#forgive me tohru
fashionredalert ยท 3 years
Writing prompts
Hey, its the anon from earlier who requested the latest prompt. Ok, so I really don't mean to be rude, and you really can ignore this if you want, no probs, but um.. I guess I would sort of kind of like it if you showed us your ideas before you posted that one? like, I mean the super angsty ones before you chose to post the fluffy one. (That was really good, by the way, It's not that I didn't like it or anything, I really, really did, but when you said angst, and...) I got really curious when you said angst and i started wondering what kind of angst and well... I'm sorry if I took up any of your time for you to be reading this whole tirade, but, well I suppose what I'm TRYING to say, is that I would really appreciate it if you could...I've already said that. Well, um, you get the point. Again, you may ignore this! I will understand and not get mad, or petty or anything. I'm very sorry to inconvenience you! Thank you in advance! Even if you didn't do it, thank you for the previous oneshot! Sorry, now I'm rambling...
Hewhwhew you like that angst huh? Don't worry anon, angst is what I live for ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ
Don't apologize anon! It's 100000% okay! I'm not offended or mad I promise! I'm just shocked someone was actually curious!
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Just a fair warning this post might get a little long.
Idea 1. The scene was set up like this Yuki and kyo had met that night in the snow at the banquet but instead of getting angry Kyo decided to stay silent because he was trying to mirror Kazuma and his calmness in the face of an opponent. So he stays quiet and grits his teeth as Yuki gets the courage to approach closer and he talks to kyo about how he wants to be friends. Kyo is shocked and feels like he's being tricked again so he decides to play along with Yuki's game thinking he'll win.
It wasn't a game, and the abuse with Akito only gets worse as time goes on because Yuki draws strength from his friendship with kyo and he stays with Akito longer than he does in the series because he relies so much on that bond. Meanwhile Kyo slowly realizes what was happening and feels terrible and doesn't know what to do or say so he says nothing and runs away because he can't handle the guilt of being wrong and at fault.
Anyway the scene was that Kyo returns from the mountains he ran away to and tries to free Yuki who is in a terrible mental state after being locked in that dark room at first doesn't recognize Kyo and is begging him "Don't look". And Kyo is trying to comfort him and take him out of the room, telling him "it's just me, it's just me."
Idea 2: around the time Akito takes Kyos beads and leaves him transformed in the room, calling him ugly and disgusting and a monster Yuki had heard the cat was in the area and had snuck off to find him. He had hid in that room and was there rhe whole time kyo was forcefully transformed. When Akito leaves Yuki slowly creeps out and kyo screams "Don't look" and Yuki can only say helplessly "it's just me."
Kyo doesn't know at that moment Yuki is the rat and Yuki doesn't want to tell him for fear of loosing Kyo because from that moment they had become friends because Yuki was the first to ever look at kyos true form and accept it.
Idea 3. Kyo gets locked up and it's been years and something went wrong when Hatori had erased his memories and one day the door gets wrenched open and kyo is screaming "Don't look" because all he ever knew was that he was ugly and a monster and Yuki desperately tries to to calm him down by saying "it's just me." But kyo doesn't recognize who he is.
Yuki gets him out and rhe rest of the idea got away from me with scenes of Yuki trying to help Kyo regain who he once was.
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