#forest wtich
emmanuellececchi · 10 months
Thought on Tolkien...
Which is certainly NOT original. But I don't care. I had this tought this morning while preparing the kids to go to school.
Tolkien celebrate the small things in life. LOTR is a celebration of small pleasure, small details that can changes life.
Look at the hobbits, all that is said about them, their life, their habbits... and this is from this place, the Shire, that came 5 (Don't forget Bilbo) individuals who, with their courage and love and friendship, changed the world.
Frodo and Sam, their friendship, Sam love's for Frodo but also for all that is simple in life. Frodo with his love for his uncle and for the Shire and for Sam and his friends.
Merry and Pippin with their loves for their friends, first Frodo then the whole company. They moved a moutnain, a more precisely, an entire forest. By being themselfs, by talking about things that were and are no more, by their smile and saddeness.
Pippin changed things by his love for Faramir, his love for his friends in general, by just wanting to help and do things right.
Merry with his desire to help his friends, going with Eowyn. He does not fight the Witch King for glory, but only to help Eowyn.
And Eowyn? When she fight the Wtich King, it's not for glory either, it's not for the men to sing her deeds. No, it's for the love of Theoden. For the love of this man.
Yes, Aragorn and Eomer and Gandalf and Legolas and Faramir and Boromir and Gimli, they fight the good fight, for duties, for their country and countrymen, for the light to shine again, to destroy evil. But even then, they also do it for love. For the love of their friends among other love.
And lets not forget Fredegar Bolger and all those who fought in the Shire.
It is a simplistic view of LOTR? Certainly. I certainly forgot nuances an details, aspect of this and that. But, looking around me in this actual world, I am thinking it is still relevant.
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
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zoeflake · 4 years
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Victoria Francés
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leafydryad · 4 years
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There is so much wisdom to be found when aligning ourselves with the river spirit. She does not force herself through, yet does not hold back her swell. A mystery we’ve built our civilizations upon.  
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areyouanirishwitch · 8 years
Altar Offering - Health and Beauty
Our health is something we do not think about when we are well. When the trundle pedal moves easy and the stitches of our life are tight and straight we pay no mind to all the moving pieces, but it is important to recognise our good health and to give thanks for it. Here is a flower fascinator that you can place on your altar, bedside table, or mantle as an offering for good health and beauty.
You Will Need
Carnation, Evening Primrose, and Yarrow Flowers (in any combination and quantity)
Twine or string
A bowl of water
If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.
Loosely gather your flowers, about a small handful should suffice, in any combination. Carnations can come in multiple colours, select the one that speaks most to you—the element you work with or the need you most feel. Because they are readily and inexpensively available through most flower shops, they are a good base flower. Evening primrose and yarrow flower can be added as you see fit or based on availability. Take a short length of twine, wrap it about the flowers five times and secure with a knot. As you secure them, repeat the following:
Health and Beauty, both are mine Bind them to me with this twine Grant me bliss, wither never 'Til this twine I do sever
Touch the blossoms to water and then to your brow, just below the hairline. Place the bowl of water on your altar and the fascinator flowers across the bowl. When the flowers begin to wither, cut the twine to dispel them. You may begin again with a new set.
Carnations: associated with Fire and the sun; promotes healing, strength, and balance Evening Primrose: associated with the Moon and Diana; promotes health and enhances beauty Yarrow Flower: associated with Water, Venus, and the divine feminine; dispels melancholy, promotes health
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theothermina · 4 years
Wtich Stiles living alone in the forest and live bloging his life and and middle of the night thoughts on the wolf pack he hears in the winter
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i would like to point out despite the whole ‘forest witch’ aesthetic mr.gravekeeper is in fact, not a wtich in the woods. he’s just a regular dead guy, lives in a cabin, drinks tea and also see ghosts. ))
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sistersweird · 5 years
Something's not right
Send “Something’s not right.” for a starter where an AU version of my muse meets yours.
The moon was full, there was mist laying all through the forest, and the newly of age witch had made a wish that she wasn’t alone anymore. A pretty redheaded orphan, her soul signed to Lucifer already.
But wishes were their domains, faerie things set in older contracts than the fallen star. In one tree hung a massive snake, and in another, a large owl perched. And then suddenly, they weren’t an bird or a serpent at all. But women clad in strange and inhuman clothing.
“Lonely little witch, out in the woods. She should be careful what she wishes for, young thing,” Prudence crooned, with a crown of gold on her brow woven from dawn light.
“And what a sweet wish, too. I’ve heard wtiches have a hard time on their own. Is your coven unkind, uncaring?” Agatha said, softly, and the mists had stopped moving or flowing. She wore a crown of silver, woven from twilight. As if the moment had frozen. Without any apparent movement, suddenly both goblin queens were on the ground, leaning against trees and watching her with wild, ancient, eyes.
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roseguidedarc · 3 years
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          𝐎𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 !   𝐅𝐎𝐂𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 , 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓.   tove had never expected this of their fateful meeting that day in the forest with her wondering, picking herbs && flowers as she happened upon the priest of the near by settlement.   with her bare feet moving along the earth underneath her,  her with her golden hair && unbelievably deep blue eyes . . who couldn’t take a look at this wtich of the woods && be   𝓫𝓮𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭   themselves?   her smile so warm,  the freckles dash ‘cross the bridge of her nose !   surely an angel sent from heavens above to rescue someone’s soul or perhaps keep a watchful eye.    their foreheads meet && tove comes to close her eyes, a content sigh passing through nose as moment is put to memory like all others with amos.     ;      (   every moment is precious between them as she hasn’t an idea when he may be pulled away.  when he will be required to leave her , to leave their home , for his other.   )   once they part , eyes reopen but tove continues to wear honey sweet smile on lips.    ❝  i’d ask you to stay forever.  i’d demand it of you. ❞   tone is half playful with a hint of 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙾𝚄𝚂𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂  in it.   hands continue to mess with the crown of wildflowers she’d been crafting,    ❝  we can live here, you && i.  in our home with no one to disturb us.  we can be happy here. ❞   / @occultst​    cont. from here !
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froggheadd · 7 years
Who fills the rolls of Rothbert and Odile in the Swan Lake AU (If they exist in this?)
Odile isnt in this AU, but Rothbert is more or less the Squip. In this AU, the Squip is a wtich/sorcerer that curses Jeremy.
When Jeremy’s 14, his mom leaves and Jeremy is 100% sure that she’s been kidnapped or something to that nature. And after looking and looking for her, he ends up turning to the Squip because he’s heard that he can help with stuff like this. 
So he goes to see the Squip and asks for a spell or object that can help him find his mom, the Squip says that he will, but there’s a price. Jeremy doesnt have any money (his dad works as a baker in the castle and barely makes enough to keep them afloat), so the Squip talks about an alternative form of payment involving magic, but is hella vague about it. Jeremy agrees and the Squip does a spooky thing, then writes down the address that Jeremy’s mom is at, then tells him to go to a clearing in the forest by sunrise and get in the pond. 
Jeremy goes to the address really happy because it’s not too far from the village. He thinks that he’s going to go find/rescue his mom, bring her back, and everything will be fine. 
He gets to the address and knocks on the door and a guy Jeremy doesnt know answers it. Jeremy asks in a really quiet voice where his mom is, and then he sees his mom coming out of a room inside the house and he pieces it together. And he runs. 
He eventually makes it back to the castle at night and he goes to his dad in tears and explains what happened and where his mom is. but his dad already kinda knew but didnt tell Jeremy. 
So Jeremy runs into the forest, remembering what the Squip said about a clearing and a pond but he cant find it. He spends all night looking and then the sun rises and before he knows what’s happening, he’s in agony. 
He doesnt know when his screaming turns into crying and turns into silence. Everything is just blurring together into pain. And then as quickly as its over, it stops.
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