#for those with whom i talked : you're not getting rid of me just yet!
miercolaes · 9 months
i did the counting and apparently i have about a disney dalmatian movie one liners to post at some point.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Return Of The Heart
If you fall in love again after meeting someone especially after losing the first love, that doesn't get rid of nor replaces that love for the first. It just means the heart has more room to store all the love you have..So that's why does it pang with every beat with hope that the second love doesn't become lost too.
(This is inspired by the works of @sindysugar      Please check out their own works involving The Cat Returns. It's really good I promise.)
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The night was young. Not even midnight yet..Yet the occupant of the home thought it'd be a good idea to get late work done with nothing to see by but a single lit candle and the silvery moonlight wafting in from the windows.
Scribble. Scribble. Scribble. 
The sounds of a feather pen against paper sounded out quietly from the middle of the small house. Literally working away as the clock ticked away from the wall. The ticks and tocks being the only sounds being heard other than the soft scribbling against paper.
"Baron, it's getting late. You should sleep." His friend had told him before also retiring for the night. "You look tired."
"I will. I just want to finish up the report on our latest case. The child was successfully returned to her parents."
"Yes. I can't believe such an well behaved little girl would just wonder off like that. Then again she was very young and didn't know better. Good thing she liked Muta enough to not let go of him until we figured out how to get her back." He chuckled at the memory. "It was rather funny to see him being made to play Teddy Bear...Baron?"
"You seem to be spacing out. Are you sure you're not too tired? Surely measly paperwork can wait until morning."
"No, Toto. Im quite alright. You go ahead and head to sleep."
".. Alright, Baron. Just promise me you won't stay up all night."
"I promise."
Scribble. Scribble. Scrib-
The silvery light collided with the dancing gold of the flame in a beautiful glow making shadows dance against the walls and furniture. Reflection beaming off magnificent green eyes unblinking within the strange alluring mixture of darkness and lights. The motions of writing ceasing in their motions completely and the emotions taking over. The one whom was working stopping to set the feather back onto it's rightful pedestal and sitting there unblinking. The one who had the emotions stirring around from his mind and down to his heart. Those gorgeous eyes turned slowly, head turning to the darkened wall behind him as he sat as his desk. The area behind him was dark, and almost hard to see but he saw what the eyes were searching for.
A rectangular painting, portrait specifically, hanging upon the wall just behind him. The features hard to make out in the darkness and limited light but the figure's features unmistakable. White fur painted to look as soft as he remembered she felt. The most beautiful blue eyes that he could've sworn would look at him at any moment. A beautiful blue hat on her head and the prettiest of pink dresses adorning her frame and the quaintest of polite smiles on her lips. Frankly he didn't think the painting did the real person justice but it was a beautiful rendition. 
His first love. The one made for him. The one who was SUPPOSED TO BE his one and only. His ONLY one and only. They were made to compliment one another and he thanked their creator every day for gifting him not only life but the second most precious gift of all. His love. His life. His Louise. His heart broke every day since the day he realized that she wouldn't return to him. 
"I miss you very much. You know that. .. Don't you?" The painting did not answer. Honestly he didn't expect it too but talking to it... sometimes it felt like he was talking to her again and relieved some of that loneliness in his heart. "I love you still very very much, My Dear."
He had searched for so long..even before creating the bearuo and his own business. His old creator eventually passing and he ended up in the ownership of a quant little shop owned by a kind older man, a friend of said creator. It was a humble home for a while, and he met Nuts through there. A nice young lady even found inspiration for a story through him to which he was flattered but eventually he did leave the place of his own accord to search.
To search for her. He spent years searching high and low for his dear Louise very hard but nothing ever turned up. Eventually he stopped to create his own helping service but he was always open to the idea that someday she would come back into his life and they'd be complete again. He'd show her all of his accomplishments and have her meet his friends and show her the home they could live in together for the rest of their lives. A perfect little life. At least that was his ideal idea for a happy life...
"You know that. I loved you and I will always love you. I'll never stop loving you and if you were to walk into my life now I'll happily do nothing but love you more. But ...I must confess, my dear. I have grown to feel guilty."
The painting did nothing but smile at him patiently for an answer making him take in a shaking breath.
"I fear that I have come to love someone else... I'm sorry. I'm sure you probably wouldn't be angry with me. You were always so understanding of everyone even when that someone was screaming in your face you'd never get angry, but I can not help but feel guilty." Green eyes turned away from the painted blue ones too guilty to gaze at them any longer. "I'm so sorry, Louise."
If the painting could talk it would say that it was alright and she didn't blame him after so long. He knew that's what she would say with a smile on her face. 
"Is that where you are right now?" He looked at his clasped hands, ears pinned back against his head. "Are you settled down somewhere else with a new love? Maybe that's why I haven't seen you? Because you already moved on?...I would not fault you for doing that if you did." Those eyes closed. "It has been so long. I wouldn't even be angry. I'd love nothing more than to know that you were happy with someone you love even if it wasn't me, perhaps you even have a family now too. Perhaps you prefer not to go searching for the past when your present is so much happier. Not that I would fault you for doing that too. I'd still love you regardless if that did happen."
Again the house was quiet and nothing but the clock's ticks and his own tired sigh filled the space as a hand rubbed his face 
"Regardless I still can't help but feel guilty for how I feel now even if I couldn't stop it from happening. ...I think you would've liked her." Green eyes finally looked up at the blue eyes again. "Her name is Haru. She's quite a radiant young lady. She came back to visit us earlier this week even." A sad chuckle escaped his lips. "She baked Muta this very nice pumpkin bread and brought me a full inkwell the size of the chair I sit in. I won't be out of ink for quite some time now."
If it could the painting would've chuckled at him and asked him to elaborate more about the funny girl.
"Did I ever tell you how I met her? No I haven't. I don't think. It started last year when she happened to encounter the cat kingdom's Prince. Prince Lune himself. You see he was gathering a gift for his bride to be-"
He could've imagined how the painting would've responded if it could. Giggling at some parts of the recounted long tale while humming in interest at other parts until his story was long since completed. 
"She's doing fine now," he reassured. "She's having a very good time at a new internship and she even mentioned learning to play the violin. I haven't heard her play yet but she promised to bring her instrument next time she came back. You quite loved the instrument yourself I recall...I wish you both could've met each other. I'm sure you would've been such good friends. You two are similar but yet...so different from one another. Each one having your own beauty. ... Haru has grown so much as a person since that incident, I'm very proud of her self growth."
The painting still said nothing but the reassurance of the smile brought some comfort in the heart of his. Knowing that she would've been very happy for him regardless of everything.
"I know that I still love you and for what it's worth I always will. But the return of my heart does belong to another. I'm just happy to know that you would've been nothing but understanding, my Dear Louise."
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|| Lighthouse ||
Frank Castle & Matt Murdock, ft. season 3 depressed!suicidal!Matt.
1 of ?
🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
The line keeps ringing out, echoing through his skull like a death knell. He's not sure if the number is even still in use, but he had to take a shot. Just before he's about to give in and hang up, there's a soft click as the call is answered.
He says nothing yet, just waits.
Finally, there's a resigned sigh on the other end.
"Red." Frank says. Thankfully the nickname he'd given him was ambiguous enough that if anyone else had picked up they wouldn't know who was calling and for whom.
"How'd you know?"
Frank wasn't quite sure how to process how he felt when he heard that voice come back at him through the line. There’s a dry lump in his throat he didn't expect that he has to swallow down before he speaks.
"That you were alive?" he replies, "You ain't the only one with friends in the church, kid."
"Can't even trust a nun to keep a secret it seems…" Matt scoffs. "So, I guess you heard…"
"About Midland Circle? Yeah, I heard."
Frank isn't sure he fully believes that Red's sai-wielding woman had truly come back in a second life with some sorta ninja-magic or whatever, but he knew enough that things hadn't ended well after that and he wasn't going to tread over the subject. He knew the guy would be hurting, and not just from having a wholeass building come down on top of him.
He more than knew how losing someone you cared about ripped away part of your soul. Hell, maybe that's why he had called in the first place.
"Don't think this city's ever gonna get rid of us." He adds. They've both had more than nine lives between them, Frank didn't dwell on the fact that he'd been hellishly lucky so far.
"So you're here, then." Matt deduces, and Frank grumbles in response, annoyed that he managed to give himself away without actually realising. He was too focused on keeping him on the line, keeping him talking at least, if not open.
"Guess so. As I said, can't keep me away."
"What is it you want, Frank?" Matt snaps, the devil's edge suddenly ringing clear in his tone.
Frank clicks his tongue. "Look, I know you don't just shake off something like that so easy, and another thing I know s'that you need people around you afterwards, good people."
"Are you good people, Frank?"
He can't help the scoffing sound he makes at that. "Don't do that. You know who I mean. Don't push those friends of yours away when ya really need em."
There's a frustrated sigh. "When I care about people, they get hurt. It's best for everyone if I stay away."
"Yeah, that's what I reckoned too but we both know that ain't true, Red, don't we?"
Silence. That isn't good. Maybe he's pushed too hard too soon.
Just as Frank's about to bare more of himself than he's ever shared with anyone since his family had-
"I wonder what the point is anymore. Every time I've tried to help clean this place up it just spits back in my face." There's a beat before Matt continues. "Maybe… maybe it's just time I stop trying."
It worries Frank that there’s something different about the tone of his voice, it’s void of… something. The kid sounds defeated, empty. This was all balancing on the knife's edge. Frank knew Matt was at a place where he could go either way, easily give him a 'fuck you', hang up, and probably end up dead in a dumpster somewhere, or he could use Frank, take his 'friendly' ear if he wanted it.
“It’s a purpose, keeps you goin’ y’know? You need that. Fuck, god knows I do."
"Made your peace with Him, huh?" Matt jabs bitterly, but at least he's still talking.
"Yeah, maybe… I was thinkin' about goin' to church y'know, when there wasn't anywhere else I wanted to turn. Sometimes goin' to the places you'd think you'd never go can give ya some perspective…"
It's an invitation of sorts. Well, as much as Frank feels comfortable offering without saying "hey, d'ya wanna meet up for a beer and cry it out?"
"It's a free country, noone could stop you." Comes the response, the acceptance. Frank takes it.
"Remind me. Clinton, is it?" He knows it is. He's already on his way.
Another weary sigh. "Yeah."
"A'right." Frank says, "See you soon."
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clqveris · 9 months
started my ao3 back up this year. ao3 wrapped? I dunno. it's something
general rambling. reminder that the DOVES ARE DEAD some of these have nasty tags on them
I wish I could post something privately just for my mutuals. oh well
I say started back up because uhhhhh I wrote something in freshman year of highschool. It is my most loathed child and is now an orphan. It is in the very back of my ao3 inbox. Its statistics are on par with my current most popular fics. Goddammit.
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Started writing this year because of Stardew Valley. Currently I believe it's one of the longest running projects I've ever worked on. Started it in February. Now it's December. I think it will be another year at least. My poor little farmer whom I give all the tragedies to. I dropped this game again earlier this year and yet still find the drive to write this. Amazing. I think I have the fic planned and then it goes and does its own thing sometimes.
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All the TGED fics are the same to me. Least favorite children. The bad modding in the discord made me lose taste for the whole fandom, unfortunately. I am allowing myself to shit-talk this server on account of the poor moderation being in concerns to NSFW content, and that the server is not an adult only server. And some of the immaturity in there. Not immaturity as in "acting childish for fun" and "not being serious all the time," because acting like a mature adult all the time would be tiring and soul sucking, but immaturity as in "I am a child and my childish actions are not for fun but for throwing tantrums against things I don't like."
The count will forever stay at 4. The last thing I wrote for it I wrote all the chapters and then posted them all at once, and then forgot them. It is also my most popular fic. What a shame. I hope one day I will get a comment in my inbox that says "Why did you start writing incest." Otherwise, I respond to none of the comments on those fics.
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My S-Class fics are my favorite children right now, besides the Stardew one. The only fandom I've ever written with an E rating for, and you know what? It's not bad. It's freeing. I get to be free. I forget all the time that they can be considered dead dove, for reason of the big fat Incest label on it. They feel tame to me, for some reason. Maybe they are. Maybe it's not my fault that one of the characters actually canonically tries to lock his brother up and has thoughts of getting rid of everyone else.
Perhaps one day they will surpass the TGED fics. Currently this one is the most popular of all of them, but I feel like that's about to change. Hm...
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I don't really look at statistics except for the comments in my inbox, but here we go.
Subscriptions. I posted all the chapters of System Error at once, why are you subscribing to it?
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Word count. No surprises here.
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Bookmarks. frowns at System Error. get outta here
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Comment threads. At least three of them are my favorite children.
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Kudos. Hang in there cuckoo. your time will come I promise
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Hits. You're telling me more people saw the high-speed competitive frotting and got less kudos than cuckoo? that's crazy
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All in all? I'm blind. I don't see. Who is TGED? Never heard of them. I've never built a house in my life, your honor. All I know is Really Fucked Up Sibling Relationship with the author's poorly disguised brocon-
I also realize now, that most of the things I've written have something to do with extreme and unhealthy displays of affection. Stardew? You saw the yandere tag. TGED? Pretty sure that guy would blindly trust anything the other guy does. S Classes? I point out once again, the unhealthy codependent relationship between those brothers.
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Now, as a reader. I need to bookmark more things I believe. I'm lacking. I'm slacking. I need to up my game 100 emoji.
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If you read this far, I encourage you to comment. Putting all your thoughts about how a fic made you lose your mind in a comment is really fun, because then I don't have to just sit there and go "holy shit, that was an amazing fic, now I just have to sit here and act like I didn't read something that good." You can type it out and share it with the world. Highly recommend for when you're about to lose your mind over a fic.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Some members of the Order are reticent about letting in a Lestrange, specially after Snape's betrayal. Whilst taking Harry to the the burrow, an ambush has place. Everything points to Y/n, right?
Pairing: George Weasley x Slytherin!Lestrange!Reader
Genre: angst
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @skarlettmikaelson
Warnings: blood, injuries, death
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Lestrange wasn't a good name.
It wasn't a good name in the streets, nor in close-doors, let alone amongst The Order.
That's why I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that they had accepted me— well, maybe 'accepted' was a strong word; they had let me in, reticent, weary, but still they had done it. Plus, after Snape's betrayal and Dumbledore's death, no one would think there was a vacant for a Slytherin and a Lestrange.
It wasn't until I found myself exiting the abandoned Grimauld's Place along with the rest of the volunteers to go to Privet Drive, that it dawned on me; they were short on people.
They were so short on people that the Order would have to swallow my name, my family and my House.
That didn't mean they would quiet down their opinions about me being there.
"I'm gonna say it." Fred announced, taking a spot in the living room's corner while Shacklebolt, Arthur and Lupin searched the place.
"Again?" Fleur groaned.
Fred had already spoken his mind about my presence before we reached Potter's house.
His and George's shocked looks had been on me since the very first moment I had walked into the old Black's home, which was understandable; last time they saw me I was joking about joining the death eaters.
Although the shock on their faces had been accompanied by very different emotions on each.
Fred's held reticence. During our school years, he had never liked me; I would dare to say he was scared of me, even.
George's gaze, on the other hand, held hope —maybe even excitement— which was comforting.
In our first year, I had managed to draw George's interest, and for three years he was adamant about Slytherins not being 'all that bad'.
George's friendship was the thread I was hanging on; he was the only thing stopping from taking the easy way and live up to my name.
The thread was cut after he asked his mother to bring me over during Christmas, which ended up in her forbidding him to talk to me. He, being George Weasley, ignored his mom's pleads and twin's scolding and still tried his best to stay close to me, so I did what was right and, at the end of our fifth year, I cut ties with him.
It hurt more than I would dare to admit.
After our drifting apart, I was forced to completely rely on Slytherins. And you see, Slytherins, as 11 year-old George would say, aren't all that bad, but the ones my name attracted were.
They were bad sort —the worst—, and keeping that company around after our sixth year wasn't the best record to have, but Merlin's sake, I was there, I had volunteered— people change.
"Son." His father warned Fred, well aware this wasn't the time, though he obviously wanted to side with him. "Don't start again."
"Someone has yet to tell me why is she here?"
"She has a name." I hissed, unable to stop myself.
"Which is why you shouldn't be here, Lestrange." The name rolled out of his tongue like poison. "She's not one to trust."
"Oi, she's willing to risk her life, isn't she?" George's words seemed to be meant to calm his twin's temper, though his warm eyes did land on mines with a reassuring look.
"Yeah but for whom?" I tried to stay quiet as Moody had asked me too, but Fred was making it quite difficult. "If something goes wrong—"
"Weasley!" Mad-eye's tone was dry as he bursted into the room. "Are you questioning my judgment?" Fred scoffed, but stayed quiet.
"If we're throwing in the surnames, you're gonna wanna know her mum's my auntie." Tonks spoke, folding her arms.
"But you're a Hufflepuff." He was quick to respond, giving me a disgusted look. "She's a Serpent."
"And you're still a mouthful, aren't you?!" I snapped, stepping forward, though Tonks gave me a lazy tug before I could get to Fred.
"Wanna fight, Lestrange?" He had taken a couple of steps in my direction already when George yanked his twins arm.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, giving his brother a push. "She's here for Harry! She's helping! What else do you want?!"
"Oh my gosh, Georgie— get over your teen crush already, she's not on our team!" George's knuckles went visibly white, unlike his cheeks, which turned red.
"Are you done making a scene? The three of you." Bill questioned in a calm tone, resting against the window's bench. "I don't fancy the idea either, but we need help, Fred, so shut your mouth because we have things to do."
"Pity, I was enjoying the teen drama." Moody teased before grabbing his flask and the ones who would take the Polyjuice potion moved to stand in line.
"Y/n." George's hand brushed my hand, drawing my attention to him as we stood besides one another. "I'm glad you're here." He whispered with a side smile.
"Missed me much?" I couldn't help but grin back, bumping his arm with mine. I stole a proper look at him and thought I might as well ask before the mission. "So... Teen crush huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, though I could feel my own face flushing.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy George —could someone blame me?—, and the idea of those feelings not being unrequited was very appealing.
He only threw his head back and looked away, the half smile growing wider and more bashful. "We'll talk about it at the Burrow." He assured me, taking the flask with his right hand and squeezing mine with his left.
"If we don't die before that." I was joking, but fear was shaking me to the core.
"We won't." He looked at the potion disgusted and gave me a peeked at me saying, "You have to hear me embarrass myself first." And with a wink, he drank the potion and passed it to me.
Gosh, I couldn't get over the mission to hear him 'embarrass' himself.
The first five minutes were calm, despite all of us being on edge. We kept checking on each other, dreading if we lost sight of someone, that someone would banish.
The storm came when we had to dive into the dark clouds.
Funnily enough, I did think it was a literal storm before entering; oh, what I would have given for it to be a literal storm.
Black, cloaked intruders flew among us, making us divide in the pairs we had been assigned to.
Lupin started casting protegos and hexes to everyone that got too close while I tried to take down as many enemies as possible.
A couple of yelled warnings were heard when both Moody and the real Harry had entered the ambush.
"WATCH OUT!" Tonks screamed, flying past me with Ron at her tail. "REMUS!" She made a signal to her husband "ESCORT!" I got the hint; we were supposed to clear Moody's and Y/n's way so it would confuse our attackers while Tonks and Shacklebolt made sure to get Harry out of there.
"ON MY LEFT!" Lupin shouted over the chaos, changing to my right for me to be by Y/n's side.
"WE'RE FUCKED!" She yelled dropping her flight to dodge an Avada Kedavra.
"WE'LL MANAGE!" I automatically dropped my flight with hers too, which was a bad decision, since we had gotten rid of the protection provided by Lupin, Mad-eye and Bill and Fleur.
Soon enough three death eaters came flying towards us.
"STUPEFY!" another Harry with the voice of Fred passed by us, closely followed by my dad.
"GO BACK UP!" Y/n was quicker than me following my father's instructions; when I did though, I realised the little formation we had going on was gone.
Suddenly, all we could hear were screams; it felt as if someone was missing but I blamed it on everyone flying around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Tonks almost crashed against me on her way down; Ron was nowhere near me, nor Lupin.
We were outnumbered, and instead of moving forward, we were stuck in the grey clouds, trying not to die.
It took me a hot second, a crash against a death eater and a couple of hexes to get to Lupin, and even when I did, it was a hard task to keep track of him.
I had just taken out someone in my way when I caught a glimpse of something my eyes refused to believe.
Our bloody professor was trying to kill us.
I felt the need to laugh at the situation.
"GEORGE!" It was Y/n's voice snapping me out of it, although her actions shocked me even more.
Y/n casted a spell on me, pushing my broomstick to the left and consequently making me crash against Lupin and lose balance.
Then something happened, something my mind didn't quite process.
At first it felt like a slap, but the pain stung my side as if someone had sliced me with a blade.
I didn't hear my own cry, nor Lupin's desperate 'help'; I didn't feel his hands struggling to take a firm hold of me, nor my own shakily reaching to my side, searching for an injury I didn't want to find.
A second after that, everything was black.
As soon as my father and I apparated in the fields of our home, I ran into the house. For some unexplainable reason, it felt as if something wasn't right.
A couple of steps into the house were enough for that 'something' to strike me. George had been laid on the settee, barely conscious; blood was covering the side of his face, neck and left shoulder, making his hair and clothes stick to his skin.
I was left speechless at the sight, my eyes welling up while I dragged my feet towards my twin.
"Mad-Eye is dead." Bill's words, despite sounding far away, made the gears in my head turn.
Lupin was quicker than me, though, "I told you we couldn't trust a Lestrange!"
"Remus! we don't know—" Tonks tried to calm him down, just to be cut off by Bill.
"Mad-Eye and Lestrange traveled between us and" he gestured at our wounded brother, "Remus and George." His jaw twitching let me know that he was desperately trying to stay calm. "Mad-Eye is dead and my brother just lost an ear, who is it if not bloody Lestrange, Dora?"
"Bill..." Fleur held onto her fiance's arm in an attempt to ground him.
"Did you see her disapparating?" Tonks's point was logical and hopeful.
George would have sided with her.
My eyes fixed on my wounded twin again. He was as pale as a corpse now, and the absence of his ear was way more noticeable now that my mother had begun to remove the blood.
George would have sided with Tonks because he wanted to trust Y/n, and he couldn't even speak because of that same reason.
Since everyone was arguing, they missed the flash of someone apparating near the front door.
I didn't.
Before I knew it, I was running outside with my wand in hand, Lupin and Bill following me instantly when they realised what I had just seen.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" Y/n's wand flew to my hand even before I could properly see her.
My rushed march came to a halt when I was a couple of feet away from her, making Bill bump into me; she was as pale as George, maybe more.
She took a seemingly calm, deep breath before attempting to walk.
Luckily, I saw the pools of blood on her shirt and stepped to reach her before she could touch the ground.
"Oh my..." Lupin covered his mouth with both his hands and Bill stood frozen at the sight of the girl in my arms. "MOLLY!!" my old professor yelled at the top of his lungs, going as livid as me.
We shouldn't talk on impulse, I told myself, rushing into the kitchen with Y/n in my arms. A series of gasps and regretful whispers broke the silence while I laid her on the dining table.
"Y/n?" George's trembling voice was heartbreaking, and, as my dad forced him to stay on the couch, I prayed the girl in my arms would survive.
"Oh Lord..." My mother muttered, examining her. It wasn't only her shirt stained with blood; her left leg and arm were too. "Oh dear..."
"She took the blow." Lupin ran his hands through his hair, understandably stressed. After a couple of seconds, her turned to my dad and commanded, "Get him up. Quick— go get him up." His eyes stared right into my soul and I dreaded the worst, but still obeyed and helped my dad drag George to the dining table.
I heard Lupin telling Bill something about Sectumsempra, and my heart sunk.
She took the blow.
"No..." George's murmur was close to a cry, but it was enough for Y/n's eyes to snap open.
"George." tears were effortlessly streaming down her cheeks at the sight of him. "You're... A-alive..."
"Please stay" My brother fell on his knees, reaching for Y/n's bloody hand with his own. We all looked away to give them some kind of intimacy, except from my mother, who was still trying to fix the poor girl.
I heard them both whispering sweet nothings with shattered voices until only one of them died out. I looked over to Tonks, whose eyes were gleaming with tears, and then to Lupin.
I couldn't bring myself to look at George.
After a moment of intense sobbing, my dad managed to pull my twin away from the corpse, and we carried him back to the settee.
I stayed with him the night, holding his hand and assuring him it was not his fault, but I knew my words would have little effect on his state; after all, he had been in love with Y/n for years.
All those years he had spent trying to convince all of us that Y/n was a good person, that we should give her a chance; all those years begging our mother to bring her over because she wanted to see our home.
Now her body was lying on our kitchen and I knew none of us would forgive ourselves for misjudging her.
"Nervous?" A tall, redheaded kid appeared besides me; I supposed he didn't know my name by the warmth and curiosity with which his eyes stared at me.
"Aren't we all?" I replied with an anxious laugh.
He seemed to think for a moment before nodding. "Fair point, though I'll probably go into Gryffindor." He assured me with a proud smile, causing my head to cast down. "What is it?"
"Oh nothing," I shrugged, aware I would not be able to befriend that sweet boy with warm eyes. "I think I'll be sorted into Slytherin."
"Nonsense!" His intentions had been obviously to reassure me, but when he realised his response only made it worse, he added. "It'd be wicked to have a Slytherin friend, though." My eyes widened at his words; did he just— "I'm George, by the way."
"I'm Y/n."
"That's a very pretty name." Professor Mcgonagall led us into the Great Hall, and before I knew what was happening, George's hand was holding mine. "It'll be fine."
The lighting of the Castle changed once the Great Hall's doors opened; a bright, white light seemed to be coming out of it.
"Wait!" My hand gripped George's before he could leave my side. "Can you hold my hand? I-I'm scared." My voice no longer sounded like a 11 year old.
For some reason I didn't comprehend, my eyes were watery, making the view in front of me blurry.
"Don't be scared, darling." When I turned to George, I didn't see a kid; it was him, in the expensive suit I had seen him mere hours ago. "I'm here."
I just nodded and, swallowing my fear, took a step ahead, and then another one, and another, until I reached the Great Hall.
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Sorry to ask this on your side blog, but this is the only one that allows anon asks. But I have a question about Catholicism. I see you post lots of things on your main, and I don't understand half the words and names you're talking about. I'm a Christian (Baptist) so I understand some of it, but most of the Catholic-speak goes way over my head. So I guess my question is, why is Catholicism so complicated? Why isn't Jesus enough, that you have to pray to other people and have all these extra things?
no worries! I’ll turn on my anon for my main, I just hadn’t yet because I mainly use mobile :) This is kind of long because it just stems from a complete divergence of perspective between the churches.
Catholicism is culturally very different from Protestant churches, which is because of our view of authority. In Catholicism, authority, and by extension beliefs and practices, come from both Sacred Scripture (the Bible) and Sacred Tradition. This is because when Jesus came to earth, he didn’t hand out copies of the Bible and say “read this and let me know what you come up with,” he established a Church. The writings of the Church, like the Gospels and the Epistles, were later analyzed and approved by a council in the Church to be set as the basis of the Christian faith. The first Church Council is in the book of Acts!
We actually have writings of students of the twelve apostles, some of whom were mentioned in the Bible! Their writings line up with the Catholic Church, as do their students and the students after that.
Christ is still very much the center of our faith, as present in the Eucharist (communion, which we believe through Scripture and Tradition mystically becomes the Body and Blood of Christ for us to eat). Everything else isn’t just added fluff, it’s a way of understanding and partaking in our salvation. Everything in the Church is highly symbolic and meant to bring our minds to Jesus, and it’s all found in the Bible. Lots of the imagery used in mass is found in the book of Revelation. Catholic beliefs on Mary are echoed by Revelation and prophesied in the Old Testament. Praying to the saints isn’t treating them as minor deities, it’s asking them to pray for us, because they’re alive in Christ and the Bible says that the prayers of those closer to the throne of God are more powerful.
Another reason is that people have different callings in life, and God designed it that way! Some people are meant for a life of simple devotion, going to work and praying daily and doing small kindnesses along the way. Some people are meant for research and knowing detailed intricacies of theology. Some people are meant for going out and talking to people about the Word. Some people are meant for consecrated life of discipline and prayer. Each of these paths opens up a new area of faith, a new way to be Catholic (remember the passage about the hand cannot say to the foot “I have no need of you?”) The Church accommodates each of these, because people are created to live out their callings within the Body of Christ.
Also, the Catholic Church is a continuation of the Hebrew Covenant. We worship the same God as the Hebrews did—the God of Abraham and Isaac. And although Jesus established a new law, he didn’t get rid of the old, but fulfilled it. The Old Covenant was created for that time, but has now been fulfilled and extended in the New to include the whole world. For example, He established for them priests to guide and shepherd them, so it makes sense that that structure of faith carries over. And it’s true that we are all Kings and Priests as Israel was meant to be, and our priests are no longer a separation between us and God like in ancient Israel when only the High Priest could enter into the Holy of Holies. Now our presbyters represent us before God.
TL;DR Catholicism is so “complicated” because God is so vast that you’re never going to run out of time learning more about Him. Jesus left us immeasurable tools to use and rely on while working towards Salvation. We’re not meant to be in it alone. Think of us as Christians travelling on a stormy ocean of sin and death. Trying to make it through without the Church and the tools provided by God is like doing it on your own little rowboat when there’s a military-grade ship available for everyone.
If any of this was unclear/you’d like me to elaborate, I’ll turn on anons on my main so you can pop in there XD I’d love to hear your thoughts! I also have a few books/talks I could point you to if you want a more in-depth analysis with someone who knows a lot more than me :)
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diaco1968 · 4 years
Hawks x reader
Warnings! Nsfw/lemon/smut, biting, hairpulling, oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex no pull outs... He has exogenous zone between his wings...he can go feral... can't convince me otherwise... reader quirk works by getting saliva/venom on the victim. Long
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~fight so dirty but you love so sweet~
When a hawk hunts it's first ever viper, sweeping in, catching the clueless creature and taking it back to the sky, it can go any of 3 ways. He's either succesful in incapacitating the viper and can feast on his prey later. Or the viper manages to land a venomous bite on him, in which case they fall to their doom. Now if they don't die from the fall, the viper is the one feasting on the paralyzed young hawk. Nature is a wild thing indeed with how fast the hunter can turn into the prey.
The first time he met you he was on his way somewhere else and he spotted you in a dead end , the only thing running through his mind was 'what a hassle.' His wings shuddering in agitation, the feathers ruffling noisily when he landed behind you in the dead end where you were toying with your paralyzed victim. A middle aged man whom you just mugged and was now making fun of as he could do nothing but watch you, standing there like a stone statue.
"That is not really fair is it, kid?" You turned around slowly and gracefully locking eyes with him "can't be any less fair than following and harassing an innocent little girl in a dead end. He picked the wrong person. Now he pays little price than he deserves, Birdie." You mocked back crossing your arms and taking a nonchalant pose. Though he could tell just how tense and ready to jump you were under that posture. Like a coiled snake. So that was the problem, now he knew why his nerves were on fire when he spotted you. He raised an eyebrow "you don't strike me as an innocent little girl though." You smiled sweetly as you freed the guy from your paralysis who stumbled and scrambled away and out of sight apologizing. "So what? That's what you're into, hero? Innocent little girls? Please." You emptied the content of the man's wallet right in front of Hawks and put it in your back pocket before throwing the wallet to the side. Looking up at his annoyed expression playfully keeping your smile. "Alright! That's it. You're coming with me for theft." You raised your hands in front of you submissively as if ready to get cuffed "oh no, he gonna chain me up." He wasn't amused as he stepped forward grabbing your shoulder to turn you around. That's when in a heartbeat you striked, pushing him off towards the wall and stepped back from him. You were fast, but so was he blocking your way when you tried to make a run for it "nice try. That all you got?" He said casually squeezing his shoulder where you hit but you could tell he was slightly distressed by your speed. "Oh you should not have said that." You grinned raising your hand that was holding one of his crimson feathers between your thumb and forefinger firmly but delicately. "It's okay, I can grow more of those, don't worry about it." He smirked walking back towards you. His smirk was easy to like. It was not like yours, it was calming. You ignored his comment as you brought the feather up to your lips, his steps faltered and came to a halt watching you intently. Your tongue darted out and licked up the side of it, sucking it into your mouth and pulling it out, making a show of it for the winged hero, loving the way his feathers fluttered and shuddered in response "oh, and that's what you are into, huh?" He said trying to sound sarcastic but as intrigued as he was it sounded like a genuine question. He wanted to know what the hell you were doing. You chuckled dropping the feather and stalking towards him. The feather fell limp to the floor much to his surprise. But he was in for a much bigger surprise. When you were only inches away from him, he went to grab you. And he couldn't. He couldn't move a single muscle below his neck. "What the... how did you-" he fell quiet inspecting you as you let your hands wander under his coat and ran your fingers up over his abs, over muscles that were prominent through his skin tight suit before reaching up and grabbing his shoulders to use as leverage and pull yourself up to his ear. "You're lucky I like you, cause if not, this is still not 'all I've got'." You repeated his phrase from earlier your tongue lightly brushing over the shell of his ear, enjoying the way he tensed up even more under your touch. "Okay... I really should not have said that I guess..." he scoffed and You moved your lips to his shoulder sliding his coat off only a little "too late." You sunk your teeth in his shoulder through suit and all making a loud hiss escape his lips. His smart mouth wasn't going to quit it though "ow, that's definitely going to leave a mark. what a kinky little thing you are." You chuckled fixing his coat up and stepping back, turning on your heels to leave "you can move again soon, see you around hero." And with that you were gone."Damnit..."
~call me in the morning to apologise, every little lie gives me butterflies~
It was truly a hassle explaining to the nurse who patched him up that it was just a cat that bit him, right on the shoulder, clean and no bleeding. Only a little less bothersome than admitting his embarassing defeat. He hadn't seen you since, and it's been two weeks. During which the clear set of teeth marks on his shoulder remained, unchanged, as if only just bitten into his skin moments ago. He couldn't dig up anything about you, and damn he tried, knowing his resolve and resources it was saying something. No one had heard of you. Were you even a villain? "Tsk." He traced his fingers over the mark as he craned his neck to look at it in the mirror before sticking the bandage back over it, covering it up with his shirt. Not a moment of his days went by without having you in somewhere in his mind, taunting him, haunting him... and what annoyed him was that it did not ALL relate to his embarassing paralysis in that dead end. He imagined and thought about you way more than just that. He headed out on his day off, to the bar, definitely for gathering info. Of course.
He stepped off into the cold night air and looked up at the sky, stiffening ever so slightly, invisible to the untrained eye. "Speak of the devil, ey?"
You pushed yourself off the wall where you were leaning against and approached him as he turned his head towards you, hands still in your pockets. "Aw, were you thinking about me? Do you happen to do it often?" You smirked, eyes trailing over his face to his shoulder where you've put your little art piece then back to his eyes. His eyes narrowed immediately, turning towards you and getting in your face "you did something to me didn't you?! I knew it!" He growled under his breath glaring at you realizing he had put his hand instinctively over his wounded shoulder to cover it. You put your hands up in the air as if surrendering and looked up at him sincerely, his wound started throbbing for some reason. "Yeah I did. But... I decided you probably don't deserve it. I mean... you were just doing your job. So. I've come to help you remove it." He blinked a few times looking at you unamused "riiight." You rolled your eyes "right!" He frowned and tilted his head to the side "...right? Really?" You groaned pushing him towards the door "ugh you're even more annoying than I remember. Let's go inside." He raised an eyebrow with a hand on the knob still uncertain of your intentions "do you usually invite yourself in people's house like that? Cause I'm not sure you're the type of gal I want to pick up and take home with me..." 'well ouch' He was right not to trust you but you didn't have all night "listen jerk, do you want to get rid of this or not?!" you hissed at him, and as you expected his feathers ruffled at the sound before you could even touch his shoulder. It was in his nature to find it threatening after all. It was kinda cute. He braced himself for you to be nasty and squeez his wound or something but your hand just lightly brushed over his coat, he barely even felt it "okay okay! Sheesh." He opened the door and stepped aside for you to get inside.
~talk so pretty but your heart got teeth~
"So what were you thinking about?" He was taken aback by the sudden question as he closed the door behind him turning to find you make yourself comfortable on the couch. Your question was out of the blue, yes, but it shouldn't have made his so distressed. "Nothing...?." He lied. You sighed "I can't help you like that." Silence filled the room as the two of you stared each other down before you decided to relent "look. The venom in the bite-" he gasped at the words "venom?!" You looked at him unfazed making him feel embarrassed by his own outbursts "sorry, do go on." He gestured for you to continue. "... the venome will eventually make you hallucinate. And it will remain there till you do as it tells you. So I need to know what you've been thinking about most. By the little time that has passed I don't think you are at the point of hallucination yet, yeah?" He was now more anxious about his thoughts by the things you just told him. "I don't hallucinate... do I just start hallucinating random things?... are you some kind of mobile LSD fairy or something?" He frowned at you for real this time making you sigh. "You hallucinate what you want and desire at the moment of the bite, I don't have control over it. So... yea I guess I am." You looked down and he immediately felt terrible "I didn't mean it like that... I just...sorry..." he had no idea why he was apologizing. You were the one who bit him. And he didn't recall you apologising even once so far. "It's fine, I understand." You looked back up at him and cocked an eyebrow "now that that's out the way, much like yourself I don't want to be here anymore than I need to. You can probably take care of the matter on your own from now on. Goodbye birdie." You got on your feet and walked for the door but just as you were going to pull it open his hand shot up from behind you and pushed it back closed. It was your turn to get anxious heart sinking and the hair on the back of your neck standing on end, he was looming over you from behind and you could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck and see the shadow of his wings spreading intimidatingly behind you both. "Actually, in that case, YOU are so not done here."
~Late night devil put your hands on me
And never never never ever let go~
"Uh..." you slowly turned around pushing yourself back against the wall and looking up at him to see the easy smirk from before back on his face, eyes half lidded, dripping with confidence "I don't... um... what do you m-mean?" He raised a hand and brushed a finger on the side of your jaw, stroking it lightly as he leaned in closer "it's you I was thinking about the whole god damned time. The way you'll look, they way you'll sound. The way you'll taste. You said you will help me fulfill my hallucinations." He looked down over your form taking his time as he did so before his eyes landed back on yours "do you still want to help me?" He was actually asking. Despite the way his voice faltered at the thought of getting rejected there was a choice in his question. You could refuse. But why would you? He was hot. Annoying. But still hot. "So you got to be on LSD to take girls like me home?" You scoffed crossing your arms over your chest, the way the shadow of his wings covered you making you uneasy. He smiled apologetically "in my defense, last time we met you assaulted me in a dead end, gal." You huffed "(y/n)." His smile brightened as he watched you intently "Keigo. So (y/n), what do you say?" You hummed looking thoughtfully, almost shamelessly down his form, raising a hand and barely brushed your fingers against his crotch before pressing them firmly to his abs and chest. His chest tightened in anticipation as he felt his stomach drop. Maybe it was just for now and how you were touching him, maybe it was for the way his wounded shoulder throbbed, knowing this was almost exactly what happened before he got bitten last time. "I don't know Keigo, I kinda get the feeling you actually like the bite. A lot." Your hand traced his shoulder now leaning up to kiss it softly from over his clothes, him inhaling in sharply "oh to hell with it, you make me want to give you more, birdie."
~don't know if you love me or you want me dead~
He walked you back towards the bed, hands cupping your cheeks on both sides, his lips locked on yours. His hands moved down the sides of your neck, slipping your shirt off to expose your shoulders and pushing you down so you sit on the bed, loving the way you were already panting breathlessly from his kiss, flushed. He pulled his shirt off still standing over you with his signature confident smirk, throwing it to the side. You smirked back as you leaned in pecking his abs before dragging your lips over them, looking at his eyes through your lashes as you moved down and mouthed over his crotch, making him shudder, watching as those same abs rippled ever so slightly. He ran his fingers through your hair letting out a shaky breath "I'm sorry if I don't trust those teeth anywhere around that area, baby girl. Plus you already know how I taste. It's my turn." You rolled your eyes leaning back on your arms behind you as he leaned in and pulled your pants off along with your panties "fine, birdie." Your blush darkening as it creeped to the tips of your ears. He huffed kicking off his jeans and kneeling in between your legs grabbing your thighs "it's Keigo." He gripped your legs and pulled you to the edge of the bed before you could retort, only managing to let out a gasp. He smirked releasing your legs when over his shoulders running his hands up over them, kissing your inner thighs, his stubble scratching lightly over your sensitive skin making you wriggle a bit. His hands grabbed your hips tightly pressing you firmly to the bed "oh no you don't." You looked down at him to whine quietly. A choice you immediately regretted. Holding eye contact he buried his face between your legs and plunged his tongue right in. You gasped arching your back, hands shooting up to grip his hair. He hummed delighted by your rich reaction, moving his face closer, nudging his nose against the sensitive bud, as his tongue switched between lapping up your juices and thrusting in through your soft, fluttering folds. You a whimpering writhing mess under him. The soles of your feet not too gently brushing against the base of his wings on his back, where they were connected through his skin, along with your fingers tangling and tugging his hair had him groaning and moaning deeply into you. He removed his tongue only to lick up a wet hot line up to your bud latching onto it and sucking just as two of his fingers pushed inside at once giving you no time in curling up and rubbing against the spot you wanted them to. "Shit! Kei-go!" You moaned loudly, your toes curled and your thighs squeezed his head as he chuckled pushing your hips down further on the bed with an arm over your belly, nails digging in your hip where they rested. The pleasure had you seeing white and Right as you were about to get tipped over the edge of your climax he stopped. His fingers and lips, all gone. "Pay back is a bitch, huh?" He wiped off his glistening wet face with his hand as You whined desperately and squeezed your legs shut when he removed them from his shoulders grinning at you "you jerk!"
He leaned over you grabbing your loose sweatshirt and pulling it over your head reaching behind you to unclip your bra as he kissed your neck "let's free these lovely things first." You huffed still annoyed but soon it started into contented sighs and quiet moans as his kisses and nips moved down to your chest. His teeth grabbed your nipple in a sharp nip and you mewled grabbing the back of his neck, your other hand moving lower between his wings. As your nails dug right in the spot between the two giant heaps of crimson feathers, he let out a loud breathy gasp freeing your abused nipple from his surprisingly sharp teeth. Evil flashed in your eyes as you smirked down at him when he gulped and looked up at you "...no." his voice was shaky "oh yeah." You replied raking your fingers on the same spot. His giant wings shook, the feathers rustling as he hissed through his teeth, grabbing your breast harshly in one hand and pulling you closer with the other fisted in your hair, crashing his lips onto yours with a feverish hunger. You were shocked, moaning into his mouth. His reaction was thrilling and you wanted to see more, tightly grabbing onto the base of his wings this time digging your nails there. He sneered and growled loudly in your mouth, sounding feral. You whimpered at the sound the reaction you got more than you bargained for. "On your hands and knees, (y/n)." He barked urging you up by his hand, still tightly fisted in your hair pulling you up. You gasped scrambling up to turn around and do as he had told you. His fingers dug in your hips and he pulled you back onto himself, in one fluid thrust, your pussy already gushing around him from his earlier change of tone. You cried out as you gripped the sheets in front of you. His wings were distracting as they spread once, engulfing you in their shadow. It felt safe, but extremely dominating. Or rather quite deliciously. He tucked them back behind himself when he leaned down over you, one hand still on your hip and the other running up your spine gripping the back of your neck tightly. He pulled back out right to the crown of his cock, before snapping his hips back inside all the way, at the same time his teeth sinking in your skin over your shoulder blade, drawing another loud cry from your throat. He set a brutal pace as his teeth worked on littering your back with bites and nips. "F-fuck!... Kei... shi-... Keigo!" Your breath coming out in short moans and gulped in with high pitched gasps. His fingers creeped from around the back of your neck towards your throat, squeezing it tight and firm, your breath and voice hitching as the thrill ran down your spine straight to your core, folds fluttering around his rock hard cock. He pulled you back up by your throat so your back was flush against his chest, your hand reaching up to claw at his wrist, squealing. His hold was not suffocating, just restricting the amount of air you were allowed. The new angle made his cock poke and drag over your walls, sending you right into your much desired orgasm eyes rolling to the back of your head. He was panting heavily and movements faltering and sloppy from holding you and himself up like that. Your cunt clenching around him, milked him dry, him moaning and biting your shoulder one last time. He remained inside you as you both came down from your highs, removing his hand from your throat to your shoulder, stroking one of his own bite marks lightly. He pulled out and let you drop on your belly with a tired sigh turning into a heavy strained "oof!" As he fell over you playfully, barely careful not to crush you. "Fuck, (y/n). Looks like I did all the biting this time." He laughed as he held himself up on his forearms gently kissing and soothing your sensitive skin. "Shut up...damn... I'm gonna bite you again if this is what I'm gonna get every time." You muttered tiredly. "I was right. You are a kinky little thing." He smirked laying down next to you this time, draping an arm over your waist and nuzzling your neck "you can bite me whenever you want, baby girl. I'm in."
~push me away, push me away
Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay~
Hey hey hey @queensynderella
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huenjin · 4 years
2020 year end greetings.
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disclaimer: this is going to be very long ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ ), but that's how much gratitude i have and so much more of love.
2020. ah, this year was a very emotional journey for me and how i wish i could sing jessi's gucci all throughout. however, that was not the case. tumblr helped me run away from all those irl miseries. these people made me feel at home.
this skz writing blog has been existing from the last few days of september and it came to life when i was losing motivation to write on my main (which i closed down because stray kids made me like writing back again) and it's stayed since then. you guys have stayed since then. grateful, a one hundred times and more.
so, this is rue, getting sappy and so much more thankful for everything i have and recieved with this blog. this is rue, asking you to accompany me for a little more and to listen to the stories i have to share. the is rue with heart full of nothing but love for each one of you.
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to each one of my mutuals, for whom i pray to the stars to shower you with nothing but fortune —
@sinisterlyhan ♡ eiko, best thing i ever did was hit you up. how are you always so calm? or at least that's the tone i have in my head when i read your texts. it's so pleasant to talk to you. ily. and let me get started on your writing — you've heard this from me like every day but ma'am, you make magic. you lace stars together to form such a beautiful constellation of a writing and i fall in love a little more. thank you for inspiring me to always do better!
the hyunsung demon!au (whew!) — 01. 02. 03.
this hyunjin bad boy!au
@mochinnie ♡ isa, how i wish you handled yourself with a little more care. you're so fragile and delicate and i just want to protect you ?? so much ??? you're precious and one of the most beautiful people i have met. your characterisation is just perfect and god, i wish i could once write headcanons like you do. thank you for being my friend and for fangirling to me and for loving me. it means the world. psst, ily.
this seungmin fic
querencia | hh
@sparklemin ♡ nara!!!! big brain nara! god i love how your asks make my whole day and how you bring up different minho agendas in my head. you have my whole heart and i'm in love with you bye
girlfriend | bcn
hidden confession | bcn
@bearseungmin ♡ dawnie babie thank you for being such an enthusiast all the time while talking. you're so cheerful and happy and thank you for being this nice <33
beat it to the door | bcn
could listen to you read the dictionary | lfl
@chogiout ♡ yah, kira! sometimes i want to whack the back of your head like i whack my sister's, okay? it's the same kinda sibling love with you. fuck, not ever going to let you leave me. after all, my parents taught me to take responsibility of the stuff i rid innocence of. (lmao, sorry, bitch ily!!)
memoir | jyh
this youth of craziness | csn
@mikoto-ica-fics ♡ mi, bb! thank you for being so supportive. istg, if it weren't for you reblogging that one fic of mine, my fics would have never seen light to this day. it's easy to get lost in the tags hehe. and then i happen to text you and omg, aren't you the nicest ever? i love your story ideas, the way you write, the way you interact with people and thank you for talking to me. you make me want to be better.
entangled | lmh, hjs
power grab | hjs
@toffee-hwa ♡ ana! anaaaa~ you're so enthusiastic and supportive and fuck, i looooove ranting and fangirling to you! and the minute i know you're watching the same kdrama as i am, i just go like wheeeeeee— HAN SEOJUN!!! lmao, but thank you so much for talking to me, for listening and for caring! my romanian queen, you pretty human, you're the best!
yet, pt.i
yet, pt.ii
@chandisiacs ♡ yah, pav! must i drag you back to tumblr from twt? must i? i miss you. i really do and i can't wait to have your arse back here. thank you for being such a lively person to talk and hang out with, eee! and not at how you succeeded nano! inspirational! thank you x
thread of all your legendary aus
starboy | bcn
@unsaidhj ♡ you're so soft. and god i love you? and your aesthetics. it's a thing, ma'am. i existed to see your aesthetics lmao. and then i text you and you're so kind omg. i could never hate you so please, ma'am, stop telling me that in panic? huihui, ily and i hope you stay healthy. place yourself first, bb.
knife under my pillow | hhj
scammer, scammed | bcn
@sleepylixie ♡ yo, neighbor! you reminded me how small the world can actual get! love love talking to you about irl stuff because you can understand how messed up it is! and you're so kind, ah!!
in umbra
passion's abyss | lmh
@dreamyhan ♡ one of the few people i see on my dash and go like — hazeeeeeeeeel! you're just so nice, god. like if cotton candy was a person, it would be you, alright? and then there's your writing ability that skyrocket off the roofs because it is that good. thank you for being so supportive and nice to me! x
next time | bcn
in his arms | hjs
@itsapapisongo ♡ boy, my main man, javi!! your work was once my most favorite thing to listen to. loved how the mall worked and everything. and then there's how supportive you are like omg. if only i could explain the courage you give me. it's infinite. you make me feel infinite. also, #hardhours, right?
george of the jungle
swimming fool
@kabira ♡ typing the url down was even more romantic, manx. don't ever change this. love how strong and bold you are. love your opinions and love your writings even more. you're one of those few people who write like they mean every word from their heartstrings. thank you for providing us with stories to tell for eons. x (psst, ily so much!)
backstreet driving | hhj (that's the first skz fic i read because it was from you and not because it was skz and aren't i glad?)
sic semper tyrannis | lty
@dalknow ♡ the only other person on tumblr that i text religiously on discord. i love talking to you, bb. love getting personal with you. love how i can share absolutely anything. thank you for trusting me. thank you for listening to me. thank you for loving me. can't wait for you to put your stories back up on this acc. you're undefeatable and i know you'll have that known.
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to each one of my anons, for whom i pray that you stay safe and healthy and most importantly, happy —
🧸 :: put you on the anon list because in my head you are that anon — my very first one and the one that lit up my whole world. it's kind of a very proud moment when someone wants to talk to you. you made me feel that. you made feel loved. and to see how well your blog is doing now, god, i feel like a proud mother.
🐠 :: my greek princess. the fact that i learnt more about breads from you than from my school makes me laugh hehe. you really did light up my world with every ask you sent me and had me unknowingly hope that you are happy in every minute. and now that i know who you are, i'm even more content because you're a mutual too now!
🍧 :: god, you have a special place in my heart, ice cream anon! maybe because you liked me more than my fic and followed me here even though you were an anon from my bts blog. fuck, if that didn't make my heart flutter, nothing ever will! (hush, your relationship is something i am still rooting for!!)
🦊 |🌹| 🥀 | 🛸 :: the way you guys keep checks if i'm staying hydrated and healthy. i am. and even when i wasn't, your asks made me go drink a cup of water ha! thank you for loving me x
tiktok anon :: ♡♡♡♡♡♡ yes idk what else to say to you but that i would give you a piece of my heart. your tiktok asks make my whole day. it's something i look forward too! thank you for always making my day!
and to my other anons, tagged or untagged :: thank you for sending me an ask. every single one, either telling me to stay happy or hydrated, or that my fic was great or that you're feeling extra horny that day (we've all been there!) i appreciate it and thank you for making me smile! x
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to all the mutuals that i admire, look upto and wish we talked waaaay more, let's do it soon please! and to some mutuals that i just miss talking to! —
@nightshade-minho (ily! x nicest bean ever!!) :: @satanssmuts :: @lovebini :: @seraplantery :: @xiaojunssmile :: @chan-skz :: @chanluster :: @decembermoonskz :: @bangtantaegi (queen!!) :: @yunhozone (i miss you!!) :: @inkigayeo :: @vocalyunho
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i hope each one of you stay happy, content and loved. my memory is pea sized and so i do pray that i haven't forgotten any! thank you for being my mutuals, for sharing laughter and talks with me for these months i've been here! i’m sorry if i missed anyone, but i seriously do appreciate everyone that i’ve ever talked to on here though! i hope to see you all next year and let's be happy together !!
with much love, x rue!
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Jungkook's One-Shot
Topic: His ex comes back to your lives when you two married and tries to get him back by creating problems inbetween you two...
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: Smut (Dirty talks/games)
Rating: 18+ along with angst and drama
The following first few chapters would be though fluff and a little smut...
Part 2/Chapter 2
Steps could be heard from upstairs as Jungkook left the shower and made his way down... His wet messy bangs fell down till his eyes as his muscular body covered in the comfortable PJ's appeared from the staircase and made their way to you... You were so much into those beautiful orbs that you didn't realise when the gap between the two of you had decreased to null...
He called your name sweetly but you were too much into the beautiful work of art that his voice never reached your ears... He waved his hands infront of your eyes but still no movement from your side... He smirked finally knowing what had happened to you and with one swift movement his hand went around your waist just to grab your body tightly and press it against himself... Your chest and entire front side pressed tightly against his... But what brought you back to senses was when your nipples underneath the shirt rubbed against his nipples...
The movement send shivers down your body.... And you quickly responded to the touch with a muffled moan... the moan was suppose to be loud but you muffled it... You still hadn't forgotten about the secret guests at home afterall... "Am I that handsome that someone can't resist herself for falling for my beauty!?" he asked more like a challenge... This handsome bunny of yours could be competitive and challenging over anything... Like literally anything... Just yesterday he got challenging over who can drink the most banana milk and in the end it was Jungkook ofcourse who won...
"You know dear, Daddy really wants to fuck his baby right away... But you're on your periods so I just can't... I wish so badly if I could just rip of those PJ's and slid my cock into that tight pussy of yours but it seems to be on a bloodfall :(" he said... Gosh! This man got you wet in seconds... But it was unusual for him to talk dirty when you were on your periods cause he didn't wanted you to be turned on during such a time and then couldn't help yourself... Though you weren't for real... "Leave for today, but I really wanted to fuck you hard, atleast on our wedding anniversary just like every year but it seems like this year I have to jerk myself off and help the growing problem... "....
Someone please stop this man!! If you had put your finger in your vaginal folds by this time, then for sure you could be easily able to hear the wet erotic sounds loud and clear judging by the wetness there... His lips then suddenly attacked your neck making you moan and throw your head backwards as your body leaned in his tight embrace......... "J-Jungkook... W-what a-are u d-doing...?" you managed to speak in the worn out state of yours... "Mmmmm! I'm just showing my love to my wifey! Can't I?" he asked yet sucking at a weak spot on your neck... Where he knew it drove you crazy... A couple of more moans left your mouth until you finally remembered that the other boys weren't far from you two... Just like the floor underneath... And thus you half-heartedly pushed him away from yourself...
"Horny Bun! I said na, that I'm on my periods, then why are u teasing me!? Huh!?" You asked... "Y/N... I'm really turned on baby! I can't fuck you so atleast let me kiss you and keep u close..." ... "Jungkook that's not like u! You never do any such thing to turn me on during periods! Cause you don't want me to suffer by not being able to get rid of a new problem when I already have this stupid problem of blood and cramps!?" you asked not being able to accept the fact that it was your same bunny boy doing such thing... No reply from the other side... Then suddenly he grabbed you be your thighs and picked you up before throwing you on his shoulder and taking u somewhere... You screamed in shock from his sudden move and then worriedly asked where he was taking you cause the expression u saw on his face before lifting you up was like when he was mad at something...
He took u to your bathroom and let u down while u asked rather confused that why he did he brought u here and like that? He then finally spoke up... "Y/N! You know I hate lies!! And if u didn't wanted to have sex with me or u don't like me touching u like that any longer, so you could have just told me that! I must have been hurt but atleast you must have said the truth to me!! Instead you opted for lying about periods to keep me away!?!!" he said as his eyes started to get teary and the hurt clearly shown by his voice... You took sometime to process what he said and spoke up...
"Who told you that I'm lying about my periods!?"... He gave a sarcastic laugh and said, "You still care how I got to know that instead of explanaing yourself!? Anyways... I checked the number of tampons and pads and they were exactly equal to the number last time left... If you were on your periods, atleast one pad or tampon must have been used but no! Not even a single one missing!".. "You seriously count the number 😑 Jungkook" you asked in disbelief... " Yes I do! But that doesn't matters any longer... You don't like my touch... Have u found someone else... Better than me.... If yes... Then don't worry just tell me... And I'll make sure not to come between the two of you..." he said in a low tone as a tear strolled down his cheek... Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Where is this hell going too!!??? You though to yourself.... Fuck Y/N! You really mess up the things!!
You were really hyped up seeing where this shit was going as you looked at your wristwatch... Just 20mins more... And it's 12:00... Till then u have to keep yourself from telling the truth but also keep him engaged in something.... You finally spoke up, "My fluffy Bunny 🐰! Don't cry *wipes away his tears, cups both his cheeks and lifting his head up, makes his pouty self look her in the eyes* It's not like what you're thinking... I love u and only u! There isn't anybody on this earth who is better than u! You are the best, the most perfect one for me!! And for that lie... Well... I fell down today in the morning and hurt my back....*another lie* I didn't wanted to worry u by telling you about the accident and thus lied... But seems like I needa tell u now seeing the situation..."
His face lowered down again and his baby sniffs were all that was heard in the room... He turned into a 3yrs old kid sobbing his heart out 😭 seeing whom u too felt bad... He then moved closer and wrapped his arms around u as his face buried in the crook of your neck where he sniffed and let out muffled sobbing... You lightly swayed your palm on his back in a to and fro motion while your other hand moved along his neck to his hair massaging there... You two stood there for about 10mins in absolute silence after which Jungkook slowly detached himself from u and looking into your eyes... Spoke up, "My lovely bunny girl!!! Sorry for accusing u for cheating 😔😞😓...
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GIF's owned by me 😁❤️
I'm really sorry! I would never ever blame u again for anything!! I am sorry... I don't know what happened to me... I just thought like I was loosing u and that made me so scared and angry that this happened...." And he peppered your face with thousand sweet pecks.... You then tip toed and kissed his forehead... The soft feeling of your wet, plumb lips on his forehead gave him a feeling of contend and relaxation and the ache in his head just vanished away!! He changed back to your smiling happy bunny!! You checked the time... Just 7 more mins and it's 12:00!!
"Wifey! You hurt your back 😞... So come let's go to our room and let me massage your back and apply some antiseptic lotion! ☺️" he said... Aww! He's always so caring!! "Bun! Just wait... You lifted me up like that and my back hurts a bit... I need some rest... Just let me stand here for a while and I'll be better and then we may go..." *another lie 😐* "Sorry 😓😔😞 Hmm... We can wait as long as u want"... And after it was exactly 1min left to be 12:00 you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulling his face towards yours, you attached your lips with his, as you roughly kissed the "Jungshooked" boy though he kissed u back more roughly than u did.... And for the next 1 min it passed in a blissful moment until it was interrupted exactly at 12:00 by six dopes!
To be continued in the next chapter... I know I promised to make it a smutty truth/dare chapter but then I got this angst or I must say more of fluff scene in mind... So truth/dare skipped for next chapter... But I promise, next chapter will definitely have the truth/dare game! ☺️😁 DO NOT COPY MY WORK! OR REPOST IT ANYWHERE!
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hey, hey, hope you're well 😌💕 regarding the cooking au - "we work in the same restaurant and we're dating but can't tell anybody" would be so funny for Nemi 😂😂 I just know the smallest of things would set him off
Hi, bby! I’m very good, thank you! Sanemi really does seem like the hotheaded kind of chef— like a few of the chefs I’ve worked with in the past. Lmao. Hope you like it tho!
And I apologize if I got too carried away with the terms. I just... don’t know what some dishes and kitchen items are called in laymen’s terms. So I just used what we usually use in the kitchen. Please feel free to ask me questions if some things are unclear and all that. 💜✨
Sanemi x F!S/O: We work in the same restaurant and we're dating but can't tell anybody (Restaurant AU, Slight NSFW Scenario):
“Did all of the canapés go out yet?” Sanemi asked irately, as he practically loomed over the poor line cook— whom had all but dropped everything he was doing when the executive chef asked his question.
“Yes, chef,” the line cook answered, almost tripping over his words; especially when Sanemi eyed the remaining canapé boards and excess ingredients on his station with a narrowed gaze.
With pursed lips, the chef quickly pondered upon his decision and said, “Make more of the tuna tartare starters in the cucumber pedestals, and plate up the remaining arancini that you have. But make sure not to put more romesco sauce on the board; don’t be stingy.”
Safe to say that the cook was practically shaking in his boots as soon as Sanemi left the station, only to wander off towards the upstairs walk-in chiller— where he had seen his sous chef, and secret girlfriend, (Y/n) walk inside with a chef de partie.
(Y/n) clicked her tongue in frustration, as she lifted her right hand and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Sanemi’s going to flip the fuck out if he sees that.”
“I‘m sorry, chef. I should have kept an eye on the bearnaise,” The young man uttered contritely, while he wrung his fingers together at the very thought of the consequences he would face if Sanemi found out what he had done.
“Don’t be sorry, chef. Be better,” (Y/n) answered with a sigh, running a hand over her face while looking up at the ceiling— as if it had all the answers that she needed. She wracked through every possible solution that she could do, if only to hide what had happened from Sanemi, and clicked her tongue once more. “Fuck. Okay. Get someone to cover your station, then go downstairs to the prep area and make another batch of bearnaise. As quickly as you can— before Sanemi sees you.”
‘Or else we’re both going to get it,’ She thought to herself, just as a chill ran down her spine at the imminent spanking that she was going to receive— if her lover did find out that the sauce broke because someone had put it under the heat lamps.
It was why part of her wanted him to find out, just to get one of his delicious punishments; but another part of her didn’t want her poor subordinate to get yelled at within an inch of his life.
So she chose the outcome that benefited the greater good, rather than her personal agendas. Besides, she could always rile Sanemi up in different ways later on— if she really wanted him to spank her.
“Take the iSi and get rid of what’s inside it. And hurry up be-” (Y/n) immediately cut her sentence short, as the door to the walk-in opened up; revealing Sanemi on the other side.
Immediately, as if on instinct, her entire body warmed up at the sight of him; and she had to bite down on her bottom lip to keep herself from blatantly licking her lips. It wouldn’t do well to reveal to everyone just how intimate she and their boss had already gotten... or that they had been engaged for the past five months.
That wouldn’t do very well for both of their reputations; which was why they planned on getting married after (Y/n) transferred to a different restaurant— just to avoid the backlash that there was favoritism all along.
There really wasn’t, as she and Sanemi tried to keep their relationship as under wraps as possible, but it was still an unavoidable topic; especially with the people that they were working with. Gossip mongers, each and every one of them.
“Step out for a while, chef. I need to talk to (Y/n),” Sanemi didn’t even try for any modicum of politeness. He merely opened the door wider and stared the chef de partie down as he exited the sizable walk-in chiller.
And once the other man was out, the silver-haired chef stepped into the chiller and closed the door behind him; flipping the bar latch to lock the door from the inside.
After doing so, the young man beckoned his lover forward— which she obeyed seamlessly.
(Y/n) practically melted under Sanemi’s touch as he cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for an open mouthed kiss; gliding his tongue along the seam of her lips, before sliding it inside her mouth to play with her own.
“What were you two talking about in here? Seemed serious.” He asked through those heated kisses, only to bite down on his lover’s bottom lip when she didn’t answer him. “Trying to make me work for the answer, huh?”
With those words hanging in the— admittedly— frigid air, Sanemi let his hands wander down to (Y/n)’s waist before snaking them up beneath her chef’s jacket and undershirt; his undershirt to be exact, as she had run out of shirts that morning and had used one of his.
“There’re seven parties going on, on top of dinner service. Now’s not the time, Nemi,” The young woman tried to reason, but inadvertently closed her eyes when she felt Sanemi’s hands slip under her bra to squeeze her breasts.
Deftly, his fingers played with her nipples— pinching and twisting them in a way that made her moan so softly. “Sanemi, please... we’re at work.”
“That hasn’t stopped us before, kitten,” Sanemi answered with a soft chuckle, before punctuating his words with a gentle nip on her ear. “I remember you riding my cock in the office last night. And you on your knees in the wine cellar the day before.”
“That’s dif-” Once more, (Y/n) was cut off from speaking— only it was a frantic series of knocks that time, instead of her lover opening the door.
“Chef! Chef Sanemi! Chef (Y/n)! There was a send-back from 321. And all the parties want their entrées on the fly!”
Sanemi could only close his eyes at that, as he leaned his forehead against (Y/n)’s and pressed a kiss against her lips. And with one last squeeze to her breasts, he retracted his hands out from under her shirt with a wistful expression on his face.
“Keep me sane tonight. Please.” The young woman pleaded softly, which had her lover grinning from ear to ear.
“I’ll try during service. But when we get home I’m going to make you go crazy... with my cock.”
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part 4:
The sound of drops of water dripping on the rocky ground was the only audible sound. The cold and the humidity were clearly felt, and the sound of the wind falling into the holes and piles around made the atmosphere more frightening. For a sleeping monster inside human skin, fear was meaningless! His buried eyelids were finally shaken by a layer of blood, and he slowly saw the ground in front of him like a TV screen full of glitch! Everything was jamming and the sound of the alarm was bothering his brain! Charging urgently needed to get rid of these damn bugs! He moaned relatively loudly and tried to get up, but it seemed like an obstacle in front of him! He frowned and turned his head to see what was going on. He stretched out his hand to break that iron ring, but he felt a sharp pain in all parts of the tension, his hand was broken! And he had just realized. If he didn't release himself, the pain wouldn't let him escape! It's true that he still didn't understand why it was closed! But every wise man knew that when he was chained to the wall like this, his life was in danger! He tried as hard as he could to move his broken left hand and instead turned his head towards his healthy hand. He pressed his lips together and tried to pull his hair out of his eyes by moving his head to the right! He took a deep breath and shook his hand with a sudden movement. He broke the iron ring and released his hand! A half-smiling smile settled on his lips and he quickly turned to release his broken arm, but just before the iron ring had been fenced around his wrist, an arrow came out of nowhere and the palm of his broken hand stared at the wall! He shouted loudly and closed his eyes tightly! He trembled with pain and weakness and saw red everywhere! Slowly he turned to see where the arrow came from and when it would hurt him so much. He hadn't fully turned yet when another arrow came and slammed his right shoulder against the wall! He gritted his teeth hard and growled at them! A growl of pain that, of course, had no human form! He was out of breath and stared angrily at the man who was coming towards him! he knew him! A fossil that was alive !! Contrary to the young general's outrage, Loqi Tummelt, Ardyn had a cold smile! Slowly he stepped forward and opened his hands to the sides as if he wanted to hug Loqi:
"I have to say that it's really hard to keep a behemoth king like that!"
Loqi's reaction was nothing but a mocking grin! He tried to hide his weakness behind his gaze and anger! He tilted his head slightly and addressed Ardyn in a very mocking tone:
" It's hard for you to keep a mouse, let alone me, who is my ultimate power and I will crush you!"
For a few moments, the silence of the room was disturbed only by water droplets, and then, Ardyn's slow and not so loud laughter! He dropped his hand and turned his head back and stared at the roof of the room!
"Oh, what a sad motive you have for me, little monster !!"
"Close your mouth and just open me again !!"
Ardyn's smile remained fixed on his face. As he looked at an unknown spot, he moved his tension from left to right and pressed his lips together:
"Hum! You're right, but ... I'm busy with my sweet girl!"
An evil smile settled on his lips and he stared at Loqi. Loqi's gaze became full of worry and anxiety, Aurora was in danger !! Especially now that he is captivating himself! Ardyn Half was annoyed by Aurora, and this style of torture forced Aurora to do anything! he tried to vent his anger:
"I swear to the gods, Ardyn .. bring disaster on her head.
Contrary to Loqi's obvious anger, Ardyn enjoys the annoyance of two sisters and a brother who are very close. Slowly he put his hand on the broken part of Loqi's hand and pressed it softly but firmly. Loqi's aching breath trapped behind his teeth and suffocated him, the pain of that pain when all his systems were disrupted. It was so hard, he couldn't keep himself awake, and if he fell he would die! He tried to save himself from fainting, but he couldn't. His weight was borne by his shoulder, which was nailed to the wall with metal and black arrow .. If something bad happened to his sister .. he would hold himself responsible .. forever!
On the other side of the story, Aurora was sitting on the floor, overwhelmed with mental unrest, her heart pounding like garlic and vinegar, squeezing the edges of her clothes, knowing Loqi was not in a good mood, she was inspired! She was afraid of losing her brother, she tried for years and was awaken many nights, to get her beloved Loqi out of that difficult and destructive tests alive! It's been exactly two days now that she didn't know about Loqi! She sold her motorcycle to make arrangements, but he refused to hear Loqi's voice once! She took a deep breath and got up from her place. She had to talk to that woman and ask her for help, the one whose name was Laura, and Aurora thought she was a simple glaive! She didn't even know her goal was that woman! Before she could get out of the tent, a glaive gently stepped ahead And stood before her. She turned her head toward that glaive. With the pressure that he put on her chest with his hand, she took a few steps back. That glaive's smile was nothing but has a negative feeling for Aurora. Her hands were ready to defend her, but before she could even tell if her thoughts were true or not, that glaive spoke, In a voice that belonged to someone else:
"I'm glad that Uncle Ardyn's dear is healthy !!"
Surprise and disbelief fell into the wave of turmoil. She went back so far as to hit the wall of the tent. She raised her head and stared at Ardyn, who had now returned to his body! She didn't need to pretend to be angry, her eyes subconsciously filled with hatred to the point that his tone was saved from the bitter poison of hatred:
" I thought I was free to see that ugly mess forever!"
Ardyn's hands gently touched her shoulders and he stopped behind her. He laughed softly and lowered his head to whisper in Aurora's ear, a whisper that smelled of resentment:
"Don't look for your brother, darling!"
The fact that Ardyn was talking about Loqi had only one meaning for Aurora, she couldn't resist and the tension was shaking! Her frown slowly subsided and she was scared ... it was the fear that was taking its toll, the fear of losing Loqi! She was so scared that not only her tension but also her voice trembled!
" Is he ... in your hands?
Ardyn had achieved his goal. The heavy shock he had given Aurora was enough for him! He laughed softly and walked away. He doesn't care about loqi or Aurora, it was just the little beads that Ardyn was entertaining himself with that! The main nut of Ardyn's story was Noctis! Almost no one from the Noctis family was left, except for one person.whom Ardyn needed for destroyed Noctis, a princess who was eating coffee with her love a few tents away! The person to whom Aurora was indebted! As he walked slowly, he opened his hands and leaned slightly toward the sky:
" Wounded and tired in my black fork! I promised Verstael to take him to him. He will be very happy!"
He stood and turned on his heel to Aurora and smirked mischievously:
" He is impatiently waiting for the new tests, my dear !!"
This tone was familiar to Aurora, and she could extract the purpose of Ardyn from her. Ardyn wanted something in exchange for Loqi, and told them so secretly how valuable that goal was, it didn't matter to Aurora even if her hateful uncle wanted her life! That goal was speculation .. She was the girl who wanted Verstael!
"What should I do to avoid giving Loqi to that humane hyena !!"
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Ardyn's laughter calmed Aurora, she had guessed that Ardyn wanted something of her, Ardyn's crooked steps were taken to the tent. He tied his hands gently behind his back and stood in front of the tent in soft, black smoke and ashes around the tension.
" Witness !! I ... want the princess !! A girl with long black and gray hair ... and eyes that surround the heavenly skies and gardens !!"
Aurora's gaze was fixed on Ardun's vacancy, her breath was trapped in her chest because she knew only one person with this address .. The eyes that surrounded the sky and the gardens of heaven .. There was no one but the woman who saved her life It was ...Laura !! She turned her head slowly towards the big tent under which Laura had taken refuge. She stared at her and her smile crept into her mind! If she was the princess of Lucis ... then she should have been the same example, who was stolen from Verstael 35 years ago ... and if she got their hands on it ... She would be destroyed! She thought that this was the only purpose of Ardyn. Unaware that Ardyn had other sinister plans and did not care about the will of Verstael!
When she reached the tent, she stood up and turned to Cor. She raised his finger as if she was getting permission from her teacher, and addressed Cor in a decisive tone:
"Let me talk, okay?"
A serious face was sewn to Laura without feelings. He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, not long after he looked at Laura again and answered with his hands locked on his chest.
"That good bait to Captured loqi! And she is now between us! We should not give her time that she can to spy!"
Unlike Laura, who trusted the girl, Cor did not feel good! He was worried about Laura, he was more worried about Laura than he was about Noctis! Laura is jewelry for nifs just when the crystal was in the hands of Nifs !! It was unlikely that even 0.1 percent of the girl would be spies! Maybe Loqi's sister deliberately thought she could come here! It was not unlikely. No matter how much he wanted to instill this feeling in Laura, it was useless! Laura was a wayward girl. If she knew that Cor was worried about her, she would risk herself more. Aurora's gaze was fixed on the princess and the man, who was much taller than her. She felt dumb and confused! She hugged her arms and leaned toward the ground to sort out her thoughts! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora. She wanted to ask her in the same way.Just as the opened her mouth to speak, Aurora stood and stared at her:
" I really need to save my brother! If he reaches to Nifelheim, nothing will be left of him!"
Frown come in between Cor's eyebrows! Is Loqi dying? to hell!! It didn't matter to him at all, unlike Laura, she understood Aurora's feelings. She also had a younger brother, Noctis!
"Don't worry, I'll help you, but I have a condition for you!"
" Unconditional condition! How can we believe that loqi is in danger! Why do you ask his enemy for help?"
Cor said, and Laura's reaction to this short, concise speech was just one thing, she rolled her eyes. She turned her head slowly and stared at Cor:
"my dear??"
My dear phrase, do not seal silence with Cor's lips. Aurora's gaze turned to Cor:
"I know who you are! I saw your photo before, Mr. Leonis! Loqi is in the worst condition right now and I have no one but him."
Cor's tone became even colder than before:
"I don't trust you either. If you like your brother, is better for you to go from here!"
Aurora's gaze turned oppressed towards Laura! She couldn't enter through a friendship with Leonis! So she had to wash laura's brain!
" Can I just talk to you?"
Laura's gaze slowly turned to Cor, and then her smile was realized cor that he was left her alone! Cor did not want this, but Laura was his princess! He had to follow her orders, he went out slowly but stayed behind the tent! Now that Aurora's loneliness had eased her mind, she took the opportunity to catch Laura! She could have used the same magic to take half of Laura hostage. Or she could hit her with a chair next to the bed. He looked down at the chair. If Laura defended herself in any way, Leonis would come and kill her! So she couldn't finish it with these methods! He stared at Laura! Seeing the blackness of her hair, her mind went to the black bag that was in her bag !! She had completely forgotten why Verstael had given her the drug, and Aurora wanted to have another use for it! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora's eyes, she didn't know why she didn't speak! She lowered her head slightly to see her eyes better:
"Aurora? Do you want to tell me something?"
Laura's voice brought Aurora's attention back to where she is now! He waved his hand slowly and then tried to speak as if she hated it!
"Do you have a brother who is in danger?"
She painted a sad smile on Laura's lips, slowly approached Aurora and put his hands on her shoulders:
"You were injured baby, rest, we will go after your brother soon!"
Laura's kind tone weakened Aurora's will. If Laura was a princess of lucis, and if the same pattern had really been stolen ... it would be easy for her to save loqi! But what if Laura wanted to kill Loqi anyway? Loqi was the one who attacked Insomnia, although Laura was kind, but what if her inner intentions were evil? Aurora had been hiding from people for many years. She had no relation with anyone except monsters in human clothes! She couldn't trust Laura! In addition, Laura, who was not in trouble, was finally clearing her mind !! But Loqi was killed !! These thoughts made Aurora regain her will! It's true that Laura was very angry with everyone in the army, but she never destroyed a rejected creature! That's when she is supported by her sister!
"Let me a moment!"
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Laura's smile became a little brighter and she slowly moved away from Aurora! As she walked away, Aurora rushed to her bag and looked inside. The little black bag had something inside that Aurora wanted to use to control Loqi, although it was made for Laura. The girl who saved her life and took refuge in her! He raised his head and turned to Laura. She was standing behind Aurora, staring at her phone. Maybe she was sending a message! It was the best opportunity! She picked up the ready syringe and slowly walked towards her! Laura's gaze was fixed on her brother's face, and she was smiling. He had sent a photo of his new armiger to show Laura. She just laughed at these naughty is chiefs. Noctis was happy to laugh with his friends, it was the best thing for him. Laura opened the selfie camera of her phone to take a picture of her armiger and show those 25 weapons to Noctis, but before she opened her armiger, she saw something else inside the camera, with a metal Syringe in aurora's hand! She quickly turned to defend herself, but even before he had fully turned, the syringe needle sank into her throat and its contents emptied into her body. Her phone dropped and she looked at Aurora in shock! She didn't know what was injected into her, but whatever it was, it made her body dry and she had no will to move! She let out a sigh of relief and frowned:
"what did you do?"
She really squeezed Aurora's throat. Her trembling hand calmed down in front of her nose to keep Laura silent, her voice trembling and her eyes filled with tears:
"Shush! You are at my service now! Don't talk and behave normally. Let's go out together right now"
She paused to control herself and pressed her eyelids for a moment until tears welled up. and again she looked at Laura angrily:
"You don't say anything to anyone, tell everyone to go and talk to each other, it's a private matter that has nothing to do with anyone! Now close your mouth and get out.
Laura was in front of that girl, without any will from herself !! She couldn't even hold her frown! Her presence trembled with anger, but she could not express it! He couldn't disagree with that girl! She couldn't even punch her hand! It's like that aurora is a master girl! And there is no other way but to execute the command:
" what did you do? Why can't I object damn!"
When she packed her bag and threw it on her shoulder, she answered Laura:
"It's a controlled drug! Don't name the method yet! You are under my control and you have to listen to me! Your resistance destroys you. Now let's go to your car !! You are the princess then you go first! And Shut up!"
Cor was right، that girl ... was not something she showed, she pressed her lips gently and went out involuntarily, she couldn't even answer! She went straight without looking around to
Her car! When she arrived, she stood and turned to Aurora. Laura wanted to punch her in the face, but only her hands were shaking. Aurora's gaze went to her hands and she stood in front of Laura, nodding her head to both sides, and looking at Laura with a worried look, there was nothing but anger and hatred in Laura's eyes and that made her conscience strong! She pointed to the car:
" Get on, driver!"
And again, it was Laura who was doing something without any will, sitting quietly behind the roll, talking quietly and without a word, if she couldn't pull her eyebrows together !!
For a moment, Cor's negligence ruined everything without realizing it. He only saw Laura walking with that girl, her usual frown getting a little thicker! Why did Laura go unnoticed? He also had no clear identity with a nickname! The Nifs were filthy creatures, and Laura's trust in one of them made Cor jealous! He did not move forward and stood there, staring at Laura's departure. Unlike Laura, who was always Cor in front of her car, there was no honking! And she didn't even smile at Cor! Laura's face was very cold and her eyes ... it felt weird! She understood, but she did not take any action. Cor shrugged and went back to his tent to rest. It was around the morning and the marshal was very tired! When Laura came back, he could talk to her!
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radical-revolution · 5 years
There is a certain question that people ask me continuously. People from this group, people I've never saw before that call me on the phone, people I meet in the park, homeless people, aliens, wretched people, people of all nationalities. What they ask me is this: As I am practicing atma-vichara, self-inquiry in the process will my humanhood improve. In other words what they want to know is while they're doing this sadhana, whether it's the I am meditation or self-inquiry, it may take weeks, months, years, will my personal life improve. If I am sick will I become healthy, if I am poor will I become rich, if I am miserable will I become peaceful so forth and so on.
The way I answer this is, first tell me what you mean when you say, "Improve your humanhood?" What do you mean by that? And the answer is: I mean to make myself a better person. To get a better job. To be able to buy a new car. To be able to get rid of the cancer that is eating up me. To get a companion, a mate that is compatible with my way of thinking. Will all these things happen while I practice.
We'll discuss this for a while.
This question presupposes that you are a human being and you wish to improve your humanhood. What you are really doing is building up your ego making it more powerful. What is a human being to begin with?
If you looked at a human being under an electric microscope you would find something very interesting. You would see billions of molecules and if you look deeper you would find trillions of atoms, that make up the molecules. You would see space in between the atoms. If you were as small as an atom, the space between the molecules would be the equivalent distance between the planets, between the earth and mars, the earth and jupiter, the earth and the sun. There is space between the planets also. That space is consciousness. And the space out of the body is also consciousness.
What I am trying to say is that there is one space and you are that space. Your body is in a state of flux. Your body is not what you think it is. It only appears to us to be solid. Just like every other thing on this earth, the chair, the radio, the rug, the wall. These things appear to be solid but they are not. What determines your body as compared to the wall is the movement of the atoms. How fast they move or how slow they move. The atoms of the body are moving at a certain speed. They become a body.
But again if you see what I'm talking about you're really space. You are not the body because the space between the atoms is larger, more than the atoms themselves. And the space becomes expanded taking up all of space. What is behind space? What causes space? What is the substratum of the space? You are, your real nature, absolute reality. So you see you are not what you appear to be. By trying to improve something that does not exist brings upon itself suffering. For you are identifying with the appearance rather than with the reality. As long as you identify with the appearance you go through all sorts of living conditions, all sorts of experiences. And you try to improve your living condition, as it were.
You are wasting your time, for in this world you have to experience both sides of the coin. When you improve your human condition something happens sooner or later so that you may improve an experience the other side of the coin. For every up there is a down, for every forward there is a backward.
Then who are you? Who is it that wants to improve their condition? That is the first thing that you should ask yourself. Who wants to improve the human condition? And the answer is always I do. Then "Who am I? What is the source of the I that wishes to improve the human condition?"
As you begin to search for the source you will find that the I disappears. As you begin to realize the truth about yourself, that you are not the body-mind, you are not the doer, happiness ensues. This happiness comes all by itself as a result of your realization that you are not the body-mind. But you still ask, "If I'm not realized why can't I live a total harmonious life in my illusion?"
It's impossible. Everything that is born, so-to-speak, must die. You begin to die as soon as you're born. But what does happen to you, to the extent that you begin to know the truth, to that extent do you begin to transcend the so called human condition.
In other words your body may still have cancer and you're no longer trying to heal it of anything. You're simply identifying with the reality. To the extent that you identify with the reality, to that extent do you no longer feel a body with cancer.
So to other people you may appear to have cancer, you may appear to be deteriorating. Like Ramana Maharshi did before he left his body so-to-speak. Like Rama Krishna and many others. The people see a deteriorating body, but the Sage does not have a body to deteriorate. He just has no body. The body does not exist for him. This is the problem because when I speak of this I know a lot of you get lost.
How can there be nobody when I see? Ask yourself, "Who sees? What do you see?" You see poverty, you see man's inhumanity to man, you see this and you see that. The seer that sees has to be transcended. There has to be a seer to see these things. When you ask, "Who is the seer?" Both the seer and the object seen dissolve into the nothingness from whence they came. This means you should not accept what is seen.
Let the world spin, let people go through their karma, leave things alone. Let the higher power take care of the world and universe, but you identify with the real Self. The
Self that is the omnipresence. The Self that is the higher power. Know that you are that. You are no longer a limited personality. You no longer are a frail human that's dying of cancer or experiencing lack or limitation or experiencing happiness, human happiness, or experiencing vibrant health.
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to waste away. He may believe in his body but he's getting weaker as he gets older. He's wasted all this time identifying with the weightlifting room. When he could've become free and identified with reality.
Nobody lives forever. No situation remains the same forever. Everything ends in this world so it appears. Everything has a beginning a middle and an end. But you are not that, you have nothing to do with that picture. You are immortal, you are nirvana.
You must begin today to stop judging by appearances. The more you begin to feel this the less you talk. For what is talking all about. Except to talk about the world and people and things. Think how long you've been talking since you were born. You started with dada, mama and you expanded your vocabulary. You thought you were doing something great, you've wasted your time. The more words you know the larger the ego. The less words you know the closer you are to the Self.
What has the Self to say, to whom shall it talk to, itself? The Self is self-contained consciousness. Aware of itself, itself is omnipresence. So to whom shall it talk to, itself? It is perfect bliss consciousness. There need be no words, just a look, a touch, a glance is all you have to do.
Yet you say, "How can I do this? I work for a living, I have to eat, I have to earn my bread and butter, I have to talk." Don't worry about details. If you dive within yourself and you spend most of your time thinking about the I am, practicing self-inquiry, the details will work themselves out. You must not believe that it is up to you to work out all the details of life.
There is a higher power that knows where the appearance of your body is supposed to be and what work it's supposed to do. Trust that power. You will find out one day that the power is none other...is you. That power is your Self. But until then trust the power. I like to call this power, "The current that knows the way." It's a beautiful power, it only knows love. It wants you to become a living embodiment of love. It wants you to merge with itself.
Yet as long as you identify with the world you can never know reality. As long as you identify with your personal I, by always voicing what I feel, I feel hurt, I feel angry, I feel sick, I feel depressed, I feel happy because somebody gave me something, I feel good because I'm getting my own way. That I has got to go. The whole world, the whole universe, people places and things are attached to the I. If you follow the I to the source the whole universe will disappear.
And the question arises, "Then what? If the universe disappears will I be in outer space? Will I be in a fog?" It's a paradox. The universe disappears, yet you exist in the universe. Your body will continue going about its business but you will not be identifying with your body any longer. You will not even feel that you are in the body. But you will feel the body is in you. You will feel like a gigantic screen. Where all the items of this earth, trees, plants, flowers, bugs, murderers, lovers are all superimposed on the screen. They are on the screen and you are the screen. The screen is not in them.
So it's a misnomer to say that, "God is in me." The body that you think you are is in God and consciousness. Just like the body you draw on the blackboard. But the body you draw on the blackboard is not the blackboard. The blackboard is self-contained and you may draw items on the blackboard and erase them and draw new items on the blackboard and erase those. That is like life going from one life to the next life, from one experience to the next experience.
The whole universe is superimposed on consciousness. When you change identities and identify with consciousness everything disappears. Yet you continue experiencing not as an ego but as the Self. And what do you experience? Pure awareness. You are aware of the truth, the reality. Your body will continue its sojourn through the world doing whatever it came here for, but you will not be your body.
Again this is paradoxical for you appear to be your body but you are not your body. You become a living embodiment of pure happiness, total joy and bliss. The world can no longer fool you or disturb you. You have a feeling of deep immortality. You know without words that nobody dies because nobody was born. You understand and realize without words that there is no causation for the universe. Nothing ever brought it into life.
It has no cause.
If it has no cause, again you ask, "Where did it come from?" And the answer is it didn't come from anywhere. It's like hypnosis. You are hypnotized into believing something is real that is not and to you it's real when you come out of the hypnotic trance, you are part of the waking world again and that something that appeared real is gone. So it is with this world, it appears real, yet it's like a dream. You wake up and the dream is finished. When you wake up out of your mortal dream the idea of body-mind, doer is also finished.
Now is this teaching practical? Is finding your real nature practical? Of course it's practical. Remember you do not become a burden on society by practicing self-inquiry and coming closer to the truth. Many people still think that they will stay home everyday and just meditate. I remind you again it doesn't work that way. If you were meant to be active you will be active. If you were not meant to be active no matter how much you try to be active you will not be able to do anything.
Again do not concern yourself with details. Simply practice everyday. Be aware everyday. See who becomes frustrated, see who feels slighted, who is hurtable, see who is trying to give a one upper-ship on somebody else, see who competes with others, see who you are. Find out the truth. Become free.
It's wonderful to realize that your real nature is parabrahman. Beyond consciousness, beyond words and thoughts, beyond human experiences of any kind. That is how you bring peace into the world. Not by trying to make up peace slogans or demonstrations, but by becoming self-realized, awakening. Then automatically your consciousness expands and people feel it and they too automatically begin to turn within. In the beginning do not concern yourself with these things whatsoever.
When you awaken then see if you want to bring peace to this world, because I kid you not, there is no world to bring peace to. We are looking at things from both sides. When you still believe in your humanity you want to do good deeds, you want to bring peace to the world, make this world a better world in which to live but the further into truth you go, the more you become self-realized the more you are able to see, "I am the world. All this is the Self and I am that." And you live a wonderful life.
Again it begins as soon as you wake up in the morning. Try your best to see the fourth state of consciousness beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming. The fourth state is between sleeping and awakening. Try to catch yourself there.
People tell me they try and just can't. If you keep trying you will. That place where there is no thoughts. A place where there is no thinking of any kind. That still place, that is bliss consciousness. Before the I comes out and starts to do it's dirty work. Just before the I wakes up ask yourself, "Where did the I come from? What was its source? Who am I?" And the last thing before you fall asleep, same situation. When all thoughts stop and you are about to sleep, catch yourself in that state and ask, "Where did the I go? The I seems to be disappearing as I fall asleep. Where is it gone? What is its source?" And yet as you sleep as you dream as you awake there appears to be another I that is the observer of you sleeping, awake and dreaming. That is the real I, that is consciousness.
Actually there is only one I but as long as you identify with the body it appears to be a personal I. As you begin to become aware of the higher I the personal I simply disappears, for it never really existed. And the large I comes into play, which is pure awareness.
(tape break)
You will find something very interesting happening to you. You are becoming happier and happier for no reason. Your fears just melt away. Your past dissolves. The new man is born. All the guilt dissipates. You have awakened. Try it, it works.
— Robert Adams
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leonawriter · 6 years
To Change A Sombre Morrow (chapter twelve)
Read it on AO3
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Genesis, Yuffie, assorted others.
Summary: Time travel is that one kind of thing where it’s the plot of figuring out who you are in the dark, because the only ones watching are either ghosts, or memories. Genesis is working on it. It’s taking time.
The most irritating thing about being put into a war you no longer had any interest in fighting for, Genesis had to say, was the fact that there was no longer any sense of interest in it.
There was nothing holding him there, and when accosted by Wutaian soldiers it was sometimes hard to remember to take things seriously.
Especially when the last thing he wanted was to accidentally tell his entire contingent that he didn't even want these people dead. 
Well, no, strictly speaking that would be a lie; after long enough with what often felt like hardly an hour passing without yet another Wutai spy or soldier crawling out of the woodwork like ants or lice...
His patience was getting thin enough that if they hadn't been in the middle of a forested area, the next one who tried to attack them on the sly would have ended up with a face full of fireball. The last one had come close. It had only been the result of Genesis' own not inconsiderable ability to control the strength of his spells that had resulted in one shocked and singed Wutaian, and a few scorched but otherwise unharmed trees.
His unit was currently only approximately a mile away from Fort Tamblin, and he himself was perched up in a tree some distance from the perimeter of the town Shinra's forces had taken over a few months back, not even caring about what the reactions would be to the hole in his coat opening up again when it had been threatening to do so for some time now, and if his wing hadn't undone all of that hard work, then the sharp branches and bark of the tree he was in would have done the trick.
All in all, the peace and quiet away from inquisitive troops was something that he'd been in sore need of. The one thing that made things less than perfect had to be the sheer amount of things that seemed to think that just because he had feathers and wasn't currently feeling like moving, it clearly meant that he was free real estate to be crawled over and to be used as a hiding place.
Not for the first time, he flipped his PHS open, and thumbed his way into the spam folder of his messages. Knowing the sorts of people who could potentially hack into his phone if they decided that they wanted to, he had long since decided that it was hardly worth the bother of attempting anything too blatant of an attempt at keeping secrecy. 
The last mail from that particular number flashed up on the screen.
You've been quiet.
The message was dated several days ago. 
If nothing else, they'd come to the decision that if the Turks were going to find out that Genesis was having discussions with someone that bordered on treason, then they'd also find out a few interesting home truths about the company they were paid to be lapdogs for.
As yet, no one had. Despite the part of him that was relieved for it, there was another part that was almost disappointed in them.
I've been leading a squad into an active war zone. Which isn't entirely new territory for me, but it has been some time. 'Quiet' is the last word I'd use to describe it.
He hesitated for a moment, before sending. 
It wasn't wrong for him to say that it wasn't new territory - he had done this sort of thing before. Many times. He, along with Sephiroth, Angeal, and many others - some of whom had survived, while others had not - had led troops onto the field of war, living up to the name of SOLDIER. It was where their other titles had come from, those of General and Commander. Ones that... well, perhaps they didn't hold the same official status as First Class, but anyone who'd been involved in the war at all came away knowing that while there were plenty of SOLDIERs of any rank, there was only one General, and there were only two Commanders. 
It was easy to forget when he was surrounded by Shinra propaganda again, how the idea that he had become known as the Crimson Commander because of his hair, his coat, and his sword was not strictly true-
His PHS chimed. Only a few minutes since he'd sent his reply, and there was a response already.
Anything to be concerned over?
In another timeline, several hundred or so people would be dead or as good as by now. Several of whom had been showing concern over him in the past few days.
It was the truth, after all.
I have a plan.
There was movement underneath him, and it took all of his willpower to stay still, not twitch, and not shake the feathers of his wing to get rid of the itch that was starting to form. In the time it took Vincent to respond, he'd sent a quick mail to one of the Seconds to inform them that Wutaian forces had been spotted some distance from their camp.
Your last plan resulted in you almost dying. I'm tempted to bring a fire extinguisher.
He rolled his eyes, and pointedly chose not to respond to that.
You can't change anything if you're dead. Remember that.
The first time he'd met her, she had thoroughly ignored him. 
Genesis had walked through the door of Seventh Heaven behind Cloud, Weiss a dead weight in his arms. A dark haired woman in black had sat behind the bar, talking animatedly to a younger woman with shorter dark hair, but they'd looked up at the intrusion.
Cloud had explained, in short, who Genesis was, introduced Tifa, and what was going on. About Weiss. 
The one he had been told was Tifa had narrowed her eyes at him, but then put all of her focus on Cloud, asking him what was needed, and if they should be contacting Reeve - a name that had struck him as familiar, yet he hadn't thought at the time that it could possibly have been the executive he had once only seen in tedious meetings. 
The other one, however, he wouldn't find out much more about until later, and the most he was given at the time was her name, when Tifa had asked after her, apparently concerned about something.
Yuffie, he had learned. And filed the information away for another time, deeming it unimportant, and he had summarily ignored her just as she had him.
After all, he had other matters to attend to, higher priorities. Anything else was easy to brush aside, especially given how he had still been recovering from mana depletion and his fight with Cloud.
He hadn't thought it odd, at the time.
Later he would hear her name again, and wonder why it sounded vaguely familiar, but then get distracted with something else - something more pressing, something more important than someone who didn't seem to want anything to do with him.
The pattern had continued. The girl seemed plenty animated enough with the others, but the moment he would walk into a room, she would trail off or pointedly ignore his presence entirely.
Cloud would twitch for his sword every time he saw Genesis' wing unfurl from his back. Tifa would watch him closely, enough to make him wonder if he'd run into her at some point before to draw her ire, but she never said anything, and he preferred not to poke at sleeping guard dogs. Shelke, dressed in normal clothes and slowly acclimatising to life outside of Deepground herself, had rarely gone out of her way to interact with him, aside from the calculating looks she had sent and the one time she had told him, bluntly, that he wasn't quite so impressive as the files and  reports that she had managed to find on him had suggested.
Compared to all of them, Yuffie's avoidance was nothing out of the ordinary, especially when she wasn't even always around.
And then, the monster attacks had started. 
Even if he wanted to, Genesis could no longer remember what had started it, but someone had suggested that he and Yuffie should go together to investigate. 
Yuffie had refused.
"Oh, this should be real interestin'," he'd heard Cid mutter darkly as everyone's attention had begun to focus in on the two involved.
Cloud had shrugged, eyes narrowing in a familiar way.
"Next to me, you're the one who knows the most about materia. And Genesis knows more than both of us." Ordinarily he would have preened at the compliment, even as matter of fact as it was, but something about the incident had been holding his attention. "We need to find out what's going on, and if it involves materia, then you're the ones best suited to figuring that out."
Despite the praise that had also been aimed her way, Yuffie had merely crossed her arms defiantly, expression stony.
"You think I don't know how good he is with materia? I do, and I don't care! I'm not working with him, and you can't make me!"
Something had struck him about her wording, a sudden sense of urgency in the back of his mind telling him that there was something that he had needed to remember, but it had merely made him frown. Regardless of whatever issue she had with him, there were such things as priorities. 
"Don't 'Yuffie' me! He might be acting nice, but he's nothing more than a monster!" 
Old wounds ached, and Genesis' fist had clenched, leather creaking at the word. He had spent years believing that what she was saying was true. In many ways, it still was, with his inhuman wing garnering stares whenever it came out.
But he had come face to face with the Goddess and come away rejected but alive, and he had made promises, to himself even if to no other, and held other words close, or tried to. That SOLDIER... didn't mean monster. It was something to live up to, at least.
"Yuffie, that's enough."
Cloud's voice had snapped him back to reality, and he had breathed in with a hiss, his jaw clenched.
"You want to know what they called him? Do you? They called him 'the Crimson Commander'. When he was destroying my home. They'd burn villages and crops and kill people and then they'd go back home and get called heroes." A part of him had wanted to refute that, say that it had only been Sephiroth who had been lauded as the hero, but he'd held back. And then, for the first time, she had turned to him, looked him in the eye in the midst of the silence. "You can't even try to deny it, can you?"
He couldn't. It wasn't as though she was wrong.
"That was a long time ago," he said instead. "People change."
The one thing that he would never forget about the entire exchange, was how Yuffie's face - so often open while around other people, full of confidence and immaturity - twisted with anger and ugly hatred. 
"You," she had said, hands gripping her upper arms and voice barely holding in her emotions, "will never be a hero."
The fact that he's cleaning blood from his sword with a dark frown as he walks back into camp might contribute to the way that he notices that the SOLDIERs and infantry alike give him a wide berth for a while. It makes his jaw tense, the way that some of them look at him, but he consoles himself with the fact that it's probably safer this way - safer that they're keeping a distance while he's in a foul mood and lost in old memories of places and people now lost to him.
One of the Wutai soldiers had waited around instead of going with the others.
Having been on his own, it shouldn't have been that big of a deal; he could have encouraged the man to leave, planting the idea that he had motives that were separate from Shinra's orders.
The world, however, was far from perfect. Genesis had only seen that there was anyone else still there after he had come down out of the tree he had been sitting in, his wing still on full display as he used it in order to float effortlessly down.
Dead men didn't speak - especially dead men who weren't called Sephiroth. Not dead men who had no trace of Jenova, and no connection to any Ancients.
That was all the Wutai were, when it came down to it. 
Ordinary people, with no real power, and no connection to anything that would give them that power. They would be crushed under Shinra in any and every timeline because of this, because no matter how hard they fought, compared to SOLDIER they had no chance. None at all.
Blood stained the cloths he was using to clean Rapier crimson, and Genesis knew that it was going to take more than that to clean his sword.
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