#for the queue is dark and full of memes
in-boiler-room-ten · 1 year
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crwlingchaos · 10 months
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
See a few people on the tweets and tumblr wondering if previous expansions got this much flack at their launches.
So, let me reiterate from my own experiences. Even before I was actually IN the fandom. There was a ripple of complaints and memeing about Raubahn (Savage) and Raubahn (Extreme) because the launch was so hard on their servers. That you could literally get stuck on the Raubahn instance battle at the beginning of the expansion. Entire lines of people rose up and was taken pictures of. In addition, there was a small but vocal debate on people being down on Zenos thirstiers. While there were a couple posts here and there disappointed about how neither Doma nor Ala Mhigo were fully fleshed out being too little after cut on different sides of the expansion. Some people questioned Hien's actions in the Azim Steppe as forcing the secluded Steppe Tribes to save his fallen empire and bursting in on a sacred tradition for his own personal gain. But, I wasn't really in the fandom back then. Thats just the stuff that rippled out and brushed across me like a wave on the shoe coating your toes as you walk on the beach.
When I finally DID join the fandom proper in the waning days of Stormblood. Shadowbringers hype was about to be in full swing. The fandom had gotten a few things here and there. The Call had just happened, I think. People were speculating about Solus and getting excited about a possible full fledged war with Garlemald. But then the Shadowbringers cinematic teaser drop. And there were a lot of questions, why was Y'shtola now called Master Matoya? What is Minfilia doing alive again? Holy shit, Gunbreaker hype! Hopes for Healer Dancer arrived. Why the fuck is Urianger so sexy? Etc. Blue Mage in coming.
At launch, Shadowbringers, if I recall correctly, was actually widely acclaimed. Soon after the same people who rained on the Zenos lover brigade also came down on Emet lovers. Some people felt G'raha was kind of a creep. For a small portion of the community, the Hydaelyn is evil circles became somewhat vindicated by the reveal of Hydaelyn and Zodiark being the eldest of primals. Thinking she might be tempering us and the story of light also being as bad as dark in excess leading some to believe she would be the final boss of the series with Zodiark. In addition, there were a few people here and there where Shadowbringers just ruined the entire story for them and they just did not like the direction the MSQ went. As the expansion progressed people lambasted Gaius for going through what they described as "man pain" instead of actual redemption. The NieR raid ending left people a little miffed. But the end of Eden left people happy. And bringing up the 'flat and emotionless' performance people are throwing at Wuk Lamat. There was even a period of time where people complained about Aymeric and Cid and a few others sounding weak cause they were most likely recording from their own bedroom closet due to COVID having shut every motherfucking thing down.
At Endwalker launch, it was kind of excited and mixed. Queues ruled the world as people desperately tried to claw their way in. Some people were mad we didn't raze Garlemald to the ground ourselves. In From the Cold was divisive. I, myself, was on a one Void crusade about being indifferent and even bewildered by the Fandaniel = Amon reveal and lukewarm on Krile being around but being Hydaelyn's sock puppet for cutscenes. The first part of the expansion feeling like a 5.6 rather than an actual expansion and then after Zodiark is when Endwalker actually did feel like it hit its stride. The people who felt vindicated in their Hydaelyn is Evil conclusion bent over backwards and tried their hardest to say she WAS evil the entire time. Some posts about being kind of iffy on Emet returning after Seat of Sacrifice gave him a decent send off. Hythlodaeus and Venat otherwise sweeping people off their feet. And it was mixed on the treatment of Ahewann in particular. And afterwards posts about Relics not being this long tedious grind, the Post-Endwalker Void stuff kind of taking the mystery out of the Void and kind of lackluster. Myths and Pandaemonium meanwhile were praised widely, far as I can tell. And in one single patch poster, an entire section went from called Lahabrea a Bread Loaf to a D A D D Y.
So with Dawntrail launching and getting mixed reaction. I can safely say this has always happened. Expect years of posts from different retrospectives either defending or lambasting Dawntrail as we see with Stormblood and certain sections of both Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Not everyone will like everything in the story. People have their own perspective on things. And they will voice their opinion on things cause people want to be heard. My thoughts on Dawntrail? At time of posting, I still haven't played the MSQ. But I did see a spoiler. So my opinion is that death is an illusion and so are pants.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Next week comes the strangest pairing at the multiplex we've seen in years. We're talking, of course, about Greta Gerwig's Barbie and Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer — together dubbed Barbenheimer — set to go toe-to-toe for box office dominance on 21 July. The former is a hot pink franchise comedy inspired by the iconic line of Mattel dolls, the latter a stylistically austere biopic about the invention of the atomic bomb. Such is the striking contrast at play, of course the internet (read: Twitter) was going to do what the internet does and meme the shit out of it: now, all anyone can talk about online is Barbenheimer, sucking attention away from other major summer releases like Mission: Impossible 7 and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.
Though this clash of cinematic titans might've been elevated to event prominence by the internet's collective love of ironic memedom, it's hardly the first example of diametrically opposed movies dropping on the same day. Fifteen years ago in the US, on 18 July 2008, cinemas were similarly split into two queues: the Batman enthusiasts on one side, clamouring to get into The Dark Knight and usher in a new superhero movie age; on the other, ABBA stans awaited a trip to the sunny isles of a fictional Greek island in Mamma Mia!. Had the internet grown beyond its cringey 9gag nascency by then, it might've been the original Barbenheimer. The Dark Mamma, if you will.
After all, there are huge parallels between the duelling duos. The Dark Knight was the dark and dreary, terminally serious Christopher Nolan movie. Mamma Mia!, the fun-loving “chick flick”, a jukebox musical for the gays and girlies to let their hair down with campy, sun-kissed escapism. Say you did the double bill back then: you could spend two-and-a-half hours with Christian Bale growling gravely under the cape and cowl, then it'd be time for cocktails on the beach with Amanda Seyfried and Pierce Brosnan. With Barbenheimer, it's another pitch-black Nolan flick where its male lead does a lot of broody staring into the middle distance, contemplating the deep evils now ushered unto the world, paired against Barbie, where men are Just Ken. For both Mamma Mia! and Barbie, it's hard to think of more colourful chasers to stave off Post-Nolan Depression.
The Dark Mamma, alas, never took off as Barbenheimer has. Indeed most people online, anecdotally, simply forgot that the two released on the same day, such was the broad surprise when viral tweets prompted by Barbenheimer brought new attention to the OG. (Here in the UK, they came out eleven days apart.) Little media coverage at the time pointed to the contrast, the most prominent article available on Google search being a Vulture piece from the week of release, the headline of which jokingly announced Mamma Mia! and The Dark Knight as battling “for the very soul of America.” Strikingly similar contrasts were zeroed in on: “Are you a happy person, or a sad one? Do you see the glass as half-full, or half-empty? Do you prefer your toast with strawberry jam, or do you like it sprinkled with shards of broken glass?” All ring true of Barbenheimer, too, only the question now isn't which, so much as which first. Shard sarnies, nevertheless, remain ill-advised.
Hollywood studios know exactly what they're doing with such stark counter-programming: the lack of demographic crossover suggests, on paper, that the movies won't eat into each other's profits, giving audiences a variety of options. In 2003, for example, X-2 was released into US cinemas on the same day as The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and in 2015, Mad Max: Fury Road roared onto screens simultaneous to Pitch Perfect 2. Barbenheimer is distinct in that we seldom get such a major clash of two big-budget summer blockbusters, nor a meme-propelled online movement spawning Etsy merch and Twitter stan rivalries. But that's the key thing, and the true movie-loving spirit of Barbenheimer: while we might joke about Nolan nuking Barbie's Malibu Dreamhouse, these aren't warring parties battling for audience supremacy. Much like The Dark Knight and Mamma Mia! — which went on to be the first and fifth-highest grossing movies of 2008 — early projections suggest that both Barbie and Oppenheimer will both do pretty well for themselves. And there's only one winner when that happens: the movies.'
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why-raven · 1 year
nigerrimus noctis — the blackest night.
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a pinned post I must write when I should be in bed at night an introduction long overdue forgotten somewhere in my queue
— poem by @why-raven
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about the curator.
Raven; he/they pronouns. 30+, Asian, Aroace.
Writer and poet; multi-genre and multi-fandom experimentalist. Selective roleplayer; please ask first!
Photographer and graphic designer in love with gothic architecture and dark academia.
I have a Ko-fi page if you wish to support me and my content!
about this blog.
Main account; all follows, likes and asks will come from here.
Multi-fandom; currently 90% FFXIV, and 10% everything else (ex. other games, anime, dark academia).
Usually runs on queue; may post manually out of the blue, but don’t count on that to keep tabs on my activity here. Updates will be sporadic.
Ask is CLOSED due to recent influx of donation scams. DM is restricted to mutuals only.
18+ only; may contain dark and mature contents, soft NSFW (i.e. the nude, a form of visual art), etc. Strictly no smut and explicit sex. Trigger warnings may be tagged if necessary or upon request.
around tumblr.
@etheirysnoir — ffxiv only; muses, writing, lore, rp, aesthetics.
@writeraven — fics & poetry; multi-genre & multi-fandom.
@arcanum-bibliotheca — writblr; notes & resources, personal archive.
@xivacademia — gpose gallery; scenery, cosplay, 4-koma.
@ffxiv-photographers — ffxiv virtual photographers community.
other links.
Ko-fi (whyraven) — buy me coffee to support me and my content ☕
see under cut for taglist and disclaimers.
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All my blogs use very specific themes for tagging. Here, it’s based on Latin, generally divided between tenebris (“dark”) and lucis (“light”).
Tags preceded by em dash (—) are not included. These are often used as personal notes only.
tenebris — mine.
impt. Blog updates; ex. pinned, taglist, housekeeping.
musings. Lore and character notes.
writing. My writing; ex. drafts, poetry.
gallery. Virtual photography and graphic designs.
answered. Ask replies.
thoughts. Personal analysis and opinions on subjects of interest.
academia. Aesthetics.
reblog. Self-boosting.
ooc. Anything else that doesn’t fit into the above categories.
lucis — others.
boost. Signal boosts to support other creators in the community.
meta. Others’ lore and headcanons.
writing. Others’ writing; ex. gift works to me, stories that I like and enjoy.
gallery. Others’ screenshots and fanarts that I like.
asks open. Ask memes; including prompt lists. Will reblog from the source wherever possible, unless it’s a deactivated account.
answered. Others’ responses to my asks. Will also reblog as a small act to show support and appreciation for their characters and creations.
ooc. Others’ viewpoints on general topics that I can relate to.
archive. General reblogs of things I like.
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“the blackest night” by @why-raven.
All OCs, writings and edits by me unless otherwise stated.
Do not claim or re-post any part of this blog as your own.
I do not consent to have my content fed through AI.
Please give proper credit to the rightful owners.
All fandoms belong to their respective copyright holders.
I only own the creativity I put into my works.
All reblogs are directly from the original source, where possible.
For full credits, please check via the desktop version here.
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wingedcatastrophe · 1 year
Its time once again for Harrows regular writeblr search! My dash is getting pretty stale and I'd like to fix that! Specifically, I want to follow other writeblrs that like to engage with each other! If you do regular ask games, I love you. Tag games are also good but I'm bad about actually doing the ones I'm tagged in. If you comment on the things you reblot, you're right up my alley.
A little about me:
- Harrow, 26, he/they pronouns
- I work full time so my writing is sporadic
- I really enjoy tragedies, phyric victories, and bittersweet/unhappy endings. Dark fiction is my jam
- love superpowers work and rlly want to see more superpowers content that isn't just marvel/dc out in the world
- I use my likes as a bookmark system, to save things for when I have time to add them to my queue with comments, thoughts, proper tags, etc
About my WIPs:
- The Chaos in Justice is a superpowers na story. A group of supervillain students set out to save their kidnapped headmistress, end up saving the world.
- Lantern's Light is an adult mix of high and modern fantasy. Sorren has been tasked with guiding the reborn champion of the gods on her quest to save the gods, hates every second of it.
About what I want to follow:
- engagement is key! I want to follow other writeblrs that hype each other up and include comments and thoughts on the things they reblog, and participate in ask/tag games and the like.
- I dont follow those who post those writing memes that put down on your own writing often. I don't like those style of jokes, and I find writing to be more enjoyable when I don't engage with that content or those who regularly engage with that mindset.
- i enjoy a mix of genres, but hold a special love for scifi and fantasy, and stories that blend genres!
- some fav tropes and themes include: enemies to lovers, both redemption and bastardization arcs, morally grey characters, and anything listed in my #tropes tag
- I will not look at blogs that don't comment on this post in some way. Leave a reply, talk in the reblog or the tags, something! Tell me about yourself and your wips!
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atrickrtreat · 11 months
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It's only 8:00 and the streets are already packed with costumed visitors. Some to show off, others to blend in, but all to celebrate the magical night of Halloween.
The one night a year where we can pretend to be the scariest thing we think of.
atrickrtreat is a selective indie roleplay blog featuring both original muses and canon divergent muses. this blog is penned by kitten who is over the age of 21 years. this blog will contain dark topics at times but i will tag them appropriately. while horror will be present on here, it also contains slice-of-life threads as well.
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this blog is run on a queue of 5 post per day, however some things may get posted faster than others depending on muse.
rules - muses - full navigation - ask memes - wanted connections the family: @thefvrious - @nveragod - @ghostsxagain @malumxsubest - @clownslaeyr / @coristories @luriddaze affiliates: @lxvefrxmthextherside - @lcstinfantasy
most active muses currently are: andi, aleksei, jordy, ilya and mary jane
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all graphics done by @calisources (pinned, header, promo graphics, icon border)
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brknmnds · 1 year
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The name is Tyler, and this is my multi muse - multi fandom blog.
I am 31 year old trans man from New Zealand. I am neurodivergent and have learning disabilities that includes writing disabilities.
I work full time, so do not expect me to be on every second of every day.
Be aware because of past interactions I am mutuals only and selective when it comes to who I write with. Please do not force things on either me or my muses. The majority of my muses are not as kind as me and that will be shown in the writing.
That being said, If I have followed you it's because I want to write with you.
I write as an escape and for fun. This does mean I may not reply quickly because I may not be feeling the muses or the type of thread.
Please always feel free to jump into my DM and/or send memes even if we have hundreds of threads or none.
If we talk often out of character, I am more likely to do replies. So please feel free to come talk to me.
This is an R18 blog, I will be writing some dark content along with smut. This will be tagged as ;;nsfw
I will be trying to queue up replies on this blog. I am bad at this and often forget but please realise this may happen.
I am always up to crossover random. My OCs can be put into any fandoms and possibly Canon characters as well.
More to come when I remember it
Muse List. - Primary muses
Fandomless OCs
TV Series Muses
Cartoon Muses
Movie Muses
Book Muses
Video Game Muses
Comic Book Muses
Mythology Muses
Sinday memes
Self promo post
other blogs
Nettles - Fire and Blood @dragnseed
The Vees - Hazbin Hotel @voxnetwork
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
July Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of May. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here, which I’m currently updating.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Houskeeping
@normallyxstranger has released a new book! Check it out!
@sanguinelupus is back, and so I will be using this at every opportunity. But more importantly: you should go follow!
I’ll be heading back home around the 8th, which means I’ll have PC access back. 🥳
I’m currently updating my rpthreadtracker page, so please excuse the mess over there.
The queue is currently set to post twice a day.
I still haven’t found my login for Ty’s discord. Don’t judge me. 😬
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
I’ll just be over here screaming about Azzy OMG. (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
At the bar with drunk!Ty (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (queued!) - @demcnsinmymind
No soul for you. 😤 (link) - @demonstigma
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty finds Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
“Get out of there, he’s a priest!” (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ghost Stories: Charmed 2018 verse (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The idiots reconcile aka Tyler can’t be left unsupervised (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters dark!Ty (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Judging 50 shades and unexpected cuteness (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted).- @derschwarzeengel
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (link) - @discipulusmaleficus
Starter from @first-born-to-his-name! ❤️ (queued)
Birthday cuteness! (link) - @heavenguided
“I don’t understand your definition of good news.” (link) - @hvbris (for Olive)
Tyler being massively confused by Wednesday (queued) - @hvbris
Extremely normal headwear and cake experiments (link) - @imprvdente
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (drafted! So sorry again for the wait!) - @imprvdente
Mischief at the fair (queued) - @indyflanery
Bad jokes with Charm. (link) - @innerwar
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart (welcome back!)
Demon problems (queued) - @magaprima
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (queued) - @magaprima
“I totally didn’t do what you think I did.” (link) - @pantslessoptimism
Leaving the compound (queued) - @razorfst
Taking serious notes with her most serious pen. 😤 (link) - @tobeblamed
Drafts: 8
Memes/Asks: 12
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Ty’s questionable coping mechanisms (link)
She’s a 10, but… (link)
Tyler + love (link)
Dash game: What chess piece are you? (link)
Taco Tuesday! (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, stay safe, and happy pride! ❤️ — Em
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collidingxworlds · 11 months
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This is just a sum-up of the main rules of this blog. For the full version, please check out my Google Doc. Please make sure to read at least this before interacting with me.
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# This is a selective and mutuals only blog, which means that I can be picky about whom I choose to write with. If you post too much stuff unrelated to the main themes / characters of your blog or make too much OOC post, I might not follow / unfollow you. On this note, I follow only blogs that have rules pages and at least a skeleton of an info page for their muse(s).
# This blog is low activity and runs mostly on queue, so replies usually take about 2-3 weeks. Feel free to send me a reminder if I don’t answer for more than a month, but don’t spam me. If you instant reply to me / reply fast (meaning in less than 4-5 days) I might take longer to reply to you, because I'll queue your replies more spread out than the norm. This is nothing personal, it's just for the sake of my mental sanity.
# While I don’t strictly practise reblog karma, this blog is not a meme dump, so I’d really appreciate if you sent in an ask before reblogging memes from me. Otherwise, please reblog the meme from the source (when available).
# This blog is a drama-free space. I don’t reblog callout posts or the likes. If you do, please tag them accordingly so I can blacklist them. Same goes for vague-posting and negativity towards others. If I see you reblogging / posting this sort of thing regularly I won’t follow you / I’ll softblock you. Also, if you think that bullying and sending death threats to people over the fictional content they engage in is right and just, don’t follow or interact with me. Bullies are not welcome on this blog.
# After you follow me, or when we become mutuals, please remember to fill in my interest checker! It will help me have an idea of what has drawn you to my blog and what muses of mine you’re interested in. It will also let me know which muses to use when sending memes. Alternatively, you can let me know your preferences through IMs.
# I’m a descriptive RPer (I mostly write multi-para / novella). No pressure to match my length! I’m good as long as you give me something to work with (so I would really appreciate it if it was at least a couple of paragraphs!). Short replies are good for casual threads / casual back & forth, but I like my plotted threads to have more content.
# If you wish to drop a thread, for any reason, you’re more than free and welcome to do so. Please warn me, though, so I can cross it off my list and we can discuss starting something new (if both parties wish to).
# Due to the nature of some of my muses (and the mun’s personal preferences), this blog will deal with dark themes, as violence, gore, murder, blood, cannibalism and more. Let me know if you have any triggers or things you’re uncomfortable with before we start, so I’ll be sure to avoid it. Also, if you wish for me to tag something specific, please let me know!
# When RPing I strictly ship with chemistry, which means that I don’t jump into it, even when it comes to ships I already like. I usually prefer having some sort of OOC connection with my shipping partners, also to make sure that we’re both on the same page and fully comfortable with what we are doing.
# As of November 1st 2023, this blog has mains. While this does not considerably affect my reply speed towards mutuals, They are the blogs that get most of my attention and effort (and I expect to receive the same treatment) and the occasional edit / moodboard / etc. They also have priority on plotting and shipping (romantic and platonically). Their muse is the version I refer to whenever said specific character is mentioned in a thread. Up-to-date mains’ list:
@imprvdente / @hvbris​
@omniishambles / @uselessdevice​
Please, hit the like on this post if you've read it! Thank you!
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minnaci · 2 years
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MINORS DNI. 18+ ONLY. i block blank and ageless blogs.
this is a sideblog. please do not ask for my main url. i keep my main pretty private, so please don't be offended if i don't follow back!
i am on ao3! i write shipfic on minci, and reader-insert on minna. a few of my fics are set to archive members only, so make sure to log in if you want to peruse the full list of my work!
i interact with and create dark fiction.
i do not participate in discourse— negative asks about others will be blocked and deleted immediately.
requests are open! see this post.
i write primarily gender-neutral and masc afab reader. i do not write fem!reader, but i will sometimes reblog appropriately tagged fem!reader works from my friends or writers i admire.
i reblog art! those rbs run on a queue.
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writemin! — my writing
thinkmin! — my thoughts / shitposts
mailmin! — answering asks
gamin! — tag memes / games
gallery! — art rbs
library! — fic rbs
+(chara name) — character tags
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huntinglove · 1 year
Hi Ghosty. I have a couple questions about your tags. I’m on the mobile version of tumblr. Do I have to add the heart or star on the tags in order to blacklist them? If so, how do I add the heart or star to the tag, are those emojis? Sorry if this is obvious 😅
No need to apologize at all nonny!! They're not emojis, they're text symbols! I understand it can be hard to type it because of that so I'll add the symbols I use right here I really hope this helps 💙💙💙
For fandoms -> ❧
For miscellaneous tags -> ✯
For selfships -> ❥
❧ ✯ ❥
Under the cut are all of my current tags, please copy anything you need to blacklist! (Also, when you do so, please remove the parenthesis () or square brackets []!)
❧ tawog
❧ toh
❧ welcome home
❧ animal crossing
❧ black butler
❧ demon slayer
✯ lovely asks (nice asks)
✯ how bothersome (anon hate)
✯ dreaming near the stars (imagines)
✯ homely ships (my ships)
✯ wonderful ships (friends/mutuals' ships)
✯ i hope you'll smile (memes/positivity)
✯ here's a question (polls)
✯ living and creating (art/edits)
✯ let me tell you a story (writing)
✯ let me know what i can do (ask memes)
✯ oh my (nsft, if you're a minor please blacklist this tag!)
✯ let's get serious (discourse)
✯ undead ramblings (random)
✯ speaking from the grave (vent)
✯ recovery break (queue)
✯ my heart sings (playlists)
✯ a ship has sailed (things I ship)
✯ a heart full of love (gushing)
✯ welcome to the turned mansion (turned mansion original universe)
✯ ghosty's mail (submissions)
✯ sweet little heart (age regression)
✯ reanimated dove (dark imagines) Selfships:
❥ golden heart (Hunter)
❥ my emperor (Belos)
❥ let's duet (Raine)
❥ i'm already cursed (Eda)
❥ playing together (Collector)
❥ cat lovers unite (Amity)
❥ two dorks against the world (Edric)
❥ devil eyes (Bump)
❥ when does a man become a monster (Viktor Arcane)
❥ stalking the stalker (Yoonbum)
❥ dreaming on the rails (Enmu)
❥ set my heart ablaze (Zuko)
❥ bunny on ice! (Yuuri)
❥ building our own world (Tadano)
❥ you make my heart bloop (Zucker)
❥ the puppet and their lover (Donna)
❥ two halves of the same coin (Tenebris)
❥ when does a man become a monster? (Viktor)
❥ guarding chaos (Nathan & Cleo)
❥ love with a dash of poison (Gyutaro)
❥ emotions greater than words (Kyogai)
❥ the ghoul and the reaper (Grell)
❥ ghastly knock out! (K.O)
❥ turbo hauntings (T.K.O)
❥ my one true ruler (White Diamond)
❥ the love virus (Ashton)
❥ the sun sets over the ocean (Tanjiro)
❥ death can't do us part (Emily)
❥ special lover's discount (Howdy)
❥ you make my heart smile (Barnaby)
❥ welcome home my love (Wally)
❥ you make hell feel divine (Stolas)
❥ the duality of love (Todoroki)
❥ snoozing together (Beau)
❥ naps and kisses (Sherb)
❥ a ghost and a half (Napstabot)
❥ a laugh for a kiss (Undertaker)
❥ cultist royalty (Douma)
❥ forgive me father (Muzan)
❥ us against all else (Alois)
❥ glistening on the battlefield (Bismuth)
❥ bonely hearts (Sans)
❥ at the center of the ring (Joker)
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
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I posted 5,907 times in 2022
That's 1,801 more posts than 2021!
2,059 posts created (35%)
3,848 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,382 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#queue - 1,262 posts
#! - 680 posts
#my ego posts - 274 posts
#discourse - 123 posts
#iswm spoilers - 60 posts
#my ego hcs - 60 posts
#ask game - 56 posts
#dsmp - 51 posts
#for bad days - 49 posts
#commissions - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#walks into a haunted house like oh my god diversity and representation fr!!!! 🤩🤩 meanwhile the whole thing is actually kinda supposed to
My Top Posts in 2022:
the real tragedy of the markiplier ego cinematic universe is that every single character is in love with you except dark, the only character you love, who is generally frustrated by/condescending about your presence but cannot seem to figure out how to stop leading you on
303 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
guys why are dark and anti so romantic. like not even kidding especially dark. ur supposed to be in love with him why else would his first dramatic scene be during a dating story why would he say "if dinner is what you want then i can provide, and i can take you wherever you'd like to go... i can especially take you to the places that you don't want to go" why does he do his silly little preening why is he dressed to the nines why does he have eyeliner why does he have wine why does he "I CAN GIVE YOU ANYTHING!" "i've been waiting a long time to get some... personal time between us" "maybe you just miss my pretty face" why does he lay himself out on the table like a whore and reference the "men only want one thing and its fucking disgusting" meme why is he LIKE THAT
356 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
obsessed w the implication that anti turned off the lights for chase when asked but then immediately turned them back on. bro's just fucking with him for no reason
408 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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See the full post
410 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sex is overrated what could i possibly get out of it that i couldnt get from being held at knife point
415 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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walkindeath · 19 days
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#WALKINDEATH : a private roleplay side blog for a resist dark urge. follows back from @crimesought.
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Rules and muse info under the cut!
001 :// this blog is intended for 21+ individuals and will not interact with anyone under 18 that being said there will be nsfw and i wont even consider that unless its with someone 21+ and i have written with them for a while.
002 :// By following you are acknowledging that you know there are going to be dark themes and blood. Such is the way with Baldur's Gate or DND in general.
003 :// i would rather you hard block me than soft block me. I don't need a reason just curate your space but it keeps me from thinking I accidently unfollowed.
004 :// if I do anything to upset you please just come to me. I would rather talk about it like adults and we are humans who make mistakes.
I would rather learn from them than be blindsided.
005 :// Feel free to reblog memes from me! I don't mind. I only request that only mutuals send memes!
006 :// Feel free to yell at me anytime to plot! I open to anything!
if our muses don't mesh then we can still chat too! I always like to hear about other peoples characters!
007 :// Writting speed will depend on the length of replies and the amount of muse I have!
I have a full time job and i personally like to queue my asks and replies. So if you send something and i dont reply to it right away? its probably in the queue. If you annoy me to reply I probably won't do it at all.
008 :// I do ask that you don't double or triple space replies to me! it makes it hard for me to read!
009 :// Open to most ships! I just don't want them to be assumed? Some plotting is appreciated! I am open to anything as long as there is some kind of chemistry. All ships will be in their own universe unless specified.
011 :// it shouldn't need to be said but this blog doesn't support racism or racists.
no godmodding
don't be a dick
full name. Cade REDACTED
race. Human (Bhaalspawn)
age. 27
gender + pronouns. Transmale. He / his
orientation. Pansexual
class. Zealot Barbarian
occupation. REDACTED
current home. Traveling
hair. Shoulder length grey/mauve hair
eyes. grey
height. 5'11"
build. Muscular
dominant hand. left
scars. Autopsy scar, and the scars on his face.
tattoo(s). A spider web on his left arm, absolute symbol and dagger on his right arm, hand tattoos, and a skull back tattoo
piercing(s). none at the moment
memories a fog. blood on his hands. Cade is still learning his past. (this will be updated as I play)
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Nothing is more important than life, and I never leave anyone in danger. I'm easily startled, but I'm not a coward.
BOND: A great evil dwells within me. I will fight against it and the world's other evils for as long as I can.
IDEAL: Balance. I strive to counter the deeds of someone for whom I feel responsible.
FLAW: I've done unspeakable evil and will do anything to prevent others from finding out.
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rules & about me | muses * | muse headcannons | verses |  memes | open starters | starter call | meme call | ooc
drafts: 0 queue: 0 starter requests: 0
*if you are not on mobile, you can find a bit more information about muses
Chloe Bourgeois
Marinette Dupain-Chang
Adrien Agreste
Nino Lahiffe
Kim Lê Chiến
Rose Lavillant
Zoé Lee
Juleka Couffaine
I am going to try and keep these rules short and sweet because I do not like reading long rules at all
1.This is my main rule because it just triggers me and brings me back to early tumblr days. CUT. YOUR. POSTS. If you're replying from mobile, you can’t cut your posts there, but if it's a consistent thing I will end up unfollowing. 2.I am a semi-selective blog, feel free to reply to open starters, send memes ect, but if i do not know your canon muse or you do not have any EASY to find info about them or an OC, there is a chance I won’t reply. 3.This blog will have dark themes with some of the characters I play. Be advised of that. There will be ZERO smut with characters that are CANONLY underaged, this leans mostly to my miraculous and stranger things characters, along with a couple OCs. Things may be implied (because we were all that age once and I’m sure we weren’t all being goody two shoes till 18) but never written. And I will never force smut onto anyone - we can always imply it happened, and fade to black. I personally feel to write smut with someone you need to be comfortable with them and they need to be comfortable with you. 4.Plotting! I am an open book with that. Give me AUs Crackships, the works!. If you see a plot you wanna do and think I’d enjoy writing it with you PLEASE slide into my DMs. nine times out of ten I will say yes to it! 5.Replies. Most of the time I am pretty quick with replies, especially if I enjoy writing with you, meaning you post and then within probably a half hour when I'm on there will be another reply. I try not to have my drafts pile up because then I can get anxious about that, but I do at least attempt to get everything out in a timely manner. I do have a full time job so I am around more nights and weekends. If I ever miss a reply, after about two+ days feel free to give me a little nudge about it! 6.HAVE FUN. Seriously though, roleplaying is a hobby and it keeps me sane, and I hope that is the same for you, so just enjoy it and do not get worked up over everything being perfect.
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atrickrtreat · 1 year
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It's only 8:00 and the streets are already packed with costumed visitors. Some to show off, others to blend in, but all to celebrate the magical night of Halloween.
The one night a year where we can pretend to be the scariest thing we think of.
atrickrtreat is a semi-selective indie roleplay blog featuring both original muses and canon divergent muses. this blog is penned by kitten who is over the age of 21 years. this blog will contain dark topics at times but i will tag them appropriately. while horror will be present on here, it also contains slice-of-life threads as well. i use beta editor only, i will not use legacy this is the new blog of blumhouses, the old blog was hacked and deleted so this is me, attempting to start over.
this blog is run on a queue of 5 post per day, however some things may get posted faster than others depending on muse.
rules - muses - full navigation - ask memes - wanted connections
promo banner template credit goes to @noahsresources
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