#for one of the most satisfying rp scenes
justplainwhump · 8 months
Seat 2B
Dany faces Geoff.
Next installment of @wildfaewhump and I's Just A Fling AU. The perfect Geoff, Peyton and their mentioned friends are Vic's characters and they penned a lot of this piece.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
Content / warnings: Intimate whumper, whumpee meeting whumper in public, past trauma and not ideal coping with it, mentioned serial killings, mention past noncon drugging and assault, sexually derogative language, mention of BBU-pets; pretty frank discussion of past noncon.
2B is Dany's favorite seat on most long distance flights. Best class available, be it First or Business or whichever names they came up with. Aisle, meaning she can get out without the need to talk to anyone. Second row instead of first so there's a bit more air in front of her instead of a wall. 
She's gotten it for this flight as well, the way home after some intense days of preparing and ensuring the final acceptance of their newest freight terminal. It's been a success. Another one. Dany is good at her job, and she knows it. 
She leans back in her plane seat and opens her laptop to check on the press release the company is about to send out, tuning out the busy noise of the last passengers boarding and filing to the back of the plane.
"Excuse me, Madam" someone next to her says, half bored. "I'm 2A."
She's not sure if its his voice that sets her off, the smell of his cologne, or his looming figure, some inches too close to be entirely polite, but her whole body is on alert suddenly.
Geoff Cortlandt.
"Oh. Ms Hammond," he says, eyebrows up. "Hadn't recognized you, fully dressed."
Dany's hand, halfway to the tray table, freezes mid-air. Geoff's gaze feels heavy on her skin. Even without looking up, the smug amusement radiating from him is almost palpable.
She sets her jaw and reaches out to pick up her laptop and slide back the tray table to let him pass. "Mr Cortlandt." 
"Just kidding," he whispers, as he squeezes past, too close for the amount of legroom the plane offers, and pauses, his mouth next to her ear. "You were not actually memorable undressed, either."
"Peyton saw that differently." It slips out, before she can think twice, her voice perfectly even. She's taken seminars on it, on her way to becoming the negotiator she is today - quick comebacks, how to deal with low blows. 
Paying back in turn ranks very low on the list.
And it is downright stupid, when it's about the exact thing Peyton's tried to warn her about in his very own, very inappropriate manner. 'We were getting pretty close. And I was… distracted by you. In a way that wasn’t working for Geoff.'
Geoff freezes for a moment, and she thinks she sees a muscle in his jaw twitch, before he breaks into an easy smile. "Well, he's luckily left that behind him now, didn't he?"
He slides into his seat next to her, just as a flight attendant leans into their row. "Can I offer you a drink before take-off?"
"Champagne," Geoff says smoothly. "For both of u-" 
"Vodka for me," Dany interrupts. She'll have to sit through this. She's not going to fold, not again, not after she panicked at the tennis match and let him have it. "Straight."
The attendant lifts his eyebrows, but doesn't say a word, while he prepares a plastic flute of champagne for Geoff and then bends down to the bottom of his cart to hand Dany a tiny bottle of Vodka and a glass. 
"Well, then." Geoff waits until the attendant has left for the next row, before he raises his glass. "Cheers, Ms Hammond. Go on. Drink up. We both know you're more fun once you've got a little liquor in you." 
"We both know it wasn't just liquor. We both know it wasn't fun." Dany screws open the cap of her bottle and pours it into the glass, pausing before she looks at him again. "And we both know you walked away. Is it just like that? Do you always just happen to get away with it?"
He smiles, and it's shaped like it should be charming. It's not. It's just empty. "I'm here, aren't I? Makes you wonder. Is it really possible for someone to do 'wrong'? Or are we just afraid? If right and wrong were the immutable forces we treat them as, wouldn't it be impossible for us to do wrong?"
Dany chuckles dryly and shakes her head, then downs the vodka in one go. "I didn't say anything about right or wrong, you started that yourself. My degree is in psychology, not philosophy." She puts the glass down and grimaces. "Pretty sure you, Mr Cortlandt, are an interesting case for both fields."
He laughs a little in return, and it makes her stomach churn. "I like that." He sips too, his eyes wandering over the cabin, before he turns back to her, shifting in his seat to pull up one knee and cross his opposite ankle under it, leaning in like they're good friends. "So," he says. "What did you like most about fucking Peyton?"
"There's a reason you and I were only intimate when I was unconscious, Geoff, and that's because I don't fucking want you in my bed. Not physically, and not mentally either." She smirks and tilts her glass at him. "You'll never know."
His grip on his glass is tight, but he doesn't retreat, and his smile doesn't drop. If anything, it gets more dangerous. "Fair enough. You know-" He glances around like he's about to share a secret. "There was this one time, he and I. We had a little bit of a threesome, there was this girl. We had her between us, on her hands and knees like a whore, she was so hot for it. Peyton has this way he angles his hips- her whole body seized. She wasn't really my type, but the way she looked right then, coming undone for him with my cock so deep in her throat she couldn't breathe... I almost had to keep her." He takes a deep breath and smiles brightly. "Anyway. I can only imagine he was a great lay for you too."
Dany can't breathe. Couldn't then. Can't now. It is her, it was her, the woman caught between them, betrayed, helpless, powerless. Images she can't remember, but dreams of anyway. 
She has to get away. Her hand flies to her waist, unbuckles the security belt, and she staggers to her feet to escape towards the restroom.
"Madam," someone yells, and before she can flee, a stranger is over her, presses her back into her seat. "You cannot get up, Madam, we're in the middle of takeoff, are you insane? Mr Cortlandt, Sir, could you please take care of your friend? She's endangering everyone."
There's more hands on her, Geoff's hands, on her shoulders, wrapped around her own hand, and he's talking over her, her own voice stuck in her throat. "Of course, I'm so sorry about her. She's a nervous flyer. You'd never want everyone on the plane in danger because of you, would you, Dany? We're going to get through this together, I promise. You just need to put your seatbelt back on."
"You got her?", the other man asks sharply.
It's all too much. The shaking of the plane, the hands all over her, the images, and Geoff, Geoff, Geoff, he's next to her, he's over her, he's inside her, 'my cock so deep in her throat that she couldn't breathe', she's dizzy and nauseous and nothing makes any sense.
"No," she whispers weakly, "No, I don't want this, please."
He's not leaving. His hands are on her hips now, almost tender, pulling at the seatbelt, locking her back in. "I know, but there's nowhere else to go. You're just going to have to endure. I'll stay right here with you the whole time, alright? You're not getting rid of me." 
Louder, to someone else, he adds. "I think I've got it from here. Thank you for your help."
The plane's rattling gets heavier, then stops, as it raises from the runway, pushing her back into her seat even deeper. 
Dany's whole body is trembling. Tears are catching in her lashes, but she's not even able to cry. "Why?" she whispers tonelessly.
Geoff whispers in her ear, one arm around her shoulders. "Why not? You were just a fling."
They stay like that, Dany locked in her seat, caught in her own body, Geoff leaning in over her, holding her hand in his like a friend would, until the plane has reached cruising altitude and the seatbelt lights turn off with a little ping.
Only then does Dany manage to shake her shoulder and brush his hand away from her. 
"I hate you."
Geoff settles back into his own seat, the grin on his face satisfied and smug. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He pulls out his phone and opens his picture gallery. "Hey, want to see pictures of my pets?"
She can only shake her head tiredly. "I want you to die" 
"You first, princess." 
It's almost casual, almost like smalltalk, but it cuts deep. Peyton's words ring in her ears. 'If we hadn’t done what we did, you would be dead. Pieces of your body would have been hidden from here to Georgia, and no one would ever have found you.' Geoff had been ready to kill her. He'd not, he'd found another way, but he'd been close. 
"Don't call me princess," she says, even though she knows it's hollow and empty and he'll do whatever he wants anyway. It's easier to reply to that part of his line, than acknowledging the meaning of the other. 
He leans closer again anyway, swiping through pictures of a young Philipino person, sultry eyes thick with mascara and shadow as they watch the camera from repose in a king-sized bed. "This one's Lourdes. They're my latest, just got them a couple weeks ago. I always like to have one picture when they're brand new." He swipes again, and the next picture shows someone with similar features. This one, a young man, is hollow-eyed and clearly frightened as he sits stiffly on an ornate couch, hands clasped tightly between his knees. "See? They just... lose that spirit, after a while."
She doesn't want to look at his phone, but it's not like she can go anywhere. Pets are people, she thinks, she's said it so often, but she doesn't now. Because if anyone is aware of this, she's sure it's him. That's why he's showing her these pictures. Because they're people and because he enjoys to make them miserable. 
Like he enjoys to make her miserable.
You first. 
"You kill them," she says flatly. "Don't you? That's what you're going at with flashing this photo gallery at me." 
He glances around, as if to make sure no one is taking an undue interest in their conversation. "What a horrible thing to say! I love all of my pets. And they're all still with me in one way or another. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that bond, since you have none of your own. You're not very caring, are you, Dany? You flit through life without ever really taking anyone with you. It's why I didn't like seeing Peyton get caught up as your latest infatuation. You would have moved on eventually without a drop of care for what it did to him."
"I did move on," she says, carefully. There's something about the way he's phrased it that rubs her wrong. "He moved on, even before I did. Without a drop of care. You made sure of this." She chews her lip, processing what he's said. "What difference would if had made, if I had 'cared' for him?"
His phone screen darkens as he puts it away, voice turned into an angry hiss. "He deserves better! He actually liked you. 'Dany this' and 'Dany that'-- he sounded like he was twelve, discovering Emiliana all over again. And all you wanted was his dick."
His sudden anger is frightening. Still, it's more manageable than whatever mood that was he's been in before. "All he wanted was my body," Dany hisses back. "He didn't care about anything else. He didn't even care about my consent, for fuck's sake. And, he's married. He didn't deserve better. He just didn't deserve anything I ever gave him. He even handed me to you, to shove your fucking cock into me. What the fuck more did you want? For me to actually love him? Or for him to only have eyes for you?" 
"Please," he rolls his eyes. "His marriage is as real as the tits Valerian's always going on about getting someday. What I want--" He breaks off to smile, as the steward passes down the aisle. "What I want," he resumes in a whisper, plastering on a smile again, "is for you to be forgotten so entirely that it's as if you never existed. But I'd settle for getting off this plane."
Dany laughs, sudden, harsh, almost broken. She doesn't bother putting up an act, just stares at Geoff plainly, waits for him to meet her gaze. "You wouldn't ever get that," she says then. "Whatever Peyton does or does not forget about me, the problem is yourself, Geoff. Because wherever I am, whatever you do to me, you, you will remember there was someone else in Peyton's life, someone he couldn't get enough of, even while he had you." The corners of her lips pull up, almost a grin, but it's too desperate. "Which means you always lose."
The armrest creaks under his grip. His grin is a macabre stretch of lips over teeth. "Have a pleasant flight, Ms Hammond. Wherever you're going after this, I hope you reach your destination safely." 
He slips out of his seatbelt and grabs his jacket with clipped, angry force. 
This time, when he passes her, he keeps his distance. 
Dany doesn't turn around, when he passes her to go towards the back of the plane, just hears a whispered apology to someone else and the re-buckling of a seat belt. 
He's in front of her, when they disembark, walking away from the plane, from her with long, determined strides. Dany pulls out her phone. She still has Peyton's number. She never even bothered to block him. She's pretty sure he didn't either. 
*You're the one in danger, Peyton. You know he can't stop. And you're the centre of it all.*
*He'll kill you.*
*Take care.*
She puts the phone down and looks through the huge airport windows at the cloudy sky outside, before she adds,
*Or don't. I don't actually care.*
The messages are marked as read right away. He doesn't reply.
Just a few hundred meters away from her, Peyton Montgomery looks through the windows of his car, spotting the tall figure of his best friend stepping out of the airport doors. 
A quick flick of his thumb deletes Dany's messages. 
Geoff would never hurt him.
When Geoff gets into the car, Peyton's smile is as easy as ever.
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whamss · 2 months
5, 6, 7, 38
Finally, some questions where I can confess to some true master level delusion. My favorite
5. Favorite ♦️ ship?
Admittedly... Rosekat. I have one friend who I engage in copious amounts of rp with who has whittled me down on this pairing over the course of like a year. It isn't really a thing that I could imagine happening outside of the extremely specific set of circumstances that we've set up for them (and it isn't even rly something I seek out content for?), but I think it's cute. One that I sort of lean back on as a very personal self-indulgence
6. Favorite ♣️ ship?
Rose ♣️ Vrisrezi is one I've rotated in my head a decent amount? I like entertaining the idea of Rose getting to have another go at trying and failing to auspistice a pair, 100% fueled by my core philosophy that auspisticism should get to be kind of sexy (and indeed, I think that this is quite sexy). Vrisrezi just happens to be a pairing that I personally enjoy seeing uh. Not strictly pitch, but very messy, and that I think makes for interesting ashen dynamics
7. Favorite quadrant vacillation ship?
I have such a painful guilty enjoyment of pitch/pale vrisrose, honestly it's the definitive version of them imo. I imagine them having a very antagonistic relationship, but there's something about the way that they mirror each other and see some of their personal failings in the other that pushes them to want to improve each other. Smth smth striving for self improvement by fixing somebody else (who feels so so so much like you). I also think having a moirail that sort of shoves them around is very cute, and the dichotomy between their rivalry and the genuine care is sweet. I have so many thoughts on them...
38. Favorite canon moment/interaction with your ship(s)?
While not rly narrowing down a specific interaction or scene, the shenanigans recited between them from pages 2695 to 2722 are Rosemary at its peak to me. Just a very fun sequence that sort of asserts their dynamic, definitely probably the pages and list of logs that sells me on them the most. And the way that they tied these interactions together from Kanaya's point of view was also very fun just like, in context of the comic itself. Early Homestuck was so satisfying to read...
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eemamminy-art · 9 months
Author Interview
Tagged by @allaganexarch!! 😊
Long post with many questions below the cut
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Somehow... I have 50?? Wild to me, but I suppose I have had the account for 10 years so maybe that's not so strange.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
142,785. I don't know if that's a lot or not, I tend to just write short oneshots because it's all I have patience for lol
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Anything that catches my interest really haha most of my fics at this point are FFXIV but.. so is most of my art, it's kind of had me in a chokehold for the last 6 years
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
(all of the following are explicit btw, be careful if clicking the links. Just mind warnings and tags thanks :3)
Licking Wounds - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 247 kudos I want to chock this up to just the fact that I wrote it in 2018 when there was next to nothing in the ship tag lol. After I wrote it I started writing a lot lot lot more (in longform rp mostly and then moved onto fic) and I feel like everything else I've written afterward is so much better!! It kind of irks me when people have said it's their favorite estimeric fic of mine, because it is far and away my least favorite thing I've written for the ship.
Say my name - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 204 kudos This was honestly like my attempt 2 at the story I wanted to convey in Licking Wounds, but it's 10000% better please read this one instead 😂 Both this one and the previous one are meant to be the inception of their relationship immediately following the Through Fire and Blood canon short story.
Sleepless Night - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 185 kudos I sort of revisited the idea in this one later too (Chipped Porcelain), but I'm still not 100% satisfied with it so I may return to this idea in a third fic one day. I do like it for the fact that it's not set during Heavensward, which was a first for me at the time! I love stormblood and as little of a role as Aymeric and Estinien have in it, I really really liked the tiny mentions of them and wanted to expand on it. They have so few scenes in 4.0 and 5.0 that it leaves a lot of room open for exploration of their relationship at that time!!
Long distance - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 151 kudos I don't think on a technical/creative level I enjoy this fic much since I wrote it really quickly without much editing, but I love it in the sense that it was one of the first things I wrote while coming out of this notion that post-HW Estinien and Aymeric are exes/do not like each other/have beef/etc. That's a popular fanon for them based on how they interact in 5.X and 6.0 especially but I can't stand it and it frankly makes me really sad! It clicked for me that they could just have a long distance relationship and that suddenly opened up my eyes to all the potential stories they could have outside of the context of pre-canon or 3.X.
Vigil - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 130 kudos This one was kind of a sequel to Licking Wounds actually, or at least I made reference to it in there! Kind of me facing my old writing that I didn't like very much. I feel a little embarrassed rereading this one because it's really shmoopy but that's kind of my style when I create anything so I should probably just embrace that!
5. do you respond to comments?
I try but I feel so weird about it!! 😭 I probably should at least say "thank you" but it feels like not enough when someone sends me some long thoughtful comment, so then I end up letting them sit and be like.. damn I should reply to this... I really appreciate every comment I get, it's just that I am not very confident in my writing and struggle to accept praise for it I think.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No one ever said it would be this hard, I think is probably the angstiest one! I love angst but I love it in the sense that it amplifies the relief of having a happy ending follow it. This fic though I wrote during a really bad time in my life, and after I had felt kind of betrayed by a video game character who had been giving me some comfort back then 😂 I had lost my parents in 2013 and 2014 and found a great outlet for my grief in Fallout 4, particularly with Shaun and with Piper, and it felt like a gut punch that despite romancing her Piper was NOT on board with reuniting our little family lol. In hindsight uh no kidding she wasn't, but at the time I was like wow how could she do this to me!! 😭 So I wrote this little tiny ficlet on a fucking napkin on my break at work on Christmas Eve that year, since I was already sad anyway I thought, let's just wallow in this shall we? And then I transcribed it after I got home later.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I usually write happy endings so it's hard to decide. I think Benevolence probably stands out the most to me though, because it's a happy ending for Zenos which is something I crave every hour, every day, every week, since I played Endwalker 😂
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face, though I've come across some subtweets about my lesbian au stuff quite a few times. I did get a weird anon hate on ao3 the other day though that sounded like a high schooler wrote it 😂 I just turned off anon comments though because I don't need people wasting my time to tell me they didn't like something I wrote
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
On occasion.. <:') it's always really romantic though, I love stuff that really focuses on emotional bonds and senses and just the intimacy of it all. I do find that people tend to like my works better when I dip into more raunchy stuff, but it's really rare that I have any desire to write smut like that.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
So... okay idk if this counts, but my ex-gf and my ex-bestfriend and I had this LJ community where it was like a multi-universe rp but the rp was like, these random characters all writing on the same forum and being insufferable to one another 😂 it was so stupid but it was a lot of fun at the time!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I've had my art stolen quite a lot of times.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Or at least, it's been asked of me! I don't know if they did it in the end or not. I think it was for some of my estimeric fics? I was asked on twitter if it would be okay to translate it into chinese, since there is evidently a decent community for the ship with chinese fans!!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, though my partner gives me a lot of ideas for things to write or draw, and I've been helping my friend brainstorm a lot for a series they are working on!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
As if I could pick just one!! 😩 Well I think in recent years it's been obvious I adore Estinien/Aymeric, Fordola/Lyse, and Zenos/WoL (specifically meteor but other wols are also good sometimes, depends on the wol though). They all make me really happy.. I do a little finger touch and have a little giggle when I see them.. 🥺
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think if I were to finish it, I would go back and redo it entirely, but I had a wip that I'd just barely started about Aymeric meeting Thordan face to face for the first time. I don't really want to go into much detail beyond that, but I really loved the concept and have wanted to go back and work on it for years, but I think I built it up too much in my head about how perfect I wanted it to be. But maybe someday!!!!
16. what are your writing strengths?
Characterization and specifically internal monolog/descriptions from character POV.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialog, especially when it comes to the fantasy ye olde english type of dialog, too much repetition and too much simple language. Run on sentences, like uh all of this post lmao.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it would be cool!! I speak like the most simplest amount of a second language so I don't think I'd be able to do it for a long time unless I had a lot of help, but I like the concept of it! I wanted for a long time to draw a short original lesbian comic and put out versions in both english and polish, but at this point the idea I had for it is a little too simple and my inspiration for it is a little too dim, but maybe one day I will attempt it!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Probably either Inuyasha or Ranma 1/2, when I was like.. 12 or something 😂 If we're counting just what's on my ao3 though, my first fics were for Deus Ex (set somewhere between human revolution and the first game) though I have since orphaned them because I'm no longer comfortable with them.
20. favourite fic you've written?
I don't think I can narrow it down to just one!!
A port in a storm is without a doubt my favorite character study of Estinien pre-canon. It's in my lesbian au so it's not exactly how he would be, he's perhaps even more averse to other people in this universe, but it's I think a great example of his kind of frightened cat with their hackles raised demeanor. Plus it portrays really well the dynamic I love between Estinien and Aymeric, and also butch and femme identities.
Bewitched is another favorite, because it's another sort of character study but this time for Zenos. I really really liked the idea of Garleans being culturally conditioned to fear magic due to their inability to use it, and I liked exploring that in this fic, of making the warrior of light be terrifying and thus exceptional and noteworthy to Zenos, just for the fact that he's a healer.
Just Listen is probably the longest fic I've written both in terms of actual length and in terms of time I spent actively writing it. It was my way of working out my unhappiness with how the relationship between Aymeric and Estinien changed in canon while still trying to keep it relatively canon-compliant! It also was my way of showing just how complicated and messy they are, but unlike other fics I've read about the same sort of topic, I opted for love to triumph over all. If FFXIV has taught me anything, it's that even the worst and most hopeless of times and lowest of lows in relationships can still find happiness in the end with enough love and determination. 💛💛💛
Thanks for reading all this rambling if you did!!! I don't usually like to talk about or even acknowledge my fic so this was a good exercise in doing that. :3
Tagging: @4th-make-quail @notapaladin @salmonking @lesbxdyke @mariyekos @grahatini @randomsquirrel @sherribon @ladyramora and anyone who saw this and thought "hey, this looks like a lot of fun!" :3
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immobiliter · 26 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
so i have way too many muses on this blog to really categorise every pairing that i ship for them, but i will echo ventium's answer and say that my otps are what i currently ship with my rp partners. this is particularly the case for me because, while i love a good "canon" ship ( as in, the characters actually get to interact within their canon even if you have to read romantic or sexual context into them ), a lot of the ships i write are crossover ships between two muses who would never have cause or reason to interact within their canon. that means i rarely enter into them knowing that they will have a romantic endgame, so i have no real preconceived otps as it were. i also tend to be quite picky about ships more generally speaking, it can take a lot for a ship in a tv show or book or movie to actually grab me, and i think this is because romance in general doesn't really do much for me on a personal level lmao.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i'm honestly up for most things, barring the obvious no-gos. although if the dynamic is more toxic in nature ( which, again, i'm not opposed to ), it does make me pickier when it comes to shipping. certain muses of mine are pretty incapable of developing romantic or sexual bonds ( or even friendships for that matter ) without a degree of toxicity or challenge involved and that therefore makes them lower priority/more selective in terms of who i would choose to ship them with.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
this is hard to answer in a general sense because it's very specific to the individual muse and ship ? as far as i am concerned, as long as it's not shipping a minor with an adult, and it is a ship that makes sense for the characters and can justify in that respect, age differences aren't a big deal. i have muses who are 18 who i would only ship with others of a similar age, i have muses who are in their 30s and may date those a lil older/younger than them, and i have muses who are hundreds of years old or immortal who fall for a human. context and the nature of the individual character is very important.
Are you selective when shipping?
yes, i am picky about what i ship and who i ship it with. there has to be chemistry not just between the two muses but between writers as well — we have to vibe well, plotting and talking behind the scenes cannot feel like a chore or like it's forced, and i'm also someone who will very rarely engage in that tumblr favoured pastime of yelling constantly in dms about ships. i like to get excited about ships and characters, i like to talk about them ( and talking about them usually does encourage me to write them ), but at my own pace. i have a lot of muses and therefore a lot of ships ( plus y'know i have a life outside of tumblr too, we all do ), so i like to know that my rp partner and i can take our time developing them, can talk in dms at our own pace with no pressure to write everything for them all the time, and that if neither of us reply to any threads or answer any memes for months at a time, we're both okay with it. i have shipping partners who i talk to most days, i have shipping partners who i send plotting walls to once every so often ( u know who u are lmao ), and i have shipping partners who i talk to about pretty much anything other than our actual ships that we write once in a blue moon lmaooo. but my point is it's all very chilled and laid back and that's how i approach everything when it comes to tumblr these days. if it takes 6+ months or 2+ years for two muses to kiss, that's all good with me! it makes the end result even more satisfying. i think for that reason, too, i prefer shipping partners who are willing to enter into that long-term commitment. if you are one of those people who will jump straight in with a ship and then move on within a few weeks to the next muse/ship, i don't think we'll mesh that well.
i will say though that usually once you pass that vibe check as a shipping partner, i am much more likely to immediately say yes if you suggest another ship to me lmao. if i know that i can ship one pairing with you, chances are i will ship all the things with you.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
anything that goes beyond the realms of foreplay/as soon as clothing starts to come off/when more intimate touching and kissing occurs, really. i honestly don't write smut all that often, but i will usually start to tag with a "nsfw ish" tag first to indicate that's where a thread is going before i tag something as nsfw.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
this varies depending on muse. i do have some characters that i have specific ships for ( though it's not something i tend to publicise on the dash ), while there are other characters that i don't even write for the purposes of shipping ( meaning that any shipping that occurs with them is either accidental or the result of extensive plotting or talking behind the scenes ).
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
yes, for the most part. i write many flirtatious characters who will shamelessly flirt with muses they come across but i never intend this to be an initiation of a ship ( and i'm sure others who write Those sorts of muses would agree ), so the best way is to simply ask me — especially if we've written them a little and you're getting that vibe. i will always endeavour to reach out to rp partners when i can feel a ship brewing or if i have an idea for one that i wish to pitch, and i encourage others to do that to me in return.
How often do you like to ship?
this is a hard question because it always depends what i'm in the mood for ? i enjoy ships, but they're not all i wish to write on tumblr dot com. i'm fortunate that with a multimuse full of all different flavours of muses, i can usually find something to satisfy that writing itch whenever it flares up lmao.
Are you multiship?
yes, in the sense that none of my active muses are really single-ship, and if i have caveats to shipping with them they're always noted on the muse's page. i don't like to limit myself to single-shipping unless the muse in question is a private one that i just write for one writing partner lmao. i also don't tend to ship with duplicates once i have found one that i click with — this is never something that i ask for anyone to reciprocate, it's just how my brain works.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
i'm really not ship obsessed at all lmao, hence why i consider myself pretty picky ( and the reason why i tend to have lots of different shippy dynamics ongoing is mainly because i ship multiple pairings with the same 6 or 7 people lmao ). you know what i am obsessed with though? platonic expressions of devotion. few things can truly hit me like a well developed friendship ( robin & steve from st ), or a platonic bond that transcends all attempts to define it ( neuvillette & furina ). i think tumblr sleeps on those sorts of dynamics soo much, and so when they do come along for me they end up being extra special.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
honestly this may be a cop-out answer, but all of the ships that i currently have ongoing. i love them all in their own way, they all contribute something to my portrayals and to my blog and writing style and i appreciate everyone who writes a ship with me of any kind, even the platonic and familial ones.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
talk to me! i tend to prefer that our characters have interacted at least a little first, but i'm also not opposed to a pitch of two characters who you think might work well together! communication is key :')
Tagged by: @apocryphis & @delusionaid ( thank you!! ) Tagging: i've seen this go around my dash and therefore don't know who has or hasn't done this yet, so if you see this you are tagged! do the thing! tag me!!!
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
Which OCs that are not yours do you most admire? What is it about that character that you find impressive or engaging?
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is... is there a limit to how many I can name...?
Um, okay. *deep breath*
Seifer d'Latu -- yes, it's my husband's character, but that's not the only reason! (He has other characters that aren't my favorites!) Seifer very, very clearly comes across with a powerful sense of self that I genuinely think comes from Sev having played the character for decades. {As someone who has chronic altitis, I don't think a character has to be a "main" or written for 20+ years to be good, but the development of personality and writing style that Sev has built up for a couple of decades sure doesn't hurt!}
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He's also a fantastic villain who never bothers lying about his intentions, but seems… able to just… slide that right past people? I can't COUNT the number of female characters who happily followed Seifer to the d'Latu home and were shocked to not only meet his wife, but also at his disinterest in bedding them. Like they just… didn't listen when Seifer clearly told them he only wanted to fuck with their heads. It's genuinely amazing.
And Seifer I find particularly interesting because he's not the evil overlord who wants to rule the world. He's best suited to and enjoys being an advisor to the throne (so to speak) and was originally designed to be an enforcer to someone with a greater degree of power. It's rather rare to run into a villain character that isn't either The Leader or aiming to be The Leader and I genuinely enjoy how Seifer works into that role. (And how he works the role itself, he's just… such a delight to engage with.)
There are a LOT of characters I've had the pleasure of engaging with that are just marvelous. Voranoix L'espoir (one of my top fifteen RP characters ever tbh), Zale Bolton, Lupus Lynx, Thravnar Ravensun, Sezra'tan Entialpoh, Targur Steelfist, Wisteria… (Why are none of them active on Tumblr, you ask? Because the Irony Gods love to poke me with sticks.)
However, there are also a whole lot of characters I've never been able to RP with (usually because of anxiety/lack of time/lack of IG availability) that I find fascinating to read about.
@luck-and-larceny's Malika and @dumb-hat's Evander both fall in my top tier. Not only are they well-rounded characters with depth--obvious when you just scroll through a very few pieces of writing--but they're also FUNNY. And characters written with humor--both as from the reader's perspective as well as the character themself--are so, so rare. I LOVE funny characters and I love it when authors/players don't take themselves so seriously that they can't laugh at their characters or themselves. It genuinely makes the serious moments of character reflection feel more important when there's a contrast.
Basically everything @gatheredfates writes. Throw @riftdancing in there because they give each other some truly admirable support and cheer each other on. (It's beautiful to see.) There's… just the sense of WEIGHTY backstory in everything they do and reading their snippets, seeing their screenshots, I feel the same way I do when listening to "Jenny of Oldstones" written for Game of Thrones. Which is to say that there's a whole world they've created I'm getting a glimpse of and I'd dearly love to see more.
While I love @kuro8529's "black snack" (:D), his Viera Fakhri (on @gray-morality ) and @catscratching's Seda have a solid story built up, not only between them but also separately, so when I read either of them writing, I get a glimpse of the HOURS it took to painstakingly build this mutually satisfying story that has so much further that it can go.
@ofcruelghosts -- I love the noir aesthetic, the writing style and the very concept. I can genuinely feel the inspiration from the pieces and I'd love to see the character in even more scenes.
@bloodpoetry-lytharp -- Hi, have you read about Lytha? You should. Not only that, but you should read the other characters @erithe writes because she has an amazing grasp of style, character development and plot. (She's also one of the best people I've ever known.)
@mirugaidoesthings -- Dayar, ofc, I love because not only is he old enough I can thirst after the character without feeling like a perv, but also because he's written so pleasantly, so casually that it's like catching up with an old friend only to find out they killed a tiger with their bare hands at 15. You do a LOT of "WHA??" and it's amazing. Miru is a miraculously talented writer and a wonderful person.
@rylen-ashworth -- Eh, he's okay, I guess. Decent character. I suppose. {:D}
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 11 months
Deleted Scene in the open rp called "Sleepless in Cloudy Town"
(It's a deleted Scene where..saphira comes home from prom..after his truth was expose and this is what happens after i decided to make it real short instead of trying to make it too long..so here it is, and please don't reply or rp this..it's just a deleted Scene) Saphira storms into her home after Ron, Kim, and Bonnie went inside first..and she slammed the Door and she said, Saph:" So...What the hell do you three have to say For yourselves hm?" She crossed her arm angerly..as Ron and Kim and Bonnie stood there as they Knew they were Caught red handed by videos and voice recording...then Ron Spoke out.. Ron: "Saph..i'm sorry-" Saph:" NO YOUR NOT! NO Your NOT! You better stop Lying right now!, You're not sorry For what you did infront of my face. You're not Sorry That you Murdered my daughter and calling her a brat! Are you Fucking Kidding me, How Could You even Say that To your OWN Flesh and Blood!? Not only THAT! You Just Admit that The reason why you Killed my daughter because you want my Family money and The Inheritance that I will give my daughter When she turns 18! What kind of Father Who would Do Such a Horrific way to Kill his Own flesh and Blood!? DO you Three Have ANY Idea What Ya'll have Done to me and your Own Daughter/ God daughter?!...*looked at ron* YOU!...I've done Nothing but a good, Loving and Loyal girlfriend to you up until now...I need to know...What Did I ever Do to you to cause All THIS!!? *Pointed at kim and Bonnie* THIS Cheating! THIS Greed! This..Abuse! and all!...What did I ever do to you!?..tell me that...hmm?" She cross her arms..Ron was so ashamed and he said.. Ron: "Nothing.." Saph:"Then Why?..*She turns to kim* And YOU!..My own Best friend...my First..Human Best friend...I "trusted" You...You were My Daughters Godmother...and you turn around and Backstabbed me Just like that! and Not only me...but my Serena...How could you!?.. Kim lower her head with shame and Knowing She betrayed saphira clean out.. Saph: "I don't know if there's a Knife nor Dagger can Cut me This deep... *turns to bonnie* And YOU...Are you Fucking happy about this?...Are you Satisfied that you made me Miserable enough?..You don't give a shit did you?...You think I'm too good for this Don't you?...Your a Monster!...all of you... and you Bonnie..You..are the most "shameless" and Most "Shallow" ass Person I ever Met in my life..." Kim:" Look..It's Just happen!" Kim was upset..and saphira turns to Kim and Slapped her on the cheeks harder and made her fell to the ground and She said, Saph:" Thats your Excuse!? "It Just Happened" unbelievable...to think That One person Who was Held responsible..was My Now "Ex" boyfriend now.." Ron: "What?!" Saph:" You heard me! I give you two chances..but you blew it...twice is already too much for me..and YOU Ron! Have you No Shame Or any Single shred of remorse of what you've done!?...If my daughter was Alive right now..She will be Furious at you...*Shook her head* I want you out ron...I'm done...and I'm Suing you and those two whores and I'll make sure you'll pay...every..last..dime under your name to me..." Ron: "What!? no no! saph please...i'm sorry...i was wrong..please..i'll break up with kim and bonnie!" Saph:"It's too damn late Ron! You brought this on yourself and your Created this Filth!..so! *She throws the stuff at him * You are done...and by the way..your Parents is going to Pick ya'll up..and I'm telling ya'll right now...they're not happy...Not one....bit..just like me..." Ron: " Please saph, Punish me..but not them!..I'm Sorry!" Saph:" Oh your Defending the bitches huh? here's my response~" Outside of her home..Ron, Kim, and Bonnie Throws Out of her home Ron, Kim, and Bonnie:
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Saph: " Your No Longer welcomed to my Property! and I'll be Seeing your In Court after graduation!!! So GOOD DAY!" She slammed the door.. End Scene.. ((Please comment, Dm, Send me message anon or not by the inbox and tell me what do you think :3, please like and reblog or comment, and Follow to see what i'll do next))
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ex-textura · 1 year
I've finished durge, so I'm not worried about spoilers, I saw you mention a little while back after a scene gale left and also he needed to apologize. What was that durge scene, and what happened? I don't remember having a scene that went poorly with my companions in those regards and was curious what brought it on.
I'll be honest, a lot of that is mostly me being lost in the RP sauce so to speak.
If you take Gale with you to Gortash's coronation, he has a few choice angry words to say about the whole Durge reveal. "This is all your fault. Leave me be." Etc etc He doesn't canonically leave, nor does the outburst continue in any other dialogue or ever get brought up again. He just gets mad for one second and then everything is back to normal.
I didn't think that was good enough. So I sent him back to camp and thoroughly ignored him to up the angst for my own playthrough, until i could come to a satisfying resolution for them.
I mean. Come on. This man who promises to protect you until you've sorted out your murder sprees hears one crappy thing about you(okay so it's a big thing but so is the murder business and he's pretty chill with that mostly) that you yourself weren't even aware of and flips out and then everything goes back to normal like none of it ever happened? No no no. My babies are getting traumatized tyvm.
but yeah. that's the scene technically but most of it lives squarely in my brain.
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lilyeon · 1 year
ive been on a light novel kick recently
lemme summarize some thoughts on them:
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! 1-4: i thought it would be a standard "hypercompetent female lead in medieval europe" story and it was for the most part, in terms of convenient contrivances to make whatever whimsical actions that Rishe takes, but i appreciated the set dressing, at least. Rishe is funny and the repeated time loops makes for an entertaining premise.
The 100th Time's The Charm: She Was Executed 99 Times, So How Did She Unlock "Super Love" Mode?!: god this sucked. this honestly felt like reading a novel published by an 8 year old. so fuckin juvenile
A Lily Blooms in Another World: sometimes all you need is some simply girls who love each other.
The Apothecary Witch Turned Divorce Agent: interesting world with just enough worldbuilding, i liked that it didn't get explicitly romantic at the end, and I really enjoyed Carla's brazen attitude. Either she fit really well into the world around her, or the world was written to support her character, but either way, she felt like a complete product of her world and upbringing in a way that was really refreshing.
Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as my Gag Character?! 1-2: there sure was a whole lot of talk about how much her character absolutely sucked despite being the most powerful being to the point of absurdity. i know the point is the contrast between game mechanics and expectation vs how she would be as a function of the world, but man that point was harped on a lot. as a protagonist, gotta say, trans as hell, that won a lot of points with me. "oh i'm suddenly my off-main RP character now? guess i'm a girl now, full-on. hell yeah" now that's the true trans rep we need
The Drab Princess, the Black Cat, and the Satisfying Break-up 1-2: it was alright, i feel like i would've been more invested if everyone wasn't secretly in love with her though i suppose it is an interesting subversion of the usual "plain boring princess" trope that everyone is actually super on-board for her to become queen. she's a deeply tragic heroine, honestly, and i don't think that's the intention at all.
Saint? No! I'm Just a Passing Beast Tamer 1: if this was a oneshot i'd be chill with it but the fact that it carries on somehow makes me feel so tired.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord: i read the manga first and this was just more of the same. it's cute, i like Yumiella as a protagonist for the same reasons i like Carla from Apothecary Witch. i wish we had a bit more on Alicia's whole deal because she could've been interesting at the end there but instead she just made the whole thing boring as fuck. probably my favorite moments in the novel were Yumiella grinding the boss for drops and the Patrick confession scene for two different reasons
The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life 1-3: i had access to 6 volumes but i had to stop in the middle of the 3rd one. i was displeased but willing to continue in the first novel when one of Mariela's first actions as a protagonist is to engage with the slavery thing, but willing to put that aside, but then we had several monologues about how much slavery sucks alongside diatribes about how it's Jay's/Sieg's/etc's own fault that they got sold into debt slavery. the chapters in the 2nd and 3rd novels where Jay is there being absolutely fucking miserable and you're expected to nod whenever the book says "Jay didn’t reflect on his own part in this at all, spewing resentment instead." made me fucking incensed. my breaking point was in novel 3 where a minor protagonist just straight fucking rips one of his teeth out after strangling him and replaces it with a Pain Tooth of Make Your Slaves Obey More, and it's immediately followed with that above line. just. jesus fucking christ.
The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash 1-4: hey speaking of slavery, in this one they spent 2 novels telling the main character she should buy a slave, and then she gets there and is like "man this is kinda fucked actually" and doesn't, so good for her, but i read it immediately after Alchemist Who Survived so i was a little pissed at the fact that slavery was also a thing here because please that's not a system that is necessary to your world stop fucking doing it
ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword 1-4: anyway not to continue talking about slavery but if you're gonna have it, do it like this one did, and make your main protagonist claw her bloody way out of slavery with incredible brutality and swear that she'll kill more slave traders if they lay a hand on her girlfriend. that part was great. shame it gets mega fucking transphobic at the end though, that whole bit about Mother being explicitly textually transgender and then not using the correct pronouns for her, the genitals = sex = gender segments, the gross parts where they discuss how Mother "isn't even a woman, yeah that tripped me up too, how gross is this dude". fuck that. the fight scenes and fucked up body horror parts are great though. and it's got a manga by minakata sunao, which is a shame given [gestures at novel 4]
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man 1-8: honestly i enjoyed it more than i was expecting. mira's cute, this is another one of those trans-as-hell novels where the protag is like "i guess im a girl now! this is great!" but i do find it incredibly unsettling how everyone is commenting on her looks and whatever if she's supposed to be, essentially, a 12 year old girl. deeply gross anime bullshit aside, it's fun. i thought i had more thoughts on this one so i was saving it for later in this list but honestly thats all i got. gross sexualization/infantilization of a young girl, but otherwise just a fun little fantasy jaunt
A Tale of the Secret Saint 1-4: fia's an idiot, i want more of her taking control in battle situations and less waffling about Great Saint abilities and fake-deep "political" """intrigue""". if you say any of these stupid-ass old men are her love interests i will throw a knife at you, and if the book goes in that direction even slightly i will Murder. canopus's devotion in the last novel was borderline for me dropping it. the manic obsession/devotion to fia is supposed to be humorous, i think, but it just comes off as deeply unsettling when the novel reminds you, as it often does, that fia ruud is a 15 year old (reincarnation of an incredibly sheltered woman who died at 18, so honestly even her mental age doesn't add much here). i know this is one of those chill life fantasy novels but i honestly want fia to serve actual consequences for the insane shit she does, not just passing-by mentions of having to do more laps or take training more seriously or being teased by her superiors or whatever. it's fun enough to keep reading though, i guess.
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h-a-unted · 6 months
What are rare-pairs that you’re passionate about?
Who was your first OC?
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
Questions for the mun!
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Rare-pairs... oh my god I have so many of those that I'm drawing a blank right now. I think the one that comes to mind is strangely Da.igo Doji.ma and Goro Maji.ma from the Yakuza games lmao, maybe even Ichiban and Zhao from the same games, idk I just vibe with them. But Daiji.ma was my shit for the longest time. And also probably Kuroiwa and Yagami from the Yakuza spin-off, Judgment. OH! And also Soma and the professor dude or like... his subordinate Akutsu (but I guess that last one wasn't a rarepair) from the sequel of the spin-off. Does Maevelight count as rarepair? Cause they'd be my top rarepair as of now (and maybe Zack and Cloud if they count as rarepair) I'm wondering if I'll like Home.lander and Fire.cracker but that probably won't be a rarepair lmao.
My first OC, I am unsure if I can pinpoint... I think it was this servant girl called Lilian I made for a canon character, when I used to try and run from my male/male ships to be "normal" lmfao! My first OC here though was my AI, AIROS. My sweet bean, my lovely android who is trying to learn about the world without knowing he is a spyware watching over the people. I had a lot of verses for him... maybe I could add one for the boys, but he'd be too much of a good boy to be able to survive in that world... Though it'd be a good chance to give him a real-life FC I guess.
I have so many favorite canons that change with what I'm currently obsessed with. Like, before the boys it was Adler and I immediately 'hated' him as a mechanism of defense because I actually loved him a lot lmfao, his characterization was top notch in-game, so much that everyone really wants him to appear in the sequel despite the wrongdoings he did to the protagonist. Anyway, since right now I am obsessed with the boys and clearly But.cher is my favorite – it's safe to say I'm pretty satisfied with most of his portrayal in canon, as of Season 3. There is a leak that has me just a little doubtful about what they're trying to do with him going forward, but I'm hoping it's explained in a way I can get behind, they've done well, so far. Otherwise, I feel like they did a very nice, deeply flawed character that I adore. It hits all the spots I love in a character and, honestly, I feel it was tailor-made for me to love, at least the show rendition of him. I don't like the comics one at all. Aside from that, I think Raiden from Met.al Gear has been practically my sleeping agent all-time favorite or so, and I absolutely love what they did with his character (not me vibing with a "mood swings" type of character trying to do good, but also being unhinged). I miss him and his struggles a whole lot, wish they would've continued his games.
I describe rp as "I portray a character from a series or invent one and make up scenarios with friends on the internet who portray other characters. We keep the scenes going back and forth." Despite this, I don't think my mother gets it at all. My friends didn't get it at the start, until I made them rp with me via notebooks when we were in middle school, it turned into an obsession for all of us... Good times lmao.
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antvnger · 9 months
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((Thanks for the questions! We both managed to ask each other the same one after we already answered it 😂 but I will try to add more to mine as you did @benevolentgodloki
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
Oh I love to write, frankly. My Google docs and notes app are full of ideas and scenes written out with nothing to connect them. Yet. I most enjoy taking something like a movie or show, change it in one significant way, and see how it plays out. For example, I’m roughly 250 pages into an Endgame rewrite that I like better than the actual movie 😂 I’ve also written an original mystery novel and I’ve written a Sherlock fanfic like five years ago that’s literally novel length as well. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies.
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
In role play, I love superheroes, action/adventure, and heists the best, I believe lol. Since I only RP as Scott, those fit him the best, and I love them.
In fiction overall, I love love love mysteries the most. Action/adventure, heists, fantasy are certain favorites too, but give me a good mystery any day, and I am satisfied.
13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
Answered here
I don’t really know how to put it into words, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Scott is a beautiful example of how the positive spirit can endure and spread to other people. At the very least, it’s very blatant here. You can see it some in the movies, but you definitely can here because Scott has more opportunities to interact with others in his universe. Scott’s positivity is like a fire. Warm and bright, a beacon in dark times, and people gravitate to that. They need it. He’s the kind of friend we should all aspire to be. He’s well…he’s this
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He’s the trusted person, and everyone likes the attention he gives. It’s got some healing power and the world could do better if we all acted more like that. ❤️ ))
Questions for Muns
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mused-like-roses · 10 months
Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// You know I absolutely loathe a character when I find their death helluva satisfying (Which funfact; in my heavily canon-divergent universe of RWBY, Weiss was the one to killed him. No offense to James, but our favorite Ice Queen should've landed the filling blow); This literal POS drove the entire Schnee name to FUBAR territory when he made it clear he was just in it for the money, and the sheer unadulterated abuse he had placed his family under,including BOTH Weiss that he slapped the living hell out of (Oh do NOT get me started on that scene, I literally stopped watching the episode after that part) and Willow who he drove to alcoholism doesn't help his case at all. As a mun who's dealt with abuse most of his life, it only drives my hatred and refusal to RP as and with him through the roof.
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maxmallard · 1 year
Looking for an online server to satisfy that itch for adventure? Come to Edea and join the Silver Wings! A guild of legendary heroes, innovative inventors, up-and-coming warriors and much, much more!
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[Online] [5E] [18+][Westmarch] Up to play DnD 5E? (Open 24/7 | Voice/Text)
What to expect: We are a small D&D 5e Westmarch community that is currently looking for both players and DMs! The Silver Wings are a guild hired by different nations and organizations and paid by them to do different jobs all the way from mundane tasks to fighting godlike beings. We are currently working on building and expanding a town around the guild to make a name for ourselves in this strange and wonderful world.
Whether you are new to DnD 5e, or a veteran, everyone is welcome here. Our friendly staff are available to answer any questions you may have, be it regarding mechanics, character creation, or story. Join us in building a rich history as we navigate this weird and wonderful land.
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Guild map
Our server contains many unique features, including the following:
Level 3 start
All official and most UA content accepted!
RP, Combat, Exploration, and more: Here everything is possible from fighting goblins and swole kobolds to godlike beings. Ever wanted to throw hands with an ape the size of a skyscraper?
Extensive Downtime System: Want to learn a new skill, and cook delicious feasts between adventures? Construct elaborate traps or concoct deadly poisons? Make your own building? With our own Downtime System, all of these are possible!
A vibrant ever-evolving world. From sun-addled beaches over untamed jungles down to the deepest parts of the Underdark and up to snowy mountaintops. The world is filled with stories, people, and treasures just waiting to be discovered by you!
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OzuHaruRhona, from our very own BloodBoyce
We use roll20 for games and creating character sheets. Every DM has a roll20 lobby either of their own or provided by server staff.
LGBTQ+ friendly
Optional ERP: The ERP section is gated behind a role so you don't have to interact or see it if you don't want to.
Art scene: Players often share the art they find. There is no sortage if ideas for character art. Some of our players even create their own character designs and are open to commissions, should you wish to opt for a personalised piece of your own.
Guild-wide seasonal events
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Fairy Tale Bakery, one of many player-built structures. Drawn by myself
Join us if you’re ready to become part of a new growing community, indulge in epic quests, limitless exploration, community-driven roleplay, and more!
With the Silver Wings, adventure awaits!
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Rhona, drawn by Potterzilla
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
Few updates to my rules section ! I hope many whom have followed me have at least glimpsed at my rules section before following because it shows how my mind works . PLEASE READ .
Semi-Selective & Private .
I prefer to interact with mutuals but if you’re interested send me a dm and we can try to work something out between muses. However, I do have the right to decline a muse - this only happens if I feel uncomfortable with the character or type of genre they belong to. Non mutuals are allowed to send asks. And even personal accounts ( non rp blogs) are allowed to as well with the anonymous option.
The highest chance of me following you back is when you have a written bio and rules page available for me to read. It’ll also help if you have a mobile navigation option that links to your information since most times I'm not able to use my computer at the moment.
Communication .
I’m highly communicative. And also as an artist who may take in a client for a commission, communication is specifically important when doing business and makes the process flow smoother & quicker for me. I also don’t like to leave people hanging in my dms and try to answer as soon as I’m able.
With that said, there are times I’ll communicate with a mun either for more info about a scene, info on their muse, etc. Yet, there have been times where I might even ask a simple question about a thread so I can make a proper reply, but the other don’t respond, even for a whole 2 weeks or more despite them interacting on the dash with other threads and the like. By that time I’ve most likely lost some or most interest in the thread ( or even their muse ) because I’ll get the impression they’re no longer interested in my muse or me as a person.
Just a warning, I can’t see us being compatible as partners if you’re not able to communicate with me. Point blank. It’s just the way of how I work as a professional business partner or even in this regard as an rp partner. I only yearn to give out a good reply that’ll satisfy my partner so I don’t make a mistake. Of course, I’ll understand if you’re busy or something happening irl that takes higher priority, but I'd appreciate it if I would be made aware in someway if that's the case.
I also can pick up if someone who used to be super friendly and excited about interacting is now giving the cold shoulder, acting not as interested anymore, or seem to deliberately ignore my dm if I send one. If there is anything wrong, just tell me if I’ve made you upset or anything. We are both adults. Or I’ll just simply unfollow and keep it moving.
I do best with partners who show a mutual interest in me and my muses, as in: talking ooc between muns, sharing ideas, putting forth effort and energy as much as a I am, blowing up my dms or asks, etc. This stimulates me and keeps my mind running due to the fact I'm always tired and lethargic. If our convos seem less enthused or one-sided, it would be difficult for me to determine if you're actually interested or not, and at this point I'd feel like a bother and feel discouraged from interacting, responding to a thread, or sending a dm - I got anxiety so yeah. I'm not too comfy with sending more than one message if the first one or second hasn't been answered cause I'd feel like a bother.
Important note
I'm also aware of the issue between male and female muses, how male muses tend to gain a lot more attention than female muses for whatever reason. I've lived through it and experienced this for many years, and it was soo bad I pretty much left the rpc community because of it. I know when someone chooses to ignore my female when she's brought up and instead focuses on my male muse instead; I'm not dumb and can see it for what it is. I try to give everyone a chance and I love oc's; the hard work people put in to create a dynamic character of their own mind to make something original and new. That's talent and skill on your part and I admire and respect the hard work you put in to create them. But I can also hope you downright don't deliberately ignore my female muse, or more if I choose to make another, or when I ever mention them. Niah is just as special to me as well as Spike, and I talk about them equally.
I don’t do follow for follow. If you’re following me with the pure intention of gaining a follow in return, you can forget it. It will further tell me you’re not sincere nor truly interested in interacting with me or my muse. In fact, I’m may not be sure why you followed me in the first place. unless you just like my muse or writing then I'm flattered ;3;
When I follow, it’s a huge indicator that shows my interest in your muse for the pure intention of interacting between muses and muns, and with that in mind, I will usually send out a message that shows my interest - I always do. 95% of the time I’m usually the first to reach out to anyone through a dm and wanting to know more about their muse and share ideas.
However, if I do choose to follow you and you don’t follow back or don’t respond to the first message I may send, I’ll get the impression you don’t want to interact with me or my muse, and will decide to unfollow after around 2 weeks has passed so I can keep my dash uncluttered. I’ll also unfollow/soft block if you don’t show interest in interacting with my muse or me at all after around 1 or 2 months. I can refollow though if you are interested.
mun ≠ muse
This really shouldn't have to be said. But whatever Spike might do or say that might cause offense to your muse doesn't imply I dislike you or agree with what he might do. I don't want to be accused thinking I hate them just because my muse might be a little mean or snarky. Spike sometimes ( depending on his mood ) can be rude, crude, wry, and say a misogynic remark- due to his past experiences of betrayal. I don't wanna sugar coat his words or filter him too much. The Spike Spiegel you see in cowboy bebop is quite similar to how I write him with just a few deviations from canon.
I also encourage oc x canon on this blog. I myself ship an oc and canon character on this blog, and I love to see other people do it. As well as canon x canon or self-insert x canon. It's all for fun and inspires creativity !
As for rp, it’s all about that CHEMISTRY BABy! That…oh soo sweet….slow burn of chemistry that will set the heart of this Dragon Heart to sizzle aflame. If Spike teases you a lot, he might like you, or maybe he’s teasing for the fun of it, who knows? But please don’t take it personal if Spike might not like your muse the same way. It’s fine if your muse has a crush on him, but unless you want your muse feelings hurt, don’t force it on him, for he has no problem with turning someone down. Niah is also open for shipping in a seperate verse if you're interested!
Due to Spike's past experiences, I am particularly selective with shipping Spike with other characters but might be open to it if there’s chemistry between muns (ooc) and Spike had many interactions with muse enough to know if their compatible enough.
Anyway, if you don't agree to these rules, you are allowed to unfollow ! Thank you!
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xrdxbmx · 2 years
Need to get something off my mind.
*enters Wendy's*
I've recently been struck with a bit of nostalgia for Steven Universe, which led me to a bit of online diving into posts and blogs from the heyday of the show. Oh boy.
Back during 2014-2016, before I even had any interest in shipping, when I was busy drawing my Gemsona and playing the ''Steven Universe RP ''Roblox game, the community was busy indulging itself in unprecedented levels of toxicity. This was during a time when artists would be bullied and sent death threats for drawing a character wrong (we all know what I'm talking about) and a time when cross-site wars were happening (4chan-Tumblr wars). Bullying, trolling, drama, you name it, it all used to be so much worse.
And don't even get me started on the shipping community at that time. Which what this post will focus on;
Long ago in a distant time, before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, before the continents resembled what they are today and before opposable thumbs, there existed a ship called ''Pewey.''
Pewey was one of the earliest controversial and likely the most undeservingly hated ship in the show's history. People are allowed to hate ships, any ships, for any reason. That does not make it okay to stigmatize the very real people who like and post those ships. I'm appalled by the treatment people who shipped Pewey received and I'm glad that sort of behavior died down as the show matured.
This got me thinking about the simple yet genius approach the Crewniverse have towards shipping. As everyone knows, shipping is an integral part of any fandom and people put ungodly amounts of effort into producing material relating to their favorite fictional couples, canon or not. Due to this, the creators and creative teams of fictional media have a huge burden to carry. You do not wanna piss off and cause division within your own fanbase. The way the Crewniverse approach this is that they have a policy of ''ship everything and ship as much as possible!''
Some of you may know exactly what I'm talking about but I'll go further into it anyway because I'm in the mood to write today for some reason;
Tumblr media
The scene above is the Crewniverse's animated response to shipping. It's the in-universe equivalent to what Rebecca Sugar and Ian JQ have been saying for years.
The best way to achieve peace and prevent shipping wars, is to give every ship fuel and regard every ship (except p3d0 ones of course) as valid and a net-positive for the community and its creative output.
Look deeper at the dialogue and the relationships between characters and you will notice how vague and complicated pretty much every relationship in the show is. This is by design. Every relationship is purposely suspended in this ''purgatory'' between friendship, platonicity and romantic potential. Barring couple dynamics necessary for the plot like Garnet, Connverse, Rose and Greg, Rose and Pearl etc, every relationship between characters that could be considered potentially ''shippable'' is just vague enough that it neither canonizes nor outright rejects shipping validity.
A recent example of this is in Bismuth Casual. Bismuth is shown having a crush on Pearl, much like Dewey did back in the day. Yet Bismuth herself states that, because Pearl is happy with whatever she has going on now, and because Bismuth wants Pearl to be happy, she won't (yet) approach Pearl with any romantic intent. This gives the ship between them (Bispearl) enough fuel to satisfy shippers, give a character (Bismuth) some sort of closure as a sendoff yet does not establish them as a canon couple, leaving other Pearl shippers satisfied and not feel left in the dust. Due to this, people can put their own spins on what happens next, if anything.
I really hope, that if by some miracle, or when the planets align and Steven Universe as an animated IP makes a comeback, in whatever capacity or form, that the Crewniverse continue on with this philosophy towards shipping. At least for the sake of our collective sanity.
If you've reached the end, thank you for reading through this and please, leave comments and opinions. We all miss this show so the least we can do is have discussions like these to keep the fans inside of us satisfied.
''Sir, this is a Wendy's.''
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invalidater · 2 years
hello! i’m yul, 21, she/her and here is my beloved dirtbag junjae!!! i haven’t joined a tumblr rp in a really really long time so pardon my rusty writing. but i love a good murder mystery and i’m very excited to get to know all of you! (hopefully you are too?) i’ve done up junjae’s about and bio here but i’ll include a tl;dr about him under the cut as well! i haven’t gotten a plots page up yet but i’d love to brainstorm! leave a like or anything if you’d like to chat and i’ll get back to u asap. yes!!!!!! i have dc so if u prefer that feel free to msg me anytime at Childe#8698! 
han junjae, third year photography + business administration student, absolute idiot
comes from a wealthy background - raised in gangnam, he’s the second son of the han family, they own the successful tech firm hanrang tech
he has an older brother who’s the golden child and set to be the next chairman, meanwhile his parents never paid much attention to him bc his older brother already fulfilled all the criteria they need from a child. he doesn’t really mind tho cuz that means he’s not subject to the same expectations they hold his brother to and he can do whatever he wants (just kidding he’s a grade a attention seeker. see next point)
got shipped off to mugunghwa after he stole his older brother’s girlfriend for the lolz and kinda ruined his relationship with his family - not that it was great in the first place
sleeps his way through class, copying his answers from others. has probably the crappiest gpa in mugunghwa. it’s honestly a wonder how he made it in in the first place - he chose his majors on a whim and isn’t particularly passionate about anything. to date, the portfolio that helped him get into mugunghwa still contains the best photos he’s ever taken (and he’s satisfied with that tbh, he has no intention of pushing himself to improve). now he does the bare minimum for every assignment. he’s the type of guy you would pray to never get in ur group bc he would not gaf about helping
he’s used to living life lavishly but ever since he moved to mugunghwa he’s had to grapple with no longer having a bank account with seemingly unlimited funds to turn to (his father cut him off, only his mother sends a small amount every month now). so you’ll see him talking big like “hmm i feel like having steak today” and getting chased out of the restaurant when the cashier realises he doesn’t have enough to pay. he’s blacklisted from at least 5 restaurants in mugunghwa for this reason lol
doesn’t really care about much, will promise you something and immediately break it 20 seconds later. messed up moral compass tbh, he’ll do anything to have a good time
member of the howlites (but he skips practice all the time so he’s on the verge of getting kicked out tbh) and lead singer of miss tate (ya he likes rock music... is a little too relaxed about the band, which probably gets on the other members’ nerves?) 
he’s unabashedly confident about everything, even things he’s obviously crap about. would flirt with anyone and everyone within a 50-metre radius regardless of what he thinks of them/they think of him. knows how to manipulate things to get what he wants but he’s also an idiot so this isn’t necessarily foolproof since most people manage to see past his tricks
a serial clubber. if there’s one complaint jj has about the small town of mugunghwa, it’d be that it doesn’t have as great of a nightlife scene as itaewon. he wants to own a club in the future lol (who knows how realistic of a goal that is given his lack of business acumen - or common sense)
sorry this tl;dr ended up being too long after all
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thorneyes · 1 year
Short, medium, or long threads?
Its hard to think of RP in threads rn with most things happening in real time in game! In those terms though, I'd say medium length? Often I find myself aiming for a natural conclusion around 3 hours in, if it's a one on one thing. With group settings it can vary a lot, especially if it's something casual where people come and go. And if the scene calls for more (and I have the time for it) I don't feel like I have to end just because a certain amount of time has passed. Usually I go into a scene with a beat or two that I want to aim for, though that can be as vague as "get to know person x and get or leavean impression" or as specific as "character is determined to confront y about an action" or something. And sometimes the other person will end up introducing a point that becomes the focus instead. As long as some progression beat has been hit, positive or negative, I'm satisfied with that.
Also this isn't a part of the question, but it feels related to me - as long as I'm getting replies that help hook me in and continue the scene, I don’t tend to care much about response length. Fast back-and-forth one liners accompanied by in-game emotes have as much timing and mood to them as extensive posts, and all of them can be fun. Requiring a certain word count in responses just forces people to contort the kind of writing that feels natural to them.
(thanks for the ask! some munday questions )
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