#for those curious i unironically and frequently referred to him as “my husband” for year
touchlikethesun · 7 months
so i've already doled out pet names to a few hq characters, tobio's "my son <3", akaashi's "my darling," yachi's "my girl <3"...
originally tsukki didn't get a pet name (well, you could say originally he already had a pet name but i'm 23 now and i don't want to call a 15yro boy the same pet name i called him when i was 13/14 nope nope), mostly cause he's already tsukki, that's not a pet name but it is a nickname. but now i feel like just "tsukki" isn't affectionate enough, and even "tsukki <3" doesn't quite feel right... maybe "my dino nerd <3"?? with the "<3" the "<3" is very important... that feels a bit reductive...
this is a serious dilemma.
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