#formation tunnel de vente
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Pourquoi créer un tunnel de vente avec Learnybox
Maximisez Vos Ventes en Ligne : Les Avantages Incontestables d’un Tunnel de Vente avec LearnyBox. Dans le monde en constante évolution du commerce en ligne, les entrepreneurs recherchent continuellement des moyens de stimuler leurs ventes et d’accroître leur chiffre d’affaires. C’est là que les tunnels de vente entrent en jeu, et lorsqu’il s’agit de créer des tunnels de vente performants,…
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#creer tunnel de vente#créer un tunnel de vente#exemple de tunnel de vente#formation tunnel de vente#learnybox#learnybox avis#learnybox formation#learnybox gratuit#tunnel de prospection#tunnel de vente#tunnel de vente affiliation#tunnel de vente e commerce#tunnel de vente marketing#tunnel marketing#tunnel vente
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10 Étapes pour Créer une Landing Page Efficace
Vous avez certainement entendu parler de landing page et de page de vente. Mais quelle est la différence ? Une landing page peut avoir deux fonctions. Celle de capturer des emails pour vous constituer une ou plusieurs listes d’abonnés ou la fonction de présenter une formation ou un produit dans un tunnel de vente. Dans le premier objectif il peut s’agir d’un simple formulaire alors que dans le…
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Copier une page web vers Elementor sur Wordpress
See on Scoop.it - Création de sites, référencement, ...
#wordpress #tutoriel #formation | Copier une page web vers Elementor sur Wordpress. Cela vous permet de démarrer avec une belle mise en page rapidement. 👉🏻 Elementor : https://be.elementor.com/visit/?bta=23311&brand=elementor 👉🏻 Guide offert - https://wphibou.com/guide-wp ✏️ Blog : https://wphibou.com/voir-le-blog 👨🎓 Formations : https://wphibou.com/les-formations 🖥️ Création de sites & prestations : https://wpcreatif.com/prestations ______________________________________________________________ 🌐 Thèmes & extensions WordPress : https://wphibou.com/les-themes-wordpress 🚀 Hostinger : https://wphibou.com/inscription-hostinger 🌪️ Tunnels de vente gratuit : https://wphibou.com/systeme
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Le MLM n’est pas mort (Marketing de Réseau)
Vous voulez un revenue Complémentaire c'est ici.
Beaucoup d’entrepreneurs en sont persuadés.
Ils doutent, et finissent par croire qu’il n’y a pas assez de clients intéressés par ce qu’ils proposent.
Que les gens préfèrent acheter sur Amazon.
Que le marketing de réseau meurt à petit feu et qu’il aura disparu d’ici peu.
Alors, ils trouvent des solutions :
Étendre (encore plus) leur gamme de produits et services pour attirer un public plus large.
Trouver plus de personnes intéressées.
Le vrai problème est ailleurs
C’est là que nous intervenons.
On a justement la solution idéale pour toutes les personnes qui bossent dans le MLM.
Une solution qui permet de se développer rapidement et d’en vivre.
Cette solution, c’est un système (génial) de prospection automatique pour le marketing de réseau.
Pas mal, non ?
Alors, si vous êtes fatigué de prospecter dans le vent :
Découvrez les 5 clés pour développer rapidement votre MLM grâce aux tunnels de vente !
C’est une formation en direct,
Pour ça je vous offre un webinaire aujourd’hui !
(Les places sont limitées à 200 participants.)
À tout à l’heure.
J'ai la Solution pour vous...
Cliquez sur le lien si dessous
A tantôt
Conseiller Système io
#affiliation #tunneldevente #argent #travail #travailadomicile #opportunité #libertéfinancière #liberté#independent #promotion #opportunitéaffaire #indépendantfinancièrement #voyage #gagnerdel'argent #MLM #marketingderéseaux # mèredefamille #conseillersystèmeIO #conseillerweb #systemcléenmain # webinaire #conseillerexpert #coach # thérapeute #retraité # business # réussite #entrepreneur
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État d’avancement | 21 Août 2023
𝕃𝔼𝕋𝕊𝕄𝕆𝕍𝕀ℤ 🍿 État d’avancement | 21 Août 2023 𝗙𝗥 𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗘𝗡 𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗡𝗘 : Test version (MVP) / Prévue en 2024. La rédaction des premiers jets des documents suivants sont finalisés. 🔎 Les révisions sont prévues du 22 Août au 1er Septembre 2023. ▪️ Révision du plan d'affaires et ses annexes (finalisé à 90 %). Il manque les annexes et les projections financières prévues en septembre 2023. (1er jet) ▪️Révision du cahier des charges incluant l'arborescence. Document faisant partie de l'analyse fonctionnelle. (1er jet) ▪️Un tunnel de vente a été rédigé. (1er jet) ▪️Révision de l'étude de marché. (1er jet) --- 𝗔 𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗿 : ✍️💻 Document promotionnel : Mise à jour de la version en français et traduction du document en anglais (début septembre 2023). _ Actuellement disponible en français (en ligne sur le microsite web de Letsmoviz - à télécharger). https://lnkd.in/eTt2gFuv ▪️Révision du dossier de commandites (ébauche) - Automne 2023. --- 𝗘𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂 : ✍️💻 Liste des produits/services par secteurs d'activités qui pourraient être placés dans les films. (Un document en continu) --- ▪️Formation prévue en septembre 2023
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗺 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲
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Avis sur Passion Affiliation : Un Tremplin pour la Réussite en Ligne
Dans un monde où la quête de liberté financière et de flexibilité professionnelle est en constante augmentation, Passion Affiliation se démarque comme une opportunité inestimable. Que vous soyez en reconversion professionnelle, que vous cherchiez à gagner de l'argent sur Internet, ou que vous souhaitiez simplement développer un complément de revenu tout en travaillant à domicile, cette formation est conçue pour vous.
Avec une approche simple et accessible, elle vous permettra de transformer vos passions en revenus passifs sans nécessiter d’audience préalable ou d’expertise technique. Dans cet article, nous explorerons les multiples facettes de Passion Affiliation et comment elle peut devenir votre allié dans votre parcours vers l’indépendance financière.
Êtes-vous prêt à changer votre vie ? Rejoignez Passion Affiliation maintenant et découvrez comment générer des revenus passifs tout en travaillant depuis chez vous !
Qu'est-ce que Passion Affiliation ?
Passion Affiliation est une formation complète conçue pour ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans le marketing d’affiliation sans avoir besoin d’une audience établie ou d’expérience préalable. Proposée par Nina Habault, une experte du domaine depuis 2013, cette formation vous guide pas à pas pour générer des revenus passifs en mettant en avant des produits d’autres personnes. L’objectif est simple : vous apprendre à gagner de l’argent en parlant de ce que vous aimez sur Internet.
La formation aborde divers aspects du marketing d’affiliation, notamment comment choisir le bon produit, créer du contenu engageant, et développer une stratégie efficace. Avec des modules clairs et des conseils pratiques, Passion Affiliation se positionne comme une solution incontournable pour les novices.
Pourquoi choisir Passion Affiliation ?
Une méthode accessible : Que vous soyez débutant ou que vous ayez déjà des notions en marketing, la formation est conçue pour être accessible à tous. Pas besoin de créer des produits, ni de débourser des milliers d’euros pour des formations complexes.
Flexibilité et travail à domicile : En choisissant Passion Affiliation, vous optez pour un modèle de travail flexible qui vous permet de gérer votre emploi du temps selon vos besoins. Plus besoin de subir les aléas du bureau ou de la vie en entreprise.
Revenus passifs à long terme : La formation vous enseigne comment créer des systèmes de vente automatisés, vous permettant ainsi de générer des revenus passifs sans avoir à être constamment en ligne. Imaginez pouvoir gagner de l’argent pendant que vous profitez de vos loisirs ou passez du temps en famille !
Ce que vous apprendrez avec Passion Affiliation
La formation se compose de plusieurs modules, chacun abordant des thèmes essentiels au succès en marketing d’affiliation. Voici quelques-uns des sujets clés que vous allez découvrir :
Trouver le produit parfait : Apprenez à identifier les produits qui rencontrent le succès sur le marché et qui correspondent à vos passions. Grâce à une liste de questions précises, vous pourrez choisir le produit idéal pour vous.
Création d’un système automatisé : Mettez en place une machine de vente qui fonctionne pour vous, 24/7. Ce module vous montre comment créer un tunnel de vente efficace pour maximiser vos ventes.
Techniques de contenu efficace : Découvrez comment créer du contenu captivant qui incite vos visiteurs à passer à l’action. Vous apprendrez également à optimiser vos vidéos pour YouTube, même sans montrer votre visage.
Stratégies de long terme : Développez une stratégie qui vous permet de rester compétitif et pertinent sur le marché du marketing d’affiliation, en utilisant des contenus diversifiés et adaptés aux besoins de votre audience.
Ne manquez pas cette chance de transformer vos passions en revenus : inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui à Passion Affiliation et commencez à bâtir votre succès en ligne !
Les témoignages des élèves
De nombreux élèves ayant suivi Passion Affiliation partagent des retours très positifs sur leur expérience. Ils témoignent de la simplicité des concepts expliqués et de l’efficacité des méthodes proposées. La plupart d’entre eux ont réussi à générer des revenus significatifs après avoir appliqué les enseignements de la formation. Ces retours sont un véritable témoignage de la valeur ajoutée que Passion Affiliation peut offrir.
Conclusion : Lancez-vous dès aujourd’hui !
En résumé, Passion Affiliation est bien plus qu'une simple formation sur le marketing d’affiliation ; c’est une porte d’entrée vers une vie professionnelle épanouissante et financièrement satisfaisante. Que vous cherchiez à compléter vos revenus ou à changer de carrière, cette formation vous donne les outils nécessaires pour réussir dans le monde digital. Ne laissez pas passer cette opportunité unique de transformer votre passion en source de revenus.
Prêt à faire le grand saut ? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à Passion Affiliation et commencez à bâtir votre avenir financier !
Anselm Winner
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Avis Systeme.io & Tops Astuces - Systeme io et affiliation, vendre des formations, Livre/E-book Offert “Je gagne ma vie avec mon blog”, des formulaires en ligne, tunnel de vente.
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L’importance de la page de paiement
Ça y est, vous êtes enfin prêt à lancer votre site ?
Que vous souhaitiez vendre des formations ou bien de réels produits, il ne vous reste plus qu’une dernière chose à vérifier.
Non mais whaaaat... Encore ? Moi qui pensais que ce serait plus rigolo de lancer un site
Cette dernière étape, c’est votre tunnel de vente, et il se résume souvent à un seul contrôle, celui de la page de paiement.
Pourquoi la page de paiement est si importante ?
Eh bien, parce que vous avez probablement passé beaucoup de temps à créer un joli site web. Vos pages produits sont clean, votre message de marque est probablement très travaillé.
Et puis, comme vous utilisez une plateforme e-commerce, vous vous dites que tout le reste est probablement OK ?
Eh bien non ... Malheureusement !
La page de paiement est l’élément clé de votre stratégie en ligne. Faut-il ajouter un champs de capture d’email sur la première page pour pouvoir envoyer des relances en cas d’abandon (au risque de créer de la friction et de moins convertir) ? Ou bien, dois-je rendre l’expérience la plus fluide possible pour que les clients aient à peine le temps de dire ouf qu’ils auront déjà commandé ?
Une mauvaise page de paiement peut réduire à néant tous les efforts que vous avez mis dans votre site et faire chuter votre taux de conversion.
Astuces pour une page de paiement efficace
Plus c’est simple, mieux c’est ! Exit le processus de paiement sur 5 pages (Info perso, de livraison, de paiement, de confirmation, etc.) affichez le plus d’info possible sur une seule page.
Limitez les interactions nécessaire pour passer commande. Vos clients ne doivent pas avoir à scroller pour compléter les informations de paiement, ne posez que les questions nécessaires (adresse, email, paiement + présélectionnez la livraison gratuite)
Choisissez le bon fournisseur de paiement, et proposez les méthodes de paiement les plus communes (Paypal et CB au minimum)
Faites des tests. Toutes les audiences sont différentes, il est donc essentiel de vérifier ce qu’il fonctionne sur la votre. Ne prenez pas ce qui est écrit précédemment comme “une réalité vraie”
Et voilà !
Si vous avez la moindre question, envoyez-nous un petit mot sur [email protected] on se fera un plaisir d’y répondre :)
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Notifications push sur WordPress
See on Scoop.it - Création de sites, référencement, ...
Je vous présente OneSignal, une extension WordPress qui permet d'ajouter les notifications push à Wordpress. Les visiteurs peuvent ainsi s'abonner à votre site pour être informé des nouvelles publications dans leur navigateur. 👉🏻 Guide offert - https://wphibou.com/guide-wp ✏️ Blog : https://wphibou.com/voir-le-blog 👨🎓 Formations : https://wphibou.com/les-formations 🖥️ Création de sites & prestations : https://wpcreatif.com/prestations ______________________________________________________________ 🌐 Thèmes & extensions WordPress : https://wphibou.com/les-themes-wordpress 🚀 Hostinger : https://wphibou.com/inscription-hostinger 🌪️ Tunnels de vente gratuit : https://wphibou.com/systeme #notifications #tutoriel #wordpress
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créer tunnel de vente
À ma stupéfaction totale, juste il y a quelques mois un associé en affaires mien bien établi a demandé mon opinion sur l'utilisation d'auto responders. Il irait plusieurs questions sur le sujet. Cependant, il y avait trois questions fondamentales mais essentielles sur la terre de marketing et de direction de bureau qui a attrapé vraiment mon attention et a provoqué ce rapport. Il a demandé :
« Qu'est-ce qu'une voiture responder ? »
« Ai-je besoin vraiment de celui ? »
« Combien peut-il avoir de chances me coûter ? »
Je lui ai cru juste : Responders D'auto ne dorment pas et ils envoient 24 heures à vos renseignements chaque jour et 7 jours par semaine. Bien le facile que le fait est il y aura beaucoup plus à formation tunnel de vente d'auto responders. Voici vraiment un peu plus d'exemples.
Si vous êtes un éditeur, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour envoyer vos articles réguliers, ezines, bouts, etc.
Si vous êtes un artiste de cabaret, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour envoyer des annonces des événements prochains, les partis de libération, les libérations de produit, etc.
Si vous êtes un restaurateur, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour annoncer des événements spéciaux, les présents coupons, envoyer des menus, etc.
Si vous êtes la personne d'affaires basée d'une maison, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour produire, vous débrouiller et profiter de vos listes personnelles.
Si vous êtes une filiale marketer ou un réseau marketer, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour vous aider à recruter, informer, former et motiver votre équipe.
Si vous êtes un promoteur de logiciel, vous pouvez utiliser Responders D'auto pour annoncer des mises à jour, des promotions, des offres promotionnelles et plus.
Cette liste pourrait porter sans arrêt.
La plupart d'auto responder les systèmes offre des bouts sur la meilleure façon de promouvoir vos offres et finir par des individus contribuer à votre Responder D'auto. Prendre du temps pour apprendre cet outil puissant. Il serait impossible d'exagérer combien important c'est à votre organisation et succès.
Qu'est-ce qui rend Responders D'auto un si grand outil pour posséder dans votre arsenal de commercialiser des outils ? De nouveau, Responders d'auto ne dorment pas.
Ils envoient 24 heures à vos tunnel de conversion chaque jour et 7 jours par semaine.
Responders d'auto ne se soucient pas si vous devriez être en ligne ou si vous êtes loin de l'ordinateur.
Dès qu'une perspective a demandé vos renseignements, vos e-mails sont envoyés automatiquement.
Responders d'auto ne prennent pas des pauses.
Responders d'auto n'oublient pas.
Responders d'auto ne demandent pas pour le fait de lever.
Responders d'auto ne demandent pas des vacances.
La femme écrivain TRAVAILLE juste !
S'assurer pour toujours utiliser Responders D'auto combiné ensemble avec vos promotions efficaces pour créer vos listes. Alors marché à cette liste �� maintes reprises.
Il y a indubitablement de cela... Responders d'auto sont parmi typiquement les outils les plus populaires pour le marketing Internet. Quand vous utilisiez jamais un Responder D'auto il est assez franc pourquoi ils sont si populaires : ILS TRAVAILLENT !
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Les ombres aux Îles Canaries : Lanzarote
Nous sommes partis aux îles Canaries en avril 2019 durant une semaine en visitant deux îles, Lanzarote et Ténérife. Nous avons loué un logement sur chaque île ainsi qu'une voiture afin de faciliter les déplacements. Nous avons privilégié les randonnées et quelques visites de villages.
Nous avons choisi ces deux îles car, bien qu'elles soient toutes les deux volcaniques, elles se distinguent par leurs spécificités : Lanzarote plus désertique et Ténérife plus urbanisée et verdoyante. En outre, il existe une liaison aérienne directe entre les deux, ce qui est pratique lorsqu'on a qu'une semaine pour visiter deux îles aux Canaries.
Nous avons loué une maison via le site Airbnb (Villa Lanzarote Natura C) sur les hauteurs de Soo, village typique de maisons blanches se distinguant dans ce paysage volcanique noir:
Jour 1 - Téguise et la Montaña Colorada :
Nous commençons cette première journée par la visite de Téguise et une petite randonnée dans le parc des volcans près du village Soo afin de se mettre en forme.
Téguise est un gros village de maisons blanches avec de petites ruelles désertes où il fait bon se perdre... enfin toutes les rues mènent sur la place de l'église où nous assistons à la sortie de la messe. En effet, c'est la période des baptêmes et cette petite place qui était déserte quelques minutes avant, prend vie ! Nous sommes en avril et la chaleur est importante. L'heure du déjeuner approchant, nous nous installons à la terrasse d'un bar pour savourer nos premières tapas !
Nous reprenons la voiture en direction de notre première randonnée. Il s'agit de faire le tour d'un volcan, la Montaña Colorada, de couleur ocre-rouge. Il faut compter environ une heure pour faire le tour et en apprendre un peu plus sur le paysage environnant.
La Montaña colorada est située le long de la LZ56 reliant Mancha Blanca à La Asomada. Le parking d’accès se trouve sur la gauche environ 3,5 kilomètres après la sortie de Mancha Blanca.
Nous marchons au milieu d'une immense plaine de lave et de cendres noires ponctuée de cônes volcaniques. C'est le paysage typique de l'île dans lequel ressortent ces villages blancs. Face à nous se dresse le volcan que nous contournons par la droite. C'est un itinéraire circulaire facile d'accès. Après un petit kilomètre de marche nous apercevons une bombe volcanique assez importante. C'est la première que nous voyons depuis que nous sommes arrivés sur l’île. A l’arrière de la bombe volcanique, au loin nous observons le village de Masdache. Il fait beau de manière générale, mais le ciel est balayé par des nuages blancs qui donnent un jeu d'ombres et de lumières dans le paysage.
Jour 2 – Timanfaya – Caldeira Blanca et El Golfo.
Pour commencer cette journée nous nous rendons à Timanfaya, « montagnes de feu ». C'est un parc national composé de dizaines de volcans actifs et répartis sur un quart de la superficie de l'Ile. Seules les randonnées guidées sont autorisées mais il faut réserver en avance. Elles durent 4h ou 8h et se font en anglais ou en espagnol. La deuxième solution, celle que nous avons choisie, est la visite en bus d'une heure sur une dizaine de kilomètres. Même s'il n'est pas possible de descendre du bus, celui-ci fait de nombreux arrêts afin d'admirer la vue et prendre des photos. Nous traversons un véritable paysage lunaire parsemé de coulées de lave, de cratères de toutes formes. Nous sommes émerveillés tant par les différentes couleurs que prennent les laves que par les formes volcaniques. Après ce circuit, des démonstrations plutôt ludiques sont proposées à la maison du parc. Un employé vide un seau d'eau dans un puits et au bout de quelques secondes en ressort un véritable geyser.
Bon à savoir : Nous vous recommandons d'aller relativement tôt dans ce parc (9h) afin d'éviter les cars de touristes, nombreux le reste de la journée. D'autant plus qu'il n'est pas possible de réserver la visite en bus.
En fin de matinée, nous repartons pour Caldeira Blanca, non loin de là. Après avoir passé Mancha Blanca, nous prenons à droite un chemin de terre et nous nous garons sur le parking au lieu-dit El Islotito. L'objectif de cette randonnée est de monter au sommet du cratère.
Nous nous apercevons vite que le chemin est très peu balisé. Nous marchons à travers un champ de lave. Notre regard est attiré vers un volcan sur notre gauche et nous prenons un chemin menant vers ce dernier, persuadé qu'il s'agit de Caldera Blanca. Nous effectuons le tour de ce volcan sans voir de sentier pour le gravir. Au bout d'une heure de marche, nous apercevons un deuxième volcan beaucoup plus imposant et nous nous rendons compte alors que nous nous sommes trompés de chemin. Le champ de lave qui sépare ces deux volcans est impraticable. Nous devons finir le tour de ce premier volcan « Caldereta » et rejoindre le sentier initial avant de poursuivre en direction de Caldera Blanca. Nous trouvons enfin l’itinéraire menant au sommet du cratère. Après une montée courte et raide, nous atteignons le sommet. Nous sommes surpris par le vent relativement fort qui souffle. A nos pieds, d'un côté se trouve un immense cratère dont le fond est inaccessible ; et de l'autre côté une vue à 360° sur le parc des volcans. Nous nous rendons compte alors de l'impressionnante mer de lave qui entoure ce volcan et du volume de matériaux que cela représente. Le sentier fait le tour de la Caldera et permet de redescendre de l'autre coté du cratère.
Bon à savoir : ce sentier fait le tour du volcan et la montée située à l'arrière du volcan est plus facile.
Nous finissons cette journée par une randonnée en bord de mer sur la côte ouest, à proximité d'El Golfo. Il faut stationner au parking situé à l'extrémité du village et suivre le sentier qui est à peine visible. Il est tout juste praticable et serpente dans les coulées de lave. Le plus impressionnant c’est de voir les traces de coulées de lave dévalant jusque dans l'océan.
Aujourd'hui, il y a une légère houle et nous entendons les vagues se fracasser en contrebas. Après cette journée dans un milieu désertique, l'air marin nous fait le plus grand bien. Même en bord d'océan, nous sommes déçus de ne pas voir de végétation. Le paysage est exclusivement composé de laves noires contrastant avec le bleu de l'océan.
La randonnée se fait facilement et dure environ 2h aller-retour jusqu'au panneau du parc naturel, la limite autorisée.
Jour 3 – Le Nord de l'île : Cueva de los Verdes – volcan de la Corona – Haria.
Nous partons aujourd'hui en direction du Nord de l'île. Après une heure de voiture, nous arrivons à Cueva de los Verdes, un tunnel de lave aménagé pour la visite. Sa formation provient de l'activité éruptive du volcan de la Corona. Cette éruption a ainsi formé un vaste réseau de tunnels volcaniques de plus de 6 kilomètres de long entre le cône volcanique et l'océan. Nous y arrivons pour l'ouverture et commençons la visite guidée en descendant quelques marches pour accéder à la galerie inférieure, telle une grotte. L'intérieur est très aménagé et éclairé (un peu trop à notre goût) afin de mettre en valeur les traces des coulures et les différentes couleurs de la roche.
C'est une visite très agréable et instructive sur le volcan Corona mais aussi sur l'histoire de Lanzarote : bref, le lieu est idéal pour une excursion en famille.
Bon à savoir: La visite guidée se fait exclusivement en anglais et espagnol sans avoir besoin de réserver.
Bon à savoir : il existe deux tunnels de lave dans ce secteur, celui-ci qui est moins aménagé que celui de los Jameos del Agua, véritable parc d'attraction avec piscine...
Nous reprenons la route en direction d’Orzola par la LZ1 en longeant l'océan. Au bout de quelques kilomètres, en apercevant la plage de sable blanc et noir, nous nous arrêtons pour mettre les pieds dans ce sable si particulier. En effet, depuis notre arrivée, nous constatons que les plages de sable sont rares. Nous en profitons pour tester la température de l’océan qui est relativement frais à notre plus grand étonnement !
Nous passons par la ville d'Orzola, sans grand intérêt, si ce n'est qu'il s'agit du port pour aller sur l'île de Graciosa (mais cela n'est pas à notre programme). Nous arrivons au village de Yé, situé au pied du volcan de la Corona et nous garons sur le parking de l'église à la sortie du village sur la gauche. Face à nous se dresse ce magnifique volcan dont le pied est cultivé de vignes cernées par des murets blancs.
Le Monte Corona, d’une hauteur de 600m est le point culminant de la région Nord. Il ne faut pas le confondre avec la Montana Corona plus au sud.
A proximité du parking, un panneau indique le départ du sentier. Nous cheminons à travers les vignes pendant 15mn environ avant d’attaquer la montée. Celle-ci se fait facilement au milieu des plantations de figuiers de Barbarie et autres plantes grasses, seule végétation qui parvient à pousser sur cette terre volcanique.
Arrivés au sommet, nous sommes impressionnés par le profond cratère qui s’ouvre devant nous. Les nuages qui passent et s’accrochent parfois sur les arêtes du cratère donnent une ambiance particulière. Nous apercevons en contrebas le village de Ye et au loin l’océan. Nous profitons de la quiétude du lieu et pique-niquons les pieds dans le vide du cratère.
Bon à savoir : il est possible de faire le tour du cratère et de redescendre par une autre chemin. Le sentier étant étroit et vertigineux, nous préférons redescendre par le même chemin.
Après cette agréable randonnée, nous reprenons la route LZ 201 qui continue vers le sud en direction d’Haria. C’est un charmant petit village typique de l’île avec ses maisons blanches et ses places ombragées où il fait bon flâner. Véritable oasis, Haria est située dans la « vallée aux mille palmiers » : un îlot de verdure au cœur de ce paysage volcanique. La chaleur étant importante, nous profitons d'un bar situé sur le mail ombragé pour nous désaltérer.
A la sortie d’Haria, la route s’élève rapidement et offre une vue imprenable sur cette vallée...pour le passager. En effet, les nombreux lacets de cette route de montagne nécessitent toute l’attention du conducteur. Quelques points de vue aménagés permettent toutefois de s’arrêter afin d’admirer le paysage et faire des photos.
Jour 4 : le bord de mer
Notre séjour à Lanzarote s’achève et nous décidons de profiter de cette dernière matinée pour explorer le bord de mer. Nous commençons par Caleta de Famara, village de pêcheurs au nord de l'île, à proximité de Soo où nous logeons. Nous déambulons tranquillement sur les plages balayées par le vent et observons les vagues immenses : c'est le paradis des surfeurs ou des promeneurs comme nous. Ici, les aménagements touristiques sont superficiels et discrets, pas de complexes hôteliers. C'est un village authentique, sans chichi, où chacun vaque à ses occupations. En revanche, nous sommes déçus car il est impossible de se baigner en raison des forts courants. A la sortie du village, les dunes envahissent la route et donnent une impression de bout du monde.
Après cette première halte, nous repartons en direction du sud de l’île. Changement de décor à Puerto Calero. A l’opposé des villages de la côte nord, nous découvrons ici une station balnéaire assez chic, peuplée uniquement de touristes. Peu de choses à voir mais une agréable promenade le long du port où sont regroupés l'ensemble des bars et restaurants. Nous y déjeunons avant de prendre l’avion pour Ténérife puisque l’aéroport est situé à quelques kilomètres.
Bon à savoir : à l’extrémité sud de l’île de Lanzarote se trouvent les seules plages accessibles à la baignade et donc tous les grands complexes hôteliers.
La météo à Lanzarote : il pleut très rarement à Lanzarote, ce qui explique l’absence de végétation. En revanche, sur la moitié nord de l’île que nous avons visitée, le temps était très nuageux et venté contrairement au sud qui bénéficie d’un plus grand ensoleillement.
Notre logement à Lanzarote
Un gros coup de cœur pour la maison “ Villa Lanzarote Natura C “ louée via le site Airbnb (https://www.airbnb.fr/rooms/2201565?source_impression_id=p3_1616346452_e2f90a81TnKPhNw0&guests=1&adults=1).
Au calme dans le village de Soo, cette belle et vaste maison comprend trois chambres, deux salles de bain et une terrasse permettant de profiter de la vue sur la plaine volcanique. Nous avons été accueillis très chaleureusement par le propriétaire Jesus qui habite à proximité. Il est en revanche nécessaire d’avoir une voiture pour se déplacer car il n’y a aucun commerce ni transport en commun dans le village.
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Devenez un Conseiller Système.io
Devenez un Conseiller Système.io et saisissez une opportunité d'affaires exceptionnelle pour retraiter !
Le système.io est une plateforme tout-en-un qui offre une multitude d'outils marketing et de vente en ligne pour les entrepreneurs. Il permet de créer des tunnels de vente, de gérer des listes de contacts, d'automatiser des processus et bien plus encore.
En devenant un Conseiller Système.io, vous pourrez bénéficier de plusieurs avantages :
Gagner de l'argent : En devenant un Conseiller Système.io, vous aurez l'opportunité de générer un revenu supplémentaire en recommandant la plateforme à vos contacts. Vous toucherez des commissions sur les ventes réalisées grâce à votre recommandation.
Formation et accompagnement : Vous serez formé et accompagné par une équipe d'experts qui vous aidera à développer votre activité de Conseiller Système.io et à atteindre vos objectifs.
Indépendance et flexibilité : En tant que Conseiller Système.io, vous aurez la liberté de travailler à votre rythme et selon vos propres horaires. Vous pourrez travailler de chez vous ou de n'importe où dans le monde.
Opportunité de retraite : Devenir un Conseiller Système.io peut être une excellente opportunité pour les retraités qui souhaitent continuer à travailler de manière flexible et générer un revenu supplémentaire.
En rejoignant le programme de Conseiller Système.io, vous serez soutenu par une communauté dynamique d'entrepreneurs qui partagent les mêmes objectifs. Vous pourrez échanger des conseils, des idées et des expériences avec d'autres Conseillers Système.io.
Ne manquez pas cette opportunité d'affaires exceptionnelle ! Devenez un Conseiller Système.io et profitez des avantages offerts par cette plateforme tout-en-un pour les entrepreneurs.
Que vous soyez retraiter/chômeurs/Femme au foyer/Homme au foyer /sans travail
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A bientôt Jean Conseiller Systeme.io
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Tout d’abord, laissez-moi me présenter.
Je m’appelle Samuel, j’ai 33 ans et je suis un ancien commercial reconverti en chef d’entreprise du magasin de jeux vidéo « So GAME ». Les jeux vidéo sont une passion depuis tout petit et j’ai réalisé à 24 ans l’un de mes plus grands rêves !
(J’ai investi plus de 120 000 €.)
À la suite de ça, je me suis tourné vers Internet afin de limiter les coûts, car les rêves c’est bien de les réaliser, mais avec de très faibles marges c’est tous les jours un combat pour faire manger sa famille…
Dans la foulée, ma fille est née et j’ai revendu mon magasin de façon à réaliser un second rêve : « être indépendant financièrement ». Car même en étant patron, j’étais bloqué tous les jours au magasin. Je me suis donc tourné vers le e-commerce, mais je ne me suis jamais lancé, car je sais vendre en direct, mais sur le Net j’y connais rien. Alors afin de faire différents tests sur mes publicités, j’ai besoin de trésorerie, et pour cela j’ai commencé MentorShow…
MentorShow et son programme d’affiliation est selon certains « l’opportunité la plus prometteuse du web ». Nouveau business MLM ou nouvelle chance de faire partie d’une aventure hors du commun et extrêmement lucrative ?
I - Qu’est donc MentorShow ?
MentorShow est une plateforme de formation en ligne qui accueillera des cours donnés par les plus grandes stars et réussites francophones dans tous les domaines (cuisine, magie, sport, théâtre, entrepreneuriat, poker, cinéma, musique, etc.) à partir de mars 2020.
Ce projet a été créé par Mathieu Moreno et son équipe dans le but de proposer une alternative francophone au site Masterclass.com. Mathieu a de grandes ambitions.
Il y aura sur MentorShow :
Des cours en ligne de 2 à 3 heures donnés par les meilleurs dans leurs domaines respectifs:
Une qualité audiovisuelle digne des meilleures séries NetFlix grâce à une équipe de tournage plusieurs fois primée pour leurs courts-métrages ;
Un programme d’affiliation unique au monde avec 12 sources de revenus potentielles (on en reparle ci-dessous) ;
Des millions de clients potentiels à toucher (et donc de commissions à gagner)
Des stars, des experts et des grandes réussites de renommée française interviendront dans leurs propres masterclass en ligne exclusivement sur MentorShow.
La plateforme accueillera également :
Un essayiste français qu’on ne présente plus ;
Un magicien de renommée mondiale ;
Un champion du monde de poker ;
Un chef deux étoiles au guide Michelin ;
Les coaches fitness numéro 1 en francophonie ;
La doctoresse qui soigne les stars et les présidents ;
Un humoriste connu dans toute la francophonie ;
Le fondateur d’une licorne française (entreprise valorisée à plus de 1 milliard d’euros) ;
Un vainqueur de 10 championnats du monde ;
La love coach préférée des Français.
Toutes les stars ont un contrat d’exclusivité avec MentorShow.
(Pour clauses de confidentialité, Mathieu ne souhaite pas que l’on divulgue les noms des célébrités et experts concernés, et c’est compréhensible. La seule manière de connaître les premiers noms (il y a du très très lourd) :
La présentation complète en 3 vidéos de MentorShow
L’équipe a pour le moment signé des contrats avec des personnalités publiques dans 12 domaines différents et est en négociation avec de nouvelles stars que vous avez vues partout à la TV.
Le but sera de proposer au moins 1 nouvelle formation par mois, en exclusivité pour MentorShow.
II - Quelle est la véritable différence de MentorShow vis-à-vis des autres plateformes de cours en ligne ?
Les cours en ligne comme Udemy, Coursera ou Skilleos par exemple, sont différents des cours en ligne qui seront proposés sur Mentorshow. Les cours en ligne seront donnés par les plus grandes stars francophones, en exclusivité pour les clients de MentorShow. Le but est de faire une plateforme de formation de prestige. Toute personne qui souhaitera apprendre auprès des meilleurs devra prendre un abonnement MentorShow.
III - Mathieu Moreno, le créateur de MentorShow?
Mathieu Moreno est un jeune entrepreneur français à l’origine de multiples formations en ligne. Je suis moi-même client de ses formations dédiées au e-commerce, comme « Vendre sans boutique » par exemple. Il est connu en France dans le milieu du e-commerce, il se lance aujourd’hui avec sa nouvelle start-up MentorShow et l’envie de créer le Netflix de la formation en ligne. Il s’entoure des meilleurs dans le monde de l’Internet et a personnellement investi plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros dans Mentorshow et une demande de levée de fonds est en cours.
IV -Comment gagne-t-on de l’argent grâce à MentorShow ?
Startuper de talent, il a appris de ses erreurs, Mathieu est un entrepreneur du web qui connaît exactement les différentes façons d’acquérir du trafic. Il a déjà généré plus d’un million de chiffre d’affaires sur ces deux dernières années, il connaît donc exactement ce qui fonctionne et ce qui ne fonctionne pas. Afin de booster le lancement de MentorShow, il a pris la décision de créer un programme d’affiliation hors du commun. Sur MentorShow, il versera des commissions à hauteur de 45 % de son chiffre d’affaires à ses affiliés, et ce :
– chaque mois, c’est-à-dire tant que le client reste abonné ; – à vie, c’est-à-dire sans limite dans le temps.
C’est assez crazy, surtout quand on sait que Masterclass (l’équivalent anglophone) offre seulement 25 % de commission aux affiliés qui font des ventes, et ce juste en one shot (une seule fois). Forcément, l’affiliation MentorShow va faire beaucoup parler d’elle et toutes personnes qui auront compris cette OPPORTUNITÉ en profiteront pour devenir indépendantes et quitter la rat race simplement en parlant de ces cours autour d’elles et sur les réseaux. Et vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire en avant-première en tant qu’Ambassadeur de MentorShow, avant le lancement OFFICIEL. La formation offerte avec une petite série de 3 vidéos va vous expliquer tout cela en détail. Il suffit de cliquer ici pour la visionner
V - Allosuccès c’est quoi ?
C’est le nom du programme d’affiliation et de rémunération de MentorShow.
AlloSuccès vous servira à faire la promotion de la plateforme Mentorshow auprès de personnes qui souhaitent être formés par les meilleurs, mais aussi de promouvoir l’opportunité AlloSuccès auprès d’autres affiliés.
Pour la toute première fois dans l’histoire du business en ligne, des personnes sans aucune expérience utiliseront la notoriété des stars et leur l’image afin d’avoir des sources de revenus sans rien avoir à créer et sans compétences particulières.
Mathieu et son équipe s’occupent de tout ! Vous aurez seulement à faire la promotion de MentorShow pour obtenir des revenus ponctuels mensuels et annuels et À VIE !
Mathieu a annoncé Mentorshow lors de sa dernière conférence et les réactions étaient INCROYABLES :
LUC : “Une révolution pour avoir des revenus récurrents sans rien créer ni gérer, je dis bravo, ce que vous proposez c’est du jamais vu”
Christelle : “Bravo et merci pour cette incroyable opportunité”
Patrick : “Cela parait incroyable”
On parle de TOUS les plus grands entrepreneurs du Web qui se sont complètement emballés pour cette opportunité inédite.
Et le PomPom ?!
Comme une équipe commerciale, vous gagnez 10 % des ventes générées par vos affiliés. Exemple : vous recrutez Thomas, il vend un abonnement, vous prenez 10 % sur ses ventes. Thomas recrute Julien qui lui-même vend des abonnements, vous prenez 5 % sur les ventes générées par Julien. Vous gagnez donc 10 % sur vos affiliés recrutés et 5 % par les affiliés de vos affilies, en plus des 30 % que vous générez vous-même. En gros, c’est un système d’affiliation sur 3 niveaux qui vous permettra : – d’accroître vos gains (vous pouvez compter sur moi pour développer de nouvelles stratégies) ; – de gagner de l’argent passivement (votre équipe travaille pour vous). Vous gagnez de l’argent sur le travail qu’effectuent vos affiliés et les affiliés de vos affiliés s���ils font la promotion de MentorShow et d’AlloSuccès. AlloSuccès sera une véritable plateforme de formation pour apprendre et comprendre l’affiliation et sera votre outil pour gérer votre affaire (comme Shopify). Avec le temps, l’équipe développera tout ce dont elle a besoin afin de mettre à notre disposition un outil performant, cependant AlloSuccès est déjà l’opportunité de 2020 !
VI - Mais est-ce légal ? Vous vous demandez si c’est du MLM ?
Ou encore AlloSuccès est-il un système pyramidal ? Entièrement légal, ce n’est pas du MLM, ni un système pyramidal. Un système pyramidal est une chaîne uniquement pécuniaire, où il n’y a aucun produit existant ou bien physique, ou encore un produit qui ne reflète pas du tout la réalité. Dans un système pyramidal, la première personne qui s’inscrit génère plus d’argent que les autres car elle se trouve tout en haut de la pyramide. Elle gagnera de l’argent sur plusieurs niveaux. Une personne qui arrive en dernier dans la pyramide ne pourra pas gagner plus que les personnes qui sont arrivées avant elle (comme dans le salariat #JDCJDR). Les systèmes pyramidaux sont illégaux et interdits en France. AlloSuccès est donc un programme d’affiliation du service MentorShow qui fournira à son terme des cours en ligne de qualité. Vous êtes payé dès que vous trouvez des clients qui achètent des produits et services proposés sur MentorShow et AlloSuccès. Pour le coup, on est très loin du MLM et du système pyramidal, et tout est complètement légal (validé par un avocat).
VII - Pourquoi AlloSuccès propose de faire de affiliation pour MentorShow ?
Les grands avantages de MyMentorShow : – Sans avoir besoin de site ou de tunnel de vente : utiliser les systèmes de MentorShow pour acquérir du trafic chaud/froid avec des taux de conversion extrêmement élevés ; – Sans avoir besoin d’être bon en marketing ou un expert de la vente : l’équipe s’occupe de tout et vous fournit tout ce dont vous aurez besoin (scripts à copier-coller, outils, etc.) ; – Sans avoir besoin de créer de produits : MentorShow lance chaque mois de nouveaux cours vidéo avec des nouvelles stars dans différents domaines ; – Sans avoir besoin d’argumenter à vos clients ou d’assurer le service clientèle : le SAV et l’équipe marketing de MentorShow s’en occupe ! Mais aussi… Vous utilisez la notoriété des stars et MentorShow s’occupe de convertir vos visiteurs en clients via son marketing extrêmement puissant. Vous allez pouvoir utiliser la notoriété et l’image des stars pour promouvoir les services de Mentorshow auprès de millions de personnes et toucher des revenus récurrents mensuels et annuels À VIE !
VIII - Peut-on vraiment obtenir des résultats ?
En tant qu’ambassadeur d’AlloSuccès sans aucune expérience, sans aucune connaissance marketing et en travaillant seulement quelques heures par jour, vous pourriez recevoir ce genre de commissions dès lors que vous passez à l’action…
Par exemple Isabelle, Viviane, Rémi et d’autres, comme vous pouvez le voir ici :
IX - Et vous me direz, mais comment promouvoir MentorShow ?
A - Inscrivez-vous à la conférence en ligne et choisissez la date et l’heure à laquelle vous souhaitez y assister afin de prendre l’info des termes et conditions en cliquant ici.
B - Après avoir rejoint AlloSuccès, inscrivez-vous à la plateforme d’affiliation pour recevoir vos accès
C - Puis accédez à votre plateforme d’affiliation où vous trouverez vos liens d’affiliés et démarrez la promotion du programme ambassadeur d’AlloSuccès. Pour le moment, vous pouvez utiliser deux méthodes et je vous recommande d’opter pour celle que Mathieu nous conseille, suite à leurs tests (meilleur taux de conversion).
D - Vous n’avez plus qu’à mettre en place les 3 stratégies accessibles dans l’espace de formation, ainsi que les stratégies supplémentaires données dans les lives de formation auxquels vous aurez accès chaque dimanche (un replay est également disponible). L’équipe a tout prévu en mettant à notre disposition les ressources dont vous avez besoin pour vous lancer à partir de zéro (scripts, outils, visuels, etc.).
X - Que comprend le Programme Ambassadeur d’AlloSuccès ?
Voici le détail de l’offre Initiateur AlloSuccès avec accès à vie :
MentorShow : Accès illimité et à vie sur les formations des stars
AlloSuccès : Accès offert et illimité au pack le plus complet à vie
Invitations à deux événements en présentiel à Lyon et Paris (et prochainement Marseille) pour nous aider à convertir nos invités en clients Accompagnement en live chaque dimanche avec un plan d’action à suivre pour la semaine Des vidéos et modèles à copier/coller pour faire la promotion de Mentorshow et d’AlloSuccès
BONUS 1 : Application Télégram avec accès au groupe d’entraide, avec des exclusivités sur les nouveaux tournages des stars
BONUS 2 : Accès aux concours hebdomadaires (bonus financiers)
BONUS 3 : Bonus de croissance si atteinte des 1000 € de commission : coaching privé avec Mathieu (pour les 10 premiers)
BONUS 4 : Bonus démarrage rapide de 500 €
BONUS 5 : « Ma ville, Mon Équipe »
BONUS 6 : Accès à un affiliate manager
Exclusivité Accès À VIE : Garantie de toucher toutes vos commissions de niveau 1 à 3 À VIE (même si vous arrêtez de promouvoir AlloSuccès et MentorShow).
Même si vous n’avez pas forcement confiance en vous pour ce projet, je vous guiderai personnellement, comme je l’ai fait pour une de mes affiliés, Jessie, qui a perçu sa première commission en une semaine seulement !
On verra ensemble les stratégies à adopter selon votre profil et je vous ferai part de tous mes nombreux tests afin de vous guider au mieux.
Plus tard, je vais créer une formation pour tous les affiliés de mon équipe via des vidéos privées sur YouTube. Tous mes affiliés et leurs affiliés y auront accès.
De cette façon, vous aurez une série de stratégies à mettre en place. Il suffira seulement de passer à l’action !
Vous pouvez me contacter via mon Twitter si vous avez des questions en cliquant ici.
#mentorshow#formation#infopreneur#mymentorshow#stars#magie#commission#cuisine#sport#health & fitness
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Le lien vers le logiciel Active Campaign et les 14 jours d'essai Gratuit :
👉 https://www.marketinghaters.com/w7c8
⚠️Offre spéciale : durant le mois de Janvier et Février, Active Campaign propose exceptionnellement d'obtenir gratuitement leur outil CRM pour tout abonnement au plan "Plus", "Professionnal" et "Enterprise".
Si vous passez par mon lien pour vous inscrire à Active Campaign, je vous offre en guise de remerciement un Pack de bonus exclusifs d'une valeur de 1029€ qui comprends :
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- Un code permettant d'afficher un nombre qui va changer aléatoirement après une période de temps définie
Envoyez-moi simplement un email à [email protected] après la période d'essai pour recevoir votre pack :)
Le lien vers la formation gratuite proposée par Active Campaign pour vous aider à prendre en main son logiciel :
👉 https://www.marketinghaters.com/3n9b
Note : j'ai oublié de mentionner dans la vidéo que vous avez la possibilité d'importer des templates d'automatisation. C'est le même principe que la fonctionnalité de Clickfunnels qui permet d'importer des tunnels de vente sur son compte en un clic.
Le lien vers mon guide Cash Machine :
Les logiciels marketing que j'utilise et que je recommande :
👉 https://www.marketinghaters.com/p83y
Dans cette vidéo découvrez la présentation complète et en Français de Active Campaign : solution emailing marketing automation, SMS marketing et logiciel CRM marketing Active Campaign est de loin le concurrent le plus sérieux à Constant Contact et Mailchimp. Avec ses fonctionnalités pensées sur le mode If, Then, Do, While les possibilités sont infinis. Vous allez pouvoir pousser votre marketing au niveau supérieur en proposant des offres adaptées à vos prospects sur différents support de communication : email, sms, Facebook, site web. Active Campaign intègre également un puissant outil CRM pour votre équipe commerciale ainsi que deux fonctionnalités s'appuyant sur le machine learning : la probabilité de gain et l’envoi prédictif.
⭐ Suivez moi :
Youtube : https://www.marketinghaters.com/qwto
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/marketinghaters
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hatersmarketing
Instagram : https://instagram.com/marketinghaters/
Test et avis Active Campaign : solution emailing marketing automation, SMS marketing et logiciel CRM marketing : https://youtu.be/_OubFQ0Xn7M
Cette vidéo et sa description contiennent des liens d'Affiliations. Ce qui signifie que si vous cliquez sur un de ces liens de produits, je recevrai une commission. C'est une aide à cette chaîne qui me permet de continuer a créer des vidéos comme celles-ci. Merci de votre soutien.
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5 Raisons pour lesquelles Systeme.io est la Meilleure Alternative à ClickFunnels en 2024
Dans l'univers des outils tout-en-un pour les entrepreneurs en ligne, ClickFunnels a longtemps été une référence incontournable. Cependant, de plus en plus d'entrepreneurs et de PME se tournent aujourd'hui vers Systeme.io pour sa simplicité, son efficacité et surtout, son prix. Si vous êtes en train de comparer ces deux plateformes, cet article vous expliquera en détail pourquoi Systeme.io est la meilleure alternative à ClickFunnels en 2024, et comment cela peut transformer votre business.
1. Un prix beaucoup plus abordable pour les entrepreneurs et PME
L'un des points les plus critiques pour toute entreprise, surtout lorsqu'on se lance, est le budget. ClickFunnels commence à 97 $/mois pour son plan de base, tandis que Systeme.io propose des abonnements beaucoup plus abordables, à partir de 27 €/mois avec le Plan Startup. Cela rend Systeme.io accessible à un plus grand nombre d'entrepreneurs, particulièrement ceux qui débutent avec un budget limité.
Le Plan Startup vous donne tout ce qu'il faut pour bien démarrer :
5 tunnels de vente pour capturer des leads et convertir vos prospects.
10 pages de vente optimisées pour booster vos ventes.
5 campagnes d'emailing pour maintenir l'engagement avec vos prospects.
Donnez vie à votre projet avec le Plan Startup de Systeme.io à seulement 27 €/mois avec 30% de réduction sur la plan annuelet bénéficiez d'un ensemble complet d'outils pour lancer votre business en ligne sans dépasser votre budget.
2. Un tout-en-un plus complet et simple d’utilisation
Alors que ClickFunnels se concentre principalement sur la création de tunnels de vente, Systeme.io va beaucoup plus loin en vous offrant une solution réellement tout-en-un. Vous pouvez non seulement créer des tunnels, mais aussi :
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Anselm Winner
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Into the Well
Shockwave has detected interesting readings coming from deep inside the Well of AllSparks. Knowing Starscream’s desire to rear the next generation of Seekers, the scientist contacts him to let him know. Starscream can’t resist seeing this for himself, and agrees to go, despite his hatred For Shockwave. Shockwave has... something more in mind as the two venture into Cybertron’s core.
@shockb00b is in blockquotes. This thread started as short ask responses before evolving into longer paragraphs. Tenses and formatting have been corrected.
“Your concern for the next generation of seeker is touching, and if it is any consolation, I have managed to discern that there IS to be a new generation of seekers.” - Shockb00b
“What? How do you know? Have you been to the Well, or… inside it? Do you have dealings with the Autobots? I mean… that’s a relief, but how do you know?”
“I have been to the Well, although the Autobots are… unaware that I have visited. They like to boast that all the secret tunnels on Cybertron have been discovered and are monitored… but they were not isolated here as I was.”
“Show me the tunnel, Shockwave! Or at least send me its coordinates. After all, I provided the opportunity for you to discover it, when I mistakenly thought you had been tragically killed in the spacebridge explosion. Plus the more Decepticons that can keep an eye on such things the better, considering the advantages the Autobots hold. It’s logical.”
“… I was going to show you anyway, Starscream. I had come to the same conclusion after the readings I was taking began displaying traditionally Vosnian seeker patterns. You did not have to bring up my exile and the fact you were the cause for it.”
“Er… you were? I see… Well, naturally, it stands to reason that any information on Seekers should find its way to me. So, good thinking.”
“And you brought it up.”
“You are the authority on Seekers, for obvious reasons, and your current status as de facto Decepticon leader means that no matter what my personal opinions of you are… I do technically report to you”
“Yes. So you do.” Starscream opted to ignore that technically and de facto and focus on the Decepticon leader part.
“In that case, show me where the tunnel is!”
“We will have to pass through one of my old labs to reach it. I am alerting you to this fact so you do not come to the conclusion that this was a ruse to get you under my scalpel once we arrive.”
“I have other, less important candidates for test subjects. Now come. Follow me.”
“Ah. Of course. Naturally, I am needed in more important, strategic roles.” He tried not to picture who or what Shockwave might be working on, and flicked his wings up to a confident flare.
“Very well, Shockwave, lead on.”
Shockwave did not speak this time, but instead just turned away from Starscream and resumed walking down into the tunnel system.
The Seeker followed, wings narrowing together behind him. There weren’t many things that could get him to go anywhere willingly with Shockwave, through the terrifying scientist’s own labs, and venture blindly into deep underground tunnels. Even one of those elements would be enough to give Starscream pause. But if it meant seeing new Seekers, assuring himself that they were all right, it would be worth it. One thing about Shockwave at least was that he usually told the truth. Hopefully. Unless it was logical to set a trap…..
Starscream curled his claws up close to his body and glanced around as he descended into the tunnel.
“It is not far, Starscream.” Shockwave said, not bothering to look back. Most seekers hated being underground. Frankly, the only reason he had come to prefer it was because of the filtered sensations it supplied.
He did pause at one point to rest his hand against a broken gestation tank. “A pity.” Shockwave mumbled. “It could have won us the war.”
Starscream wondered vaguely if Shockwave’s comment was merely a statement of fact about the distance, or if the other was actually trying to reassure him. Either way, he edged closer to the scientist as they walked. He fanned his wings slowly, only confirming that they were deep enough for the air to be dead. Even recirculated air was dead. He could tell the difference.
He stopped himself before he bumped into Shockwave when he paused, and raised a suspicious eyebrow at the broken tank. “And what sort of uncontrollable monster did that house at one time?”
The air was less dead then it could have been. It was likely that there were some air shafts, or at least holes in the tunnel… but for the most part… it was dead air, stale even by Shockwave’s sensors.
“It was… an uncontrollable monster.” Shockwave replied, antennae flicking a few times. It seemed to be either an attempt at sarcasm or humor. “I had spliced several predacon gene sequences to create something… more than their source CNA code. It never reached maturity.”
Wings that flicked up briefly at Shockwave’s almost humorous acknowledgement of what he’d made flattened outwards in exasperation at the explanation. “Well, thank Primus for that. I shudder to think what you could have meant by ‘more’ than their source code. If anything you should have tried to give them a little less of their unsavory qualities.”
He flared his wings up and leveled the old tank with a scowl that hopefully belied how trapped he was beginning to feel in the confines of the tunnels, discussing details of monsters he hoped never to meet again, even in the open.
Shockwave snorted. “What you refer to as ‘unsavory qualities’, I refer to as natural efficiency.”
He almost seemed to ignore Starscream’s glare, and continued to lead him deeper into the tunnel. After a few more minutes, the air subtly changed - like there was some sort of energy pulsing through it.
“We’re close.” Shockwave noted, antennae flicking a few times. “Getting closer than this risks detection from the Autobots. Do you wish to risk it?”
Starscream was about to argue that efficiency was worth nothing if it couldn’t be reliably pointed at your your enemies and only your enemies, or if it suddenly decided it had every right to command its own efficient army that could eat your army, but Shockwave was already moving on.
He may have muttered something to that effect under the whirr of his vents as they walked, but otherwise he lapsed into sullen silence. After a while the oppressive atmosphere lifted. He felt it in his wings first, a sort of charged field perhaps. It made him antsy and impatient, and he edged closer to Shockwave, twitching his wings as the field pulsed subtly.
“I didn’t walk into the depths of the planet to quit now.” There was a high, nervous edge in his voice, but he shook his head and vented, continuing in a more level tone. “We’ve come this far. Be cautious, obviously, but this is worth the risk.”
The only thing that changed in how Shockwave held himself was the slight stiffening of the fins on his back. When he nodded and resumed walking, his motions seemed almost exactly the same… but the scientist’s spark was thrumming hard in his chest. Part of it was a natural nervous response to the idea that he and Starscream may be detected by Autobots, but the rest came from a less logical source. The Well simply had that effect.
“We’re here.” Shockwave announced, somewhat unnecessarily. The tunnel abruptly ended, opening into the Well without much warning beyond the charged atmosphere.
Stepping up beside Shockwave, Starscream let out a vent of hot air. He hadn’t realized he’d silenced his fans, listening and looking around nervously in the enclosed space and the intense field. Now the Well of AllSparks opened wide before them, and he was awestruck.
The span of the Well was enormous, and they were deep enough that only a small amount of light made it down, shrouding the far walls in twilight. Blue traces shone here and there along the dark metal, and sometimes the light would wink out. The Seeker blinked his sharp optics, unsure if that meant something - someone - had passed in front of the light on their journey out of the Well. He found himself moved by the fact that life was in Cybertron again, a reality that he’d acknowledged already but hadn’t witnessed or truly taken to Spark. He’d been otherwise occupied when it happened. Now he felt it, overwhelmingly. And some of that life must be Seekers.
Glancing at Shockwave and steadying his shivering wings, Starscream stepped down from the tunnel mouth onto an ancient pathway, roughly hewn from the metal and spiraling steeply upward toward the bright disk of sky high above. And in the other direction, spiraling down. He leaned over, staring down into the planet, closer than the sky above but still a long way below, where a faint blue glow pulsed in the center of the blackness. The AllSpark.
“Have you-” Starscream’s voice shook and he reset his vocalizer. “Have you been down that far?” For a moment longer he stared down, ancient memories coming to him, memories of awakening and of tunnels, of climbing, of the spot of sky always above him, that changed from dark to light and back many times, with colors in between, and of how much he wanted to know what it was. He’d found his way inexorably upwards, into a waiting world with a place for him. Had other ancient tunnels like the one they’d taken today been reopened, and were new Cybertronians wandering alone in the Underground as they had long ago? What dangers, besides Shockwave in his lab, might they encounter on their own?
As he looked around, Starscream wondered if this might be the path he’d taken when he was born. There were many, overlapping and crossing, at times branching toward Energon springs or dead ending behind walls. As you went higher, he remembered, the paths were smooth and there were decorations on the wall and railings, all different styles, sometimes shining when the light hit them just so. Looking up now he could just barely see meager sunlight reflecting off ornate metal very high up, but the walls up there were deeply scarred and debris hung down from ruined ceremonial platforms. Frowning, he decided he didn’t think this was the path he’d taken. It sloped up to his left and he distinctly remembered climbing counterclockwise.
Odd how that small memory stood out vividly in the midst of doing something so momentous and possibly profane. This was important though, and if Shockwave had seen something that would help him, whether it was meant for mortal optics or not, he wanted to see it too. He started to walk downward.
Shockwave was quieter than normal… which was actually saying something since even with his habit of dictating notes for himself, he was one of the quietest Decepticons other than - of course - Soundwave. Something in the air around him was causing his antennae to twitch wildly, before he began holding them still with a conscious effort.
“I… have not, no.” Shockwave said, answering Starscream’s question after a surprisingly long silence. “I took my readings from the entrance we used. I have not been here since I emerged… It feels like… a different mech’s memories.”
Shockwave, of course, would know quite a bit about seeing someone else’s memories. After all, he was the one who invented the Cortical-Psychic Patch, but his familiarity with exploring another person’s processor was not why he had said that. Without realizing it, Shockwave’s hand came up to brush against old welds underneath his helm, before he froze, not trusting himself to move as his perception of the world shifted for a moment.
Looking up at the sky, two hands coming up to shield his optics from almost blinding light, looking around, full of curiosity and ready to explore this world he was in. A voice, mentioning a name… his name…
The memory was over in an instant, and Shockwave stumbled forward slightly, hissing in remembered pain from a scalpel tracing the side of his faceplate. Yes… He supposed he was a different mech than the one who had climbed out of the Well.
Starscream glanced back and flicked a wing when Shockwave answered him. For some reason that wasn’t the answer he’d been hoping for. Partly it was disappointing that Shockwave hadn’t seen his evidence of growing Seekers more closely than this, an added uncertainty that made his worries for his people nag louder in his mind. More than that though, was the chill of coolant that ran down Starscream’s spinal struts at the thought of truly venturing down into the Unknown. It wasn’t that he had wanted a guided tour, least of all one led by Shockwave, who would doubtless enjoy being the expert a little too much, but he would have liked to know what they were getting into. He tried once again to still his racing fans as he looked at Shockwave and steadied his voice. “Well then, let’s go check your readings, shall we? For science.”
He hoped his smirk looked cockier than he felt, for a moment anyway, before Shockwave seemed to stumble! Starscream had never known him to be anything but steady - annoyingly so - and his wings dropped to his sides. If Shockwave of all people was this jumpy they might be in trouble as they went deeper. He was supposed to be the jumpy one, though he would never admit it. He could be steady too though. Leaderly. He had to be.
“Pull yourself together, Shockwave!” he hissed, drawing himself up and fixing his wings at a flare before turning on his heel and stomping away down the sloping pathway. The echo of his footsteps didn’t seem to get far before being swallowed by the immensity of the Well and the palpable pressure of the energy down there. As it washed over his wings, Starscream got the distinct impression it was pushing him up, flowing out of the Well and ushering all living things upwards into the world. He needed to go down though, and he thrashed his wings to try and shake the feeling of wrongness.
Shockwave gave a look to Starscream that could most easily be described as a glare, before wordlessly resuming the decent. It seemed that the scientist was not as continually affected by the Well as Starscream was - he was once again steady and didn’t seem too concerned about the blasphemy he was currently committing. Any effect the Well was having seemed to come in waves.
“Careful, Starscream.” Shockwave rumbled when he was ordered to pull himself together. “Someone may overhear you and assume that you actually care about me.”
Although the actual tone of Shockwave’s voice didn’t change in the slightest, somehow his statement was dripping with wry sarcasm. He paused on an outcropping and leaned against the wall, another hiss coming from his frame as his plating clamped down tight over his frame. Once more, he seemed unsteady, and the roar of cooling fans betrayed the building heat in his frame. He almost seemed to be looking through Starscream’s back, optic unfocused until the episode - or whatever it was - passed and Shockwave straightened up and relaxed his plating.
“The Well is… disorienting.” Shockwave commented, instead of offering an explanation of what was happening to him.
“That wouldn’t be very logical of them, would it?” Starscream shot back, glancing briefly over his shoulder as he kept walking. The deeper they went the more nervous he became, and the more likely to make scathing remarks to anyone unfortunate enough to catch his attention. The only one around was of course Shockwave, and Starscream felt no need to check his nastier impulses when it came to him.
Still, it was unsettling having the cool-headed scientist so obviously rattled, and the sound of Shockwave stopping again and his fans roaring made the Seeker’s wings pin closely behind his back. He waited for Shockwave to catch up before venturing farther down. “Disorienting is right. Everything - every impulse - is telling me we should be climbing out.” He shivered and kept walking down. “But you said there are Seekers down here and I want to see them.”
Shockwave ignored Starscream’s remark and kept walking - forcing himself to focus on the Seeker’s back instead of the prickles of phantom sensation along his helm and left arm. For a few seconds, Shockwave tried to wiggle his digits on his left before remembering that’s a cannon now and giving himself a mental shake. Keeping himself relaxed was… impossible, given the situation, but Shockwave refused to find himself in another fuge state. He didn’t need any more reminders of who he had been.
“If I am to be honest, it almost feels like the after-effects of a prolonged Cortical-Psychic patch.” He commented, digits tapping against his leg. “For me, at least. You are likely not as familiar with the dissociative symptoms it can cause as I am.”
If Shockwave had denta, he would probably be grinding them before he stopped abruptly again - except this time his field flared outward with excitement instead of clamping down to his frame. He didn’t speak, just pointed at what he had seen. A protoform, with clearly defined wing kibble.
“I’m familiar enough!” Starscream snapped, his sudden shout echoing off metal that was beginning to show irregular honeycombing with tunnels. He thrashed his wings and continued in a low growl. “You have only yourself to blame. You invented the blasted thing. At least you use it willingly, and not on the receiving end.”
He would likely have kept seething, but a palpable wave of excitement from Shockwave’s field got his attention. Following the scientist’s outstretched digit, Starscream’s eyes widened. “Is that…” He hopped a bit closer to the other, talons curled near his chest plate, suddenly wary of disturbing anything. Without realizing it, his voice had dropped to a whisper. “Is that a - a Seeker?”
Shockwave visibly flinched when Starscream shouted. He had forgotten, and the flattening of his antennae showed his emotional response. “You… are correct. I am sorry.” He said quietly. “There is a lot that I must answer for. I will not ask for forgiveness, because I do not believe I deserve it.”
He looked at the growing protoform again before nodding, antennae flicking in excitement. “It is. Young, weak, developing… but judging by my readings and the shape, it is or at least will be a Seeker.” He gestured slightly to the shape of the wings, also reluctant to touch. “The angle of the developing wing kibble means that in root mode, this sparkling will have a traditional Vosnian frametype, much like yours.”
Starscream did a double take, staring aghast at Shockwave when he… apologized? He was spared having to formulate a response when the scientist became caught up in the excitement of their discovery. Part of him - a small part - was willing to ignore a lot of what Shockwave had done if he could help the future of the Seekers in some way. He did owe them after all.
Even those considerations seemed to slip away as Starscream stared in wonder at the silvery, pointy form sticking out of the ground. He leaned near it, snapping his vents shut and clutching his hands together. The only possible disturbance was his wings softly fluttering, and he couldn’t help that. This was wonderful!
“Amazing!” he whispered. “It looks a bit like Cybermatter still, but yes, I can see what you mean, about the wing kibble. And… jointed wing roots, I think?” His own wings gave an extra flutter at that. Those joints would let the Seeker transform and fly, and also express itself through countless intricate movements. The protoform was beautiful, all angles and shining facets and spindly bundles of wiring beginning to form, and those clearly defined wing struts.
“How long will it take to finish forming?” Starscream asked, looking around as he began to think up plans for sneaking in here again to see it later.
Shockwave had knelt and was feeling the ground, judging how muck cybermatter the spark would still need, antennae flattened in concentration. As he drew his hand across the ground, a small crackle of energy could be heard, and Shockwave flinched backward before looking up at Starscream.
“In here, a few days. In my lab, if transported properly and provided enough cybermatter was transported and the spark survives, likely a few weeks.” Shockwave said, straightening up and regarding Starscream quietly. “… Is that a risk you are willing to take?”
Shockwave was not a religious mech. There was no logic behind attributing mystical abilities to the Primes, or even the core of Cybertron itself. Based on his cursory examination of Earth religions, Gods were all-powerful and did not die. Primus had done nothing to stop the war and had died with the planet - something Shockwave was quite intimately familiar with.
But even without any religious beliefs of his own, Shockwave understood that what he and Starscream were currently doing would be considered blasphemy. Of course, Shockwave was familiar enough with blasphemous actions - the Cortical Psychic Patch and the Predacons were excellent examples of that. What he was proposing would just be a step up from those, and Shockwave had always been dedicated to progress.
Starscream had let his attention wander, staring up at the tiny dot of sky at the top of the Well, wondering how well monitored things were down here, and Shockwave’s question registered only abstractly at first. “It would make it easier to avoid Autobot interference,” he muttered, tapping a talon against his chin and looking at the various tunnel openings near where they stood. Maybe they could even set up a sort of camp and greet the Seeker when it came online. A long moment passed.
Then a wing flicked and he whirled around. “Wait! WHAT?”
Shockwave waited for a few moments after Starscream spoke - calculating the survival chances of the sparkling if they removed it. There was about a 98% chance that the sparkling would survive, but there was at least a 99.98% chance Starscream would start shouting at him, and a 58% chance the Seeker would attack him. Shockwave decided he liked those odds and knelt down once more. He was fully aware Starscream was talking to himself, but he had already pulled a tool from his subspace and start cutting the protomatter around the sparkling.
He was about three-quarters of the way done with freeing the sparkling when Starscream turned around. Shockwave didn’t dare look up as he continued to free the protoform, but his antennae flicked when Starscream shouted. That was a little loud for his liking, but his calculations seemed to be correct - Starscream had started shouting.
“The spark is self sustaining. As long as enough cybermatter is removed with it, it should grow well enough.” Shockwave said, antennae sticking straight up when the circle he was cutting was complete.
Starscream emitted a high pitched sound, not exactly a screech, but not exactly a keen, and gripped his head in his talons. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing! Who would do something like this? Shockwave would. Obviously. Of course he would. Eventually the strangled screech gave way to sputtering as the Seeker struggled to form words, watching the scientist cut the last part of a neat circle around where the protoform had been rooted in the ground. He finally managed, “WHA- WH-WHAT DID YOU DO?!? PUT IT BACK!”
His wings thrashed up and down and he tried to vent steadily, but his fans were roaring with his growing hysterics. “How do you know how it will grow?!? You said you’ve never done this before! Just - just put it back!!!”
Shockwave carefully picked up the protoform, holding it carefully before using his cannon to support it so he could adjust his grip and hold it from the bottom. He seemed fairly passive in the face of Starscream shouting, but there was also the possibility he had just turned his audials off.
“I have used raw cybermatter and sparks before.” Shockwave said, raising his voice to speak over Starscream - resulting in an impressive rumble. “This Seeker will survive, but only if we get it back to the lab. Starscream, do you remember the way?”
As much as he was hesitant to relinquish control, Shockwave acknowledged that time was important, and Starscream was considerably faster than him… and he could fly.
Shockwave’s reassurance didn’t help. If anything it made this all seem even more insane, and got another high pitched whine out of Starscream. The next comment though, about the new Seeker’s survival, snapped him out of it. Of course they couldn’t put it back! Shockwave had hacked it out of the fertile metal of the Well and simply setting it in the hole it came from wouldn’t repair that.
Looking up and flicking his wings a few times, he nodded. “I know the way.” Starscream never forgot a place once he’d been there, as he formed detailed three-dimensional models in his mind and filed them in his navigation data. Walking wasn’t as good as flying, where his LiDAR built up precisely measured maps around him, that functionally expanded his proprioception and allowed him to maneuver in surprisingly tiny spaces, but he knew exactly where they had entered the Well, and which tunnel branches led back to Shockwave’s lab.
He gave one final, desperate look around the Well, and at Shockwave, and the protoform, before stepping up to the scientist, jabbing a talon at him, and hissing, “We’ll discuss this later!”
With that he transformed and hovered, finding that he hated Shockwave more and more with each passing second. Who knew that was possible?
“What am I supposed to do when I get there, Shockwave? Did you think this through at all?” He hated to admit that Shockwave held all the expertise in this area and he himself was next to useless in a biology lab. He was an astrophysicist, slaggit! Hopefully his rage and having to shout over his own engine would disguise the panic in his voice.
“You need to take the protoform to my lab. There is a tank in row Alpha that I have been keeping primed for a while. When you open it, there will be a prompt for a protocol. Use W-31-L. That will keep everything stable until I can arrive and adjust the parameters to the ideal situation for this individual.” Shockwave said back, switching to his comms so he wouldn’t have to shout over Starscream’s engine. Why Starscream hadn’t was a mystery to the scientist, but he suspected that the Seeker just needed to shout at him.
He leveled his optic at the jet’s sensors, antennae flattening out. “Of course I thought this through.” Shockwave replied, acid creeping into his tone. “Why else would I have the proper tools with me?”
No, Shockwave had not initially planned on doing this. No, the situation was not ideal… but Shockwave did have a plan. Of course he did. Who else had the spare time to figure out how to take a protoform from the well and complete its growth artificially? Who else had intimate knowlege of the tunnels that crisscrossed just below the surface of Cybertron? His exile had been long, but Shockwave had been anything but idle while he was trapped on the dead planet.
“YOU HAD TOOLS AND A TANK READY AND WAITING?!?” That actually drowned out the roar of his engine, and even as he switched to comms, his outrage came through loud and clear. “You brought up the possibility of new Seekers so I would come down here and be your shuttle didn’t you?!?”
Wasting only a little time seething, he flipped his cockpit open and hovered a little lower. “Fine! I’ll get everything started. Don’t take too long, and don’t stop along your way back to cause any more trouble! And don’t touch anything in there!” Starscream hoped he wouldn’t notice that beside the couple of snacks he usually carried in his cockpit, he also held a little note from Phoenix, etched into sturdy foil as she practiced her Vosnian calligraphy, or at least not read it. Shockwave would pay for this indignity. Still… As much as he hated the scientist for manipulating him, and for endangering this new Seeker, no matter how confident he was in his abilities to grow it in a tank, Starscream was on board with the idea of having their own shot at the next generation, away from Autobot influence. It didn’t make him any happier with present circumstances though.
Shockwave weighed his options. He could tell the truth and tell Starscream he hadn’t exactly planned on doing this today, just that he had the plan, or he could lie and tell Starscream that yes, he did plan this. Or he could stay silent. Shockwave decided on that option and just waited until Starscream was done shouting at him and had his cockpit open.
He carefully set the protoform inside, choosing a place that was padded and protected, optic glancing over some of the items before backing up and nodding to Starscream. “Understood. I shall follow you as close as I can.”
Shockwave could make no guarantees about not stopping and ‘making more trouble’. He’d already cut a protoform out of the Well, shaving off a small section of cybermatter just in case more was needed couldn’t hurt, could it? It would have to be taken from the surrounding area to take without any extra intervention on Shockwave’s part.
Starscream could probably tell by the look in his optic that he was planning something again, Shockwave mused, before nodding to the Seeker to signal he could leave.
Starscream had no confidence at all that Shockwave wouldn’t do some other idiotic thing if he was left unsupervised, but there was no time to worry about that right now. The protoform in his cockpit needed to be placed in a life support system as soon as possible.
Sweeping his sensors over Shockwave one last time, he increased his thrust and gained altitude. Ordinarily, Starscream would point this nose up and switch his thrust to the back, rocketing skyward at an impressive speed. He didn’t know what sort of tolerances the fragile little seeker he carried had though, so he opted to stay level, gaining height only by means thrust vectoring. It was tiring and maddeningly slow, but it seemed safer, and it was still much faster than walking.
After what seemed like forever, Starscream drew even with the tunnel they’d come from. He finally increased his speed as he flew forward, steering around turns and down passageways, his LiDAR scanning and filling in the map he held in his mind.
Just up ahead was the broken tank Shockwave had lamented over. They were almost to the lab!
Once there, Starscream hovered in place for a moment before transforming as low and level and possible. He hoped the movement didn’t upset anything as he opened up his cockpit, hesitating for a moment before touching the tiny formation of metal inside. As his talons closed around the bottom of it, around the Cybermatter that Shockwave had cut, he shivered.
Holding the protoform up to the light, Starscream checked it over with wide optics. It appeared exactly as it had when he’d first looked at it, none the worse for the trip, and as he looked he was struck again by how beautiful it was.
“Hang on a minute,” he told it, holding it against his chestplate with one hand as he approached the prepared tank and accessed the controls. The side of the tank opened up with a soft hiss of breaking seals, and Starscream carefully set the protoform down inside. He trailed the back of one talon along the little wingstruts before withdrawing his hand and entering the protocol Shockwave had given him. Powering up slowly, the tank began emitting a hum that hopefully meant it was sustaining the functions that should have been happening inside the Well.
Venting, Starscream flicked his wings and began pacing, keeping an eye on the tunnel entrance where Shockwave would appear. He better not take too long.
Shockwave watched Starscream leave before turning his attention to the hole the protoform had left. Kneeling down to examine it, Shockwave decided yes, he was going to collect more cybermatter and picked up the tool once more to begin cutting. When he decided he had enough, he stowed it all in his subspace before turning around and heading back up and out of the Well.
He paused at the entrance he and Starscream had used to transform and begin driving. Unlike Starscream, Shockwave had no internal map systems. He just had every turn and bump memorized.
It felt good to drive again. To feel his treads pressed to the metal of Cybertron’s tunnels as his processor returned to the protoform a considerable amount of time before his frame did. It had been too long since Shockwave had done something like this, he mused, a pleased thrum coming from his engine as he drove. He should probably apologize to Starscream though, even if the Seeker didn’t believe him.
It took Shockwave a while to return. He hadn’t paid much attention to the passing of time while he was collecting raw cybermatter, but he tried to make up for lost time by driving faster than he usually did. The echoing roar of his engine announced his arrival, and Shockwave transformed and stood once he was past the threshold of his lab - marked by a change in surface texture - and walked over to the tank - engine still rumbling in his chest as his armor loosened slightly to let the heat out.
Starscream was probably going to yell at him again, Shockwave thought as he began taking the raw cybermatter out of his subspace so it could go in proper storage.
At the first rumble of Shockwave’s engine, Starscream’s hiked up, and he waited by the tunnel entrance until the scientist came roaring into his lab.
“Took you long enough!,” he squawked, moving alongside Shockwave as he transformed and kept walking. Starscream followed him, glaring up at the taller mech all the way back to the tank. “Well? Hurry up and make your adjustments!?”
His anger at Shockwave for this whole debacle, and for making him a gofer once again, mixed with his own fears for the protoform and doubts that he’d secured it properly into a perfect storm of bristling conniption, barely held together and directed at trying to get Shockwave to do what he wanted, to take back some measure of control here.
None of that was helped by the scientist nonchalantly taking more Cybermatter out of his subspace. Starscream’s optics widened and he stepped in front of Shockwave, flaring his wings up. “You stopped for more samples?!? Time is of the essence here, Shockwave! Put that down and check on the protoform!”
Shockwave waited for Starscream to stop squawking to speak, looking at him quietly while placing the Cybermatter in storage. “Starscream. These samples come from the area directly around the protoform. If there is not enough material in what I initially cut, the protoform could fail to develop. I collected these samples to create a surplus so that we could guarantee a healthy Seeker.”
Hopefully Starscream would be pacified by that reasoning. Yes, Shockwave had also just wanted some cybermatter to experiment on, but the initial intent had been for the protoform. Calmly, he headed to the tank that the protoform was in and began checking over the settings, before making one small adjustment.
“You did well. All it needed was a slightly higher ion concentration.” Shockwave said, looking over at Starscream. “It should grow to become a healthy Seeker.”
He was silent for a moment as he watched the protoform before turning to face Starscream fully. “I must apologize.”
As Shockwave calmly explained why he got more Cybermatter, Starscream’s wings twitched but his scowl softened to more of a sulk. “I suppose that’s…logical,” he muttered. Of course it was, but he hated to admit it. He preferred to stay angry at Shockwave.
He brightened, however, at the scientist’s praise. Biology had never been his strong suit, or even one of his interests, so he was relieved to hear that he’d done well. For a while he just looked through the glass at the tiny formation of alloys suspended in the ionized metal solution, then he flicked a wing. Shockwave was looking at him.
Starscream turned and looked up just as Shockwave apologized, and for a moment he froze on the spot. It was the last thing he expected, and he was at a loss. As usual when other responses failed him, he defaulted to anger, but it didn’t build, like the first weak winds of summer before the sun and metal heated the air enough to lift blackout clouds of rust into the sky. As much as he hated Shockwave, and resented being manipulated and used as a gofer, he really couldn’t be upset at how things had turned out. Finally he mustered up a surly “Yes, you must,” before turning away, talons closing into fists.
“What were you thinking? Luckily it’s still healthy, but you could have killed it. And don’t make me do your dirty work.” He glanced down at his cockpit. He’d never given anyone a ride before, and didn’t appreciate being used as a shuttle.
Finally he looked up at Shockwave, optics hard and narowed. “I don’t think I need stress how invested I am in the future of the Seekers, and how much you owe us. Do. Not. Fail.” After once last glare, he let his wings fall slightly, letting out a shaky vent. “Heh, I hate to say it, but I have every confidence in your ability to do this. I suppose we’re in this together. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of doing this, when I worry over what the Autobots are doing with the new Seekers, but seriously? You’re an idiot.”
Shockwave’s antennae flattened slightly as Starscream berated him. Yes, it was well-deserved, but the scientist still felt himself become irritated when Starscream began insulting his thought processes.
He started to speak, a weak attempt to interrupt Starscream before falling silent when Starscream reminded him of how much he owed Seekers. Shockwave was well aware what he did, and although it didn’t weigh as heavily on his spark as Starscream probably would’ve wanted it to, Shockwave did feel a flicker of something that could possibly be remorse.
Every expressive point on his frame moved when Starscream called him an idiot - thought process broken as his antennae went flat while the fins on his back flared up - reminiscent of an angry Earth cat.
“Excuse me?!” Shockwave demanded, optic flaring. “Yes, this may have lacked a certain amount of proper planning and discussion, but I am in no way an idiot.”
Starscream’s wings flared to match the difference in his size compared to Shockwave. “Really? Ripping a protoform out of the Well and then going ‘hey Starscream fly this to my lab’ seemed reasonable to you? And don’t tell me it was logical just because I’m fast enough to do it.” He pointed a talon at Shockwave. “You tricked me into helping you! And you put that protoform in danger, I don’t care what odds you calculated for it working. You couldn’t be sure.” The high note of fear in his own voice cut him off. It was all right - the new Seeker was safe, and hadn’t he just admitted to Shockwave that he had pondered doing this himself? The shock of witnessing the fragile protoform cut from its place of birth simply hadn’t worn off yet.
Venting, he slid his palm down his face and let his hand fall against his leg with a clang before continuing in as level a tone as he could. Shockwave had apologized after all. But he was being obtuse. “Just… look. I’m not saying you’re not intelligent. Did you miss where I said I have every confidence you can do this? But we really are in this together now, and you need to think before just doing things, and inform me. Especially if it involves me having to do something to make the plan work. I know Megatron gave you free reign to make this planet your scientific playground when he left, but we have to be more careful now.” Perhaps that was it. Shockwave wasn’t used to being a team player, or even faking it.
Shockwave actually took a step back. Starscream was smaller and slimmer than him, but Shockwave had no delusions about his ability to fight Starscream off. He was too slow and bulky. If he took Starscream off guard, perhaps, but in such close quarters Starscream’s talons could puncture glass and armor and get to vital components. He dipped his helm and looked away.
“You are correct. The chance the protoform would be damaged or not survive existed, and still exists. I should have discussed it with you.” Shockwave looked at Starscream, trying to decide what would be the best to say.
“Your assumption is, for the most part, accurate.” He said after a moment of musing silently. “I am… unaccustomed to working with others. From now on I will attempt to discuss any and all projects that you may play a part in with you.”
The scientist fidgeted with his cannon for a few moments before awkwardly reaching out, hesitating, and then giving Starscream a single pat on the shoulder. It almost seemed that Shockwave was pleased with himself as he looked at the protoform again, resting his hand on the glass in a way that could almost be described as loving before he abruptly began speaking again.
“I forget, sometimes, that not everyone processes things the way I do.” Shockwave admitted. “I know that’s not an excuse. It’s just a fact that I wanted you to know.”
That step back was gratifying, as was the averted optic. Respect at last, even if he did have to fight for it. Equilibrium somewhat restored, Starscream folded his arms on his chestplate and listened to the rest of Shockwave had to say. When the scientist admitted something he particularly liked, his wings bobbed a little.
“That’s all I ask,” he said, sweeping his talons behind his back and lightly gripping one wrist in his other hand. “I like to run a tight ship… so to speak.”
He kept his hands where they were when Shockwave reached for him, not sure what happening. He simply froze, plating flaring out until he was almost bristling. Stilling his vents and overriding his combat protocols as they tried to boot - he didn’t want a real fight on his hands - he kept his optics locked on that servo as it… patted his pauldron? A single brief thump, and then Shockwave turned to his experiment.
For a long moment all Starscream could do was flick his wings and shift his shoulders, trying to make sense of the odd feeling of asymmetry that came over him. He finally cycled his vents and turned to the tank as well, glad of the distraction from the increasingly awkward conversation.
Stepping up beside Shockwave, but not within patting distance, he straightened his wings. “We are very different mechs, that’s for sure. I admit I get… reactive… when I lack control and stand to lose something.” He kept his optics focused on the small metal shape within the tank, letting his own reflection stay blurred. That had been the story of his life these last few million years, having his control eroded away and losing more and more. Losing everything. Shockwave had been, if not the ultimate cause, then at least Megatron’s instrument in the worst of those losses, and yet Starscream was about to admit something to him. I can’t lose this. No…
“This is important.” He laid a hand on the glass, the movement bringing his exhausted reflection into focus.
Shockwave rumbled quietly when Starscream spoke. He was reluctant to defer to the Seeker, but Shockwave took a vent in to remind himself that Starscream was the authority on Seekers, and everything that came with them beyond biology.
He tried to stop staring at Starscream, but the Seeker’s movements were remarkably distracting, and fascinating to watch. The pat seemed to have thrown him for a loop, and Shockwave’s antennae flicked in amusement for a few moments.
“I… Understand, to some extent.” He said quietly. “We both desire control and dislike giving it up. That much is something I can comprehend.”
The scientist looked at Starscream for a few more moments before turning away and starting to walk deeper into his lab, returning a few moments later with some energon cubes.
Still staring into the tank, Starscream gave a slight nod. Shockwave had a point about that one similarity they shared. In many ways the two of them were opposites, but that desired control was a trait that overlapped, and where they overlapped, they clashed.
He didn’t notice Shockwave walking away, as he was lost in his own thoughts. Control. Giving up control was bad enough, but having it taken… Starscream tried to think back to the last time he’d truly felt like he was in control, not just of situations or people, but of himself and what would happen to him. Recently he’d felt warm flickers of security, but it had been a long time… He was used to everything being a fight. He wondered briefly if Shockwave thought so too. Just because he had Megatron’s favor didn’t mean he was secure. There was no question their former master had fueled their rivalry. But where did they stand now?
When he heard Shockwave come back, he looked up at him, then down at the cubes in his hand, surprised. His wings twitched down slightly.
“The fuel is not doctored.” Shockwave said, antennae flicking slightly. There was no offense in his tone - if he were Starscream he wouldn’t trust himself either. “I can sample both to assure you.”
It almost seemed that Shockwave wanted to continue the discussion about control, but didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. Starscream’s suspicion was correct - Megatron’s favor did nothing for Shockwave’s security.
Megatron had never hit him. He had never verbally berated the scientist or set him up for failure. To an outsider, it looked like Megatron did nothing but support Shockwave and his projects, and to some extent, that was true… but the gladiator-turned-warlord had figured out that Shockwave’s respect had bordered on adoration.
Every approved project, every support for a depraved experiment was essentially just stringing Shockwave along, even if the scientist had never admitted the one-sided affection to himself. Affection was an emotion, and therefore illogical.
Shockwave considered speaking again, but decided against it and simply set the cubes down.
Starscream’s wings twitched again as he picked up a cube and slowly swirled it, eyeing the fuel appreciatively. The long hike into the Well and his subsequent flight in hover mode had drained quite a bit of his reserves. For now though, he merely tapped a talon on the edge of it and glanced up at Shockwave with a slight smirk. “No, of course not.” The remark sounded more sarcastic than it really was. The thought that the Energon might be doctored had occurred to him, of course, as it often did when anyone beside himself prepared his fuel, but not enough to be a real suspicion. “I was actually more… surprised.” He vented.
“I suppose things are different now. Not just because of this discovery, but… since Megatron left.” Forcing from his mind the appalling twinge of uncertainty and abandonment that still crept in with that memory, he turned to face Shockwave fully, his wings open and frank. “What I mean is, with him out of the picture, we don’t have to worry about his whims. We might even… aid each other. I’m willing to consider your past actions against my interests, and my people, Megatron’s doing, and I know you can see the growth of this protoform safely through. If anyone can, you can.” If Shockwave had indeed also been pressured by Megatron, or even if their former master had simply suggested Starscream’s people as targets on which scientist could indulge his worst impulses, then the Seeker might - not forgive, never that - but perhaps consider the chapter where they were enemies closed. At least for now. Shockwave was still capable of anything. Letting his wings settle a little lower, he turned back to the glass of the tank.
“As I said, Shockwave, this is important. Personally.” He tried to disguise the shiver that ran down his wings at even that small admission. Hadn’t everything personally important to him been used to hurt him? He didn’t trust Shockwave not to use that knowledge against him, but he did trust, perhaps, in the illogic of harming an interesting project simply to antagonize a rival. Assuming that’s what they even were, anymore. Finally he simply raised his cube. “Oh, and I appreciate the fuel.” He took a sip, turning back to the protoform and quietly allowing his processor to at least try and make sense of everything that had happened today.
Shockwave barely registered Starscream’s sarcastic tone - it sounded the same as the Seeker’s regular speaking voice to him - before he turned his focus to what Starscream was saying. He mused over the proposal presented to him before slowly nodding.
“I still do not trust you, Starscream, but I do agree.” Shockwave decided. “We had been pitted against each other. Megatron enjoyed manipulating the both of us. I believed that it was so we would improve each other’s skills, but now I realize that it was not the case.”
He looked at Starscream, silently admiring the way the Seeker was built. Shockwave always could appreciate a well-built mech, be it for power or speed. Of course his silent appreciation would probably just look like he was mentally dissecting Starscream, which he technically was.
“I believe assuring the survival of Seekers…” he paused, picking up his fuel to stare at it. “There is no way I can fully atone for my actions, even if it was Megatron’s will I still went through with it. I still took pride in my work. I still massacred your people… and for that I am sorry.”
He looked at the protoform again. “And I know nothing I will ever say or do will ever make it right.”
Starscream tilted his cube and flicked a wing in acknowledgement of Shockwave not trusting him. The sentiment was, of course, mutual. He took another sip of his fuel, hoping he seemed casual all the while wishing Shockwave would stop staring at him. Even with a truce of sorts, Shockwave scared the Seeker, so much that his wings twitched for any movement of air to give him takeoff data.
When Shockwave finally changed the subject, and the focus of his attention, Starscream looked up at him, wings edging closer together in confusion. Of all the mecha he might expect to speak of atonement and making things right - a very short list indeed among his circle of associates - Shockwave would surprise him most. And yet here he was.
It was unbelievable, yet Shockwave wasn’t known to lie… Which made what he said even more presumptuous. “I’m well past looking for things to be made right…,” Starscream hissed at last, wrapping both hands around his cube and staring into the tank. If that sounded cold, it was. For all his dreams of winning and rebuilding, Starscream had always known nothing would ever be the same again. He’d stared into that void for eons, at a loss so monumental that Shockwave even bringing up the possibility of atonement was as ridiculous as it was insulting.
“Since it took you this long to notice what Megatron was doing, allow me to be crystal clear, so there’s no more confusion. If you’re suddenly interested in assuring the survival of the Seekers, then fine. Make it one of your science projects - if you can bring monsters back from the dead, you can transfer that skill. If you’re sorry,” he angled his wings sharply, broadcasting his skepticism in case his sneer wasn’t clear enough, “then don’t screw this up.” He swept his hand toward the tank then turned away slightly. “We’re in this together now, and I won’t pretend I’m not eager to have a Seeker away from the influence of the Autobots. They don’t even have anyone who can teach them to land, let alone… teach them about Vos.” Flicking a wing, he stopped talking, realizing he was rambling and not willing to expose himself further to Shockwave’s…. whatever it was. Sympathy? Remorse? Pity? Now wasn’t the time to think about that, nor recalculate how to deal with a Shockwave who said such ridiculous things.
“But that’s none of your concern. I know you can get this Seeker to grow healthy, so consider that a start on all these amends you wish you could make.”
“You misinterpret me.” Shockwave rumbled in reply. “I hold no delusions for redemption, or even making amends. I know what I did and I know that you hate me for it. My attempt to apologize was simply that - an attempt that I performed despite the 99.98% chance that you would reject it. It seems that during my isolation I regained some emotional capacity, and whatever it is that I feel is trying to drive me towards being something else, no matter how illogical it is. So I look for a project. Something that will allow me to be myself once more.”
He turned away from the tank and once more fixed Starscream with his dissecting stare, tracing over wing struts and joints before settling on looking at Starscream’s face. “It is only logical that I use the Trypticon data and combine it with Project Predacon to revive your kind. If you would be willing to donate an energon sample, I could… speed things along.”
The way Shockwave paused as he spoke and gestured slightly at some of the other tanks made his intent painfully clear. He was willing to take Starscream’s CNA and combine it with other strains of code he still had samples of to try and create more Seekers, without the influence of the Allspark. It seemed that for all his talk of regaining emotions and belief he was changing, Shockwave remained who he was, and always had been. The only thing he had really lost was the sense of morality that had kept his sadistic side in check, and that was unlikely to ever return.
War twists morals, particularly of those who believe the ends justify the means.
Starscream had been about to sneer something about them being on the same page for once, but it died away as he shifted nervously. Shockwave was staring at him again. His wings twitched down, away from the unnerving scrutiny.
When the scientist spoke, he actually took a step back, optics widening as the implications sank in. His gaze followed Shockwave’s gesture, darting over empty - and waiting - tanks before snapping back to that single unwavering eye. Cloned Seekers. Based on him… He’d done that hadn’t he, cloned himself? Shockwave could do more than that…. Starscream hadn’t believed him when he said he wanted to revive the Seekers, but he apparently had a plan already! For a moment he was tempted, but he forced the thought into the depths of his drives where it belonged. Nothing would be so simple with Shockwave, not when he was talking about Trypticon and Project Predacon.
It took him a moment to reset his vocalizer, to voice a question echoed from long ago on Trypticon. “Wh- where will you get… Spark?” The last word was barely a whisper, and he stared past Shockwave, trying to force the images of his old station crew from his mind, Seekers bound and mutilated, looking to him to do something as Megatron handed them over as test subjects. Remembered helplessness threatened to overwhelm him, and he searched for something in the here and now to ground himself and regain control. He blinked, and the first thing he saw was the tiny protoform suspended in the tank. That didn’t help.
His wings dropped and he shook his head, edging further away and trying without success to keep his voice from creaking higher in fear. He covered that by getting louder. “Absolutely not! Don’t be hasty, Shockwave. We know the Well is producing Seekers, and we have this one of our own.” Mind racing, he cast about for something that might keep this stolen Seeker safe while it was confined to Shockwave’s lab, at Shockwave’s mercy. “Let’s…. let’s see how this one develops. As a control! Before you start splicing CNA and doing whatever it is you do.” Hopefully that would be logical. Hopefully he wouldn’t fail another Seeker before it even had a chance to begin.
Shockwave listened and nodded as Starscream spoke. He seemed scared about something, but Shockwave was unable to process the reason. It was probably him, just based on statistics. It was clearly obvious that Shockwave remained proud of his achievements, even though they had been at the cost of Starscream’s people.
“I would… fracture my own.” Shockwave told Starscream, answering his question about sparks. “I already did so for the first predacon, Predaking, so I am… familiar what happens. All it would do is jump-start the frames… they would eventually develop full sparks during the process. It would be the least I could do. My lifespan would be considerably shortened, of course…”
This time the way Shockwave stared at Starscream was different. He wasn’t dissecting, but observing. Trying to judge if what he had said was the right thing. Flattened antennae and sloped down shoulders were the only two visible signs to what Shockwave was feeling. In his own helm, it was impossible for Shockwave to tell himself what emotion it was, but if he linked to someone with the cortical psychic patch, they would know that he was guilty, wishing he could be remorseful, but finding himself unable to.
Shockwave wanted to help, but there was no way for him to do so. So he dipped his helm when Starscream told him to use the protoform as a control. Yes, everything in his lab was at his mercy… but he was doing his best to defer to Starscream as he best he could.
Starscream’s wings shivered in fascinated horror as Shockwave confirmed his suspicions about how Predaking was brought to life. The other news, about how the Spark fragment would heal into a complete Spark with its own unique code, was something he already knew, and had done, though he couldn’t brag about it without turning Shockwave’s obscene curiosity in Phoenix’s direction. He rubbed a talon against his chin as he thought over the implications of Shockwave fracturing his own Spark. New Seekers and he would die sooner? Splitting Sparks was also agonizing…
“You do make it sound appealing…” Starscream said with a flippant cant of his wings. He turned and faced Shockwave fully, noting that little nod about keeping the protoform as a control. “Consider me intrigued. But I want to think about it, and like I said, we have time. This one is our first priority.”
Shockwave leveled a glare in Starscream’s direction before turning away and heading towards the tank to look at the protoform. “Understandable. Is there anything else you want discuss, or are we finished here?”
He wasn’t bothering to look at Starscream anymore. The Vosnian looked entirely too smug for Shockwave’s liking, and he absently rubbed his chest as the remembered agony of carving off a sliver of his spark for Predaking’s.
Starscream watched Shockwave walk away, wings still twitching as he turned over the day’s events and their countless questions and variables in his mind. “No,” he said at last. “We’re done here.”
He stepped to a side of the tank away from Shockwave but not directly facing him, for as private a moment as he could get to look at the protoform. Now that his fears for it, between the risk of cutting it from the Well and of leaving it with Shockwave, had cooled to a simmer in his Spark, he stared through the glass and simply appreciated. It was so beautiful, a mystery that he and Shockwave may well have been some of the only people to have ever seen. No, he wasn’t upset at all with how things had turned out, though he was upset with Shockwave and always would be. Still, the two of them had a lot of work ahead of them, and would have to get along.
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