#for some reason writing smut is beyond my capabilities right now but i hope the longer prompt made up for it
americasass81 · 3 months
Not Your Kinda Love
Warnings 18+ for the following:- Implied Stalking, Threatening Behavior, Non-consensual Sex, Dubious Consent, Implied Smut {m/f, oral f receiving), Implied Use of Sex Toys, Implied DBSM Dynamic, Use of Pet Names. Seriously do not read if any of this upsets you, the warnings are there for a reason. Feedback is welcomed and any mistakes are my own.
By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are over 18 and are consenting to the content below the cut.
Synopsis:- It might not have been your kinda love, but perhaps in the end it would be just what both of you needed.
Author’s Note 1:- Written for @caplanbuckybarnes Titles For Caplan Writing Challenge.  Thank you for hosting this fun challenge Caplan.  I really enjoyed creating this piece.
Author’s Note 2:- As usual all images have been found through google search.
Pairing:- dark!Loki Laufeyson X Female Reader
Total word count:- 4,134
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Turning over in bed and reaching for the body beside you, you couldn't believe you were here ... again.  What was it about him that kept drawing you back night after night, heartache after heartache?  You knew he was never going to change given who he was.  Hell, he had all but proven as much that first night you had ended up beneath the sheets together.  And yet the more time you spent with him, letting him do the things he did, the more your heart still held out hope.  Still had room for the possibility that if you continued to give enough of yourself, he would hold you the way you now held him as your mind wandered back to when and how this fucked up situation first began.
Exactly three months previously and thank god the party was winding down.  Of course you loved being Tony Stark's personal secretary and knew any number of women that would kill for the job you now held and the opportunities it presented, but damn that man if he didn't take the 'personal' part of your job title far beyond the scope of what you had signed up for.  Calls at all hours of the day and night for stupid little things whenever a thought popped into his head as if he didn't have an array of virtual assistants capable of recording a quick email.  Work AND home things that Pepper insisted were not all your responsibility, which Tony continued to ignore to both her annoyance and yours.  And of course, there was the organizing of all those Stark parties.
Dressed up to the nines for every holiday event along with any other frivolous occasion the master of ceremonies decided was worth celebrating.  And you just had to be in attendance.  After all, not only were you a highly valued member of staff, but as Tony liked to remind you every chance he got, someone as wonderful as you deserved to have men and women falling over themselves to wine and dine you as they tried to prove themselves worthy of claiming your heart and where better to meet such individuals.  As if he'd actually stop pestering you long enough to give these potential suitors the opportunity to even talk to you.
No, picking up your latest drink from the bar now and taking a sip while looking at your watch, you promised yourself once the liquid ran out you were heading home.  Sure some of the women here had seemed interesting and hell having spent quite a bit of time in Stephen Strange's company you could certainly see the appeal where he was concerned.  But something wasn't right.  Maybe all your years working now as Tony's assistant had heightened your sense for trouble but you just couldn't get comfortable.  Then again maybe it was the trouble that followed the Avengers through no fault of their own that had you so on edge or maybe it was the eyes you felt tracking you all night yet never seemed to be there when you tried to zero in on them.
Yes, it was most definitely them you should have paid more attention to.
Raising your glass to your lips again to take another sip and just as you and the liquid kissed, all hell broke loose ... in a manner.  Shutting off the music and taking command of the sound system, Tony Stark’s trusted A.I. F.R.I.D.A.Y. clearly informed all those present that a minor emergency had occurred in the compound that required part of it to be locked down.  This meant of course that everyone, yourself included, was now expected to take up residence in an available room in the accommodation wing since all the main exits had been sealed.
So as you now downed the rest of your drink before heading off to find a bed for the night, you couldn't help but sigh at this inevitable turn of events while simultaneously grumbling at your lack of a family and the easy out that came with it.  After all, those people with kids had it all you now thought as you calmly passed some worried party goers making their way along the corridors or stopping for directions despite the fact that people were only permitted to head in one direction.  No, those lucky sods had shown up, enjoyed a few hours break and then headed back home at a reasonable hour under the guise of having been away from their little ones for far too long.  Hell it was even rumored on many occasions that Tony forked out for the childcare costs of those that attended these little shindigs.  Talk about having your cake, frosting and getting to eat it you thought.
Setting this aggravation aside and finally reaching the accommodation wing, you now let go of these jealous musings long enough however to claim the first open door you came across, stepped inside and closed it behind you before you realized none of it really mattered where you were concerned.  Here or at home, being the first or the last to leave, you worked too hard and too long to ever land a partner willing to slot themselves into your lifestyle and even if you did, Tony would probably still find some stupid reason to have you hanging around.
No, this was the job you ended up doing and there was nothing you could do about it other than quit … and even that hadn’t worked.
Sighing deeply now as you locked the door and began removing your dress and heels, the fabric pooling at your feet made you wish your resolve had been stronger.  So much stronger.  After all, was this not the reward the great Tony Stark had bestowed upon you the last time you had typed up your resignation letter and left it on his desk.  That and of course a fabulous week at a top of the range spa and the promise that he would also scale back his unreasonable demands on your personal time.
Yeah like that had materialized.  Two days back at work and all was as it was before.  He just couldn't manage without you it seemed.
Walking towards the bed now and slipping under the covers feeling totally exhausted, you were just about to close your eyes and leave Tony Stark and the rest of the compound to do whatever it was they were doing when a noise alerted you that sleep was not your destination just yet.  Sitting up in bed mindful now of all that might be going on within this private space, you thought about calling out to F.R.I.D.A.Y. but then thought better of it.  After all, the eyes you thought were on you all night never materialized and for all you knew F.R.I.D.A.Y. was busy elsewhere dealing with whatever problem had landed you and the other guests in your current locations to begin with.
Then again, there was also the real possibility that it was simply the night's drinks playing tricks on your mind.  After all, now that you thought about it, you couldn't accurately remember how many you had actually consumed and thanks to you organizing this blessed event, it had been one long week that saw you burning the candle at both ends and now found you beyond exhausted.
No, listening intently now a bit longer and hearing nothing, you reassured yourself the situation had simply heightened your senses while your imagination flew off to the land of make believe.  You were safe and everything was fine.  Holding onto this thought then, laying down on the bed again and closing your eyes to the world around you, sleep came to embrace you once more before it was cruelly snatched away again however ... you had most definitely heard something this time.  You were sure of it.
Cursing yourself now that you had not worn anything under your dress, but smart enough to know that you couldn't fight off a possible intruder with a massive sheet wrapped around your body, you climbed out of bed and called out for F.R.I.D.A.Y. as loud as you were willing to under the circumstances, but wasn't surprised when no answer was received.  It seemed you were on your own.  Listening out once more now but again hearing nothing, you slowly opened the bedroom door next and looking around the living area was a bit relieved at least to see that you seemed to be alone.
Now you just had to prove it.
Walking quietly over the threshold then from one room into the other you didn't need the missing dress or the altered lock on the main door however to tell you that something wasn't right.  You felt it in the chill surrounding you that had nothing whatsoever to do with your thoroughly naked form.  No, you were most definitely not alone.
Placing one foot carefully now in front of the other while picking up a heavy glass ashtray from the nearest side table you passed, it still surprised you when you made it to the other side of the room without incident.  Reaching up to examine the locking mechanism then and confirming that it was indeed open now, your hand moving down to catch the handle and pull the door open raised a whole different set of questions however as the door held firm.
Placing the ashtray on the nearest surface now and using both hands this time to pull the door with as much strength as you possessed, you finally had to admit defeat and accept that perhaps exhaustion had at last caught up with you and had now reached the level of paranoia however.  For certain facts proved your theory wrong.  The door for example, despite your best efforts, remained closed.  The room, both of them in fact, remained to the naked eye completely devoid of humans except for yourself.  And there was definitely no other sound other than that of your racing heart.  Even if there were other minor inconsistencies.
Okay so your dress no longer occupied a circle of the floor by your shoes, but walking back to the bedroom then, its shimmering fabric resting now across the back of the couch brought your feet to a total and shocking stop.  Had you put it there?  Reaching out to touch it, it didn't align with any memory you had, but then again you were the only one here.  Perhaps your memory was the altered factor in this situation.  It's not like this hadn't happened before where you and copious amounts of alcohol were concerned.  So picking up the dress and this time taking it back to the bedroom with you, you now closed and locked this door too and placed the garment on the only chair in the room before telling yourself this whole experience was all in your head.  Now if only you could convince your eyes of that exact same fact.  For their experience told a totally different story.
Turning now to face the bed, its soft sheets and embracing comfort should have been waiting to welcome you back once more, but it seemed you weren't truly alone after all.  Stretched out before you now, every bit as naked as yourself, Loki, the god of mischief, was unashamedly ogling you like a predatory animal ready to pounce and devour you whole.  And it wasn't a pleasant thought.
But it wasn't your only thought either.
Running back to the door now and finding it every bit as stuck as the main door you had just assured yourself was perfectly fine, you now screamed out for F.R.I.D.A.Y. but quickly realized you were on your own when a chuckle behind you reached your ears and two strong hands rested now upon your trembling shoulders.  You were cut off from the outside world it seemed.
Turning back around to face your captor now, for that's exactly what he was, you knew you stood no chance of fighting him off however and since running was clearly out of the question, it seemed logic, reason and conversation was now your only avenue to head off whatever sick and twisted scheme Thor's diabolical brother had concocted with you at its center.  So removing his hands from your shoulders then and walking towards the foot of the bed, you sat down and let out another deep and exhausted sigh before finally speaking the words that forced you to acknowledge his very real presence.  "Loki, what the hell are you doing in my room naked and why am I unable to leave?"
Moving towards you now but stopping abruptly however when you stared him down with an exasperated expression, he held up his hands in surrender and walked instead towards the chair that now held your dress.  Picking it up then and dumping it on the floor as you had earlier in the night, he then sat down in a manner that left his whole being on display for anyone to witness.  Which explained why your eyes remained laser focused on his face instead.  You wanted answers and you were going to get them.  So, with a calm breath, you asked once more what he was up to and waited for his answer.  One you absolutely did not like.
"Well pet," he started, as his fingers skimmed lazily along his thigh, "we're on lockdown remember.  I needed a bed, you're all alone, so I didn't think you'd mind sharing.  After all, that bed is big enough for two and I promise not to bite,” he finished with a devilish look that told you all you needed to know.
‘Unless you ask me to,’ your mind now heard, though those particular words never actually left his lips.  They didn't need to.  Loki was a trickster after all.  Hell he was THE trickster.  If a bed was all he wanted there had to be a vacant one somewhere in this whole compound and his answer only covered why he was here in your room.  There was still the question of why you couldn't leave, not to mention why his naked form was occupying your bed when the couch in the living room would surely do him just fine.  No, he was definitely up to something and you were determined to find out what that was despite your fear associated with any answer he provided.  So you soldiered on and reminded him again of the second part of your question.  And of course he had an answer for that too.
"Come on pet, we do not know what this emergency is or what terrible beast my dimwitted brother and his band of buffoons may have tempted into this building," he stated now as he rose from his seat and walked towards you before continuing, "no, my conscience could not allow any harm to come to one such as you.  Best to make sure you are utterly protected," he now finished as he stood before you, reached out his hand to take hold of your chin and run his fingers along your cheek as you imagined they had on his thigh just moments ago.
Leaning into his touch now as if he was somehow working his magic on you, you may very well have fallen for his charms if the memory of the party had not suddenly presented itself front and center in your mind however.  The eyes you swore were following you all night but could never find ... "it was you," you suddenly blurted out as you broke free from his hand and now scurried up along the bed putting as much distance as possible between the two of you in the process.  "You were watching me all night.  You planned this?" and though these revelations all came out as a question, you knew.  Even without a word passing his lying lips, the truth could not be denied.
This was all his doing somehow.
Standing before you now as a wicked smirk graced his features, you didn't need his following actions to know that you were screwed.  If you were being honest with yourself, you knew it the minute the main door of the apartment wouldn't open.  You knew it when you found him lying on your bed.  You were what he wanted, but he wasn't about to have his way.  Getting ready to move from the bed and at least attempt to fight him off this time, it seemed he still had the upper hand however as magic tendrils coiled around your arms and held you firmly to the bed frame before he spoke again.
"Now pet before you think about doing something stupid, allow me to paint you a picture so you are fully informed of all that your future actions will entail," and with that a series of images flashed along the wall off to your right in a show of horror that would keep you awake for many nights to come.  Walking from room to room, muttering words you knew you'd never understand over each peaceful party goer he came across, you didn't need his explanation to know their fate now lay in your hands.
But then again Loki wouldn't be Loki if he didn't love to talk, so he stuck the knife in and told you anyway.  Told you that if you should refuse him now or any time here after, one, more or perhaps all of those assembled before you would meet a horrible and untimely death.  Tell his bumbling brother, your boss or anyone remotely associated with the Avengers, law enforcement or earth's governments and again, you knew the consequences.  Try to warn any of these innocent people in any way and it wouldn't end with their lives.  Their families?  Their friends?  Hell tragedies could so easily befall entire neighborhoods these days without anyone ever knowing why.
Best to do as you were told it seemed.  But could you really do that?  Could you really just give in and give this madman what he wanted?
Lingering on this question while gazing once more now as the images wound down to end on one of Shona, a temp you knew that worked for Natasha Romanoff, your blood ran cold and a tear escaped your eyes as the reality of your predicament truly settled in your heart.  He really had left you with no way out.  These people were innocent after all.  They could not be harmed because of you.  And it was because of you you suddenly realized as a totally different image all your own crystallized into being before your very eyes and superseded all of those that Loki had created.
Falling farther into memory's flow now of a night before you had started working for Tony Stark, your life had almost been cut short by a drunk on a motorcycle but for the intervention of a mysterious stranger clad in green and gold armor.  Pulling you out of harm's way and making sure that not a single hair was out of place, he had offered to see you home safely … and how had you shown your appreciation?  You'd walked away and never thought of him again.  You'd never spoken to him, never danced with him whenever your paths crossed at any event both of you attended.  Hell you hadn't even stood up for him and protested that he wasn't himself when the attack on New York had marked him as public enemy number one.
No, you had simply gone on with your life like nothing had happened and forgotten all about him as everyone else had his entire life.  And now you wondered why he was seeking retribution.
Had you only just said thank you or accepted one of his many dance offers.  Had you badgered Thor into realizing just how far Loki had strayed from the boy he had played with as a child.  But no, you had treated him worse than dirt and now your fate was sealed.  Yours and countless others.  So who was the real monster here then?  The god who had been cast aside for doing something any decent person would have done or you, who may now be responsible for many, many deaths as a result of thinking only of yourself?
Pulling against your bindings again as you still refused to accept defeat, Loki laying down beside you and muttering some nonsense as a redhead began writhing on the wall before you suddenly forced the reality of your new situation upon you however in a way his words never really could.  You were all at his mercy.  Sitting back on the bed then and asking him to stop, you exhaled a sigh of relief at his immediate compliance ... at least until he made his true intentions known.
Situating himself between your legs as his fingers and lips now mapped out every mound and hollow of your glorious body, his tongue and shaft reaching places no one ever had before left you completely lost as to what was so wrong with what was going on.  And that was long before the orgasms started.  The orgasms that shook your body, stole your breath and made you realize your life as you knew it would never be the same.  For there was no backing out of this arrangement even if Loki reversed whatever spell he had placed upon the party guests.  You couldn't give this up.
Sure the god of mischief had forced himself upon you by threatening innocent people, but damn him if he didn't make it worth your while.  Positions and toys you never knew of.  Pleasure that bordered on pain.  A tongue ... oh a tongue that could do so much more than spew filthy words that turned you on and disgusted you in equal measure.  And how could you even forget what his godly equipment was capable of.  A human phallus could never compete with his impressive erections, though many had tried.  No, as each night after your initial encounter became a new adventure in what depraved sex act your body could tolerate, even him disappearing in the morning without so much as a kiss on the forehead or a kind word could not it seemed protect your all too human heart.
You had started falling in love with him to the point where very little else mattered.  Work for example now became nothing more than a means of wasting away the day until night fell and your dark prince appeared once more to take you apart as you screamed his name for all the nine realms to hear.  Sure you still worked just as diligently and no one close to you ever suspected what night time brought your way, but beneath the sheets, in Loki's arms, someone else it seemed had taken your place.
Someone who loved to be dominated.  Who loved to be spanked, marked and pushed to new heights of pleasure over and over and over again at the whims of her dark lover.  Who loved ice it seemed far more than heat.  And who, no matter how many mornings her god pushed her arms aside and reminded her she was nothing more than a warm place to stick his cock, was only all too happy to provide whatever small comfort his body was willing to accept when he finally agreed her frail human form couldn't handle any more.
Which brought you back full circle now to him sleeping in your arms while your left leg rested across those muscular thighs that proved every bit as skillful at getting you off as the impressive length currently recovering from yet another night of pounding your pussy apart.  Pulling your body closer to his then as your mind finally accepted what you allowed him to do to you, you now prepared to join him in sleep as your dreams replayed him fucking you to pieces and then putting you back together into this new being that longed to have him acknowledge your growing feelings for him while also admitting that perhaps he too had fallen victim to love's influence.
Admitting that such a thing was most likely doomed to failure given who he was, his arm unconsciously moving up to encircle your waist brought a glimmer of hope you desperately clung to however when his muttered confession told you that his spell had been removed weeks ago.  Bolstered by this new information, the path ahead looked very different now however as your bodies rested together until your carnal desires called out to each other once more and this new dance took both of you to higher plains of euphoria all over again.
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itwoodbeprefect · 11 months
fic writer 20 questions
i was tagged by @luredin! thank you! <3
i feel like i've done this one (or one very like it) at some point before, but i couldn't find it when i went searching, so maybe i just read through it and composed answers in my head? or my very confused tagging system is understandably failing me.
How many works do you have on AO3?
right now, 242!
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
several! these days mainly starsky & hutch, but h50 is still very present too, and i think both stargate atlantis and 911 may also be worth mentioning. beyond that there's a lot of other things for which i'm working on a single fic, or there's a document with multiple of them but i only open it once in a blue moon.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well. four out of five of these are for a fandom i wouldn't write for anymore today for obvious reasons, and the other one (Tell me I'm perfect) is a Shadowhunters fic:
It's the truth
Tell me I'm perfect (but tell me the truth)
I dare you to dare me
Finders Keepers
That escalated quickly
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i wish i did! i keep trying to get into a healthier habit on that front, because i love comments and i'd like to say thank you and engage with people more, but it's a complicated thing - not in real life, but in my head, unfortunately.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
not an easy question, and it's not because there's too many to pick from! i'll indulge in a little melancholy at times, and maybe even a somewhat things-aren't-perfect ending, but generally there's at the very least a solid spark of hope even if the rest of the fic was sad. i think maybe Sobering (a mash hawk/trap fic) could qualify for actual angst, but even that one i seem to have tagged as "angst? i think?" when i posted it.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
now this, this is where we get tangled up in weighing a hundred fluffy fics against each other to decide happiness rankings! maybe something like Flowers for no reason but you missed me (starsky/hutch) or And I love every inch of you (And then some, and then some) (h50 steve/danny) because both of those are just pure giddy happiness start to finish, which means the happiness has been building for the longest by the time the ending rolls around.
Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully, not really! most of my stuff is deeply inoffensive. there's been a sporadic comment here or there over the years of someone randomly telling me they didn't agree with something i wrote (by which i don't mean people pointing out genuine mistakes - that's very different, and very helpful), but even then i wouldn't necessarily classify that as "hate", just as a very awkward way to respond to reading something that annoys you for whatever reason. what springs to mind is one that started with "i have not seen the episode" and then proceeded to interpret an in context line from a character as my personal beliefs on whether children are capable of evil, so. that kind of thing.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not officially! but unofficially i've been told that it's fun and really really sweet, so no surprises there.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not usually, which means that the craziest (and only) one on ao3 is probably the h50/s&h crossover (Said the apple to the orange), which is truly very uncrazy.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i wonder about that sometimes (i feel like after many many years and with the recent bot stuff on top, the answer should maybe be "probably"), but not that i know of!
there was an instance once of someone copying a story title, but they did so in a way that didn't even work. i was writing in dutch at the time, but english titles were Very Cool, so my story was called "ladies, bugs and ladybugs", and the other person took that, translated it to dutch, and used that for their story, which. those words don't match up the same way in the slightest, so it's just a random sequence of things by that point.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! actually, i was probably the first person to translate any of my fic - all of the very, very early stuff posted to ao3 was just an english copy of originally dutch stories - but these days there are also a lot of russian translations (russians seem to be very active in h50 fandom!), some mandarin, some french. one italian, i think. it's very cool!
also, shout out to people who do podfics, too. <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
a few attempts were made over the years, but most of that never went very far for one reason or another. none of it is on ao3.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
as of right now, probably starsky/hutch!
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh, i'm afraid i could fill, well, lists. one that immediately comes to mind that's technically a little past this category because i know i'll never finish it is a very long h50 project in which i took up about a hundred different little threads from the series and tried to weave them together into a giant fix-it-ish getting together coming out case fic sort of thing, and i still think the plotting work for that one was sound, but i'm just never going to actually get 100k down for a fic like that at this point in my life. (note that this is not a fic that's already up on ao3 in part - i'll finish those, one way or another.)
and oh my, for maybe a better answer: the starsky-watches-cowboy-movies starsky/hutch fic. i want to write that one, i do! and i am, and i do have real hope that i may one day finish it, but it's a fairly ambitious project in multiple ways, so there are some serious obstacles i will need to find some way around.
What are your writing strengths?
i love the patter of writing dialogue! people tell me characters sound believable and like themselves, so that's nice. also, balancing ridiculously fluffy things in such a way that it doesn't tip over into saccharine, and i also think i manage good jokes sometimes. i've been working on descriptions and atmosphere, and that's been fun.
What are your writing weaknesses?
i've completely unlearned how to write long stories! and ironically, i do write a lot of overlong sentences. also, i'll turn to google for absolutely anything, but deep down i'm a pretty impatient writer when research is needed and it doesn't happen to be a subject i'm already interested in, which oftentimes means i'd rather handwave things or scrap the idea entirely, even though i think really well-researched fic is amazing. and on that note, no matter how much american media and internet content i consume, i'm not american and have never been to america, which can be a challenge when writing for almost exclusively american fandoms. (i think i understand beds now, but i'll have to google sinks one of these days.)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
ha! this was a thing that was very, very common for a while in my dutch fic writing community, because more or less all of the fictional properties and/or real life celebrities people were writing about were british or american (maybe with tokio hotel as the one notable exception), so there was A Lot of fic written in dutch with stilted high school english dialogue thrown in. i was never very into that, but hey, if it makes you happy, definitely go for it, and that goes double if it's just a few sentences for flavor! compared to what i used to see, ao3 culture is extremely conservative with these sorts of things.
all of which i say while also still, in the back of my head, considering the possibility of writing a really obnoxious ted lasso fic with 90% dutch dialogue, so. i too might become guilty at some point in the future.
First fandom you wrote for?
twilight! it was nessie/jacob, with i think a love triangle with a vampire thrown in. we all have to start somewhere.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
i recently reread How To Build A Triangle (or accidentally fall headlong into one, or whatever the fuck) and i still think it's really good and fun, plus it's a minor miracle that i got it finished so easily! there's a decent chance i'd name a different fic if you asked me again tomorrow, though.
I have no idea who has already done this or been tagged for it, so I'm just going to throw a few names out there (@redgoldblue @actingcamplibrarian @stephmcx @spurious @goneahead), and then give the usual disclaimer that obviously i'm tagging you all with no pressure, and that if anyone sees this and it seems like a fun list of questions, i'm tagging you too! ✨
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
I can barely decide on a prompt. “  who did you kill?  whose blood is that?  ” with Niko/Joel and can you touch me like this? with Joonas/Aleksi. Thank you!
the first one is murder channel and the second is spicy!
Niko looked up at the sound of Joel’s footsteps as they neared the apartment entrance, concern rising to his face as he took in their uneven pace. He’d known Joel’s business that night had been private and personal, and that he’d been troubled by it before he’d left, but he hadn’t pressed for information. Whatever was upsetting Joel, he’d talk about it when it was over.
Niko stood when he heard the sound of the key in the lock, taking a step towards the door. He wouldn’t be lying if he said he’d waited up for Joel, fretting about if he’d even return.
He’d known Joel long enough to know that if Joel was anxious about a kill, it was because he was uncertain he’d survive it.
And Niko didn’t know what he’d do if Joel died.
Oh, it was bound to happen one day, because people in their line of business never lasted, but Niko could never bring himself to think pragmatically about it very much. Joel’s death would destroy him, and he knew Aleksi wouldn’t fare any better.
More than that, who would lead them? Joonas was the second in command, but he wasn’t a leader. Olli preferred to shut himself away with his subjects and experiments, and all Tommi wanted in life was someone in front of him he could beat to a bloody pulp. Aleksi was so used to being a scurrying basement pet that he’d reject leadership outright, and Niko was too junior.
And Johnny wouldn’t give up his safety as a manager without coercion.
When the door opened, Joel staggered in.
His hair had mostly fallen out of the neat bun Niko had done only a few hours ago, and the loose strands were stained and matted with blood. More red was on his face, fingers trailing down to his collar, and Niko knew without having to touch Joel how sticky and tacky it would be by now. Joel’s sharp suit was rumpled, and where the sheen of his jacket sleeve should reflect a little light on the thin pinstripes, there was nothing.
Still, Joel was back and in one piece, so Niko closed the gap between them, cupping Joel’s cheeks, eyes scanning Joel’s face.
“You’re back,” he said, almost disbelieving before he wrapped Joel in a hug.
“Of course I’m back,” Joel said, but his tone wasn’t as cocky as it would usually be, and the way he cupped Niko’s cheeks before he kissed him was tender.
“Before you left, you were nervous,” Niko said. Wet warmth seeped into him from Joel, and he stepped back, eyeing the bloodstain transferred to his shirt.
“It turned out that I didn’t need to be,” Joel said. “He was a good sharpshooter, but once he was away from his guns it became clear how much better I am than him.”
That wasn’t the whole story, Niko was certain, but he’d leave it until the morning. Joel didn’t want him to worry, especially so late at night, and the way he’d been so tender with Niko instead of cocky proved that the assignment had gotten close enough to rattle him.
“Who was it?” he asked quietly, softly meeting Joel’s gaze. “Who did you kill? Whose blood is that?”
Joel sighed, tension coming to him. “Archie’s final crew learnt of his death. They’re coming after Johnny, one at a time. This time it was his sharpshooter; some pretty but otherwise dull brat who’s been out in LA for years. Johnny planned for me to take him alive so Hannes and his lot could have him, but he was a vicious bastard. I don’t know if I killed him or not. But the vultures will come to take him away, dead or alive, and they’ll string him up either way, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Johnny wants them all to suffer,” Niko murmured. However affable and easygoing Johnny could be, he was a hundred times more ruthless, and Niko had always gotten the sense that Johnny didn’t mind a scorched earth policy if it got him what he wanted.
Joel gave him an unreadable look. “He’s not a man to be fucked with,” he said.
But that was a conversation for another time. “Let’s get you washed up and fed. There’s food in the warming oven for you,” Niko said. “Steak and a salad, just the way you like it.”
Finally, the tension left Joel. “Sweet potato fries too?” he asked hopefully.
Niko nodded, smiling fondly at Joel’s palpable joy.
Joonas squeezed lightly at Aleksi’s inner thigh, enjoying the sounds he was making. Aleksi’s thighs were ridiculously sensitive, and Joonas swore he could spend all day teasing him, palming at him one second only to scratch the next, kissing him to swallow up his delicious noises.
Aleksi squirmed on his lap, gasping breathlessly when Joonas kissed at his neck, his free hand entwining fingers to tug at his hair.
“Please,” Aleksi sighed, groaning deeply when Joonas tugged his hair.
“Hmm? What do you want, babe?” Joonas asked, smiling into Aleksi’s neck when his boyfriend whined, his fingers tight on Joonas’s back.
“Please keep touching me like this,” Aleksi murmured. “Please don’t stop.”
Happily, Joonas thought, palming high on Aleksi’s thigh as he gave his hair a third tug. I’d have you squirming on me as I touched you until you begged me to fuck you. He nipped at Aleksi’s neck, burying his face in the clean smell of Aleksi’s skin like he could absorb him.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
A Special Valentine
Anonymous Said: would it be possible for the "series of firsts" it's harry's first time with a girl...
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: So I’ve been sitting on this concept for what seems life forever. I’ve gotten ideas and I’ve lost ideas and it’s been a good while of writing little drafts and stuff for this fic. But, I am so so so thankful to have @adore-you-hs2 and @honeyfulharries for helping me brainstorm some ideas for this fic!! Since I wrote a virgin!Y/n fic last year around valentines day, I figured I’d do a fic for Harry, only this time incorporating more of the valentines theme. So it’s hella soft and fluffy with a lil angst, and when you get to the smut it’s hella filthy😂I hope y’all like it and I hope all of you had a lovely day…yesterday or the day before bc this valentine is hella late and timezones are a bitch. This is a brand new installment in a series of firstsss!! Anywaysss…enjoy🙃❤️
7.3k wordsss
Harry was beyond embarrassed. He was almost at the point of being ashamed. While all of his friends divulged about their sex lives and talked about how their significant other was in bed, he just sat next to you idly without anything to add to the conversation. He couldn’t talk about his favorite positions to have you in or little tricks he has for the bedroom. He was a virgin and didn’t have any type of experience whatsoever in regards to sex. The most he’d ever done with someone was touching over the clothes and making out. When he was all by himself, Harry did what he had to do; which he actually felt like he did a pretty good job with. It’s not that he didn’t know what he was into or liked in regards to his pleasure. Harry knew what his favorite content was and he even had a couple toys he liked to use on himself. It’s just that when he got to the more intimate phase of the relationship, he always got flustered and nervous. Even when it came to oral or mutual masturbation. He didn’t exactly know why he wasn’t able to express himself or be the same person he was when he was behind closed doors and alone. What made matters even worse for him though was the fact that he always felt rushed. Like whenever he said that he wasn’t quite ready or that he was a virgin, the dynamic of the relationship shifted. Ultimately leaving him alone to feel embarrassed, a bit hopeless, and sad over the fact that he was still a virgin. He also felt unwanted given the fact that a couple of his prior relationships fizzled out pretty quickly after he revealed that he hadn’t had his first time and that he wasn’t ready to do so at that moment. 
Eventually though, Harry reached the point of not even bothering or trying to meet new people and be in a relationship. He felt like he’d never be accepted nor meet the right person for him, let alone be ready to go all the way. So he put all of that on the back burner and just went along with life, becoming content with being completely by himself. And then he met you. It was like the perfect cliche. You were the person who never judged him for being a virgin or tried to rush him into doing anything he wasn’t up to or ready for. You just loved him for him and you wanted to be with him and be in love. It was like he was being understood and heard for the first time in a very long time and it felt great. With you, Harry was never made to feel like he was less than because of his choice and feelings when it came to his virginity. In fact, when you listened to what he’d been through in the past, it broke your heart. You could tell that he was really heartbroken and deeply saddened about it all and you never wanted to make him feel that way or even worse. So you made it your mission to never put pressure on him when it came to this and you made it your mission to listen and be there for him. You weren’t going to back out of your relationship over this; you loved him too much to even consider doing that. 
Even though he was fine with and had accepted the idea of being by himself, Harry didn’t want that for the rest of his life. He wanted to be with someone, he wanted to love someone unconditionally and be unconditionally loved back. And he got just that in you. He’d have to spend an entire lifetime compiling all of the words that could describe how perfect you are and how much he loves your relationship. Sure the two of you annoyed the hell out of each other at times and had disagreements. But neither of you wanted to annoy or disagree with anyone else. Over the past almost year of being together, you and Harry grew closer and closer. You two grew to love each other more than ever and this love was growing more and more each day. You and Harry could agree that there was a long and bright future ahead for you two and that was very exciting for you both. And in the process of growing and building your relationship, the two of you never had sex. You always followed Harry’s lead and you just went with the flow. Now things got a bit hot and heavy at times, but you and Harry were more than capable of taking care of yourselves so you two just stopped and didn’t go any further. From the toys you both had to your special “entertainment” and your vivid imaginations, you two were were just fine until the right time came along. And you specifically, refused to put any type of pressure on Harry. When it came to your first time together and Harry’s first time ever, you had the mindset that if Harry was comfortable, you were comfortable. 
And that was another reason why Harry felt so embarrassed. He was sitting next to you, his incredibly supportive and understanding girlfriend, in the middle of a conversation with you guys’ friends about your sex lives when he’s never had sex with you, or anyone for that matter. Listening to them, he felt like he was sort of holding you back and not fulfilling you the way you deserved. Even though you reminded him that the right time was when he was ready and that you were perfectly fine with that, Harry still felt a way. He still felt embarrassed. And on top of all that, you were being so sweet and understanding in the midst of it all. You were really trying to make him a little less uncomfortable and not so out of place. You could sense and see a little bit of that in the way he sank into the couch and cuddled into you a little more, so you wanted to be there for him and help him relax a bit. You were making a little conversation with him while the others talked amongst themselves, you played with his rings, and you gave him little kisses here and there. But you could only do but so much in that moment. Despite your efforts, Harry still felt the same way. Without any warning, Harry moves away from you a bit and stands from the couch, quickly announcing to the group that he needed a little fresh air. At first you just let him go, figuring that you should let him have his space. But after a couple minuets of sitting there without him, not really wanting to engage in the conversation at hand, you decide to get up and go out to him, giving the excuse that you wanted to check on him and see if he was okay. To be honest, it felt very weird to sit there without him.
You quickly walk away from the group in the direction Harry left in, needing to find him soon as you possibly could. Once you made it out the front door you turn to find him sitting in one of the chairs a couple steps away looking completely deflated. You couldn’t let him be all alone when he was feeling like this. So you quietly walk over, sitting down in the chair next to him, with your body and attention completely in his direction.
“I couldn’t sit there anymore.” He huffs, breaking the silence and bringing his hands up to his face.
“I understand babe.” You sigh, reaching over to rub his arm.
“It’s just- It’s so embarrassing that I’m in my late 20’s an I haven’t done anything with you, or anyone else for that matter.” He explains. 
“That is nothing to be embarrassed about Harry.” You softly exclaim, picking yourself up from your seat to sit in his lap. “Your virginity is yours, and only yours. That’s your decision to make, not mine, nor anyone else’s.” You affirm. 
“But It’s not normal considering I’m 27! What are you even with me?! I don’t want you to be with me and not be fulfilled.” He stresses quietly, feeling incredibly defeated. The entire situation brought up feelings and thoughts that he’d tried very hard to get past. When he says this, you immediately cup the sides of his face, forcing him to focus on you. 
“Now I want you to listen to me. I am with you because I love you so fucking much and you’re the most amazing person in the entire world. Sex is great and all but I can wait as long as you need if it means being with you and loving you to pieces. Hell, I’ll wait until we’re married if that’s what you choose to do. The point is, I’m yours and I will wait as long as necessary. With or without sex, you fulfill me Harry.” You softly explain to him, looking him right in the eye as you say every word. You could see the tears welling up in his eyes as you spoke to him. 
“I love you so much Y/n.” Harry sighs, still feeling a bit down. “Can we go to your place and cuddle.” He mumbles through a pout. 
“Of course baby! I’ll run back inside and let everyone know you’re not feeling well and then we can head home. How does that sound?” You propose with a smile.
“That sounds amazing.” He sighs, a small smile spreading across his face. 
“Can I have a kiss first?” You ask, puckering your lips towards him. In response he gives you a cute little nod before you lean down to press your lips against his. When the two of you kiss you can feel Harry relax a bit, which is exactly what you wanted. You knew that this wouldn’t solve this entirely, but it was a step in the right direction and it made Harry feel a little better which was all that mattered. “Now you wait right here and I’ll be right back.” You softly instruct after pulling away from his lips, following up with another kiss to the forehead before moving yourself off of his lap and back inside. After letting everyone know that Harry wasn’t feeling well and that you two were going to head out, you and Harry go back to your place and spend time together, cuddling and watching you guys’ favorite show and some movies, eventually falling asleep all cuddled with each other.
~ ~ ~ 
After that day, Harry began to think about going all the way with you and finally having sex for the first time a lot more than usual. Over the past year almost, you’ve shown him that you really do love and care about him. You never pressured him into doing anything and you always reminded him that he should do all of this at his own pace. You also showed him that you were the one; you were the one he could and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. There were just so many things about you that he loved. So many things that Harry couldn’t imagine having his first time with anyone else. And he made sure to tell you that after deliberating on the matter for a couple of days. 
“I think I’m ready to lose it.” Harry whispers, completely out of the blue as the two of you wash the dishes from your little date night.
“You’re ready to y’know, have sex?” You question, wanting to make sure you heard him correctly. 
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it for a little bit and I realized that I’m ready to do it. And I want to do it with you. I wouldn’t want to have my first time with anyone else to be completely honest with you.” He explains, a small smile spreading across his face as he continues drying the dishes you’ve washed and handed over to him.
“Well I’m very honored, that you’re entrusting me with this. And I hope that it’s as good as you’ve imagined.” You reply to him, beginning to feel a bit of nervousness and excitement at the idea of being Harry’s first time. You’d never thought about it much since Harry wasn’t ready. But now that he was, you were feeling so many things and you were thinking about so many things as the time had finally come.
“Well I highly doubt that it will be anything less than amazing baby.” Harry hums, dropping the dishtowel and turning his attention to you. “I love you.” He sighs happily, prompting you to turn your head to face him.
“I love you too babe.” You coo, leaning in to press a quick peck to his lips.
~ ~ ~
Now you refused to let Harry’s first time be anything short of special. So you decided to plan something romantic for you two at your place, and you planned for this to be on Valentines Day. Not only would it be your first time celebrating as a couple, but it would also be your first intimate moment with Harry. And you wanted everything to be perfect, so you made a list of everything you’d need for the night at least a week or two in advance. You had everything from ingredients for dinner to a new set of lingerie. You also went over the list several times to make sure that you got everything you could possibly need for that night. You even went as far as to plan a little backup dinner in case something went wrong with the initial plan. You just wanted to make this night perfect for Harry. He’d gone through a lot in his relationships to get here and you wanted him to see that doing it all at his pace paid off and that he was special and loved. In the couple of days leading up to the big day, you began shopping and getting everything together. You got all of the food, wine, and decoration along with your lingerie and some other things for yourself that would make the entire experience that much better.
And when the day finally came, you were excited and all ready to go.
You had dinner cooking, the wine was in the fridge chilling, your bedroom was all set up with a fresh set of sheets, a couple candles set up and ready to be lit, a mix of red and white rose petals on the bed, and the perfect playlist (which you spent a good amount of time on) queued up. Not to mention the fact that you had your lingerie and everything perfectly set up in the bathroom so that you could be ready to change right into it after dinner. All you needed now was Harry. When he texted you to let you know that he was less than ten minuets away, you quickly throw on the dress you’d picked out for the evening along with your shoes and you do a final once over in the mirror before leaving your bedroom, making sure to close the door to keep that part of the evening a surprise. You pulled the wine from the fridge and you put the finishing touches on the table that was perfectly set for your dinner. In the final minuets before Harry’s arrival, you do a final walk through of everything you’d set up, it ending with a soft knock on your door signaling to you that Harry had arrived. When you hear him, your heart immediately begins to race from being nervous and excited for the night ahead. You immediately move yourself to the door, quickly giving yourself a little pep talk before opening the door for Harry. And when you did, you were almost certain you were going to pass out. Not only because you were buzzing around your apartment doing everything, but also because your boyfriend looked so good. What he had on was very simple but it was doing so much at the same time. You just wanted to pull him straight to the bedroom. But you didn’t. It took a lot of self control, but Harry was able to make it inside and settle down a bit before you two hit the bedroom
But it wasn’t that much of a gap in between Harry settling in and you two hitting the bedroom though. See, once you let him inside and gave him a kiss, it was like game over. He had a big basket that was beautifully filled with the things you loved and a couple presents he got you  in one hand, and a big bouquet of your favorite flowers in the other. When he got inside, Harry happily and proudly gave them both to you and let you check them both out while he snooped around in the kitchen a little to see what you had prepared and opened the bottle of wine you had out on the counter for you two. Once you started, you couldn’t stop gushing over and thanking Harry for what he got you. It was beyond thoughtful and you couldn’t wait for him to fully experience his gift of the night you’d planned out. Once you and Harry began talking and drinking a little, you two loosened up and were enjoying each other. The lights were dimmed a bit, there were candles just about everywhere, you and Harry were in love, and the two of you were all alone. It was absolutely perfect and romantic. On top of all that though, there was the pleasant elephant in the room, that being Harry giving you the green light that he was ready for his first time. If there were no other indicators in the days leading up to this moment, there was definitely one now that was strongly pointing to him losing it tonight. He wasn’t anxious and he wasn’t thinking about backing out and telling you that he’s changed his mind. He knew that you’d be all on board with that but Harry was absolutely ready to be with you intimately. He was so ready that he couldn’t take his mind off it on the ride over. And once he arrived, Harry was completely floored by how amazing you looked and how you put this entire evening together that he was even more ready to go to the bedroom. He was so ready and excited that he completely gave up on talking. The two of you transitioned yourselves into the kitchen to get started with dinner, but Harry was very much so enjoying the idea of saving that for later. So without any word from him on what he was in the mood for, Harry takes your wine glasses and sits them on the counter, freeing your hands up as he traps you in between his body and the kitchen counter before attaching his lips with yours. 
When he does this, you practically melt under his touch. You were already in a daze from how amazing he looked, and from how sweet and amazing he was to you. So when Harry began to kiss you with such passion and need, you instantly obliged. Again, you were following his lead. If he wanted to skip and come back to dinner, you weren’t going to oppose one bit. As the two of you continued to kiss, you could feel him hardening against you which prompted the area between your legs to initiate the process of becoming all warm and sticky and go into overdrive. His hands were on your body, he was tightly pressed against you, and his mouth was magically moving against yours. This was just what you needed to fully get into the skipping right to the bedroom mood. It wouldn’t have taken much on Harry’s end to get you there but this was fantastic, so you weren’t complaining at all. When you hear Harry let out a soft moan into your mouth and move himself against you a little, you decide to take control and move you two to the bedroom a little faster. 
“Do you wanna just come back to dinner?” You whisper after pulling your lips away from his a bit.
“Mhm.” He immediately hums in response, loosening himself from your body so that you could move a bit more.
“Then let’s go.” You whisper with a smile, moving yourself from underneath him and grabbing his hand, pulling him in the direction of your bedroom. When you reach the door, you tease him a little by slowly turning the door knob, making sure to keep eye contact the entire time to drive him insane. And that definitely did the trick of riling him up some more. That is, until he got all soft once the bedroom was revealed to him. You went out of your way to make this space romantic since this was the place where he’d have his first time. “I wanted to make everything perfect for you.” You softly explain as you pull him into the room. 
“Have I told you that I love you tonight?” He asks, through a small breath. 
“Probably about a million times.” You happily joke with him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Well for time one million and one, I love you so  so much. Like with my entire being. I love you so much that it hurts. And I couldn’t be more honored to be yours.” Harry says, bringing his lips to yours for a sweet kiss to seal the deal.
“I love you so much baby, so much.” You reply happily to him, so excited to move into the next step of your relationship. “Now get back into I want sex mode...that’s so hot on you and I have another surprise.” You continue, wanting to keep going and go all the way. 
“Considering how hard I am, I don’t think I’ll be out of “I want sex mode” for a while.” Harry truthfully replies with a chuckle that had the slightest tinge of bashfulness from how he was already rock hard and ready for you.
“Good! Now lay down and wait for me.” You say, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and pulling you both towards the bed before pushing him back down onto it. You then proceed to straddle him, bringing your face down to a mere inch or so away from his. “And if you wanna take your clothes off too, I’m definitely unopposed. ” You suggest with a smirk, planting a little peck to his lips before climbing off of his lap and walking out of the bedroom and into the bathroom where your lingerie was waiting for you, leaving Harry on the bed completely dumbstruck and needy. 
As soon as you close the bathroom door, you immediately begin working on removing your dress, pulling the zipper down to loosen it up and shrugging it off your body leaving you completely naked. As you looked in the mirror, you began to debate on whether or not you wanted to surprise him with being all naked or teasing him and making him work for it a little with the lingerie you had out and ready. Even though you were ready to just run back out there completely naked and just get down to business, you decided to put on the lingerie and let Harry unwrap you. As you put it on, all you could think about was Harry taking it all off. Like you could imagine him pulling it all off your body. With your panties especially, you could picture him pulling them off strings of your arousal coming with them. After getting the lacy garments on your body, you start pulling and moving it all around a bit. Once you’re all done with the lingerie, you pull the little sheer robe that came along with it on and you take a couple deep breaths before making your way back out to Harry. When you walk back into the bedroom, Harry’s eyes immediately shoot in your direction and practically pop out of his head when he sees you. He’d seen you in a two piece bathing suit before but that was about it. He’d never seen you this bare and exposed before. As you moved around the room to light the candles, Harry’s eyes followed your every move  and you could feel it. You could feel his eyes burning holes into your skin as you lit the candles and really set the mood for your time together. After you lit the candles and pressed play for your music, you were all ready to go. 
When you turn your full attention to Harry, you weren’t that surprised to see him fighting to quietly palm at his cock on the bed. His eyes were tightly closed as he squeezed his cock through his underwear. He was so engrossed on keeping himself quiet and relieving some of the pressure that had been mounting from the time he left home that he didn’t even notice you crawling up the bed. What he does notice though is you straddling his thighs, when he feels you on top of him, his eyes immediately shoot open and he quickly retracts his hand from his lap.
“You just look so good, I couldn’t help myself.” He rushes out in explanation. He could see it all. Your breasts were sitting perfectly in the lacy bra you were wearing, and from where Harry was, they looked beyond amazing. When his eyes traveled a bit lower, he could see where the two sides of your panties met to form a barely there strip to cover your pussy. If that wasn’t enough, the fabric was clinging to you and pushing up into your folds since the panties were pretty much nonexistent and you were very wet. He’d pictured you on top of him before, just never like this.
“Well I’m glad you like it because it’s all yours.” You reply, moving yourself up his body to sit right in his lap, causing Harry to gasp from the sight and feeling of you being naked and right on his cock. Harry was in sensory overload and so overwhelmed that he couldn’t form a single word in response. “Are you okay baby?” You softly ask, bringing your hand down to his cheek.
“Mhm…you just look so good, I don’t know where to start.” He whispers, bringing his eyes to meet yours. 
“You could start by touching me.” You suggest, reaching down to grab Harry’s hand and bring it up to one of your thighs to which Harry replicates with his other hand. Instead of rushing him along, you wanted him to explore your body and relax into the intimacy. You wanted him to be comfortable and do the things he’d dreamt of and feel the things he always wanted to feel. “And just relax” You begin, leaning down to bring your mouth to his ear. “I have a strong feeling that you’re gonna be really good at this.” You admit to him before lifting yourself back up. When Harry hears this, he eases up. Hearing that you thought he’d be good was the confidence boost he needed to get the ball rolling.
He begins to move his hands up your thighs, curling his thumbs inward towards the inner, more sensitive area. His hands continue on up your body, pushing past your hips, and all the way up to your chest where he brings both of his hands around to wrap them around your covered breasts. When he does this, you let out a little sigh of relief, loving the way his big hands felt around you. Harry loved how soft and squishy they felt in his hands, and he wanted to feel more. So he pushes his hands underneath your arms and manages to swiftly undo your bra. He couldn’t do it with one hand yet but you were very impressed (and even more turned on) at how he as able to quickly do it on his first try. The fabric is now hanging loosely on your body, allowing Harry to pull it down and off your body to fully expose your breasts to him. Your nipples were fully pebbled and practically screaming for him to play with them. He brings his hands back around, going straight to your breasts and right to your nipples. His fingers tugged and twisted at them, leaving you unable to hold back anymore moans that were threatening to spill out of your mouth. You also couldn’t help but to grind down against his clothed cock, which in turn caused Harry to start moaning beneath you. The soft music was now completely overpowered by your combined moans. 
“Can I be on top?” He pants, dying to get you completely naked and explore your body.
“Anything you want!” You exclaim, through one of your moans. Letting Harry take control of everything, you let him flip you two over so that he’s hovering over your body. As soon as he’s on top of you, Harry’s mouth immediately latches onto your skin, starting at the side your your neck. He starts sponging and sucking wet kisses into your skin, leaving a trail of them down your chest, stopping at the tops of your breasts so that he could pay them some more attention. The takes them both into his mouth individually and suckles on them, lapping his wet tongue around your nipples and squeezing the supple flesh surrounding them. For some reason, Harry felt at home with his mouth around your nipples. It was so good that Harry was rutting his clothed cock against you. As he continues, you’re softly moaning from the pleasure. You had a hand wrapped in his hair and the other on his back as he mouthed at your breasts. And as if he could read your mind, Harry picks up where he left off with his trail of kisses and makes his way further down your body. 
You wanted him to just explore your body and touch and feel you the way you knew he’d imagined. But you really wanted him between your legs. Your cunt had swallowed up the panties by now and the panties were nothing more than a damp piece of string at this point. When he makes it to the hand of your panties, Harry’s heart begins to speed up, excited to take them off and see what was underneath. He pushes his fingers into the thin bands that were wrapped around your hips and he begins to pull them down. He carefully watches as your cunt is being revealed to him. He can see how you were sopping wet and how plushy and soft your pussy was. There were strings of your arousal connecting your cunt and panties as he pulled them from between your legs. Once they fully off of you, and you’re completely naked, Harry lifts himself up from between your legs to soak in your naked body. He couldn’t believe how beautiful your naked body looked for him. You looked so soft and pretty below him, completely spread and exposed to him.
“Y’so pretty baby.” He sighs, bringing his hands down to your thighs. “Can I eat you baby?” He sweetly asks, bringing his eyes down between your legs so look at the sticky mess that was between your thighs. 
“Please Harry!” You moan, desperately needing his mouth on you again. At your response, Harry lays back down on the bed between your spread legs. He could smell your arousal and he was incredibly excited to taste you. He’d never don’t this before so he was a bit nervous that he wouldn’t do that good of a job. “Just lick into me baby, nothing to be nervous about.” You remind above him, bringing your hand to his head to give his hair a little tug. And with that, Harry dives right in. He just buries his face into your cunt, lapping his tongue up and down your folds. He pushed his tongue anywhere he could. He pushed between your folds, nestling his tongue right inside and against your entrance. He could feel the small opening and his cock immediately twitched in his pants. His cock was supposed to fit in there? While he didn’t want to hurt you, Harry was so interested and curious to see how you’d take all of him. He knew it wasn’t impossible but it was definitely something he was excited to see in person. He was so excited that he couldn’t stop himself from digging his hips into the mattress below. You tasted so good, you were incredibly warm, and he was beyond excited to feel your cunt around his cock.
You on the other hand were falling apart at the seams. You were on cloud nine, completely obsessed with the way he was licking into you. His strokes weren’t those of someone who was skilled and had done this before. But they were definitely amazing and you couldn’t get enough. He was licking and sucking on you perfectly, he even managed to find your clit. And it was his first time ever. He even tried pushing the tip of his tongue into your entrance, prodding at your tight hole. And on top of all that, he was moaning against you, seemingly enjoying how you tasted. When he wasn’t licking at your cunt, Harry was licking your thighs, almost trying to clean you up. He licked your thighs, the area right outside of your pussy, and he even licked the area below your cunt. He was hypnotized by your cunt. He just wanted to stay between your legs forever and have his mouth on you while he humped the bed below him. Of course he wanted to push his cock into you, but after he ate your cunt.
“Need you inside me Harry!” You scream, bucking your hips up into his mouth a bit. You were feeling incredibly sensitive and you could feel your own release coming. And before you came, you needed to feel Harry’s cock inside of you. When he hears you beg for him to be inside of you, he immediately stops and pulls himself up from the bed. When he’s kneeling between your legs, your eyes travel up from his no doubt painfully large bulge to his face. From his mouth down to his chin, even his nose, Harry’s face was glistening with your juices.
“Whats so funny?” He asks confusedly.
“Your face is all wet.” You reply, a wide smile spread across your face in the process.
“I just love eating your pussy.” He says truthfully, leaning down for a kiss. When your lips connect, you wrap your arms around Harry’s neck to keep him down against you. His lips sloppily move against yours, moaning into your mouth as he pushes his clothed cock against your bare and incredibly sensitive cunt. Keeping one of his elbows planted on the bed, Harry brings his other hand down to his boxers and does his best to push them down his legs. He struggles a bit before finally getting them down enough to expose his cock. When you feel him nudge you a little bit, you immediately turn your mouth away from Harry’s, turning your attention downwards between his legs.
“Need some help baby?” You offer, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and extending them down to his hips. 
“Just need t’take them off.” He replies, quickly lifting himself up from on top of you to fully remove his boxers. Harry then goes back to kneeling between your legs, now with his painfully hard and dripping cock on display. You knew that he was big from the glances you’d taken at his pants a couple times, but you didn’t know that he was this big. He was hands down the biggest you’d ever taken, and no one before him ever came close. On top of his monstrous size, you could see the thick veins running up his shaft and you saw precum beading at his swollen slit. You wanted him inside you first, but your mouth was definitely watering. You couldn’t wait until you were able to take him into your mouth and stuff all of him inside. But for now, you were excited to take him inside of you for the first time and be his first time.
“Are you ready babe?” You ask. 
“Mhm. I um- I bought some condoms just in case. It’s up to you though. I trust that you’re all good.” He says, laughing a little in the end. 
“I bought some too. But I think we’re good. And I trust that you’re all good as well.” You reply with a shy smile.
“Okay then, let’s do this.” He cheerfully says. 
“Let’s do it!” You reply, mirroring his excitement. “Do you want me on top or are you good?”
“I think I’m good.” He says, as he leans down to closely hover over you. “But I know you’re going to feel like heaven so I may not be.” 
“That’s okay, I can take control.” You reply suggestively, pulling your lower lip between your teeth. 
“Good, I like the sound of that.” He whispers in agreement, connecting his mouth with yours for one final kiss as he slowly and carefully pushes his cock against your folds. “Fuck, m’gonna push in now baby.” He pants, already losing his shit over how warm and wet your folds feel against his cock.
“Please.” You moan, needing to be full of his cock. 
And with that, Harry begins to push his cock into you, using one of his hands to guide himself inside. When Harry pushes past your entrance, you two lose it. You were so tight that when his engorged head pushes into you, there a piercing sensation that comes along with it. You hadn’t had sex in a very long time and Harry’s size was completely unmatched. For Harry, he was on the verge of collapsing on top of you. You were so so tight and warm and wet, he’d never felt anything like it. No matter how much lube he used or how fast he tugged at his shaft, he never and would never be able to match the decadence of your walls around him. And he’d only pushed the head of him inside. He actually had to stop for a second to get his bearings because his head was spinning. Once he’s caught his breath and the room stopped spinning as fast, Harry continues pushing himself inside. With every inch that becomes sheathed with your walls, your combined moans get louder. Your mouths mouth never closed, and your eyes fluttered shut as you two enjoyed the pleasure. You were in love with the perfectly balanced mix of pain and pleather came from Harry pushing into and stretching your your walls a bit to accommodate his size. Harry was taken to a different universe from the way your walls engulfed his cock. You could even feel him twitch a bit from how good he felt. 
By the time he finished pushing into you, Harry’s cock was lodged all the way inside you. So deep you could just about feel him in the pit of your stomach. It was hands down incredible for the two of you. After holding himself inside of you for a little while, Harry begins to move himself back and forth inside of you. Since it was his first time doing this and feeling this for that matter, his thrusts were a bit sloppy and staggered. He tried to form a faster rhythm, or a rhythm at all but he was so overwhelmed. 
“Thought I could hold it longer, but I don’t think I can. Can’t even hold myself up.” He slurs, trying to continue with his thrusts. 
“Gonna get on top baby.” You moan, feeling your own release getting even closer. Without a single hesitation, you push the two of you over to that you’re on top of him, straddling his waist and keeping his cock deep inside of you. Once your adjusted on top of him, feeling like his cock was deeper than before if that was even possible, you begin to move yourself up and down on him. You weren’t going super fast, you were going fast enough to make you and Harry really feel it and get closer and closer to your releases. Harry was loudly moaning and whimpering below you, tightly intertwining his fingers with yours as he surrenders to you, and your pussy. He thrashed his head back and forth against the pillows from how good he was feeling. 
“Y’so big!” You cry out to him, beginning to quickly grind down onto his cock, pushing forward a bit to dig your clit into his lower stomach. “And so deep! Can feel you all the way in here!” You cry out to him, bringing your intertwined hands up to your lower stomach for him to feel.
“Fuck Y/n! Can’t hold it anymore! Need t’cum” He groans, feeling his release beginning to consume his body.
“Me too baby! We can cum together!” You whimper, leaning down to lay on his chest. And as you begin to leave soft kisses on Harry’s lips and face, your walls begin to contract around his cock, signaling to him that you were cumming. When he felt this, Harry came right along with you. He coats all of your walls in his warm, thick, and sticky cum, spraying rope after rope into you until he couldn’t cum anymore. Your legs were full on shaking as you squirted all over his cock. The both of you were moaning messes and completely dumbstruck at how powerful your releases were. Nothing could ever compare to this and neither of you wanted to test out that theory. After letting go of everything you two had to give, you and Harry lied limply in bed, letting your bodies rest.
“I love you baby.” Harry whispers sluggishly below you.
“I love you too baby.” You softly reply back to him, nuzzling your face into his warm neck.
For the next half hour, the two of you lay there together, resting your bodies and minds from the extraordinary experience the two of you had. You two were lying there peacefully, enjoying the feeling of each others bodies and the music that was still playing through your speaker. Out of the two of you, Harry was the first to break the silence. Except, it wasn’t from him talking. It was from his stomach, letting the both of you know that he needed to be fed asap. 
“When we can feel our legs again, we can eat I guess.” You breathe out through a laugh, still recovering from the most amazing sex you’d ever had and probably some of the best sex of all human history in your opinion. Even though it was his first time, Harry still managed to make a mess of you. 
“Mhm, and then we can go again.” He hums dreamily, not even caring about his grumbling stomach, completely in the clouds from how amazing his first time was. He came in with his “expectations” and was completely blown out of the water. He just wanted to go again and again and again until he was fully numb and wiped out. “Maybe you can be on your front this time.” He suggests, thinking of all the ways he wanted to feel you around him.
“I think I may have created a sex monster.” And to be honest, you really didn’t mind that at all.
“Only for you my love.” He hums, wrapping his arms around your body. 
And for the rest of the night, you and Harry never stopped, loving being tangled up in each other. It wasn’t always in bed, but neither of you cared. All you two cared about was being together, feeling good, and being in love. This was truly a special valentine. It was one that neither you nor Harry would ever forget.
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
God knows I tried
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pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 7983
summary: reader comes to paradise with yelena and the others. although you are marleyan, you want to fight for the eldian. at the beginning you experience harsh rejection before levi develops feelings for you
warnings: SPOILER season 4, first time, angst, fluff, smut, harsh words
authors note: i got the idea from a request (although i interpreted it completely different and wrong, i'm sorry (still)). well, i want to elaborate and develop my writing skills a bit, which is why i'm trying out a bit at the moment. that's why i focused less on smut and more on conveying feelings. i hope you like it and once again, i'll write the story again with the theme of the actual request and more smut (it's on my list)
all credits to the artist of this pic:
You feel out of place, even though you have fought so long to sit right here. Not only the icy stares of your opposite but also the tense posture of your comrades give you exactly that feeling. A silence overcomes you at the table, while you can hear the sound of metal and ammunition. You dare not lift your eyes and instead look at the cup in your hands. The tent is filled with the scent of black tea, which blends with the sound of chirping crickets to create a symphony of summer, if only it wasn't so cold. A heavy stone rests on your chest and a nervousness creeps through your body that you have rarely felt before. Your warrior heart is a wrinkled mess and you are surprised at yourself for the thoughts that are floating through your head right now. It has been a long time since you felt so small. Your gaze lifts slightly and your eyes fall on folded arms. You can see veins on his hands, winding along under his skin. They follow the contours of his muscles, which are hidden under his jacket. Wings emblazon one of his shoulders and right above his heart and you eye the beautiful symbol before your eyes travel even higher.
Frozen iron looks at you and a shiver runs down your spine. His half-closed eyes are partially covered by his black hair and yet hatred shines through them. You are paralysed for a moment before you pull away and look at the woman beside him instead. You hold your breath as she looks curiously down the barrel of the loaded pistol and your right fingers clutch the porcelain in your hand. If a shot were fired now, she would also lose her remaining sight.
A broad grin settles on her face, which is bathed in a warm orange by the lamp above you, reflecting through the lenses of her glasses, "Oh, I see. So you can shoot multiple times with it." She is wearing the same clothes as Levi and inwardly you wonder what the wing symbol is all about.
Your gaze wanders to the left and you look at the tall, blonde woman. Yelena's features are soft and you admire her for her courage and composure. If she is insecure, she has that feeling hidden deep within her and doesn't let it show through. Her eyes glance at the cup in her hand as she eyes the dark liquid, "Those are Marleyan soldiers' standard equipment." Hange's fascination does not abate and she turns the weapon from right to left.
Yelena's hand grips the handle of the cup before she takes a small sip and sets it down again, "Each Marleyan's army divisions consists of about 20,000 soldiers. There are 50 divisions in total, making around a million of them."
The brown-haired woman's face slips and you can see the surprise and shock in them. Slowly she lowers the firearm and places it on the table.
"In addition to that, they possess three fleets consisting of 21 battle ships. They've also seen incredible progress with new weapons including aerial military capabilities," Yelena continues, briefly fixing her gaze on the pistol before catching Hange's eye.
"...Aerial?" You can hear the tremor in her voice and light beads of sweat settle on her forehead. Small wrinkles form around her lips. A second later she yelps as Levi nudges her with his foot and leans towards her. His voice is low as he talks to her and you exchange brief glances with Onyankopon. His large dark eyes look at you as confused as you feel and your brow furrows. His eyes turn back to the two people opposite you and he clears his throat, "So in other words, mobile weapons that can go beyond seas and walls, and drop the enemy from the sky." His explanation seems to strike a chord with Hange and she jumps to her feet. Her chair scrapes across the floor before toppling backwards with a thud. She slams her palms down on the table and leans her upper body towards you, "They'll come from the sky?!"
Despite her joyful enthusiasm, this little phrase leaves a bitter note. Suddenly you realise again how terribly sad this situation is. Such things are normality for people on the mainland. Guns and flying ships are technologies that have been around for a long time. The whole world uses them, except for a small island in the middle of the sea. Hange has never seen such things in her life, nor have the rest of the people in this camp and within the walls. Although they are the same people, they live such different lives.
Your mouth goes dry and you take a big sip of your tea, almost burning your tongue. The feeling mixes with the pain in your chest and your heart tightens. So much has gone wrong, so much you now have to fix and undo. The weight on your shoulders seems to crush you as you continue to look to Hange, not letting on.
She leans forward even further and her face becomes thoughtful, "Marley has all that wonderful power, yet they haven't launched a proper attack on us for almost a year, why is that?"
Yelena's expression remains unchanged, "There are two main reasons." She takes her time with her words, thinking them over as she takes another sip of the dark tea. After setting the cup down she continues to speak, "The first reason is the Pure Titans that they unleashed on this island. Their existences make it hard for them to get here, even with the latest weapons. It was originally a policy meant to confine the Eldians inside the walls. However, it ended up protecting Eldian from attack."
For the first time you hear his deep voice. It sounds like dark strong honey and nestles around you. You feel as if the vibration is making the tent wall shake and goosebumps settle over you, "Seems like it. Quite ironic, I must say." He adds a snort to the end of that sentence and looks disdainful.
Yelena smiles dryly at him for a moment before lowering her gaze and breaking eye contact, "However, the day is about to break. The Titans should be active soon. Yet, we're still leisurely drinking tea here outside the wall. That means you have killed all the pure Titans on the island. Would that be correct?"
Levi's body tenses almost imperceptibly as his clothes cover much of it, but you see that his shoulders are getting even broader. The veins on his hand that you noticed earlier stand out more and you feel an electricity emanating from him. His face shows no movement and he keeps a straight face, "So what? Are you going to somehow inform Marley about it?"
This is the first time you would like to say something to convince him that you have come with good intentions and that he can trust you. But deep down you know for a reason that it will probably take the longest with him - if he will ever trust you at all.
Yelena stares at him and you can see a small smirk curl her lips, "No, It's wonderful."
Only by Levi's eyebrows can you tell he's slightly surprised as the furrow between them gets a little deeper and darker. His body tension doesn't change as he glares at you with dark eyes while Hange's right hand becomes a fist, "What's the second reason?" Her gaze wanders back and forth between the three of you.
"Marley is currently in a state of war with multiple countries," Yelena explains, "In other words, they got bigger thing to deal with. You guys have defeated Marley's trusted Warrior unit. You guys also took the Colossal Titan and the Female Titan, their key weapons. Marley is a country with many enemies. So other countries came together in a blink of an eye and then the war began."
Your gaze falls to the weapon on the wooden table and images of war run through your head. Goosebumps forms on your skin as the sound of guns being fired echoes through your head and you shake slightly. Your breathing changes through your quickening heart and you feel Levi's eyes on you for a split second.
"So that means you guys are the people of losing countries with grudges against Marley. And you infiltrated the army as some sort of intelligence agent?" The air around you thickens and grows heavier and Yelena closes her mouth. You see a small change of temper in her before you stare at Hange. Seconds pass and no one says anything before a small, happy sound comes from the brunette and she smiles broadly at you, "Oh, was that a bullseye? As I thought, you guys must have convincing enough motives and backers to betray Marley like that."
Yelena's hand tightens around her cup and Onyankopon and you do likewise. Again your heart tightens and you lower your gaze. Unnecessary guilt creeps from the depths of your soul to the brightness and spreads through your body. How many people, how many women and men and children have lost their lives? Why are you, of all people, sitting here? What can you contribute? Questions and questions swirl in your head and you literally drown in the wave that drives them.
Your thoughts almost overwhelm you Yelena's voice comes through to you, "We lost our homeland to Marley and join their army as conscripts. We're weak. We also start losing hope in opposing such a big nation. It is until we're guided by him."
Something warm mingles with the tension and darkness as her posture changes and all tension falls from her. Her chin lifts and she looks up into the brightness of the lamp above her, literally making her eyes glow. A slight smile settles on her face as her eyes glaze over, "Marley and the world feared the Titans as devils. However, it looked like something else to me. A god." At these words, she jolts and a shiver runs down your spine. Sometimes Yelena seems like a believer, as if she has seen something that is still hidden from the rest of you. In such moments you notice again how different your drives are, although you are striving for the same goal. Deep down, however, she sometimes frightens you, even if you would never admit it, but she seemed like an addict on the way to her redemption. "He gave us hope when we're at our weakest," she continues and for a moment she seems to float above the tent before coming back to the here and now and lapsing back to normality, "We shot our superior under the orders of Zeke Yeager. We're the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. Our goal is to free the Eldian people."
"By betraying your own people?", Levi's voice echoes again through the small cloth fenced room and your eyes shoot to him. With the corners of his mouth pulled down, he meets you and you almost choke on your own saliva. Your hands form into fists and your eyebrows draw together.
"She has proven herself often enough. Her background may be different, but we fight for the same goal," Yelena's unimpressed voice pre-empts yours, but the tension between you does not subside. Instead, sparks of anger almost fly out of you. Your self-doubt has just been pulled out of you and laid bare on the table for all to see. It is raging inside you. Hange's gaze also falls on you and she examines your presence, which seems small next to Onyankopon's and especially Yelena's, from top to bottom. "Why is someone from Marley fighting for Eldia?"
Yes, why does anyone do that? Why does one fight alongside the supposed enemy to support their plans? Why do you act wholeheartedly against all that has been impressed upon you all your life?
Your nails dig into your palms and you grit your teeth, "I do not betray my people. I betray those who lead my people."
The memory mixes with the swirl of hot water in front of you. The liquid spreads in the small porcelain vessel and nestles around the leaves, which immediately begin to smell at your touch. Warm steam wets your face and makes the rest of your body shiver.
"Don't worry so much, will you?" says Niccolo from his place at the counter and raises his head. He tilts it slightly and smiles at you. His dark eyes sparkle at you across the room as his blond hair falls wildly across his forehead. It's a stark contrast to the storm going on outside. You return his gaze with a slight smile before he turns his attention back to the vegetables in front of him. The sound of steady chopping movements fills the room and you glance back at the teapot. A sigh falls from your lips and you support yourself with both hands on the countertop.
"That's easier said than done, Niccolo. You know me."
"Yes, I know you and that's why I'm sure you have nothing to worry about".
A soft huff comes out of your mouth and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, sure. That's easy for you to say, Eldian."
His head lifts again and he looks into your eyes with slightly furrowed brows, "I mean it, Marleyan". You pucker the corners of your mouth slightly at that name. Although that is exactly the right name for you, you don't identify with it. The word has a negative connotation and tends to bring bad qualities with it. And that is not you. You are not Marleyan, you are just and simply you.
His face looks more unhappy and he seems thoughtful before a smile settles over his lips again, “I trust you, we trust you and they do too. You've done so much in your time here and even before. Don't be so critical of yourself."
Your eyes fall back to the pot in front of you and you place the lid over the opening. With a push, you push yourself off the counter and cross your arms in front of your chest, "You're right.”
"Of course, I am," he smirks. His radiance continues to fill the room and his warmth reaches you, flooding you and your little heart, and your lips pull up slightly as well. Niccolo is to be envied for his positive nature. He is by far one of the nicest people you have ever had the pleasure of meeting in your life and a truly true friend. Perhaps his nature is also the reason why he is such a good cook. His nimble fingers allow his thoughts and emotions to seep into his food and every bite has a piece of his soul in it.
"I mean, you and Sasha are the best example of what can become of two opposing camps." You hear an uneven cut and see him wince slightly. His cheeks turn pink and a grin spreads across your face. He puts the knife down and places his right hand on the back of his neck, nervously stroking his hair, "Yeah, you think so?"
"Who doesn't?" the tips of his ears turn pink too. He looks cute.
"My food is just good. That's the real reason Sasha comes."
You snort. "No, Sasha comes for your food as well. But I'm sure there's another, bigger point that's much more important." Again, a smile curls his lips and he looks happy.
"I envy you for that," you murmur, your expression changing slightly. A tide of sadness settles over you, leaving your body shivering.
"Envy me? But for what?"
"I just wish I could get along with them as well. I wish I had a significant other too."
Now comes a snort from Niccolo. Surprised, you look at him and he shakes his head, "Yes, I have Sasha. But you have someone else for that". As you continue to look confused, he takes the towel from his shoulder and throws it on the countertop. "Don't act like that. I've seen the looks on his face. Don't pretend you don't know who and what I'm talking about."
You tear open your eyes and your breath catches in your throat. Immediately a heat rises to your face as you understand who he is talking about and a deep blush settles over your cheeks, far surpassing his.
"I-I don't know what you mean," you stammer to yourself as your face gets even hotter and it is now time for Niccolo to grin at you. "N-no, you've got it wrong. Levi and I ... we ... this is absolutely nothing."
"So Levi, huh?" You slap yourself for saying his first name so carelessly.
"The captain and I," you begin again, "there is nothing. I don't think there could be anything with anyone either. You know him, he's a cold lump of ice." You look down at your feet on the floor, "besides, he hates Marley and I can't even blame him."
A silence settles over you before you hear footsteps. As Niccolo puts his hand on your shoulder, you lift your gaze again and warm brown looks at you. "That may be, but I can tell you one thing: I can clearly see that he doesn't hate you".
"You think so, huh?" you bite your lower lip, unable to suppress the flutter of wings from the butterflies in your stomach. He squeezes your shoulder lightly with his hand, "I mean it, yes."
You mirror his soft smile, but it doesn't reach your heart. Maybe Niccolo is right in what he says, but it was rather unlikely and your body can't imagine Levi feeling this way. Your head tells you that's not the case. You are alone.
A knock on the door snaps you out of your thoughts and he drops his arm. The wooden door opens with a soft squeak and a dark brown pigtail pokes its head into the room. Big brown eyes look at you and you notice Niccolo's energy change.
"I hope I'm not too late," Sasha says happily and opens the door wider. Still in her uniform, which accentuates the curves of her body, she raises her hand and waves at you. You smile broadly at her and take a step back.
"Absolutely not, you're just in time. I've already got the vegetables ready," Niccolo says, grabbing the kitchen towel again. Sasha jumps in the air with happiness and runs past him to the counter with the chopping board. You see another slight blush on Niccolo's face before he turns away from you and takes his place beside her. You watch the two of them for a brief moment and your heart blossoms. Who would have ever thought that feelings could arise between two actually so hostile parties. And they both seem more than happy, even if it is hard to tell at the moment because Sasha is literally foaming at the mouth with hunger. You place the teapot on the tray next to it and leave the two of them discussing about the best temperature for the soup.
Your feet carry you through the kitchen door and you stride down a long corridor. The storm outside is slowly getting stronger, whipping against the windows. Without thinking, you walk through the building. You have been walking this way several times a day for several months now, you could serve tea in your sleep. By now you are probably even better at this than at holding a gun and fighting. When you reach the end, you stop in front of a large door.
Your knuckles touch the wood and you knock on it three times in quick succession. There is silence for a moment before Levi's dark voice comes muffled from the other side of the door, "Name and request."
You clear your throat briefly, "It's me, sir. I've brought your lunchtime tea." You hear the rustling of paper for a brief moment.
"Come in."
Your hand grips the cold metal of the door handle and you push it down.
The captain's office is probably very similar to the one in the capital, at least that's how Hange once described it to you. In his back is a large window framed by curtains, through which the sun's rays fall in the afternoon. Due to the rain today, however, it is a little darker and rather unlikely that you will be able to see the setting of the sun. The remaining walls are either empty or filled with shelves containing all kinds of books. In the back half is a massive desk, its surface almost completely filled with stacks of papers. Levi sits in his chair, as he usually does, his head bent over his papers, causing strands of his black hair to spread across his forehead.
There is a scent of detergent in the room, which mixes with his body odour. Sometimes you have the feeling that he is gradually taking on the smell of lemon and lime and regret the fall of cedar, earth and something else that you could never quite put your finger on until now. As soon as he senses your presence at the entrance, his eyes lift and your heart slips a little. You lick your lower lip to moisten it and feel your hands grow a little damp as you clutch the handles of the tray. Shadows are on his face and you can see the circles that have formed under his eyes.
For a brief moment you look at each other before you tear your gaze away and your feet move across the wooden floor.
"How are you, sir?" you ask as you set the tray down on a dresser on the left wall and take the cup and coaster in your hand.
"Tch, I already told you that you can call me Levi."
Your toes just barely touch the surface of the water and you dip them in before they come back out. It was completely silent except for the chatter of the people behind you and the sound of the ocean. Somewhere you could make out Niccolo's loud laughter and you smirk inwardly. The waves of the sea flow towards you before breaking on the piers of the pier.
The moon is still low over the horizon, but a few stars can already be seen in the cloudless sky. A gentle breeze sweeps over you and you pull your jacket tighter around you, snuggling into it. It is so incredibly peaceful and beautiful, it is hard to put into words.
"Tch, you shouldn't go so far away," says a cold, deep voice behind you, a total contrast to the rest of the scenario. Startled, you turn away from the reflection of the twinkling stars and look behind you.
His hands buried in the pockets of his suit, he looks down at you with a slightly annoyed expression and half-closed eyes. His figure is captured by the black fabric and it flatters him very much, fitting perfectly. You wonder if he had it tailored. A cold shiver runs down your spine as he eyes you.
"I-I'm so sorry, sir," you stammer, pulling your feet out of the water. Just as you are about to get up to quickly run back to the others to not annoy the captain more, he plops down beside you. Confused, you stare straight ahead and tense up as he makes himself comfortable next to you. Should you go now anyway? After a few seconds, he makes no move to tell you again, so you remain seated. The mood remains tense and does not fit in at all with the relaxing sounds around you. His hand is right next to yours and your knees are almost touching. Out of the corner of your eye you eye him and maybe it's the moonlight accentuating his contours, but he looks different. Had he always been so handsome? Such a face should be forbidden. A breeze comes up again, tousling his hair slightly, and you breathe in. Has he always smelled this good? Such a smell should be forbidden.
You look towards the moon, trying to control your rapid heartbeat. Your hands begin to sweat and the situation becomes uncomfortable. You've never spent any of your free time with him before, it doesn't feel right.
"Doesn’t it look beautiful ," you murmur to break the silence.
You hear a snort beside you and look at Levi, instantly regretting your statement. His eyes resemble the stars in the sky, even as they slowly turn dull and grey, "Yes, but at what cost?"
You frown slightly, confused by his statement and he looks past you, "How long we fought to be able to sit here."
A light goes on in your head and you bite the inside of your cheek. You didn't mean it like that, that's not what you wanted. Shame and anger come over you. Sasha told you a bit about her background when she was with you and Niccolo in the kitchen. You could never understand how much they have been through. The pain they are in is immeasurable.
"How many people I have lost to sit here," he murmurs, probably more to himself than to you, "Isabel, Petra, Erwin...", at the last name his voice breaks off and he hangs his head. The next breath of wind that surrounds you makes you freeze. This situation is cruel and deep inside you ask yourself how it came to this and why he is saying these things to you of all people. None of these names mean anything to you, but you feel his pain. You have never seen him like this, so fragile and weak. Tears come to your eyes and you are speechless. Your heart tightens and you feel the need to take him in your arms, to help him somehow. A huge burden lies on you. Your people have done this and now you have to make up for these mistakes. At that moment you realise that this will never be possible. You can never make up for something like this. It remains silent between you, the sea no longer has anything happy about it. Instead, it seems to you that every sound, every wave, reflects the cries of fallen friends, comrades and families.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, looking down at your hands, which you place in your lap. A tear drips onto them and you brush it away.
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
Your head lifts and you look at him. His gaze is averted and his knuckles turn white as he grips the edge of the pier.
"Yes, it is. Somehow it is," you murmur, seeking his gaze. As he returns it, the grey in them moves and slowly changes again. "I should have done something sooner, I'm so sorry. I can never make it right, but I'm trying to do everything in my power to make sure it never happens again. So that no one ever has to suffer at the hands of my people again, sir." Please believe me.
There it is again, the silver sparkle slowly coming back. Your heart beats heavy inside you, burning. Levi eyes you for a long time, letting his eyes glide over your features, and you do the same. You block out your surroundings, taking in only the sound of his steady breathing and the feel of his closeness.
"Call me Levi."
A barely perceptible blush settles over your cheeks once more as you set the dishes down on the only small space on the desk and remember this scene. Forms, reports and the like form a neat chaos that follows a strict principle. Never have your eyes seen even a piece of paper on this floor. He is the cleanest person you have ever met.
"Sorry, I just got so used to call you sir or captain." You lift your gaze briefly, looking into cool grey. Your assumption earlier was correct, his dark circles are darker than ever. He looks terribly tired and exhausted, but that doesn't stop him from continuing to maintain his strong posture.
You smile at him briefly before going back to the dresser. You feel his eyes on you the whole time, which sends a warm shiver down your spine.
"When was the last time you had a break?" your hands grip the porcelain of the pot. There is a silence between you as you pour him his tea. His lack of response speaks volumes and you feel sorry for him. It must not be easy being in charge next to Hange. Does he ever wish for a break inside? Does he even know such a thing? The quiet flow of liquid breaks the silence as he continues to look at you. Your nervousness increases and your butterflies fly stronger, tickling your stomach.
As always, he takes a sip of tea as soon as you finish and as always, you look at his fingers as they wrap around the top of the cup. Many times you have wondered where he had learned to drink like that, but over time your thoughts change. Instead you admire his hands, his long slender limbs that conjure up dreams in your mind. Your left hand forms into a fist as your face turns red.
"Good", he says as he raises an eyebrow and eyes you questioningly.
You just nod at him and walk quickly back to the dresser, hiding your face from him. As you put the pot back in its place, your hands tremble and you take a deep breath to slow your breathing. It is unimaginable what he is doing to you. Is this how Niccolo always feels when he sees Sasha?
Finally, you turn and look down at the floor, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Your hands play nervously with each other as you hold them in front of your body.
Silence falls again and seconds pass, it takes longer than usual to answer this question and you are beginning to wonder if he didn’t hear you.
"No, you can go," he finally says. You nod and head for the door. You don't dare look at him again, to prevent him from reading you like a book. Because he is extremely good in this area. Sometimes he knows more about his counterpart than he does himself. Just as you are about to reach for the door handle again and push it down, you hear his voice again, "Are you happy here?"
You open your eyes slightly and turn to him. Your eyes cross again and your forehead wrinkles. His eyes look different than usual, the grey seems much warmer and ... darker? You have never seen his eyes this colour before. You swallow hard and give up trying to control your heart. His question is unexpected and you can't find an immediate answer. In fact, you've asked it yourself many times before. There is no comparison to Marley, positive or negative, it is a very different life. Either way, it feels like you're a prisoner. Like you don't belong in either world. You remember Marley, your family, who you will probably never see again because they never want to see you again. At the latest after they found out you were leaving them, you were on your own. But you are sure that they already had an idea of what it was like and that their hatred began much earlier. How different your thoughts were and are compared to those of the rest of the people there. And here in the realm of the devils, it hardly seems any different. Of course, you are now a little closer to your goal, but even here you are not welcome. You fight for people who do not want you.
"I'm not unhappy," you murmur and slump your shoulders, "I just feel lonely."
You see his head working and an emotion wash over his face. Again, there is a long silence before he opens his mouth, "Why lonely?"
"Well," you stammer a little, surprised at the direction your encounter today is taking. It's funny how much has changed since that time in the tent.
"It seems to me that everyone has their purpose, that everyone knows their place. Yelena, for example, led us here, has been our leader from the beginning. She takes care of all these important things and what do I do? I get to help Niccolo prepare the food and I get to bring you tea." Your hands form into fists and anger rises from your belly. "I'm not allowed to go anywhere near the city or you'd have to worry that I won't come back because they've put an end to my life. What have I been fighting for all this time?" Without you realising it yourself, your voice rises and you become louder. "I try to do something good, to achieve something, but nothing happens. I can't do anything. What am I doing here? What did I do in Marley? Why does everyone hate me?", the last words are more of a whisper and you feel tears welling up in your eyes. Your emotions overtake you. The anger slowly fades, leaving a bitter, nauseating taste. You are so pathetic. Your life is useless, you are useless. You stand in the office of the man who is your superior, who is supposed to look after you so that you don't betray anyone, who hates your people from the bottom of his heart and who brings out feelings in you that shouldn't be there. Your body begins to shake slightly and you wipe away individual tears. What has happened to you since that moment in the tent? You feel as if you are losing sight of your purpose, the one thing that drove you to keep living.
"I don't hate you."
You look at him in surprise. His body looks tense and you regret having such an outburst. Levi is not really one of the people you should and would pour your heart out to like that. Suddenly you feel terribly small and stupid. While you have confided in each other more and more little things over time, such outbursts of emotion is still unusual. Especially since Levi very rarely lets you see through his shell. He probably just wanted to be nice and didn't expect you to pour your heart out to him right away.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have burdened you with this." You straighten your figure and smile at him. "If anything should be the matter, don't hesitate to let me know". With these words, you turn and open the door. You want nothing more than to leave this room and escape from this uncomfortable situation.
Before you can take a single step, it slams shut again. Immediately you tense up and freeze. Your eyes widen in shock and surprise. His hand is right next to your head and his body is leaning against the wood. His presence is strong and warm and you feel the need to fall backwards against him. Your belly does somersaults and the butterflies come to life. Slowly, as if in slow motion, you turn towards him and immediately press yourself against the door behind you. He is close, much too close, much closer than you suspected. His eyes sparkle at you, the grey has turned to silver which darkens as you return his gaze. You feel trapped like an animal about to be eaten by its hunter.
" You are talking bullshit, idiot," his warm breath swirls over your skin, his dark voice even deeper than usual. You expel a long-held breath and your nails dig into your skin as you form your hands into fists again. The tension between you is huge and the air is about to crackle. Your heart beats with strong, firm thumps against your ribcage. If it keeps up like this, it's going to jump out.
"Yeah, you think so?" you murmur, licking your dry lower lip. You press harder against the door as his gaze lands on your lips. Your chest almost aches from the hammering of your heart. You feel as if you are about to throw up. Your nerve endings tingle with anticipation. Very slowly his head moves towards you. If this is a dream, you don't want to wake up, ever. The movements are barely noticeable and you hold your breath again.
"Yes, I think so," he murmurs, stopping in front of your face. His silver eyes meet yours and a deep, strong feeling runs through you. He sees something in your eyes just before his lips touch yours. You don't dare move. The touch is light as a feather and your eyes close to take it in fully. His lips are much softer than you expected. They move like wings against yours and your eyes roll into your skull. Despite the light touch, whole emotions wash over you that you can barely tell apart. Lust, loss, happiness, sadness, desire, restraint. They swirl through your head and make you dizzy. He leans closer against you and you can't suppress the soft moan that escapes you. His body tenses, but he doesn't flinch. Instead, the kiss becomes more decisive, stronger. His tongue licks over your lower lip and you collapse inside. Another moan comes from you, this time a lot louder and you open your lips, greedy to get more, to taste more. The kiss breaks away, leaving you both breathless. Your head spins and all your weight falls against the door, your legs wobbly. You can't deny that you've thought about scenarios like this many times.
And your eyes meet again and your heart aches for a brief moment as you can see something in them. "This shouldn't have happened," you sum up your train of thought and speak it. The sentence hangs between you. You see the approval in his eyes, but his body makes no move in it. His chest rises almost as fast as yours and his expression is inscrutable. It almost seems as if he is fighting an internal battle, "You're right, the risk is too great."
Your head is screaming at you to leave, to say goodbye here and now and step through that door. You need to get some distance. This must never, ever happen again. Please, please go. Your head repeats these words over and over. But your gut...
"Would you take the risk again?"
Not even a second passes after you have uttered the sentence. Not even a second passes before his lips land on yours again. This time it is completely different. The kiss is more brutal. Immediately his tongue snakes between your lips, finding its way into your mouth. You play with each other as you cling to his shoulders to keep from falling over. His arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you against him. Your whole body is on fire as he explores your mouth with pleasure. He elicits one moan after another and enjoys the little noises you make. Your brain can barely process what is going on. What is happening here? An Eldian and a Marleyan? How can that be? Of course, it's similar with Niccolo and Sasha, but Levi is a completely different act. He was the person who even made a name for himself in Marley, a country he has never been to. He is one of the highest animals here.
He's just unbelievably perfect.
He releases the kiss and you gasp. Immediately his lips settle on your jaw before he moves further down and sucks on your neck. His tongue runs over your pulse and it takes your breath away. Is this really going to lead to that one thing? Should you really be doing this? The questions in your head give you a headache that eases as soon as he sucks on the thin skin of your neck. Slowly your head gives up, the screaming quiets and instead your gut and heart come to the fore, wanting in unison just the opposite. You want to feel him, more than this.
Awkwardly, your hands wander to his belt and you try to undo the buckle with trembling hands. All this is not so easy when you have no idea about it. To your surprise, he doesn't stop you. You can still feel the battle he is fighting inside, but it seems that his heart is also stronger. His big hands dig into your hips and he lurks above you. His mouth finds yours again and he kisses the swollen lips, sucking on them and in the same move your soul out of you. What takes you what feels like an eternity is only a few moves for him. He opens your trousers with an ease that makes your knees go weak. His hands move from your hips to the waistband and he pushes it off your pelvis. Without releasing the kiss, you slide them off your legs and feet. Goosebumps form on your legs as your overheated skin touches the cool air in the room.
His hands run over your pelvic bone, down to your thighs and caress your soft skin. A soft moan comes from him at the touch, making the butterflies in your stomach dance again. He reaches around your legs and lifts you up, his hands moving to your buttocks in the same motion and clasping it. You whimper as soon as you feel them. Never before had a man touched you like this. When should that have happened too? You have spent most of your life in the midst of war, never having had time for such things. He kneads the fat of your ass and a deep, dark moan comes from deep in his throat. The sound makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you cling to him. He holds you tightly to his body and you feel as if you are both drowning men, clinging to the last bit of your lives.
"This wasn't supposed to happen," he moans against your neck as he strokes your soft skin and pulls your ass cheeks apart.
"I know," you gasp, your eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment.
"And I'm sorry it's happening here now."
"It's okay." His hands dig deeper into the flesh and your lower body is on fire. You've never felt such lust and greed in your life.
"No, it isn't. You deserve better". With these words you feel his fingers between your legs, the fingers you had thought about so many times before, and you go insane. It is indescribable when he pulls the thin fabric aside. It is indescribable when the cool air hits your core and then his fingers brush against it. Your nails dig into the fabric of his shirt, you moan loudly against his neck and bury your face, grateful that he can't see it right now.
His fingers caress your cunt and you whimper. Your pelvis automatically presses against his hand before it disappears. And again, it is indescribable as you feel his tip between your lower lips. He smears your juice, rubbing it along his hard cock before you feel it against your hole. "I just can't hold back anymore, I'm so sorry".
You draw in air through your nose, tensing slightly. A mixture of fear and anticipation, panic and anticipation, flows through your body. Your cunt tingles and there is only one thing that can soothe that tingle.
His tip penetrates you. Your world turns upside down and you groan. Your eyes close and you focus on the sensation. In all your imaginings, secretly night after night as his eyes roamed your mind, it was never like this. The pain you wait for doesn't come. Instead, a warm, indescribable feeling flows through you. Every inch of him stretches you further, fills you. It fits so damn perfectly, like it was never meant to be any other way. When he's completely inside you, he exhales shakily and you only notice now how tense he is. A moan comes from his lips as your insides clench and you lean back, your back pressed against the door again. Your eyes meet and your mouth opens slightly. There is a slight blush on his cheeks too, barely noticeable. His eyebrows are slightly drawn together, creating creases between them, and his eyes are almost black. You lift your right hand and place it against his cheek, caressing his cheekbone. He looks so erotic. As if he can read your mind, he leans down to you and again your lips touch, but this time more gently, as if this moment is fragile.
His pelvis pulls back and he thrusts for the first time. You moan out, enjoying the feeling of being completely filled. Your kiss breaks away and he rests his forehead against yours. With your eyes closed, he thrusts against you again and again, stretching your walls, fucking you against the door. Your moans grow louder and you are unbelievably happy that the rain outside has become heavier. The whipping of the wind and the patter of the drops against the windows mixes with your sounds, almost drowning them out, making it less likely that you can be heard.
Your hands wrap around the back of his neck and you bury them in the stubble of his hair.
He searches your eyes again. Intense stares burn into your brain and the speed and hardness of his thrusts become harder. Something deep inside you stirs and you can't stop the tears that run down your cheek. They travel down your cheek and drip onto your legs, which are still tight around Levi's waist. This day is like a wild rollercoaster ride, one emotion after another overtakes you and you can hardly recover from the ups and downs. And now being fucked by Levi, for the first time in your life, leaves you speechless.
There is a tingling underneath your stomach, this time different from what the butterflies cause. You can't quite place the feeling, but you want more. Levi seems to be feeling the same way, his speed picking up even faster and his hands digging almost painfully into your ass. You stare at each other as you both moan again and again, the knot tightening and tightening. More, please more.
"I don't hate you," he whispers, repeating his words from earlier, hitting a specific spot inside you. You moan loudly and he does the same. Tears roll down your cheeks again and you are so close. His eyes watch your face and your trembling lips tell him everything. He keeps the angle, keeps bumping into that one spot that makes you fly. All the while he keeps repeating that one sentence, burning it into your minds so that you, above all, can never forget it.
"I don't hate you either," you gasp before your insides explode. It's like a firework that takes you with it. This is how you imagine flying. Nothing in your life has ever felt so good. You scream Levi's name, preaching it and clinging to it, clawing into it. Your soft walls twitch like crazy, driving Levi to explode too. He leans all his weight against you and the door, moaning as he continues to fuck you, albeit slower and slower.
As soon as you come down from your high, he slides to the floor with you in his arms. His right hand goes to the back of your head and he strokes your hair as your head rests against his neck again.
"I promise you that you will never feel lonely again."
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brainmaniaman · 3 years
TAGS: sugar daddy erwin, smut, brat tamer erwin, oral (male receiving), lazy fucking? , praise kink? very light degradation? idk i am just writing things that i feel like was included DESCRPTION: my brain absolutely rots for brat tamer sugar daddy erwin who finds a creative way to punish his baby for making a fool out of him i am going to cry idk why i just see erwin a brat tamer but one that goes very slow. idk this is just how i see him in my head don't @ me. idk how i feel about this but it definitely exists. WORD COUNT: 3,521
It was no secret that Erwin Smith like young women.
Specifically, young smart men and women - men and women with a good head on their shoulders and aspirations. It made conversating enjoyable, as he liked to hear about what made them tick, what brought them joy, what they wanted to do in their lives. Provided their aspirations were noble enough for his liking, he liked to fund their passions, lifestyles, and hobbies. After all, his pockets were deep and no mister, misses, or family of his own and things got boring - so since he didn't have kids or a life partner to pour into, he liked to pour into his fleeting partners.
He also liked to see them unravel before him, tongue hanging out of the side of their mouths, toes curling against the mattress, and eyes rolling into the back of their head as he fucked the mercilessly stupid - reducing them to nothing but a babbling mess of incoherent thoughts and words, drunk on the feeling of his massive cock sliding in and out of them.
But Erwin Smith, a gentleman, would never admit to that.
Sprawled out on his back, Erwin rested his right hand behind his head, looking up at you as you straddled his waist, his left hand idly playing with the small, silver, ring dangling from the front of the black choker adorning your neck.
A pout twisted on your lips as he pushed the ring back and forth, eyes focusing on your throat instead of you.
Your hands pawed at his waist before moving to his belt buckle, beginning to slide it through.
"Ah -" Erwin moved his right arm out from behind his head, resting his large hand over yours - keeping you from undoing his belt. "What do you think you're doing?"
Your lips curled downwards into a scowl.
"What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Something you shouldn't."
"And why . . ." You tapped your free hand, the one that wasn't trapped under his own, on his - impatiently. "Is that?"
"Do you recall the events that unfolded tonight?"
"Hm . . ." You tapped your index finger against your chin. "No. Not particularly."
Had this been anyone else, their temper would have been lost. Hell, your attitude was strong enough to crack most people who tried to reign it under control. Erwin ran his tongue over his bottom lip, his eyebrows furrowed together. If anything, Erwin liked the challenge. If there was anything Erwin was known for, it was his seemingly infinite patience.
"You can't recall?"
"Would you like to recall before I give you a reason to recall?"
You squirmed with excitement. Threats excited you - threats with others usually ended in spankings, and you liked those.
"No - I don't think so."
Erwin hooked his right finger into the silver ringlet dangling at your neck, giving it a slight tug forward - bringing your head down so that your lips ghosted his own.
"Very well then." Erwin breathed against your lips, "Take of your stockings."
Excitedly, you began to roll off your black stockings - those $300 dollar pair he had bought you on a whim, because you had pointed at them and told him you thought they looked nice.
You shifted on him patiently, dropping your weight down onto his cock, squirming with anticipation - waiting for him to flip you onto your stomach, press your head into the pillows, and strike his hand against your ass.
That time never came.
In fact, he was starring intently into your own eyes - and now you weren't squirming with anticipation but, rather, nervousness.
"Ride me."
"What -"
"You heard me."
"You can't be serious -"
"I am."
"Suddenly, I remember what I did -" You were starting to, essentially, plead with him, "We were at the party and -"
Erwin reached up, pressing his finger to your lips.
"You can finish the story when my cock is inside of you."
You sucked in your lower lip, tears biting the corner of your eyes.
He removed his large hand from your own.
"Go on - take my belt off . . . since you were previously so eager to take it off."
Your face was hot with humiliation and frustration as your fingers fumbled with his belt, starting to pull it through its loops.
"Maybe I shouldn't have told you to get your own drink when you asked me to grab the punch . . ."
"Mmm . . ." Erwin responded, lifting his hips slightly as you slid the belt off of his hips. "Perhaps you shouldn't have. It doesn't change the prognosis of your situation, though. Continue with what you were doing." Erwin now stretched both of his arms back, his abs rippling and flexing underneath his shirt as he cradled his hands underneath his head, eyes still trained on you.
Your fingers shook a bit as you began to unbutton his pants, pushing his boxers down, pulling his cock out. It was big, long, and girthy - the holy trifecta, as you called it - and was currently semi-hard. You ran your tongue over your top row of teeth. You couldn't help but imagine how great it would feel for his big hands to press your head down into the mattress and fill you up from behind before fucking you into the bed.
"Be a dear and help me out, use your mouth."
Your heart was pounding in your chest.
"I shouldn't have embarrassed you in front of your friends -"
"Mmm . . ." Erwin hummed again, "Perhaps you shouldn't have. Continue on."
"And if I don't?"
He raised an eyebrow at you, reaching his hand out and pressing the palm of his hand against the hot side of your face.
"You know me, I'm not going to force you to do anything you're not willing to do."
"Alright, seems like we have a mutual understanding -" You leaned him into his warm hand, body tensing at the feeling of his touch.
"- but do you think I'll just forget about tonight? At some point, you'll have to face the music. Do you think I'll just forget by tomorrow and then by the next day, roll you over and fuck you? You should know me better by now."
You crinkled your nose.
Running your tongue over your bottom lip, you hesitantly leaned your head down. Truthfully, this isn't how you expected the night to end. You had hoped in your playfulness - in openly defying him and saying no in front of his friends - he'd lose his temper at home and bring out the crop whip.
"Are you sure you don't want to just use the crop whip and call it even?"
Erwin's arms now stretched behind his head again, he tilted his head down. The sight of your hand gripped around the base of his cock, looking up at him with those doe eyes - it made him want to roll you onto your stomach, press your cheek to the headboard, and thrust into you mercilessly.
But this wasn't about seeking his own pleasure - it was about teaching you a lesson - and patience was key.
"Whips are for good girls and boys." Erwin drawled lazily, "Do you think you've been good?"
You hummed in response. He really wasn't going to let up, was he?
"And if I comply, what do I get?" You puffed out your cheeks.
"You think making amends should end in a reward?"
"I don't see why not."
"We'll see."
We'll see.
That maybe was enough to convince you it might be worth your time to comply. You lowered your head, running your tongue around his tip. You could feel his legs tense at the feeling. You used his tongue to continue to tease around the tip of his cock.
Two could play at this game.
You had planned on continuing to do this until you felt Erwin's hand come against the back of your head. It wasn't heavy, it didn't push down on your head, but simply rested there.
"Go on."
If you were going to lower your head, he wanted you to do it out of your own volition.
He wanted the satisfaction of your compliance.
There was a moment of hesitation as you continued to tease the tip of his cock - which was big. You hadn't taken him in your mouth before - usually, by now, he would bury himself to you to his hilt and thrust mercilessly. You hadn't had him in your mouth before. Hell, you weren't sure if it was capable. Even so, you widened your mouth - slowly taking him into your mouth - your tongue sliding along the length of his big cock, which stretched your mouth beyond what was normal. He kept his hand on the back of your head, fingers curling into the strands of your hair.
Slowly, you began to slide your bob your head up and down on his cock. Pride swelled in you as he let out a breathy sigh, his abdomen flexing slightly. Positioned between his legs, you gripped at his thighs - fingernails digging into the large muscles of his thighs. Erwin's thighs clenched as your sides as you continued to bob your head up and down his cock slowly - your hands gripping at the base of his cock to steady yourself. You had only managed to make it half of the way down before you could feel your eyes water, close to triggering your gag reflex. Your neck began to flex upwards but his hand became heavy on the back of your head, pushing your head back down slowly.
"Your little mouth looks so pretty around my dick-" Erwin breathed out, "Much better than it looks when you're spewing defiant vulgarities against me."
You grew wet at the comment, drenching you panties. You fidgeted, rubbing your thighs together with arousal as his fingers curled tightly in the strands.
Pink lipstick smudged at his dick as he pulled your head upwards, starting to guide you up and down the length of his cock.
"Don't you think?"
Saliva dripped from the edges of your lips as your mouth continued to slide up and down his dick, his breath becoming shaking and unstable - only driving you to perform better. Perhaps if you had him like putty your hands, he'd be more willing to forgive and forget.
"So pretty -" Erwin praised, his sharp blue eyes looking lazily down at you, clearly pleased with the way you struggled to take the entirety of his cock between your lips, the way saliva dripped from the edges of your lips, and the muffled mmfs and hhns you gagged out - rumbling against his skin. "Pretty little things like you shouldn't waste your time spewing such hateful and bratty things. Don't you agree?"
"Hmmm" You hummed against his cock, looking up at him through your eyelashes. His breath was becoming more erratic as he continued to guide your head up and down the length of his cock, though maintained eye contact with you.
"- wanna look into your eyes when I cum in your mouth" Erwin choked out, his chest rising and falling more rapidly, "- and see it spill over that smart mouth of yours"
Your pussy now throbbing and aching as his tip pressed the back of your throat, coming dangerously close to triggering your gag reflex.
He didn't move his hips to aide you, simply guided your head.
Despite his light moans and groans, he remains miraculously quiet. Unlike you, he's never been quite loud. There's a moment as your lips and tongue drag up from the base of his cock, dragging to his tip, and he for a moment he thinks he may just see stars as he unloads into your mouth. If you think about pulling back, you can't, as his hand holds you in place even as cum starts to drip from the corners of your mouth, spilling and dribbling onto your chin.
His fingers uncurl from your hair and drop to move strands of hair from your eyes before wiping at the corner of your mouth - though the movement of his thumb doesn't do anything to clean you up in the slightest. It's more of gentle gesture than anything else.
"I've done my part -" You go to sputter out, but he only laughs and shakes his head.
Erwin's hand slips between your legs, gently grabbing at your pussy with his big hand. "You're already wet - and from just that? Dirty little thing. You want my cock in you, right?"
"Yes -"
The hand between your thighs presses up against your pussy and his left hand grips at your hips, lifting you to your knees so that you're properly straddling him again. He's working of your lacy panties now, tossing them to the side.
"Go ahead -" He motions to himself, "Fill yourself."
You furrow your eyebrows, expression clearly displeased. You feel more and more control slipping away from you and suddenly, you feel increasingly more self-conscious. By now, anyone else would have simply had their way with you - the way you liked it. But this man was making you work for it - and honestly, it was punishment enough.
"I think I've learned my lesson by now -" You sputter out, not too keen on doing the rest of the work.
"Maybe you have." Erwin responds lazily, "But if I were to end the punishment here, you wouldn't learn your lesson - would you? But surely, if you want - we can stop here." He pressed his hand in between your thighs, his fingers rubbing lazily at your slit before running around your clit. Your legs were shaking as you let out small whines and moans. "Do you want to end here?"
"N-No!" You sputter out as his fingers continue to slide slickly up and down your pussy. Erwin's fingers teased the entrance of your cunt, pressing in slightly as his thumb pressed itself into your clit - but didn't go much further.
"Then I suggest -" Erwin arched his back up, bringing his lips to ghost over yours as his free hand wiped some of the frustrated tears dripping at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill down the sides of your cheeks, "- you put in the work to show me just how sorry you are . . . and maybe I'll consider rewarding you for your effort."
He really wasn't going to relent.
You placed your hands on his fully erect cock again, lining the tip of his dick up against your entrance. Both of his hands rested against the side of your face reassuringly, admiring how your chin glistened with his cum.
"Go on." He encouraged you.
Slowly, you lowered yourself down onto his cock - carefully taking it agonizingly slow as his dick stretched you out uncomfortably; it was clearly taking you a while to adjust. For the moment, he let you take your sweet time - besides, the punishment itself wasn't about not seeking pleasure. It was about making you put in the work to seek out your own pleasure. Perhaps after this, you'd be less likely to make a fool out of him in front of his friends.
Your legs shifted as you sat still, practically warming his cock as you sat there.
"Well?" He asked patiently, "Work for it."
Hesitantly, you raised yourself up a bit - sliding yourself upwards. At the feeling of your tight cunt sliding against his big cock, he couldn't help but groan. Slowly, you lowered yourself down again. For a second, you waited - hoping that if you took it slow and steady, he'd get impatient, grab you by the hips, and fuck you himself.
"You're smart enough to know I'm not stupid," Erwin said, tapping your temple with his index finger, "I know the game you're playing. Keep going."
You pouted but he simply drug his thumb over your lip, puling it down before hooking his thumb into your mouth - pressing the pad of his thumb into your gums.
You continued to slide slowly up and down against his cock, groaning as his tip pressed into that sweet spot he knew how to reach every time. However, given that you were tasked with handling it yourself - it was much different.
Your body ached for him to grab at you - your breasts, your ass, your thighs - something. But instead, Erwin moved his hands from your mouth and linked his fingers behind his head, propping his head up so he could see your little mouth contort into different expressions as you bounced up and down on his dick, clearly humiliated by the fact that you were even having to put in this much work to begin with.
"Very good." He cooed as you placed the palms of your hands on his clothed chest, working at the buttons of his shirt. "Ah - no." Erwin corrected you, grabbing your hands and removing them from his shirt. "I don't think you deserve it. Unbutton your own shirt."
Your ears grew hot as you continued to bounce up and down on his cock, his tip hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Your eyes were watering and legs were shaking - clearly already tired, as this was obviously something you didn't ever do.
Your shaky fingers unbuttoned the front of your shirt as you continued to bounce on his cock, tight black skirt clinging to your thighs as he looked lazily up at you, once more moving his hands behind his head.
"Take it off."
You slid the shirt off your shoulders, letting it drop at the edge of the bed.
"Now your bra, dear."
Still bouncing, this time more relentlessly, you twisted your arms behind your back - struggling to unclasp your bra but, after a few long seconds of struggling, freed your breasts from its restraints.
"Touch me -" You breathed out as you dropped your bra at the end of the bed with your shirt, "P-Please" You pleaded.
"Hmm . . ." Erwin looked pensive. "No. I don't think you're sorry enough yet." His own breath was becoming labored again, his abdomen flexing and legs twitching as pleasure began to pool in him. The sight of you helplessly bouncing up and down on him, your ass pressing against his pelvis, breasts bouncing up and down as you struggled to keep up the pace that was most pleasurable for you, was absolutely magnificent. "Since you want to touch yourself so bad, why don't you do it yourself? Go ahead, pinch your nipples."
Hesitantly, you gripped at your right breast, letting your thumb roll over your nipple gently and couldn't help but moan as you pinched and pulled at it - desperately trying to receive pleasure from yourself as you continued to rock your hips back and forth - sweat rolling down the back of your neck as you bring your other hand to fondle at your left breast, gripping and squishing at the skin - closing your eyes and pretending it was him playing with your nipples.
Your bouncing became more desperate, frantic even, and a pool of pleasure was beginning to build at your abdomen.
"H-Help . . ." You sputtered out, but Erwin didn't seem to be particularly interested in helping you out, his own breath ragged and shaking. More than anything, he wanted to grab your hips and snap his upwards into yours - but reminded himself that it wasn't about his pleasure but, instead, teaching you a lesson.
"You seem to -" Erwin groaned a bit, "You seem to -" He repeated himself, "Be handling it just fine -"
You bounced more desperately against his cock, his tip smashing easily into your sweet spot as you slid up and down against him with ease, clearly exhausted but still desperate to get something out of this entire punishment.
Before you knew it, the tension in the pit of your stomach had broke and you were gushing all over his dick and your own thighs, your body tensing and shaking as you orgasmed.
Erwin himself hadn't orgasmed - though he came close. In truth, the only times he could orgasm was when he took control himself. But his pleasure hadn't come from the sex itself, but instead watching you desperately and tiredly fuck yourself stupid on his cock, rocking back and forth pathetically as you tried to work for some kind of release.
Besides, bad little playthings that misbehaved didn't deserve to have their pussy dripping with his cum - no matter how desperately they wanted to.
Very gently, he raised you off his cock and helped you lay down beside him.
Slowly, he zipped himself up and leaned himself over on his arms, pressing a very gentle kiss to your forehead.
"I think you've redeemed yourself."
He had half a mind to roll you over onto your stomach and fuck you to sleep - but punishments were punishments for a reason.
Instead, he stood up and grabbed your clothes from the end of the bed, putting them in the hamper before changing into his own pajamas and crawling back under the sheets himself.
Erwin leaned over, placing one more gentle kiss to your cheek before turning over to turn off the lamp at his bedside.
"If you decide to behave, then tomorrow will be a better day."
With that blunt, yet cheeky, comment - he turned the silver finial on the lamp, shutting off the light with a gentle click.
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Handle With Care
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Requested By @posies4rosie: "Jisoo once gave advice in an interview to people who are having anxiety/depression, that when they feel themselves “slipping under”, they can try turning their thoughts to something lighter and focus on the better things instead before getting consumed. -- Request for reader x Jisoo where reader had one of those episodes and failed to pull herself out, which she thinks she’s failing Jisoo by not being able to help herself, causing her to sink even further. -- Jisoo uses her way to help reader. Angst with a happy ending, please <3"
Pairing: Jisoo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 3,948
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Self-Doubt, Mentions Of Anxiety / Depression, Fluff, Light Smut / Suggestive Themes, Some Cursing, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hello again, my lovely readers! I really enjoyed writing this one, so thank you very much for requesting. I hope all of you enjoy it -- Happy reading!
The day started off like any other, nothing seeming out of place or particularly noteworthy as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and took a look around the room. Jisoo had to leave before you woke up, and a sweet letter on the bedside table served as her parting gift. 
My love, 
We have an early stage today, but I'll be back before you know it. Turn it on if you miss me too much ;)
All my love and kisses,
Your Jichu
It made you smile, imagining her saying those words with a little smirk on her lips, and you mindlessly toyed with the edge of the paper. The power this woman holds over your heart is a bit frightening, if you're honest with yourself. One simple note, merely a paragraph at best, warms your heart immensely. The thought of her alone is capable of making you giddy, magically turning you into a love stricken teenager. She rules your world with care, always making sure you feel important and valued; she fights your demons right beside you, never backing down for a minute. 
Before Jisoo, you falsely thought you knew what love was; the ill-conceived notion that you used as a guide was flawed in every way. You were raised to believe that true, honest love only existed in far-off realms -- in worlds of make-believe; so, naturally, settling had always been your forte. You blended in and stuck with the crowd, always going for the safest option when given the choice. You limited yourself with each decision you made, and deep resentment blossomed within you. 
Resentment at your family for allowing the disease of self-doubt to grow within you. They could've stopped it before it really began; they could've assured you of your worth instead of letting you think your insecurities true. 
Resentment at yourself for believing them. 
Everytime you attempted to break the pattern and listen to your heart when it told you that there was a world beyond such mundanity, some nagging voice in the back of your head told you it was all a lie. Your life so far, as boring as it may have been, was predictable and safe. Although you ached for the unexpected, for some all-consuming thrill to shake up the life you had grown to accept, you always fell back into that old mindset. Your fears outweighed your courage every time, and you knew it was futile to go against them. 
But one day -- one beautiful, fateful day -- you met Jisoo. It was a time in your life that you needed a friend; someone to listen and assure you that things would be okay. In allowing your paths to cross, the universe most certainly blessed you; Jisoo became your confidant in the blink of an eye, offering consistency and understanding, and you let her slip past the walls you spent years so meticulously putting up. 
You didn't do that often, and yet it seemed like a no-brainer with her. She made you feel as though you were enough, that you mattered in a world that so adamantly tried to make you believe otherwise. Her love was unconditional and fierce, thorough and far-reaching.
Keeping people at arm's length had always been your way of ensuring that life stayed as predictable as ever, precariously balanced in that safe zone of no risk. Even when you dated people, giving into those innate desires to be cherished despite not deeming yourself worthy, you never really let them in. Not all the way, at least. Something always told you that others were better; closer to perfection. No matter the person, you could always find a reason to say that they were better. That they were something you'd never be; that they had something you'd never have. 
The comparisons didn't stop when you began dating Jisoo, but they sure as hell slowed down some. All of that was her doing; she filled your mind with constant reassurance and love, always showing you what a healthy relationship looked like. Over the years, she learned to read you well: the shifting of your eyes served as a sign that you were getting overwhelmed; the way that you zoned out told her the negative thoughts were barreling in. Though she's convinced you to give yourself some credit in the matter, she's the main one responsible for getting you where you are today.
She's your strength -- your reason for wanting to be better.
"Dalgooomie," you cheerily sing out, your voice echoing throughout the apartment. That familiar sound of paws on hardwood draws a smile from you, and you turn to see him eagerly scrambling towards you. 
"Good morning buddy! Are you ready for a walk?" For a moment, you swear he can understand your high pitched speech; he spins around, wagging his tail happily as he looks towards the door. 
With a laugh, you clip his leash on and the two of you begin your walk. 
It's a gorgeous morning; the sun is peeking up, illuminating a sky of beautifully pastel colors as the grass shines with dew. The beads spring off in different directions, the surface tension of the water breaking every time Dalgom rustles his way through the lawn. You have a feeling that today will be a good day.
If only you knew.
About 15 minutes later, you unlock the front door and grin as he charges into the familiar space. He tugs you with him, drawing a chuckle from you as your feet stumble in through the doorway. 
"Slow down buddy! I know you're hungry but you've gotta give me a second," you shake your head, amused, as you remove his leash and make your way to the kitchen. He follows suit, barking when you take too long for his liking.
"Yah, okay okay!" You scoop his food into the bowl and pat him on the head as he begins to eat.
A ding from your phone sounds off, the notification surprising you a little. Great timing, you think to yourself.
"About to go on stage, I'll text you later. Xoxo"
Your heart warms at the message, and you type a quick reply before heading to the couch to turn the tv on. 
At first, all is well: you watch your girlfriend in awe, always so enraptured by her performances. During one portion of the program, you even run upstairs to retrieve your lightstick and dance around in the middle of the living room. As much as Jisoo can't believe you actually bought one, she thinks it's the most adorable thing ever. 
Everything was going well, truly, until towards the end of the show, when the girls were interviewed with a few other idols. One in particular, a female soloist, stood beside Jisoo, looking completely at ease next to her. She was beautiful in every way imaginable, and you couldn't help but begin to compare yourself. You tried to focus on how happy Jisoo looked as she joked with her members, answering the questions with that quick wit you love so much. But your mind soon again filled with intrusive thoughts, taking the focus away from Jisoo.
She looks so much prettier than you do
Watch how she's looking at Jisoo
They look pretty together
What if Jisoo likes her?
I bet she does
You physically shake your head in an attempt to force the thoughts out. Jisoo loves you, you know that. She's with you for a reason. Eventually you're able to look at the tv again without grimacing, but soon that progress is destroyed all over again. 
The soloist puts her hand on Jisoo's arm, motioning to the girls and herself as she explains something to the MC. She must've cracked a joke, said something really hilarious, because all of them burst into laughter. Jisoo throws her head back, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as she giggles loudly. That joyous sound hurts you now, almost feeling like she's laughing at you. 
It's ridiculous and immature, but your brain takes it there no less. You know better, but your mind is flooded with insecurity and fear, overrun by your unforgiving worries. Tears are streaming down your face as the thoughts grow worse and worse, and it feels suffocating. You consider yourself weak for blowing such a seemingly innocent thing so out of proportion, twisting what should be a positive thing for your girlfriend into something negative. But you can't help it. Your brain betrays you, coming up with hundreds of hurtful scenarios that pile on until you can't breath. It's a physical pain, one far too overwhelming to "wish away" now. You turn off the tv and dart up the stairs, set on crying into your pillow until your mind decides to give you a break.
"Y/N, baby, I'm home." Jisoo calls, and you can hear the material of her jacket slide onto the metal hook beside the front door. 
"In here," you say weakly, cursing your voice for even hinting that you're less than okay. For Jisoo, you want to be perfect; you want to seem like you have your shit together. She must not have thought anything out of the ordinary, though, because soon you hear a little giggle from the hallway. 
"Hi Dalgomie, did you miss mommy?" She coos, her voice higher than usual and bouncy as she bends down to scoop up the pup. She pads her way into the kitchen, talking to him all the while. Her free arm snakes around your waist once she reaches you, and she leans around to kiss your temple.
The action was loving and simple -- it shouldn't have made your heart ache. Perhaps it wasn't the act itself that caused it; maybe it was the accumulation of all of your emotions from the day coming to the surface. The feeling of Jisoo's arm around you reminded you of earlier; of how close she was to that woman on the program. They looked incredible, clad in the blingy outfits you could never afford and elegant in their mannerisms. It all brought forth the nasty idea that she's just settling for you -- that she's only with you because she feels sorry for you. 
When you don't start a conversation like normal or even turn to look at her, Jisoo knows something's wrong. Gently, she kisses Dalgom's head before setting him down on the ground. He trots off towards god-knows-where, and you almost wish to be him. You want to avoid the discussion you'll surely be having any minute now; running away has always been your go-to.
But Jisoo won't stand for that. She's mature and honest in every way, and she knows how to handle you. 
"My love, what's wrong?"
She's earnestly concerned, and her tone lets you know she doesn't want you to brush the problem away. Without even knowing the issue yet, Jisoo can tell it's something worth working through. 
"I had an episode today and I wasn't able to stop it." You hang your head, your fingers busying themselves by toying with the bread bag in front of you. Once you had stopped crying earlier, you came down to make yourself some food; after all, you hadn't eaten all day.
Jisoo tuts at you, slowly turning you around to face her. The back of your legs lean against the counter now, and tears threaten to spill out of your eyes. A few moments of silence pass, Jisoo giving you the opportunity to elaborate. She always offers you the option to initiate the process, not wanting to risk diminishing your feelings before even knowing what's troubling you. She never patronizes you, and you're endlessly thankful.
With a deep breath, you lower your gaze to the floor and continue. Seeing the disappointment in her eyes is definitely not something you can handle in your already emotional state. 
"I turned your show on today and saw the pretty idol you were talking to. I started comparing myself and it all got worse from there." You inform quickly, just wanting to get the words out. 
She sets her jaw, clenching and releasing the muscles repeatedly as she decides on how best to respond. 
"Did you use the technique we talked about?" She asks gently, releasing the question with care.
"I tried, but it didn't work this time." A single tear rolls down your cheek, and you swipe it away before Jisoo can even notice it.
You feel like you're failing her by giving into your worries, but they're incessant. They fight for your attention, completely overruling any "happy thought" that you might have previously hoped would be capable of mitigating your fears. You're disappointed in yourself, but since when is that a new thing?
"She's an idol, Jisoo. She can relate to you in ways I'll never be able to." 
"You think I'd throw away 4 years with you to be with someone I barely know, because we can relate?"
She voices your fears in such a way that you instantly feel foolish for believing them. Nevertheless, you persist. 
"She's everything I'm not."
"And that's precisely why you never have to worry."
With furrowed brows, you tilt your head and look at Jisoo: her statement confuses you.
"No one else even comes close to you, baby. You're what I want. You're who I want. Every little thing that makes you who you are is a reason I love you." 
Your heart beats harder at her words, taken aback by how genuine they sound. She's saying all the things you need to hear, but it feels too good to be true.
"Loving me is exhausting; I don't see why you keep doing it. You should be with someone who doesn't need coddling… who isn't broken like me. We go in circles, Jisoo. I always go back to giving into my fears." 
She lets out a disbelieving scoff, soft in its volume as she says, "If I wanted to leave, I would've. You've given me more than enough chances to go, and still I have yet to find a reason to. I'm not perfect either, Y/N. You act like everyone else is so high above you, but we're really all just dealing with our own baggage."
"I have enough of that for 10 people." The phrase is pointed and self depreciating, and Jisoo can't take it any longer. 
"Stop. Look at me, baby." She finally breathes out, hooking her fingers underneath your chin and raising your head. 
"Whether or not you think I'm making a mistake, I'm always gonna choose you. My life isn't complete without you in it; our stories became intertwined the day we met."
Her cheek briefly tugs up in a lopsided smile at the memory of your first meeting.
"I'm just scared, Jisoo. Do you know how many times people have told me they'd stay, just to leave the moment they found someone better? I know I'm not easy to love; I know it's difficult. I just can't imagine what I'd do without you. You've made me feel emotions I never even knew existed."
You're more honest with Jisoo than anyone else, and being so vulnerable scares you. Nevertheless, it feels good to open up sometimes. 
"You'll never have to find out what that's like, because I'm never leaving. Do you understand how in love with you I am? I don't think you do." 
You slip your chin out of her hold again, still disappointed in yourself. The action hurts her more than you know, and you miss the way her face contorts into a sad frown. 
"When I roll over in the morning and see your face on that pillow, I don't know what to do with myself. When I'm holding you and Dalgom cuddles in between us, it's like I see a glimpse into my future. When you smile at me it's like I can finally breathe again. My home is with you; please don't ever doubt that. You're my world."
And then, you hear it. The noise that very rarely ever comes from your girlfriend. A sniffle.
Your eyes shoot up to hers in an instant, searching through her deep pools as you step forward to cradle her face in your hands. She tries to turn away, already upset with herself -- she knows you'll blame yourself for her tears. 
Jisoo only cries in front of you when she's frustrated or deeply moved, and sometimes when she's scared. As you run a thumb along her cheek, you attempt to figure out her reasoning for it this time. 
Once she eventually accepts that you aren't letting her get away, she leans into your touch.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You sell yourself so short. The fact that you think you're anything less than incredible devastates me. You're amazing in every capacity… and so, so beautiful." 
Her voice wavers, taut with the emotions she's still reeling from. She says the words so assuredly that you begin to give in and believe them. She makes them sound like simple facts; common knowledge to any and everyone. On top of that, you're pained beyond belief that anything of your doing makes her this sad. She deserves to be smiling constantly, so hard her cheeks hurt and her belly aches from laughing. 
"I'll never be able to see myself like you do, Jisoo, but I'm willing to work on it. You've already helped me more than you'll ever know, and I've come pretty far. Sometimes I just can't keep the thoughts at bay." 
She nods, moving the hand that previously rested on your hip to hold your wrist. She strokes the skin gently, leaning further into your touch as her eyes soften with understanding. 
"I love you. Thank you for dealing with me." You utter, leaning forward to rest your forehead against hers. She sighs at your words, rubbing a comforting circle on your back. 
"Thank you for letting me in, jagi. Saranghae." 
Your lips move to meet hers now, halfway, both of you needing to feel each other. It's slow and meaningful; she takes her time with it, treating it just like she does your heart. You tilt her head to deepen the kiss, noting the warmth that her cheeks still radiate as you trail your fingers over her skin.
A subtle shiver courses through her at your ministrations, drawing a smile from you. You'll never get tired of kissing her; of having her wrapped in your arms, so close to you. Vulnerable moments like these remind you of how different she is from everyone else. She's your everything and then some, and she needs you as much as you need her. 
A bit impatient now, Jisoo tugs at your bottom lip, silently asking for more. You tap her thighs before looping your hands underneath them, swiftly lifting her onto the kitchen counter. The thin material of her skirt sits a little higher up on her legs now, having ridden up as you moved her. 
She hooks her legs around you as you move to stand in between them, preventing her from falling and keeping her as close as possible. You break the kiss to study her for a moment, lazily running your fingers along the newly exposed skin of her thighs. Her hair is on its way to being mussed, the curls from her earlier performance now coming undone. 
Her tongue darts out of her mouth to moisten her lips as she drinks in the sight of you. The top 2 buttons of your blouse are open, allowing her eyes to gaze at your chest wantonly. 
She trails a hand up your body, teasing you before she grips your collar and yanks you forward. 
Your lips meet again but this kiss holds something different than before: it's passionate, full of need. She adjusts her posture so that her body is flush against you, enabling you to feel how hard her heart is beating. No one else is capable of making her feel this way, and she's determined to remind you of that.
You bite her bottom lip before smoothing your tongue over it to soothe any ache your actions might've caused. The act is welcomed by Jisoo, proven by the groan that vibrates in her throat. Her hands tangle in your hair as you lower your head to her neck, pressing your lips to the tender skin. 
"A-ah, right there," she husks out, her voice deepened with desire. Her wish is your command, and you take your time in leaving a mark there. You continue your assault, leaving a trail of purple-ish bruises in your wake as you move to untouched patches of skin. She knowingly spurs your actions on by moaning into your ear when you bite with just the right amount of pressure, her breath hot on your neck. 
You pull away to admire your work, knowing her makeup artist will have a field day with covering up all of your marks. She leans back a bit, slowly swiveling her hips as she uses her ankles to pull you closer. 
Her movements fuel the heat pooling between your legs, and you don't even attempt to stop the moan that leaves you. She knows you so well; she knows exactly what gets you going, just what to do and say.
"Come here," you command, securing her legs around your waist as you lift her off of the counter. Her lips find yours again, keeping them occupied as you walk towards the couch -- trekking up to the bedroom would take far too long. 
"Tell me what you want, baby." You say, laying her down on the plush cushions. She pulls you against herself again, smiling at the feeling of your hips pressed into her. At first, she defies you, opting to push her lips against yours instead of answering your question. You know what to do to make her talk, though. Slyly, you pull away, barely ghosting your lips over hers. It's just enough contact to make her want more, but not enough to satisfy her. 
With a press of your thigh to her center, she's already bucking her hips up into you, reaching up to reclaim your lips. She whines as you pull further away, not allowing her to kiss you until she gives you an answer. 
"Use your words, Jisoo." You add your hand into the mix of things driving her crazy as you trail it down her body, allowing your fingers to sneak under the hem of her shirt and skim over her abdomen.
She looks at you defiantly, causing you to quirk an eyebrow. Challenging you, is she? Two can play at that game. 
You apply more pressure to her core, allowing her to take pleasure in two more strong strokes against your thigh before pulling away completely. 
"Fuck- no. Y/N…" she pleads, reaching for you again. She's really getting worked up now. 
A smirk crosses your lips at her desperation, and you almost have to stifle a chuckle. She knows you're stubborn, and denying herself release seems idiotic when all she has to do is listen to you. So, she gives in.
"I want your mouth; your fingers. All of you." 
Your cocky persona falters a bit at her words and you feel the blood rushing through your veins at the way she said them. Her voice was raw with lust, dripping with desire as she eyed you. 
"Was that so hard, baby?" You tease, resuming your previous movements with a smirk. 
"Shut up and kiss me." She huffs out, half annoyed and half amused.
"Yes ma'am." You press your lips to hers and get started on meeting her demands. 
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blueposthings · 3 years
#unsentproject Prompt List
All 100 of these prompts were taken from theunsentproject.com 
You can request by sending me one or more numbers, character(s) and character specification (age, gender, physical appearance, etc -this is optional tho). Also please specify whether you’d like the story to be romantic or platonic, you can even decide what the relationship between the characters are.
I write for characters of the all of the characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I do not write smut or any illegal pairings (pedophilia, incest, etc).
Have fun!
You dont know how much I fucking love your smile
I hate that i left you like that over nothing
I want to know you more than i think i know
I looked at pictures of us from almost a year ago & they dont even feel real. We smiled a lot then.
I’m still not convinced you actually want me
First it was a game. Then it was real. And now it's just a heartache.
Maybe some other time.
Maybe someday I can finally accept that no matter how much we love each other, we can't be together.
Why did you leave me for them? Why are they better than I am?
I wish you didn't hate me, and I wish I didn't hate you.
The thought of you still drives me crazy even after all this time
Please come see me, just one more time.
I wish I can still tell you everyday how much I love you
Everything reminds me of you. 
It hurts so fucking much.
I hate you but I love you
I think your interests are really cool I would love to hear more 
But when it hurts I can make you better
In another life, I guess…
You really messed me up, but you’ll always have a special place in my heart.
Why did we change?
The future we always had planned, now belongs to us in another dimension.
I bully you sometimes but you’re still really cool
Move on before you get hurt even more.
Forever and ever. To infinity and beyond. Remember?
I care about you, dummy
I never meant to lose you. Especially not like this.
Thank you for giving me a reason to wake up in the morning.
Wish you are here right now with me
You fell too hard
I liked seeing you fall apart completely
Please don’t give up on us.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I wish I never hurt you.
I really hope you are honest this time
You were really special to me
It was going so well until you decided you couldn't be around me anymore
I still remember this was your favorite color and it started to be my favorite too
You don’t just leave your best friend like that.
I just know you are happier now
I wish I could run down the hill one more time and hear you saying that you will catch me
You probably will never care, but fuck you.
I dreamed of you yesterday
I guess I was wrong
I wish things could be different between us
I can feel that my life is falling apart
Save me please
You make me believe soulmates are real everyday
I love you more than myself and you broke me.
I realize the hurt I’ve cause you and I’m sorry.
You love them so much, I wish someone could love me that much
Doesn’t mean I forgive you
You remind me of the moon.
Hey, what neck tattoo should I get?
I already miss being in your arms
There are levels to this shit.
Even though I know it’s selfish.
I hope you are happy without me. You deserve that.
You promised me forever.
I’m keeping you forever and for always
Losing you is like falling endlessly into an abyss
Do you not love me anymore?
Can I be your forever?
You’re very funny.
Is it weird?
I’m in so much pain and you probably haven’t even thought about me.
Loving you is like walking on a road with the traffic signs stuck on green when it should be red.
The world is against us
I like your mom better
I will wait for you forever
I can’t remember what you feel like and I’m honestly happy and sad about it.
I’ve grown up a bit and am now capable of seeing what a wonderful human you are
I fall in love with you and you don’t give a fuck
My whole heart aches to tell you this
I’m really tired of being confused
She is your first love but I intend to be your last
You set my standards too high
I’m trying so hard to be strong
Thank you so much for teaching me how to grow
Thank you for loving me in the best way you know how
I’m sorry I’ve made you second choice
Why do we have to be punished like this?
You shouldn’t have lied
Someday you will accept the love you deserve.
You saved my life
No matter what, I’ll always be grateful
Maybe I should learn from this time
You’re a dumb bitch
Now it’s time for you to go
Sometimes I wonder if we knew each other in a past life
I don’t care. Just come back.
Being by your side is the best thing I could ever ask for.
I’m with you ‘till the end of the line.
Thank you for making me believe in love again
I wish I knew that was the last time you’d hold me
It might not have been a lot to you, but to me it was everything.
Your love healed me in ways I never thought possible.
Do you ever miss it too?
Enjoy yourself, kid.
You deserve the world.
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avversiera-writes · 4 years
overstepping, part 1 of 2 - tobirama senju/reader
Summary: In which Tobirama does not know how to express his concerns properly. And it turns to a mess, and then some. Smut ensues. 
Author’s Note: it’s the same timeline/au as you never said goodbye and also apparently in this au of mine, Hashirama had stepped down as Hokage due to his gambling addiction and not bc he died…that’s fine with me tho. Available in AO3 as well.
You are absolutely so proud of Tobirama for being the new Hokage. Nothing compares to the feeling of seeing your new husband achieving the position that he deserves–although he could balk and snipe that he does not want it. You do have the feeling that he is a little happy about it, because he is in a position of cementing his brother’s dreams to last more than a lifetime. 
 However, there are moments when you absolutely loathe your husband’s new powerful position. Because it means that he can do stuff like this. Stuff like, overstepping the command system best left to Jounins like you (although he did have a hand in creating the said system, which adds to your endless chagrin). Not that he couldn’t, but the fact that he actually could, that his word is above all laws can be frustrating to you to no end. 
“Excuse me?” You almost snap, but your self-control reminds you that the Hokage is your husband.  
You gather yourself and look at Sarutobi Hiruzen pointedly. “Can you please repeat that?” You ask, but it is more of a defense mechanism so that you can have enough time to rear in your temper. 
Hiruzen had the nerve–the nerve! As if he and his genius sensei do not agree with each other–to look sheepish. “Lord Nidaime Hokage has re-assigned this mission and has ordered that I take over. He orders that you be relieved of this mission.”
 You stare at Hiruzen, speechless. Orders. Oh yeah, because your husband is the Hokage. 
“But…this is my mission,” you said, your mind supplying the only reasonable argument you can scramble. 
Hiruzen gives you an apologetic look. 
You are literally about to take off when he has stopped you with orders from the Hokage to step down and give this mission up. 
Dammit, Tobirama, you think. Who do you think you are?
You look at the faces of your students who are freshly Chuunins. They stare back at you, completely clueless and painfully wide-eyed that it makes your heart clench. They are about to head outside Konohagakure, and you won’t even be there to advise them before throwing them to the sharks of the battlefield, where they could get killed. You know that they need you, and that you have spent weeks training them to be ready and to polish their teamwork with you. What would come out of this mission with this sudden arrangement? They are just children, for Kami’s sake. 
It is not that you doubt Hiruzen’s ability. Your husband has trained his students to be good shinobis to the bone, but this situation does not sit right with you. You have seen how strong Hiruzen and his team are, and are more than ready to handle leading missions by themselves. 
You exhale. “Alright, go, I won’t keep you waiting,” you grit out. 
Hiruzen nods and he turns to your young team, and they flee. 
You stand over the graves of your students, failure and shame hanging over your shoulders. You have failed them. They were just newly Chuunins. You were supposed to be there for them. One small mistake in the battlefield, such as overlooked traps, had caused their lives. Hiruzen had shown up, still recovering from the third degree burns he had acquired from the mission. He looks on glumly and you let out a slow breath. 
You want to blame Hiruzen, but you know better, having been a seasoned Jounin at this point. 
Another set of footsteps approach the two of you, and Hiruzen leaves quietly. 
“It’s not your fault,” Tobirama tells you in that matter of fact way. As if that would comfort you.
You clench your fist, and your teeth, but your grief gets the better of you. You turned to him and slapped him. 
“That’s for pulling me out of my mission,” you spat. You almost feel bad seeing the flash of hurt on his face, but the way he composed his features made you angrier. 
You ball your hand into a fist and you aim a punch towards his chest. He staggers back, completely off-guard. “And that’s for getting them killed.”
Tobirama stares at you, his red eyes as cold as ever, or not–they are brimming with unsaid words, though you can’t find it in yourself to remember why you even married this man right now. 
“Stop this,” he says quietly. 
You think he almost reaches for your arm, but it could have been your imagination. 
You shoot him a glare, and then you turn to walk away. 
The second time it happened, you were livid . So much so that no ANBU guarding the Hokage can hold you down. You had managed to snag a high-level mission, but you were hoping that you were already away before it could get to the Hokage. Of course, it was naivety on your part that nothing gets past your husband. 
It has been months since you have taken up a mission outside the Land of Fire, missions that you are definitely capable of. 
Just when you thought you could actually hop back into your shinobi career. 
You burst through the doors of the Hokage’s office, rage rolling off of you in waves that no ordinary shinobi can get closer to. Good thing your husband is the Hokage. 
“Lord Nidaime,” you grit your teeth. “You did not want to yell in the office, where there are ears listening in. “I am asking you to give me this mission–my mission– back, not as your wife, but as a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf.” 
Tobirama gazes at you coolly, which furthers fuel your anger. “No, you cannot go. Have you forgotten what had happened the last time you had a similar mission? It was a simple reconnaissance mission and you failed,” he deadpans.
Taken aback by the way he is addressing you, you step forward. You can feel the hidden ANBU tense, but you pay them no care. If they so much as try to stop you, well, they can spend the rest of the year on a hospital bed.
“I have you know, I would’ve failed that mission all over again, if it meant saving my squad,” you spat. You cross your arms. 
He leans back on his chair and does the same. “Please, I do not want to do this right now.”
“Lord Nidaime!” You shout this time. 
Instead of going off the rails and shaking your fist at him, you take your thumb and your forefinger to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Tobirama,” you say, softer this time. 
“You cannot go,” he says in a much quieter tone. 
It is like Tobirama knows no other words, although you know that he has an extensive vernacular of words. However, you also know that he prefers to only write down and use his words, instead of speaking them. Tobirama is concise and sharp, but has a tendency to be scathing when his buttons are being pushed. Much like you do often in your earlier days in your relationship, but you like to think that you are molding him into a softer direction.
You press your lips together. “This is not over.” 
Tobirama watches you as you leave, and it is missed by your own eyes how he immediately reaches up to run his hand on the fur that rests on his shoulder, as if it is an object to steel himself into a calmer composure. He is frustrated at himself towards how he is handling this. When it comes to you, the lines between work and personal life seem like a jumbled mess, no matter how much he tries to keep an order. He is usually good at this, but the outrage you feel towards him is out of his depth. He is best at keeping his emotions at bay, but after that mission that almost killed you, he finds that he cannot let you out of his sight.
That night, Tobirama does not come home until past midnight. It was fine with you, since you are alright with spending time by yourself. You are all used to that by now. It is not like Tobirama requires your presence around the clock. 
 However it was easier to spend time without him when you had missions and you were actually doing your job as a Jounin. Right now, you have done nothing but be a housewife, and it irks you. You used to be Tobirama’s equal in everything, but now, you feel like the two of you aren’t even on the same page.
“Lady…Nidaime Hokage’s wife?” A shinobi calls you as you make your way towards the Hokage’s office.
You start at the new title used to address you and almost cursed. However, you knew self-control. Perhaps, too much. 
“You do not have to call me that,” you tell them, a little exasperated. 
The shinobi approaches you carefully, their arms stacked with scrolls and other documents. “Lord Nidaime’s office has been closed all day…well, we know he’s in there, but when he gets like this…” 
You sigh, understanding the shinobi very well. “Leave those outside the door. I’ll take care of it.” 
Tobirama has bouts of manic passion that renders him inaccessible for days. Sometimes, even for weeks. It was worse during Hashirama’s time as Hokage, wherein for days he does not eat nor sleep, and now, it seems like he is doomed to repeat the same routines. You sigh outside the doors to his office. You know it’s locked, but it is not beyond your ability to break in, having been familiar to the way he seals his things. Not that he likes the idea of you knowing that since it invaded his privacy. 
 In your left hand was a newly prepared lunch, completed with his favorite tea brewed in the proper temperature. You would know that he wouldn’t even dare drink it if it wasn’t up to his taste. 
The bastard. 
With your free hand, you dispel the seals locking his office and you enter, expecting to see him buried by work and whatever it is he’s working on. However, he is only taking a nap, and you almost smile at the sight. You notice that he has lost a little bit of weight, probably due to days where he forgoes food altogether; as someone who knows better to take care of himself, he does a shit job of it. 
For a moment, all is forgotten. Weeks of dispute, you put behind. You are still his wife. These things, you know you can worry about. 
You set the lunch carefully on the available space on his desk and cleared some paperwork you deem trivial at the moment and arranged them to his left. 
You think about waking him up, but then your gaze lands on the paper in front of him, where he is scrawling a formula messily. You recognize the markings of some kind of summoning jutsu, but the rest is covered up by his arm. Which he is currently resting on. 
 You pull the paper from under him to get a closer look because the more you study it, the stranger this summoning jutsu looks like, but then he snaps awake. 
“What are you doing?” He says in that snippy tone of his. 
 “What are you doing?” You question back.
He blinks and he looks down on his work. “I was…” He takes the paper and attempts to hide it from you. “Writing.”
You sigh for the nth time that day, and push the boxed lunch towards him. “Eat. And stop scaring your subordinates.” 
Tobirama just stares at you, guarded. “Did you see what was on the paper?” 
You roll your eyes. “No, I didn’t. Why? Is it illegal?” You raise an eyebrow. 
Tobirama looks down, his lips pressed into an unimpressed line. “I’m working.”
“I can see that,” you fight the urge to roll your eyes, and you push the lunch forward. “Eat.”
Tobirama looks like he is about to say another retort, when he looks at his now semi-cleared desk. “Where are the documents on my desk?” 
 “I put them on a pile to your left.”
“Why? I was working on them.” Tobirama sounds offended. “They aren’t done.” 
“I know that, but you can easily find it to your left.” You gesture to its direction. “They’re just stacked.”
“But I had it like that for a reason.” 
“Tobi…,” you start. You hate to see him like this, and you know you caught him in one of his worst moods. It is not easy when he gets like this. 
 Well, nothing is ever easy with Tobirama. 
“Get out,” Tobirama snaps, sounding overwhelmed. “I am working.” 
Tobirama does not even make eye contact, and that is how you know that you will not be able to budge him. Not when he is busy working on whatever it is he’s hiding or just when you apparently disturbed his chaotic system of processing documents.  
“Eat,” you tell him again, but it probably went over his head. 
buy me a coffee !
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A First Time for Everything
Young!All Might x Reader 
Request: "Anonymous asked: Hello Circlekel, May I request a Young! All Might x Female Reader NSFW scenario? I would like it take place when he was in America. He saves his new Girlfriend from her villian ex-boyfriend, (she wasn’t aware the ex was a villian and when she found out she dumped him which made him mad 😡 lol) and after All Might saves her he gets rewarded with nice romp between the sheets 😉 (Also if possible have it all take place in Detroit, because the “Detroit Smash” 😆)"
Warnings: NSFW, first time (for All Might), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, too much lube
Notes: I couldn't quite work out the Detroit aspect of this, but everything else should be in there. And speaking of first times, this felt like my first time writing smut all over again for some reason, so...it might be a bit rough. 
Toshinori wasn't much of a believer in the idea of love at first sight, or at least he hadn't been, until that auspicious day when he moved into his new apartment in the States. Love had been the last thing on his mind at that point in his life, the loss of Nana still so fresh on his heart, the threat of All for One constantly looming in the back of his mind. He had every intent of completely ignoring his social life, of focusing only on training and his hero studies and not putting any thought into making new friends. He'd only put them in danger anyways, he figured, because even with All for One supposedly on the other side of the world, he didn't trust that the villain couldn't pop up at any moment, and even if he didn't, Toshinori was sure that it was only a matter of time before he made even more enemies thanks to his heroics.
Fate apparently had other ideas for him, though, ideas that slapped him in the face as soon as he brought his last of his belongings into his new home. You'd been leaving for work at that very moment, in too much of a rush to give him a proper greeting, but the million-watt smile that you threw at him almost brought him right to his knees. Even as you scurried down the hall away from him, he was frozen in place, mouth agape and no doubt looking like a fool or some love-struck teenager as his heart tried to claw its way out of his chest. The whole thing threw him for a loop; nothing like this had happened to him before. None of the meager crushes that he had had in his youth could even hold a candle to this. He didn't expect it to happen, and it also happened at the worst possible time, at least in his opinion.
But again, fate seemed intent on pushing him towards you. He tried to avoid you, hoping that the infatuation he felt for you, a woman whose name he didn't even know, would fade away quickly when given some distance from its source, but it didn't. It didn't, and he was left with a burning curiosity that he had no business feeling after having only seen you once, and even though his mind told him to stay away from you, his heart made him gravitate towards you. A friendly nod in passing, a 'good morning' or 'how are you today' here and there- each met with that same brilliant smile that got him into this mess in the first place.
It took him about three months, but he finally learned your name, and he felt like it was burned into his very soul once you said it. It felt strange on his tongue, a foreign sound that still somehow seemed to perfectly match the beautiful face that had haunted his mind for months. He had told you his name in return, and that led to an even longer conversation, one that he cherished no matter how simple it may have been, where you discovered that he was studying abroad as a hero. Your face lit up at that new information, fascination and something almost akin to pride in your eyes, only marred by a hint of worry as you wished him the best of luck and thanked him for all of his efforts towards keeping society safe. You probably only said it out of common courtesy, but that didn't stop his mind from running wild with thoughts of how kind and gracious you were.
He thought he'd been saved about a month later, when some casual conversation in the hallway gave light to the fact that you already had a boyfriend. An almost nauseating feeling of disappointment swept over him at that realization, but he knew that it was for the best. You'd be safer this way, with him only being an acquaintance, a neighbor that you had no deeper feelings for so there’d be no reason for anyone to target you. He never saw your boyfriend, but he knew that you wouldn't lie to him, so he yet again tried to snuff out his feelings.
It was harder than it should have been. He didn't have it in him to completely cut ties with you, the joy and sense of peace that being around you gave him addicting beyond all comprehension. That led to a strong friendship budding between the two of you, and you became a constant presence in his life, one that he was grateful for, and one that he doubted he deserved. He eventually met your boyfriend, and even though it was a short meeting in passing, and even though Toshinori was positive that he had gotten a hold on his feelings for you, something felt odd and strangely ominous about the man. Toshinori just attributed the feeling to jealousy; what else could it be? He'd only seen the man face-to-face for about ten seconds, and he was sure that he hadn't met him before, so there wasn't much else that it could have been. That was the only time that Toshinori met him, though, so it was easy to forget that foreboding feeling as time passed by.
He had known you for about a year and a half, his feelings for you still lingering like a bad habit the whole time, when he found out that he should have trusted his instincts. He would never forget the look of pain and fear in your tear-filled eyes as you ran past him into his apartment, your whole body shaking as you held onto him for dear life.
The word had never hit him as hard as it did when you uttered it. The man you loved so dearly, the man you trusted with your life, was a villain, and his tastes lied well beyond petty crimes. He was a dangerous man, and thanks to your efforts, he was now a wanted man. Your horrifying discovery of what he had done had brought all of his crimes to light, a fact that your ex was fully aware of. You were scared, and Toshinori would be damned if he wasn't going to protect you with all of his might.
You stayed with him that night, sleeping in his bed while he respectfully stayed on the couch, awake for most of the night so he could keep watch for any sign of your ex. He'd be lying if he said that the thought of you in his bed didn't also keep him awake, but that was hardly important at the time.
You never really left after that. Sure, you went to work the next day (Toshinori escorted you, of course) and carried on with your life as you normally did, but you always went back to him at the end of the day. He tried his hardest not to suffocate you with his presence, wanting to give you some space so you could work through your grief, but that apparently wasn't an idea that you agreed with.
It was like the two of you were glued together at the hip when you were both at the apartment, your own apartment only a glorified storage room at this point, and while he certainly wouldn't complain about having you so close to him, he was still afraid that he was taking advantage of you in some way. You assured him that he wasn't, that you wanted to be around him because he made you feel safe, and Toshinori would never admit to how woozy that confession made him feel. It would be unseemly for a rising hero to swoon in front of the woman that he loved (and yes, he had finally accepted that that was how he felt and that those feelings wouldn't be going away any time soon), but he almost did that day.
At some point, you convinced him to share the bed with you, saying that it was beyond big enough for both of you (and it really was, because Toshinori had long since lost the luxury of skimping out and getting a cheap mattress thanks to his size) and that you were both adults perfectly capable of keeping your hands to yourselves. He felt like he died and went to heaven that first night, your scent surrounding and overwhelming him in the best of ways, and his gut did summersaults for hours after you scooted close enough to him to use his chest as a pillow. He may not have gotten much sleep that first night, but he was pretty damn chipper the next morning regardless.
Toshinori didn't make any arguments against sharing the bed after that, because it truly felt amazing to wake up with you in his arms. He may have only gotten a few hours of sleep, but he still felt like his whole body and soul had been rejuvenated in those few hours. You seemed to be happy with the arrangement, as well, so you both stuck with it.
It was only about a month later when you both finally agreed that it was silly to keep saying that you weren't dating. To his embarrassment, you had been aware of his feelings for a long time. He didn't think that he'd been so obvious about it, but apparently, he was more of a blundering mess around you than he thought. Your confession truly touched his heart, though, claiming that he had helped you to heal from your breakup and that he made you feel safer and more special than anyone else ever had. He was pretty sure that his smile had never been so big and bright before, because it honestly felt like his face was going to split in half at that moment, but he didn't try to hide it. He couldn't, not with how overjoyed he was. He never thought he'd be this happy again after the death of his mentor, never thought that he'd have the chance to be, but you had proven him wrong about that in the best way possible.
He felt like he was on cloud nine for the entire first month that you two were officially together, and if he was honest with himself, that feeling never really went away. He tried to tone things down a bit so he didn't seem so lovestruck, but, well, he had a hard time resisting sweeping you into his arms every time he saw you. He also had a hard time sleeping without you in his arms and having to let you go in the morning felt like subtle torture to him. The smile that you gave him whenever you both returned home for the day made it all worth it, though, and for that short little bit, Toshinori didn't have a care in the world.
Something was bound to happen eventually, though. Nothing could stay so perfect for so long, and in this case, your ex finally worked up the gall to try get some revenge against you.
It started off like any other weekday; you and Toshinori woke up at about the same time, got ready for the day, and then enjoyed a quick breakfast together. You had to leave a bit earlier than him on this particular day, so after a quick goodbye kiss, you set off for the day.
Toshinori had never been so grateful for his instincts before. Sure, he hadn't been in the hero business for very long, but Nana had trained him well, and when that was combined with his natural capacities, his instincts were finely honed even at a young age. As soon as the door shut behind you, it was like a switch went off in his brain, the sinking feeling in his gut so strong that he thought he was about to be sick. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to go after you, so without further thought, he let his instincts take hold of him and he rushed out of the apartment.
He made it down the street just in time to see a hooded figure dragging you into an alleyway. You barely had enough time to realize what was happening before the harsh grip that had suddenly overtaken you was being ripped away, and when you looked back, there was Toshinori, holding your ex up off the ground by the front of his hoody, his usual grin long gone as he glared at the man.
"Are you alright, Y/N?"
You only nodded in reply, probably far too confused and stunned to put anything into words at that moment. Toshinori hummed in response, his grip tightening on your ex's hoody as he fought the urge to throttle the man right then and there. He had to take a deep breath to calm himself, mainly because he didn't want to subject you to something that violent, but also because he was a hero, and heroes always did the right thing, no matter how personal things got.
"Head back home. I'll be back in a little bit."
Part of him wanted to hand the scumbag off to a nearby hero or officer so he could take you home himself, but he didn't want to take any chances on your ex escaping and coming back to try to harm you again later. So, after taking one last look at you to make sure that you really were okay, Toshinori left at a breakneck speed, making it to the local police station in what had to have been record time. He took no small amount of pleasure in seeing that bastard put in cuffs, but once he was sure that your ex was properly detained, he left the station, intent on making it back home to you so he could make sure that you were safe.
He was afraid that you would take this hard, especially given how scared you were when you first found out that your ex was a villain. He was ready to stay with you for as long as you needed, never letting you go until you finally felt safe again, but, well, you always did have an uncanny ability when it came to taking him off guard.
You were sitting on the couch when he walked into the apartment, no doubt waiting for him, but it didn't look like you had shed a single tear yet. If anything, you looked impatient, and that confused him more than anything, at least until you ran to him and pulled him down so you could slam your lips against his. He was only expecting a quick kiss, maybe one born out of relief at seeing him again before you sought out some comfort from him, but what you gave him was something so desperate and passionate that it felt like it burned him to his very core.
You had never kissed him like that before, always keeping things chaste for his sake since he didn't have much experience when it came to romance. Apparently this had been enough for you to throw that caution to the wind, though, because there was nothing innocent about the way that you grabbed at him, one hand kneading the muscles on his arm as the other wove its way into his hair. Toshinori wasn't one to deny you what you wanted, but he wasn't exactly prepared for this, taken off guard and struggling to keep up with you as his hands awkwardly settled around your waist.
Your eyes were alight with something that he'd never seen before as you pulled away from him, a spark of mischief running through them as you looked at his face, no doubt seeing the blush that he could feel burning across his cheeks. The smile that you gave him was one of genuine joy, though, and that helped to settle his racing heart.
"You're my hero, Toshi."
And that just sent it racing again, even faster than before. Those words would have been enough to turn him into a mess on their own, but the breathless way that you said them truly sealed his fate. You gave him one more peck on the lips before tugging on the edges of his jacket, coaxing him to follow you. He went without question.
You brought him to the bedroom, and the devious look that you gave him made all sorts of anticipation bubble in his chest, and he tried to gulp all of that down in order to say something, but you didn't give him the chance, pushing him until the back of his knees hit the bed. He was still so flustered that he couldn't put up any resistance to the motion (not that he would have wanted to anyways), and he fell back onto the bed, his hands immediately shooting up to cradle your hips as you crawled over him.
"My hero."
You barely whispered it this time, and the only reason that he even knew you said anything at all was because he'd been looking at your face right then. The movement of your lips caught his attention, but your eyes trapped him, so full of adoration and so many other emotions that he couldn't even begin to name. It was so soft compared to how heated things had been just moments ago, and the switch was starting to make his head spin in a way that could only be described as wonderful.
Those soft and innocent feelings didn't last long, though, because you pulled him into another searing kiss that put the final nail in the coffin of any complex thoughts that he might have had. He was all primal urges and nerve after that, his hands aching to feel more of you but too shy in their inexperience to actually reach for you. That wasn't a problem that you shared with him, your own hands rubbing along his chest and kneading the muscles that you found there until you finally made to pull him up a bit, just enough to where you could start pushing his jacket off of his shoulders. At least he knew what to do at that point, and he quickly rid himself of both his jacket and his shirt before leaning back against the bed again.
You took a moment to look at him, as if you were trying to memorize every curve and dip of his torso. He would have felt self-conscious if it hadn't been for the sheer desire in your gaze, and then your hands followed the trail that your eyes had scoped out. Your touch was gentle at first, your fingers barely even brushing against him, yet it was still enough to send shivers running through him. And then you pressed harder, kneading again, and without his shirt in the way, he could feel those motions in their entirety. He was embarrassed by the groan that he let out, but it seemed to spur you on, and your massaging moved further and further south until your fingers came to the waistband of his pants, and then you suddenly stopped moving altogether.
Toshinori's eye shot open (hell, he wasn't even sure when they'd shut), only to see that your own eyes were locked on the bulge that was covered by his jeans. His face really did burn then, and he coughed to get your attention, having to turn his head away when you looked up because he couldn't bear to meet your eyes at that moment.
"Something wrong...?"
"Not at all, big guy."
That cheeky grin you sported did nothing to calm him down.
"I think we're going to need some lube, though."
"...bedside table."
"Toshinori, you sly dog."
It was like you wanted him to pass out from sheer embarrassment. You leaned over him so you could rummage through his bedside table, your grin only growing once you found the bottle hidden inside it. You set it on the bed beside you, leaving it there as your hands moved to grip the hem of your shirt. Toshinori's heart pounded as you slowly brought your shirt up over your head, each new inch of bare skin revealing another reason for him to get over his shyness, and when you threw your shirt to the corner of the room, his hands finally moved, trailing up your torso.
Your skin felt impossibly soft beneath his rough fingertips, and even though his mind screamed at him to slow down, one of his hands raised up to palm your breast, even though your bra was still in the way. If you thought that he was moving too fast, you didn't show it, and you even encouraged him by reaching behind you to unclasp your bra, flinging it off to who knows where before you brought both of his hands back up to cup your breasts, moving his fingers around until he got the picture and turned his attention towards your nipples.
At first, he only lightly brushed his thumbs against them, entranced at how they hardened under his touch, before he took one of the peaks between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a light tug. The gasp that you let out had him aching, his erection straining within the confines of his jeans, and it also made him feel just a bit braver. He leaned up enough to where he could place a trail of kisses along your sternum before veering off so he could lave his tongue against your free nipple, his fingers still teasing the other peak.
He briefly wondered if he was doing this right, but little pants were still leaving your mouth, and when he closed his lips around the hardened bud that his tongue had sought out, your hips sharply rolled against his. That was the only verification that he needed, and it also had him bucking up into you. He must have done it at just the right angle, because the sharp moan that you let out was one of the sweetest sounds that he had ever heard and he was already desperate to hear more like it.
"I need you to touch me, Toshi."
He truly felt his inexperience showing at that point, because he didn't have a clue what you were talking about it. Wasn't he already touching you? Did you need him to touch you somewhere else? It wasn't until you stood up and pulled your shorts and underwear off that it finally clicked, and you handed him the bottle of lube as you retook your place on his lap.
"I-I don't-"
"I'll talk you through it."
That made him feel a little better about it, but he was still nervous as he reached for the lube, his hands shaking as he uncapped it and poured some out, although ‘some’ was a bit of understatement since he nearly emptied the previously half-full bottle right then and there.
"That might be a bit much, but I guess you can never be too prepared, huh?"
Well, at least you got a laugh out of it.
"Should I just...?"
"Just go for it and I'll help you figure out from there."
He really had no clue what to do, but it seemed like a good idea to at least spread the lube around a bit. So with that, he lowered his hand to your mound, his fingers tracing your outer lips briefly before spreading them. Even though his fingers were already slick with lube, he could still feel the wetness that already covered you, and the thought that he had such an effect on you made his chest burn with an odd mixture of anticipation, desire, and fondness. It also made him a bit more confident in what he was doing, and he moved his forefinger forward so he could trace it around your opening. He felt your hands moving up to the back of his neck, working their way into his scalp and massaging in a way that was both comforting and encouraging.
"You're doing great, Toshi. Go ahead and put one inside of me."
At any other pint, he would have turned into a stuttering mess because of how lewd that statement was, but at that moment, when he wanted nothing more than to please you, he instead eagerly complied with it. He wasn't oblivious to how big he was in any aspect, so he took his time, making sure that the lube and your own fluids were adequately spread as he slowly drew his finger back and forth into you, working into you little by little and giving you ample time to adjust in case you needed it. The grip that you had on his hair tightened, and he was afraid that he had hurt you for a moment, at least until you started to rock your hips against his hand and a breathless sound fell from your lips.
"Fuck, Toshi, just crook your little finger a little bit and touch my clit."
He immediately followed your demand, his finger bending to where it pressed against your frontal wall and his thumb moving to massage against your clit, just like you had asked. You were apparently content to take care of everything else. You rocked your hips at an angle that had you moaning in seconds, and Toshinori could have died a happy man at that moment with the way his name sounded as you gasped it right then, the sound going straight to his cock. In the hopes of helping you along, Toshinori leaned forward until his lips met your breast again, and as he took your nipple into his mouth, your gasps morphed into moans of pure bliss.
"I need more, Toshi, please!"
He immediately knew what you were talking about this time, and he gently eased his middle finger into you, working it in right next to his other finger. There a bit of resistance this time, but you slowed your pace to accommodate for that, allowing yourself time to adjust before your hips started their frantic pace again. One of your hands had moved down between his shoulder blades, and he could feel the marks forming there as your nails dug into his skin, although it was hardly an unpleasant feeling. And even if it had been, it would have been easy to ignore, especially when your walls started to quiver around his fingers and your hips jerked hard against him, your head falling against his shoulder as you cried out. The sound that you let out was something that Toshinori would remember for the rest of his life, right along with the glazed over, blissed-out look in your eyes that he saw when you finally pulled back to look at him.
"Are you...ready, Toshi?"
Even if he hadn't been right that second, the breathlessness in your voice certainly would have been enough to get him there.
“God yes."
You leaned back and reached down to unfasten his pants, pushing them and his underwear down far enough so he could kick them the rest of the way off along with his shoes. Toshinori couldn't help the choked groan that he let out when you wrapped your hand around his length, pumping it a few times before you settled your hips over his and then ran the head of his length through your folds. You were already making him feel more amazing than he ever had before, and he wasn't even inside of you yet. It was truly mind-boggling, at least while his mind was still working, that is, and that wasn't for very long at all, because before he knew it, the tip of his cock was being engulfed by your wet heat, and the feeling of it was indescribable. His hands twisted into the sheets underneath him as you pulled off of him a little bit, only to sink back down, working a bit more of his cock into you.
It was a bit of a slow process, one that had Toshinori panting and tensing underneath you, struggling to keep from bucking into you, and you had to pause at few points to get used to the stretch of him, but when your hips were finally flush against his, the pleasure that you both felt was beyond worth all of the effort. Your entire body was already shaking from exertion, but before he could even question whether you were alright or not, you slowly lifted your hips until you were almost completely off of him, before you quickly sank back down. The action caused you to throw your head back and moan loudly, so Toshinori could only guess that you felt just as good as he did right then, and he let out his own groan as his hands finally settled on your hips.
"Fuck, you feel so good Toshi. I've never-Fuck! It's never felt this good before!"
He wished that he could have told you how amazing you felt, how soft and warm you were around him, how you squeezed him so perfectly, but he could hardly form a comprehensive thought at that point, much less put anything into words. You were riding him with vigor by that point, and when you started to shake from the effort that your pace took, Toshinori easily supported and helped guide your hips against him.
"You're so damn big, Toshi, I can feel so much of you! I just- Fuck! I love you!"
Toshinori was torn. Part of him wanted to put a pause on things so he could make sure that he heard you right, but another part of him was more interested in what you were doing, because what you were doing was the most gorgeous thing that he had ever seen. He doubted that you even realized what you said, because you looked like you were completely lost in ecstasy, your eyes clenched shut as a tear rolled from one of them, your nails digging into his chest as you held onto him to try to anchor yourself to reality. Your hips slammed against his as your whole body tensed, and you practically screamed his name as your walls clenched him in a vice grip that had him gasping for breath.
When you finally slumped down against him, Toshinori ran one of his hands up your back, trying to soothe you as you came down from your euphoric high. When you finally had enough composure to look at him, a shy grin had taken over your face, your eyes still hazy from the remnants of ecstasy but also holding an uncertainty in them that let Toshinori know you were perfectly aware of what you said, and the thought that you actually meant those words had his heart swelling.
He gently rolled you over until you were lying under him, and a brief look of surprise crossed your face when you realized that he hadn't come yet. He didn't let you think about it for too long, leaning down to give you a searing kiss before he slowly started to grind his hips into you again. He'd wait until later to tell you that he felt the same way, because for now, he was content to show you how he felt about you instead.
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seriouslyhooked · 5 years
Thank You (For the Joy)
Future set CS Christmas fic that is the second part to a story I posted for Thanksgiving, Thank You (For Your Love). Emma, Killian, and their children are gathering with family and friends for the holiday, and have a special Christmas present to share, but before festivities begin there is just some shameless CS Christmas morning smut. Rated M for ‘my readers would never forgive me if I skimped on this.’  Available on AO3 Here and FF Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! So when I wrote the first part of this story, I thought that maybe it could be expanded, but also it could remain a one shot. If no one really paid the story any mind, I could move on to other fics if time allowed. But your love and feedback and your requests for more have not fallen on deaf ears, and I am so grateful for your positivity and your urging me to keep going with this story. I miss Once so much, as I know many of us do, and it’s always fun to imagine what Emma and Killian’s life together would look like past what the finale showed us. As promised, this chapter is picking up at Christmas, and there’s plenty of fluff (and a little smut) to hopefully satisfy all my lovely readers. Thanks so much for reading and hope you all enjoy!
Stirring from a dream that was now nearly dissolved, Emma shifted in her bed, hesitant on some level to open her eyes when she knew what would await her. It was still dark outside, the hour oh so early, and beyond the walls and windows of their bedroom was a frosty winter chill. Maine at this time of year might as well be the North Pole, and though that might get tiresome by March, it was perfectly suited for this morning. At the realization that it was Christmas, Emma opened her eyes, looking out her window and seeing the slightest trace of snow on the glass pane. She smiled and let out a contented sigh. A white Christmas, undoubtedly the perfect kind.
“Merry Christmas, Swan,” Killian murmured, the sound of his silky voice washing over her like the crystal blue waves in the dream she’d just been having. Closing her eyes once more, she could almost imagine she was still on that warm and sandy beach, but the glow and heat surrounding her wasn’t thanks to tropical sunshine. No, it was Killian, totally and completely Killian.
“It’s never going to happen, is it?” Emma asked and Killian chuckled, already knowing what she was getting at without her finishing the statement.
For years she’d been trying to wake up before him and, save for a few emergencies in the night when they were both roused from sleep unexpectedly, it had never happened. Somehow her pirate was simultaneously a night owl and an early bird, and more than that his biological clock was perfectly attuned to hers. If she woke up at 6, he woke up at 5:59, but after years of thinking that maybe she’d wake first, it was just a fact of life that this was a game she’d never win.
“I think it highly unlikely, my love. But I have some good news for you.”
“Oh yeah?” she asked holding back a contented sigh that threatened to slip when he grinned in that sexy as sin way of his as his eyes cast over her with nothing but the truest appreciation.
“Aye. The good news is for once we have time. It’s early, too early for the kids to be up, and you know what that means.”
Emma noticed the clock on the bedside table read 5:30, meaning Killian was right. Even at Christmas her kids never woke before 7. Young as they were, Hope and Liam were good sleepers and that was fantastic because both of them needed a tremendous amount of rest to get them through a normal day. It was all thanks to Killian of course, the master of regimen and routine. Apparently that came from his time on the high seas. Emma didn’t really know the particulars, all she knew was that she loved it, and in moments like this, where her husband was looking at her with seductive, sultry eyes, she was eternally grateful. Still, she had to tease him, if only to get the response her sass always brought out in him.
“Do I?” She asked, feigning a yawn. “Because I’m thinking it means I can catch some more Zzz’s...”
With a movement so quick it was almost superhuman, Killian came above her, putting her on her back and sending the anticipation in her belly spiraling even higher. The need and want she felt with him was palpable, pulsing through her with the quickened haste of her beating heart, and he’d barely even touched her. The second he did, she was gone, all rational thought flying from her head, and Killian knew it too. She could taste it in his kiss and feel his satisfaction crackling in the air around them. He toyed with her, riling her up with his hand and his mouth, nipping and sucking and caressing each place that she desperately wanted him to. It was the sweetest of tortures, one that went on for so long, until Emma was writing beneath him and desperately trying to turn the tables. Two could play at this game, but damn, in the end, Killian just played it so much better.
“You knew what would happen the moment you called this into question, didn’t you?” Killian ground out, his voice hoarse from her own attempts at pushing his limits. Still he was too strong for her. His willpower was unchecked, and no matter what she did, he wouldn’t give in until he was ready to do so. He had a rule, he never came before she did, and his constant fidelity to that rule filled her with lust and love in equal spades. On the one hand it was the sweetest most selfless thing, but on the other hand it was dominant and confident and irresistible.
“Maybe,” she hedged. His mouth nipped down her body, trailing from her breasts down the swell of her belly, which had just begun to show signs of their little one on the way, but as he slowed down his tempo, showing he wanted more from her, she changed her answer. “Yes I knew.”
“And yet you did it anyway,” he acknowledged, a mirthful delight etched in the gravel of his voice. “Because you wanted me like this, barely hanging on but never letting you go.”
“Yes,” she said, and as his grip on her thigh tightened, she clenched in desire. 
Damn! She was so freaking needy, but she didn’t care, all Emma wanted was him and the completion he always brought her. She pleaded with him to give it to her, but the plea fell apart before it could even take form as Killian kissed her sex with a mastery that transcended all reason. No one man should be capable of such a wickedly wonderful thing. It was a revelation every time, even if they’d shared this a million times before, but he kept her so dizzy with pleasure. He gave and he gave and he gave until she lost count of how many times she broke apart. She was satisfied but hardly sated and finally she had to do something, resorting to a play that she only ever used when she was at her wits end.
With a flick of her wrist she summoned her magic, using it for her own personal gain and switching their positions so he was laying back on the bed and she was right above him. Before he could protest, she took him in to the hilt, making them both groan just a little too loudly. Thank God she had the sense to put the barrier spell in place years ago, so no one outside this room could hear anything.
“Fuck, Emma!” Killian cursed and Emma smiled despite herself. He liked to call her his siren all the time, heaping praise on her and how she tormented him with her beauty and her mind, but these were the moments where she felt that power the most. Seeing Killian straining for more, tossed over the edge of his carefully crafted control, and craving her with a wanton abandon made Emma feel like she could do anything, anything at all.
“That’s the plan, love.”
Her attempt at recreating his accent was never without flaw, but hell if she cared as Killian met her thrust for thrust, helping her arch to that place where every time he filled her he hit that perfect spot. She felt consumed with fire and filled with light, her eyes closed as she reveled in the sensation, and then she heard Killian’s voice again, telling her to come and she did instantly, feeling that perfect rightness that came when the two of them caught that crashing high together.
In the aftermath Emma took a while to catch her breath, but she felt totally at peace in the warmth of Killian’s arms. He held her close, still pressing gentle kisses along her body, telling her with actions that he loved her. It brought happy tears to her eyes to know that she had all of this, a husband who loved her, a true match for her once wayward soul, and a family that was forged in nothing but happiness and hope and joy. Here, on this still dawning Christmas morning, Emma had nothing to wish for, because she already had it all.
“You make me so happy,” she finally said, running her hand against the stubble of Killian’s growing beard. He hadn’t had time to trim it this morning, but Emma loved it like this, enjoying the feel of the coarse hair just a shade longer than normal. “You bring me such joy. I love you, Killian. Merry Christmas.”
Her words were met with wonderful, heartfelt words from Killian too, and though she knew her husband could have gone another round or two, he let them slide back into slumber again, taking one last quick nap before their very long, but beautifully bright, day began.
“Mommy, Daddy wake up! Santa came! Santa came!”
The words from Hope as she came bursting into the door were a definite wake up call, and for a second Emma panicked before realizing she’d used a last bit of magic to get her and Killian dressed in their Christmas morning attire before falling back asleep. Everything was totally kid friendly, despite their sensuous actions just a little while before, and for that Emma was grateful. That was definitely not the kind of surprise any child needed to get at Christmas.
“How do you know he’s come, little love?” Killian asked, cuddling their daughter close as she hopped up into their bed with them.
“Because daddy, it’s Cwistmas. It’s when he comes.”
“Bright lass,” Killian said, pressing a kiss to the crown of Hope’s head as he gathered her up, making her giggle and squeal as he headed downstairs.
Emma chuckled at her daughter’s antics as she moved from her room and went to find baby Liam. She was unsurprised to see him already sitting up in his crib, his eyes wide and excited, but his demeanor quiet, like he was waiting for her patiently. Liam was nowhere near as excitable as Hope, but he was filled with just as much love and cuteness. The smile that he shared with her spoke to that, as did the chirpy little laugh he made when she picked him up.
“Good morning, handsome. Sleep well?” Emma asked and Liam babbled in that precious baby way as she got him ready for the morning and headed downstairs. Once there, she saw Hope perched on the very edge of the couch. She was waiting for them and Emma smiled.
“Go for it, bean.” Emma’s words were barely out and Hope jumped off the couch, sprinting at the tree. “Careful, don’t want to break anything.”
The word of caution was immediately met with Hope’s increased care, and as the morning went on she opened gift after gift that she oohed and ahhed about. She loved everything, and was happy as a little girl could be, making Emma’s heart melt more than once as she not only showed them her toys but also tried sharing with Liam too. But it was the last gift that Emma was most excited to give Hope, and most anxious to see a reaction for.
“All right, honey, we’ve got one last present ok?”
“Where is it, Mommy?” Hope asked, searching under the tree, where there were no more boxes with her name left to find.
“What did you want most of all? What did you ask Santa for not once, not twice, but three times on your list.”
“A little sister,” She said automatically and then as she started to realize what they were saying, her little hand came up to cover her mouth and she gasped. “Oh my gosh Mommy, a sister? Is she here? Is she here?!”
“Not yet, little love,” Killain said, sweeping Hope into his arms and bringing her towards Emma. “But she’ll be here in a few short months. She’s still growing.”
Hope gasped before carefully reaching out to Emma’s belly. “She’s in your tummy Mommy.”
“Yes she is.”
A few seconds passed before Hope screeched at the top of her lungs, a sign of her unbridled joy, and she started sprinting around the room yelling ‘A sister! A sister!” It made Emma and Killian both laugh, and prompted a rare screech from Liam too, which had them all laughing once more. She only wished that Henry was here for this moment, but she had had the chance to tell her son the good news last night, making him the first to know apart from her, Killian, and the doctor.
“Now princess, since you’re such a big girl now, we were wondering if you wanted to help us tell everyone else about the baby,” Killian said, and Hope nodded so much it almost hurt Emma’s neck just seeing it.
“Oh yes yes yes! Please, can I help?!”
“Of course, but we have a plan, okay?” Emma asked.
“A seec-wet plan?” Hope asked, excited at the prospect.
“A secret plan,” Killian said, explaining it to Hope as they all four of them headed in to eat their Christmas breakfast. With the plan laid before her, Hope was satisfied for the moment, and luckily they didn’t have long to wait. The kids only had a few hours of playing with their things before they all had to get ready for the yearly Christmas meal at her parents. And because Emma knew there was no way Hope could keep a secret that long, their plan was one that could be hatched right away.
“You remember what to do?” Emma asked as she held Hope’s hand, walking up the front path at her parents’ place. Her daughter nodded, brown curls bouncing up and down as she did. “Good. I love you.”
“Love you too Mommy.”
The next few minutes were composed of a flurry of greetings and warm wishes. Her parents, as ever, were wonderful hosts, and the house was already filled with people. In fact, it seemed they were the last to arrive, which was perfect seeing as this reveal could only happen once.
“Can I take your coat, Princess Hope?” Emma’s father asked gallantly, pretending that he was fully at her disposal and ready for her orders.
“Sowwy Grandpa, but I can’t talk so much right now,” Hope said, barreling into the house without so much as taking off her jacket.
“Oh no?” he asked.
“Nope,” she said, popping the p with four-year old intensity. “I gots a supwise.”
“A surprise?” he asked, his brow raised at Emma and Killian.
“Yup. Come on, let’s go find grandma.”
“Oh jeez,” Emma whispered, not even risking a look at Killian who she could feel was at the edge of laughter. But it was useless because then Hope flung her jacket in the big reveal, only she ended up hitting an unsuspecting Grumpy with he coat. He cried out in frustration and Emma barked out a laugh before mouthing a half-assed ‘sorry to him.’ But while everyone was distracted by Hope’s unending flair, their daughter was growing more and more impatient. She cleared her throat and looked to Killian who then called for everyone’s attention.
“Excuse me everyone, before we get started today, Hope has a little something she’d like to share with us.”
“What is it, sweetie?” Emma’s mother asked and Hope twisted from side to side.
“A song grandma. I made it myself.”
A chorus of ‘wows’ broke out through the adults at the party and then without anymore fanfare Hope was off.
‘Oh all I want for Cwistmas is a sister please, A sister please, oh a sister please Oh all I want for Cwistmas is a sister please and I could have a merry Cwistmas!’
Apparently finished though she still had two more verses she was supposed to sing, Hope danced around expectantly, waiting for everyone’s reaction and though it took everything in her not to laugh, Emma stepped in.
“Hope, honey, is that the whole song?”
“Oh no, there’s more, but it’s too long. Mommy’s having a baby and I get a little sister!”
Immediately everyone was in motion, congratulating them and cheering for the new addition. Her parents especially were thrilled, and though it hadn’t gone exactly according to plan, Emma still thought it was just about the sweetest moment she could imagine.
“Don’t worry, Mom, I go the whole thing on tape,” Henry said, showing her his phone as he came to give her a big hug. “We’re gonna want to remember that one, he said with a laugh.
“Yeah we are, kid,” she agreed, thanking Henry for his thoughtfulness before Hope pulled him over to talk all about the new sister who was coming.
“You already knew at Thanksgiving, didn’t you?” Emma turned to see her mother, who had happy tears in her eyes and she nodded, knowing it wasn’t right to lie.
“Yeah I knew. I wanted to tell you but…”
“No, this was better,” her mother said, hugging Emma close. “This was perfect.”
And the thing was that her Mom was totally right. Even with all its unanticipated twists and turns, this part of their story was perfect. Her kids were happy, their family was growing, and everyone was together and healthy and whole. It was exactly what Emma wanted and what she never could have dared to dream of years ago, back when she was a lost and lonely little girl. 
“It’s only right that things should be this way,” her father’s voice said from beside her, bringing Emma out of her own thoughts and back into the moment. When she looked at her Dad he had that gentle expression she often saw, one of understanding and love. “All those Christmas wishes that you thought went unanswered – they found you in the end.”
“They really did,” Emma agreed, hugging her Dad close and telling her she loved him, fighting off tears that were sparked from nothing but the truest kind of joy.
As if he could sense her emotion, Killian caught her glance across the room, approaching her as he still held little Liam. But no sooner was he in front of them, then Emma’s Dad was snatching Liam and carrying him away for some ‘littlest grandson bonding time.’  With his arms now free, Killian pulled her close, kissing her gently and then just holding her, luxuriating in being together, and enjoying all that their life had turned out to be.
“Best Christmas yet, love,” he said, putting her exact thoughts into words. 
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Best Christmas ever.”
Post-Note: So there we have it. Just a simple shot of shameless smut and a cute baby sister reveal for my fluff-loving friends who are reading this. Again I thank you all so much for sharing this story with me and I hope this chapter finds you enjoying this time of year and surrounding yourself with the people and things that make you happy. I am so grateful for all of you and wishing you all a happy holiday season, until next time!
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dawnoftime21 · 6 years
To the Galaxy and Back (Luke Skywalker x reader)
Helloo! this is for the 2k Challenge I'm doing alongside @tom-parkers-girl and I hope you guys enjoy it! They came to me with the challenge of writing a 2k word piece with a prompt of the others choice in 24 hours! (Let's just say I have less than half an hour left aha)
Prompt: Friends to lovers on Tatooine
Warning(s): fluff, smut, angst
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You and Luke had been friends for what seemed like forever, but things came to a stand still when he met Ben Kenobi, also known by his more famous name, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke had found out that his father was once a Jedi Knight and after hearing that, Luke made it his mission to become one as well. That's when he set out to leave Tatooine in search of the great warrior who calls himself Yoda, one thing led to another and you were hugging your best friend tightly, tears staining your cheeks, refusing to let him go but.. you knew this is what he wanted to do and you couldn't keep that from him, you just couldn't. So there you stood, watching the Millennium Falcon shoot off into the Galaxy around you.
To say you missed him was an understatement, it was as if he was a part of you and a that part felt missing but, you couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same.
What you didn't know was that he felt the exact same, he wanted nothing more than to see you but he wanted to prove himself to be a great Jedi like his father, he wanted to show you that he was so much more than a simple pilot. He wanted you to see that he was strong and was capable of things people said he wouldn't be able to do… you always believed in him and he felt it was duty to show you that you were right to do so but, he felt there was something more to the reason why he was doing all of this. But, he had to find Yoda and begin his training.
It had been months since Luke left and you couldn't help but feel a little empty each passing day, you would not longer rush to his parents little home to see him, exploring the sandy ruins of Tatooine. Smiling at each other and joking, dreaming what you'd do when you were to finally leave Tatooine… you always wanted to explore the Galaxy in all of it's beauty while Luke wanted to be a part of the Rebellion, become a fighter pilot, he wanted to make a difference, a change and you couldn't help but admire him for that.
Now you came to his parents hut, everyday to only find his parents, dreams of finally seeing him sitting there in his chair, to tinkering with his R2 unit, his blonde locks sticking to his forehead in the heat as he looks up to you with his beautiful blue eyes, then to smile and ask for his tools, you'd mess with him and pretend you didn't know what was what but you could find them with your eyes closed, you just wanted to his voice and see the soft smile on his face when you ask him to show you how something works.
Everyday was spent at the table with his parents, eating and talking, they supported Luke, they thought it was time he leave and discover himself and so did you but, you just wished you weren't left behind so easily.
Luke was hurting just as much as you, he had new found companions like Han, Chewbacca, and Leia, they had conquered so much together but nothing compared to seeing you by his side, looking up at him as you spoke to him, a soft smile grazing your lips. Your (E/C) eyes, meeting his, it always felt as if time slowed down when your guys’ eyes meet, he felt that you two were the only ones in the galaxy.
After meeting his father, who turned to the dark side, who was the infamous Darth Vader… he had to head back home, he had to head back to you. You were his home.
It was another day of strolling around Tatooine, there wasn't much to see what there was also nothing much to do so you just walked around hoping to come across something. You walked around until dinner time, which you always spent with Luke's family, walking into the small home, you gaze was focused on the ground, bringing in your contribution to dinner, which was just a small thing of bread. “I'm here, I didn't bring much bu-” your gaze raised and met the blue eyes you so loved since you were children. You could feel your eyes sting with tears as they threatened to fall, it had been what feels like forever and now here he was, standing in front of you with that smug smile on his faces, eyes glossy with tears.
Putting the tray down you dash over to the tall blonde and wrap your arms around him, jumping into his arms “Luke!” You were sure he could hear the strain in your voice due to choking up on tears but you didn't care, you were beyond happy to the moons and back. He was home. He was finally by your side again.
“Hey (Y/N)” he laughs, a sniffle soon following. You had to of been hugging for a long time, because by the time you let go, you could feel your arms cramping. But neither of you seems to notice, instead you smile at each other like a pair of idiots.
“I never thought I'd see you again, I thought you left for good” your smile softly drops at the thought of him leaving forever, it crushed you.
“hey hey, I'd never leave you behind, from now on, wherever I go, you're coming with me-” his hand meets your chin and lifts it up so you're looking at him “-you're not getting rid of me that easily” he laughs, this brings a smile back to your face.
After a moment, you notice throat clear from behind you, you turn and see Chewbacca and Han, smiling softly at you and next to Han you see a female, who seems to have a bigger smile on her face. Is this Luke's girlfriend, she's beautiful...I can see why. “Ah, guys! (Y/N) I want you to meet everyone, as you know Han and Chewy” you smile and nod “I do” Luke's smile widens “and this is my sister, Leia” you could feel your eyes bulging out of your head, “You have a sister?” You ask in disbelief, “Yeah! I didn't think I had any siblings but… you know what, I'll tell you later, let's enjoy ourselves, but first let's eat dinner!” Luke was as cheerful as always, always loved eating dinner. You took your place next to him and coincidentally at the same time reached for a piece of bread, your hands touching slightly. It sounded cliche but you could have sworn you felt something there, a spark some would call it. Your guys’ hands both retract in embarrassment and soon burst out into a back and forth of “You can take the bread first”... “No, it's okay, you go”... “You go”... “No, you go”... But unfortunately by the time you settled it, you both look over to see the bread gone, instinctively, your gazes shift to Han, halfway done munching through the last piece of bread.
“I'll never understand you Han” you laugh slightly, “I don't even think Chewbacca understands h and they've been partners for almost ever.” Han smiles and continues to eat.
After eating, you and Luke decide to head out for your routine walk, looking at nothing but the sandy horizon, and not only that, you brought a blanket to sit on and look at the time of day change. Smoothing the blanket, you lay down, looking up at the sky while he sits, looking down at you.
“I still want to explore the Galaxy you know, see things, everything out there seems so beautiful” you think out loud with a soft sigh.
“Yeah... beautiful” Luke's soft voice, causes your head to lull to the side, making eye contact, you could feel your cheeks start to heat and a smile form.
“What? Luke why are you looking at me?” A giggle escapes your lips as you laugh at you spacey friend.
“you, you're beautiful (Y/N), stars your beautiful” you can feel the gap closing between you two and you lips touch for the first time. Your stomach feels like it's on fire… you've been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever and here it is, only...it didn't stop at a kiss.
You feel Luke's hand softly run up your inner thigh, rubbing his thumb across the fleshy area.
“Is this...is this okay?” He was so confident two seconds ago and now he just turned into his usual awkward self, how could you not love him. Love... that's what you felt for him, love and you were positive he felt the same for you.
You give a quick nod, “this is more than okay” you breath softly as your hands reach for the bottom hem of his shirt, grabbing the fabric and lifting it over his head, throwing it aside in the sand as he went to do the same to you. You two kept going back and forth taking off each other's clothing until you were left in nothing but your undergarments, and you could very well see Luke through his, he was very gifted you had to say.
Laying back down on the blanket, Luke hovers over you, his lips exploring you everywhere from your neck to your ankles, he wanted you to know that he was never going to leave you and he was going to make you forget about the thought of it. As his lips traveled to your breasts, you lifted yourself up a bit and took off your bra, casting it aside. When that bra hit the ground, he went straight towards your breasts, your hardened nipples being abused blissfully by his tongue and teeth, his mouth was heaven and you wished you could feel it somewhere else but right now, you needed him. You run your fingers through his hair as he nips and tugs at your breasts, breathy and soft moans escaping you. Music to his ears he'd say.
After enough time has passed you take your hand, palming him through his underwear, feeling his dick grow harder under your touch made you so much more excited, especially when you could feel his hips jutting forward with need.
“I need you Luke...please” you say softly, a hand gently placed on the side of his face, he nods slightly and removes both of your guys’ underwear and with doing so, you could feel the head of his dick against your clit, softly rubbing in random circles. Involuntarily your lower body jolts slightly in pleasure and a whimper leaves you.
He loved seeing you under him, whimpering for him, moaning for him… your body was so responsive to him and he couldn't get enough of it. Slowly he slides in and you pull him closer to you, almost chest to chest but your back arches with the entrance, pressing your bodies entirely together.
He slowly starts to move in and out, careful not to hurt you. “You can go faster Luke, you won't break me” you purr, running a nail down his back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. With that his speed increases, not ungodly but not at a tortoise pace, it was just right, you could feel every inch of him inside of you, stretching you and filling you up.
Your legs wrap around the young Jedi pulling him close as you kiss him deeply, only to soon kiss and suck his neck. His name leaving your lips in soft whimpers and moans every few seconds, this was clearly egging him on, his speed increased and you could feel how close he was, you could feel his dick pulse slightly and his thrusts become sloppy, your name was coming out of his mouth like a montra now “(Y/N)...(Y/N)...(Y/N)...” You knew he didn't want to come without you but you didn't care, you wanted him to be satisfied and happy.
“Cum for me Luke” you moan, head lulling to the side, looking off into the horizon ahead, you were drawn back however when he slowed down and continued with hard thrusts, his moans growing in volume.
Your nails dig into his back as he still and releases himself inside of you, your release not to far after, your toes curl and your back arches as his name slips from your mouth like a prayer, as he had done for you. After catching your breath, you looks up to the blonde haired boy you'd known forever and smile.
He looks down at you and smiles back “I'm not going anywhere else without you...I promise.”
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Eye of the Storm, Ch 5
So, Maggie and Robert have made it home! There are lots of tender moments and a little smut. The full smut experience will come in another chapter or two.
Catch up on the story here. This is probably also a good time to reiterate that this is an AU story - - Robert is single, but I'm trying to hold on to as much of the rest of the LZ story that I can.
Thanks to @firethatgrewsolow for doing her excellent beta thing! ❤️❤️❤️
“This really is paradise...” Maggie exited the car and marveled at the vividly colored flora before her and the rhythmic crash of the ocean that could be heard from behind the house.
She admired the sprawling, modern ranch with white walls and ceiling-to-floor windows that Robert had been calling home for quite some time. She decided she could get used to the stark, sunny house that sat in the middle of so much natural beauty.
Robert grabbed Maggie's bags. “Indeed. Coming here was the best possible decision we could've made for our tax exile hideaway. Abundant sun, the ceaseless roar of the ocean, and a short drive away from my favorite American playground… Paradise, that.”
They walked to the door. “Hold a tick, would you, love?” Robert walked the bags into the house.
“Thank you for agreeing to live with me for a fortnight… Or longer?" He asked when he returned, his voice full of hope. "I want to do this properly.” Before Maggie could ask him to explain what he wanted to do, or his mischievous grin, he lifted her into his arms and carried her over the threshold. He kicked the door shut behind them.
Maggie was all smiles and feeling like a queen. She settled on that description, quickly dispatching all of the bride and groom thoughts that tried to form in her head. Robert had yet to marry, and she expected that he wasn't the marrying kind. She didn't exactly mind, though, because she questioned whether it was the path for her. She wondered if living with Robert would change her mind, or if he would set her against marriage forever.
He lowered her to standing. With her back to the door, he caged her in his arms. Then he littered her with kisses, both delicate and rough.
She wound her hands into his hair and was thankful for the feel of his fluffy curls to ground her in reality, despite how hard Robert was trying to make her spin away into romantic dreams.
He caressed her face and backed up a few steps. “Welcome to my humble abode.”
“I must say, I do like the door to door service. Is that the custom here?” She was still too intoxicated from Robert's kisses to focus on the surroundings. A private chance to take a good, close look at him after so many months apart kept her mind occupied, and she didn't mind one bit.
“What's in it for me?” Robert stepped toward her again. He placed his hands on her shoulders and then let his fingers trail slowly down her arms.
“I think you remember, don't you?” She gazed into his heavy-lidded eyes and willed him to kiss her again.
This time their lips connected in a slow, rambling dance that made Maggie tingle from head to toe and purr contentedly. It wasn't the excited reunion kiss at the park, or even one of the lazy, familiar kisses they shared in the car. This intimate exchange was filled with warmth and romantic serenity and seemed capable of going on forever.
It was, however, over far too soon, when the phone on the coffee table started ringing. Robert sighed at the breaking of their spell. He ultimately chose to ignore the interruption in favor of Maggie, but in the jarring cacophony that separated them, she turned her attention toward the living room while the phone continued to ring.
She brushed her lips against Robert's one more time and walked out of the foyer. "So, what do we have here?" As much as she enjoyed his embrace, a chance to take stock of his current domestic habits was too good to pass up.
She expected there to be disorder that would reflect Robert's vagabond approach to life and the jumble of diverse thoughts that he always seemed to bandy about in his mind, but there was order and simplicity. She admired a glass coffee table and end tables, a navy set of sofas and love seats, and a wood-panel, floor-model television with a stereo perched on top. Albums making up a respectable record collection rested against the wall. A bookcase to one side of the room contained books on everything from early blues artists to Welsh mythology and a Fodor's guide to Morocco. A Persian area rug brought a little exoticism to an otherwise visually nondescript room.
“I see the look on your face, Mags." He closed the space between them and caressed her shoulders while lightly kissing her on the neck. "There's a housekeeper who comes by once a week. You have her to thank for the orderly Architectural Digest vibes that you see before you.”
“It looks fantastic.” She walked past the dining room, which had the same color scheme and was just as neat, save the bottles of a few different kinds of spirits at varying levels of use that greeted her on the table.
“How about meals?” She opened the refrigerator. “Have you gotten beyond boiling water?” She noticed takeout and some Tupperware containers that were half full.
“I have the best help that money can buy for that, too,” he responded, sitting on the couch and groaning as he extended his legs for a much needed stretch. “There's a lovely cook who comes by twice a week, bless her. She reminds me of my mum, which means no mayhem until she leaves.”
“The high priest of debauchery has adopted some decorum?” Maggie asked, returning to the living room and flopping down next to Robert.
“It appears that I've slowed down a bit. Blame the morphine for that…” He chuckled. “No, a little time away from the scene has given me much-needed perspective on life… Oh, speaking of Miss Betsy, the cook, I should mention that she and Miss Ellen, the housekeeper, have their own keys to get in. Cole and Benji, too.”
“Last but not least,” he said, “remind me and I'll give you a key of your own. I have a duplicate or two in the bedroom. It was easier to give people keys when I was resigned to wheelchair transport, you know? And I'll also get you the spare key for the Rover.”
“Thanks, Robert.” She was still having trouble believing that she would be living with Robert, but she had to admit that it was beginning to feel like home.
“Right. Let me put your jacket away, and then we'll get on with things, yeah?" He helped her shrug out of her coat and hung their outerwear in a foyer closet.
"Next on the grand tour are the beds and baths. We'll walk by Benji's bedroom, too. He doesn't live here, strictly speaking, but he's been around enough over the past several months that it made sense to give him an official place to crash.”
They kept walking. “Then there are a few other empty bedrooms for guests, and bathrooms for them to share.”
He paused at one room. “And this,” he said, opening the door, “is where the magic happens. Most of the time, you understand. For songwriting, uh, and more…”
Maggie entered the room and walked around while Robert opened the windows.
Much to her surprise, there were no piles of clothes or shoes on the floor. An ironing board rested against the wall next to the closet. He had more respect for the sanctity of his own bedroom than he did for the rooms he slept in on the road. She'd always guessed that there were two sides to Robert's life, and the peaceful, orderly nest that he'd shared with her was the clearest indication yet. She wondered what other surprises she'd encounter as she got to witness his life off of the road.
Though the room was tidy on the whole, she smiled as she began to recognize telltale signs of Robert's presence. There was the unmade bed, with his latest song notebook and a pen still in place from morning writing. A teacup sat on the nightstand. Just outside, on the patio, an overflowing ashtray sat on a small wrought-iron table. A  cluster of earrings, necklaces, and rings sat on the dresser, along with a feather roach clip. She'd seen him wear one in his hair before; she didn't know if the clip was for function or fashion, but either way, she knew his prized bundle of Acapulco Gold and its necessary accouterments would not be too far out of reach.
Also on the dresser were a wooden brush and a few different bottles of cologne. She imagined Robert standing at the dresser looking in the large mirror and toying with his locks. She had helped him with the task many times when his hair was too tangled, and she wondered who had done that for him most recently.
She noticed that the mirror faced the bed and was thankful for a reason to stop the line of thinking about his most recent conquests. She chuckled, knowing the mirror placement wasn't coincidence.
"What's so funny?" She turned around and saw Robert staring intently at her while he sprawled across the bed, on his side.
"I'm laughing at how you arranged things so that you can watch yourself in the mirror when you--"
"--Now, now, Maggie, I remember that you enjoyed it once or twice yourself, at some of America's finest lodging establishments. I'll be expecting a rousing 'you're welcome' from you, for said mirror placement, before we leave for the tours."
Her laughter turned to silence and blushing. "You're right," she admitted, approaching the bed. "It is hard to keep my eyes off of you."
"I feel the same about you, darlin'..." He stared up at her, beaming an affectionate smile. He crooked his finger and wiggled it at her. "I'm feeling a little lonely over here on this bed. Come join me, will you?"
Maggie climbed on and lay down, facing him.
"Ah, that's much better… A view that is only in competition with the splendor of the beach. But you get my vote for my favorite wild, beautiful territory to explore…" he murmured as he tenderly brushed a lock of her hair out of her face.
"It's a place I know well and love… Every mountainous curve, every flat plain, and especially that hot spring in the center of your world…" He trailed a couple of his elegant fingers down her neck, before letting his hand alight on her hip. "God, I've missed you, Maggie." He sighed as he leaned in closer. "I was a bloody fool to have kept myself away from you."
He nestled his other hand in her hair and drank in her essence by melding his lips to hers and letting his tongue  meander in her mouth. She gracefully yielded to his familiar, easygoing passion.
They both purred as the kiss continued. Maggie's fingers traipsed gently in Robert's hair, and one of his hands crept under her shirt and made its way north, traveling the distance with a slow, feather-light touch.
Maggie's breathing hitched and she shuddered as a tidal wave of carnal memories were triggered by Robert's kisses and caresses. Each private second of their time together, on and off over the past four years, came to life in her mind and her body once more. Without a visit from his irrepressible manhood she was still lost in the wake of the euphoric feelings that he stoked in her body with ease.
Her back arched as Robert made it to a nipple and brushed and tugged at it until it sprang to life. She moaned as heat and wetness began to pool inside of her.
"My sweet, sweet Maggie…" He rasped his proclamation and searched her eyes, still toying with her nipple, still not in a rush to do more.
"I've missed you so much," she sighed as her hand trailed down his back.
"I can't wait to be yours, Robert..." Her voice trailed off as he started to work on the button on her jeans.
"You already are. Mine. Only our tours will separate us now, darlin'. You have my word." He rose above her on all fours, kissing her and sending her zipper down its track.
She lifted her hips and he peeled the denim off her shapely brown legs. He palmed her between her legs and growled softly when he realized she was soaked through her panties. She felt his manhood begin to stir, even behind the sturdy fabric of his Landlubbers.
Robert rose to his knees and was about to take his pants down when a cacophony of animal noises started on the beach.
"Dammit, Strider," he muttered, instantly knowing what had happened as the chorus of excited dog barks and seagull cries continued.
Maggie shared Robert's love of animals, but in that moment, the chaos on the beach hit her like the cruelty of an alarm jolting someone out of a beautiful, lucid dream. She gazed in Robert's eyes, trying to make sense of what was going on. "Is everything OK?"
Robert sighed and then laughed. "Mags, I hate to interrupt, but I must subdue my precious canine, who enjoys the company of seagulls a little too much."
He stood, located her pants, and handed them to her. "Makes me wonder if this is his payback for no introduction between you two yet…"
"Sounds like he's used to special treatment, after you went and wrote a song about him," she said as she got dressed again. "That means his behavior is all your fault," she teased.
Robert grabbed Maggie for another deep kiss. "You'll soon find my blue-eyed boy has a mind of his own… But I never hold that against anyone who truly cares for me." He winked at Maggie, explaining how he felt about Strider and her in one simple quip. It made Maggie wonder if any of his songs were about her, or if any might be in the future.
"OK, ready to meet the furriest member of our family?" He linked his arm with hers as they headed for the sand.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary
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terminallydepraved · 6 years
Receptions and Revelations (HankCon Smut)
A very generous individual commissioned me on twitter to write this, and I had a blast doing so. HankCon, side Gav900, check ao3 for more warnings and tags. Enjoy!
Read on Ao3 Here
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Hank was miserable.
Not an odd occurrence if he were being honest with himself. Hank spent a good deal of his life miserable, be it in the precinct or sitting at home alone. The addition of Connor made it easier, the bouts of misery less prevalent or debilitating, but when it came to the annual police ceremonies, not even Connor could lighten the weight bowing Hank’s back.
Whoever the fuck decided that cops needed to get dandied up in black tie garb deserved to be strung up by their cumberbund and left for the fuckin’ birds.
“Hank?” a voice called from his side, the one speck of warmth in this desolate auditorium of finery and fakery. “Are you still pouting from before?”
Hank frowned, looking down to spot Connor staring at him with those big brown eyes. “I’m not— When the fuck was I pouting?” he grumbled, shifting on his feet as he one more attempted to loosen the stranglehold his tie had on his trachea. His hand made it to the knot before it was snatched away as quick as could be, Connor intercepting it for what had to be the fifth time that hour.
“You’ve been in a state of considerable distress since I asked you to begin getting ready for tonight,” Connor recited helpfully, if a little less than truthful. Hank rolled his eyes and took back his hand, crossing his arms to keep from trying again when it’d just yield the same result.
“Asked,” Hank scoffed. “You had me sheared like a sheep dog, Connor.”
“I had you cut your hair, Hank,” Connor corrected disapprovingly, lifting one of his slim hands to fix what little hair Hank still boasted on his head. “It was too long for a formal event like this, and you refused to put it back.”
“Did you really have to make them trim my beard to hell and back too?” Hank had tried to stand firm on keeping at least that, but once he was in the chair the whole visit sorta began to blur, the android barber communicating with Connor through that damn cyberlink before Hank could tell her what he wanted done. “I feel naked.”
Connor patted Hank’s arm, the most they probably could get away with in a place this packed with detectives. “You’re hardly naked, Hank,” he chided gently, giving him a bit of a smile. “Don’t you remember? You were quite vocal about how overdressed you felt in this monkey suit I forced you to wear.”
The way he emphasized monkey suit nearly brought a smile to Hank’s face. He’d latched onto the phrase ever since Hank first used it, and he seemed completely enamored with using it himself every chance he got. “Well, I feel like an idiot,” he said quietly, nodding to the faces he recognized as they slowly meandered through the hall. “Look like one too.”
Another pat to his arm. “Another lie,” Connor told him. “You look very handsome.”
Hank rolled his eyes, taking in Connor in his own suit. “Now you’re the one who’s lying,” he muttered, unable to keep from staring at the way the dark black suit clung to Connor’s tapered figure. His body was perfect; there was no getting around that. It meant he wore a suit about as well as a top model might, his long legs made all the longer from the well-measured cut. Connor’s tie was a matte black, cut through with a slash of blue that drew the eye and matched his glowing LED.
“You’re outclassing me without breaking a sweat,” Hank huffed, unable to be jealous. Connor looked good like this. Far better than he could ever hope to match. “I don’t even get why we had to come. It’s not like I’m the one being awarded anything tonight.”
“Because it was a precinct-wide invitation,” Connor told him, sticking close to his side as they walked the perimeter of the room, taking the party in. “As a senior officer it’s your duty to be here to support your younger officers.”
“Yeah, well,” Hank muttered, eyeing the refreshment table located toward the back of the enormous ballroom. “I should get a reward for putting up with them already. Definitely for putting up with this damn tie.”
For some reason Connor’s LED began to cycle yellow. He looked at Hank quizzically. “What sort of reward do you think you’ve earned for something like that?” he wondered, pressing his hands together in his little quirk. He looked like he missed his coin, but Hank had told him if he couldn’t have his beard then Connor couldn’t have that fucking quarter.
Hank shrugged, feeling only a little guilty at depriving the both of them for the sake of solidarity. “I don’t fucking know,” he muttered, taking Connor by the shoulder. “I think the least I deserve is a fucking drink.”
The LED cycled yellow and then blue. Connor smiled at him, a small little smile that Hank knew immediately meant he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. “Here,” he offered, putting his hand on Hank’s shoulder to steer him towards the wall. “I’ll get you that drink.”
“Hey, hey!” Connor’s grip was unrelenting. “You’re going to wrinkle this damn suit you spent so long fussing over if you keep manhandling me.”
“That won’t be an issue,” Connor said chirpily, putting Hank against the wall before he removed his hands. Or well, let go of his shoulders. His hands lingered a bit, smoothing down the creases until the suit jacket lay as perfectly as it had when they arrived. His smile was absolutely luminous. “Stay here, Hank. I will bring you back a drink.”
“With alcohol?” Hank asked, because with Connor you never knew.
Connor hummed and smiled, turning without answering, which somehow still managed to be answer enough all on its own. Hank sighed, rubbing the back of his neck ruefully as Connor flounced off into the crowd. His bitterness didn’t last long, though. Connor was an asshole on the best of days, but the view of him leaving was never a bad one. Especially in those pants. Damn.
But, it still left him alone in a crowd. Alone in a crowd of well dressed pricks he hardly wanted to chat with. Hank scanned the area around him, taking in who all was even here to begin with and who had the balls to ignore the invitation that had been taped to the breakroom fridge for the past three weeks. Most of the precinct had decided to show up from what he could tell. He picked them out of the crowd bit by bit, stumbling over the sight of them in something more dressy than their uniforms. When they caught sight of him in return, they looked just as surprised; Hank didn’t let himself get bitter about it. If it weren’t for Connor, he definitely wouldn’t be here at all.
He occupied himself with that for a minute or two, but quickly grew bored when nothing else seemed to present itself. Shifting a little awkwardly against the wall, he glanced around, eager for something to lessen the amount of stupid he must look hanging out on his own. His eyes widened when he turned left and saw he wasn’t the only one lingering like a withered old wallflower. A grin stretched Hank’s lips.
If conversation wasn’t much of an option, fucking with someone who deserved it was a very valid alternative.
Detective Gavin Reed stood about twenty feet from Hank, back against the wall and arms crossed like he had a problem with the world at large and wanted to make something of it. His gaze was steady, not scanning like Hank’s had been, and it was because of that inattention that Hank managed to walk right up to him without him noticing and clap him harshly on the shoulder, nearly tipping the man over. Hank laughed freely, not caring enough to make Gavin think it’d been unintentional. The glare it earned him was as sweet as pie, the bared teeth even more so.
“Where the fuck did you come from, Anderson?” Gavin scoffed, brushing off Hank’s hand with more force than was strictly necessary. “Did you hear the news about free booze and come running?”
Oh, so it was going to be like that, was it? “More like I heard the news you weren’t getting promoted and had to come see the shame on your face in person,” Hank retorted, savoring how Reed positively glowered at that. “It’s that android they saddled you with, isn’t it? I heard he did all the work before you even got out of bed, so they gave the collar to him instead.”
“Would you fuck off?” Reed hissed, looking like he wanted to deck him. “It’s your fucking fault the precinct even started hiring them to begin with.”
Hank rolled his eyes. He couldn’t quite argue with that since it was true; ever since he and Connor partnered up, the arrest quota in the district had gone up significantly. And with the new influx of workers in needing jobs in the city after the revolution gave way to change, hiring on the detective and law enforcement-type androids had been a no brainer. Why they decided to saddle someone like Reed with another RK model was beyond Hank though.
Speaking of which…
“Where’s your partner?” Hank wondered, savoring how Reed frowned at the title. “Don’t tell me you made him stay at home and organize your sock drawer or something.”
Reed scoffed, jerking his head towards the refreshment table. “Shouldn’t you already know?” he grumbled, looking at the table in question. “Your fucking lapdog is over there too.”
Oh. Huh. They were. No wonder Connor hadn’t come back yet with the promised drink; he was standing tableside with the RK900 model Hank had grown used to seeing around the office. Unlike work, the android was in a suit that looked as good on him as Connor’s did. It made Hank wonder about their partnership, RK900 and Reed’s. He certainly knew how close he and Connor were, but knowing how directive-oriented RK900 was…
Well, he doubted that friendship was easy to achieve.
“They certainly look chummy,” Hank muttered, watching how Connor smiled at RK900 with about as much unbridled joy as he was capable of showing. Ever since RK900 joined the precinct full time, it’d been inevitable that Connor would gravitate. Gavin rolled his eyes and Hank turned to give him a once over of his own. “How’s the spartan treating you anyway?”
Gavin, in line with how he usually was at work, just rolled his eyes and shot Hank a distasteful look. “Mind your own business, Anderson,” he muttered, staring hard at the two androids making their version of small talk over the refreshment table.
Hank raised a brow and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall to take in Gavin fully. Reed was certainly looking better than he usually did, something Hank chalked up to RK900’s efforts more than his own. Hell, Connor had done the same to him, dragging him into the shower and to the barber before even so much as letting him glance at the suit he’d brought out of the closet to be pressed and cleaned in anticipation of tonight. Gavin was neatly shaven and his hair gelled in some style that probably was considered fashionable to the younger crowd. His suit was slimcut and a little tight in the biceps and chest; he’d gained some muscle since the last time he’d worn it.
All in all, it looked like he was trying to impress someone. The chief? Hank nearly scoffed at the thought, looking out at the crowd before Reed caught him staring. Not likely the chief. Reed wasn’t the type to brown nose. Some woman then? But then again, what sort of woman could put up with his jackassery? He glanced back and saw how Gavin stared at the androids still, his knuckles turning white from the grip he had on his biceps. Well, that was certainly interesting—
“Excuse me,” Gavin said suddenly, pushing off the wall without so much as a glance Hank’s way. He strode off in a huff, a beeline straight for the refreshment table where Connor was holding out his hand to RK900 for one of their weird android data swaps.
His eyes widened when Gavin marched right up to them and snagged RK900’s hand before it could touch Connor’s, tearing it away with a glare hot on his face. Connor couldn’t quite hide his look of surprise. RK900, on the other hand, just stared at Gavin with cool intent.
Hank pushed away from the wall and moved without really realizing it, cutting through the crowd to join them just in time to hear Gavin hiss, “What if he sees something, idiot?”
“What exactly do you believe the nature of our link is, Detective Reed?” RK900 responded coolly, not bothering to break Gavin’s grip on his arm. “Perhaps you should release me and go back to your glowering.”
Hank reached Connor’s side, grin wide on his face at the look on Gavin’s. The man flushed like an angry tomato, gripping RK900 harder to tug him pointedly away. “Oh, don’t leave on my account,” Hank chuckled, discretely resting his hand on the small of Connors back. Connor glanced at him, his yellow LED instantly turning blue. “What’s the harm, Reed? Let them link up. It’s their version of schmoozing.”
“That isn’t the best analogy to make, Hank,” Connor corrected.
“It really isn’t,” RK900 agreed, ignoring Gavin summarily to look at Hank instead. God, it’d never get easier to see Connor’s face look at him like that. For all the similarities they had, the differences were far more pronounced. Where Connor was soft and lithe, RK900 was firm and broad. Eyes like chips of ice stared at him when Hank expected to see sweet brown. RK900 cocked his head in a way Connor often did, but it seemed calculating more than coy. “Good evening, Lieutenant Anderson. How do you do?”
The pleasantries would be mundane if it weren’t for the hilarious addition of Gavin still futility tugging at the immovable android’s arm. “I’m managing,” Hank said, leaning behind Connor to snag one of the drinks he’d been waiting to have brought to him. “How are you, RK… Wait, did they ever come up with a name for you?”
Gavin tugged furiously, hissing at RK900 to stop being an obstinate bastard for once in his plastic life. RK900 simply blinked, nodding his head. “Detective Reed has taken to calling me Nines,” he said placidly, looking at his partner with a look that came off as smug. “Repeated reminders of it not being my formal designation have given way to an almost begrudging acceptance on my part.” Gavin paused, staring at his android. Nines turned away from him to address Hank once more. “You may refer to me as such if it’s easier for you.”
Hank raised a brow at that. Reed named him? Really. Huh. He supposed stranger things had happened—
“Hey,” he muttered, feeling the glass disappear from his hand. He frowned at Connor who held it in his own, then full on grimaced when Connor stuck out his tongue and dipped it into the drink. “Connor, what the fuck are you doing?” he groaned, not bothering to try and snatch it back once he’d gone and done something nasty like that.
Connor pulled his tongue back into his mouth and smiled at him as if he hadn’t just done that in front of people. “Some of these drinks contain alcohol,” he supplied helpfully, swirling the glass and its contents in his hand. “I don’t want you consuming more than your allotted one drink a day. This one doesn’t seem to contain any liquor,” he said, holding it out to Hank expectantly. “So, feel free to drink this.”
“Oh, my god,” Reed breathed, reminding Hank they had an audience to Connor’s freaky little habits. “What the fuck.” He grappled for Nines’s hand, no longer yanking at his forearm but wrapping his fingers around the android’s palm. “Come on,” he muttered, giving Connor a vaguely disgusted look. “Let’s leave these freaks to their foreplay.”
“Foreplay?” Connor said at the same time as Nines. Hank and Gavin shared an awkward look, but in the end Gavin succeeded in tugging Nines away, leaving Hank to deal with Connor alone.
Connor blinked, watching them go. Hank held the glass he’d been given and debated it. Seriously debated the worth of drinking it. “What did he mean by foreplay?” Connor wondered, watching them disappear into the crowd. “We aren’t being obvious, are we?”
In the end, Hank decided to fuck it. He downed the glass of bubbly disappointment, wishing the bite it held came from something a little stronger than seltzer water. Well, seltzer and whatever fucked up combination of nastiness Connor had lurking on his tongue. “He’s just being an ass, Connor,” he said, glancing back at the drinks table to debate next the likelihood of him being able to snatch up one with alcohol before Connor noticed. “These kinds of events bring out the worst in people.”
“I’m sure you were completely polite to him too,” Connor said pleasantly, smiling when Hank gave him a side eye. “Nines seems to enjoy working with him.”
Hank raised a brow, hooking his hand around Connor’s hip to tug him away from the table. Too many people were lingering around there and it was beginning to make him a little claustrophobic. “Does he really?” he asked, unable to buy that completely. “Is he a masochist?”
Connor blinked, his brow furrowing. “I didn’t think to ask…” he murmured, a little disgruntled at the thought. “He said they work well together, though. That although Detective Reed is slow, he is fast where it counts.”
Hank rolled his eyes. “So, he likes working with him because he can steal all the collars out from under him,” he translated, grinning when Connor gave him a disapproving look. “What? You know that’s how they are. Can’t imagine Gavin actually working with a partner, especially one that can do everything he can do but better and faster.”
They slowly made their way over to the seating area where chairs had been set up in neat little rows in preparation for the speeches and ceremony. Hank took a seat and Connor did too after a moment of pondering.
“We work well together,” Connor said, resting his hands on his knees like he always did. “I don’t think you slow me down. Perhaps Nines doesn’t think so either.”
Hank shrugged, resting his arms on the backs of the chairs near him, including the one Connor occupied. “Well, it takes a special kind of prick to work with Gavin,” he said, smiling tiredly at Connor. God, he was ready to call it a night already. “Just like it takes a special kind of asshole to work with me.”
Connor blinked. He cocked his head, a frown curling his lips. “I’m an asshole?”
The swear sounded so odd coming from him. Hank shrugged again, looking out at the empty stage. “Must be if we get along this well.” The stage was empty of people, sure, but the awards and plaques to be handed out later were already in place and on display. A dozen or so would be handed out to the up-and-comers, the diligent do-gooders, the ladder climbers and brown nosers and all the pricks in the department who longed to get a bigger office and fatter paycheck.
Hank tipped his head back to frown at the ceiling. “I better get a lot of good karma for coming to this thing,” he muttered, drawing Connor’s attention. He glanced at the android with a bitter expression. “If I’m not getting an award it’s the least I deserve.”
Instead of saying something, Connor’s LED cycled yellow. He stared critically at Hank and Hank slowly lifted his head, raising a brow when Connor just stared a little harder. What was he thinking so hard about? He lifted a hand to self-consciously check his hair, only to startle a little when that seemed to spark movement from the android.
“Excuse me for a minute,” Connor said quietly, standing up and slipping away before Hank could quite process he’d been abandoned. He turned and watched Connor navigate the crowd as sure-footedly as any mountain goat, smiling and making platitudes to those who tried to greet him or introduce themselves to the Detroit Police Department’s resident RK800 model.
Hank’s stomach sank the moment Connor disappeared out of sight. Fuck. Was it something he’d said? It wasn’t the first time Hank had called Connor an asshole, but it was probably the first time he’d done so since they started sleeping together. Ugh. He really was on his own now, well and truly.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. He turned back around to face the stage, overly aware of how few people were sitting this early in the evening. Hank pulled out his phone and checked the time, sinking his teeth into his inner cheek when he saw how much time was still left before the toasts began. Should he get back up? Go after Connor? Well, if Connor wanted to be alone or something, it probably wasn’t best to go chasing him down… But fuck, Hank didn’t want to be alone in a hellscape like this.
Should he—God forbid—try to find Gavin or RK900— Nines? It was times like these that he began to regret not being a social butterfly at work.
He bounced his leg and pretended he was doing something on his phone. Doing what, exactly, he couldn’t say; Hank barely knew how the thing worked outside of making calls and—if he were being adventurous—sending a few texts here and there. He opened up the camera and fiddled with it for a few minutes, then deleted some old emails. The minutes passed by glacially slow, and every few seconds he couldn’t help but look up, checking for Connor who seemed to have disappeared entirely from the room.
It was approaching the fifteenth minute of solitude and shame when a text message rattled Hank’s phone. He nearly dropped it in surprise. A glimmer of hope filled him at the chance for something to do, and he opened the message center eagerly, only be a little surprised when he saw Connor’s name blinking at him from the title screen. Connor? He didn’t have a phone of his own, so he… he what? He sent Hank a message?
[From Connor, Sent 7:01]
Come to the restroom, please.
Hank held the phone a little closer to his face. The… restroom? He glanced around, spotting a sign pointing to the hall where the nearest one was located. What are you doing in a bathroom??? He responded quickly, jumping a little when the response came instantly.
[From Connor, Sent 7:03]
Waiting for you.
Cheeky fucking brat. Hank frowned and considered his options. Go meet Connor in the restroom or sit out here until someone took pity on him and talked to him…
Fuck, could he call them options when the latter was just torture?
Sighing, Hank rattled off another text saying Fine. Connor responded with a smiley face. Because of course he had emojis in his brain processor thing. Of course.
Given the night and all its definite miseries still to come, Hank decided to ignore that little surprise to focus instead on finding Connor. The crowd had swelled even more since they arrived, the main focus of the evening coming to fruition within the next half hour or so. Ball gowns and suits filled the space, and Hank did his best to be polite as he pushed his way through until he reached the branching hall that would take him to the restrooms.
It was a little shocking how stark the difference was between the hall and the atrium. The design elements from before continued on through the space, the trim on the walls still gold leaf and Rococo-fancy bullshit, but the noise was nearly absent completely. Only a few people milled around this far from the party, most likely those who needed a break from the heat and conversation. Hank kept his eyes forward, pretending he wasn’t looking for someone, and moved to the lonely restroom the moment he saw the door for it. He turned the crystal knob and stepped inside, blinking blearily in the dim, gold-tinged light.
Wow, this bathroom was fancy. The sinks were laid in granite counters, the faucets automatic and swan necked. Small cloth towels rested near them on a rack, waiting and ready for use. The wall above the sink was entirely built of mirrors, giving Hank a good look at himself in all his uncomfortable glory. He turned away after a few seconds of staring. He almost looked respectable, but he hadn’t come in here to find that of all things.
“Um, Connor?” Hank called out, wincing at the stupidity of it all. What the hell would Connor need to do in the restroom of all places? Fix his hair? He walked inside fully and closed the door behind him, glancing around at the empty area and silent stalls. “Fuck, did I get the wrong bathroom?”
Relief and curiosity warred it out in Hank’s chest, settling somewhere between the two when he pinpointed Connor’s location towards the rear of the stalls. “Connor, what the hell do you need? The toasts are going to start soon.” Was he just standing in there? The fuck was he doing?
The stall door opened an inch, and Hank moved closer to peer inside.
He startled horribly when a hand shot out from within and grabbed him by the shirtfront, dragging him inside before he could process what the fuck just happened.
Hank stumbled and caught himself on the top of the stall door, a curse on his tongue and fire in his eyes. “What the fuck—” he tried to say, only to actually look at Connor fully. The second he did was the second all words—all thoughts—dried up before they had a chance to be made. Connor hadn’t been standing in here doing nothing.
He’d been standing in here getting naked.
Connor was pantless and jacketless, standing in the middle of the stall with his discarded garments folded and hanging neatly on the bar meant to help people stand. His fancy tie was tossed over the bundle, his shirt unbuttoned and just barely covering the tight black briefs he wore beneath it all. Connor bit his lip and tried to smile, his LED yellow to show he was nervous, unsure, wondering whether or not he’d done something Hank wanted. Hank covered his eyes with a hand, wondering the same thing himself.
“What,” he said succinctly, “the hell do you think you’re doing?”
There was a beat of silence. Hank lowered his hand, flushing a little when his eyes couldn’t seem to stop roaming up and down Connor’s perfect body. “Oh,” Connor murmured, slowly clutching at his open shirt to cover up a little. “Did you… Do you not want to have sex with me?”
Hank’s mouth went dry. The dull sound of conversation rose up from just outside the bathroom walls, and he quickly took a step into the stall and shut the door before someone peered inside and caught sight of Connor like this. “What the hell, Connor,” he hissed, running a hand through his hair only to realize, once again, that he’d been shorn like a sheepdog not even six hours ago. Fuck, that didn’t help things. “Why did you think I wanted to have sex with you here?”
Connor blinked up at him, innocent in all respects but for the fact that he had come here, stripped, and then called Hank here for the purpose of having a quickie with all of their coworkers just outside. “You said… You asked for a reward for putting up with all of this…” he said slowly, furrowing his brow as his LED turned yellow. “Isn’t this what that usually entails?”
“You… I can’t believe this,” Hank groaned, covering his face with his hands. He sagged against the stall door at his back, his heart pounding in his ears and the damn tie choking him through it all. Yanking at the tie helped one of those problems, but Connor was still waiting on him to say something. Waiting with his pants gone and his shirt open, his pale skin peeking through the lazy attempt he made at covering himself from sight.
Hank swallowed when Connor took a cautious step closer. A hand settled on his chest, smoothing down the tie. “Hank?” Connor whispered, tilting his head up enticingly. Did he know what he was doing right now? What he was implying he wanted them to do? “Do you want your reward? We can wait until we get home, but my calculations have placed now as the ideal time for a tryst.”
“And how did you come to that conclusion?” he asked, voice low and husky despite his better judgement. Connor leaned in, his chest to Hank’s chest, their lips a hair’s breadth apart.
“The toast is in five minutes,” Connor told him, eyes going distant for the split second he needed to process the question and compile an answer. “Those who are needed to present it have already made their way to the stage. Any person of merit will already be in place; if someone needs to use the restroom, they’ll have already gone or plan on waiting until its over.”
Connor leaned in and kissed Hank, closing his eyes before pulling back just enough to smile. “That leaves us with precisely seventeen minutes of viable time for copulation,” he breathed, somehow making the clinical observations sound sexy. “That is, if you want to. Every second you wait is one less we have to get started.”
Hank’s eyes fell to half mast. His hands went to Connor’s hips, the gravity between them too strong to resist. “You really want to do this?” he asked, unable to hate the idea when the alternative was to go back to that fucking party. “What if someone sees?”
Shrugging, Connor averted his eyes. “It’s good to be spontaneous,” he decided, going up on his toes to kiss him again. Chastely, just a tease. “Sixteen point nine.”
“Uh… what?”
Warm brown eyes met his, Connor’s smile bright. “You have sixteen point nine minutes now to fuck me, Hank. I suggest you get to it.”
Hank snorted, gripping Connor’s hips tight. It was all the warning he gave him before he spun him around, putting Connor’s back to the stall door. Connor gasped prettily, but then again, he did everything prettily. Hank let his eyes rove along his bare body, his hands following to touch skin that was already heating up. A bulge had formed in Connor’s briefs while they talked. They really weren’t going to waste time with this, were they? Probably for the best.
“Take these off,” Hank told him, hooking his finger in the waistband to snap it against Connor’s hip. “Get yourself wet once they’re off. We don’t really have time to be nice about this.”
“I assumed as much,” Connor said easily, stripping the underwear from his legs as fast as he could manage. While he busied himself with that, Hank shucked his jacket and went to work on his own pants, shoving them down his thighs to bare his cock and not much else. With Connor standing in front of him like this, body bare and lubricant already dripping down his inner thighs, it didn’t take long for Hank to get hard. A few pumps of his hand sped it along even more, and within a minute or so he was looking at Connor, at the space they occupied, imagining how best to make this happen.
When it came down to it though, thinking wasn’t really his style. He backed Connor up against the door, looking down at him with heat enough to make the android color. He had his pleasure sensors on, didn’t he? Hank didn’t bother resisting the shiver that ran down his spine; he settled instead on hooking a hand around Connor’s thigh, dragging it up and over his hip until they were pressed together and the tip of his cock teased the slick wetness between Connor’s legs.
“Hold onto me,” Hank told him, seeking out his lips for a kiss.
Connor nodded, melting into it. His arms wrapped around Hank’s shoulders, his fingers running through the short cropped hair at the base of his skull. He made a soft little noise, just the ghost of a whimper, and it was all Hank could take before he gripped his cock by the base and pressed inside Connor in one smooth, practiced thrust.
This was a horrible idea, Hank realized quickly. Connor felt so fucking good. They broke the kiss by necessity, Hank staggering forward to plaster Connor against the door, needing the support it offered before he collapsed from sheer need. Warm, tight, wet— Connor was perfect. So fucking perfect, and when Hank managed the strength to look him in the eye, he saw awe reflected back at him.
“Hank,” Connor whispered, his little curl of hair bouncing as Hank slowly began to move. “Don’t be gentle. We don’t have much time.”
“Shut up,” he grunted, holding Connor tighter, breathing in the clean scent of his skin. He’d never been good at moving fast with this brat. Even with a timer ticking above their heads, his first instinct was to take it slow and make it good for the one who hadn’t known any different with him.
But fuck, Connor didn’t seem to feel the same. He wriggled and writhed, arching his back against the stall door to make the pace faster than Hank intended it to be, to make each thrust deeper than planned. Hank stifled a groan and thrust forward in sharp, rapid succession, punching little sounds of pleasure from Connor. Fast didn’t suit them, but it suited the moment. It suited this bathroom and it suited the filthiness of doing something like this at a black tie gala event.
And wasn’t that a heady fucking thought? The fact that they were fucking with the entire police force of Detroit just outside those doors. Hank gave Connor what he wanted; he moved a little faster, fucked him a little harder, lost in the feeling of doing something so fucking base when they could be caught at any moment.
Fuck, he’d never thought that’d be such a turn on for him. Connor gripped him tighter, clenching with every thrust. His inner walls milked Hank’s cock in rhythmic little pulses. It’d be over soon. It needed to be. They had shit do, people to meet, smiles to fake and fuck, Hank wanted to cum inside Connor and make him walk around with it inside his ass, knowing what he’d done underneath that neat little suit—
Everything came grinding to a halt when the door to the restroom rattled and opened, the sounds from the hall filtering inside to dash their intimate little moment to pieces like a bird striking the windshield of a car.
Hank stifled the knee jerk urge to swear, gripping Connor by the hips in a blind panic. He jerked him off the floor and stumbled back a few steps, falling on top of the closed toilet seat with his cock still buried inside Connor’s tight ass. A thud issued from the move, but Hank could tell it went unnoticed. Whoever it was that entered hadn’t done so quietly; voices were filling the tiled room, smothering their horror before it could give them away.
“Woah, what do you think you’re doing?” a horribly familiar voice grunted, sending a stab of fear through Hank’s chest. Gavin fucking Reed stomped his way into the restroom, spitting up a storm, and it didn’t take a genius to guess who it was dragging him every step of the way.
“You are being entirely unprofessional,” Nines reported in his cool, collected voice. Hank met eyes with Connor, fear alive and well in them both, and scrambled to lift their legs up so they wouldn’t be seen under the stall door. “Do you have a problem with me conversing with other people? If so, I would ask that you see to solving it on your own before you cause friction with our coworkers.”
“Is that what this is about?” Gavin let out a snort of laughter. Hank had the decided impression he was looking at himself in the large mirror, ignoring Nines to primp. “You’re fucking insane.”
A shift in the air shot through the room. Connor, who had been dazed and out of it up until now, snapped to attention, his head turning as if he could see through the stall door. Gavin grunted and let out a weak, high-pitched sound. Hank’s mouth fell open in a gape, an image forming in the back of his mind that he prayed wasn’t right.
Gavin’s back against the sink counter; Nines pinning him to it, towering over him with those cold, blue eyes. Connor was on alert, so it meant something intense was going down. Hank began to sweat, his cock feeding off the stress. Did that mean… Oh, fuck. Did Nines know they were in here?
“If you want my attention, Gavin,” Nines said in a silky, low voice, “you only need to ask for it.”
Holy fucking shit.
Gavin let out a breathless laugh. “Look who’s got a smart mouth all of a sudden. What is it? You want me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours?” Gavin breathed, his voice low and husky in a way that Hank knew in the pit of his stomach couldn’t mean anything good was coming. When the shifting of fabric filled the air, the telltale thud of someone’s knees hitting the tile floor, Hank knew he was right.
“Look how fucking good you look on your knees,” Gavin narrated for them all, his mouth a fucking gutter. “Open up for me— Yes, just like that. God, look at that mouth. That sexy fucking mouth. You’ve been teasing me with it all night, you little slut. Tell me you’re hungry for my cock.”
“Gavin,” Nines whispered.
A pause. “Yeah?”
“Shut up.”
It took everything in Hank not to snort. Kissing Connor helped him resist the urge. He should’ve figured someone like Reed would have a potty mouth when it came to these kinds of things. Good to know Nines didn’t put up with it much. Connor closed his eyes and melted into the kiss, looping his arms around Hank’s shoulders. He rocked up and down gently, content to keep going despite the company they had just outside the stall door.
And it was good they were so easily distracted with one another, because Gavin and Nines weren’t shy about plowing on ahead with their own business. The sound of a zipper being undone cut through the haze of lust Hank was quickly losing himself in, and what still remained was nearly chased away completely when Gavin let out a loud, choked moan.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted, Nines finally putting his mouth to better use. “Fuck, baby, please. That’s it, that’s fucking it. Yeah, take it all, Nines. Turn on your sensors. I want you to feel me fuck your pretty mouth.”
Connor let out a shudder. Hank stroked through his hair and tried to ask what it was, but Connor just looked at him with eyes nearly black with want. His pale pink lips parted, his tongue slipping out to lap at Hank’s cheek and ear. Hank closed his eyes and struggled to hold back a noise, rocking his hips a little harder when Connor began to clench around him.
“Bet this is getting you so fucking hard,” Gavin went on, his mouth working independently of his brain. “Look at you; just fucking look at you. Cool as anything but I can tell— Oh, fuck, ngh, I can tell. You fucking cockslut—”
He cut himself off with a moan loud enough to mask one of Hank’s as Connor gave a devastating twist to his hips.
It didn’t last enough though to cover Connor’s weak little gasp.
For a second, everything seemed to freeze in place. Hank stared at Connor and Connor stared at him, lips parted and eyes dazed and too drunk on pleasure to care that he might have just given them away. Hank bit his lip and strained his ears, waiting for the sound of footsteps or an angry shout or—
“Was that… Oh, fuck, baby,” Gavin groaned, sounding a second away from coming. “Fuck, Nines. Did you just moan?”
Hank nearly choked on his tongue. Of course. Of course, he’d assume it was Nines before he thought Connor might be in a stall getting fucked blind. Hank gripped Connor’s hips and hid his face in the android’s shoulder, grinning like a loon and more than a little drunk on the thrill himself. Gavin kept on moaning, entirely disregarding the raspy little, “No,” Nines gave as an answer. The android had to know they were in here, but so long as Gavin got off quickly, he didn’t seem to care enough to bother letting Gavin know.
And what was it Connor had said before? The reason RK900 liked Gavin was because he was fast where it counted. Hank gripped Connor’s hips and bit down on his lip harshly, trying and losing the battle to keep from laughing. God, he’d meant this, hadn’t he? Fuck, that was rich. Good thing Nines didn’t hate that little part of Gavin, cause Hank highly doubted anyone else was fond of it.
“F-Fuck,” Gavin groaned, his voice weak and shaky. “Fuck, Nines, goddamn. I’m going to fuck you so hard when we get home. Gonna fuck that tight little ass of yours for being so good.”
There came a wet, lewd sound, one Hank vaguely recognized as the sound of a dick falling out of a mouth with a pop. The room filled with the sound of heavy breathing. “Gavin,” Nines breathed, his voice somehow coming off used even though it was impossible for the android to be fucked raw.
“Do you want that, gorgeous?” Reed crooned. “Do you want me to fuck you?”
Gavin let out a low growl. Hank buried his face in Connor’s shoulder, fucking into him faster, hurrying along, eager to bring them both off before something gave way and changed for the worst. Connor made another soft sound, one Gavin mistook for Nines again, and shuddered in his arms. Close. He was close, and so was Hank. If they could just get another few—
The sound of shifting fabric cut through the haze; Nines stood up, and Gavin didn’t leave him alone for long once he was upright. The wet sound of kissing followed. Hank followed their lead, seeking out Connor’s lips to muffle his instinctive moan as he wormed his hand between them, gripping Connor’s cock and stroking it quick, hard, as fast as he could manage given their current angle.
“Gonna take you home and bend you over the bed,” Gavin murmured, his words muffled. “Gonna make a mess of you. A fuckin’ mess.”
“If you think you can last that long,” Nines teased, his voice clear even when Gavin let out a deprived little grunt. “Now, fix your pants. No more of me until we’re home.”
“What the hell, you want to stop now?”
Yes, please, Hank begged, sinking his teeth into Connor’s nape to keep from groaning. Connor, the little tease, kept clenching with every thrust. Please fucking leave. For the love of god, just leave.
“The toasts are about to begin; we need to be there for them.” Nines, ever the voice of reason, seemed to move away from Gavin. The sound of footsteps picked up, moving away from the stalls and towards the far door. “Come on,” he called back, a note of impatience in his voice. “Let’s go already.”
“Well, give me a fucking second here,” Gavin groused, the sound of his zipper cutting through his annoyance easily. More footsteps. “You can’t just suck the soul out through my dick one minute and expect me to go back to business the next.”
“If you were efficient to even the slightest degree, I could,” the android replied, hurrying Gavin along with a pointed jerk. Gavin grunted and grumbled, but within a minute or so they left, the restroom door closing behind them with a dull thud.
Connor lifted his head, sharing a look with Hank that didn’t need words to be understood.
Hank waited two whole seconds before letting out a pained groan, bucking his hips upwards in a harsh thrust that nearly jostled Connor right out of his lap. The android cried out brokenly, artificial tears pouring from his eyes. “H-Hank,” he wheezed, his fingers digging into Hank’s shoulders. “Hank, please, please I need—”
“I know,” Hank grunted, taking him by the waist to pound into him as hard as he could manage. “Fuck, fuck, I want you to cum. Do it, Connor,” he ordered, meeting Connor’s eyes. “You were so good. Cum for me.”
And after being edged for so long, it didn’t take much more than that. Connor closed his eyes and seized up, his spine stiff and his lips parted in a choked little moan. Cum, or whatever it was Connor had for cum, spurted from his cock in even little bursts, dripping down his chest to collect atop his thighs. His ass, naturally, tightened— Hank let out a groan that echoed through the bathroom, spilling inside Connor until the android was as messy inside as he was outside.
“Oh, god-fucking-damn,” Hank groaned, sagging against the wall behind the toilet. His body felt hot, his muscled aching. “That was… Jesus Christ.”
Connor tipped forward, resting his forehead against Hank’s shoulder as he trembled and shook. His LED cycled yellow, stuttering blue until it managed to pick a color and relax. “It was,” he agreed, even though he probably didn’t know what he was saying.
“I guess we know why they get along now,” Hank muttered, staring up at the patterned ceiling above their heads. He managed to summon the strength to lift a hand, stroking down Connor’s spine in lazy, slow passes. “Fuck.”
Hank raised a brow and looked at Connor who hid his face from sight. Hank tugged on his hair until he looked up. “Sorry? What do you have to be sorry about?” It certainly wasn’t Connor’s fault that Gavin was into an ice queen.
Connor frowned, his dark brown eyes managing to look pitiful and hesitant all at once. “For seducing you,” he said evenly. “I should have run the calculations better. If I’d known someone else would come in here—”
Rolling his eyes, Hank took Connor by the back of the neck and pulled his face into his shoulder. “You’re being stupid,” he muttered, shifting a little as his cum began to drip out of Connor around his cock. “This was my reward, wasn’t it? Don’t apologize for it. But maybe get up. I think we’re about to make a mess.”
Connor clutched at Hank’s shirt, nuzzling him for the barest hint of a second. Or maybe it was just a nod. He pulled away easily enough, cheeks tinged with a blush he shouldn’t wear and hair mussed in a way that was less than inconspicuous. Hank began tearing off toilet paper as Connor assessed the nature of the mess, and with a bout of teamwork too practiced to be anything but, they managed to pull apart without too much damage done to Hank’s suit or Connor’s shirt.
But ugh. Hank’s skin felt too hot for the layers. Sweat coated him beneath the clothes, and all he wanted was a shower. He made do with the toilet paper for the moment, flushing away the evidence of their little tryst. Hank helped Connor dress. Well, helped might be generous. Hindered was more like it, since he couldn’t seem to get enough of Connor’s bare skin, but Connor was persistent and responsible enough for the both of them. Before long they were both as put together as they were likely to get.
“We will be three minutes late to the toast,” Connor reported quietly, finishing up the last button on his suit jacket. He lifted his head once it was done, shifting a little guiltily. “Should we leave one at a time to make it look natural?”
Hank didn’t have the heart to tell him they’d need to do a hell of a lot more than just leave at different times to make their absence anything but conspicuous. Instead, he smiled. Connor cocked his head, waiting patiently for his answer, and Hank just took a step closer to him and backed him up against the stall door once more.
“Hank?” he whispered, LED cycling through yellow then blue then yellow. “Shouldn’t we go?”
Go to an awards show filled with people he hated, with fucking Gavin and Nines, with those upstarts and brown nosers and ladder climbers who only saw him as another step to the top.
Should they go? Sure.
Did Hank want to? Hell no.
“Fuck it,” Hank said, leaning down to kiss him blue. Fuck them and fuck that.
After all, it wasn’t like they were giving him an award tonight.
Connor, on the other hand…
Well, that was always a sure bet.
21 notes · View notes
hope-for-olicity · 7 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - February 16th, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. 
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Arrow Out of Context Prompt: "I'm very particular about what I put in my body." http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/170701037619/6
Another Chance On Love multi-chapter by @smkkbert - It's been almost two years since Oliver lost his fiancée Detective McKenna Hall when she died in the line of duty. He closed his heart to love ever since, unable or unwilling to give love another chance. That changes when he meets Felicity Smoak at the annual gala of the Starling City Police Foundation. Is he ready to give love another chance, though? http://archiveofourown.org/works/13561101/chapters/31119801
Elizabeth Grace Smoak by Lynn8828 - What if Felicity and Oliver briefly had met before he got on the Gambit?  Despite her best efforts, Felicity was unable to get in contact with the famous Oliver Queen after having a one night stand with him and getting pregnant with his child. After raising their child for five years after finding out that Oliver died on the Gambit, she finds out he is alive and knows that she needs to tell him about their daughter. But will he believe her? http://archiveofourown.org/works/13639371/chapters/31322715
Felicity the Attorney by @tdgal1 - A fluffy story about Felicity being Oliver's attorney. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13643016
Time for a Story multi-chapter by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
(Don't) Let Me Go multi-chapter by @emmilynestill - Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for. Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11591223/chapters/26051715
The Christmas Con multi-chapter by @spaztronautwriter - In order to convince his parents and his ex that he’s changed, Oliver Queen hires a stranger to be his girlfriend for the holidays. Felicity Smoak is as far from his type as possible, with her dark hair and attitude problem, but a bottle of hair dye and a new wardrobe—not to mention the money he’s promised—can do wonders, and if he plays his cards right this whole thing might actually work. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13116201/chapters/30006585
Arrow Twitter Fic: Because Reasons by @geneeste - Figure Skating AU http://geneeste.tumblr.com/post/170783429172/arrow-twitter-fic-because-reasons
Falling for an Angel multi-chapter by @missafairy - What happens if an angel falls from the sky? Oliver Queen is a respected club owner in his hometown - Starling City. His life abruptly changes when one night he finds a beautiful girl claiming to have fallen from heaven. With her wings tucked into a jacket he helps her navigate her now human life while trying not to fall in love. Nothing can go wrong even if she drinks all of his coffee and cries in the shower, right? http://archiveofourown.org/works/9368912/chapters/21209975
You Used To Be My Friend But I Learned My Lesson multi-chapter by @tdgal1 - Arrow skims over feels so this is my fix it fic for season 1-2.  Lots of canon but it is an AU so events may be out of order.  Tommy and Felicity friendship.  This is my idea of how these characters felt during these scenes and how they may have acted differently.  Not a great summary but read and let me know what you think.  Exploring deeper feelings that the show won't. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13507359/chapters/30978543
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Arrow Out of Context Prompt: "Excuse me! Can you help me? He's really heavy." http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/170824982559/8
As Easy As Falling multi-chapter by @charlinert - Felicity has just received tragic news when she meets Oliver, I believe there is hope, highly recommend but you will cry but not every chapter! http://archiveofourown.org/works/8035363/chapters/2254234
Tempest multi-chapter by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Three years ago, tragedy struck Julianna Queen's life. Now, she wears a mask and fights at her father's side, looking for closure and justice as she tries to find a path to move forward with her life while holding on to her past. But that may a bit more complicated than she thinks... http://archiveofourown.org/works/13309731/chapters/30461850
Technical Assistance multi-chapter by @thatmasquedgirl - Felicity Smoak swore she'd provide technical assistance to all who need it.   She's just not prepared for her newest client. A story that shows another way Felicity and Oliver could have met.  Each chapter contains a bonus scene at the end.  Olicity undertones, with a definite slow burn.  Originally started as a one-shot of the same name. Complete. http://archiveofourown.org/works/1359190/chapters/2838451
#workoutpartners by @spaztronautwriter - Felicity and Oliver workout together, and Felicity receives news about a role. Follow up to ch. 15 #flirting http://archiveofourown.org/works/6104462/chapters/31387077
The Christmas Wish (Part 1) by @beemichelle7 - Oliver and Felicity make Christmas Wishes on the night of their first Christmas together. https://beemichelle7.tumblr.com/post/170785617939/christmas-wish-part-1
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Arrow Out of Context Prompt: “Don’t tell me a tough gang banger like yourself is afraid of a tiny little needle.” and “It doesn’t look so tiny.” http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/170853173439/im-say-11-if-you-havent-but-change-the-rough
Left to Fate multi-chapter by @missyriver - Oliver never forgot her or the time they spent together. Does he risk everything to find her? Will he try one last time before his life is changed forever? http://archiveofourown.org/works/11354388/chapters/25413282
Falling In Reverse multi-chapter by @geneeste - From the next room, a loud metallic sound of something clattering to the platform rings out, and Oliver can make out Lyla saying something indistinct but urgent. That has him sitting up, on alert, but it’s not until he hears a low, anguished cry that he’s shooting out of his seat and toward the main floor of the bunker. Because it’s Felicity. LOVED THIS! http://archiveofourown.org/works/13673589/chapters/31409550
Will You Remember Me multi-chapter by @jesileighs - After being attacked by a metahuman with the power to steal memories, Felicity learns that a lot can happen in six years. Even things that she once believed to be unthinkable. SO AWESOME! http://archiveofourown.org/works/13436049/chapters/30793386
Hushed Rendezvous by @green-arrows-of-karamel for Olicity smut-a-thon 2018 - Felicity, The Viscountess Ghostfox, is invited to Valentine's Day Ball hosted by The Earl of Starling. In a night to celebrate love, can they maintain their romance a secret or will the all-consuming passion Oliver and Felicity share expose their love affair?  Prompt given: Can’t make any noise sex http://archiveofourown.org/works/13682667
Business and Pleasure by @dmichellewrites for Olicity smut-a-thon 2018 - Oliver and Felicity have to spend their first Valentine's Day as newlyweds in Gotham. Despite an interruption from the couple's mutual friend with an affinity for business, bats, and billions of dollars, Star City's favorite power couple still manages to have a fun, sexy night alone together. https://archiveofourown.org/works/13681626?view_adult=true
Real Love (Is Never a Waste of Time) multi-chapter by @callistawolf - Oliver and Felicity are CEOs who are more partners than they are rivals, but they still bicker whenever they meet up. Constantly pestered by their families and board members, they turn to each other for a simple solution. But marriage is never simple, especially when these two are involved. When Oliver's younger sister decides to hold her much-anticipated wedding on a tropical island and insists her brother and his wife attend, will the island paradise prove to be the tipping point in their carefully balanced relationship? https://archiveofourown.org/works/13604955/chapters/31233603
Purge Night multi-chapter by @spaztronautwriter - Felicity is caught in the Glades during the annual Purge. She's rescued by a man who claims he can keep her safe, but when things start to go wrong—and boy do they ever—she might find herself back on the streets, even worse off then before. An Olicity AU based on the movie The Purge (I didn't see the movie and am still enjoying the story) http://archiveofourown.org/works/8451076/chapters/19361185
Ruined by @felicityollies for Olicity smut-a-thon 2018 - Prompt: "It's like you want to ruin men/women for me!" // set in the trust me universe https://archiveofourown.org/works/13681359
Forever and Always by @bokayjunkie for Olicity smut-a-thon 2018 - Oliver and Felicity are not only roommates but they're best friends who always seems to be on the edge of something more. What happens when they finally cross that line? My prompt is: "God, you're perfect" https://archiveofourown.org/works/13668795
Re-Arrow 1x09 by @lostolicityscenes - Felicity has a short scene with Walter at the beginning of the episode where she tells him about Doug Miller being on the list. I felt it was pretty self-explanatory so I left that one alone. The second Felicity scene is with Oliver and I wrote a little bit of business for after he leaves. Emily had some interesting facial reactions that I wanted to write around, first when she’s handed the arrow and then later she get this sad look on her face. Her last scene is a voice over phone call with Walter – the cliffhanger of him being taken. This is episode 1x09 FS version. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/170923969101/re-airrow-episode-1x09-an-felicity-has-a-short
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 //
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siriusstarx · 6 years
Lumiale Calls the Rain
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In honor of Lumiale’s birthday today, I thought I would FINALLY share this fic fragment I wrote a couple years ago. 
Lumiale Calls the Rain. 
Fandom: Angelique Retour, Angelique 
Pairing: Lumiale x Angelique Limoges
Rated: M for overly romantic smut. 
This takes place after Angelique helps save the cosmos, hence the reason why she was asleep for two days. I don’t think anything else is necessary to understand this. haha. 
I slept for two full days, awakening before dawn. I was still a little weak, but a long bath and a delicious breakfast from a basket of fresh pastries left by everyone helped return my strength.
Feeling full of pastries, I went for a walk through the park, hoping the time for revelations had passed. It was a peaceful and balmy morning. The weather was, as always, perfect, if warmer than usual. I began to wish for a little shower. Just for the clean scent of rain-washed air and the sight of dewdrops glittering on the lush grasses. I looked up at the sky...
Was that a dark cloud on the horizon?
I followed it, entranced. I hadn't seen one in so long. I walked down by the lake, a silver mist lay heavily over it and a strong breeze carried the scent I was craving. Knowing it would certainly not last long, I quickly followed the still-dark path that lead in the direction of the ephemeral cloud, beyond into the field of flowers. The sunrise had just broken over the distant hills. The cloud refracted its light in misty golden rays over the the field and the bright flowers swayed in the breeze... I walked out into it, enchanted at the sight and breathing the scent of flowers and rain blowing in from the hills. I wanted to meet it, to stand beneath that cloud and let the rain fall... I ran through the wildflowers, my loose hair whipping around my face, all weariness forgotten.
Ahead I saw a shadow in the misty air. A man's shape. Tall and slender as a young tree, arms outspread toward the hills, long hair blowing wildly in the breeze.
Lumiale was calling the rain.
I felt my heart leap at the sight. He did not seem to know I was there yet. I stopped among the flowers, listening to them rustle in the gathering breeze. Lumiale was dressed in white and silver robes, their long hanging sleeves looked as if raindrops flowed down their length. His hands were raised to the sky and I could hear him singing softly. His voice was beautiful, and the sound fell upon my ears like crystalline drops, each one a treasure.
The silvery cloud grew and concealed the rising sun. I could taste the rain on the wind now, my heart beating faster in anticipation. The distant edge of the field turned gray with mist... Closer now...
Lumiale turned, his water blue eyes vibrant with power and his smile took my breath away.
He closed his eyes and continued his rain song. His power was palpable. I held my breath. His song reached its crescendo just as the rain began to fall on us.
I squealed in delight at the soft mist that fell on my face and lifted my arms to the sky.  
Lumiale took my hands in his and we danced there in the gathering storm, both laughing in joy, my heart felt light and buoyant.
He pulled me close. Our clothes were wet, but his body felt warm against mine. I saw the desire in his eyes and put my arms around his neck. "With pleasure." I breathed.
He lifted me off my feet and kissed me tenderly. I breathed deeply of his scent like sweet herbs and sparkling waterfalls. He set me gently on my feet and I slid his robes off his shoulders I kissed his neck and chest, feeling his pulse race at my touch; it made mine race, too. I pulled his robes off the rest of the way so he could stand naked and beautiful in the rain before me.
He was blushing, but his eyes were alight, "Please, allow me." he said softly and undid my buttons with trembling fingers. The rain felt sensual on my bare skin, as if he were already touching me, caressing me with every drop that fell. His fingers brushed against my nipples through my soaked slip. I moaned a little...
"Angelique..." he breathed, pulling the wet silk off of me. I felt shy and a little nervous. He was so unearthly beautiful. If all his people were as beautiful as he, he may not have seen such an imperfect woman before.
He gazed at me, "I want to paint you as you are right now.” he said huskily, touching me with his eyes, "With the raindrops running down..." he followed the trail left by the raindrops, his fingers gentle on my skin, tracing patterns only he could see... and only hesitated for a moment before following them all the way down. I  gasped when he touched me.
He pulled me down on the grass, the storm was building, becoming more powerful with his need and mine. He kissed me again, more urgently, letting me feel his power, that storm overtaking us both. Gentle as a spring shower, as powerful as a storm at sea. I felt a fierce longing to be swept away by it, to drown in it, forgetting everything. Only to reemerge greater and stronger than before. His hands were as urgent as the rain on my body, touching, exploring the secret places, intuitively finding where I most needed him to touch. Kissing the places I most wanted to be kissed... until my cries were lost in the storm's tumult and I finally pulled him on top of me. He felt wonderful, the joining of our power made the sensation of having him inside me even sweeter. I wanted it to last forever. To feel that good, to be that close to his beautiful heart. He looked into my eyes, the wildness of the storm reflected in them, and love... and caring. He watched my face as I was again lost to his storm,  I watched deliriously as he was lost to me. 
The storm passed and we laid in each other's arms amidst the bejeweled flowers glittering in the dawn. He gazed down at me, the storm in his eyes replaced by gentle care... and a little worry. "Are you okay?" he asked nervously, "I.... Well... I never.... I was always too shy to take the private body study lessons. My brothers told me what usually happened... Afterwards. I wanted to wait to find someone I loved.”
I beamed up at him, happiness and the lingering sweetness of his power filled me with delight. "I feel wonderful, Lumiale! You were wonderful!"
He smiled shyly, "You are incredible. I could feel your desire to see the rain as I watched over you while you slept. I wanted to give that to you. I wanted nothing more than to see you smile after all your worry. That you gave such pleasure to me..." he touched my face, “I will write you a song of storms and passion. Of the way your body moved when I touched you." he trailed his fingers down, “The way you cried out when I kissed you..."
Some time later we lay in sweet languor in the soft grass, my head was on his chest and his hands were on my back. I felt physically content, emotionally fulfilled, and completely, utterly peaceful. "Thank you, love. Thank you for your wise, kind heart, for your love. For how good I feel right now.”
He gazed down at me, tears in his beautiful eyes, "Angelique... You do not need to thank me... I will do all I can to bring you joy, because you bring so much joy to me. Since I came to know you, I feel confident and surer in my power. The way you look at me as if I am strong and capable. The way you watch me when I play. I have been lonely and lost for so long. I finally feel as if being a Guardian is where I belong. As long as I have your love to call home." He gathered me in his arms. "There is nowhere I would rather be."
"I am glad." I said sleepily.
He kissed me, “Shall I sing to you, now? A song of love among the flowers and gentle breezes? Of the succor offered by summer rains and first stars of the evening?"
He sang me such a song, and then another where I was transported to a place of turquoise oceans and silver sands, of the delicate shades of sunset and the transcendent beauty of the night sky over the sea.
"Sleep well, my love." he whispered.
I snuggled into his arms and fell fast asleep.
The sun had already sunk behind the hills when I awoke. Lumiale was leaning against a tree sketching in a small sketchbook. His expression was dreamy and abstracted. I enjoyed watching him. The quick, skilled motions of his fingers, the way he focused on the page. The fine angles of his face, even the color of his hair hooked behind his ear, all filled me with delight.
He looked down at me from his sketch and smiled, “Good evening. Did you sleep well?"
I sighed, “Very well, thanks to you."
"I am glad."
I raised my head, “What are you drawing?"
He laughed, “You, of course."
I sat up. He was wearing his robe and had somehow put my slip and dress on me without waking me up. I hadn't realized I was still so tired.
"I thought you would rest more comfortably dressed. The sun is strong and you are so fair. I did not want you in pain from a sunburn." he looked away, “I regretted covering you, but your wellbeing was more important."
"You had seen enough, I'm sure!"
"Never." he murmured, looking down at his sketch, “I am not as good at drawing people. Perhaps I needed those body study classes. I am afraid I did not do you justice."
I looked at his sketches.
It is one thing to be caught in the passion and desire of love and another to see those emotions conveyed in images on a page. Vividly, intimately and with an artist's vision. I looked too strong, too vibrant. Too lost in abandon. The arch of my back, the way I cried out to the sky, the raindrops on my breasts. They made my heart race to see. "Lumiale... I... I am not that beautiful...."
"Much more beautiful. Much more. I will need more practice.” he blushed furiously.
I giggled at that, “You'll have plenty of practice, not that you need it... For either!"
He blushed even more, “I...I would be glad of it." he pushed his hair back, “I think the power helped me overcome my nervousness. I don't know if you would be as happy with just me.”
I took his face in my hands and kissed him, “Somehow I think I will."
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