#formatting is so wonky on tumblr aaaa
eparch · 2 years
Cat of the Grove
(Also on AO3)
There is a Cat in the Grove
and it is one of many,
but this is the one that dares
climb all of mother's boughs.
As saplings, we watched it:
1. trot after our Luminary
2. mewl until fed
3. curl up for a nap
...at the mother avatar's feet.
(She does not shoo it.)
There is a Cat in the Grove
that has been there since we awakened.
The firstborn care for it
as they care for us
but they tell no stories
of how it came to the Grove.
So we take upon ourselves
the task of telling travelers—
the humans and the Norn
the Charr and, yes, the Asura too:
This is the firstborn
of all cats in the Grove.
It was here before us,
and it shall be here forever,
for firstborn cannot die
if they do not leave the Grove.
We are met with peculiar stares
and then we flee from our Luminary
who comes to scold us for telling lies.
There is a Cat in the Grove
that does not have a name.
As Wardens, we watch it
play amidst our practice targets
and hone its claws on them
just as we hone arrows and blades,
so we call it warrior.
As Menders, we watch it
seek our ill and our injured
and it lays at their sides
until they are cheered by it,
so we call it healer.
As Gardeners, we watch it
hunt vermin and pests
and keep our fields free
with its frequent patrols,
so we call it defender.
It does not seem to mind
the names we give it
as long as it can play and love and hunt.
There is a Cat in the Grove
who fusses and frets like the Menders
and of late it stays close
to our mother the most.
Few times it's left her boughs
where it nestles on the scars
left behind in the attack.
There is a Cat in the Grove
and one day it yowls and it shrieks
louder than before
until we are all awake,
from the upper chambers to Astorea
we hear it
and then we feel our mother weeping
and then we feel ourselves
the great loss of our brother
the first of firstborn
gone forevermore.
We will hear later
stories from the west,
and face together uncertainty
from the travelers that once filled
our Grove with laughter and cheer.
The humans and the Norn
and the Charr and the Asura—
for now they will give us
distrustful stares.
So we turn to our Luminary,
to the firstborns still here,
as if we were saplings again,
newly awakened.
We mourn together
for brothers and sisters and siblings lost
and for the first of firstborn
and they tell us stories
of his long travels and great deeds
and they tell us stories
of the Cat in the Grove.
Aife tells us he brought it
from far, far away
when it was smaller,
young like our people then,
and he returned with it on his shoulder
showing his brothers and sisters
his newfound companion.
Niamh tells us he played with it
but was never the only one
for Wynne and others too
would craft for it sticks
and let it chase leaves
all around the first gardens
(but not Faolain,
who thought to torment it
foolishly and futilely).
Kahedins tells us he showed it
to mother many times over,
and each time she would say
"I do not dictate the creatures
that emerge from the Dream."
and he would seem aggrieved
until it sought him
to comfort him.
Malomedies tells us he taught it
to seek out Caithe when hungry,
both from frivolity he liked to hide
and from wishing she would
open her heart to it
and then Caithe as thanks
taught it to sneak upon him
when he was engrossed in a book.
There is a Cat in the Grove
watching from the boughs
as the first saplings in years
finally awaken from their pods.
Our new young wake
with both Dream and Nightmare
flitting between their eyes—
but they are here.
They are here
and that is enough. 
And the Cat seems pleased
to have new quarry to chase
and mewl at until fed.
There is a Cat in the Grove
who the travelers like to point at. 
The humans and the Norn
and the Charr and the Asura
all come and tell us
that it is growing quite old,
and yet it still chases
saplings and pests alike,
and it still jumps into our beds
to share in our warmth,
and it still torments our Luminary
with its mewls and big eyes,
and it still naps where it pleases
in mother's boughs,
in mother's chamber,
but lately it's taken
to napping at the feet of the likeness
of the first of firstborn
who treated it as a friend
and then shared with it our home
and with his kindness made it
the Cat of the Grove.
just a little poem I've been working on for the past few days. It was actually a shitpost between myself and @icebrooding about Trahearne and cats but I ended up doing a whole thing with it. I guess it's from a collective secondborn/somewhere in that timeframe POV. Thanks for reading.
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