#for satyrs w/ really thin ears
hoofpeet · 8 months
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Satyr/Minotaur winterwear..
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amazingmsme · 4 years
Consider this a sort of cheat sheet on how to wreck my babies.
She’s a pretty even switch but leans more toward the lee side
She’s a very playful ler & likes to tease a LOT & play cute lil tickle games
Her horns are killer ok, they’re just the right mix of sharp & dull to make it tickle like hell
She can be a very sneaky & mischievous ler
She’ll act all innocent tho but she totally isn’t
She’s such an adorable & fun lee!
She’s fae so she can’t lie. Which means if you ask her if she likes it she very angrily blurts out “yes!” because she tries so hard to answer with a lie
She gets really red in the face when she laughs & tears stream down her face but she’s fine, she’s loving it
Doesn’t really fight back unless you get her legs. Then she’s constantly kicking out cause that’s like tied for her #1 spot
Her other #1 spot are her cute lil goat ears. Her laughter is all high pitched & squeaky giggles
Since she’s a satyr, she BLEATS when she laughs! It embarrasses her to NO END!
Kinda loses all strength when her tummy’s tickled, probably her 3rd spot. Hips can also really get her going
If you tell her to raise her arms she will no matter what. VERY gullible to these kinds of attacks that trick her in a playful way
If you squeeze her knees (both sets of leg joints or the space in between) her legs shoot straight out & her entire body freezes up like one of those fainting goats. Except she doesn’t faint, she’s just trapped in a ticklish situation
Her hooves aren’t that ticklish. That is unless you have hoof grooming tools, then it’s absolute torture
The lil nubs right above the back of the hoof are the secret, absolute killer spot. She will scream, cry, kick, & finally just give up & go limp while laughing her head off cause she knows there’s nothing she can do
She’s t h i c c & got fuzzy legs, so what I’m saying is her ass looks like a corgi’s. You know how they just got the cutest roundest lil furry cheeks? That’s her. So you just KNOW that tush is gonna be ticklish. & let me tell you, it’s a BAD spot cause it’s directly connected to her legs
She’s got a really weird spot. You ain’t ready for it... it’s the top of her head. Scratch there lightly & she’ll drop to her knees in a giggle fit
She grooms pretty often, but brushing out the fur on her legs tickles like a bitch so she often rushes through that part
She has quite a few scars on her body & they’re even more ticklish than the rest of the spot
Definitely lee leaning switch but he’s got his moments. & he’s very skilled at what he does
When he’s in a mood Naomi calls him Lernad, his evil ler persona
This guy LOVES using his mouth to tickle. He’s got a fairly large tongue for a fairly large mouth & will lick all over a tickle spot. It’s rough like a cat’s tongue except he has thick saliva to protect him when he breathes fire. Lucky for him, that just adds to the sensation
He has rows of large sharp teeth, but the tips are just dull enough that if he puts the right amount of pressure, it will tickle like living hell. Just a ton of soft dull poking in multiple tiny, focused spots is enough to drive anyone mad. He will lightly chew to hear them squeal & if he’s feeling extra mean he’ll add his tongue to the mix. Great spots for this are legs & belly
He’s also got c l a w s so you just know he’s a good ler
He uses his tail too & will drag the flukes lightly over a soft spot or wrap it around you to pin you. It’s also great at giving soft squeezes that are super effective
Is there anywhere this man ISN’T ticklish?
Literally the most ticklish dude, I swear. & he loves it! But if he doesn’t know you that well yet he’s pretty good at holding in his reactions... at first
Definitely a lee with a ler complex
He’s got wings, but they don’t have feathers so they don’t help much when he’s on the giving end. However they’re great for taking him down! If you get his wing joints he legit roars. Also between his toes. & another secret lil spot that has yet to be found😉
He gets super defensive & denies liking it. & if you say that he does he gets super embarrassed & angy
His frills are definitely one of his worst spots. The scales are so thin & soft & it’s just such a perfectly vulnerable spot
His entire chest is yellow with smooth, plated scales like a snake belly & so it’s more ticklish than his harder red scales
The scar across his belly that killed him is for sure a death spot. It’s deep & big & extremely ticklish. It stretches from one side near his back all the way to the other side & across his belly
When you get his scar or frills his laughter gets a bit more frantic
His laugh ranges from booming belly laughs to high pitched smokey giggles
There’s a spot on the back of his neck between 2 quills that makes him honk/squeak & his frills INSTANTLY pop out. He absolutely hates it, it embarrasses him & he gets all huffy because of it
Of course his tail is ticklish, what did you expect?
He’s a big pouty baby & the only way to make him stop is if you wreck him
My man’s got mad endurance & he’s stubborn. Couple that with the fact he likes it & he can handle basically anything you throw at him
This bitch canNOT handle light tickles. He can’t handle rough ones either but light touches fucking break him
The one thing about him: he will never beg. He just won’t. He’s very prideful but it’s not just that. He didn’t beg once when he was captured & tortured during the war, so he refuses to beg at something as innocent & fun as tickling
Please feel free to send asks or message me about these babies! I have a mighty need to talk about them & just gush about how much I love them! If you got any questions about them please don’t be shy!
Bonus: Naomi laughing her head off
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