#fort rotterdam
xshootingstarrikex · 2 years
Sono fiera di te Jannik, hai fatto un torneo stupendo ❤️
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lionessfeather · 3 months
So last night as I was starting to slowly drift off to sleep, my brain suddenly stuck on something (I promise this is Temeraire related). You see, the Netherlands have used "can't get an army across lots of water" as a basic defence strategy pretty much from Roman times until we got airplanes. The extent of it has varied; sometimes it was as simple as "well the river is too big" (Romans), sometimes it was "if we break this dike right here, the polder will flood and the Spanish can't get at the city". But, from the end of the 17th century, there was a systematic line of forts along the polders and rivers that could protect the province of Holland (specifically), here shown in purple. To the south there's big rivers leading into an estuary, and then it protects the province from invasion to the east. From about 1870, it was replaced by the orange parts, as well as the brownish line around Amsterdam specifically. The yellow area is from the mid-18th century. It is basically a collection of forts, and a series of locks. Together, these can make it so the coloured areas flood to a depth of 30-60 cm. Too deep for infantry, not deep enough for boats. It protects the capital of Amsterdam (with its important harbour), and the big cities of The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam.
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And again, until we developed airplanes and parachutists and airplane bombs and so on, this worked really well.
Now, since I've been rereading the Temeraire books, the drifting off to sleep made me suddenly realise - how would dragon aerial warfare interact with this? Which morphed into a discussion with my partner (who hasn't read the books) about how Dutch dragons would work.
The first thing I'd like to do is point out the size of the Netherlands, compared to the British Isles and to the United States:
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In other words, very small. And, very importantly, it used to be even smaller; a lot of the current land was reclaimed from the sea or large lakes between roughly 1650 and 1950. Most of the west of the country is below sea level, and very wet. A fair part of the east of the country isn't very rich soils and thus not great for farming (until chemical fertiliser is invented in the 1900s) (though they did use sheep dung as fertiliser, and they would almost certainly have thought of using dragon dung as well, eventually).
So I propose that actually, the Netherlands probably would have mostly had middle- and lightweights. There just isn't the area to support a large enough population of heavyweights that they aren't all inbred. My partner suggested there is probably one heavyweight breed, and I like that idea. I think that - militarily - the Netherlands would probably have figured out a strategy for using middle-weights against heavy-weights when they are fighting alone, but preferentially use their middle-weights as support in battles when there is a larger coalition, joining whoever is on their side.
However. There may only be middle-weight dragons, there would be a fairly large number of different breeds, with different strengths. You see, unlike the United Kingdom, where England was mostly united by around 900 CE, and then the Normans strengthened that, or France, which has a similar time scale, the Netherlands is a collection of loose duchies and counties and prince-bishoprics and so on, pretty much until the 1550s. The map pictured is from 1670, after a fair amount of the lands have been united into a republic; there would likely have been more divisions before then.
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They get united under the dukes of Burgundy, eventually, but even at that time, it is still the Duchy of Brabant and the County of Holland and so on. But until they come together against Spanish rule, the separate parts regularly fight with each other. Which means that each of them would have their own breeds. (Likely, Holland and Zeeland would have very similar dragons, with aquatic adaptations, who get fed on a mixture of fish and meat; the more inland regions would have more "standard" breeds. To outsiders they all look incredibly alike, but if you mention to someone from Guelders that you cannot tell their Zwarte van Gelre apart from the Brabants Blauwtje, they would be so insulted. Can you not tell that theirs is a pure midnight black while the Brabants Blauwtje is blue? However, the breeds are so alike that most of them follow a continuum. Except the Fryske Grutskens, which looks very distinct). This is also where the single heavy-weight breed comes in - I think it would have been Flanders. Flanders is a part of the kingdom of France (rather than the Holy Roman Empire, which is the power the rest of the motley collection belongs to). One of the counts of Flanders probably got a breeding pair of heavy-weights from the king of France; maybe during one of the (many) revolts. These were crossed with the native middle-weights until a new breed of heavy-weights was developed. And finally, purely for my own amusement, William the Silent/William of Orange, who led the 1548 revolution against the Spanish, would have a dragon that is actually orange. No one knows how or why it came out that colour, none of its progenitors was, it just did and he was named for it (the fact that he is Prince of Orange is a bonus).
I also think that the Dutch would be using dragons for shipping, at least within the country. It is efficient and cheap (especially the dragons that grew up having fish as part of their diet), and the Dutch have always been fans of efficient and cheap and trade. And since it's all middle-weights, that is less scary than heavyweight breeds dropping in. I don't think dragons would be used for passenger-work, but loading the big ships, that can't quite reach the harbour? Definitely. And if you have large-ish ships, but only middle-weight dragons, it's probably much easier to ship dragons across the world, so you can also have a dragon when you arrive at your destination.
To bring it back to the idle thought that started this all - the Waterlinie, aka using the water to prevent invasion. My partner and I think it would still have worked, mostly. The Romans start taming the native European breeds, so they probably could cross the Rhine. In our world, the Rhine was the limes, the border, because they can't cross it in large enough numbers; but if they have dragons and the native Germanic tribes don't, then they can. I don't think they'd have been able to hold the land, not for long, and it's not interesting enough to bother anyway. But after that, when the playing field is levelled by everyone having dragons, the water would still be a workable defence. Yes, the aerial forces can come over and wreak havoc - except everyone has dragons now and so they will try to defend it - but the infantry still has trouble crossing the water. And then, when artillery gets developed, it's still the same. You can shoot at the enemy dragons, they can shoot at yours - and the infantry still can't cross the water. I think an enemy (often the French) would try to use dragons against the forts, before they can inundate the land, but that it wouldn't work as well after.
Anyway, here are some rambly thoughts about Dutch dragons in the Temeraire universe. (Sidenote but I can't make heads nor tails of the Dutch names that are used once or twice in the books. They just don't work.)
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merpmonde · 5 months
Two crossings of the Rhine
The Swiss city of Basel lies on the border with France and Germany, and, as it's Switzerland, it hasn't changed hands or been attacked much (though the French did use Basel as target practice for a new cannon from their fort at Huningue once). It has a well-preserved historic centre, and, with the Rhine's current being consistently strong, it has a rare form of transportation.
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This little ferry has no motor. It is tethered to a wire that crosses the river, and a lever at one end of the tether on the boat is all that's needed to turn the boat into the current which does the rest.
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It's incredibly simple and easy! For a more engaging version of the story, here's a video by The Tim Traveller.
While I rode the boat with my sister, I continued upstream alone to another crossing, a bridge which doubles up as a dam for hydro-electric power stations on either side - or Kraftwerk as it's known in German.
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Unlike in Basel, the Rhine at this point is an international border: Germany on the right-hand side, and Switzerland on the left-hand side. But with Germany and Switzerland being signatories of the Schengen agreement, this is what the border looks like:
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The Rhine sees some impressive barges navigate roughly between Schaffhausen and Rotterdam, so there is a rather impressive lock next to this dam and the Kraftwerken. This is the view downstream from the top of the lock, with what I suspect was a border post on the right? I don't know, but I seem to remember that black and white stripes had some significance.
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nnjzz · 2 years
Le Non_Jazz SAMEDI LE 03.12 FLORIS VANHOOF / be SAMI BERGOLD / fr ALTERSGRUPPE ca / us / il / fr LANA SUBDUCTIONS / fr au Café de Paris 158, rue Oberkampf 75011 M° Ménilmontant P.A.F. 6€ 20:00 portes 20:45 action 23:45 fin d'action FLORIS VANHOOF / be Attaché au grain et au souffle du support analogique, prolifique, " pluridisciplinaire " et indéniablement très doué, il travaille principalemnet sur l'hybridation d'images animées, fixes et de sons produits la plupart du temps via ses " machines " - synthés, oscillateurs & co - bricolées à la maison. " Ses films réalisés en super8 ou 16mm entre 2004 et 2008 aiment  les jeux de lentilles, de netteté, les effets loupe façon la vie à  travers un microscope, et aussi détourner la banalité du quotidien. Ses  performances investissent encore plus la persistence de la vision et la  perception elle-même avec un lien direct avec la musique électronique.  Il existe souvent des liens directs (controleur de voltage) entre les  deux." (Metamkine) " Floris Vanhoof combine des circuits musicaux faits maison et des technologies de projection abandonnées pour des installations, des performances cinématographiques étendues et des sorties musicales. Traduire l'un à l'autre pour découvrir comment fonctionne notre perception et quelles nouvelles perspectives apparaissent. Floris Vanhoof (°1982, lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium) ( Re:Voir ) Floris Vanhoof (1982) is interested in the hybrid form of music, photography and film. His first projections, experimental films on 16 millimeter, evolve towards pure visual experiences in which he questions our viewing patterns. Inspired by structural film and early electronic music he makes audiovisual installations, expanded cinema performances and music releases. Vanhoof builds his own instruments to discover the border between image, light and sound. As media-archeologist, he confronts the digital spoiled audience with flickering 16 mm films and 35mm slide installations, formats doomed to disappear. Purposefully he choses analog technology due to the greater transparency of the workflow and rich dynamic range. Regardless of nostalgia he experiments with what used to be hightech. Vanhoof searches for ways to make new images with old media. He makes his own translations from sound to image and vise-versa, by connecting one medium on the -not always compatible- other. He’s especially curious to what his work elicits in the viewer. How does our perception operates and which new perspectives appear? Installations were shown in LLS387 Antwerp, SMAK Ghent, Castlefield gallery Manchester, Vooruit Ghent, Netwerk Alost, Bozar Brussels, Filmfestival Ghent, Beursschouwburg Brussels, De Centrale Brussels, FOMU Antwerp. Performances took place in ISSUE Project Room New York, Aural Mexico City, UH Budapest, Hangar Bicocca Milan, Centre d’art contemporain Dijon, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Internationaal Filmfestival Rotterdam, Flagey Brussels, Café OTO London, Extracity Antwerp, Witte de With Rotterdam, Kaskcinema Ghent, International Mystery Los Angeles, The Wulf Los Angeles, Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Museum of Elsene, KMSKA Antwerp, Les Urbaines Lausanne, Xing Live Arts Week Bologna, Electrónica en Abril Madrid, Lal Lal Lal Tampere en Helsinki. In 2015 received the price of the public at the Young Belgian Art Prize ( Meakusma Festival ) https://florisvanhoof.com/ https://florisvanhoof.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_6WdDX5RN4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMLnI3VqhqY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG-AXs5SboU
ALTERSGRUPPE ca / us / il / fr un agglomérat bien composite et cosmopolite d'individus, résidant  tous  à Paris - et tous dotés d'une personnalité forte, distincte et distinguée. On y retrouve ( souvent ) le très charismatique Max K. aka City Dragon ( vocals & some other things ), le plutôt discret Dudi M. aux cassettes, à la batterie ( & co ), le  pince-sans-rire " Willy " à la basse, l'épatant Nicolas R. à l'électronique principalement analogique et l'exubérant Jim S. aux images et à l'électronique aussi. Free form, free no-fi, free-whatever gets you thru the night. ( it's alright it'salright.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaaRvXIGMg4&t=696s
Sami Bergold est un auteur-compositeur né au XXème siècle et ayant vécu la majeure partie de sa vie en Île-de-France, dans la partie correspondant au nord-est parisien. Il a récemment changé d’opérateur téléphonique (Mobile + Box), passant de Bouygues Télécom à Free. Il trouve la vie douloureuse et compliquée, remplie d’injonctions inutiles, dégradantes et contradictoires. Il est alcoolique depuis le lycée, et est également un grand consommateur de médicaments. Il s’inscrit totalement dans une vision romantique du poète maudit, quand bien même il tenterait de s’en défendre (ce qu’il ne fait pas).
Sa musique est parfois qualifiée de « non-musique », tant l’écoute pour le « commun des mortels » semble hors d’évidence; toutefois il s’en défend, puisque pour lui tout est musique. Mais il est vrai que dénué de toute capacité objectivement technique, il joue contre les attentes d’un public qui souhaiterait recevoir des sonorités harmonieuses et agréables.
Mais Merzbow ne disait-il pas si la définition de la noise était une musique désagréable et agressive à l’écoute, alors pour lui la vraie noise se trouvait dans la pop commerciale
(je crois même qu’il voulait dire la pop tout court) ?
Sami Bergold se défend de faire de la noise (au sens où on l’entend habituellement, c’est-à-dire pas dans le sens où Merzbow le contredit),
mais il ne s’agit peut-être là que de débats sémantiques un peu barbants.
Plus factuellement il utilisait jusqu’à présent un mini-armada de matériel de fortune: synthétiseurs bas-de-gamme (souvent de type « à potards », ou générateurs de fréquences), walkmans (donc K7s), pédales d’effets. Ses dernières prestations scéniques l’ont vu utiliser de plus en plus fréquemment de la guitare électrique, qui est devenu quasiment son instrument de prédilection ces derniers temps (peut-être aussi par lassitude des synthétiseurs à potard), à tel point qu’il prépare un album (un « LP ») sur un nouveau label qui verra le jour en 2023, L’eau des fleurs, centré sur cet instrument. Lui-même dirige un label qui s’appelle Premier Sang, sur lequel il a sorti des disques de Sister Iodine, Macronympha, Mesa of the Lost Women, mais aussi un maxi de techno / house qui est devenu très légèrement culte : « To Live and Die E.P. » par Violence FM; ce label dort sur ses lauriers, la dernière sortie conséquente ayant été un double LP de lui-même sous un autre de ses pseudonymes: Z.B. Aids a.k.a. Valerie Smith (échec commercial malgré la publicité faite par Cameron Jamie sur ce disque dans Art Forum), en 2017. Il est également plasticien, même si il aime se définir plutôt comme un poète, malgré le fait d’être représenté en galerie par Valeria Cetraro (en même temps Henri Michaux avait bien un galeriste, lui aussi…). Depuis 2006 il co-dirige un projet (magazine ? revue ? fanzine ?) avec Jonas Delaborde qui s’appelle Nazi Knife. Il est, comme tout le monde, inquiet pour le futur. Son nom civil est Hendrik Hegray.SEXY WATER est le titre d'un coffret triple K7 - publié par le label Scum Yr Earth ces jours-ci et dont on espère voir les exemplaires ce soir-là.
https://soundcloud.com/user-496765036 https://soundcloud.com/sami-bergold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLSFpJl7-HM
LANA SUBDUCTIONS / fr Communiqué officiel : " Méryll Ampe, Élodie Rassell et Romain Perrot collaborent de manière instinctive et radicale, utilisant SUBDUCTION SONORE ET VISUELLE, notre processus d'incurvation et de déplacement d'éléments sonores, plongeant, s'enfonçant et ressurgissant, en dévoilant des états sonores et visuels / sensoriels qui se déploient, des entités qui se croisent, se mélangent ou se décomposent, pour créer une fiction de Lana Del Rey."
Fly - Jo L’Indien 
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 5.14
1027 – Robert II of France names his son Henry I as junior King of the Franks. 1097 – The Siege of Nicaea begins during the First Crusade. 1264 – Battle of Lewes: Henry III of England is captured and forced to sign the Mise of Lewes, making Simon de Montfort the effective ruler of England. 1509 – Battle of Agnadello: In northern Italy, French forces defeat the Republic of Venice. 1607 – English colonists establish "James Fort," which would become Jamestown, Virginia, the earliest permanent English settlement in the Americas. 1608 – The Protestant Union, a coalition of Protestant German states, is founded to defend the rights, land and safety of each member against the Catholic Church and Catholic German states. 1610 – Henry IV of France is assassinated by Catholic zealot François Ravaillac, and Louis XIII ascends the throne. 1643 – Four-year-old Louis XIV becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Louis XIII. 1747 – War of the Austrian Succession: A British fleet under Admiral George Anson defeats the French at the First Battle of Cape Finisterre. 1796 – Edward Jenner administers the first smallpox inoculation. 1800 – The 6th United States Congress recesses, and the process of moving the Federal government of the United States from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., begins the following day. 1804 – William Clark and 42 men depart from Camp Dubois to join Meriwether Lewis at St Charles, Missouri, marking the beginning of the Lewis and Clark Expedition's historic journey up the Missouri River. 1811 – Paraguay: Pedro Juan Caballero, Fulgencio Yegros and José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia start actions to depose the Spanish governor. 1836 – The Treaties of Velasco are signed in Velasco, Texas. 1857 – Mindon Min was crowned as King of Burma in Mandalay, Burma. 1863 – American Civil War: The Battle of Jackson takes place. 1868 – Boshin War: The Battle of Utsunomiya Castle ends as former Tokugawa shogunate forces withdraw northward. 1870 – The first game of rugby in New Zealand is played in Nelson between Nelson College and the Nelson Rugby Football Club. 1878 – The last witchcraft trial held in the United States begins in Salem, Massachusetts, after Lucretia Brown, an adherent of Christian Science, accused Daniel Spofford of attempting to harm her through his mental powers. 1879 – The first group of 463 Indian indentured laborers arrives in Fiji aboard the Leonidas. 1900 – Opening of World Amateur championship at the Paris Exposition Universelle, also known as Olympic Games. 1913 – Governor of New York William Sulzer approves the charter for the Rockefeller Foundation, which begins operations with a $100 million donation from John D. Rockefeller. 1915 – The May 14 Revolt takes place in Lisbon, Portugal. 1918 – Cape Town Mayor, Sir Harry Hands, inaugurates the Two-minute silence. 1931 – Five unarmed civilians are killed in the Ådalen shootings, as the Swedish military is called in to deal with protesting workers. 1935 – The Constitution of the Philippines is ratified by a popular vote. 1939 – Lina Medina becomes the youngest confirmed mother in medical history at the age of five. 1940 – World War II: Rotterdam, Netherlands is bombed by the Luftwaffe of Nazi Germany despite a ceasefire, killing about 900 people and destroying the historic city center. 1943 – World War II: A Japanese submarine sinks AHS Centaur off the coast of Queensland. 1948 – Israel is declared to be an independent state and a provisional government is established. Immediately after the declaration, Israel is attacked by the neighboring Arab states, triggering the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. 1951 – Trains run on the Talyllyn Railway in Wales for the first time since preservation, making it the first railway in the world to be operated by volunteers. 1953 – Approximately 7,100 brewery workers in Milwaukee perform a walkout, marking the start of the 1953 Milwaukee brewery strike. 1955 – Cold War: Eight Communist bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, sign a mutual defense treaty called the Warsaw Pact. 1961 – Civil rights movement: A white mob twice attacks a Freedom Riders bus near Anniston, Alabama, before fire-bombing the bus and attacking the civil rights protesters who flee the burning vehicle. 1970 – Andreas Baader is freed from custody by Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin and others, a pivotal moment in the formation of the Red Army Faction. 1973 – Skylab, the United States' first space station, is launched. 1977 – A Dan-Air Boeing 707 leased to IAS Cargo Airlines crashes on approach to Lusaka International Airport in Lusaka, Zambia, killing six people. 1980 – Salvadoran Civil War: the Sumpul River massacre occurs in Chalatenango, El Salvador. 1987 – Fijian Prime Minister Timoci Bavadra is ousted from power in a coup d'état led by Lieutenant colonel Sitiveni Rabuka. 1988 – Carrollton bus collision: A drunk driver traveling the wrong way on Interstate 71 near Carrollton, Kentucky hits a converted school bus carrying a church youth group. Twenty-seven die in the crash and ensuing fire. 2004 – The Constitutional Court of South Korea overturns the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun. 2004 – Rico Linhas Aéreas Flight 4815 crashes into the Amazon rainforest during approach to Eduardo Gomes International Airport in Manaus, Brazil, killing 33 people. 2008 – Battle of Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester city centre between Zenit supporters and Rangers supporters and the Greater Manchester Police, 39 policemen injured, one police-dog injured and 39 arrested. 2010 – Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on the STS-132 mission to deliver the first shuttle-launched Russian ISS component — Rassvet. This was originally slated to be the final launch of Atlantis, before Congress approved STS-135. 2012 – Agni Air Flight CHT crashes in Nepal after a failed go-around, killing 15 people. 2022 – Ten people are killed in a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York.
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kenovele · 2 years
Bog’s blog week 1
Yaaay premier blog d’une longue série. Enfin, c’est le plan… Voilà une grosse semaine que nous avons fait nos aurevoires à nos chères et tendres liègeois(es) et il est temps de vous donner une petite update. Une chose est sûre, le départ a été déchirant. Le concept du départ implique toujours les gens qui partent et ceux qui restent. Ceux qui partent doivent reconstruire leurs fondations sans leurs racines et ceux qui restent ont un grand vide à combler. Ces deux groupes se différencient car l’un amorce le changement, l’autre le subit. Je suis sincèrement désolé qu’on ait eu à vous laisser derrière mes lecteurs adorés. On vous aurait tous pris avec si ça ne tenait qu’à nous. J’espère que quand le deuil de nos vies ensemble sera consommé, on pourra s’atteler à faire de nos retrouvailles une réalité.

Le voyage s’est passé sans trop de problème. Il a eu son lot de stress et de bonnes surprises. Par exemple, le bus qui nous amenait de Bruxelles jusqu’à Frankfurt nous a déposé directement à l’aéroport. Nous avons également été accueilli par la famille Robinson à 3 heure du matin à l’aéroport d’Auckland avec un magnifique Bouquet de fleur pour Kate.
Les premiers jours dans notre nouvelle vie avec Kate ont été intense émotionnellement. Ils le sont toujours après un grand changement, même si c’est ma cinquième traversée. Comme ils disent dans « bienvenu chez les Chti » : Un étranger pleure deux fois, quand il arrive et quand il part. 

Les difficultés viennent de différents angles : 
- Fatigue liée au décalage horaire.
- Manque d’activité physique.
- Besoin de trouver sa place dans cette nouvelle dynamique, nouvelle communauté. 
- Vie sociale sérieusement amputée. 
- Absence de plan court, moyen terme pour lesquels se réjouir. 
- Organisation des choses basiques pour se sentir chez soi. 

Nous avions connaissance des challenges à venir et on essaie de mettre tout en place pour avoir une transition aussi douce que possible. La stabilité est l’objectif principal.

 Pour la fatigue, le problème se résout de lui-même. L’alcool est à éviter. Pour l’instant je n’ai bu que 6 bières (et une coupe de champagne en arrivant… et quelques cocktails dans l’avion…). Je jure que je fais un effort. N’oubliez pas que c’est le début de l’été ici. 

Il y a un terrain de tennis à 3-4 km de chez Robinson. Le temps a été assez misérable depuis qu’on est arrivé. On était aussi fort occupé chaque soir. On a donc décidé qu’on allait s’organiser pour y aller à partir de la semaine prochaine. C’est la première fois qu’on fera un sport compétitif en couple. J’espère qu’on sera capable de laisser les « hard feelings » on the court. Je peux déjà vous dire que ça risque de chauffer. La suite au prochain épisode.  Nous sommes actuellement extrêmement rouillés. Il faudra quelques sessions avant qu’on puisse s’engager dans un affrontement. 
 L’escalade est sur pause pour l’instant étant donné que 90% de notre équipement est à Rotterdam et attend le feu vert pour naviguer jusqu’à nous. Dès qu’on a une occasion pour aller au nord d’Auckland, on s’arrêtera à une des deux salles de bloc qu’il y a up there. Malheureusement, elles sont trop loin pour être inclue dans notre routine.

 J’ai fait pas mal de recherche pour le Kitesurf. Encore une fois, les meilleurs spots sont au nord d’Auckland et y parvenir implique des heures de trafic horrible. Il y a deux options de notre côté d’Auckland. Soit à l’ouest à port waikato (où on surf normalement) mais le spot n’est pas idéal pour Kate qui débute. Soit à l’est, mais je n’y suis jamais allé. En fonction de la direction du vent et dès que les planètes s’alignent, nous ferons une sortie. 
 Pour ce qui est du surf, nous n’avons qu’une seule planche donc il faut que je passe quelques coups de téléphones à mes contacts (mes anciennes familles d’accueil) pour en récupérer une autre. Je garde un œil sur le forecast. 

 Kate a recommencé à travailler mardi, après seulement 2 jours back in NZ. Elle appréhendait un peu mais ça s’est très bien passé. Je pense que ça l’aide beaucoup pour se réintégrer. Le travail a beaucoup d’avantage quand tu veux bien les voir. Kate adore se relaxer quand le boulot est fait. Elle aime le contraste. Je la comprends, une vie sans contraste est fade. Je pense aussi que rester dynamique empêche la peur, l’incertitude et le doute de s’immiscer. Sa mauvaise toux va mieux mais elle aura duré 2 semaines. 
 De mon côté, L’idéal serait que je puisse bosser comme kiné asap. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas résolu ce problème en amont et je dois le prendre de front en aval. Je vais donc au boulot avec Kate pour être dans une ambiance studieuse pour avancer là-dessus. En parallèle, j’apprends l’informatique, Kate me forme pour faire son travail sur le terrain et je suis censé aller bosser avec Jamie la semaine prochaine. Donc je remets doucement mes pieds dans la vie active en variant les plaisirs pour préserver mon équilibre mental. It’s all about balance. 

Notre vie sociale n’est pas bien large atm. Elle comprend la famille et le travail (de Kate). Nous comptons bien l’agrandir en recontactant mes familles d’accueil, mes amis d’high school et en créant de nouvelles connaissances à travers nos activités. 
 On a fait « art night » mercredi dans l’atelier de Jamie et il a posté quelques photos sur instagram avec une invitation to « any artist to come around » pour la semaine d’après. Il a eu pas mal de réponses et je pense qu’on sera 4 de plus à la prochaine édition ! 
 J’espère également qu’avec l’été viendront les opportunités sociales. Top rock nous manque profondément mais sans regret. On a tiré le maximum de goûtes de ce fût qu’on a pu.   

 Depuis notre arrivé, nous avons organisé pas mal de chose pour faire de la NZ notre petit nid. La chambre de Kate a été complètement rangée et réarrangée pour devenir la chambre nuptiale qu’elle est aujourd’hui ;). 
 L’achat d’une petite voiture est en route. Kate l’a payé 8500 $ soit 5000 euros. On doit aller la chercher mardi. C’est une Nissan March de 2016 avec 60 000 km au compteur. Elle a un tout petit moteur et ça va faire du bien au portefeuille dans le contexte actuel. 
On discute beaucoup avec Jamie du projet de la tinyhouse v1. On veut commencer dès que possible. Pour l’instant le plan est de faire notre maison temporaire sur une remorque. Je vous tiens au courant lorsque les plans sont fixés. 
 Je suis allé au supermarché pour acheter un peu de nourriture. Cela passe aussi par-là, la sensation de se sentir chez soi. Food is important. C’est une façon facile de stabiliser ses émotions. Je suis donc allé acheter des Kumara, des garlics bread, des ginger beers, du chorizo (pour mes croques), … Tous ces petits produits néo-zélandais mettent du baume au cœur et ravivent de chouettes souvenirs. 

 Nous sommes partis au lac ce weekend. La météo était supposée être digne de nos pires journées belges. A savoir, une savante combinaison du froid, du vent et de la pluie. Il y avait des alertes météo sur toute la côte est. 
Mais de nulle part, après une aube orageuse, le temps s’est éclairci. Il y a eu des douches occasionnelles mais rien qui ne nous empêche de faire nos activités :
- Ski nautique
- Pasta making
- Bière sur la nouvelle terrasse 
- Reading 
- Dessin avec des pastels

On a fait une de nos spécialités camping samedi soir, à savoir, des pâtes pesto. Les Robinson ont adoré faire des pâtes fraîche. C’était surement la seule chose qui manquait à notre recette déjà bien rodée parce que c’était divin. On a également dégusté le plus délicieux des desserts : une poêlée d’essais couronnées par une victoire et un titre de champion du monde pour l’équipe féminine de Rugby (les black ferns). Toute la nation est derrière les filles actuellement parce qu’ils passent les matchs sur la chaine public et parce qu’il faut payer un prix exorbitant pour regarder les mecs sur les chaines privées. Leur match hier soir était un grand moment de sport. Le suspense a duré jusqu’à la dernière seconde. Je les remercie pour leur effort car elles m’ont permis de dormir d’un sommeil paisible.

En résumé, nous allons très bien mais la stabilité émotionnelle qui mène à l’intégration et au bonheur prendra du temps. Je suis déterminé à le faire correctement pour pouvoir vous accueillir avec un sourire honnête et profond dès que possible ! 
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L'Alpagueur est un ancien traqueur de fauves devenu chasseur de primes. Il travaille en mercenaire pour des personnes haut placées en agissant dans l'ombre, incognito et au-delà de la routine policière. Tout à fait illégal, mais très efficace. Son intermédiaire, l'inspecteur de police Doumecq, le charge de démanteler un réseau de narcotiques à Rotterdam. Aussitôt a-t-il terminé sa mission, qu'il doit se faire passer pour un agent d'assurances, dénommé Roger Pilar pour piéger un flic corrompu, le commissaire Gavarni, qui est le gros bonnet d'un réseau de prostitution à l'échelle internationale. Après avoir maîtrisé Gavarni et ses complices, il est chargé par Doumecq de coincer l’Épervier, l'ennemi public no 1. Ce dernier recrute ses complices parmi de jeunes délinquants pour commettre ses forfaits tout en éliminant les témoins. Mais le criminel ne se contente pas de supprimer les témoins, il tue aussi ses jeunes complices, qu'il se plaît à appeler « Coco ». Son principe : tuer tous ceux qui pourraient le reconnaître. Seul Costa Valdes, que l’Épervier a engagé pour commettre un vol dans une bijouterie, survivra par miracle à la balle qui lui était destinée.
Or, Valdes se voit accusé des meurtres du bijoutier et des gardiens de la paix perpétrés par l'ennemi public no 1, et est placé en prison. Pour cette nouvelle mission, l’Alpagueur se fait passer pour un petit malfrat, Johnny Lafont, extradé canadien, emprisonné et placé dans la même cellule que Valdes. Il gagne la confiance du jeune homme et apprend que le criminel qu'il traque est un steward, que Valdes avait rencontré deux ans auparavant alors qu'il rentrait de son service militaire et voulait l'emmener chez lui à Juvisy. Fort de ces renseignements, le chasseur de primes décide de profiter du réseau d'évasion de la prison — quitte à le démanteler par la suite — pour s'enfuir avec Costa et retrouver l' Épervier. Cependant, le responsable de ce réseau, Spitzer, est également à la tête du réseau de narcotiques démantelé par l'Alpagueur à Rotterdam et l'identifie bientôt grâce à un élément qu'il est le seul à connaître.
Au cours d'une fusillade à l'auberge des Grands Fusils, l’Alpagueur feint d'être mort avant d'abattre Spitzer et ses hommes de main. Costa réussit à s'enfuir ; mais, désespéré, croyant l’Alpagueur mort, il décide de se rendre seul chez l’Épervier qui l'abat. L’Alpagueur retrouvera sans peine l’Épervier dans son avion-alibi et tue ce dernier après une bagarre entre les deux hommes. Le film se termine sur un gros plan du visage de l’Alpagueur et par une voix hors caméra disant : « Non, nous ne savons absolument pas qui est cet homme. »
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nkdtechnologies · 2 years
UK fintech exec accused of laundering crypto for ‘Brazilian Escobar’
UK fintech owner Caio Marchesani faces extradition for alleged involvement in a large-scale crypto money laundering operation.
Caio Marchesani, the owner of a London-based fintech company, is under investigation for allegedly aiding and abetting Sérgio Roberto de Carvalho, commonly known as the “Brazilian Pablo Escobar,” one of the most wanted men on Interpol’s radar.
Marchesani has allegedly convered illegal drug money into several cryptocurrencies for de Carvalho’s cartel. He has been identified as the founder of Trans-Fast Remittance, a payments platform regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). He was apprehended in May this year while at Heathrow Airport.
According to the UK government database, Marchesani is listed as a director of two other UK companies, ACAI HOLDING LTD and OPTIMUM POINT CAPITAL LLP.
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Binance accounts for de Carvalho
Belgian authorities initiated their probe three years back when Dutch officials intercepted an enormous shipment of cocaine worth upwards of €260 million ($283 million) at Rotterdam Port.
The trail led to Flor Bressers and Sergio Roberto De Carvalho — both of whom have since been arrested — and ultimately implicated Marchesani. Investigators cited progress in deciphering encrypted messages as a pivotal factor in identifying his involvement.
Sob forte esquema de segurança, as autoridades húngaras entregaram o traficante de drogas Sérgio Roberto de Carvalho, mais conhecido como "Pablo Escobar brasileiro", para a Bélgica nesta quinta-feira. A Justiça belga havia expedido um mandado de prisão contra o acusado.
Marchesani reportedly managed multiple cryptocurrency accounts on the Binance platform on behalf of Bressers. Furthermore, he is accused of holding substantial sums of money for De Carvalho and levying exorbitant transaction fees of up to 9%.
The list of suspects in this ongoing investigation extends far beyond the UK and Belgium, encompassing individuals from Brazil, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and France. Five suspects, including Bressers, De Carvalho, and Marchesani, are currently in pretrial detention. His extradition hearings in London revealed that a bail request was denied due to concerns that he poses a flight risk, with a judicial ruling on his extradition expected later this month.
According to separate court filings, Marchesani’s Trans-Fast Remittance appears to have been a favored financial conduit for Brazilian clients, accounting for as much as 85% of its user base. The company’s recorded phone message indicates that it is presently offline.
Binance has also confirmed that the exchange has been cooperating with law enforcement agencies related to this investigation.
This development has prompted renewed concerns about the adequacy of financial oversight in the United Kingdom’s burgeoning fintech sector. Transparency International UK has already sounded the alarm, pointing out that over a third of British electronic money institutions exhibit worrying signs of lax compliance.
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 7.26
All or Nothing Day
Americans with Disabilities Day
Armed Forces Unification Day
Aunts and Uncles Day
Bert’s Day (Sesame Street)
Carousel Day
Create a Signature Day
Day of Ghosts (Japan)
Day of Iansa (Brazil)
Day of National Significance (Barbados)
Day of the National Rebellion (Cuba)
Disability Independence Day
EFF Anniversary Day
Esperanto Day
Gracies Day of Giving
Hillary Clinton Day
Holistic Therapy Day
International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem
International Day of Esperanto
Kargil Vijay Diwas (a.k.a. Kargil Victory Day; India)
Moncada Day (Cuba)
Movie Theater Day
National Boop Your Pet Day
National Disability Day
National Dog Photography Day (UK)
National I Got U Day
National Ranboo Day
National Saint Day
One Voice Day
Otaru Tide Festival (Japan)
Penal System Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Post Office Day
Racial Desegregation Day (US Army)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Rebellion Day (Cuba)
Safflower Day (French Republic)
726 Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bagelfest Day
Curacao Day
Groovy Chicken Day
National Coffee Milkshake Day
National S’Mores Day
Roquefort Cheese Day
Wonderful Drinks Day
World Tofu Day
Independence & Related Days
Imperial Federation of the Dharug Nation (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Liberia (from the American Colonization Society, 1847)
Maldives (from UK, 1965)
New York Statehood Day (#11; 1788)
Revolution Day (Argentina; 1890)
4th & Last Friday in July
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
I Love My Credit Union Day [Last Friday]
Lumberjack Day [Last Friday of Last Full Weekend; also 9.26]
National Biryani Day (Pakistan) [Last Friday]
National Blowout Day [Last Friday]
National Get Gnarly Day [Last Friday]
National Love This Place Day (Ireland) [Last Friday]
Schools Tree Day (Australia) [Friday before Last Sunday]
System Administrator Appreciation Day [Last Friday]
Talk in An Elevator Day [Last Friday]
UFO Days begin (Wisconsin) [4th Friday thru Sunday]
Festivals Beginning July 26, 2024
Aebleskiver Days (Tyler, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Altus Grape Fest (Altus, Arkansas) [thru 7.27]
Blues and Brews Fest (Salmon, Idaho)
Canal Winchester Blues & Ribfest (Canal Winchester, Ohio) [thru 7.27]
Deerfield Valley Blueberry Festival (Deerfield Valley, Vermont) [thru 8.4]
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival (Hillsdale, New York) [thru 7.28]
Finger Lakes Wine Festival (Watkins Glen, New York) [thru 7.28]
Fuji Rock Festival (Yuzawa, Japan) [thru 7.28]
Galbani Cheese Italian Heritage Festival (Buffalo, New York) [thru 7.28]
German Fest (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.28]
International Pinot Noir Celebration (McMinnville, Oregon) [thru 7.28]
Junior Achievement Wine and Beer Festival (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
Kolacky Days (Montgomery, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Louisiana Watermelon Festival (Farmerville, Louisiana) [thru 7.27]
Michigan Brewers Guild Annual Summer Beer Festival (Ypsilanti, Michigan) [thru 7.27]
Montana State Fair (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 8.3]
Natchez Food & Wine Festival (Natchez, Mississippi) [thru 7.27]
National Balloon Classic (Indianola, Iowa) [thru 8.3]
Newport Folk Festival (Newport, Rhode Island) [thru 7.28]
Northeast Jazz & Wine Festival (Syracuse, New York) [thru 7.27]
Pichelsteiner Festival (Regen, Bavaria, Germany) [thru 7.31]
Pierogi Fest (Whiting, Indiana) [thru 7.28]
Rotterdam Unlimited (Rotterdam, Netherlands) [thru 7.27]
Summer Olympics (Paris, France) [thru 8.11]
Tanana Valley State Fair (Fairbanks, Alaska) [thru 8.4]
Taste of Lincoln Avenue (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 7.28]
Taste of Wisconsin (Kenosha, Wisconsin) [thru 7.28]
Tomorrowland Belgium (Boom, Belgium) [thru 7.28]
Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival (Wheeling, West Virginia) [thru 7.27]
Viva Braslav Open Air (Braslav, Belarus) [thru 7.28]
Virginia Cantaloupe Festival (South Boston, Virginia)
Watermelon Festival & Rodeo (Naples, Texas) [thru 7.28]
Yale Bologna Festival (Yale, Michigan) [thru 7.28]
Feast Days
Aldous Huxley (Writerism)
Andrew of Phú Yên (Christian; Blessed)
Anne (Western Christianity)
Asarnha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Bartolomea Capitanio (Christian; Saint)
Bert (Muppetism)
Carl Jung (Writerism)
Father Jacques Hamel Martyrdom Anniversary Day (France)
Feast Day of All Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Festival of Hathor (Egyptian God of Drunkenness)
Festival of Sleipnir (Norse)
Gernnanus, Bishop of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
George Bernard Shaw (Writerism)
George Catlin (Artology)
George Grosz (Artology)
Green Corn Ceremony Day (Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico)
Joachim (Western Christianity)
Kachina Ceremony (Native American Hopi; Everyday Wicca)
Maria Pierina (Christian; Blessed)
Paraskevi of Rome (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Poussin (Positivist; Saint)
Ralf Metzenmacher (Artology)
Simeon the Armenian
Solstitium XIII (Pagan)
Stanley Kubrick Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venera (Christian; Saint)
White Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Wonderful Drinks Day (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [42 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Alice in Wonderland (UK Animated Disney Film; 1951)
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Film; 2002)
The Box Man Kōbō Abe (Novel; 1973)
The Boys (TV Series; 2019)
Bugged by a Bee (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
Captain America: Brave New World (Film; 2024)
Chain Gang, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1960)
Curly Top (Film; 1935)
Dizzy Divers (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Dog Tales (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Fit to Be Tied (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
For Me and My Gal, recorded by Judy Garland and Gene Kelly (Song; 1942)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1602)
Harper Valley P.T.A., recorded by Jeannie C. Riley (Song; 1968)
Head Over Heels (Broadway Musical; 2018)
Her First Egg (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Foxy-Fox (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Kingpin (Film; 1996)
Little Miss Sunshine (Film; 2006)
Lord of the Dance, by Michael Flatley (Musical Performance; 1996)
National Lampoon’s European Vacation (Film; 1985)
Oily Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 19522)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Film; 2019)
Parsifal, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1882)
Point Counter Point, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1928)
A Rainy Day in New York (Film; 2019)
Ration Bored (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Rock Bottom, by Robert Wyatt (Album; 1974)
Scat Cats (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Searching for Sugar Man (Documentary Film; 2012)
Sinbad the Sailor (ComiColor Cartoon; 1935)
The Tenant’s Racket (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Film; 2000)
The To Do List (Film; 2013)
The Trojan Horse (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Unidentified Flying Oddball (Film; 1979)
Vitascope Hall (1st Permanent For-Profit Movie Theatre; New Orleans; 1896)
What Happened to Mary (Serial Film; 1912)
The Wolverine (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Anna, Gloria, Joachim (Austria)
Paraskeva (Bulgaria)
Ana, Bara, Barica, Joakim (Croatia)
Anna (Czech Republic)
Anna (Denmark)
Anete, Anita, Ann, Anna, Anne, Anneli, Anni, Annika, Anu (Estonia)
Martta (Finland)
Anne, Hannah, Joachin (France)
Anna, Joachim (Germany)
Erse, Ersi, Paraskeve, Paraskevi (Greece)
Anikó, Anna (Hungary)
Anna, Benigno, Caro, Giacomo (Italy)
Ance, Aneta, Anna, Annija (Latvia)
Daugintas, Eigirdė, Ona (Lithuania)
Ane, Anna, Anne (Norway)
Anna, Bartolomea, Grażyna, Mirosława (Poland)
Anna, Hana (Slovakia)
Ana, Joaquín (Spain)
Jesper (Sweden)
Sara, Sarah (Ukraine)
Ana, Anissa, Anita, Anika, Aniya, Aniyah, Ann, Anna, Anne, Annette, Annie, Annika, Annis, Annmarie, Anson, Anya, Blake, Hanna, Hannah, Nancy, Nanette, Nina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 208 of 2024; 158 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 21 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 19 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 28 Red; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 13 July 2024
Moon: 67%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Dante (8th Month) [Poussin]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 37 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 5 of 31)
Celeste Yarnall, Miss Rheingold 1964 (1944)
Mark Ruedrich (1951)
Zatecky Pivovar began brewing again at the new brewery (Czech Republic; 1800)
Roquefort cheese becomes 1st cheese designated with an appellation d'orgine controlee (1926)
Richard Cornelius patented a Beer Dispensing Device (1938)
Frank Goll and James Wareham patented a Liquid Container (1938)
Fred Stern patented a Beer Cooling and Dispensing System (1938)
William Vogel patented a Method of Filling and Closing Cans (1938)
Frederick Warcup patented a Beer Dispense with Coil Cleaning Means (1949)
Warren Raynor patented a Pallet Loading Machine (1960)
Heurich Brewing closed on the site where the Kennedy Center now stands (Washington, DC; 1962)
Robert Palmer patented a Hand Opening Lid for Cylindrical Beverage Can (1966)
Carl Tabor patented Receptacle Closures (1966)
Fictional pitchman "Uncle Jackson" for the Koehler Brewing declared today "Uncle's Day" (Erie, Pennsylvania; 1969)
Newcastle Breweries sued cricket star Ian Botham for breaking his contract with them by not visiting enough pubs (1993)
1st beer tapped at the Stone Brewery in San Marcos (1996)
1st keg of Stone beer delivered (to Pizza Port; 1996)
Last bottles of Rolling Rock rolled off the bottling line (Latrobe, Pennsylvania; 2006)
Brewery Openings
Southampton Publick House (New York; 1996)
Stone Brewing (California; 1996)
Cervejara Colorado (Brazil; 1997)
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pardomuansitanggang · 2 months
Biografi Mohammad Hatta (1902–1980), PARDOMUANSITANGGANG.COM – Biografi Mohammad Hatta (1902–1980) Nama Lengkap: Mohammad Hatta Tempat, Tanggal Lahir: Fort de Kock, Hindia Belanda (sekarang Bukittinggi, Indonesia), 12 Agustus 1902 Tanggal Wafat: Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 Maret 1980 Latar Belakang Mohammad Hatta adalah salah satu tokoh utama dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan merupakan Wakil Presiden pertama Indonesia. Ia dikenal sebagai salah satu arsitek kemerdekaan Indonesia bersama dengan Soekarno. Pendidikan dan Awal Karir Hatta mengenyam pendidikan di sekolah ELS (Europese Lagere School) di Padang, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di HBS (Hoogere Burgerschool) di Batavia (sekarang Jakarta). Setelah itu, ia melanjutkan studi ke Belanda di Nederlandse Handels-Hogeschool di Rotterdam, di mana ia bertemu dengan Soekarno. Aktivitas Politik Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Hatta aktif dalam pergerakan mahasiswa Indonesia di Belanda dan menjadi anggota Perserikatan Perhimpunan Indonesia (PPKI). Bersama Soekarno, ia mendirikan Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) pada tahun 1927 dan memainkan peran penting dalam perjuangan untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia dari penjajahan Belanda. Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Hatta bersama Soekarno memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Belanda setelah Jepang menyerah dalam Perang Dunia II. Jabatan Pemerintahan Wakil Presiden Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia diproklamasikan, Hatta dilantik sebagai Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia pertama pada tahun 1945. Ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden hingga tahun 1956. Peran dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Sebagai Wakil Presiden, Hatta memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia, termasuk dalam penyusunan kebijakan ekonomi nasional yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia. Pengabdian Setelah Masa Pemerintahan Setelah pensiun dari jabatan politik aktif, Hatta tetap terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial dan pendidikan di Indonesia. Ia juga menulis banyak buku dan artikel tentang politik, ekonomi, dan sosial di Indonesia. Meninggal dan Warisan Mohammad Hatta meninggal dunia pada tanggal 14 Maret 1980 di Jakarta. Namanya tetap diabadikan sebagai salah satu pendiri bangsa Indonesia dan tokoh utama dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. Hatta dihormati sebagai salah satu pahlawan nasional Indonesia. Penghargaan dan Pengakuan Hatta dianugerahi berbagai penghargaan baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri atas kontribusinya dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan dan pembangunan Indonesia. Kesimpulan Mohammad Hatta adalah salah satu tokoh terkemuka dalam sejarah Indonesia yang berperan penting dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan dan pembangunan nasional. Dedikasinya untuk kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia dan visinya tentang negara merdeka dan berdaulat menjadikannya sebagai salah satu tokoh yang sangat dihormati dan diingat dalam sejarah Indonesia modern.
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indiatajtours · 3 months
Taj Mahal tour from Delhi by India taj tours Company.
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Take an unforgettable tour from Delhi with India Taj Tours Company and discover the enthralling beauty of the Taj Mahal. This trip promises to be smooth and full of amazing architecture, culture, and history.
Departure from Delhi: Start your journey in style with a leisurely early morning departure from Delhi. Enjoy the stunning scenery of Northern India while traveling in air-conditioned luxury to Agra.
Arrival in Agra: Our friendly guide will meet you at the airport and continue to accompany you on the tour. India's rich past is fascinatingly shown at Agra, a city steeped in Mughal legacy.
A visit to the beautiful Taj Mahal, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage site, will be the highlight of your itinerary. Admire this magnificent marble tomb, constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his adored spouse Mumtaz Mahal. Your guide will enlighten you on its background and significance while narrating tales of love and magnificent architecture.
Examining Agra Fort: As you proceed, pay a visit to this additional UNESCO-listed site, Agra Fort. The Mughal emperors' primary residence was this red sandstone fort, often known as the Red Fort of Agra. Discover the architectural wonders and strategic significance of the area by exploring its gardens, palaces, and mosques.
Cultural Highlights & Regional Cuisine: Savor a mouthwatering lunch at a nearby eatery while indulging in real Mughlai food, which is renowned for its robust tastes and fragrant spices. As you visit crowded markets filled with handicrafts and souvenirs and engage with local artisans, you will be fully immersed in Agra's vibrant culture.
Traveling back to Delhi: As the day draws to a close, unwind and think back on the splendor and depth of culture you encountered while touring the Taj Mahal. You will return home in safety and luxury thanks to our luxurious transportation, with vivid recollections of a day that will never be forgotten.
In summary, India Taj Tours Company's Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi is intended to provide you a unique and memorable glimpse into India's rich architectural and cultural legacy. Whether you're a history buff, a photography enthusiast, or just looking for a day filled with breathtaking scenery, this tour guarantees you will experience the finest of Agra in a single day. Come along for the ride of a lifetime as you allow the Taj Mahal's classic grandeur to linger in your heart.
Two well-known European nations with a rich tapestry of culture, history, and contemporary accomplishments are France and the Netherlands. As industrialized countries in Western Europe, they are comparable to one another, yet they are also very different from one another. In order to compare France with the Netherlands, this article will look at a number of topics, including geography, culture, the economy, and social programs.
Regional Variations With its varied geography encompassing everything from the picturesque beaches of the French Riviera to the rugged Alps and Pyrenees, France is the largest country in the European Union. From a temperate climate in the north to a Mediterranean climate in the south, it has both. Principal cities are Nice, Lyon, Marseille, and Paris.
In contrast, the Netherlands has a significantly smaller land area yet a dense population. It is primarily below sea level and is well-known for its flat topography and vast canal networks, which has led to the development of highly advanced water management systems. With warm winters and cool summers, the climate is marine. Utrecht, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Amsterdam are important cities.
Historical Culture Having been a hub for science, philosophy, and the arts for centuries, France is well known for its rich cultural legacy. With writers like Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust, as well as artists like Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, the nation is well-known for its contributions to both literature and art. French music has influenced mainstream and classical music as well as contemporary music worldwide.
Despite its modest size, the Netherlands has also significantly influenced culture. Both its liberal social policies and its Golden Age artists, such as Rembrandt and Vermeer, have made it famous. With writers like Anne Frank, Dutch literature has a rich history while being less well-known outside. The nation also boasts a thriving music industry, with electronic dance music being especially popular.
Majority of the population speaks French, which is the official language of France. A second language in many nations, it is also one of the most influential languages in the world, employed in commerce and international diplomacy. The variety of languages is further enhanced by regional tongues and dialects like Breton and Occitan.
Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands. An overwhelming majority of people speak it. Another legally recognized language is Frisian, which is spoken in the northern province of Friesland. The nation places a strong focus on trade and internationalism, which is reflected in the widespread use of English.
The economy France boasts one of the largest and most sophisticated economies in the world, notwithstanding its diversity. The luxury goods, automobile, aerospace, and agricultural sectors are important ones. In addition, the nation attracts a lot of tourists, which boosts its GDP. The capital, Paris, is a significant hub for finance.
The Dutch economy is open, highly developed, and heavily focused on foreign trade. Important industries include manufacturing, electronics, chemicals, and agriculture—especially horticulture and dairy. Major international corporations reside in the Netherlands, which also boasts Rotterdam, one of the busiest ports in the world.
Traveling France is the most visited country in the world because of its many attractions, which include the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, and the gorgeous landscapes of Provence and Normandy. Every kind of traveler can find something to enjoy in the nation's rich history and diversified geography.
With its medieval cities, tulip fields, windmills, and canals, the Netherlands is another well-liked travel destination. While neighboring towns like Rotterdam and The Hague provide distinctive cultural and architectural experiences, Amsterdam is a big appeal due to its museums and exciting nightlife.
Cooking French cooking is highly regarded throughout the world and is distinguished by its use of premium products and cooking methods. The staples of French cuisine include escargots, coq au vin, and a wide selection of cheeses and wines. Savoring each course and taking pleasure in the social components of a meal are key to the French eating experience.
Despite being simpler, Dutch food is nevertheless filling and satisfying. Mainstays include herring, cheese (especially Gouda and Edam), and side dishes such poffertjes (little pancakes) and stamppot (mashed potatoes with vegetables). Pastries and confections are part of the rich tradition of the Netherlands.
System of Education France has a centralized educational system that prioritizes intellectual growth and academic achievement. Prominent educational establishments such the École Polytechnique and the Sorbonne are located in the nation. French literature and philosophy are heavily emphasized in the mandatory education program for students aged three to sixteen.
The practicality and focus on personal growth of the Dutch educational system are well-known. There are both public and private schools in the area, and prestigious universities like the University of Amsterdam and Delft University of Technology are among them. Between the ages of five and sixteen, education is required, with a particular emphasis on multilingualism and practical skills.
Political Frameworks With a powerful executive branch, France is a semi-presidential republic. The head of government is the prime minister, while the head of state is the president. La République En Marche!, the Republicans, and the Socialist Party are some of the main parties in the nation's multiparty system.
With a parliamentary system, the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. The head of government is the Prime Minister, while the head of state is the King. The People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), Labour Party (PvdA), and GreenLeft (GL) are three prominent parties that make up the multi-party system that characterizes Dutch politics.
Social Strategies Offering a wide range of social services like healthcare, education, and retirement, France has a welfare state that is comprehensive. With universal coverage, it is among the best healthcare systems in the world. Significant worker safeguards are afforded by robust employment legislation.
The Netherlands, which is renowned for its excellent social security and healthcare systems, also features a sophisticated welfare state. The universal coverage and high level of efficiency of the Dutch healthcare system are widely acknowledged. The nation boasts progressive social policies, notably in the fields of drug decriminalization and same-sex marriage.
Transportation The TGV high-speed trains, which link major cities in record time, are just one of France's many effective transportation options. The country has an enormous transportation network. France has superb roadways and well-developed metro systems in cities like Paris.
With a vast network of buses, trams, and trains, the Netherlands is renowned for having an excellent public transportation system. With good infrastructure, cycling is another popular form of transportation. Large-scale international trade is made possible by the nation's busiest ports and airports in all of Europe.
Policies Regarding Environment With laws designed to cut carbon emissions and support renewable energy, France is dedicated to environmental sustainability. Signatories to the Paris Agreement, the nation has made significant investments in nuclear energy as a primary source of power.
Environmental innovation and sustainability have the Netherlands at the forefront of the world stage. The nation has taken a number of steps to manage its water resources and fight global warming. The Dutch energy mix heavily relies on renewable energy, especially wind power.
Athletics and Leisure With a strong emphasis on sports, football, rugby, and tennis are among the sports in which France excels. The French Open and the Tour de France are two of the biggest international tournaments held in the nation. Recreational pursuits including surfing the Atlantic coast and skiing the Alps are also well-liked.
With a competitive national team and league, football is the most popular sport in the Netherlands. The nation has also achieved success in field hockey and speed skating. Cycling is a prevalent form of transportation as well as a popular activity, with many cycling events performed all year round.
Standard of Living
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latribune · 3 months
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rotterdamvanalles · 4 months
Interieur van het Centraal Belastinggebouw aan de Puntegaalstraat, 1955.
Over het ontstaan van de naam van de Puntegaalstraat bestaat enige onzekerheid. Zeker is dat er rond 1736 een gebouw op een stuk grond in de toenmalige gemeente Schoonderloo staat dat "van outs punte gaale" genoemd wordt. In 1749 is op het perceel een herberg verrezen met de naam Punte Gale; naar deze herberg wordt in 1933 de straat door de gemeente vernoemd na het gereedkomen van het naastgelegen sluiscomplex.
De bebouwing op het perceel zelf is waarschijnlijk door zeelieden vernoemd naar een landpunt: de Punta Galla in Sri Lanka (dan Ceylon). In de hier nog altijd gelegen havenstad Galle bouwde de Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie een fort. Het was destijds niet ongewoon een herberg te noemen naar een haven.
Grote bekendheid kreeg de straat onder de inwoners van Rotterdam nadat hier in 1948 het Centraal Belasting Gebouw werd geopend. Het gebouw werd ontworpen door H. Hoekstra (1881-1960), dan hoofdarchitect van de Rijksgebouwendienst. De bouw begon in 1938, maar als gevolg van het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog moet deze worden onderbroken.
Tijdens de oorlog werd het nog niet voltooide pand door het Duitse leger gebruikt als locatie voor luchtafweergeschut. Op 11 november 1944 werd het pand gebruikt als verzamelpunt bij de Razzia van Rotterdam. Er werden duizenden Rotterdamse jongens samengedreven die in Noord-Rotterdam waren opgepakt. Vanaf dit verzamelpunt werden de opgepakte mannen te voet via de Maastunnel naar Station Zuid gebracht en afgevoerd in veewagons.
Na de oorlog werd het pand zo snel mogelijk in gebruik genomen, omdat andere belastingkantoren door het bombardement op de stad vernietigd waren. Wel werd de onderbreking in de bouw gebruikt om het pand aan te passen aan moderne technieken, zoals een paternosterlift.
Na het vertrek van de Belastingdienst in 1996 naar een nieuw complex (Wilhelminahof) op de Kop van Zuid, liet Stadswonen het pand verbouwen, waarbij het tevens een woonfunctie kreeg. In 1998 worden tweehonderd appartementen en enkele tientallen kleinere bedrijfsruimten opgeleverd. Het gebouw is in 2002 aangewezen als rijksmonument.
De fotograaf is Francois Henry van Dijk en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van Wikipedia.
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Rialto, CA-based soul outfit Brainstory will be releasing their Leon Michels-produced sophomore album Sounds Good on Friday through renowned purveyors of soul, Big Crown Records. The album will feature: “Gift of Life,” a lush, old-school, Quiet Storm-like, show-topping ballad built around a shimmering and vibey arrangement featuring fluttering, ethereal flute paired with Kevin Martin’s emotive, falsetto croon and some incredibly catch hooks. While the song see the band pulling from classic soul, psych soul and dub in a way that sounds like it could been released sometime between 1968-1974, “Gift of Life,” manages to feel remarkably modern.  “Listen,” a classic, two-step inducing groove-driven song with shimmering analog synths, an overdrive-fueled guitar solo paired with some dreamy falsetto melodies and harmonies that sounds — to me, at least — as though it could have been been a Mandrill or Isley Brothers B side. The song sees the band’s Kevin Martin encouraging the listener to spend some time enjoying the present moment, because life’s all too short and remarkably fleeting “Peach Optimo,” a slow-burning and summery bit of psych soul anchored around a strutting and wobbling bass line, glistening keys, some funky drum rhythm patterns and an expressive guitar solo paired with some retro-futuristic synths. Seemingly channelling JOVM mainstays Mildlife and L’Eclair, sees the trio diving into the banality and simple pleasures of teenaged suburban life — full of the nostalgia of cul-de-sac hangs and bullshit sessions with the homies. Sounds Good‘s fifth and latest single “XFaded” is a strutting, hook-driven and funky psych soul jam anchored around an arrangement featuring skittering boom bap, a sinuous bass line and squiggling bursts of guitar. According to the trio, the song’s sound was partially inspired by what theft thought a modern day George Clinton/Parliament funk jam would sound like — and by small town life, where getting fucked up is an unofficial/official pastime because there isn’t much else to really do. The slick Leon Michels production paired with the band’s razor sharp yet seemingly effortless performance ironically contrasts the notion of getting sloppy and fucked up but reveals the easy-going chemistry between the trio and producer. The trio are about to embark on a run of headlining Stateside dates and a couple of stops on the global festival circuit, before joining Lady Wray in May for a run of UK and European Union dates. Tour dates are below. BRAINSTORY TOUR DATES Apr 18 Lodge Room – Los Angeles, CA **SOLD OUT Apl 19 The Independent- San Francisco, CA Apr 20 Moe’s Alley – Santa Cruz, CA Apr 21 Pappy & Harriets – Pioneertown, CA  Apr 22 Valley Bar – Phoenix, AZ Apr 23 Love Buzz – El Paso, TX  Apr 25 Tandem – San Antonio, TX  Apr 26 Psych Fest – Austin, TX Apr 27 Norman Music Festival – Norman, OK Apr 29 Sister Bar – Albuquerque, NM  May 01 Larimer Lounge – Denver, CO  May 02 The Atrium – Fort Collins, CO  May 03 DLC – Salt Lake City, UT  May 04 Neurolux – Boise, ID  May 07 High DIve – Seattle, WA  May 08 Mississippi Studios – Portland, OR May 14 Bird, Rotterdam, Netherlands + May 15 Bitterzoet, Amsterdam, Netherland + May 16 Knust – Hamburg, Germany + May 17 Franz Mhelhose – Enfurt, Germany + May 18 Lido – Berlin, Germany + May 20 La Maroquinerie – Paris, France + May 23 Belgrave Music Hall – Leeds, UK + May 24 Lost Horizon – Bristol, UK + May 26 Cross The Tracks Festival – Brockwell Park, UK May 27 Jazz Cafe – London, UK + May 28 The Blues Kitchen – Manchester, UK + May 29 St. Luke’s – Glasgow, Scotland + Jun 08 The Rockaway Hotel – Rockaway, NY + Jul 08 FEQ Festival D’ete De Quebec – Quebec, Canada + notes dates with Lady Wray
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.26
All or Nothing Day
Americans with Disabilities Day
Armed Forces Unification Day
Aunts and Uncles Day
Bert’s Day (Sesame Street)
Carousel Day
Create a Signature Day
Day of Ghosts (Japan)
Day of Iansa (Brazil)
Day of National Significance (Barbados)
Day of the National Rebellion (Cuba)
Disability Independence Day
EFF Anniversary Day
Esperanto Day
Gracies Day of Giving
Hillary Clinton Day
Holistic Therapy Day
International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem
International Day of Esperanto
Kargil Vijay Diwas (a.k.a. Kargil Victory Day; India)
Moncada Day (Cuba)
Movie Theater Day
National Boop Your Pet Day
National Disability Day
National Dog Photography Day (UK)
National I Got U Day
National Ranboo Day
National Saint Day
One Voice Day
Otaru Tide Festival (Japan)
Penal System Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Post Office Day
Racial Desegregation Day (US Army)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Rebellion Day (Cuba)
Safflower Day (French Republic)
726 Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bagelfest Day
Curacao Day
Groovy Chicken Day
National Coffee Milkshake Day
National S’Mores Day
Roquefort Cheese Day
Wonderful Drinks Day
World Tofu Day
Independence & Related Days
Imperial Federation of the Dharug Nation (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Liberia (from the American Colonization Society, 1847)
Maldives (from UK, 1965)
New York Statehood Day (#11; 1788)
Revolution Day (Argentina; 1890)
4th & Last Friday in July
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
I Love My Credit Union Day [Last Friday]
Lumberjack Day [Last Friday of Last Full Weekend; also 9.26]
National Biryani Day (Pakistan) [Last Friday]
National Blowout Day [Last Friday]
National Get Gnarly Day [Last Friday]
National Love This Place Day (Ireland) [Last Friday]
Schools Tree Day (Australia) [Friday before Last Sunday]
System Administrator Appreciation Day [Last Friday]
Talk in An Elevator Day [Last Friday]
UFO Days begin (Wisconsin) [4th Friday thru Sunday]
Festivals Beginning July 26, 2024
Aebleskiver Days (Tyler, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Altus Grape Fest (Altus, Arkansas) [thru 7.27]
Blues and Brews Fest (Salmon, Idaho)
Canal Winchester Blues & Ribfest (Canal Winchester, Ohio) [thru 7.27]
Deerfield Valley Blueberry Festival (Deerfield Valley, Vermont) [thru 8.4]
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival (Hillsdale, New York) [thru 7.28]
Finger Lakes Wine Festival (Watkins Glen, New York) [thru 7.28]
Fuji Rock Festival (Yuzawa, Japan) [thru 7.28]
Galbani Cheese Italian Heritage Festival (Buffalo, New York) [thru 7.28]
German Fest (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.28]
International Pinot Noir Celebration (McMinnville, Oregon) [thru 7.28]
Junior Achievement Wine and Beer Festival (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
Kolacky Days (Montgomery, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Louisiana Watermelon Festival (Farmerville, Louisiana) [thru 7.27]
Michigan Brewers Guild Annual Summer Beer Festival (Ypsilanti, Michigan) [thru 7.27]
Montana State Fair (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 8.3]
Natchez Food & Wine Festival (Natchez, Mississippi) [thru 7.27]
National Balloon Classic (Indianola, Iowa) [thru 8.3]
Newport Folk Festival (Newport, Rhode Island) [thru 7.28]
Northeast Jazz & Wine Festival (Syracuse, New York) [thru 7.27]
Pichelsteiner Festival (Regen, Bavaria, Germany) [thru 7.31]
Pierogi Fest (Whiting, Indiana) [thru 7.28]
Rotterdam Unlimited (Rotterdam, Netherlands) [thru 7.27]
Summer Olympics (Paris, France) [thru 8.11]
Tanana Valley State Fair (Fairbanks, Alaska) [thru 8.4]
Taste of Lincoln Avenue (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 7.28]
Taste of Wisconsin (Kenosha, Wisconsin) [thru 7.28]
Tomorrowland Belgium (Boom, Belgium) [thru 7.28]
Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival (Wheeling, West Virginia) [thru 7.27]
Viva Braslav Open Air (Braslav, Belarus) [thru 7.28]
Virginia Cantaloupe Festival (South Boston, Virginia)
Watermelon Festival & Rodeo (Naples, Texas) [thru 7.28]
Yale Bologna Festival (Yale, Michigan) [thru 7.28]
Feast Days
Aldous Huxley (Writerism)
Andrew of Phú Yên (Christian; Blessed)
Anne (Western Christianity)
Asarnha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Bartolomea Capitanio (Christian; Saint)
Bert (Muppetism)
Carl Jung (Writerism)
Father Jacques Hamel Martyrdom Anniversary Day (France)
Feast Day of All Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Festival of Hathor (Egyptian God of Drunkenness)
Festival of Sleipnir (Norse)
Gernnanus, Bishop of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
George Bernard Shaw (Writerism)
George Catlin (Artology)
George Grosz (Artology)
Green Corn Ceremony Day (Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico)
Joachim (Western Christianity)
Kachina Ceremony (Native American Hopi; Everyday Wicca)
Maria Pierina (Christian; Blessed)
Paraskevi of Rome (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Poussin (Positivist; Saint)
Ralf Metzenmacher (Artology)
Simeon the Armenian
Solstitium XIII (Pagan)
Stanley Kubrick Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venera (Christian; Saint)
White Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Wonderful Drinks Day (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [42 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Alice in Wonderland (UK Animated Disney Film; 1951)
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Film; 2002)
The Box Man Kōbō Abe (Novel; 1973)
The Boys (TV Series; 2019)
Bugged by a Bee (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
Captain America: Brave New World (Film; 2024)
Chain Gang, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1960)
Curly Top (Film; 1935)
Dizzy Divers (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Dog Tales (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Fit to Be Tied (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
For Me and My Gal, recorded by Judy Garland and Gene Kelly (Song; 1942)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1602)
Harper Valley P.T.A., recorded by Jeannie C. Riley (Song; 1968)
Head Over Heels (Broadway Musical; 2018)
Her First Egg (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Foxy-Fox (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Kingpin (Film; 1996)
Little Miss Sunshine (Film; 2006)
Lord of the Dance, by Michael Flatley (Musical Performance; 1996)
National Lampoon’s European Vacation (Film; 1985)
Oily Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 19522)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Film; 2019)
Parsifal, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1882)
Point Counter Point, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1928)
A Rainy Day in New York (Film; 2019)
Ration Bored (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Rock Bottom, by Robert Wyatt (Album; 1974)
Scat Cats (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Searching for Sugar Man (Documentary Film; 2012)
Sinbad the Sailor (ComiColor Cartoon; 1935)
The Tenant’s Racket (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Film; 2000)
The To Do List (Film; 2013)
The Trojan Horse (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Unidentified Flying Oddball (Film; 1979)
Vitascope Hall (1st Permanent For-Profit Movie Theatre; New Orleans; 1896)
What Happened to Mary (Serial Film; 1912)
The Wolverine (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Anna, Gloria, Joachim (Austria)
Paraskeva (Bulgaria)
Ana, Bara, Barica, Joakim (Croatia)
Anna (Czech Republic)
Anna (Denmark)
Anete, Anita, Ann, Anna, Anne, Anneli, Anni, Annika, Anu (Estonia)
Martta (Finland)
Anne, Hannah, Joachin (France)
Anna, Joachim (Germany)
Erse, Ersi, Paraskeve, Paraskevi (Greece)
Anikó, Anna (Hungary)
Anna, Benigno, Caro, Giacomo (Italy)
Ance, Aneta, Anna, Annija (Latvia)
Daugintas, Eigirdė, Ona (Lithuania)
Ane, Anna, Anne (Norway)
Anna, Bartolomea, Grażyna, Mirosława (Poland)
Anna, Hana (Slovakia)
Ana, Joaquín (Spain)
Jesper (Sweden)
Sara, Sarah (Ukraine)
Ana, Anissa, Anita, Anika, Aniya, Aniyah, Ann, Anna, Anne, Annette, Annie, Annika, Annis, Annmarie, Anson, Anya, Blake, Hanna, Hannah, Nancy, Nanette, Nina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 208 of 2024; 158 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 21 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 19 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 28 Red; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 13 July 2024
Moon: 67%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Dante (8th Month) [Poussin]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 37 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 5 of 31)
Celeste Yarnall, Miss Rheingold 1964 (1944)
Mark Ruedrich (1951)
Zatecky Pivovar began brewing again at the new brewery (Czech Republic; 1800)
Roquefort cheese becomes 1st cheese designated with an appellation d'orgine controlee (1926)
Richard Cornelius patented a Beer Dispensing Device (1938)
Frank Goll and James Wareham patented a Liquid Container (1938)
Fred Stern patented a Beer Cooling and Dispensing System (1938)
William Vogel patented a Method of Filling and Closing Cans (1938)
Frederick Warcup patented a Beer Dispense with Coil Cleaning Means (1949)
Warren Raynor patented a Pallet Loading Machine (1960)
Heurich Brewing closed on the site where the Kennedy Center now stands (Washington, DC; 1962)
Robert Palmer patented a Hand Opening Lid for Cylindrical Beverage Can (1966)
Carl Tabor patented Receptacle Closures (1966)
Fictional pitchman "Uncle Jackson" for the Koehler Brewing declared today "Uncle's Day" (Erie, Pennsylvania; 1969)
Newcastle Breweries sued cricket star Ian Botham for breaking his contract with them by not visiting enough pubs (1993)
1st beer tapped at the Stone Brewery in San Marcos (1996)
1st keg of Stone beer delivered (to Pizza Port; 1996)
Last bottles of Rolling Rock rolled off the bottling line (Latrobe, Pennsylvania; 2006)
Brewery Openings
Southampton Publick House (New York; 1996)
Stone Brewing (California; 1996)
Cervejara Colorado (Brazil; 1997)
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ainews · 7 months
Fortresses have long been a part of Indonesian culture and tradition, serving as a symbol of strength and protection. These grand structures, built in strategic locations in the archipelago, also play a role in the lore and myths of the country. Among these myths and legends are stories of leprechauns, the mischievous and elusive creatures that are said to guard hidden treasures.
According to Indonesian folklore, leprechauns are believed to reside in the most remote and inaccessible parts of the country, making fortresses a natural and fitting dwelling place for them. These structures are often located on high hills or rocky cliffs, making them hard to access and perfect for hiding precious treasures. In fact, some of the most famous fortresses in Indonesia, such as Fort Rotterdam in Makassar and Fort Vredeburg in Yogyakarta, are known for their intricate and complex underground tunnels, which are said to have been created by leprechauns.
Moreover, the architectural design of these fortresses also reflects the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the Indonesian people. Many of the fortresses in Indonesia are built in the shape of a bat, a significant symbol in local folklore and believed to be a protector against evil spirits. This ties in with the belief that leprechauns, being creatures of magic and mystery, are able to harness the powers of nature to protect their treasures.
Fortresses also serve as a reminder of Indonesia's rich history and its past struggles against outside threats. As invaders and colonizers attempted to conquer the archipelago, fortresses were built as a defense mechanism to protect its people and resources. This history of fortifications creates a sense of mystique and wonder around these structures, making them the perfect setting for tales of leprechauns and their fabled riches.
In addition, Indonesia's diverse culture and strong sense of community may have also contributed to the association between fortresses and leprechauns. The country's many different ethnic groups have their own unique traditions and beliefs, many of which involve myths and legends about supernatural creatures. The idea of leprechauns guarding hidden treasures in fortresses may have been influenced by the belief in ancestral spirits and their connection to the land.
While these stories of leprechauns living in Indonesian fortresses may only be folklore, they add to the charm and mystery of these ancient structures. They serve as a reminder of the country's rich cultural heritage and its deep connection to the natural world. So the next time you visit a fortress in Indonesia, keep an eye out for any mischievous leprechauns and their hidden treasures. Who knows, you may just stumble upon a pot of gold at the end of a hidden underground tunnel.
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