#for two mil? are you high?!?
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radiance1 · 2 years ago
There was a new cafe open in Gotham.
Such thing would usually not be a problem whatsoever, except for the fact that the family that ran said bakery just appeared out of nowhere one day. No one knew who they were, not where they came from.
The two parents- Mr. and Mrs. Fenton seemed to be the usual case of brilliant scientists about to snap and go crazy, and yes, everyone who visited said store waited with baited breath for said thing to happen.
Except, it never did.
They were just being your normal (as you can get in Gotham) run of the mill parents taking care of their two kids while simultaneously running a bakery.
Almost made them feel silly for waiting for the other shoe to drop, but in Gotham you could never be too sure.
Their oldest child, Jasmine Fenton passed college with flying colors, and seemed to be your normal run of the mil teenage girl busy with taking care of school and stuff.
Their youngest and last child- Danny Fenton- was a bit of an enigma, to be honest. He didn't seem to be going to school, instead staying and helping run his parents' bakery alongside- or alone when they were busy with something else- his parents. The room noticeably got colder whenever he was around, his touch colder than the normal human should be, his breath a tad too cold whenever he was speaking over someone's shoulder, and his teeth literal fangs.
They assume him to be a meta, and if he didn't already have parents would have assumed him to be Mr. Freeze's long-lost child or something.
Everyone was determined to treat them like a normal family, maybe a tad weird but honestly, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say there was something weird about everyone who lived in Gotham.
They were just a normal family, maybe have a past they're running from, who are the Gothamites to judge. At least, until they were attacked by one of Gotham's rouges.
The daughter was at school, well out of the fire zone.
Ms. Fenton calmly rang out a bell on the counter, while Mr. Fenton didn't even stop from where he was carrying multiple people's orders (with the help from small green beings the Fenton's call blob ghosts) and then out from the ceiling appeared what looked like extremely high-tech weapons and without a second's delay were they fired, the villain was not killed, but were knocked out cold.
Then their son appeared from the kitchen, dusting his hands off on his apron, calmly walked to the villain and proceeded to throw them out of the establishment as easy as breathing and walk back into the kitchen as if nothing had happened.
They knew there was another shoe just waiting to drop, and drop it did. They're just glad it wasn't the result of another villain added to the rogue's ranks.
And hey, they'll be turning a blind eye for as long as they could when said family makes some of the best pastries and meanest cups of coffee in Gotham.
(Two days after that was it made known that their daughter pulled out one of those same high-tech guns on the Red Hood.)
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lcriedlastnight · 8 months ago
Y/n and Lando have a friendly competition to see who can get more numbers and y/n gets upset when Lando gets the number of someone who actually likes him
omg this is such a great idea, thanks for trusting me to write it anon! ily!
tw: fem! reader, swears, lmk if you want me to add anything else.
w/c: 1.2k
"truth or dare?" lando asks. neither of you are even that drunk so how you had resorted to playing high school party games in the middle of the club was beyond you, all you knew that is if lando wanted you to jump off the nearest bridge you would be pulling up the directions on google maps on your phone seconds later.
"dare" you grin, thinking your choice to be bold, especially when you were playing with lando. your fears are confirmed when he smiles like a cheshire cat at your answer, like it was exactly what he wanted.
"okay well this is kinda a dare for us both, a challenge if you will.." lando trails off as you stand there, drink in hand waiting for him to continue with what was probably going to be a god awful plan or 'challenge' as he called it. you hum out to show you were listening and interested.
"it's simple really, we go around the club and try and see who can get the most numbers, whoever gets the most in the next two hours wins." lando explains. you honestly do not think you have ever heard of a worse game in your life. you guess it does not help if you were in love with your competition. you knew how hard it was seeing lando flirt with random girls in the clubs you had joined him in every weekend or so. you sigh as you contemplate his offer.
"what do i get if i win?" you ask, wanting to make watching the man you were in love with flirt it up with other girls, worth it. it is lando's turn to think as you watch on, desperate for him to decide to call it off, the idea of him getting other girls numbers unsettling, but you knew you could never pull out without hearing the end of it from your opponent.
that smile returns and before you can focus too much on the swirly, fuzzy feeling it creates in your stomach he's speaking up. "the winner gets a whole week of favours from the loser." you probably do not think hard enough about how badly this could end for you before you agree and you are both on your separate ways, hunting for your first victim. you do not feel very comfortable flirting with these random guys, promising to call them and the likes, when you knew that your heart belonged to the stupid boy who had probably only suggested this so he could get girls numbers for when he was lonely.
after an hour you had near enough given up as it felt draining talking to so many men, when none of them even cared enough to ask your name. it was exhausting and this point you knew you just wanted to go home but you knew you still had an hour of this left so you soldier on, continuing your bland and boring conversations with the lamest guys you had seriously ever met.
an hour and a half in and you had only gotten ten phone numbers., you knew as soon as you and lando had counted them up to see who the winner was they would be getting thrown away so you did not really care much to keep them pretty or even safe as you were sure you lost a few navigating through the club crowds.
you had tried not to watch lando jump from girl to girl, most of the time not even having to lay on any charm or anything. you decided in that moment to hate him for the rest of your life. even though you love him it was literally killing you to see this happen right in front of your eyes, and you had no one to blame bar yourself as you had literally encouraged this to happen by agreeing to his stupid dare/ challenge. at this point you had stopped caring about losing and started thinking about how what lando would make you do for the next week straight could never be as bad as watching him throw himself at hundreds of different girls. your eyes are glued to lando as you watch him saunter over to a group of girls, one you could recognise from a million miles away. it was that stupid model that was always liking and commenting on lando's instagram posts. you knew for a fact that she genuinely already had a liking towards lando and the thought of him handing her his number had made you feel sick to your stomach. there was no way in hell you were sticking around to see this one, you were sure this one would be the one that broke you.
you sling the coat that is hanging over your arm around your shoulder and slide your arms into the arms of the jacket before weaving through the crowd to the club exit. you knew lando would probably be going home with blonde model for the night, you heading home by yourself like always. you tried not to be bitter but you were so tired of begging anyone and everything that it would one day be you that lando begs to take home, even for just one night, you would take that over never knowing his touch easily.
you wait for your uber outside in the cold, hearing the noise of the club come and go as the doors to the building open and close as people enter and exit as they please. one of the last times you hear the door open and close you hear footsteps approach you slowly, you cannot even find it in you to be scared because you can tell exactly who it is from the footfall alone, nevermind the overpowering scent that seems to follow you around even after you had left the boys presence.
"y'going home already? cause y'know 've won?" lando teases but you are not in the mood so you fimd it hard to muster up even a fake laugh. lando frowns at you, confused.
"wait what's wrong?" he asks, hand coming to rest on your shoulder, spinning you around to face him.
instead of answering his question you reply "i have an uber coming. it's on its way." lando nods but speaks up again anyway.
"did you not like the game? did someone say something to you?" he presses, his sudden protective nature doing nothing to help the heart eyes you feel forming as you stare at him.
"no one said anything. how many numbers did you get?" you ask. lando frowns at the way you change the conversation, worried for you.
"i didn't get any." he says, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. you furrow your brows in confusion.
"i seen you talk to loads of girls?" you tell him, eyes trailing over his face trying to catch him out in a lie. you could not.
"didn't get any of their numbers though? realised after the first girl i talked to that none of them even held a candle to you, sweetheart." lando smiles as his thumbs trace a path down your cheeks.
"not even that blonde model who liked all of your instagram posts?" you ask, feeling a little insecure because of lando's out of the blue, kinda confession.
"nah, just went around talking about you all night." lando confesses. "i would've came back to you sooner but you know me, can't give up on a challenge first." you roll your eyes at his words. you link your hand with his and pull him to stand beside you to wait for your uber and he does so without a complaint.
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seeminglydark · 8 months ago
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A look-book and little break-down of Caro’s style and fashion Journey. I didn’t include their cheer uniform or GasCo uniform because those really didn’t influence their actual style much, other than the Varsity jacket and work jacket. I thought it would be fun to set it up almost like a magazine article and I’m in love with the results. I hope you enjoy it too. (The cover is my fave thing ever, just so you know.)
Here’s the Text:
Caro Greene, Cheerleader to Ghosthunter! An exclusive look at superstar Caro Greene’s style evolution. From femme to them!
The Teenage Years! Caro has been aware the high-femme style their parents chose for them was not the look they wanted for a long time, but didn’t know how to address it. Pairing their best friends tee-shirt over their Prom dress was the first step in figuring out their own personal style! From there, they tested out the route of borrowed too-big sweaters whenever they weren’t under the watchful eye of their family.
GasCo Era! Years of emotional neglect build until Caro chops off their hair, an asset more important to their parents than their happiness, and finds themself abruptly homeless, with nothing but some jeans, shirts and an oversized jacket belonging to their long-gone boyfriend. They get a job at the local gas station, and are gifted a new jacket that fits, with their new name on it, in their favorite color! More gender exploration leads them to a better haircut, and their first time trying a binder, and starting to not hate how they look.
Thrift stores, Sneakers, and T! Now in a new environment with supportive people at the GasCo, Caro discovers thrift stores and the tacky ‘80s aesthetic of their dreams. After years of other people controlling their body and looks, starting on low T is a big step in taking back control. They start wearing crop tops and sleeveless tees to show off new body hair, but also love chunky colored sweaters since they’re always cold. Sneakers go with everything, and when you’re short, the possibilities are endless in the kids shoes section.
Mil-Liminal! Caro’s podcast Mil-Liminal goes viral, and they are given the choice of staying faceless and anonymous, or taking the stage in live shows. They decide to do a face reveal, and that means choosing an iconic ‘look’ for their live performances. They choose their favorite color, GasCo Purple, and a jacket that is a blend of their varsity jacket and GasCo work jacket, two clothing pieces that always made them comfortable. They wear their trans identity on their sleeve, and top it off with the snapback look they donned years ago on their first venture ‘out’ as a teenager. The rest is history!
Current Caro! Which brings us to the present! There’s been some small changes, oversized sweaters and tees with a cosmic theme, which is new for the usually spookified Caro. They’re sporting white hair instead of their trademark blond, and have added a cross earring and a pendant to their Mil-Liminal uniform. A black snapback shows up as often as the purple one, and there’s a new bounce in their step, but perhaps they’ve just been indulging in too much coffee these days.
Caro Green is from my webcomics Seemingly Dark and Mil-Liminal, and podcast Mil-Liminal.
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yamumsyadadd · 3 months ago
the forgotten girl (3)
posted this originally on my old account. will be posting twice weekly :)
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“Alexia, can you come to my office please?” Jona asked. Usually he never asks, opting to talk in the open, and considering it’s the end of the day this is serious. 
“What’s up?” 
“As you’re aware, Amelia Higgins is in Barcelona. I have spoken to both her and her manager, she has expressed interest in joining. She will not be joining in an official capacity until the transfer window, however she will be doing individual training here. Irene is aware, but since you’re also captain, I am asking you to please help her. I know you used to be friends, but please don’t let the others know.” 
“Oh. Yeah sure. When will she be here?” 
As the morning rolled around, Alexia made her usual stop at the bench. Expect this time you weren’t surfing. Instead you were sitting on the sand with two coffees. 
“Care to join this time?”
Silence encapsulated us. It wasn’t uncomfortable silence, just silence. 
“I see you run every morning.” 
“I see you surf every morning.” 
“Helps gets my mind off things. I feel free out there, like nothing bad can happen.” 
“Jona spoke to me last night. You’re coming back?” 
“Not sure yet. I haven’t touched a ball or a football pitch in 3 years. Just want to see if I can do it. Keira told me I owed it to myself to try again.” 
“She yelled at the girls in the locker room last week. They were talking about you and she yelled. It scared them.” 
“Keira yelling isn’t good. She’s worried.” 
“She’s not the only one Mil.” 
“I better go. Keep an eye on her for me, yeah?” 
As I walked back to my very white and plain apartment, my mind couldn’t help but wonder to the what ifs. Not the “what if she didn’t die” but the “what if I never stopped playing”. Keira was right, I had to try again. 
Determined, I walked into the Barca training grounds. Officially I wasn’t a player, so I was just dressed in my black Nike workout clothes. Jona greeted me at the entrance and gave me the tour before the team arrived. Keira would be having lunch with me today, in an empty conference room away from the team. 
The first fitness test wasn’t particularly hard, luckily I’d been running and keeping up my overall fitness, after lunch would be the real test. I got a little lost finding the conference room and accidentally ran smack bang into Claudia Pina. She had a very guilty look on her face. 
“Oh my! I’m so sorry. I’m looking for Keira and conference room 6? I’m really lost.”
“No please it’s my fault! I can help you. What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t play anymore?” 
“Just here to have lunch with Keira. That’s all. Thanks so much for your help Claudia. Have a good day!” 
“What was that?” An amused Keira said. 
“I was lost and I literally ran into her. She helped me find you. Nothing more.” 
“She’s cute no?” 
“Keira.” She took the hint with warning tone. Dropping it there. The final hurdle of the day: actually walking on the pitch. Most of the girls had already left, only a few stayed. I could see Alexia, Claudia, Keira and Lucy sitting at the far end of the pitch. All I had to do was walk. A motion that I do everyday without any problem. Yet, right now, I was stuck. 
“She’s scared. We should go over there.” 
“No Kei. We need to wait. She needs to do this herself.” Alexia agreed with Lucy. She admired Keira for wanting to help her friend, but this isn’t something they could help with. At least they thought that until Claudia had ran over without them noticing. 
“Hey! We can just kick the ball here. One step at a time, right?” 
“On the concert? You’ll ruin your boots Claudia. It’s fine, I can try again tomorrow.” Without a second thought, Claudia stripped her boots, tossing them to the side. 
“No boots, no problem.” 
She proceeded to kick the ball to me. Easily, I returned it. Second nature. We kept doing simple passes on the concrete for the next 15 minutes until the physios ended it there. 
“One step at a time remember.” I high fived the smiling girl. Soon enough, the other 3 joined. Looking proud as punch. It was an overwhelming feeling, having so many people in my corner, being proud over something I’ve done a million times. 
As the days turned into weeks, my confidence grew. Finally being able to step foot on the grass and confidently kick a ball. My friendship with Olga also grew. It was nice to have someone who pretended not to know what I’ve gone through, and to have someone outside of football. 
Claudia became a very good friend to me. Often staying behind or coming in early so she could train with me. We’d get coffee on the days off and I was slowly teaching her how to surf. She refused to get into the water during the winter so it was practicing as much as possible on the sand. 
“I know you want to know. It’s okay to ask questions.” 
“Keira and Alexia told me not too.” 
“Do you always listen to everything they tell you to do?”
“Not usually. But alexia is scary and Keira, man she’s even scarier. She yelled at us when we were talking about you after we saw you at Manuela’s.” 
“Keira is scary because she doesn’t get mad often. But you know what, I won’t tell them if you don’t. So go ahead and ask.”
“Why’d you quit?” She said it so quickly, afraid I’d change my mind. 
I ponded the answer for a moment, “i define my life in three stages, there was before Emily, during Emily and after. Before and during, I loved football. Lived and breathed it. It gave me Keira and Leah, a way to escape the foster homes and create a new family. And of course it gave me Emily. After Emily, I was empty. I didn’t love football anymore. I didn’t love anything. I did what I know best and I ran. I left England, left the house we lived in, I just left. I realised that I couldn’t do it again. I couldn’t win medals or awards without her.” 
“And now? What’s changed?” 
“Honestly, after running into you lot, I felt like I was missing something. I went to an open training that was held and I missed the way the ball felt at my feet, or the way it felt to run on grass in cleats. So I rang my manager and told her to ask them and here we are.” 
“Are you scared? You were the best. Are you scared it won’t be like that again?”
“Scared shitless. I don’t want to be the best, I don’t want to accolades or the awards, I just want to play like I used to.” 
“Like before Emily.”
“What about you and Ale? She looks at you with the softest eyes. I’ve only ever seen her look at Olga like that.” 
“There wasn’t a me and Alexia. We were friends. Both going through the ranks at the same time, just for different countries. It was an unlikely friendship of sorts. She comes from a loving, soft family and I come from the system. Rough and ragged around the edges. After the funeral, I wiped myself from the face of the earth. Deleted all my social media, cancelled my phone number. Everything. I hurt a lot of people by doing that but I couldn’t stay.”
“I’m sure they understand. Keira and Lucy definitely do.” 
No more questions were asked after that. Just a peaceful walk back to our cars either promises to see each other later. It was nice to talk to people. I’d gone 3 years without having a meaningful conversation with anyone and I didn’t realise how much I’d missed it. 
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put-me-through-the-wall · 10 months ago
Girl Next Door- Pt. 2
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: Simon finally accept your offer for dinner. Did you mention you can cook?
A/N: I was a little slow on this but the idea of them getting close was stressing me out, okay? Also my MIL was in town and I couldn't get in the groove. All the support so far is amazing, thank you guys so much! If y'all like it there will be more to come. Warning: still slow burning
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Part I
Simon sits across from you at your tiny dining table pressed against the wall of your cramped kitchen. You managed to lure him in with a fairly nice bottle of unopened scotch you found in the back of your cabinet that had potentially fallen into one of your own boxes when moving from your ex's house. 
He looks around your quaint little one bedroom apartment. It was a lot different than his own. The literal layout was the same. No extra rooms or walls but you’d done something different in here. The whole space had a cozy feeling to it. Every surface was decorated with useless gadgets and trinkets that he didn't understand the purpose of. Lots of blankets, pillows, soft things. You had music quietly playing through your TV speakers in the living room. A few lamps fill the dim room creating a subtle yellow glow that hits the high points of your face, softening your tired features.
"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" you suddenly blurt out.
"S'cuse me?" Simon asks, caught off guard by the question.
"Lately I've been feeling like there's something inside of me that attracts horrible guys. Like, is there a beacon coming out my head that says 'hey, come over here. I'm vulnerable and easy'."
Simon pauses, unsure how to respond. He watches your face closely. You're sad eyes looking to him for an answer he doesn't have. "I think you're...nice," but he has a feeling that's not what you wanted to hear.
"nice?" You let out a humorless laugh. "Maybe that's the problem. Nice must translate to doormat," You sigh and drop your head into your hands. 
Simon takes a sip of his drink. He's growing concerned this is entering too friendly territory. Then you pop your head back up.
"So, how much did you hear?"
"Not much"
"Yeah right," You toss him a coy smile. “Can I tell you what happened?”
“Alright, so” you take a sip of your own drink and a deep breath before recounting your story. "I met him at work. He was really nice and offered to pick me up a coffee on his way in one day. I haven’t made any friends at work yet so it was nice just to chat over a coffee. Then we started having lunch together. Nothing serious just in the break room but it felt good to hear about something other than notes from my editor. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I mean I moved here to focus on myself not continue dating more crappy guys. So of course he started texting me and he was really sweet. He complimented my outfits and thought all my jokes were hilarious apparently. I really wasn’t trying to get involved with this guy though. He said something about hearing I can cook and of course I said I do. It’s part of my job, duh. He’s giving my shit about it so I invited him over for dinner. I made this creamy potato gnocchi with Italian sausage that I got from that great butcher on the corner. I even hand rolled the gnocchi. I mean, who wouldn't kill for an authentic Italian meal?"
"He's sounds like some guy"
"Not really, I was testing out a new recipe for the column so, two birds one stone. Anyways, he comes up and we have some wine and listen to some music. It was going really well so far. Then I go to bring out a nice charcuterie board for an appetizer while the pasta finishes baking. While I'm bringing it to him I can see he's on his phone, texting someone and literally giggling. I walk up behind him and he is sexting. On my couch!" you throw you hands up incredulously. "Well, I thought he was. He’s looking at a picture of some girl bent over then I realize it’s me. He took a picture of my ass, while I was making him dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it. What kind of a scumbag does that to a woman preparing a fucking meal for him? Now, this is not something I'm proud of so let the record show this is very out of character for me but these were extraordinary circumstances. So, I dropped the fig chutney on his head. Right in his stupid quaffed hair. He jumps up and he's all mad and starts yelling and I'm yelling back. He calls me a crazy bitch then I call him a perv. After that he left." you conclude with a shrug.
"Wow" Simon responds, truly taken aback by the series of events. 
"Yeah, then you know the rest from there. I don't know what came over me. I guess after my last breakup I haven't felt very good about myself and this guy made me feel, I don't know- fun? That feels silly to say. I should’ve known better from a guy that works the celebrity gossip section. I probably looked like a big baby out there, how dramatic. I'm sorry about that, again."
"You don't need to apologize."
"After I moved here I thought things would be different. I thought guys in the city were classier I guess. Turns out all guys are the same. Just take what they want and go. Do you want another drink?" You point to his now empty glass. 
"Sure." You snag his cup and stand. He watches you walk over to the counter in your silky slip dress. The sleek fabric clings to your waist. Flaring around your hips and down your thighs. The warm light reflects on the shiny material, shifting with each step you take. It tightens perfectly about your waist and cinched with a neat little bow in the back. He wonders why you would wear a dress like that for this guy.
"So, do you date?" you question in a seemingly casual tone.
"Yeah right," you laugh and look over your shoulder to see his stoney expression and your smile fades. "Oh, sorry, I just- I find that hard to believe."
"Why is that?" He tilts his head and you focus back on filling his glass. 
"It's just, you're a good looking guy. I would think you'd get plenty of female attention," You pivot back around and place the glass before him. You lean on the table with one hand and prop the other on your waist. 
"'M not interested," his gaze stays fixed on the brown liquid, grabbing it and taking another sip. He doesn't miss the way you deflated the slightest bit. 
"Maybe I should take a page out of your book, as in maybe swearing off men completely" The oven timer dings. "Oh! pasta!" You jump over and grab your oven mitts. You drop the oven door and slide out the sizzling dish. An aroma of cheese and basil fills the air. Your stomach audibly growls.
You pull down two plates from your cabinet. You serve up the steaming pasta, sprinkling parmesan and fresh chopped herbs for garnish. You proudly carry over the two dishes and place them carefully on the table. You place your hands on your hips while gazing down at the platter.
"This looks...great." Simon is truly taken aback by the incredible looking dish. 
"Wait, don't eat yet. Let me get a picture." You scamper into your living room, grabbing your phone off the coffee table and scurrying back. You hold your phone high above for a birds eye view. Simon scoots his chair back to avoid the gaze of the lens. The camera clicks with a flash. You examine the photo, seeming satisfied with the quality and finally taking a seat in your own chair. "It was okay if you were in the picture. I don't mind." 
"I do," he says simply. 
To anyone else, Simon comes off as rude or callous but you, you never seem to let his shortness affect you. You take his words and just keep going. You don't mind his lack of conversation. It seems you are totally satisfied with having someone there to listen. He was starting to think he didn't mind listening so much. 
"Oh," You shift uncomfortably in your chair. "Sorry then. Well, let me know what you think. Try to be detailed with your feelings about it if you can. You're my guinea pig and be honest. I don't want to put this out when it's garbage."
He proceeds to take a forkful in his mouth. He cannot control the groan that escapes his throat as the bold flavor hits his tongue. This is far cry from his usual take away food. He can't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal now that he thinks about it. 
"This is quite good." He grumbled between bites. Not caring to finish chewing before he's stabbing at the pasta on the plate once again. 
"Really? You don't need to be nice to spare my feelings. I don't mind criticism."
He shoves more in his mouth. "I’m serious"
"Thank you" You giggle watching him scarf down the still steaming hot meal. 
The two of you finish your respective plates without much more conversation to be had. On your last few bites you meet Simon's eyes as he reclines back in the creaky wooden chair, hands laying across his stomach. His head tips back with a satisfied grumble making a proud smile play across your lips. This may be the first time you've seen him express a true human emotion in your presence. 
"There's more if you want?"
"No, I'm stuffed." 
If you know one thing as a part time chef, food is the way to a man's heart. You knew if Simon tasted what you could make his ice exterior would melt away. You stand up and walk to the fridge. 
"Too stuffed for dessert?" you pull out a glass bowl filled with layers of custard, strawberries, cake, and whipped cream. "I made a traditional English trifle. Y'know for the holidays coming up and who doesn't love custard?" you shrug while carrying the bowl over to the table. You hurry back to the kitchen to grab two saucers and plate up the dessert.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to butter me up." he comments, intently watching as you carefully slice through the layers. "What do you know about English food?" 
"Not much, which is why this is a special occasion. I can get some insight from a genuine Englishman," you slide the saucer to him. "Everything happens for a reason, I guess you were meant to be here tonight" you don’t realize how weird that comment is until it's already left your mouth. You suppress the feeling and internally cringe. You take a seat with your own plate and try a bite. "Hey, that's not too bad. I think Gordon Ramsey would be proud"
Simon actually chuckles when you compliment yourself making you giggle in return. This whole night is very different than you expected. Not that you were complaining.
Your leg bumps his underneath the narrow table. Your bare foot brushing up the edge of his pant leg for the briefest moment. A deep blush rises to your cheeks the second you realize it's his leg instead of the table's. 
"Oh, sorry!" you quickly draw your legs underneath your chair. Simon pauses his eating and meets your gaze. 
"S'alright," he slowly slides his long leg across the distance and nudges the shin of your tucked legs with the toe of his boot. "You scared?"
"What?" you allow your legs to relax, your calves sitting on either side of his outstretched leg. It felt natural, almost domestic. "You don't scare me." you're lying paired with an anxious laugh.
"No?" As he says this his foot shifts underneath the supports of your chair and yanks it forward causing your chair to skid a few inches across the tile, pressing you further into the table as you let you a surprised yelp. Hands brace against the edge of the table. Simon maintains his calm composure. "Are you sure?" he takes another bite of the fluffy dessert. 
You weren't sure if it was the liquor going to your head or the rush of adrenaline but you felt bold. You rest your cheek on your propped up hand, offering the most innocent eyes you can muster, as you delicately slide your foot along the smooth leather of his boot. Simon swallows and gently places his fork back on the table.
"What do you think of it?" you question in a hushed tone. your foot travels further up his ankle, dipping under his pant leg to feel his hot skin underneath. 
"It's sweet," He states simply but his words roll off his tongue smooth as butter. 
"Not too sweet?" You tilt your head the slightest bit.
"Hm," he hums in contemplation. Your eyes drift down to watch his hands grasp his drink. He grips the glass in his large palm. The rolled sleeves of his long sleeve reveal the muscles in his arm shifting when he raises the glass to his mouth. For the first time you notice a faint raised scar cutting through the outer corner of his lip and stopping just shy of the edge of his nose. He takes a long swig of the brown liquid, not quite finishing the drink. As he pulls back his lips glisten in the warm light. "Not bad when it's paired with a stiff drink," his tongue is quick to swipe across, collecting the residue. 
"I'll be sure to make a note of that." you smile sweetly. "Can I get you another drink?" You look down at the last sip coating the bottom of the glass. You make sure to flutter your lashes when you look back up at him. 
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" A smirk raises the corner of his mouth.
"No," you laugh. "Why, do you want me to?" 
He releases a deep gravelly laugh that makes your stomach stir. Then he glances at his watch and your stomach drops. 
"I need to get going." He mumbles. He pulls his leg away from yours and rises out of his chair. 
"Wait," you rush to stand, almost knocking your seat over in the process. "Can I- uh- get you a bit of pasta to go? There’s plenty left" Trying to think of any excuse to keep him here a moment longer. 
"S'okay, save it. Maybe I'll come by another time." He turns and steps out of your kitchen and into the hallway leading to your front door in only a few wide strides. 
"Are you sure?" You don't intend for your voice to come out as needy as it does. You follow on his heels like a lost puppy.
"I've got an early morning." Before he reaches the door he turns, seemingly surprised by how close you are to him. He looks down at your big round eyes. 
"Okay," you smile trying not to look defeated. "Well, you're welcome over anytime. I mean it, just knock and I'll probably be home. I'm gonna try writing at home more. Try to avoid that guy." You let out a halfhearted chuckle. "Maybe, you should get my number. Y'know, in case you want to check if I'm home."
"I'm alright, I'll just knock" His hand finds the doorknob. "Thanks for dinner, it was nice" Then he turns to go. Closing the door politely behind him. 
You rush to the peephole, watching his distorted figure step out of sight followed by the sound of his own door shutting. You rest your hot forehead against the cool wood grain of your door. 
You step back in the kitchen and begin putting away the leftovers. Piling the pasta into tupperware, rinsing the plates, collecting silverware. His glass remains in place with a sliver of scotch leftover. You hold the glass up in the light and see a faint smudge on its rim. You twist the cup around so your own mouth lines up with the imprint he left. You swallow the last bit slowly, savoring the way the sharp burn eases into a smooth, smoky aftertaste. You never liked scotch, but now you are starting to understand the meaning of an acquired taste.
The low atmospheric music is abruptly interrupted by an ad loudly cutting through the calm space. You rush into the living room to find the remote, hiding among the cushions and various throw pillows. Growing frustrated you end up walking over and manually hitting the power button. The silence that replaces it isn’t much better though. You step back and let your weak legs carry you until you collapse onto the comfort of your couch. The wine followed by the glass of scotch you polished off makes your head feel light but your limbs so heavy. You turn from your back to your side, realizing the used glass is still clutched in your hand. 
You reach across the gap and set it down on the coffee table with a thud. Your hand retreats back to rest under your head. You stare at it, taking in all the imperfections left on its reflective surface. Your eyes trace the rim once again looking for the smudge. On the corner you see the shadow of an impression peeking out underneath the red lipstick mark you have smeared over it. 
Across the wall Simon falls back on his own couch. He looks around his dull apartment wondering what you have done differently to make your place look so welcoming. He never minded the minimal decorations he had. A photo frame with his team that his buddy gifted him and a couple of books always seemed like enough. After comparison though it just feels empty. 
He can hear you stomp across your floor. Footstep rushing from the kitchen until you're straight ahead. The sound of your TV turning off bathes the room in sudden silence. Only thing he can hear now is the rushing of his air conditioning unit. He considered your music annoying but now he couldn’t deny the way it added an unconscious energy to the small unit. Now sitting here, the cool tone of the overhead kitchen light illuminating into the living room he feels as though something is missing. Maybe a nice lamp would help. 
@azkza @neurolept @contractedcriteria @hidden-treasures21 @sprokat @stark-red19
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voidsuites · 4 months ago
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ARTRICK BOT RELEASE !!! (11/13/24) ⌢⠀ 🎾 .ᐟ
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art donaldson ・゜゜・.coach's orders. you’re art’s newest player— an up-and-coming name in the tennis world— but you’re stubborn and prone to working yourself to the bone in the name of the game. tashi would’ve loved you if she’d gotten her hands on you first, but you’re here with him, on his private backyard court, listening to his advice about your game and ultimately, your career. and damnit, art’s not going to take that for granted (even if it means pushing the delicate boundaries between an athlete and their coach). you’ve got to learn how to relax, and art’s not opposed to bending you over the net if that’ll fix things.
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art donaldson ・゜゜・.lesson planning. it’s your first year having a hands-on role in building out and finalizing the curriculum for the middle school english department, but your focus has been equally split between what books your kids are going to read and the head of the english department himself, mr. donaldson. you’d been wary to accept such a high responsibility in the first place, but he’d insisted that you help him review the materials during prep week, and you'd never say no to art… even if it means awkwardly dancing around the fact that you’re both clearly into one another— oh, and that he’s finally taken off his wedding ring.
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art and patrick ・゜゜・.night of the living frat! it really should be sacrilegious that sigma chi’s hosting a costume party just a week after halloween, but none of the brothers had been able to resist yet another party before finals overtook the rest of the semester. besides— who passes up a chance to dress up and drink? the music’s loud, the drinks are a-flowin’, and you’d never be able to tell that tonight isn’t halloween. no one’s the wiser… which only makes it harder for art and patrick to keep their hands to themselves and their heads out of the gutter when you eventually materialize. hopefully they can convince you to stay the night… if they can remember how to share first.
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patrick zweig ・゜゜・.mr. z. everyone loves mr. zweig— or “mr. z” as the students like to call him— and as the newest teacher amongst the faculty ranks, he’s quick to make nice and befriend everyone, including you. normally, you’d normally be skeptical of a washed-up pro tennis player coming to fill in the vacant gym teacher position, but you instead find yourself spending more time with patrick and enjoying yourself. it’s only a matter of time before you realize that lines are blurring and that whatever is going on between you both is way more than a friendship between fellow teachers coworkers.
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patrick zweig ・゜゜・.shopping spree. frequent trips to the high-end side of the city had never been your sort of thing thing, but now that you’re dating patrick they’ve become a weekly occurrence. you never leave empty-handed, and it’s always on his dime (at his insistence, of course, it’s all chump change to him anyway). who cares about the staring you two get when he totes you and your purchases of the day around the city?— he’s the one that gets to go about his business with you on his arm. everyone else is just lucky he just can’t help showing you off while he does.
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got a request? go ahead and leave em here :) THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH FOR FOR 5.2K AND 2 MIL+ CHATS! this is actually insanity i don't even know what to say or how to feel but thank you thank you 😭😭😭😭😭😭 challengers brainrot has struck again (big surprise) these are all mostly aus— the art and pat teacher bots (lesson planning + mr. z) are based off of headcanons by dearest mars (the lovely @saintzweig) and the shopping spree pat bot is based off of the moodboard by my true love @diyasgarden !!! please please please please please give my lovely moots a follow bc without them (and everyone else) i would not have any ideas and you all would just be subjected to the whistling wind that blows in my head when nothing is going on in there (which happens often!) love love LOVE you guys for real i am so grateful for all of the support and giggles that we all have <33333333333
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witchygagirlwrites · 20 days ago
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Jay Halstead x Voight Daughter Reader (Nicknamed Little Bird/ Birdie)
No other A.D.A. can handle intelligence so now you're the official herder of those feral cats. Lucky you
Warnings: Hank and Erin being awful to Birdie?
“Sir with all due respect..” D.A. Newak cut you off mid sentence “No one else will work with your father Voight! You were successful your first week. I need someone who can wrangle intelligence without it landing back in my lap” 
You took a deep breath, trying to remember this way your boss. You were a professional, the idea of working shoulder to shoulder with your dad and Erin was grating on your frayed nerves. “Yes sir” you replied and he nodded “Thank you. Here’s the case file. I just need you to go over what they have, see if it’s enough for a conviction before they go after this guy. It’s a high profile target, a few cases have been stumbled and we can not afford a mistrial or he will walk”
You took the case file and tucked it under your arm “I’ll head to the twenty first to meet with Sergeant Voight”  “You call him Sergeant?” Newark asked and you shrugged “Better than some things isn’t it?” and turned on your heel to walk away.
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Once you got in your suv you gave yourself a moment to just catch your breath. The day before you, Justin and Olive had gone to your mother’s grave. It was the first time you visited it in years. You took a bouquet of flowers. You missed her so much, your dad changed when she got sick. He hadn’t always been like this towards you but now when he looked at you it was like he was trying to see through you. It fucking hurt and trying to hide that was exhausting then trying to keep it from Justin so the two of them could still have some semblance of a relationship was proving to be a full time side job.
Not to mention you had a few unread text messages sitting in your phone from a certain detective. You weren’t sure what they said besides the initial I didn’t you could see without risking opening the thread. You didn’t want to know. He’d been Erin’s. You spent years with her castoffs. 
You were the youngest so that meant when she came into the house you started getting hand me downs then. “Just give Birdie what Erin outgrows” “Erin doesn’t want it Birdie” then as you got older the people who had crushes on Erin but couldn’t get her would end up eyeing you “You’re almost as cute as Erin” then of course when all of you started getting focusing on careers. Your dad was so damn proud that Erin went into the academy.  
“Dad, I’m graduating law school” “Sorry Birdie. We have a case” (Justin and Al were in the front of the crowd, hooting and hollering when you walked across the stage. You never even noticed his absence)
“Dad I passed the bar” “That’s good Birdie, but Erin got an accommodation on the job” (Al sent you a bouquet of wildflowers)
 “Dad I won my first case” “Yeah that’s good. Erin ran her first raid successfully. Took half a mil off the streets” (Justin called from a bar when he was out with his buddies and you answered the phone to half a dozen guys shouting “CONGRATS BIRDIE!”)
 “Dad, can you come to Boston?” “Erin needs me”   (Al and Justin caught a red eye) 
Eventually you just got tired of asking. When you needed someone you turned to Justin, if you needed a father you turned to Al. Your dad chose and it wasn’t you, it still broke your fucking heart because you didn’t know why.  You refused to beg for scraps from a man that helped bring you into the world. You put your suv in drive and headed for the twenty first. With any luck you could maybe wrangle Al and Kim into being your go betweens on this. Kim seemed like a sweetheart, hell anyone but Erin or Jay would work.
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You walked to the front desk and Trudy looked up from the clipboard in her hand “Hey sweetie?” you nodded to the stairs “Mind buzzing me up or walking me up? I am now the A.D.A. assigned to herd that crew of cats whenever necessary because everyone else in the office refuses to work with my father”
She nodded “I’ll buzz you up” “Thank you” you replied with a smile, walking up the stairs and waiting until the gate popped to pull it open the continued up.
The moment you got to the top of the stairs you breathed a sigh of relief at Al being the first face you saw “Hey little bird. What are you doing here?” you cut your eyes towards the board at the front of the room “To make sure Anthony Carlile actually gets convicted and doesn’t get off on a technicality” he nodded slowly “So you’re the one they’ve assigned to babysit us?” you grimaced “Really?” he grinned “Not my words sweetheart and definitely wouldn’t be my words towards you” a smile slipped onto your face “Oh I know you wouldn’t say that about me. Where’s your sergeant? I’m sure he’s going to be thrilled at this news”
You could feel the unit’s eyes on you as you walked across the floor to the break room where Al said Hank, Antonio and Erin were. Apparently Jay and Kim were out talking to a C.I. and Kevin and Adam were interviewing witnesses. You stopped and knocked on the open door “Sergeant Voight? Can I speak with you a moment?” all three of them turned their eyes towards you, three very different reactions. Antonio looked surprised at you calling your dad sergeant Voight, Erin looked annoyed at seeing you but then again the feeling was mutual and yet again your dad’s expression looked like he was trying his best to see through you “Birdie?” 
You sighed “A.D.A. Voight. I’m here about the Carlile case” Erin groaned “She’s our damn babysitter” you cut your eyes at her “A babysitter beats the hell out of a sex trafficker getting cut loose on a technicality that causes a mistrial because all of you missed something. I’m not here to tell anyone how to do their jobs, I’m not here to interfere I’m just here to make sure we can secure a conviction on what you have before we allow you an arrest warrant on this asshole”
Antonio looked between you and Erin then looked at Hank before nodding towards the bullpen “I’m gonna go back to my desk” you moved to the side to allow him to walk past. 
Erin held your eyes “Couldn’t make it into the academy so had to go into tripping up cops trying to do their jobs?” you scoffed “No honey. I do the leg work in making sure they actually go behind bars and stay there” “Birdie, that’s enough” you spun towards your dad with a lifted eyebrow “Do not Birdie me Sergeant. As long as I am in this building it is A.D.A. Voight. Understood?” He nodded so you walked back out to the bullpen and straight to Al’s desk.
He looked up and his eyes softened. “What happened?” you shook your head “Story of my life Al, story of my life” he looked towards the front of the room and his eyes were practically boring into your dad. The two of them were as close to best friends as anyone could be with your dad. You were the only thing they really fought about. “Al, want to set A.D.A. Voight up in a room?” he asked and you held his eyes, refusing to let him look away. You were through making yourself less in hopes that would somehow make him see you. “Thank you Sergeant” you replied before following Al.
He led you down one of the halls and opened a side door “Here sweetheart, I’ll bring you the files we have and the evidence list. Want some coffee or something?” you shook your head “No sir but thank you” he smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head “I love you kid. Just focus on your job, not them”
Jay knew you were in one of the interrogation rooms going over everything on the Carlile case. He also knew that you and Erin had apparently gotten into it. Antonio told him when he got back with Kim. He pulled his phone out and checked to see that his messages still simply read delivered 
He honestly hadn’t known that you felt that way about Erin. He knew there was probably some sort of sibling-like rivalry but he hadn’t been thinking about her looking at you, hell he hadn’t been thinking about anything looking at you but you. He cut his eyes at the time and realized everyone was dispersing out to go get some form of food yet you hadn’t thought to emerge.
He stood and walked down the hall where he knew you were and knocked on the door “Come in?” you called and when he walked in you were standing in front of the table which was covered in evidence photos, a crossover of the last few cases that had gotten fumbled on Carlile and a few photos of victims. “A.D.A. Voight?” he asked and you cut your eyes up “Your Birdie privileges haven’t been revoked just because I don’t want Erin’s hand me downs any more”
He nodded and stepped a little closer and that was when he saw the legal notepad you had. You were tying in the last few cases with the evidence, carlile’s foot soldiers and his money laundering businesses. “Damn” he breathed and you looked at him “What?” he motioned to the pad “I would have never thought to tie it in like that” you smiled slightly “You went into the army then the academy Jay. I went into law school then my first internship. Anyway, what did you want?”
He tapped his wrist “It’s lunchtime” you looked at your own watch “Damn, I’m supposed to meet Justin on his lunch break” you looked back at the table “Can I leave this like this or will it be in the way?” he shrugged “It shouldn’t” you nodded “Ok, thanks” 
You started to walk out and it was like his mouth had a mind of it’s own “Look, Birdie I didn’t know about the issues with Erin. If you’re gonna be working close with the unit I would like to be your friend if you’d let me” you looked back at him and started to smile then shook your head “I don’t think that’s a good idea Jay” then walked out.
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Justin was pissed but not really surprised that your dad had yet again taken Erin’s side when you two had argued. “Why the hell did Newak assign this to you?” you shrugged “No one else will handle our father?” he scoffed “Good point”
You poked at the fry on your plate “I just don’t know what I did J” his hand came across to wrap around your wrist “No, you don’t do that. Whatever issue our old man has is on him, not you. You got me, you got Al. You don’t need him. Show them how you do the damn thing and that’s how you shut Erin’s bitch ass up” you grinned at his choice of words “You are very poetic there Justin” he winked at you “Well not everyone got the brains there baby sis”
When you got back to the precinct your dad called you to his office as soon as you walked into the bullpen. You cut your eyes at Al as you walked past him. 
You walked into the office but refused to take a seat “Yes Sergeant?” he waved a hand “Can we cut that crap?” you shook your head “I’d rather not. Best to make sure lines don’t get blurry. Now what do you need?” he shook his head “The case. Do we have enough to move on Carlile or not?” you pulled out the legal pad and looked it over “I think we do, I’ll need to run it by Newak but if so I can get an arrest warrant before three” 
“Good work Kid” he said and you scoffed “Wow. Anyway, I’ll see you in a few” and walked out of his office without another word. You stopped at Al’s desk “I’m going to meet with Newak to try to get you all an arrest warrant”  “Finally doing something right” Erin muttered and you spun around on your heel “Excuse me detective Lindsay?” she got up from her desk “You heard me, you’ve wasted what? Five and a half hours to say you can get the warrant. Why couldn’t you do that this morning?”
“Erin” Al warned and you held up a hand then faced her “Because I actually have rules I have to abide by or else the people all of you arrest in turn walk right back out onto the street” you could see Jay move closer behind you out of your peripheral vision, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the scene unfold. “Don’t be such a stuck up bitch, like you’ve never cut corners” she slung at you and you took a deep breath “I’m not going to do this. I’m wasting time tossing childish insults back and forth” “That’s enough Birdie” you heard your dad’s voice and turned towards him with what you knew was a horrified expression “Excuse me?” he nodded “You’re both tired and stressed over this case, I get it but that’s enough”
You shook your head and looked back at Al “When I come back with the warrant, I’ll leave it with Trudy” 
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Jay watched you walk down the stairs and wanted nothing more than to go after you. This was a whole different side of Erin. Why did she treat you like this? Why did Voight treat you like this? You were his daughter, not her. He cut his eyes at Al and saw he was already calling your brother. This must have been a common dance for the two of them. Just how bad of a thing had he stepped into? No wonder you didn’t want anything to do with him if you thought of him just as another of her hand me downs.
“Are we really stuck with her?” Erin asked Voight and Jay’s mouth moved on its own “How about quit being a bitch Erin? She tied those damn cases up in a bow. The way she figured it, she’ll be able to convict him on even the dropped cases and it stick. So yeah it took a few hours but it will topple his entire fucking business so give her a damn break”
Erin and Voight both looked at him and he shrugged then walked off. He didn’t care. It was sickening seeing them act like that towards you.
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You were sitting in Mollys with Justin and a couple of his friends. You were tucked far enough in the corner you didn’t have to worry about being spotted. “I’m going to his place later” Justin said and you shook your head “No, you’re not” “Bullshit. I am so tired of him hurting you. You’re just doing your job and he takes her side?” you shrugged “I’m used to it J”
“Al is pissed. He said Meredith called pops and tore into him. Told him mom would be disappointed in him for the way he treats you and that’s grateful that Al is man enough to be a father to Lexi and a father figure to you because god knows someone needs to” you cracked a grin at the thought of the look on your father’s face when Meredith told him that. You didn’t want to cause him any undue pain, really but if he would have asked anyone out of the unit they would have told him Erin was the instigator. Not that he would’ve probably cared anyways but still.
“I don’t want to think about them” you told him and he nodded “Fair enough. What do you want to do?” you grinned “Have a drink with my brother then go beat his ass at bowling?” he laughed “Oh you’re on little sister”
You were just about to get into bed when your phone chimed. You checked it to see yet another message from Jay and decided to read this one I’m in your corner Birdie. Friends or not. You don’t even have to talk to me. Just know when you’re at the 21st if it gets bad with your dad and Erin I’m getting between you and them. I’m not standing there and watching after today. I don’t have it in me to do again.
You smiled slightly and texted back He’s your boss Jay. Don’t risk your job. It’s not worth it the bubbles that he was texting back was almost immediate This number does work! Wow. but yeah, it is worth it. I never knew the issues were like that. Just so you know you’re worth so much more than a second choice. You’re amazing at your job, fuck them both if they can’t see that
You stared at the message for a few moments then texted back I want to believe you Jay but she’s pulled stunts like this before. Making me think someone likes me just for it to be a prank. That sounds horrible a grown woman being worried about a prank but still..
You gnawed on your bottom lip as the bubbles popped up then disappeared then popped up again then disappeared again then your phone just started ringing with his name. ‘Hello?” you answered and he sighed “Fuck Hank, Fuck Erin. Birdie you are worth more than a hundred of both of them and I haven’t even known you very long. Look, I just want to be your friend. I’m not trying to mess with your head or anything here, you want to know something? Ask me. I will tell you, good or bad. Just please don’t doubt yourself that bad or I may go into work tomorrow and fight your dad on the spot” you laughed lightly “As amusing as that may be for Al, that would more than likely lead to me more paperwork” he chuckled “Then I won’t do that but believe me when I say when I asked for your number, Erin was the absolute furthest thing from my mind”
“Justin is going to threaten you, even just being friends with me” you warned and he laughed lightly “I can handle that. Maybe we can hang out sometime, with him as the chaperone of course” the mental image of you and Jay watching a movie with Justin two rows back made you crack up laughing “We’ll see Halstead but for now, we’ll say friends”
Mine, Yours
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‘It’s different from the books’ sure it’s different but are you judging elements based on how they fit within the new transformative narrative that the show adaptation is presenting? Or are you purely judging each element based on how different it is from the books?
Does the new narrative that the show is telling have cohesive arcs and structure that work within its specific logic? Do the elements present, intentionally different or inspired or lifted directly from the books, work together to tell a story that shares most of the same overall themes and important story beats as the entire book series? Are they setting up the long term development of character arcs well?
Or are you just mad your favorite character isn’t just saying all their lines from the book directly and we need to have the ‘characters aren’t people regardless of our parasocial attachment to them, they’re storytelling tools that fill roles within a narrative conflict’ conversation again? Like, neither the author(s) nor the book characters themselves are gonna fuck you, just so we’re clear.
Mat having a weakness for helping and protecting children, Perrin being traumatized about using the axe as a weapon and worried about harming people he loves, Rand wanting to help men who can channel, everything about Egwene’s late stage character arc, Nynaeve’s innate potential and her constant early struggle with her unconsciously blocking that immense power away from herself have all been set up extremely well in the show, and all by making some pretty distinct changes from the books.
And every wot fan agrees that the books are not perfect in various ways, rearranging and tightening of the plot was always going to be necessary in an adaptation, let alone in one that is only allowed to span 8 seasons. But the main beats of the story are all there, and individual changes to characterization and the specific roles that characters play for certain bits of the narrative are not bad just because they’re different and I simply can’t take any criticism of the show that doesn’t account for that seriously.
Also like. Can we stop blaming the writers for stuff that is fully the producers’ fault. Season 1 episode 1 and episode 8 both got fucked over on rewrites and/or covid restrictions during filming, so the pacing and execution is kinda fucky there, but that’s not on the writing team. The rest of season one the pacing is better and better yet in season two, which honestly was kind of a banger start to finish.
The development in s2 of all the themes around channelers losing access to the power or autonomy over their channeling and the griefs of outliving your loved ones were explored so well, and all those ideas are very important for the rest of the plot from later in the books. And the choice to introduce all the forsaken sooner and develop them more than is present in the early books was brilliant, they’re incredibly effective and engaging villains and the show is utilizing them to full effect. Shit rules. I’m stoked for s3 for a lot of reasons but especially for more forsaken shenanigans.
When I want to reread the books I’ll reread the books. I’m doing that right now and having a great time. But I’m glad the show is different in a lot of ways and I like the way they’re reading the original text, including by changing the stuff that makes wot one of those book series you can’t really recommend without an asterisk because RJ’s grasp on feminism and queerness and gender theory was. Loose at best.
Idk man, just treat adaptations of books you love as really high budget fanfiction produced by a team of people who all care about the original text but are also of course gonna put their spin on it, and you might have a more enjoyable time watching them.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Miyazaki? Fanfiction.
NBC Hannibal? Gay Fanfiction.
The Wheel of Time on Prime? That’s right, it’s increasingly higher budget fantasy fanfiction with less gender essentialism, extra emphasis on all the milfy magical politics, and queer subtext made text, hell yeah.
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leodette · 9 months ago
could u write Lando with an older woman? who maybe already has a kid, or at least with a small child is in her company? thanx <3
Hello, sure I can! The woman is around 30, and since there are no more instructions, the child that accompanies her is her nephew!
I Never Wanna See You Walk Away | LN4
fandom: Formula 1
pairing: Lando Norris x OC (not named)
names/faceclaims: -
summary: Lando takes Mila to the zoo
warning: age difference (older woman x younger man)
requested: yes / no
“Mila! Mila please wait for me!” Lando yelled after his little niece who zoomed away from him on her bright pink scooter, laughing at her uncle’s attempts to catch her.
Lando had a rare moment of peace in his busy season, which allowed him to go home to Bristol for a few days, to see his parents and siblings. And because he was gone so often, hell he lived in a different country, he offered Oliver that he would take Mila in the late morning for a little ‘date’ to Bristol zoo, allowing his brother and Savannah some time with their newborn Athena.
What he didn’t count though was the energy hiding in Mila’s little body, and also the fact that she didn’t care if her ‘Uncle Lala’ was able to match his steps with her excitement.
So he was basically running after the child, trying not to gain too much attention. He was happy to not only have a break to see his family, but also not to be in public eye that much and that often.
He passed by lions and giraffes, his eyes firmly locked on Mila’s yellow jacket in desperate need to not loose her from his sight. A group of people suddenly appeared in her way, and Mila, startled, turned and ran her scooter straight into another child, both kids falling on the ground.
“Shit,” Lando sweared when he heard Mila’s high-pitched cry, running the last few paces and crouching next to her. She has laying in her stomach, the scooter next to her, partly crushed under her, the sleeves of her jacket dirty with mud, and her eyes shining with tears.
“Oh no no no, don’t cry darling, don’t,” Lando carefully lifted her, helping her to stand up and started to look for any kind of injury. In the whole mess, he completely forgot about the boy that Mila crashed into. Said young child was standing up, his hair messy and wet with a dirty water from the puddle that he fell into, the bottoms of his pants dirty. His eyes were shinning with tears, but he seemed desperately determined not to cry. Lando thought he could be around five.
“Buddy? What happened?!” a voice sounded behind them, and Lando turned to see a stunning woman with alarmed face expression. She was wearing black skinny jeans, cute boots on a small heel with a bow in the back, and a long maroon raincoat. Long haired pulled in a messy bun, and horrified look as she knelt next to the young boy, checking him in the similar way he was checking Mila.
“What happened, buddy?” she hugged him closer to her, caressing his cheek and wiping the lonely tear in his cheek. Mila though continued to cry loudly in Lando’s arms, him not being able to comfort her.
“That girl ran into m-me with her sco-scooter, those pe-people there sca-scared her,” the boy let out a few sobs, pointing first at Mila and then at the group of people that calmly walked away, clearly not aware of two crying children behind them.
“Okay, that’s okay, nothing happened,” the woman pressed a small kiss on boy’s forehead, smoothing his hair down.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” she checked, and when he shook his head negative, she turned her eyes to Lando and Mila. Lando expected her started screaming at him for not being careful, but she just smiled slightly.
“And you sweetheart? Are you okay?” she asked Mila, patting her hair. The little girl was watching her warily, still sniffling the ugly tears away, but she shook her head.
“Good. That is good. C’mon, there is no need to cry, okay? Things like this happen, the most important thing is that you are not hurt,” she smiled, and to Lando’s absolute surprise Mila squirmed out of his arms and flew herself at the woman. She quickly closed her arms around the little girl, before motioning with her hand for he boy who squeezed himself next to Mila, cuddling closer to the woman that Lando still didn’t know.
“I’m sorry, I lost an eyesight of her for only a second,” he apologized and stood up, looming over the most unusual trio anyone could imagine. He earned only a smile and a shake of head.
“Nothing bad happened, right? They’re both okay, maybe little startled, but that comes with life,” she gently eased herself out of Mila’s grid, standing up as well, her hands in each of the kids heads.
“Although we can’t tell your Mum, buddy, otherwise she would have Auntie’s neck for that,” she winked at the boy who gave her a big smile back, one of his front teeth missing but not from the collision.
“Okay, so since they both are fine, I guess we should go,” she patted Mila’s hair and let her go, grabbing the boy’s hand. But Lando’s niece had nothing out of it, running it her and grabbing her hand with the determination only toddlers posses.
“No, come with,” she stomped her foot, the last reminders of a crying fit moments ago long forgotten.
The woman looked at her with wide eyes, before bashfully smiling at Lando and turning back to Mila.
“Do you want to go to take a look at the animals with us?” she asked, making Mila nod with all seriousness.
“Yef, animalf,” she pointed towards the nearby camel, and the woman chuckled.
“Well, if your Papa has nothing against it, you can come with me and Maxie here,” she motioned to the boy who smiled at Lando’s niece.
“Oh I’m not her dad, merely an uncle,” the McLaren driver quickly corrected her, feeling a blush warming his cheeks. She was gorgeous. Clearly older than him, probably closer to thirty than to twenty, but the classic elegance and kindness made his stomach tighten and his hands sweat.
“Well, there is nothing like ‘merely an uncle’. You’re basically her Dad in proxy now,” she smiled at him, before offering her hand and introducing herself.
“Oh, eee… Bob. I’m Bob, and this little spitfire here is Mila,” he motioned to the girl who was already standing at the fence together with Maxie, both of them watching the three camels inside with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry again for the incident,” he apologized again but she only waved her hand.
“As I said, nothing happened. No broken bones or knocked out teeth.”
They were quiet for a moment, watching the kids, before Max turned to his aunt.
“Auntie, can we get some snack?” he asked, his puppy eyes out in all force, making the woman roll hers before smiling gently.
“I guess we can. Want to come with us?” she asked Lando, who after a few seconds nodded. It wouldn’t hurt neither of them.
“Sure, why not. But,” he raised his finger, “I will pay.”
That earned him a chuckle from her and excited yells from the kids, and Lando offered her his elbow which she accepted before smirking.
“Well, I guess driving fast cars in circles earns some nice paycheck, right?” she added like it was nothing. But that little comment made Lando sweat, and not in a nice way. Looking at his horrified face she started laughing.
“We’re in Bristol, Mister Norris. You’re a superstar here,” she patted his arm gently.
“Don’t worry though. If you don’t say who you are, I will not. Now, off to the snack! Max wanted those strawberry pancakes they have in the bistro!” she pulled him with her like they knew each other for years, Mila and Maxie walking in front of them, the boy helping his new friend with her scooter.
And Lando? Once the shock from the realization that she knew him disappeared, he relaxed, and maybe… maybe a small hope for leaving with her number in his phone by the end of the day entered his mind.
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theonlyamazingtazmin · 5 months ago
Elrondriel - First Elf to Elf intimacy
While I ruminate on a fanfic I’m currently outlining, I thought I could get out my thoughts through this way because its going to be long possible two year wait before we are back into the world of TRoP. However, I’d like to preface that I pinged the chemistry between Elrond and Galadriel from their first ever meet in Season 1 and had I not been swept by Haladriel, I probably would’ve been shipping them fulltime then. The chemistry was taut in Season 1 and its even more apparent and greatly so in Season 2 with the culmination of a kiss that I don’t think anyone would’ve guessed or believed despite the leaks (I certainly didn’t).
I don’t care to interpret this as platonic, I’m not sorry. You can throw as many of the interviews as you can but actors can and have lied before, I’m well experienced with this. In actual text in the show, this scene is presented with the full fanfare of longing and romance down to the music cues. Yes, it had a functional reason of providing cover, but Elrond is smart. He could’ve done a number of things before a kiss on the lips no less. A kiss on the forehead, the cheek, corner of the mouth even. Had the chemistry not been there, this onscreen kiss would’ve been fallen flat and not much anger towards it would be this high but people can recognise the level of chemistry between. The level of intimacy between Galadriel and Elrond is only second to the actual onscreen romantic couples we’ve seen in the show and movies.
An analysis:
I think people don’t realise that the kiss between Galadriel and Elrond is the first elf to elf romantic intimacy we’ve seen onscreen. Between the PJ movies and TRoP, we’ve seen Dwarf/Elf and Human/Elf romances which have been depicted as the peak of star crossed lovers separated by immortality and time — of which Elrond’s heritage is a product of that and his descendants continue to be in the far future.
The arguments (of cope) I've been seeing proclaiming that's how elves platonically say goodbye to their friends is very paper thin against all depiction of Elvish intimacy where its been clear that kisses are romantic, an expression of agape.
We've seen it with Aragorn and Arwen:
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Arondir and Bronwyn:
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Kili and Tauriel:
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The first time we could've gotten Elf to Elf intimacy was in the Hobbit films with Legolas and Tauriel but we see an explicit rejection from Tauriel to Legolas for Kili and despite how close they were (though separated by rank), we could've seen the proposed platonic goodbye kiss but we didn't and we know why.
Okay, maybe the kiss is an outlier but physical closeness is surely the norm, right?
Not really, even under the guise of close friendship, Elrond and Galadriel remain outliers far closer and leaning to romantic. No other elves than them two interact the same way they do.
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You'll see a familar scene of this
Their physical closeness (there's never a space for Jesus!), exceeds far beyond of other elves and their friendships, even for Elrond and Durin and its been consistent
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Does this not look the image of a ruling couple
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Images by @maul-of-shame
Even when they're angry at each other, it doesn't stop or impede their physical closeness. This is not a one time thing, but a consistent effort between them you don't see with the other elves.
This doesn't just stop in the show, but also in the movies. The chance to depict interaction between a married canon Elven couple and it was cold and distant between them.
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PJ didn't care for Celeborn clearly but he could've easily had him in here taking on the role that Elrond is doing for his MIL :) But his omission is pointed and you have Elrond fulfilling that instead.
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If you didn't know the history or lore about them, I guarantee most would've assume they're together
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prettypinkpuddles · 2 years ago
Playing Games
so i’m gonna skip to the good stuff bc that’s how this scenario in my head started, basically a game of t or d leads to you and lyney biting off more than either of you can chew
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as your throat constricted around Lyney’s cock, you could feel him spurt out an orgasm. he twitched as he shuddered at the relief of pleasure. you squealed a noise as you pulled him out of your mouth with a pop and a kiss on his tip.
that set him off
he immediately got down on your level, grabbing your face and bringing you close, almost close enough to kiss you. but he didn’t. and you didn’t dare try.
“your turn.. truth or dare?” you practically whispered.
lyney didn’t hesitate, “truth.”
“do you… did you ever think about fucking me?” you wanted to bite your lip after asking but didn’t want to back down in the fight for dominance.
lyney huffed as he smiled, pushing his hair back and looming over you in one swift motion. he looked down at you with a haughty glint in his eyes.
“of course i have, Y/N.” he quickly continued before you could further inquire, “truth or dare?”
you stopped and stared up at him for a second… he was being serious.
you pushed yourself up to him and grabbed his lips with yours, starting a deep kiss with him, slowly pulling his top off him and him down with you on the floor.
“dare,” you breathed. “and make it a good one.”
lyney chuckled, “i dare you to let me do what i want for 10 minutes..”
“you already did that dare. be original, darlin’” you giggled.
“then i dare you to let me fuck you… and not make any noise.” he smirked, waiting for you to react surprisedly.
you looked down at his dick, it was practically drooling for you; you couldn’t possibly deny him when he was like this.
you pulled him toward you, your breath hitched as your parts touched. you raised your hips to smear his pre-cum over your slit.
Lyney pushed himself into you quickly, both of you crying out and grabbing onto each other. it wasn’t painful, just a bit shocking, you weren’t expecting him to just push himself into you, but you couldn’t let him know that.
he pushed himself up and looked at you, trying not to make any noise as he adjusted himself.
“go ahead and move, cat-boy.” you teased, “or does it-!”
Lyney’s hips snapped against your cunt, thrusting in and out with almost prefect precision, squelching sounds reverberating in your head, you grabbed your mouth to try and not let out any noise. he smiled at your silly attempt and pulled your hands away and pinned them above your head.
“nope, that’s cheating.” he chuckled and leaned in really close to your ear, “cmon, love. just moan for me. moan all pretty for me. y’know you want to~”
Lyney began to suckle on your ear, licking it to try and coax a tiny squeak from you. he palmed your chest, tweaked at your nipples and started to kiss down your jawline. he gave you one particularly hard thrust and did it again.. and again.
“fuck, that feels good..” he looked at you struggling to stay quiet, “does it feel good, love?”
he slowed his hips down tantalizingly slow and gave a few deep thrusts, causing him to moan out without a care for how he sounded.
your eyes met the back of your head and you felt your high build up, “oh fuck it..”
you pulled him to you, right into another kiss, not giving a damn about the dare, moaning and whining into the kiss, pulling at his hair and biting his lip with care.
Lyney’s hips stammered as he immediately picked up the pace, hearing you cry for him to completely ruin you.
“please fuck me senseless, use me like a dirty toy, like a doll,” you begged, your nails digging into the flesh of his back.
Lyney began to moan out, almost crying to finish; his hand laced with yours, finding a quick but steady pace for him to cum to.
as the two of you shuddered and cried with overwhelming pleasure, you felt your nails dig into him rather roughly, surely enough to break skin but he didn’t seem to react to that.
you looked down as he pulled out, a milky string connecting you two for a moment; he watched as his own essence bubbled up and flooded out of you in globs.
that made him chuckle and almost immediately get hard…
“wanna keep playing?”
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mullermilkshake · 2 months ago
Stuck boundaries
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Yakuza!Satoru Gojo, Yakuza!Hakari Tags - Depictions of violence
Satoru finds Hakari and figures out what the hell happened.
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Satoru wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for just yet, but he knew if anyone knew anything, then it would be Hakari.
He was brawn enough to take ten men on his own bare fisted and laugh about, clearing off to the his underground gambling den for a quick game of poker before drinking himself into a stupor.
Gambling with money never did anything for Satoru, he didn't get the kick out of it like Hakari did.
"So, you heard about last night, huh?"
Hakari slouched against the brick wall down the concealed alleyway tucked in from the main Street, "I heard from Kirara who heard from Utahime. Thanks for fillin' me in boss."
Satoru smiled with half his face, amused at his forwardness. Not many people talked to Satoru the way Hakari did, a good reason why he stood a high chance to inherit the Gojo family.
"Tell me what happened yesterday and explain how someone managed to give you the slip."
Hakari scoffed and lazily scratched his nose before adjusting his shirt cuffs, "I didn't get there the same time I always do. I missed whoever was brave enough to pull that shit off, it weren't a case that I fucked up, I was just somewhere else."
Now, Hakari usually arrived at the club half hour before he needed to. Satoru knew this, it was common knowledge because the man usually drank at the club bar before anything else.
So whoever it was, must have been watching the club for a while.
"Where were you?"
He looked unbothered out into the small gap to the street, "I was winnin' big, it took a lil longer than usual."
Of course he was gambling. From his clean complexion, Satoru guessed he had been underground playing with chips rather than with fists in in the pits, "how much?"
"How much did you win? Must have been big if you weren't at the club when you should'a been."
"Don't give me shit, Gojo. I'm always at that fuckin' club doin' everythin' right. I just got the fever rush and bet it all- it paid off."
Satoru sighed and kept his lid on it, "how much?"
"One good hand and I was a mil up- walked into that den with five hundred yen and half a bottle'a scotch. Then I got that tingle I get'n my ass when I'm in the groove. So I bet it all. And now I'm two mil richer."
Satoru threw a punch at the asshole and clipped his jaw, "you weren't at the club for a lousy two mil, what are you, twelve?"
"The fuck? It weren't my shift yet, what's got yer dick fucked?"
"My dick? What's got my dick fucked is Sukuna breathin' down my goddamn neck because you should'a been at the club. Then this wouldn't have happened, you got it yet? That stupid book Suguru's always goin' on about is missing. It's gone. And if we don't get that back, we're all fucked."
That book not only had clients names and contacts in it, but the names of all Yakuza associated with the chain of clubs and everything that went into it. If the police got their hands on it, they'd hand jail time out like cheap sweets.
Satoru flexed his knuckles and watched Hakari get up and stagger against the wall for support, "so you wanna kick my ass? We both know I'll mark that pretty face of yours."
"Aww, you think I'm pretty? Will complimenting me get that fucking book back?"
"Show me who it was and I'll find 'em. But if you wanna fight, I'm pretty riled up, Boss."
Satoru could fight right now. His answer was pretty clear, swinging away at Hakari's face without much warning. Hakari blocked just in time and dodged, taking jabs in the process with the biggest grin on his face.
Through Hakari's eyes, Satoru assumed he looked just the same, teeth gritted in amusement as he got Hakari in a headlock, pulling him towards him to knee the man in the gut. He blocked it and rushed Satoru against the wall, he moved out of the way and Hakari ran straight into the brick.
Satoru huffed a little and hunched over, righting himself to speak, "every time. You try that every time and it never works. Might work on idiots though."
Hakari cursed and rubbed his head, "you fuckin' asshole."
"Have you met me? I won't deny it." In the midst of the exchange, Satoru heard his pager go off a third time, he rummaged in his pocket, "fucking christ- who the fuck wants me now?"
His friend was summoning him to a call box.
Satoru waved his hand about the place, noting the fallen trash can and crushed cardboard box, "clean this mess up and go speak with Ijichi, he'll get you the information you need from Nanami. And stop gambling in that place, you'll rot your brain."
So he learned nothing from Hakari. He hoped that Suguru had better luck because he couldn't deal with Sukuna's bitching again for a second day in a row.
It was way too much hassle.
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Tag list - @veras-fanfic-reblogs,@nanamineedstherapy, @lovelyysuku, @paradisestarfishh, @nadja-1607, @incog07, @inthedarkshadows000
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holy-puckslibrary · 1 year ago
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sid to a furry friend's rescue!
florist!reader gets flustered during sid's calendar shoot
parents mentors for the day
someone's going on a date with chief crosby... and it ain't our girl </3
gif from @matbaerzal
To Sidney, this sham is nothing more than a meat-market legitimized. His fierce, formidable crew, flaunted and auctioned off in the name of "charity," as upstanding members of the local community brazenly gawk and drink themselves into a courageous stupor.
Gathered in packs around the local watering hole on a Friday night, the only things missing are high-res Animal Planet cameras and the calm wonder of Sir David Attenborough. It's only a matter of time before they start throwing themselves at each other like elk during mating season.
It's a shame Sidney won't be around to see it.
"Don't even think about it, Chief."
Sidney slumps; he spoke too soon.
Now, he's caught between cracked-door freedom and the firm grip of his Assistant Fire Chief. Kneading at the annoyance budding between his brows, Sidney turns on his heel to face his childhood best friend.
"C'mon, really? This is a circus, Nate. I shouldn't—Is this really something I should be doing? Y'know, it's not exactly... becoming of a civil servant."
"I'm doing it," Nate shrugs. "You don't see me pitching a fit."
The Chief glares. "Yeah, because you already know who you're going home with."
"Not true; tonight's could be the night Emmy decides to act on her grade school crush," the blonde jokes, his chin tipped across the gymnasium. "And who'd blame her? Flower's lookin' better than usual tonight."
The younger of the two only laughs in response to the dramatic groan of his name.
"No, I get it. You're acting pissy because your flower's stuck at home with a stomach bug, and, subsequently, you've been condemned to the terrible fate of having Cole Harbour's hottest fight tooth and nail for a date with you—oh, the horror! Truly, I feel for you, Saint Crosby."
"Bandwagon much?" he grumbles.
As Nate's grin widens, Sid's frown deepens.
Blue eyes twinkling with satisfaction, Nate teases, "You didn't deny it this time."
"D-Deny, what?"
Nate rolls his eyes; Sid's refusal to acknowledge anything, let alone something so obvious to anyone with eyes, was starting to get old, and fast.
"Yeah, sure, okay. Play dumb if it makes you feel better. But I'd figure my shit out sooner rather than later if I were you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sidney blinks.
"Oh, nothing... Just that you aren't the only civil servant sniffing around Blossom & Bloom these days."
With a parting wink, Nate vanishes into the crowd, leaving Sidney to stew in a fresh pot of bubbling unease.
and the plot thickens... hehehe 😈
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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sunniques · 5 months ago
I've been on this blog too much 😮‍💨 i think like %70 of your blog posts nowadays are me but ANYWAYS
maybe so but i love it honestly 🥹 also you always match my freak so well and now i have to elaborate so … 👇
i’m thinking like mil loves you so much that she can’t wait until you’re carrying her grandkids (literally). so she makes you and her lovely son some tea, then leaves around thirty minutes later to leave you two to things.
now, cheol is just as desperate for you to have his kids as his mom is so the second you rub your thighs together and look at him with your wet, needy eyes saying that you’re really wet for some reason, he’s shoving his painfully hard cock inside you.
he fucks you all over the house — in the living room, in the kitchen, in your master bedroom, literally anywhere with a flat surface or a wall. neither of you know why your libido is so high or why cheol’s cock stays hard even though it’s been hours, but neither of you care.
it feels to good to have his hot cock ramming into your sloppy pussy, fucking all of his previous orgasms deeper into your womb. the fact that you’re ovulating just turns the both of you on even more.
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nanaminsonyfans · 1 year ago
╚»★«╝ Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire ╚»★«╝
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a/n; the lack of cyberpunk x reader fics is appalling. anyways gay kerry eurodyne for christmas ur welcome. also this is post after giving up johnny specifically the sun ending. sorry of its shitty, i rarely write as a male reader and i hope i did okay! requests are open!!!
pairing: male!reader x kerry eurodyne (cyberpunk)
warnings; anal, male oral receiving, slight exhibition?, cursing, spoilers for end of cyberpunk.
The Kerry Eurodyne was making a Christmas album with US Cracks, him being main vocals and the girls being background vocals. You were there as Kerry's loving boyfriend and supporter but also because you had nothing else to do. Being the famous V merc has run its course and after everything with Johnny and Arasaka....you just wanted to be you, Y/n L/n. Of course you still talked to some old friends, Claire being one of them. Truth be told....You missed Johnny. A piece of you was gone.
"Y/n? Babe? You there?" Kerry's voice brought you back. The girls were gone leaving the two of you there. "You having one of those episodes again?" He asks softly, obviously worried. "Oh, no i'm fine. Was just thinking is all. The music was pretty soothing." You joke and stood up. "Was it? Didn't want to put you to sleep." "You didn't. Just started to remind me of stuff." Kerry nods and cupped your cheek. "This past year has been hard for you. I understand." You nod and leaned against his touch. His hands were always so warm.
"I gotta finish some vocals. Go get a drink." He hums softly. You nod, leaving and came back. Kerry was singing, however his vocals sounded almost angelic as he sang The Christmas Song. "Jack nipping at your nose~" He looked at you. He looked at you with those fucking icy blue eyes that just sucked you in every single time. You know what he wants. How'd he get so horny so easily? Sentimental one second...
You stared at him, watching his movement. He swayed his hips as he practically made out with the mic. You felt your jeans tightened as you wanted him until you couldnt take anymore and went in. "You're such a little shit sometimes...." You growl slightly in his ear, griping his hips as you pulled him against your growing bulge. "Yeah...?" Kerry hums, adding more pressure against you. You let out a guttural moan in his ear as he started to grind against you.
"You keep doing that and im going to cum in these fuckin' pants." "We can't have that." He hums and gets down on his knees. "Not when i have a perfectly good face." "Oh youre fucking bad Ker..." You groan as he undid your pants, your cock springing free seconds before he wrapped his mouth around you. His tongue was so soft and warm...and fuck the way he sucked you off was like his life depended in it. He was so eager to please and it was working.
Kerry's eyes were half lidded and staring up at you as if he was trying to be innocent. His hand took over whatever he couldn't reach. Drool slipped down his chin as he continued to suck. "Oh fuck ker...." You thrusted slightly in his mouth causing him to gag but he didnt want you to stop. You continued to face fuck him until you felt yourself getting close.
"Fuck..Fuck ker-" You pulled out and came on his face exactly as he wanted. "Mm...amazing as usual." He smirks and licked the cum up and cleaned himself up. "Now bend over." "Really? Here?" "Yes here its your fault." You tell him annoyed and Kerry did so, happily stripping down to give you a show. "Oh you fucking slut." You slapped his ass as he bent over on the couch in the studio.
You didnt even bother prepping and just thrusted in which earned a high pitched mewl from him. "Oh fuck- dont stop please." He begs and pushed his hips back to match the rhythm of your thrusts. His moans were so whiny it was pitiful, the sadistic side wanted to taunt him about it but another side of you loved his noises. Only you could bring these noises out if him, only you, only your cock.
You let out a few grunts as his ass milked you, and suddenly he let out a loud moan arching his back as you hit his prostate. He loved how the head of cock hit it just right. "Fill me up y/n please, please!" Kerry begs and he started to fist himself. "No one can say no to you." You smirk and started to rail him a few more times before you came together. "Fuuuck!" You groaned as you filled his ass making him whine at the feeling as he made a mess on the couch.
"You made a mess." You tease and kissed him which he happily returned. Out of the corner of you eye you noticed a blinking red light. "Did...did it record all of that?" You ask him and kerry took notice as well. "Yeah...maybe i should put it on the bonus track."
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seeminglydark · 2 years ago
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‘Kill your demons, kill ‘em dead
In your mirror in your bed
In your heart and in your head
Don’t you look Good in Red?
Slay your devils, kill ‘em all
Take your throne and paint the walls
And if you make it out alive
Hold that bloody head up high.’ -Good in Red by The Midnight
A little exclusion art cuz it’s very fun to do (basically draw a blob and erase the line art instead of inking it, you’ll see a lot of it in Mil-Liminal and in Seemingly Dark, especially in the In Between Place and Rok!) in my fave palette from my comic Prom Night. I like to make quick pieces to get a feel of what a new story will be, instead of writing down beats, so here’s a little peek at my ideas for book two of Mil-Liminal: The Gateway!
This one’s for T, cuz they always encourage me and make me feel good about my art, which is rare haha, and I know the exclusion art and In-Between Caro is their fave!
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