#fortnite relik
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zojirushiwaterbottle · 2 years ago
Fortnite Wilds friend group dynamics because friendship ALWAYS wins
Rian: the party animal WHILE ALSO being the therapist friend. They’re here to have a good time while making sure everyone else is having a good time also
Relik: the hot-headed friend. Canonically he has beef with people, idk what happened but he’s definitely out here arguing and fighting and all that
Era: the mom friend. My girl’s out here being all mature and wise and stuff, good for her. She just simply Has Her Life Together (she’s still definitely an overthinker though)
Trace: the chill friend. He’s just got those chill vibes yk. Inner peace, brah. He goes with the flow in life except if it has to do with smart, important stuff like the Apparatus. Then he’s a certified Intellectual™️
Lorenzo: the flirty friend. He just has that W rizz and can’t keep it to himself. He got a degree in quantum rizzics and likes to share it with all his friends. So charitable of him fr
Mariposa: the jokester. She’s tough and all but she’s definitely making everyone laugh. She’s just a silly gal. I think she’d be known for her humor in wrestling also
Also tbh all of them are so smart that none of them really fit under “the smart friend”. All of them are the smart friend. They definitely have, like, at least two brain cells among themselves. Good for them
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undinoble · 2 years ago
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The doomfluencer is not capable of resisting the ancient hunter's charm and sharp jaw and big brown eyes and defined muscles and
Also bisexual Renzo canon 💜
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fortnite-headcanons · 11 months ago
Rellik and Hades are related somehow since they both have weird fingers.
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Fortnite Headcanon #222
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zekei-lebeau · 10 months ago
M & T for the ask thing? 👀
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Lorenzo, and not just because he's my favorite. He seems like a total sweetheart for one thing. I might be shy at first due to his outgoing nature, but I think I'd be comfortable around him very quickly.
The fact that he explores jungles and ruins is also cool. I really want to travel the world, and accompanying him on his journeys would be a lot of fun. I'd particularly enjoy looking for animals in the jungle.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Lorenzo - Bisexual
Midas - Bisexual
Silas - Asexual
Piper - Lesbian
Trace - AroAce? Not 100% sure yet, but I think that's what I'm going with.
Ethnicities & Additional Info:
Lorenzo - Venezuelan-American
He was adopted as a baby in Venezuela by a Korean American mother and white American father. He'd love to go back and visit Venezuela as an adult, and is curious about his biological parents, but has no idea if they want anything to do with him.
Midas - English-American
He lived in England until 18, when he moved to the U.S. for college. There he met his future wife, and decided to stay once they got married and had Jules. He goes back to England every once and awhile to visit family.
Relik - Afro-Brazilian
The Brazilian part isn't my idea, as that's what his voice actor actually is. But I like the idea of him being half black as well. He was born and raised in Brazil, and as he's a hunter, frequents the Amazon Rain Forest. Lorenzo met him when exploring there for the first time, and they became friends.
(Link to Ask Meme)
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foxclanmask · 2 years ago
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pistamiilk · 2 years ago
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era :3
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fortnitey · 2 years ago
last four battlepass skins!
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no word yet on the secret skin, other than it’s supposed to be a new version of a character we’ve already seen 🤔
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p1xs-fortnite-fanart · 2 years ago
Totally didn't forget to post this one, nuh-huh!
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axemantv · 2 years ago
Die WILDNIS wartet in Fortnite Battle Royale Kapitel 4 – Saison 3: Die Mitte der Insel ist eingebrochen und legt einen riesigen, verborgenen Dschungel frei, in dem uralte Geheimnisse schlummern. Klettert auf die Baumkronen, reitet Velociraptoren und rutscht im Schlamm, um Tempo und Tarnung zu erhalten. Entdeckt Gegner mit dem Infrarot-DMR, grindet auf Ranken, während ihr mit dem Großtrommelgewehr feuert oder macht eure Gegner zu Zuschauern mit der Cybertron-Kanone. Dank der WILDNIS wurden die Dinge ein wenig ... wild. Erkundet die Karte, um neue Lebensformen wie die Bombenblume, die Stinkblume, die Schlürfpflanze und mehr zu entdecken! Außerdem gibt es viele neue und aufregende Schauplätze auf eurer Reise zu finden. Von den Waffen ganz zu schweigen. Die Gefahr verbirgt sich überall, also solltet ihr euch vielleicht mit einem kinetischen Bumerang oder sogar einem Wildwespenglas bewaffnen! Eine gute Entdeckungstour braucht gute Entdecker. Der Battle Pass dieser Saison beinhaltet völlig neue Outfits, Emotes, Spitzhacken und mehr Dinge, mit denen ihr den richtigen Weg finden könnt. Schaut euch eine Liste aller Outfits an, die im WILDNIS-Battle Pass verfügbar sein werden: - Ära - Trace - Rian - Lorenzo - Mariposa - Relik - Optimus Prime - Schnurrlaub-Muskelkater Es gibt viel zu entdecken in K4S3 → https://www.youtube.com/c/PlayStationDeutschland #Fortnite #FortniteTrailer #FortniteWILDS
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updatecrazy · 2 years ago
Fortnite update 3.95 patch notes details released for PS4, PC, PS5(version 1.000.107), Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Fortnite 3.95 patch notes, the latest update brings introduces the Explosive Repeater Rifle, which fires rounds triggering small explosions and destroys objects. today's Fortnite patch 3.95 also includes various bug fixes. Previously, a major Fortnite Chapter 4 update added quality-of-life improvements and fixes. Unfortunately, players are still facing several issues with the game. Today's Fortnite update 3.95 (PS5 version 1.000.107) will address a few of these issues. Read more details below. Fortnite 3.95 Patch Notes (1.000.107) - June 27, 2023 Battle Royale Explosive Repeater Rifle: The Explosive Repeater Rifle has been introduced. It fires rounds that trigger a small explosion on impact. The explosive effect allows damage to be dealt even if the target is not directly hit. It can destroy objects like bushes, exposing opponents. The Heavy Sniper Rifle has been vaulted to accommodate the new weapon. The Explosive Repeater Rifle can be found on the ground, in chests, Holo-Chests, and can be purchased for Bars from Nia. New Reality Augments: Two new Reality Augments have been added. Heavy Headshots: Weapons using heavy ammo now deal increased headshot damage. Heavy Ammo Acquired: Players instantly gain heavy ammo and gain more when opening containers. Competitive Notes: Wildguard Relik, Wildguard Relik’s Cloak Gauntlets, and Relik’s MK-Alpha Assault Rifle from v25.10 are now included in tournaments. Major Bug Fixes: Victory Crowns now appear in players' inventories and can be dropped. Download free Fortnite update 3.95 for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.
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zojirushiwaterbottle · 2 years ago
Fortnite Wilds headcanons because idk they deserve headcanons as a lil treat:
Rian: bi. Everything about her screams bi also non-binary I think she/they pronouns
Relik: cishet tbh. Maybe questioning though, I wouldn’t rule that out
Era: demi. She’s so involved with time and stuff that she really can’t bring herself to like anyone unless she has a deep bond with them
Trace: gay. He just is, I don’t make the rules ALSO I think non-binary or agender he/they pronouns
Lorenzo: pan. Bro has that ultimate rizz yk “I just think everyone’s hot” -him probably
Mariposa: ace and lesbian. She LOVES women but wrestling is as far as she’ll go with physical contact
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undinoble · 2 years ago
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Mr Relik sir you're indeed very hard to draw but also very handsome so i forgive you
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fortnite-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Fortnite Headcanon #86
relik is bisexual
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zekei-lebeau · 2 years ago
Got this cute screenshot of a Relik using this heart emote right when I walked up as Lorenzo
They started it before I came over, so weren't reacting to me. And they unfortunately didn't return my hug either. This just happened to be good timing.
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foxclanmask · 2 years ago
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Some art I’ve made of Relik Fortnite
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caicodequeiroz · 2 years ago
Nosso ator exclusivo Eduardo Muniz dublou o Relik no novo Fortnite Wilds.
A nova temporada lançou agora dia 09/06, já foi conferir?
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