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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Golden Blonde Hair Hair Colour and Smoothing Treatment on the same day. #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #smoothingtreatment #suite48inbeverlyhills #beverlyhillshairsalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #beverlyhillshaircolorist (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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callalilysalon · 7 years ago
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Because we care about your kids delicate skin! Hydrating and healthy for the most tender of skins. Fragrance free, dye free, paraben free, and formaldehyde free. #kidslotion #kidsskincare #parabenfree #formaldahydefree #fragrancefree #dyefree #cranberryseed #greentea #jojobaoil #coconutoil #skincare #bidycare #lotion #callalilycosmetics
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princedukemedia · 8 years ago
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First 10 people to Pre-order your Blowout Series by April 20th will receive a complimentary blowout by the creator herself. www.labellapearl.com @labella_pearl #betterblowouts #labellapearlblowoutseries #blowoutextender #noharshchemicals #noparabens #nosulfates #healthyhair #b5 #12bionutrients #hair #naturalhair #longhair #ethnicsideofbeauty #allhairtypeswelcome #formaldahydefree #ethnichair #loveyourhairagain #hairgrowth #betterblowouts #love #beauty #fab #curlyorstraight #frizzfree #healthyroutine #blow (at Future Africa Foundation. FA Media, Radio & TV.)
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patricialynnhair · 6 years ago
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Smoothie SMOOTH... #formaldahydefree #frizzfree #healthyhair #nomorefrizz #damagedhair #crueltyfree #crueltyfreebeauty #beverlyhillssalon #lasalon #losangelessalon #lahairstylist #lahair #beverlyhillshair #lastyle #smoothingtreatment #frizzyhairproblems #frizzfreecurls #salonrepublic #salonlife #hairdresser #hairinspiration #americansalon #hairbrained_official #haireducation #hairblogger #hairgoals (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXlQVTgT3u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kfhlk917nsdv
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patricialynnhair · 5 years ago
House Calls are a normal for me. I will be waiving my normal travel fee’s till the end of April. I also, have a private 2 chair studio in Beverly Hills. I under my part of cleanliness. Prices are on my website. To schedule an appointment text (310)384-9360
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Before N After Smoothing Treatment Model. Curly frizz hair can now have a bit of control. #controlledfrizz #frizzfreehair #smoothhair #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #beverlyhillshair #lahair #goodhair #healthyhair #hairstylist #brunettehair #smoothnotstraight #lotsofhair #beverlyhillshairstylist #lahairstylist (at Fairmont San Jose)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Before N After Smoothing Treatment Model. Curly frizz hair can now have a bit of control. #controlledfrizz #frizzfreehair #smoothhair #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #beverlyhillshair #lahair #goodhair #healthyhair #hairstylist #brunettehair #smoothnotstraight #lotsofhair #beverlyhillshairstylist #lahairstylist (at Fairmont San Jose)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Before N After Smoothing Treatment Model. Curly frizz hair can now have a bit of control. #controlledfrizz #frizzfreehair #smoothhair #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #beverlyhillshair #lahair #goodhair #healthyhair #hairstylist #brunettehair #smoothnotstraight #lotsofhair #beverlyhillshairstylist #lahairstylist (at Fairmont San Jose)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
It starts with clarifying shampoo... #startingtheprocess #smoothingtreatment #formaldahydefree #smoothnotstraight #shampooingmymodelinthekitchen #kitchenhairiswhatIdo #hairshow2018 #studentunderground #snapchat #whipmag #educatingabouthair (at Business Expo Center)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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My smoothing treatment MODEL @Student Underground by: @PaulBarry #smoothingtreatmentmodel #myhairmodel #morganrathsam #blondehair #keratintreatment #formaldahydefree #studentunderground #studentundergroundhairshow #paulbarry #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #smoothnotstraight #hairshow2018 #beautyinspo (at Business Expo Center)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Men’s Keratin SMOOTHING Treatment #keratintreatmentmens #smoothingtreatment #100%formaldahydefreesmoothingtreatment #menshairfashion #supercurlymenshair #straightmenshair #curlyhairissues #texturedandcurly #formaldahydefree #trustedsalon #smoothnotstraight (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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callalilysalon · 7 years ago
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Featured color is Hot To Trot. All Calla lily colors are #formaldahydefree and safe from the toxic 10 chemicals that cause nails to be dry and brittle. Choose a healthier polish solution! #healthyliving #nailpolishaddict #pedicure #ontrend #vegan #mineral #summertoes (at Chicago, Illinois)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Keratin Treatment on a consistent bases make your hair 😉 soft and smooth. Every 4 months we schedule Amie to re-treat her hair. #cezanneprofessional #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #beverlyhillskeratintreatment #formaldahydefree #smoothnotstraighthair #curlygirlhair #smoothgirlhair #myfrizzyhair #lahair #beverlyhillshair #salonrepublicsuite111 #cezannesmoothingtreatment (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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Smooth and Shiny is what happens after a smoothing treatment. Condensing the bulk and pumping up the compromised ends with Keratin and Protien. Creating frizz Free hair for my girl Mariel. #frizzfreehairgoals #frizzyhairproblems #healingthehair #smoothhairstudio #smoothingtreatments #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #aftersmoothingtreatment #dontwashfor3days (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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No more FRIZZ please... Some of us have hair that you can wake up and go. Others of us just can’t seem to figure out a simple way to maintain frizz. I figured out a way to concur frizz but, still being able to wear your hair Curly. Just a much less frizzier curl. #softhair #hairhelp #letmehelpyouwithyourfrizzyhair #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #nosmoke #nocloud #keratintreatment #smoothingtreatments #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnlaashairco (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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patricialynnhair · 7 years ago
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5th Treatment Ami My treatments concur uncontrolled frizz. Longevity of a smoothing treatment is from 8 weeks to 6months. Completely depending on how often you wash your hair. Also, texture and bulk of the hair has a lot to do with how long each treatment will last. Ami is books ahead every 5 months. After a few treatments on the regular we are trying to smooth twice a year. #smoothhair #smoothingtreatment #frizzfreehair #formaldahydefree #100%formaldahydefree #smoothnotstraight #keratintreatment #options #hairoptions #curlygirlhair #smoothhair #patricialynnlaas #patricialynnhair #patricialynnlaashairco #salonrepublicbh (at Patricia Lynn Laas HairCo)
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