#for those of you who got the 2nd volume ahead of everyone else DO NOT SPOIL US ‼️‼️‼️
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cocogum · 3 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 19 Review
Y'all I remember when I used to think that the chapter cover was supposed to be a yumalia shower scene from that one ankama tweet mentioning Cathiane 😭😭😭😭
Like idk why we thought that this would've been THE shower scene that Ankama had mysteriously mentioned through a meme of all things. I can't speak for everyone, but the reason why I personally thought that this would've been a yumalia shower scene was because I thought that her hair seemed like it wasn't tied up in the chapter cover. And whenever we'd see her hair let loose in the Great Wave, it would usually mean that she'd be dominating Yugo or would share a very intimate moment with him.
This chapter ended up being the latter. Because it wasn't a shower scene.
It might be something related to it.
But before I explain all that, let's first focus on where we left off with Joris explaining Grougalorasalar's deal to Yugo and Amalia.
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I mean Yugo come on....
I get that Grougalorasalar is a hottie who likes to cause shitty problems for everyone due to his color but the only people in Yugo's race that ended up being big deals for the world were Yugo himself, Qilby, and their mother the Goddess Eliatrope. Three people aren't a lot to suddenly have the world's nations hate an entire race but when these very same three people are supposed to be two primordial eliatropes and their goddess, then yeah...you might have fucked up a bit too hard.
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Joris agrees.
Omg yes, Joris hates his past tormentor, but even he thinks that he's right in a sense.
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"Do what I tell you, not what I do."
I love how JORIS just soothes his tired eyes and describes Grougalorasalar in only a few words while clearly looking disappointed but not surprised.
Like THIS is literally Grougalorasalar's quote! If someone had to describe him in a few words, THIS WOULD BE IT.
He's such a hypocrite but in a way that makes him aware of his actions and yet doesn't give a shit cuz he's strong af and can do whatever the hell he wants. Running away isn't an option, this guy WILL DIE TRYING TO MAKE HIS POINT AND NO ONE WILL MAKE HIM THINK OTHERWISE.
The royal osamodas family needs to take some notes. Write these traits down, you inferior wannabe antagonists ✨️✨️✨️
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Are we surprised? No lol
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Well shit.
Guess that wave is coming after all.
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What Joris said: "It would be best if the fight happened in his territory."
What Joris actually said: "Rasalar is gonna catch some bodies anywhere else. Fight him where he lives. Like that, he'll only ruin his own place."
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Seriously how big is Luis's extended archive room?????
They got a library that looks like an illuminated underground village, a small secret passageway that leads you to Joris's private room, and a freaking side room showcasing a board with connected maps and research on each of the primordial dragons' locations....
So in a nutshell, Joris is a hoarder, an analyst, a theorist, a lost media collector, AND a stalker lol
We stan Joris's messy lifestyle ✨️✨️
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Makes sense, really.
The primordial dragons were born here with the world. So they originated in a certain beginning point of the world and made it their own place.
This would explain why we saw Dardondakal inside a floating rock in the middle of the ocean while being protected by invisible barriers. It was because that was his own "source location".
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Oooooohh is Yugo gonna bring back the entire gang??? 🥰🥰🥰🥰 OMG WHAT IF THE REASON WHY TOT DECIDED TO MAKE SEVEN GREAT WAVE VOLUMES WAS BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO SEE THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE TOFU REUNITING AGAIN!? This would actually be so cute. They would all end up going to one of those dragon locations together while getting into all kinds of problems just like they did back in Seasons 1 and 2! The idea sounds so nice to think about because come on, you're telling me you don't miss the gang solving problems together all around the world while they were getting closer to their goal? If that's what's going to happen, THEN SIGN ME UP!! We'll get to see them all interact with each other just like in the good old days, except that Pin and Elely will be there (without Flopin...). Or maybe they'd most likely have Goultard babysit them while the rest leave lol. It's better to have a iop babysitter for iops than anything else 😭😭 And Adamaï will most likely have to stay in the Sadida Kingdom for Yugo and Amalia's sake again 💀💀💀💀
But what I would really love most of all, would be to see these adventures WITH A GROWN UP YUGO HELL YEAH BABY ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
That is, IF Tot wants to bring back the old adventuring days lol
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Yugo who did you give it to.
Last time we saw the Eliasphere, it had been kept in the Eliatrope goddess's garden during Yugo and Amalia's (unconventional) ceremony.
So like....Did Yugo move it around after a few days or was it because of Harebourg in season 5 fucking around and finding out?
Either way, there was a reason, and I think it must've been the latter. I think Harebourg might have been the cause. Because the Eliasphere had been kept in the garden since the sadidas and eliatropes knew that touching it could fuck them up. Which meant that none of them would be stupid enough to try to take it. Besides, the Eliasphere has a defense mechanism anyway. So maybe when Harebourg had fused with the Eliacube, he might have been capable of taking it during Season 5 (I'm only speculating here) without getting attacked by it since the artifact recognized Orgonax's heart inside Harebourg. After some fight with him, Yugo might've realized the danger of keeping the Eliasphere out in the open like this so he gave it to....
He decided to give it to....
So....queen Astra technically has it in her possession.
Like it's painfully obvious that it's Bonta who has it now, given that it zooms at Bonta's Kingdom as soon as Joris says that Yugo didn't give it to him!
At first, I was incredibly perplexed as to why Yugo gave it to Bonta's queens. But when I thought about it some more, the decision to give it to queen Astra...actually made some sense.
Before Season 4 came along, we've never actually seen the world nation rulers' opinions of Yugo and his people.
But when the necromes attacked and Yugo had to explain the situation to the rulers of the world, we were able to fully grasp what each of those kings and queens thought about him.
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The Brakmar King and his general unsurprisingly hate him and his people (but I'm sure they initially started hating him first for making a mockery of their court justice, defending Kriss Krass, and creating a chain of events that would make their best boofbowl player enrage them for her gender reveal and making her fight for women's rights lol)
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Astrub and Amakna's governors didn't even waste a breath and told him to scram.
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And even the Sufokia Empress told him that he was being delusional.
Count Lance Dur hasn't been shown talking to them, but there are no clues hinting that he might have been given the task to keep the Eliasphere. Sure, he spoke to Adamaï and they did get along, but Yugo had no connection with him.
So in general, every single ruler specifically rejected him as well as his people.
All except for queen Astra.
Her conversation with Yugo ended much more differently.
Unlike the other rulers, Astra welcomed Yugo and even told him to stop kneeling so he could properly stand up. She told him this because according to her, he was also a ruler and had also saved the world countless times. She recognized his efforts and accepted him. Joris might have also played a huge factor in this since he does present himself as Bonta's representative which means that he tells Astra everything that's going on, including his moments with Yugo, making him one of the reasons as to why she is at ease around Yugo.
But the second Nora, a complete stranger, tries to stand up as well, Astra forbids her and commands her to stay kneeling. Even when Yugo tries to explain that Nora is his sister, Astra doesn't back down.
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This is crucial to remember because this tells us that Astra believes in Yugo, but not his people. He's not a stranger to her. He's not a burden. He's a hero in her eyes and a king. But his people? She considers them to be strangers and outsiders of a world they had never been in. She finds them strange and dangerous.
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And now that the Eliatrope goddess left with most of her children, this only leaves Yugo and some of the elite eliatropes who helped the sadidas during the necome war. Without the Eliatrope goddess's presence, Astra might feel less tense about Yugo's people since there aren't too many in the world now.
So given that she's the only royal in the world who seems to appreciate Yugo, this only pushes us to further believe that she might have been the one who is now in charge of keeping the Eliasphere in a safe place.
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Remember how chapters 16-17 had these two morons just blatantly sitting down at Kerubim's place without any security???
Is anyone around them not bothered by this??? I get that they might have not brought any security because they could technically kick ass very easily if something did happen, BUT COME ON NOW!!!
Also why is no one stopping them or looking at them?? They're clearly walking in a busy road of the city, do these people seriously not recognize who they are??? They should at least be glancing at them for looking so out of place! My god these people are dumber than iops.
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The trees are still technically there.
They just ended up being roofs now.
It's for a good cause, I swear ✨️✨️
Amalia's over here explaining the tree's deforestation process to Yugo while he's swimming (HAHA GET IT!?!?!?!?) in his own inner turmoil.
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Alright people.
This is where we can finally discuss that yumalia tweet shower scene being linked to this chapter.
So I've mentioned that this shower scene could happen in a later volume because of what Yugo and Amalia will be discussing right now.
Yugo tells Amalia that he's pretty much grown tired from the constant threats and enemies they've had to fight back to back due to his actions/choices he has made in the past.
He's had enough and just wants to take a break from it all. He wants to spend those free moments with Amalia.
And he doesn't just want a vacation...
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DRUMROLL 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
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GUYS I CALLED IT I FUCKING CALLED IT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I am SO FUCKING GLAD that Elely's foreshadowing back in season 3 MADE ABSOLUTE SENSE!!!
I just knew that if we ended up thinking about potential yumalia kids for the future, WE WOULD GET TO FINALLY SEE THAT THEY COULD ACTUALLY MAKE SOME TOGETHER!!!
I get that when season 4 ended, we knew that these two would've eventually thought about having children since Amalia is the last of her bloodline and will have to produce a new heir.
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Yugo. Buddy.
If Dally managed to have a kid WAY BEFORE MARRIAGE with Eva, then don't worry. You're both adults now. It's not too soon and definitely not too late. You lovable idiot.
But nope. It looks like they used protection or something. But I obviously don't believe it lol Amalia would DEFINITELY want no barriers or restrictions between them. I guess she just got lucky enough not to have gotten pregnant so many times (it is possible because it does actually happen but it's so funny when you look at these idiots).
Yugo has so many enemies, and the one time he tells her he wants a family is right after they're getting threatened by a PRIMORDIAL DRAGON.
Bro has such shitty timing I swear lol
He's over here with clear eyebags asking her to have his kids 😭😭😭😭😭
Now as funny and stupid as that sounds, I'm honestly not that shocked.
I recently talked about this with @geekgirles because if there's one thing we can say about this interaction is this: Can you imagine how incredibly hard it is for an ancient adventurer to take a break from adventuring???
Yugo had MILLIONS of lives, and all of them had been about ADVENTURING.
The twelvians were incredibly pushy and judgemental to the point where Yugo's optimism just completely faded away, WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY A HUGE PART OF HIS PERSONALITY. He's genuinely tired of everyone and everything that keeps pointing fingers at him when they haven't even looked at themselves in the first place.
It's not that Yugo's unaware of his situation. He's just so fed up with everyone that he just ended up getting used to all the attention as if those were normal occurrences.
That's why he just asked Amalia for his kids out of the blue. Bro isn't fazed about the danger anymore. He just treats this as a normal tuesday.
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This is where we'll get to see that mentioned shower scene that Ankama tweeted at Cathiane.
We've come to finally talk about what I meant by that tweet.
So if you saw it, you should know that Ankama, for some unfathomable reason, tweeted Cathiane and sent her a yumalia shower meme. Then Cathiane replies with... "Saw the notif and panicked...”
I bet that Yugo and Amalia will get to go on vacation and only fuck. Like straight up just fuck. And we'll get to see it. And one of these scenes will have that one shower scene.
Omg. I actually fully believe this to be the case.
This is gonna happen.
One of the future volumes (which Tot said that there will be seven in total) will just end up having all the chapters with BIG ASS LABELS IN RED WORDS SAYING "FOR MATURE AUDIENCE" like in chapter one lol
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And there it is folks.
That kiss panel that we've seen being used as a sneak peak a few months ago for the second volume. Absolutely perfect 💖💖💖
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blue-scorpion-king · 2 years ago
RWBY is not dead, just on uncertain waters at the moment.
I am getting this out there for you all in this fandom who are feeling uncertain and scared for RWBY right now.
And maybe in the near future this fall and winter.
Or maybe even next year, in 2024.
And spoilers for RWBY up ahead.
RWBY is not dead.
Rooster Teeth did not cancel it or else, everyone would have been talking about it and I would , even at an later date from that hypothetical, disheartening announcement.
I ain't all that worried from V10 from getting greenlight at RTX this year, which was last month from this post being made.
Why? Crunchyroll might have made a deal with RT on V10 being greenlit AFTER the RWBY X DC crossover movie's 2nd part get released.
I know that it is speculation right now, but that is a high possibility.
Alongside that Red Vs Blue is still going, Let's Play is still up, and they are still being talked about.
By both fans, non-fans, and haters.
Even with their failings and all that. They still have to make money at the end of the day and go for supply and demand, even with having to make compromises.
But, as it stands right now, as we are in yet another RWBY hiatus, as it is the norm, just a little more uncertain than the other hiatuses-
We don't really know.
But, I don't think we should be really be worried about RWBY being 'dead' just because
Do keep going at it at trying to convince RT to finish RWBY by releasing V10 and onwards, which could be finished in 2 to 3 volumes. 2 to 3 years I think.
And always remember what the message of Ruby Rose to all of the world in V8 did to its people, which got shown at the end of V9.
She brought hope to all of
Even in this uncertain time of fear, despair, anger and bitterness of 'what could have been' for this fandom, especially with the massively uncertain time when Monty Oum died 8 years ago (R.I.P. always), and business happenings that we don't know, that are not being said online, all of that-
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Don't give up hope.
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Even if in a decade or two, when RWBY continues after an hypothetical hiatus that spanned sooo long.
And perhaps the writing on the wall of RWBY being 'dead' or 'dying' was written by those who have given up and not given hope to those who want to watch RWBY and enjoy it for what it is.
Even when they have left the series.
Even with those who think hope is a dangerous thing and can drive someone insane.
And get an man's project finished for all to experience. I don't know the full vision of Monty Oum and I wouldn't pretend that I do.
But, his story getting out there and being understood and cherished, even with life's ups and downs, even with him being dead, is what I think he would want as he was making it.
And that's all I have to say on this matter.
So, we will continue to wait for the day we all have been waiting for and the revolution that Team RWBY and friends bring to Remnant against the walking *cancer* witch, that is Salem.
When that days does come-
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katreal-fic · 5 years ago
Day 6 — for #fictober 10/07/19
Prompt: “Yes, I’m aware. Your point?”
Fandom: Homestuck
Warnings: Cursing, 2nd Person POV, Earth C world building
Part of a series. Please start from the beginning!
Characters: Dirk Strider & Roxy Lalonde
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It’s almost a twelve hour flight from Hearthstone to New City. The consort Kingdom was smack-dab in the middle of the largest ocean on the planet, the proverbial Australia-sized New Zealand of this new world if you remembered your Old World geography right, so nearly every single landmass was at least 10 hours away by plane. You fly faster than a plane, of course, but even once you hit land you have to cross a whole ’nother continent to reach Roxy’s lil developed patch of coast.
Not exactly a hop, skip, and a jump, but the remote location was half the reason you settled out here.
The other half was Jake English, but that was a handful of awkward slimy wriggling worms you’d much rather just casually toss overboard to turn into home-made chum. The fish would probably appreciate it.
Dirk > Jump Off the Shark
The original plan was to head out at four in the morning and be there by 7pm to crash whatever dinner plans Rox had going. But by the time you cleaned up your workshop--you have to keep things tidy. After all, you never know when you’ll have guests dropping in--and sent out your emails about any projects that were expecting activity in the next few days, you found yourself sitting on the edge of your roof, leg bouncing with nervous energy, looking off into the distance towards the dusk end of the sunset cascading over the--mostly--dark coastline.
You won’t be able to sleep tonight. You already know that. You hardly sleep as it is, except when you feel the weight of years you’ve never lived dragging down on you, long days and longer nights and crying babies and howling laughter winding their way into your dreams to the point where you find yourself taking random catnaps at uncertain intervals because it’s a moment of goddamn silence.
It isn’t one of those days right now though, thankfully, but on the flipside, it means you’re in for a stupidly long night.
If you bother to wait. There’s nothing saying you have to. All you told Roxy was you’d be there tomorrow.
You could leave now.
A sick set of orange and black headphones hang around your neck as you lock up behind you, killing the lights except for the courtesy red ones around the outer edges of the complex and the antennae. Your workshop isn’t on any publicly used maps, at least not the way Jake’s estate was, but most shipping lanes at least know to avoid this particular section of the coast.
You really hate that Hearthstone popped up so close to the structure. The consorts don’t bother, but sometimes troll merchants just had to shirk the commonly used ones. As if they weren’t designed to be the most efficient ones. Idiots. Always needing to go around the system. Believing they knew better than those who designed them.
Whatever. You slide your headphones over your ears, letting the laws of physics slide off you like they don’t even exist, your godly accouterments shimmering into existence over your usual black hoodie and slacks. You hate the tights, and the pants, but nothing else quite stands up to the quality of high-altitude insulation brought about by magic PJs. A thought, and you’re pulling up Booble Maps on your shades, relegating it to a small window in the upper right corner, mostly just to get your bearings. It won’t be very useful until you hit the continent, but it at least points you in the right direction.
Another thought and your headphones fill with some sweet tunes, blocking out the roaring of the wind and your own shitty thoughts as your stupid forked half-cape flaps behind you. You pull the hood up and over your head, protecting your ‘do from the wind the best you can.
You have a long flight ahead of you.
The ocean lasts forever, giving way to cliffs and mountains along the western edge of the great land of--you actually aren’t sure if they picked a name for the whole continent yet. The kingdoms don’t cover the whole giant slab of environments that makes up this particular piece of the world. You remember Dave joking about just calling it the New Land to go with New City and New Prospit and New Derse and New Skaia and The Farms and Village-by-Dong-Mountain--you get the feeling the Chess folk as a whole just like straightforward names.
You’re pretty sure everyone in that memo veto’d his suggestion immediately. You hadn’t really cared so you’d just peaced out and muted it before ever learning the resolution.
Booble maps should have it, but again, the Carapace didn’t much care to keep their records up to date. Just like the consorts. It drives you mad to think about not being able to acquire basic information due to someone else’s negligence.
You turn up the volume to lose yourself and just keep flying as the sky begins to turn pink in the east.
It’s a much more respectable hour of After Dawn by the time you touch down on the roof of a high-rise building you think belongs to Roxy and Calliope. You think, you aren’t entirely sure. It’s been forever since you’ve been out this way. Not since y’all got together and built the internet and Roxy came up with the greatest search engine name of all time.
The most recent address you found matches what you can tell of your general location, and the view over the bay--despite it being noticeably morning and not after dark--matches the picture you’d been sent in the email. So you shoot her a quick, ‘I’m here.’
Standing there in your godly PJs, slightly light headed from a 12 hr+ flight being completed in one shot. You slide your headphones off your ears to let them hang around your neck, your ears buzzing with the distant sounds of a city waking up, free at last from the mad shuffling skills your playlist had to go through in order to get you this far. Blinking in the pre-noon light, not even slightly bothered by the cool morning air or the autumn sun beginning it’s still toothless beat down on your skin. You’re a god. Radiation can fuckin’ suck it.
The door to the roof slams open. Roxy’s there in a blur of pink and white. She’s taller than you remember--almost as tall as you are now. Older than you remember--it’s been at least a year, maybe two. But she still squeals and throws herself at you, wrapping her bare arms around your  maroon covered shoulders. Her hands dig into the loose fabric of your cape. Her weight hits you, you rock back and shift to absorb it.
“Oh my gawd, you’re so early!”
“Yes, I’m aware.” You’ve hesitated for too long. A kid who barely learned how to interact with people before you fucked off into your own isolationist bubble. It takes you an embarrassingly long time to hug her back, “Your point? I did say tomorrow. Tomorrow is now today.”
“Smart alec! I told you to warn me, dummy!” Her weight lightens as she sheds her own hold on physics, and hovers to gain back the extra inch you have on her. Her hands come up and push back your hood with it’s attached tiara, freeing your surprisingly sweat soaked hair from its prison. Apparently even magic jammies had their limitations and you might have pushed it just a little bit
She leaves a big wet smooch on your right cheek, underneath your shades. Your eye twitches, but you sigh as she rocks back, disentangling the two of you and standing back with her hands on her hips. “That’s for makin’ me come up here at the ungodly hour of 9 am on a Sunday. I’ll be gracious and not punish you for also taking two years to get your cute little pantaloon’d butt out here to see me.”
“My bad,” You mumble, chastised. For a moment you see through her. A tall imposing lady, white dress and black lipstick. One of the few who could stop you, but too far away to realize that maybe she should. But you blink and it’s gone and she’s smiling at you. You let your princely get-up slide away into wherever the fuck it goes, leaving you standing in a much more reasonable--and tights-less--hoodie and slacks, “Time got away from me.”
“No duh it did. C’mon, let’s get inside and tell the peeps the good news. ARq owes me and ‘peta some ice-cream. He thought you’d chicken out.”
Of course he did. But you let her latch onto your arm and lead you inside.
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miss-noo-na · 6 years ago
“Neighbors” ( Johnny (NCT) Fluff/Drabble)
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Title: Neighbors
Featuring: Johnny (NCT) X reader
POV: 2nd
Summary: Your annoying neighbor is throwing yet another party. This time you lose your patience. 
Requested by @to-move-on-means-to-grow! <3
Your body ached with every step you took out of the office; it had been a long day, and a long week now that you thought about it. You were usually off on Saturdays, but half the office had taken the day off and you were one of the only people willing to come in. The only solace was that your boss let you go home a little early.
It wasn’t until you started the walk home; grocery bag in one arm, purse on the other, that you remembered it was the weekend before Halloween, meaning most people would be having parties tonight.
You had been invited to a few, and had politely declined using work as an excuse, but mostly because you just didn’t like parties. Halloween was fine, one of your favorites actually, but just because people put on costumes didn’t make it any less of a party, filled with awkward social interactions, loud music, and too much alcohol. Instead, you stopped by the grocery store for popcorn and candy, and planned to spend the rest of the night in watching a horror movie marathon on TV.
You started to walk up your drive and paused, seeing orange and black balloons tied to your neighborhood’s mailbox. He was having a party, and you groaned at the thought. You lived in a duplex, and the neighbor you shared the space with had been the bane of your existence since you moved in.
Johnny seemed nice enough at first and that was the problem. He was too nice. He was charming and attractive and he had a lot of friends, which meant his side of the duplex was a constant spot for parties, get-togethers in the front yard during the summer, and just general noise. You’d gone over on multiple occasions to tell him to quiet down, and he always just smiled and told you it was “no big deal” and that you could stay if you wanted to, man.
You never thought you’d turn into the crotchety old neighbor from your childhood, but as an adult you valued your alone time and your peace. You were introverted, to be sure, and living in such close proximity to such an extrovert was making life difficult.
It being Halloween weekend meant this would not just be a lowkey, kick-back kind of party, and you found yourself already angry at him even though he hadn’t done anything to you. Yet.  
You trudged inside, plopping your grocery bag down on the counter and mentally running through a meditative mantra.
He will not disrupt our night. Everything will be fine. We’ll turn the volume up extra loud if we have to.
You started to feel better, jumping into a long, hot shower and throwing on the more comfortable PJs you could find. You made yourself a simple but delicious one-pot dinner and had a glass of wine with it. After surfing the net, getting caught up on social media and emails, you made your way to the couch with a fluffy fleece blanket and your popcorn and candy and flipped on the TV.
All was well.
An hour later, it started.
First it was the music, so loud the bass thumped through the floor. You tried to ignore it, turning up the volume on the TV.  Bela Lugosi as Dracula was about to get his first victim, and you focused hard on the old black and white, trying to ignore the increasing voices.
Then it just got louder, with random yelling and cheers. What the hell were they doing over there?
It had been awhile since you’d willingly talked to him, and you didn’t want to be that neighbor, but you knew you were about to be that neighbor.
You didn’t care that you were in your flannel PJ pants and tshirt, hair tossed up into a bun. You threw on your slip-on shoes and a hoodie and marched across the lawn to the other porch. You could see the shadows inside and feel the vibration of the music, knowing you couldn't be the only person in the neighborhood annoyed, but being the only one who had to share a duplex with him.
You tried knocking, but no one heard. Then you rang the doorbell. Then you rang it again. Soon you were incessantly pressing the doorbell until the front door swung up.
Johnny was, ironically enough, dressed as Dracula. He had a cape, with the red-lined high collar, and he pushed his dark hair back as he opened the door. When he saw it was you, he smiled, and you saw a convincing pair of fangs.
“Hey!” He said in an excited tone, despite you standing there in your PJs with your arms crossed, glaring daggers at him.
“You’re being pretty loud.”
“Uh yeah, it’s a party.”
You huffed. He was going to make this hard, and you didn’t have time to play games.
“Look, I’ve had a long day and I-“
He cut you off, opening the door wider and speaking over you.
“You wanna come in?”
“What? No.”
“Why not?”
You didn’t know if he was purposely being dense to bug you or if he was really just this clueless.
“As I was saying, I’ve had a long day and I’m just trying to relax. You think you could be a little quieter?”
“I mean I could try but,” He looked back at his friends and laughed. “I can’t make any promises. Why don’t you just come over?”
“Johnny,” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’ve invited me to exactly 300 some parties.”
He nodded.
“And how many of those have I actually shown up to?”
“Right, when I first moved in here.”
“And you didn’t have fun?”
“If I’d had fun I would ha-“ You stopped yourself and took a breath. “Look, can you just turn it down?”
He laughed. “If you wanna sit in your apartment and have a shitty attitude go ahead, but I’m having a party.” He shrugged. Your jaw went slack in surprise, then you narrowed your eyes at him and turned on your heel without another word.
When you got back to your apartment, you slammed the door shut a little harder than intended. You felt hot with anger, that he’d have the gall to speak to you that way. You didn’t want to be the person raining on everyone’s parade, but he was noisy and inconsiderate most of the time, and tonight was no different. Couldn’t he take a break, for someone else’s sake?
You packed yourself up in the blankets, grumbling to yourself, turning up the volume on the TV to an almost deafening level. You didn’t want to, but you were being spiteful even if he definitely couldn’t hear it.
The night wore on and you managed to get through the rest of Dracula. You thought about axing the idea of watching more movies and just going to bed instead, but your doorbell pulled you out of those thoughts.
You peered through the peep hole and saw Johnny standing there awkwardly, without his cape. You rolled your eyes as you pulled the door open.
It sounded harsh, but you were still upset.
“Hey uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck and averted his eyes, and you scowled at him. What game was he playing? You’d never seen him act unsure before.
“Yes?” You asked impatiently.
“Can I come in?”
When he looked at you, it was genuine and intent, and you realized this was the first time you’d ever made prolonged eye contact with him before, and also realized how pretty and doe-eyed his gaze was. That streak of positive feeling toward him took you by surprise, and you shook it off, looking away.
“I guess.” You said, pulling the door open and stepping aside so he could come in.
“I just wanted to say sorry.” He spoke as soon as the door shut behind him. “I was really out of line.”
You sighed, starting to feel a little bad about your own attitude in the face of his sincerity.
“It’s fine, I do have a shitty attitude. I worked all week and then my boss made me come in at 7 am today and I never get a day off and I’m so tired and I just wanted to be away from everyone and-“ You stopped yourself, realizing you had launched into a full-blown rant and swallowed back the rest of your words, feeling a little mortified for unloading like that. When you looked at Johnny, you found him smiling.
“It’s cool, I get it. I probably should be a little more quiet. I was just excited about the party, that’s why I invited you over.” He leaned against a nearby wall. “ I mean, that’s why I invite you to all my parties.”
You tilted your head in confusion.
“I’ve been trying to get to know you for almost a year.” He laughed, shrugging his shoulders and looking at his shoes. He was embarrassed, to your surprise, and he looked cute while doing so.
“Get to know me?” You repeated, still not fully understanding.
“I guess I kind of have a crush on you, or whatever.” He laughed again. “I didn’t want to make it awkward by just asking you out, so I thought if I could get you to come to one of my parties it’d be easier. If you saw me at my best, around other people, maybe you'd say yes.” He shook his head at himself, “Instead I just keep repeatedly making myself look like  bigger an bigger jackass.”
You blinked, shocked into silence. This was the last thing you expected him to come over and tell you. You never dreamed that he actually really wanted you to come over, you just figured he always did it to be nice, because he liked having parties and liked having as many people as possible.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, its not all you.” You began, and he finally looked up at you, standing up straight because he was interested in hearing your explanation
“I do find you a little bit annoying.” You said, half-smiling, and he let out a good-natured chuckle.
“That’s fair.”
“But, “ You continued. “Its mostly just that I hate parties. I mean, like really despise them.”
“Ooooh,” He nodded as he spoke. “ I just thought you really hated me. I kept trying to invite you over because I thought I’d eventually win you over, I didn’t even think that maybe you just weren’t into it.” He pushed his hand through his hair and you gulped at the sight.
“Man, I am not the most observant” He laughed at himself.
“No, you’re not.” You added, laughing yourself to ease the tension. There was silence then, letting all the new information sink in on both sides. Johnny moved like he was thinking of leaving, and you quickly spoke up.
“Just so you know, I wouldn’t mind getting to know you.” You blurted out. “Like, outside of a party situation.” You added. You realized you had been pretty hard on him these last few months, and he wasn’t as bad as you initially thought.
Johnny looked toward your TV, the bowl of popcorn and bag of candy perched upon a bed of fluffy blankets.
“You wanna watch a movie?” He asked, and you looked where he was looking, then back at him.
“N-now?” You fumbled. “What about your party?”
He shrugged. “My roommates will handle it, people will be leaving soon anyway.”
You fidgeted, definitely not prepared for this but a little twitterpatted at the idea.
“I mean, if you really want to.”
“Yeah, lets do it.” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the couch. You looked down at where he held you, and blushed deeply.
You sat apart at a reasonable distance, the popcorn between you. Johnny sent a text to his roommates and few minutes later, the volume on the stereo went down. You never dreamed that a boy this cute would also be a lot more considerate and sweet. You had definitely not given him enough credit.
“What are you doing on Halloween?” He asked after awhile, tossing popcorn into his mouth.
“Hmm, nothing planned, really.”
“We can watch TV at my house, if you want. I’ve got a big screen.” He said, and grinned, trying to conceal your excitement.
“I’d like that.”
142 notes · View notes
strangedreamings · 7 years ago
Halloween prompts: 10 with Salcroft, please!
10: we’re secret friends with benefits and you accidentally wore my shirt to to the party so you’re pretending you came as me and it turns out your impression of me is on point and you know me better than you know myself are you sure you’re not in love with me??
(Love that prompt, thanks! This takes place the 2nd Halloween after Sherrinford.)
Happy Halloween
I hate Halloween,Sally Donovan thought as she put another drunk and disorderly (this one dressedas It) in the back of the car. Scratchthat, I hate working the weekend before Halloween. Everyone’s on their worstbehavior and guess who gets to clean up the mess. And we still have three moredays of this shit.
She was working on her paperwork when Greg stopped at herdesk. “I’m heading out,” he said, “I’ll see you at the Watsons’?”
Her mind blanked on why they’d be going to John and Mary’stonight. She didn’t want to look completely out of it in front of her boss soshe smiled a bit. “Yeah, soon as I’m done with this.”
Greg grinned. “Don’t forget the rule.” He waved goodbye ashe left.
Rule? The hell?She thought about calling Mycroft but rejected that idea. If I told him I forgot a social event, he’d never let me live it down.Guess I’ll just have to wing it.
Sally and Mycroft had been “friends with benefits,” as she putit, for the past six months. During that time, he had convinced her to swallowher pride and apologize to Sherlock for doubting him. Despite how she actedsometimes, she was very grateful that Sherlock had accepted her apology andthat all of them now considered her a friend. Even Sherlock, albeit grudgingly.
None of them knew of her relationship with Mycroft, though.Sally knew they wouldn’t understand. She barely understood it herselfsometimes. They’d seek each other out when they needed a release or just someoneto talk to. It usually amounted to a long, passionate weekend at his mansion thendays or even weeks without seeing each other at all, just the occasional textor call to make sure the other was still breathing. There were many times thatshe wanted to see him in the middle of the week, just to spend time with him.He really was the smartest, most cultured man she’d ever met. What surprisedher was that underneath all those bespoke layers, he had the heart of aromantic and the soul of someone born a century too late. Lately, she’d beendaydreaming about waking up to him every morning.
Not that he’d everagree to that, she thought as she filed her last report. Domesticity’s just not his thing.
She finally left work an hour late and checked her email onher phone as she walked to her car. Nothingabout a get-together. Either I deleted it or it wasn’t emailed to me. No helpfrom Facebook or Twitter either. Ugh…
Sally racked her brain the entire trip to Watsons’ butnothing came to her. The note on the door told her to go on in. Taking a deepbreath to prepare her for whatever lay ahead, she opened the door and walkedin, groaning quietly as realization hit her.
Black and orange crepe paper streamers decorated the doorwayto the sitting room and through it, she could see that more streamers andballoons suspended from the ceiling. “Monster Mash” was blasting and everyonewas dressed up in some sort of costume.
Bugger… Should’ve known it’d be a Halloween party.No one’s noticed me yet, I could just runhome and-
Her thoughts were cut off by the host catching her eye. Johnlooked her over as he approached her, raising an eyebrow. He was dressed as azombie, complete with tattered clothes and some rather impressive make-up tomake him look undead, though Sally suspected that the blood-shot eyes were duemore to being a parent of a two-year-old and a newborn. “Hi, Sally. Youknew a costume was required, right?”
She was about to say she forgot it was a costume party whenSherlock, who was dressed as Frankenstein’s monster, piped up. “Obviously,she came as my brother. Same shirt and vest. Thankfully, her trousers are a lotmore flattering. Considering the labels he prefers, that’s still a great dealof money to spend on one night’s attire.” He smirked. “I do believe Sgt.Donovan wins for Scariest Costume.”
Might as well go withit. She put on her best Mycroft smirk. “As always, little brother, yousee but you do not observe.” She showed him the cuffs and collar of theshirt. “These are not new, nor were they bought second-hand.”
John stared at her. “You went to Mycroft’s house andstole his clothes?” He looked equally impressed and scared shitless.
Mary came over, grinning. She was dressed like a zombie hunter,complete with fake crossbow and blood-splattered clothes. “Need a place tohide when the Iceman finds out? The girls would love to have a roommate.”
Sally grinned back. “He won’t find out, Mycroft doesn’tdo parties.”
Sherlock raised an eyebrow. “Then who’s that in the corner?”
She looked over and winced. Bloody hell…
Mycroft was indeed leaning against the wall in the darkenedcorner, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was wearing last year’stuxedo, its looseness a testament to their frequent and vigorous activities.
Still, he looks damngood in it, she thought approvingly.
A black opera cape with a red lining completed the look. Hewasn’t wearing any make-up, but when Anderson, who was dressed as a Smurf, gota little too close, Mycroft hissed at him, baring a realistic set of fangs.Anderson quickly scuttled away. Sally was happy to see her ex having enoughsense to leave Mycroft alone.
Mycroft caught her eye, one elegant eyebrow raised as hetook in her attire. She gave him her haughtiest look then turned back to herfriends and proceeded to deduce each of them. It was surprisingly easy, thanksto all the time she’d spent around the Holmes brothers. She could senseMycroft’s gaze on her the entire time and it made her feel warm all over.
Everyone was amazed at how good her Mycroft impression was.John called it uncanny and Mary suggested that she go into acting. When it cametime for her to deduce Molly, who was dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein tomatch her husband, Sally realized that she was pregnant. Not wanting to pull aSherlock, she instead mentioned the couple’s new puppy.
“An Irish setter, going by the hairs on your sleeve.” Shegrinned. “He’s a handful already.”
Sherlock smiled proudly. “That he is. We named him Hamish.”
John rolled his eyes.
“Do Mycroft,” Molly said, grinning.
Already am, Sallythought. “I don’t know…”
“Oh, go on. We’re dying to know.”
Fortifying herself with a sip of spiked punch, sheapproached her secret lover with a grin and it widened when he smirked at her.“Your tuxedo is of the highest quality, so obviously not a rental. It’s a sizetoo large, but it fit you when you bought it a year ago. Down a size in a year,most impressive for a man who spends most of his time behind a desk. What wouldcause such a significant weight loss? Certainly not jogging, that neverinterests you for long.” She grinned wickedly. “No, this is something else.Something exciting, engaging, and frequent. You, Mycroft Holmes, have agirlfriend.”
She heard her friends burst out laughing at the thought,except Sherlock. Sally could only imagine how much he was deducing on his own.
Mycroft, for his part, never took his eyes off her. His gazespoke volumes. “You are quite right, ‘Mycroft,’ I am seeing someone. A womanwho knows me better than I know myself. A woman who has been running through myhead constantly as of late.” He smirked. “Are you getting tired yet, Sally?”
Everyone stared at Mycroft but only Sally’s jaw dropped. Hechuckled as he pulled her close and proceeded to snog her breathless in frontof everyone. When they both needed air, he then moved his lips to her ear,murmuring, “Happy Halloween, my love.”
AO3, FF.net
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flauntpage · 7 years ago
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football
Welcome back to The Weekend in College Football, VICE Sports' new column. Each week, we'll take you through everything you missed on Saturday (or God, forbid, Friday night), the things worth learning, and look ahead to what happens next. Enjoy.
1st and 10
And just like that, the Big Ten's playoff hopes are on life support. One week after they put on arguably the most exciting game of the season, Ohio State and Penn State undid all of that good will by submarining theirs and, by extension, quite possibly the Big Ten's chances at a national title.
Ohio State's defeat at Iowa was unquestionably more demoralizing, a 55-24 defeat that's best described as a complete ass-kicking. Iowa, a team that only mustered 27 total points in their last two games against Northwestern and Minnesota, crossed that threshold by halftime against the Buckeyes. The Hawkeyes never trailed, outgained Ohio State on the ground and through the air, and forced J.T. Barrett into a career-high four interceptions one week after the best game of his career.
The Nittany Lions, meanwhile, lost a far more competitive game to Michigan State that was disappointing in its own way. The Spartans looked the part of a scrappy, perfectly fine Big 10 team, 4-1 in conference going into Saturday with all five games being decided by one possession. They hardly looked the part of a squad that could hang with Penn State, which prior to last week appeared to be the most complete team in the country. But in a game marred by a multi-hour weather delay, the Spartans mostly bottled up Saquon Barkley (96 total yards from scrimmage) and, like Barrett one week earlier, unmasked the Penn State secondary as a liability.
The upshot? The two most talented teams in the conference, who just one week ago were vying for a possible spot in the College Football Playoff poll, are now both eliminated from contention.
2nd and 8
The good news is that there's still hope in the form of Wisconsin. The undefeated Badgers cruised to a 45-17 win at Indiana in a microcosm of their season to date—comfortably handling mediocre competition. Wisconsin has yet to play a ranked team all season and there's no real chance of that happening prior to the Big Ten championship game. There are growing, albeit imperfect, parallels to the 2015 Iowa team that began the year 12-0 before falling in the conference game and then the Rose Bowl.
Those parallels go away if Wisconsin continues to handle its business, But Ohio State, still its most likely foe in the conference title game, has a dramatically more talented roster. Making matters worse, that talent is in all the wrong places: Ohio State's defensive line is the best in the country. It's a really bad matchup for a Wisconsin team that is extreeeemely Wisconsin, all defense and running game, with a quarterback who has yet to prove he can dependably carry the offense.
Perhaps Alex Hornibrook, the Badgers' young signal caller, comes through in the Big Ten title game. But until proven otherwise, the safe money is the conference's last great playoff hope getting upended by a team that would only have itself to blame for being out of the hunt.
Clip Of The Week
Bronze: Like everyone else, I am a sucker for Miami's turnover chain, the best new gimmick in college football this season. Also like everyone else, I am a sucker for one-handed interceptions. So this Jaquan Johnson pick was a lock for top-three honors
Silver: *Takes Deep Breath, Presses Play*
UCLA was a disaster on Friday night, getting humiliated by Utah 48-17. Don't blame Theo Howard for that, though. Bonus fun fact: His father produced one of the seminal albums of athlete rap music in history by Macho Man Randy Savage.
Gold: No one ever said this had to be an actual play, so here's NC State's pass rushing dynamo Bradley Chubb snatching Clemson quarterback Kelly Bryant's towel not once, but twice in the same game.
Why? As best I can gather, there's no reason aside from, "Screw him, that's why."
3 rd and 1
There is something to be said for, and appreciated, about a game that delivers exactly as advertised. So thank you Oklahoma and Oklahoma State for treating Bedlam like a diss track aimed at defense. Take your pick of bonkers numbers:
Mason Rudolph put up an eye-popping 448 yards passing – or, 150 fewer than Baker Mayfield's school-record 598.
OSU's Justice Hill ripped off 228 yards rushing. Almost as impressive as Oklahoma's Marquise Brown exploding for 265 yards receiving.
1,446 cumulative yards of offense.
114 total points
It's not for everyone, in the same way that this year's World Series wasn't for those averse to home runs. But offensive exhibitions don't get more entertaining than this.
…Returns. They are great and nobody has taken more to the house in NCAA history than Dante Pettis, who recorded his record-setting ninth career punt return touchdown in Washington's rout of Oregon.
In 2017, the timing has been just as impressive as the volume: Three of Pettis's four return touchdowns have given the Huskies a lead, while a third came in a one-score game. His work in the passing game is just as essential. He's recorded a team-leading 49 catches, 571 passing yards and seven receiving touchdowns. The receiving yards are more than the Huskies' second- and third-leading receivers combined; the receptions and touchdowns are more than second, third, and fourth put together. After John Ross left early for the NFL, the question was whether anyone on the Huskies' roster could replace his big-play ability. Next year, the same will be asked about Pettis.
Player Who Deserves to Be Paid This Week
Josh Jackson, not the basketball player, not the Dawson's Creek actor, but the Iowa defensive back, came into Saturday's game against Ohio State leading the country in pass breakups, garnering midseason All America buzz and possibly early draft consideration, too. Prettay, prettay good.
Then the Hawkeyes curb stomped the Buckeyes and things got even better. Jackson was one of the biggest reasons why, picking off Barrett three times in the rout. This is what the third one looked like:
Kirk Ferentz has received enough dumb contract extensions to presume there's probably some bonus clause rigged to this win. The least he can do is slide Jackson a little of that cash under the table.
Coach Who Does Not
Once upon a time, #Novembert referred to the time of year when nobody messed with Bret Bielema's Arkansas Razorbacks. In 2017, it means Arkansas squeaked by 1-8 Coastal Carolina and bragged about it on Twitter.
You may not be surprised to learn that the Razorback faithful were hardly thrilled with that sequence of events, nor should they be: Arkansas trailed the worst team in the Sun Belt 38-25 in the fourth quarter and needed a touchdown with under two minutes remaining to win 39-38.
Three of Arkansas' four wins are against Coastal Carolina, Florida A&M, and now the Chanticleers. The lone SEC victory, over similarly downtrodden Ole Miss, was another one-pointer. Don't expect Bielema back in Fayetteville next year.
Obscure College Football Team of Note
I bet you, dear reader, had no idea that a quarterback could be called for targeting. Don't worry, I didn't either. Turns out he totally can be, and we have Northern Arizona signal caller Case Cookus for our collective enlightenment.
"We call that a good block where we are from..."
Sadly, Cookus paid for that teachable moment by getting ejected. His apparent recourse was to taunt the entire opposing stadium on the way out, which I refuse to be upset about. It's a total power move and lest we forget Cookus's sacrifice, knowledge is power.
Something To Look Forward To
Undefeated Miami hosting one-loss Notre Dame. This would be appointment viewing even without the schools' storied rivalry, the low-key racist nickname for said rivalry and the subsequent ESPN documentary of and concerning the said low-key racist nickname (Catholics vs. Convicts) for said rivalry.
But for the first time in a long time, the history and narrative have the stakes to match. A win puts Notre Dame on the doorstep of the playoff; a loss and they're eliminated. The Hurricanes, meanwhile, wouldn't be eliminated with a loss—winning out and knocking off Clemson in the ACC title game ought to do the trick—but a victory almost certainly cements them as a top-four team, and puts the onus on someone else to take their spot.
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
amtushinfosolutionspage · 7 years ago
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football
Welcome back to The Weekend in College Football, VICE Sports’ new column. Each week, we’ll take you through everything you missed on Saturday (or God, forbid, Friday night), the things worth learning, and look ahead to what happens next. Enjoy.
1st and 10
And just like that, the Big Ten’s playoff hopes are on life support. One week after they put on arguably the most exciting game of the season, Ohio State and Penn State undid all of that good will by submarining theirs and, by extension, quite possibly the Big Ten’s chances at a national title.
Ohio State’s defeat at Iowa was unquestionably more demoralizing, a 55-24 defeat that’s best described as a complete ass-kicking. Iowa, a team that only mustered 27 total points in their last two games against Northwestern and Minnesota, crossed that threshold by halftime against the Buckeyes. The Hawkeyes never trailed, outgained Ohio State on the ground and through the air, and forced J.T. Barrett into a career-high four interceptions one week after the best game of his career.
The Nittany Lions, meanwhile, lost a far more competitive game to Michigan State that was disappointing in its own way. The Spartans looked the part of a scrappy, perfectly fine Big 10 team, 4-1 in conference going into Saturday with all five games being decided by one possession. They hardly looked the part of a squad that could hang with Penn State, which prior to last week appeared to be the most complete team in the country. But in a game marred by a multi-hour weather delay, the Spartans mostly bottled up Saquon Barkley (96 total yards from scrimmage) and, like Barrett one week earlier, unmasked the Penn State secondary as a liability.
The upshot? The two most talented teams in the conference, who just one week ago were vying for a possible spot in the College Football Playoff poll, are now both eliminated from contention.
2nd and 8
The good news is that there’s still hope in the form of Wisconsin. The undefeated Badgers cruised to a 45-17 win at Indiana in a microcosm of their season to date—comfortably handling mediocre competition. Wisconsin has yet to play a ranked team all season and there’s no real chance of that happening prior to the Big Ten championship game. There are growing, albeit imperfect, parallels to the 2015 Iowa team that began the year 12-0 before falling in the conference game and then the Rose Bowl.
Those parallels go away if Wisconsin continues to handle its business, But Ohio State, still its most likely foe in the conference title game, has a dramatically more talented roster. Making matters worse, that talent is in all the wrong places: Ohio State’s defensive line is the best in the country. It’s a really bad matchup for a Wisconsin team that is extreeeemely Wisconsin, all defense and running game, with a quarterback who has yet to prove he can dependably carry the offense.
Perhaps Alex Hornibrook, the Badgers’ young signal caller, comes through in the Big Ten title game. But until proven otherwise, the safe money is the conference’s last great playoff hope getting upended by a team that would only have itself to blame for being out of the hunt.
Clip Of The Week
Bronze: Like everyone else, I am a sucker for Miami’s turnover chain, the best new gimmick in college football this season. Also like everyone else, I am a sucker for one-handed interceptions. So this Jaquan Johnson pick was a lock for top-three honors
Silver: *Takes Deep Breath, Presses Play*
UCLA was a disaster on Friday night, getting humiliated by Utah 48-17. Don’t blame Theo Howard for that, though. Bonus fun fact: His father produced one of the seminal albums of athlete rap music in history by Macho Man Randy Savage.
Gold: No one ever said this had to be an actual play, so here’s NC State’s pass rushing dynamo Bradley Chubb snatching Clemson quarterback Kelly Bryant’s towel not once, but twice in the same game.
Why? As best I can gather, there’s no reason aside from, “Screw him, that’s why.”
3 rd and 1
There is something to be said for, and appreciated, about a game that delivers exactly as advertised. So thank you Oklahoma and Oklahoma State for treating Bedlam like a diss track aimed at defense. Take your pick of bonkers numbers:
Mason Rudolph put up an eye-popping 448 yards passing – or, 150 fewer than Baker Mayfield’s school-record 598.
OSU’s Justice Hill ripped off 228 yards rushing. Almost as impressive as Oklahoma’s Marquise Brown exploding for 265 yards receiving.
1,446 cumulative yards of offense.
114 total points
It’s not for everyone, in the same way that this year’s World Series wasn’t for those averse to home runs. But offensive exhibitions don’t get more entertaining than this.
…Returns. They are great and nobody has taken more to the house in NCAA history than Dante Pettis, who recorded his record-setting ninth career punt return touchdown in Washington’s rout of Oregon.
In 2017, the timing has been just as impressive as the volume: Three of Pettis’s four return touchdowns have given the Huskies a lead, while a third came in a one-score game. His work in the passing game is just as essential. He’s recorded a team-leading 49 catches, 571 passing yards and seven receiving touchdowns. The receiving yards are more than the Huskies’ second- and third-leading receivers combined; the receptions and touchdowns are more than second, third, and fourth put together. After John Ross left early for the NFL, the question was whether anyone on the Huskies’ roster could replace his big-play ability. Next year, the same will be asked about Pettis.
Player Who Deserves to Be Paid This Week
Josh Jackson, not the basketball player, not the Dawson’s Creek actor, but the Iowa defensive back, came into Saturday’s game against Ohio State leading the country in pass breakups, garnering midseason All America buzz and possibly early draft consideration, too. Prettay, prettay good.
Then the Hawkeyes curb stomped the Buckeyes and things got even better. Jackson was one of the biggest reasons why, picking off Barrett three times in the rout. This is what the third one looked like:
Kirk Ferentz has received enough dumb contract extensions to presume there’s probably some bonus clause rigged to this win. The least he can do is slide Jackson a little of that cash under the table.
Coach Who Does Not
Once upon a time, #Novembert referred to the time of year when nobody messed with Bret Bielema’s Arkansas Razorbacks. In 2017, it means Arkansas squeaked by 1-8 Coastal Carolina and bragged about it on Twitter.
You may not be surprised to learn that the Razorback faithful were hardly thrilled with that sequence of events, nor should they be: Arkansas trailed the worst team in the Sun Belt 38-25 in the fourth quarter and needed a touchdown with under two minutes remaining to win 39-38.
Three of Arkansas’ four wins are against Coastal Carolina, Florida A&M, and now the Chanticleers. The lone SEC victory, over similarly downtrodden Ole Miss, was another one-pointer. Don’t expect Bielema back in Fayetteville next year.
Obscure College Football Team of Note
I bet you, dear reader, had no idea that a quarterback could be called for targeting. Don’t worry, I didn’t either. Turns out he totally can be, and we have Northern Arizona signal caller Case Cookus for our collective enlightenment.
“We call that a good block where we are from…”
Sadly, Cookus paid for that teachable moment by getting ejected. His apparent recourse was to taunt the entire opposing stadium on the way out, which I refuse to be upset about. It’s a total power move and lest we forget Cookus’s sacrifice, knowledge is power.
Something To Look Forward To
Undefeated Miami hosting one-loss Notre Dame. This would be appointment viewing even without the schools’ storied rivalry, the low-key racist nickname for said rivalry and the subsequent ESPN documentary of and concerning the said low-key racist nickname (Catholics vs. Convicts) for said rivalry.
But for the first time in a long time, the history and narrative have the stakes to match. A win puts Notre Dame on the doorstep of the playoff; a loss and they’re eliminated. The Hurricanes, meanwhile, wouldn’t be eliminated with a loss—winning out and knocking off Clemson in the ACC title game ought to do the trick—but a victory almost certainly cements them as a top-four team, and puts the onus on someone else to take their spot.
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years ago
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football
Welcome back to The Weekend in College Football, VICE Sports' new column. Each week, we'll take you through everything you missed on Saturday (or God, forbid, Friday night), the things worth learning, and look ahead to what happens next. Enjoy.
1st and 10
And just like that, the Big Ten's playoff hopes are on life support. One week after they put on arguably the most exciting game of the season, Ohio State and Penn State undid all of that good will by submarining theirs and, by extension, quite possibly the Big Ten's chances at a national title.
Ohio State's defeat at Iowa was unquestionably more demoralizing, a 55-24 defeat that's best described as a complete ass-kicking. Iowa, a team that only mustered 27 total points in their last two games against Northwestern and Minnesota, crossed that threshold by halftime against the Buckeyes. The Hawkeyes never trailed, outgained Ohio State on the ground and through the air, and forced J.T. Barrett into a career-high four interceptions one week after the best game of his career.
The Nittany Lions, meanwhile, lost a far more competitive game to Michigan State that was disappointing in its own way. The Spartans looked the part of a scrappy, perfectly fine Big 10 team, 4-1 in conference going into Saturday with all five games being decided by one possession. They hardly looked the part of a squad that could hang with Penn State, which prior to last week appeared to be the most complete team in the country. But in a game marred by a multi-hour weather delay, the Spartans mostly bottled up Saquon Barkley (96 total yards from scrimmage) and, like Barrett one week earlier, unmasked the Penn State secondary as a liability.
The upshot? The two most talented teams in the conference, who just one week ago were vying for a possible spot in the College Football Playoff poll, are now both eliminated from contention.
2nd and 8
The good news is that there's still hope in the form of Wisconsin. The undefeated Badgers cruised to a 45-17 win at Indiana in a microcosm of their season to date—comfortably handling mediocre competition. Wisconsin has yet to play a ranked team all season and there's no real chance of that happening prior to the Big Ten championship game. There are growing, albeit imperfect, parallels to the 2015 Iowa team that began the year 12-0 before falling in the conference game and then the Rose Bowl.
Those parallels go away if Wisconsin continues to handle its business, But Ohio State, still its most likely foe in the conference title game, has a dramatically more talented roster. Making matters worse, that talent is in all the wrong places: Ohio State's defensive line is the best in the country. It's a really bad matchup for a Wisconsin team that is extreeeemely Wisconsin, all defense and running game, with a quarterback who has yet to prove he can dependably carry the offense.
Perhaps Alex Hornibrook, the Badgers' young signal caller, comes through in the Big Ten title game. But until proven otherwise, the safe money is the conference's last great playoff hope getting upended by a team that would only have itself to blame for being out of the hunt.
Clip Of The Week
Bronze: Like everyone else, I am a sucker for Miami's turnover chain, the best new gimmick in college football this season. Also like everyone else, I am a sucker for one-handed interceptions. So this Jaquan Johnson pick was a lock for top-three honors
Silver: *Takes Deep Breath, Presses Play*
UCLA was a disaster on Friday night, getting humiliated by Utah 48-17. Don't blame Theo Howard for that, though. Bonus fun fact: His father produced one of the seminal albums of athlete rap music in history by Macho Man Randy Savage.
Gold: No one ever said this had to be an actual play, so here's NC State's pass rushing dynamo Bradley Chubb snatching Clemson quarterback Kelly Bryant's towel not once, but twice in the same game.
Why? As best I can gather, there's no reason aside from, "Screw him, that's why."
3 rd and 1
There is something to be said for, and appreciated, about a game that delivers exactly as advertised. So thank you Oklahoma and Oklahoma State for treating Bedlam like a diss track aimed at defense. Take your pick of bonkers numbers:
Mason Rudolph put up an eye-popping 448 yards passing – or, 150 fewer than Baker Mayfield's school-record 598.
OSU's Justice Hill ripped off 228 yards rushing. Almost as impressive as Oklahoma's Marquise Brown exploding for 265 yards receiving.
1,446 cumulative yards of offense.
114 total points
It's not for everyone, in the same way that this year's World Series wasn't for those averse to home runs. But offensive exhibitions don't get more entertaining than this.
…Returns. They are great and nobody has taken more to the house in NCAA history than Dante Pettis, who recorded his record-setting ninth career punt return touchdown in Washington's rout of Oregon.
In 2017, the timing has been just as impressive as the volume: Three of Pettis's four return touchdowns have given the Huskies a lead, while a third came in a one-score game. His work in the passing game is just as essential. He's recorded a team-leading 49 catches, 571 passing yards and seven receiving touchdowns. The receiving yards are more than the Huskies' second- and third-leading receivers combined; the receptions and touchdowns are more than second, third, and fourth put together. After John Ross left early for the NFL, the question was whether anyone on the Huskies' roster could replace his big-play ability. Next year, the same will be asked about Pettis.
Player Who Deserves to Be Paid This Week
Josh Jackson, not the basketball player, not the Dawson's Creek actor, but the Iowa defensive back, came into Saturday's game against Ohio State leading the country in pass breakups, garnering midseason All America buzz and possibly early draft consideration, too. Prettay, prettay good.
Then the Hawkeyes curb stomped the Buckeyes and things got even better. Jackson was one of the biggest reasons why, picking off Barrett three times in the rout. This is what the third one looked like:
Kirk Ferentz has received enough dumb contract extensions to presume there's probably some bonus clause rigged to this win. The least he can do is slide Jackson a little of that cash under the table.
Coach Who Does Not
Once upon a time, #Novembert referred to the time of year when nobody messed with Bret Bielema's Arkansas Razorbacks. In 2017, it means Arkansas squeaked by 1-8 Coastal Carolina and bragged about it on Twitter.
You may not be surprised to learn that the Razorback faithful were hardly thrilled with that sequence of events, nor should they be: Arkansas trailed the worst team in the Sun Belt 38-25 in the fourth quarter and needed a touchdown with under two minutes remaining to win 39-38.
Three of Arkansas' four wins are against Coastal Carolina, Florida A&M, and now the Chanticleers. The lone SEC victory, over similarly downtrodden Ole Miss, was another one-pointer. Don't expect Bielema back in Fayetteville next year.
Obscure College Football Team of Note
I bet you, dear reader, had no idea that a quarterback could be called for targeting. Don't worry, I didn't either. Turns out he totally can be, and we have Northern Arizona signal caller Case Cookus for our collective enlightenment.
"We call that a good block where we are from..."
Sadly, Cookus paid for that teachable moment by getting ejected. His apparent recourse was to taunt the entire opposing stadium on the way out, which I refuse to be upset about. It's a total power move and lest we forget Cookus's sacrifice, knowledge is power.
Something To Look Forward To
Undefeated Miami hosting one-loss Notre Dame. This would be appointment viewing even without the schools' storied rivalry, the low-key racist nickname for said rivalry and the subsequent ESPN documentary of and concerning the said low-key racist nickname (Catholics vs. Convicts) for said rivalry.
But for the first time in a long time, the history and narrative have the stakes to match. A win puts Notre Dame on the doorstep of the playoff; a loss and they're eliminated. The Hurricanes, meanwhile, wouldn't be eliminated with a loss—winning out and knocking off Clemson in the ACC title game ought to do the trick—but a victory almost certainly cements them as a top-four team, and puts the onus on someone else to take their spot.
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years ago
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football
Welcome back to The Weekend in College Football, VICE Sports' new column. Each week, we'll take you through everything you missed on Saturday (or God, forbid, Friday night), the things worth learning, and look ahead to what happens next. Enjoy.
1st and 10
And just like that, the Big Ten's playoff hopes are on life support. One week after they put on arguably the most exciting game of the season, Ohio State and Penn State undid all of that good will by submarining theirs and, by extension, quite possibly the Big Ten's chances at a national title.
Ohio State's defeat at Iowa was unquestionably more demoralizing, a 55-24 defeat that's best described as a complete ass-kicking. Iowa, a team that only mustered 27 total points in their last two games against Northwestern and Minnesota, crossed that threshold by halftime against the Buckeyes. The Hawkeyes never trailed, outgained Ohio State on the ground and through the air, and forced J.T. Barrett into a career-high four interceptions one week after the best game of his career.
The Nittany Lions, meanwhile, lost a far more competitive game to Michigan State that was disappointing in its own way. The Spartans looked the part of a scrappy, perfectly fine Big 10 team, 4-1 in conference going into Saturday with all five games being decided by one possession. They hardly looked the part of a squad that could hang with Penn State, which prior to last week appeared to be the most complete team in the country. But in a game marred by a multi-hour weather delay, the Spartans mostly bottled up Saquon Barkley (96 total yards from scrimmage) and, like Barrett one week earlier, unmasked the Penn State secondary as a liability.
The upshot? The two most talented teams in the conference, who just one week ago were vying for a possible spot in the College Football Playoff poll, are now both eliminated from contention.
2nd and 8
The good news is that there's still hope in the form of Wisconsin. The undefeated Badgers cruised to a 45-17 win at Indiana in a microcosm of their season to date—comfortably handling mediocre competition. Wisconsin has yet to play a ranked team all season and there's no real chance of that happening prior to the Big Ten championship game. There are growing, albeit imperfect, parallels to the 2015 Iowa team that began the year 12-0 before falling in the conference game and then the Rose Bowl.
Those parallels go away if Wisconsin continues to handle its business, But Ohio State, still its most likely foe in the conference title game, has a dramatically more talented roster. Making matters worse, that talent is in all the wrong places: Ohio State's defensive line is the best in the country. It's a really bad matchup for a Wisconsin team that is extreeeemely Wisconsin, all defense and running game, with a quarterback who has yet to prove he can dependably carry the offense.
Perhaps Alex Hornibrook, the Badgers' young signal caller, comes through in the Big Ten title game. But until proven otherwise, the safe money is the conference's last great playoff hope getting upended by a team that would only have itself to blame for being out of the hunt.
Clip Of The Week
Bronze: Like everyone else, I am a sucker for Miami's turnover chain, the best new gimmick in college football this season. Also like everyone else, I am a sucker for one-handed interceptions. So this Jaquan Johnson pick was a lock for top-three honors
Silver: *Takes Deep Breath, Presses Play*
UCLA was a disaster on Friday night, getting humiliated by Utah 48-17. Don't blame Theo Howard for that, though. Bonus fun fact: His father produced one of the seminal albums of athlete rap music in history by Macho Man Randy Savage.
Gold: No one ever said this had to be an actual play, so here's NC State's pass rushing dynamo Bradley Chubb snatching Clemson quarterback Kelly Bryant's towel not once, but twice in the same game.
Why? As best I can gather, there's no reason aside from, "Screw him, that's why."
3 rd and 1
There is something to be said for, and appreciated, about a game that delivers exactly as advertised. So thank you Oklahoma and Oklahoma State for treating Bedlam like a diss track aimed at defense. Take your pick of bonkers numbers:
Mason Rudolph put up an eye-popping 448 yards passing – or, 150 fewer than Baker Mayfield's school-record 598.
OSU's Justice Hill ripped off 228 yards rushing. Almost as impressive as Oklahoma's Marquise Brown exploding for 265 yards receiving.
1,446 cumulative yards of offense.
114 total points
It's not for everyone, in the same way that this year's World Series wasn't for those averse to home runs. But offensive exhibitions don't get more entertaining than this.
…Returns. They are great and nobody has taken more to the house in NCAA history than Dante Pettis, who recorded his record-setting ninth career punt return touchdown in Washington's rout of Oregon.
In 2017, the timing has been just as impressive as the volume: Three of Pettis's four return touchdowns have given the Huskies a lead, while a third came in a one-score game. His work in the passing game is just as essential. He's recorded a team-leading 49 catches, 571 passing yards and seven receiving touchdowns. The receiving yards are more than the Huskies' second- and third-leading receivers combined; the receptions and touchdowns are more than second, third, and fourth put together. After John Ross left early for the NFL, the question was whether anyone on the Huskies' roster could replace his big-play ability. Next year, the same will be asked about Pettis.
Player Who Deserves to Be Paid This Week
Josh Jackson, not the basketball player, not the Dawson's Creek actor, but the Iowa defensive back, came into Saturday's game against Ohio State leading the country in pass breakups, garnering midseason All America buzz and possibly early draft consideration, too. Prettay, prettay good.
Then the Hawkeyes curb stomped the Buckeyes and things got even better. Jackson was one of the biggest reasons why, picking off Barrett three times in the rout. This is what the third one looked like:
Kirk Ferentz has received enough dumb contract extensions to presume there's probably some bonus clause rigged to this win. The least he can do is slide Jackson a little of that cash under the table.
Coach Who Does Not
Once upon a time, #Novembert referred to the time of year when nobody messed with Bret Bielema's Arkansas Razorbacks. In 2017, it means Arkansas squeaked by 1-8 Coastal Carolina and bragged about it on Twitter.
You may not be surprised to learn that the Razorback faithful were hardly thrilled with that sequence of events, nor should they be: Arkansas trailed the worst team in the Sun Belt 38-25 in the fourth quarter and needed a touchdown with under two minutes remaining to win 39-38.
Three of Arkansas' four wins are against Coastal Carolina, Florida A&M, and now the Chanticleers. The lone SEC victory, over similarly downtrodden Ole Miss, was another one-pointer. Don't expect Bielema back in Fayetteville next year.
Obscure College Football Team of Note
I bet you, dear reader, had no idea that a quarterback could be called for targeting. Don't worry, I didn't either. Turns out he totally can be, and we have Northern Arizona signal caller Case Cookus for our collective enlightenment.
"We call that a good block where we are from..."
Sadly, Cookus paid for that teachable moment by getting ejected. His apparent recourse was to taunt the entire opposing stadium on the way out, which I refuse to be upset about. It's a total power move and lest we forget Cookus's sacrifice, knowledge is power.
Something To Look Forward To
Undefeated Miami hosting one-loss Notre Dame. This would be appointment viewing even without the schools' storied rivalry, the low-key racist nickname for said rivalry and the subsequent ESPN documentary of and concerning the said low-key racist nickname (Catholics vs. Convicts) for said rivalry.
But for the first time in a long time, the history and narrative have the stakes to match. A win puts Notre Dame on the doorstep of the playoff; a loss and they're eliminated. The Hurricanes, meanwhile, wouldn't be eliminated with a loss—winning out and knocking off Clemson in the ACC title game ought to do the trick—but a victory almost certainly cements them as a top-four team, and puts the onus on someone else to take their spot.
Big Ten Blues: The Weekend in College Football published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
pinkysgallery · 2 days ago
You know why, my friend, you know why 🥹💙💚✨️
The Great Wave - Chapter 19 Review
Y'all I remember when I used to think that the chapter cover was supposed to be a yumalia shower scene from that one ankama tweet mentioning Cathiane 😭😭😭😭
Like idk why we thought that this would've been THE shower scene that Ankama had mysteriously mentioned through a meme of all things. I can't speak for everyone, but the reason why I personally thought that this would've been a yumalia shower scene was because I thought that her hair seemed like it wasn't tied up in the chapter cover. And whenever we'd see her hair let loose in the Great Wave, it would usually mean that she'd be dominating Yugo or would share a very intimate moment with him.
This chapter ended up being the latter. Because it wasn't a shower scene.
It might be something related to it.
But before I explain all that, let's first focus on where we left off with Joris explaining Grougalorasalar's deal to Yugo and Amalia.
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I mean Yugo come on....
I get that Grougalorasalar is a hottie who likes to cause shitty problems for everyone due to his color but the only people in Yugo's race that ended up being big deals for the world were Yugo himself, Qilby, and their mother the Goddess Eliatrope. Three people aren't a lot to suddenly have the world's nations hate an entire race but when these very same three people are supposed to be two primordial eliatropes and their goddess, then yeah...you might have fucked up a bit too hard.
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Joris agrees.
Omg yes, Joris hates his past tormentor, but even he thinks that he's right in a sense.
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"Do what I tell you, not what I do."
I love how JORIS just soothes his tired eyes and describes Grougalorasalar in only a few words while clearly looking disappointed but not surprised.
Like THIS is literally Grougalorasalar's quote! If someone had to describe him in a few words, THIS WOULD BE IT.
He's such a hypocrite but in a way that makes him aware of his actions and yet doesn't give a shit cuz he's strong af and can do whatever the hell he wants. Running away isn't an option, this guy WILL DIE TRYING TO MAKE HIS POINT AND NO ONE WILL MAKE HIM THINK OTHERWISE.
The royal osamodas family needs to take some notes. Write these traits down, you inferior wannabe antagonists ✨️✨️✨️
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Are we surprised? No lol
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Well shit.
Guess that wave is coming after all.
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What Joris said: "It would be best if the fight happened in his territory."
What Joris actually said: "Rasalar is gonna catch some bodies anywhere else. Fight him where he lives. Like that, he'll only ruin his own place."
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Seriously how big is Luis's extended archive room?????
They got a library that looks like an illuminated underground village, a small secret passageway that leads you to Joris's private room, and a freaking side room showcasing a board with connected maps and research on each of the primordial dragons' locations....
So in a nutshell, Joris is a hoarder, an analyst, a theorist, a lost media collector, AND a stalker lol
We stan Joris's messy lifestyle ✨️✨️
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Makes sense, really.
The primordial dragons were born here with the world. So they originated in a certain beginning point of the world and made it their own place.
This would explain why we saw Dardondakal inside a floating rock in the middle of the ocean while being protected by invisible barriers. It was because that was his own "source location".
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Oooooohh is Yugo gonna bring back the entire gang??? 🥰🥰🥰🥰 OMG WHAT IF THE REASON WHY TOT DECIDED TO MAKE SEVEN GREAT WAVE VOLUMES WAS BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO SEE THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE TOFU REUNITING AGAIN!? This would actually be so cute. They would all end up going to one of those dragon locations together while getting into all kinds of problems just like they did back in Seasons 1 and 2! The idea sounds so nice to think about because come on, you're telling me you don't miss the gang solving problems together all around the world while they were getting closer to their goal? If that's what's going to happen, THEN SIGN ME UP!! We'll get to see them all interact with each other just like in the good old days, except that Pin and Elely will be there (without Flopin...). Or maybe they'd most likely have Goultard babysit them while the rest leave lol. It's better to have a iop babysitter for iops than anything else 😭😭 And Adamaï will most likely have to stay in the Sadida Kingdom for Yugo and Amalia's sake again 💀💀💀💀
But what I would really love most of all, would be to see these adventures WITH A GROWN UP YUGO HELL YEAH BABY ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
That is, IF Tot wants to bring back the old adventuring days lol
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Yugo who did you give it to.
Last time we saw the Eliasphere, it had been kept in the Eliatrope goddess's garden during Yugo and Amalia's (unconventional) ceremony.
So like....Did Yugo move it around after a few days or was it because of Harebourg in season 5 fucking around and finding out?
Either way, there was a reason, and I think it must've been the latter. I think Harebourg might have been the cause. Because the Eliasphere had been kept in the garden since the sadidas and eliatropes knew that touching it could fuck them up. Which meant that none of them would be stupid enough to try to take it. Besides, the Eliasphere has a defense mechanism anyway. So maybe when Harebourg had fused with the Eliacube, he might have been capable of taking it during Season 5 (I'm only speculating here) without getting attacked by it since the artifact recognized Orgonax's heart inside Harebourg. After some fight with him, Yugo might've realized the danger of keeping the Eliasphere out in the open like this so he gave it to....
He decided to give it to....
So....queen Astra technically has it in her possession.
Like it's painfully obvious that it's Bonta who has it now, given that it zooms at Bonta's Kingdom as soon as Joris says that Yugo didn't give it to him!
At first, I was incredibly perplexed as to why Yugo gave it to Bonta's queens. But when I thought about it some more, the decision to give it to queen Astra...actually made some sense.
Before Season 4 came along, we've never actually seen the world nation rulers' opinions of Yugo and his people.
But when the necromes attacked and Yugo had to explain the situation to the rulers of the world, we were able to fully grasp what each of those kings and queens thought about him.
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The Brakmar King and his general unsurprisingly hate him and his people (but I'm sure they initially started hating him first for making a mockery of their court justice, defending Kriss Krass, and creating a chain of events that would make their best boofbowl player enrage them for her gender reveal and making her fight for women's rights lol)
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Astrub and Amakna's governors didn't even waste a breath and told him to scram.
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And even the Sufokia Empress told him that he was being delusional.
Count Lance Dur hasn't been shown talking to them, but there are no clues hinting that he might have been given the task to keep the Eliasphere. Sure, he spoke to Adamaï and they did get along, but Yugo had no connection with him.
So in general, every single ruler specifically rejected him as well as his people.
All except for queen Astra.
Her conversation with Yugo ended much more differently.
Unlike the other rulers, Astra welcomed Yugo and even told him to stop kneeling so he could properly stand up. She told him this because according to her, he was also a ruler and had also saved the world countless times. She recognized his efforts and accepted him. Joris might have also played a huge factor in this since he does present himself as Bonta's representative which means that he tells Astra everything that's going on, including his moments with Yugo, making him one of the reasons as to why she is at ease around Yugo.
But the second Nora, a complete stranger, tries to stand up as well, Astra forbids her and commands her to stay kneeling. Even when Yugo tries to explain that Nora is his sister, Astra doesn't back down.
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This is crucial to remember because this tells us that Astra believes in Yugo, but not his people. He's not a stranger to her. He's not a burden. He's a hero in her eyes and a king. But his people? She considers them to be strangers and outsiders of a world they had never been in. She finds them strange and dangerous.
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And now that the Eliatrope goddess left with most of her children, this only leaves Yugo and some of the elite eliatropes who helped the sadidas during the necome war. Without the Eliatrope goddess's presence, Astra might feel less tense about Yugo's people since there aren't too many in the world now.
So given that she's the only royal in the world who seems to appreciate Yugo, this only pushes us to further believe that she might have been the one who is now in charge of keeping the Eliasphere in a safe place.
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Remember how chapters 16-17 had these two morons just blatantly sitting down at Kerubim's place without any security???
Is anyone around them not bothered by this??? I get that they might have not brought any security because they could technically kick ass very easily if something did happen, BUT COME ON NOW!!!
Also why is no one stopping them or looking at them?? They're clearly walking in a busy road of the city, do these people seriously not recognize who they are??? They should at least be glancing at them for looking so out of place! My god these people are dumber than iops.
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The trees are still technically there.
They just ended up being roofs now.
It's for a good cause, I swear ✨️✨️
Amalia's over here explaining the tree's deforestation process to Yugo while he's swimming (HAHA GET IT!?!?!?!?) in his own inner turmoil.
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Alright people.
This is where we can finally discuss that yumalia tweet shower scene being linked to this chapter.
So I've mentioned that this shower scene could happen in a later volume because of what Yugo and Amalia will be discussing right now.
Yugo tells Amalia that he's pretty much grown tired from the constant threats and enemies they've had to fight back to back due to his actions/choices he has made in the past.
He's had enough and just wants to take a break from it all. He wants to spend those free moments with Amalia.
And he doesn't just want a vacation...
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DRUMROLL 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
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GUYS I CALLED IT I FUCKING CALLED IT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I am SO FUCKING GLAD that Elely's foreshadowing back in season 3 MADE ABSOLUTE SENSE!!!
I just knew that if we ended up thinking about potential yumalia kids for the future, WE WOULD GET TO FINALLY SEE THAT THEY COULD ACTUALLY MAKE SOME TOGETHER!!!
I get that when season 4 ended, we knew that these two would've eventually thought about having children since Amalia is the last of her bloodline and will have to produce a new heir.
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Yugo. Buddy.
If Dally managed to have a kid WAY BEFORE MARRIAGE with Eva, then don't worry. You're both adults now. It's not too soon and definitely not too late. You lovable idiot.
But nope. It looks like they used protection or something. But I obviously don't believe it lol Amalia would DEFINITELY want no barriers or restrictions between them. I guess she just got lucky enough not to have gotten pregnant so many times (it is possible because it does actually happen but it's so funny when you look at these idiots).
Yugo has so many enemies, and the one time he tells her he wants a family is right after they're getting threatened by a PRIMORDIAL DRAGON.
Bro has such shitty timing I swear lol
He's over here with clear eyebags asking her to have his kids 😭😭😭😭😭
Now as funny and stupid as that sounds, I'm honestly not that shocked.
I recently talked about this with @geekgirles because if there's one thing we can say about this interaction is this: Can you imagine how incredibly hard it is for an ancient adventurer to take a break from adventuring???
Yugo had MILLIONS of lives, and all of them had been about ADVENTURING.
The twelvians were incredibly pushy and judgemental to the point where Yugo's optimism just completely faded away, WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY A HUGE PART OF HIS PERSONALITY. He's genuinely tired of everyone and everything that keeps pointing fingers at him when they haven't even looked at themselves in the first place.
It's not that Yugo's unaware of his situation. He's just so fed up with everyone that he just ended up getting used to all the attention as if those were normal occurrences.
That's why he just asked Amalia for his kids out of the blue. Bro isn't fazed about the danger anymore. He just treats this as a normal tuesday.
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This is where we'll get to see that mentioned shower scene that Ankama tweeted at Cathiane.
We've come to finally talk about what I meant by that tweet.
So if you saw it, you should know that Ankama, for some unfathomable reason, tweeted Cathiane and sent her a yumalia shower meme. Then Cathiane replies with... "Saw the notif and panicked...”
I bet that Yugo and Amalia will get to go on vacation and only fuck. Like straight up just fuck. And we'll get to see it. And one of these scenes will have that one shower scene.
Omg. I actually fully believe this to be the case.
This is gonna happen.
One of the future volumes (which Tot said that there will be seven in total) will just end up having all the chapters with BIG ASS LABELS IN RED WORDS SAYING "FOR MATURE AUDIENCE" like in chapter one lol
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And there it is folks.
That kiss panel that we've seen being used as a sneak peak a few months ago for the second volume. Absolutely perfect 💖💖💖
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