#for the characterization section i left out a lot of backstory headcanons
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So I, like a lot of people, love your mockumentary series. And this is a stretch and probably won't get done for ages but could I use your mockumentaries to write a fanfic? It won't be long or complex, more of an extension to the scenes you've drawn. I'll give credits, don't worry but yeah.
But if I do, I'd love if you answered a few characterisation questions.
I know the farmer filmed some but is any of it not farmer filmed?
Why is the farmer doing this?
Are there any fanon or hcs you used to create characters that I should use too?
Expect more soon + updates
Thank you so much!! I had this in my inbox for a while and I've been thinking for a while about how to answer, because I'm not sure how much I want to give away at this point in the series hehe 👀 but I hope these answers are helpful
I consider the farmer/producer to be the project lead and to be present for everything that's being filmed. While they take on some of their own filming, they have a small crew to handle things like camera work and sound. During the talking head segments, the farmer is the one prompting them with questions as needed
The farmer is still a Joja employee like in the beginning of the game, but not with the same office desk job. Their team has been tasked with filming a documentary series highlighting the happenings of a JojaMart location, and the farmer was the one to propose the relatively new Pelican Town location due to their grandfather's love of Stardew Valley. So they're still a newcomer to the town, but they don't have the farm. I might stay a bit quiet about the farmer's ultimate motivations for this project, though... :)
This one's a bit tricky since I'm not totally sure how to narrow it down hehe. One thing I'll say here is that I altered Sam's work schedule to have him appear in the store more often (since in the game he's only there like six hours a week). I'll also say a little bit about how I like to characterize the main players in the series:
Sam is someone whose cheeriness is partly genuine, but also partly because he needs to be the guy who keeps everyone positive in tough times. It's important to him to make sure everyone feels included and not forgotten. Sam isn't dumb—he's actually very creative and resourceful—but he does tend to rush his thinking and follow bizarre trains of logic. He doesn't like to slow himself down, and when he dwells too much on his thoughts he tends to reach uncomfortable conclusions.
Shane has an extremely low opinion of himself, but keeps himself going at work to provide for Jas and to not be a burden to Marnie. He's easily annoyed and has a tendency to push people away, but he's not completely shut off. He'll accept gifts and other gestures of kindness but doesn't totally understand why he's getting them, or why he even deserves them. He needs significant and repetitive convincing to believe any friendship with him is genuine. Shane believes that life is harsh, and he tends to fixate on difficult truths. Sam's optimism frustrates him, and he sees Sam as a naive little boy who will be eaten alive by the cruelty of reality.
I don't like depicting Morris as cartoonishly evil. I think it's more fun to make him "corporate evil", where his villainy comes from a "socially-acceptable" disregard for the little guy. He'll go on about how the JojaMart personnel are one big family, but he can't even call his employees by their names. He thinks he's above his staff, and he's satisfied by the idea of getting to look down on someone; he views higher-ups as having earned their power, and that looking down on others is just part of that package. Morris loves to project the image of human connection, not because he genuinely believes in it, but because that's what appeals to customers. And he'll do everything he can to convince Pelican Town that Joja is the answer to all of their problems.
I also like to pepper little personal headcanons into the different entries (I like to think Sam is left-handed, so I wrote his notes on his right wrist in no. 5) but I think listing them here would bloat this post :o
Please feel free to ask anything else about the series (or individual scenes), this was really fun to write up! And I can't wait to see what you come up with!! :D
Follow ups to this post (I might make a separate FAQs post if needed):
What has become of the community center? (@happycomputertimetravel): It's still dilapidated. I consider the jojamart series to have the town in the same state as it is at the start of the game (so Kent is still overseas, the bus is still broken, etc.) unless depicted otherwise
#ask#icantpickanamefromonefandom#for the characterization section i left out a lot of backstory headcanons#because i wasn't sure if i wanted to save the specifics for later instead#i'm so excited#i feel a little guilty calling morris a main player because he's actually appeared in fewer entries than jodi at this point#(he'll be in no. 20 though. spoilers)#jojamart mockumentary bonuses
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box with the name "PAPYRUS", in all caps and Papyrus font, in its center. On its left is a talksprite of Papyrus sweating anxiously, and on its right is a talksprite of Papyrus wearing sunglasses. End I.D.]
The Great Papyrus is the most popular Undertale character among the fans surveyed here. 19.6% of responders chose him as their favorite. That’s a total of 519 fans! (Wowie!!)
Not all Papyrus fans are unified on his characterization, however. The most obvious divide was between fans who call him a “cinnamon roll” or “precious baby,” and those who find these takes infantilizing. A lot of people like the friendliness and optimism of this character, while others recognize this but highlight his maturity too. Fans who worry about his infantilization seem most concerned with how he can be portrayed as naive or dumb by the fandom. A portion of fans specifically mentioned this naivety as a point in his favor, though the marginally more popular take seems to be that he is not naive, regardless of how he first appears. This fandom divide seems to relate to Papyrus’s autistic or ADHD coding. Many fans relate to him as ADHD and autistic themselves.
Fans also related to him in his desire for friends. Many responders think of him as a friend and a comfort character, so at least in one way his wish has been fulfilled.
The phone calls were a major reason that fans said they felt connected to Papyrus. Thanks to these calls, he has the most dialogue of any character in the game. His humor and dialogue were often highlighted as favorite qualities.
While fans may disagree on some aspects of Papyrus’s personality, it is clear that his fans all value his optimism and kindness. His fans do not see his kindness as weakness. Many talked about the complexity of his character and the strength it took for him to show mercy to the player character, even when the player doesn’t show it in return. He believes in himself, and he believes in you! This kindness and trust has inspired his fans to be kinder themselves.
Papyrus fans were also drawn to his mysteriousness. Several responses pointed out that he is a more mysterious character than Sans, who is also often loved for his mystery. As shown in the phone calls, Papyrus will put on fronts depending on who he is around, making it even more difficult for fans to uncover his secrets. Some people in other sections of the survey found this frustrating, but Papyrus fans tend to see it as another point in his favor.
Among the greatest proportion of responses were from fans who couldn’t choose a favorite trait, or who just love everything about Papyrus. While these responses may be less lengthy, they are still as full of love as the essay-length answers. These responses tended to say phrases like “cool dude” or “Papyrus my beloved” or “THE GREAT PAPYRUS.”
(You were overcome by writing about such a handsome skeleton. He understands.)
Highlights: (under the cut)
Honestly Papyrus just feels like joy. Funny, incredibly kind, with a few mysteries/weird quirks about him that are fun to ponder over. I especially love how he often acts proud and self aggrandizing without putting others down, and in fact sometimes uses that to lift his friends up alongside him. You don't see this take on proud characters often.
Papyrus is strong. Strong in body, but also morally strong. He knows what is right, what it means to be merciful and kind, even in the face of danger or death. Some think him naive. And yet, even facing death and seeing the dust of those he knew, he did not falter or turn from his ideals of mercy and change for the better.
His optimism and his overall personality is endearing! You're always having fun with him :D
He's meeting all of my standards.
Papyrus is very under appreciated, and overlooked, and it's very frustrating to me—he's a complex character but people treat him like he's a baby!!! I like him because he's kind of goofy with how he talks and he's just very charming and kind.
He's weirder than Sans, and it wasn't acknowledged for years because he acts oblivious and dumb, even when he's clearly not. Quite frankly, I find it iconic. Also, his entire personality helps a lot.
I'm ND, trans, and projecting!
OK SO he's just a friendly guy!! A dude who likes cooking for his friends!! We love a hype man!! Also smart as hell and I feel like fanon majorly overlooks this. Making good, fun puzzles is HARD and setting up a flamethrower to go off wirelessly is complicated. Like even if that bridge puzzle didn't go off the components were complicated. Love that cool dude!!!!
I heavily relate to Papyrus as a character and consider him my favorite fictional character of all time. He is a very well-written and thought out character with several quirks and layers in his personality. It is headcanoned by some (myself included) that Papyrus may possibly be on the Autism Spectrum due to his nature, his interactions with others, and overall how he displays himself to the world we see.
I could talk about Papyrus forever, and you have made a grave mistake in allowing me to do so. He is a charming, strong spirited, well intentioned, complex character that is often wildly misinterpreted, and I think originally this is why I was drawn to him. He is presented as one thing and in fact acts as one thing (though not the same way as presented by fandom), and in reality when you look closer than you are meant to he is not, in fact, any of these things. It was intriguing to me. Secondly, and rather contradictorily, another thing that drew me to him is that he is very true to himself, when it comes to idiosyncrasies and moral values. It's true that he does not offer much in the way of personal backstory and feelings, but he offers very much indeed in the way of personality. What a guy! He wears silly crop tops and bright colors, he speaks in a manner specific to him that sometimes doesn't make sense, he cares about something or someone and goes whole hog with it -- he's passionate, damn it! I love him and his weirdo, goofy self with all my heart. He cares about other people to a fault, too. He would sacrifice everything to help someone, and his belief in the potential of both others and himself is indomitable. When faced with the responsibility of a kingdom, his friends gone, his brother lying to him, and himself all alone without a reliable support system, he recognized what he was facing and still bucked up and became determined to get through it. When faced with a murderous, over powerful enemy, someone who had killed many of his friends and fellow monsters, someone who had repeatedly been rude and borderline aggressive and showed no signs of stopping, he saw that they were having difficulty and offered to help and to care for them, and didn't regret his decision or change his opinion on what they needed and their potential for change, even when quite literally killed by them a moment after. Even in death, even directly after a betrayal like that, he never stops believing that they can get better, that anyone can be a good person if they want to be. That's important, I think; that concept of giving people the chances they need to grow and to change. I have a tattoo of that moment on my thigh, it's that important to me. I guess I really like Papyrus because even though he is fictional, watching him out there makes it easy to believe in people, in our inherent goodness and desire to love each other. He makes it easy to see that we can change, that no matter what you've done in the past or who you currently are, no one is inherently a bad person, and no one is incapable of learning how to be a good one. It is just a step by step process that we have to take day by day.
[Image Description: A wordcloud shaped like Papyrus. His gloves, boots, and cape are red; his Battle Body is blue, yellow, and white; and his bones are white. Some of the most visible words are: Kind, Love, Good, Cool, Relate, Funny, Friend, Mystery, and Papyrus. These are the words that responders mentioned most in their essays about him. End I.D.]
Read the full list of responses shared with permission by clicking this link! (The document is 25 pages long, so you may want to make a copy to prevent lagging.)
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TWtaH Notes
I’m finally free. It took three years and nearly 150k words, but I’m finally done. I can’t believe it.
It started off as a simple idea and a simple premise: a chef!reader who, while knife sharpening, catches Hanzo’s attention. It then evolved into a full-fledged fic with a plot and plot twists. Originally, it was supposed to be around 10 chapters long, but then it grew out of control over the years as I tried to figure out how to end what I started.
In addition to being a redemption fic, this was also an information dump fic. Since this is the very first slowburn I have ever finished and I have the feeling I won’t have much opportunity to do the same ever again--I don’t think any other fandom would give me the ability to showcase all these tidbits like Overwatch does--I literally threw as much knowledge as I could reasonably incorporate as possible.
About plot changes:
Most of the original plot points survived the writing process, some minor ones didn’t for plot related reasons, so this surprisingly went better than I thought it would.
There was supposed to be another scene where Chef faced off against Reaper in chapter 20 or so, but upon reassessing Reaper’s character, I decided he wouldn’t do that, especially not against civilians or put himself in harm’s way just to say something to Chef. He wouldn’t even say anything to his family in the comics, what makes anyone think he’d do anything to someone he had even less of a personal relationship with?
There were supposed to be more scenes about Chef’s fencing, but I couldn’t fit it in and it ended up being a one-trick pony plot device. It wasn’t supposed to be that way, but that’s how it turned out. There was supposed to be a scene where Chef fights back against Talon during their infiltration of the Watchpoint.
There were points where Hanzo himself talked his way out of situations and forced me to change the plot. In the kitchen when he first meets Chef face-to-face, he wasn’t supposed to get the chef to forgive him which is the biggest plot deviation I’ve had and it forced me to reconsider large sections of the story. Honestly, I think it’s for the better though because I was really at a loss as to how to progress the original plot under those conditions.
I also wanted to emphasize that when Chef left, there was increased tension between the members. There was little commonality joining them all together except for the fact they all needed to eat. In order for some parties to work, you have to have your support characters, and in that case, it’d be Chef. But I seem to have bumbled through that bit and made it less impactful so if I ever got a chance to rewrite this, I’d probably stress this bit more.
Symmetra was supposed to have a much bigger role in this, somehow she fell to the wayside with that one plot change in the kitchen I mentioned before. On the flipside, Ana and McCree got a way bigger role than expected.
One of the biggest plot changes was Hanzo hating peppers. Originally he was supposed to hate onions but I thought there was way too much onion in Japanese cuisine to omit them, so I thought of something that would seem more ‘childish’.
To be fair, I also don’t really like peppers all that much either. But I sure as hell love onions.
The proposal with the miso soup at the end, the plot twist where the chefs are the real treasure, and some other minor details have been there since the beginning of the idea’s conception. Things like Reaper trading Overwatch’s life for the tamale, the name of the restaurant, and Hanzo’s fight with Genji only came after the fic was being written.
Real life:
Covid really took its toll on me since a lot of this fic revolved around food, tasting it, experiencing it, making it, etc. I lost a good portion of my taste and smell, and it’s not back 100% even months later, so a lot of what I begin to describe after a certain point is just based on memory. If a pre-pandemic world, I would have been running around the city, sampling foods and writing down my impressions, but with things as they were, it didn’t pan out that way.
I tried to stuff as many of my favorite foods (and not so favorite foods) here as much as possible. There were a lot of foods I omitted because there’s only so much I could fit in here. A companion compilation fic of the Overwatch characters eating their favorite foods or just eating food in general made by Chef sounds really appealing right now.
May, June, and July made me really want to expand the story and include things in the fic that would turn it ‘problematic’ or at least morally ambiguous. If I did that, this fic would never be finished.
Characterization and development:
Junkrat and Roadhog are much more docile in this story than I would have headcanoned them simply because food security is life-changing. I really liked the idea of Roadhog using his farming skills and being less homicidal with the right environment. They both know food is sacred.
Argus 20 is in reference to Argus Panoptes, the all-seeing many eyed giant from greek mythology. The 20 comes from “hindsight is 20-20” (but now 2020 has a very different connotation and I’m thinking it’s pretty fitting). The reason for this is because she oversaw a lot of what was happening especially in the front of house. It’s not mentioned in the story, but she oversaw things like purchasing the restaurant, setting up the dummy accounts, organizing and obfuscating the donations, etc.
In case there was any confusion, ‘Tanuja Deshmukh Singh’ is Asim’s deadname. When he left Overwatch and became Asim Singh, his family disowned him. He was then free to live as himself, but he never discarded his last name because he still wanted to be connected to his family in some vague way no matter how much they disliked or denied his existence.
Head Chef Richard has been in jail. His backstory is basically after firing his staff to protect them from the fall out, he basically told the press he fired them for insubordination and took the fall for the kitchens and got quietly arrested. He was sent to the same prison that Chef would end up at. He’s not a very honest man, I don’t think, but he’s a character who was molded by the story and its needs rather than being a pre-established OC.
I kind of wanted to write the fic in a way where Argus and Asim weren’t bad guys but people who were forced to make difficult decisions because of the position they were put in by Chef and by Talon. Cause, you know, sometimes you do things to hurt people without realizing it.
I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to push another ship in the background. If you see hints of different pairings here and there, you may be seeing it right because I kept flip-flopping between chapters as to whether I wanted to or not, and if I decided I did, I kept changing the pairings.
Hanzo. Where do I even start with this guy? I had a really tough time trying to stick to one interpretation of his character. I kept reading other fics and going, “Yeah. Yeah! I want that!” But then it just became a huge mish-mash of characterizations until I wasn’t sure who he was anymore. But I clung onto the thought of “he’s the first son of an Asian household dealing with his spoiled brother” to help get me through it. It reminds me of that tweet that goes, “You think you can hurt me? I’m the eldest daughter in an asian family.” It was so relatable. Channeling eldest sibling in asian family vibes.
Chef. It was so hard. It was so damn hard writing a faceless character for so many words. I can usually do it in a one-shot because I can get away with not mentioning stuff, but in a slowburn?? It’s so difficult. Multiple times I had to stop myself or revise things because there were characters talking about Chef and I didn’t want to make the dialogue unnatural by saying ‘chef’ ‘chef’ over and over again. There were other moments like Soldier carrying Chef out of the Cellar and I was like: “What if the reader is taller than Soldier?!” It was a struggle. The other struggle was characterization. There were so many in-story stressful moments that I wanted Chef to start crying at but the timing of it was so frequent that I had to nix most of them or risk making Chef unrelatable.
lol i’ve made several pseudo-cameos in the story because I’m shameless.
Man, my style changed so many times throughout the story. At some point I ended up writing outlines made solely of dialogue and wrote the story around it. It was oddly distressing when I realized my words wouldn’t come out like they used to.
This fic has seen me through a ridiculous amount of crap. I kind of wished I kept a journal or something because these past three years have been nuts.
After this, I’ll probably retire from writing Overwatch and then go into my usual writing hibernation that spans about 4 years before I reemerge with an unquenchable thirst for something stupid.
In my nearly 20 years of writing fanfic, this is the first slowburn I’ve ever completed. To be fair, the last time I even tried was like...over 10 years ago when mediaminer was still a thing and didn’t ban CYOAs.
This was also the longest single fic I’ve ever written. I have wirtten 200k in a year before but never for any single thing.
God, this was hard. I partially did it to prove that you don’t need to use placeholders like ‘Y/N’ and stuff like that and it was possible to write a slowburn with gender neutral stuff, but I had to cheat a bit. But it’s done.
I’ve worked in the restaurant business for a few years but not as a chef. It wasn’t even high-end either. I wanted to talk about the work conditions because it’s pretty tough in the kitchens and the amount of drugs and vices people turn to and the conditions in which people come to work is nuts.
I wanted to cover a lot of controversial topics to see if I could but it just didn’t fit in the story. I wanted to tap into things like social justice, racism, prejudices, political landscapes, and so on. Even within Overwatch, I’d imagine there’s a lot of tensions stemming from just basic ideologies. I wanted to see if I could write about both (or more) sides of challenging arguments and still remove the author’s opinions from the story, but I’d imagine that’ll bring its own complications. Last thing I wanted was to start a fight in the comments or something.
I almost made the crew travel to Asia with implications of a changed geo-political sphere from today. Like...the status of Taiwan would’ve been interesting to touch upon, but I didn’t feel like I had the knowledge to expand on it enough.
Almost every waking of my life, I have thought or worked on this fic. During meetings, during conferences, during client calls, while I’m on public transportation, in different countries. I don’t know what to do with myself now.
Anyway, if you have any questions or anything or just want to shout at me, inbox is open.. For now I’m just going to lament over the fact that Genshin Impact gives me motion sickness and I can’t play despite working so hard to roll Mona.
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Dude, you have the junior novel? Give us the good stuff! I actually love the novelizations because they're script-based, so you get to see what was an ad lib and what got cut. I get the feeling that most of the beautiful gay shit was purely Chiwetel and that Mordo in script is just a charmless str8 tough guy tbh lmao
This is going to take a while Nonny so buckle up and let’s go! I can’t outright screencap the novel cause of copyright so I’ll just write out brief summaries of things that were omitted from the film.
When Stephen is taking that fateful drive and making a phone call, the movie has him talking to Billy. In the novelization he’s talking with…..Claire. Now it’s not specifically stated that this is Claire Temple but like, come on. They both work at Metro-General, she’s a nurse, and nurses often float from one department to another. Also doesn’t that make you wonder if she and Christine met? :D *eyebrow wiggle*
We’ve all seen the deleted scene of Stephen and the wounded dog (that looks just like him, I see what you did there Scott Derrickson). But what didn’t make it to the screen was the scene before that. Stephen’s asking around for where KT is and Mordo notices him. Stephen comes across a kid begging for money. Stephen gives him the last bit of his money for directions to KT. Kiddo points to a direction. Stephen makes a snide remark. Kiddo speaks in English and tells Stephen that he’s the beggar not him, making Stephen smile. It’s a cute little scene but I understand why it was cut. Makes me wonder if he was part of KT and gets kicks giving different directions to people seeking it out, only giving the correct directions if the person parts with the last of their money. Just another headcanon. Who knows?
And now we get to Mordo’s great appearance. And he’s rather pissed D: Like he doesn’t come off as the calm, gentle Mordo we see on screen. He’s described as being uncomfortable talking with Stephen, and he looks annoyed with Stephen’s comments, even glaring at him. He’s more business minded here and doesn’t really give off that compassionate, soft spoken vibe when we first see him.
When Stephen gets a room he thinks the book on the table is…well, a book. But really it’s just a tablet in a case that looks like a book. KT’s keeping up with the times.
There’s a sweet little paragraph just describing a tree in the courtyard, and Stephen realizing it’s been forever since he noticed how beautiful flowers are. Idk, it was just really sweet and spoke to how Stephen’s now appreciating things he didn’t before.
Wong! Ah! Wong my man, Wong! He’s described as being a large man, a stern teacher who watches his students like a hawk as they train. Very drill sergeant like. Stephen’s one of his students, and Stephen’s trying to copy the other students trying to conjuring runes. He’s scared of Wong hahaha. Intimidated. Thinks that Wong’s powerfully built beneath those robes (Yes for you Worange otp-ers, that’s pretty much directly from the book….Stephen think’s Wong’s BUILT) Also, Stephen knows that Wong’s not someone you mess with. He too, glares at Strange.
Wong judges Stephen. Glaring, staring, eyes narrowing, his motions revealing that he’s annoyed with Stephen saying he’s already read through the books he was given. Pretty much says that Stephen isn’t funny.
This part hurt me nonnies….Mordo looked embarrassed when Stephen couldn’t conjure the portal with a sling ring while The Ancient One was assessing the students. He felt like a bad teacher for Stephen’s inability to make a portal ;___;
Super cute confirmation that the Everest Test is a favorite teaching method of The Ancient One. Mordo doesn’t like it. This part is more in line with the characterization we see on film. He was about to go save Stephen but TAO makes it clear that he won’t lift a finger. When Stephen finally returns he looks at TAO with a ton of anger and wanted to rant but he was too happy that he conjured a portal that he doesn’t.
GUYS. NONNIES. The classic training scene…..occurs with Mordo removing his shirt, leaving his entire torso exposed to Stephen. Our baby baron has a lot of scars on his skins though :( And Stephen noticed bullet wounds. Like the fuck right? And Stephen wonders what Mordo’s backstory is cause…that’s a lot of story written on his skin.
Oh god I wish I could screencap this cause man oh man….Stephen and Karl’s training is laced with a lot of flirting. It’s probably meant to be playful banter but like…I’m reading it with my shipper heart and I’m gonna say it’s flirting. Stephen asks questions about TAO and Mordo makes up these obviously silly answers like she was born from the tree thousands of years ago. Stephen actually believes him and Mordo LAUGHS and tell him he’s just kidding, only to tell Stephen another obvious lie that TAO was a hitchhiker who wandered in and never left. Once again, Stephen falls for it and once again Mordo’s…giddy XD And yes, he’s still shirtless while all this is going on. Mordo teases him, while smiling, saying “Look at you, Doctor I-Don’t-Believe-in-Fairytales- ready now to believe anything I say!” I haven’t done sources in forever but that’s the direct line from the book, not mine.
While teaching Stephen about relics and simultaneously beating him up, Mordo and him are joking and laughing and just having a very good time ^^ They speculate what TAO’s actual name is. Stephen believes she looks like an Elizabeth. Mordo beats him in the sparring session and ends it by saying that she looks like a Catherine. Of note, fanon’s headcanon that Karl loves romances seems to have made a weird retroactive cameo her. Elizabeth Bennet and Catherine Earnshaw are the heroines of Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights respectively, novels that people have headcanoned are among Karl’s favorites.
The novelization ends right after Stephen messes with the Eye and Kaecilius attacks the London Sanctum, so unfortunately we never get a description of Mordo and Stephen’s argument or Mordo leaving. The novel’s also structured oddly with a lot of flashbacks. One chapter has the time moving forward and the next one talks about what happened to lead Strange in the past. Weird but kinda fitting for the time theme.
I also have another novelization called…*deep breath* Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes’ Journey (Road to Infinity War). Yes my dear nonnies, that’s the entire title. Whew. It’s a long book and honestly I was only really interested in the DS section. I think they complied a bunch of other novelizations together into this big one. What I like about this book is that it’s told through the pov of side characters. Like Captain America’s section is told through Natasha’s pov. I did read this section and it made me really feel for her :( I think they kinda did her an injustice on screen. Nat’s got a very big heart y’all, and she loves Steve. Not in a romantic sense either. The vibe I get is more that of siblings/really great friends, and she wants his happiness so much.
But anyways, back to DS things…..Wong is the pov character for the DS section. He journals to unwind and de-stress, it’s his major coping skill so to speak. He rips out pages in his journal in a rage when he gets stuck or doesn’t feel like it’s good enough. Relatable as fuck. It’s heavily implied that he and Mordo were really good friends and gossiped about Stephen. So yeah, Wong knows a lot about Mordo and understands how dangerous he can be when hurt. I think Worange fans should check this novel out as it has Stephen constantly trying to make Wong smile and Wong being very -__- about it at first but slowly warming up to him :)
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