#for some reason i can't reply TT
redninjaaaaa · 2 months
goo's wearing the same outfit from his debut chapter
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it is also a similar outfit he wore the day he met gun
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it ends where it all began
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it all comes full circle :')
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
MCYT ; they have a very obvious crush on you
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, & quackity
warnings ; language
y/s/n = your ship name
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constantly donates / talks through tts when you're streaming alone
TommyInnit donated $10!
"Tommy, stop giving me money, just use TTS"
only uses tts when you tell him to each and every time, it's routine
if he's streaming when you compliment him, chat always points out his red face to both of you
"shut up chat! I'm not blushing. you guys suck"
after a while he gets invested in the shipping
"if I open wattpad and don't see three new y/s/n fics I'm gonna lose my shit, guys"
"Tommy, Tommy, check ao3"
"I found one and it actually looks good!"
reading fanfics on stream (with permission of course and being light on the jokes and whatnot)
you and Tommy make your own fanfic too
he gets your friends to read it on their streams too 💀💀💀
literally every bit he writes is something he wants to do with you
such a hopeless romantic
always doing you favors
never saying no to you
"yes sir/maam!"
always donos on your streams while speed running or playing horror games to tell you good luck
it rlly isn't a stream wo one of their donos istg
chat always asking where he is during one of said streams
editors go CRAZY with the misfits vlogs & tom simons vlogs with you two in them
the chemistry???
you react to / watch each sorry boys episode on stream when they come out
editors go crazy with your compliments to ranboo
they do too 😭😭
giggling and kicking their feet cause they're so funny to you
he's literally head over heels bruh
gives u free merch and stuff
he's usually nice/full of compliments but he's so extra with you
claims it's for the bit
lets you dye his hair
ylyl streams with him constantly LMAO
he wrote your name on his bi flag for some reason??? when you ask about it he just says "why not?" and you shrug it off
always helping you pick out clothes and shit when thrifting/shopping
always has to find a pair of sunglasses for you I swear
constantly asks his viewers to edit you guys
it's become a part of your relationship where he clearly has a crush on you but you can't tell if it's for the bit or if he's serious so you never say anything
the tom simons vlogs w you guys go hard
especially the ylyl irl with ran, tommy, charlie, james, and billzo
same with the ylyl american version w jack, tommy, james, harry, etc
editors and fanfic writers have field days with those
just straight up making out as "friends" for the bit????
even Tommy is confused and he's been supporting Freddie through the dumb shit he's been doing
supports the fanfics
he honestly reads them
if you catch him doing so he says he's just interested and he might read it on stream for funnies
"accidently" sends you free merch nearly every drop
qsmp streams are never complete without you guys flirting or going on a date
basically old karlnapity but you guys on the qsmp
qsmp y/s/n streams go so hard, they're literally the best
cellbit, roier, and jaiden officiating your fake wedding
qsmp y/s/n edits and fanart went crazy
youre like "guys no fanfics or edits of y/s/n, only if hes comfortable with it, I don't want you guys to weird him out"
and hes begging people to make the fanfics, the fanart, the everything
daily tweets of "guys send me more y/s/n fanart" or "any good y/s/n fanfic recommendations??"
cellbit always replies to those tweets with some long ass dictionary ass response to fuck with you two
fitmc of all people makes you guys a little tumblr oneshot.
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The safety on his gun was turned back on with an inaudible click as Jason let the tension leak out of his body.
It wasn't often that someone broke into one of his safe houses, especially one that he hadn't used in a while, so seeing as some of his silent alarms went off he raced over ready to put a bullet in some wannabe robber or maybe a goon sent by another crime lord trying to start something.
Instead he found a prime bat adoption bait sitting in the living room floor, bare stomach pressed to the side of a ginormous egg. It didn't look like any egg hed ever seen either with midnight blue fuzz covering the whole thing. "Hey kid."
The kids head whipped around, startled by a strangers voice. "Who are you?" He asked incredulously, hugging the monster egg closer to himself, "How did you get in here? This place has some serious security."
Jason gave a short laugh, "Yeah, I know. I'm the one who put it there." He watched with mild amusement as the color drained from the kids face.
"You're the apartment owner? I thought he was supposed to be some big scary crime lord!"
"I'm not scary to you?" It wasn't uncommon for people to be intimidated by him. He was, as Steph put it, 'built like a fridge'.
The adoption bait stared into his eyes for a few torturously long seconds before simply saying, "No."
"So, whats up with the egg?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
"Thats my line, Todd." A voice said from across the room. Both him and the little intruder snapped there attention to the window where Robin was perched. Jason fought back the urge to chastise the little bat for using his real name seeing as he was out of costume at the moment. After all he was here as Jason Todd, normalish civilian man who came to see why his house was broken into, not Red Hood. Jason almost wished with was some goon working for a big bad even if it would have meant his secret identity was busted, he would have been at least dealing with that instead of Damians inevitable animal custody battle with the kid. Speaking of which.
"Hey kid, whats your name?"
"Danny Fenton." The kid-Danny, tilted his head. "I think."
Robin raised an eyebrow, causing his mask to sift with it, "You think?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah. Got blasted with something a few weeks ago and I don't remember much before that." His grip on the egg had loosened a bit and Robin chose this as he time to strike. Bird boy tried to lift the egg up out of the intruders impromptu blanket nest, but seemed to have misjudged the weight of the egg that was as big as both children's torsos and Danny was swift to take back his egg.
"What do you think you're doing?! Thats mine!" Egg dad hissed.
"Tt. I will be better able to care for the creature. You should just hand it over now. Do you even know whats in there?"
"No! Neither do you!"
Jason knew Robin couldn't refute that so he chose now to step in, "Where did that thing even come from?
He watched as Dannys scowl turned into a beaming smile as he told them about how he was hiding behind a dumpster for warmth when this egg just fell out of the sky and with quick thinking, managed to catch it with a bed of ruined pillows from a recent villian attack. "So you can't take my dragon egg away. I'm the only reason it didn't become a failed street omelet." Danny held his hands on his hips while giving Robin a smug look.
Before the demon brat could say anything or, more likely, try to wipe that smirk off the other kids face, a new person swooped in through the window. "You think its a dragon egg?"
The kid seemed unbothered by the Batman questioning him and just replied with, "Yeah! Look how big it is! Its gotta be a dragon!"
Bruce looked like he was about to have an aneurysm, "You found a large egg of an unknown, potentially supernatural creature and decided to incubate it?"
Jason decided he liked this kid.
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shrouded-memorials · 16 days
🍄 posting a slideshow from tt explaining why the AfD in Germany is bad so people can finally stop voting them (in german, download the photos and go on google lenses to translate )
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🍄 the blue text ones are always before the red text pictures. The pics with the red text are the replies to the blue text arguments. I can't get it into order for some reason sorry. (Last one is in the right order)
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tangledbea · 1 year
The Saporians kinda remind me of the Equalists from Legend of Korra, based on how the narrative treated them: an organization that started out with complexity, but was turned into a shallow Big Bad—by doing some horrible thing that was not previously part of the plan for no reason —near the end of its arc. An analysis I read once sums this issue in media up really well: it’s better to start a story out with a simple idea, and gradually develop it more. Otherwise, by starting complex, usually a story will devolve into a flat and sloppy ending as the story needs to be finished.
I might be wrong about the Saporians being complex, as my memories of the show are rusty lol. But I’d like to know what you think, and if there are any other times in TTS that you think fit the idea of a ‘complex idea ending in overly an simple way.’
Holy cow, I've been sitting on this ask since last August. ;o; I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to answering it!
I only watched Korra once, back when it was new, so I don't remember much about how the Equalists operated, other than that they didn't want there to be any benders, or something. I completely agree, that the subplot with the Saporians started out complex and then got turned into "generic Big Bad". Lady Caine got the same treatment. Hell, TBEA implied that she was going to be the overarching recurring villain of the series, and instead she got two returns, both of which landed with her being rearrested.
However, I feel that this is less a case of "a sloppy ending as the story needs to be finished" and more that neither the Saporians nor Lady Caine were ever meant to be the main villain (once the plot was cemented, I can't speak for pre-production). They were the at-home villains Rapunzel had to deal with who weren't completely incompetent while she also had to deal with the bigger issue of Zhan Tiri and Cassandra.
But I felt that both of these groups held some amazing political intrigue, and I think they both would have worked well for a series more geared toward an older audience (who wouldn't be bored with the politics) with a less bombastic plot. When Caine and later the Saporians were introduced as a concept, I thought the series was going to end up being about an attempt to overthrow the crown (which, let's be real, would be difficult to argue with). I thought the two groups were going to team up with Varian in jail, and while we were 2/3 right, leaving Lady Caine out of the mix is almost criminal. She had amazing leadership skills and a cut throat way of handling her enemies that would have made the Saporians nigh unstoppable. (Until internal conflict of who actually got to claim the kingdom down that it was conquered took hold.) I even thought the Saporians would have something to do with Zhan Tiri's release, which would have been far more satisfying, imo.
Anyway, sorry again for the super-late reply.
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shuquoteunquote · 11 months
Shu on internet safety, assumptions, goals and more!
🔗: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-neemAni9Y
(context: Shu talks about means of communication with other livers)
👟: you know we have other means of communication apart from public Twitter
you never know what goes on behind the scenes
💬: damn ok, secrets
👟: obviously there are stuff we can't talk (about)
but like apart from that, sometimes we see Twitter and chat and be like "oh lmao they're so wrong"
there's nothing bad about it
💬: monka
👟: (laughs) it's interesting to see the guesses though!
💬: what do you do when they're so right
👟: I'll just be like, oh they're right
💬: you're looking through the replies?
👟: well, once in a while you see me reply to those, right? Or like quote retweet them?
I don't, like, ignore it
and sometimes it just pops up in my For you page
(laughs) why are you monka-ing? It's a public platform, I'll see it sometimes.
💬: Yeah, but all the replies?
👟: What do you mean, why does it matter tho?
Like at that moment, there's a chance that I see your reply regardless.
But that percentage is like, it depends but like
If anything, you shouldn't be worried if I perceive you, but what the others perceive you.
IMO, on the internet. This is just general internet safety.
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👟: I think you shouldn't assume.
If you're public, it's like the same thing as like putting a billboard up of your tweet. And everyone drives by.
💬: thank god I don't use Twitter then lmao
👟: I mean, chat too. Sometimes some people post stuff and I'm just like "oop, not reading that!" (laughs)
But yeah in general,
if you post stuff that's like, against the rules, you could pretty much guarantee that I'm not gonna read it. Out loud, or react to it.
yeah, there's a reason why I don't use TTS
💬: pls dont do this to us
👟: well, it's just general internet safety
if anything, I'm making sure y'all are aware, yknow?
(Shu explains what TTS is, which is mainly used by Twitch streamers)
💬: you make us afraid of the internet
👟: Well, it shouldn't be like 'afraid'
its just that, make sure you're safe, yknow
(Shu talks about how some smart devices for homes can be a way for other people to hack into their system)
👟: If I'm being kinda honest, there's other things that are probably more security-flawed with your security that you should be more concerned about
Just saying.
(Shu goes on to talk about passwords)
(context: Chat asked whether Shu has any goals he wants to accomplish by the end of the year)
💬: do your debut goals first maybe?
👟: you know, the thing about that is
when you debut, right? You put goals of things that you want to do. And it's cool to be able to do some of those goals
But also it's sort of sometimes out of your control if you could do some of these goals, yknow?
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👟: And I only really had goals on there because I think everybody else had goals.
You know sometimes when you have a goal,
like let's say you're about to bungee jump and then you stand on the bungee jumping board and then you think its a bad idea and then you just dont do it?
Or like, you change your goal from bungee jumping to skydiving instead because you think that's cooler?
I mean, I can't get into details obviously
But I think the goals, sometimes, it's good to have them just so they're like, there
But things change, people change, and all that stuff.
💬: but have you tried hard enough?
👟: That's the thing
People think that some people are lazy when things are just out of their control sometimes
and people get criticized that they're not doing enough work when they don't understand the full picture
Just something to think about.
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💬: who, imma slap them
👟: Well, no it's not like a bad entity if anything
it's just the fact that
wherever you go, right? You expect some things come unexpected and that's just life.
But then, unless you really know what's going on, all you could do is assume.
And then, some people tend to assume
that they're not doing enough work, they're not trying hard enough, they're not diligent enough
and they're lazy, yknow?
And sometimes it's not even they're fault that things happen or they're not able to do some things.
👟: I heard this from a YT short recently actually,
"Laziness is just a really bad word to disregard everything that a person is going through. There's no such thing as true laziness unless you fully understand the person's circumstance."
💬: Too real
👟: Yea, it is real
That's what I'm saying
But it would be cool to do some things yknow?
Some things I wanna do
There's a lot of opportunities too
It's just (that) some stuff are more plausible than others.
Some stuff, its like I'm more willing to do given the circumstances than others
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👟: Or my priorities changed, what I want to do changes, yknow?
My initial goals for doing such things is not always the thing that you want to do, continue doing later down the line, yknow?
All that stuff
Kinda deep (laughs)
And that was sort of why
the other time I was talking about like
what you expect from a streamer when they first start off
and then how they realize what they initially wanted to do isn't really truly the thing that they enjoy
and they change their streaming style later
but then, to the general public, there's a lot of people who assume that a certain streamer does these kind of things
and then they don't do it anymore
then people are like, "no, why aren't you doing this anymore?"
All that stuff
And then people assume. Like I said earlier, people assume these days. And they're so wrong and it's like "lmao you're wrong"
(laughs) people say stuff.
Some people are more vocal about the stuff they do behind the scenes
Others are less vocal, others prefer to speak, complain.
All that kind of stuff
But yknow, it's the internet.
And to be safe on the internet, I do want to let you all know
Stuff we post, stuff anyone posts, stuff you post- take it with a grain of salt.
(proceeds to talk about Luca's bubble butt, then Doppio's viewers drop in ww)
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petrichoraline · 10 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
i'm going to use this opportunity to share my opinions on free fall and the megaverse clip (did you ask me about it about 3 weeks ago? yes. do I still hold the same opinions? probably, yeah 😂)
first, free fall - I really like the direction they took with this album, it's not necessarily my thing more because of the execution rather than the style. chasing that feeling is the one I listen to the most, when I first listened to it I expected smth else around the last chorus but it ultimately left me feeling..wanting for smth that I couldn't pinpoint. like there wasn't enough of a BAM. still an amazing song. the two english tracks remind me sm of bts' english collabs with the cheerful attitude and they're both really catchy <3 growing pain is so goodd and happily ever after is very fun but I mostly hear it through tt challenges (caught myself doing the choreo the other day out of nowhere lol); also the day6 vibe of skipping stones is undeniable, i can't unhear it since I saw that description hahah
the album is really good and what I love most about all the songs are the guys' voices, there is so much character and passion in every lyric, that's what makes the music feel personal and energizing 😁 i looped their previous mini album so many times without really intending to so I feel like whatever came after that would've been set to the same standard. the music is great, just not for me and that's okay.
now, skz. i am aware there are a whole ass mv and album out by this point but I'll have to leave that for another day..I WILL require your commentary on it, though!! be prepared to give it ✨️
the megaverse clip conflicts me hahah cause there's a reason I don't listen to certain skz tracks? and this kinda feels like it's one of them but also?? the opening reminded me of miroh (and i like me some miroh 😩) and when jeongins part came I was seateddd and the build up sounded so nice- point is I know the song is a banger, the only question is whether it's a banger for me in particular at all, if it's smth I'd like immediately or smth I'd have to listen to a few times..as for the visuals of the clip idk what changbin was wearing on his head but im here for it? wedding bells in the distance <3 and just..jisungs presence is truly beautiful, like he shows up and im like "yes, you know what, song of the year! it's obvious"
it's all good music by amazing artists, it's just not all to my taste and that's fine but I hope I don't sound too negative <3
and to reply to the actual ask: sending you the biggest cuddles 💕💞💗💞💗💞💕💓💞💕💞💕
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absolutedarkstar · 11 months
this is super random, and i've dm'ed you about this too so sorry if it's repetitive, but i can't actually see your reblogs anymore? like, even if you reply with a post or with tags, it doesn't show up in my notifs or even in the reblogs with comments thing (i was looking back on some of my older posts and you did reply and i didn't see, so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you TT)
Oh my god thank you for this, about the dms i. Can't message anyone anymore! I tried to send you an ask and it disappeared too .. Tumblr seems to hate my account for some reason all of a sudden 😭😭 and it's perfectly fine there's no need to apologise
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Hello, Aphe(can I call you that? 👉👈) . It's your favorite anon here again!!!😊/j (because I really like the other anons and I see them and you as a little family <3)
I made a poem for my essay class (yes, I have those for some reason). I wanted to really show it to you because I guess your flower header actually inspired me in my desperation in trying to find something to write about :'''
As an aro person... It was a bit... Idk... Cringe?? (idk, I don't really like this word but that's the only thing that comes to my mind) to write a love poem for homework.
The name of the poem is "The Flowers". There's no rhymes because I wrote it in Portuguese and translated it to English and I don't want to make it lose its sense. TT
"The roses of my garden,
Red, yellow and purple.
All the colors come together,
from roses to little daisies.
I take care of them every day.
They fill my soul with happiness.
Even with all those flowers to myself,
Something is missing in my garden.
I picked all these flowers,
For you to like me.
Do not be selfish,
Come back to me."
I was going to send the original version in Portuguese, but this ask is annoying big enough, sorry if I'm bothering you!! TT
-🦢 anon <3
HI DEAR sorry for the late-ish reply BUT!!! yes of course you can call me that, it was a nickname a moot of mine came up with for me <3 i love that tbh!!! we are the found family of all time real and true /hj /lh
i can understand that!!!! i never understood why i had a hard time writing very romance-heavy content for my english or writing classes until... yeah. surprise! i ended up being arospec LMAO.
i love this poem though!! i personally think it's really lovely, even if the inspiration for it and the general topic of it was kind of uncomfortable or difficult to write. you all are never bothering me by sending long asks/multiple asks in a row/etc, i appreciate the engagement a lot!!!!! i don't want people to feel like they can't talk to me haha, i like coming across as very friendly and i want you all to feel comfortable talking to me and sending me long things or lots of things at once <333
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opttagoyeo · 1 year
so, so I've been trying to gather the courage to tell you the truth 😶 I hardly know anything about Twice and Red Velvet. I do recognize the members' names only because of Tumblr...I'm pretty sure I can name all the members of Red Velvet. I kinda only follow certain kpop blogs for the photography, and Red Velvet's aesthetic is always on point. I think I've listened to at least 1 song by both groups. By appearance alone, my favorite is Seulgi (something about the way she looks at the camera), but I also think Yeri is really pretty. I cannot name a single song by either group. I sometimes listen to Blackpink (I'm a casual Rose and Jisoo fan).
Anyway, that's what I wanted to confess to you 😳 Feel free to recommend a Twice and/or Red Velvet song that you think I must listen to.
I can't.
This feels like your idol replied to your post sorta thing 😭😭, uhm.. excuse my inner panic for DAYS8 asking me.. anyways..
Well, I'm not also deep into Red Velvet's nor Twice's discography but I knew almost all of their Popular Songs (which is redundant but hey, they're still fun to sing and dance to).
Now that you mentioned Seulgi's Appearance, I recommend you to listen to her solo album (although I haven't yet, I'm pretty sure it's good!) but first, check out the lead or title track of that album, "28 reasons" , check its mv, I think somehow, you'll love it (even the teaser..)
But if you really want to hear first the whole group's discography, check out Red Velvet's Russian Roulette (the mv too), Psycho (with it's pretty and aesthetic music video elements that I think will suit you taste, perhaps), or Bad Boy (I think it's also beautiful in its own way). Or if you want you can also watch Red Velvet's Peek-a-boo with it's kind of dark concept in its music video.
Oh my, Can't believe I also forgot, Feel My Rhythm (with it's aesthetically pleasing vocals and music video!!)
I'm not sure if I can help you a lot in introducing you to Red Velvet , but I do hope you can check some of their songs out and discover some that you'll love!
As much as I know, Red Velvet always incorporates the Red (psycho and dark elements) and Velvet (cutesy, beautiful, aesthetic thingy) their concept over all.
Now for TWICE, the thing is, their songs are so addicting that they're even prohibited to be played in schools in South Korea (I know, crazy right?)
So let's start with some familiar songs first, try checking out TWICE's What is Love?, TT, Fancy (I'm addicted to this song), Feel Special, More & More, Dance The Night Away, Knock Knock, Yes or Yes and more!
They have a more cutesy concept back in their debut days, but they also do some dark concepts into their songs. They are quite versatile too, just check out the audio of Cry For Me by Twice, but you don't have to force yourself, step by step, you can try watching little by little of their songs, to find what's to your liking..
Even now, they're still soaring high as one of the 3rd Generation Girl Kpop Idol (mind you, we're already in the start of 5th gen kpop, I feel old), their new title tracks songs would be "Talk & Talk", "Moonlight Sunrise".. that's all I know, sorry 😢✨
I hope ONCES (Twice Fandom Name) don't come at me.. I can't say a lot of things, (my ONCE friend would kill me fr lol)
I hope I answered your question! :'))
Thank you for asking, DAYS8 :33!!
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part 2 of modern!daemon nonnie's ask<з ok maybe it's good tumblr made me divide the ask. now i can write more about my thoughts on the modern au) hope you like reading them. 'any particular reason why you want to tell them?' just me. i'm ingenuous with people i trust so yeah.. just me. 'i think it’s pretty useless no?' it probably is. that's why i've offered you another idea)) 'i think she’d be fine not to tell him' noo but daemon? i think he's got the right to know. he can bask in his great ability to love a little. 'IMMA MAKE IT SO MESSY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW' GIRL anything i can handle anything BUT they marry at the end! and NOT that cliche pls TT i still need to cry out of happiness!! and YES i GET you. i don't insist on aegon and aemod being royal? and from that time. it's been just written. i'm glad you like this idea with an investigation) our alliance's really gonna make things. or riot. you choose my big brain sister. and i accept all the kisses!!! send them right back!!! KISSKISSKISS your kind lips for this kind words <з i also think aemond would've been upset but really interested in this whole thing as a historian but aegon'd have been soo heartbroken poor baby. i do like their characters but i'm personally too loyal for them.. i also see aegon more attached to the reader? like she's with daemon but aegon's right there and just.. hello.. how are u.. hey man can you pls not touch her thanks. and aemond sees daemon in the museum, makes a sour face and just.. hello my beloved professor i need your help can you spare me your whole day preferably thank you. while daemon's jealous but can't really tell them to fuck off bc 1) they don't really do smth bad 2) his 'valyrian' wife likes her pretty boys who act like puppies in love she'd be sad( aaand i'm really eager to see daemon brining her to his family (meeting aemma and little rhaenyra OmG where's cpr) aaand his home, the castle(?) like they're walking through the halls and she absolutely cries recalling everything she had before (not the bad medicine and sexism though...) meeting vyseris and looking at him KNOWINGLY while he's confused but is sooo relieved to have someone who's able to tame his brother. (reader and aemma besties reader and aemmd besties READER AND AEMMA BESTIES! please. poor reader should have a chance to be bestie of the lady she had no opportunity to spend more time with TT) and your spoiler?? i'm WAITING. i'm waiting.... i'm ready to take my make up off with the tears. i know you'll make it good. i trust you to break my heart. BUT then put it together again please i need to give you something for you being the most talented hottie-cutie. STOP or should daemon remember smth (some little things and feelings) himself after the valyrian wedding... i never know. you might know. but who knows. love you angel!! have a nice day/evening!!! take care! LOVE YOU
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maybe it's good tumblr made me divide the ask. now i can write more about my thoughts on the modern au) hope you like reading them.
i LOVE reading your asks!!! although it does take a while for me to reply so ur just gonna have to wait lol
'any particular reason why you want to tell them?' just me. i'm ingenuous with people i trust so yeah.. just me.
oh my cutesy lovely innocent lovely bug. we'll see. but i think, again 2k years of living made her quite hard and cynical
'i think it’s pretty useless no?' it probably is. that's why i've offered you another idea))
lolololol im listeningggggg i feel bad for saying your idea was fundamentally useless. i dont think ur useless im luv u
'i think she’d be fine not to tell him' noo but daemon? i think he's got the right to know. he can bask in his great ability to love a little.
i think he does but also if i dont find a reason/the right motive for yn to tell daemon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
'IMMA MAKE IT SO MESSY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW' GIRL anything i can handle anything BUT they marry at the end! and NOT that cliche pls TT i still need to cry out of happiness!!
i love breaking peoples hearts maybe i wont make them have a wedding just to spite you HAHAHAHAHHH
and YES i GET you. i don't insist on aegon and aemod being royal? and from that time. it's been just written.
i'm glad you like this idea with an investigation) our alliance's really gonna make things. or riot. you choose my big brain sister. and i accept all the kisses!!! send them right back!!! KISSKISSKISS your kind lips for this kind words <з
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i also think aemond would've been upset but really interested in this whole thing as a historian but aegon'd have been soo heartbroken poor baby.
THIS^^ yes but also no ?? HAHAH like i think both of them would be upset and in denial, in their own way, however i think they'd also have their own version of 'oh you're destined to be together, I DONT CARE WATCH ME TRY ANYWAY?'
i do like their characters but i'm personally too loyal for them..
honestly same! unless-
i also see aegon more attached to the reader? like she's with daemon but aegon's right there and just.. hello.. how are u.. hey man can you pls not touch her thanks.
actuUALLY YOURE SO RIGHT i think aegon is more attatched to readdderrr BIG BRAIN because they meet up regularly at the bar as friendsssssss albeit aegon is working as a bartender. also him going 'hello.. how are u.. hey man can you pls not touch her thanks.' at daemon 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 the sadness the desperation T_T suddenly idc about daemon HAHAHAHHA
and aemond sees daemon in the museum, makes a sour face and just.. hello my beloved professor i need your help can you spare me your whole day preferably thank you.
SAUR REALLLLLLL i think part of the reason why i also think aegon and yn would be closer than aemond and yn is because aemond would 100% try to keep that professional barrier, even unknowingly, and would be so jelly that yn and aegon have such a different dynamic, thinking like 'you always get your way i hate it here' T_T my poor lovie
while daemon's jealous but can't really tell them to fuck off bc 1) they don't really do smth bad
2) his 'valyrian' wife likes her pretty boys who act like puppies in love she'd be sad
tbh, i dont imagine yn as valyrian, just extremely knowledgeable of it for obvious reasons, but ur so right, daemon would hate to maker his lover sad
( aaand i'm really eager to see daemon brining her to his family (meeting aemma and little rhaenyra OmG where's cpr)aaand his home, the castle(?) like they're walking through the halls and she absolutely cries recalling everything she had before (not the bad medicine and sexism though...)
meeting vyseris and looking at him KNOWINGLY while he's confused but is sooo relieved to have someone who's able to tame his brother. (reader and aemma besties reader and aemmd besties READER AND AEMMA BESTIES! please. poor reader should have a chance to be bestie of the lady she had no opportunity to spend more time with TT)
VISERYS TOO T_T he'd be so on the fence about meeting yn like 'you clearly make him happy but im scared you'll trick my baby bro i will fight you' T_T OLDER BRO ACTIVATED. YES YES AND YN AND AEMMA BEING BESTIES COS THEY NEVER HAD THE CHANCE T_T SOOOO TRUEEEEE BIGGGG BRAAAIINNNNN
and your spoiler?? i'm WAITING. i'm waiting.... i'm ready to take my make up off with the tears. i know you'll make it good. i trust you to break my heart. BUT then put it together again please i need to give you something for you being the most talented hottie-cutie.
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STOP or should daemon remember smth (some little things and feelings) himself after the valyrian wedding... i never know. you might know. but who knows. love you angel!! have a nice day/evening!!! take care! LOVE YOU
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boyfhee · 2 months
HELLO if i haven't replied to your asks, it's most likely because of blr because my ask box has been a mess and many of the asks have been disappearing for some reason TT i can't see some on phone .. tumblr fawk yew
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catboyvulture · 2 years
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@arianna-irwynarn Aah thank you~~!!:D
(sorry for tagging you lol I can't reply to replies for some reason TT)
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babieken · 2 years
hiii - hope you are good!!!
1) how good was monsta x’s performance at mama !!! and I’m so emotional for them winning an award !!! I made myself more sad by imagining wonho was on stage with them
2) Wonho going… sad times but I know he’ll be the kind super Solider
3) I won tickets to see TVXQ in Japan next year. I feel guilty as I haven’t been a fan for too long (after Changmin’s solo so mid Jan) and I won tickets. Anyway I’m 25 but let’s just say my mum and I’s relationship is very strained (she is emotional abusive towards me) and I don’t know how I am going to tell her and how she is going to let me go. It’s exhausting having to deal with this, I hope your relationship with your family is good!
Sorry if that is too much, ignore or delete this ask. I don’t want to trigger you. I hope you are okay, I enjoy seeing you on my dash. Take care x
hiiiii <333 im sorry this took me ages to answer i literally forgot sleifslef (I usually see I have an ask at a very inconvenient time but back in the days I used to get them more regularly so I'd remember to go back and reply but nowadays they're so rare I totally forgot so sorry ;;;;)
award show season is such a weird time isn't it? like the perfs and red carpet and stuff are so fun but the rest of the time the fandom (mostly on twt ofc) is either fighting over votes or fighting other fandoms bc somebody is always butt hurt about something sidhfsldf but yeah I was pretty emotional and excited to because it's been so long since we've had monek on stage like THAT! it was so epic even tho they had some issues with the sound in the beginning...
please... i'd say don't remind me but it's on my mind all the time too TT TT I really don't know how to handle him leaving... like... i'd say I'm not nearly as active (or into) kpop these days and wonho was one of the main reasons keeping me here so I'm kinda afraid that if monsta x doesn't become more active (especially with minhyuk and kihyun possibly leaving soon) I'll drift away from kpop entirely.
oh my gosh that sounds so exciting!!!! and u absolutely don't need to feel guilty for being a newer fan! that doesn't determine your worth as a fan! you deserve to see them as much as any other TVXQ fans!! (huh I just realized I have no idea what their fandom is called siljflsjf) oooffff family relationships are tough... i can't say I have any advice for u bc I don't have enough knowledge abt ur relationship with ur mom. like I can't tell u 'just do whatever u want, ur old enough' bc I don't know the stakes for u. I just hope you find a way to work it out and go to the concert and take back control over ur life whatever it might mean in your situation.
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eyetheguard · 2 years
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NAME: Milo Saistenioux
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Bi/Pan (either term is fine for him), with somewhat of a preference for men.
PREFERRED PET NAMES: Milo likes most super-cheesy stuff like being called a type of flower or food because that's what he does with people he really likes (if they'll let him).He isn't all that keen on sweetheart/darling/honey/sugar despite them being the most common because he's only ever experienced people talking down to him while using them, but he does have a soft spot for being called 'love'. It's like telling him he can just be himself around you.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: For most situations Milo is single (I write him with another character of mine plenty for drabbles and other things, but when interacting with other people's characters - he's single!).
FAVOURITE CANON SHIP: (I will use for an oc/npc ship) Milo/Moren, Estinien/Milo, Thancred/Milo, Tatjenen/Hermes
FAVOURITE NON-CANON SHIP: (I will use for an oc/ oc ship) River/Milo, Jayide/Morrie (oof sorry for mentioning characters I never talk about on this blog LOL I really need to make a relationship tree sort of post for Milo so there's at least a visual reference...)
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: He may be hesitant to admit it, but he believes in it and longs for it. Milo purposely doesn't seek it out, since he worries the things he wants the most are probably avoiding him.
OPINIONS ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Milo believes in this too! That being said, he recognizes that just because you have that initial spark it doesn't mean you don't have to work at having a good relationship, so it's not that important to him. Would be nice though, considering he daydreams about catching someone’s eye and they actually want to be with him long term.
HOW ROMANTIC ARE THEY?: Textbook hopeless romantic. He hasn't had many normal relationships (or many relationships at all past a few flings) so being cheesy and cliche is very cute to him. He likes that kind of effort, especially considering he didn't grow up seeing it outside of fairytales. That's his ideal, within reason - so it's incredibly easy to wine and dine him and all of a sudden he's head over heels for someone. He is quite easily impressed, if your efforts are honest.
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: He doesn't have any! It's not because he's trying to come off as nice, he just likes all kinds of things on different people lol.
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Being kindhearted is probably the most important to him both in platonic and romantic relationships. It's probably a bit eyeroll worthy but if someone works to make the best of things for themselves and others, and is genuinely compassionate and patient with others, it makes him feel a little less naive about his own goals.
UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Bad posture, perhaps? He would never ever say anything, but it's more because it's not good for your health in the long run than it being actually unattractive. He’s one of those people who would try to help you avoid being too tense or strain your eyes and the like. Also, when someone doesn't do even the bare minimum with hygiene when they have access to it. Milo is an apothecary and also a relatively skilled culinarian, having clean instruments and hands is pretty much mandatory for him at all times. You don't have to be on his level of personal grooming, but he has to at least pretend like he has standards, lol.
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Frankly, being an asshole. Looking down on others/haughtiness, always having something negative to say about someone else, purposely pushing people's buttons for one's own amusement, being impatient - the list is long with that, but he doesn't have any interest in trying to "fix" asshole-ish behavior. Even going overboard with snark is pushing it for him.
IDEAL DATE: Dinner and an outing. It doesn't have to be fancy, but the food does have to be good (if you made it, that's extra credit regardless of how it turned out!)! He's eaten all sorts of things from all sorts of places, but he loves to hear about why his date loves the food that they do. He would love a picnic or a dinner show, or to go foraging for ingredients. Milo is a very simple person.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Someone who is kind at heart?! Not exactly! He gets along very well with other artisans, but aside from that his interest in others seems to be all over the place. (I seem to have a type regarding who I think he looks cute with, but the variety of characters I’ve shipped him with due to personality cancel it out easily haha)
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Well, he hasn't really been in "serious" relationships aside from his thing with L'hoa (barring drabbles written about him with River) and even that was just an on/off thing throughout his teens until he was about 22. He doesn't count it so I won't either, haha. He might have a number of flings with others spanning a couple of months but nothing exclusive.
PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Washing hair is very intimate for him. He takes very good care of his hair and usually doesn't let just anyone touch it due to some mishaps growing up, so trusting someone else to help him with it is him showing vulnerability. Bathing together isn't as big of a deal to him since he has no problems with nudity pretty much ever but understands that may not be the case for his partner. It's not like most people see him naked outside of sexual settings to begin with, so winding down a bit in the bath is nice. Sleeping together, cuddling, holding hands in private, nuzzling noses, caressing his ears, shoulder and hand massages - there's a lot he likes to do!
COMMITMENT LEVEL: For the most part Milo is monogamous, so if the other person is willing to define the relationship as exclusive, that's it for him. Getting the other person to do that is probably the hard part because he himself struggles to do it, not wanting to scare the other person off - but once it's a defined relationship, he's all in and only has eyes for them.
OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: PDA embarrasses the hell out of him!!! Holding hands while in the presence of others is the most notable thing that completely flusters him even though he's fine with it if no one else can see. Touching his ears or kissing him will make him go red pretty quickly too, and he doesn't like for others to see that. It's not the worst thing ever, so he'll tolerate it, but he will definitely want to hide after.
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: L'hoa, who he was pretty much in a situationship with. When Milo first started competing in contests as a musician, L'hoa pretty much brought him into the fray of all the other promising young teens competing. The issue, however, was that he liked L'hoa more than L'hoa liked him and put up with a lot of humiliating and dismissive things on top of L’hoa’s lack of commitment under the guise that if he just did what he was told, it would work out. It never did, and some of Milo's current problems (being a people pleaser, putting other's relationship needs above his own, struggling with speaking up for himself, let alone speaking at all) stemmed from this mess of a relationship. L'hoa was a lot of his firsts, so sometimes he struggles to see their past without rose-colored glasses - but after swinging the pendulum in the other direction and putting himself first plenty in a lot of his flings he's finally settled a bit to understand how things are probably supposed to go.
TAGGED BY: I saw @morganaux do it, and wanted to too! O:
TAGGING: Feel free to do if you want ^^
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yeeunjia · 2 years
YOO how would Enhypen react to eavesdroping on someone trash talking their s/o? Like imagine their s/o just being so nice and fluffy to everyone and some people shamelessly making fun of them🤬 I just KNOW Jay and Sunoo wouldnt have it😩
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PAIRING : idol!enha x idol!gn!reader
▬▬ GENRE : fluff !! ▬▬  WARNINGS : cursing/swearing !! ▬▬ ⌕ okay so- i just realized that sunoo's part isn't really eavesdropping so i want to apologize in advance for that <'3
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% .. heeseung !!
- he came across one of your former classmates and couldn't even believe that someone would despise you! he would stay silent while listening to whatever the person would keep talking about. it makes him way too pissed and want to confront them but he can't afford to make a scene either. when you two met up after your practices, he made sure to confront you about it. they were a close friend of yours too, after all. he doesn't want you to feel bad about yourself, he just doesn't want his significant other to be around people who act like a bunch of assholes. % .. jay !!
- he decided to go out for a while as your group was still busy with an ongoing interview. when he finally got informed about how the interview has already ended he never even hesitated to sprint back to the building. although, before he reached the room you were staying in, he came across 2 staffs talking about you. "did you see (y/n)? their whole personality is too annoying! do they even think it was cute?!" one of them scoffs. jay's blood boiled right at that moment and he immediately barged into their conversation. "listen here, don't talk about them in that way or i fucking swear-" and there he goes giving them a lecture for over 30 minutes... % .. jake !!
- enhypen and your group actually decided to hang out on that day! you were all in a cafe and you all heard the conversation of your "fans" whose tables were next to yours. you were all in disguise, so of course there were unaware. "(y/n) though! their vibes literally say : PICK ME !! i could be a better partner for jake too!" even your other members' eyes went wide. jake couldn't expose your identities so he decided to just plug your eyes with his headphones. he'd later notice how you became quiet and would make sure to give you all the reassurance you need. "you shouldn't be upset because of them, baby!" jake pouts. "i agree with jake. (y/n), they just judge too quickly! they're just shitheads who can't keep their mouth shut and just babble all they long!!" one of your members say, making you almost choke on your drink. (#supportive members LMAO) % .. sunghoon !!
- it's almost like sunoo's sassy energy transferred to your ice prince!! TT he knew that you wanted to get along with this one specific member of yours but they just despise you. for no reason too, actually. he didn't mind it much but when he heard what the member was saying, he wasn't having it at all. "it's always them. what's so good about them anyway!" the member scoffs before turning around. they saw sunghoon glaring at them and their annoyed expression turned to a smile. "sunghoonie~ how was date with them? probably boring, right?" they tried to first but sunghoon immediately rolls his eyes and left them dumb-founded. % .. jungwon !!
- he was shopping with his hyungs for more couple outfits and he came across a group of people staring at your pictures when you modeled for a specific brand of clothing. he stared looking at your photos too which made him smile. although, that smile immediately faded away when one of them started to trash talk you. "they're not even that attractive. also no good to become an idol!" the lady chuckles and jungwon frowns. still, right before he was about to confront her, a friend of hers instantly replied. "i don't think it's right to talk about (y/n) like that. they trained for years, after all. also, i personally think they're really attractive!" when wonie heard this, he couldn't help but smile right away. % .. sunoo !!
- oh dear. the poor boy was just trying to hang out with his coffee peacefully until he saw the person next to his table trying to hold their laugh. like the nosey boy he is, he took a peak. he immediately gasps when he saw that the person was tweeting about a little accident of yours in a concert. the caption they added saying "this is why (y/n) should be kicked out of the group! no one needs someone who can't prevent a SMALL accident!" sunoo didn't even hesitate to snatch the phone from them. "YAH! WHY WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT (Y/N) LIKE THAT! DELETE THE POST!" the person almost felt their soul jump out of their body. % .. niki !!
- a "friend" of yours invited themselves to your group's party when you won an award. if you could kick her out, you would've. she was just too stubborn. niki decided to look for more snacks in the kitchen and that's when he heard the conversation she was having. "(y/n) still has that bubbly personality! it pisses me off! anyways, i should ask for niki's number! we'd look cuter together, honestly." niki didn't even try to hide the disgust he felt. he went back to the living room and tried to find you and when he did, he immediately gave you a back hug. that was a first, honestly! "niki?" "(y/n).. i don't like her.." you chuckle when you realized who he was referring to.
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