sweettoothforhire · 4 years
» gimme the goods
starter for @fortunefavorsthechill
Gaius wasn’t unfamiliar with quirky people. His time with the Shepards certainly had a hand full. Somehow, he expected the monastery to be free of them, thinking they’d be full of people like ol Padre. Gods, he couldn't be more wrong.  
To think the adviser is an Archduke that acts... well... let’s just say he’s definitely not like Padre.
Which is why when he smells a familiar sweet scent coming from his office, there was hesitation. It wasn’t enough to keep him from stopping in front of Izana’s office, but he at least hesitated for a moment.
“’scuse me. Hate to barge in if you’re busy, your Archduke-ness, but I come with a sense of urgency--” He knocks twice before heading in, nose catching on to something sweet and delicious. What is that?? And more importantly, where is it?! “--there was a market dealer caught today selling poisonous goods. You don’t happen to have acquired any sweets as of late, have you?”
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dragon-kiddos · 4 years
Golden Days (Closed: Kana and Izana)
It was a sad thing to say that Kana was used to living his life without his parents around.
Despite the fact that Kana has spent more time with his parents in the few short years since the war’s end compared to every visit he received while living in his Deeprealm combined, it still felt almost natural to be left without their guidance. It was a wretched feeling, one that filled his soul with pain and made his gut twist in the most agonizing way when he thought too deeply about it, but this loneliness was an old, familiar friend that the little dragon wasn’t entirely keen on pushing away.
The Ethereal Ball helped him to forget. With everyone dressed to the nines—himself included, his kimono and matching haori glimmering with golden threads—and basking in the festivities, it was easy to lose himself in the light. 
His senses were overwhelmed. All of the different foods, perfumes, and natural scents invaded his nose; the bright colors of everyone’s clothing mixed with the lights of the room hurt his eyes, just a bit; so many people speaking so loudly in the same area made his ears ring. Kana tried to tune it out, but as time went on, he found it harder and harder to focus. It was so unlike the balls he was used to at home, where there was normally one or two main styles of dress, and people were often quiet in their dialogue. Not this raucous screaming of teenagers living it up under the watchful eye of the goddess.
Kana adored it, but at the very same time, wanted nothing more than to slip away and imagine he was instead performing the traditional dances of his home than the dizzying spinning and fast-paced movements of his peers. 
Silk-gloved hands wipe at blurred eyes, head shaking back and forth in an attempt to recenter himself. For a moment, the cacophony dips in volume, and he can hear something like an old friend whisper in his ear.
Turn around.
Little prince smells the other before he sees him.
The crowd practically parts, but his feet are moving before he can even discern the other’s identity.
Grey eyes lock with the archduke’s “sleeping” facade. Even thirteen years into his life, Kana doesn’t know how his father walks around with his eyes closed like that. 
Tiny arms fly around his father’s waist, face burying into his torso. With a deep breath, the overwhelming sensations of the ball leave him, only to be replaced with the scent of a familiar perfume and the warmth of a loved one. 
( The loneliness fades; an old friend taking a journey. For now, this is goodnight—and not goodbye. )
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
I saw it coming, and likely others did too but it cannot be helped. Izana is going home to make sure the world of Fate is not overrun with chaos while so many royals are in Fódlan. While the challenges of playing another character who was only on the peripherals of his own game among other Izana related oddities can be fun and overcome, I don’t want to keep a muse who’s an afterthought in terms of activity and whose threads are better suited to develop better with others. I’m dropping Izana.
Izana has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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minorindech · 4 years
“Hey-o.” Izana could sense when someone needed a piece of peace, and this girl needed the biggest slice of peace pie he could serve. “Do not be afraid, for I am very adept in the art of chillaxation. Here, some tea?” Izana held out a cup of tea on a saucer. “Oh, I can offer a stamp-a-roo as well, if you dig that.”
When Bernadetta had seen the dramatic entrance the stranger had made into the ball, she immediately knew she wanted nothing to do with them. He seemed like someone who wanted all eyes on him at all times, and Bernadetta was not going to let herself get swept up in that kinda of situation. She was far happier on the sides being unnoticed.
So when he approached her, she squealed, much like normal. “U-um! Oh, thank you.” She managed, taking the cup from him. It rattled slightly on its saucer from her hands trembling. She quickly placed one hand on the rim of the cup to settle it.
“Wh-why would I be afraid? Should I be afraid? Oh goddess, what’s going to happen that I need to be afraid?” Bernadetta didn’t know whether she should run to her room or bunker down under a table.
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boundlesshart · 4 years
Izana was drawn to those who stick out and Claude... well, he was interesting. Izana Izana-ed over to him, feeling something come over him. A prophecy? No, perhaps it was a case of the funky beats. “What’s pop a lockin’? I’m Izana, Archduke of Izumo and all that, but what interests me is who you are, and if you can dance! Snazzy, got a good taste in earrings- consider me down to clown!” Izana bowed and offered his hand. “Lead or follow, I go with the flow!”
Whoa! Even Claude needs a second to process Izana as he Izanas, in all his Izananess. He’d seen this guy before, standing around all dainty in pure-white garb with pure-white hair, but he didn’t think that he’d be hiding all this. 
Pop a lockin’? Maybe it’s some kind of greeting in Izumo. It’s a weird one, but it’s not why Claude raises his hand to refuse him. “Sorry to say I’m not much of a dancer.” Stay under the radar and keep people questioning, that’s the strategy Claude employs for the upcoming competition. Let the competition tear each other apart so that even he can rise above them. He can’t help but smile at the thought.
“That said, what’s better than a handsome dancer performing his heart out? No partners, all attention on him.” Small bells chime softly as Claude tilts his head at Izana. “Izumo dances must be way different than Fódlan’s. More fun, too.”
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heartstringbound · 4 years
(Ignore the last one whoopsie daisies). Izana spotted a girl meandering through the orchestra pit and he paused, watching her progress. Was it efficiency? No, no she practically trampled a player flat resulting in a- haha- flat. He approached her in all of his glimmering glory as she emerged from the stage. “Salutations, girl! I am Izana, Archduke of Izumo. Might I lead you down the path of righteousness that ALSO rocks-“ he held out his hand as an invitation, “-in a dance?”
Setsuna paused. Her foot was tangled on someone’s stand for their sheet music, which she really wasn’t quite sure how she did and they looked very upset about it if she completely honest, but she ignored them to turn and look at the stranger who just approached her.
Izana? Sounded familiar. She couldn’t place it though, so it was probably better to just ignore it.
“Oh, no, Lady Hinoka says I’m not allowed to just follow strangers anymore. She thinks it gets me in too much trouble. Also rocks are very uncomfortable, so I don’t know why I would want to go down a path made entirely of rocks.” That seemed strange. She wondered why he would do that? She supposed that was simply his choice, in the end.
“Oh, a dance? Why didn’t you just say so?” That was fine, right? Lady Hinoka hadn’t said anything about dances. She roughly kicked her foot free. It caused her to stumble, but she managed to stay upright. “Sure, a dance sounds fun~”
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amenomakakoyumi · 4 years
Oh this was too fun to resist. Izana spotted the pineapple man from behind and a smirk spread across his face like a cat that had caught one, two, and then three canaries, barely holding back from cackling to himself like a cartoonish villain. Izana knew his formal ball outfit made for quite the vision and he darted in front of Takumi, arms spread to the heavens as though he was an apparition. “Didn’t I tell you I would haunt you?” He grinned. “Heehee, but I’m here in the flesh, piña bro-lada!”
Takumi wanted to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. He didn’t understand why this had to be a school-wide event and why he had to go through with it. He was completely content with just staying to the side and not interacting with anyone. Okay, there was a small list of people he would interact with, but that list was very small. It was like, Azura, Sakura, Marianne...
If only Takumi didn’t try to think of his list, he might have seen impending doom coming just a bit sooner. By the time he had caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, it was too late to start running. In fact, Takumi was almost considering just running anyway. Maybe he would have thought it was hilarious or something and fucked off to go elsewhere. Or maybe it would have been like a finger trap and the more he struggled the more he clung on. Gods, he’d take Claude right now.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever...” Takumi said his usual. He wasn’t sure when he was told that Izana was going to haunt him, but he was sure it was something that he had tuned out of his mind like the rest of the stupid crap that Izana always said. “Okay, cool, you’re here getting an education or whatever. Can you go somewhere else unless you have a cloak of invisibility? I’m busy trying to not interact with people at the moment.”
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theindigoflirt · 4 years
“Laslow!” Izana knew this one. Good lad. Very chill. Izana waved to him cheerily. “The years have served you well, take it from a beauty guru such as myself!” Izana winked and held out a hand. “You wanna bust a move, get in the groove?”
Seriously, he should start keeping track of how many people have called him that. Inigo cocked his head, eyebrows drawn together in bemusement. This man didn’t look like a Nohrian. Gods, not like he was an expert on the subject. (Yet. He tried not to think about it all too much.)
“That’s probably because I’m not exactly the man you knew. My time in Nohr has not yet passed. The name is Inigo. And you are...?” The explanation never got simpler, only easier to say. Inigo eyed Izana’s hand but doesn’t accept for now. “Perhaps after our introductions are over?” 
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lalumierel · 4 years
Key lime, key lime- Izana hummed as he searched for someone with green hair to throw his next pie at. Fated to be, this pie with someone green. He’d been hoping for Seteth, one holy man to another, but- “HYA!” L’arachel worked just as well!
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A loud warrior cry alerts her ears before her eyes and she casually steps aside from the incoming pie. L’Arachel scoffs, crossing her arms. 
“Nice try, fool. But I have the power of the gods and pie on my side!” She exclaims and saunters off.
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“Ayyy, it’s Elise, my favorite Elise!” Izana clapped his hands once and smiled, holding out his arms in anticipation for a hug. “Little sister! Izana is in the HOUSE, so you better be ready to get down and dance!”
Elise charged into Izana's arms with an excited and shrill squeal. "Izana! I'm so so so so soooo happy you made it here in time for the ball! No party could ever be complete without you! Let's get out there and boogy on down my dude!"
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harvestrose · 4 years
“Hello hello!” Izana kinda knew her... maybe... yes? “Queen sister!” Yeah that was acceptable. “It’sa me, Izana! Want to show these stuffy nobles how we get funky back on the ranch? Oh, and we can do the stamp thingy, I /do/ love feeling popular. Great to see ya!”
She couldn’t say she liked wearing the dress she’d chosen to wear for the party, though it was rather pretty- Camilla had sent it in preparation for the ball, so it was definitely more showy than she usually preferred, but she couldn’t deny that the woman had good taste. Reds and maroons weren’t the colors she typically wore, but it seemed to suit her well enough, she figured. still, it was weird having to pick up her skirts when she walked.
And then she heard a familiar voice and almost tripped on said skirts as she spun around, gasping in delight as she saw her brother-in-law. “Izana! Oh, how’ve you been- I ain’t seen you in-” she counts on her fingers, “-shit, three years!” She laughs at his statement, linking arms with him. “Give me a stamp and we’ll make sure all these folks know how good folk dance looks!” Her smile softened at his words. “’S good to see you too, ‘Zana. It seems like every day I got more an’ more family showin’ up, an’ I couldn’t be happier, honestly.”
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nohrianlance · 4 years
“Yeehaw!” Izana didn’t stop to ask himself why he said that. He approached Silas, yet another vaguely familiar face. He held out a cup of tea. “Hello! Long time no see, heehee! Want a stamp?”
Yeehaw? Is that some kind of Izumite greeting… no, Silas won’t overthink these things this time. Especially coming from Izana of all people.
“Hello–” he says, trying to return the greeting, but he doesn’t get another word in before a cup of tea is shoved into his face. “A-A what?” Silas asks, gently taking the tea from Izana’s hands. It’s too easy to see Izana somehow stumbling during one of his ‘dances’ and making a mess of this poor thing. “Oh, a stamp. From that game the students are doing.”
Honestly, when one of the professors first described it to him, Silas thought it sounded like a fun little game to enjoy while he stands guard. Yet the night is halfway over now and the card is still pristine in his pocket, the signet ring unused. One of the knights here mentioned that he’s not much older than many of the students here, but even so, it’s like there’s this invisible barrier that divides himself from them. Surrounded by friends, champagne in hand, laughing without a care in the world... it’s just not the world that Silas lives in.
The thought makes him more melancholy than he’d like. “Yeah, I’d like one,” Silas answers. Balancing the tea in one hand, he pulls his card from his pocket and offers it to Izana. “Actually, you’ll be my first stamp!”
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dragon-kiddos · 4 years
“Kana-kabana!” Izana loved Kana dearly, but hadn’t been given enough time to show it. Perhaps many parents felt that way, but he’d been worried since the day Kana was put in a deep realm that he might not know how much. A nice birthday present was the least Izana could do. He found Kana and smiled bowing and holding out a wrapped small box with a ribbon and bow in Kana’s favorite shade of blue. “Happy Birthday from your favorite dad!” Inside was a fancy complete Hoshidan calligraphy set.
“Papa-pabana!” Kana and Izana had only been reunited for a short time, but it was heaven on earth every moment they got to spend together. Kana loved his father dearly, perhaps more than a boy his age should; after all, thirteen is the time to be going through his rebellious I-hate-the-my-parents stage, is it not? But Kana seems to love them more than ever.
More interested in receiving affection from his papa than the gift itself, Kana nuzzles his head against Izana’s arm while he speaks. He barely even looks at the box, instead staring up at the other’s face with a happy grin. 
“I love you, papa.”
Said before he even opens his gift. 
Once he does, he squeaks with excitement. “Oh, sweet! Papa, you can help me with my calligraphy! Did you see my ugly signatures at the ball? You can help me make it prettier, now! I can practice!” 
He will perfect his signature. First, though, he wraps his arms around Izana in a tight hug. “Thank you, papa-pabana!” 
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
“Hello small man!” Izana smiled and approached Ignatz, a couple of mints in his hand. “You know what boosts confidence? Minty freshness! Also dance moves that make your hips wiggle, but let’s start with the mints. Oh- stamp?”
A whirlwind of expressions work their away across Ignatz’s face as he tries to digest the appearance and words of this stranger. Cautiously, he accepts the mint before pressing a stamp to his card, presenting his as well. Small man? ...Was he truly that short? Oh, goddess... “Um, I... my name is Ignatz.” How is he to respond to this? 
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freedomarrow · 4 years
Leonardo’s Journal
23rd of the Guardian Moon
Who is this weird white-haired guy??
I walk back to the dorm room, not in the best of moods - axes are very much old man Nolan’s specialty, not mine - and all of a sudden someone throws a snowball at me from the back?
I turn around to see who that was, expecting someone like Micaiah or MAYBE Mist, and instead it’s the academic adviser, who makes this supposedly iconic Golden Deer gesture at me and says “Turn that frown upside down, my dude, it’s already cold enough here without you chilling the atmosphere”??
Not even Edward has ever called me THAT before. Perhaps I can add getting called “dude” to a list of things that not many nobles experience. Then again who knows. Maybe he calls everyone that.
I admit that apparently the face expression I made afterwards must have been satisfactory to him, because he gave me a thumbs up and left, but that was the most bizarre thing to have happened to me since the day I met Cynthia.
The Officers Academy sure does employ some peculiar individuals.
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If there was anyone Izana knew in his family that worked too hard, it was Seigbert. The man was every bit as strong, charismatic, and noble hearted as a king should be, yet seemed to push and push just as a prince. Izana was the expert of royal relaxation minus all that taxation. “Seigbert! Don’t you run like sons of my other nephews now- Happy Birthday!” he beamed and held out a book of Hoshidan stories translated into Seigbert’s own language, and a drawstring sack of luxurious bath salts.
Siegbert was not one to run from presents. His birthday had been quiet; not even his parents had seen him. While he wouldn’t outwardly admit it, this bothered him a great deal, and so Izana—someone he rarely interacted with, to be honest—remembering such an important day made a smile spread across his lips.
“Uncle Izana! I... thank you. This is unexpected.”
Fingers trace over the book’s spine, smile widening into a small grin when he reads its title. Siegbert knew little of Hoshidan fairy tales and stories, despite how much he’s studied their culture. The bath salts are nice, too—dragons know the poor prince needs to relax, and these would help him do so.
“Truly, uncle, thank you. I think I’ll spend my time reading through these stories tonight. Before that, however, what say you and I catch up a bit over a spot of tea, hm?”
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