sircarolyn · 2 years
☕️ + carolyn knapp-shappey? (I mean I kind of know your opinion about her already, but here's a free opportunity to ramble!! :D)
you're likely to have already gathered this but she is the character i love most in all the world ever ever ever
i don't even know where to start like. she's mean. she's bitter. she's angry. she's hard and resistant and emotionally disconnected and yet she is so fundamental to the gang that they love her for it anyway!! and she never has to change!! she buys herc a sheep for goodness sake....
but like she could so easily just be that classic sitcom character of The Owner who everyone hates because she's mean but a necessary evil so she has to be there, but that's not what she is at all. maybe in s1 it seems like that but then douz hits and that's when you realise, oh, she's afraid of vulnerability. and that just changes the stakes for everything so much!! and even after zurich, even after herc, she doesn't suddenly turn into a ~sweet old lady~ like she secretly has been all along (top fic thing that winds me up so much when people do it, make her soft - no! she's not slipping martin 20 quid for lunch when she feels sorry for him!! for goodness sake!!)
she's just so. it matters so much to me that she's a 60 something year old woman who still gets to live. like she still has living to do. she's not just a bitter old hag who's got nothing left except her aeroplane. maybe she is at the start of s1. but she's got so much more growing to do after that. so much more growing and living to do. and she's never asked to stop being mean. she's allowed to be loved because she's mean and ruthless and because she cares. and she's loved because she's around people who are willing to try and understand, and in return she allows herself to be understood. that's what s4 is about, for carolyn. not about getting soft or becoming nice, but learning that being understood is okay. letting people understand who she is on a fundamental level and then letting them love that. letting them love her without them wanting her to change
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 years
ok so, apologies if you’ve been asked this before and you already have a post about it somewhere (if you do have something like that already, feel free to just link me to it and don’t worry about writing a new post in response to this!!), but your Agenda is beginning to work on me and I come to you today to ask…. do you have any recommendations for FiveTegan fics. 😶👀
I raised my hands to the sky and cackled upon reading this. Agenda... such a nice word for me lying on the floor thinking about them.... Anywho, I'm a tad picky when it comes to these two, and I've been grimacing my way through a lot of stories so: My favourite: Seven Minutes by theshoelessone. Gen. Tegan and Five at the end implied by The Gathering. Ten years after first reading this, I listened to the audio, sat down and absolutely sobbed because I finally understood the story. - Snow Angels (also by theshoelessone). Gen. Just short, and very sweet.
(there's one more but it's like 400k smut and weird emotions, and I seem to remember that is not quite a few peoples thing. Destiny series by warinbabylon)
Someone else sent me this link, but I've been a bit slow about getting through it, but it's a jumping off point: https://ghost2.dreamwidth.org/2177.html
But, not to be super mean or anything, but like. I am very picky. And a lot of fic skews too far towards them either hating each other or to being too cuddly. That's why I have quite so many wips of them - they're a relatively rare pair, and I'm trying to make a change to that (if only I could finish anything ever) but along their more proper characterisations. Hence my December prompts going to mainly be fivetegan short fics.
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heavensmortuary · 1 year
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harpidiem · 1 year
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🌠🌕 commission for the wonderful @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum !
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kanerallels · 2 years
For the past year or so, I've been mulling over this writing idea that I thought would be pretty fun, and I feel compelled to share it. Partially because @accidental-spice told me to, but also for other reasons that will become clear later in this post
So, picture this: fairy tale retellings, but with platonic relationships
Don't get me wrong, I adore romantic retellings! But there are. A lot of them. And I think that retelling some of those stories as platonic relationships could be super cool
It also occured to me that this is the sort of thing some of my Tumblr friends might find interesting! So-- would anyone be interested in writing a short story retelling or two with me? It would be platonic focused, but romantic stuff in the background would be totally fine!
I don't know if this would be some kind of Inklings/ Whumptober styles thing, or just something a few people thought sounded fun and did together. I just know that I like this idea, and I like the idea of posting such stories on here!
Let me know if any of y'all are interested. If there's a lot of interest, I can look into providing some better guidelines. Tagging some people who I thought of beneath the cut! (Don't feel any pressure to respond, of course! But if you feel like tagging someone not tagged in this post, you're welcome to do so)
@christian-latte-anon @musewrangler @fairytale-lights @sailforvalinor @taleweaver-ramblings @imissthembutitwasntadisaster @magpie-trove @swinging-stars-from-satellites @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum @hollers-and-holmes @winterinhimring @friendrat @bluebellwren @silverpaintedstars @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811 @laughingphoenixleader @freenarnian @dimsilver @firefletch @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord
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I'm writing a generalized recommended packing list for @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum bc she's never traveled by plane before and as I do so I realize that I'm a freakishly light packer
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hollers-and-holmes · 2 years
When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life's fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast
@fortes-fortuna-iogurtum @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord I read your comments this morning and thought of this song which feels far more accurate to how I feel most days 😂
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quick little self-indulgent reminder to my mutuals that i have a sideblog @theprodigals where i reblog/post stuff about my faith (and deconstruction) and i would love to have some friends following me there! (but no pressure of course if you don’t want to :0)
tagging some mutuals: @imissthembutitwasntadisaster @noneofthesewillbringdisaster @swinging-stars-from-satellites @duchess-of-mischief @thatfriendlyanon @silverpaintedstars @permanentreverie @courageisneverforgotten @authorofemotion @writerjocarroll @laughingphoenixleader @alambil @bookdragon1811 @i-am-a-stupid-robot @melliabee @spidermanns @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Thank you, @permanentreverie :D this was a lot of fun!!
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Tagging @keendaanmaa @bluesidedown @catkin-morgs @swinging-stars-from-satellites @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum @dhufflebee @called-kept @cakeyouareoh and anyone who wants to give this a go :)
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 years
I’m in A Mood about them lately (*glances at the artwork I have set as my phone backgrounds*), so I can’t help it—I gotta ask about “leela narvin“
oh ho ho ho don't worry I am in a constant background hum about them arghhhhhhhh alyona it's gorgeous so this is another one that I started while still at uni and haven't touched since a couple months after graduating, but it's a 5 + 1 times Narvin reached out in weakness to Leela when she wouldn't know + one time she would.
"The defensiveness was evident in his voice, and he hated it, the betrayal of his own larynx when it came to Leela, and how obvious it was to Romana, who was looking at him with eyes that quickly changed from calculating to pitying as realisation dawned over her face. He clenched his fists under the sleeves of his robes, the warmth of her shoulder as he smoothed the blanket over it being lost to the buzzing of adrenaline flowing through his veins at his weaknesses laid bare.
“Oh I think by now we have quite enough blackmail material on each other, don’t you?”
“And no one to share it with."
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heavensmortuary · 10 months
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @brown-little-robin ! thanks a bunch :]
Three fictional friendships: Newt and Herman from Pacific Rim, Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun, and Dale Cooper and Harry Truman from Twin Peaks!
First blorbo: probably Miss Frisbee from The Secret of Nimh
Last song: Perfect by The Smashing Pumpkins (favorite band :} )
Last Movie: The Vampire Bat (1933) because I’m watching Dwight Frye movies
Currently reading: Watership Down, and Frankenstein. Next, All The Pretty Horses
Currently watching: just finished Twin Peaks, I have nothing I’m watching at the moment :]
Currently consuming: black coffee and some glass noodles with tofu today
Currently craving: being outdoors again soon :’} I miss the mountains
Tagging @coughdrop80 @swinging-stars-from-satellites @siren-singing @doctorbluesmanreturns @shenzi-hemlock @thepartyponies @cultivating-wildflowers @celestial-citrus @two-microscopes @artimies6 @bearypangolinelephants @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum and anyone else who is interested!
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
tagged by @dimsilver: thanks!
Rules: answer the questions and tag some friends at the bottom! (I'm judiciously removing and/or editing some of the questions here, forgive me.)
1. Are you named after anyone?
My parents named me the feminine form of a Biblical name. I was NOT named after my uncle, although he has the masculine form and firmly believes that I was named after him.
2. When was the last time you cried?
During winter break, I think? Just briefly, out of frustration with myself. It was cathartic.
3. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Less than I used to. I used to use it as a defense, but a couple years ago I got burned out on anger, I think, and I'm less likely to twist my words to be sharply clever now. I still use words cleverly when clever things occur to me, but my specific angry sarcasm is asleep now, thank goodness.
4. What’s your eye color?
Warm dark brown. Turns a rich caramel-gold with light directly on it.
5. Your go-to pizza or coffee shop order?
Cheese pizza! Hot chocolate! Lemon poppy-seed muffin!
6. Any special talents?
Special? Does having synesthesia count? I have chromesthesia (see sounds), grapheme-color (letters are associated with colors), ordinal linguistic personification (numbers have personalities), and spatial sequence synesthesia (I perceive days and times as having physical locations around my body). It's more a brain condition than a talent, but I think it's special.
7. Where were you born?
Illinois, which is odd because I've lived the rest of my life in Iowa.
8. What are your hobbies?
Sewing stuffed mice, writing fanfiction and original stories, and sculpting ceramic animals!
9. Have you any pets?
Not right now, but someday I'd like to have a hamster again. Or a cat or dog if I could reasonably handle the responsibility!
10. What sports do you play/have you played?
None *pensiverat* homeschool PE consisted of walking or biking the bike trails with my dad and brother. I have taken a martial arts class and enjoyed it very much, though! If I get a job where I don't get exercise, I might get into Tae Kwon Do or something similar.
11. How tall are you?
5’3. I'm not super small—I can reach plates in tall cupboards if I stand on tiptoe—but definitely could be categorized as short.
12. Favorite subject in school?
English! My major! :) followed by ceramics.
13. Dream job?
Fiction writer (room and board in rural cottage provided by filthy-rich patron) and co-owner of a thriving ceramics shop (love the ceramics, don't love entrepreneurship duties). But in the real world? Librarian. Oh, how I drool over librarian jobs. Especially @isfjmel-phleg's job (Interlibrary Loan / Cataloguing Assistant). I love libraries, I love sorting things, I love filling out forms, I love digitizing and working with recalcitrant technology. Working at a public library would be interesting and challenging; working at a university library might be better for my little introverted soul.
Tagging: here’s a few (no pressure <3) - but please consider yourself tagged if you want! @swinging-stars-from-satellites @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum @lovesodeepandwideandwell @isfjmel-phleg @lady-stormbraver @rainofarrows @fruitbatvampiresociety @thatfriendlyanon @bluesidedown @called-kept
(I have no idea why my tags are Like That. this happens to me sometimes)
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romanathree · 2 years
for the “artist end of the year ask game”! 1, 8, and 16? :D
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1. favorite drawing of this year: I’m not too sure which one of my bookmark designs is my favorite but I think I like these ones the most and I love how they look next to each other 😊💗
8. underrated drawing: I’m not really sure but I might go with my drawing of the midnight merchant from the stardust thief. It’s an underrated book for sure :)
16. Favorite drawing from someone else: ooh I love this question :D I love the art from @violletine that artist makes very pretty things 😊 also the art from @doctoriste which is adorable 😄
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I like how the narrative works in Tenet. like it's kind of the quintessential the narrative is cruel ("there are no friends at dusk" "lying is standard operating precedure" "knowledge divided, my friend") but the world is kind story (as @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum said, the "no friends at dusk" saying is deconstructed and disproved by the end of the movie, Neil and company were in fact trustworthy in the end and that more than anything else is what saves the world) to me. because there's this sense that everyone — or at least, most of the main characters, with the possible exception of Kat, who has the dramatic flair for the role but doesn't consider herself an actress until she has to be one — understands on some level that they're in a story. the Protagonist doesn't have any name but protagonist because he's legally dead, technically just a character in someone else's (his own) story now, and chooses to play into that as the story progresses. Neil is playing a long game with time itself and understands that in a world where entropy can be reversed, they are playing chicken with the Narrative. Priya and Sator both mold themselves into something nearing an archetype, and their deaths reflect the roles they've cast themselves in — diabolical by percieved necessity, and villain due to narcissism. the Narrative isn't a character in the way some stories convey it, but it is a presence. the characters are all fulfilling roles within it even as the narrative itself is unseen and unheard, except — and this is pivotal — in moments of that exact absence. the absence of something can also be a presence. Priya asks the Protagonist where Neil is when he shows up alone. Neil is the closest thing we the audience OR the characters internally to the story have to a narrator; his line about the explosion that never happens is the only voice over of the film. this is a story that is written and can't be unwritten or edited, what's happened happened, it's a story that was always going to end this way, he's been dead since the beginning. the Narrative is cruel, but the world is kind in spite of it.
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heimeldat · 2 years
@fortes-fortuna-iogurtum I got excited and recorded the prologue and first chapter already! I don’t have a very good mic, so the quality might not be amazing, fair warning. Anyway here’s a link to the folder, and I’ll upload more chapters as I finish them. If it goes well I’ll do more. I love reading aloud so I see no reason not to make this an ongoing project.
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sircarolyn · 2 years
tagged by dearest ant @malcolm-f-tucker <3
last song: right now i am listening to pale waves whose discography i've been listening to on a loop for the last two weeks. the song on now is 'noises'
last show/currently watching: we are watching grey's anatomy at the moment, possibly against everyone's better judgement. it's compelling though. i'm also a few eps off finishing wednesday, and in audios-land, i'm about to finish the new war room boxset again and i can feel another counter-measures listen coming on
currently reading: as every year, i've started the year saying i'm going to read more, but for a change i have actually finished a book already and that was 'a psalm for the wild-built' by becky chambers, who i always enjoy and i just started the second one in that series called ' a prayer for the crown-shy'. let's see if i can really make the to-read bookshelf smaller this year....
current obsession: dunno tbh. it was counter-measures for a good chunk of last year but that's tailed off a tiny bit lately. i mean it's the usual suspects of dr who and cabin pressure forever but there's nothing really rooted in my brain rn
tagging: @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum @swinging-stars-from-satellites @magicofthepen @thebraxiatelcollection @castrovulcant
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