autism and Adhd when he turned 16. When Kaiba found this out, he invested about a good $10,000 into putting a volume/color easing setting on the duel disks so those with autism don't get over stimulated when dueling. He eventually added visual audio settings for the deaf and convinced Pegasus to add braile on the cards so the blind can duel too.
Kaiba (dsod): Cut Mokiba's hair himself. He knew Mokuba would want to keep his hair longer, but also knew that Mokuba needed something slicker for his ever-growing corporate personality.
Bakura and Marik (after DM) : even after the Pharaohs tomb collapsed, Bakura kept in touch with Ishizu and Marik. Eventually, Marik moved to Japan just to see Bakura, and they started living together as roommates (😏).
- (oc) KaibaCorp L1m1nal (after dsod): Was originally created as an experiment for Kaiba to see if he can give ai emotional sentience (this was before dsod arc) but they eventually just became Mokuba and Kaiba's extended family. (After dsod arc) Litterly they lived with the two brothers. They eventually just became a "third sibling".
- (oc) Zephyr (dm): didn't know Yugi and the gang much, but being a pagan and having a connection with the dead, they always saw 2 Yugi's. One taller, one shorter. They thought that it could have been a dead relative of Yugi just watching over him, but then saw Yugi talking to the taller Yugi one day. Zephyr brushed it off as Yugi being pagan too. (But it was actually just Atem).
- (oc) Zephyr and L1m (during dsod arc): Did NOT like each other. Zephyr had a disdain for artificial life, being the pretentious pagan that they are. L1m had a disdain for mysterious and unreadable people. But both found a common ground in confusing everyone with their genders (one is a biological enby, and one is a amab).
Joey (in general): Buys eyeliner for himself and the ones that have a color that he doesn't like, he gives to Serenity (she loves any color).
Yugi and Atem(dm): Found an old photo of Yugi's mother in his closet, though it wasn't in good shape. Later on that day, Yugi found it in a picture frame, good as new, on his bedside table. He knew only Atem could have done this.
Mai (after dsod): started running a cosplay/modeling agency for people who liked the duel monsters card game and cosplay. She even worked with KaibaCorp to develop realistic holograms to add flair to her shows. She found that life wasn't about just getting money, but just about having fun and working hard to help yourself and others. She became an inspiration for millions of young girls who wanted to rule to world.
Lemme know if y'all want more :3
(maybe I'll do side/arc characters next time)
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fin-the-fissssssh · 9 months
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yo hatchetfield oc post time :P (1st pic is a picrew, 2nd and 3rd are my art)
Harper Kimura
Pronouns: she/they
Age: 19
Height: 5’2”
Birthday: February 5th
Gender: Cis Female (gnc as fuck tho lmao)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Parents: Yuto and Ren Kimura
Significant Other: Phoebe Brooks (another hf oc, i’ll make a post abt her one day when i have more lore figured out)
i stg one day i’ll make an updated ref of them with color sobs
fun facts/lore
voice claim is kimiko glenn (bc comedy)
japanese-american 3/4 japanese, 1/4 white)
they have an emotional support doggo (fuckin big ol grey akita ouppy) named mochi :D
harper and phoebe live together! they have an apartment
they’re kinda flatchested but tbh they couldn’t give less of a fuck
they have a lotus flower tattoo in memory of their parents on their shoulder blade (like. back shoulder. idk anatomy lmfao) :((
they do actually have living relatives! harper’s grandparents on her dad’s side are both alive, just out of state, and her grandma on her mom’s side lives in clivesdale (only to stay away from the starry children, she fucking hates clivesdale still), tho her maternal gpa is dead unfortunately :((
one of the few things she kept from childhood was the necklace with the blue crystal pendant from her mom, she was given it the night before her parents died
harp actually has a nice singing voice, but they REFUSE to sing bc of pokey, the most they do is hum or vary rarely sing along to the radio
so harper’s connected to pokey.
think like,,, venom parasite minus the transformation stuff. harper was forced to be a vessel for pokey in a ritual by the starry children, but the ritual never got to finish. harp’s still kinda tethered to pokey and a bit infected. they wanna be a pilot one day and leave hatchetfield with phoebe but *god* it’s hard when there’s an eldritch horror who sometimes pops into their thoughts or dreams to fuck with em.
backstory (subject to change bc i’m indecisive as fuck <3)
Harper used to be a happy kid, until the Starry Children came for her family, both to claim harper to eventually be a temporary vessel for pokey, and because they had a grudge against her parents since they witnessed some of the shit the cult was up to. Harp was hidden away the night her parents died, and suddenly the Starry Children came in pretending to be her rescuers and that they couldn’t save her parents in time. The last thing from home they saw before the door closed were their parents’ bodies :(( and they didn’t even know that their ‘rescuers’ were the fuckers that ruined their life for a ritual until years later. Early on, Harper was forced to act formal and “perfect” in order to suit Pokey, and eventually the ritual happened, but it went pretty badly since Harper was still young and fought back against the literal parasite trying to invade. It left her with a giant, crack-like scar across her chest tho and permanent blue eyes. I’d like to think that early on, Harp doesn’t actually understand Pokey’s the one fucking with her head/the cause of the infection, and instead she thinks he’s some imaginary friend for a bit. The Starry Children completely isolated her from any family she had, including her grandma, who thought she died with her parents. The cult paid for Harp's education and stuff, but they grew up a really lonely and timid kid.
When they finally turned 16, the cult planned to try the ritual again. Overhearing that, she made a plan to escape and before the ritual started, they managed to get out. not without losing an eye to a cult member tho. They made it to the HFPD and with the funds they still had left, Harp did their best to keep living and go to hf high. They were able to finally reunite their grandma, and with her help was able to graduate. (Even tho her gma lives in clivesdale, Harper refused to become a clivesdale chemist. fuck no. They would rather drive all the way to hf high) Post-high school, she developed a more snarky, grumpy persona after the trauma she endured, but in reality, she’s still just scared of ever encountering the cult again. They could get her any time she wanted to in her mind, but in reality the cult gave up after Pokey demanded a different vessel instead. They’re in a relatively better place now, living peacefully with Phoebe, who they treasure above all else, and they’re still really close with their gma :D
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juni-and-brothers · 25 days
I heard something about a kidnapping? How did that play out?
Juni: "Who telling you people about us...? Well, Per here-" *he pulled Wasp to him, grinning* "-fought some humans! And the humans hurt him and made him go to sleep! Per keeps saying 'hes dead', but obviously not! Cause brither is too strong to die! And cause he's right here!" *he shook Wasp*
"And then this Per appeared when the first one wouldn't wake up! So obviously, my brother just transferred his ai to a new body because the other one was too damnaged! But something must have gone wrong during the transfer, yes yes... cause he can't remember anything! And says his name is Wasp! What a stupid name for my brother to choose. Why not Vulture instead? That one is cool.. but Per was with a human! A gross human! So i had to go 'kidnap' him! And now im trying to get his memory back and train him to hunt again!"
Wasp: *he grumbled softly and pulled away from Juni* "...i was created by some old lady looking for some money and a way to pass time. She made me with scrap metal and spray paint to color the metals... i was sold off to some man named Rich, and he was... a slob, to say the least. He got me to clean his cottage in the middle of the woods... I guess that's why he let it get so bad, cause no one would be visiting..."
"But that life sucked! It sucked so much! So i kept running away. A few times when i ran away, i met this red animatronic, one taller than Juni, and he fed me occasionally, even mentioned how we were built the same to me."
"A few years later, i ran away again... and found the animatronic laying in Juni's lap. Obviously dead. I think Juni noticed we are also built the same and somehow made the connection that i must be Per. Rich came and got me, i wasn't planning on going with Juni anywhere, mind you, since he's kinda.... scary."
"But about 3 years after that, when i was cleaning more of a mess in Rich's home, i heard the door open, turned around when expecting to see Rich... and it was Juni, trying to get me to eat... Rich did come home, tho. And he didn't appreciate the strange animatronic in his home and shot at him. So Juni grabbed me and dragged me out of the home, and to this small burrow that had a rock hanging over it. We just laid under there til Rich left."
"So... i was kidnapped... but im kinda happy for it. Cause i been trying to escape me for years. Just wish i could be myself... i want to be able to play, like I've seen human children do! I'd love to be able to be a child, have that freedom to play..."
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viewfromplanetx · 1 year
Samurai film reviews part 3 (spoilers)
Six String Samurai - Loosely based on a novel called The Stand by an obscure writer named Steve King. This movie depicts what could happen when too many retards survive the apocalypse (in whatever form it takes, in this case nukuler). The Dark Man is played by zombie Elvis. Mother A is a hooker with a heart of gold. The main protagonist is a retard with a guitar and a sword who somehow despite his shortcomings manages to kick ass and spill guts with honor. So, they call him a “Samurai” even though he never has to eat millet.
Samurai Trilogy 1 - Historical drama about some forgotten dingus named Musashi something. Washed out colors, no vibrancy, cheap tricks like fog, dark shots. Boring philosophy and commentary on war. MILFs but not really many retards. He did have to eat some millet, so points for that. Couldn’t watch the whole thing. No inclination to watch parts 2 and 3. Probably more of the same.
  The Twightly Samurai - This is your mom’s samurai flick. The main character is a handsome single dad who works as an accountant at the castle. He used to be a samurai but he sold his sword because, you know, guns. He spends his days counting beans—green beans, red beans, soy beans, all the beans. There’s no action, one retard, one hot chick and no ninjas. Boh-ring themes of pointless loyalty, duty, exploitation and oppression yada yada ya. He struggles to stay groomed while raising two daughters until he meets a young divorcee. They live happily ever after for three years, then he is ironically killed by a bullet in a pointless war.*
Sword of Doom - I’ll never get those two hours back. Typical Orson Wells flick about a crazy motherfurker who gets an evil mind and kills everything in sight. I mean everything, old men, ladies, furniture, drapes—holy cow. It’s much easier to watch the anime remake Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword. Not so much killing, but you do get ninja robots, shuriken, a lady sensei, force powers, force ghost,  the usual hot chicks and morons, and of course Scooby-Doo ending, but it comes in the middle of the show. Go figure.
  Ugetsu - “One of the most beautiful films ever made.” they said. Pffft! That’s another hour-and-a-half I’ll want back on my death bed. This movie is so French, I’m surprised there wasn’t more smoking. Waa, waa, life is all sucky illusion.
  Namakura Gatana (The Dull Sword^) - When a man gets to a certain age, he reaches a square figure. That is, his pants size is 34x34 for example, not picking anyone in particular. This means my, err his cross-section cut would be his inseam over Pi. It helps to think of it visually. I know, it’s gross to think about your cross-section visually.
Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined^ - A documentary about the greatest sword fight that ever was. The duel is fought between the champions of two armies. It has everything—cutting, slashing, stabbing, punching, kicking, force pushing, dudes catching fire. It’s a bit long, but worth the payoff in the end to see the evil villain get justice right thru his cross-section.
Romeo + Juliet - This timeless tale of star-cross'd lovers from opposing clans takes place in a modern, but fantastical Verona Beach, CA. The knight/soldiers of each house all have unique sword/guns. They are constantly showing off and looking lovingly on their sword/guns and even name them. Soon, just as you’d expect (duh) sword/gunplay breaks out instigated by thumb biting. But, eventually the lovers hook up and live happily ever after …NOT! Spoiler alert: they all die.
One Cut of the Dead - See what they did there? The producers were too cheap to pay for an editor, so they just kept the camera rolling. They film the actors and crew whether or not they are acting. It gets real confusing, real fast. Lots of good Samurai sh!t tho--blood, guts, severed limbs, gore, puke, creepy locations, drunken retards, hot chicks, etc etc.
*See there’s the difference between irony and satire. Irony is created by the situation. Whereas, you have to work really hard yourself to create satire.
^video on Wikipedia
^video on Youtube
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just-a-messenger · 2 years
Answer them all
Sorry it took so long to answer this anon, but damn you had to go intense with the questions so 🤷
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I have a really good relationship with my mum, and a not horrendous one with my dad haha
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My Daughter
03: Do you regret anything?
Yea a few things, but I try not to dwell on them tbh, just gotta move on an do better next time ya know?
04: Are you insecure?
Hahaha yes
05: What is your relationship status?
Engaged ❤️
06: How do you want to die?
Ideally suddenly with no pre warning or suffering in the twilight years of my life
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
Kinda, I've played a little basketball and football but neither particularly well or often
09: Do you bite your nails?
Yeah all the time
10: When was your last physical fight?
Hmm, probably about 7-8 years ago not 100% sure
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Yea, more times then is reasonable. Insomnias a bitch
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Nah not really
14: Do you miss someone?
Yea, my mum and my 2 best friends haven't seen them all month cos I've been ill as shit and busy as shit
15: Have any pets?
Yeah a wonderful little bastard cat called Dave ❤️
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Oh yea many times
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Maybe, depends when I'm getting to go too
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? Probably my livingroom or bedroom?
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Christmas, that's all ya get this weekend when ya have a 2 year old haha (I do enjoy it tho I must say)
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Not anymore
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
I do not although I'm planning one soonish
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
Chemistry, English and I was not bad at history, now I'm better with computing shit, I'm not awful at coding
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yea a few but not much can be done about it
26: What are you craving right now?
To play Fallout 3
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Unfortunately yes
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Nothing really
31: Does somebody love you?
Yes 😊
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I don't remember many dreams
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? My partner
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? I dunno, I don't think so?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Neither are particularly easy tbh
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
Probably not but I honestly have no idea which one would be
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
Oohh that's a hard one, probably Stuffed crust cheese pizza or Garlic and Mushroom. Pasta with parmesan
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Nah not really, but I believe if you try you can find reason and meaning in most things
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Watched a video on YouTube
54: Is cheating ever okay?
55: Are you mean?
Maybe a tad? I mean I try not to be, but my patience is very thin for some things and people make it really hard to be friendly and kind all the time
56: How many people have you fist fought?
Uhhh I dunno haha, somewhere between 7 and 10
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
Mildly warm and sunny
59: Do you like the snow?
Yea aesthetically but I fuckin hate being out in it
60: Do you wanna get married?
Yea, getting married next year 😁
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Hell yea
62: What makes you happy?
Lotsa things, the world is always beautiful if you look hard enough, but the main things are probably listening to my daughter spout enthusiastic gibberish, listening to my partner play guitar and sing, staying up to the early hours of the morning with my friends after a day/night out
63: Would you change your name?
Nah probably not
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Not at all
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? I mean I'm marrying her so? Does that count?
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My partner
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Probably my partner again
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
I dunno, maybe? I think there's more to a long lasting relationship that being "made for each other"
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Yeah I'd die and/or kill for my daughter, my partner or my cat
0 notes
un-angel · 2 years
70 horrible questions updated
black march 2020, purple november 2022
01 Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
02 Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03 Do you regret anything?
there’s one thing i should regret but i’m not sure i do, but apart from that nothing at all
still not sure i regret that same thing i was talking about but i do regret one relationship i had
04 Are you insecure?
hell yeh baby
05 What is your relationship status?
single but married
06 How do you want to die?
on my own terms
and i stand by that!
07 What did you last eat?
a bagel
half a cheese toastie
08 Played any sports?
netball and horseriding played tennis and swam when i was younger too
i joined netball and football at uni idk tho
09 Do you bite your nails?
still yes
10 When was your last physical fight?
never properly only my brother
my brother literally doesnt count ive never fought anyone
11 Do you like someone?
yes im completely in love with her
12 Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
ummm i don’t think so
not sure probably not why would i
13 Do you hate anyone at the moment?
no and i havent for a while, no point wasting ur energy hating anyone
14 Do you miss someone?
15 Have any pets?
2 cats jasmine and tiger (my lovs)
still got em
16 How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17 Ever made out in the bathroom?
18 Are you scared of spiders?
19 Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yes maybe for a day or so
20 Where was the last place you snogged someone?
ewww but a club in bulgaria gag
in my bedroom
21 What are your plans for this weekend?
stay alive and go cycling
stay alive lie in bed
22 Do you want to have kids? How many?
i change my mind everydsy
2 or 3 maybe not sure
23 Do you have piercings? How many?
yes 8
i have 8 but theyre a different 8 from before
24 What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
ummmmmm art english RS chem
why would i ever have written chem? it was art and RS + i’ll let english slide
25 Do you miss anyone from your past?
yes but u don’t get to know who
yeah a little
26 What are you craving right now?
frozen yogurt
oh my god i have literally been craving frozen yoghurt for the past 7 years but i had so much of it this past summer. that will do me for a while.
27 Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
maybe i think so a little
28 Have you ever been cheated on?
i don’t know
girl u were cheated on
29 Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
yes and now it’s a boyfriend and a girlfriend
30 What’s irritating you right now?
my parents
the love of my life
31 Does somebody love you?
damn i hope so
yes . ur loved dont forget it
32 What is your favourite color?
all of them
still all of them but maybe blue or purple or pink
33 Do you have trust issues?
wirh certain people yes but in general no
im gonna say no but i think im about to develop a few Xx
34 Who/what was your last dream about?
i dreamt we went back to school (nightmare)
i cant remember
35 Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36 Do you give out second chances too easily?
i dont think so
37 Is it easier to forgive or forget?
literally neither i will never forgive u and i will never forget it fuck u
38 Is this year the best year of your life?
39 How old were you when you had your first kiss?
just turned 15
true story
40 Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
no imagine not being insecure
51 Favourite food?
my nans lubia polo or my great aunts🤤 or nachos
still probably lubia polo
52 Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
yes but u wont always understand the reason
53 What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
finished watching finding dory
cried and prayed
54 Is cheating ever okay?
still no but i did maybe slip up and i get how it happens but doesnt make it okay.
55 Are you mean?
i don’t know maybe
no!!! but sometimes
56 How many people have you fist fought?
0 sir
57 Do you believe in true love?
ummmmmmm don’t think so
i wanna say yes i wanna say i know my true love but now im not sure
58 Favourite weather?
when it’s raining but it’s warm
yeh that
59 Do you like the snow?
60 Do you wanna get married?
61 Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
depends who but yeh
if it’s the loml then yes
62 What makes you happy?
art and animals and my friends
and my love
63 Would you change your name?
not anymore but i used to really really want to
dont think so i would never adjust
64 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
the hardest but so so easy at the same time
65 Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
mannnn idk
scream and cry jack get away from me
66 Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
not sure if we’re there yet
67 Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
bruce hahahah
68 Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
i can’t remember but probably mia
izzy? been having a lot recently though
69 Do you believe in soulmates?
yes i do that was silly. u can have multiple though
70 Is there anyone you would die for?
a lot of people
yes but less than before i think i was just suicidal
0 notes
secretcasanova · 2 years
hey, just recently found your blog and i gotta say your writing is nice!
tho idk if ur request box is open but if so, can i have a hc with chuuya, dazai, aku and atsushi with a yandere!s/o ? since its always been those yandere dazai this yandere chuuya that, yandere aku(?) there yadda yadda yadda
im looking forward for your future blogs!
(p.s i cant ask you anonymously for some reasons and im also new </3)
BSD Boys with an GN!S/O who is a Yandere
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Characters: Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, Chuuya Nakahara
Word Count: 5398K
Warnings: Slight Spoilers about Dazai(Chuuya's Part), Manipulation, Gaslighting, Slight Descriptive Gore(?), Guilt Trip, Possessiveness, Physical Abuse, Stalking, Toxic Relationship technically, Slightly Suggestive(Aku's Part)
Author's Note: Hello there! glad to see that you enjoyed the fic that I made yesterday and of course my ask box is open! I was supposed to send it early but my dum dum forgor and ended up being on my drafts for a long while(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Again, I apologize if some of them may be OOC, and I also tried to spice things up on the readers part by making them "act differently" towards to them- and all... If you know what I mean. Anyways I hope you enjoy this HC!
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Atsushi Nakajima
You were an uninteresting individual, you rather not waste anything in the name of feelings and love. You were devoted to the Guild and nothing else till one day, the Weretiger came in which he hesitated to fight you at first but ended up engaging so, all due to your pierce nature? No that's not the point.
After the Guild was lost, Lucy took you in with her in the Cafe Uzumaki unknowingly that it's also part of the ADA, just as you think, fate has given you another chance to interact with this boy and you should not fuck things up.
All those blank expressions, all those dull eyes of yours, and your unexpressive gestures — all came crashing down, now tainted with vibrant colors and warmth thanks to him, now you felt more alive than ever as you decided that you need this light, all for yourself, and only for you.
You were much more outgoing and bright than your OLD self, you learned how to blend in within the crowds, you learned how to fake a smile - a little conversation of you and him made something sparked on his heart and eventually drew closer and close to you.
Atsushi is rather... Naïve. That's what makes it so easy for you to keep him around you- even stopping his impulsive moments? Oh, please! You can just boost his confidence whenever you can in any way possible. While he only fought you, never did anything and that's it, but to you he saved your whole uneventful life. You were willing to do so much more for him the moment he gets to be with you
You even fell faster for him than the lightning could even strike on the ground, his determination... You sure do love that sight of a moment!
To anyone else, you two were such a lovely couple and to you, as it should be. Atsushi was such a lovely doll for you.
Kyouka however, doesn't entirely likes you and your behavior towards to him. That excessive obsession- she even caught you once that Atsushi was at the verge of his limit, saying that 'maybe if you tried hard enough to not let one of the others lives slip again, this wouldn't happen my love.'
Dazai already knew this, him and Kyouka were the main obstacles, the main course the moment they got your intentions all figured out, while the rest of the others remained oblivious to this tense situation happening around you.
Which Kyouka attempted to convince Atsushi that you shouldn't be with YOU. Thats unacceptable right? Dazai wouldn't directly act on this situation not until it's getting too dire for Atsushi's own good. Which he is now doing so
Atsushi does think that your controlling nature is a little bit too much, which of course you tried to reason with him that you only wanted the best for him, but you did try to tone it down or otherwise you might accidentally break your own darling, to the point he's not longer expressive to anything else.
Oh! There was even a woman who has an intention to flirt with your man? Like a awkward wreck he was, he tried to say that he's already with someone else's while the other didn't bought that reasoning. Being a responsible and endearing lover you are to him you had stepped right into the scenario, with an underlying threats on your light hearted statement while wrapping your arms around his shoulder, now patting it. Though the wan had scurried away after and checked up on him if he was still uncomfortable and tense about it, which you decided to take him out by taking on a stroll or buy him something, just for him to enjoy the things and even cherish every moment that you do for him. (After work that is)
The moment he arrived in the Agency, Kyouka wasn't there and so is Dazai, and the controversy was heard within the agency office with Kunikida talking about this problem with his other colleagues, as he came in asking what was going on, only to be greeted with a dreadful news about Kyouka going missing and Dazai has been now confined in their Agency's infirmary, has been ambushed by some professionals.
He didn't take this ever so lightly, the poor boy had a break down thinking he wasn't there to protect him, he wasn't there early to look after for his superior or even Kyouka as he remained silent throughout the entire day until both of your works are now done, you already knew the reason why he was so silent but you still shot a question, you two were left uninterrupted for now. No more obstacles to come and ruin your plans.
While the two of you were walking home altogether with your hand squeezing his, now rubbing his knuckles as a little sigh escaped from your lips, maybe doing these kinds of scenarios would be risky and even made him sad- it made your heart ache. But again, it was for the best of him.
"Do... you want to talk about it once we get back, love?" Your voice coo'ed, you were aware that he was so saddened by the news of this while he temporarily stayed silent for a brief second before nodding his head, with that weak energy, all he can do is to do that while couldn't be able to muster up a courage to speak as of now. "Don't worry, I'll make you a hot cocoa if that's what you want as well, stay with eachother and cuddle all night- I'm sure they're strong enough, so have some hope."
Those sweet little lies of yours, has an poisonous meaning underneath that one certain word of yours, all you wanted was for him to be happy for now, at least you don't have anything else to worry as of now. Hiring a professional gang to inflict harm on Dazai, then take Kyouka to somewhere else where or even give her back to the Port Mafia on a meantime, something that Kouyou would enjoy even if both factions had already made a deal regarding to her. And that lady that talked to Atsushi? absolutely unforgivable. To think that she can just walk away after HARASSING your precious light of your life? She was found six feet under somewhere else, but not in the cemetery because she does not deserve to have a goddamn coffin with both of her arms cutted off, just for the safety measure she wouldn't broke out or anything(not that she could anyway). You were nice enough to spare his superior and that little because he was attached to them right to the extent, but he doesn't have the same attachment to them as yours, you were clearly the first one to be prioritized before those two.
But you didn't want him to entirely break either, he was the sunshine to anyones life despite being scolded on and on, you even wished to put a duct tape on Kunikida's mouth regarding to the stories that Atsushi told you about, but all what matter is that you can have Atsushi by your side, all undisturbed by their commotion.
"Sounds good...! I just want to cuddle with you- for now at least..." That... Little smile on his face, you definitely knew that he was lucky to have someone like you, there was no other girls like you to be this caring as you are.
You are a moth, and he was the light. But you'd do anything even if it's taking too far, even if he could burn you on accident you will always love him unconditionally.
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Osamu Dazai
Knowing what he is for- a flirtatious suicidal mummy who is a gravely whole nightmare to the enemies, but has a good beneficial to the allies. The last thing you'd want is to get caught by this cunning man, ever.
But that doesn't mean you aren't sly enough to step up your games, anything for your darling. There was a lot of times where you nearly got caught by him, but saved yourself by those vicious cover up lies.
To be more specific, the only reason why he was over the heels for you is that, YOU pretended to be the type of person who is hard to get, he took this bait of yours and thought of it as a challenge unknowingly, because you were unpredictable from that time- he wanted to know MORE about you as you kept on reeling him with your mysterious tendencies. And you are aware that this man isn't that vulnerable either so you took the other route for extra precautions, after all you only wanted him to be all yours, and nobody else's despite his damned nature.
There was definitely a time where he flirted with one of the clients just to make you jealous, needless to say your facade almost slipped, almost revealed your true nature- it's possessiveness. As much as you hate seeing him with the other girls or people even, you still had the will to hold yourself back. But do not worry, you had something else up on your sleeves. If he only sees you as a overprotective little one he will let this slip because he thinks that it's cute, yet once he knows your true nature, it's all over for you.
You don't want your beloved to go away, right? You don't want him to flirt with any girls other than yourself, right?
All you were ever known for was a hard to get type of person- a reliable one. But his suspicions were arising when the moment with those ladies who he usually flirts around in the cafe or the clients of the ADA(to get a reaction from you, but it ended worse.) had actively flat out ignored him right on the spot, and those waitresses in the cafe uzumaki?
Pure Silence. Dazai decided to take a peek on you- the same as the others? numb and actively ignoring him as well? or were you just pretending so you can necessarily avoid him finding out your schemes? He tried all of his best to get your attention in any way he could, because we all know how clingy and touched starved this man could get, but your reaction is just the same as the others.
He had a whole suspicion that it was you who did it, but when you two got back home(with the whole entire walk just a silent one which it internally kills him on the inside) you tugged on his coat before you came in, crushing right into his arms, silently sniffling.
"I'm sorry." You apologized to him for what circumstances? To his eyes, you were are a perplexed individual but this doesn't makes things clearer- but you were trembling on his arms while not being able to bring yourself look over to him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry- you we're put in danger because of me..."
(you are not sorry)
And this is the part where the guilt kicks in, for ever doubting you that you were the one who did it — he is not completely numb to emotions either when in fact he understands it, he didn't think twice to take you to your shared bedroom, stowing you down on the mattress while having you close to his chest.
This one, was your personal favorite part, where you few him with your perfect lies about an unknown person threatening every woman that Dazai interacted- not convinced? worry not, you had gathered a fake evidence that you have been receiving a death threats or even a piece of cutted fingers, with it's dried blood on the box that you only hid it somewhere because you claimed that you didn't want your beloved to see it or even worry for you.
And as for him? he rather felt GUILTY for doubting his loved one doing such a things like this while he murmured nothing but a sweet, little comfort words while trying to lighten things up
The two of you cuddled eachother close- embracing one another's embrace on this cold night, laying down on your shared bedroom while Dazai was stroking your hair through and through to soothe yourself from this ordeal
"My love, you have nothing else to worry about for now- you're in my arms now, it's alright." He said as he played with one of your hair strand, still kept one of his arms wrapped around your body as you did the same to him yet however... He couldn't get this suspicion off you, he already felt bad for assuming that it was you who done it, but does he have a proof to it? He doesn't... But the way you showed those evidences to him made him feel slightly off too. Again, he will never be sure whether it's actually you who done it. After all, it WAS you. Anonymously searching one of their contacts if they have ones if not you'd still send them an anonymous letter of a death threat if they ever try to interact with your Darling once more, Yosano and Ranpo definitely was looking out on your behavior and nearly got caught. If it wasn't for you bribing Ranpo away with some snacks seperatedly, then as for Yosano'e case you had to convince her that you were in the same line as the other clients and all. — then those dead corpses you threw on the river and kept one of their fingers to send it to the others?
You were aware, that you are trying to keep this former executive mafia all to yourself- who have condoned a lot of manipulation and all. You were ready to give everything what he wanted with a price of him only paying attention to you, only YOU. This would not happen if he only gives all of his attention to you and not waste it by flirting with those clients or other girls.
One can play a guilt trip for sure, a sly vixen you are.
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Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Out of all PM members, you chose to take a liking to this one ruthless 'Black Dog' of the pm, a victorian e—
That aside, you probably got transferred to the Port Mafia after your Boss and Mori had a deal to one another where you will be kept permanently by the PM, while they receive something else. It's not that you were interested because of how LOW they were paying some exceptionally skilled assassin like you. And, of course you cannot tolerate that at all so you weren't complaining about this whole thing.
Another assassin? In the Port Mafia? Gin wouldn't admit it nor she would ever will, but she's rather excited about you with how excellent your skills are, or that's what at least rumor she had heard about regarding to the underlings who was talking about you. You are quite the talk of the headquarters for now.
This doesn't amaze Akutagawa, not at all. It would take him a LOT because you are not the first one who's that good with their abilities, even if Chuuya took you as his subordinate and still trained you and your mobility. It's best to say that both of you started with a rocky path where you despises each others back. With those venomous insults(and if it wasn't for Chuuya who had to step in every time, you two might've had slitted eachother's throat by now) in all actual. Though this part of him was rather unintentional, maybe he sees his old self in you, covered up by some tough facade? It took both of you a good, ggooood while before you eventually had him wrapped around your finger.
The history repeats itself, where Akutagawa craves attention from Dazai- you are giving him the same treatment like from what his old superior does to him, you may never know him but all you know is that it's such a sore subject to talk about to him. He doesn't know what you did to him to make him feel this way and wanted to get more validation off you everytime — but of course you two don't show this side to anybody else, both of you are known as a ruthless couples and that was it. But(you may or may not intentionally become the typical duo of sadist and masochist) for Akutagawa he still kept on coming back to you after hitting him, sure he could've just fought you back with his sharp mouth but, maybe it's not himself that he gets reminded of, maybe he sees Dazai in you. But of course you wouldn't let your darling love you for not who you are, you had yet to drill into his senses that only you can love him for all eternity, and nobody else can do the same- even if you are harsh to him he cannot find somebody caring as you are.
Despite all of these harsh treatments that you gave to him, he still deserve all and every bit of your love, those little kisses and bites from you- well anything you'd do just to make him plea and on his knees. The two of you had your fair and share of the arguments but at the end, you always knew that he'd still come back home- come back home to you. He thought that it's unfair for you to pull that kind of treatment when he thought he's finally getting you, as you turn the tables around, it's him who'd be silently begging.
Gin isn't aware of this situation nor the other's, Hirotsu is somewhat suspicious and so is Kouyou.
She cannot get the fact that the two of you are together now, yet still tried to pry sometimes because she definitely sees what you are doing to her Akutagawa-senpai. She want to speak about this to anyone else but ended up being silenced by you everytime, so to put this from the top, you are an enemies that always exchanges a death glare to one another. Some may tell Higuchi that she should just let go of Akutagawa because he's ALREADY with you. Of course she couldn't be able to tell the actual reason why you two kept on exchanging death glares, even if she's the misfit of the Port Mafia, you will still drove her away no matter how valuable she is to Mori's assets.
You had enough with her, sure even if you do such a thing to Akutagawa most of the times with those 'Dazai Treatment' you still give him those kisses and cuddles, those soft moments he deserved to earn from you and YOU ONLY. NOT. HER. NOT. H I G U C H I. Not anybody else. A little set up frame wouldn't hurt him, of course based on his actions towards to Higuchi you definitely think that it was a right choice, he shouldn't care about her other than you, you are his love, someone he should look up to.
On the following day where the two of you headed to the Headquarters, Gin immediately informed you two that Higuchi has been temporarily suspended due to the accusations that is actually true, that she has been making some shady deals to some other organisation but all thanks to you, the deal has been revoked- Mori decided not to punish Higuchi with those severe brutal methods for now, and for some reasons.
You had a short talk with Gin for a short bit, you wouldn't want his little sister to suspect anything about you two, do you? She even said that maybe you were the one who can thaw his frozen lakes on his heart or even have him to learn and love such a things, and she was even grateful that you did get to be with him after going a few trial that Gin attempted to put you through of course.
After Gin had went away, Akutagawa stood silent before you while only staring at you, who was bidding your goodbye at her as you eventually caught his gaze - the two of you agreed to not display a affections on the public because the two of you had some reputation. Only few of the others know that you are officially together, though Akutagawa was bothered by... Something, there is something unsettling about you for a odd reasons and why he's all acting this way towards to y—
"Yoohoo? You've been staring at me for a long time now. Is there something on my face?" You spoke with a low- soft voice since it was just the two of you in the lounge at the moment, as he abruptly looked away and scoffed.
"Always been so casual when it comes to these kind." Or so he commented while beginning to walk away, with you catching up to his side while chuckling. "That's you, not me. Who wouldn't worry about Higuchi disappearing? I know she doesn't like me but can't you at least show some concern?"
Oh, you already know the answer while feeding him with such a innocent questions, feigning it while it is full of irony and hate, it wasn't hard for you to ask someone who can make a mask that is identical to Higuchi plus it's voice changer, have someone take photos of the imposter and send it to you afterwards after paying them- and your favorite stage play is when you, reporting this to Mori regarding to her behavior which he didn't have to bought it at first because of the loyalty she had, till you showed those photos to him and had it reconsidered.
Nonetheless, Akutagawa only gave you a temporary silence again before speaking; "Why should I? I could finally have some less nuisance to deal with."
He's right, both of you had a less nuisance to deal with. While you take care all of the others who dares to oppose you and your love for your dearest, even if he can be so rash and mean, you will always give him that one treatment to make him all act up again.
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Chuuya Nakahara
To start with this, the boss of the Port Mafia- Mori Ougai. He took you in when he found you as the only sole survivor o- no, correction, when one of the thugs held you as a hostage because of your ability. Now he pretty much took you in, introduced you to Kouyou first since the other 'Executives' are busy at the moment, you did not complain.
Despite your condition, you were definitely a troublemaker that already broke something on accident, on your first day too. So to be spared by the scary guys you had to behave around WHENEVER Kouyou is around, despite her assuming about your behavior(although you ended up getting scolded by her at the very end of the day, much to say she will teach you some manners and... antics.) the moment you settled yourself in the Port Mafia.
Day two, Kouyou agave you a tour around in the headquarters yesterday and had led you to your very own apartment(by yours truly, Port Mafia's enterprise.) which you have been asked to meet with her up once more, regarding to the introduction of this two individuals that goes by 'Osamu Dazai' and 'Chuuya Nakahara'. To you, those names didn't mattered to you at first because you'd be working for them in any way. Which, you were wrong. You found both of them to be annoying- yet fun to mess around with, mainly with Chuuya.
Several years after after Dazai's defection, it deeply affected this little pipsqueak right here and it still did, maybe you reminded Dazai a little bit too much so you decided to 'change' your behavior a little bit. Not just a bit, to be honest. All you know is that you were only having fun, not caring anything else aside from works and all - you we're irresponsible little shit that Chuuya always had to babysit as well, you and Dazai to say at least but now you adapted to be more responsible and caring for the poor darling of yours. He doesn't need more headaches now, does he?
Spoiling you rotten with his filthy Executive payments... Those expensive jewelries or items that you wanted, of course there are some times that you refused- he didn't understand why you would but instead you were rather shy about it and wishes that you could do the same(buy those expensive stuffs for him).
"Loving me is already enough."
That. Sentence. Kept on repeating on your head like a broken records that has been forgotten for about centuries? That won't matter, it sounded sweet to your ringing. You could even give the entire galaxy just for him and his happiness it should be just you, only you and him.
He's perfect, in every way. You will become god and reshape everything else in case if he was ever wrong- you'll make it right for him. His backstory, the Arahabaki. He deserves something better which is YOU. You trust him enough to not flirt with some other girls, have him always message you if he's gonna come home late(because of his responsibilities as a Executive) or about the mission, his words were always true and you know that because you kept a hidden tracker somewhere on his hat. Though, there was a time where he forgot to message you, hells was on a loose and you attempted to track him down with those tracking device of yours? You overthinked that he was hanging out with some other people other than yourself yet it was just him handling another mission. Once he returned home, he wasn't exactly in a best mood when you tried to confront him about the whole thing- making you "worried sick" about him as the argument ensues.
It was rather cold for the both of you, and you absolutely despises it. With both of your backs facing eachother's, with the two of you eating some lunch and breakfast either seperated or in silence because none of you are trying to talk about it. At. All. This tension was suffocating you so badly- if the two of you wasn't so stubborn enough this would've been prevented, perhaps another safety precautions should be added to this when he is going out and forgot to tell you.
Well, today is the day that you planned to get your loving darling back in your arms- in your embrace. You were planning to get that one expensive wine, he has a dozen collection of some wines but you were sure that in his penthouse, he didn't had this one brand just yet, maybe get back home early and cook him something he likes while preparing for you apology speec—
All of your thoughts was dropped when you were walking down on this one corridor, saw him talking to one of the people- they dare to make him smile instead of you doing it? It should have been you. We're you not enough? All you did for him was not enough? For your darling? You should've had resorted to doing this one severe method that you had planned on doing so for a very long time ago, anything to oppose that is a threats to your relationships. You stood there for a brief second not realizing that you both if your fists were clenched closed, harshly enough with both of your nails sunken in your skin before you had to cut your line of thoughts here, you didn't want to bother your lovely for now as you retreated back to your respective office, waited for the day before heading home.
You got home early- the others questioned you why? That's because you forgot there's this one "personal" thing you had to deal with back home and you need to have it fixed asap, luckily Mori let you go home early and so. What's the personal problem if you may ask? This one PERSON that took away all of the things you needed to do for Chuuya, your honey- your darling. You wouldn't let them just take away that genuine smile off him without your permission at all, absolutely not and you aren't going to accept it.
These vicious thoughts that flooded your mind isn't very nice of it, but it has been disposed by you, the one and only. You waited for this one particular person to head out of the headquarters that made your man laughed- it was rather a poisonous thought, you don't want to think about it again and now that you took them down, putted a super glue both on his mouth and nostrils while you tied him up— you took this one scoop, without any mercy at all you dugged the scoop inside of his eyes despite the person's screams muffled in agony, have it scooped it out of their system one by one before leaving them from one of the abandoned alleyway.
Oh those scene kept on repeating and repeating as you prepared the dishes, that juicy beef steak with a little bit of gourmets on it and had the wine prepared till you heard a wooden crack coming from the entrance, with both of your eyes lit up upon his prescence. Without any hesitation you headed to the front- you greeted him with a simple "welcome back" while getting the other stuff aside from his, now puzzled by your actions as you led him to the room, feeling a little bit fishy about your behavior for some reasons. But he still didn't gave you any attention or spoke with you at all
Playing hard to get now? You let go of his shoulder before heading to the kitchen, now unable to fully face him with your head looking down to the ground. Letting out a sigh of regret.
"I'm sorry, baby. I know it was an ass of me to push your buttons from that time so I wanted to make things up now." You rose your head up and whirled your whole body to him, with your gaze softened with a solemn regret that pleas for his forgiveness. Though, who is he exactly to decline this now- all of his loved one's set up, all he could do for now was to lower his gaze with both of his brows frowning. "No, I should be the one sorry for yelling." He tried to reason back at you, perfect. You made him say what you wanted him to say now. Even just by apologizing he does it so well, so perfectly.
"Don't be, it's understandable." A weak laughter came out from your mouth before approaching him and gave him a little smooch on his cheeks- you're making him tempted. He definitely missed this kind. "Although, perhaps you should go take a shower first, I already set the bathtub for you there." Again, you snuck another kiss but this time it's on his lips, he returned it back though and all he said was "Alright, I'll be back in the kitchen for about a minute doll" before heading up to the stairs, you your shared bedroom to go ahead and change now.
He still isn't aware. You're willing to do all of the dirty works to keep his image clean.
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shanitani · 3 years
Hi! May I ask Todoroki accidentally forgetting his S/O's birthday, angst time until his S/O accept his apologies and he decided to spoil them (even tho their S/O does not want him to spend so much money on them... He still don't care lol) thanks! ♥️
contains : shoto x fem reader
includes: angst -> fluff
a: hi babe, ngl this made me get a bit sad bc I feel like he would Lowkey forget ur birthday but not to this extent yk like probably for the first hour of the day- anyways I’m rambling .. here you go <3 
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Feeling the crisp morning air hit your face, you smiled before even opening your eyes. Snuggled in what felt like your boyfriend, was in actuality just your throw blanket. You looked around for a sudden moment, stuck in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe he forgot your birthday. 
‘Maybe he’s just cooking breakfast’ You shook away your thoughts stretching out of bed to smell nothing. To see nothing but a flimsy note on the kitchen counter in scribbled drawn out writing “Had something come up at the agency, be back later - shoto”
You couldn’t say that you weren’t mad or that you didn’t feel a slight pull at your heartstrings, but Shoto was like this - he doesn’t show emotions well with language, more so physical touch. And, you knew what you were getting yourself into dating a pro hero. He let you know before hand how much he had to be gone no matter the instance, and you still stuck with him because he was one of a kind that you couldn’t just let pass up - that’s what made Shoto instantly fall in love with you.
So, you stuck to your promise of unconditional love no matter if he was wrapped in your arms, or messily throwing things in a suitcase to fly out for a emergency mission. You just wished the universe had been a little nice to you today, or at the least gotten an happy birthday at the end of the note.
Despite not being with your boyfriend, Mina had instantly hit you up asking to hang out at the bar later. So instead of sulking, you spent your afternoon with Mina - waiting patiently for your boyfriend to come home.
The afternoon passed, and he still wasn’t home. dropping you a quick message saying, “taking longer than expected, be home later tonight - don’t wait up.” don’t wait up.. was he forreal? or was this just he serious? you thought over and over again taking off the heels you were supposed to wear with Shoto to your birthday dinner.
You wanted to cry, but you didn’t. “Not on your birthday Y/N” you spoke out loud trying to surpass the tears fighting to come out. Instead, jumping in the shower to clear your mind from it all and sitting down on the couch and watch movies to pass the time. 
Hours clicked by, 10pm it stated on the clock. Your birthday was over, and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found, tears fought angrily to come out - and you couldn’t do anything but let them force their way out. You choked out a sob on the couch, feeling hopeless and letting your mind get the best of you.
Was he seeing another woman? did he forget? does he even love me anymore? I wouldn’t blame him... Am I not good enough?
“Yeah thanks for helping me with the Mission today, I know it was last minute.” Midoriya nervously smiled rubbing the back of his neck before the bi colored boy shrugged picking up the last of his belongings. “Sorry again, I really do owe you.” the two boys walked out of the agency about to part ways as Todoroki stood confused at why Midoriya felt so sorry this week - this was usual for him to have to leave last minute.
“What for? this is what I signed up for.” Todoroki began to open his car door, shuffling his hair back into place, “Well I tried Bakugo and Kirishima but they had their own mission to fufill, and Denki wasn’t suited right for this job. Didn’t want to call you on your girlfriends birthday y’know? seemed rude.” Todoroki stopped in his tracks, trying to calculate what day it was. He fumbled with his phone trying to see the date, It can’t be today... its not, Midoriya’s just tired.. right? he silently prayed Midoriya was wrong - until he wasn’t.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’ve gotta go Midoriya okay?” The boy didn’t wait for response from the green haired boy, rushing home. ‘How can I be so fucking stupid’ he banged on the steering wheel, pushing on the gas pedal harder as he finally got to the shared apartment.
He opened the door, cringing at the bright heels he’s never seen before laying nicely by the door. Shoto rubbed his eyes with his hands - looking at the phone one more time. 11pm. the apartment was pitch black, slightly smelling like food you had previously cooked for you and your husband - that’s when guilt finally started to rush through his body, but he needed to see you - he couldn’t just not say anything.
He walked slowly through the living room door, hesitant on opening it and seeing a furious you. In the back of his mind he hoped you wouldn’t be so mad at him for this happening, but he knew the chances were slim. He opened the door only seeing more pitch black and static on the TV screen, his eyes softened to see you tugged closely onto the couch pillow. 
He inched closer to you finally taking in your looks, you had a black silk dress that slightly rose up from you sleeping, you hair was a mess - frizzy at the top. And he could tell you’ve been crying, seeing your puffed out cheeks and calmer state. He felt terrible, trying to find out how to face you. All you’ve ever done for him was be supportive, and he couldn’t even take a day off from his hectic life to spend time with the person he loves the most. 
Without thinking, he woke you up, inching you awake slowly to see you wake up in discomfort before looking at him. He smiled at you, teary eyed - but you couldn’t quite figure out why until it hit you that it was still the same day. “Hi baby, wake up we’re going somewhere.” “huh” you rubbed your eyes, feeling Shoto tug your arm up and into his arms
He leaned to your ear, whispering a small ‘i’m sorry, let me make it up to you.’ and before you could answer he opened the door, motioning you to come outside. You complied; seeing his emotional face look at you made your heart melt. He pulled you into the car, putting his hand on your thigh and starting the car. putting the radio on for background music there was a comfortable silence in the air. 
You finally pulled into a driveway, the highest level that looked over the Japan city that you liked so much. He pulled you out urging you to come to the edge and breathe. He knew that after small breakdowns you would usually come out here to get your mind off things, so he thought this was the perfect place to bring you - at least just for tonight.
His head hung low trying to figure out the words to say to you, he didn’t know how to apologize, and he wouldn’t be surprised nor mad if you wouldn’t accept it. “I’m sorry. I’m a bad boyfriend.” he croaked out, with damp cheeks attempting to look into your eyes, he grabbed your hands subcontiously to stop his rapid heartbeat. You smiled at him, taking his head and putting it into your chest like he always liked. 
“It’s alright baby, you’re an amazing boyfriend. always will be my hero.” you hummed stroking his hair softly. you didn’t care about the date or the gifts, you cared about his presence, and it was before 12am. So technically, you got what you’ve wanted.
“It’s not, and i’ll try harder to be with you more.” he looked into your eyes finally, cupping your cheek. You smiled, “best birthday ever.” you smiled, kissing his lips that you’ve longed for all day. He was scared to at first, but soon drowned into your mouth - comfortable with your taste. You pulled back, fully relaxed and content, “baby?” he hummed in response. “You still didn’t say happy birthday to me.” you teased grinning as he playfully pushed you away from him only to bring you back into his chest closer, “happy birthday sweetheart.”
You awoken to the smell of pancakes and bacon, the sun shining warmly on your face making you sit up. You were awoken to food, presents, and a beautiful card placed on the left of your bed. Standing over you was your boyfriend, with messy hair and sweatpants that sat nicely in the middle of his V line making your cheeks heat - he never failed to look so adorable. 
“Good morning beautiful” he kissed your cheek, sitting on the edge of the bed near you, “Close your eyes.” you complied, feeling a small thin cold object grave over your neck, “Open.” you opened your eyes to see his phone handed to you to look at the object, it was a small gold necklace engraved to say “Todoroki” you smiled finding his eyes at yours, leaning in to kiss the boy.
“You’re already gonna have my last name, so for now this will do until I put a ring on that finger.” your cheeks grew incredibly hotter, “Thank you so much baby, it’s adorable.” you grinned placing down his phone and suffocating him once more in an endless amount of kisses to his face.
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chopperfancard · 3 years
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this mechanical demon took so many hours of my life away from me that i’ll never get back Alright all jokes aside, here’s Kiryu. I’m super proud of how he turned out. I wanted to use watercolor here and establish it as a part of my style, but it didn’t work so well so i colored and shaded as normally (also fucked up the tail yikes), In a way, he’s less of Kiryu specifically; and more of a homage to every MechaGodzilla, mostly Kiryu and Super MechaG tho. “ The Titan inside the Shell “ Size Stats: Height - 425 feet Length - 688 feet Abilites: Absolute Zero Cannon - As the name would suggest, Kiryu can shoot a beam that reaches zero kelvins, able to freeze just about anything and everything. Almost all titan subjects have been frozen on a cellular level with the exception of Godzilla, who was merely badly scarred. Alloy Armor - Kiryu’s plating is constructed of Diamonds. This makes it invulnerable to the atomic breath of a Titanus Gojira, and other beam-like attacks. Jet Boosters - Kiryu possesses Jet boosters. Despite already being exceptionally fast for it’s size, the jet boosters grant it extra mobility and speed, aswell as grant it the ability of flight. Firepower - Kiryu possesses a whole bunch of rocket launchers, missiles, bombs and maser turrets. Making it a true war machine. Maser blade - Kiryu, using maser, can create an electrical blade. It can not only pierce through almost everything; but discharge a horrifyingly crippling electrical discharge into the foe, which has been demonstrated to severely injure, if not kill most titans. Hyper Maser Turrets - Kiryu can shoot an empowered maser attack from it’s mouth, chest or palms. These are extremely devastating, and can cause explosions equivalent to Napalm bombs. Brief History: Kiryu was constructed by a collaboration between the UN’s TCTF and Monarch. They used the remains of MechaGodzilla after the battle that took place in 2024. They built the robot around the foundation of Dagon’s bones, which was extracted from the Philippines by Monarch around the events of G14 for further study. Kiryu’s construction was completed in 2028, the investment in the project reaching the billions. It was an amazing accomplishment. It was coded using DNA programming to allow itself to pilot if the situation ever comes to it. A creature, named Titanosaurus was discovered bringing wreckage to ships, Kiryu was deployed in the Pacific Ocean to brawl with Titanosaurus. The fight was incredibly one-sided, as Titanosaurus was easily defeated. Soon after, it was discovered by MONARCH that Titanosaurus. It was soon discovered this titan was only attacking because it was searching for the three eggs that MONARCH stole from it’s nest, these being the three Gojira hatchlings, that it thought saw as her own offspring.  Godzilla is seen heading towards the site that the hatchlings are being held, causing large amounts of death and destruction in his wake, likely because of his desperation to reach them. Kiryu is deployed to fight Godzilla once he reaches Kyoto, Godzilla manages to defeat Kiryu, and continues on his voyage, however; Kiryu begins to malfunction shortly after the defeat, and the pilots onboard the machine lose control of it all together. As it turns out, a force believed to be Dagon himself took control of the machine. Dagon horrified by the mechanical body he was confined it, rampaged through what remained of Kyoto, and destroyed TCTF militias. Kiryu was managed to be shut down and went through troubleshooting. Titanosaurus made it to Osaka before Godzilla had, destroying much of MONARCH’s forces and successfully rescuing the hatchlings from confinement. Kiryu had arrived at the scene in time, to which Titanosaurus hid the hatchlings out of fear and attacked Kiryu. The two fought, but Kiryu hit Titanosaurus with a chest hyper maser beam, nearly fatally killing her, Kiryu prepared to strike with a Plasma sword to finish Titanosaurus. Godzilla arose from the ocean and shot Kiryu with a Spiral Atomic Breath, saving Titanosaurus and causing major functionality errors within Kiryu. This caused Kiryu’s control to quickly alternate between Dagon and the pilots. Type 2 Gear, codename “Garuda”, a flying mech created to exterminate lesser titans combined with Kiryu to take down Godzilla. Kiryu shot Godzilla with a fully charged Absolute Zero cannon, nearly killing the tyrant and leaving a giant, gushing scar that would likely cause him to die of blood loss anyway. Kiryu prepared to kill Godzilla, until Dagon and the pilots struggled to take control from one another, preventing the job from being done. This allowed Godzilla to regain conscious and unleash his spiral heat ray on Kiryu, causing it to recieve major damage in 3 clean hits. Rendering it destroyed; for now. [This story is a draft of my plans for him in my AU.]
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top 5 game of thrones and It characters? ❤️
First: thank you and I love and miss you
#1 SANSA (@veganmikehanlon can we PLEASE name one of our children Sansa?) Actually everyone go spam their inbox telling them that I deserve this in my life lol
#2 Jon - now not cause of Jonsa (ok a little bit) but cause ooh that face and I have a literal Jon Snow throw blanket, and I bought 2 different key chain pops because one got old and he’s a precious little UGH I LOVE HIM
#3 Daenerys- “fire cannot kill a dragon” will those words probably end up on my body someday? Yes. Bad ass bitch, yes.
***just to let you know I’m hesitating here because literally everyone else has had me fucked up repeatedly***
#4 Margaery - From what I remember she was lowkey that bitch, did what she needed to survive and then fought to the death for her brother, also in my fics she’s pretty dope so 🤷🏽‍♀️
#5 Robb- Wanna sit on his face. He tries to do the right thing but then he just did not hit the fucking mark bro . His death still fucked me up tho
#1 Richie- as much as I want to say Mike for #representation, Richie could literally be unthreaded into ten million strands of problems, self hatred, body image issues, internalized homophobia, not knowing the difference between love and a friend- I could go on forever. Aww
#2 Mike- he puts up with so much and that boy is so traumatized and the isolation of being the only colored in the group and his friends are trying to fight a demon and they got people up in here calling him the n word and they’re like let’s ride our fucking bikes to the club house.. naw son
#3 Stan- I think Stan is underrated but I also want stan and Mike to be bffs so maybe that’s where I’m coming from. I think Stan is smart as hell tbh
#4 Eddie- Eddie is feminized too much in fic and outside the book (willing to discuss but would have to loop in @veganmikehanlon ) BUT again with his trauma and he has a lot of growth and a lot of things I wish I could have seen and he’s a little gem and I want to HUG HIM
#5 Bev- Bev and I have a lot in common and I have a lot of hcs about Bev that makes me like her more than actual character Bev tbh
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Scarface was too fucking boring, didn't make it past chapter 3, but that's good, because that means Baki-Dou time 😍
Time to read the fourth book in this series! Excited to see Musashi <3
Chapter 1
Baki please stop flexing
A FELLA SAYING THE SAME I SAID WHEN YUJIRO PULLED HIS SOB STORY, FR GO TRY SOMETHING ELSE! What happened with that whole "i don't care about fighting" eh Baki?!
Chapter 2
ah no :/
HOLY FUCK is this quality bad!
He wants to taste defeat i see
Oh they removed the... Egg in the back of the neck, nice
God this guy's tits so fat 🥵
Chapter 3
He doesn't even know 🐍
Oh i saw fanart of this scene
Baki, it's your fault that you are bored, you fucking teen
This shit boring ME
Chapter 4
Oh, goroukou is a title
I like how the prime minister is becoming a recurrent character
I thought he said babe for a sec-
That little "oh~" is a bit sus, are the old men... No, it can't be 😳😳😳
I'm fucking choking fuck
"yes <3"
These ppl never learn
Chapter 5
What a way to go, a la gamzee /j
This dude so weird lmao
Dude he has huge round eyes tf you talking bout?
IGDUFSUEASEUURSS he's such a freakkk 😭😭😭
This is the most wtf thing Baki has pulled, remember when this was about fighters fighting? I don't know enough about science for this shit either man
Okay so their hug wasn't Tokugawa being touchy like he is, this guy is even worse, se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer HSHAFSFG
Chapter 6
Baki's dead
Katsumi about to kill get killed by my grandpa i see
Katsumi bro don't be so happy over nearly killing him-
I love seeing him get better tho
Uwaadgsgsjdga 😍😳🤤 twisting my hair irl,,, 🥴
Finally Motobe remembered he was a character here 😐
I LOVE that they got dark lips again
Jack's scar looks cool ngl
Retsu living the good life lmao
Hana just doesn't care, smartest Baki character lmao
Idk what they talking bout but good for em <3
Cum basement
Chapter 7
Obsessed he thought his heart was failing 😭
Dude you can just hear the heart beat of your friends/opponents just like that? 🤨
Notice Gaia in the top left 🥴
Thick 🥵
Unironically built different
Chronic back pain if you ask me, that's how I stand to relieve my agony
Did. Did you just call him a femb-
I love John sm lmao
Mr Musashi has 2 (3?) dads
Chapter 8
Those things look like boobs
Bet you would know eh SHAFADB
They jerked off the mummy?
Reminds me of eye surgery
Mf came out the tube ripped af 😭
Chapter 9
Everyone is so feminine lately good ol Kureha fell behind 😭
I like his bandana tho it's cute
Fat tits 🥴
Eheojeudkshs 😖😳👉👈
You know like i understand Baki, he is at the highest he can be rn, NO ONE can defeat him, but the rest? Like c'mon y'all just beat each other up or something
Ah, the miracle of birth 😍
Chapter 10
I love how all these two do is hang out together in bars, boybosses
I love what they have
Hana thinking of getting his 4 limbs broken again i see
WOOO!! Nice cock Mr Musashi 😳
Chapter 11
I love those freaks
I just now I'm seeing the little scars on his cheeks from the fight with Spec ☺️
I love the fact that Musashi has hair in his legs BUT not his arms like ??? Okay king
Heated scientist moment
Chapter 12
UTSURAARSDFAFA sibling goals
Holy shit she's amazing
Chapter 13
And his ass is very thick too 😳
Those fucking sunglasses, obsessed
Debatable, he got struck by lightning :/
Nooo they censored the cock again 😔😔😔
"I'm exciteddddd" "ok."
Chapter 14
You just hate seeing a girlboss win
She truly is amaizing
Also i just realized spirits have been showing up since the first book so this isn't so crazy lol
Chapter 15
Glad seeing some things never change
He looks so much like Jun
Someone question if Yujiro knew how too write obsessed,,,
Chapter 16
Goddamn it you got even older in the past 3 or so chapters bro
Mouth to mouth soul transference
Some mf got turned on by this HELP 😭
Chapter 17
I love how Yujiro and Hana are still getting ready to throw hands while this happens lol
Okay yeah that was super disrespectful honestly, guy is having a chat :/
God i thought it was Hana the one grabbing some random lady for a second AFDJSJSSJS
He cute af ngl
Fsr I'm surprised he can talk, like it should be obvious but in all the fanart i saw he never said a word, also, he's so damn respectful 😍
Chapter 18
Idk he was never that clever /hj
Hehehe blood
I love how John can only sit that way
The size of his balls lmao
Coward won't even fight with his dick out smh :/
God he mad cute-
Chapter 19
Hm i think this random tiny bald man is not Tokugawa but someone that looks awfully similar to him
Apparently there was a cameo, i don't know enough about anime to know or care
Chapter 20
He's tripping balls
Tokugawa should have gone a bit slower with this poor guy, this is like a lot to process at once <:/
Nvm he's doing better than me
Oydirsusefs look at himmm
Chapter 21
Musashi be like °_°
He's just chilling, mentally killing this dude
Murder baby
Chapter 21
The way his eyes are drawn is so cool
And he jokes too! Wow I'm in love 😍
I remember a show where you would bring your own knives and swords and go thru a bunch of test, Musashi should have been one of them
Mf truly is like :]
I love how he didn't buy it
I can't wait for him to fight Yujiro 😍
Chapter 23
He truly is 😌
He was happy this time at least, 5 times he lost already btw
Tokugawa truly in unhateable lmao
Chapter 24
Oh I forgot Musashi does that
I miss when translators would add notes i don't want to google shit myself :/
"I'm hard as rock" /j
Chapter 25
Look how happy he issss
I love how Tokugawa can't believe he got it first try and it's trying to lie now sjdakdyv
This mf is actually making me insane what the actual fuck i don't know what he has but he's gonna make me act up 😳
Mf be shadow boxing too dammit /j
Baki please
Chapter 26
Look at the size of Baki's eyes holy fuck lmao
He's gonna yeet him!
Chapter 27
How little time passed? They have barely moved
Yeah you did it last book too Baki
King shit
Chapter 28
I love how he only now realized
Okay no he has a point
I love how he just calls him boy
Look at that smug face
I trust Musashi but at the same time he, really should be walking around this new world alone. Now, if i were to accompany him... 🥴/j
Baki please
Chapter 29
I love how soft the artstyle suddenly got, like if done big a big brush
Yujiro you just insulted every single anime character in history
Baby Baki's just like "Ok."
I like how Yujiro looks here
HOHO badass
Chapter 30
He died 😔
Idiot hasn't even beat he 0.5 reaction seconds lmao 🤣
HOHOOOOO?!? 👁️👁️
"my curiosity exceed my fear!!" I RESPECT THIS MAN SO MUCH??
Chapter 31
Fighter to fighter communication
He's just gone now LMAO
I honestly don't mind Baki being weak against this, he never fought against a two handed swordman, this is new territory
Chapter 32
Oh his really tripping balls now this is why he shouldn't be alone
I just now realized he's barefoot
Nice ass king
The policemen are quite nice
He's very cooperative but i can't blame the cops either
Chapter 33
Yeah no shit that must be so insane
That's kinda funny but idk man he's right i think
He's just like :3
I love how he isn't picking up a fight out of malice but rather just instinct like, he can't understand shit that is going on
Chapter 34
Don't you fucking dare shave him Itagaki
It's funny how it took 2 books and a half for Baki to start being a protagonist
Holy fuck did Baki add height or is Miyamoto that big?
Wow how perfect i ran out of space just now!! Having fun with this book ngl :]
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inke-ri · 3 years
SOD Hidden World Playthrough - Prologue Pt2
Alright! Last one before I get to the actual storyline. I should have known, I talk too much.
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See, I love how involved Valka is. I think this role was originally Hiccup's, or some other berkian. I love how they gave it to Val these days <3
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Y'know, almost picked Gronkle bc I usually default to Nadder, but I couldnt help it.
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I generally default to canon color schemes for my dragons (which is part of why Ivaran was a dark brown color), but I ended up customizing this little guy to just be a little wild for once. Have a little fun, y'know?
Anyway, this radioactive-looking cutie is Vasqes. If you havent noticed it yet, I also decided to skip classic viking names for this playthrough. I already have compliant names on my main, so why not :'D
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Ah, yes, this is quite confusing if you havent played the game yet, especially because its part of the intro. That rat that set down these explosives is one Harald Forkbeard, a School Of Dragons original. He will show up in the THW storyline but I'll fill you in on the details as we go since I probably wont manage to blog about all the quests in this game |D Anyway, he's a charming little weasel. Thats all you need to know for now. Also, I love him. He's very entertaining, in a very annoying way :'D
The explosives open a crater to a bottomless pit! The School is set up in a caldera created by a dead volcano, so I wonder what lies at the bottom 👀 Its weird not to have the lake anymore but I dig the upgrade!
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I love the Headmaster! I forget his name right now, but he's this ancient berkian warrior who fought against dragons all his life, but when Hiccup changed the minds of Berk he was so touched that he ended up the figure Hiccup trusts with taking care of the School! He's a good viking grandpa. I love seeing him again.
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Fun fact, when I first played this game, there were no Expansion Quests. It's insane how much its grown. Things like the Timberjack Taxi are gone (I miss it- i loved the hoop flying even if you can technically still play it- its been converted to a fullblown minigame. I miss flying on the timberjack tho :c), and the map is HUGE. There was only Berk and the School when I used to play it!
For the purposes of this series though, I will only be playing the Hidden World! storyline. Next time we finally tackle this quest. For now, enjoy a few more visuals of the game:
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Everything looks so pretty!
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As a tease, look, its the Hidden World! The game has a small area available for free for every player to explore, which is super cool bc they at least let you see what your dragon looks like with Hidden World sparkles without paying for it :)
Next time: starting the quest at last! And meeting a familiar white figure...
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celestialhighlady · 3 years
Title:Rhysand as your (non-bio) older brother
Requested: No
Type of post: Headcanons
Content warning/ trigger warning: some swearing, mentions of blood and fighting, mentions of a pub
Word count: 1289 Words
Author’s note: Is this me projecting my wants and needs on a fictional character? Yes. Do I care or am I ashamed of it? Absolutely not. Also I’m working on a request for Az but It’s killing me so please bare with me and thanks
At first you hated his guts, like ‘One more word and I’ll make you see the mother’ type of hate
Honestly, you couldn’t see why people liked him
Sure. he’s the Highlord and he’s crazy powerful, yada yada. but there is nothing more to it
For you, he was nothing more than an annoying prick
He would go out of his way to annoy and to tease you
‘Who pissed into your tea’
‘You’re making such a sour face. Oh wait, that’s your natural face- My bad’
Overall, you can’t stand 2 seconds in the same room with him
That until you go out with the IC on a visit to the summer court and you hear someone bad-mouthing you
It really wasn’t anything new, people are meant to be assholes so you didn’t care what some random stranger had to say about you, especially someone you’d probably never see again
Still, it did sting a bit
Rhysand seemed to notice it, and before you could do anything about it, he found the person responsible
‘Hey, you’
‘Yes, you. What did you just say about them?’
‘N-nothing, high lord’
‘It better be like that, because I do not appreciate my people being talked down upon. This time I’m letting you go out of respect for Tarquin. Next time won’t end that pretty.’
Suffice to say, you found the fact that he stood up for you strangely endearing
That doesn’t mean you didn’t smack the back of his head as soon as you could, because dud, that was embarrassing
From that day onward, you noticed that your relationship has gotten slightly better
Rhysand would still act like a prick, tease you and be mean, but you noticed that it was never too far
He knew when to stop and you appreciated that immensely
Overall, he wasn’t as bad as you thought and you’ve grown fond of him (not that you would ever say that out loud)
He was like the annoying older brother you’ve never had
He would constantly pull the ‘I’m older so you have to listen to me’ card when you refuse to do stuff
Also he plays the High lord card
‘High Lord my ass’ you’d mutter while still doing the thing he asked you to do
On that note, he often says ‘When I was your age…’ so you just counter with ‘When I was as dumb as you’
You have extremely weird nicknames for each other and with each day the collection grows
You guys fight over the stupidest shit in existence
One time you fought about the color of the carpet
‘Who the hell thought that this color looks good’
‘Damn, you’re stupid AND you have bad taste in interior? I feel bad for Feyre’
‘Says the one who doesn’t own a single pair of matching socks’
‘Tf gotta my socks have to do with that’?’
At some point you guys started playing g´fight for entertainment and then it erupted into a sparring match on top of the House of wind
It always ends up with either you or Rhy on the floor with a bloody nose because ‘ You’re already ugly so a broken nose might actually make you pretty’
Mockingly repeating what you say to each other because you can’t stay serious
At day you always fight, but at night you guys are always at ease
Like, you guys lounge in the living room, drinking anything and having deep convos
One time, Mor wanted to get water from the kitchen and she saw the light in the living room on
When she saw you guys sitting across each other, talking in a hushed voice without fighting, she almost screamed
It was such an unnatural sight that she went straight back to bed
The next day she was convinced it was a dream because you were back to going at each other's throats
He randomly will knock at your door at 3 am and ask you if you wanna go to Rita’s
‘Bitch, bet. But you’re paying.’
‘Because you want me to with you’
On your birthday, he would get you some weird knick knacks and pretend it’s your gift but then he would give you your actual gift
He often acts like he can’t stand you, but if someone else insults you-
Oh boy, someone save us from the havoc
Both of you bond over food
He can cook while you’re more of a baker
So naturally, you have food competitions at 5 am in the kitchen
It’s a mix between you guy whisper-yelling at each other, laughing and trying not to wake up everyone else, and crying while cutting onions
The next day, everyone is wondering why the kitchen smells like the food and everyone is confused you just pretend to not know where the smell is coming from
I also should mention that you get along with Cas and Az
Cas is just extremely ecstatic that there is someone else around with whom he can annoy Rhys
Az is just kinda amused because you get in Rhys nerves so well
You often team up with them for new prank ideas
Az is extremely good with coming up with weird shit to prank Rhys with
Cas is always just laughing his ass off and adding more bizarre shit to the mix
You and Feyre also get along pretty well
I mean, she’s the epitome of perfection??
You often joke with her and Rhys sometimes gets annoyed because you give her exclusive black mailing material
‘Soo, a little birdie told me you slipped up on floor once’
‘You mean a little devil told you?’
And once Nyx is born you make it your mission to tell him stories about his dad
Like, you took notes just for this moment because you want Nyx to know every single embarrassing thing
On a different note, you adore Nyx
Usually, you don’t care much about children but he’s literally an angel and you love him so much
It’s quite concerning actually-
‘ I swear to the mother Rhysand,how did you, of all people, end up with such an angel as a child?’
Rhys just sulks while everyone laughs at him (‘they’re kinda right tho? I mean he probably has it from Feyre but still’)
Rhys gives good advice and is emotionally aware, I will die on this hill
He always fights with you but knows when you’re feeling down, so he will gladly listen to you and offer you some great advice
It really doesn't matter on what, this man is like a guide book to life
Sometimes you’ll feel like an idiot after opening up because the problem that is bothering you isn’t really that significant but he will slap you and tell, you that it is significant because it’s bothering you
After some silence you’ll just giggle and tell him it’s weird that he had good advice.
‘You kinda fucked up a lot, why didn’t you use that advice for yourself?’
Cue the pillow being thrown at your head
Overall, having Rhys is an older brother is quite the experience
He’s annoying at times, yes and you guys fight a lot, but you know he has your back and so do you
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