#for you anon ♥️
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graciehart · 7 days ago
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THE X-FILES 1.09 — "Space"
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impish-baby · 5 months ago
Hey, could I have more HIWTHI content please? Possibly with them finding out reader would write in their journal a lot, possibly hinting towards reader having large amounts of self worth issues, and instead of them leaving because no one notices them, reader left because they feel like a burden?
I’m particularly interested in Marcus and the twins reacting.
Also, please make sure to take care of yourself. I love all of your writing, but no one will ever blame you for taking a break. Also, please stay hydrated.
👀 close to something that would happen canonically actually!!
HIWTHI cast's reaction to reader's journal
(Trigger warnings: reader's struggles with self worth, mentioned/referenced suicide)
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Marcus feels like a complete and utter failure as a father. No matter how cold or stern he is with his children, he does love all of them with everything in him. So the fact that you feel like a burden? That you felt like a waste of space in your own home? He hangs his head in shame.
Doesn't even bother with asking why you didn't speak up, he's well aware that this is his own shortcoming. It's his fault, that's the simple truth of the matter.
Once you are back home, you're required to start therapy. He'll even let you do in person instead of online if you promise to actually give it a shot, Marcus legitimately wants (needs) you to get better. He has no delusions of their being an overnight change, and so he tries to go at your pace.
There's lots of long conversations, firm reminders that you are loved and of value no matter what. Especially at night, he'll sit at the end of your bed and tell you how much you mean to him. He'd go on until he's blue in the face if that's what it takes for you to believe his words.
Clara refuses to believe what she's read for a long while. She knows it's real, she has the proof held in her hands. Just... her child, her baby, was struggling with almost the same thing she was. And she didn't know. She didn't know and now they're gone.
If she wasn't worried about reader before, she's actually terrified now. The worst outcome is going through her mind, because really, what was stopping you from doing something dangerous? Clara is constantly eyeing the news, fear eating her alive.
The next time she sees you, you're getting the tightest hug. The woman sobbing into your shoulder, thanking whatever higher being that her baby is safe.
You aren't allowed to have sharp objects, unportioned medication, or anything that could be used to harm one's self anymore. Clara doesn't care, she's not leaving a chance. She knows what it's like being in that state of mind. She'll be dammed if she doesn't start acting like a mother should and protecting her child.
Jack is bawling his eyes out right away. The pen ink in your diary smudging as his tears hit the paper. You...oh god..
He feels like the shitiest person on earth, he doesn't deserve to call himself an older brother. He knew Jaiden had his struggles, and now this..
He pockets the journal. Jack reads it as some form of punishment. You suffered with this, he'll suffer with it too. When you're back home, he's trying his best to include you in everything.
Movie nights, board games, he comes up with anything and everything so you can spend time together. See? He has fun with you, he likes hanging out with you, you aren't a burden..
Theo feels bitter, resentful. At your parents, at themselves, at the fact that you felt that way. His resolve to find you becomes ten times stronger, there isn't a single doubt in their mind that you need to come home.
Much like Marcus, they'll affirm how much you're loved and wanted any chance they get. Theo cages you in their arms and mumbles praises for what feels like forever. They'll even go into morbid detail about how everyone fell apart while you were gone just to prove how needed you are.
Jaiden is tempted to rip the pages out. He goes through a rollercoaster of emotions.
At first, he's pissed. That you didn't say anything, that you didn't do anything to get help, that you just sat there and felt fucking miserable for years-
He's ashamed. Deeply, deeply ashamed.
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It feels.. awkward between you. Jaiden stares constantly, like he's never seen you before. When he finally breaks down sobbing, he's willing to beg at your feet if you'd forgive him for being such a horrible big brother
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kryaaas · 4 months ago
Hello! Love your analysis on Jean, can you elaborate more on his ableism?
Oh boy, my favorite topic 
Jean at the end of the game makes a lot of ableist comments about Harry. The most obvious ones are about Harry’s addiction - *constantly* calling him a drunk at every chance he gets, and calling his previous attempts at recovery as “farce”.
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Basically its “addiction/ relapse is one’s moral weakness” attitude that ignores the reality of the situation that recovery needs proper external support and health treatment, especially in the term of a long term use of both drugs and alcohol. Which it's clearly not something that RCM is willing or can provide
So Harry pretty much trapped in a eternal damnation where he needs substances to cope with his ruthless and taxing job but it also makes Harry more unstable and he needs to quit it but he can't quit because then how the fuck he is going to do his job and save people while experiencing bajillion side effects from withdrawal like pain, seizures, nausea, headaches so he relapses but that is also only further his ruining his body and mind and makes him dangerous to covers civilians and no fucking wonder Harry tells Jean that he wants to get worse because there is no way out for him out of this hell—
Khm. Where I was. Ah yes, Jean is really not trying to empathize with Harry or understand his circumstances. And this isn't even to say that Harry is not responsible for his actions or that Jean cant be angry but there is quite a difference between "calling out one's actions" and "shoving their addiction in their face all the time and reminding how irredeemable they are".
Another thing Jean loves to do is to dismiss Harry's amnesia and mental issues entirely. He doesn't miss a chance to discredit Harry wherever he can
When Trant is actually give an explanation to Harry's memory loss, Jean immediately dismisses them all - all in favour of his own narrative - that Harry is an insane psycho who somehow lies the entire with some kinda ulterior motives
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"Teenage phyco" is so fucking funny btw... Jean really doesn't give less of a shit about 10 year difference or higher rank - he acts like some toxic mother who wants to kick her son out of the house for taking drugs xD  
What it makes funnier is that Jean clearly has some double standards when it comes to his own mental illness. Jean is “clinically depressed” while Harry is “insane”. Jean's mental illness is more "valid" because Jean "can keep his shit together" (apparently sitting in a wig and sungless and sulking is keeping his shit but. alright lol), unlike Harry whose disability makes him *disfunctional* (and obviously he doesnt deserve disability pension for this)
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33max · 5 days ago
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📸 chrisdemassy
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pfhwrittes · 1 year ago
for ✨♥️🗡 anon.
a little drabble for the retail hell au. all fluff, no TWs needed i think. female!reader. "love" used as a pet name and john calls the reader a "good girl".
pairing(s): john price x female reader, simon riley x female reader (or even john price x female reader x simon riley if you squint)
600ish words; barely edited again.
-- it’s been a slow start to your shift on the checkouts. your manager for some reason has overscheduled the team, so you’re drifting between the customer service desk which is already covered and the checkouts which is fully staffed. truth be told, you're a little bit confused. you’ve never seen this many people working on front end. you make another slow circuit from the checkouts, offering to take carol off for a break if she wants to, and up to the customer service desk where you chat with megan for a few minutes before a customer wanders over with a bit of receipt paper. 
you’re on your way back to the checkouts when john gestures you over to join him and simon where they’ve been watching the checkouts discreetly from the end of one of the aisles. 
“y’look bored as fuck” simon states matter-of-factly when you join them. john rolls his eyes and sighs at simon’s bluntness before shooting you a small smile.
“what he means to ask love, is if you’d like to do a job for us?” john’s still smiling at you and you’re very briefly distracted by the way the skin around his eyes crinkles. you wonder if he knows you’ll say yes to anything he asks if he shoots you a smile. probably not. he’s got most of the store a-flutter for his blue eyes and old-fashioned charms as it is. 
you twist the bottom edge of your gaudy orange apron between your fingers as you fight against your initial reaction of yes sir, anything you want! and the more sensible approach. 
“what’s the job?” you ask, flicking your eyes over to simon who as always looks like he’d rather pull out his own teeth than be standing on the shopfloor. despite his gruff manner, you quite like simon. he’s funny underneath the front he puts on in front of customers and members of management he doesn’t respect. 
“babysittin’” simon fires off with a completely straight face, folding his massive arms across his chest. you get the impression that he’s trying to look more imposing that he already does. all it does is pull the slightly dusty black polo top he’s wearing tighter over his massive chest.
“babysitting?” you repeat dumbly. you fidget with your apron again and turn your attention back to john hoping that you don’t look as flushed as you feel. 
“i was hoping you wouldn’t mind givin’ simon a hand in the warehouse today, love.” john explains. 
“‘specially considerin’ your prick of a manager’s fucked up the schedule.” simon adds with a scoff. “man couldn’t fill out a rota even if the only thing he’s gotta do is sign his fuckin’ name on the top.”
you press your lips together to stop yourself from smiling at simon. he’s right, after all this isn’t the first time your manager has mucked up the schedules, but you won’t give him the satisfaction. he spots the way you tamp down on your smile and his lips tick up in a brief smirk in response. 
john reaches up to scrub his hand over his beard and your attention is caught by the way he purses his lips. you miss the glimmer of mischief in his eyes as he clears his throat and you look away hastily to look over at the checkouts. 
“so what d’ya think then? gonna give us a hand? hm?”
you nod quickly, aware that carol is glancing over and shooting you a dirty smirk that you hope john and simon haven’t seen yet. 
“good girl. follow us then.”
and well, who are you to disagree when john places the flat of his hand on your lower back just above the apron strings and simon becomes a long line of warmth at your side as they walk you towards the warehouse.
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brynn-lear · 1 month ago
Your latest fic was EVERYTHING it was soo good! And i absolutely love the fact that you did an actor au + bloopers, i love your art!!
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Director Reca: It was a very enlightening experience working with Aglaea on the costume design. Greek-inspired fashion mixed with elements of scifi had never been this intriguing.
Director Reca: And it's a first in a long while that I've seen our scriptwriter [Ms. Brynn Lear] excited in penning down her bizarre ideas. Hence, we all had a glorious time churning that all into a film.
(Y/n) [voice]: Director, don't forget I nearly got burnt to KFC on that one scene!!!
Director Reca: Wha- well, you weren't supposed to be THAT near Mydei's flames in the first place! [laughs]
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twinkfrottage · 2 months ago
can i request goblincore or like. forest grunge blinkies or stamps!! i love your intersex stamps sm waahh
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years ago
Unnfff I wanna grope and objectify Shiggy so bad.
The crusty King deserves to have his big ol tiddies groped
- 🐺
He does doesn't he?!
Just imagine his bewilderment as you wordlessly walk up to him and bury your face in his godly boobies.
He blinks a few times and awaits an explanation that's unlikely to come, so he just pokes you gently on the shoulder but does nothing to push you away, he enjoys having you close after all— even if your behavior is mostly a mystery to him.
You look up, chin digging into his chiseled inner chest line, and hands reaching to grope his flexing pecs while a cheeky grin appears on your face.
_ "What are you up to now?" the poor guy has long surrendered and given up on trying to figure out how your brain works.
_ "Nothing sweetie, but just stay still for a moment okay?"
He huffs in defeat and lets you have your fun, standing there and looking into the void while you eagerly knead and squeeze his flesh to your heart's desire.
He doesn't ask— nor does he react, not even when the shirt separating him from your impatient clutches does nothing to stop you from chomping on the luscious concealed skin surrounding his perked up nipples, and sucking on the heavenly teats -one at a time- like a hungry kitten.
He's not going to ask, he never does, because frankly, you're not the only one having fun at the moment.
So maybe, just maybe, he'll discard his shirt for you if he's asked nicely..
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wernerherzogs · 2 months ago
What would be your ideal Buddie fic??
sorry if it'a s cop out answer but there isn't just one... it depends on what i'm in a mood for on any given day! sometimes it's a 10k pwp (x), sometimes it's a porny piece doubling as a character study (x), sometimes it's a devastating canon divergence story that's pretty much Literature (x), sometimes it's a canon divergence that maybe shouldn't work, but does (x), sometimes it's a fun au (x), sometimes it's a perfectly sized slice of life oneshot (x). you know?
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yandere-romanticaa · 10 months ago
Do you have pet peeves about men?
I hate how many men I've met that claim that they want a nice, kind and "innocent" girl that hasn't messed around with anyone else, only for them to get pissed off because that same girl won't sleep with them.
Why should those standards be lowered?? They get so pressed when they realize they ain't shit.
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months ago
Okay, that kiss scenario you wrote about in one of your asks was sooo perfect for WTPR!
It was just like Veronica Mars and Logan first kiss (youtube it ya’ll) I had to go back and rewatch it!!! Can’t wait till this drama delivers
aaah i reaaallly hope they don’t mess it up! otherwise someone’s gonna have to pull through and give us some good ol’ fix it fics 😌
but on a more serious note: the way to a good first kiss is to make sure it suits the characters’ personalities! if we think about it everything that’s happened so far was triggered by hee joo (with a small push from the kidnapper but that’s just details) - and the rest was picked up on by saeon and that’s how the story moves forward
he’s so down bad for her but he doesn’t want to show - she likes him but she’s confused and is now finally willing to stand up for herself and do something yknow? and with her knowing she has saeon’s support? massive confidence boost
which leads me to believe that the first kiss would be led by hee joo since saeon is always careful about not wanting to push heejoo and make her feel pressured (see that ep where he nearly lifted her dress up to see that spot on her thigh but then saw how panicked she was and immediately stopped even tho his curiosity was killing him) or make her feel like she’s in a ‘prison’
so in this situation saeon would be so taken aback that it takes him a minute - a minute that starts making heejoo question her decision and want to back out
only for saeon to snap out of it and pull her back in and not let her go for a long time (and reassures her she has nothing to question when it comes to him and their relationship)
thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫡
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impish-baby · 4 months ago
How would the HIWTHI family react if reader came out as nonbinary, and they ran away because they didn’t think the family would be supportive?
I need some enby love, I got deadnamed by some idiots today:( but I feel like they would be surprisingly supportive
How the HIWTHI family reacts to reader running away because they think the family won't support them - 🏠💕
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Marcus is deeply ashamed of himself, partially because he hates the fact that he hasn't done enough to show you he cares and partially because this has essentially happened before.
Part of why the twins went staunchly no contact upon moving out was because Jack is a transman, and figured he wouldn't get any support from your parents for his transition. He was especially wary about Clara's reaction since he was her only daughter at some point, but all that nervousness ended up being for nothing!
Your dad will never admit this, but he was basically begging to take Jack to the barbershop for his first haircut. Even if they had a severely rocky relationship, he was happy to welcome his son. He'll be just as happy to welcome his child. Marcus is already filling out the paperwork for your name change, just give him the word and he'll have your new documents in no time
Clara truly feels terrible. She starts to analyze any conversation you've had with her (however few) to see when she could've said something to make it seem like she wouldn't be supportive. No matter what goals you have, however you want to present, she's right behind you in getting there.
She'll buy you a whole new wardrobe if your clothes aren't right for you, anything and everything that make you more comfortable. If someone like your peers at school are giving you a hard time, Clara is finding out who they are and making sure their future employers are aware of that behavior. (She's completely cut off family that were nasty about Jack's transition, the women has no problem ruining some assholes future.)
Jack and Theo are disappointed that they weren't safe people for you, if anything they feel the most guilty out of everyone.
Theo is quickest to jump to your defense, being used to already doing that for their twin. They more than likely relate to you a lot, being nonbinary as well! If you ever need to talk, they're right there to listen or just to be a shoulder to lean on. Jack becomes your number one hype man, he'll feel incredibly honored if you ask him for advice or help with things. (He probably tears up..)
Jaiden feels like an asshole because admittedly, he had some internalized homophobia when he was younger that could have attributed to how his baby sibling feels.
He has worked on that part of himself since and is fully supportive!! He's very awkward at first just because he feels bad, but he really does want to be there for you.
He's very aggressive towards people he thinks are being rude, even if what they said was an honest mistake, Jaiden will get in their face about respecting his little sibling either way. The older boy would be all too eager if they decided to make it physical, he does love a fight but secretly he also wants to look cool protecting you
(I think he'd want matching pride pins.. even the really cheesy ones.)
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alstroemerian-dragon · 6 months ago
omg hi sorry if im late but id kill to see chiaki in your style,, or more fuyuhiko,,, i fucking Love your art style dude. good to see you online :)
yknow what. just because you were so nice to me about it you get both
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like i said. pen doodle. and its on fabric technically not paper so please forgive the quality. shes giving him tips for splatoon probably, i feel like thats a game she would play the shit out of and he would be Bad At
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l3irdl3rain · 1 year ago
Now that you have a second Persian...do you know if you're a fan the breed or if you just like Arthur cause hes a chill dude? Seems to me Arthur is in a class of his own 🤎
Oh I’m 100% a fan. Theyre so funny looking and so charming. Everything they do makes me laugh because they just look stupid.
That being said I can’t bring myself to support people breeding them. I’m a huge adoption advocate (obviously) but I’m also pro shopping responsibly when it comes to dogs. However, I don’t really think breeding cats can be responsible in the United States.
I obviously can’t speak for other countries but in America we have such a HUGE overpopulation problem with cats. At this point in time I just think breeding cats is irresponsible, end of story.
Also, please don’t hear me say that I think everyone and their brother should be breeding dogs and buying dogs from a breeder. I still think more people should adopt rather than buying a puppy. However, I don’t think breeding dogs is inherently irresponsible the way I think breeding cats is.
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graciehart · 11 days ago
Your gifs make my day 💕 I need a million ways to tell you just how much I love them!
Oh my god this made my day 😭💕 thank you sweet friend
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jackce · 9 months ago
I wonder how many people who have Prussia as their favourite/one of their favourites because of your art.
There’s at least one XD (me)
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