#fortnite gameplay high kill
r3starttt · 8 months
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gamer gf! Ellie who’s money goes almost completely to anything that helps to improve her setup. She’ll also somehow buy the most expensive versions of everything and keeps on buying lots of lightning products even though she only uses her leds.
gamer gf! Ellie who stays awake super late just to buy things online (mostly unnecessary shit that only she uses or would only use once)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s of course a streamer and somehow has the most nice fandom ever. But also full of people that writes the most feral things/compliments about her everywhere and adores you sm even though they didn’t even know you in the beginning.
gamer gf! Ellie who’s fans fully her for having you as her girlfriend, reminding her all the time how she’s super loser coded and how you’re the total opposite.
gamer gf! Ellie who got viral not for her gameplay but for doing a review of some random product she bought because she almost revealed her face and also because people kept saying how hot her hands were. There were tons of edits and clips about both, the small piece of face she showed and her hands, and she wouldn’t stop showing you all of them.
gamer gf! Ellie who eventually made a face reveal because somehow people were already recognizing her on public and there were pictures of her all over twitter so there was no point on being “all mysterious” (she never was)
gamer gf! Ellie who plays everything (and sucks most times) but definitely loves Minecraft the most just because she gets to play with you.
gamer gf! Ellie who has a huge world with you where she insists you should do the house and decorating all super pretty while she goes in the caves and does the “hard stuff” (she panics whenever those random sounds appear and always gets killed in the most stupid ways)
gamer gf! Ellie who begs you to do streams with her, playing with her (using her fans as an excuse bcs they genuinely ask for it) or just staying by her side (ofc you have to be there if she’s playing some horror game)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s super loud and screams a lot. Who also loves insulting everyone, specially kids.
gamer gf! Ellie who also adores fortnite and GTA (online’s her favorite ofc) just for the kids that she gets to insult and scare.
gamer gf! Ellie who only uses Instagram to let people know she’ll start streaming and overuses twitter (somehow hasn’t got canceled)
gamer gf! Ellie who reads fics of her and sees all the edits and fanart people do (exposes everyone and can’t hold her laugh if the drawing sucks)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s love language would be dedicate you every win she made (would fail most times but the effort matters more than the result ig)
gamer gf! Ellie who loves shit post duh (fills her ig stories with an exaggerated amount of it)
gamer gf! Ellie who also loves animal crossing and the sims (secretly) and does the most creepy shit
gamer gf! Ellie who also installs everything for free if she can because she refuses to spend that much money in games (she still does but whatever)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s phone never has battery and has the most broken screen ever
gamer gf! Ellie who makes a lot of random quizzes and got a high result on the iq ones while streaming (got really exited even though she’s genuinely smart)
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peacemaker-ic · 1 month
Do you think EA will take Inzoi as a competitor for sims 5? This means that EA will develop an ultra realistic game to kill Inzoi. so there is a small range or chance that they will jump into cartoonish style anymore ? :( I'm afraid.
I doubt it will take the styling into account at all. InZoi has AAA specs and the majority of sims players wouldn't have PCs powerful enough to play it on decent settings. In some regards, the min specs are even higher than a lot of AAA games. Realistic styling also tends to collide with the goofy and light-heartedness of the sims franchise, so I can't see them pivoting so much as it would alienate a lot of players and stray away from the core appeal of it. Let us also not forget that TS4 is very much a live service game now and realistic styling and long life cycles tend to not go well together. Stylisation like we see in WoW, Fortnite and Sims tends to hold its age much better then games like GTA etc which need cutting edge tech to meet the high demands of realistic looks and look outdated after a few years.
When InZoi releases though, I could see that it's more likely that gameplay functions would have a greator impact on future sims titles then the look of it. InZoi as it is now would have limited appeal simply based on who can play it, so I doubt sims team or EA feel like they need to squash it. If there are meaningful core mechanics that would benefit players, i could see those influencing the next game, but even that seems slim as the ideologies and general direction of the games seem quite different.
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multitrackdrifting · 4 months
i love how battle royales forced one another to innovate. before apex legends existed fortnite a) didn't have a respawn system (it had a revive system) and b) it lacked a ping system
while fortnite is a more elaborate platform for advertising shit (i say this as a fan, mind you) i'm thankful apex hasn't deviated away from having a pretty difficult gameplay loop since i've always felt like the game was fundamentally different to most fps not because it has abilities (many FPS have those), but the way trading patterns and fights go is pretty different to a tactical shooter or other battle royales - most of that is driven by the resource economy and extermely high time to kill compared to most fps games. it's also why you kinda get the dota 2 style experience of getting your head kicked in for a while until the flow of the game starts to click
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francostrider · 2 years
‘The Last of Us’ Was Not the First of Anything
With The Last of Us the Game the Series released, the conversation of whether or not this is the greatest game that ever gamed has come up once again. Its position was called into question due to the mixed reaction of its sequel in 2020, and while it still had defenders, people were a lot more open to discussing the original’s flaws. But there are still those who call it the greatest game ever, and award shows (a cancer upon entertainment) love to push that narrative.
As I maintain, this is subjective, and declaring anything the greatest is a shallow viewpoint of any medium and only serves to invalidate the whole rainbow of other works that are, ultimately, not comparable. The sequel was incredibly divisive for that simple fact. You cannot compare The Last of Us, a cover shooter with some expensive cutscenes, to more complex RPGs like Divinity Original Sin 2, or high octane action games like Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, or investigative titles like The Return of the Obra Din. Comparing them is like comparing a lawn mower to a cookie tray. I have not played The Last of Us, and while it may be a competently made game, it holds zero value to me. I’ve heard the praise (the cutscenes), and the criticisms (Ellie not being a factor in gameplay, gameplay is pretty derivative, etc.), but I’m not going to rip into it because it’s not part of the my world.
And fans of TLOU, don’t take that personally. Final Fantasy VII Remake also holds no value to me. As does Lisa: The Painful RPG, most Final Fantasy, Valkyrie Profile, Call of Duty, Fortnite or a lot of other popular franchises of today. I am occasionally surprised by something out of my usual repetiore, like Dawn of War, but with my limited time, I want to put my time to something I am interested in, and I’m well past the point of caring about hype. The games I criticize are the ones I wanted to care about (Fire Emblem Fates) and wanted to do better.
But let’s make something clear: The Last of Us was not a first on any given level.
We all know the meme of someone on Twitter saying that Video Games have been nothing but coin crunchers until TLOU. From my research the “showrunner” quoted (who had been left anonymous) does not exist, and the post was a joke to anger people. But I have gotten into arguments with people who claimed that The Last of Us was the first to be really “narrative focused”. Sadly, this was not the only example.
And, say, aren’t we forgetting a few? If you want to go back to narrative driven games, the earliest I can think of are adventure games, like the Monkey Island series. You know, back in the 80s, early 90s. RPGs (both western and Japanese), have been playing with dialogue and settings and character arcs since the NES days. But the one that comes to mind for myself is a little old game on the PS1 by Hideo Kojima.
Metal Gear Solid for a lot of people (including myself) was the first to put a lot of effort into its cutscenes. Not only that, but it was the first I played to put the voice talent onto center stage. When introduced to a new character, you are given the name of the character and the name of the voice actor behind it. As a kid, I did not think of the voice talent much before that game. Kojima not only wanted you to know the characters and their story, but the voices behind them.
On the shoulder of that game, you have Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I was more aware of the voice talent coming into this game, but there are some significant details that marry gameplay with the story. Raziel is a fallen vampire, turned soul devouring lich. The bones were torn from his wings and he was cast into an abyss, killing him before an ancient being brings him back. In this form, he needs to devour souls to maintain himself in the living world, or else be forced back into the spectral realm. His torn wings can be used as an impromptu parachute to glide. Devouring greater vampires leads to new powers to allow him to progress further. The vampires need to be killed in specific ways, like water or fire.
The point is Soul Reaver matches the gameplay and story with very little segregation. You feel the world and Raziel’s character in ways most games neglect. There is no forgetting the narrative during its gamplay. This is not the only example of this, but it is one that will always stand out in my mind. And this was all the way back in 1999. This is a classic example of a narrative driven game.
The Last of Us was basically a logical next step of the trends of the time: cover based shooting, refinement of cutscenes and voice work, graphical touches, and so on. It did not break trends or set them. Spec Ops: The Line is very often compared to TLOU, and that came out the year prior, specifically to deconstruct the modern military genre of shooters. We’d seen zombies before, we’d seen main characters fall apart, we’d seen character arcs and we’d seen some real downers up to that point.
This is not to say you cannot enjoy The Last of Us or that the game itself is toxic. By all means, have fun. But what is toxic is the narrative surrounding it. Calling it the greatest does nothing for the gaming industry except decide an arbitrary standard (like the Oscars) of which games are worth looking at. It decrees that only when you’ve worked your animation staff to death will you draw the greater collective’s attention. It implies that every other kind of game is a waste of time. It erases gaming history for the sake of Oscar fueled spectacle.
And most of all, it harms the legacy of The Last of Us itself. This myopic, elitist attitude toward gaming does nothing for a game about the desperate and downtrodden. Because the buzz and hype has become so important to the game, it muddies the message. We do not live in a vacuum: Timing and exposure of a piece is important. One of these days, we’re going to look back on this game more soberly and call into question the culture around it.
Maybe we can finally quit this Oscar bait nonsense and spread the attention around. That would be a first.
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opticblasting · 2 years
i don't understand people who are excited for suicide squad: kill the justice league.
maybe it's the small glimmer of hope - that ever since the success of marvel's spider-man we haven't had a good, proper AAA superhero video game (except for Guardians but not enough people played it and they SHOULD). maybe its the belief in rocksteady. or maybe its just copium from all of those things. but it just feels bad. is it 'visually' good? yes. wonder woman looks stunning ( <3 ), yes the graphics are great with the billions of particles on the screen at any given moment. it's a rocksteady game, so i'm sure the gunplay will be good. however, it is literally a destiny clone. in the same vein crystal dynamics' avengers is. in the same vein wb games' gotham knights is. that's the problem. inherently the looter shooter genre does not work with superhero games, because all of these heroes have such defined gear and tech that you can't really have them pick up random shit and expect it to work. but there's more to it than that. avengers and gotham knights had the exact same problem, that i'm sure suicide squad will too. they're trying so hard to riff on destiny's success, that they aren't learning from the destiny 2 that is now. they're replicating the destiny 2 that was at launch. the one that was more barebones than the one now, the one with no endgame content. the one where there was nothing to do. the one that didn't give you a reason to go back.
and even on top of that, it's riddled with the new 'AAA' fare, that really should be left to the free to play games. fortnite needs the battle pass and the shop to make money, overwatch 2 does too, so does cod: warzone. a game that will cost $69.99 at launch (depending on where you live) should not have a battle pass, even if it is just cosmetics. you're already charging me a high barrier to entry, you shouldn't be charging me extra for things that are literally in the game.
and that's just the gameplay side of the problem. why does captain boomerang carry: a GUN? he's captain BOOMERANG. why does his boomerang have speed force powers which let him traverse? the same thing goes for the rest of these guys, they all have these powers and abilities that take away from what makes the suicide squad conceptually so interesting. these are people who should be on the backfoot just on the premise of their abilities. on top of that, i think in a time like now, where the capeshit people like is overly cynical capeshit, a game about killing the justice league just sucks. it's adding to the problem than trying to go against it. and that just sucks. even further, this is the first modern take on Metropolis in a AAA game, and we're not using it in a Superman game? seriously. snooze. i wish guardians of the galaxy succeeded as a game, because that is a game superhero game developers should be looking at when making team based games. or even look at a successful game like final fantasy vii remake. why are we looking at failures like avengers or gotham knights? superhero games deserve better than being half-baked looter shooters that don't get their characters.
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arnimane · 3 months
Dropping A 20 Bomb - Fortnite Zero Build with Geo, Jules and Eddie
Hope you guys enjoy this high kill/high eliminations Fortnite Zero Build gameplay. Playing with Geo, Jules and Eddie this time. Wish us luck! We're gonna need it with all these cars. This season is pretty fun though! How are you guys liking the new season?
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wamatechblog · 6 months
The Future of Mobile Gaming: Trends and Innovations to Watch
The Future of Mobile Gaming: Trends and Innovations to Watch
In recent years, the mobile gaming industry has experienced explosive growth, fueled by advancements in technology and shifting consumer preferences. As we look ahead, the future of mobile gaming promises even more exciting developments and innovations. In this article, we'll explore the latest trends and innovations shaping the landscape of mobile gaming, and how mobile app developers in the USA, such as Wama Technology, are driving these changes forward.
The Rise of Mobile Gaming: A Global Phenomenon
Mobile gaming has evolved from simple, time-killing pastimes to immersive experiences that rival traditional console and PC games. With the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, gaming has become more accessible than ever, reaching audiences of all ages and demographics.
Trends Shaping the Future of Mobile Gaming
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing mobile gaming by providing players with immersive experiences that blur the lines between the virtual and real worlds. Games like Pokémon GO have already demonstrated the potential of AR gaming, and we can expect to see more innovative uses of these technologies in the future.
Cloud Gaming: Cloud gaming services allow players to stream games directly to their devices, eliminating the need for expensive hardware and large downloads. This technology enables gamers to access high-quality games on any device, anywhere, and at any time, opening up new possibilities for mobile gaming.
Cross-Platform Play: Cross-platform play allows gamers to play together seamlessly across different devices and platforms. With the rise of cloud gaming and mobile-to-console connectivity, we can expect to see more games offering cross-platform play, enabling players to connect with friends and compete in multiplayer games regardless of their preferred device.
Subscription Services: Subscription-based gaming services offer users access to a library of games for a monthly fee. With the success of services like Apple Arcade and Google Play Pass, we can expect to see more subscription-based models emerge, providing gamers with a cost-effective way to access a diverse range of games.
Social Gaming: Social gaming has become increasingly popular, with games like Among Us and Fortnite bringing players together in virtual worlds. The future of mobile gaming will continue to emphasize social interactions, with games incorporating features like multiplayer modes, social sharing, and in-game communities.
Innovations Driving the Future of Mobile Gaming
Wama Technology, a leading mobile app development company in the USA, is at the forefront of driving innovation in mobile gaming. With a team of experienced developers and designers, Wama Technology is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in mobile gaming.
Custom Game Development: Wama Technology specializes in custom game development, creating unique and engaging gaming experiences tailored to the needs and preferences of their clients. Whether it's a casual puzzle game or a high-octane multiplayer shooter, Wama Technology has the expertise to bring any game idea to life.
Integration of Emerging Technologies: Wama Technology is constantly exploring new technologies and trends in mobile gaming, including AR, VR, and machine learning. By integrating these technologies into their games, Wama Technology creates immersive and innovative gaming experiences that captivate players and keep them coming back for more.
Focus on User Experience: User experience is paramount in mobile gaming, and Wama Technology places a strong emphasis on creating intuitive and engaging gameplay experiences. From intuitive controls to stunning graphics and seamless multiplayer functionality, Wama Technology ensures that every aspect of their games is designed with the user in mind.
Agile Development Methodologies: Wama Technology utilizes agile development methodologies to streamline the game development process and deliver high-quality games on time and within budget. By embracing flexibility and collaboration, Wama Technology ensures that their games are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of players.
The future of mobile gaming is bright, with exciting trends and innovations set to transform the industry in the coming years. From the rise of AR and VR gaming to the proliferation of cloud gaming services and subscription-based models, mobile gaming is poised to continue its upward trajectory. With companies like Wama Technology leading the charge, the possibilities for mobile gaming are endless, promising even more immersive and engaging experiences for players around the world.
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fitjourneydaily · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite Tracker: Unleashing the Power of Fortbite Creator Code, Toothpaste, and Reviews
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Introduction Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm, captivating millions of players worldwide. From its engaging Battle Royale mode to its ever-evolving landscape, Fortnite offers endless hours of fun and excitement. However, to truly master the game, you need a toolkit that goes beyond its virtual boundaries. Enter Fortnite Tracker, Fortbite Creator Code, Fortbite Toothpaste, and Fortbite Reviews – powerful tools and resources that can enhance your gaming experience and take your skills to the next level. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of these essential components. 1. Understanding Fortnite Tracker: Unleashing the Power of Data Analysis Fortnite Tracker is a vital resource that allows you to track your in-game statistics, explore leaderboards, and analyze your performance. Whether you’re looking to improve your kill-to-death ratio, monitor your progress, or compare yourself to top players, Fortnite Tracker provides invaluable insights to help you on your journey to becoming a Fortnite pro. By utilizing Fortnite Tracker, you can discover essential information such as your win rate, total kills, total wins, and average match placements. This data acts as a roadmap towards improvement, allowing you to identify areas for growth and track your progress over time. Additionally, you can utilize the leaderboards to gauge how you fare against other players, boosting your competitive spirit and providing motivation to propel yourself higher. 2. Fortbite Creator Code: Showcasing Your Support and Boosting Your Progress Fortbite Creator Code is an exclusive feature that enables players to support their favorite content creators while gaining unique benefits. By using a Creator Code during your Fortnite gameplay, you can unlock special features, benefits, or in-game items that are exclusive to that particular creator. Additionally, supporting creators through the Creator Code system can provide them with financial rewards, encouraging their continued creation of high-quality content. Utilizing the Fortbite Creator Code feature not only benefits content creators but also enhances your gaming experience. By supporting your favorite creators, you can gain access to exclusive content, early game releases, or unique in-game items that others may not have. Moreover, playing with a Creator Code can introduce you to new strategies, tips, and techniques that these creators share through their content, ultimately boosting your progress and proficiency in the game. 3. Fortbite Toothpaste: Enhancing Dental Hygiene through Gaming Fortbite Toothpaste is an innovative product that merges the world of gaming with oral hygiene. Dental care is of utmost importance, and Fortbite Toothpaste takes a playful approach to encourage good dental habits among gamers. Whether you're a parent looking to promote healthy dental routines for your children or a gamer yourself, the Fortbite Toothpaste aims to make brushing teeth a more enjoyable experience. Featuring a Fortnite-inspired branding and enticing flavors, Fortbite Toothpaste transforms brushing into a less mundane activity. By incorporating Fortnite elements into the oral routine, it adds a touch of excitement and motivates gamers to prioritize their dental health. As an essential tool in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Fortbite Toothpaste provides both parents and players with a simple yet impactful way to merge gaming and dental hygiene. 4. Fortbite Reviews: Unlocking Insights and Making Informed Decisions Fortnite Reviews is an invaluable resource for players looking to explore new gaming gear, strategies, or in-game purchases. With an extensive community of dedicated players sharing their experiences and insights, Fortnite Reviews acts as a central hub for authentic feedback and recommendations. Before investing in new gaming peripherals, exploring new strategies, or purchasing in-game items, it's crucial to make informed decisions. By diving into Fortbite Reviews, you can gain insight into the best gaming equipment, gear, and strategies that suit your play style. This not only improves your overall gaming experience but also helps you make sound purchasing decisions, ensuring that you invest in products and strategies that align with your gaming goals. Conclusion As a Fortnite player, staying on top of your game requires more than just raw talent – it necessitates utilizing the right tools and resources. Fortnite Tracker, Fortbite Creator Code, Fortbite Toothpaste, and Fortbite Reviews provide comprehensive solutions to enhance your gaming experience, improve your skillset, and make informed decisions. By expanding your knowledge about these indispensable tools, you can unlock new levels of success in the Fortnite universe. Elevate your oral care with FortBite – explore our tooth powder, toothpaste, and reviews. Stay updated with FortBite news and shop for exclusive products. For more, visit the 'FortBite' website. Visit the FortBite Product Page. Read the full article
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teachernumberone · 2 years
High Kill Solo Vs Squads Gameplay Full Game (Fortnite Chapter 4 Ps4 Cont...
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trustodd · 2 years
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This app offers a very user-friendly interface.
This download also gives you a path to purchase the Save the World co-op. Play both Battle Royale and Fortnite Creative for FREE. As close as you can get to a real skate board with out getting a scraped knee. Fortnite is the free, always evolving, multiplayer game where you and your friends battle to be the last one standing or collaborate to create your dream Fortnite world.
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takayaki · 4 years
1 vs 4 Solo Kill (Fortnite Battle Royale) #fullfortnitegameplay​ #highkillfullgameplay​ #season5fullgameplay​ #solovssquadshighkill​ #solosquadshighkill​ #fullgameplaysolosquads​ #fortnitesolosquadsfullgame​ #gameplayseason5highkill​ #killhighgame​ #highkillgamefortnitefull​ #season5solosquadshighkill​ #gameplaysolosquadshighkill​ #solosquadfull​ #fortnitehighkillsolosquads​ #season5solosquadsgame​ #fortnitesolosquadsgameplay​ #fortnitefullgamesolovssquads​ #Fortnite​ #Фортнайт​ #Ps4
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anninhiliation · 4 years
Video Games
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A disclaimer: This is my original writing, don't be a puta  and copy it. I give no consent to anyone to repost my work so dont. 
Chris walked into the apartment, smiling ear to ear as he clutched a package from GameStop. His new game had just arrived right as he got home, making him feel like it’s Christmas all over again. He was dying for its release and arrival ever since the game’s release was announced. 
“Nena” he cheerfully called out right has he unlocked the door 
“In here” you called out from the common space
Your eyes were glued to the screen, as your hands flickered around the PS4 controller. You recently picked up on Chris’s hobby of playing video games and became addicted. Currently, you were playing Shadow of the Colossus completely taken over by the story and gameplay. Thumbs hitting the square and x as you held down R2, as your other hand moved around the control stick. You bit hard on your bottom lip as you set all your focus on the screen. Your character, Wander, darted around the arena as you tried to pinpoint how to defeat the Colossal in front of you. Chris leaned on the door frame as he grinned, watching you play. Your one leg was bent up, as the other was folded underneath the leg that was bent up. The black t-shirt you stole from Chris had ridden up in your position exposing your legs and baby pink underwear. Blood rushed to his cock, as his eyes trailed around your body. He could faintly see the bump of your nipples indicating you weren’t wearing a bra under his shirt. He began to crave you in all the sinful ways. It was a kink of Chris’ you, in nothing but his t-shirts. It was almost like a statement to him and everyone else that you were his and his alone. The way his clothes drowned your body, covering you in his cologne was so possessive. And as a bonus, you were barely wearing any clothes. 
His mind trailed off to the filthy things the two of you have done on that couch. From that one night after stumbling in drunk after a club accidentally breaking one of the couch legs from how hard and sloppily he fucked you. To the amount of times he's sat there in your spot playing Fortnite as you sucked him off. Your tongue gliding up his vein, as you make the cutest noises, before swirling around his tip tasting his precum-
"Chris?" you questioned, feeling his eyes glued to you as you climbed up the Colossus 
“What did I miss while I was gone?” Chris asked as he made his way to the couch, placing the package on the coffee table and kissed your cheek then making his way down to your neck
“I killed two Colossal’s” you stated as you quickly turned your head and pecked Chris’s lips “and I think I got this one” you grinned as you finally managed to strike a weak point
Chris ran his hands from your ankle down to your thigh. His lips, tongue, and teeth, creating a little reddish-purple mark under your ear. Bolts of electricity ran straight to your core as you could feel what he was doing to you. Chris toyed with the fresh skin he exposed as his fingers glided around the thin fabric. His other hand began to massage your other leg with hopes you would avert your attention back to him. With your leg that laid flat on the couch cushion, Chris's fingers focused on your inner thigh, knowing exactly what it does to you. Chris was dying to mark your inner thighs, have your hands wrapped around his hair begging for him to just give you more already. 
“Nena” he growled
“Chris” you responded as you muttered a shit as Wander fell off the Colossal
He grinned as he looked up to your face, noticing you bite down hard on your lower lip. A sign you were struggling to pay attention to what was ahead of you.
“Nena pause the game,” Chris demanded
You grinned as you were reminded of how many times you’ve been in his position. 
Chris playing the same game for eight hours straight, giving you the least bit of attention. Your pussy beating to its own pace begging for his touch. His lips, his filthy words, his grabby hands, his cock. Countless times you’d climb up behind him, pressing your breasts against his shoulders and nape as you’d wrap your arms around his torso whining for him to take a break. Occasionally trailing your hand down to his member, palming it through his sweatpants in hopes he would just take you on the couch. Or how you'd crawl between his legs thirsty for him, palming his member before pulling his pants down and going to work. Your fingers holding his thighs so tight as you'd bury his throbbing cock inch by inch. You specifically remember that one time where Chris just pulled you onto his lap, and let you use him for your own pleasure 'since you're that needy nena dale'. How occasionally if you'd make him mess up by how tightly you'd clench him or how much you'd just start teasing his cock he would roughly thrust up into you making your breasts bounce roughly and pull a loud moan out of you. 'You like that nena? They just killed me and I was so close to the end' But you definitely remembered how he’d always answer not yet, then get hooked on the next part of the game leaving you untouched for hours. 
Well, this was your turn to playfully give him a piece of his own medicine. 
"Mmm Chris I don't know I'm almost done beating this" you smirked as you lured the Colossal towards you, waiting for the right moment to shoot an arrow in its eyes
"Nena" he whined as he moved the shirt up toying with your side, thumb sliding along your stomach “Don’t you wanna feel good?”
"I'll feel good after I kill this fucker" you teased
 He kissed the weakest spots on your neck as he massaged your inner thigh and cupped your breast. Your breathing hitched as more pleasure began to pool at your core.
“Nena I need you,” he pouted as he rolled and pulled your hardened nipple between his fingers 
The cold contrast of his rings against your warm skin sent a shiver down your spine as your walls clenched around nothing. Your back instinctively arched against his touch making him groan at your reaction.
“Chris I need to beat this” you let out a small giggle as you could already tell the look on his face 
"Mira que cerca estoy" you pouted as you climbed back onto the Colossal and gave it one last harsh jab to its weak point, killing it "aye look" you cheered for yourself as Chris moved over to your other breast 
"Okay, now nena?" He gave you his big doe eyes as you locked eyes with him
"I don't know I mean the next Colossal is calling my name Papi" you innocently said as you batted your lashes
He furrowed his eyebrows as he pounced on top of you. 
"Nena" he growled as you giggled 
His hands firmly held your waist as yours latched onto his hair dropping the controller on the ground. He kissed your lips hungrily as you wrapped your legs around his waist whining out as you felt his boner firmly press against you. His hands slowly traveled down past your navel and teased your cloth slit. 
“Fuck nena” he groaned as your juices soaked through the fabric
“Don’t tease or I’ll go back fighting Colossals” you warned as you broke off the kiss to leave your own marks on his porcelain skin
Chris wasted no time teasing you as the last thing he wanted was your attention to leave him. He grabbed your panties and pushed them to the side as he massaged your clit, drawing your favorite pattern. Your hips bucked and back arched as you gripped his bicep.
“Chris!” you cried out as he slid two digits inside you and curled them right into your g-spot
He pumped as quickly as he could feeling his cock begin to throb. Chris couldn’t take it anymore and had to be inside you. He pulled out and quickly moved his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out. Your moans faded into screams as he flipped you over and rammed inside you. 
“Holy Shit hermosa you’re so tight,” he grunted
Skin relentlessly smacked against itself as Chris grabbed onto your waist. You yelped as his hand came flying down on your ass. He kneaded the flesh before repeating three times. 
“Chris!” You moaned out as your eyes rolled back 
He angled his hips slightly hitting right into your g-spot with every thrust. Your hands reached out and grabbed the arm rest and side of the couch with all your force. 
“More” you whined out 
“Mas?” He grinned as he slid his hand down and massaged your clit. 
Your moans increased as he doubled your pleasure. Chris pressed his chest against your back as he grabbed your hair and nipped your neck, adding on a few more marks. Your chest pressed further into the cushion as he kept your ass held up. Your breathing trapped inside your lungs by every thrust. Your toes curled as you felt a buildup of pleasure. 
“Don’t stop” you practically said inaudibly
Walls fluttering around him, squeezing his shaft tightly, pulling him closer to his own high as you got closer and closer to yours. His balls swelled up in his seed as he gave you a few more rhythmic thrusts. Him twitching inside you, throbbing and ready to cum was all you needed for your knot to snap and for your juices to come flying out. 
“Christopher!” you cried out at the top of your lungs
Your thighs violently shook around him as your eyes rolled to the back of your skull. 
“Fuck” Chris groaned as your juices nicely coated his cock
He wasn’t far behind you, with one last hard thrust getting as deep inside you as possible he released his white juices deep inside you. Chris moaned out and you moaned out with him as you felt yourself being stuffed to the brim. You both paused, catching your breath before you moved your hips, pulling him out and quickly shoving him to sit down on the couch. You picked up the controller and straddled his lap with your face towards the television. You smirked as you buried him back inside you, feeling him push around his previous load. 
“Now why don't you do that again as I keep playing” you grinned as you turned your torso slightly and pecked his lips
@loveliveswithin “sweet ann! may i request a gamer boy!au (with boy of your choosing) smut? 💖” 
@just-another-cnchoe​ It wont let me tag the main (idk if you took it down but I finally finished jdfkjsdhfd)
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timetocode · 4 years
The Peeker’s Compromise: A Fair(er) Netcode Model
Many first person shooters are plagued by a netcode artifact known as the peeker’s advantage. I propose here a technique for correcting this bug, based around normalizing gameplay in such a way that human reflexes and skill decide the outcome of competition (as opposed to network latency or artifacts of varying netcode designs, discussed shortly).
When a player in a first person shooter is moving around the game world they exist in a position on their own game client that is slightly ahead of their position on the server. This is a solution/side-effect of clientside prediction which is ubiquitously used in first person shooters giving the player instantaneous movement and controls that feel like a single player game despite controlling a character that is moving around on a remote server. 
If we were to visualize the difference between the clientside player position and the serverside player position it would look like two characters chasing each other. How far apart the two characters are depends (in descending order of usual importance) on how fast movement is in the game, the latency of the player, and the tickrate of the server. But how big are these differences in the actual games of the current era? Are the two states of characters practically overlapping? Or is one several meters behind the other? The answer -- which varies by game and by internet connection -- is that the desynchronization between these two positions is significant. Over amazing internet connections in games with slow moving characters the desynchronization is usually on the order of 1 player length. So imagine any fps game character (valorant, cs:go, apex, overwatch, fortnite, cod, etc) -- and then imagine them creeping or walking around slowly. In this scenario the desync between the two states is such that one could picture the character being followed by its clone, touching. If they move *really* slowly then they’ll be overlapping. However as the characters break into a run their clone will trail them by more -- maybe 2-8 player lengths depending how fast characters are in the game. If a player has a high latency the clone will be ever farther behind in all scenarios except holding still.
Now when a player shoots their gun in all of the above games, the game engines will calculate the shot based on where the player perceives themselves. That means that as you play the game what you see is pretty much what you get. You don’t have to manually correct for lag while aiming in modern shooters -- just aim for the head right where you see it. However this introduces the peeker’s advantage. A defender can hold a corner with their crosshair primed to shoot anything that appears, but an attacker (the peeker) who comes around that corner is ahead of their server position and thus they get to a bit of extra time to "peek” and shoot at the defender before they themselves are visible to the defender. Depending on the actual amount of lag and the game itself the defender perceives themselves as either having been shot insanely quickly right as the attacker appeared, or maybe if the lag is not as bad they perceive themselves as having gotten to trade shots with the attacker, but ultimately they lost. The attacker perceives nothing special -- they just walked around the corner and shot the defender b/c they were playing aggressively and have superior reflexes (or so they think).
How big is the actual peekers advantage? Well it varies by game, but an article put out by Riot Games about Valorant goes into detail about how much the peeker’s advantage affects gameplay, and how their engine attempts to minimize it. It’s a great read: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode. But to summarize, using 128 tick servers (very fast) 35 ms of internet latency (fast) and monitor refresh rates of 60 hz (standard) they calculate an advantage of 100 milliseconds after extensive optimization. That’s fast, but is it fast enough? Well back in 2003 I used to be a competitive Counterstrike 1.6 player at around the same time that I was obtaining a psychology degree with a particular interest in human perception (reaction time, how our eyes work, perception of subluminal images that are shown very quickly). I tested the reflexes of myself and all of my teammates. Competitive gaming didn’t have the same structure back then as it does now (everything has a ladder now -- back then it was private leagues), but by modern standards we were probably top 3% ladder players or something like that. Generally speaking there isn’t much of a speed difference in the whole pool of pro-gamers, at least when compared to new players. They are all pretty fast. Response time for watching a corner and clicking as you see a player (already perfectly lined up) fall into the range of 150-190 ms. Tasks that involve moving the crosshair to react quickly (as opposed to having had perfect placement already) slow that down another 50-150 ms. But generally speaking the competition between two similarly fast players with good crosshair placement comes down to very tiny units of time with even 10 ms producing an advantage that is measurable (both Riot and I agree about this). This means that had the server allowed for a double K.O. (which these games do not) we would find that in fact both players were very good and would’ve killed the other just 20-50 milliseconds apart. Valorant and CS:GO don’t work like that however, and instead the game essentially deletes the bullets from one of the players and leaves the other alive. Unfortunately this difference in human reflexes amongst competitive gamers is entirely gobbled up by 100 ms of peeker’s advantage -- meaning that at high skill levels the peeker will very often win and the defender will very often lose. So while the Riot article celebrates the success of engineering that allowed Riot to reduce the peeker’s advantage as much as they did, if you read the fine print you’ll find that the peeker’s advantage remains huge.
I don’t mean to pick on Riot, far from it. They’ve clearly done an amazing job. The other games I mentioned earlier are presumably in the same approximate ballpark, though I can tell you from personal experience that some of them are a fair margin worse. Not all of the games I mentioned use a 128 tick server (only one does). They also have longer interpolation delays and other little engine details that slow things down further. Riot is also an insane company that literally owns/builds the internet just to reduce latency for its players -- so if we want to take away a general sense of how bad the peeker’s advantage is in most games we should assume it to be worse than the scenario described above regarding Valorant.
Now that I’ve discussed at length the peeker’s advantage, allow me to present a related netcode model that attempts to solve these problems: The Peeker’s Compromise. If we delay the time of death on the serverside by the timing difference between the attacker and the victim, then we can allow the defender an equal opportunity to shoot the attacker. The server can then determine the winner (and the remaining damage) based on the performance of the human (instead of using the ~100 ms of engine-related advantage and internet latency). So let’s use some numbers for a hypothetical situation. Let’s say our game has 128 tick server, the players have 35 ms of latency, and 60 hz screens (like the Valoran example from earlier). Right as a player peeks another player they essentially get to shoot 100.6 ms sooner than their victim. As their shots arrive at the server the server might calculate that the victim has died -- but rather than killing the player it will keep them alive for 100.6 ms PLUS their own latency, which in this scenario puts the total at 135.6 ms. If during these 135.6 milliseconds the server receives shots where the defender hits the peeker, it will enter a section of code that attempts to settle this discrepancy. First off, it is entirely possible that after compensating each shot for the difference between the players we find out that one truly was faster than the other -- the game could use this information to decide which one lives and which one dies. It also might make sense to allow damage to legitimately trade kills and to build double K.O. situation into more first person shooters.
Let’s talk about the artifacts of this new and proposed system. In low-latency games with a high tick rate this change would be subtle -- we would just have no more peeker’s advantage. As latency increases all way up to 200 ms we will have a new artifact. Instead of having a more severe peeker’s advantage we’ll end up with a scenario where it looks as if players are taking 1-3 extra bullets beyond what would normally kill them -- although if you stop shooting early they still end up dead a few milliseconds later. The Vandal in Valorant (similar to the AK in cs:go) fires 9.75 shots per second, which is one bullet per 103 ms. So in a best case scenario the player death is delayed by the time it takes to fire one extra shot at full auto, and in a worse case scenario we add 1 bullet per added ~100 ms of waiting done by the engine. It would also make sense to cut off certain shots from being counted from a laggy player (existing systems already do this in their own way).
Gameplay at lower skill levels wouldn’t really be affected one way or the other. It isn’t affected much by the peeker’s advantage either -- players have to know where to aim and thus be involved in legitimate reflex test before we’re down to something so close that milliseconds of delay have an effect. If players are oblivious to each other, or place their crosshairs incorrectly as they come around a corner then the added slow down of the human having to make a new visual-search-decision-plus-adjustment is too slow for any of this to matter. But at higher skill levels there would be some actual changes to gameplay. The most significant change is that players would be able to hold corners -- and if they’re truly faster than the peeker they would win. In such a design it really would make much more sense to allow two players who fire at essentially the same time to kill each other which if adopted would need to be addressed at a game design level. Also games that had an alternate method of very indirectly addressing peeker’s advantage, such as weapon instability during movement as a major element (arma, h1z1, pubg, tarkov, etc), would have more options, and may need to tune existing timings to get the same feeling back.
The underlying netcode behind the peeker’s advantage affects more than the classic peeking situation. It also affects two players picking up an item at the same time (it decides the winner here). And it also is present when you’re playing a game and you duck behind cover and take damage after you should already have been safe (the peeker and the victim are on slightly different timelines). Neither peeker’s advantage nor my proposed peeker’s compromise actually removes lag of the underlying systems of the network connection nor the game engine ticks, both simply *move* delays around such that the controls feel responsive and the latency is suffered elsewhere. There’s a certain physics to the realm of network programming. As I like to half-jokingly say: “Lag is neither created nor destroyed [by compensation techniques.]” So the same problems would still exist, though the Peeker’s Compromise is philosophically different. Where the peeker’s advantage says let the fastest internet and the more aggressive player win, the Peeker’s Compromise says let the more skillful (in terms of accuracy and speed) human win. Outside of a double K.O.esque duel however, this is subjective. Who should pick up an item when both players tried to pick it up at the same time? Well the old method says the one with the better internet gets it, the new method suggests perhaps that we should compensate the timing to remove the internet/engine delay and award it to whomever was faster. But what about getting shot after reaching cover? This is really up to the game designer -- is it more impressive to tag someone barely as they run off? Or more impressive to slide behind a barrier right as you get shot? It’s a design decision. It’s also possible via this proposed system to compromise. The engine design I propose has more data in its context with which to make decisions, courtesy of temporarily allowing ties to occur which get addressed after both players take an action. It could say well that was an amazing shot, AND it was an amazing dodge. After crunching the numbers the decision is to deal a hit but cut the damage in half as a compromise between the feats of the two players.
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fitjourneydaily · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite Tracker: Unleashing the Power of Fortbite Creator Code, Toothpaste, and Reviews
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Introduction Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm, captivating millions of players worldwide. From its engaging Battle Royale mode to its ever-evolving landscape, Fortnite offers endless hours of fun and excitement. However, to truly master the game, you need a toolkit that goes beyond its virtual boundaries. Enter Fortnite Tracker, Fortbite Creator Code, Fortbite Toothpaste, and Fortbite Reviews – powerful tools and resources that can enhance your gaming experience and take your skills to the next level. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of these essential components. 1. Understanding Fortnite Tracker: Unleashing the Power of Data Analysis Fortnite Tracker is a vital resource that allows you to track your in-game statistics, explore leaderboards, and analyze your performance. Whether you’re looking to improve your kill-to-death ratio, monitor your progress, or compare yourself to top players, Fortnite Tracker provides invaluable insights to help you on your journey to becoming a Fortnite pro. By utilizing Fortnite Tracker, you can discover essential information such as your win rate, total kills, total wins, and average match placements. This data acts as a roadmap towards improvement, allowing you to identify areas for growth and track your progress over time. Additionally, you can utilize the leaderboards to gauge how you fare against other players, boosting your competitive spirit and providing motivation to propel yourself higher. 2. Fortbite Creator Code: Showcasing Your Support and Boosting Your Progress Fortbite Creator Code is an exclusive feature that enables players to support their favorite content creators while gaining unique benefits. By using a Creator Code during your Fortnite gameplay, you can unlock special features, benefits, or in-game items that are exclusive to that particular creator. Additionally, supporting creators through the Creator Code system can provide them with financial rewards, encouraging their continued creation of high-quality content. Utilizing the Fortbite Creator Code feature not only benefits content creators but also enhances your gaming experience. By supporting your favorite creators, you can gain access to exclusive content, early game releases, or unique in-game items that others may not have. Moreover, playing with a Creator Code can introduce you to new strategies, tips, and techniques that these creators share through their content, ultimately boosting your progress and proficiency in the game. 3. Fortbite Toothpaste: Enhancing Dental Hygiene through Gaming Fortbite Toothpaste is an innovative product that merges the world of gaming with oral hygiene. Dental care is of utmost importance, and Fortbite Toothpaste takes a playful approach to encourage good dental habits among gamers. Whether you're a parent looking to promote healthy dental routines for your children or a gamer yourself, the Fortbite Toothpaste aims to make brushing teeth a more enjoyable experience. Featuring a Fortnite-inspired branding and enticing flavors, Fortbite Toothpaste transforms brushing into a less mundane activity. By incorporating Fortnite elements into the oral routine, it adds a touch of excitement and motivates gamers to prioritize their dental health. As an essential tool in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Fortbite Toothpaste provides both parents and players with a simple yet impactful way to merge gaming and dental hygiene. 4. Fortbite Reviews: Unlocking Insights and Making Informed Decisions Fortnite Reviews is an invaluable resource for players looking to explore new gaming gear, strategies, or in-game purchases. With an extensive community of dedicated players sharing their experiences and insights, Fortnite Reviews acts as a central hub for authentic feedback and recommendations. Before investing in new gaming peripherals, exploring new strategies, or purchasing in-game items, it's crucial to make informed decisions. By diving into Fortbite Reviews, you can gain insight into the best gaming equipment, gear, and strategies that suit your play style. This not only improves your overall gaming experience but also helps you make sound purchasing decisions, ensuring that you invest in products and strategies that align with your gaming goals. Conclusion As a Fortnite player, staying on top of your game requires more than just raw talent – it necessitates utilizing the right tools and resources. Fortnite Tracker, Fortbite Creator Code, Fortbite Toothpaste, and Fortbite Reviews provide comprehensive solutions to enhance your gaming experience, improve your skillset, and make informed decisions. By expanding your knowledge about these indispensable tools, you can unlock new levels of success in the Fortnite universe. Elevate your oral care with FortBite – explore our tooth powder, toothpaste, and reviews. Stay updated with FortBite news and shop for exclusive products. For more, visit the 'FortBite' website. Visit the FortBite Product Page. Read the full article
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doubleddenden · 4 years
So the PS5 launch wasn’t too bad I guess. Really looking forward to
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart: I like Ratchet and Clank games. Its a fun time. I just hope it’s longer than some of the games.
Spiderman Miles Morales: Still want to play the first Insomniac Spiderman game, but this definitely has me sold. I love Miles Morales and the music is so hype already.
Little Devil Inside: i have never heard of this game until now but I love it. It’s got a really cool art style and it looks full of life and wonder, and maybe a bit of hilarity too. Plus it’s like. Not a shooter. It can actually tell a story with a sword without turning it into a complete shooter. Which is always a plus. 
Project Athia: Color me intrigued. The movement and combat looks interesting- Plus, I’m getting a bit of an Agni’s Philosophy vibe from it? Final Fantasy 16, maybe?
Stray: Listen. Listen. Robots living human lives. and a Cat. Bam. 10/10
Horizon Forbidden West: Still need to play the first one, but this game’s visuals have already blown me out of the water- Especially the water. I love the ocean. Its so damn pretty man.
Solar Ash: there’s always room for cell shaded fantasy and scifi. I love that, and the movement looks fun. 
Ghostwire: Tokyo: I’m not a horror fan, but listen. I am a man very easily swayed by women that are enthusiastic about what they do. Ikumi Nakamura was so enthusiastic that it practically sold the game to me (and admittedly I had a small crush that lasted a week). On this trailer alone, it already looks pretty amazing- Although I will say, I am not a fan of FPS style controls. I’d rather have 3rd person.
Jett the Far Shore: I don’t know what the hell is going on but it looks like you’ll be able to adventure on an earth like planet and that sells me.
Kena: Bridge of the Spirits: This feels like a Pixar and Disney Film written by Studio Ghibli. It’s gorgeous and honestly I’m sold already, but it looks to be a decent exploration game too. Plus the lil guys. Come on.
Astro’s Playroom: Not only does it come with the PS5, it looks to be a fun platforming collectathon that i’ve been missing out on for a while. Some of it DOES look heavily Mario Galaxy or Odyssey inspired, but it does look fun. 
And oddly enough, Destruction Allstars? Listen, I’m not a multiplayer fan, but this seems to combine what I hate about games like Twisted Metal and Fortnite and makes it into one actually fun game. I WISH I had internet to play this. Unfortunately it looks like I probably won’t get to :/ The music was poppin tho
The rest is a bit... meh? The BugSnax just... no. It feels like a bad Viva Pinata. 
Returnal just seems like a generic 5 hour game where it’s like OH WOW THE REAL VILLAIN WAS THE PROTAGONIST WHO IS MENTALLY ILL AND KILLED SOMEONE WHOAAAAA which at this point is boring. 
God Fall seems... okay? I liked the song. It just looks a bit too generic to me. Plus it has that god damn left camera angle. I hate that. Put the character in the middle of the screen you cowards! 
Goodbye Volcano High looks interesting? But not as a game. It looks interesting as a Netflix series. The fact that there wasn’t any gameplay showed really hurts it, imo (the video has a lot of dislikes). Which sucks because it’s actually going to have an LGBT story with a nonbinary protagonist, which sounds great on paper both for myself and my trans friends. Maybe someday they’ll show actual gameplay? Gotta say though, I will have to get used to the art style.
Oddworld, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil 8, Demon’s Souls, Sackboy, NBA, and any others I’m forgetting just don’t really interest me at all. Sackboy is a bit suprising but I just don’t like the feel of Little Big Planet. Never been a Resi fan, never really liked Oddworld or Soulsborne games, and racing games are kind of dull by themselves. NBA is just kinda... boring to me, and probably the same as the latest ps4 game.
Also really. GTA V. Again? Bitch it’s been ported twice now. Make GTA 6 already!
Bonus because I found out it is coming for PS5: Scarlet Nexus: It looks so fucking cool. I’m a sucker for anime styled games to begin with, especially high octane hack n slashers.
Overall not bad, but I am missing Sly 5 and a good ol’ JRPG.
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wofulhobgobllin · 4 years
Okay ps5 showcase was lit. Pre ordered with spiderman because that was always a day 1 buy.
Final fantasy doesn’t do it for me. I’ve tried to get in to it but never could. Same with kingdom hearts.
COD will be for the PS4 because I preed it last week.
Demon souls no. I’m here for a fun time not kill myself with high blood pressure
Oddworld. nah that don’t interest me
God of war Ragnarok. Absofuckinglutely geting that
Resident evil 8 and FNAF. Noooooo. I’m a bitch, I hate jump scare style horror.
Deathloop. Eh maybe maybe not.
Devil may cry. I’ll get that on PS4
Fortnite. Yeah, kinda a guilty pleasure lol.
Hogwarts legacy: yeah looks pretty good. I’ll wait for gameplay but it’s almost likely a day 1
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