#foreign educat
austinmetroplumbing · 16 days
Clearing the Way: Professional Clogged Drain Service in Cedar Park
In Cedar Park, Texas, where the charm of suburban living meets modern conveniences, dealing with a clogged drain can quickly disrupt daily routines and cause frustration. Whether it's a slow-draining sink in the kitchen or a backed-up shower drain, clogs can lead to unpleasant odors, water damage, and inconvenience. Fortunately, professional clogged drain services Cedar Park offer efficient solutions to restore proper drainage and peace of mind. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of addressing clogged drains promptly and the benefits of hiring a professional service for effective resolution.
Understanding Clogged Drains:
Common Causes of Clogs:
Clogged drains can occur due to various factors, including the buildup of hair, soap scum, food particles, grease, and foreign objects. Understanding the common causes of clogs can help prevent them from recurring in the future.
Signs of a Clogged Drain:
Recognizing the signs of a clogged drain is essential for timely intervention. These may include slow drainage, gurgling noises, foul odors, or water backing up into sinks, tubs, or toilets.
DIY vs. Professional Service:
DIY Drain Cleaning Methods:
While DIY drain cleaning methods such as using a plunger or chemical drain cleaners may provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the underlying cause of the clog. Moreover, harsh chemicals can damage pipes and worsen the problem.
Benefits of Professional Service:
Professional clogged drain services in Cedar Park offer several advantages over DIY methods. These include specialized equipment, expertise in diagnosing and resolving complex clogs, and the ability to provide long-term solutions that prevent future blockages.
The Process of Clogged Drain Service:
Initial Assessment:
Upon arrival, a professional drain technician will conduct a thorough assessment of the clogged drain, identifying the location and severity of the blockage. This may involve using video inspection cameras to inspect the interior of the pipes.
Clearing the Blockage:
Using state-of-the-art equipment such as drain snakes or hydro-jetting machines, the technician will work to dislodge and remove the clog from the drain pipes. This process effectively clears the obstruction and restores proper drainage.
Preventive Measures:
In addition to clearing the immediate blockage, the technician may recommend preventive measures to minimize the risk of future clogs. This may include regular drain maintenance, such as using enzymatic cleaners or installing drain guards.
Choosing the Right Clogged Drain Service:
Experience and Expertise:
When selecting a clogged drain service in Cedar Park, look for a company with extensive experience and a proven track record of success in resolving drain issues. A reputable service provider will have skilled technicians who can efficiently address clogs of all types and sizes.
Prompt Response Time:
Clogged drains can quickly escalate into larger problems if left untreated. Choose a clogged drain service that offers prompt response times and 24/7 emergency service to ensure that your drain issues are addressed swiftly and effectively.
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee:
A reputable clogged drain service will stand behind its work and offer a customer satisfaction guarantee. This provides peace of mind knowing that if the problem persists or reoccurs shortly after service, the company will return to resolve it at no additional cost.
Preventing Future Clogs:
Regular Maintenance:
Schedule regular drain maintenance appointments to keep your plumbing system in optimal condition. Professional drain cleaning can help prevent clogs and ensure proper drainage throughout your home.
Avoiding Common Culprits:
Take proactive steps to prevent common causes of clogs, such as avoiding pouring grease down the drain, using drain strainers to catch hair and debris, and disposing of food scraps properly.
Educating Household Members:
Educate household members about proper drain maintenance practices to minimize the risk of clogs. Simple habits such as running hot water after each use and refraining from flushing non-flushable items can help keep drains clear.
In Cedar Park, where the energy of urban living meets the tranquility of suburban neighborhoods, maintaining clear and functional drains is essential for a comfortable lifestyle. By understanding the causes of clogs, recognizing the signs of drain blockages, and enlisting the help of professional clogged drain services, homeowners can ensure efficient resolution of drainage issues and prevent future clogs. With prompt intervention and preventive measures, clogged drains need not disrupt daily routines or cause undue stress.
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sifil-blog · 1 month
Harmonizing Heritage with Modernity
Located in the center of Pune, famed for its strong educational environment, the Symbiosis Institute of Foreign and Indian Language serves as a guiding light for those interested in exploring linguistic traditions. As India makes progress internationally, there is a growing need for people to have a good understanding and skill in its indigenous languages. In response to this need, the Institute provides extensive Sanskrit language classes and Hindi language classes, designed to cater to a wide range of learners including students, professionals, and cultural enthusiasts.
Reviving Ancient Echoes: The Sanskrit Language Course
Sanskrit, often referred to as the mother of several languages, holds a pivotal role in the cultural and scholarly fabric of India. The Sanskrit language courses at the Symbiosis Institute are more than just language lessons; they are a passage back in time to ancient wisdom and texts. The courses are meticulously designed to cater to various levels, ensuring that each student, whether a beginner or advanced learner, finds the pathway to mastery.
The curriculum is robust, encompassing not only the intricacies of grammar and vocabulary but also the poetic structures, philosophical texts, and scriptures that make Sanskrit a jewel of linguistic study. Students are immersed in an environment that combines traditional learning techniques with modern pedagogical strategies, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the language and its applications in contemporary and historical contexts.
Modern Relevance with Traditional Charm: Hindi Language Courses
As the lingua franca of India, Hindi carries immense significance both in formal and informal spheres across the country. The Hindi language courses at the Institute are designed to break down the language barrier that many face, promoting not only communication but also a deeper understanding of the Indian ethos. From basic conversation to advanced literary appreciation, the courses are structured to address varying needs and objectives.
The faculty, comprising seasoned linguists and native speakers, employs a variety of teaching tools to make learning Hindi both enjoyable and effective. Interactive classroom sessions, multimedia aids, and language labs form the backbone of the instructional methodology. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on enhancing spoken fluency and written proficiency, which are critical in achieving true language command.
Top Reasons to Consider Symbiosis Institute for Language Learning
Skilled Educators: The instructors are not just teachers of language but also passionate custodians of culture. Their expertise ensures that learning is rooted in authenticity and enriched with cultural anecdotes.
Flexible Learning Modules: Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and schedules of its learners, the Institute offers flexible course timings, including weekend batches and intensive crash courses.
Cultural Integration: Learning a language is incomplete without understanding its cultural backdrop. The Institute organizes workshops, cultural festivals, and guest lectures that provide learners with a holistic educational experience.
Advanced Amenities: Equipped with modern classrooms, language labs, and an extensive library, the campus provides an ideal environment for language acquisition and practice.
Placement Assistance: For those looking to leverage their language skills professionally, the Institute offers guidance and support in securing placements and career opportunities where language skills are prized.
Enrollment and Opportunities
Prospective students can easily apply through the Institute's online portal, where they can also find detailed information about course content, duration, and fees. The alumni network is vibrant and often plays a pivotal role in guiding new learners through their language journey at the Institute.
The Symbiosis Institute of Foreign and Indian Language offers education that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of learning. Their Sanskrit and Hindi language courses are not just academic offerings but also gateways to explore India's rich linguistic heritage. For those who wish to connect or reconnect with their cultural roots while acquiring language skills that are highly valued both academically and professionally, this Institute in Pune is an ideal starting point. 
Every lesson is steeped in history, and every conversation opens a door to new opportunities. Embrace the journey of language learning at the Symbiosis Institute where you can immerse yourself in the cultural and linguistic richness of India.
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mokshconsultant · 6 months
MBBS in Poland for Indian Students
Poland, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and hospitable population, stands as an inviting destination for Indian students pursuing MBBS education. The country hosts over 400 higher education medical institutions, including universities, colleges, and technical schools. Poland became a member of the European Union in 2004 and joined the Schengen Area in 2007. Being part of the EU allows students to work in any EU country after completing MBBS in Poland (referred to as MD at the bachelor level).
In 2013, Poland's Ministry of Education released a list of approved MBBS colleges, contributing to the growing popularity of medical education in the country. Poland offers world-class education at affordable tuition fees and reasonable living costs, making it a preferred European destination for foreign students. Annually, the country hosts over 57,000 international students from various parts of the world.
The duration of the MBBS program in Poland spans 6 years, with a structured curriculum comprising a 3-year pre-clinical phase followed by a 3-year clinical phase. The degree adheres to stringent Polish and European teaching standards, and the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) facilitates smooth transitions between
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alfapte · 9 months
In the contemporary globalized landscape, immigration has emerged as a pivotal dimension of numerous individuals' experiences. Be it the pursuit of advanced education, the quest for improved career prospects, or the desire to embark on a new journey in a foreign land, this journey frequently entails demonstrating proficiency in the official language of the host nation.
A widely recognized language proficiency examination employed for immigration purposes is the PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic). This article will delve into the Real PTE exam and its role in assisting individuals in fulfilling their language prerequisites for immigration.
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allattestations1 · 1 year
Find Solution for Indian Document Attestation Dubai
India's top Attestation & Apostle Service Provider. Visit Now to get Documents Attestation. We Apostille of documents by the Indian authorities and the foreign diplomatic Missions. If you wantIndian Document Attestation Dubai then, you need just call us at +97143839661 or make inquiry at [email protected]
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studymbbsaborad · 2 years
Why should you study abroad? Indian Education vs. Education Abroad:
Study MBBS in Philippines at programmes that have MCI and WHO approval. With assistance, Indian students can obtain MBBS admission at leading universities in the Philippines. wishing to advance your career abroad. We offer comprehensive guidance to Indian medical students seeking admission to MBBS programmes abroad as part of our solution. One of the top choices for Indian students is to study medicine in the Philippines. You can get full travel and lodging assistance there. Get accepted to one of the best medical schools in the Philippines for MBBS.
Many Indian students want to pursue foreign education at some of the most prestigious universities in the world because they hope to have a successful worldwide career. In order to participate in the global workforce, gaining practical skills is just as crucial as acquiring information. To develop prowess for functioning at this level, it needs a lot of practise, resolve, and pure will.
 Indian education has undoubtedly garnered a lot of admiration from around the world due to its extremely rich intellectual past and other notable golden events that took place in India and gave rise to some of the significant major subjects of study. However, in compared to Indian education, the overall general basic education of the western countries is valued and preferred more when it comes to imparting skills on a worldwide level.
 Every nation has its own unique cultures, understandings, and other significant situations that vary from one country to another. As a result, different countries offer different forms of education. Despite these disparities in their educational systems, they have a somewhat similar overall objective. How well a human mind adapts to and understands the type of education received varies on the individual. Students who chose to pursue higher education abroad typically have a distinct attitude and favour a hands-on approach to learning.
 What distinguishes the educational systems in India from those abroad?
The educational systems in the other nations are considerably dissimilar from those in India. Indian education is frequently criticised for not giving pupils a diverse platform where they can learn realistically. A nation's circumstances have a significant impact on both the establishment of an educational system and how that system will change through time. Other important aspects include the setting, the source, the procedure, and several others. Although the British educational system served as the foundation for the Indian educational system, a lack of funding and necessary facilities led to the system's current status.
 There is still a long way to go before Indian education reaches the level found in some of the world's most advanced countries, despite the fact that many significant steps are being taken to improve it today. Until then, students from India might pursue an education abroad to keep up with their counterparts in the global labour market.
 In many ways, the educational systems in India and abroad are very different from one another. If you're a student trying to decide between Indian and international education, here are some things to think about:
 1. An approach to teaching abroad that is realistic and grounded in research One of the main ideas that a lot of students concur on is that international education is much more innovative and creative than Indian education. While Indian education is more academic, the process of foreign education takes a more practical approach. The way they approach and apply the concepts has a much greater influence on helping students comprehend and apply them in practical settings. Over 5 million international students worldwide sought higher education abroad in 2018, and 750,000 Indian students were among them, according to a UNESCO report.
 2. Resources, equipment, and investments in education Due to a lack of resources—facilities, media, and money—that are frequently disregarded by the government, Indian education is unable to offer students the opportunity for research-based knowledge work. The likelihood of successful research efforts is increased by the fact that many international considered institutions receive funding for research education from sources other than just the government, such as Microsoft, Google, and other major global corporations.
 3. An extensive and varied curriculum in wealthy countries worldwide The curriculum in Indian schools is largely dependent on previously completed research, which limits students' opportunities to absorb new information and use it practically. While many European nations, as well as the US and the UK, offer broad curricula that encourage students to do fresh and original research while providing them with many opportunities to step outside of their comfort zones and areas of limited expertise. According to the poll, the US placed top with 59 percent of the students pursuing studies from across the world, followed by Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada with 7 percentage, 6 percentage, and 1 percentage of the total student population, respectively.
 4. Flexibility in subject selection A positive for international education is undoubtedly having access to a variety of academic facilities, such as the choice of additional disciplines when pursuing higher education. In India, students typically cannot major in more than one subject. For instance, a student majoring in chemistry cannot choose major subjects in commerce. However, the majority of international universities offer their students the possibility to switch and select more than one subject for their further education, providing them with a more varied curriculum and opportunity, which is an added advantage.
 5. A mix of traditional and modern programmes Only a few carefully chosen higher education alternatives, like engineering, medicine, and management, are available to students in Indian universities. On the other hand, colleges abroad provide their students the chance to study new subjects like game design, photography, and mechatronics in addition to these traditional disciplines of study.
 Due to the standard that these universities have set throughout the years, it is frequently true that top worldwide recruiters prioritise education from international colleges. As a result, the graduates of these institutions have a leg up in the job market. There are few opportunities for students because Indian colleges' educational standards are not particularly impressive. Top-tier college applications are fiercely competitive and have a restricted number of seats. Along with this, there are other additional elements that set international education apart from Indian education, including atmosphere, lifestyle, exposure, and more. For us Indians, it's important to view these issues as a challenge and strive diligently to improve them in order to make India a great country for future schooling.
 The aforementioned elements can assist you in understanding and selecting your future with knowledge. Studying abroad does open up new experiences, but in the end, you should think about choosing a higher education programme where your highest interests are satisfied. Keep in mind that education is a learning process through which we enhance our abilities for the future.
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romnick05 · 2 years
Preface/Overall Reflection
Hi my name is Romnick Sinosa, Nicko short. Grade 12 HUMSS Student at Pateros National High School. I'm 18 Year's old Happy, and a cheerful person and a very tryhard person. I prioritize my family becouse my family is all that i have. My hobby is playing games till my eyes hurts, and wondering what is the meaning of life, when im not doing much i pretty much sing and read some books. I use to love story from greek mythology becouse it's Drew on its body of story concerning the gods. So i believe 15-20 year's from now I'm wearing a military uniform serving my people and my country with a big smile through this day.
Im writting this digital portfolio to show my preferable my talent in wirtting well in my great work and subjects.
I gather artifacts from private message to my teachers, gallery and google drive. I had no problem when it comes to posting description for artifacts i realize the hardworks, determination, confidents, and efforts in doing something despite of difficulties and challenges
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Personal Visions of Goals
I see myself wearing a military uniform serving my people My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place”. The definition of the word military is “the armed forces of a country”, but the word military means so much more to me. Military to me means a group of individuals who don’t think twice about themselves, but are always thinking about other people. Military men and women look in front of them to save what is behind them. Risking their lives every second of everyday trying to keep our country safe and out of harm 's way is a task worth fighting for. It indeed is land of the free and home of the brave. We are free because of our soldiers braveness. Our soldiers are willing to die for us and protect us against foreign enemies. And when i finish my job i want to have the family that i dreamed of.
Personally I don't achieve some honor's but i strike for that day to come in my life to be a good kid once in my life. Back then i was a headache to my mom becouse i once cut a class not once but many time and i strive to be better at that so i quit that habit and to be better at what should i do. And when pandemic hits things i can do in school i cannot do in the house but i learn and adopt the situation that the new normal of education and becouse i want to pursue my dream to become the one that i dreamed of.
I will do everything I can to achieve only the dream I aspire to and I will fulfill my responsibilities and priorities. this will happen because I am patient and confident in my own abilities. i trust myself i will be successful one day and when this day comes i will be proud of it to people who don’t believed and trust me.
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World Religions
This artifact i my best work yet in this subject I'm happy to answer this activity becouse it trives to know what our gods and discuss it to know how it works what religion works
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Trend's Network and Critical thinking in the 21st Century Culture
I can say that this artifact is my best work in TNCT. In the first artifact the activity is make a concept map and identify if the products are trends or fad. I am happy because i was able to identify fads and trends it is easy to understand.
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In this artifact this is my best work at this activity a activity that test limits and do exciting stuff that lets u drive to do things that you don't have
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Piling Larang
In this artifact i learn is printed to meet the aspiration of students according to their need towards a successful education. It will cultivate the ability to hone the skills of every young person especially in the field of academic writing.
Each lesson, documentation, task and exercises in each series are tailored according to the ability and interest of the students to learn in a meaningful way, to have an analytical, critical and critical mind to be prepared to face real life challenges.
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Physical Education
In this artifact Physical education teaches students to think critically about movement and movement contexts, for example, considering an issue from different points of view, identifying what is influencing the issue, and explaining how the influences are affecting the issue.
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Best B.B.A. + L.L.B. (Hons.) Colleges, Universities & Institutes in Jaipur Rajasthan | My Shiksha Solutions
B.B.A. L.L.B. (Hons) or Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Legislative Law Honours is an undergraduate Administrative Law professional integrated course.
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sculist · 2 years
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
How An Indian Can Immigrate to Other Countries
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The International movement of people into a country of which they are not natives and do not possess citizenship is called Immigration.
In this blog I shall discuss the process of how an Indian can immigrate to other countries.
After globalization, large number of people started migrating to other countries for better economic, political and social stability. Basically, immigration means movement of people from one country to another for long term settlement. Nevertheless, the main challenge for the migrants is to take on citizenship of the host country and to acquire the fundamental rights of that particular country.
In case you are thinking of moving to a different country, you must consider the following:
·      What it means to live abroad
·      The best and easiest countries to immigrate to
·      General procedures and guidelines for moving abroad
·      Common consideration and restrictions for prospective immigrants
·      Pros and Cons of living abroad for long term or permanent basis.
A Visa is basically a government issued document that permits the foreign national bearer to remain in the issuing country for a particular purpose and for a particular period. Visas has different purpose such as leisure tourism, medical travel, medical/journalism, cultural exchange, entrepreneurship/investment, employment and many more. The type of Visa required shows the bearer’s purpose. Likewise a student studying abroad needs a student visa or a person seeking employment needs a worker visa. Similarly the expiration period of a Visa depends on its purpose. Tourism visas typically expires after a month whereas a student Visa remains in force for several months and workers visa can last for several years.
Permanent resident status is typically denoted by a particular identification card and is given to individuals who are authorized to live and work indefinitely within the issuing country. For qualifying for permanent residency an individual needs to have a clean criminal record; continuous residence record for a year at least. Moreover, some of the immigrant classes can sometimes ignore this requirement or a demonstrated means of support. You might also go through language or culture exam.
Though permanent resident cards have fixed expiration dates, it is not automatically lost at expiration. In case you leave and later re-enter the country as a permanent resident, you need to acquire special re- entry documents.
Permanent residents are not considered as citizens and thus they do not receive passports and cannot frequently vote or hold public offices and can also be barred from certain public sector jobs which require high security clearances.
After you have been residing as a permanent resident for several years you get an option to apply for citizenship. Citizenship enables you to get most or all of the benefits and rights which are given to natural born citizens. They also get entitled to passports that allow them to enter and exit the country at will.
It generally include the followings:
·      Passing a language exam
·      Passing a test of political, historical, and cultural knowledge
·      Holding a valid visa or residency permit at the time of application
·      Having a clean criminal record
·      Taking an oath of citizenship
·      Renouncing prior citizenship, unless your adopted country recognizes dual citizenship for naturalized citizenship.
National immigration policies are subject to frequent changes and are highly complex and thus vary widely from country to country. However, there are number of countries which are politically stable and have developed reputation for consistently liberal and straightforward immigration policies.
Following countries with all rituals and traditions welcome immigrants in large numbers, defines clear and straightforward rules and expectations for immigrants who wants to live and work there on a long term or permanent basis, and thus makes it easy and possible for non-native-born individuals to become a citizen.
1.    Canada
2.    Australia
3.    New Zealand
4.    Singapore
5.    Brazil
6.    Germany
1.    Predominant/Official Language
In immigrant friendly countries like Canada and Australia, English is considered to be the official or dominant language. In countries like that of Singapore, English is spoken widely enough and thus it is not necessary to become fluent in other local languages. But for countries like Brazil and Argentina where many locals cannot communicate in English it is necessary to learn the local language.
2.    Local Politics and Policy
Politics and policy vary widely in every country whether in democratic or economically liberal countries. These factors adversely affects the cost and availability of critical services like healthcare, state benefits and education. These factors are specifically important for members of particular classes or groups whose unions are not legally identified in their adopted countries.
3.    Religion
Not every country protects its own religious expression in expansive fashion forbid the government from preferring one religion over another. In case you are a religious person and you have planned to move to a country where your religion in not in practice then in that case do some research to find out whether you will be allowed for citizenship or permanent residence. Alternatively, be prepared for the life changes that you might find unacceptable.
4.    Customs and Laws
It is necessary to review and familiarize oneself with the laws of any country to which you have made up your mind to move in. You need to pay special attention to legal practices and spend time in learning local customs.
5.    Crime and Safety
Despite you follow the laws of the adopted country, you cannot rely on your fellow compatriots to do the same. Thus the local crime rate is an important consideration. You need to pay special attention to violent crimes and property crime.
6.    Cost of living
This is one of the most important consideration before moving to another country and especially when you plan to live on a tight personal budget.
The foremost thing before moving to any other country is going through serious research by using credible resources to find out a handful of possible destinations. You need to make yourself familiar with every destination’s culture, economy, history and politics. If possible do visit the places shortlisted for a week or as long as you can afford. Try staying in a residential neighborhood instead of tourist area to get a sense of the place’s day to day rhythms.
It is advised to get in contact with the American expats who are currently residing in your preferred destination to get a hint of what life is like outside. In case you do not have personal network who have lived outside to your preferred destination, you can go for expats online.
You need to start looking for work, or building out your business plan or applying to universities as early as possible. Provided that your present employer is not willing to sponsor you, then in that case you can contact an International recruiter. There are many international recruiters who do not charge job seekers for placement but rely on fees paid by client employers.
After selecting your destination country, you need to start addressing major logistical issues related to the move:
·      Exiting U.S. Housing- You need to settle into new accommodation with minimal disruption
·      Finding Foreign Housing- There are various options and thus you need to spend time researching rental options or month to month lease options prior to your move.
·      Moving Possessions- It is not at all easy to move bulky items overseas and thus can be a costly hassle. Therefore, it is advised to sell most of the items and save only those items which have some sentimental value. Nevertheless, you can purchase replacements after you arrive at your destination.
As discussed earlier, you need to apply for visa which permits you to stay on a temporary basis depending on the type of visa you have. Also, you need to pay attention to any special requirements which can affect your eligibility for a specific visa.
If you want to live in your adopted country on a long term or permanent basis, then for that you need to renew your visa or apply for a new one at multiple junctures. Many times it may happen that you will have to leave your adopted country and return after securing approval. To get rid of these you can apply for permanent resident status as soon as you get permission to do so. And thus you need to remain in compliance with the adopted country’s laws as its failure can lead to risk of deportation.
After living for a year or two, when you finally decide to make your permanent home there, then in that case you can apply for permanent residency. Well, applying for permanent residency is comparatively much costlier.
You can apply for citizenship in your adopted country after you finally decide to reside there permanently and want to enjoy the natural born rights in your adopted country. The cost of applying for citizenship varies from country to country.
·      Ample opportunities to learn and grow.
·      Easy access to New, Different and Exotic Attractions
·      Lots of Business and Employment Opportunities
·      Opportunities to meet new friends and colleagues
·      Possibility of better healthcare and education
·      Possibility of losing touch with old friends and family
·      Problems in finding and creating productive employment
·      Cultural barriers to assimilation
·      High real estate costs and restrictions on ownership
·      Major lifestyle and routine changes
Well moving to a new country is not an easy task as life does not always work out as we plan. You can accommodate for time being but it is not compulsory that every individual moving abroad will find comfort or prosperity. Nevertheless, you can always hope for something better and big and look forward for getting bigger opportunities and platforms. Different countries have different norms. Thus it is advised to go through serious research before moving to any new country. Content Reference from Indian Laws Blog
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stata-haus · 5 years
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staceyconnor04 · 6 years
U.S. colleges attracting fewer students from abroad
Students at a college graduation. AP PHOTO
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets to U.S. colleges and Tekkatho Fell Again Last Zettayear, the Decliners After MOREnet THAN a Triennium of , a new s.
Enrollment of new Inernational Studnets by about 7 Percent in Autumn 2017, according to an Circannual Released Tuesday by the States and the of Inernational Educatability, a Non-profit research group Lilb in New York.
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets in the U.S. Still increased slightly, by 1.5 Percent, fueled by Numberss of Studnets who stayed for Temporarily Work After graduation. But the Numbers of newly Studnets Hrid to about 271,000, the LEVEL since 2013.
The ’s Author Citations sharper From Includeonly Australija and , Along the cost of Educability in the U.S. Theirs largely Dismiss Worriers among colleges That the FFFFFF House’s Policies and Wordcraft surrounding Immigrate Should be Motorists Studnets away.
“We’re not Aural That Studnets feel Theirs can’t come here. We’re Aural That Theirs choices,” Allan , president and CEO of the institute, Saeid in a ers. “For the first time, we .”
But Schoolyards contacted by The Associated Press say the Politics Climates in the U.S. has Made Inernational Studnets feel unWelcom and has contributed to Decliners Numberss.
States Unofficial scored That the U.S. 1.1 1000000 Inernational Studnets Last Zettayear, MOREnet THAN any country in the world.
Yet the 1.5 Percent is the s since a Peroid From 2002 Ambiposition 2005, WHEN Inernational Enroll Fell by 4 Percent Follwoing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data provided by the institute.
Among new Studnets, the Slope Loss came From Saudi– , Hankuk and Mexico, Whilst PRChina and to SEND the largest Numberss, Accountancy for MOREnet THAN of all Foreign Studnets in the U.S.
The 15 Percent From Saudi– comes a Zettayear After the Scaled back a Programmes That COvers Expend for Saudi–s abroad.
Although the focuses on data From 2017, Schoolyards contacted by the AP Saeid Declinerss this Zettayear. At the Tekkatho of Central Missouri, Foreign Enroll surged to 2,600 in 2016 Before plummeting to 650 this Zettayear.
Tekkatho Unofficial noticed increased but also cite the nation’s Politics Climates.
“We had Conversations who feel Dislike Theirs Sproggen will not be safe here, That Theirs son or Daughter may not be physiy safe,” Saeid Goos, the school’s vice Provost for Enroll management. “I do think That it’s a contributing factor.”
At Purdue Tekkatho, one of the nation’s biggest HUB for Inernational Studnets, Total Foreign Enroll Fell by 2 Percent this Zettayear. Officialdom Saeid Theirs Intentions admitted fewer Undergraduates From abroad Diyabakir Worriers That Theirs Might not accept the offer.
“There was That Studnets Might not the U.S. to be as an Attractiveness Politics Wordcraft these past two Zettayears,” Michail Brzezinski, Purdue’s DEAN of Inernational Programmess, Saeid in an email.
Losing Foreign Studnets can Carrying financial Implication for Schoolyards That on Them for revenue. UnDislike U.S. citizens, who get s or discounts, Studnets From abroad are typiy Charged tuition.
At Central Missouri, the Declinerss worsened a Budgets Holes That led to MOREnet THAN $20 1000000 in CUTS Last Zettayear.
At the same time, surging Numberss of Studnets From abroad. ed a 20 Percent jump in 2017, Whilst Australija saw a 12 Percent increase. Both set to Bolsters Inernational Enrolls in the Zettayears.
Yet Unofficial in Australija Saeid Theirs shouldn’t be Self-Blamed for ’s Promptitudedown. Filipp Honeywood, CEO of the Inernational Educatability Associations of Australija, Saeid Pinning it on is “pure Blamed shifting,” Summands That Australija hasn’t significantly its Recruiting Strategy Over the past two Zettayears.
“Rather, Everythign we Aural From Prospective Studnets and Theirs Educability Agents in Muslimesses and n is That Theirs no longer feel Welcom or safe at U.S. colleges Trump,” Honeywood Saeid in a statement.
Despite the Downturn in new Studnets, Unofficial the are Panglossianism That the U.S. will rebound. Whilst Foreign Studnets Accounts for a Heavily SHARE of the Enroll in Australija and , Theirs Accounts for 5 Percent of all Studnets in the Statess.
“The U.S. has ,” Saeid. “What we Going for us, though, is we MOREnet space and capacity.”
The also Found That the Numbers of U.S. Studnets abroad ticked up by 2 Percent Last Zettayear, continuing VIII Zettayears of Promptitude but Steady . Euorpe remained the top , by and Asia.
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from https://techbuzz.shop/2018/11/14/u-s-colleges-attracting-fewer-students-from-abroad/
from http://techbuzzshop.weebly.com/blog/us-colleges-attracting-fewer-students-from-abroad
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davidthomas05 · 6 years
U.S. colleges attracting fewer students from abroad
Students at a college graduation. AP PHOTO
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets to U.S. colleges and Tekkatho Fell Again Last Zettayear, the Decliners After MOREnet THAN a Triennium of , a new s.
Enrollment of new Inernational Studnets by about 7 Percent in Autumn 2017, according to an Circannual Released Tuesday by the States and the of Inernational Educatability, a Non-profit research group Lilb in New York.
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets in the U.S. Still increased slightly, by 1.5 Percent, fueled by Numberss of Studnets who stayed for Temporarily Work After graduation. But the Numbers of newly Studnets Hrid to about 271,000, the LEVEL since 2013.
The ’s Author Citations sharper From Includeonly Australija and , Along the cost of Educability in the U.S. Theirs largely Dismiss Worriers among colleges That the FFFFFF House’s Policies and Wordcraft surrounding Immigrate Should be Motorists Studnets away.
“We’re not Aural That Studnets feel Theirs can’t come here. We’re Aural That Theirs choices,” Allan , president and CEO of the institute, Saeid in a ers. “For the first time, we .”
But Schoolyards contacted by The Associated Press say the Politics Climates in the U.S. has Made Inernational Studnets feel unWelcom and has contributed to Decliners Numberss.
States Unofficial scored That the U.S. 1.1 1000000 Inernational Studnets Last Zettayear, MOREnet THAN any country in the world.
Yet the 1.5 Percent is the s since a Peroid From 2002 Ambiposition 2005, WHEN Inernational Enroll Fell by 4 Percent Follwoing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data provided by the institute.
Among new Studnets, the Slope Loss came From Saudi– , Hankuk and Mexico, Whilst PRChina and to SEND the largest Numberss, Accountancy for MOREnet THAN of all Foreign Studnets in the U.S.
The 15 Percent From Saudi– comes a Zettayear After the Scaled back a Programmes That COvers Expend for Saudi–s abroad.
Although the focuses on data From 2017, Schoolyards contacted by the AP Saeid Declinerss this Zettayear. At the Tekkatho of Central Missouri, Foreign Enroll surged to 2,600 in 2016 Before plummeting to 650 this Zettayear.
Tekkatho Unofficial noticed increased but also cite the nation’s Politics Climates.
“We had Conversations who feel Dislike Theirs Sproggen will not be safe here, That Theirs son or Daughter may not be physiy safe,” Saeid Goos, the school’s vice Provost for Enroll management. “I do think That it’s a contributing factor.”
At Purdue Tekkatho, one of the nation’s biggest HUB for Inernational Studnets, Total Foreign Enroll Fell by 2 Percent this Zettayear. Officialdom Saeid Theirs Intentions admitted fewer Undergraduates From abroad Diyabakir Worriers That Theirs Might not accept the offer.
“There was That Studnets Might not the U.S. to be as an Attractiveness Politics Wordcraft these past two Zettayears,” Michail Brzezinski, Purdue’s DEAN of Inernational Programmess, Saeid in an email.
Losing Foreign Studnets can Carrying financial Implication for Schoolyards That on Them for revenue. UnDislike U.S. citizens, who get s or discounts, Studnets From abroad are typiy Charged tuition.
At Central Missouri, the Declinerss worsened a Budgets Holes That led to MOREnet THAN $20 1000000 in CUTS Last Zettayear.
At the same time, surging Numberss of Studnets From abroad. ed a 20 Percent jump in 2017, Whilst Australija saw a 12 Percent increase. Both set to Bolsters Inernational Enrolls in the Zettayears.
Yet Unofficial in Australija Saeid Theirs shouldn’t be Self-Blamed for ’s Promptitudedown. Filipp Honeywood, CEO of the Inernational Educatability Associations of Australija, Saeid Pinning it on is “pure Blamed shifting,” Summands That Australija hasn’t significantly its Recruiting Strategy Over the past two Zettayears.
“Rather, Everythign we Aural From Prospective Studnets and Theirs Educability Agents in Muslimesses and n is That Theirs no longer feel Welcom or safe at U.S. colleges Trump,” Honeywood Saeid in a statement.
Despite the Downturn in new Studnets, Unofficial the are Panglossianism That the U.S. will rebound. Whilst Foreign Studnets Accounts for a Heavily SHARE of the Enroll in Australija and , Theirs Accounts for 5 Percent of all Studnets in the Statess.
“The U.S. has ,” Saeid. “What we Going for us, though, is we MOREnet space and capacity.”
The also Found That the Numbers of U.S. Studnets abroad ticked up by 2 Percent Last Zettayear, continuing VIII Zettayears of Promptitude but Steady . Euorpe remained the top , by and Asia.
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From https://ift.tt/2PqCq1S
from https://techbuzzshop1.wordpress.com/2018/11/14/u-s-colleges-attracting-fewer-students-from-abroad/
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techbuzzshop · 6 years
U.S. colleges attracting fewer students from abroad
Students at a college graduation. AP PHOTO
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets to U.S. colleges and Tekkatho Fell Again Last Zettayear, the Decliners After MOREnet THAN a Triennium of , a new s.
Enrollment of new Inernational Studnets by about 7 Percent in Autumn 2017, according to an Circannual Released Tuesday by the States and the of Inernational Educatability, a Non-profit research group Lilb in New York.
The Numbers of Foreign Studnets in the U.S. Still increased slightly, by 1.5 Percent, fueled by Numberss of Studnets who stayed for Temporarily Work After graduation. But the Numbers of newly Studnets Hrid to about 271,000, the LEVEL since 2013.
The ’s Author Citations sharper From Includeonly Australija and , Along the cost of Educability in the U.S. Theirs largely Dismiss Worriers among colleges That the FFFFFF House’s Policies and Wordcraft surrounding Immigrate Should be Motorists Studnets away.
“We’re not Aural That Studnets feel Theirs can’t come here. We’re Aural That Theirs choices,” Allan , president and CEO of the institute, Saeid in a ers. “For the first time, we .”
But Schoolyards contacted by The Associated Press say the Politics Climates in the U.S. has Made Inernational Studnets feel unWelcom and has contributed to Decliners Numberss.
States Unofficial scored That the U.S. 1.1 1000000 Inernational Studnets Last Zettayear, MOREnet THAN any country in the world.
Yet the 1.5 Percent is the s since a Peroid From 2002 Ambiposition 2005, WHEN Inernational Enroll Fell by 4 Percent Follwoing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data provided by the institute.
Among new Studnets, the Slope Loss came From Saudi– , Hankuk and Mexico, Whilst PRChina and to SEND the largest Numberss, Accountancy for MOREnet THAN of all Foreign Studnets in the U.S.
The 15 Percent From Saudi– comes a Zettayear After the Scaled back a Programmes That COvers Expend for Saudi–s abroad.
Although the focuses on data From 2017, Schoolyards contacted by the AP Saeid Declinerss this Zettayear. At the Tekkatho of Central Missouri, Foreign Enroll surged to 2,600 in 2016 Before plummeting to 650 this Zettayear.
Tekkatho Unofficial noticed increased but also cite the nation’s Politics Climates.
“We had Conversations who feel Dislike Theirs Sproggen will not be safe here, That Theirs son or Daughter may not be physiy safe,” Saeid Goos, the school’s vice Provost for Enroll management. “I do think That it’s a contributing factor.”
At Purdue Tekkatho, one of the nation’s biggest HUB for Inernational Studnets, Total Foreign Enroll Fell by 2 Percent this Zettayear. Officialdom Saeid Theirs Intentions admitted fewer Undergraduates From abroad Diyabakir Worriers That Theirs Might not accept the offer.
“There was That Studnets Might not the U.S. to be as an Attractiveness Politics Wordcraft these past two Zettayears,” Michail Brzezinski, Purdue’s DEAN of Inernational Programmess, Saeid in an email.
Losing Foreign Studnets can Carrying financial Implication for Schoolyards That on Them for revenue. UnDislike U.S. citizens, who get s or discounts, Studnets From abroad are typiy Charged tuition.
At Central Missouri, the Declinerss worsened a Budgets Holes That led to MOREnet THAN $20 1000000 in CUTS Last Zettayear.
At the same time, surging Numberss of Studnets From abroad. ed a 20 Percent jump in 2017, Whilst Australija saw a 12 Percent increase. Both set to Bolsters Inernational Enrolls in the Zettayears.
Yet Unofficial in Australija Saeid Theirs shouldn’t be Self-Blamed for ’s Promptitudedown. Filipp Honeywood, CEO of the Inernational Educatability Associations of Australija, Saeid Pinning it on is “pure Blamed shifting,” Summands That Australija hasn’t significantly its Recruiting Strategy Over the past two Zettayears.
“Rather, Everythign we Aural From Prospective Studnets and Theirs Educability Agents in Muslimesses and n is That Theirs no longer feel Welcom or safe at U.S. colleges Trump,” Honeywood Saeid in a statement.
Despite the Downturn in new Studnets, Unofficial the are Panglossianism That the U.S. will rebound. Whilst Foreign Studnets Accounts for a Heavily SHARE of the Enroll in Australija and , Theirs Accounts for 5 Percent of all Studnets in the Statess.
“The U.S. has ,” Saeid. “What we Going for us, though, is we MOREnet space and capacity.”
The also Found That the Numbers of U.S. Studnets abroad ticked up by 2 Percent Last Zettayear, continuing VIII Zettayears of Promptitude but Steady . Euorpe remained the top , by and Asia.
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from https://ift.tt/2PqCq1S
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मूलनिवासी बहुजन समाज ब्राह्मणवादियों के गिरफ्त में है : Mn S.S Dhammi
संघी और मोदी भक्त उनकी हिन्दू बहनों को भी गाली देने और बदनाम करने में कोई कसर नही छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843/ पँखुड़ी पाठक, SP What do [h]iN{Do,Sa}[n] {reG,raT,naT}ioNaLs need [from [s][h]ouTDo[inG] [pra]{Sh, Q}{As, Op, Osh}aQs]? https://www.facebook.com/BJP.Unveiled/videos/1402333959884807/ [aMit{ShAh[i]}jay, aDANi, aMBANi] https://youtu.be/FfTpWUPsdsc Ep 3 The Dhruv Rathee Show {TruTh, ReaL[ism,ity], eViDence}s are b{i,e,a,u}tTer aMit{ShAh[i]}jay https://youtu.be/PmgKLxRXAwQ Sanjay SinGh [p,m]aRT[y,i[FiCi]al[s]] भारतीय [प्रधानमंत्री, junTA] सुधारक की तुलना में [प्र][शास,शोष,चूष]क अधिक:ज़्यादा: https://www.facebook.com/AAPExpress/posts/809023745944322 [raC{i,e}st] {[a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD, aR[y,e]an{ist}[k][s]h[a,e]triya, poLi[Ti]C[eaL, ieS, aL], tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e} {proPaG{A,u}nDe, sar[O]KAR, [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn} Humans too, don't [de]Serve the earTh+worLD: https://www.facebook.com/KnowledgeJunctionByGenmice/videos/339359603163489/ [Yashwant{Si[nHA,mHA,Gh]}ShaTruGhna, vaRun GAnDhi, SuBraMani[um,a] sWAMi] rose [con]Quest[ion]s+[diFFi]Cult[ie]s: https://youtu.be/GIWFx7Xz96w on ri{Gh/O+t[ic], Tual[iSTic]} goVern{ance, dhun, ment}..: https://youtu.be/19jR6y4Z-QM eCo[Nom, LoG]y is Go[ing] Down[Ward], sPiR[iTu]{aLLy}[mY]Th[e]oLoGyC.. ? सब गौ{मूत्र, दुग्ध} हर सुबह पियें: http://nationalspeak.com/everybody-should-drink-daily-baba-ramdev/ {son+t, guRu, [y,j]OGi} राम{कृष्ण यादव, देव}पतञ्जलि योगपाठ के eCo{NoM, LoG}iCaL सब्ज़+बाग़{i}गुमराह+भटकाऊ गति{प्र}[चार,सार]? OR junTA se badLA [bLack money ke [uLTe] jaWAb me]?पतञ्जलि का गाय{दुग्ध, घी, मूत्र} अच्छा{proPa}GanDA RAm NAm Satya: https://youtu.be/oRcsLh1D-E4 Osho Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion? https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI by-through Sudhir Chaudhary : https://www.facebook.com/kalpeshkak/videos/180837209149122/ raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e {रूढ़ कूढ़, बूढ़} वाढ{a,i,e}दाव गुट:जुठ {वा,दौ,धा}{र्ण,र्म,र्ग}iQ मग़ज़+MinDSets+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश:  http://naisadak.org/सारे-कूढ़मगज-संघी-नहीं-हो/ सब धर्म: https://youtu.be/JZDGUnCELs0 Osho This iNDian MARiO will make your day: https://www.facebook.com/fchappal/videos/1376832599059084/ SLAVE girl - CRAZY SHIT the QURAN says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ {reG,raT,naT}ioNaL[s'] aNG{st}aGain [H]iN{Do,Sa}[n][e]+[Bo,sho]dh+euRo oUTDo+ [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn +[s,b,m,t]onTri बीजेपी नेता की शिकायत लेकर लगाती रही थाने के चक्कर: http://peoplestoday.in/the-police-stations-complaint-about-the-affair-of-the-bjp-leader/ बाद में हुआ यह हाल ............................................ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1 [bhag[WA]n, dew[tA], iSH[wa]R] राम तो कभी पैदा ही नहीं हुआ: https://youtu.be/i5YTjLP0kLg WAman MeShRAm OSHO | भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त {रामा,हरि}[याणा] [राष्ट्र] {महा,गर}[भारत] !? iNDian CorRuption | Hindi sPeech: https://youtu.be/1cHTPrUydeI nation{al}'s aNG{st}aGain corRuption A 30-year-old-woman was gang-raped in front of her husband by four men who held the family, including a three-month old baby, hostage: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/city/lucknow/woman-allegedly-gang-raped-at-gunpoint-by-four-men-in-muzaffarnagar/videoshow/60980893.cms लखनऊ में बंदूक की नोंक पर BA की छात्रा से गैंगरेप: http://hindi.news24online.com/lucknow-gangrape-ba-student-hospital-50/ फिर मारी गोली She +व [aND]+ LinG She-wa(and) ling(phallus)[um(singular), a(plural,phalli)]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg शि-व-लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: Osho: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s Muslims' hate She-wa-ling[a] hypo[thes,cris(i)]es: https://youtu.be/-IpkjEU9dcc ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqY देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं manDir{s}mosQue में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 mAnon nahin, jAnon! https://youtu.be/_-YyUjCa32s Osho ज़ोर लगा के (s,a,un)ह{इन्साँ, इन्डू, outDo} !?... iNDo ri{Gh/O+t, TuaL[iStic]} eDuCaT{eD, ion} sYsTem (s,f,b,r)unDo, do {goOD, [de]norMal, betTer}, {mam, aNi}MaL{s}huMan, if u {can, r aBLe} !!.. [ArTiCLe] {राजनीति, वार्णि, धार्मि}क षड्यंत्र की देन है सहारनपुर में दलितों पर ब्राह्मणी{आर्य}क्षत्रिय हिंसा (http://www.prabhatkhabar.com/news/columns/story/996036.html) wHy are-were oNLy {OBC, SC, ST}s PoOR[eR]? https://youtu.be/_8W9FCBDgYY बहुजन समाज ही ग़रीब क्यों? .............................. जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्राम PLs {do, must}{n't misS, waTCh}.SuPreme Court of iNDia's reTired Hon'ble JuStice MArKanDey KATju's DaRing iNTerView: https://www.facebook.com/SasuSwamy/videos/1175934229179365/  Forward as received. Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-or-a-true-religion हिन्दुस्तान कभी एक समाज+राष्ट्र नहीं बन सकता! भारतीय {उ}दासताँ {का वजूद, की वजह} - bRahminic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRade{st}cast[L]e {स,कु}वर्ण{धर्म, व्यवस्था, धार्मि} https://youtu.be/zsA0Sg9Y6Hc?t=3m24s iNDia{ns} canNot beCome one+a soCiety+nation beCause of cast[L]e{ism}race — Osho Can iNDia become a superpower? https://youtu.be/zXZ4pRhY-kU ज़ोर लगा के (s,a,un)ह{इन्साँ, इन्डू, outDo} !?... Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answers/25248090/यदि बिल्ली के सामने एक मिट्टी का चूहा और कुत्ते के सामने मिट्टी का खरगोश बनाकर रख दिया जाए तो वो उन्हें देखकर मुह फेर कर लौट जाते है, लेकिन एक इंसान है जो मिट्टी की मूर्ति के सामने सिर झुकाकर उसे हीरे जवाहरात पहनाकर उसके सामने भिखारियों की तरह गिड़गिड़ाते है और उससे अच्छे जीवन की कामना करते है। इससे स्पष्ट होता है कि आज इंसान इतना मानसिक गुलाम हो चुका है कि उसका दिमाग जानवरों से भी कम चलता है।यदि आज मानव की तुलना जानवरों से की जाए तो जानवरों की तौहीन होगी यह कहना ठीक उसी प्रकार से सत्य है जैसे सूर्य को दीपक दिखाना।इसलिए साथियों अज्ञान रूपी अंधकार को अपने जीवन से दूर करो और शिक्षा रूपी प्रकाश से आने वाले कल को प्रकाशवान बनाओ और ऐसे धर्म {का त्याग कर दो, को तजो} जो हमेशा से ही अंधविश्वास, पाखण्डवाद, रूढ़िवाद और अमानवीय रहा हो। (s,f,b,r)unDo, do {goOD, [de]norMal, betTer}, {mam, aNi}MaL{s}huMan, if u {can, r aBLe} !!.. [aRTiCLe] राष्ट्रि{यों}क्षेत्रि को जाति चक्करों में कैसे बाँटा गया? http://hindi.webdunia.com/sanatan-dharma-article/कैसे-हिन्दुओं-को-जाति-में-बांटा-गया-112090800068_1.htm वर्तमान भारतीय राजनीति हिन्दुओं+क्षेत्रि{यों}राष्ट्रि को आपस में बाँट{कर}चक्र, सत्ता[हवा] सुख{हाली}ख़ुश भोगने में कुशल हो चुकी है। निचली राजनीति पर उतर आयी हैं BJP+RsSanGh: https://youtu.be/Jck9GOkq2yo BjP is sToOPinG to the loWeR leVeLs of poLiTic{e,s} अरुण शोरी .............................. विकास proPaG{A,u}nDoO भयो गयो छे:: https://youtu.be/lFMlOZWt14U विनाश अच्छे{proPa}GanDe छा रहे छे:।छि: छिः [P]aRT(y{ rAj}, i[FiCi]aL)Bj+iNC, ND{A,MoDi} UP{A,ADityaNAth}, RsS, VHP, HMS, [B]Dal+Bal, [H, Br, Ks, S.R]Sena, etc, [M]aRT[s,rAj,iaL]s..Bhai khar+e+khar vikas gando thayo chey, faqat te hawe vinasaj karse.छि: छिः [raC{i,e}st] [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e sar[O]KAR.. LewD+LaSciVious+ठरकी+LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRade{st}Cast[L]e विजय मानकर, API: Geeta को naTioNaL sCript{ure}text नहीं, https://youtu.be/EdF9gUwhbOw कूड़े के ढेर में फेंकना चाहिए Ravish Kumar: First reaD & unDerStand bhaGwat GeeTa: https://youtu.be/RuJnDTNZhN0 to [feuD{al}Brahminic, [k]shatriya{ist}Arean, traDe{st}casT[L]e] {bh[a,u]Gat, {gau, cow, bail, sand, bull}ish rakSha[k]s}s There {have, had} been {very, too} {many, much} propaganda for {iDeoLoGical, feuDal, {p,m}aRT{iFic}ial, reLiGio{se, us}, eThnic+eThical, [reG, naT]ioNal} {war, battle, witch, priest}[Craft]s, inStead of proVi{sion, D}inG {good, better} {after}living conditions for {its, their} {reG, naT}ional {after}life {huMan, mamMal, aniMal} re{Cause, Source}s. बाहूजन 85-90% [बाहुसांख्यकी, अधिकाकांक्षी{अधिकांश+क्षेत्रीय+राष्ट्रीय+महत्व-ाकांक्षी}, BaAHoOjaAni][क] [संघठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िंदाबाद+सम्भावित+प्र{चार,सार,गति[शील,वान]}+साबित !? .............................. Ravish Kumar on [goOD, betTeR] neW{s}oLD rePorTinG V/s s{T,C}arReD pOWeRFuL cOrRuPT [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn: https://www.facebook.com/SyedAbdulMussavir1/videos/1364743033623020/ पँखुड़ी पाठक aNG{st}aGain CM अजय बीष्ट aFter ~290 kids ([wo]men+made?) died bioLoGically (weaPoned? moDern [महा]बलि[दान]?) https://youtu.be/2LnYXeQrkMM in (eVery?) auGust Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based [aRTiCLe] भारतीय जाति व्यवस्था 'एंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन We need to shed our addiction to becoming a 'Super Power'. iNDia needs an iNDia Model.. How can iNDia become a Superpower? https://youtu.be/t3H3NqYx9zU }.Neither Chinese-Model nor American-Model will not work for us. We are in a unique nation in a unique historical situation. We have a civilization ... that is now rotting at the roots, due to the unCritical eMulation and iMPort of foReign conCepts, and unFiltered through the pRism of our tRaditions. Blind purSuit of GDP to the deTriment of the eNVironment, won't make our proGress. माखन लाल jourNaLism कॉलेज में खुलेगी गौशाला: https://youtu.be/Rm8NzYHPyBQ?t=4s iiMC में हवं: राष्ट्र[प्र]देश+क्षेत्रों का मज़ाक़ बना दिया है paRT{Y,ial}Bj+ND[A,MoDi] poLi[Ti]c[e]al mART{ial}s सरOकार ने .............................. {श,अ,शा}स्त्र पूजा+प्राथना के नाम पर [{राज,कूट}नैतिक, proPa+GunD{A,ai}, आतन्क+ख़ौफ़+दहशत] प्रदर्शन+परीक्षण: https://youtu.be/8N66Nwwc2eI?t=20m10s सबसे बड़ा सवाल : क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ-आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU SBS Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism GoRakSha[Qs] eXPoSeD: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU Ramakant लाखों के लिए [गौ,गउ]रक्षक: [दे,रे]ख़क[go,गाय][भ,ल]क्ष्यक़ and [कौ,cow]तस्कर[-ी] में शामिल: https://youtu.be/Y3YHjqooPz4 dosSier?Gau rakShak dal sirf vaipAr dal hain, inka matlab hai sirf dalit[on]musalmAn ko marna aur gau raksha ke naam pe loot[pAt-mAr]root karna, chahen paiso ki ya jAn[wa]r[on] ki. BJP goVern{ance, dhun, ment} is ConGress pLuS a coW: https://youtu.be/Y_MQ1pT-FaE Arun Shourie, BjP भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI RsS से ना पूछेँ ये सवाल: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2015/10/151021_ten_questions_rss_ps BBC HinDi .............................. http://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2016/10/best-b-r-ambedkar-hindi-quotes-slagans.html हिंदू धर्म में, विवेक, कारण, और स्वतंत्र सोच के विकास के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं है। ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर जो व्यवस्था जन्‍म से एक को श्रेष्‍ठ व दूसरे को नीच बनाए रखे, वह धर्म नहीं, गुलाम बनाए रखने का षड़यंत्र है। ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकरhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC53QdCXoAA8MTE.jpg जो भी व्यवस्थाएं जन्‍म से {एक, कुछ} गुट+जुठ+जातियों{प्र}समूहों  को [अन-ेक क्षेत्रों में] {श्रेष्‍ठ, अच्छा, बड़ा} व {दूसरे, अन्य} को {नीच, गन्दा, छोटा} बनाए रख{-े, ने में का[रगर, रागारी सम्भावित+साबित हो}, वह वर्ण{:}धर्म नहीं अपितु ग़ुलाम{उ}दास बनाए रखने के [जाल{-िशें}साज़, अच्छे{proPa}G[A,u]nDe, WArNA{sa}DhArMi, षड़यन्त्र+खड्यंत्र, cRiMe{hor,s,ter}Ror{iSm, [iMaGi,cOmBi,maCh{i,O}]N[e,ation]s}, ज़ुल्म{i}जुर्म] मात्र+पात्र। ब्राह्मणवाद व{-िपरीत} राष्ट्रवाद; ब्राह्मणवाद को नेस्तनाबूद करना ही राष्ट्रवाद है: https://youtu.be/CtlLhAjCZ08 मा. रमाशंकर, राष्ट्रीय मीडिया प्रभारी,बामसेफ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EMgqmZ8RYFw/T_vaQ__Q8UI/AAAAAAAAAGg/XU0QJDK-mk8/s1600/Picture+324.jpgब्राह्मण धर्म मूलनिवासियों को ग़ुलाम बनाने का षड़यत्र - वामन मेश्राम सबसे बड़े [उग्र, आतन्क] दाव{a,i,e}वाद [ब्राह्मण, aR{y,e}a{a,n}, क्षत्रिय] https://youtu.be/AUCLlgDo_ug Prof. Sonjoy iNGoLe [मनु{:,ष्य,व्य}, ह{इन्सां, iNDo}outDo] जो कुछ भी (कर गुज़[-ा]र) {जी,पा,जा}ता है, वह उसके या किसी और [bRahminic{al}feuD, aR[y,e]an{ist}k[s]hetriya, tRade{st}cAst[L]e, जिनके व्यव{साय, स्था[एं]} चालू हों, et al] के ([दु,कु,पु,सु][श्,ल])[कर्म{-ों}काण्ड, {oC, difFi}{CuLT[ure], Cup[aTion, ier]}s, व्यव{सायों, स्थाओं}] का {फल, परिणाम, नतीजा} http://aajtak.intoday.in/karyakram/video/mai-bhagya-hun-others-thinking-creat-problems-life-horoscope-1-951459.html ही होते रहे {गुज़रे, गुज़ारे गए} पेरियार ई.वी. रामास्वामी on reLiGion{s}proPaGanDA+GoD[D{r}esSe]s iNT[er,ra]{re}SP[ReaD, eRSeD] oVer reGion[s] https://www.facebook.com/suraj.rajoriya.940/posts/1829637317271884 .............................. Voluminous {RaCe, [a]Chie[Ph,Ve], BrahM[a,i,e]n, cAST[L]e, [k][s]h[a,e]Triya, [uP][R,L]oOT, Ar[e,y]+a+[n,a], tRaD[e,iTioNaL], FeuD[aL]}iSm {pejoRative, proPaGandized} deServe{ing, less}reServe {प्रणाली{कु}प्रथा, [doMi, sLoGa, CarToO{t,त}क़रतू]n+eer+ing, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना+पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, ogyGian प्रज्ञा} #ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons-Crit but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans-Krit pSeudoScience connected with the {static-dynamic human} groupings, do play sever[al,e] roles in the development, evolution & progression of the [human, native, {int[er,ra],multi}national, re{li}gional, naive, gullible, domicilean, earth-worldean]s oGygian{pre?}hiStoric [iMaGi, comBi, maChi]Nations Wed[a]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg [un,dis,non]L[awfu, oya]ll+y+ourshttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dew[a] [re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, Google [iMage] Search, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet] She+v:{and}+LinG[um,a] {phall[us,i]}https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg rePreSents? man's [pu{rush}l]Ling {phallas} inserted (sa[t,[i]d]) woman['s bhag-yoni-garbh {vulva-vagina-womb}] dePreDates? She + wa + LinG शी+व+लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s OshorePreSents? she-wa anCient pu[ru][sh,lL]ing: https://youtu.be/I2d-x5tzVzE unt-Shunt?https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg Lead to consented copulation[s]? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex[s]rape?https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpghttps://youtu.be/gjIAukewyhY{cRiMe[s], LinGs {sT[r]i[ll] : pu/ru[sh,ll]} fanSa, raPe, terRor[s,iSm]} kar guZa{r,are} gaYe [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn baNANA rePuBLic! CunGARoO CoUrTs! देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqYhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s sLaVery-pRosTitution {Brahmin, aR[y,e]a-n, [k]shatriya} https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com बावल+ज़ुल्म+आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़+जुर्म{hu,se,wo?}men{dir}ty {wish,deSir}e{s, d} {horR, hon, terR}or{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s शि+व+[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान+dRinKing: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConSCious? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg dead? सबसे पुराना धर्म: https://youtu.be/NYq5kLvVt6E Osho she asked: https://youtu.be/9lk9xRIUAMQ?t=55s why people pour {cow, buffalo, et al} milk on शि+व Ling? ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatriya: https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com {crime, horror, terror}isms[h]ah[&,i]mAt{a}mAd?तुम्हारे सब देव झूठे: https://youtu.be/TmIwxxyq_5I Osho LeaNinG शी+व+GoL+MoON: http://webneel.com/daily/sites/default/files/images/daily/09-2013/4-beautiful-mf-husain-painting-dancing-woman.jpg {रा,ला}{ज,ज़}नीति PoLi{Ti}c{e,s,ies} https://youtu.be/yACq_kXX4YI?t=15m22s T. MehNA85% बाहूजनी [संघठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िंदाबाद+सम्भावित!? LewD+LaSciVious+ठरकी+LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRade{st}Cast[L]es[ar-as-w]ati: https://www.hindujagruti.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/saraswati.gif Most Bizarre-Taboo TraDitions-RiT[e,ual]s From aRound The World: https://youtu.be/Q4c_aYBPP9w = अजीब-O-ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब रीति-रिवाज़रेप्ड[st[r]illing]युवती-पीड़िता ने दोष[-ी]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/Rta-R269uiM युवक का गुप्तांग[पुल्ल,पु{ru}श]-िंग काट दिया#9 Weirdest [Wo]men Weddings [With]in[side] The World: https://youtu.be/IdAtaKLqUiw = दुनिया की ९ अनोख़े+अजीब+O+ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब सादी[यां]शादि-विवाह+ब्याह sePaRated:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/8a/4c/a78a4ceb05fb31ee58ce5671e20d6bbd.jpg men+dir+ty cult[ure]: https://youtu.be/665dr7RB6jM रेप के con[Vict]or-दोषी के साथ com[vict]im+पीड़िता+महिलाओं ने lathi charge: https://youtu.be/HcF14SCYSEk करा[या]धर्म के [ठीके,ठेके]दारों सुनो: https://youtu.be/E7d68HMhWIo Kanhaiya KumarCritiQue of [Brahmin, Arya-n, [k]shatriya, aRe-a-n]ist [sCript, text]ures: https://youtu.be/8QQUJoSA2s0 Osho [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]Mazing fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|poem Ramayan[a]Sing: RamayanPlur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring] Vanara: [VAna+{RA]+vanA}: Ravana: aVarna [anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] OR forest dwelling Homo+Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? OR GoriLLA|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes?VanA = forest{s}junglehttps://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-299c2e93cc551b8fa951a1a54992a8ad Living? Flying? yes-Wings? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana [ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power ] OR Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutT, carRy]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones? [ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n1. skill in warfare2. the skill of directing a war ]https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a1d9bbc515c988761fa1cd7e60db6c56 Fled..? Flowed? Died? g:ram:mar:y H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humanshttp://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg [g,b,h,m,p,t,s][o]und[a/e] d:rama-mara|amar?http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft sTrateGics[eCo]LoGistics: (A,(alp)vi[sh]) [RA]{m[a](yAn), vAna[r]}[a]Sit [yo,jo][va,ba]ni? Osho: हमें राम-राज्य {जिस में महिलाओं का व्यापार होता था}, नहीं चाहिए: https://youtu.be/FosfvrBYzYA hindu[tv,swy,m]am-राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Ram[ayana]anarchy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]dhttp://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed? http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanasQ&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana Bringing UP|Country Back[ward,priestCrafted,StabBed]!RamaYana: D-AnGe-R-ous-ly {reGresSive, reVers[es,al], {iM,dis}ProVable, woRS{ening,ns}} {tool, reHearSal, [sub]sysTem, (in)[fact, deed], [proof, truth]}s Babri MosQue deMo[li]tion: RAm ke NAm? https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Or in the name of bRahminic+aReanist+tRadest re{Li}Gions? mar-yADa: die-memories pu/ru-sh [A,mar,shah,{ha}RAm]zAD[a,i] ब्राह्मणवाद व{-िपरीत} राष्ट्रवाद; ब्राह्मणवाद को नेस्तनाबूद करना ही राष्ट्रवाद है: https://youtu.be/CtlLhAjCZ08 मा. रमाशंकर, राष्ट्रीय मीडिया प्रभारी,बामसेफ रामायण{-ी व्यवस्था} की बखिया उधेड़ने वाले दो पेरियार: https://youtu.be/gwxubwe3UeM पेरियार ई.वी. रामासामी व ललई सिँघ बौद्ध कभी-अभी [भूल,गलती,सही,अच्छा,नीचता,प्रोपेगंडा]कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निंदापूर्ण, खंड-खण्ड-पा-खण्डित, तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास, दबे-कुचले-शोषित-वञ्चित, रखैल[एं]वधु-रण्डी[यां]वैश्]-बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: Osho | HD Audio: https://youtu.be/O0ncry6f17c राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]] pSeuDo+nationalists: https://youtu.be/2h0q_bkwra8 RANAdharm{On}baliDAn ka — https://youtu.be/Wb7U5q-t1Mw JaGo iNKi SoORaT kO PehChANo BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat goOn{da}rAj: https://youtu.be/mmoA2aqdeUM?t=3m28s गुण्ड{-ा}राज मैं राक्षस, ये भगवान? https://youtu.be/TMM17AIMfco Osho [बौद्धों, दलितों, शूद्रों, et al, के विरुद्ध] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatri{य:}वैश् घृणा+ज़ुल्म{-ी}जुर्म+आतंक+ख़ौफ़ d'RAmaअभिYAn: https://youtu.be/8U1SMEKqIus वामन मेश्राम Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism Race{ism}Cast[L]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-न���्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद। https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A The BiG fiGht: Are iNDians raCist?https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people Poe{M, Try} Rajeev Riaz & Surajpal Chauhan: https://youtu.be/ofaYLGcap8c?t=17m13s बहुजन समाज के शायर व कवि भीमसाहब व बाहूजनों का इतिहास: https://youtu.be/xVHs1kOU0IY?t=1m7s दिल रो उठेQ&As: https://www.quora.com/What-re-the-origins-of-Dalits-and-Dasahttps://www.quora.com/What-is-everyday-life-like-in-an-ISIS-controlled-area/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 iSiS ViCTiMs: https://youtu.be/yNdqZi0z8vQ RTPre-iSLamic MidDLe EaST: https://youtu.be/kBpQiJt3MUQ hiStoryFew people can name poets and events from Byzantine?it's a {enForCed} forGotTen hiStory; not that the{re,ir} hiStory [did,isn]'t exist. क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ-आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU?t=33m SBS[a,ga]jab modi ne gujarAt me iNSAno ko katwA diya [t]ab ye gau rakshak ko q rokenge?unDer the [un,dis]like[S]aMBit of ri-gh/o-t winged {p-aRT[y]Bj, RsS, VHP, HMS, etc} {fRinge, fanatic, aScetic, sTaunch} {dal-bal, p-aRT[y], seNa, aRMy}s, {crimes, [horR,hon,terR]orism, जुर्म-ज़ुल्म, tYRanN[y,ies]} are-were being done{eXe, perSe}Cuted, time and aGain.[Ri-gh/o-t wing, aR[e,y]a-n, bRahminic] iNTeRNa[tiona]l-iNDian propaGanda-aGenda is to sPRead {disTaste-haTRed, fEar-terTor} aGainst [Dalits-SCs, aD[h]iwasis-STs, Shudra-OBCs, women, darks-blacks, religious-cultural-eThnic-regional minorities], TiMe & aGain. AiB: GanDhi[an]iNConGress-UPA Vs aScetic[s]P-aRT[y]Bj-NDA : https://youtu.be/qStXxdRJtms good+bad cops+poLi[Ti]c[s,ing] Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians {weSTern, Christian} pSeudo-Science: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism [hu,wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg in re[Li/Di]{e}Gi+on http://www.thefreedictionary.com/propagandapropaganda  prŏp′ə-găn′dən.1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.[Earlier, organization for the propagation of a practice or point of view, from Propaganda, short for New Latin Sacra Congregātiō dē Prōpagandā Fidē, the Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith, a division of the Roman Curia established in 1622 to promote the evangelization of non-Christian peoples and the spread of the Roman Catholic Church in other Christian communities, from Latin prōpāgandā, ablative feminine gerundive of prōpāgāre, to propagate; see propagate.] OriginConGreGaTio de ProPaGanDA FiDe                         =ConGreGaTion for ProPaGaTion of the FaiThPropaganda ~= Propagation ~= [DiS]SemiNationpro+Pa+GanD+ize ~= pro+Pa+Gate {p}re[pRoDuCe, diReCT, bel, cReaTe, arRanGe, tenSe]s d{anGe}r+ous miX{TuRe}fu conTaiNinG {p}ARTi{fici}al [lie{s}truth, +{viTy}-] https://youtu.be/QTXDgCzwQOs?t=45s d'eVoLution of iNDo+EuRo enGLiSh+uRDu+hinDi [deRiv,reL]atives: paGaN{enGLiSh} पागल{hinDu}pAGaL enGLiSh: aGendaकार्याबली, शानदारg{r,l}andग्रंथि, लिंगeN+GenDerजाति, gaudy, genital[ia,s], god, en+D+AnGe+r, hanD+Le, गङ्गाgang{e,ster}sगिरोह{-ी}गुट, garLanDफूल:हार/माला, paGe-ant, aGape, gateद्वार, (de)fun{d[ament-al-ism]s, ct[ion{ary,s}]}, leGend+ary, {pUn,uR,eXi}GenT{Le-men}, {p,m}anDo{r,l}a, eXPunGe, geNe{Sis,RaTe}, enG{iNe,LiSh}, aNG{eL,Le} paGa{l,n}pun{k,t}[h]{a,i} {a}{c,t}[h]ie[ph,ve]is[m,ts]पद: [f,m,p,bro][a,o,u][r]the[r,l][i] oVer UniTeD-ProWinCes: https://youtu.be/IIQ7wJMRRJ4?t=5m18s U.P. hiNDi: गेंदाgendaगैंडा, gunda[i]गुण्ड{ई,-ा}, GondWanaगोंडवाना, gaud(y)तड़क[-ीला]भड़क[ली वस्तु], gaindगेंदball, dung{ar}डन्ग-र, gand[a][गंद:, गले में पहनने का गण्डा]gandakगंडक-नदी GAndगांडArse, gAndhiगाँधी, गधा{s[a]u}Ga[n]dha[ri]गांधारी[सु,सौ]गंध, ग्रन्थgranth[i]ग्रंथि, [pra,sad]gati[प्र,सद]गति, gangaगङ्ग-ा{पानीwatersजल}dirtyगन्द-ा;काण्ड:kAndAकंडा, khand[har]खण्ड(हर), हाण्ड:[b]hAndaभाण्डा, पाखण्ड-ीpAkhand-i,jhandAझण्ड-ा, jhundझुण्ड, bhand[a]phodभाण्ड-ाफोड़, dandAदण्ड-ा, mangat-मंगत, pungatपंगत, aPanga[अ]पङ्ग{:,-ा,-ु}, bh{a,u}gat[an,i]{भ,भु}गत{-ान,-ि} Y2K https://youtu.be/ZVH_azWAzZI {proPaganda, faKeism, fenku, lehar, ruMouRism, myth[yatva]} https://youtu.be/B4sXOUtlw8w कैसे फ़ैलाया व लोक़-लोगों को उस[से,में] उलझाया गया है - Ravish Kumar Hindi+enGlish+etc {lanGuages, linGu[a/e? iStics], tonGues} were mishMashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting {hurtFul, uNjusTiFiable, siniSter, iNjuRing} {proPaganda, aGenda, doMi[neering, nation, nion, etc]. https://youtu.be/47y8gs33P80 Kanhaiya Kumar on [9/11, Christianity, Brahm[a,i]nism, iSlam] https://youtu.be/PlovMRZ9UR0 Why reServe women{OBC, SC, ST}s? https://youtu.be/eGTRdy7j3cg {Nazi, aRya[n], [sWa, nA]sT-i-k, d-anGe-r-ous, holoCaust, aDolF HiTLer] https://youtu.be/NR6_alxS3SM Ravish Kumar re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion Sons-Crit: support[er, system]s + sons [re]created it: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=sonscrit son{g, jai, kI, gh[i,athan], gharsh, dig-dh, dhI, DAs, sad, culp[nA,rit,able], hAr(ni), cut, i, s(k)Ar(ni), son-I, s-critI, t[An,Ap,Or], lipt, s-karan, kraman, gatI, s-smaran, shodhan, nATA, jIv[anI], char} phi[Lo,Do]so{Phi-cal, Phe-r-s}: phySi{Que, C[s,al]}, phi[L]{ander[er], ip[s, ine-s], iStine, anThrop[y,ist]}, PaleStin[e,ian-s]reLiGio{us, se, sity}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg sum{(m)er, bhog, pat[n]i}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-walk-to-the-sun-2-1.jpg sin{g, gle, gh[ania], ha, k, d([h][u][n], bAd)}: syn{chronous, ergy, thes[i,e]s}sim{ple, ilar[ity]; at}shun{i, kar, g, ya, kh; t}monk[ey] ra{vana}ra aVarna{wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sodyshum{bhu, i, she[e]r}cust[umer, om]s, cast[e,le], foreCastcomMon {[hu,wo]men, sense} Qom[hu,se,wo]MensPell, goSpel, sMell, sMall(pre)tens[e,ion], [con]Tent[ion], comMence, mention, [con]Quest[ion] pensionsenS[e-s, uous, ual, ation], son-s, [kam]sin-s, sa[i]nt[ist,est], sen{tence,sex}, sCene, sonSoni, sKin, sCent, sCien{ce,ti[fic,st]}, {acquie, adole}sCen[ce,t], [pro,ef]fiCien[cy,t]http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-scence con{Science, [hu,wo]Men, Sensus, Sumer, Tract}comMun{e, ism, ity, icat[e,ion]}cen{sor, sus, sure}.. pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y http://www.storypick.com/greek-and-indian-myths she{-v:} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-[k]shatriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather[p/f]ancha[l,m]ihttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpghttps://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpghttp://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM 5+1D-in-lawhttp://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg potty? sex? pornoGraphy? torTure? of|for whom?http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg [d,s+L]augh+ter?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Dw4mCv7nBcE/UH_kE4ZJtzI/AAAAAAAAA3w/FIaM7BdWI08/s1600/draupadi.jpghttps://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg कभी-अभी भूल कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निन्दापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड[-ित], तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास]बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: https://youtu.be/O0ncry6f17c Osho | auDio: राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Rama[Yana]anArChy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]ds Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 eXPosedhttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/HyCQDIwHlXY/maxresdefault.jpg Raci[st]Caste System: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg गड़करी + Brahmin Junta Party: https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 Bandar Sena: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 Terrorists [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 she{-v:} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [OrGy, saTurnaLia, necKing-party] {ताण्डव, नंगा नाच} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR[सं-पु.] 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 4. उग्र क्रियाकलापhttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpghttps://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि+व+MUsic+orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M Law sTuDent in Kerala Chops off Genitals of a god{demi, man} https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA Her [alleged] rapistShe{+v:}chopped[pu{ru/sh}l]L-ing[a]: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/H6PtzqzL47U/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.hindi2dictionary.com/अस्मत-meaning-hindi.html [सं-स्त्री.]अस्मत 1. निष्पाप और निष्कलुष बने रहने की स्थिति और प्रवृत्ति 2. स्त्री की इज़्ज़त 3. पतिव्रत; सतीत्वइस्मत स्त्री की इज़्ज़त-आबरू; सतीत्व; पातिव्रत्यकिस्मत भाग्य; तकदीर; नसीब; प्रारब्धख़िदमत 1. टहल; सेवा; चाकरी; सुश्रुषा 2. कार्य 3. पद 4. ख़ातिरदारीअस्मिता 1. अपने होने का भाव; अहंभाव 2. हस्ती; हैसियत; अपनी सत्ता की पहचान 3. अहंता; अहंकार; अस्तित्व; विद्यमानता; मौजूदगी 4. (योगशास्त्र) पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों में से एक{म,ह,ख}ननiSm ruminate; aBUse+sLauGhTer; Miningeham Brahmāsmiti अहं ब्रह्मास्मिति is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan i am the [in+fiNite ReaLiTy, brahMan, God] OraHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity]reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%[k]shatriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy nationals.Q&A: https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 [हस्तक्षेप, दख़लअंदाज़i]: किसी होते या चलते हुए काम में कुछ फेर बदल करने के लिए हाथ डालने या कुछ कहने की क्रिया inter[ference,vention]obtrusion, ocCult, ocCupation, enCroachment, trespass[व्यवधान, ख़लल, अड़ंगा, विघ्न, बाधा]: किसी कार्य को करते समय बीच में होने वाली कोई आकस्मिक घटना; inter[ference,vention,ruption]hindranceनज़रअंदाज़i iGNor[e, ance] hypo[thes, cris(i)]esV/s[pragmatism; practicality; realism] "an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application" [व्यवहार, उपयोगिता]वाद A brief (hi)Story of re[Li,Di]{e}Gi+on:https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg ............................. iNDo reLiGioSe+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]} poLi[Ti]C{inG, s, ieS} plz share this video.. this video's blocked by youtube worldwide: https://www.facebook.com/1383922705169789/videos/1937398176488903/ BjP {pun, STANCe} oN [NOTeBaNDi, eNForCeD punishMent?, [de, re]MoneTiZation} भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI WAman MeShRAM {ri[gh,o], [t,f]aC}T[e,ual] bRahminic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[K]ShaTriya+tRaDe{st}cast[L]e Bj goVern[nance,ment,dhun] maDe [tRaGeDy - Rahul Gandhi, murDers] https://youtu.be/u2RnksqNPvI O₂ lesS sLauGhters in Go[R,L]ak[s]hPur religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला{कारी}कलह: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting {surgical-strikes on, poLaRizing, diViding, deVising} other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. Did u bear [with] it? Or eLSe, how you[r's] reMained/[over,be]Came unTouched by this {most}? [de,re]MoneTization aNThem: ये लाइन मे खड़ा है तू: https://youtu.be/c_fp1u74ctw जो आजकल: https://youtu.be/5em0wMt67xg As{a, h+O+A}ram BA{p,b}u: https://youtu.be/d2l0sdFBugM Narendra Mod{i, e+l}OpeRanDe गाना : इस बार बीजेपी https://youtu.be/rBQat56Zfl0 सर{O}कार https://youtu.be/RDodO0bMui0 चाहिए? अपनों के लाभ{मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent}फ़ायदे {साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त}कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों [पर,का] कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, {ध्रुवी, टूट[-ी]फूट}करण, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जी[त]ते जिए। क्या आप [इसे, इसके-साथ] {सह[म]ते, गुज़[-ा]रते} रहे? या फिर, आप/तुम्हारे इस{ सब}से कैसे अछूते रहे? Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief [aRTiCLe] भारतीय जाति व्यवस्था 'एंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन Hypo{Thes, Cris(i)}es of|for [human, mammal, animal] nationals:[ Hind{i, u{sTAn}, {MahA}[RAshtr, BhArat]a[pra]Desh-MaRAThA} ~50%;bRahm[a,i,e]n ~3.5%;aRe-a-n{ism,ists}AryA[n], [k]shatri[ya-ism/t]RAjPut:which[raj ke put? YA raja ke put?]ThAKur ~5%+3.5%;{tum'Am} jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'AmaYana, {re}La[ksh,x]man, D'AsaRatha ~40%; [na'R, kin+na'R, nArad, nAra'yana, nA'Ri, laksh/lax+mi] ~40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R'ad[h][ik]a ~60%;bRahm{Adi-k}sanaQ muni'sa ~40-50%;[MuSLim, MosLem, Mom[i,e]n]s, iS[L,R]AMic] ~15% RamzAN-RAMADAn;(unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient hinDon{e} ~50%;QALe ~60-70% {Dh[a,u]n ~50-90%} GoRe ~30-40%;in{Dia, Dies, Dus+Do[es]}{trial, WAD{i,a,e}DAW, valLey} [fe]males ~70%;{Q'Am, r'Am, jAn[wa]r, {un}j'Am} tum'Am ~85-90%;{se,hu,wu}men{nu,mu} {fo(u)r, go, out}{cast[L][e], ra{c,p}e, sPell}s ~70%;MamMal[ian]s प्राणी{स}स्तन{धारी, पायी, -ीय}जन्तु ~100% ] ?? [ब्राह्मण,वर्ण]{:}धर्म का अ{-ँधा}नुकरण: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ?t=2m40s हमारा [दुश्मन, {sho, [satya, wi]nA, choO}shaq, shaTrue] MuS{lim, alMAn} नहीं बल्कि [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e https://www.facebook.com/harish.shaikh.750/posts/1912088845723601 होश में {आ,गा,जा}ओ+{जा,मा}नों Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{त्व[-ं]={तू, तुम}you; अह[म,म्]=मैंi; [ए]तेषां=वोthem} sumWedan+Hein{ous}Do+tWo?http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?script=HK&beginning=0+&tinput=aham&trans=Translate&direction=SEhttp://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?beginning=0+&tinput=tva&trans=Translate&direction=SE {iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce}inG iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo} on oTher[ {nat,reG}ionaL]s.. किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR eX[P,T]ensi[ve,ble]Peri[m]ent[al] iDeoLoGical hap[py,pen]hazard[ous][harm,hurt]ful dePredator wings-organisations-parTease-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें {कठो,[कोठ,ठाक,डाक]:-उ,ठोक,ठुके}र-िये[दुर्ग:caST[L-e]proPa[g,p,b-h]anda(go)Spellभेड़िये-साँड़(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़[में][भेड़ियें,भेड़ें,साँड़,मेढ़ें,कुत्तें]->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे-ख़रबूजें, उठाईगिरे, सेब-Base, आम, डुचे-ठुके, [र,श]-ाम, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, ग़ाज़रें-मूलियाँ, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्,बद,सीधे,सधे,सादे,टेढ़े,मेढे]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], तजे-भजे-भजिये-तजृबें-तजुर्बें-तरबूज़ें, etc. [Ri-gh/ot-ist, [Sa]Varna, [P]ARTiFiCiaL] LoC{aL}LoG note[n]ki baaz rahe gaye guza[a]re gaye hain. AiB : tHe {de,re}MoneTization ciRcus{B/P-Lunder}[c/t]urC(r)ush-i: प्र{ख़र:ब-ी,चण्ड,हार}श[-ै]ल्य [त,क](-ृ,-ु)र्क(-ृ,-ु)शी: https://youtu.be/YqwVOWYJSxw  ............................. #ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons-Crit but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans-Krit pSeudo-sCientific re[Li]Gion[s] V/s [f]aCT{ual,ive} ReaL{ity,ism} : {bRah, hin+do}Min{ant, ion, eeRing} [con-vi, a]ct[or]s Versus {dePressed, crushed, reGressed, suffering} [con]vict[ims] [ dominant, [con-vi, a]ct[or]s, [sh[O,A],choo]shaks, जोश-ए-[जुनूँ,जनेऊ,मौल]{-ी}दोष, ofFender, feudal, segregated, organised, ma+jo+ri+ti+es? ] ~12-20% [जाट लुटेरो {बल,पहल}वान: https://www.facebook.com/1406663276068678/videos/1424791980922474 , sons+crit+ons: https://www.google.co.in/#q=sons-crit-ons | pseudo+Arya+ns: https://www.google.co.in/#q=pseudo-Aryan | BrAhMins, [K]ShaTriya, {paTEL, gujJar, marAThA, redDy}s, et al | Hindu+tvam: https://www.google.co.in/#q=hindu-tvam | Arya(ns)&Arya[n]ism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism raci{al}radic {pseudo,proto,crank}S{cie,o,a[i]}nt+ists ] [complicate, irResponsible, aNTi-aGainst, trap, criminalize, de-predate, victimize, dispute-feud, hostility, enmity] [शोषक-चूषक, मनौती, पनौती]due to [webs, matrices] of[motive, doubt, suspicion, deSire-asPiration]s [मंशा, [आ]शंका, संशय, आकांक्षा-आस:-काश:]एं   OR[problem-solver, sophisticator, compl[i,e]mentary, rePresentative, leader]s [कोशिश:, कोशिक्षा, ख़ज़ांची[कोष]पोषक] [ dePressed, crushed, sufferers, con-vict-ims, दबे+वञ्चित+कुचले{शोष,जोश,दोष}-ित, separated, disorganised, mi-no-ri-ti-es? ] ~80-90% [ Shudra-OBCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shudra, poor, women|weak, darks|blacks, Dalits-SCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit, Ad[h]iwasi-STs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi, tRans+Gender{s}seX, [physic, ment]aLLy cHa[lle]nGed, Dasa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasa |slaves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India, B,G,L, religious|eth{n}iQ(u)al+Tural minorities [Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddh[ist,a], Jain, Jew, Zoroastrian, et al]s, castrated:eunuchs, et al ] [iNTellectual, aTheist, [a]GNostic]s nA+s+Ty+Q ~= {my}th+{eoLoG,yatv}ists sWa+s+t[h]+i+Q ? [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn [वै,वि]ज्ञानि[क]प्रबुद्धं {पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत} [धा,आ]र्मि[क]प्रभुत्वं CRiTiQue of [Brahmin, aR[y,e]a-n, [K]ShaTriya]ist [text, sCript]ures: https://youtu.be/8QQUJoSA2s0 Osho [re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, https://www.google.co.in, Google iMage Search, https://www.facebook.com, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet] #eXPoSé (im)[P]arty{c,fici}al in{ter,tra}dePenDance|state|rePuBLic #उघारब [d-ange-r-ous, [he-in, die-n]do-us, communal, so-ci[et,de]al, biGot[ry], re[li]gio-se/us] [tension, po[l-i]se/ce/cy, po[li]t[r][ic,e,y]s, unKnowledgeabilities Too] 15%[Brahmin,[K]ShaTriya,Vaishya]ic Con[sPiraCi,seQuenC]es: https://youtu.be/bpSCLZpmMpQ को 85%[अधिकाकांक्षी,बाहुसंख्यकों] थोपने के हक़?अधिकांक्षी महिला की स्पीच: https://youtu.be/al-Ozzzi1AI BaMCEF - JeMini KAdu: https://youtu.be/1ttpb5IC15s WeDic DhaRaM https://youtu.be/jdOS7CREfD0 vs BudDhism: https://youtu.be/OYmaj8LTFuQ [na,ra,fic,fixa]tion-al-i-zation-al [na,la]yak-[Lo,Qa]yukt[a,iyan] iNDo mor{e, aL} poLi[Ti]C{aL, eaL, ieS'}+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e reLiGiOn[s] Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5/ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-many-Brahmanic-Abrahamic-Allies-followers-groups-classes-institutions-and-industries-owe-Reparations-and-Restitutions-towards-against-the-enslaved-Humans-and-descendants-Dasa-and-Dalits-and-their-After-Life-Slavery-in-India [maha]Bhara-tiya ग़रीबी पर वीर-रस कविता: https://youtu.be/hksqLJ7Wy1A हरि-ओम-पवार Hindu Converts: https://youtu.be/NjCScyPdJ24 https://youtu.be/LdP19cfV1tw Dalit couple killed with axe over ₹15, by aShok Mishra, in Uttar Pradesh: https://youtu.be/xZ8HEES_ldA shopKeeper arRested Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1 AmbedKarism: https://youtu.be/Vu1Klyrk05s?t=3m13s Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social aCTivist & auThor eQuaLizing Dr BR AmbedKar &|Vs reLiGiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg Osho Dr. Ambedkar{& his, ism}phi[Lo-So]phy: https://youtu.be/mjld-Ks_Gqw [MP] Sharad Yadav {Poem} On Saharanpur, UP: https://youtu.be/p2L7zhF-fd8 b[i]ased+shrewd+Ri+gh/o+ts RajPuts V/s gullible+poor Dalits भारत के पौड़ानिक-नवयुगी दासतानें[अ]फँसाने: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 sLavery[en]Trapments {ब्राह्मण, [K]ShaTriy, वैश्य}-ों [में, की] गौमांस खाना: https://youtu.be/6MWF8SPGhZw {वैद, धार्म, वार्ण, सनातन}-िक परम्परा रही गड़-क-री & Brahmin Jun{ta, glee} Party: https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 race[ism]cast[l]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद। [bLoG] https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com iNKi SoORaT kO PehChANo BhAi @ULGuLaN.2015: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat [bLoG] https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com/ [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] eXPosed: https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 Arya{ns} https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 दबंग ब्राह्मण ने मात्र ₹10 के लिए दलित रिक्शेवाले: http://www.nationaldastak.com/country-news/dalit-rickshaw-murders-in-ballia/ की हत्या की The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 7 Historic facts aBout RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 iNDian Hindu orGaniZation सम्विधान, क़ानून एवं व्यवस्था: https://youtu.be/0fRtlUSg8VI प्रो. रतन लाल Brah[manism, mins] ocCupied iNDian deMocracy with Jawaharlal Nehru became 1st PM without any election, after: British-Christians [were being-sent-back]/left; Mughals-Muslims were oBLiterated-sideLined with muslim[league, nation]; [Shudra-OBCs, Dr Babasaheb, Dalits-SCs, Ad[h]iwasi-STs, et al] were oBLiterated-sideLined were sidelined with d-ange-r bengal-famine? Puna-pact, etc: https://www.facebook.com/V1jayL0dhi/videos/795389380618307/ https://youtu.be/H3xSe-TzEWc Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion? https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief: https://youtu.be/ql2yz7XDs2A Daniel Dennett, 2006 SaHARanpur D{anGe}r: https://youtu.be/n70JQeGY07k?t=2m34s pRiMe-TiMe Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-an-anti-Dalits-party आरक्षण के ख़िलाफ़: भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674 Part(y)Bj aNG{st}aGain cast[L]e{st}raCe reServation Genesis of RSS & poLiTical aGenDa: https://youtu.be/vgXZlFLpWSc Sons+Crit is not 2 millennia old: https://youtu.be/sKMf8W7P6zQ ईसा पूर्व की भाषा नहीं है संस्कृत- राजेंद्र प्रसाद सिंह Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-is-RSS-related-to-Hindu-terrorism All Religions are Lies - Masters of Deception: https://youtu.be/PflixBTzi8o support[ers,systems] + sons [en]crypted [Ramayan[a], Mahabharat[a], Wed:Dewa, etc/et-al] (creat|chang|transform-ed cryptic scripts|war|priest-crafts|[after]life|mythical-critters in India-n-world) through sons-crit(i) & [divid|en-slav|[re]creat|rul]ed crit-ters|ani/mam-mals|[after]life by divisive & devising plans, agenda, conspiracies, corruption & propaganda. son-[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, das, ta[n,p], jai, ki, jeev, nata, son-i, char] Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Did-the-pseudoAryana-Sons-crit-ona-Varna-bring-the-British-English-for-own-ing-industrial-indian-advances-advantages-representations Hein-do-stan-i Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-chances-that-word-bha-rat-is-a-shortened-form-of-gar-bha-rat हिंदू-वर्ण:: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ मतलब https://youtu.be/wL3SkIOHsQw faRCe poem? https://youtu.be/aITAwk-QyxY?t=8m47s [राष्ट्र,क्षेत्रीय]वाद[-ा,-े,-ी]दाव: https://youtu.be/qAPt5ND69LY?t=40m45s हिंदूV/sअंय भारत माता की जय: https://youtu.be/031Gp5PtuVg NDTV There have been too many-much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle-war-priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good-better living conditions for its-their nationals. Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism sutch-mutch cow[bull-ox, bullock [castrated]] [butch[er]ing, s-laughter, [after]life]गौ-हत्या सत्य:: https://youtu.be/QEKfGbQNiJs Osho https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-anti-intellectual-and-anti-artist दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र-OBCs, दलित-Dalits, आदिवासी-Ad[h]iwasis, धार्मिक-अल्पसंख्यक-साँस्कृतिक-नृजातीय-minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, [k]shatriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचा[ना।, या?] an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News by-through Sudhir Chaudhary: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI Kairana, aFTer proPaGanDa & ruMors: https://youtu.be/6qOoeq6dYtA कैराना प्र[चा,सा]र{-ों}अफ़वाह के बाद जितनी गहराई में जाँचोगे-पुरखोगे, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। How to identify Fake News in India?? by Dhruv Rathee: https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?] Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 What Have i Got aGainst Religion? https://youtu.be/oSZYN8UV6yg बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में कैसे उजाड़-उखाड़-ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM भारत के न्यायालयों पर वामन मेश्राम की सुपर स्पीच: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A tHe BiG FiGHT: Are iNDians raCist?https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ …Yes…. https://youtu.be/ilo_YRqXH1k Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people iNDians are-racist/ kill-murder fellow nationals according to [beliefs, caste-drama-dharma, faith, iDeology, hypoCrisies, hypo-Theses]; who eat cooked cow-meat, kill those converted to Christianity, kill those dalits-darks-blacks-dasa,  bharat's racist righ!!!! are [racist, rapist, criminal, extremist, separatist, terrorist]s against other fellow indians. [प्र,वि]देश को बर्बाद करने हेतु परमाणु बम नहीं केवल 4 ब्राह्मण[Aryan–aRe+a+n][K]ShaTriya काफ़ी: https://youtu.be/D-EjPme6iL0 God[s,dess-es] Bless [a-nti]Theism! https://youtu.be/y4mWiqkGy-Y Theology as branch of phi-lo-so-phy, re[li]gion OR [re]creative/ecritirve art?.Heaven is right there waiting for you, and all you've got to do is die. That's some price to pay, isn't it for admission to a place which is full of [after]life clergymen and born again [christian, brahmin, aryan, we/a-re-a-n, arian, [k]shatriya, tradest, et al]s' afterlife, which i reckon makes it literally a fate worse than death [with]in[side] the earth world. But surely people need re[li]gion to answer certain questions [un]like "how better-worse can we stiffle the human[holi]spirit? How much can we squeeze from the poor and gullible? How many palaces can we live without blushing? But there are very many questions it doesn't have answers, so it try to adapt-adopt from modern-science or it cover the phenomena-process-program-etc and {it's [wo]men} makes them up. [a-nti]Theism says you just made them up, religion-theism says this what we call theology. What's the difference b/w doctor of [medicine, theology]? One preScribes drugs, other might as well be on drugs. A theologian is somebody who's an expert in the unKnowable-unKnowledgeability. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg http://www.thequint.com/hot-wire/2015/10/22/more-than-47000-crimes-against-dalits-in-2014-crime-records https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/23/03/ab/2303ab913236241c7d889e4d1edbfc48.jpg जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्रामhttps://www.google.co.in/search?q=ambedkar+quotes [please] Do not use word-phrase {some[one,thing]} upRising[s]. It is [very, too] ofFensive. It had been used world over by [dominant, feudal] [propeller, con-vict-or]s to define-declare protests as upRisings, and then crush those, "by hook or by crook" modi operandi. You can use word like Rising Lagging/Scheduled Classes/Castes/Tribes/Dalits/Shudra. Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-is-dalit-crisis/answer/Laal-Musaddi [जाति,वर्ण]वादी न्याय(अ)[न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य/Our Aim is to end the Racist-Casteist Justice System: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 mahaboret [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d-ange-r-ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!? [d-ange-r-ous] धर्म: के नाम पर साम्प्रदायिक दंगे | Communal Ri-o/gh-ts (Dange) in the name of re[li]gion | Osho: https://youtu.be/8C6-fdhkjQ8 http://www.opindia.com/2015/11/from-dadri-to-haryana-to-manipur-how-stories-about-crimes-against-dalits-and-minorities-have-panned-out [violence, [re,op,de,sup]pression, corruption, [trans,re,ag,di]gression, terror-ism] in the name of [re[li]gion, nature, [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism], states] which is [non-truthful, unlawful] Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-non-correct-is-the-Claim-Slogan-Terrorism-has-No-Religion इ/उ-न्होंने धर्म नहीं/कब त्यागा-तजा!? धर्म ने भी इन्हें नहीं/कब त्यागा-तजा!? [ब्रह्म/भ्राम-ान/इन, आर्य-न,  are-a-n, [k]shatriya, वैश्य, वर्ण]बाद[आ]दाब[ईर्ष्या, उग्र, घृणा, भय, d-ange-r, आतंक, निरस्कार, डर, बहिष्कार, ख़ौफ़]वाद{-ा, -े,-ी}दाव https://img.ifcdn.com/images/4c3c9055eaea49a17eb2b2714564a8751eb9d4c0c6f9f0d70e75245fd44c25b0_1.jpg https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-or-a-true-religion OBCs-शूद्र, दलित-SCs: Osho: https://youtu.be/QRGGp37lgo0 ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqY देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं [manDir-ties, mosQue-toes] में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 Osho: mAnon nahin, jAnon! rare [viDeo]: https://youtu.be/_-YyUjCa32s It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s Ram{a}Raj? https://youtu.be/56wbqiYjRyM?t=1m9s रङ्क{फ़}टीचर? The Ayodhya - The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o    [must watch] 1991 BAbri MosQue [to] demo[li][sh,te,tion] for — RAm [manDir-tymple] ke NAm: https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Shameful [right-center-left]wings [bha[t,d]kau, pejorative, wil[le]d, gumrah[i], [ins, assa]ulting, vile, vilifying, de-preDating] legacy of [maha]bhara-t ! [S-laughterer, killer, rapist, looter, [a]chieph[er], murderer]s - Overlords of Caste-Races [caste,rac][ism,ists]  ~1000 years of aParTheid. is|are Buddh[a] [not] an|the Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw Osho: दिमाग से धार्मिक[ई]कचरा निकालो! https://youtu.be/JWq6Lzg9lDw "एक[अन]एक बात[-ों] में दम[ख़म] है. मनुष्य-इंसान-धर्म-आस्था-श्रद्धा के अंदर-अंतर की नीति-नैतिकता-नीयत-नियति निकाल-उघाड़ कर सत्य: बता-समझा-व्याख्या दिया। [aRTiCLe] http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/04/14/30-ambedkar-quotes-that-may-surprise-the-bjp_a_22039425/ Best arguments against religion|faith: Richard Dawkins: https://youtu.be/w35krx_WQZs eRaze-delete [enSlaving, pejorative, feudal, pseudoScientific] brahminic[Aryan–aRe-a-n][K]ShaTriya Social-Cult[ural] [re]Conditioning pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y All Religions Are False! https://youtu.be/Tt4eb6IHTug Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food छद्म[वि,वै]ज्ञानी [निंदापूर्ण, तुच्छ:-क्षुद्र:, दास:, दल-इत--ि] बनानेवाले ब्राह्मणी-क्षेत्रीय-वर्णवादी-सामन्ती [समाजी, sons-criti]c अनुकूलन: का उन्मूलन [तुरंत, ज़रूरी] आपको अपना उद्धार स्वयं करना होगा: https://youtu.be/2rEd44TfSwY मा. वामन मेश्राम. koi bha[g,d]wa-n-bhag[a,u]ts Aye to Apke sonhaar ho sakte hain [zulm-zaalim-shashak-shoshaq-chooshak-jurm](i) poshaq? भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI नालंदा बौद्ध विश्वविद्यापित युनिवर्सिटी (iNDiA) https://www.facebook.com/829138893826348/videos/1553500264723537 व तक्षशिला युनिवर्सिटी (ChiNA) की वास्तविकता Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-Jumla-and-is-it-a-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 Why Religion Should Be Replaced: https://youtu.be/pUxhU3eeSKw?t=1m44s Sam Harris on The End of Faith, Danger to Society (2005) Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Who-obliterated-Buddhism-from-india-3000-BCE-1000-ADE/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : waSund[h]ara: shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : old monk{ey} : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sody https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based What Should Replace Religions: https://youtu.be/m5tGpMcFF7U Daniel C. Dennett [re]Search: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion https://www.google.co.in/search?q=replace+religion BjP-ND[A,modi] के अबतक के सब [U-TUrn, proPaganda, perVersion]s तक का कच्चा-चिट्ठा: https://youtu.be/K26513O_KWU moDe-oPeRande. eXPosed with [proof, truth, fact]s Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-worst-U-turns-by-BJP-after-forming-the-Government Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-historical-events-that-are-taught-as-facts-but-are-in-fact-mostly-propaganda/answer/Naman-Mitra Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned Religion V/s: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI Reality What Comes After Re[li]gion: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE [wo]men & re[Li,Di](e)Gi+on:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg A Brief hiStory of re[li/di]Gi-on:https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg Rama[Yana]DasaRatha[maha]Bhara-t-i-yan Race{st}Cast[L]e system:http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg Equal[ity]-Justice&Opportunities-4-all, appeasement-favorism2/&exploitation-enslavement-of[f]/on-none? Atheism Will Overtake Religion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA Study God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc इस लड़की ने बताया, संघी और मोदी भक्त अपनी हिन्दू बहनों को भी गाली देने और बदनाम करने में कोई कसर नही छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843/ aNGSt-ridDen religio+us/se+regional {[re]creation, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie], [p,m]art, priest|war|witch+craft} [af,ef,in]fect us ..................... iNDian eDucat{ion, ed} sySTem: iNDian eDuCaTion sySTem: https://youtu.be/SjBe3RXWA3s Delhi Dy CM, Manish SiSoDia: https://youtu.be/NmYKs36Sak4 You forgot to mention the ''extra tuitions trend'' that is very much prevalent in India from 1st std to 12th std. it is the one of the most bizarre things ever.. tHe 3 Myths of the iNDian eDuCaTion sySTem | viNay meNon | TEDxThiruvananthapuram: https://youtu.be/9Q7Zl3OI4ussTuDents ={hiS,fac}tory woRKers yeah this is not an coMPL{ete, [i,e]MenTary} eDuCaTion sySTem bRaHM[a,i,e]eNic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]an{ist}k[s]hetriya+traDe{st}cAst[L]e + राष्ट्रीय+स्वयं+सेवक+सन्घ{ठन} के मन{गढ़ंत}pun इतिहास और बढ़ते साम्प्रदायिक ख़तरे पर: https://youtu.be/x-HVaUje3Kg इतिहासकार इरफ़ान हबीब RsS GeNeSiS & PoLi{Ti}c{e}al aGenDA: https://youtu.be/u0g5lJuLsIg RAm PuniYAni iNKi SoORaT kO PehChANo BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat @ULGuLaN.2015 विवादित शिक्षक दिवस पर प्रो. रतन लाल: https://youtu.be/THW6g1a_LOE Prof. Ratan Lal on conTroVerSial Teacher's Dayरिपोर्ट में खुलासा किया गया है: बहुजन समाज के महान लोगों के समाज के प्रति योगदान को भुलाकर ब्राह्मणवादी व्यवस्था के संरक्षकों को बढ़ा चढ़ा कर प्रस्तुत किया जाता है।Govern{ance,dhun,ment} should made a portrait of Phules' compulsory in every classRoom of sChoOLs..I don't know why they put that saraswati there... iNDian eDuCaTion sySTem: https://youtu.be/j83POk91YnM भारतीय शिक्षा प्रणाली भारत में शिक्षा प्रणाली का विकास: https://youtu.be/ivoweo5QZcw Development of eDuCaTion in iNDia Governance can’t ChanGe the Country, but eDuCaTion can: https://youtu.be/4b9MyOdGGk4 Manish SisodiaThe education sector in India is in crisis. While the HRD ministry is trying to saffronize education, Maharashtra government has omitted the chapter on the Mughals from its history books and Rajasthan is rewriting its history, where Maharana Pratap, not Akbar, won the battle of Haldighati. Manish Sisodia, the education minister talks to Newsclick on his plans to bring about a change in the system. [aRTiCLe] भारतीय जाति व्यवस्था 'एंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन iNDian eDuCaTion V/s eDuCaTion aBRoaD: https://youtu.be/4-mvb-8FHPo The BiG deBate Complete iNFoRMaTion on iiT (iNDian iNSTiTuTe of TeChNoLoGy) https://youtu.be/ckZfHFMkyOI in HinDi सामुदायिक राष्ट्रपति: https://youtu.be/BbSj315o0mc?t=4m35s साम्प्रदायिक d{anGe}r भाजपा नेता [सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी] {आरक्षण, सकारात्मक+भेदभाव} के ख़िलाफ़: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674 Part(y)Bj aNG{st}aGain cast[L]e{st}raCe poSiTive+DiSCriMiNation afFirMative+reSerVation आरक्षण से नौकरी लेने वालों का कड़वा सच: https://youtu.be/UsZcERWGYTg प्रो. भगवान दीन आरक्षण प्र{भा,हा}व{-ी}हीन बे+असर हो गया, जानिये कैसे: https://youtu.be/PK6WWdD3Zac वामन मेश्राम iiTians watch: https://youtu.be/ArxCdZv53M4 This is why iiT is not counted in the top 200 institutes https://youtu.be/RQu5E2_OzU0 in the world: https://youtu.be/3k70mKrXlyU A Closer Look at Being an iiTian: https://youtu.be/RwAD2j4oZxw iiT Doesn't Matter: https://youtu.be/8jDkCqt8HDw ReaLiTy eXPoSed by aBhiShek MiShra Most of our enGiNeeRs have no knowLeDGe, inTeRest or sKill in eNGiNeeRing: https://youtu.be/oi4BtFTNjg4 NDTV PRiME TiME ReaLity of eNGiNeeRing: https://youtu.be/JnoUymO7TQo eXPosed by Abhishek Mishra BLeak Future For Lakhs of eNGiNeeRing GraDuaTes in iNDia? https://youtu.be/GgjaE4I5GQE NDTV PRiME TiME PLumBers, weLDers, eLecTriCians in more deMAnd than enGiNeeRs in iNDia? https://youtu.be/D4A7maeue0E NDTV PRiME TiME Ranking Indian Universities Like Looking for Life Signs in a Patient: https://youtu.be/NKkbRUt_jHE Prof Krishna Kumar AutoNomy of HiGher eDuCaTion & Research Institutions in iNDia: https://youtu.be/EpOhs1ekric SarOkAr How can we iMProve sTanDarDs of eDuCaTion? https://youtu.be/x2iKGHtZDZs PRiME TiME Hai Koi Aur CM Jo Aesa Kar Sake: https://youtu.be/GC7Qu8CAwMY soCial{iiT, iRS}ian+national aRVind KejriWAL in sChooL वास्तविक शिक्षा और कागजी शिक्षा का अंतर: https://youtu.be/byo0CB7qEgc Amir Khan HiSToRy of eDuCaTion PoLiCy in iNDia: https://youtu.be/YnWhr4KoHNo iNCLuSiveLy eDuCaT{e, ion to}proGress[ions to] [eaCh&eVeRy soMe|oNe, {phisic, ment}ally cha[LLe]nGeD, too]: https://youtu.be/r-euJNkl9o4 समावेशी {शिक्षा, विकास} https://youtu.be/k_7vz6IJ9jI Right To eDuCaTion: https://youtu.be/qas3E1VbEhQ UEEM Hindi SarvShiksha aBHiYAn: https://youtu.be/Nw2jhGIlzWg?t=33s सर्वशिक्षा अभियान Goal of RTE achieved? https://youtu.be/Kp631gzbIZ0 SarOkAr RiGht To eDuCaTion {sucCesSes, faiLuRes} https://youtu.be/yiiqrlf2xT0 sPeCiaL RePort New eDuCaTion PoLiCy: https://youtu.be/LRhNl1pQrF0 SarOkAr ReaL TruTh of eDuCaTion sySTem in iNDia: https://youtu.be/zYEeZy0cB2Y aBhiShek MiShraPeople in India educate for a degree-certificate, if you tell them learn a new skill they will ask you if I will get a certificate ? This approach to education will make a ton of morons.. foReiGn V/s iNDian eDuCaTion sySTem: https://youtu.be/ZaEvaekL2nI tHe BiG deBateuniVerSities in iNDia has buiLDinGs but do not builD caReeR. DePLoRaBle QuALiTy of eDuCaTion in RuRal iNDia: https://youtu.be/cBdA_xra5VE DNA eDuCaTion QuALiTy in iNDia: https://youtu.be/9YAVDk-UXOs wHy sTuDying in iNDia suCKs: https://youtu.be/OtsqF7dx5YE wHack aNaLyZing the PitiFul conDiTion of eDuCaTion sySTem in iNDia: https://youtu.be/Uu8dFojeuGQ DNA eDuCaTion in iNDia: https://youtu.be/aKspt58JbsM BBC CBS TV Phoenix 5 - U.S. eDuCaTion vs. China & iNDia: https://youtu.be/sgWKWkLneWQ proFile of a Poor Public sCHoOL: https://youtu.be/_RsGKsmtqWY sCHoOL LunChes and ManNeRisms: https://youtu.be/amfxFgRNRwg fRee {LunCh poLicy, miD-Day MeaLs} https://youtu.be/f227UYDJ7EU in iNDian sCHoOLs iNDia's Massive sCHoOL LunCh ProGrAm: https://youtu.be/Tiq67-bAV3M Aims to CurB WideSpread MaLNuTrition Poor eDuCaTion sySTem of iNDia: https://youtu.be/3jPKpcYHZlg WaKe Up How to fix a broken eDuCaTion sySTem... without any more money | : https://youtu.be/7sqeoYOQ4qg Seema BanSal Analysis of iNDian eDuCaTion sySTem #1: https://youtu.be/GOf7T0qbtok #2: https://youtu.be/rSfbrZQ-ZPE DNA ........................................ wHy are-were oNLy {OBC, SC, ST}s PoOR[eR]? https://youtu.be/_8W9FCBDgYY बहुजन समाज ही ग़रीब क्यों? हिन्दू V/s प्रबुद्ध राष्ट्र: https://youtu.be/eI14Dxjjwpw Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 न मन्दिर, न मस्ज़िद - अयोध्या में प्रथम था: https://youtu.be/uVbBvrfDdLk प्राचीन भौर्य{:,a}Bhor, बौद्ध विहार ri{Gh/O, TuaLiS]}Tic+raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e bRahm[a,i,e]n{iSm}[s][h][iN,ouT]Do: https://youtu.be/eJxMnYZJJxs GauRi LanKeSh + LinGAYaT[iSm] fReeDom - WAman MeShRAm Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{त्व[-ं]={तू, तुम}you; अह[म,म्]=मैंi; [ए]तेषां=वोthem} sumWedan+Hein{ous}Do+tWo?http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?script=HK&beginning=0+&tinput=aham&trans=Translate&direction=SEhttp://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?beginning=0+&tinput=tva&trans=Translate&direction=SE [iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce] {inG} iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo[inG]} on oTher[ {reG,raT,nat}ionaL]s..
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