#fort lauderdale interior designer
iwillbe-healthy · 1 year
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Mediterranean Powder Room - Bathroom A design example of a tuscan powder room
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@nildojose_arquitetura combines #interiordesign with a creative study on wood and its various faces depending on the lighting, its surrounding textures, and the colors it is complemented by.
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In fact, this material is so prevalent that in some rooms it is presented as the overlapping feature enveloping every surface from flooring, walls, and ceiling to the cabinetry, doors, shelves and even the #minimalist #decorations.
In different rooms the presence of wood becomes more subtle yet still indispensable as it guides the lines of modern #furniture paired with delicate lighting, leather chairs, and fluid forms that endow the inferior with dynamism.
At the same time we can observe its various shades such as the golden hues highlighted in the wooden cabinetry through the use of shelf lighting.
In other cases where lighter wood is used in coordination with while walls and plush seating, the rooms give a spacious and clear image rather than the privacy characterized by golden tones.
Through this #interior, wood can display a varied selection of its infinite forms and opportunities for #design.
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5 notes · View notes
jaramos76 · 2 years
Kushner Cos. and Aimco have proposed the tallest building in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Plans have been filed to build what would become the tallest building in Fort Lauderdale:
The tower, currently known as 200 West Broward Blvd., is proposed to rise 48 floors. The top design element will reach a height of 580 feet above ground, or 587 feet above sea level.
200 West Broward Blvd. is proposed to include:
381 residential units
180,259 square feet amenity/storage/service
7,527 square feet commercial
434 parking spaces, in a 9.5-level podium
Brightline’s tracks are adjacent to the property, and the Fort Lauderdale station is around a 5 minute walk.
Aimco and Kushner Companies are the developers.
Adache Group is the architect.
Visit KuCoin: https://www.kucoin.com/ucenter/signup?rcode=rP2LEVT
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2 notes · View notes
theclassyhuman · 2 years
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Kitchen - Great Room Inspiration for a large modern single-wall marble floor open concept kitchen remodel with an undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, marble countertops, multicolored backsplash, stone slab backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
0 notes
archipro1 · 2 years
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If you are looking for Architecture Jobs in Fort Lauderdale/Palm Beach, then Archipro Staff Agency is your one-stop destination. We help find opportunities for architects and landscape architects, and interior designers. For more visit our website! 
0 notes
runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 45 - BermudAir
Sometimes, when I'm especially bored at work, I find myself idly checking to see if there are any interesting planes at Logan Airport. It's common to see an MD-11 or A380, but every once in a while we get Blueprint, for example, or Vatnajökull or Hekla Aurora, or the Blackpink plane, and I always have my fingers crossed one day Xáat Kwáani will be there.
Today, the 23rd of August, I opened FlightRadar24 and was startled to see we were graced with the presence of a British Midland Embraer E175.
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What is an airline which hasn't existed since 2012 doing operating a flight to an airport it never served using a type it never flew? Well, disappointingly, they aren't.
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As far as consolation prizes go, though, I'm perfectly happy with a brand new airline to discuss.
So I'm reasonably sure what happened here is that BermudAir is using British Midland's old ICAO designator, BMA, and FlightRadar hasn't updated its data to match yet. They do this. I regularly get a kick out of the fact that their map insists Cape Air's Tecnam P2012s are jets.
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Regardless, it was a good way to grab my attention! When I say BermudAir is new I do mean brand new - as in, they haven't flown a single revenue flight yet. Their plan is to begin service to Boston Logan and Westchester County Airport (located just north of New York City) on the 31st of August and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood on the 15th of September, connecting all three destinations with Bermuda's L.F. Wade International Airport.
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So let's take a look at this girl, temporarily local to me! This is VQ-BLU, but you can call her Topsey, which is an adorable name. She's an eleven-year-old Embraer E175, formerly of Flybe. And wow, is she tropical. Fort Lauderdale is one thing, but just imagine this plane parked in Boston in the middle of a blizzard. Oh, no...it'd just be her bright little tail poking out in a sheet of white...
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If you look closer you can see that the interior of the winglet is a very washed out blue with the BermudAir logo on it.
She's vibrant! She's tropical! I love this design, obviously. It would be difficult not to. It's just...visually pleasing, right? It's bright and pink and colourful and gorgeous. While I initially thought this design was sort of familiar I think it might just be a very popular style, because if it's actually taken from a specific preexisting piece rather than commissioned for BermudAir it's certainly not one I could identify. Anyway, it looks nice.
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...wish they'd painted the rest of the plane, though.
So this is VQ-BLW, Willy to her friends. If the names Topsey and Willy have any particular origin, it's not one I'm aware of, but as always I prefer named airplanes to unnamed ones. Willy is also eleven years old and a Flybe veteran, and is currently parked at Muskoka, presumably waiting to be ferried to her new home.
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One thing I do quite like is the degree to which the design changes depending on the lighting. This sort of fuchsia is great for that. It looks pastel in the light and luminescent in the shadow, but never looks washed out or dusty. The composition of the blues and pink is absolutely beautiful.
For a minute there I thought the engines had some sort of pink design which made me think of a flower for some reason, but upon closer inspection it appears to just be an engine cover lashed on with ropes of a similar dusty pink colour. This is a shame. More airlines need to do creative things with their nacelles. Even if they're subtle, it can make a huge difference when you consider it's one of the most foreground things period when seeing the plane from the side.
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That's a shame. Oh, well.
As for the primarily white portion of the body, it could be worse. They've chosen a tolerable sans serif, and they've made it dark grey rather than black to avoid it looking too harsh and out-of-place. I also like the location beneath the window-line, something more typical of turboprops which I think adds a nice bit of variety when done in large text on a jet like this. The stylized A in the logo and Topsey's name are both rendered in cyan, keeping some of that tropical energy throughout the airframe. That said, while the text is quite legible (the generous but not excessive space between letters and the size it's printed in are both excellent) I really wish the cyan-on-white was a bit easier to read.
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While somehow the abstract nature of the tail design combined with the massive wordmark at the front prevents the plane from feeling lopsided as many similar layouts do, I still think this could be improved. Beyond the simple fact that it's boring, I distinctly dislike the very luxury-hotel feeling of combined tropical colors and sterile white. That sort of thing has always given me the ick, and also just feels unsure of what it wants to be. Are you having fun or are you going to perform a surgery? Are we a bunch of businessmen in suits having their meeting inside of a hot tub drinking Mai Tais or are we a group of seven to ten college-aged girls with modest Instagram followings playing beach volleyball in a conference room? You can't be both.
But, I mean...in terms of vacation branding, this is about as standard as you get. This is every big resort on St. John's and every luxury cruise to the extremely teal oceans of some archipelago somewhere. So despite my personal distaste for the style in general I have to admit this is a well done instance of it. That art on the tail really is nice, it really just is. I wish I knew who the artist was, because they know their way around a color palette.
So how do we...well, I don't want to say fix this, because I do think it gets the job done. I think I need to reframe my phrasing for this and future reviews: how do we make this an A? And I don't know. There's the obvious, extending the design to the whole plane, but I don't even think you need to go that far. A bit of light colored remnant trailing off into the rest of the plane, maybe a shift for the fuselage itself from pure white to a dusty pink or cyan...or, if you commit to the idea of the beach, both, for a sunset over an ocean. Add something to the engines, you might have something!
But this livery is already kind of admittedly more than adequate. I feel like people who are more receptive to this...vibe than I am would really rate this. And that isn't not a factor in my decisions. I don't just base these off aesthetics, or my rating for Saudia wouldn't be what it is. There's a degree of...trying, here, and a degree of succeeding, even. I do think it's well designed even though it reminds me of the little bottles of shampoo you get at hotels.
So, um...B-, I think. That's what I'm going with for the moment - could someone please "accidentally" get some grapefruit juice on the front fuselage, though? Just as a favor to me.
Okay, wow, Runway Runway. Nice post, but uh...is this really what took you so long to finish? And don't you normally give some background on the airline you're talking about? Is this some sort of joke?
Well...no. I wanted to put the review in the start of the post for a couple of reasons, but I'd appreciate if you continue reading for some background on BermudAir. There's a lot about the airline that requires some pretty extensive context, and I think it would be actively irresponsible not to talk about. The rest of this post is going to be long, but that's for a good reason, so please bear with me.
BermudAir is actually a milestone - Bermuda's first airline, apparently. I was startled to learn this, and it made me pretty excited. Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory - this is to say, a colony of the English Empire which even in the modern day has not gained its independence and retains the King of England as its head of state despite being self-governed in every practical sense of the term. It would be fantastic to see Bermuda establish its own flag carrier, to have more of its own infrastructure, and just broadly more to call its own that isn't imposed by the British Empire.
And that's when this stopped really being a normal Runway Runway post.
I was surprised to learn that BermudAir is the first airline in Bermuda's history. It turns out that's because it isn't true - though it might appear that way until you roll up your sleeves and root around in the compost bin of publicly available records. While Bermuda's Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) has issued Air Operator Certificates (AOC) multiple times in the past, most were for startups that fell through. People have been trying and failing now for literal decades to make an airline stick. But while no scheduled passenger airlines have gotten off the ground, BermudAir is not the literal first airline in Bermuda. Leisure and charter airline Freedom II appears to mostly fly to Anguilla and is headquartered in Florida but is registered in Bermuda, and supposedly an airline called Brisair also operated from Bermuda but Planespotters.net says it's Swiss and all photos seem to be from Finland, and they don't appear to so much as have a website, so...I'm not sure. I don't even know if Brisair is still in operation. There's also charter and cargo airline Longtail Aviation, which made the news in 2021 when one of its planes disgorged a few assorted engine gubbins while flying over the Netherlands.
This is at least two and potentially three things operating in Bermuda which I would definitely describe as airlines, so BermudAir is not the first Bermudian airline! They appear to be the first Bermuda-founded airline to operate scheduled service to Bermuda, and will be the only one to operate year-round service from the island, but that isn't the same thing as being the first Bermudian airline. You can't just say things that aren't true! And even the government seems to be repeating this.
"We are very happy to welcome BermudAir as Bermuda's first carrier, as they work toward setting a new standard for travel," Bermuda's Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert said in a statement celebrating the carrier's launch. "This partnership represents an exciting milestone for our island, as it enhances connectivity and strengthens our position as a premier destination. With BermudAir's commitment to providing convenient connections, we anticipate a significant boost to our tourism market."
And this just feels wrong. The Bermudian government's enthusiasm about this project doesn't actually fill me with very much optimism given the context in which they're saying this and in which BermudAir exists.
All of what I'm going to say right now is incredibly oversimplified and I don't have the necessary background to not oversimplify it, so keep in mind these are very broad statements and that for a better picture you would need to seek out Bermudian writers. But even my simple version is pretty long, and a little bit technical. All of my sources are going to be at the bottom of this post and I'm sure there's a lot I've overlooked, so if you have anything to add or correct please do so. This said, BermudAir is not for Bermudians.
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The flag of Bermuda. Pay close attention to the best coat of arms I have ever seen in my life. Can you imagine how good this would look without the Union Jack cluttering it up?
Bermuda is a very 'prosperous' place, a statement which is deeply misleading. It has a colossal GDP, driven not by any domestic industry but from its status as one of the world's best-reviewed tax havens. Indeed, tariffs imposed by the US have essentially meant that agricultural exports are a nonstarter as an economic pursuit and their wealth comes instead from tourism and thousands of foreign businesses with no real connection to Bermuda flocking there to take advantage of the almost nonexistent taxes.[10]
At various points anywhere between 20 and 30 percent of those residing in the country have not held Bermudian status. This is a term that should be clarified upfront. Bermudians, and anyone born in Bermuda, are British nationals but do not have British citizenship. They instead have 'British Overseas Territories Citizenship', which does not confer the rights associated with actual citizenship, such as that of work or abode. Many Bermudians accordingly do not consider themselves to be British.[17]
However, there exists a local 'citizenship' called Bermudian Status. Bermudian Status is given to those with at least one parent who holds Bermudian status, or by formal government award. It is not given to those born on Bermudian soil, cannot be bought, and is very difficult to obtain if not born into. I have literally never seen such stringent requirements for a citizenship in my life, and this does actually have meaningful consequences. Rights such as those to work, own businesses, obtain scholarships, and vote are restricted to those with Bermudian status. They also cannot purchase property - with one exception.[17]
All of the above sounds pretty horrible, and I'm sure it sometimes is, but it needs to be taken in the context it exists in. Bermuda is an incredibly popular tax haven for the ultrawealthy[10] and accordingly flocked to by nationals of other countries. Although Archibald[17] makes it out as if there is some sort of epidemic of arbitrarily disenfranchised Bermudian-born individuals this doesn't actually seem to be true, as 97% of those born on Bermudian soil actually do hold Bermudian status, as do 31% of those born elsewhere.[18] It may be difficult to obtain, and that may well be a problem, but this does not appear to be an epidemic of people disenfranchised from birth, which does exist elsewhere. For instance, former USSR citizens in Latvia and Estonia were not granted citizenship and many remain functionally stateless, and residents of American Samoa are considered US nationals but not citizens. This makes them, among other things, ineligible for any government benefits for disability or medical care.
These people without Bermudian status aren't just stateless, though. They hold the same British Overseas Territories Citizenship as Bermudians, and may well hold others - for instance, those born on US military bases are US birthright citizens. The majority of these non-Bermudians are foreign-born and thus presumably hold a different citizenship. And citizenships can be something pretty lopsided. A US, UK, or EU passport holds an absolutely outsized amount of power and convenience when it comes to free travel and may entitle you to myriad benefits from said governments. I know a lot of people with dual citizenships who have no love whatsoever for the US or UK but keep their passports because life without one is measurably harder. And think of it this way: a non-Bermudian living in Bermuda is less like someone born in American Samoa, who has no nationality other than the US but cannot vote or derive government benefits, and a little bit more like a permanent resident, who can't vote, a system had by just about every country.
And there's probably a reason Bermuda is so stingy about Bermudian status. I'll be honest, it's pretty telling that unlike many other jurisdictions Bermuda doesn't allow one to pay their way into citizenship. I'm sure some people want that to be the case, given the demographics of non-Bermudians in Bermuda, but the distinction between people actually from Bermuda and those who are just using it for a tax break is actually meaningful. I'm sure there are people genuinely harmed by this law, but there's one more thing I need to point out: non-Bermudians are allowed to own land. The only restriction is that they're limited to the most expensive 5% of it. This sends a pretty clear message about who non-Bermudians are.
Since agriculture is mostly a non-starter and so much of the country is foreigners, aside from tax breaks and registering yachts Bermuda's main industry, particularly for employment of locals, is tourism. The need to satisfy tourists makes everything else frequently secondary to avoid upsetting the fulcrum of the economy and can impede efforts of worker's unions. What taxes do exist are placed on workers and end consumers rather than those who own businesses and property. The majority of taxes come from customs, and though payroll is taxed personal income is not, meaning that all income tax is paid off of wage labor and none off of personal accumulated capital. Land tax does exist, but makes up the smallest portion of tax income.[4] The cost of living is commensurate with the GDP and benefits for the elderly and disabled are notably lacking[13]; most disabled and elderly residents are Black[11].
As with many places with a similar history under colonial rule, Bermuda has an extensive history of violent racial oppression and the effects are still clearly seen today. According to the most recent data I could find, admittedly from 2012, though Black Bermudians make up the majority of the population their average income is 22% lower than that of White Bermudians and their median income 30% lower[1]. While I don't have the data on hand, just the analysis the government itself published, my assumption would be that this means that, though the wealthiest Black Bermudians still make less than the wealthiest white Bermudians, they are still significantly pushing up the average, and a heavily disproportionate number of Black Bermudians make up the ranks of the absolute most impoverished Bermudians.
Most tellingly, from my own perspective, non-Bermudians have a 20% higher median income than Bermudians of any race, and this is increasing at a higher rate than that of Bermudians as well. In the past decade the greatest increase has been seen by non-Bermudian women, and the least by Bermudian men, suggesting that the gender gap is slowly closing while the nationality gap is widening[1]. The Tax Justice Network's 2018 report notes that the Bermudian government has 'conspicuously' never produced a study of income inequality and does not provide equivalized numbers, which makes it difficult to properly derive true numbers and compare to other countries. Still, here is what they found:
While while wages did rise between 2008 and 2016, the highest-earning only just kept up with inflation while those earning lower wages have, in real terms, had their earnings fall by 5%. Although clerical jobs are low-paying compared to the (very inflated) average, they're doing fantastic compared to the 32% drop seen by workers in Agriculture & Fisheries.[4] While in countries like the United States these jobs are primarily sloughed off to migrants with little to no recourse against poor treatment and pitiful wages, in Bermuda these jobs are presumably similar in implementation but half of them are worked by native Bermudans.[4] Black Bermudians are the majority of the workforce, yet 65% of those in managerial and professional occupations are white.[11] This means that most of the people having their wages functionally decrease were Black, further exacerbating the racial wealth gap.
When comparing average to median income Bermuda has some of the highest income inequality in the entire world, comparable to that of the United States and worse than that of London.[4] That is unbelievably dire, especially given how often Bermuda is represented as some sort of poverty-free paradise when attempting to galvanise tourism among the US's upper classes.
As for independence, a referendum was actually held in 1995, and the prospect was defeated by 74%, with a worryingly low voter turnout of 59%. While this clears the required bar of 40% of eligible voters opposing independence, it is still not an inspiring number. Apparently this is fairly normal, with only 60% of eligible voters registered[13] and reliably low turnout[10] suggesting this is the norm rather than the exception. This becomes all the grimmer when a Cabinet Minister "[...] compare[s] the Country to a business that had prospered under Bermudian management". Additionally, said Minister "had detected 'a shift in attitude' against blacks in the UBP. Caucus members who she would not name felt 'too many concessions were being made for black people,' and Government was doing too much to level the playing field.'"[2] Bermuda has for most of its history been ruled by a conservative party which remained in power despite being supported primarily by the white minority, and has had consistently low voter turnout[11]. Their Governor is still appointed by the English Crown, and in 2020 Bermuda was generously granted its first ever Black Governor! She is not, however, a Black Bermudian, and in fact many in the government expressed displeasure at the fact that Bermuda is still not independent, calling for at least a Deputy Governor who is actually from Bermuda, and mentioning that they had been asking for a Black Governor for a majority Black society twenty entire years ago![12]
Now pair that with the knowledge that the Governor appoints the Premier and Senate as well and that these positions are held until the Crown decides otherwise and that racial wealth disparity begins to make more sense. Legal power is concentrated in the same hands it has since its inception as a British Territory, that of wealthy white Britons. It didn't surprise me to learn where the opposition to independence came from. "The powerful families who control much of the island's commerce wish the issue of independence would simply go away," wrote Aline Sullivan for the International Herald Tribune in the leadup to the referendum. From the same article: "One private trust manager, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that if Bermuda became independent, the financial community would 'have to rethink everything. Unless we are careful, we may start losing business' to the Cayman Islands and elsewhere, the manager said. 'People may not think of us if we can no longer market Bermuda as a British colony.'"[3] It seems blatant, reading over this, that while there was a genuine push for independence by the primarily Black permanent population, the question for the actual government was always one of optics and how best to cater to the financial giants using Bermuda as a tool.
The takeaway from this is that Bermuda's wealth is not generated via authentic economic prosperity but by offshore banking conducted by already-wealthy individuals born elsewhere exploiting the country's permissive tax laws, while those who are truly Bermudian have essentially no choice but to lean heavily on tourism as a source of income. Bermuda is not unique in this sense, but it surprised me they'd never so much as had a national airline. That's right, this is a blog about airlines. As best I can tell, this is because it's a particularly popular destination for yachts, and presumably nobody in a position to start an airline ever wondered about whether things should be made a little easier for the yachtless underclasses. When I heard this was going to be the first airline founded in Bermuda, I foolishly assumed that it would be an attempt at a flag carrier to make travel to and from Bermuda broadly more accessible.
Oh, and as for the concerning lack of figures - Bermuda appears to be ridiculously understudied. Although plenty has been written on the wildlife and ecology, and in some specific fields like midwifery, I had a very hard time finding detailed studies of the population and for each useful thing I found I also got around seven articles about marine invertebrates and occasionally something like this.
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So if people have done analyses of the publicly available census data, or research of their own, most of it is in places where my student-going-into-archival-science's ability to use databases and my university's JSTOR credentials can't reach. And, well, that's bad. It's pretty bad that aside from the sources I'm using the only thing I could find was one study conducted on seniors' ability to access healthcare. It's not great, by the way.
But that is literally not even why I'm meant to be here.
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Okay, enough of the politics! Time for some business speculation! As an undergraduate history student I have even less authority to speak on this than I do on the history of Bermudian wealth inequality, so take this with an even larger grain of salt, but I'm going to spend a moment to discuss the most noteworthy thing about BermudAir - its business model.
BermudAir is a boutique airline which will operate nonstop flights to three destinations on the US East Coast from Bermuda year-round.
This is already a weird concept. To begin with, this isn't a service anyone is in dire need of. Although the only one of their three destinations which currently has a direct flight to Bermuda is Logan (operated daily by a jetBlue A220), flights from the East Coast are not lacking. Delta, United, JetBlue, and American Airlines all fly to Bermuda, and the fact that Westchester doesn't currently have one isn't strange given it's mostly a regional airport and the nearby JFK absolutely does have direct flights to Bermuda. This makes me think they may well be frozen out of business for half of the year. Sure, their passengers won't have to deal with seeing poor people at the airport, but they also won't be able to use their SkyMiles.
This service will be non-stop and year-round. Right now tickets are $199 or so, but when they get their planned cabins installed in November prices will immediately jump to quadruple digits.[6] (...this honestly makes me a little angry. That is an immense difference in price for a service that differs only in initial cost of installation.) This is because the entire airplane will be business-class only. This is actually pretty cheap for business class, apparently. I wouldn't know, I'm not really BermudAir's target audience. The Business Insider article opens with the phrase "Bermuda just got a little more accessible," which is really...a thing that they said in their article.
Business-class-only travel isn't unheard of or anything. Private jet rentals are a thing (for people willing to spend between tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour) and carriers like Qatar Airways and British Airways have had similar models on a limited number of retrofitted planes. There's also La Compagnie, an airline which flies in an all-business-class configuration primarily Orly to Newark. And, I mean, that makes some sense, Paris to Newark is a popular route for business travelers...not sure about Boston to Bermuda.
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image: Adam Moreira They're actually one of the airlines I wanted to talk about when I first started this blog. Still might do.
A 'boutique airline' is meant to be the equivalent of a boutique hotel - nice fluffy transport for wealthy business and leisure travelers. This definition gets a bit fuzzy - Asiana Airlines and TAP Air Portugal have both been described this way at least once, and that's definitely not true - but I think BermudAir has helped codify the definition. Though Bangkok Airways self-describes as such, I think airlines like BermudAir and La Compagnie are the true exemplar of the category. A luxury vacation airline that isn't quite renting a private jet or owning a yacht, but is still a luxury airline for luxury. There have been attempts at such before. David Neeleman, known recurring character of this blog, has been involved in two such ventures - Superior Air Charter (formerly JetSuite) and Climb. But those are just affordable jet cards with a Neeleman management style (Neelemanagement?). BermudAir and La Compagnie are fundamentally different. They've just eliminated economy class so they can fit more business class on the plane.
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image: BermudAir Pay particular note to the pink mood lighting! Apparently it's meant to evoke the color of the sand on a Bermudian beach.
They refer to it as 'Aisle Class', because everyone gets both a window and an aisle seat (and enough storage space that overhead bins just aren't in the equation, which begs the question of...what if I want to put my things away?). 30 such 'suites' will be installed on each plane on the first of November, but for now passengers can pay a steep discount to fly in a normal cabin where only half the seats are actually sold. I don't know if this is a good business class cabin before, I've never flown business class as I'm not the sort of US national who has a bank account in Bermuda. The pillows have the same design as the airplane's livery, which is nice. An entire paragraph on the website is devoted to describing the luxury meals available to passengers. The real Bermuda experience - clean white walls and a Dark ‘n Stormy, am I right?
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image: BermudAir
Hey, um...where are the leg rests? Do those seats even recline? I know this is a mock-up but...are there no seatback screens available? Seriously, what if I want to put my bag somewhere? I know checked bags are free, but I kind of...don't think I would want to do it anyway, because normally it's a waste of time when I can just toss my luggage into a bin large enough I could comfortably ride in it if they were out of seats. Also, are there not...seatbelts? Are passengers going to go flying into the seat in front of them every time the plane lands? Is any of this...even remotely crashworthy? Honestly, is it even comfortable? That's so many hard surfaces and just one little pillow and you can't even move the head-rest. This is worse than the average seat on ferries I've been on.
But enough about the interior! They don't even actually have it yet. What are they doing? In their own words, "BermudAir was created to provide frequent‚ well-timed and comfortable flights for business and premium leisure travellers between Bermuda and the East Coast of the U.S.". So...not much of a flag carrier, is it? That said, the government is pretty jazzed, according to Travel Market Report - it'll be fantastic for tourism, of course![5] Up to 18 weekly flights, and maybe even charters if the FAA allows it[6]. That is a stunningly large output for an airline just starting up with only two planes, and I am honestly afraid.
(And there is a bit of worry in my brain that I have no idea what sorts of regulations airlines with Bermudian AOCs are held to. Ben Schlappig of One Mile At A Time thought maybe the 30-passenger limit was to stay within Part 135 instead of the more restrictive Part 121, but that shouldn't matter as they aren't a US carrier - but what are they, then? Does Bermuda even have the necessary infrastructure to oversee a full-service air carrier with multiple regularly scheduled routes, or are they just going to let BermudAir do whatever it wants? That never ends well at all.)
That said, I'm also not sure it will work in the simplest sense. I'm kind of lost as to how putting less seats on an airplane will create more tourism. Founder Adam Scott claims that somehow their fleet of two E175s makes them equipped to serve the demand for the route, unlike airlines like Delta and American[7], which makes me wonder if he lives on a different planet. Delta and American have the two largest fleets in the entire world, plus regional subsidiaries, and they operate regional jets like the A220 and A319 which are both more efficient than an eleven-year-old E-Jet and filled to capacity. Besides, they have a little advantage called 'the ability to not cancel half their flights if one plane has a mechanical fault'. He also claims using Westchester Airport will save passengers time, and I'm just not too sure about that. Sure, JFK has delays on landing, but at least you don't have to then drive to New York City proper, if that's where you're going (and statistically speaking it probably is).
So how about that founder? His name is Adam Scott, so I will until told otherwise assume he is the same Adam Scott as the actor best known for his role as Jacques in my 7th-favorite Hellraiser movie, "Hellraiser IV: Bloodline" (1996).
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If you think of Hellraiser: Bloodline as a Hellraiser film, it's really quite bad. But if you think of it as a Dr. Who special where people have their skin torn and warped in extremely graphic and upsetting ways, it's decent, I suppose. Did you know this was his first ever major role, by the way?
Jokes aside, this Adam Scott is Canadian and a former Goldman Sachs executive. He was among the people who worked on the now-discontinued British Airways business-class-only transatlantic A318 service, and after that ceased operation he became involved with similar startup Odyssey, which planned to replace it. They haven't made a peep since 2018 despite wanting to start service in 2020, but Scott does claim it still exists[7].
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Well, I will have things to say about this if it ever launches, considering I now specifically hate this particular man.
Scott describes Bermuda as a 'mini version of London City with very similar demographics and a similar target audience',[7] which sort of made me laugh a little bit, although I'm not sure what emotion was primarily driving said laughter. This feels like a parody of a parody. But they're definitely way closer to being a reality than Odyssey, whether they can make enough money to keep it that way notwithstanding. Their chances are probably better than Global Airlines, at least. But hey, wait a minute...Bermudian airline, Canadian founder...weird, isn't it? I mean, who is this airline for?
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image: BermudAir
I know, they said business and leisure travellers, but...isn't that so strange? 'Bermuda' is in the name, but the one year-round service to the US East Coast is going to be inaccessible to most of the people who live there, deliberately carrying as few people as possible!
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image: BermudAir
This is actually a reminder that I needed - whenever I find something happening in the US to be cynical and disturbing, there is something out there even worse in a place I'm not supposed to care about. Breeze Airways having first class is pretty philosophically horrifying but at least they do still mostly sell affordable plane tickets. Azul leans quite heavily into its Brazilian branding, but David Neeleman is Brazilian, and their tickets are affordable and their service is accessible. That's just worlds apart from this! I've described flag carriers as being a service provided to a country, but this isn't that, and it's not even a product being sold to a country. This is an airline named BermudAir that Bermudians are just not meant to be involved with. I wonder if this is just something Scott never realized, or if he realized and doesn't care, or if that's actually part of the draw! I wonder the same things about the government, given they seem to have a mindset less suited for a government and more suited for the board of directors of a bank.
And I'm sure they could actually find a bit of a market for direct flights to major cities in the US year-round, when the vacation market's dried up and the only way for someone living in Bermuda to get someplace like New York is to pay way more than the asking price of a BermudAir ticket for long and inconvenient multi-stop flights. But that's so clearly not the point. A lot of those people also probably can't afford BermudAir, and the marketing clearly isn't targeting them.
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Here are some posts from their Facebook. Some of the most recent, too. An "idyllic island paradise" where a smiling local Black man will serve you some delicious beverages! How tropical. He might even tell you some anecdotes about how wonderful it is to live in a sunny beach utopia where taxes don't exist. Just take a look at that palm tree! And something that frustrates me even more: just a picture of two Gombeys. The Gombey tradition of dance, costume, music, and performance is unique to Bermuda, and particularly its Black population, originating from the African slaves brought there by British colonists. I find it beyond tasteless to just post a picture of them without so much as a mention of what these costumes represent or who is wearing them, just a caption of boilerplate about your airline's upcoming launch. BermudAir's marketing places these people as literally just part of the scenery. I find this extraordinarily disrespectful.
There's nothing wrong with mentioning Gombey exists - in fact, there are events specifically for it! Gombey festivals! Boxing Day is the biggest day of the year for Gombey, don't you want to book a ticket for December? You could be in Boston eating swallowing mouthfuls of snow every time you try to breathe while a man with a Dunkin Donuts cup in his hand screams rude things at you from his car window, or you could be watching Gombey performances in Bermuda! You could even, for example, describe what these people do, or what troupe they're from, or even just mention them. Just mention them at all. I do find it pretty disrespectful when specific traditions are just waved off with a little vague non-description like 'two individuals on a beach in their traditional costume', but BermudAir didn't even do that little insufficient trifling amount.
It's the complete inverse of BWIA's steelpan logo. Steelpan is a major part of Trinidad and Tobago's history as the birthplace of dozens of musical traditions. Music is a huge part of the cultural history of the country, and part of that music was steelpan. The artisans who make steelpans and musicians who play them are something the people who created BWIA's logo thought was so fundamental to the very idea of their country that they put it on their government-owned national airline, making it the very first thing people who travelled to Trinidad and Tobago on a BWIA flight would see. I didn't end up mentioning it in the post (which is weird, because I have a false memory of including it - I think I may have in an earlier draft but then decided I couldn't fit it in even though in retrospect I obviously could and should have? Or maybe I mentioned it in reply to an ask I now can't find) but when I did my research I kept finding people talking about how much they adored BWIA and reminiscing about everything from watching their planes flying overhead to specific people they worked with, and it was really clear that this airline, beyond just nominally being owned by the government, was created by people who put real love for their country's heritage into their design.
BWIA certainly carried tourists and foreign businessmen but it wasn't made by them. That really, historically, hasn't been how things worked. You wouldn't make an airline in one country with a primary purpose of serving a market in another.
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A ribbon-cutting ceremony following BermudAir's AOC being issued, featuring Adam Scott, the guy holding him, and tourism-and-aviation-related government personnel of Bermuda. One of them appears to be wearing a navy suit jacket, black-and-yellow tie, and pink shorts. image: Akil Simmons
Adam Scott describes Bermuda as his 'happy place', where he has 'developed links' for ten years.[14] Even when discussing BermudAir he doesn't describe himself as Bermudian, just 'linked' to it, a vacationer. There are spaces in BermudAir for Bermudians, though, he makes sure to clarify. They can provide "the flavours of Bermuda and the island’s renowned hospitality" to the actual clientele. Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert expresses his enthusiasm at the new jobs brought on by increased tourism[14], as if a year-round way for his actual constituents to get to and from Bermuda is simply...not something he's concerned about.
I think I need to cut myself off here, but the last thing I need to mention is this: a Bernews article was written on BermudAir, and their website allows comments. Here are some things people had to say.
Daniel G DeSilva: Although this is an “elite” air service, with BERMUDA emblazoned on the fuselage, it would be great if the tail design even remotely connected visually with Bermuda.
Paid off government: First of all this airline will be flying to other places. People forget that there are hundreds of Russia aircraft registered here that have never been in or out if Bermuda. This is not a Bermuda airline. Its just conveniently named after Bermuda and registered here. [...] And if you have to ask about the price then this airline is not for you!
(There was also some scattered speculation about it being some sort of front or scheme, which I definitely have no idea about, though I won't pretend it didn't occur to me while attempting to reconcile just how much this airline is definitely not going to make money. Having looked at their various publicly listed employees they all seem fairly credentialed, but...who even knows at this point. Maybe this was all an elaborate proof of concept for Odyssey all along. This is all so cynical it makes me want to scream.)
And that's just the thing, isn't it?
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BWIA used beautiful colors vivid colors, never hiding the fact that Trinidad and Tobago are, indeed, very sunny islands with nice beaches, but that wasn't the point of it. It's so easy to make a plane that looks tropical, but BWIA didn't do that - they made a plane which represented Trinidad and Tobago.
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And if I'm being fully honest, I like Topsey. I think she's adorable, and I think the design on her tail is pretty. But she wasn't designed by Bermudians and she doesn't represent Bermuda. BermudAir is an airline for the East Coast US, where people are taught in schools that the victims of an empire are colonists, taking a necessary stand against the iniquity of taxes, and the Wampanoag are no longer mentioned once the first Thanksgiving is over. The people who make up Bermuda are treated as structural parts of the tax haven England built, not citizens of a state or members of a culture. "Bermuda's first airline" ends up having very little to do with Bermuda, somehow. And I couldn't really bring myself to talk about Topsey without talking about Bermuda.
Will BermudAir fail? In my opinion, probably. But in the meantime, one of their airplanes is parked at Logan, and that's because this airline is for people from Boston, not people from Bermuda.
[1] Government of Bermuda Cabinet Office, Department of Statistics. "Personal and Household Income: A 2010 Census Analytical Brief." www.gov.bm. Bermuda, December 2012. [2] Egan, Paul and Jeremy Deacon. "UBP about to Self-Destruct, Says Gordon." The Royal Gazette, August 8, 1995. [3] Sullivan, Aline. "Will Independence Spoil Bermuda?" nytimes.com. April 8, 1995. [4] Fowler, Naomi and Stubbs, Robert. "Bermuda: Inequality and Poverty in UK Overseas Territory." Tax Justice Network. Bristol, United Kingdom, June 21, 2018. [5] Bonfiglio, Briana. "BermudAir, the First Bermuda-Based Airline, Launches with All-Business Class Seats." Travel Market Report, August 24, 2023. [6] Schlappig, Ben. "Bermudair: New Bermuda-Based All-Business Class Airline Launches Flights." One Mile At A Time, August 24, 2023.  [7] Rains, Taylor. "A New All-Business Class Airline Is Launching Flights between the US and Bermuda — See What It’ll Be like Aboard."Business Insider, August 24, 2023. [8] BermudAir Fleet Details and History [9] Bernews. "BermudAir Aircraft Arrives In Bermuda," August 20, 2023 [10] "Bermuda." United States Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs, 1985. [11] "2010 Census of Population & Housing Final Results." Hamilton, Bermuda: Bermuda Department of Statistics. [12] Bell, Jonathan, and Fiona McWhirter. "First Black Woman to Be Appointed Governor." The Royal Gazette, June 14, 2020. [13] Forbes, Keith Archibald. "Bermuda’s Resident Population of 63,779 and Local Expatriate Organizations: Origins of Citizens and Residents, 64% Black, 32% White, 4% Asian and Other." Bermuda Online, 2020. [14] Finighan, Gareth. "BermudAir Spreads Its Wings." The Royal Gazette, July 27, 2023. [15] Jeffries, Bayyinah S. 2022. "Race and Racism in Bermuda" Genealogy 6, no. 4: 89. [16] airlinehistory.co.uk [17] Forbes, Keith Archibald. "Bermuda Citizenship or Status: Deserving long-term foreign tax-paying residents including those with over 25 years residency are denied this." Bermuda Online, 2020. [18] “NATIVITY, MIGRATION AND BERMUDIAN STATUS.” Bermuda: Government of Bermuda, 2000.
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adfagaeghbn · 7 days
The Benefits and Impact of Impact Windows in Fort Lauderdale
Enhanced Safety and Protection
The most immediate and important benefit of impact windows is the protection they offer against hurricanes and tropical storms. Fort Lauderdale is part of Florida's hurricane zone, and the region is frequently in the path of powerful storms. Impact windows are designed to withstand strong winds and flying debris, which are common during hurricanes. They are constructed using laminated glass and a special interlayer that holds the glass in place even when shattered. This prevents debris from entering the home and minimizes the risk of injury from broken glass.
Traditional windows are vulnerable to shattering, which can compromise the structural integrity of a home, leading to catastrophic damage. impact windows fort lauderdale Once a window breaks, wind and water can enter the home, causing not only physical damage but also potential injury to occupants. Impact windows eliminate this risk by maintaining a solid barrier against external forces, offering residents peace of mind during hurricane season.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings
Another major advantage of impact windows is their energy efficiency. Fort Lauderdale’s hot and humid climate leads to frequent use of air conditioning, which can drive up energy bills. Impact windows are designed with insulation properties that help keep the interior of a home cooler by reducing the amount of heat transfer from the outside. The thick, laminated glass used in impact windows blocks much of the solar heat, reducing the need for air conditioning and cutting down on energy consumption.
By reducing the amount of energy used, homeowners not only save on their monthly bills but also reduce their carbon footprint, making impact windows an environmentally responsible choice. Over time, these savings can be significant, making impact windows a sound investment for any Fort Lauderdale property.
Increased Property Value
In a competitive real estate market like Fort Lauderdale’s, impact windows are a highly sought-after feature. Homebuyers in the region understand the importance of storm protection, and properties equipped with impact windows are often viewed as more desirable. The installation of these windows can increase the overall value of a home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
In addition to safety and energy efficiency, impact windows also provide a sleek and modern aesthetic. They often enhance the appearance of a property, adding to its curb appeal. Homeowners looking to sell in the future will find that impact windows offer a strong return on investment due to the value they add to the home.
Insurance Premium Reductions
Another key benefit that Fort Lauderdale homeowners can enjoy with impact windows is reduced insurance premiums. Many insurance companies recognize the added protection that impact windows provide and offer discounts for homes equipped with them. Because these windows minimize the risk of damage during hurricanes, insurers are often willing to reduce the cost of premiums for homes that are better protected.
The savings on insurance premiums can help offset the initial cost of installing impact windows. Over time, the cumulative savings from lower energy bills and insurance premiums make impact windows a financially prudent choice.
Noise Reduction and UV Protection
Beyond storm protection and energy efficiency, impact windows also offer added benefits such as noise reduction and UV protection. roof replacement miami The thickness and layering of the glass reduce the amount of outside noise that enters the home, creating a quieter and more comfortable living environment. This is particularly beneficial for homes located near busy roads or in areas with a lot of outdoor noise.
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dudrents · 11 days
Elevate Your Fort Lauderdale Experience with a Mercedes-Benz Car Rental
Fort Lauderdale, known for its beautiful beaches, luxury lifestyle, and vibrant atmosphere, is a city that offers both relaxation and excitement in equal measure. Whether you're visiting for a business trip, a vacation, or a special event, there’s no better way to enhance your experience than by renting a Mercedes-Benz. Known for its elegance, performance, and cutting-edge technology, Mercedes-Benz cars offer a sophisticated driving experience that perfectly complements the upscale vibe of Fort Lauderdale. Renting one of these iconic vehicles allows you to enjoy the city with style, comfort, and class.
Mercedes-Benz is a brand synonymous with luxury, precision engineering, and timeless design. Each vehicle is crafted to offer an unparalleled driving experience, blending performance with luxury in a way that few other car brands can match. When you rent a Mercedes-Benz in West Palm Beach, you’re not just renting a car, but indulging in an experience that combines refinement and excitement. From sleek sedans like the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and S-Class to the spacious GLE and GLS SUVs, there’s a model for every preference, whether you’re seeking speed, comfort, or space.
Driving a Mercedes-Benz through the streets of Fort Lauderdale is more than just a way to get around. The car's impeccable design and advanced features ensure that every journey is smooth and enjoyable. From the responsive handling to the plush interiors, a Mercedes-Benz rental enhances your time on the road, whether you're cruising along the scenic coastline or navigating the lively downtown area. With its top-notch technology and driver-assist features, the car ensures that even the most mundane drives become memorable.
Fort Lauderdale offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy a Mercedes-Benz to its fullest. The city’s expansive roads, beachfront drives, and scenic routes create the perfect backdrop for a luxury vehicle like this. A drive along the iconic A1A offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and an unparalleled driving experience that showcases the car’s smooth handling and power. Mercedes-Benz cars, with their sleek lines and iconic design, also make a statement whether you're arriving at a high-end restaurant, a business meeting, or a special event.
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annedevil007 · 1 month
Looking for an outstanding interior designer in Fort Lauderdale Florida? At Luxe Design Studios, we offer the best quality. Our team excels in creating captivating living room designs, providing home staging services, and crafting exquisite interior designs near you. Whether you seek innovative office design solutions or expert home designers in Fort Lauderdale, FL, we bring creativity and elegance to every project. Trust Luxe Design Studios for personalized interior design services that enhance your living or workspace. Call us today to discover how Luxe Design Studios can transform your space with our distinctive approach to interior design!
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thegaytraveler · 2 months
Pride Journey: Fort Lauderdale
By Joey Amato, Guest Contributor
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Pelican Grand Beach Resort
Nestled along the pristine shores of Fort Lauderdale, the Pelican Grand Beach Resort stands as a beacon of luxury and relaxation. This exquisite resort, with its timeless charm and breathtaking oceanfront views, has become a haven for travelers seeking an unforgettable escape.
The Pelican Grand is a beachfront retreat that seamlessly blends old-world elegance with modern comforts. Located on the famous A1A Highway, the resort's prime location offers guests direct access to the golden sands of the Atlantic Ocean. The moment you step into the grand lobby, you are greeted by a sense of opulence that sets the tone for your stay.
The resort boasts a range of accommodation options, from well-appointed guest rooms to spacious suites, each designed with meticulous attention to detail. The rooms are adorned with coastal-inspired decor, creating a serene ambiance that complements the natural beauty just outside the window. Private balconies provide panoramic views of the ocean, allowing guests to soak in the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets that define the Fort Lauderdale experience.
One of the standout features of the Pelican Grand is its exceptional dining options. Ocean2000, the resort's signature restaurant, offers a culinary journey that showcases the freshest seafood and locally sourced ingredients. Guests can savor their meals while enjoying the soothing sound of waves and the gentle ocean breeze. I visited the restaurant for breakfast and dinner during my stay.
The food at Ocean2000 is top-notch. Breakfast items include a variety of elevated benedict options as well as more traditional selections including avocado toast, steel-cut oatmeal, and a fun spin on huevos rancheros.
For dinner, my partner and I began our meal with the Ahi Tuna Tartare as well as a Crab & Lobster cake. Both items were melt-in-your-mouth delicious. The tuna especially was so fresh and was accompanied by a citrus-ginger soy sauce with house-made potato chips. The entrees were just as special. The Seafood Risotto was creamy and perfectly cooked, served with lobster, scallops, and shrimp. It is a bit heavy so I would recommend sharing this dish with a guest. The Cedar Plank Salmon was a favorite, served with a Vermont maple syrup-soy glaze, stir-fried grains, sweet peas, and corn.
For those seeking relaxation, the Pelican Grand offers a full-service spa where guests can indulge in a range of rejuvenating treatments. The oceanfront pool provides a refreshing oasis, surrounded by lush landscaping and comfortable loungers. Fitness enthusiasts can maintain their workout routine at the resort's state-of-the-art fitness center, ensuring a well-rounded experience for all guests.
Beyond the confines of the resort, guests can explore the vibrant city of Fort Lauderdale. The Pelican Grand's strategic location allows easy access to popular attractions such as boutiques and art galleries on Las Olas Boulevard and the Bonnet House Museum & Gardens.
This enchanting estate, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, beckons visitors to step back in time and immerse themselves in the unique legacy of its former owners, artist Frederic Clay Bartlett and his wife Evelyn Fortune Bartlett. The Bonnet House, built in 1920, is a charming plantation-style home that served as the winter retreat for the Bartletts. Its design reflects a mix of Caribbean, plantation, and Art Deco influences, creating a visually captivating structure. The house's name is derived from the bonnet lily, which flourishes in the estate's lush gardens.
Frederic Clay Bartlett, an accomplished artist, used the Bonnet House as his creative sanctuary. Today, visitors can explore the house's interior and marvel at the impressive collection of Bartlett's artworks, including paintings, drawings, and sculptures. The house itself is a canvas, adorned with vibrant colors and intricate details that highlight the artist's unique vision.
The Bonnet House also boasts an extensive collection of decorative arts and personal artifacts belonging to the Bartletts. Each room tells a story, offering a glimpse into the couple's passion for the arts and their love for travel.
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Sunrise Paddleboards
If you prefer a more physical adventure, book a tour with Sunrise Paddleboards. Our knowledgeable and friendly guide led us on a two-hour tour of Wilton Manors, snaking us through mangroves on the Middle River. Although we chose to kayak, the company offers paddleboards as well as private lessons for those who may not have tried paddleboarding. It is a fun alternative to kayaking and a great core workout.
After your tour, head to The House on the River for a wonderful riverside dinner. Start your meal with an order of Crispy Brussels Sprouts prepared with avocado honey and balsamic. This was one of my favorite takes on Brussels sprouts I have ever had. Needless to say, the plate was wiped clean. For our entrees, we ordered the Snapper Filet and Shrimp & Crab Squid Ink Tagliatelle. Both items were prepared beautifully, although I did favor the snapper over the pasta. The House on the River is located just off downtown Fort Lauderdale’s famed Las Olas Boulevard and within walking distance of the Broward Performing Arts Center, so it is the perfect place to catch dinner before a show.
Fort Lauderdale never disappoints. The destination offers something for everyone. Whether you are looking for some fun in the sun or reveling in LGBTQ nightlife in nearby Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale has it all.
Learn more about all that Fort Lauderdale has to offer here: www.visitlauderdale.com.
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Fort Lauderdale Residence
The Fort Lauderdale Residence by Fava Design Group is the perfect example of how multiple color and texture combinations can give depth and spontaneity to a space.
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By adorning every available surface in a different color and material, each interior within this apartment display a an individual characteristic.
The living room for example, features the rippling patterns of earth in its marble wall and oversized carpet while incorporating a pop of ocean blue with the sectional sofa.
Meanwhile, the volcanic inspiration used for the bathroom is evident in the swirling black and white marble surfaces with bright red sink and toilet that resemble lava flowing through sleek rocks.
Other rooms also feature patterned wallpaper, black walls or large artworks that allow our eyes to feast on the creativity of this dynamic and modern design.
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chrissycogan · 2 months
Custom windows treatment in Fort Lauderdale FL | Florida Design & Associates
Business Address: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Contact Number: (954) 274-7873
Business Description: Looking for the best Window treatment store in Fort Lauderdale FL? The experts of Florida Design & Associates offer a wide range of personalized window treatments to enhance the beauty and functionality of your home. From tailor-made window designs to stylish Venetian blinds and automated shades, we provide solutions that fit every taste and need. Our selection includes remote control shades, electric blinds, and elegant wooden window blinds in Fort Lauderdale FL, to suit any interior. As a leading provider of window treatments near you, we guarantee quality products and expert installation. Contact Florida Design & Associates today to plan your consultation and elevate your home's ambience with our exquisite window solutions!
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Transform Your Space with ProShield Window Tinting in West Palm Beach
When it comes to enhancing the comfort and style of your property, ProShield Window Tinting stands out as the premier choice for residential and commercial window Tinting experts in West Palm Beach services in West Palm Beach. Whether you're aiming to improve your home's aesthetics or boost your office's functionality, their expert solutions are designed to meet your needs.
Benefits of Professional Window Tinting
1. Enhanced Privacy
One of the primary advantages of window tinting is increased privacy. With ProShield Window Tinting, you can enjoy a more secure environment without sacrificing natural light. Their tints offer varying levels of opacity, allowing you to select the perfect balance between privacy and visibility. This is particularly beneficial for commercial spaces where client confidentiality is crucial or residential properties in busy neighborhoods.
2. Energy Efficiency
Window tinting is not just about aesthetics; it also offers significant energy-saving benefits. ProShield’s advanced window films can reduce the amount of heat entering your space, which can lower your air conditioning costs. This means that by installing their high-quality window films, you can create a more comfortable indoor climate while also reducing your energy bills. It’s a win-win for both residential and commercial properties.
3. UV Protection
Another crucial benefit of window tinting is UV protection. ProShield Window Tinting’s films block up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This helps in protecting your furniture, flooring, and other interior elements from fading and deterioration caused by UV exposure. By shielding your property from these rays, you not only extend the lifespan of your belongings but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
4. Glare Reduction
Glare from the sun can be a significant nuisance, affecting your comfort and productivity. ProShield Window Tinting addresses this issue effectively with their specialized films that minimize glare. This is especially useful in work environments where screen visibility is critical or in homes where excessive sunlight can disrupt daily activities. Enjoy a more pleasant atmosphere with reduced glare and improved visibility.
5. Aesthetic Enhancement
Window tinting also plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall look of your property. ProShield Window Tinting offers a range of stylish options that can complement your existing décor and architecture. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern appearance or a more traditional look, their diverse selection ensures that you’ll find a tint that matches your aesthetic preferences.
Why Choose ProShield Window Tinting?
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ProShield Window Tinting is renowned for its meticulous installation process. Their team of professionals is highly trained and experienced, ensuring that each installation is carried out with precision and care. They use only top-quality materials and state-of-the-art techniques to deliver flawless results.
Customized Solutions
Every property is unique, and ProShield understands this. They offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need tinting for a small Residential tinting in Fort Lauderdale window or large commercial glass panes, their team will work with you to design a solution that meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations.
Exceptional Customer Service
ProShield Window Tinting is committed to providing exceptional customer service. From the initial consultation to post-installation support, their team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless and satisfactory experience. They take pride in their work and strive to exceed client expectations with every project.
Local Expertise
As a local company, ProShield Window Tinting has a deep understanding of the West Palm Beach climate and its impact on window performance. This local expertise enables them to recommend and install the most effective solutions for your property, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
Transform Your Property Today
If you’re looking to enhance and protect your property with top-notch window tinting services, ProShield Window Tinting is your go-to solution in West Palm Beach. Their comprehensive range of services ensures that you’ll find the perfect fit for your needs, whether you’re improving your home’s comfort or elevating your commercial space’s functionality.
Transform your surroundings and enjoy the benefits of professional window tinting by choosing ProShield Window Tinting. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more stylish and efficient property.
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georgebanton · 2 months
If you are looking for an Interior designer in Fort Lauderdale Florida, we are here to help you transform your space into a masterpiece. Luxe Design Studios specializes in creating personalized interiors that reflect your unique style and taste. Our expert team of designers offers a wide range of services, including living room design and home staging services near you. Whether you're redesigning your entire home or just a single room, we bring creativity and professionalism to every project. As leading home designers in Fort Lauderdale FL, we are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations. Contact Luxe Design Studios today to start your design journey!
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omar252525 · 3 months
Luxury and Comfort: Top Vacation Rentals in Fort Lauderdale for Every Traveler
Fort Lauderdale is a premier destination known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural scene. Choosing the right vacation rental can elevate your experience, providing comfort, luxury, and the convenience of a home away from home. Whether you’re a solo traveler, a couple, a family, or a group of friends, there’s a perfect rental waiting for you. Here’s a guide to the top vacation rentals in Fort Lauderdale, including some of the best properties from Unwind Staycations.
Why Choose a Vacation Rental?
Vacation rentals offer several advantages over traditional hotel stays:
Space and Privacy: Enjoy more room and privacy, especially if you're traveling with family or a group.
Cost-Effective: Often more affordable, especially for longer stays or larger groups.
Home Comforts: Amenities like kitchens, laundry facilities, and private pools make your stay more comfortable.
Local Experience: Live like a local and explore neighborhoods you might not otherwise see.
Top Vacation Rentals in Fort Lauderdale
1. Unwind Staycations
Location: Various prime locations in Fort Lauderdale
Luxurious vacation rentals with elegant decor and modern amenities
Properties include private pools, spacious living areas, and direct beach access
Close to Fort Lauderdale’s best attractions, shopping, and dining
Why Choose Unwind Staycations: Unwind Staycations offers a range of top-notch vacation rentals designed to provide a comfortable and luxurious stay. Each property is thoughtfully decorated and equipped with everything you need for a perfect vacation. For more details, visit Unwind Staycations.
2. Beachfront Villas
Location: Fort Lauderdale Beach
Stunning ocean views and direct beach access
Spacious interiors with modern amenities
Private pools and outdoor entertainment areas
Ideal For: Beach lovers, families, groups
3. Family-Friendly Homes
Location: Victoria Park and Coral Ridge
Multiple bedrooms and bathrooms for larger groups
Fenced yards and safe neighborhoods
Close to parks, attractions, and family-friendly activities
Ideal For: Families with children, groups
4. Pet-Friendly Properties
Location: Various neighborhoods
Fenced yards and pet-friendly amenities
Proximity to parks and pet-friendly beaches
Comfortable interiors with plenty of space for pets
Ideal For: Travelers with pets
5. Luxurious Condos
Location: Downtown Fort Lauderdale and Las Olas Boulevard
Modern, stylish interiors with city views
Access to building amenities such as pools and fitness centers
Walking distance to shops, restaurants, and nightlife
Ideal For: Solo travelers, couples, business travelers
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Vacation Rental
1. Determine Your Needs
Consider the size of your group, the amenities you need, and your preferred location. Make a list of must-haves to narrow down your options.
2. Set a Budget
Determine how much you’re willing to spend on accommodation. Remember to factor in any additional fees such as cleaning fees, security deposits, and taxes.
3. Read Reviews
Reviews from previous guests can provide valuable insights into the property and the host. Look for comments on cleanliness, location, and responsiveness of the host.
4. Check the Location
Use maps to check the exact location of the rental. Consider its proximity to attractions, restaurants, and public transportation.
5. Communicate with the Host
Don’t hesitate to ask the host any questions you have about the property or the area. Good communication can help ensure a smooth stay.
Making the Most of Your Stay
Once you’ve settled into your vacation rental, it’s time to explore all that Fort Lauderdale has to offer. Here are some must-visit attractions and activities:
1. Beaches
Spend your days soaking up the sun at Fort Lauderdale Beach or explore quieter spots like Lauderdale-by-the-Sea for excellent snorkeling and diving.
2. Las Olas Boulevard
This bustling street is perfect for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Stroll through art galleries, boutique shops, and enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants.
3. Cultural Attractions
Visit the Bonnet House Museum & Gardens to explore a historic estate with beautiful gardens, or check out the NSU Art Museum for contemporary and modern art exhibits.
4. Outdoor Activities
Take an airboat tour of the Everglades to see alligators and other wildlife, or enjoy kayaking and paddleboarding in Hugh Taylor Birch State Park.
Choosing the perfect vacation rental in Fort Lauderdale can enhance your overall experience, providing comfort, convenience, and a unique way to explore the city. Whether you’re looking for a luxurious beachfront villa, a charming cottage, or a modern downtown condo, Fort Lauderdale has a wide variety of options to suit your needs. By following these tips and considering the top picks, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay in this vibrant coastal city.
For a truly exceptional stay, consider booking with Unwind Staycations, where luxurious accommodations and prime locations ensure a perfect getaway. Enjoy your vacation in Fort Lauderdale!
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adfagaeghbn · 2 months
The Benefits of Impact Windows in Fort Lauderdale: A Comprehensive Guide
Unparalleled Protection Against Hurricanes
Fort Lauderdale is no stranger to hurricanes and tropical storms. These natural disasters can cause severe damage to properties, leading to expensive repairs and replacements. Impact windows are specifically designed to withstand the force of hurricane winds and flying debris. Made with multiple layers of glass and a robust interlayer, these windows provide superior strength and durability. In the event of a storm, impact windows can prevent shattering and keep the interior of your home or business safe from wind and water damage.
Enhanced Security
Beyond hurricane protection, impact windows offer an added layer of security against break-ins and vandalism. The same properties that make these windows resistant to storm damage also make them difficult to break through. impact windows fort lauderdale Burglars often rely on quickly smashing a window to gain entry into a property. With impact windows, this becomes a daunting task, thereby deterring potential intruders and protecting your valuables.
Energy Efficiency
In Fort Lauderdale, the hot and humid climate can lead to high energy bills as air conditioning systems work overtime to keep interiors cool. Impact windows are excellent insulators, reducing heat transfer and helping maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This energy efficiency translates to lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint, making impact windows an environmentally friendly choice.
Noise Reduction
Living in a bustling city like Fort Lauderdale means dealing with a fair amount of noise pollution, from traffic to construction to nightlife. Impact windows can significantly reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your home or business. The multiple layers of glass and interlayer not only provide strength but also act as a sound barrier, creating a more peaceful and quiet indoor environment.
UV Protection
The Florida sun can be harsh, and over time, its ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause fading and damage to furniture, flooring, and other interior elements. florida home improvement windows Impact windows come with built-in UV protection, blocking up to 99% of harmful rays. This feature helps preserve the longevity and appearance of your furnishings, saving you money on replacements and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your property.
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