sanguinecharm · 3 years
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“  does such a thing as the fatal flaw, that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature ? i used to think it didn't. now i think it does. and i think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs. ”  
                                                                                      —— the secret history , donna tartt
ooc introduction ;
hello hi there ! my name is shannon , i use she / they pronouns && i’m from the not-so-good old united kingdom : and this is my trademark morally questionable son of a bitch , florence villiers-whiteley ! the moment i saw a ‘ murdered their partner for money & for their true love ’ concept i was basically like * eminem voice * THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR ME so i hope you love her as much as i do.
aesthetics ;
getaway cars , lists with names underlined & the dazzling milieu of company she never dreamed of ; blood money counted into the bank and onto the dresser , the sound of it scarcely reminding her of what she has done . the co-existing dark and light academia ; shining eyes and a retained ambition to be what her teenage self pleaded she’d become , but knowing that innocence is lost . but there was no blood , so she is spared of being lady macbeth scrubbing her hands clean .
silk-kissed skin and the adoration of her true beloved ; a secret buried six feet under , but the ever-present knowledge regardless : it is only certain that three can keep a secret when two of them are dead , but oh . . . she still has love and a beating heart . some women are not made to be mothers , and some women are not made to be daughters : she was not made to be either . look like the innocent flower , but be the serpent under’t .
reputation by taylor swift. lay all your love on me && money, money, money by ABBA. the secret history by donna tartt. sharp objects by gillian flynn. anna karenina by leo tolstoy. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ( 2004 ) dir. michael gondry. townie by mitski. sweet but psycho by ava max. 
basics ;
NAME : Florence Cordelia Villiers-Whiteley
NAME MEANING : “blossoming” / “daughter of the sea god”
AGE : Forty ( born 21 March , 1980 — Elmerton , Florida )
GENDER : Female ( cisgender )
ORIENTATIONS : Bisexual && biromantic ( moderate preference for women )
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Engaged ( previously widowed )
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Elmerton , Florida
NATIONALITY : American-British
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English && French && Italian && Russian && German
OCCUPATION : Boutique owner , fashion designer , mother
TIME IN ELMERTON : Forty years ( whole life. )
personality ;
florence villiers-whiteley is an idyllic picture of a woman. always has been. 
even when she was struggling she’d never admitted it : it is often those with the most to hide that curate themselves like this , but those envious of their station rarely consider this. since she’s got her hands on her late husband’s fortune & connections — ah, the power of sympathy — and made a success of the boutique , she uses her comfort to do as she would be expected to : aid the community where needed , donate to charities her husband cared for , etcetera . . . 
it’s frighteningly easy to hide behind a smiling face. 
MBTI : ENTJ-A ( The Commander ) — 68% Extraverted && 62% Intuitive && 81% Thinking && 64% Judging && 74% Assertive .
ENNEAGRAM : Eight , with a Seven wing
ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS : Aries sun && Gemini moon && Sagittarius rising
THEME SONG : Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA
LANGUAGE OF LOVE : Receiving Gifts 
appearance ;
it’s often noted that she resembles her british father , who abandoned his homeland to be with his first wife : not florence’s mother , it must be noted. the whiteleys have a way of ending up in a handful of marriages , which is humorously put down to descent from one henry viii ( through a bastard line , albeit , but . . . )
FACECLAIM : Keira Knightley
HEIGHT : 5 ft 10 in
FASHION : Highly variant.
familial ;
MOTHER : Brooklyn Whiteley née Davis
FATHER : Philip Whiteley
SIBLINGS : Francis Whiteley ( elder brother , 43 ) ; Diana Whiteley ( younger sister , 30 )
PAST PARTNERS : Roman Villiers ( m. 2002 , died 2014 )
CHILDREN : Georgiana Villiers-Whiteley ( age 7 )
reference ;
SUBPLOT #1 ( muse BB ) : What I Did For Love ( I would give my soul for someone to bring the other half of the secretive duo and make it the sapphic ship of my dreams. Or just my unconditional love and support , whichever one you want. )
SUBPLOT #2 ( muse AN ) : The Devils Wear Prada… And Occasional Chanel ( Florence has a fashion frenemy ; don’t step too far in insulting them , because that’s her prerogative. Britney Spears pun intended. )
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zuridavis · 3 years
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⊰ TASHA ; 24 ; EST; SHE/HER ⊱ hey, guess who i just saw at POLICE STATION? ZURI DAVIS! don’t they look good for 48 years old? they have lived here for 2 YEARS and USED TO BE a NYPD DETECTIVE ( NOW A DEPUTY ). they view the increase in tourism as POSITIVE and LIKE the locals. a pinterest board of them would include ‘DON’T TALK TO ME UNTIL I HAVE COFFEE’ MUG, MILITARY DOG TAGS, MOTORCYCLE. ⊰ GABRIELLE UNION ─ CIS FEMALE ─ SHE/HER ⊱ - muse o
I’ll try my best to keep this short sdagklsdgasd 
TW: Miscarriage
She is the oldest of 5 kids - 2 boys, 1 nonbinary, and herself
extremely outgoing throughout school, love playing sports ( mainly volleyball )
After graduating she joined the military - served for ten years
While in the military she met her husband, towards the end of her service she was trying to get pregnant - she struggled
After they both finished serving they moved to New York where she continued trying to get pregnant
along this journey she became a cop - he wasn’t really happy with that decision pero 
They went to multiple appointments trying to figure out what was going and what options they had - this put a strain on their relationship
When she found out that she was pregnant she was ecstatic. She wanted to share the news with her husband, but she never did 
She found out he was cheating - harsh words were exchanged ( mainly from him )
She filed for a divorce, got her own place, and changed her number 
She was heart broken but she wanted to try her best and focus on her pregnancy - however, a couple weeks later she miscarried
After that she gave up the idea of having kids and just focused on her job for the next decade. She moved up to become a detective. and she was good at her job ~ think Olivia Bension ~
The idea of having kids slowly came back to her attention when she was getting close to turning 40. Realistically she knew she couldn’t get pregnant, and her age definitely doesn’t help. it took long for her to get pregnant, only to miscarry, when she was in her early 30s. trying to get pregnant in her 40s wouldn’t work. 
She looked into adoption, it took awhile, but she found a young mother that wanted to give their baby to her. 
Zuri never really thought of retiring at such ( in her opinion ) an early age. She saw herself continuing her job another decade or so. But, with more cases she got, the more danger she being put into. Not all, but there was a case that left an imprint on her. And while on that case she did have to send her son out of the state to stay with her parents for safety reasons. And she called in a favor with police in her parents town to keep an eye on them. 
It’s not a case she talks about at all, or likes to think about, but she has gone to therapy process/deal with what happened. After that she decided to retire and move to Emerton, Florida. It took her awhile to find this place, she was iffy on the idea of Florida. But she knew the cost of living there was way cheaper than New York. 
But the idea of just not working killed her so she did apply to become a deputy in the town. Sorry to Levi but she going to want to see if she can convince to change the uniform ( she knows he can’t dsasgasdgas )
After moving to Emerton, Florida, Zuri embraced a more relaxed life style. She didn’t give all her energy to working like she did when she was in New York. She also embraced the idea of adopting more kids. She waited a couple months to adapt to the new town she was in and the new life style. But after that she went about adopting a 5 year old girl. 
She has been living here for two years now. She has 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter
and uhh i think that’s all of it 
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scarredelweiss · 3 years
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hey, guess who i just saw at edelweiss hotel & casino? SCARLETT ‘SCAR’ EDELWEISS! don’t they look good for 40 years old? they have lived here for ALL HER LIFE (ON AND OFF) and ARE a HOTEL AND CASINO OWNER. they view the increase in tourism as POSITIVE and LIKE the retirees who moved here. a pinterest board of them would include BLACK LACE, WILDFLOWERS IN A PORCELAIN VASE, RUM-SPIKED COFFEE. ⊰ OLIVIA MUNN ─ CISFEMALE ─ SHE/HER ⊱ MUSE A + MUSE AQ  
hello, lovebugs!! meet Scar Edelweiss, the owner of casino and hotel Edelweiss-- she’s a Elmerton native with a complicated past! I’ve built her around these two plots: MUSE A + MUSE AQ  but you can find out about her under the cut! I’m looking for all kinds of connections for her-- friends (she knows a lot of people), enemies (her late husband’s friends and family), lovers (she’s pansexual), misc... the more the merrier! like this and I’ll hit you up for plots & love you forever!
pregnancy tw, death tw
spring 1980 - fall 1997. Scarlett Sinclair is born in Elmerton, FL to a chef father and a general practitioner mother. She has a pretty normal childhood, there’s a family home near the beach, white picket fence and a golden retriever included. Young Scar is happy, a lively and bright troublemaker, running along the beach and looking for trouble and adventure wherever she goes.
high school break up and a child given up for adoption plot: In high school she falls in love for the first time, madly. Her beau is dreamy {muse b} and the girl jumps into the whirlwind romance with all her heart. The consequences of her recklessness become clear one morning after she pees on a stick. I’m pregnant, she tells her parents and they are... Enraged, to say the least. They make a decision to leave their hometown to save Scarlett the embarrassment. Completely lost, the young girl had no choice but to oblige and leave without a trace, breaking her boyfriend’s heart as well as her own. The family moves to Connecticut where her aunt lives.
summer 1998. Scar’s son, a perfectly healthy boy is born and is immediately given up for adoption and taken away from his mother’s arms.
fall 1998 - winter 2000. Scarlett is devastated but her parents urge her to move on, she graduates high school, takes a few college classes but she can’t bring herself to move on. She needs a new beginning, she believes and realizes she’ll never forget her parents for what they made her do. Her heart takes her back to Florida and she, without much thinking does so but seeing that she is completely on her own, she falls in with a bad crowd and gets involved with a member of a criminal organization.
winter 2000 - summer 2015. Scarlett works as a thief, look-out, sometimes a spy. Escort, lounge singer, bartender. Whatever they need to be. The thrill she comes from it fills the void in her chest, not to mention it’s a great source of income. + you don’t have to put on the red light plot
summer 2015. Nothing completely satisfies Scarlett and she finds herself wanting more, now that she’s tasted it. A friend of a criminal friend introduces her to Edgar Edelweiss, a wealthy entrepreneur based in Miami. He is mesmerized with her beauty and not a month later, the whole of high society is shocked when they announce their engagement.
spring 2019. After barely 4 years of marriage, Edgar dies of a heart attack. Some (his family members, to be exact) are suspicious and everyone’s eyes turn to Scarlett, could it be his younger wife who happened to inherit everything had something to do with it him?
May 2019. Meanwhile, Scarlett isn’t concerned with the fact there’s an investigation is going on. The woman finally has it all-- money and power, she would be happy. She moves back to her hometown, with old wounds and unprocessed grief seeming so far away, she opens a grand hotel and casino Edelweiss.
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retiredvariety · 3 years
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josefine caspersen     /      dominique rivera     /     katrina zeeman
these are a work in progress, forgive me!
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quietsvnsets · 3 years
hi guys! my name is kingsley, i’m 26 and i use he/him pronouns. i’m here to bring you angel rivera (lin manuel miranda fc) and elijah thorne (keanu reeves fc), my two very sweet boys ! i’m working on plots for elijah but i have some for angel up on my blog. i’ll put some little tl;drs for both boys under the cut! if you like this post, i’ll come to you for plotting either here or d*scord! (ask me for my d*scord, i like it so much better than tumblr IMs)
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a sweet boy. raised in puerto rico by two moms. 
very close with his oldest brother, ricardo. 
has been writing since he was old enough to pick up a pen. 
ricardo passed away when angel was 17, sending him into a depression that led to angel writing his first screenplay. 
his first screenplay, the broken bird, rocketed angel to stardom. he became a famous screenwriter from that point on, and at one point was a household name. 
he was married for a while, but they divorced on the grounds of angel being too much of a workaholic. he didn’t have time for his ex wife, and she felt it. they’re still on good terms, but are a little awkward. 
has a cat named del toro, after his favorite director guillermo del toro. 
he’s super sweet. he’s just such a Dad. he’s very soft-spoken and very friendly, but kind of closed off. 
had a mostly uneventful upbringing, but falling in love with a boy in a gang got him into trouble. 
the boy he fell in love with ended up being killed in gang violence, but by that point, elijah was stuck. he ran with the same gang pretty much his entire life. 
he never did much outside of the gang, aside from working part time as a fry cook. but even that ended up being a little too dangerous, and he ended up quitting. 
he tried to get out of gang activity when he reached his late 30s, realizing that he hadn’t lived pretty much any of his life. but when he was 40, he was framed for murder and sentenced to death. 
he spent 15 years on death row, trying to better himself. he wanted to at least die a good person. he was influenced by a close friend to do a lot of introspection and really get to know himself. he went through a bit of a crisis but ended up coming to terms with his mortality. 
he fell in love briefly in prison, but the man he fell in love with ended up killed by another inmate. 
he was released about a year ago after being discovered innocent. he’s gone back to being a cook, but he’s not sure what he wants out of life. he thinks he might want to fall in love again, maybe adopt a kid. he just wants to live. 
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darkexistences · 3 years
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⊰ the unworthy mun was here ⊱ hey, guess who i just saw at TOWN HALL? SERENA McNAMARA! don’t they look good for 39 years old? they have lived here for ALL THEIR LIFE and ARE the MAYOR. they view the increase in tourism as POSITIVE and LIKE the retirees who moved here. a pinterest board of them would include TIGHT PENCIL SKIRTS, MANICURED NAILS CLICKING ON A DARK DESK, FRIENDLY SMILE WITH DEAD EYES. ⊰ Rebecca Ferguson ─ female ─ she/her ⊱
full name: Serena Anne McNamara nicknames: Annie, Ser, Madam Mayor date of birth (age): 06/16 - 39 years old zodiac: Gemini label(s): Adulteress, Diva hometown: Elemerton, Florida currently resides: Elmerton, Florida
sexuality: Bisexual exes: Aaron Stein significant other: husband (( open )) kids: Serenity Hope McNamara; Dylan McNamara Jr. ; David McNamara parents: (( open )) mother & father siblings: none
✧ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 //
occupation: Mayor of Elmerton education/degrees: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (( political science & business ))
height: 5′ 6″ weight: 130 pounds hair color: red eye color: blue prominent features: freckles body type: slim curves personal style: conservative seductress body mods: pierced ears, small tattoo on her right hip scars/birthmarks: faint scar on her right knee, small birthmark on her left inner thigh feature liked most: breasts feature liked least: scrawny ankles
general: good health, not too many issues diseases/conditions: high blood pressure, migraines, anxiety disorder previously: none on medication for: anxiety
Serena has never told her husband about the affair with Aaron, that they’d dated and she still loved him. Never did she say how her mother had forced them apart and her to marry him. And she definitely never told him that Serenity was Aaron’s daughter or that she never could stop loving and seeing Aaron. While she did come to love her husband, and never wants to lose him, she can’t stop the feelings she’s always had for Aaron and she hates how much she forces him to hide their relationship. But with her position as mayor, she can’t afford the scandal. She will do whatever it takes to keep her secrets hidden and her two lives separate for as long as possible.
✧ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 //
fears: that her husband will find out about Aaron and that Serenity is Aaron’s biological daughter. Herpetophobia. positive traits: Caring, Eloquent, Strategic, Logical, Intelligent, Driven, Passionate, Diplomatic negative traits: Deceitful, Secretive, Manipulative nervous ticks: Drumming her fingernails on her desk, Tapping her heel on the carpet to the tune in her head pet peeves: Nosy people, The toilet paper being put on the wrong way, Toothpaste on the sink
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coconutmuses · 3 years
hey, guess who i just saw at ST. MARY’S CHURCH? AMANDA FURGUSON! don’t they look good for FORTY-NINE years old? they have lived here for TEN YEARS and are a THERAPIST. they view the increase in tourism as NEGATIVE and LIKE the retirees who moved here. a pinterest board of them would include HORN-RIMMED GLASSES, THE SOUND OF CLASSICAL MUSIC & SWEATY BODIES TANGLED IN SHEETS. ⊰ GILLIAN ANDERSON ─ FEMALE ─ SHE/HER ⊱
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amanda beatrix furguson. forty-nine. januari 2nd. capricorn. cisgender female. pansexual. panromantic. single. pregnant. psychologist and therapist.
what people know.
amanda has been in town for ten years and is one of those tourists that never left. she was known as the life of the party at the start, but quickly, she became known for drinking way too much. this led to her budding relationship breaking down and quite a few public embarrassments. it was five years ago when she tried to sober up but it has gone with a lot of ups and downs but now, she’s been sober for a long, consistent time and happy. her recent pregnancy has helped with that. she is very excited about becoming a mother.
what close friends and family knows
she was raised in a volatile home where violence and anger ruled everything.
she has a younger sister.
she was married between the ages of twenty-five and thirty, but it was too confining.
once she got divorced, she decided to live her life at her own accord, which included a lot of different kinds of relationships: romantic, sexual, one night stands to years long love affairs.
she is not a single mother, she made this baby with a person who also wanted to be a parent and will be involved 
she dreams of finding a certain number of partners who she can all be with - either living with or not - but just to have some sort of stability
she has her own private practice on the ground floor of her home
she is originally from austin, texas
she is five months along in her pregnancy. 
she’s expecting a daughter.
she does pilates and yoga, which helps her a lot in staying sober
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sanguinecharm · 3 years
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“from this new and intimate perspective, she learned a simple, obvious thing she had always known, and everyone knew; that a person is, among all else, a material thing, easily torn, not easily mended.”
                                                                                                — Ian McEwan, Atonement
ooc introduction ;
hello hi there ! my name is shannon , i use she / they pronouns && i’m from the not-so-good old united kingdom : and this is my second muse , riley leigh ! she definitely comes from the lilo-and-stitch philosophy of ‘ broken , but still good ’ and she’s just trying her best at all times so i hope you enjoy coming on her journey with me.
aesthetics ;
a stack of vinyls carefully arranged in a colour gradient ; sunset-esque , sunrise-esque . nobody knows , but this little change in the record store is how she portrays whether she’s having a bad or good day. disorganisation. hidden evidence of substance (ab)use swept under the metaphorical carpet. another night’s tear-stained visage and the question of whether they’ll scar this time. 
a heart made for more than one other. don’t let her break this, let her hold it lightly. baseball caps && stolen clothes from her partners , too-big and comforting. sobriety chips that feel like lies. the burden of too many secrets. the door her father left through is still wide open. being the family disappointment. tired eyes && messy buns : nirvana playing as the sun rises. that band t-shirt from her first concert : she’s never felt so alive since.
ship to wreck by florence and the machine. you don’t get me high anymore by phantogram. listen before i go by billie eilish. nola 1 by pvris. the lobster (2015) dir. yorgos lanthimos. achilles come down by gang of youths. youth by daughter. 
basics ;
NAME : Riley Persephone Leigh
NAME MEANING : “valiant” / “bringer of destruction”
AGE : Forty-two ( born 11 October, 1978 — Phoenix, Arizona )
GENDER : Female ( cisgender )
ORIENTATIONS : Pansexual & panromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : In a relationship with Dominique Rivera and Kayla Yu.
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Elmerton , Florida
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English && French && moderate Spanish
OCCUPATION : Blue Moon Records employee
TIME IN ELMERTON : Thirty-seven years
personality ;
riley tries her best : she really does , even if not-so-many people put belief in that. doesn’t it always seem to be the earnest who life takes out its grievances upon ? perhaps some of where she is now comes from a life’s not fair mentality she developed as a teenager and has been internalising ever since. but she means well & in her heart of hearts desires the unconditional love she’s bored of hiding.
MBTI : ENFP-T ( The Campaigner — 53% Extroverted && 59% Intuitive && 85% Feeling && 92% Prospecting && 100% Turbulent )
ENNEAGRAM : Six, with a Five wing
ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS : Libra sun && Aquarius moon && Gemini rising
THEME SONG : Burning Pile by Mother Mother
LANGUAGE OF LOVE : Receiving Gifts
appearance ;
riley never wants to have made herself physically uncomfortable with what she’s wearing ; much of the time she’s definitely inclined to casual comfort over style , which is definitely why she’s kept her job at the record store this long. she just . . . fits , and that’s a sense of belonging she’s always struggled to find anywhere else. but she’s one of those people who pull off the minimal-effort aesthetic in just that way : quite effortlessly. but you might have to remind her to take her hair out of its bun or ponytail before she goes to bed , and she will wear that tears for fears t-shirt until the day she dies.
FACECLAIM : Natalie Portman
HEIGHT : 5 ft 1 in
FASHION : Comfortable jumpers ; old , worn band t-shirts ( Queen , Tears For Fears , Nirvana etc. ) ; trainers ; messy buns && baseball caps ; trench coats ; highly casual , most of the time.
familial ;
MOTHER : Rosamund Leigh née Forster
FATHER : Jonathan Leigh ( deceased )
SIBLINGS : Sybil Leigh ( older sister ; 50 )
PAST PARTNERS : N / A  ( please feel free to contact me if you want connections ! )
OTHER : TBD ( please feel free to contact me if you want connections ! )
reference ;
SUBPLOT #1 ( muse AX ) : Accept The Things I Cannot Change — Riley is six months sober ; well , she doesn’t drink and that counts , doesn’t it ? She said ‘ sober ’ and not clean , which would apply to the substances she is hiding from everyone , even her partners. Addictive tendencies run in the family but no one has quite caught on. 
SUBPLOT #2 ( muse I ) : Polyamorous Secrets — I’ll love you forever, Sid. Yes. That’s the problem. Riley has been in a relationship with Dominique Rivera for seven years , and then they both fell for Kayla Yu. But Riley’s sick of hiding , Dom’s been involved in this a long time and is slightly more inclined to tell , but Kayla . . . doesn’t want to & is outright hostile to the idea.
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sanguinecharm · 3 years
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‘ seems to me— ‘ he said, feeling for the words, ‘ seems to me the place you fight cruelty is where you find it, and the place you give help is where you see it needed....’
                                                                         — Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials
ooc introduction ;
hello hi there ! my name is shannon , i use she / they pronouns && i’m from the not-so-good old united kingdom : this is the third muse i promised myself i wouldn’t make because i am , in fact , a clown who got ideas while rewatching luther so — here’s my boy , levi , who i have come to love and am so excited to share with you all !
aesthetics ;
the dying sunlight of a day that dragged on far too long ; the mini-clock ticking away on his desk seems to drag on , another quiet night whiled away between intermittent drunk & disorderlies. a small pile of promotion offers to the big city he’s been ignoring for two weeks. texts from his family in the windy city. a drink after that long day but no more. his little girl all grown up , now. deductive reasoning & quiet thoughts. slow drives around the neighbourhood just to think ; the car still plays cassettes. a desire for the old days conflicting with a curiosity toward the new.
muted shades. polished boots. breaking the mould. believing in soulmates. classic noir films. but also james bond films. midnight showers with the water just a little too hot. pasta for the third night in a row. a collection of flavoured water bottles on the bedside table ; half of them are empty , half of them are full. an intense love of family and a broader definition of it than most. sunday night barbecue. another coffee.
xanny by billie eilish. people help the people by birdy. broadchurch ( 2013-2017 ). midnight, the stars and you by al bowlly. dancing in the moonlight by toploader. 
basics ;
NAME : Levi Kacely Nartey
NAME MEANING : “attached” , “man born on a Sunday” 
AGE : Fifty-two ( born 17 November , 1968 — Chicago , Illinois )
GENDER : Male ( cisgender )
ORIENTATIONS : Bisexual && biromantic ( moderate preference for women )
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Elmerton , Florida
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English , German ( high school level )
TIME IN ELMERTON : Twenty years
personality ;
levi’s often asked what he’s doing in elmerton ; that his intuitive habits could be used somewhere more ‘ lively ’ as it’s put , an asset to a city unit . . . but more than he necessarily says , the community spirit of elmerton has warmed his heart : it’s where he largely raised his now-adult daughter after moving for the promotion , and has a lot of memories. he’s comfortable in his career here , and he doesn’t want to give it up for anything.
MBTI : INTJ-A ( 52% Introverted , 59% Intuitive , 62% Thinking , 82% Judging , 90% Assertive )
ENNEAGRAM : One , with a Two wing
ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS : Scorpio sun && Libra moon && Taurus rising
THEME SONG : Perseus by Unknown Brain
LANGUAGE OF LOVE : Words of Affirmation
appearance ;
levi’s an unmistakeable presence , really , and he wouldn’t want to be anyone else ; he looks fairly like his father , though his father would argue there’s more of his mother in him than anyone notices. you can tell whether he’s working or not by how muted his wardrobe is : the more so , the more likely it is that he’s on the clock.
FACECLAIM : Idris Elba
HEIGHT : 6 ft 4 in
FASHION : Shirts && ties && suits && long coats && Doc Martens. Fairly neutral shades ( grey, tan etc. ) with the occasional shock of darker shades of red , if he’s off the clock & feeling it.
familial ;
MOTHER : Delia Nartey née Kamara
FATHER : Kindo Nartey
SIBLINGS : Evie Nartey
CHILDREN : Charlotte ‘ Lottie ’ Nartey
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coconutmuses · 3 years
hey, guess who i just saw at SAFE HAVEN? THURGOOD BROWNE! don’t they look good for FIFTY-TWO years old? they have lived here for ALL THEIR LIFE and are an OWNER & BARTENDER AT SAFE HAVEN. they view the increase in tourism as POSITIVE and DISLIKE the retirees who moved here. a pinterest board of them would include FITNESS WEIGHTS, THE SMELL OF COLOGNE & GLITTERY HIGH HEELS. ⊰ SHEMAR MOORE ─ NON-BINARY ─ THEY/THEM ⊱  penned by pax
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thurgood maurice browne. fifty-two. 11th of october. libra. non-binary. pansexual. panromantic. single. adoptive parent to one. owner and bartender of safe haven.
what people know.
thurgood is the owner of safe haven, the lgbtq+ bar in town and they were once a firefighter in town. they joined at twenty-one and worked there until they were forty. it was phsyically and mentally draining, plus they were thinking of starting to explore their gender. they didn’t perceive the force’s culture to be that accepting and so, they made the decision to buy an old bar in town and turn it into safe haven, come out, and start wearing whatever they pleased. this means that they are often stared at when they dress very masculine in high heels, or in a dress but they are past caring. they are also the adoptive parent of a boy named maverick who are now fifteen. maverick was adopted two years ago.
what close friends and family knows.
they were raised by a single father who passed away five years ago.
they have one half-sibling.
they were bullied all through school - from kindergarten through high school
they had a difficult time 
they prefer to date men but they can be attracted to all genders.
they could imagine being polyamorous but they’ve never had the chance
their signature drink is an ombré cocktail
their son calls them zaza
they are a disco fanatic
their clothing style is all over the place and they like giving people a mind fuck
they work quite a lot but they take the day off on sunday and monday to spend time with their son
they are still very much focused of fire safety and prevention
they box together with their son
they have never had a relationship that lasted longer than six months
they have a three bedroom home - a room for them, a room for maverick and a room for their clothes.
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